Fauci The Fraud - November 4th, Hour 2

Published Nov 4, 2021, 10:01 PM

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, joins us following the hearing this morning on the future of the Covid-19 response, with Fauci the Fraud. Last week Senator Paul teed up where he would be headed today with his line questioning, following the developments of Fauci’s torturous experiments on puppies

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Day number eighty two, two an hour two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. So the great flip flop. I got pretty much everything wrong. Fauci was before the Senate earlier again today and there were a few great moments, with Senator Ram Paul once again calling out Fauci, telling Fauci that his research could endanger civilization. Remember he said in twenty twelve he said this even if it were to cause a worldwide pandemic, he would still support gain a function research. So anyway, Senator Paul called him out on all of that, that it would endanger civilization as we know it. Then Ran Paul told Fauci that you change the definition of gain of function research to cover your ass. I loved that moment, and then finally he called for Fauci to resign for not telling the truth and admitting gain of function research is dangerous. Listen, You're persistent denials, though, are not simply a stain on your reputation, but are clear and present danger to the country and to the world. As Professor Kevin Speldt of MT has written, gain a function research looks like a gamble that civilization can't afford to risk. And yet here we are again with you, steadfast in your denials. Why does it matter? Because gain a function research with laboratory created viruses not found in nature could cause a pandemic even worse than next time. We're suffering today from one that has a mortality of approximately one percent. They're experimenting with viruses that have mortalities of between fifteen and fifty percent. Yes, our civilization could be at risk from one of these viruses. Experiments that combine unknown viruses with known pandemic causing viruses are incredibly risky. Experiments that combine unknown viruses with coronaviruses that have as much as fifty percent mortality could endanger civilization as we know it. And here you sit, unwilling to accept any responsibility for the current pandemic and unwilling to take any steps to prevent gain of function research from possibly unleashing an even more deadly virus and guidelines, So what you're doing is definating a way gain a function. You're simply saying it doesn't exist because you change the definition on the NIH website. This is terrible and you're you're completely trying to escape the idea that we should do something about trying to prevent a pandemic from leaking from a lab. There's the preponderance of evidence now points towards this coming from the lab. And what you've done is changed the definition on your website to try to cover your ass basically, and then on January is, twenty seventeen, the Office of Science and Technology Policy of the White House issued the current policy and coincidence, on the same day, the nih said that yes, there was a gain of fun in Wuhan. The same day the definition appeared. The new definition to try to define a way what's going on in Wuhan. Until you accept it, until you expect accept responsibility, We're not going to get anywhere close to trying to prevent another lab league of this dangerous sort of experiment. You won't exmit it. It's dangerous and for that lack of judgment, I think it's time that you was on all right. Senator Rampaul is with us now from the great state of Kentucky. By the way, I was like ready to pull out the popcorn, pop open a beer, and cheer you on because it was it was an amazing moment, and it's so obvious you have totally exposed this guy and he can't handle it. He does not know how to handle you. But the real danger is is that this could happen again, and it could be worse. I mean, COVID has turned a subside down and then had a one percent mortality. What if the next lab league has a fifteen or a fifty percent mortality. We know the Chinese have experimented with viruses that have a fifty percent more merging them together with unknowns. Fauci position is, well, we don't know what will happen. If we don't know it's going to increase in lethality or dangerousness, then it's not gain a function. It's like, well, the experiment is to determine whether or not merging these virus make more dangerous at least some of the time it's going to be more dangerous. And if you don't know that an event, it still doesn't make it a gain a function experiment. So then they go on the website. They just get rid of gain of function down the memory hole. No more gain a function definition on the NIH website. So he is covering up and he wants to absolve himself of the responsibility of this pandemic. All right, let me let me go back here. Now we have the Faucy emails that showed that he first got wind of and was told directly that it looked like the virus COVID nineteen had been manipulated, one of the genomes had been manipulated by a human. Then we have the flurry of emails where he's going back and forth with other officials that the NIAG wondering if they funded this. Then you have the nine hundred pages from the intercept, and then you have the more recently revealed documents, which I felt and read as a slam dunk. You did this, Why won't you admit it? And the question is is there any doubt now at all in your mind? One that Fauci knew that gain a function research was happening on coronaviruses in that bariology lab, and that he knew that American taxpayer dollars were going to fund it without a doubt. He knew then and he knows it now, and so he is