Sgt. Demetrick Pennie, a 21 year veteran of the Dallas Police Force, President of the Dallas, Texas National Fallen Officer Foundation and Eric Feinberg, Communications Director for National Fallen Officer Foundation, are here to discuss the peril that officers face just doing their job every day. The incident in Columbus, OH is a perfect example of an officer trying to save a life, and sadly took another in the process, but the media and protestors have another agenda; to inflame every situation between police and communities of color:
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All right, Thanks Scott Shannon, and thanks to all of you for being with us. Glad draw on board right down on a toll free number. It's eight hundred and nine four one, Sean if you want to be a part of the program. There's so much to talk about. We have a couple of new police incidents that we're going to discuss today, including the shooting death of a fifteen year old. Such a tragedy. You know, police officer arrives on the scene and you look at this moment and you don't really see the knife in real time. She she's literally she's loaded and ready to plunge a knife into another young girl, and the police officer to save the life of the girl that's unarmed, shot this girl. We'll get into the politics of this in a minute, because there is politics, of course with everything today, just a lot of craziness out there. Anyway, Oh, in Minneapolis, you're gonna love this. You have a city council cadate publicly encouraging black lives matters rioters to burn down wealthy neighborhoods. If you feel like burning shift down to target wealthy communities instead of the poor ones. She's gonna make a great council member for many Minneapolis great. We had an incident in Portland rioters smashing windows at a Starbucks. As video footage of that. The police officer was surrounded and by the way, this is after guilty on all three counts in the Derek Chauvin trial. It showed an officer being surrounded and punched in the face by a masked individual dressed in black. Oregonian newspaper posted the video reported there had been a heated confrontation. The individual that punched the officer in the phase could be seen, you know, apparently was in another with another officer on a bicycle. Officer who was struck grabbed onto the individual as he fell, and then other officers piled on. And it's just unbelievable. Now, this case out of Columbus has gotten a lot of attention, and we're getting the usual, the predictable rush to judgment thing going on again, which is never good for anybody ever under any circumstances. And in this like Valerie Jarrett, for example, tweeted out and I'll tell you the facts of the case. In a second, a black teenage girl named Macaiah Bryant was killed because a police officer immediately decided to shoot her multiple times in order to break up a knife fight. Demand accountability. Okay, we have the videotape here, Valerie Jarrett, we know what happened here. We got the video from the BCAM footage video from the Columbus Police Department. And yeah, it does show the officer firing shots to protect an innocent other teenager. You could see literally the knife is in the hand when you go frame by frame and you slow this down, and I've now watched it many times, and frame by frame she's about to plunge. She is loaded for a full on thrust of a knife into this other unarmed girl, and that officer likely saved that girl's life and prevented the stabbing of another person. Then, of course others rushed to judgment. We got another case. I can't explain this. This was in the New York Post. Their headline is at least nineteenagers shot at a twelve year old's birthday party. There was sixty attendees and not one of them will make a formal statement of what happened to the police gunfire Around eight forty pm local time in Louisiana at least nine kids struck under the age of eighteen. Seven of the nine victims were treated and released. Two victims remain hospitalized. Can't believe nobody died when you have that many people shot. Thank god it didn't happen. Investigators think the shooting was the result of a dispute between two groups of young males, that two guns were fired during the shooting. In that case, of course, we have the Chicago mayor throwing the police under the bus, failing to call out gang violence. In the case of this seven year old little girl that was shot while going through a McDonald's drive through. I mean, somebody's in Chicago's fifteenth ward Alderman Raymond Lopez, and we interviewed recently said that Mayor Laurie Lightfoot Lightweight has thrown police under the bus, failed to call out violence. You know, it's an interesting phenomenon and I don't have a good answer for you. And that is okay. So during the Biden Obama years, we scroll the names of all these people being shot and shot and killed in Chicago. Names you've never heard of before. You know, last weekend it was twenty six people shot, five people dead. That by the way, that's on the low end of a typical weekend out of Chicago, and nobody knows the names of the five people. Nobody knows the names of the twenty six people. Why does some cases get all the attention in other cases do not? With all this, these years of scrolling the names of lives lost and shootings that take place every weekend, you would think that there would be some sense of urgency to stop the violence. Does not. I don't see the urgency at all, Not one bit do I see the urgency. You know, it's it's just these unbelievable times we're living in. And then you get, of course, those that will politicize it, like Valerie jarrett A. Valerie, take a look at the watch it frame by frame. Now, as part of I've talked a lot about my training. Now I'm in my eighth year. I'm a student of martial arts. It's an eclectic blend of arts. Kraabmagaw, kempo, Japanese jiu jitsu, boxing, situational street fighting. We use sticks, blades, firearms. And I've said this before and people don't hear me, nor do they really fully understand. If you ask anyone that's had any training that'll understand what I'm about to say, and what I'm saying is very specific, and that is if I have a choice, if I had to defend myself close quarters keywords here are close quarters against a firearm or a blade. I take the firearm every time, and we practice situational self defense usually. You know, well, for example, the gun will be held in front of me. You know, you put your hands up and you try and strip it by getting the gun off line, breaking the finger, assuming it's in the trigger, and then stepping back, you tap rack and you put your four over three and then you have the gun. Or if somebody puts it at on my forehead, right at my forehead, you know, what do you do if somebody puts a gun. But first thing I'm gonna do it's quickly and it's now, it's it's it's reflexes now because I do it, practice it almost daily, and I'm gonna push the gun up in the air, turn it around, break their finger, jam the gun into them, strip it, step back, tap rack and four over three there. Or if it's at my back, you know, first thing I want to do is I'll take it up quickly. You move a hand, you get the gun offline, you fight the man, break the finger, strip the gun, and step back, and now you have the firearm. It takes a lot of skill and a lot of repetitive training to get there, and I wish cops had more time to do all of this. They don't. That's why I say, Okay, more training is needed. You know, there was somebody that tweeted out a knife fight is when two people are fighting with knives. When one person is trying to use a knife on an unarmed person, it's often called an attempted stabbing or attempted murder. Well, yeah, I would say that that's true. How this police officer actually reacted that quickly probably saved somebody's life. You know, a knife is a lethal weapon by every legal definition, and it's simple common sense. By the way, defending against the knife is much harder at close quarters keywords close quarters then defending against somebody with a firearm. I like my odds better going up against the firearm, because you know, if somebody I mean you could do if you know how to use a blade, or if you're about I mean this, This fifteen year old girl was literally loaded up, had the knife cranked back for a full on, powerful thrust of that knife into that other unarmed girl. I don't think that girl would have survived if that was a successful attack. But of course you're you know, the usual people rushed to judgment, and you have a top Obama advisor demanding that the copy held accountable. He saved another teenager from being stamped to death. I mean, it's unbelievable to me that rushed to judgment. That's Valerie Jarrett. And you have Joe Biden out there insulting everyone in the country. And I'll say up front, are there people in this country that are ignorant, that have evil in their heart, that are racist? Yeah, of course there are. Yeah, evil exists. There are dumb, ignorant, stupid people that are racist. There are, But that's not the majority that American people. Most Americans are not racist. Most Americans deploy racism. Have we made progress? Yeah, we made a lot of progress. No thanks to Joe Biden's friends or Joe Biden himself. To be very frank, you know, we had a civil war that we fought in this country. Did we forget that part? You know, if you look at the the underground railroad Harriet Tubman's life. There were many people that were also white that helped free slaves and fought a war to free slaves and end the evil of slavery. And then of course we have the sixty four Civil Rights Act, the sixty five Voting Rights Act. Yeah, that was felowbustered by the guy that Joe Biden praises, the former clansmen, Robert KKK Bird, the same Robert Bird, former clansmen that Joe Biden partnered with to stop the integration of schools