Escalating Violence - 10.25

Published Oct 25, 2018, 10:00 PM

Sebastian Gorka, former White House adviser and author of a new book, Why We Fight: Defeating America’s Enemies and NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik,author of The Grave Above the Grave was Commissioner of the city of New York, yesterday in the midst of the all political spin - Bernard Kerik took a stand. While doing a segment on CNN he got up and walked off set - the hyperbole, and right and left of something that is not about party - but about people, was just too much. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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All right, glad you with us. Wow, what a day. We've got twelve days till election day, the most important midterm Well, we'll having. Our life will survive anything that happens. I don't want people to get that panic, that freaked out. But the bottom line is now is the time. A lot of states now have early voting. Why not get it out of the way. I'll tell you the races that matter in the Senate the most, the most stay don't worried about the most right now is Florida with Rick Scott for the Senate and and Rhonda Santis for the governorship. I will will get into more details about the danger to the people of Florida Gillum is ever elected governor of that state. Marcia Blackburn will check in with us today. She of course running against well now the exposed phony fraud Schumer wanna be Breticon in that important state of Tennessee. Republicans have to win that state. It is critical to advancing the president's agenda. Um I have with Polls are looking better now in since the exposure of of what's her name Claire mccaskell in Missouri. I know it's always tight in Nevada, but that race with Dean Heller is so, so very very important that that st be held. UM feeling a lot better considering that Martha McSally, twenty eight year veteran war hero, six deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, and she's going up against the radical leftist UH anti war protester Kristen Cinema, who had no problem with Americans joining the Taliban none at all, and thinks that people in her state, in other words, the voters are crazy and that her state is the meth capital of democracy, among other radical friends she has that she's invited to Arizona State University. UH. John Tester still has a lead in Montana, but I can see that lead evaporating over time. He's just basically a reliable Schumer vote every single time. That doesn't represent the values of the people among Tanna Heidi high Camp. Her campaign is collapsing, thankfully, worried a little bit. Indiana is a state that should be one and Joe Donnelly should be defeated, and Braun is a great candidate, would make a great senator. The only problem in Indiana right now is you've got a libertarian siphoning off the votes of Braun, who would otherwise be easily defeating Donnelly. And don't forget that's often set up on purpose by people. I'm not saying in this case, but you know, I understand some libertarians they hate this argument. But the reality is, if you split your vote and your vote, it's a half a vote for Donnelly. And I don't think any libertarian wants Donnally to continue because he's basically the Chuck Schumer Donnally of Indiana. He doesn't represent Indiana values um. And I think the President going there is gonna help hopefully Braun in Indiana. Uh And we'll be watching and waiting the whole time. You don't look, let me tell you what the worst news is in the You know, we've been watching all of this happened, you know, all of this incivility that we've been monitoring, and the silence has been deafening. It's just been especially deafening from Democrats and the news media. They've been unwilling to criticize things they obviously should criticize. And it's been going on two years. This this is not a new phenomenon. It takes on different forms. It all started with Madonna I wanna, I dream an awful lot about blowing up the White House and deteriorated from there, and de Niro wanting to punch the president in the face, and Joe Biden wanting to punch the president take him behind their school yard and fight it out and duke it out. You know, this is the Democratic Party. Hillary can't be civil, Eric Holder, kick him. We watch what's happened to Pam Bondi, Secretary Nielsen, Sarah Sanders and her kids, Ted Cruz and his wife, Mitch McConnell and his wife multiple times, boulders now being thrown through the office window of Kevin McCarthy, the House Majority leader. I mean, and there's been virtual silence. Now we have this terrible incident that we have been watching where you know, these suspected male bombs. You know, thank god, of the ten that have been sent they haven't even confirmed fully that they're real bombs. I assume that they are. Thank God none of them went off being sent to several prominent Democrats around the country. We do have one instance where a Republican is being threatened. We did have the the two instances in Minnesota where two Republican candidates were punched. One guy got kolcock from the behind at a concussion that's going to keep him out of commission for six weeks. You know, we're living in times where the hypocrisy reeks. The media Democrats, they only care about Russia collusion if Russia collusion involves Donald Trump, which it does not. But then when they see all the evidence emerging that Hill he bought and paid for Russian lies by funneling money to from a law firm to a op research group that then hires a foreign national that makes that won't even stand by, you know, his ridiculous stories of hookers urinating in beds in Moscow and Donald Trump years ago, and under oath he says, I can't confirm any of this. It's just you know, well it's fifty fifty um, it's raw intelligence. What do I know? And then that still becomes the basis to commit a fraud on a FISA court. And then it still becomes the basis of you know, these rogue upper echelon, not rank and file, big difference. You know, the structs, the pages, the McCabe's, the Comys of the world, et cetera. You know all writing Hillary is exonerations. She should have been put in jail or tried, but then she gets to continue. Then she spends the money on the Russian dossier. And then when they can't beat Trump even by disseminating those lies to you, we the people, Well, then they go the next step their insurance policy, which is even though Lisa Pade said there was no evidence of Trump Russia collusion and Struck said that there's no there there, well, then they start a media leak strategy, leaking again the same Clinton Russian dossier, and that becomes the basis of the appointment of Robert Muller. And then we go off investigating people's loans applications. Could grief, it's just as pathetic. But they only cared about Trump Russia collusion. Media ignore that. Then the media when it comes to Judge Kavanaugh and the new Kavanaugh standard, which is guilt by accusation, well that too, only is applied towards Republicans. Because I haven't heard Kamela Harris Spartacus or Dickie Durban or you know, uh Senator Feinstein or any of them ever demand an investigation, an FBI investigation in Keith Ellison. That's fairly recent, and we have real evidence, real text messages, a real tape, real doctors reports. None of them have said we need an FBI investigation into him. Thank goodness the people of Minnesota paying attention because that matters, you know, So again it's it's it's there's just hypocrites. They only care about Republican Russia collusion that doesn't exist, not Hillary collusion. They only care about stopping Kavanaugh, but not stopping you know, Ellison, or not stopping the recent allegations. Based on the Kavanaugh standard, we'd be calling for FBI investigations in the Corey Spartacus Booker or Bill Clinton himself. If we're gonna go back forty years and the rape allegation with one it to Broderick and others, and then we take it a step further. You know, they only care. They don't care about violence, the threatening of violence against the president. You know, listen to this montage of everything that you know, just a small one. I can go on for hours of all the things the media didn't get all worked up about. Listen, you cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That's why I believe if we are fortunate enough, you cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That's why I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again. If you have to be stuck in an elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pans or Jeff Sessions, who would it be. Does one of us have to come out alive? Did you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department