Fake News Media Again - September 29th, Hour 1

Published Sep 29, 2021, 10:02 PM

Sean covers the emerging story that the New York Times is now backtracking on their story about US Border Patrol agents "whipping" immigrants who are crossing the border illegally. Add that to the Fake News narrative that has fueled so much confusion and anger in this country.

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America trapped behind enemy lines. Day number forty six, forty six, All right, day forty six, yup, Americans trapped behind enemy lines. And that means they are now subject to the terrorist, the Taliban. That's Americans, that's their families, that's Green card holders, thousands of them. And that also would include our Afghan allies. And what's Joe doing nothing? What are these generals doing nothing? They're spinning, they're lying like a top. And we're getting a lot of admissions here. The bottom line is this, Now that General Millie admits that, well, you'll still hear the chatter if we attack you, I mean, and I'll heck, I'll tell you myself. Let's listen. You're quoted in the Woodward Book is telling the chot the top Chinese Communist military commander quote, if we're going to a town, I'm going to call you ahead of time. Is that true? General Millie, Let me tell you what I actually said. That's not true, I hope. Let me tell you what I actually said. Center, What I said. If there's going to be a war, uh, if there's going to be an attack, there's gonna be a lot of calls and tension ahead of time. But what you're gonna get CA, you're gonna get at all. President Trump would not attack. That's your testimony this morning. That is true. That's why would you? And I was I was communicating to my Chinese counterpart on instructions by the way to de escalate the situation, and I told them, if there was going to be an attack, there'll be plenty of communications going back and forth. Your intel systems are going to pick it up. I said, I'll probably call you. Everybody'll be calling you. I'll probably call you and tell you there's going to be an attack. That is a fireable offense. And since when did it become okay for generals that are supposed to be that the chairman of the Joint Chiefs that's talking to Trump hating authors as he did with Woodward and Bender and all these other authors, which he admitted to yesterday. Now, there's so much to unpack here. Giving interviews he should not ever give. That's not his job. Now, I want to be clear about something else because this is very important as well, because he's claiming that he was told to do this. Well, we've actually gone and we've done our research and our investigation and in fact, we now know that is absolutely not true because the acting Defense Secretary Miller said he did not authorize Millie to make China calls. And by the way, the chain of command goes like this, the President is the commander in chief under our constitution. He makes all the decisions. That is how our military works. Okay, the next in command would be the Secretary of Defense. He would be in charge of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs And then we have former acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller at the time, he led the Pentagon from the period of after the twenty twenty election through inauguration day, and he was very clear quote that he did not and would not ever authorize the Joint Chiefs of Staff to have secret calls with his Chinese counterpart, describing the allegations as disgraceful and unprecedent and an unprecedented act of insubordination, calling on him to resign immediately. He gave this statement to Foxnews dot Com at the United States Armed Forces from its inception has operated under the principle of civilian control of the military. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the highest ranking military officer whose role is providing military specific advice to the president and by law is prohibited from exercising authority to command forces. Miller said the chain of command runs from the President to the Secretary of Defense, not through the chairman, and that was a reference to the other allegation in the book, allegation one that he would give a heads up to his Chinese counterpart, and secondly the allegation that he had some type of loyalty oath with fellow high ranking military officers that I'm going to insert myself in the chain of command if there's going to be the use of a nuclear weapon, and whatever happened with the Pelosi phone call, I don't know. Well, he says, well, I'm not in a position to assess whether somebody's mentally competent or not. But that doesn't really get to the bottom of what really happened. And these other generals that apparently, one by one had to agree that every decision would go through him if in fact it was going to be if the president was going to use his lone constitutional authority. I mean, it's this is simple. This is not that difficult, you know. And then his argument is why I talked to the media multiple times a week. Why do you talk to Trump paiding media that that would be the control of your secretary of Defense and your commander in chief. You know that this withdrawal has been an unmitigated disaster, and you know, when we get to the heart of it, you know, it took Josh Hally a lot yesterday to get out of them that they stranded and abandoned Americans behind enemy lines. This is not something that they completely want to acknowledge. Even at one point, I believe it was Secretary of Defense Austin admitting, well, there could be four thousand people there. I don't think it's four thousand, but there could be four thousand Americans there. You know, the fact that we don't have a sure answer is frightening. You know, they're saying, well, we got two people out last week, okay, but last week you told us there was less than a hundred people there. They can't even get their lives straight. They don't even have an accurate accounting of everybody. You know, I'm being told that there's anywhere