because Joe said he didn't want our schools to become racial jungles. Now now he's out there lecturing the American people, accusing the United States of deep seated systemic racism, and you know, literally praising the conviction and saying that guilty verdict is too rare, that the systemic racism that sustained on our nation's soul. This coming from the guy that didn't want integration to schools, a partnered with a clansman and praised the former clansmen. Good grief. These are the times we live in. And then you have this madness moving forward of defunding and dismantling. Now the police that is being pushed by many. We had a couple of incidents. One was in New York last night. We had Black Lives Matter protesters telling white people dining outside to get the f out of New York. And that was not the only example where that happened last night. Happened at where was the other one? I forget oh, outside the Minneapolis courthouse. All all cops are bastards and get the f out. And the same thing at this New York restaurant tell white people to get the f out of New York. Wow. But is that the majority of the black No, it's not. It's a small minority of people that believe this. Think this way sad when you hear it. By the way, Joe Biden, the author of the ninety four crime bill, you know when he called young African American men predators. Now we're gonna listen to him and get lectured by him on systemic racism. We got another video showing a pipe wielding you know, suspect shot by police in Illinois. You know one thing I will say that these bodycams are giving us a perspective we never had before. We've been calling for those for years. Biden called the violent riots over the summer that he never addressed that Kamala Harris says is not going to stop and shouldn't stop, and beware and take note on both levels. They're not going to stop. They shouldn't stop. We're not going to stop, but we shouldn't stop. And he talked about those riots causing billions of dollars in damage and three thousand cops hurt and dozens dead. He called them, you know, a peace with a purpose. Now, that wasn't peace with a purpose. A riot is a riot, insurrection is insurrection. It was wrong what happened on January sixth, It was wrong what happened last summer. Why is that so hard for some people to, you know, call something out for what It is not that hard for us here on this show. The truth is the truth, period eight hundred ninety four one sewn if you want to be a part of the program. Most Americans hate ignorant people. That's how most Americans are right as we roll along, eight hundred nine pot one Sean this announced. ABC News reporting Joe Biden's Attorney General, Merrick Garland, has announced an investigation into the Minneapolis Police Department to determine whether it's infected with systemic racism. Now, the last time the Minneapolis PD was put under a microscope after George Floyd's death, the cops were handcoffed, handcoff literally trapped, they stopped working. Trap Remember the whole defund the police movement. Remember the precinct was burned to the ground. There. That's Kamala Harris supporting the bail fund to get rioters out of jail. Anyway, the homicide rate then skyrocket at sixty four percent, and one plus one equals two. If you don't have police, you're going to see what we're seeing nationwide. Nationwide, it's almost forty percent an increase in homicides around the country in some cities where they've defunded the police, but it's much higher, including Minneapolis, including Louisville, including Los Angeles, where Kamala Harris praised the fund effort out there. I mean, this is a I'm just trying to understand it. It doesn't make sense. Now, Rudy Giuliani, you may not like his politics, forget it. You can't deny he saved a lot of innocent people's lives with tough policing and he sent cops and used resources wherever there was the greatest need at any given time. New York City is a big place, and it's small, but it's a lot of people. All right, We got a lot of other news. We will get to all things. Bill O'Reilly, Sergeant Penny will join us. Reverend cl heavy Foot Bryant, Remember he says, he invokes Jesus to get out of a ticket. Cracks me up. We'll continue twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one sean, if you want to be a part of the program. I don't think it was a factor in this case. It's gonna be interesting when the judge excoriated Maxie Waters for her comments leading up to the jury making their decision, which can be viewed as extremely intimidating. And look only it was the case here if you asked me what convicted Derek Chauvin, the two biggest factors with the nine minutes and twenty nine seconds of videotape and and I do think it was very powerful the images. I'd never seen them before until the day after closing arguments of the New York Post of the injuries that George Floyd sustained. Now, Michael Boden had mentioned it when we interviewed him at the time. He did one of the autopsies of George Floyd. And you know, you see how badly bruised George Floyd's face was from having the knee, you know, pushing his face into the pavement. I mean the industry, the injuries were substantial. The same with his shoulder being pushed into the pavement. Now that's the amount of force. Again, go back to my martial arts as a student training. You know, if a quick, quick, targeted strike to the jaw and the carroated artery, I promise you if I if I hit the target, you're gonna go down. One shot. You'll go to the ground, and if you try to stand up you'll likely won't be able to stand up for a while. You'll be just because it's it's that effect of a shot that's a fraction of a second. So I think between the nine minutes and twenty nine seconds and the testimony that this is not what the way officers are trained by the chief of Police, I think it was a done deal. But I will say this going forward, is that we can't have juries going into a jury room if we believe in due process, we believe in the presumption of evidence innocence, rather and have them it feel some type of intimidation from the outside, you know it often. I wonder why they don't do this more often, But I am a big supporter of change of venue for high profile cases for very specific reasons, and they didn't do it in this particular case. Now people like Alan Dershowitz are saying, hey, he's likely gonna win on appeal, and it'll be interesting to see if that is brought up, and we're gonna watch that closely. We had on last night Jonathan Turley. He made an observation that I hadn't thought about, is you still have these other officers that were involved in the case. They didn't have their knee on George Floyd's neck, but there are charges pending against them and literally the prosecution and made the point that they tried to help George Floyd. And I wouldn't be surprised if if those words, if they were to go to trial, if this thing goes to trial, they don't come to some type of agreement, if that would be used against the prosecution their own words. So we'll have to We'll have to wait, watch and see what happens there. You know, you just go back and you look at Joe Biden praising the former clansmen stopping integration of schools with Robert Byrd, you know, the guy that filibustered the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act. You know, they didn't want schools to become integrated because they didn't want schools to be racial. Jungles Joe Biden's words, Joe Biden a crime bill. You know, predators on the streets that Joe Biden. Now I just find what's sad is most of the country does not know this because Joe Biden was in first the candidate production program of the media mob big Tech, and now he's in the presidential protection program from the media mob and big tech and everybody else. But I'll tell you none of this is going to end well. And you know Biden if he wants to make allegations of systemic racism and it being a state on our nation's soul, John Cornyn said it was a verdict against one officer based on individual facts in one case. I accept the verdict. No need to slander law enforcement generally in the vast majority of police officers that risked their lives every single day. Secretary of State Blincoln echoes Biden's comments, and remember, they've already begun their own little version of the apology tour that Obama had. Now Biden wants critical race theory, will spend some time on this in the future. And the sixteen nineteen project taught in schools. So now that's going to become a big issue in the country. You know. Joe Biden, author of the ninety four crime Bill, says we've got to confront head on disparities in the justice system. A lot of it is because of that bill. It doesn't matter whether or not they're the victims of society. The end result is they're about to knock my mother on the head with a lead pipe, shoot my sister, beat up my wife, take on my sons. So I don't want to ask what made them do this. They must be taken off the street. We should focus on them now, not out of a liberal instinct for love, brother and humanity, although I think that's a good instinct, but for simple pragmatic reasons. If we don't, they will, or a portion of them will become the predators fifteen years from now, and Madam President, we have predators on our streets. You know, if you want to go to the twilight zone part of this. You know, Biden yesterday praising the Summer of love, the autonomous, the chaz the chop spaghetti, potluck, dinner zones. We had city streets, entire city blocks taken over by anarchists and by radicals taking over police precincts, burning police precincts to the ground. We had almost three thousand officers injured, dozens and dozens of people murdered last summer, you know, saying that this that last summer's protests, which he barely addressed in the middle of a campaign, ignored, didn't even mention