stop, at a gasol station. You get out, and you get a day, and you get back on them, and you tell them the welcome anymore anywhere. Please don't just come here today and then go home. Go to the hill today, get up and please get up. In the face of some congress people for when he was elected, what I wrote on Twitter was we should impose martial law until we make sure that the Russians weren't involved in the final tallies of the vote. And people were like, martial law, what's wrong with you? You're a lunatic. He wants to send the military to the border, so I would have send the military to the White House to get him. Yes, I'm angry, Yes I am outraged. Yes I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. You know, I had a dream the other night about that. I was playing golf with Donald Trump, and I was standing beside him with a club in my hand. I was, you know, considering my options when I suddenly woke up. You know, it was one of those dreams where you want to just get back to sleep so you can finish it. And I put Mr Burgess up against Sean Hannity. I'll tell him up. I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to him, whether they're independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with him and getting their faces. Press always asked me, don't I worshiper or debating him. No. I wish he were in high school. I could take him behind the gym. That's what I wish. What we've got to do his fight in congreverse, fight in the courts, fight in the streets, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals. Who have made the difference. They've marched, they've bled, Yes, some of them have died. This is hard. Every good thing is we have done this before, we can do this again. Well, I'm concerned that teapot it can go straight to hell. In fact, the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin's polster. How long there's going to be our saving grace? You know, when he's about nuke Finland or something, she's gonna walk into the bedroom and you know, Daddy, Daddy, don't do Daddy. He's a punk, he's a dog, he's a pig, he's a con artist. Mutt, he's an idiot. He talks how he wants to punch people in the face. Well, I'd like to punch him in the face. Trump, it's no longer and in that orderly and formal way and lawful way. We need to overthrow the government of the United States under Donald Trump says that you know, when they go low, they go low. We can that's what'll just new democratic artist there. You know, we're supposed to in the country solve our political differences in the ballot box. That would be in twelve days. All this this is just that's a small sampling of what we could be playing for you. But they want to score cheap political points. So what do they do. They blame the President, they blame Fox News, they blame talk radio, even yours. Truly, it is just a disgrace and slander and a defamation. I'm gonna expose all of this in the course of the program today. You know it is Uh, it is an extremely scary time on so many different levels. We are twelve days to election day. One piece of news polling wise that has shocked a lot of people is that in the West Virginia Senate race, mansion is now down to to the Attorney General Patrick Morrissey. It appears West Virginia is now in play. We'll talk to him in the course of the program. Uh, a must win state Senate wise for the Republicans. As Tennessee, we know about the fake, fraudulent, you know phony that is Phil Brettison. He was caught on tape by Project Veritas. Anyway, Uh, Tennessee Congresswoman hopefully sooner be, Senator Marsha Blackburn will check in today and we've got a lot more ground to cover, and the course of the program stay with us. One. Shawn is our number. Attention, all patriots, are you in the market for a new gun? While the U. S c c A Is on a mission to get more guns into the hands of more responsibly Americans, So they want to give you seven free chances to win the Ultimate Concealed Carry Package. 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All right, as we roll along, Shawan Hannity Show, eight d nine one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Did this really have to be the week that The New York Times has five novelists imagining Trump's next chapter, And one of the novels actually goes into, oh, let's see murder, and the other one goes into a fake Russia again, you know. The Russian waited until they were a few steps past, and he drew the gun. He slighted on the center of the President's back and squeezed the trigger, but it misfired. The Secret Service agent at the president's shoulder heard the clicks, spun into a crouch. He registered the scene, instantly, drawing his own weapon with razor edge reflexes. The Russian taste taser failure closed his eyes, waited to pay the cost. He opened his eyes that Secret Service agents stood before him, presenting his clock. But first here, the agent said, politely, use mine. Really, that's what they want to in these times, That's the New York Times what they're putting out there. H Andrew Cuomo was forced to retract a claim that he was targeted by a pipe bomb that didn't happen. But it doesn't surprise me that you've got multiple reports. You know, of course we had fake news. You know, some of these people do need lawsuits, and there is there is a line that is being crossed here that deserves a real court challenge as it relates to slander, as it relates to smearing people's characters. You know, you have the NBC reporter suggesting the perfect person responsible for the male bomb scare. Uh you know, you know when Robert probably reads the conservative news website, the Drudge Report, it's outrageous, that's on fake news. MSNBC began a segment with this guy highlighting the image of the device sent to John Brennan. Nobody wants this to happen. I didn't like it when I've had threats, really serious ones in in my life and career to my family, or powder sent to where I work and said that it's one that it's a poisonous material, you know, and it just goes on from there. You know. Well, you know these guys on talk radio, they've been very critical. Meanwhile, they're the same people that have sat back just the last four weeks and have ignored the mob never ending assault, the left wing assault mostly on women, but also on you know, men with their wives and just trying to eat dinner, Boulders being throwing through Kevin McCarthy's office. Totally ignore those issues. To the top of the hour, let's tune in. James O'Neill is the New York Police Department Commissioner, giving an update on the bomb investigation. Here's what he's saying. Suspicious package investigations are conducting here in New York City. First and from foremost, my message today is that New Yorkers are safe. There are no current credible threats to any individuals, organizations, or locations here in New York City. New Yorkers are safe, but everyone, all eight points six million residents and the millions of visitors who come here every year, should always remain vigilant and aware of their surroundings. As always, I urged people to alert us to anything that might seem strange or out of place, or anything that makes them feel uncomfortable. They can flag down a cop call or call our toll free count of Terrorism number, which is one eight New York City Safe and that's for anything new or if someone has information about any of the incidents this week in New York. We don't underestimate the difference even one person can make towards our collective safety, and neither should the people of New York City. I want to reiterate, as I did yesterday, as I do any time we talk about far reaching investigations of this nature of any other kind, that nothing we do in law enforcement we do alone. Through our Joint Terrorist Task Force, comprised the professionals from the agencies you see here today and others, we are investigating all of this with great precision, and I can say with certainty that we will identify and arrest a person or people responsible for these acts. Make no mistake, New York Cities intelligence and counter terrorisim kind of terrorism. Capabilities are second and none every day of the year, not just this week. Our detectives and analysts are constantly pouring over the threat stream as we proactively deploy our resources around the city as needed, and you're seeing that today too. Out of an abundance of caution, I'll tell you that when we look at the events of yesterday and today, I have immense pride in the incredible work the men and women are the NYPD to each and every day, especially when it involves partnering with the organizations represented here today. All conclude by reminding everyone