between three five hundred Americans still caught behind enemy lines. Nobody can answer why the Secretary of State blink in the more on that he is, and he's a more he's an idiot. You know why the fact that he's sending out memos. If you are on a chartered plight, you're not allowed to land in the United States. You mean if Americans that have that you abandon behind enemy lines, if there are groups that are paying for the flights and Americans on the ground helping them evacuate and risking their lives in enemy territory, and they get on an airplane, they can't land in America, and you're not going to allow it. And then you even say, well, if you need your proper credentials, we advise you to go to another country to get them because the Cobble State Department office is closed. Well, that's the point, you moron. You can't get to another country because you can't get the hell out of there because you abandoned them. And then it gets worse. These same people are saying, well, if you get the permission of a third party country to accept your charter flight and need our specific permission, it will not be forthcoming. Why not? Why because they want to be embarrassed. They don't want to be embarrassed, rather and humiliated that they abandoned Americans and their egos can handle the fact that there are other people that have stepped up to fill the void that they themselves, you know, because of the crisis of their own making. You gotta be kidding me, the same idiots that were sending out memos. You might want to start making your way to the Carsi International Airport, but we can't guarantee your safety. The guys government cannot guarantee your safety. And then when you get there, you know, we have people telling stories about guns being pointed at their head and they had to get through all the Taliban checkpoints because when we could have gotten people out safely in March, April, May, June, and July, and we have you know, we know that the Taliban was on the march. You know, we've created this map, I've shown it. I might've just slowed down the map tonight. And why did the CIA leave seven weeks early? They left because they were warning the administration there is a disaster in the making here. We're pulling our people the hell out of here. How do you know that, Hannity, I've got sources. That's how I know. I do my job. And by the way, It's not like they were hiding the information. They did not fail. They did their job, and they were saying it every single day. People on the Intelligence Committee, they were reading the briefings every day about the deterioration of the situation in Afghanistan, in part because Joe Biden allowed the Taliban to march from the Southern province where they were under Donald Trump were not a single American died in eighteen months the last year of Trump's presidency, not one American died. And the plan was to keep Bogram Air Base. The plan was to obliterate the Taliban if they dared move an inch outside of the territory assigned to them, and the plan was conditions based on the ground removal. Now, they finally asked the military on August the twenty fifth, well, what do you think we should do with the deadline? Should we change the deadline? The deadlines? What seven days away? Are you kidding me? The cobble fell August fifteenth, that's a little late at that point. And why they didn't act in April, May, June, and July when they had full control of Cobble and evacuate Americans. That's anybody's guess I can't give you an answer, but everybody involved in this debacle, this utter failure, this abandonment of Americans, needs to be fired. And that means Joe Biden, let me tell you something. And this is this is probably a lot of you don't want to hear meeting people on the left. This is the direct consequence of having a weak, frail, cognitive mess that has bought into radical socialist socialism as your president. It is a direct result of it. You know, when I wrote the book Live Free or Die, America and the World on the brink, if you look at the borders, a predictable, preventable disaster. When you look at begging OPEC to produce more oil and abandoning energy and dependence, a predictable disaster. The cost of a barrel of oil hasn't been this high in years and years. That means everything you pay for is costing more. The cost of natural gas is at an all time high. And this is what a failing presidency looks like. Voters now get it? I mean, gives me no satisfaction to say I told you so, tried to warn you. You know, our enemies are emboldened, our allies are aghast and fearful of what a week. Remember, live free or die. America and the world on the brink because the world can't survive a week. President Now, all the great you know feigned outrage over Donald Trump's mean tweets. Donald Trump gave us energy independence, gave us lower taxes, record low job creation for every demographic in the country. He gave us the judges. He promised. He would give us the five hundred miles a wall. He promised he'd build the stay in Mexico policy, ending catch and release. He made us energy independent for the first time in seventy five years. He made NATO pay their fair share. He got free and fair trade deals with Europe, Japan, Canada, Mexico, even China. All the things that he said he would do. And he beat the hell out of the Caliphate and destroyed them while they grew under Biden and Obama. Then he took out Bagdaddy and associates. Then he took out Solomoni. Then he took out the al Qaeda leader in Yemen. And the media all they could talk about how mean Donald Trump was and how unpresidentially was. Well, he kicked a little ass and America kind of knew in twenty sixteen that they were electing a disruptor and an iconic class that wasn't going to go to Washington and act like everyone else in that sewer, and we all benefited from it, maybe a little more drama than normal. But the media couldn't handle it well. They really as outraged as they acted every day. I don't think so. I'll take a mean tweet and Americans home from Afghanistan