Virginia Gubernatorial Candidate Glenn Youngkin, discusses the state of Virginia, and failed politics of the toxic left; namely socialists like Terry McAuliffe. Tonight Youngkin addressed a major issue for Virginia parents.
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All right, news, round up, information overload our Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. November second is fast approaching, and the race for the governorship in the Commonwealth of Virginia it is a dead on heat. Early voting numbers have been beyond disappointing for the Democrat Terry mcculoff. Apparently there's a lot of bad will. We'll get to his walking off the set in an interview with a local reporter yesterday and being a total jackass. One of the main reasons I would point out that Terry mcculloff is in as much trouble as he is. Number one, he's been governor, people know how arrogant he is already. And number two his comments. I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. Oh, okay, we'll be good little parents and let you indoctrinate our kids with perhaps age inappropriate material or CRT or whatever other woke isms you want to doctrinated our kids into. And parents should just sit down and shut up and be investigated as domestic terrorists. It's crazy. Here's mcculloff and This is the line that may come back and bite him the biggest in this election. Listen, this shows how clueless Glenn Yonkan has. He doesn't understand what the laws were because he's never been involved here in helping Virginia. But it was not the parents had to write to Vito bills, Vito books, Glenn not to be knowledge about it. Also take them off the shows. And I'm not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decisions. So stop the bill that I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. You know, I get really tired of everybody running down teachers. Glenn Youngcan didn't run down any teacher. I get tired of parents telling schools what they should teach. Parental involvement is critical to a child's education. I never heard anything that dumb. Now Terry mccauloff is trying to weazle out of what he actually said. Glenn Yunkin's campaign put out this ad using Terry mcculloff's own words. Glenn Junkins taking my words out of context? How can you mentioned in Tuesday's debate, is you said you don't believe parents should be telling schools what to teach. What did you mean by that? Well, first of all, parents should be telling schools that they want their teachings to be vaccinated. Do you still stand by your position that parents should not tell the schools what they should teach. You do not want twenty five parents picking books? Call us reply, We have a board of bed and we have local school boards and make the decisions about teaching, and I'm not going to let parents contend to schools. I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach them. Wow. Then it hit a crescendo last night, a local reporter interviewing Terry mcculloff, Terry mcculloff ending the interview ten minutes early because you need you need to ask better questions. He actually said it, healthcare, COVID education chapter. All right, we're over. I gave you extra time. Come out, man. You should have asked better questions. Should ask questions your viewers? Did you should have asked better questions early? On? Virginia gubernatorial Republican Canada Glen yuncan is with us. You know. Look I'm gonna be very blunt. I know we used to refer to Virginia as a purple state, but it's really a blue state. And the fact that this race is a dead heat speaks volumes a about your campaign and be about how much people do not like Terry mcculoff. Well, Sean, first of all, thank you for having me with you today. And what you just heard is Terry mcculloff tell a reporter that Virginians aren't caring about schools and public safety and high taxes and no jobs. Well, he's crazy. This is why Virginians are in droves walking in support of our campaign. We have folks all over the Commonwealth of Virginia knocking doors, making phone calls, coming out and there's a movement today, the movement in Virginia. It's not a campaign anymore. It's being led by parents who absolutely, by the way, have a fundamental right to be engaged in their kids education. It's in the Virginia Code. It's being led by Virginians, not Republicans versus Democrats. But Virginians are standing up untail. They're tired to Terry mccaullus entire approach to full government control, who wants to stick government between parents and children, wants to force you to join a union. He wants to bring people into our state to campaign who want to defund police. And this is what Terry mccaull stands for. In Virginians are wholesaling, rejecting him and shown we're gonna win. We're gonna win. We got thirteen days. We're just absolutely surgeon in the polls, and Virginians are going to chart a new path forward. This will be if you win this race, a political earthquake. Let me ask you specifically about loud In County because a lot of this now