that law enforcement professionals do not care about the politics behind these acts. But we do care about is keeping the public we serve safe. That's it. That's the job, fighting crime and keeping people safe. And through the full and willing partnership of everyone who lives, in, works in, and visits New York City, will make the safest large city in the United States even safer, Mr mayor thank you, anything of any substance comes out. The only thing they have said is the bombs had powder, meaning some type of explosive powder and broken glass, which would mean the maximum amount of damage and shrapnel that should they have gone off. None of them had gone off. Usually in a mail bomb like that, you would think if somebody opens it, that's when they're going to realize that. That's the moment. Usually would detonate. Thank god, none of that has happened. Thank god. Um all packages were listed, apparently, Congresswoman Debbie Washson and Chiltz in the return addressed thankfully none exploded. No one was injured, and the full scale federal local investigation is to hunt down whoever those maniac is that would be responsible for such things. You know it is, Um, I don't care who it is. You know, there is no place in this society for this type of violence, these types of threats, this intimidation. It should have no place in politics or our country. You know, this is evil that we're talking about, and I wanted act of terrorism here. It's I'm having lived through some of this myself. I know how horrible it is. My thoughts and prayers to go out to anybody that is involved in this. It's just wrong. I want these guys put in jail for as long as possible. And the shouldn't it should not have to be said. No conservative, I know, whatever support this horrible act or this type of violence or depravity, as the President condemned it yesterday. Um, nobody knows who's responsible. Yet everyone's rushing to judgment like they usual will we do when they can politicize something. You know, as this has now been unfolding, you you watch people assigning blame uh to all political rivals, especially President Trump. Then they go to Fox News. Then talk radio, and it goes on from there. Meanwhile, we have heard the it played some of it in the last hour, place some of it later in the program today. The most incendiary, over the top, out of control statements that have now been going on for weeks and weeks, these mobs literally showing up, getting in the faces, taking the marching orders of Spartacus and people like maxim Waters that create a crowd and follow them into department stores, gas stations, grocery stores. You tell them they're not wanted anywhere anymore. Wow? Hey, is that that? How it is? What they said to Mitch McConnell and his wife this weekend. Um, you know you you look at the the rush to pull a size this and the silence has been deafening the last number of weeks, as all of this has been, you know, unfolding before our eyes. Sarah Sanders and her family, Ham Bondi and Secretary Nielsen, Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz and his wife, and of course Mitch McConnell and his wife. The guy got violent in the restaurant over the weekend and everything. You two lawmakers punched in Minnesota, and you have a boulder thrown through Kevin McCarthy's door. Doesn't matter if it's Republican or Democrat, doesn't it's it's got to stop. And we saw what happened in the Kavanaugh hearings. What was Rand Paul saying? What was I saying? I said, we better just get the general public out of the halls of Congress because it's not safe anymore. As in those cases, left wing activists, you know, getting in people's faces, spitting at Lindsey Graham, you know, rushed to pin blame on the mail bomb, some extremists. You know, well, it's not just fringe websites and communities on Facebook, but you know, sorrows Obama, the Clintons have been viewed as the root of all evil on talk radio and Fox News for over a decade. Well, if this idiot Ben Collins at NBC News that ever bothered listening to my show when the White House and I have multiple examples of when I said it. Remember that guy walked into the White House through the front door one day, nearly went up to the residents when Barack Obama's president. I said, this is insanity. We've got to protect our president, We've got to protect our politicians. This isn't political, that's in an attack, an assault on the United States. Well, but the president says fake news, Well they are fake news, most of them. Every second, every minute, every hour, every day. There's Trump hate that is all over television. You know, this is an an abject idiot. And by the way, they're not alone little insinuations by fake news CNN and fake news conspiracy tv MS and ABCNBCCBS. It's the same thing we've been calling for calm. We've been condemning the mobs that have been confronting politicians. It doesn't matter if they're left or right. We're the ones when Bernie Sanders supporter tried to assassinate Republican lawmakers on that baseball field, nearly killing somebody that is a friend of mine. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, I said, I'm not blaming Bernie Sanders for this. He had nothing to do with that, and that's that's but that's the type of logic. And I even said, boy, if it was the other way around, they'd say the same. They'd blame us immediately because they want to put politics. Trump's all in their world. You know, political disagreements, etcetera. You know, they shouldn't be marching orders to follow politicians and cabinet members and create crowds and confront them and tell them they're not wanted anymore in anywhere anymore. You know. But if you call out the deep state, if you call out the left hypocrisy, you call out their calls for violence, the fake news media reporting fake news. If you do that, that's not inciting violence, that's just telling the truth. And the same goes for people of the media. You know, those those you know, Trump supporters of Democrats bashing. They bashed me every other day. There's weeks that I'm all, I'm plastered all over these channels as as wallpaper for crying out loud as they try to use me to get their ratings up. Now, listen, I deplore all the rhetoric. But rhetoric is rhetoric, you know what. At the end of the day, individuals are responsible for their own behavior. Although it does sound like the orders have been sent out to get in people's faces and confront them and tell them they're not wanted anywhere anymore, that sense does have You know, nobody talked about Susan Rice, the target of a package of what they purportedly believed to be ricing that was sent to her home, or three weeks ago President Trump, General Maddus, FBI Director Ray, CIA Director g in the hospital, they all got suspicious packages that they were told was ricing, or Don Junior's family, or going back a few years when it happened to me. I know from firsthand experience, it's a horrible thing to go through. It's sadly is. Threats to me and my family have happened many times over the years, more than I would ever tell you. I've been saying for months, the rhetoric needs to calm down. Someone's gonna get hurt or worse. You know, Kevin McCarthy, we got a boulder thrown through his office. What if somebody was in there. You know, we've been condemning the the unacceptable behavior day after day, night after night. Democrats have been nowhere to be found. They've been silent, and they have threats to want to punch the president, fight the president, beat up the president, blow up the White House, etcetera. You know, severed heads of the president happens in comedy, so called comedy shows, it happens in so called news channels. It happens in the mainstream media, happens everywhere. Really, The New York Times perfect time to have five novelists imagining Trump's next chapter, you know, one including murder, good grief. That's that. That that's that's maybe in a little inappropriate for a president you think, you know it's And then to watch the calls for civility, it just rings hollow to me. And I'm not blaming these people. They you know, they can do what they want. This is what the Democrats do every two and four years. We have some interesting developments in the state of New Jersey. We might have a race. Menendez is only up by three points. People in New Jersey have figured out who Menendez is, just like in Minnesota, people have figured out who Key Telenson is. He's down seven. It looks like, you know, we're now finding out that people have figured out who Brettison is down in Tennessee, and who mc caskell is in Missouri, and who Christine Seminar Cinema is in Uh. You know, sure, I don't have a problem of