Fake News On Display

Published Oct 17, 2019, 10:00 PM

Lin Wood, the renowned attorney from the Richard Jewell case, is here to discuss his current case representing the Covington Catholic school kids; specifically Nicholas Sandmann. Remember that the Covington students case put the left’s bias and willingness to run with fake news on display. The nets attacked the children, some from specifically from CNN talking about physically hurting the children. 

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All right, glad you with us toll free telephone numbers eight hundred and nine four one. Sean you want to be a part of the program. I'm looking at the media apparently there now in a breathless cisteria meltdown, breakdown, you know, typical mode, because of some stupid comment that Mick mulvaney apparently made. I just talked to a couple of people that said, no, no, he meant this, No, no, he meant that. I'm like, I'm like because the way the media is pointing at Mulvaney confirmed Ukraine aid held withheld in part over request to investigate democrats, despite Trump's denial of Quinn pro quo. Well, even the Ukrainian president said there was nothing like that, and everyone else said it, and we had the transcript that didn't say it. So, I mean the fact that he this guy can't put two sentences together like anyone else is nothing. You got to remember something here. And this is where the mop is so corrupt in the media. You've got Joe Biden on tape. You got him on tape literally saying you got six hours. In other words, he's shaking down Ukraine threatening to withhold a billion taxpayer dollars. Yeah, you got six hours. Fire the guy, or you're not getting the money. Nobody in the medium mob cares. Nobody in the medium mob at all. He's any attention to that yesterday or whatever it was earlier in the week. Then you got Hunter Biden, genius that he is. I mean, it is so bad. I can't even believe that they allowed him to do it. And he goes on and on. This is what he's saying. Okay, Well, tell us about your experience. I was once on a board a damn track. I'm like, well, how'd you get on that board? But once got all aboard am track, he said, I hope about you doing. What did he think you were doing? Well? He read the press reports that I joined the board of Barisma, which was a Ukrainian natural gas company, and there's been a lot of misinformation about me, not about my dad. Nobody buys that, but it buys this idea that I was unqualified to be on the board. What were your qualifications to be on the board of Barisma? Well, I was vice chairman of the board of Amtrak for five years. I was the chairman of the board of the UN World Food Program I was a lawyer for boy Schiller Flexner, one of the most prestigious law firms in the world. You didn't have any extensive knowledge about natural gas or Ukraine itself, So no, but I think that I had as much knowledge as anybody else that was on the board, if not more. No experience with the Ukraine, no experience and energy, oil gas. The father demands the firing of the prosecutor, who told the Washington Post and ABC News that he was fired for one reason and one reason only, and that's because Joe Biden demanded it. Now you think about this for just a second here, because this is important. So the media ignores it, they defend it, and then they justify it. These guys are on tape basically saying, yeah, this total chronyism here, complete chronyism at the highest level. Why do you think? And then same with China. There is nothing, no experience in China except that he flew with his dad to China ten days prior to a billion dollar which became a billion five dollar private equity deal. I haven't received a penny. We saw you in those photos getting off of Air Force two with your daughter, with your father everywhere with my dad and I went there because my daughter was on the trip too. Did you talk about China or your deal with China? A twelve hour flight over that never came up. No, your father did shake hands with mister Lee though correct in the lobby of that hotel. I don't remember, but probably yeah, I hope, so, I hope he did. It was my friend, Yeah, for almost thirteen years he was your friend business. I understand totally. Amy. Whether I'm in New York or whether I'm in Washington, DC, a friend in the business associated is in the hotel and my dad's staying there, is it inappropriate for me to have coffee with them? That It was not a mistake, It was not. Ten days later, this guy gets the exact I mean, this is the amazing thing. He gets something that he again he's not qualified in no experience it. Now, then, why is this important? It's important because the media is that abusively biased, and if it was Vice President Trump and Donald Trump Junior, they would not relent on this corruption one bit, not even a little bit, and it would be impeachment, impeachment, impeiment, and they wouldn't be told every second of every hour of every minute of every day that it is a conspiracy theory and it's unproven. But let me ask you anyway, because everyone will get mad if you know, I don't say that. So you got the phone call with the transcript of the president, and you know, you go back to the transcript. Now, keep in mind, a president's constitutional duty is what to faithfully execute the laws of the land. We also have with Ukraine, by the way, also with Italy and also with Great Britain. What do we have We have cooperation agreements and in criminal matters. Wow, So the president says, what did he say in the transcript orget the non whistleblower whistle blower, I would like you to do us a favorite, though, because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. What is the president talking about there? Obviously the election interference that we have described in detail, that even Politico wrote about January eleven, twenty seventeen. The country just spent nearly three years everybody seemed to care about Russian interference in our elections. Now the president, who has a sworn constitutional oath and duty to faithfully execute the laws of the land, is he saying your country knows a lot about it, because they've already on record admitting it. And what did they do. They interfered in our elections and they did it to benefit Hillary Clinton. But the double standard is if it's not for Trump, who cares? Who cares in any way? And he said, I'd like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine. They say, crowd, I guess you have one of your wealthy people or whatever. The server. They say, Ukraine has it. A lot of things that went on the whole situation. He's talking about election interference. The mob and the media is said they cared about election interference, but only Trump Russia interference for separate investigations. Nothing zero. And then he says, I guess you have you know your people, the server Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on a whole situation, and I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people, meaning just government's corrupt that you have here. And then he said, I'd like to have the Attorney general call you or your people. Why what do you think the Attorney general has been doing in Italy and Great Britain lately? It's about election interference, that's right, whether or not. Outsourcing of intelligence gathering and spying on a campaign, a team, etc. Etc. And a president And I'd like to think your Attorney general will call your people and I'd like to get to the bottom of it. I thought the media wanted to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, the whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Muller, an incompetent performance. But they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, he said, it's very important that you do it if that's possible. Why because he's faithfully executing the laws of the land. There's nothing there about a quid pro quel. Now I have no idea what mickmilvney was talking about. And here's what he said today that the media is saying, this is it. We got him, We got him? Is mckmilvney. And I hate to tell you this. Mickmilvney's comments, has any evidence to back this up? Be great, but you know he goes well, I think his acknowledgement that they've you know, I mean, it's what are we supposed to the playlet tape of Bilvaaney that He also mentioned to me in past the corruption related to the DNC server. Absolutely no question about that. But that's it, and that's why we held up the money. Now, there was a report the demand for an investigation into the Democrats was part of the reason that he was on the twofold funding to the look back to what happened in twenty sixteen certainly was part of the thing that he was worried about in corruption with that nation. Then that is absolutely approp in the funding. Yeah, and which which ultimately then flowed to clear you just described as a quid pro quo. It is funding will not flow unless the investigation into the into the Democrat server, uh, happened as well. We do. We do that all the time. What is he talking about, because that's not even in the transcript. You know what, I'm going to tell you something here. All of this is just designed to put everything in the worst light of Donald Trump when you compare and contrast even you know whoever the cheapest staff is, which I think is just ridiculously inarticulate. When you compare and contrast what we have on tape with Hunter now and Joe Biden and what we have and what we know from the January eleven, twenty seventeen. I'll go back and read it in the next segment political article about Ukrainian interference in our election. They don't care at all. They don't care. Why did Ukraine and China pay millions of dollars to Hunter Biden with no experience while he was vice president? Because they're trying to buy favor with the Biden family. And you have to suspend all reason, common sense, and belief that there's not a quid pro quo, that this is not a wink and a nod. I'll scratch your back, you scratch my back, that's what it is. And then Hunter admitting everything that we suspected and it's not a big deal to the mob in the media. There's no I would like you to do us a favor because your country has been through a lot in Ukraine knows a lot about it. Election interference twenty sixteen. I would like you to find out what happened this whole you know, situation with Ukraine. They say CrowdStrike. I guess you have one of your wealthy people