not telling the truth. He knew immediately because when he first gets his email in January thirty first of last year. He's scrambling until two or three in the morning. This guy has been in charge of a government agency for forty years. He's at the top of the hill, you know, he is in charge of everything up here. He is worried that, man, I'm in for a world of hurt here when they discover that have funded research over there and that it looks like this virus could have escaped the lab. The most important meeting has been covered up though and blinked out and redacted. So we did a day or two of that. There's a big meeting and the first impression of like five or six of his best scientific buddies is that, Wow, this looks like it's gaining a function research. But within a week they all change their mind. And so what we'd like to do is see what the conversation was like. And we've asked that and never redacted it. But the people deserve to know if he knew about this and was covering it up, well, I mean, this now is fairly evident, and on top of all of this, it would be one of the biggest cover ups ever because now what we're talking about using NIH money through a third party group, what's it called the Eco Alliance or whatever they call that group, Eco Health Alliance I think is the name of it. So they funnel money to this group. It's sent to a virology lab in Wuhan, China. Now pause right there. Why would one American tax dollar, ever, under any circumstances, ever go to a virology lab in Wuhan in China where we know they study coronavirus and we knew that they were involved in gain a function research. Well, even objective scientists who are not partisan, there's his MIT professor by the name of Kevin Spelt. He wrote in the Washington Post that sharing this information with the Chinese is like sharing with them the recipe for a plague or for a series of plagues. It's that bad, it's that serious. And yes, the Chinese are our adversaries. We wouldn't want to We would not share nuclear secrets with them. Why would we share secrets with them that could cause or creative virus that could devastate the entire world. So no, they're not trustworthy and they never should have been shared. But see Falci hasn't even learned that lesson, even with all his grief. We're giving him. He was asked a couple of weeks ago by John Kennedy, do you trust the Chinese? And he said yes. Would you continue to fund it? He said yes? And today I pointed out that he approved just last August, after all this was coming forward, the pandemick was in full swing. He approved another five year grand pre Eco health lines in Rulant. So he hasn't learned anything from this. I guess my question is is that he's been put on this pedestal, and I don't think there's been any one person that has been more wrong than him on pretty much every aspect of this. You know a guy that said, for example, that we'll never get to a point where we're mandating the vaccine. While they're mandating it, I would assume that it's probably not far away. I understand one city in California is already mandating kids five to eleven get vaccinated. Senator, We've only lost a hunt, and by the way, every child is precious. You know, there there gifts from heaven. We lost one hundred and sixty two kids five to eleven to coronavirus, almost the exact same number die from the flu. My question is, why would we then vaccinate when it's not impacting this particular demographic the way it is older people. We've lost worldwide now over five million people, nearly a million people in the US. And my question is why would they do this? The main argument from Fauci about why we have to vaccinate kids, as he says not enough adults are vaccinated. But that's only true if you don't count to people who got the disease naturally. Ninety percent of people over sixty five have voluntarily gotten vaccinated, so it's not really true that we've had trouble. Ninety percent a big number. Ninety percent of those over sixty five got vaccinated, but over one hundred million people in America got the disease naturally, and basically that's as good as a vaccine. Israeli study says it might be better than a vaccine, but it's at least as good as a vaccine if you don't count. Well, let me go back to the Raili study. I think you need to put more emphasis on this that and it's not been peer reviewed yet, but the number of people that they're looking at as extensive, almost eight hundred thousand people, and they're early results show twenty seven percent more effective. Natural immunity is over for example, the vaccine that would be a game changer, that would be following the science, wouldn't it. Yeah, And they don't want that to get out. And it's not that he doesn't know this, And this is where he becomes sort of more dishonest. He knows all those facts. He knows that the darn good study out of Israel, but he's help bent on and vaccinating everybody. He doesn't care about your individual liberty. He actually doesn't care if your kid gets the side effect from the vaccine because your kids already had COVID. He cares more about the collective, and he's made the collective judgment that the bee high it's simple, and it's simplest just to make everybody vaccinated. If we lose a few along the way, it doesn't bother him because he's about the collective. But he's even wrong about the collective. Because the thing is is the kids get this. The death rates about the same as the flu. It's terrible. Obviously, if the chur child, it's about the same as the flu. As this spreads throughout children, they're actually helping the rest of us they're not hurting us. The vaccines out there for people at risk people who want to get vaccinated, but as it spreads through children, they're actually building