Americans joined the Taliban. Why would she get one vote in Arizona after being that crazy? But we have a race there in a race now with the Attorney General of West Virginia, Patrick Morrissey's up by two over Joe Mansion. A lot of people weren't expecting that, But when you think about it, it's logical. All the success of the West Virginia economy and saving cold jobs and energy jobs and all the prosperities because of Trump policies, and Mansion didn't even support the tax cuts. And frankly, my guess is the Capital vote was just an election year conversion. He'll go right back to supporting Chucky Schumer. In Missouri, you've got the Daily Caller reporting that Josh Hally is running against Claire McCaskill, sharing a photo of a yard sign that had been vandalized with a swastika and his name on the sign. Is this what it's really come down to? He asked, he's now the Missouri Attorney General. Claire McCaskill also caught on tape saying, I'm just like Obama. I'm just I'm just saying these things to get elected. I'm she doesn't care about raining in or representing the people of Missouri. You know, you've got another Daily Caller report, you know, talks about non exploding bombs turned up yesterday and today. The New York Times still has no reason that's seemingly to apologize but their Trumps assassination fantasy that they published the day before the pipe bomb was discovered, the first one Times publishing a story short story about assassinating President Donald Trump on Tuesday, one day before potential explosive devices showed up at the addresses of all these political years. New York Times are asking novelists to conjure up possible outcomes to Robert Mueller's investigation. They don't care. You only care about Russia collusion as long as it's a Republican. I only care about sexual misconduct or assault if it's a Republican. They ignore Ellison Spartacus Clinton. They only care about incendiary language when they think it comes from a conservative, not their own. By the way, Charles Grassley has issued a criminal referral for Avanati and Julie Sweatnick. Remember she was the woman that made the accusation. Oh that almost on a weekend basis, they would they would spike the punch bowl and boys would line up in the halls and they would then take their turns gang raping young teenage girls. Anyway, Grassly announced he's referring Julie Sweat, Nick and Avanati to the Justice Department for potential criminal investigation into the potential they made false statements to Congress about time somebody follows up Chelsea Clinton saying she might run for office if someone retires. She probably went in New York. You know. Then we've got I think one of the scariest votes and and elections going on, this one in Florida. It's getting a little scary. I'm not sure people are fully understanding just how radical this uh Andrew Gillim is. That scandal is wide ending according to the where a lobby is paid for luxury getaways for him. Get that. Just look at his policies. That's what's dangerous to the state of Florida. His policies will destroy the economy of Florida. I'll get into that. We get back twelve days to go to election day. A lot of states have early voting. You may want to go out early and we'll be following the results as we continue. UM interesting fascinating poll out of West Virginia that Senate race now in play as the West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrissey is now up by two more. Arsha Blackburn. Republicans can't have a good night if she doesn't win against this phony now called on tape, former Governor Breticon she'll join us today, also former NYPD Commissioner Carrigan Sebastian Gorka. A lot to get to as we continue right our two Sean Hannity Show. Glad you're with us. Right down our toe free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, it's eight hundred nine for one Sean if you want to join us. You know I'm playing in the last hour all of the incivility of the left and what we've just experienced the last three weeks. The silence from Democrats has been absolutely tephanie. And then this insanity, this media rush to blame Donald Trump or talk radio or Fox News. Um, it is borders, It is slander for the most part, considering all that we have heard in the last however many you know two years now about Donald Trump, even longer because when he was running for to be president. Let me play some of the media they're rushed to blame and the hypocrisy. You know, it was last week Hillary saying we can't be civil with them unless we win. Well, she changed her tune after the bombs were found yesterday. And then just like Andrew Cuomo, they're not New Yorkers. They don't belong here. You know, if they're pro life and pro Second Amendment, they're not real New Yorkers. There's no place here for them. And then what he said yesterday, such hypocrisy. Listen has the president's rhetoric Senator against the news media, including CNN, calling us the enemy of the American people for example fake news. Has that stoked these violent tendencies, at least in some people. Why, I think, if that's obvious, I have been concerned about this for a long time. I spoke about it at length in the Senate starting in January, about the president's rhetoric. Let's remember, we have a president who has talked for a couple of years now about imprisoning his political rival in Hillary Clinton, who has encouraged violence against the media. Uh just last week talking about the assault on a reporter by a congressman in Montana and saying that he that he's his kind of guy. It's hard to see this outside of the context of the president's hostility, hostility towards towards Mrs Clinton, who tried to briefly speak towards unity, towards Barack Obama, towards George Soros, the President and his allies. They need to dial down the political rhetoric. They are making people less safe. They are making journalists less safe, and they are making law enforcement officers less safe. Look, we don't know who did this, we don't know what their motive was, but it's a very obvious thread. And maybe it's meant as a ruse, but it's an obvious thread. The Obama's, the Clinton's, John Brannon, CNN UM, George Soros. These are people and organizations that President from continually attacks demonizes. You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. The only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength. And it's a time of deep divisions and we have to do everything we can to bring our country together. Their problem is not me and the Democrats. Their problems themselves. Who are they are? They? These extreme conservatives who are right to life, to assault weapon in ti Kay? Is that who they are? Because If that's who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York citizens. That's not who New Yorkers are. And at the end of the day, we may have political differences, but this is one country. We're all Americans, e plura basum out of many one and keeping the debate and the dialogue civil UH is very very important, And for elective leaders, who in many ways set the tone, it is especially important. All right, joining us now, a real New Yorker in his own right, UH. Former m y p D Police Commissioner Bernie Carrigg is with us. Call him commissioner or a commission Thank you for being with us. Dr Sebastian Gorka is with us. By the way, his new book is out Why We Fight, UH, Defeating America's enemies with no apologies. Thank you both for being here. You know, Bernie, you know I listened to Hillary yesterday compared to what she said a week ago. I listen to you know, Andrew Cuomo, worst governor in New York history, say conservatives. He they're not New Yorkers, they don't belong here. I had every other governor in the country inviting me to move there, which would be the smartest thing I could do, because I wouldn't pay as much in taxes um. And and now yesterday said no eploravus on him, and I'm like, it's so full of crap. Yeah, they listen what I saw yesterday, you know, them trying to put the blame on the president, them making these sympts. As you know, Sean, last night I walked off the CNN. Uh. They stuck Brannan in the middle of our broadcast. They said that he was going to talk about the device that was seeing, which I thought was a good idea general public, some insight as to profiling, packaging, whatever the case may be. UM, and then he got on for a ten minute blast of the president. I just think it's bizarre. I think it's way over the top. I think they could explain what happened, Bernie. You I mean, you're sitting on the set of CNN explaining in detail. Then you left and they send cameras following you for ten minutes. Uh, what happened. I was on the set, we