it once at the DNC his choice for vice president. By the way, it was critical of Joe Biden on the issue of race and and it really took him down under debate. But supporting a bail fund for arrested rioters. This was after the police precinct was burned down to Minneapolis, you know. So he you know, he's now saying that it unif find people of every race and generation in peace and in purpose. What is he trying to say here, that's revisionist history. You're ignoring the rioting that took place in all these major cities last summer, with all these injured cops and all these injured people trying to you know, tell us that, oh, they're mostly peaceful protests. No, they weren't. I don't even know what to say about Nancy Pelosi quote thanking George Floyd for dying. I you know, people say whatever, I'm not even gonna go there. Minneapolis as mayor now giving you know, saying he he his life bettered our city. There's not a lot of good that came out of this. While the officer responsible it's being how, it's been held accountable and will be held accountable. He's still not he's still dead. It's tragic, it's sad. It was unnecessary, especially knowing everything that we know, and then people on the left, you know, AOC and others, the squad saying the decision didn't go far enough. You know. I'm basically say, Joe Biden celebrates some justice, AOC calls conviction not enough, you know, and it goes on from there. The squad, by the way, we found out recently they spend thousands of dollars on private security for themselves while demanding police be defunded. I've yet to hear any congressman or woman talk about disbanding, defunding, dismantling the Capitol Police. Not one I see. Gavin Nussoun's wife has weighed in blaming toxic masculinity for what happened to George Floyd. Okay. House Democrats standing right by Maxie Waters. I'm telling you the radicals in the squad, Maxie Waters, they're in charge in the House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi scared to death of the most radical elements on her party because she knows her jobs on the line if she dares goes against them. And that's why they don't. Same with Chuck Schumer. He's scared to death. AOC will run against him for the Senate. He might even lose, and he knows it. Joe Biden, I don't even know if he knows what day it is. Anyway, eight hundred nine for one, Shaun is our number if you want to be a part of the program. Talked about this case. I mean I looked so often at this case out of Columbus, and it was so obvious. A lot of people asking what will the sentence be. I don't know. They're gonna have this whole discussion about whether or not this case would warrant a higher sentence than the possible forty years that that Chauvin is facing in prison. That's gonna be discretionary, but they will have a hearing on it. The ultimate sentencing takes place in eight weeks. You know, it was interesting. Foxnews dot Com had a piece about Derek Chauvin's verdict. What's next for the three officers charge with aiding and abetting George Floyd's death. Well, now that Derek Chauvin has been convicted, now that the prosecution actually said that the other officers involved, the other three officers tried to help George Floyd, I'm not sure what impact that might have on their case. Alan dersh Wood saying that Chauvin's conviction should be reversed on appeal. He's saying that hardly a conservative anyway. We have other news here too. Nancy Pelosi is facing a backlash for her comments of thanking George Floyd for sacrificing his life for justice. AOC's actual words says, Derek Chauvin's guilty verdict is not justice, declaring that it's not enough. I just want I want to create the affirmation this is not well, what would be justice? Then? What would how would she define justice in this case? Congresswoman to Leaves comments inherent that police are inherently racist to Detroit's police chief has responded saying that is reckless and disgusting. The House voted down the resolution, condemning Maxie waters remarks prior to jury sequestration, I think they should have been There should have been sequestration much earlier. Black Lives Matter, one of their leaders, has credited the riots for forcing this verdict, the head of the New York chapter of BLM claiming last night that the jury would never have found Chauvin guilty without months of violent riots. So now that that's the answer, we're going to intimidate people and intimidate juries into coming up with decisions. I don't believe that happened in this case. I think the evidence was incontrovertible, overwhelming. Nine minutes and twenty nine seconds, and the police chief saying this is not part of our training. That was it? Right there? Andy McCarthy's saying, Biden and Waters, they've given Derek Chauvin's lawyers a real chance to overturn the verdict. He's not wrong here, I don't think Dershowitz, there is a real chance. Dershowitz even predicting that the verdict will be reversed. He says, by the Supreme Court, they'd have to take up the matter. So we'll have to wait and see what happens there. You know, it's some things are just very frustrating on a lot of different levels. So Joe Biden, with his background and his history, you know, when you compare Delaware's voting laws to the new law and Georgia, well, Georgia has seventeen days of early voting. The state of Delaware has none. Georgia has in every precinct drop boxes, Delaware has none. Both states require picture ID. So how does he get away with saying three times that this is Jim Crow two point zero. By the way, Biden now has joined the effort for DC statehood. He's pushing that. Biden now is preparing to unveil another one trillion dollars in spending two hundred and twenty five billion paid leave and medical leave, two and twenty five billion for childcare support, two hundred billion for universal pre K schooling, hundreds of billions in new education funding for his friends in the unions, and other sums for nutritional assistance. Do you notice one thing every one of those items have in common. That's all in the Green New Deal, all of it. Just like the emergency COVID relief money went to start as a down payment funding the Green New Deal. Just like the infrastructure bill, A lot of the money is that they're calling call everything infrastructure. Now, that's all going to the Green New Deal. You know. The New York Post had an editorial today It's time for people to turn down the temperature and actually lead here. Has anybody on the left thought about the consequences of defunding the police. Are they not looking at the high murder rates all across the country since this started, Because if they don't start looking, more innocent people are going to die, and a lot of them, sadly, will be in cities that are run by liberal Democrats. By the way, his rich democratic friends they're fighting now. I told you that when Donald Trump's tax plan went into effect, it hurt me financially. I paid more in taxes. Why they have something called salt state and local tax deductions. Donald Trump put it down at just ten percent. That's all you could deduct. Now, all these rich liberals, they're now demanding that Biden allowed the deduction for states that have high income taxes and local income taxes like New York City. I am saying it's not fair to the rest of the country. I would be the beneficiary of this, and I'm saying, don't do it. It's not fair to states that elect fiscally responsible legislatures and governors. It's not fair. It's just wrong, all right. Let it's get A simpleman means only one thing, and that is all things. Bill O'Reilly dot com, mister O'Reilly, sir, these are insane times we're living in, Bill O'Reilly, and I'd never thought in my life things would get this crazy, but it's it's worse than I even predicted before the election. You know what really deserves me as an American, not as a commentator, just as a person who loves a country, is that the American people aren't being told the truth. And so I've spent the last thirty six hours really researching and finding out the facts about the police and African Americans because I think people don't know really what has happened because you have a media invested in putting a narrative out there, and now the president and Vice President of the United States are backing up the narrative that this is a racist country and the eighty thousand law enforcement people here are actively trying to harm marginalized groups, including African Americans. That's the narrative. So if you're a young African American student, that's what you're hearing, and you're not hearing much to counter that, So fire away. I've got all the stats in the facts right here. So here's where I am with policing and where we are in society, because you know, if we're going to be truly one people, if Martin Luther King's dream speech, judge people by the content of their character, color of their skin, as it relates specifically to policing, these are the things I think need to be done. Now. You know, I'm a student of martial arts. I do it four or five days a week, an hour and a half a day for eight years. I'm a student. We got a better train cops. Number one. Number two, police need other non lethal alternatives besides the taser. There are better there are options out there. I've been showing them on TV three. We have got to make every city and every town in America safe and secure. It's got to be a priority, and it's got to be the police working with the community before incidents happen. And I don't care if you like Rudy Giuliani's politics or not. He took the murder rate from nearly three thousand down to a few hundred. That we do know how to solve this problem, but it's going to take a commitment on everybody, and all of this political noise and rhetoric has got to stop, Bill, because look at the cop. A woman was about to be stabbed