any day. I'll take mean tweets and controlled borders. I'll take mean tweets and energy independence. I'll take mean tweets and three vaccines and one therapeutic on his monoclonal antibodies. I'll take all of that versus the Adams Shift show that this country in the world is becoming The poll numbers are diving for Joe Biden. I've never seen a president fail on this level, at this rate of speed. This is not good for the country, it is not good for the world. I promise you Americans are going to suffer profoundly as we already are because we don't really have a president that I'm even confident knows what day of the week it is. Eight hundred nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. If Joe Biden a negative thirty two percent approval rating, only thirty five percent of Hispanics in Texas approve of the job Joe Biden is doing handling of COVID. He's underwater there as well on his handling of the situation at the border. Yeah, twenty percent approval rating. North Carolina has Biden at a thirty eight percent approval rating. I mean, you know, the only problem with all of this is is no election till next year. The approve of the or disapprove of the way Joe's handling his job as president. In Colorado, the disapproval ratings fifty percent approvals forty two Colorado. You know, you look at you know these numbers, and it's it's a total, complete and utter free fall. And it should be I mean, and why it is? You know now fifty four percent don't think he's mentally alert enough to be president. For crying out loud, gee, it's only taking this long, and guy hannedy he's way ahead of the curve. I mean, I've been so ahead of the curve. I mocked it, made fun of it. Then then I couldn't even do it anymore because it's not funny. The country's going to hell and the world's going to hell with it. It's unbelievable, and Joe Biden is not capable of stepping up and fixing it. By the way, where's Kamala Harris? The great borders are that she is. You know, she nods and applauds that a student who accuses Israel of ethnic Jenna signed, she just did this, you know, and you know your your truth cannot be suppressed. I'm like, that's virgulent anti Semitism. That's that's your truth. That's all you have to say. Democrats see Harris as a major player in the mid terms. Yeah, okay, good luck with that. I'm not sure I'm buying it. Kamala Harris, according to the Washington Examiners, now hired two veteran communications aid to finesse the messaging and long term planning after the rocky nine months she's had an office, Lorraine Vols, a crisis communication expert, and Adam Frankel, a former Obama speech writer. Okay, now we're just gonna put a you know, We're gonna put a pretty you know, cover over all this, be sure to check in as soon as you get to your car after work for breaking information you need to know about. This is the Sean Hannity Show twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sewn. So Biden's poll numbers are crashing. We now have the Vice president hiring crisis management people to help build up, you know, her failing image with the American people. Biden canceling his trip to Chicago because his agenda is completely on the rocks. They brought in, you know, Barack Obama to try and help save the day, and and this disaster that's unfolding now that we're getting to the truth about a chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff going rogue according to the Defense Secretary at the time, and and all of them, you, every single person saying that Joe Biden lied to you, the American people. He just outright lied, you know when he when he said, well to George stefan Appolis, let's play it for you, said to George stefan Appolis, well, you know, uh, nobody said that I should leave twenty five hundred troops there. Listen. My assessment was back in the fallow twenty and it remained consistent throughout that we should keep a steady state of twenty five hundred, and it could bounce up to thirty five hundred, maybe something like that, in order to move toward a negotiated, gated solution. I will also tell you, though, that it's been my consistent position throughout this ring and the earring yesterday that I believe the appropriate level of our forces in Afghanistan should have been twenty five hundred. And if I had said we're going to stay, then we better be prepare to put a whole hell of a lot more troops. Your top military advisors warned against with joining in this timeline. They wanted you to keep about twenty five hundred. No, they didn't. It was split. That wasn't true. That wasn't true. They didn't tell you that they wanted troops to stay. No, not at not in terms of whether we were going to get out in a time frame all troops. They didn't argue against that. So no one told your military advisors did not tell you, no, we should just keep twenty troops. It's been a stable situation for the less several years. We can do that we can continue to do that. No, no one said that to me. That can room call all right? You know? Oh okay, so the opposite of what he said, So he lied, you know, just like we know that the CIA and intelligence community abandoned Afghanistan because they were getting They were not going to leave their people there, and that's a credit to them, but they were very I've had it confirmed now by everybody that knows. People on intelligence committees. They've all confirmed there was no ambiguity. Will check in with Senator to Tom Cotton later in the program, and he's on the Intel Committee. He will tell you they were getting these threat assessments every single day. Maybe I need to slow down the maps and show the Taliban on the march. We had no idea, dear that this would happen in eleven days. You didn't need eleven days. You had months and months and months and months to get to it. It's unbelievable. It's it's it's it's one of the biggest debacles ever. Hang on sending a note to a person. On every single issue, we see Wall Street Journal investors see national natural gas crunch spilling into crude