were already introduced to do a segment on on the devices and the investigation, and then they interrupted and said that Brennan was going to speak about the specific device being sent that was sent to CNN and his name um. But then he got on and he went on this ten minute tirade against the president. You know, I didn't have any objection to him being on. I thought, this is a guy that has credibility in the agency, that could talk about profiling, could talk about targeting, could talk about packaging, could talk about what to look for, give the general public some real insight as Brennan is referred to the president as a trader, and Brennan is up to his eyeballs and all the corruption involved in the deep state, and he went on a tirade against the president. So I took the earpiece off, I took the mic off, and I walked off, and the producers chased me down the block trying to get me to come back. They were calling me. But you know what, enough is enough already. Listen. This is a time you need to unify the country like Juliani and I did in the aftermaths of September eleven. This is not a time for division in CNN and Brennan were at the max dividing uh the audience that was watching their show. There is no conservative out there, Sebastian Gorka, none, nobody ever. It's not been conservatives that have been, you know, saying things I dream an awful lot of blowing up the White House. Um. It's been Hollywood that wants to punch the president in the face and showing severed heads of the president and those that talked about a killing the president, etcetera. Um, that's been the rhetoric of the left. The media has been virtually silent. It's it's Republicans and conservatives and you know, Secretary Nielsen, Pam Bandi and Sarah Sanders and now Henry Kissinger, Kevin McCarthy's office, A boulder has thrown through it. Um, and Ted Cruz and his wife, and Mitch McConnell and his wife. You know, we've been saying that we better be really careful here. It's I've been saying it for weeks now, going back to the Camino hearing. So I was saying, we better clear the halls of Congress. Somebody's gonna get hurt, somebody's gonna get killed, and no one behold. You know, the rhetoric gets ratcheted up, and then those people that were silent when it's a Republican now are this is outrageous. We can't have this kind of rhetoric. This is this is horrible. He can't say fake news. They are fake news. No, they are, and we need to keep using that phrase. And I'd also like to congratulate the commissioner. You're doing what he did yesterday. That was a cabin or moment when he stood up for the truth. I just like one person on the left, I don't care who it is CNN, anybody tell me which Republican, which member of either the media or the political leadership made political profit from a Bernie Sanders volunteer shooting Steve Steve Scalise, Which Republican member of the the party or the media profited personally profited for his side. After Rice and after white powder was mailed to the Trump family, two members of the cabinet, after individuals were way that happened three weeks ago, President Trump, FBI Director Ray, Defense Secretary Maddis, and CIA director Haspell all had rice and mailed to them. By the way, I've had white powder mailed to me, uh over the years. I mean, it's a horrible thing that anybody has to go through. We all want to catch who's ever responsible here, But whoever it is is not somebody that would be that we would know as a quote conservative, And it's just some nut job or some lunatic on what It doesn't matter what their politics are. Why why is it okay? Why is it okay for seeing entern Kirron's today blaming Donald Trump for not taking responsibility for these attempted letter bombs? Why is that okay? We're not one Republican profited from congressman actually getting shot at at a baseball field very close to where I am standing now by a left wing activist. This is this is the double standards that the average Americans see through, and this is why we're going to vote vote down ticket Republican on November to six, because they've had enough of the lies and the double standards. You know, it's the same thing, Bernie, and I agree with Sebastian that you know, it showed a lot of courage what you did yesterday. But I've known you so long, I know that's who you are, and it comes to the second nature to you. You don't even think about it. I gotta take a quick break more with m y p D Commissioner Bernie Carrick, more with Dr Sebastian Gorka and more of your calls, and then later on Congresswoman hopefully sooner be Senator from Tennessee, Marcia Blackburn a very important race there. And as we continue with former m y p D Commissioner Bernie Carrick and Dr Sebastian Gorka. They only care about Russia collusion, but only if it's Trump. That they don't care about Hillary paying for Russian lies to influence the election and commit fraud upon h FIS Accords and using it to get a special counsel. Uh. They only care about sexual assault forty years ago if it's Kavanaugh and political, but not Bill Clinton and not Keith Ellison and not Spartacus. And literally they only care about rhetoric, but not when it's used against Donald Trump and people want to blow up the White House and punch him in the face, and that people lie about him every single second of every minute of every hour of every day on these news channels are so called news channels, And it just shows what hypocrisy exists in the media to me. Yeah, but you know what, Sean, I think the American people, even Democrats, even people on the left. In New York City, people are coming up to me constantly saying, you know what, I've had enough. This is insane. The rhetoric, the left wing rhetoric, the attacks, the verbal attacks, calling for basically violence, Eric Holder, the former Attorney General of the United States, calling for acts of violence against Republicans, um Maxine Waters Pelosi. You know, like uh, Sebastian Gorka just mentioned Scalise. Nobody mentioned Scalise yesterday. An attempted assassination of a United States congressman on that Virginia ballfield. Somebody's talked about that. You know why the way not only they don't talk about it. I mean, the only reason those guys are alive today, and this goes to something I know is near and dear to your heart, is because you had two Capital police officers that did what probably their training told them not to do, and that is they walked in an open field with pistols going up against a rifle. Uh and a guy hidden behind a barrier. Now that basically is a suicide mission to save someone else's life. That's how brave they want to watch. Listen these men and women do it all the time. It's just like the men and women INBI Joint Terrorist Task Force. Now, uh, the FBI, the New York City Police, this New York State Police. Um, they're going to go out there and risk their lives to find person responsible for devices. Now, I want to preface that if the devices are real, I don't know. I'm starting to have a real inkling that these may not be real devices. Um. And if that's true, UM, we're a lot better off. Nobody's gonna get hurt. But I find it really suspicious that you've had eight or nine of these things so far. And usually the trigger mechanism for these devices is the actual opening of the package. Well, there's been several opened and none of them have detonated, which tells me there's some sort of problems. So I'm hoping they're not real, um, and I hope that the authorities find them sooner than later. I think that this is the search go because they have so much now forensic evidence here. I'm assuming you know when we talked about this yesterday that look, none of this is easy. But I'm I'm assuming by now they probably have their eyes on somebody. Absolutely absolutely, I said yesterday, you'll have you know, probably twenty four or seventy two hours, um. And I stand by that there's a munths enormous amount of evidence that they've been able to capture because these things did not detonate. And I think we'll see something soon. All right, Dr cork will give you the last word today. The bottom line is we run these people to ground, we release the bloodhounds, we throw the book of them. But it doesn't matter what side you're on. The responsibility for the normalization of violence has started on the left. When you have an a former Attorney general who worked for President Obama to say when they're down, you kick them, and you have Hillary Clinton say we're going to be civil after we win the elections. Nobody on the right says that it's the less responsible if you for the normalization of violence. I want to thank you both, Dr Sebastian Gorka, congrats by the way, in