the server that they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on the whole situation election interference. And by the way, I think you're surrounding yourself with the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people. That's because that's what the Attorney General's job is to do. If there was election interfere that's what their job is to do. Biden's name isn't even mentioned in this whole part about a favor. It's all about election interference, every aspect of it. And Ukraine now admitting I'm just gonna quote Politico, I quote anyone else that they interfered in our election. And you know, I think Mulveny needs to explain in full what the hell he's talking about, because it doesn't make any sense based on this transcript, none whatsoever. And I will tell you, having a constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws of the land, and when you have the president of Ukraine and you have the other person in Ukraine, one of the other foreign minister Ukraine, same thing. We didn't feel any pressure, We didn't even know about any funds withheld at all, President saying nothing about quit pro quo. It's in the transcript. How do you get off the transcript? You know, like a fake whistleblower whistleblower's interpretation of hearsay evidence. It's the same principle here and never ends, never ends. There are some stupid people, I will tell you, and I mean, you know, it's not even the stupid people. There are stupid people in Washington, I mean, just idiots. But I'll tell you what's even worse is the mob's corruption. It is so it stinks to high heaven. Just comparing Biden the Biden's of what they say on tape. Just imagine Hillary Clinton. Remember Donald Trump, you know, puts top secret classified information on a server, The leads a poen at emails, cleans the hard drives, bust ups the devices. Imagine if Trump had the dirty dossier. Imagine if Trump, you know, was involved in an operation a spy on Hillary Clinton's campaign, transition and presidency. They don't care about any of it. That's how sick, ugly twisted corrupt things are. You know, the only one on tape that is colluding with a Russian at once dirt on a candidate, That would be the cowardly shift. By the way, So he tried to pressure to the Washington Examiner. Transcript tamed by the Washington Examiner, because what's happening here is don't understand what the Democrats are doing now. The radical socialist Democrats are holding the secret Soviet style impeachment coup interrogations. They don't want anything in public. They don't want a single thing in public. And I've never seen anything like this because if they did it in public, well then the president would actually have real rights and real you know, just look at it. They don't even want the Republicans to be able to do anything. Why won't they grant coeek will subpoena power to the Chair and the ranking member. Why won't they require all subpoenas be subject to a vote of the full committee at the request of either the chair ranking member. Why don't they provide the president's counsel the right to attend all the hearings and depositions. Why won't they provide the president's counsel the right to present evidence? Why don't they provide the president's counsel the right to object to the admittance of evidence, or provide the president's counsel the right to recommend a witness list. They don't they don't want fairness is secret Soviet style and impeachment. Who attempt? All this is and it's all based on politics, and you have to defy reason, logic, intelligence, of common sense to get there. I just think half of these Republicans too, What is Mulvini even talking about? I just think he's dumb, I really do. I don't even think he knows what he's talking about. How's my take on it? You got the cowardly Shift we know pressured Ukraine Ukraine witness to change his testimony. No wonder ny blows. He wants to keep her her secret Soviet style impeachment coup in place and not let anybody know anything anyway. They got the transcript from the Washington Examiner. The cowardly shift. The biggest liar in Congress has been apparently pressuring key witnesses to change the testimony. Well that's pretty you know, brazen, don't you think? Anyway? It goes on in an interview, the cowardly shift. You know, the leader of this secret Soviet style impeachment coup attempt is out there pressing the former US Special Representative to Ukraine, Kurt Boker, to testify that Ukrainian officials felt pressured to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter as a result of withholding US military aid to Ukraine. Well, we know Biden is on tape saying he did that. Boker denied that was the case, noting that Ukrainian leader didn't even know the aid was being withheld and that they believe their relationship with the US was moving satisfactorily without having done anything that Trump mentioned in his July twenty fifth, now infamous phone conversation with the Ukrainian President Zelenski, when Voker repeatedly declined to agree with the cowardly Shifts characterization of events, Shift said, Ambassador, you're making this much more complicated than it has to be. I guess the truth is complicated. This is what you know. This is why I think some of these people are so stupid. Read the transcript. We don't need a non whistle blower. Whistleblower, you don't need a chief of staff's idiotic interpretation of things. When the President and the President of Ukraine and everybody else can read it all themselves, that's what's amazing. And again, nobody cares about Biden on tape involved in a shakedown with taxpayer money, because the New York I'm sorry. The Washington Post an ABC say that the prosecutor said he was fired because of Biden. Biden said, six hours. You're out of there now we have Hunter Biden have any experience? What why? What qualified? You know? No experience, ukrate, no, China, no any experience and energy oil gas, no private equity. No. Why do you think you got it? I don't know. Do you think maybe it has to do with the fact you're a Biden. Yeah? Probably, I mean that all happened. There's no media madness about that. So twisted. Everything is I mean, up is down, down is up? I just it just it's breathtaking to watch this. The really big picture is we're watching the country literally disintegrate. Constitutional republic that we are disintegrate, go right down the tubes anyway. Boker kept saying, doesn't have to be this complimicated. Then Ship began to push the quid pro Coe allegations, asking Volker whether he would agree that no president in the United States should ever ask a foreign leader to help intervene in the US election. You know what the great irony and all that is. I have the article in front of me. Politico January eleventh, twenty seventeen headline Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire. This is before Trump's even sworn in Kieva. Now think of let's go back to the cowardly Shift's question. You know when it's complicated. I guess it's more complicated. You're making it than it needs to be. Then he says to Voker, would you agree no president of the United States should ever ask a foreign leader to help intervene in the US election. I agree with that, said Voker, And that would be particularly egregious if it was done in the context of withholding foreign assistance. And Shift continued Foker, balk, Well, we're getting now into a conflation of these things that I don't think was actually there. Shift and pushes it again. If it's inappropriate for a president to seek foreign help in a US election, it would be doubly so if a president was doing that at a time when the United States was withholding military support from the country. Bokers doesn't agree. I can't really speak to that. My understanding of security assistance issue is why can't you speak to that, Ambassador interrupts him. You're a career diplomat, you can understand the enormous leverage that a president would have withholding military support from an ally at war with Russia. You can understand just how significant that would be. And by the way, the irony in all of this is the person now think about this, should I know, would you agree no president in the United States should ever ask a foreign leader to help intervene in an election. Meanwhile, he's on the phone with somebody thinks as a Russian asking about the compromising matitials. He's on phone asking what's the nature of the compromising mat titials? Naked trumb naked picks of the naked thrumb? Does Vladimir know he's on tape doing that? And that's the great irony here. And then Volker said, I can't speak to that. My understanding of the security assistant issue is why can't you speak to that? You're a career diplomat. You can understand the enormous leverage that a president would have withholding military support. You mean, like Joe Biden withholding aid to stop and get a prosecutor in Ukraine fired, or you know, a kid's getting paid millions with no experience at all. Is that not buying influence? Again, everything they accused Trump of they are more than guilty of. You just can't understand how significant that would be, correct Voker, try to go along without Actually I can understand that would be significant. And the cowardly shift, And when that suspension of aid became known to the country Ukraine, it would be all the more weighty to consider what the president and had asked of them, wouldn't it So again, Congressman, I don't believe chefs interrupts. It's a pretty straightforward question. I don't believe the Ukrainians were aware that the assistance was being held up. They became aware of it. They became aware later, but I don't believe they're were aware at the time. No leverage implied, Well, well, let's now go back with all that understanding of you know, what is what is the big question here from the cowardly shift? You know the no president in the United States should ever ask a foreign leader to help intervene in an election. Now with all the years history, again, the president says, I need a favor. I need you to get to the bottom of this. I'd like you to do us a favor. Our country has been through a lot. Ukraine knows a lot about it. I'd like you to find out what happened. He has a constitutional duty to faithfully execute. We have an agreement with Ukraine investigating political matters. Why is Barr and Durham in Italy and Great Britain? See, I mean it's everything with this whole thing to five logic, everything, and it goes. Ukrainian efforts to sabotize Trump backfire. Heev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president elect after quietly working to boost Clinton loops hang on a second President Porshenko's administration, along with the Ukrainian embassy in Washington, insists that Ukraine stayed neutral in the American presidential race. Donald Trump wasn't the only presidential candidate whose campaign was boosted by officials of a former Soviet Bloc country. Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. Oh, Ukrainian election interference twenty sixteen. I thought that was important. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested that they were investigating the matter only two back away after the election, and they helped Clinton allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisors. A political investigation found. Wow, twenty sixteen election interference. I think that would be the very thing the President was saying in the transcript that Ukraine knows a lot about it, and the president, as a constitutional duty, a swore note to faithfully execute. And it goes on. Donald, you know, Ukrainian officials tried to help Hillary and undermine Trump and look for research damaging information on Trump and his advisors. A Ukrainian American operative, a consulting figure for the DNC. Whoopsie, Daisy, you mean the Democratic National Committee. They met with top officials in the Ukrainian embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort, and Russia. They were digging up and they were enlisting. Ukraine's helped to dig up dirt on Trump to interfere in the election. Wow. Political, I didn't know there were members of the vast right wing conspiracy. And it goes on in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort, and Russia. According to people with direct knowledge of the situation, it goes on the Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race. They impacted the twenty sixteen election, helping to force Manafort's resignation, advancing the narrative that Trump's campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine's foe to the east, Russia, but they were far less concerted essentially directed then Russia's alleged hacking and dissemination of democratic emails. Okay, Russia's effort was directed by Putin and goes on to talk about that. And by the way, somebody have one of my sources telling me that in fact, investigators literally found similar information about Russia's attempts to help Pillory, except they treated it differently. Let's see if that comes out one day. Put that in your toolbox for you know, back in the at some point during the day you might want to think about that or later. Anyway, there's little evidence of top down effort to Ukraine. Well, who is doing it done? Anyway, it's corruption, factionalism. Why is it that it's okay now that we have the Biden shakedown on tape and the admission on tape, the leveraging of tax dollars to fire a prosecutor. Why would any vice president ever demand that. Then you have the kid on tape now admitting no experience millions and millions and millions of dollars, and nobody in the mob and the media cares. They don't even care a little bit. They don't even care one bit. I mean, that is to me breathtaking the fact that America has a constitutional system and a constitutional duty. Why is the origins of the Russia what is now you know, Operation Crossfire Hurricane a counterintelligence investigation? Why has it taken US Attorney John Durham, Attorney General bar to Italy, Great Britain and Australia in terms of getting the information? Why is that key? Why does it matter if Russian interference is so important? In four investigations cleared Donald Trump that a dossier full of Russian lies that was disseminated to the American people prior to the twenty sixteen election, because they weeded out parts of the dirty dossier to you know, hacks in conspiracy theorists like Michael Isizikoff and David Korne and that got out, you know, to the American voter before the election. That became the bulk of information to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on a campaign of transition and then a presidency. How does that not rise to the level of the media's intensity. And the same thing with the bidens, How does that not rise to the level of intensity? Because if Donald Trump did any of these things, you replace Hillary Clinton with Donald Trump, a secret server, you know, subpoena, emause, dirty dossier, the dossier leaked. Then of course the premeditative fraud on a fies a court, outsourcing of intelligence gathering to allied countries to spy. Another way, in a president, Ukrainian officials up to their eyeballs helping Hillary Clinton with because the DNC operative is meeting with them and requesting it on behalf of the Hillary campaign. And none of that ever becomes er ever, Garners any urgency. You talk about Hunter Biden and Joe Biden and what we have now on tape right there, it's a conspiracy theory, they'll say, unproven. I said, I'm not going to give over. We're not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority, You're not the president, the president said. I said, calling them, i said, I'm telling you're not getting a billion dollars. I said, you're not getting a billion, I'm gonna be leaving here. And I think it was what six hours. I look, I said, leaving six hours. If the prosecutors not fired, you're not getting the money, or son of them got fired. Ask yourself, do you think that Ukraine and China were giving the inexperienced Hunter Biden money because they just met him and liked them. Were they expecting something in return? Buying influence for the second most powerful person in the United States of America at the time. What does your own common sense tell you, What does your own reason tell you? What does your own intelligence tell you? And if the President's trying to get to the bottom of Ukrainian election interferences in trouble, that's a problem when everybody for three years, this is what he's been through personally, and yet it really did happen. Nobody cares, never cared about the dirty Darsie either going to lose the country. I'm telling you half the country is mad money him calling about fifteen years Okay, we stop. Well, I mean you're obviously once you're doing at this point to so just I can't listen to it. It's all bull, It's all bull. It's all just looking at and I wish that wasn't the case, you know what I mean. I'm not I'm not super throb with what we do. I've won our air anymore. Ninety five, you're five ninety five. I've been here for a little while, so I hate sheeen what we were and what we could be and what we were done awful. But then then Trump's getting hammered from twisting it off, you know what I mean, It's I don't know, man, um, he has survived everything up to this point, easy bill point and survived getting up on our table or you know what I'm saying. But my guess is the house is crazy enough to go through it, and there's starting Yeah, um everyone, everyone's trying to do this from a whole year than now perspective, like, oh, he abused his power and also pected so five up there? Who power debt? Every freaking debt that's not going to go away? Who Ukraine thing or just in generally general will go away as or any guys quickly. I think I just took an anchor and put him on the desk on the news. We're so busy trying to find to get appointment viewership. You're just regular, day in, day out telling the news. You're not going to compete with fos been messing ABC because we don't, even though we're totally left me, we're not. We don't want to admit it. And CNN as a whole, look, I like the network. I like overall what they was looking for. I think maybe they lost their way in a little bit with all the time stuff. We could fire half nothing I ever say fire. Yeah, I guess we don't need to have shows being produce. I mean, somebody show like the Acts Files. They seeing that only errors like once a month. The thing costs like preaching to make. I really like and see because it looks like raffle. It's it's like it's it's David act Rod interviewing b players, you know what I mean. And they did that. They hired them to do this because they're hoping they're going to get the first Obama interview. It used to be it was it was kind of boring. It was very like CNN. I'm not saying son I get two very like packages. And it was really just straight just straight up news, right. Um. Yeah, there wasn't as much opinion in panel and the same people. It was interviews with lots of foreign leaders, which was very bad. Cold do like that we got to hear a lot more from the world. Um was Zooka took over. It wasn't until Trump that we ended up being all Trump all the time. He was very um. He liked the panels. It did sort of jazz it up. He basically said, I mean essentially, you know, not verbative but paraphrasing. But it blew my mind that we have this huge like apparatus and like, hey, screw all the other stuff. We need to sever all resources to keep We have so many resources that could do other stuff. I said, like media, their purposiness to create is to well, essentially they would say, like to to tell the news. But but in the process sometimes they try to create things by either focusing on congressmen that have issues with the president and then trying to force the president to give a response to mature Um, making sure like the top of the rundowns are always like that one big fode and that's like Rara exactly. And it's interesting, Well, it's the provoked contract because conflict drives clicks. For example, President vice president invited, so you said this and this and this about your healthcare policy, Christian Jella Brand criticize her policy. How do you wass about to Senor jilla Brand, Yeah, something like that, right, And that's not on accident, right, it's about an accidentum because while CNN says like they want to portray the contrast, but really it's partly because you want, you know, like hotflicts to spook sells. Nobody wants to hear one minute can statements catch? So makes sense? Yeah, that's it's great, it right, great clicks get our money? Is that taught in journalism school? Now? I will You're not going to even go to journals school. It's all common sense school and true absolutely like street smarts, well, and you learn that in journalists from school or are supposed to. That's her job. Now it's just now it's just into Attainment's all it's become. There is no true media news outlook. So Jack ut to run the show. Jack run, so he may he will personally go into the control. And if Jake Toppers didn't really coming in Conway, he one time that he went to control and bringing on interview and he was like he keep going to keep going, asking much flow pass to Commer for lights keep going. I mean it turned the seven minute we toward twenty five minute over whild because John Supper the person when he got on the phone like Topper, what was happening or he got into his ear that he was any calling hotway and then will Shade she was about Argus going back and forth Topper and Zucker told him that everybody's keep going, keep going and keep going. Don't stopping guys, because you were jamming her out. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean kind of condos whatever. How I like the fact that you guys are jamming her up. He did see started to tell you because she deserves it, she's lying about she or she's just sliker? Is it? So? Zucker seems an opportunity they don't. All right, our two Sean Hannity show. There you have it, the work of Project Veritas. That now the third installation there undercover project of fake News CNN. Boy, I never really realized how fake it could be. Pretty unbelievable to me in terms of what we just heard there. I mean, it's fascinating. You have a number of players involved in this heavy focus on their field manager. Guy by the name of Patrick Davis. We had shown you the other night, Carrie Porch and I interviewed him. By the way, Bernie Sanders supporting Democrat, not a part of the vast right wing conspiracy. But you hear the people working for CNN and the last bit about I guess Jake Tapper was doing the fake Jacob. We can call him now with confidence. Getting the marching order is directly from Jeff Zucker. Blow the breaks, pet her up, pounce on her, you know, just like we had heard Lindsey Graham. I know a lot of people like Lindsey Graham. No more of this friendship stuff. Get at it, go after them. It's about impeachment. Wow, this isn't news. I am telling anyone that will listen. It's an all hands on deck moment. If you believe that the electoral process should remain, we should have fidelity to it and remain as it is. And people have not gotten over Trump's win. In twenty sixteen four separate Russia Russia investigations, we had the FBI investigation nothing, they had nothing, Lisa Page, Peter Struck confirmed that. Then we have the House Intelligence Committee investigation nothing, the Bipartisan Senate investigation nothing, the Mueller Report. Nothing, so they just well, we'll pick something. Nancy Pelosi said even the day before they even had the transcript of the President's call with the President of Ukraine. This is like the radical Democrats Soviet style, secret Soviet style impeachment coup attempt here, and they're going through with it. That's what's really scary anyway. James O'Keeffe is the founder of Project Veritas, also with us as Carrie Porch, who bravely went under cover in this whole endeavor. Here. Welcome both of you. Carry I know we had you on TV, but I want you to explain why you decided to do this and your political leanings are. I don't think you agree with me a lot on issues, but you support it, I guess. Bernie Sanders right, Yes, sir Sean, thanks again for having me on again and the first time meeting in the other night was great. It's much appreciated. I thank you. The correct of why I did it is I mean, yeah, I see the tapes instead, you know I came. I came see CNN as a contractor at the at the Bureau and DC. You know, a card carrying Democrat, Bernie supporter and just through whatever I've seen, it basically kind of eventually over the course at time, sort of pushing me back to the center center right. And you know, I can probably identify surprisingly as a as a kind of a conservative leaning now that working at CNN, I think you and your listeners would get a kick out of that. But I just saw a lot of stuff that just really rubbed me the wrong way because I've always been a seeker of truth, even when even when I was on the left, and I just wanted people to own where they're at or just disclose that or you know, if they you know, Fox is obviously conservative, MSNBC obviously left. Wait, not everybody in Fox is conservative. I'm just telling you there are some people of Fox that hate what I do. I'm just being straight up with you, but hey, that that's their prerogative, and I know I agree. I have no problem with it. Yeah, And that's definitely people can't People can't believe I was friends with Chep. We just never talk politics, I'll just you know, but we got He's the best guy with breaking news, I'll tell you that indeed. And I loved watching Sheep too. I get my news sources from everywhere to get as well rounded as I could. The point is that you know, you and Sheep disagreed. For example, I'm sure the other you know, left leaning people on your staff, you know, but I know you don't suppress their viewpoints or intimidate them in any way. And that was one of the things that I saw throughout the building is that there was a specific kind of group think. And I've had private conversations even not on the tapes of people that hey, I lean writer, I voted for Trump. I just can't say that here because I'll lose my job. And to me, that just raised so many alarm bills that like just erose the first amendments. And obviously it's a private business, YadA, YadA, YadA, but I don't want to be a part of anything where people are afraid to, you know, exercise their most basic rights. Guarantee it under the Bill of Rights in Constitution. So, you know, I decided to seek James out, you know, when I met him, and it was the hardest thing I've ever done. I'm still going through it, obviously, bracing for impact of any blowback the other way, you know, but we're just going to take it one step, but it's time. But what I can say, Sewan is that James Keith and the rest of the team at Veritas have done everything to make it as easy as possible to come forward and shed the light on some of these things. They've they've taken care of me and my family. You know, They've paid a bunch of money for this operation. I mean they Everything James has promised me has come true and then some, and I just can't there is some ambiguity, and I don't want to ignore. James O'Keefe was on the line with us here. James, I'm sorry. Did you lose your job over this? I did. I still don't have confirmation one way or the other whether it was a resignation or a termination. I can only assume still that I was terminated because I was supposed to resign the day after it was released, but when it released and went wild, my phone was turned off. I actually got some money taken back out on my account that we agreed upon, you know, So I can only assume that was a termination. But again I don't have confirmation. Can I get some more details you had CNN knew you did this beforehand? No, no, no, no, one knew this before where it went out? Okay, and when you say money taken out, did they did they took your phone away or turned your phone off, stop paying you? That would be being fired. I can only assume that. So my contracting company, like I said, we had an agreement where I had a few like a week left at TCO, you know, provided I work until you know, Tuesday, and then they would just stick it on the check. The thing is that I worked obviously one day short, you know. Then it was kind of taken back and my phone less turned off. So understood logically, logically, I deducted that I was fired quick break. James will get to you, I promised, don't be mad at us here. We wanted to play the tape and let it speak for itself. We'll come back, We'll continue. Attorney Lynn would remember he represented Richard Jewel. We he and I go back that far. I was the only one that didn't rush the judgment in the media. Then I learned a big lesson. And now representing Nicholas Samman, we've got an update on that. That sixteen year old kid with a Maga hat. We've got a lot more coming up as well. Big breaking news day and of course the secret Soviet style impeachment coup attempt is ongoing, all in secret. Right As we continue with James O'Keefe, he is the founder of Project Veritas also carry Porch, part of this undercover investigation of CNN. First of all, I think, you know, Carrie risked a lot here, James others probably now are in deep, deep trouble, and they did it anyway. That speaks volumes. I think about who these people are and how much they care about truth and news and what has now become full on propaganda domain state run TV for the Democrats. This is having a big impact. Well yeah, true, is Sean? I mean, the videos, thanks to Carry on the Line here have earned over one million tweets, which is unbelievable, and not a single comment from CNN. Yet unable to engage in defamation, they're pretty much rendered mute. But I think this third tape is maybe, in my opinion, the strongest yet, because we have veterans of twenty five years saying we're totally this is a direct quote, we're totally left leaning, but we don't like to admit it. And then another field production surpriser says quote. The only way this will go away is when Trump dies, hopefully soon unquote. The President has tweeted about this three times. He's having a rally tonight. I wouldn't be surprised if he talks about this. And you know this is Carry's a very brave man. I think that he has already enticed other people like him to come forward to us. And this is the kind of a new movement here where people are so fed up. They're not necessarily right wing. They're just people who are angry at what they see and here, and they want to blow the whistle. So I just give Carry all the credit in the world. And I'm proud of him for going through this. And he had to go fund me page that maxed out. So stay right there, we're going to take a break. We'll carry you over to the other side. Play a little bit more of this tape. James O'Keefe found our project a toss carry porches with us. Uh. He did the hard undercover work at CNN. UM. Maybe some reaction he's also getting from his former colleagues. Eight hundred and nine for one Seawan is our toll free telephone number. Lynn Wood. Remember he was the renowned attorney in the Richard Jewel case now is specifically representing