yesterday in Cleveland, Ohio. You see the knife in her hands. She's about to plunge it into somebody. Now, I train, I do a lot of situational self defense with firearms, knives, and sticks. And I'll tell you at close range, very specific words, at close range, I'd rather go up against a firearm than a blade, especially if somebody knows how to use it, because it's much harder to defend against. Bill, and the cop had to shoot to save a woman's life. A knife will kill you your thoughts. Well, remember one, we're never going to work together in the foreseeable future in this country because one party wants to attain power through identity politics that means equity, and then President of United States said it, we're going to favor one group over another. That's what we're gonna do. And we're gonna put the a coalition together of the willing to vote for Democrats, so that leaves out everybody who's not a Democrat. So that's not we're not working together for anything. The secondly, we're not telling the truth about the policing in America. So this is from the Washington Post database. The Washington Post does a good job compiling police statistics. So in twenty nineteen, unarmed white citizens twenty six were shot black twelve. In twenty twenty twenty four white citizens blacks eighteen. So therefore, two years doing the math, thirty blacks were shot by police who were unarmed fifty whites. Now, in most of those cases there are other weapons involved, just as you pointed out in Columbus, Ohio with the knife. Okay, Now, that is not an epidemic of police shooting blacks in America. It's not. It's not. In fact, if you were to present this to the United Nations compared to other countries, this would be a loutable record. Yet you don't hear any of this. All you hear from the media, which is driving this, okay, is that systemic racism is the cause of African Americans being abused by the police. Right you with me so far, I'm listening. Everything is now, by the way, No, wait, we both acknowledge that there is racism, but systemic racism is a different term. I'm listening. Go ahead and go ahead, okay. Everybody knows that there's racism in every country. There are bad, evil people on the planet, and skin color, it transcends all skin colors. But what happened yesterday with the President of the United States is unprecedented. Joe Biden rashed his own country after the verdict came in and said this has got to stop. We have systemic racism. Now, everyone in the world heard that, and every African American heard it. That has never been done by any president before. Never. Now, we tracked Barack Obama's statements while in office for eight years. He never said anything close to that. After he left office, he said a few provocative things. Now, the president of the United States is basically trashing the whole society by saying, hey, we know that we're racist and we have to solve this problem. Well, I'm sorry, but that insulted me. I'm not a racist, nor are my friends, nor are my family members. And I don't want this guy exploiting the death of George Floyd, who should be alive today. And the reason that the former police officer was convicted was because of a very simple concept, depraved indifference. That's what led to the conviction. And it's absolutely true he was indifferent Chavin to what Floyd was experiencing on the ground, and because Floyd died, that's depraved indifference. Now, I'm a methodical researcher. I am a simple man. As you always point out, I know the truth about it. By the way, you're not a simple man, and I say that it doesn't ironed to that whole fit we do, But go ahead. I don't knew wance this. When I was a high school teacher, I had African American students, a Cuban students, white students, and I told them all, life is hard if you're black, it's harder if you're Cuban and your parents came over here from Cuba because I was teaching in Miami. It's hard, but you'll all have an opportunity here which you wouldn't have anywhere else on the planet. So we got to work together to make the society better. But when you have a president trashing his own country the way Joe Biden did yesterday, I just I just when are you kidding? And I'm not making an excuse for Biden, but he doesn't know what he's saying. He doesn't understand the implications of what Let me disagree with you and let me add to the discussion a little bit, because then this is important that we have it, and it's important we have it with people of all backgrounds and racism my opinion, When, for example, you compare the new joy voting law that has seventeen days of in person early voting, the state of Delaware has zero bill. When you look at drop boxes, they are in every county in Georgia. Bill, there's not one drop box in the state of Delaware. Voter ID is mandated in Georgia and in Delaware, and Joe Biden then went out there and said and lied and said, this is Jim Crowe two point zero, Jim Crowe for the twenty first century. He said it three times, Bill, Now it's not Jim Crowe. This is also coming from a man that praised the former Clansmen, partnered with the former Clansmen to stop the integration of schools in America because he didn't want schools to become, his words, racial jungles. This is the guy that co sponsored the Crime Bill in ninety four when he talked about young African Americans as predators. That's the Joe Biden, you know, the Joe Biden praising the guy that philipbustered the Civil Rights Act of sixty four and the Voting Rights Act of sixty five. Bill, I'll give Biden the benefit of the doubt that he's evolved and he's woke. I don't care what he said as a senator. I don't carry hunger. Any Republican get the benefit of the doubt. O'reet the benefit of the doubt? Hell, now, of course not. But I'm a fair man, and I look at I look at my job as analyzing the news on radio and TV on Bill O'Reilly dot com, I look at it as an obligation, and my obligation is to tell the truth about what's happening now. And what Joe Biden did yesterday was disgraceful, and again, no other president has ever come close to saying anything like that. And the damage that he is doing to this country. And you know, I'm into the border or the Supreme Court or Washington, DC. All of this is just insane. But people don't know it because the narrative coming out of the corporate media, the powerful corporate media, is that Biden is noble, the country is racist, and that the Democrats are gonna save African Americans from that racism. That is the narrative that you see every single day, you know, unless we get to the point, you know, one glorious nation under God, one people, United Americans. Look, I'm a Christian. I was raised Catholic like you are, but I'm non denominational at this point in my life. And you and I've had that discussion. And I know you went to Catholic schools for years. I went to Catholic schools for twelve years, Okay, a long time. And if you really believe in natural law, what is natural law that rights come from odd. We're endowed by our creator, natural rights, not from government. And we believe the word education in the Latin Bill, I learned a pious which you probably didn't learn in shamand it means a ducree to bring forth from within. Now. I know a lot of people think you got to jam things into kids heads, but that suggests to me that talent is God given and every human being is born of God. But human beings, through their experiences have a propensity towards good and a propensity towards evil. A lot of evil people sadly in this world people, but we're still created by the same God. We still have talents and abilities. Now, if Republicans want to get smart and change the electorate forever, they need to go into all of these blue states, all of these blue cities that have that don't have law and order and safety and security, have horriblecational systems and fix them. And I believe then everybody will benefit. That's the answer. It's not redistributional wealth. That's not you know, it's believing in the talent of every individual. The problems are fixable. They are when you have a giant propaganda machine that is unprecedented. You have powerful corporations with billions of dollars spewing out the same message every day that America is evil, it was founded on white supremacy. That is going to infect a large portion of the population. They are going to believe it. And that's what is happening. And people on the other side who do believe America is a noble nation, they've got to stand up and start to oppose this because it has taken deep root. All right, Bill O'Reilly, all things o'reiley, Uh, simple man, Bill o'reiley dot com. All right, mister O'Reilly, we'll have you back next week and I'll make more fun of you and you can make fun of me. Yeah, it'll be lighter next week. And remember killing the mob out in two weeks. Oh that's right. By the way, why didn't I get my copy yet? No, I'm you gotta copy handyway, I did not get a copy. I did not get my copy. Send me a copy of it like you what come on? No idea. And by the way, don't expect a cupcake interview when that book comes out. You're not getting a cupcake interview. I'm giving you a non cupcake interview. One of my book was coming out, Hannity, there's not gonna be a typical cupcake interview. I'm like, oh, okay, I gotta i gotta worry about my interview with o'reiley because it's not cupcake. You're not getting a cupcake interview past o'reiley. Alight eight hundred nine for one seawan toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. We'll continue hi twenty five to the top of the hour, toll free on numbers eight hundred and nine four one Sean. We'll get to your calls. Final hour of the program today. What I see going on around the country, what we're watching, what we're witnessing, what we're hearing, beyond what we just discussed about Joe Biden and America being