is a viral story or all across not only the Commonwealth, but all across the country, and that is the politicizing of the Department of Justice and parents rightly outraged, angry, involved in their kids education, which came up in that debate that you had with Terry mcculoff and when he said that parents should you know, I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should be teaching. I would want parent involvement in the educational system of their kids. But anyway, let's talk about what's going on in Loudon County. Specifically and the use of the DOJ looking at what moms and dads that are concerned about their kids education, maybe using the FBI to investigate them as domestic terrorists. This sounds like madness to me. Yeah, well, Sean, it's absolutely outrageous, is what it is. And what we've seen in Loudon County really is parents standing up for their children. I mean to spend ground zero row here for the last twenty months on parents just trying to protect their children. First, get our schools open, and of course the progressive government in Virginia kept our schools closed for an extended period of time unnecessarily and fun that we had to work like crazy just to get our schools open. And then all of a sudden we see the curriculum that parents have now seen at home, teaching critical race theory, and all of a sudden kids being divided into buckets based on race. It's the exact opposite thing we need to do in pornographic material and libraries. And now when parents stand up and say no, we will have a role in our child's education. Terry mccauliffe calls his friend Joe Biden and has the FBI try to silence them. This is absolutely outrageous and then shone it hits a new new, new outrageous moment, just totally unacceptable, where we now see that the school board in Loudon County and the Commonwealth Attorney in Loudon County tried to cover up sexual assaults into school actually perpetrated by the same personal audience. This is the case of apparently a transgender student. The supervisor of school said they had no knowledge of this uh going into the girls' bathroom, and apparently the allegation is rape. We believe in due process and presumption of innocence to be clear. But then the student transferred to another school and another assault allegation emerged. All of this now has been confirmed by local law enforcement. How would it be possible that the school supervisor denies any knowledge of it? How would it possibly be How would it be possible that, in fact they didn't have full knowledge of it and therefore they committed gross negligence. I mean they in fact enabled this. This this offender who was under investigation being prosecuted for sexual assault, relocated him quietly to another school and then should have been suspended depending full investigation. You bet you bet put him at risk. So last night shown, I called for a full investigation of the entire Loudon County school Board, the Commonwealth Attorney, the entire system. And I believe that the Department of Justice should be spending their time on this issue trying to keep our children safe as opposed to trying to silence parents who are standing up for their kids. This is what we're dealing with right now. But it's not just in Virginia, shown, It's all over the nation. And this is why this is no longer a campaign. It is a movement. It's a movement being led by parents. And I bite everybody across the country join us, Join us. They can join us at yuncanforgovernor dot com and watch Virginians stand up on behalf of Yes, parents in Virginia, but also parents all over this great United States of America. Mcculloff says he has no knowledge of the DOJ investigating parents at school board meetings. Why do I find that it's not a credible statement to me? Let me put it that way. Well, first of all, there's not much that comes out of Terry mccaull's mouth today that's credible. I mean, here's a guy who said three, four or five six times that he doesn't think parents should have a roll in their children's education, and then he turns around and says that I'm misconstruing or his words. I mean, come on, this is the same guy who told a law enforcement in one of one of our real heroes, a sheriff, that he didn't care what he said when the sheriff questioned him about a group that's trying to defund police in close prisons and his campaigning on behalf of Terry mccaulliffe. And he looked at him and said, I don't care what you said, and yelled at him. Then he turned around and said he'd support qualified immunity, and then he turned around later and said he wouldn't have support it. Terry mcuff doesn't know what he wants to say because all he's trying to do is get reelected, and Virginians see right through it. Let me ask you about this question. You said you would banned critical race theory on day one. Yeah, on day one. I mean what we've seen in our school system, and it started under Terry mccaulliffe. I mean, we've now found training materials from the Virginia Department of