Nicholas Sandman, the kid with the Maga hat, and and Native American Nathan Phillips and the black Hebrew israel lites verbally assaulting CNN says like they want to portray the contrast, but really it's partly because you want, you know, like conflict is what sells. Nobody wants to hear one minute can statements makes sense? Yeah, that's it's great. Craiglis camera money. Craiglis camera money took an acre and put him on the desks on the news busy trying to find you get an appointment of viewership. And we don't even though it totally left, we're not we don't want to admit it. Umen Zooker took over. It wasn't until Trump that we ended up being all Trump all the time. So it's all about the money. It's all about the money. Saying here like, hey, we used to be the best, and we used to report knees, we used to come, we used to go out and stories to go away, whether Ukraine thing. We're just in general knew we didn't go away as when you guys all right, twenty five till the top of the hour. That's some of the highlights. Project Veritas there undercover well sting operation against fake Neucy and then very very revealing Um especially this is a top down you know, almost like state run propaganda. It's not a news outlet. It is a political arm that is part of what I call the media mob. And I say mob per reason. We have now lived through more lies, more conspiracy theories, more hoax, you know, under the banner of where news and you're not news, So stop saying your newspeople. You know, I first said in two thousand in seven, I had no idea how right I was at the time that journalism is dead, nobody in the media in the middle of hope and change, hope and change and yes we can and Obama and Obama you know when the bumper stickers in the slogans nobody vetted Barack Obama and we started in Frank Marshall Davis and the Chum gang and white folks greed runs a world in need and Black liberation theology and what is a community organizer? What's an Who's Alinsky? How black liberation theology? It inspired Barack Obama, the Church at g D America, then of course culminating with starting one's political career in the home of unrepentant terrorists airs and doorn part of the weather underground. We did all that. Wasn't anyone else in the media that was willing to do it. And I even was warned by prominent friends of this program that I'm my career is going to end over doing it. But I did it anyway. I mean, we've now had three years of never ending lying and then where are we now today? We got the secret behind closed doors Soviet style impeachment coup attempt, and the media lets it happen, not demanding transparency, but they all wanted the full, complete, unredacted Muller report. They got it. They didn't expect the president would release the transcript of the conversation with President Zelinski. They got that too. I'd like to know a few things. I'd like to get the transcripts of Joe Biden's conversations with Ukrainian leaders when he was vice president and after Obama had more flexibility after being elected. Well, let's get those transcripts out in the public domain. Let's look at those two or the conversations with the Mullahs in Iran that say death to America, death to Israel, and burn our flag in the Israeli flag, and threatened to wipe Israel off the map and America off the map. Why would we ever give them one hundred and fifty billion dollars in cargo planes landing in tarmacs handing over to the Mullahs of Iran. That's a pretty dumb deal. But nobody in the media does that. I'm gonna add this one thing and we'll go back to James O'Keefe and carry porch. It's ironic because everything that they have accused me and Fox of all these years, they are guilty of. I have now begun my twenty fourth year at the Fox News Channel, my thirty first year in radio. Everybody knows Sean Hannity is a conservative, a registered conservative. I don't hide it. And that you ask me what I do for a living. I am a talk show host on radio and television. Well what does that mean to be a talk show host? Well, we can produce our thousands of hours of straight news reporting, wars, whether you know you name it, of shootings, God forbid, horrible events, just straight news. I'm just reporting news, no opinion. Then our investigative work into Obama now into the deep state, We've been right the last three years. They've been wrong. We've been proven right on the dirty dossier, Hillary Espionage Act, the leading subpoena in emails of spying, farmed out to you know, Allied countries, all of that, you know, premeditated fraud on a fis a court. They don't care about any of this, and so we've done so investigated. Reporting is part of what we do. Opinion is part of being a talk show host. Talking about sports and culture is part of it. We've been talking about the NBA in China recently, Ethan's favorite topic. Anyway, we bring back James O'Keefe. He is the founder of Project Veritas. This is now the third installation and is undercover project on CNN Carry Porch who went under cover and got a lot of this information out. Are you worried about Carry? Are you worried about your future and what the ramifications of all of this is going to be to you? Because what I think you did is tremendously courageous, and I got to imagine there's probably going to be a personal cost to you in some way. Absolutely, Sean. I mean I still am, you know, kind of scared from my future. It is uncertain, but thankful to James yourself, all the other patriots and stuff. We definitely have a little a little trust fund set up to stake us for a while until we make our next move. I mean, you know, I'm not naive. I know I've upset a lot of very powerful and connected people. But again, hopefully that this can motive By the way, Joy in the club, I don't think they like me. It's a good don't think they like James either, John, I call it a guess, but uh, I mean hopefully I was motivated by the Facebook insider and she was motivated by someone else. So hopefully I can motivate some other people, not only in my industry, but others to come forward if they see some mouse seasons, just go to a project toss dot COM's last brave promise You'll be taken care of. Everything that James has promised me has come true. James, Um, I know you because I remember the first tapes you've done, and I know you've taken a lot of lawsuits. I think you won all six against you over the years, haven't you. Yeah, Sean, We've won six straight lawsuits. Nine years ago we settled one for filming someone without permission and had nothing to do with lying or editing. But they always try to say that I'm a liar, that I edit tapes. They can never actually point out what's false about these tapes. Sean. I mean, it's all We've been vindicated in federal court time and time again, and the media omits that fact. So I mean, these are these are these are pretty amazing exposs because they really we kind of stepped out of the boxing ring and go into the box seats and expose the people. You're not allowed to expose people in the media, people on Google, people at Facebook, now CNN. You're not allowed to investigate those entities. But these are the most powerful. As Carrie just said, this is where power really lies. Who who governs a consent in this country? It's the media. They have more power than government. So I think, you know, I won't say who, but in the last day or two, we've had a number of people reach out to me inside of media entities agreeing and calling this expose devastating. So these are the anonymous heroes like carry porch out there and there's more to come. That was my next question, because you never give the whole story in one day, which I think is very smart on your part. By the way, this is how sixty minutes to find itself for years, and sixty Minutes edits every take. By the way, they were pushing so hard for me and Linda can confirm this to be featured on sixty minutes, and I said, sure, if it's unedited, I'll do it. I'll do a straight up interview however long you want. No, we can't do that. Well why why? Because they're gonna slice and dice me in an edit room and make me to look anyway they want, and then they'll do their little narrative thing around it. I know how they work, I know their game. And they've settled and Sean, they've settled scores of lawsuits. I mean, NBC guy just said that I settled a defamation lawsuit. I've never settled defamation laws. We want in federal court time and time again. I have had to spend millions of dollars to defend my name, and these entities are guilty of precisely the thing they accuse us of and it's and it's time for citizens to step up. We have to be the journalists. We're the journalists, not then citizen journal A lot of courage, yes, yeah, And I will say this, I gotta tip my hat even to the people that slam me all over social media. And by the way, some of it's pretty darned funny, even about me. I have a great I have a great ability to laugh at myself. And I know people disagree with me. I know this is a divided political time. But the information that shows up all over social media, I mean, it is an influx of great stuff. So Karry, let me ask you this is this going to change the trajectory maybe of your career in some way? Maybe you want to do other things now? Well, I mean I'm definitely entertaining pretty much anything out there. Um, you know, this is my first and I thought last media job. But we're always entertaining opportunities and stuff. Some very nice folk have reached out to James and Company and forwarded emails. We're in talks with a couple of people now with some different things, but we're open to opportunities. My lovely lady and I were just discussing it as a family. You know, the future is uncertain, but I'm very optimistic of the future. Granted, I'm not naive enough to think that these people would not not come after me, So we're kind of bracing for whatever comes next. But it feels so much better to just be in the sunlight and let it out there and hopefully just affect the dialogue. Like all James and I wanted was to basically encourage dialogue between the party lines and just get rid of this divisiveness and as much way as we can own where you're at, and let's have a conversation over a coffee or beer, and let's come together on the what eighty percent we agree on and still work out the rest of the differences. That was our goal. Just get everything on the open and let's own where we're at. You