up immunity for the community. The vaccine will kind of do this, But there is a danger to the vaccine that it hasn't been studied yet in people who have already had COVID. They excluded people had COVID from the studies because they messed the studies up because they've already got immunity. So I think from my kid and they had COVID, I wouldn't vaccinate them, you know. Quick break more with Senator ram Paul on the other side than your calls the eight hundred and nine for one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, all right, we continue with Senator ram Paul, who just does a total beatdown of Anthony Fauci earlier today. In my mind, and you, if you disagree with me, you're also a medical doctor. I should point that out. But and you have not gotten vaccinated, you have natural unity. You cite the Israeli study for example, And I know you're following the science very closely on all of this, but the issue of vacs are not vacs. People I think have made up their mind. There's nothing doctor Fauci or Joe Biden or Kamala Harris are going to say at this point that will convince people. Now we have nurses, firemen, policemen, first responders, military personnel. They have made a decision, for whatever reason, when not debating vacstone vacts, they have made the decision that they're willing to give up this salary, give up their career, give up their benefits, give up even their retirement that they've worked hard for because they feel so strongly about it. Is there anything that can be done by Republicans in the Senate to stop especially all of those nurses. For example, they worked in a peach tree dish at the worst moments of this, diving on one COVID grenade after another, and many of them got COVID as a result. But they don't want to get the jab for whatever reason. It's an absolute disservice to the heroism of the nurses and doctors that took care of us for a year and a half. And you know, you don't know what it's like. After I had COVID, I worked in the hospital and there was fear in the eyes of some of the nurses and doctors who hadn't had it yet, and the elaborate precautions that were doing to try to keep getting it. But a lot of them still got it. A lot of them survived and have immunity. And what a disservice to tell them, Mow, your immunity doesn't count. Only immunity from a vaccine count. But I think one way you could get some hesitant people to do it, and this is my recommendation. Make it voluntary and then say to your workforce. If you've got two thousand pilots and you're the head of Southwest Airlines, say to your pilot, you know what, We're gonna have a voluntary program. If you'd like to be tested to see if you have immunity, to it to see if you had COVID previously. You can test and we'll give you an idea of it. And it may be that some of them test and find out they don't have immunity, and they say to their local doctor, well, you know, now that it looks like I don't have immunity, maybe I will go ahead and get the vaccine. People will come around through persuasion talking to their family doctor. But a lot of people are resistance, and our resistance becomes more hardened the more you try to force us to do something that's not our idea. Well, I think also they've gotten so much wrong, every model, every prediction. You know, doctor Fauci, of a mask isn't going to help. Then it's one mask, Then it's two masks, and it's masks in perpetuity. Then it's vax or mask. Now it's vax mask booster than another booster. I mean, it just it changes. The bar keeps shifting every day, and the hesitancy, I would argue, was created in large part by them for being so wrong so often, And people now have built up a natural distrust of what they say because it keeps changing every day. And that's the same with the CDC and the NIH. You get the last twenty seconds, sir, the vacs that doctor Fauci won't acknowledge that an eighty year old is ten thousand times more likely to die than a ten year old makes us doubt his other words because he's not being honest about the difference in age groups. That dishonesty then breeds more hesitancy. So really this is at the foot of doctor Folgi. You've done a great job. Today was an epic moment. Senator around Paul, thank you for being well of us. Appreciate you always joining us. Eight hundred nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, your calls are coming up next quick break, right back, working every day to remember the forgotten man. This is the Sean Hannity Show A twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. The media spen and this complete meltdown mode as a result of what happened Tuesday, and you know, and it's just it's it's mind numbing to look at where they go when you have Republican minority candidates flourishing and and you see the Republican tent getting bigger and bigger and bigger. And I'll be the first to predict. I think herschel Walker will be elected a Senator from the Great State of Georgia as a Republican. And for example, we had on Winsome Seers last night, the first African American lieutenant governor in Virginia's history, and man, what a powerful interview we had with her on TV last night. But that's not where the media goes. The media, just like the Democratic Party, they know one they have one pitch, they have one playbook. Republicans are racist and sexist and misogynist and homophobic and xenophobic and islamophobic and now transphobic, and they want dirty Aaron water and they want grandma and grandpa to eat dog food and cat food for a year before a Republican leader has the time to put them in a wheelchair and throw them over a cliff. It's their only playbook. That's all they've got. And the fact that Winsome Sears had take this, took this argument a part lest I was very powerful. But