market, lifting oil prices. Do you know that natural gas is now selling for more than it's ever sold for before. Now we have more natural gas than any country in the world. We have more energy resources than any other country in the world. All this new global warming, global cooling, climate change, you know policies. You know, we pay the Paris Accord freight and China and India get classified as developing nations and we're stupid and we pay the bulk of moneys for that. I think Kennedy even was classified as a developing nation. It's it's beyond stupid. You know, Vladimir Putin now gets the waiver to build his pipeline so he can then control all of the energy to our Western European allies. We should be supplying them with their natural gas needs. You know, Donald Trump did the impossible, He got us to energy independence. But I've been screaming about this. Drill drill here, drill now pay less. Remember New Gingridge started that campaign, Drill baby drills. Sarah Palin, it's two thousand and eight. We have talked about this forever. We even partnered with energy companies when when there were jobs available, you know, people that would would they would train you to drive a truck and pay you one hundred grand a year and all the overtime you can handle. I mean, there was so many great jobs that we were able to get for people. And now we get to the point of energy independence. Now what do we do? We artificially drop the world supply of gas and oil. And now Joe Biden is so desperate because we're paying a buck fifty more and it's going up every day per gallon to fill our tanks. You know that if you fill your tank, that's twenty five extra bucks and you're gonna pay more to he didn't call your home and pay more for every every single thing you buy in a grocery store, drug store, any store, because they all get there by trucks. Trucks use diesel fuel as as as their source of energy. It is the lifeblood of the world's economy. And now we've got what oil prices They hit their highest level in years. Actually, I think it was yesterday traded above eighty bucks a barrel, and early in the day they've been ring anywhere between seventy five and seventy nine dollars a barrel. Well, what did it get to on the Trump I think we were down at one point to like twenty five or thirty bucks a barrel. So you see where this is headed. When you artificially reduced the supply, you don't need to go to MIT. You don't need to become a great economist to figure out supply and demand criss cross, and that will dictate the price. You're artificially reduced the world supply of gas and oil. That's going to increase the price because the supply is artificially lower. The supply is artificially lower because Joe Biden has bought into we have ten years or the planet's going to be destroyed. And meanwhile, Russia and India and China and even Canada and everybody else is getting rich, and we're stupid, and we're paying premium prices when we could be supplying every single energy need that we ever had in this country ourselves and paying lower rates and creating high paying jobs that are career jobs for the people that work in the oil and energy sector. This is simple, basic fundamental economics. You know. Well, the al Jones has been down quite a bit and ASDAK tank to its worst day since March. Look, I'm not a big stock market guy, and I don't measure the success. Now we're battling over this three point five trillion dollar. Really, when you add it all up, it's like seven trillion dollars disaster. And you have, you know, you have the radical, the radicals among radicals, because there are no moderate Democrats. Two thousand, four hundred and sixty five page megabill Yeah. By the way, they're also going to increase fines for employee employers that willfully, repeatedly or seriously violate a section of labor law that deals with hazard's death or serious physical harm to employees. They're increasing the fines on employers. It could run as high as seventy thousand dollars and seven one hundred thousand dollars for willful, repeated violations. Oh, I'm sure that businesses are going to really love that. And by the way, did anyone but myself catch Nobody seems to be talking about the mileage tax, you know, ten cents a mile for the privilege of driving your car. It's not enough that you pay like an extra buck whatever or gallon depending what state you live in in taxes for every gallon of gasoline you buy. Remember that that money is going to be allocated for infrastructure. Yeah, okay, I went through in great detail and great specificity. I'll go into more of it tonight. Childcare subsidies, free college, free daycare, you know, guaranteed wages, guaranteed jobs, expanding Obamacare, you name it. It's in there. Tuition is paid for. How are we going to pay for this? You know, then we're gonna have you know, it just gets it becomes a nightmare on every level. You know, it was interesting to see Betsy McCoy. She's so smart. Remember Betsy McCoy would run around with the Obamacare bill and she'd have it with her at every page highlighted. It's actually really smart, and I love the fact that she does impeccable research. Anyway, she's actually torn apart this democratic disaster of two thousand, four d and sixty five pages that I guarantee you probably no congressman or senators going to read. And you know, you got to pass the bill to know what's in the bill, their build back Better plan, and she says it's a political scam. And she found pages in the bill where there are numerous billion dollars grants to unnamed community organizations for vague purposes like promoting community engagement, providing support and advice, and creating equitable civic infrastructure. And then she translates that, she says, your tax dollars funding the payrolls of left wing advocacy groups between elections. In return, they become the campaign army, staffing the phone banks, harvesting the ballots, and escorting people to the polls on election day. It's pretty clever. Five point seven billion dollars for