know, that's very interesting, all right, quick break more with James o'keee sound our project Veritas Carry Porch who went under cover in the CNN operation, and we'll also have Lynnwood at the top of the next hour, and as we continue, James O'Keefe found a project Veritas Carry Porch who went under cover at Fake News CNN. I will say this, real journalism is can be and has proven to be a dangerous profession for many many people. Those journalists that go into war zones, those journalists that go under cover, those journalists I mean, but I believe journalism is dead. I mean the fact that you know, here's Jeff Zucker on tape and teach me stand off teachment, you know, and blow breaks, you go after her, you know, and this radical hate Trump insanity is it does take your breath away. I wonder if they really believe that they are journalists or whether or not they recognize the simple truth, which is they're not. And if they wanted to be a little more honest about it, I think they would say, where we do talk shows is a talk show host. Jake Tapper is a talk show host. He's not a journalist. They don't do investigative journalism. They are now. There are a lot of people in this industry that would say anything if it meant they got on TV and got a paycheck. I can't fake it. I started out making no money being a radio talk show host that was a conservative Dame Sean Jeff Bezos, you know, the richest man in the world trillion dollar company. He bought the Washington Post, and he wrote on the medium website recently he said, my stewardship of the Post and my support of its mission is something I am most proud of. Make no mistake, he's not pross proud of the fact that this thing is going to earn, that this thing is influencing the masses, are informing the masses. It's about power, and journalism is not about drawing conclusions and advocacy. It's about exposing the truth, exposing reality, which is what Project Nritas does. It should not abuse participan patient and advocacy work. It should not leak anonymously from sources in government where we can't hear and see what these people are saying. Journalists are supposed to challenge what people are saying, and everything else's public relations. And there's no question that on the economic side, a lot of this is due to economic pressures. You see it in the tape today. The guy goes all about ratings, even if it's not true. It's about rating. The great army is they don't get ratings over at fake news, and then they really don't. They're the lowest rated, all right, James O'Keefe, Project Veritas, thank you, Carrie Porch, thank you as well, and we will continue to follow up the story. Jay, I guess we're getting more in the days to come. It's going to be fascinating when we come back. Lynn Wood, renowned attorney. Remember Richard Julie's now representing Nicholas Sandman, the young kid with the Maga hat, and the Native American Nathan Phillips. And the media smeared, slandered, libeledness poor kid, and they were wrong, and that media is going to pay for it. That's next, and the other news of the day, especially on the radical Democrats secret Soviet style impeachment coup attempt. Stay right here for our final news round up and Information Overload. All right, News round Up, Information Overload. Toll free telephone numbers eight hundred and ninety four one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. I thought that was just an incredible hour. The guy that went undercover for James O'Keefe and Project Ritas we have. I said it in two thousand and seven, I said, media is debt, it's gone. Journalism's dead, it's buried, it doesn't exist, you know, And I've told the story many times. I won't repeat it now. I learned such a valuable lesson. I was a local host in Atlanta and the Richard Jewel case and the AJC comes out. He fits the profile of the lone bomber. He lives with his mother. I'm like, that doesn't mean a thing. Maybe saving money to buy a house. How's that? I didn't know at the time. I was the only one that didn't go down the frenzy lane with all these conspiracy theory. They turned this guy, Richard Jewele's life upside down. You think they would have learned, But no, they're wrong. Let's see Cambridge police wrong, Ferguson Missouri wrong, Uva wrong, Duke Lacrosse wrong, Baltimore, Maryland wrong. They were three years of lies, conspiracy theories, and a hoax disproven. No corrections, no apologies, nothing. You know, And what happened with Nicholas Sandman. You know this Covington High School student, sixteen year old kid. You know the Left's willingness. They never made a phone call to find out. Okay, is this accurate? They had a fifteen second clip and they attacked these kids viciously, and you know they began, then all of a sudden loops they went, and when they knew the truth, they kept it up. It was so bad. Well now that they're like trying to delete all their tweets and expressing regrets a little late. Harriff Swisher, tech writer, New York Times contributor, I was a complete dolt to put up this and several other obnoxious tweets yesterday without waiting to see the whole video of the incident. I apologize to the kids from Kentucky unilaterally. At least you had the decency to do it. Other media people kept going, you know, calling this kid of racist. This kid did not approach Nathan Phillips, the Native America, just the opposite. Nathan Phillips ran up into his grill banging a drum, and he just smiled. When the black Hebrew Israelites were calling these kids all sorts of names and racist comments were being made. He's the one that turnarounds that he had don't respond to these guys. Let's just keep our cool here. I don't think I could have handled it as well as he did. And you know, one of the things Swishers had put up there was finding every one of these beep beep kids and giving them a large piece of my mind. You know, we have the New Republics. They had to delete a tweet arguing the Trump supporting students were racist, and others deleting tweets that the kids should be punched in the face. That was at fake news CNN and ends at A Navarro deleted one denouncing the quote rare end wipe parents of the students for teaching them bigotry and racism. Wow, and our old friend see cup Hey, guys, seeing all the additional videos now, I one hundred percent regret reacting too quickly to the coming ins story. I wish I had the fuller picture before weighing in hupsie days. Lynn Wood was the attorney for Richard Jewel. That's when I got to know lynn Wood. I had one of the first interviews with Richard Jewel because Richard Jewel actually heard me when the story broke about him saying, so what he lives with his mother, that doesn't make him a terrorist, and he wasn't. He was a hero. He did save lives that day. Lynn How are you welcome back, Sean? I'm fine. How are you you got anything to talk about? These days. Now, you know, there's not much going on. I need to retire, I need to get out of here. No, we need you, we need you. We need somebody on the air that's telling the American public the truth go anywhere. How bad did it get as it relates to it. I know you've filed a number of lawsuits, and I'd like to know where all of this is going. Well, what was the worst coverage that you saw as it relates to Nicholas Senman. Well, the Washington Post was the first member of the mainstream media to jump out and go after Nicholas based on an edited clip it had been posted on the internet. But if I'm evaluating right now the three cases that we have pending Washington Post, CNN, and NBC, I think hands down it goes to CNN because CNN not only rebroadcast and republished the false narrative of Nathan Phillips without investigation, but CNN went so far as to accuse Nicholas and the Covington Catholic students of attacking with flurs and other racist comments the black Hebrew Israelized, and in fact the opposite was true. So they went after him on two different fronts both falls, both putting him out there as the poster child for racist misconduct. And I'll give them first spot at the moment. You know some of the how many d For example, in the beginning, they took a snippet and they ran with They built their own narrative that he walked over to Nathan Phillips and that these kids were racist. And they didn't even make a phone call, did they to ask they did this really happen this way? They did not. In fact, what they did they took about a fifty nine second edited clip posted by someone with an agenda that showed Nicholas standing in front of Nathan Phillips while he was beating the drawing. Now, anyone with common sense knows that something happened before that clip, and something happened happened after that clip. They didn't bother to look at the videos of the entire incident they were available online to learn the truth. They jumped out and they let Nathan Phillips have their airways to tell his false narrative. And every interview he gave the narrative changed, because you can't tell the same lie twice. Nathan Phillips was a liar, but he fit their agenda, so they ran with his factual narrative of the events, which was total fiction. There was no taunting, there was no physical intimidation. Nobody, including Nicholas, tried to block him or to keep him from retreating. It was all a lie, made up of several lies. But they were eager to go out there and to push that narrative from see an end standpoint and NBC and The Washington Post. They did it because he was wearing a America Great Again tap. It fit their anti Trump narrative. Truth was irrelevant. Their agenda was the priority. And that's just not true with Nicholas Salmon. That's true of their coverage in general, as we clearly have seen demonstrated recently with the videos of Jeff Zucker exposed by Project Veritas. Nicholas Samman is a kid. He's not a public figure. Now if they lie about me, which I've now been a public figure for thirty one years, I have really no recourse, do I But Nicholas Simon does, Nicholas Salmon does, And don't give up on your own standing. I successfully handled a number of cases for public figures because you can once you get into court and get past emotion. Dismiss discovery produces the truth. Facts are stubborn things, and it is not impossible for even a public figure to show that the accusations that are false were published recklessly with a reckless disregard for truth and falseity. If the accusation is painous and it's clearly false, even a