that's not stopping the mob the media from blaming race for the results in Virginia. How do you then explain all of these all the minorities that won in Virginia on Tuesday night? Makes no sense, But it doesn't change their their narrative, their lie, their playbook. That would actually take some real thought on their part, and they're not capable of it. The coronavirus or that the virus, it was a very to it was education which is code for white parents don't like the idea of teaching about race. I think that the real ominous thing is that critical race theory, which isn't real. Turn the suburbs fifteen points. We also see the enduring power of the culture wars. And the Republicans are better at playing this game because it's essentially white identity politics that works for Republicans. CRT is in the latest line of school busing, cross down busting, um, the welfare queens. You have it is that it's in that same line, and you saw it in the in the results in Virginia. Some of it was dog whistle yeah right, some of it was dog whistle racism thousand so they just ignore it all. Now, the most ironic thing that you heard there was it's school busing. Well, the only candidate in the country that worked with and partnered with a former clansman to stop integration of schools and bussing was Joe Biden partnering with the former clansman, Robert Bird, and that is his legacy. How ironic that that that was brought up as part of this anyway, here's winsome series from last night. I am not even first generation American. When I joined the Marine Corps, I was still a Jamaican, but this country had done so much for me. I was willing, willing to die for this country USA. And so I say to you victory indeed. But I say to you, there are some who want to divide us, and we must not let that happen. They would like us to believe we are back in nineteen sixty three when my father came. We can live where we want, we can eat where we want, we own the water fountains. We have had a black president elected not once, but twice. And here I am living prove. So if you, if you want a longer term strategy for Republicans, and this has got to be built in sincerity. Number one. It has got to be their mission and their understanding that it makes for a better country. Um So the whole narrative gets plown out of the water by by Winsome Sears and uh. And she'll be joining us on this radio program soon. But Stephanie Cutter said something last night, very interesting comments. She worked with Hillary Clinton. We better not let the Republican Party become the party of parents in America. And the one thing that we need to make sure that Republicans in twenty twenty two don't become is the party of parents, because we need to be the party and we are. We're the ones that care about school funding. We're the ones that care about making sure that parents can send their kids to school because they have jobs to go to. They're not the party for parents. They're the party that has been co opted by high dollar amounts from the teachers unions. Now the Republicans. What this means is this is an opportunity. I've always talked about twenty sixteen being the election about the forgotten men and women in this country. For far too long, Democrats have used this old playbook of theirs, and we have chronicled with the ads and the James Byrd AD and nineteen ninety eight Radio ad Missouri. If you elect Republicans, black churches are going to burn and al Gore, Republicans got the wrong agenda for African Americans. They don't even want to count you in the census. It's Hillary Clinton. It just it's every election season. But now if the Republican Party, because of their policies, if they do stand up for parents that care about age appropriate materials being taught in school, if they do stand up for parents that want kids to learn reading, writing, math, science, computers and not focus on wokeism and critical race theory and such issues. If the Republican Party can couple that with a commitment and a mission, and that is to go into blue states, to go into blue cities, to go into the areas that have the most violenced, like Chicago and New York City, and give parents choice in education and guarantee law and order and safety and security, then there can be a realignment and the new Republican Party will emerge, and it's a party that looks out for working men and women in this country, for minorities in this country, and they're there to solve the problems that Democrats have been promising to solve for decades and have achieved nothing but failure. What has happened to the school system in most inner cities, in most blue states run by Democrats for decades and cities run by Democrats for decades, is they have decimated the educational system. And they've done it for their own selfish, greedy need for money to run elections. And that's the unholy alliance with the teachers unions solve that problem. I create safe cities. We know how to do it, Rudy Shoulders in New York. Then the Republican Party will be a new Republican Party for working men and women, forgotten men and women, for minorities in America, and they will be doing their job, and that is to be public servants. There's no reason America should spend more per capita per student on education than any other industrialized country and then come in thirty seventh and fortieth in terms of reading and mathematics proficiency. You can't fail at a more spectacular level than that. You can't have thirteen public high schools in Baltimore like we currently do and per capita to the second highest spending city in the country per student and not have a single child proficient in reading a math. You cannot. It is you can't even design failure on that level anyway, eight hundred nine for