racist, etcetera, etcetera. Defund the police, dismantle the police, all of this madness that's not going to end well. We've given you all the statistics we can possibly dig up in terms of the murder and homicide rates. It's up dramatically on average around the entire country as a result of these this defund dismantled police, and madness. It's getting crazy. In Minneapolis, we have a city council candidate publicly encouraging Black Lives Matter rioters who feel like burning shift down to target wealthy communities instead of poor ones. In other words, encouraging rioters burned down wealthy neighborhoods In Portland. I spoke about this earlier rioters in the wake of the verdict he was guilty on all three counts in the Derek Chauvin trial. They started a fire and attacked businesses late last night, and video footage showed two Starbucks in the downtown area damaged and ANTIFA symbol was spray painted on one of the broken windows. Cops killed, stolen land, scrawled on buildings, Starbucks. Of course, they didn't want to respond to what happened there. During the evening, A crowd starting a dumpster fire near Justice Center, blocking traffic. A person dressed and all blacked and punched a police sergeant in the face, punched a cop in the face. We see this now all the time. I'm listening to the comments of people on the left. I've watched this, I promise you. This Columbus police officer and this video in real time and then slowed down frame by frame and you can see that the officer that shot this young fifteen year old girl, the girl literally had a knife in her hand. Knives kill people. How the cop reacted that quickly to save the other girl's life, It's heroic. It's a dangerous job. This is what they're dealing with every single day. You got nine of the teens shot at a twelve year old birthday party, and not one of the sixty attendees will make a formal statement, well, what is wrong with that? Pictures on the blaze today, nine kids shot at a twelve year old birthday party. Not one, not one adult will talk to the police about it. Ohio police officer. You know, in this case with the knight, he probably saved the girl's life. I said it earlier, I'll say it again. I'm saying very specific words here up in other words, closed quarters, closed quarters. Let me repeat close quarters. I would much rather deal with a firearm and defend against that then somebody that's about to plunge a blade into me. Now maybe you think that sounds crazy, No, because I practice, you know, stripping weapons. You get the gun offline, you fight the man, you break the guy's fingers, assuming it's in the on the trigger. You strip the gun, you step back, you tap rack, and you put more fingers over three fingers, and then you have the gun. It's much harder to defend against the blade. Anyway. We have the bodycam audio of the police in this incident. Let me play that. Then the bodycam audio police shooting a pipe wielding suspect in Illinois and the Antifa thugs punching a cop in Portland. Listen, get down sheriff's department. Try try it, try it, try it out, dry summer on your pen you joe ya try try talk said go now, do you got that happens knees yo? Okay, joop okay, get about him? You tell me in my mind, you touch it in you touch me? You text me, dude here, don't. Steve's been declared it back up. I want you buy that light. You're good? Back here? They never all right? Joining us now. Sergeant Demitrick Penney is back with us. Twenty one year vet Dallas Police Force, President of the Texas National Falling Officer Foundation, Eric Feinberger with US communications director for the National Fallen Officer Foundation, Thank you both for being with us. UH now Sergeant Penney. I frankly looked at that Columbus tape again and again and again and what I saw and when you when you when you go frame by frame and you see that knife about to be plunged into this other girl and the officer shooting the person that could have very well been committing a murder there, depending where that knife went in. I look at that as the police officer saving an innocent person's, an innocent, unarmed person's life from what could be, you know, a death blow. Yeah, let me first day show. My heart goes out to the family. I mean you can imagine, I agree, kids fifteen years old, what the hell is going on here? Yeah? Yeah, But just imagine on the law enforcement side, when when officers had to be in that situation to have to make that flit second decision talking and that reaction there. Look, that also did a great job in preventing the other young lady the other team, which looked like to me, from being killed. Um. Look that that is a devastating situation for any police officer to be in. But but look I have to applaud the officer for being able to react to the chaos in itself, for what was happening with the fight, but being able to prevent this other young lady from you losing her life. That is a terrible situation for anyone to be in. But this officer, I think that that um his response time to be able to react the way that he did. Um Man, I mean that there there was really no option for this for his offer, and I doubt this officer, and I honestly it's sad. It's tragic. It's a fifteen year old girl. Why is a fifteen year old girl about to plunge a knife into another another girl? The whole thing makes me sad. But on the other hand, if the cop didn't act, that girl very well could have been dead. Sergeant, do you agree with me? You know about my training, We've talked about it privately. Yeah, when I say close quarters, I'd rather go up against the firearm than a blade, especially if somebody knows how to use that blade. Do you agree with me or disagree? You are absolutely correct because that blade and they teach us in training. Look, it only takes about about one maybe maybe point seven seconds to close the gap with a knife and also has no reaction time whatsoever. So um, yeah, I mean, at least you have a little bit with a gun, you got time to get distance or get away from from the thread at least. But man, a knife if in close waters man, that is um. I mean I literally practice, okay, gun being held up my face, a gun literally held up my chest, a gun held up my back, gun held to my neck. I mean we've practice, you know, first again, get the gun offline, fight the man, strip the gun, break the fingers, step back, tap rack four over three. Sound like training heard before? Absolutely, absolutely, yeah, that's that's that's definitely similar training to law enforcement. I mean, the goal is to get it off of you and and uh and in many cases take the gun and you put you in charge of in the situation. But what a knife is that a lot It's a lot harder to do because now you have to you have them to avoid the blade itself, and then you're trying to take that blade. You could potentially end up cutting the major artery, you know, get stabbed. I mean it could be. I follow all the laws in New York. I have a carry permit, and I carry only legal blades that are allowed in New York. Eric Feinberg, your take on this officer and all of these incidents now that are occurring around the country. Well, Sean, thanks for having me on. And Tray and I've been talking about this and you know, we want to get more of a voice on this. A lot of amps up because of social media, um I said, with Trey on Facebook a hashtag will prosecute the police on two Facebook pages that actually, you know, brought attention to this from the standpoint that it's the police's fault with the hastagg prosecute the police, acab all cops are bad or you know whatever. Thirteen twelve and then of course f twelve and to get at the root of the problem and why you know, Trey asked me to come on today. And part of our mission after Dallas Fallen Officers in the fall Officers campaign is to really show, unfortunately how the role of social media is with this anti police, you know, pro left agenda that the social media companies tend to turn a blind eye to a final moment with Sergeant Penney and Eric Feinberg, you know the thing, the thing is all right, so now the verdict comes in and then still people are out there complaining. Dmitrich Penney and sergeant. I'm I'm a little bit bewildered and frustrated by it because the system worked. It's not a perfect system, but but it's the best system we that I can think of. I can't think of a better one, you know, one that ensures justice. But you know, it's sometimes it doesn't work out that way, especially when things go to a jury. You just never know what's gonna happen in that jury room. But when they came back in less than twenty four hours, it was clear whether this was headed right right. I mean, you know what the thing is, sean law enforcement across the country agrees that with how this this case in itself will handle. You know, they took care of it. We got a conviction. But the reality is there are a lot of people in there are a lot of people in society. They simply they don't care about any find That was never about a finding in the case. They're just anarchists. They only want to do is in sight balance against police. It's about creating destructures. It's about disrupting our our system as as a whole. And that's that's what we're dealing with on the front lines with law enforcement. Is we deal with people that just want to amp up. You know, we lost one hundred and three officers sergeant so far this year killed in the line of duty. Most of them were shot and murdered, well one hundred and three. Now, you know, I talk about this all the time in Chicago. While we were scrolling the names of people shot and shot and killed during the Biden Obama years, nobody else in the media talked about it. All these all the all these violent incidents that occur every weekend. Nobody talks about it. Nobody knows the names of one hundred and three people police officers that were killed in the line of duty so