your new bestseller Why We Fight, Defeating America's Enemies with No Apologies, and former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Carrick. He also wrote The Grave Above the Grave, and that too is selling well. Thank you so much for being with us, Bernie for one, Shawn is our number. If there's any chance of a great night on election night twelve days from now, it has to be starting in Tennessee with a win by Marsha Blackburn will get to that and much more straight ahead. Liberal Democrats promised to impeach President Trump. Voting for Joe Mention gives Democrats impeachment power. Mentioned betrayed us siding with Obama and Clinton. We know Mention will betray us again. Kill it, Jill Mantion. Do that members election empowers the Liberals. They're going to try to impeach the president. Patrick Morrissey funding to protect President Trump. Vote for Marsy is a vote for me. I'm Patrick Morrissey and I approved this message. Patrick Morrisy. Working class roots dad, the World War Two vett mom, a v a nurse, worked his way through school. His values taught him how to fight. And when Patrick Morrissey beat Obama at the Supreme Cours, saving coal jobs, protecting her Second Amendment, conservative fighter winner, He's gonna fight for you like nobody's ever fought for the people of West Virginia. Patrick Morrissey is truly a vote to make America great again. No one trust lying liberal Joe. He lied when he supported Obama in Clinton's campaigns to kill coal jobs, and when he pushed his gun control bill. He lied to us by supporting taxpayer funding of abortion. No one trust lying liberal Joe. President Trump trust only one candidate to fight for him and West Virginia conservative fighter Patrick Morrissey. Vote for Marcy is a vote from me, Patrick Morrisey, and I approved this message. All right, there you go, twenty five now until the top of the hour, only twelve days until the important midterm elections. You know it had been And even I have fallen into this, even though I tell you don't fall into this. I have been reading the polls and I kept seeing how Mansion is up by ten. I don't see the seat and play and obviously an election year conversion. He votes for Kavanaugh, which was a good vote with the right thing to do. Um. But with that said, um, now it is a two point raise. Two polls I've looked at, one with Mansion up and the other with his opponent, the Attorney General of West Virginia, Patrick Morrissey up. And that means that West Virginia is now in play. That means that Joe Mansion can be replaced. Joining us now is the Attorney General from the great state of West Virginia, Patrick Morrissey, Sir, congratulations. This seems to be a very big come act um. Early polls didn't look good in the beginning, but I guess maybe we're getting more accurate polling as we get closer to UH election Day. Well, Sean, thanks so much for having me on. And I think what you're seeing in West Virginia is that voters are really focusing on the differences between the candidates. As you can see from my ads, I'm a conservative fighter who helped advance the Trump jobs agenda, and Mansions a dishonest Washington liberal. The more and more people drilled down on Mansion's record, he's starting to lose support. So we feel very good that we're gonna win on election Day. We just have to keep out working them the way we have. You know, I was really worried during the Obama years about our friends in West Virginia because of the the burdensome regulation driving coal miners out of business. You know, it's one of our best resources, and we have clean coal and we have you know, people brave enough to go in the minds. I have great admiration for anybody that does that, because, frankly, you know, you go so deep into the ground owned and it's dangerous work. But but energy is the lifeblood of our economy. And once Donald Trump got elected, which by the way, would have never happened if Joe Manchin out his way because he supported Hillary Clinton. Um, you know, look at what happened to the state of West Virginia. All those cold mining jobs are coming back. Thank God well, thank goodness for President Trump. But I have to tell you I spent a lot of the last six years suing the Obama administration. Uh Sean. We were the office that took the lead nationally to go against the Obama power plan on that very big victory at the U. S. Supreme Court. And you look at Joe Manson. Joe Manson supported Hillary Clinton even after she said, We're gonna put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of work. So on the issue of coal, on the issue of life, on the issue of the Second Amendment, there couldn't be a bigger contrast in America between two candidates. And the more people were hearing about that, the better off we are. And I basically have helped serve as a bridge to President Trump's really strong policies that West Virginians really appreciate. And so that's why the President's coming very strongly behind me. He knows I'm going to be a staunch advocate for his agenda because it's good for West Virginia. You would know better than I. I probably should have looked it up before having you on today. I meant to actually, at one point, what percentage of the time does Joe Mantion vote with Chuck Schumer and the Democratic Party? Well, he votes with him when it counts, So you know, I don't like to count naming of post offices and procedural votes and I'm not talking all right, Well, let's talk about the votes where he Donald Trump really could have used his vote, healthcare being one. Well, that's right, So Joe Manson said no to getting rid of Obamacare and having really high quality, affordable healthcare options in the Mountain state Sean, in West Virginia, premiums have risen over a hundred and six in four years. And May Antion said no to fixing getting rid of Obamacare. And I think that West Virginians didn't like that. They also didn't like the fact that Joe Manchin said no to the Trump tax cuts that are really giving a big lift to our state, providing economic opportunity, better jobs. Joe Manchin had to side with Chuck Schuman the leadership on every issue when it matters, Mansion says no. And even on Kavanaugh, where people say, oh, we he ended up voting for Kavanaugh, the reality is he waited. He actually left the Senate a voting chamber and waited until Susan Collins cast a vote, and then and only then to Joe Manchin stepped out because he knew if he didn't do that, he was politically dead. It's so so, you know, I kind of viewed a lot of those votes as you know, election conversion year votes, and that's the point. He didn't vote for the tax cuts, um, and you know, maybe he's not as extreme as as everyone else in his party, but the reality is is that he's gonna vote for Chuck Schumer to be the majority leader. And I don't think Chuck Schumer can get ten votes in West Virginia, which makes Mansion out of touch with the people of West Virginia, especially important issues like tax cuts, regulation, energy. Those are three main fundamental issues that that effect and impact the economy in West Virginia. Also, I know West Virginia, like a lot of places, has struggled with opioid issues, and we saw what the President did yesterday and what he's been doing since he became president. Well, that's one of the big issues of this race that Joe Manson's first vote will be for Chuck Schumer. And Chuck Schumer has made no bones about the fact that he's gonna head out the obstruction resistance impeachment caucus. And if you're part of that Schumer leadership team and Joe Manson is, and you're empowering these liberals, the folks that really created all the rocket story in the Kavanaugh earrings, then you're part of the problem. So that's why people were so focused on Joe Manson's first because you know, he's not gonna be with West Virginia and he's going to be part of a team that's tearing down the president. West Virginians don't want that, and that's why we're gaining so much momentum in our campaign. How much money is the Democratic Party putting into West Virginia to try and keep In other words, how much of Schumer and company and Pelosi and company are they investing in these negative ads about you. Well, they put a fortune in. I think by uh what, by all accounts, they're gonna probably be up over twenty four million dollars. Now this is West Virginia, this is not New York, California or Florida. They'll probably end up spending about eight million more. We're gonna look at the final counts. And that's what happens, John, you mentioned earlier. You know, if you get pounded for months on end uh then and you can't respond, it makes it difficult. But now the president came back twice. He's