public figure I believe has a right to find accountability in a court of law. I think, and I think I need to reevaluate. I really need to reevaluate because I have let a lot go over the years. I'm not going to take this crap anymore. And now I can actually afford you as an attorney, and my earlier days in Atlanta, I would never be able to afford you well. So let me give you Let me give you a really good example. Look at Justice Kavanaugh. Yep. If Justice Kavanaugh was willing to be distracted from his duties on the Supreme Court, and if he was willing to withstand the slings and arrows of the media descendants, because what they do is they try to defend their wrongdoing by throwing as much mud as they can against the plaintiffs. But Brett Kavanaugh in my opinion, would prevail defamation case against a number of individuals and a number of members of the media, but obviously, for practical reasons, he's chosen not to do that. I don't blame him, but I believe that he's a great example of a public figure that could in fact foul and win a defamation case. That is a great, great plea is a great point. But I mean, I wish we'd change the laws. I wish the standard. I know Great Britain has very different laws. I know that that Charles Harder won the Gawker case, which was phenomenal, that was involved whole COVID and they went bankrupt over it. I know that Delhi Mail ended up paying Milani a Trump And by the way, I understand other people. Are you going to go after every outlet that did this, because I think you should. Well, we've got another almost two years to foul lawsuits for Nicholas because of his aide. The statute of limitations is told until he turns eight ten. That will be next year in July, so we've got about a year and a half I guess to bring the wrongdoers into court. We hit we hit a stumbling block with the Washington postcase and the court I believe erroneously dismissed that chase emotion. We had a hearing yesterday on our emotion to dismiss because we're preparing to take it to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, where I am convinced it will be reversed. But I left the hearing yesterday shown and I'm very optimistic that the judge understands the era in his ruling, and I give us a better than fifty fifty chance of the judge reversing himself and allowing us to get discovery going. And when discovery starts, when the editors start having to testify and the people that wrote their retraction quote quote unquote retraction editor's notes and Phillips is deposed, the truth is going to come out. My recollection, he's going to the release that he deserves. We're gonna hold these people accountable. My recollection is, even after we knew the truth, there were still people telling the lie about he's a racist, he's this, that he could he did it. I mean, how long after the truth was known did they continue and did they were tract and apologize in the interim Some of them went on for days afterwards, and you don't have to go any further than Twitter today, and you're going to still find a large number of people who accused Nicholas of being an arrogant racist brad. You know, the lie I call it, the shout of guilty, is rarely overcome by the whisper of innocence, and so the lasting impact of the fault and heinous accusations against this young man will follow him for his lifetime, even though they have been totally disproven by an objective view of the evidence. But there is no objectivity in the media any longer. Shown journalism is dead. And I said in two thousand and seven, stay right there, Lynnwood, the attorney for Nicolas Samman. I mean, it's just they are not journalists. These are not news organizations. Their phony and fake news is exactly the right branding that the President has given them. All Right, as we continue, Lynnwood renowned detorning the Richard Jewel case now representing Nicolas Sandman, the Covington Catholic school kid that was wearing a Maga hat. Everything that the media told about Nicolas Samman was wrong, every every commentary was wrong. The facts were wrong. They did zero due diligence, and then in many cases, even after the facts were known, they stayed with the false narrative because it's their hate Trump narrative. I'd like to believe this kid becomes a billionaire at the end of this, and that you don't let anybody off the hook. Where are we with and then I don't think it's about money, but you know what he deserves. He did. What they did to him cannot happen anymore in this country in my view. Well, you're exactly right, Sean, And it's not a matter of the what is the dollar amount? The dollar amount needs to be determined as the amount of money that will punish the media for it's wrongdoing and will importantly deter the media from repeating the wrongdoing against other innocent individuals. That, as you know, is going to have to be a big figure because these companies are owned by large, very wealthy corporate conglomerates. So we're going to have to get their attention. I hope a Jewey will get their attention. And Sean, I don't do this for political reasons. You don't do it for the money either. I'm going to do it. I don't do it for the money. I do this not for the money or for the politics, but because of the injustice inflicted on a sixteen year old board. Now, if we look at it politically, you know as well as I know, that the mainstream media has become another arm of the Democratic Party and the anti Trump movement. I have always found that Sunshine is the greatest disinfected of them alls. Stealing a quote from a wise jurist of the past, I would think that the media would be in an uproar over the secrecy that's being imposed on this so called impeachment inquiry. Open records, open government, That's what the media always demands. Yet now they are silent and acquiescent in Congress investigating the President of the United States behind closed doors that speak volumes. You don't have to even have Project Veritas exposed by video. The bias, the bias is there every day, and it's reflected by their unwillingness to tell the truth and expose the American public to the truth. All Right, people learn the truth about Nicholas Sandman. The results should be significant and hopefully enough to deter this type of conduct from the occurring. Again, Lynn Wood, keep us updated attorney for Nicolas Sandman, Covington Catholic school kid who did nothing wrong, enacted frankly in a way that showed more discipline than you can imagine. Quick break right back. Your calls are next, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. And I'm watching the media over this mc mulvaney tape beginning again. I'm watching, I'm watching, I'm watching, I'm watching. I'm like, Okay, Mick, is not that articulaten't. Here's what we knew. We knew from the beginning at the president. It's in the transcript. We've had an obsession in this country about twenty sixteen election interference. Now go back to the report in Politico January eleventh, twenty seventeen. Yes, Ukraine admits that they worked to interfere in our elections on behalf of Hillary Clinton. That is a fact. We actually have a president that has a constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws of this letter. That's what the president has for That's what the President said. He wanted said, I need your help with something. We have a special agreement with Ukraine like we have with Italy, like we have with Great Britain, like we have with Australia, that we cooperate criminal investigations, which is what we what the President was saying we need to have done. It's that simple that if you know all these phonies now they got their new outrage talking point, all these frauds in the medium mob reathlessly hysterically, you know, out there again. It is so predictable. What the President is doing is trying to do what they said they wanted to have done. That's it, Joe Biden on tape. What's Joe Biden on tape doing. He's using taxpayer dollars to shake down Ukraine and he's the one really threatening to withhold aid Awan said, they never built and we're not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority, You're not the president, the president said, I said, calling him, he said, I'm telling you're not getting a billion dollars. I said, you're not getting a billion. I'm gonna be leaving here. And I think it was what six hours. I look, I said, leaving six hours. If the prosecutors not fired, you're not getting the money all son of them got fired. Son of them be my shakedown worked and got fired the same. They didn't care about that on tape and care about Biden. They didn't care about his son. Hunter's interview. Hunter, What experience did you have in Ukraine? Oil, energy, gas none? What experience did you have with China private equity none? Do you think? Yeah, well, why do you think you got all these millions of millions of dollars in the case of China, a billion five and a private equity deal? Because my the reasons why you're on that board, you did not list the fact that you were the son of the pots course, Yeah, what role do you think that played? I think that it is impossible for me to be on any of the boards that I just mentioned without saying that I'm the son of the vice president of the United States. You were paid fifty thousand dollars a month for your position. Look, I'm a private citizen. One thing that I don't have to do is sit here and open my kimono as it relates to how much money I make or make or deer didn't. But it's all been reported. If your last name wasn't Biden, do you think you would have been asked to be on the board of aarisma. I don't know. I don't know. Probably not. I don't think that there's a lot of things that would have happened in my life that if my last name was Infiding. Probably not. No experience. Now what why would countries spend millions of dollars on the set of a vice president with no money, with no experience. He has nothing to offer them, nothing at all. Hang on, No one in my family, we'll have an office in the White House, we'll sit at in meetings as if they're a cabinet member, will in fact have any business relationship with anyone that relates to a foreign corporation or a foreign country. Period period, end of story. And what I'm not going to let you all do is take the focus off the problem. No one, No one has asserted my son did a single thing wrong. No one has asserted that I have done any wrong except the line