far this year. I know the names. I've scrolled their names too, because why is it that we only hear about certain cases. Well, you know, it's unfortunate society has moved away from uh. It's it's lack of concern for public safety, and public safety has become this uh, this larger than life figure that everyone wants to build villainide and and unfortunately, you know, these officers have to go to work every day, day in and day out, to do their job and try to protect the public. When there's this this sentiment that's growing in American society that they can't they have no control over. Oftentimes we can't even police can't even see the narrative that being painted against them in certain situations. So an author can be showing up thinking they're gonna they're gonna help something, and based off of what was being proliferated in society or being being manipulated on social media, this author can be walking into a trap himself without even knowing it. And that's how dangerous that this country has become poor law enforcement. You're gonna see a decline over the next several years. You're gonna see less and less aufers going into the law enforce profession, especially when you have politicians looking to we want to say they're trying to back away from the defund movement, but especially that they're doing they're trying to take away resources from law enforcement officers that are doing a difficult job. And you have politicians going out here calling for people to get into into the face of police officers calling for it's happening. We show the video way too often. We're running out of the time. Eric Feinberg will give you the last thirty seconds. Well, what Tray said and and here's something that you know we've we've been doing and searching. We got a problem with encrypted apps in this country that are being used by the perpetrators that in real time are tuned in the police. Scan is when it comes to these protests and rallies, giving tactical and logistical information through apps like Telegram telling the protest that riot is where the police are to we engage with them or to avoid them on these encrypted apps, which is dangerous, very dangerous. Sergeant Penny, thank you for being with us. Our Feinberg, thank you for being with us. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, Horace Cooper and the Reverend, see how Bryant will weigh in. Is there a path to fixing these problems. We'll get to that at the top of the next hour. We'll get to your calls. Eight hundred and nine four one seun is our number of DVR. We have a great Hannity nine Eastern tonight. All right, news round up, information overload our Sean Hannity Show. We'll get to your calls bottom of this half hour, eight hundred and nine four one on you want to be a part of the program. Now we had played a long time ago. We make the distinction on the program about the organization Black Lives Matter, and after the George Floyd it was so tragic. U now a guilty verdict when people would say Black Lives Matter, that's different than the group Black Lives Matter that was on tape chanting, what do we want dead cops? Why don't we want them now? And pigs in a blanket and fry him like bacon. Uh. There was some chanting that went on outside the Minneapolis courthouse saying all cops are bastards and to get the f out and saying tell white people to get the f out of New York. That happened at a New York restaurant in the streets of New York last night. Listen wants you here, wants you here money? We don't want your married all right? Joining us now? Horace Cooper, legal commentator, co chair of the Black Leadership Network Project twenty one. Uh, the Reverend cl heavy Foot, Uh no tickets, Brian is back with us hearst his own show and uh also a senior fellow of Freedom Works. How many times have you gotten pulled over in your life, Reverend, it's been it's been a bunch, Sean, But but just the same. Oh. I mean we're talking about a dozen two dozen, three dozen, at least a dozen times, at least a dozen times when I when I had a heavy foot, and I stopped doing this about a decade ago. I just like, you know what, I'm tired of getting pulled over. I'm tired of you know. I just got a little more mature. And I didn't want to. I never want to hurt anybody. I want to be a saved driver. And my kids used to point out all the time, Dad, you're texting and driving, Dad, you do you know? And I said, okay, you're right, and it made me stop. Um. But I find that's the funniest thing. And I know what you did too, He said, I'm the my name is Reverend cel Bryant. Are you are you saved officer? I bet how many times did you pull that one? To Jesus card John, no comment, I could hear you. You know, I'm a reverend. I'm sorry. I'm on my way to a funeral. I gotta preside over. I gotta preside over a wedding. I gotta go see a sick person in the hospital that had happened on occasion I was on my way late for a few mean yeah, and say, um, are you a believer? If you know, I'll pray with you right now. I'm times. Have you done that? Well, I tell you what. We have led officers to Christ right there on the street. There's no question. I mean, this is unbelievable. You're using Jesus, the Son of God who sacrificed everything to save humanity and take our sins away from us, and you're using the name of Jesus to get out of a ticket. I can't believe it. And it works. That's another miracle. But just mess around. I got to talk about this. If you Amy Horowitz has been in Minneapolis, Reveren, We'll start with you. It's been in Minneapolis, and he's interviewed all these people and he asked people, well, how many people how many African Americans do you think every year are killed by the police, And many people think it's in the thousands. You know, when you look at the numbers, there were a year ago twelve incidents. Twelve. People have this perception that it is that much larger. It's so there's such a disconnect between what the reality is and what people think is the reality. Where does that come from? Do you blame the media? Where do you think it comes from? I believe, Sean, that that comes from the climate that you have in DC now that wants to take us back to Jim Crow nineteen twenties and even before then. It's a strange thing that we're still fighting the same battles that we were talking about during the Civil War, States rights and slavery. Jim Crowe is something that is an emotional thing for black people. And if you want to tell me that Andrew Young, Rosa Parks, Mega Evorts, Doctor King, they all failed in their civil rights effort, I don't believe. I don't believe that Andrew Young would stand back to this. And Sean, I gotta tell you this, I don't understand why Jim clebrin is not called them down on this. Jim Clyburne lived through Jim Crow. John I'm sixty five years old. I was eight nine years old in sixty four sixty five in Shreveport, Louisiana, the last city to concede defeat in the Civil War. I've seen cross has burned, I've seen the Clan March. I drank from the colored water fountains and have used the colored bathrooms. And let me tell you something, This is not nineteen sixty four. It is not nineteen sixty five. And I'm not telling you something that somebody told me, or something I read or something I heard. I'm telling you what I've seen with my own eyes. My parents were on the front line. And what's your take, hors Cooper, Well, I first want to say that the Reverend Bryant, I want you to keep praying for every single person you meet, even if it is during the traffic encounter the worst. Why are you encouraging this? But why are you encouraging him to do this? Tell him to slow down, Reverend, you need to slow down. If if speeding into the Kingdom, my counselor, I'm listening to my counselor. I'm taking his advice, so you're gonna listen. So if so, if the reverend speeds and it's helps him bring more people to Jesus, and he's sincere. By the way, there's not a joke. He tells everybody. If you are you saved. If you're not, I'll pray with you right now. He does it all the time that I'm for that too, but I mean to get out of a ticket as a little I don't know, it just sounds awful. I never I never said I think it's amaze. It's John Hannity saying that. I think that what I am troubled about is this whole idea that in America today. I have lived my entire life post the civil rights efforts, and I have benefited from that effort. The idea that none of that has worked, none of it has achieved its end, and that we're no better off now than we were before I was born, is a lie. And I also want to remind people that the benefit to every American being treated as a citizen is particularly of a value. And that's why we fought so hard as a community and a society for the civil rights effort, was so that we could say that everybody got the benefit. Now, in my view, that means if you're unpopular, if you're not favored, you are, in fact the very groups that the civil rights effort was intended to protect, not the popular, not the elite, not those who have it all. And I just watched a trial where I believe and unpopular men did not receive the due process that the Constitution would allow. And the worry I have is the wheel turns. Eventually, the wheel is going to turn if we allow the idea that if you're unpopular, it's okay, we don't protect you because we did nothing. So you're so you don't believe that Derek Children got a fair trial. I do not. I absolutely do not. Are you suggesting that outside that the jury felt too much outside pressure? Is that what you're suggesting or where do you think it was unfair? You know, Maxie Waters comments or settlements. You don't get twenty eight million dollars settlements in the middle of a trial. You certainly don't say that the Attorney general is going to be in charge of deciding what the prosecution's going to be. You normally, if you have a dream team, it's made