community restoration and revitalization, that's what they call it. Three point nine five billion for neighborhood access and equity grants, fifty million to grow and diversify the DULA workforce, twenty five million in grants for anti biased healthcare training, five billion in climate justice blocked grants. You get the point here. You know, majority of the members of the caucus are not going to support the infrastructure bill unless they get their three point five trillion. So Nancy Pelosi is in a she's in a tough spot. And I know that they summon Cinema and mansion to the White House as Biden canceled his threat if one top Democrat admitting Congress can raise the debt limit through reconciliation. Now you know what that means. The Democrats owned the House and the Senate in a wine house. No Republicans should be a part. They're not going to let you in on the negotiations. This is a partisan spending bill the likes of which this country's never seen. You cannot call yourself a conservative or even a Republican and work in conjunction with the Democrats and support this bill or raising the debt ceiling which allows them to spend the money that they want to allocate in this bill. And Bernie Sanders now he's putting pressure on Democrats to vote against the infrastructure bill unless, of course, they get the three point five trillion on top of the one point two trillion, on top of the six hundred billion, and on top of all the other moneys that they've they've been spending. So Senate Democrats, they're looking at a government funding bill without the debt hike, and that's not going to fly. Democrats look for a path forward on the debt ceiling. Well we already know they can use the reconciliation process, according to Democrats, so that then becomes that their bat, their ball, their game, and their ass in terms of the consequences anyway, I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. Terry mcculloff, I'm like, oh, yeah, that's a great thing to run on. Jensaki repeats false claims about the three point five trillion costing zero. Okay, I know Joe Biden doesn't know what a calculator is, and he probably still uses his old abacus. But it doesn't take you know, you don't need a mathematics degree to figure out that it's not going to cause zero. We're going to have to borrow over a trillion, and the actual real spending is real debt that we're accumulating and passing on as an inheritance to our children and grandchildren, and that will be their burden for the rest of their lives and probably their kids' lives. It's just unbelievable, you know. It's even mcculloff said the price is too high. Well, he's because his pull numbers are down in Virginia to I have a lot of faith in the Commonwealth of Virginia. No, I don't got a shot. You might as well take it. Mansion and Cinema leave Democrats in the lurch. Then they're just getting beaten up left and right by And let me tell you something. The reason they're not doing this is because they know it's not popular, and it's not good for the people of West Virginia, and it's not good for the people of Arizona. It's not good for anybody in the country. This disaster of a bill. No wonder why Biden has to cancel his trip and Kamala Harris is hiring, you know, spin doctors to up her image. You know, then we're getting all the fear mongering. What about the full faith and credit of the US government? Ganny Yellen saying the US may exhaust their cash by October eighteenth without raising the debt limit. JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Diamond says the bank is preparing for potentially catastrophic federal default if Congress fails to raise the debt. And this is all the rhetoric we get every time. Let me tell you what always happens. Essential workers work, the military works, and a lot of people end up getting a free vacation. And then when the impasse is over, they get back pay and they got a free vacation. That's what usually happens hand safe for sure. Even the Washington Post fact checker said, this zero dollar claim that it's costing us nothing is just mythical. You know they're gonna you know, all they're trying to do now is these are typical but yet predictable standard, you know, democratic talking points that they use every single time they want to expand the size, the scope, the influence of government and move forward with their socialist agenda. It's unbelievable. Three point five billion to tilt the election scale, Bessie McCoy, it's actually a pretty funny behind. Oh and they're gonna hire eighty seven thousand i RS agents. That means all of you will experience what I experience it yearly audit Hannity Pullar's file, Hanny. That's why now I have two accounting companies that actually have to go over my taxes. One my own accounting for you know, my financial guide firm, and then they hand it over to my lawyer, my lead lawyer, lots of lawyers, and then his firm does their own separate accounting, and then they usually say no it's not worth it, no, no, no, just pay it, pay it, pay it pay. That's what I hear it, pay it, and I say, okay, pay it. That's what the law is. Sixty one cents, sixty one point three cents of every dollar living in New York goes to government for me. And I'm not complaining. I'm an idiot. I stay here. I'm a total complete moron for staying here. I need to get the hell out of here. That's what I need to do. Linda, you agree with that part, well, yeah, you gotta go. We have a lot of ground of coverage today, all things Bill O'Reilly, Bill O'Reilly dot Com will get him to way in on this disaster in Afghanistan, the disaster that is Joe Biden's presidency, and much more. Senator Tom Cotton, I'll check in today as well. He was pretty amazing, and so does Josh Holly. The two of them did a great job. Marshall black burned it a great They all did a great job. They're Republicans on yesterday and today. Jim Banks did a phenomenal job. Will play that later in the program as we continue

The Sean Hannity Show

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