Education used to train administrators and faculty to put critical race theory in the classroom, started in two thousand and fifteen. And what we know, of course, is that what critical race theory does is it forces children to view one another through the lens of race all the time and everything they do and divide them into buckets. And it's wrong. I mean, doctor Martin Luther King implored us to judge one another based on the content of our character, not the color of our skin. So on day one, we're going to ban critical race thory. We'll teach all history, the good and the bad, because we do have import chapters in America's history that we should absolutely teach clearly, but we are not going to teach critical race theory in Virginia schools. And we continue now with the Virginia gubernatorial candidate taking on Terry mcculloff Junkan as with us, Terry mcculloff was governor before. Why do you think if you look at the reaction now that he's getting from the people in Virginia, he'd like to blame Joe Biden for his problems, but they already know Terry McCullough. This isn't a Joe Biden problem. This is a Terry McCullough problem. What were the problems with this last administration the people are pointing out to you, Well, first of all, you hit it right on the nose. Terry wants to blame everybody else but himself. But the reality is, when there's a bright light that is being shine on his record, you'd recognize that the emperor has no clothes. I mean, he talks about developing the economy when he was governor. Well, by the way, the states around us have lapped us. I mean they've grown seventy percent faster every year in economic growth. And his economic development deals that he cut thirty two out of seventy nine of them created zero jobs. He had press releases around fourteen thousand jobs, only half of them showed up. I mean, this is the record of a failed governor. And now that the light is so bright on it, Virginians are wondering why in the world is he running again? Not to mention, why would we ever vote for him? And I have a completely different view here. I'm telling Virginians what I'm gonna do on day one. We're gonna cut taxes and get the cost of living down. We're going to crank up our job machine by cutting regulations and creating a more business friendly environment. We're going to invest in our schools and oh, by the way, get our curriculum right. And we are going to invest and make our community safe again. We're at a twenty year high murder rate in Virginia. We're gonna fund police, not defund police. And Terry mccaulliffs had guests to come campaign with him who are part of his defund the police group. I mean, he just doesn't get it. Virginians are rejecting it. I've been very clear what we're going to go do, and Virginians are really excited to have a new kind of leader in Virginia. You know. The amazing thing is and I've actually gone back and looked at his record, especially as it comes to the jobs. You know, if Virginia's employment growth was equal to those of states surrounding Virginia, and Virginia would have added nearly four hundred thousand jobs during his tenure as governor and had added about less than half of that. And by the way, if you want that actual number, I think Virginia ranks forty fourth in the country when it comes to recovering jobs loss from the pandemic. Forty fourth in the country recovering jobs, and oh, by the way, forty ninth in the country is best place to start a business. I we have got real challenges and it's time for a serious leader. John. I'm no politician. I've never run for office before. I've over a thirty year business career. I know how to build business and create jobs. And guess what, I know how to get things done. The things that I say I'm gonna do, We're gonna go do. And Terry mcculluff is full of empty promises. He's recycling tired old policies. I mean, his policy his policy framework is almost identical to what he's rolled out in two thousand and nine when he tried to run a two thirteen had failed when he was governor. It's going to cost Virginians literally sixteen billion dollars to do what he wants to do. A five thousand, four hundred dollars tax increase for every Virginia family. I'm going to lower our taxes. He's going to raise them. The stark differences between Terry mcculloffs and Glenn Yunkin are just so real. And this is why Virginians are saying, Glen's going to stand up for our freedom and our liberty and Terry wants big government to tell us what to do. And Sean, you're right, we're gonna win this thing, and we're gonna make a statement across America that a state that was thought to be totally blue is not because Virginians are going to stand up for liberty and freedom. All right now, We're gonna have Glenn Yunkin. He's the Virginia gubernatorial candidate taking on Terry mcculloff on Hannity tonight. People want to get in touch with you. How can they do that? Yeah, please join us. You can join us at Yunkin for Governor dot com, or you can follow us on any of the social