one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. Jane is in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Jane, glad you called. Well, that was a political earthquake. Thank you all in Virginia, thank you, thank you. We're so thrilled. Shawn, I just want to say this really quickly. Republicans better deliver well. I mean, this is phase one. I said this yesterday. One year from now, it's going to be the morning after election day and Republicans will hopefully have taken back the House and taken control of the Senate. It's not an easy task. It's easier in the House, I believe, than it would be in the Senate and the Senate. That means we're gonna have to run the table. Florida is in play, herschel Walker, Georgia. Then we got South Carolina, Tim Scott. I think he'll have a pretty easy race North Carolina. Then we have New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, Nevada, and Arizona, every single solitary swing state that will matter. In twenty twenty four, we have a Bellweather Senate race. So it's a year from now. If we accomplish those two things, then we now paved the way for a resurgence in the country and stop dead in its tracks. This failed New Green Deal, radical socialism, open borders, energy dependence, weakness abroad. It can all come to an end. Yes, indeed, thank you so much for taking my call. So on appreciate you being out there. Thank you. Quick break, right back to our phones. Eight hundred nine one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. New Ingridge at the top of the hour will get his take on what happened on Tuesday, the Democrats reaction, and what the next steps are. Eight nine is our number. I'm listen all right. Back to our busy phones. Dennis Idaho Next, Sean Hannity Show. What's up, Dennis, how are you great? Sean, pleasure to speak with you a long time list. Thank you. Yesterday on your show, you were talking about the financial systems in the government overreach and I've experienced this this recently. I won't go into the long story, but my son had relocated to the East Coast and I paid for his relocation fees until the company reinversed him. So he got reinversed about a week ago. And we're on each other's accounts. So when I went to the bank to transfer the money to my account, they started, you know, looking into computer and pushing buttons, and then the manager had to come over. And it wasn't a great deal of money. It was like nine thousand dollars. So finally they got to the point they asked me, well, what's the money for? And I should excuse me, by the way, this is your money we're talking about, right, what's your money? Our money in our accounts. And I've been with this bank since nineteen seventy one, even though they've been sold six times, so I'm not a new customer. And they said, well, the government wants to know what it's for. I said, well, go ahead and type in and tell them it's none of their business. Wow, good for you. What happened? They finally made the transfer, and that's I haven't heard anything more. But I thought it was ironic that they're already asking what are you going to do with your own money? You know, I just I'm old school and I still like to carry cash. My security team is not particularly happy that I've been saying this on air, but I'm just old school. And when I take out money, I take out a large summer money, and I do it on purpose because I want them to see it and everything. Look everything I do. Anyway, if you're in the public eye and you're a conservative, you just have to assume that you're a target. I've always known that I'm a target. So we dot every eye, we cross every tea. Soon they're looking at everything and we do nothing wrong. That that is the best way to go through life. I don't have one accounting firm, but then I hand it off to my lawyer that hands it off to his accounting firm to double check on my taxes. There have been instances, for whatever reason, I've needed more cash than usual. You actually they don't even have the money in the bank. You have to order it, did you know that? Yeah? It certain amounts. You have to call ahead of time. You correct, you have to you have to set up an appointment. And I laugh, and I just don't even know what to say about it. They are probably monitoring way more than we think. And the only thing I would say, this probably won't change my life, but it's gonna you're the rest of the country's gonna start getting the Hannity treatment. And it's not a comfortable feeling knowing that the government is looking over every aspect of your life. And if they're looking at a six hundred dollar transaction or ten thousand dollars a year or more, they can pretty much figure out every aspect of your life. And they're doing it because they have this insatiable appetite to spend and advanced the cause of bigger and bigger government. It's intrusive. I'll give you the last word. Good for you. Yeah, he's shin And I'm like you. I'm old schooled too, you know. I like to have cash in my pocket and spend the cash. The one smart thing I did is I lived in California, southern cal most of my life. I moved Idaho here two and a half years ago, and I found the promised land. Well. I have a lot of friends that have moved to Idaho for a lot of different reasons, not the least of which is to get the hell out of the big cities. And I really don't blame you. It sounds like you're happy. A pretty amazing indicator. You know, the government wants to know what you're using the money for. Great answer, None of your damn business anyway. Appreciate it. Dennis eight hundred ninety one shown. I think we if we gave our prizes, he'd get the prizes of the day, right. I mean, that's a pretty good line. Quick break right back

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