up of the people who are acting on the defense. You normally don't recruit forty or fifty of the highest paid law firms to crowd in to offer their services for free. And you don't let Maxine Waters or the President of the United States tell people what the consequences are going to be. There were any number of reasons for a video change that should have occurred if this was nineteen twenty six and we had a black man and this had happened to I'd like to think that the so called civil rights community of today would look at that case and say, WHOA, this isn't right, This isn't just the wheel is going to eventually turns. Look in the other way when it happens to this guy is only setting a precedent for what's going to happen when the wheel turns and stops. And now it's your turn, exactly, Seal. And you know, the reverse racism, Sean, that Horace is pointing out is so prevalent in this country right now. And I have to say this to me Caucasian friends, and Sean, you're one of them, no doubt about it. Them. I'm naming you here. You're letting them get away with it. You're letting this. I'm not you, Sean, not you in particularly. I know you push back every day and I thank God for you, but I'm using you as an example, as a Caucasian male. You are allowing them to do this. I'm wondering what is happening to that person or to those people who were bold enough to found this country. Yes, they were all white man and all that type of thing, But there is a reverse racism now. It's harce is twenty out. That is unhealthy because they're gonna come for you too. Where we had an article freedom Works, we put an article in front of the Senators yesterday with this Jim Crow stuff, this Jim quote twenty we're pushing back hard against it. One thing I have been able to share is that where they want to keep black people in this country and where they're successfully taking them is to the past. They never talk about where we're going. They never talk about where we are now. They want them to be as brilliant in the past. In the past is where we were slaves. We were captive back then. Now we have the opportunities to enjoy the fruits of American liberty and the prosperity that goes along with the free market and capitalism. But the Democrats have always found a lot of favor and money to put in their pockets by race hustling and keeping us locked in our minds and literally, as Joe Biden says, they want to put us. He wants to put us back in change. And if you do not vote for him. You ain't black. That is the narrative that black folks must break away from because we are enslaved to it. And there is freedom if, in fact, we are able to experience the American dream that our ancestors paid for us to have. And now we slap them in the face by dishonoring the civil rights that they fought so valiantly for us to have. This is not what they wanted. Andrew Young would never go along with what is being said on Capitol Hill right now. I knew Andrew Young. Andrew Young would never go along with this, and so I'd say to all of us, stand stand up and push back right quick, break Moore with Horace Cooper and Reverend cl Bryan on the other side, breaking every single day. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, as we continue with Horace Cooper and Reverend cl heavy Foot Brian is with us. I don't see the battle of the fight for colorblind society anymore. I see politicians that want to divide every We get this every election year, rich versus poor, old versus young, Black versus white. Republicans are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, transphobic. You know, they want thirty year and water and to kill granny and Grandpa. I mean, it's it's their playbook. It's their only playbook. Well but if their playbook. And that's because if you were to stand up and say, here's what I have for you as a plan, I want your schools to continue to be awful. I want to make sure that your job opportunities are awful. I want to make sure that the dream that you have that your kids are going to live a better life than you doesn't get it's not going to be fulfilled. And you said, well, they don't say that, but that's what their policies will lead to. So we can't talk about what their policies will lead to. So they bring out the boogeyman. The problem that I have is he there is no boogeyman. But b if you go back in time, what you will see is that the radical racist auxiliary, the KKK manipulated the Democrats, and the radical BLM is manipulating the rackle racist BLM is manipulating the Democrats today. No real difference except that Democrats then and now for republican manipulation want in roads with minority voters the Donald Trump economic plan of lower taxes, secure borders, less bureaucracy. That's part of it. The next part of it is every city, every town needs law and order in safety and security for everybody, or you can't pursue happiness. The next part of that equation is every child is born of God, and I mean that, Reverend I'm being serious now, and has talent from God. And the way you bring talent out of our national treasure, our children is through an education system. We haven't less than a minute. Absolutely, it's exactly what must happen, a new education for us. You must come out of the old one that we had, and that is America is the greatest nation on the face of the planet. For everyone who has ever set foot here, the opportunity has been there. It amazes me that those of us who have been here for generations don't see that. Well, there are those that are borders right now clamoring to get in to take advantage of what we take for granted. All right, thank you both our Scooper C. O'Brien. Alright, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine for one seawan is a number of you want to be a part of this program. So before we get to some calls here, you know, this is getting very annoying to me. You know, Joe Biden thinks we have no memories here. He wants to say everything systemic racism. Let's remind you about Joe Biden. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian Americans. Movie from India. You cannot go to a seven eleven or a dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not juggle. You don't know my state. My state was a slave state. My state is a border state. My state is the eighth largest black population in the country. We got the first sort of mainstream cical American who is articulate and brave and clean Bicican guy. I mean, that's a story for unchained Wall Street. You're gonna put y'all back in chains. It's a long way into November. We got more questions, You got more questions. I tell me, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're Form or Trump and you ain't black. We have this notion that somehow, if you're poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as tall as white kids. I'm a twenty nine year old odd ball. The only reason I was able to raise the money is I was able to have a national constituency to run for office because I was twenty. No, I'm like the token black or the token woman. I was the token young person. If we don't, they will, or a portion of them will become the predators fifteen years from now, and Madam President, we have predators on our streets, all right, as promised to our busy telephones. Rona is in Mississippi. Rona, Hi, how are you? Thank you for calling? Glad you willis Hi? Sean, Thank you for taking my call. I'm actually for Missouri. Oh I'm sorry it says Mississippi on my screen. Innocent mistake. I won't call out who made it. Don't worry, it's fine, Okay, thank you for taking my call. Need to say is that I'm married to a retired law officer, and my husband, you know, he was also prior military in the Marine Corps. My dad was a police officer. So I have grown up around officers. I've had respect for them. Our boys have been raised to have respect. They've been around guns, never had a problem, and it just obsess me so much of how law enforcement is being treated these days. You know, believe it or not, there are officers out there that want to do this job, that want to protect their community, and the left is just not wanting that agenda at all. And I'm afraid that the way that we keep going is that there's going to be a mass exodus. People are not going to want to put up with us, because the only thing that's making law enforcement that job doable is what you know, they call the qualified. It's okay, what are you talking about? You're talking about indemnification? Is that where you're headed? In other words, that the cities and towns will no longer indemnify, meaning provide legal counsel for officers, and they'll have to pay that themselves. Let me tell you that's going to be the breaking point, because you can't. You can't. It's impossible. And and there's somebody that has to hire a lot of lawyers in my life, and they're all great people, honestly, and they all do a great job for me. But I have a lot of them because in this day and age, I can't even be if I ever spent the time to tell you the crap that goes on to be a conservative on the air in this country, in this day and age, it's it would blow your mind. It's not about me. But if cops have to, if they can't get indemnification, it's over. They'll walk because at that point the risk is too high normal they ever be willing to put themselves in harm's way. But even without that, Rona, I'm telling you right now, no, I don't know people that want to be cops every single And I had a lot of law enforcement in my family. And the two guys that made it to the FBI, the last name was Flynn. They were deity in my family. Amazing two brothers, and I stay in touch with the one brother that's still alive and he's a great guy. And anyway, my mom was a prison guard, my dad was did family cor probation. I had so many people that were NYPD cops, and and then the rest of my family when they the next generation