actually on our side. We think he's gonna come back again. And we start to come back twelve to ten to eight to six to four to two, you know, to even. And that's because President Trump has made this a top priority. When this early voting beginning West Virginia as it started yet early, yeah, early voting started yesterday, and so we're starting to look at the numbers. One thing we see is that the Republicans have a lot of energy and people know that the future of the Senate could really be at stake with this election and that there's a clear choice. So we're feeling good about it. We're not cocky, but we're gonna outwork Joe Mansion and people are gonna know I'm the conservative fighter who helped the president. Joe Manson he's a dishonest Washington Liberal and he's never there when you need him. All right, we're watching this race now. Put this in the toss up column where we once thought it was leaning Democrat. Now the state of West Virginia in play. Attorney General Patrick Morrissey would support the President's agenda versus Joe Mansin is sadly would vote for Chuck Schumer sad Anyway, it's a dead even race at this point, and with early voting, UH there is a very good shot that that could change hands that would help UH future endeavors in the US Senate. And we wish all the best, Patrick, Marcy, Hey, Sean, thanks so much, And anyone interested in learning about our race, you know where at Patrick Morrissey dot com. Take a look. We've got a heck of a good record of going after the Obama agenda and supporting President Trump. All right, thank you, sir for being with us and as we continue more of the Shawan Hannity Show, one Seawn is our number. Paul is in Ohio. Paul, You're on the Sean Hannity Show. Glad you called, sir, Sir, Hey, thank you for taking my call. What's going on? How are you? Hey? Good goody? First of all, I want to thank you for your exposure of the lift and liberals, for you know who they really are. And uh, the reason I'm calling today is concerning repeal and replace of Obamacare. I know other stories are you know, kind of taking the lead now, but we really don't hear a whole bunch about repeal and replace much anymore. I was just wondering if you could give us an update about if if we in two weeks have a more Republican senators, which I think is very very possible, and West Virginia being in play is huge. If we can hold onto the House, you know, it doesn't matter what the margin, if we can hold on which is far more difficult, I'm worried more about the House races than the Senate races. If we can get those two victories, I guarantee you that Obamacare will be repealed and replaced and then we're gonna have and by the way, pre existing conditions a big lie that's being told all over the country. The Republican bill dealt with pre existing conditions. Nobody is going to be denied coverage because they have a pre existing condition. But you know, innovative solutions like we've been talking about. I've been able to get Dr josh umber Atlas m D in front of a lot of politicians that all law of the paradigm he's created in Wichita. He's duplicated it in close to five cities now, and that is fifty bucks a month, unlimited concierge care for adults, reductions in in pharmaceuticals, even breast cancer medicine, certain medicines he's getting for six bucks of treatment for people. And you couple that with catastrophic care, which is very inexpensive in case you have a heart attack, at cancer or a bad car accident, and you have the best concierge care you ever dreamed of, twenty four hour access to a doctor, uh your primary care doctor, You get your checkups every year, you get great reductions and pharmaceuticals, and if something really really bad happens, you have the hospital care at a very reduced rate because it's it's catastrophic, it's only for the worst case scenario, and it's much less expensive. So I think all of that health savings accounts, they're all on the table, and i'd love to see that for every American. Imagine concierge blue concierge medical treatment for every American. We can do that, but it's not gonna happen top down the government, you know, or if you block grant the money to the states where you have, you know, fifty states of innovation, let me tell you what's gonna rise to the top those They're gonna want to turn over every nickel in those states to make it work for the people of those states or they're not going to be in power. And I think that is far more economically efficient. So there are a lot of good ideas. I was disappointed with the Republicans last time. We know, John McCain had a chance to to fix this and decided against it last minute. But the president is not done. The individual mandate is done, thankfully thanks to the tax bill that was passed um. But we've got a lot more work to do on it. Absolutely, just like we need to fund the border wall. That's also something that will get done if we hold the House and send it in in twelve days. But I'm focused on these house races. I'll say it again, every single house race matters, some more important than others. We put up the most important on my website Hannity dot Com, and the top races that are gonna tip the balance of power in the House of Representatives. But you know, if if you don't get out and vote in every we have fourner and thirty five house races in play here. Even if you think you're guys safe, go vote. Even if your guys behind, go vote. Don't take don't leave it to chance. Democrats are gonna come out it say is we have history working against us. But I do believe that we can pick up the Senate seats. Look, I think we can win Florida. We're a little behind in Florida with Nelson and with the Santis for Governor. Marcia Blackburn is gonna join us later. She can and should win Tennessee. Claire mccaskell should lose to Josh Holly uh Dean Heller needs to hang on in Nevada. We definitely need Martha McSally war hero against this radical Kristen Simona has now no problems with Americans joining Gehtis and joining the Taliban. Then, of course we've got Montana tester has a lead at this point, but that's still in play. Uh. Heidi hi Camp is down by double digits. Uh. And in Joe Donnelly's case, he should be removed. And we've got a good candidate Brawn against him. But people can't waste their vote on the Libertarian candidate in Indiana or else. That's gonna be a problem. Bob Menendez can be beaten in New Jersey. He's only up three. Bob Menendez could be the big surprise of the night. Second big surprise of the night is Joe Manchin losing in West Virginia. You know, the state I'm most worried about, to be very honest, is Florida because this guy Gill him is a radical socialist leftist, if elected governor, is going to ruin this great state. And you're gonna see all the prosperity and all the money that has been flowing into Florida start dissipating almost immediately, and you're gonna have businesses packing up and leaving in anticipation of what Gilham would do to the state. Not a good idea. All right, we gotta take a break, We'll come back eight nine four one, Shawn are told free telephone number you want to be a part of the program. It was Phil Pretison who quote flord illegal immigrants to Tennessee. Preticon illegal immigrants hundreds of miles by offering them drivers certificates. Now Reticent opposes President Trump's immigration det and Reticent admits, I don't believe the law of the writings are Bill Brenson. He won't stop the illegal immigration because he afford it. I just can't believe that he would actually go yes like I would have wouldn't, but you said you wouldn't. I don't know if that makes it worse for it now it makes it better, but it's still But what's the like I don't understand what's to gain by saying yes? Is it because of like the voters? So he lose voters? I guess says people Tennessee. That igor right, you just heard a news round up information overload. That was the Project Veritas dot com tape where they were able to get on video top ranking staffers for phil Preticon in Tennessee calling the people of Tennessee a new it, saying, no, we're only saying that that he'd vote for Judge Kavanaugh. He don't mean it. He'll do the right thing, we promise you when he gets elected meeting being a Schumer Liberal. And as a result of that, his polls rightly so have dropped precipitously, and they followed it up with tapes. So let's see Clare mccaskell, Heidi high Camp. You know, the one amazing thing about what is going on all across the country is no democrat is is talking about what they really want to do. Maxine Waters exposing the strategy by saying, well, they keep telling me not to say it, but I'm gonna say it anyway, which is impeach