president. That's the only thing that's the focus. I want to get to the heart of it. Did you and your father ever discuss Ukraine? No, As I said, the only time was after a news account. It wasn't a discussion in any way. There's no butt to this. No, we never did. Your dad said I hope you know what you're doing. I hope you know what you're doing. I do, And I said I do. And that was literally the end of our discussion. Why because my dad was vice President of the United States. There's literally nothing as a young man or as a full grown adult that my father in some way hasn't had influence over as it does not serve either one of us. When he said I hope you know what you're doing, what did he think you were doing? Well? He read the press reports that I joined the board of Barisma, which was a Ukrainian natural gas company, and there's been a lot of misinformation about me, not about my dad. Nobody buys that, but it buys this idea that I was unqualified to be on the board. What were your qualifications to be on the board of Barisma? Well, I was vice chairman of the board of Amtrak for five years. I was the chairman of the board of the UN World Food Program. I was a lawyer for boy Schiller Flexner, one of the most prestigious law firms in the world. You didn't have any extensive knowledge about natural gas or Ukraine itself, so no, but I think that I had as much knowledge as anybody else that was on the board, if not more. Anyway, eight hundred nine for one, Seawn, if you want to be a part of the program, All right, Diane, New York The All New AM seven ten w R. Hi, Hi Diane, how are you? Hi? Good? Thanks? How are you? I'm good? I just wanted to call and tell you that I enjoyed your interview with Mike Row yesterday and wanted him to know that I appreciate him bringing attention to the need for skilled labor in this country. What do you do for a living, Diane, My husband and iona flooring business. That's awesome. How's business? It's booming. In fact, we turn work away because we just don't have the staff to expand. My husband installed with two helpers. We've recently hired an apprentice. Um, what kind of flooring? What do you do wood flooring? Or what do you do? Everything? Every type of floing, not not tile any longer? Hey, Sean, can I jump in here for a second. I want to ask a question. I just had a quid question. So, in all seriousness, this was a big thing that we talked about with my guest today was that there's just not enough people to fill the slots. Are you are you really seeing that, like there aren't enough American trade workers to fill the openings that you have, h definitely, And what do you think what do you think you would say to like, you know, kids in high school, like, are you guys out there? Are you doing workshops? Are you going a job? You know shows? Are you going to the high school saying hey, if college isn't for you, you know, here's a great trade. You know, is there anything that we can encourage our audience because we got tons of kids that listen to the show kids in high school, you know, it'd be great to point them in the right direction. That is something I did a few years ago. I did work with our local school along with a couple of other community leaders in business, and we went to the high schools and talk to them about what we do and gave them the alternatives to college. You know that. Let me ask you this, a skilled craftsman, how much would they make a year if they work for you? We have a sub who easily makes between sixty and seventy thousand a year easily, and what about what would an apprentice. Start out with somebody that works hard and is willing to do a lot of work. What would he make an hour if they had any experience at all or not anywhere between fifteen to twenty dollars an hour to start? Well, I'm bad. I mean I got paid two dollars and thirty five cents an hour to wash dishes by hand with no machine. Good for you, I will say this, you know, I do think there is a certain elitist mindset that looks down on trades. But you know what, look at your own house. What have you had to build that house? What if you had to do your own electrical work and your own plumbing, what if you had to put in Yeah, I mean just pick what. Lay your own tile, lay your own flooring, paint your own house. So as everyone thinks they can paint, most people can't. They don't have clue how to do it the right way. And I really appreciate it about Micro because years he's been singing the praises of skilled labor. And it's not. It's not a bad thing anymore, not to go to college, you know, to learn something a trade. You always have cash in your pocket. It served, it served me. Well, my ten years in the restaurant business, starting from when I was twelve, in the ten years that I spent in construction in one form or another, it really has And you're right. I was busy most of the time, made money all the time, and I don't know, I always had a certain satisfaction at the end of the day when I would look back and I'm kind of ended up mastering and finished work because I had an eye for it and detail and I loved it. But you look back where you started that day, and you look at your job at the end of the day and you get a sense of self satisfaction you got the job done. It's very I found it very rewarding. And you know, even little projects that I work on now not as often as I like, because I don't have any time I look back and I'm like, wow, maybe I should have just maybe I never should have gotten into this radio thing because it's a lot less pressure. But anyway, Diane, thank you, good luck with your business. If you ever get slow on work, let us promote you big time AJ Houston, Texas. What's going on, baby, big time? Shawd Hey, great work is always but you know us Trumpers. We peedled at the idiot Democrats becausein when you go after Trump, they're going after us Trump. You know, I ramble Trump. He saved them troops lives, any idiots, the Rhino Republicans that them. Come on, all this goes back to old Baba. This is a joke. Trump don't gonna lead him? What it is? They said fifty, but it one it was twenty eight. Come on, he went on lead him boys? Then an girls said a flaughter? What's going on with these idiot democrats? But if it was on the other shoe, Oh where well? Where are yeah? And then if Trump had a system, are people in there? Look at him? He's a war Mandarah? What what shine? What are we gonna do with these people? Oh? Beat him at the box next year, That's what we're gonna do. Beat him at the proof for sure. Thus Trumpers are mad man. We are. We can't ready to We just wove we were ready to vote, were ready to vote. It's gonna be great the night to watch him too. I can tell you it will be great. If an election night November three, we begin our three hundred and sixty five day countdown on the show, and if we get to November third, twenty twenty, and they have to make the call. Donald Trump has been reelected as the president of the United States. Maybe even after this stupid impeachment witch hunt. I will tell you it will be a night to remember for the rest of our lives. Amazing they all over again. Yeah, but the ob and everybody, that's a joke. Where man, I just just the look on their faces and and and as they just Uh, it's worth the price of admission. It's worth waiting in the rain forty hours to vote. Whatever it takes, it's worth it, all right. I gotta run big time. Thank you, my friend. Yeah, I'll be saying, Oh, no, depression will sit in set in immediately. Uh. Craig and Washington, what's up, Craig? How are you glad you call? Hey? I tell you Sean, I'm so proud of this president. I don't know a man that's taken more arrows in his lifetime for the things that I believe that he continues to fight. I was getting down a little bit. I watched him in Minneapolis there in Minnesota Town Rally. I got a little bit emotional. I got that fire burner in my belly again. I'll tell you what I got, My kids, my wife, my seventy year old Democratic mom has fired up sport Trump. We're gonna fight like what I did with the Tea Party. We're coming back, and I just encourage everybody, don't get down, get back up, but let's fight. We gotta keep supporting Trump standing up there so he can keep his shield up and battle for us every day. Thank you, Sean. I can't wait to see the President in Dallas tonight. This is now gonna thanks to Mulvaney. It's taken on the sense of here we go again, and he's it's gonna be great Hannity tonight at nine. I hope you'll watch eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. I think we got time for one more quick call Mark in Atlanta. What's up? Mark? Hey, Sean? How are you? I'm good, sir, How are you good? Good? I just wanted to get your opinion. I am disgusted with what's going on with Washington right now. Feel like we don't need career politicians and we need term limits. Wanted to get your opinion on term limits. I've heard the President mentioned it several times, and what we can do is one man with one vote to try and affect that. I can tell you right now that the answer term limits is a bad idea whose time has come. That maybe they'll go on the Okay, I'm not gonna. I can actually do things principally rather than worrying about my future because they all want to get reelected. Sad these people go to Washington, even those that supposedly have the best ideas, and they change, they get become swamp creatures. All right. So the President has a speech in Dallas, I think scheduled to begin at eight ish. I just checked in with somebody on his team. They said they're running a little behind. So I assume some of this will bleed into Hannity tonight. There's gonna be a big speech tonight and we'll get to the bottom of all the stupidity of the dumb statements that people around the president make. I don't even know what to make of it. We have new King Rich Devin Newness, Lawrence Jones at the Trump rally. We have John Solomon, who is going to give us some insight into what we can expect from the IG report, and much much more. And I think the impeachment is what we're living through. Radical extreme socialist democrats, secret Soviet style impeachment coup attempt. That's what this is. It's that simple. And we will be here everyday battling, fighting for truth and the double standards. Thinks to high Heaven. See it tonight at nine. Thank you as always for being with us. Back here tomorrow

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