kind of you know, gravitated towards you know, being nurses and doctors. And now the next generation is even doing better, you know, going to good schools and all the stuff I couldn't afford to, you know, I had to pay my own way, and I didn't have enough money to finish. So I don't think anybody's gonna want to do it. In a sad part of this is like a great teacher, like a eight fireman, like a great emt like a great doctor nurse. Uh. These everyone I know that wanted to be a cop, had a calling to do it. They're willing to take on that risk, put themselves in harm's way to protect and to serve thee good cops. But I don't think anyone's gonna want to do it anymore. I talk to my cop runs. They don't want to go near trouble anymore. They don't want any part of it. But they don't because nowadays it's like in the George Floyd cases that you nowadays you cannot go less to be confident that you as officer, you're junior protect and serve humans, protecting Jim. I'm afraid all their camels social media. Yeah, I guarantee you that not everyone waits at this day, but the police officer and has in their minds, Okay, today I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna do this, or I'm gonna go out and do that no, they to the nose they want. Do you know it's a very Look at the tape last week. Look look at the three cops in Georgia that got shot. Look at the New Mexico cop of routine, routine traffic stop ends up being dead. This happens every day. We've lost one hundred and three officers so far this year. Nobody knows their names, and I don't hear people people. I don't see the outrage in these cases. Now, why does some cases become high profile and others don't? I don't know. Why do I scroll the names? Why don't I scroll the names? Back when Biden and Obama, when all these shootings take place in Chicago, they still continue today every weekend. Names you've never heard of, because they can't politicize it, because if they really cared about shootings and killings, they fix what is going on and has been going on for you know, decades in Chicago and other big cities run by liberal Democrats for decades. Anyway, good call, appreciate it. William next in Arkansas, William, how are you glad you called? Oh? I'm fantastic, Thanks for accepting my call. What can I do for you? Yeah, I was. My comments were in reference to the trial. I didn't believe that it was for me. It wasn't so much about black or white, or Republican or democratic. It's understanding that police brutality is police brutality and racism and racism. And over the years, what we've begun to do is to blur the lines. For every bad cop, there's a hundred good cops. And in my life, I had the privilege of being born and raised in Washington, DC, where it was mostly African American. As a teenager, I was harassed by police and none of them were white. And then I also had the opportunity to move to Arkansas and it was flipped around. So it just depended on where I was. But the one thing that my parents always taught me was when I got pulled over, was to honor, always honor the police officer because there's always another way out. There's always another way to I guess you could put there's always another way to solve an issue. You're not gonna win. George Floyd didn't win, and I don't care how many posters they put up. He didn't win the situation. None of the bodies and the lives that have paved the way for the arguments and the debates that we have had and are having ongoing right now. They didn't win. It's a non win situation. I believed that there was going to be some type of guilty verdict for Derek. I didn't believe that his family needs to be ostracized after this. There's so many sides to this. I don't believe he had a fair trial. There's a lot of things that we've got to think about here. Let me let me see if I can sum it up for you. I do think there is a need for more training because the two things that I believe convicted Derek Chauvin was the nine and a half minute tape, the nine minute any nine second tape, the police chief testifying this is absolutely not what we train, how we train our officers, and officers are taught about the vulnerability of somebody's neck. The other part was he wasn't resisting anymore. Please, sir, I can't breathe Please, he's being polite. He wasn't resisting at that point in anyway. He had handcuffs on. There was no need to continue any any use of force whatsoever at that moment. Now you could have put leg restraints on him and if he wouldn't get in the car, then you put him in the back of a van. And there's nothing you could do at that point. And it's so there's and I like non lethal alternatives for cops short of the taser. So I think there's a you know, more training. And I'll tell you one thing you mentioned I've taught my kids. If you ever get pulled over by a police officer, you pull over to the side of the road safely, you know, acknowledge, and roll down your window. It's a good idea to put your hands outside the window and you address the officers. Yes, sir, yes, officer, yes, ma'am. No, ma'am, yes sir, no, sir, yes, officer, no, officer, thank you, officer. It's not the time to argue. If they're gonna write you the ticket, take the ticket that I mean, and be polite and understand. We have to understand their mindset. They have no idea who you are when they pull you over. The well, they may have an idea. They might know if your car is stolen. They might know that there's a warrant out for your arrest, like in the case that took place where the officers seemingly had this accidental discharge. So I mean it's they're just we have to have some understanding of how they feel in that moment. They have no idea what they're about to face when they pull somebody over. That guy that was killed the cop in New Mexico had no idea. If we do these things, I think things turn around. Last word, Yeah, I agree also, And I guess my whole point is is that I wish that we could see in officers in complete day, to take him from the time that he begins his jobalists. If he starts at eight am in the morning and he ends at four pm. I believe that that full footage of his whole day and what they go through plays an important part of split second decisions. If he was just in a hostile situation twenty minutes before, what happens twenty minutes after. And I'm not just talking about Derek Sherlman trial. I'm talking about as a whole. There's so much more that nobody wants to talk about, but we keep me yelling about and until we actually come together and do something. And this is the only reason I call when I'll quickly say this, the reason that I called is because yesterday I've listened to you ever since the second year, for six years during the Obama four years doing Trump, and yesterday was the first day that I felt that you weren't being heard and I wanted to scream out for you. I wanted to articulate for you from an African Americans' perspective, that we hear you, we are listening to you, and you are turning America page. What part did you think I wasn't being hurt? On? Well, when when they actually when you started asking the questions to the people that were in the crowd, and I knew in my heart that when you were trying to articulate was that are we going to be fair for the police officers that are getting attacked? And I don't I don't believe that you were really being hurt. And I think that, oh, I think I was being hurt. I gently disagree with you. I think I was heard all too clearly. And I think the sad part, and you're talking about when we had Army Horowitz, he was outside the courtroom. I think it was just prior to the Verder coming in and he put one of the people that you know, thousands of people showed up and he put a person on and we talked about the George Floyd case. The we said, well, what about the people that throw bricks and rocks and bottles and molotov cocktails at cops? And I asked, you condemn that violence? And well, I'm not going to answer that, okay, because we know the answer. The answer is it's perfectly acceptable to some people. Sure, and that is a sad commentary on society today, but that's also a reality that but that's the whole defund the police, dismantle the police. Look, I'll be honest, I can I'll live perfectly fine myself. I'll make sure my family safe, but most people will not be safe, especially people in cities and towns that have higher incidences of crime. Rudy Giuliani, you may hate his politics, but he showed us how. He showed us away that we can save lives. You put a heavy concentration a police sources in the neighborhoods with the most crime. Whatever a neighborhood it is, doesn't wherever it is, where it's happening. Concentrate added stop and frisk, which constitutionally I don't really love, but it did work and it was necessary because you're losing nearly three thousand people a year at that point. And nobody wants to listen to Rudy Giuliani on this issue because I don't like his politics. But politics have nothing to do with it. Anybody. I don't care if you're a liberal, Democrat, Republican, I don't care. If you have a better idea. I want to hear it and we need to implement it anyway. I've I've got a roll, appreciate the call. Thank you so much, eight hundred nine for one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. That's gonna wrap things up for today. We'll have the latest out of this Columbus shooting and the insanity of the White House's reaction to it. Also the latest on these schools and wokeness and parents fighting back. The lawyer for the teacher on leave from that woke school that we told you about is going to join us. Leo Terrell Tonight, Laura Trump whose kids went to New York schools, Herschel Walker, Jim Jordan, a much more nine Eastern Hannity, please say your DVR Fox News Channel. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us. You make the show possible.