media platforms that hashtag Glenn with two ends Junkin. The easiest way is at www dot Yngkin for Governor dot com. I'd love to have you join us. We have a movement in Virginia right now that's not only going to change the future of the Commonwealth of Virginia, but the future of our country. All right, we'll see it tonight on TV Virginia gubernatorial candidate Glen Junkins with US eight hundred and nine for one sean our number. We'll get to your calls. Final half hour of the program will continue twenty five to the top of the hour. Every single problem we now face has been preventable. Afghanistan completely easily preventable. The disaster at the border completely preventable, the disaster on energy completely of preventable, all of it. The economy, the supply chain crisis, COVID. I mean, I'm gonna get a hold the COVID. We have more more debts from COVID in twenty twenty one, except most people just don't know it because the medium mobs stopped covering it because Donald Trump's not the president. They're not holding Joe accountable for anything. It's the presidential protection program, just like the candidate protection program. And the other thing is that they're so desperate now as I watch all of this and all of these self inflicted wounds politically and otherwise, and all the damage being done to the country. Never mind internationally, you see what's going on with China and Taiwan. You see what's going on with the Iranians, and they're Biden Envoy basically saying it's inevitable to be a nuclear power, that that is a disaster for the world, and they're allowing that to happen. You see what Putin is now getting rich because of Joe Biden's waiver, while American workers lose high paying career jobs in the energy industry. It's just all pathetic. And then we get, you know, the never ending lies. As I started the program today, the border is not a crisis. That's a lie. Oh, there's no need to test the illegal immigrants. They're not going to be here very long. That was a lie too. Oh it's a two am four am flight that is not in the middle of the night that would be considered an early morning flight. Really, I fly a lot by definition that's called the red eye. I mean, I just I'm tired of being yet lectured, two scolded, yelled at, etc. And by the way, you look at the COVID mess, where where's vaccine hesitancy comes from? The CDC that can't make up their mind and they're ever changing protocols. Same with the NIH. Doctor Fauci's wrong all the time, and he's not honest either. On top of that, Joe Biden inherited three vaccines and monoclonal antibodies, which you only discovered three three weeks ago. You know, the supply chain problem is a high class problem, you jackass. It's an everyday American problem. All of us suffer because of this. Well, you don't get to choose from fifteen colors, but at last you'll get one. What America is that? That's not the answer. So condescending and self righteous? Or pete putaja. You need a shop earlier, shop for Christmas in October. Okay, I'm really thinking about Christmas. I don't even know what day of the week it is. Half the time, I'm working so hard. You know, Oh, three point five trillion to new Space won't cost you a penny. Another lie, you know. Oh, it's with the tragedy of the treadmill. Jensaki circle back with us. We put a little montage together as individuals. As individuals come across the border and they are both assessed for whether they have any symptoms. If they have symptoms, they are The intention is for them to be quarantined. That is our process. They're not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time. Can you look at me, said Joe, you should run, I said, but I feel strongly about all these issues. But I got involved in the civil rights movement, and we have to do more to vaccinate the sixty six million unvaccinated people in America. It's essential the vaccine requirements that we started rolling out in the summer. Our work, lie is the administration flying thousands of migrants from the border to Florida. Any of you are in the middle of the night. Well, I'm not sure that it's in the middle of the night, but let me tell you what's happening here. It is our well, very early in the morning. Here we are talking about early flights, earlier than you might like to take a flight. Okay, this administration guaranteed so holiday pages will run on time. They're not the Postal Service or UPS or FedEx. We cannot guarantee. What we can do is use every lever at the federal government disposal to reduce delays. Well, I think there's always been two kinds of Christmas shoppers. There the ones who have all their list completed by Halloween, and then there's people like me who show up at the Mall on Christmas Eve. If you're in that ladder bucket, obviously there's going to be more challenges. So are you now admitting that the plan does not cost zero or is it less than zero? Well, let's let's not dumb this down for the American public here. What we're talking about is how much the top line investments are, which are all paid for, so therefore it costs zero. Nineteen people couldn't get it washers in furniture and treadmills delivered on time, not to mention all sorts of other things. So why is the tragedy of the short the treadmill that's delayed unbelievable? The tragedy of the treadmill. And you're not gonna get fifteen colors to choose from getting it one unbelievable eight hundred and nine four one sean. If you want to be a part of the program, let's go to Pattison, Washington State. Pat, how are you? Thank you for checking in? Glad you called. Yes, my name is Pat and I'm a farmer in Washington State. And that's what you're a farmer? What are your farm? We cattle, peas, gobronzo beans, um corn, and al salsa. That's awesome. How many acres do you farm? Oh, three or four thousands? Just three, Linda, three or four thousand? And you're not kidding you. I just looked at I'm like, man, that's that's some serious farming. Well, first of all, farmers don't get enough credit. You know, we idiots on TV and radio get way too much credit. I'll be very blunt. And the people that really make this country great people the nurses, the fireman, policeman, the military, the farmers, the truckers. You know, you guys don't get the credit you deserve because you're feeding thousands and thousands and tens of thousands of Americans every year. And I applaud your work. I know it's hard. I know. Listen, I'm not a farmer, but I know enough to know that farming is very hard. The demands are great, and you put food in our stomach and keep our store shelves full. And I don't think you get enough praise and appreciation and thanks. And I just want to say thank you, thank you very much. So what's going on? Well? I wanted to let some people know that we're having some supply chain issues in farming. We can't get fertilizer right now, and we can't get certain farm chemicals that are absolutely essential for us to plant our crops. And I think the American people need to understand that that's serious. If we can't plant, we can't harvest. And if we can't harvest, you can't eat. That's a serious problem, you're telling me. And now is this with there's a shortage of fertilizer for all farmers? This is now a nationwide problem. You know, I don't know that. I just know that in our area right now, it's it's it's serious with the people that aren't planted by now are having problems getting the fertilizer round up for example, which we have to use. If you can buy it, it's four times the price it was six months ago. Wow. And now, just doing simple economics a math that means that you're not going to make less money for your products that you sell up market. Right Truckers aren't going to truck for less. There are more demand than ever. Their prices are going up and that means we the consumer rightly, And that's just the way things works. Applying demand crisscross and dictate the price, and naturally that means we're all going to pay more for everything. By the way, I've been noticing this myself, just when I go to the store, pat because you know, I can get ten I like oranges, you know, ten oranges or ten bucks or buck apiece. You used to get the bag full of oranges for a buck ninety nine. You know, it's things are very, very different, and the cost of every single item. And I go every week myself, and I do my own grocery shopping every single week. I see the prices going up on everything. Yeah. This fertilizer I told you we can't get six months ago, was four hundred dollars a time. Right today, if you can buy it, it's over nine hundred dollars a ton, Okay, So then you are unfortunately you're gonna have to pass that cost onto the consumer. But you can't even farm. I mean, now, let me ask you this. If you don't get this fertilizer, then you don't get to plant your crops, do you. Nope, you don't, right, all right, So that means now you're gonna lose what potentially your farm. Yeah, if we can't you know, if we can't plant our crops, you know, we can't get we don't get income, and without income, you know, he can't pay your bills. I get it. I'm going to look into this a little further because if this is the case, then America has headed towards an even bigger problem than the supply chain issues that we're facing. And if this is now a nationwide shortage of fertilizer, that would be a disaster for the country, a potential disaster. I'll be honest with you. When I saw the comments about you know, and I got getting your treadmill, you know, that's one thing, but when you can't eat, that's quite another. Yeah, well, you know, good thing. I've been a survivalist and I got a year's worth of food in my garage that I put in there, you know, fifteen years ago. But um, it will it'll get me through the tough times if it ever comes to that. But I wouldn't want to eat that crap any And you know, no offense, it's okay, but it's not what you want to eat every day. But you know, if we're not helping out you you, you guys on the farms, we're in deep, deep trouble. I would say, deep shift and no pun intended, because there's your fertilizer. Right. Yeah, it's it's serious. You know, I'm sixty two years old. I've fared my whole life and I've never seen anything like it. Well, thanks for what you do. We're gonna do a deeper dive. I promise you're not. You've not heard the last on this topic. We're gonna look into it more deeply. Okay, thanks for giving us the heads up, and thanks for what you do. Tom and Texas. Tom, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Glad you called Sean. This call has been twenty years into making h If you remember back then, you and Alan were doing a tour and you stopped in Dallas, Texas and at SMUs campus. I do. I remember well, as a matter of fact, yeah, poor Allan didn't have many fans in the crowd. Well, Alan was wearing a cast on his foot and I was in lying to ask a question and I thought it was a good question. But time ran out right when they got to me. But my question that Alan was going to be was he were in that cast because he just had a surgeon removed his foot from his mouth. Oh he'd be nice. God, rest his soul. Alan, I'd way too young, and he did, but he had he had the best. It's a humor in the absolute he did. He really did. And you know what, we got along great and and you know what, he was a good hearted person. And Alan really believed that. He was a true believer. And I give him credit for you know, if he were alive today, he'd be loving you know, New Green Deal, radical socialism, I promise you, because that was that. Those were his core beliefs. He was wrong, but those were his core beliefs. There was nothing funny about it, nothing contrived about him. And he was a good hearted person. I actually had a heart of gold than um. You know, God rest his soul. Yesterday the Democrats came out with quoted compromise of going from six hundred to ten thousand. But nobody yesterday was talking about the details of that ten thousand. If you pay rent nine hundred dollars a month rent, by the end of that twelve months, you have exceeded their ten thousand dollars threshold. Oh by the way, if you get government, if you get government assistance, you're going to beat the ten thousand dollars a year threshold. It's just all it is is. You know, they're hiding their cards and there's a sleight of hand motion by them. It's the same exact thing. They still get access into every aspect of your life and an ability to spy on every American. We have to be vigilant in reading every detail. This is how governments work. They get attorneys to deceptively write a law that you really can't understand what it really means. And I appreciate everything that you're doing by exposing that, and we all thank you very much. Sean. Well, thank you nearly twenty five hundred pages. Tom, thanks for being patient for twenty years. I'm glad you got through. Terry is in Staten Island to New York. What's up, Terry? How are you glad you called? Hello, sir? One question that I have. I know this Green New Deal is costing trillions of dollars right, I was just listening to send the tank cruise rail on quite logically about why this is such a wrong thing to do for the American people. When these Democrats are bounced out for all the ineptitude that they commit, can't we just simply by executive order say you know this Green New Deal is now out. We're not doing it anymore. Can't listen. It's it's gonna be dependent on the people you elect, elections of consequences. That's why I have declared this year twenty twenty one, the year the people. If you want to if you want to get the country back on the right track, America is now on a precipitous decline. As I've been saying. If you want to get the country back on track, the first thing starts with election integrity. You've you've gotta have integrity in the election system. I've laid out five simple things, maybe six if you had a couple of other six or seven. But you can't have a legals vote. That would be number six. But voter ID signature verification, chain of custody, controls, updated voter rolls. And yes it didn't happen into twenty twenty widespread laws broken, and that is partisan observers get to watch the vote count up close and personal, start to finish. This is the time now to get that in place. This way, we'll have integrity in our election system and you can elect the right people, hopefully that have common sense that we'll get the country on the right track, and we'll go back to America first and the conservative principles that I outlined earlier with John Rich. It's not hard to be a conservative and those policies work. Tonight, Hannity nine Eastern Fox News, Please set your DVR. We'll have Virginia gubernatorial candidate now in a dead heat with Terry mcculloff. Glenn Yuncan is going to be with us, Don Junior Senator Kennedy's become one of my favorite guests, Kevin McCarthy, Miranda Divine Nineties Turn Hannity say a DVR. Fox. We'll see you then back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us. You make this show possible. We never forget it. That's our promise.