forty five um. The Center for American Progress sending out information don't talk about immigration, just pivot, just get off it. Don't talk about it because their position is not a winning position, which is open borders, sanctuary cities and states, and amnesty. And similarly, they can't talk about wanting to take money out of your pocket, meaning that they want their crumbs back and they want to rescind the Trump tax cut, and on top of that, they want to keep the disaster known as Obamacare. And they're lying to everybody in just about every race about how Republicans they want to destroy Medicare and they don't want pre existing conditions taken care of. Um, that is an absolute lie, because the House Bill protected people with pre existing conditions. There's a lot of lyne going on, as it happens every two and four years, and our job is to keep you aware of it. Anyway, One of the races we're watching very very closely is the Great State of Tennessee. A friend of the program is now leading in the polls Tennis Tennessee Congresswoman Marshall Blackburn, UM, when you saw the tape of of Brettison's staff calling the people of Tennessee ignorant, what was your reaction? I looked at it and I said, well, now, don't you know what I really think? And this is typical liberals. They try to guide and then somebody figures out exactly what it is that they are saying. So there you go. Now we know they made a decision about a Supreme Court justice justice for political reasons. That was it, you know, I'm looking, I'm surveying the country right now. This is how I see the Democratic Party. They only want to talk about Russia collusion if it's Donald Trump. They don't care at all that Hillary, we now know, bought and paid for Russian lies to disseminate to the American people before the election, that those lies were the bulk of information to secure Faiza warrants against the Trump campaign associate. They lied and committed a fraud before the court, and then they used it to set up a special council by leaking that information their leak media leak strategy, because that apparently was there their insurance policy when people like Peter struck As saying that Hillary should win a hundred million zero. And I'm wondering, why don't they care about Hillary's Russian lives? Why do they not care about Keith Ellison's you know, charges against him, nobody's asking for an FBI investigation into him. And in that case, we have tapes and texts and doctors reports, or in the recent charges against Spartacus Corey Booker um. And it's the same on every other issue, you know, all the you know, we have all these Democrats talking violently about the president Republicans and these mobs, and most of the Democrats have been silent. Well, you're right, but they always go at things with the double standard, and it doesn't matter what the issue is, whether it's something the legislatively that we're working on or something that is political and Sean, what they want to do is say, look, our our outcome, our ends justifies the means that we're using to go about this to get to where we want ago. And that is not the way Tennesseeans want to see business done. Tennesseeans want to see fairness and truth and respect for others and respect for differing opinions, and they want to see respect for the rule of law and abiding by the Constitution. And what we have with this resistance based and focused Democrat party is, oh, well, the ends will justify whatever means that we're that we're using, and people are appalled at how they are conducting themselves. I saw that Reticent's first reaction to the tape of his staff calling people of the people of Tennessee ignorant. And by the way, Tennessee happens to be one of my favorite states. Nashville's like right at my top three cities in the country, and well that's because they all they love you in Nashville and in Tennessee, you are well the amazing thing. I live ninety miles south of Nashville, uh, just off sixty five, and I used to go up to Nashville all the time. I love music city, and I love the people of Nashville. And I've got to imagine they were pretty insulted, uh and a little bit shocked that somebody would be that duplicitous behind the scenes. And then when he he said, well, those are just college kids volunteers and we find out no, that's his full time staff. I'm sure that he was embarrassed. Again, I'm certain that they should have been embarrassed, whether they were or not. But of course, you know, didn't they start saying, well, it was the opponents, it was our campaign, my campaign that put somebody in there, which is not This was a project Veritas project. They started saying, well, all these other excuses. But the point is they got caught. They got caught saying we made this decision because we want to go fool people about where he is. Don't worry, he's going to be a good democratic when he gets there most you've got to say this, that, and the other in order to get him there. It's like as a parent, I mean, when your kids do something wrong. My kids do something wrong, which rarely happens. Kidding, but you know what, it's not. I'm never as mad at what they did, but if they try to lie to me about it, then they're in big trouble, not a little trouble. I don't care what it is. I can deal with a mistake. I can't deal with you lying to me and looking in my eyes and just outright lying to me. And my line to my kids is you know I am not stupid. Stop treating me like I am stupid. Um because it's frustrated. It's frustrated. Now I swear, Dad, I swear, and when you know, darn well they did it well. That is true. And in any of our relationships, whether it's family members or those that we work with or we're in charter organizations with, we expect them to tell us truth, to have that integrity, uh to speak the truth. And when you don't, then it causes a rift. And that is what you're seeing with the reticon campaign, as people are saying, well, then if you didn't mean it. Why did you say it? And what people know about me is that they may not always agree with me, but they are always going to know where I stand. And that is has been central to me as a part of my public service. And people expect that. And I have known you a long time congresswoman, and I know you'd make a great senator. And I hope the people of Tennessee understand that. Um, what are the issues? Because the economy is doing very well in Tennessee. Things are looking up. We've had two years of great economic growth since Donald Trump has been president. How do the people of Tennessee feel about the president's polo sees and and the important vote that votes that you will be casting that if you become the next Greade Senator from Tennessee. If people are so supportive of President Donald Trump and they want to see his policies succeed, and they want a U. S. Senator who's going to be a conservative and is going to support President Trump and his policy. They want more constitutional Supreme Court justices and federal judges. They want to keep their tax cuts. The economy is so good in Tennessee. It has the fastest growing media and household income in the southeast and that's awesome, good for you. Yes, absolutely, And I tell you something else. Building the wall, securing that southern border, and with his caravan marching up through Guatemala and Mexico, people are saying, look, secure that border. There's a right way and a wrong way to come to the United States. We want people to come the right way, respect the rule of law. You know what, Congress owen. If that wall was up, I'm I'm very concerned because we have to protect our constitutional republic. We've got We're based on the rule of law. We have borders sovereignty issues here. If they ever get if we had the wall up, nobody would be marching. They would be following the law and the proper process and necessary vetting. If they want to come and visit, or maybe even come and stay. We don't care where you come from. We just need to know you. You are somebody that accepts our values, wants to be a part of our family, and doesn't have any intentions to cause any harm or doesn't need assistance the minute you get here. That's right. And I've been in Paris, Tennessee today and Camden, and I'm telling you Sean. That is what people say. This is why we need the wall. This is why we need to make certain that sanctuary city policies are ended, because we want to protect our communities without it. Every town's a border town in every town's a border state. And I've been with some of our shares, some of our mayors, some of our state legislators today and every single one of them say, you know, Marcia, we need to secure the southern border. No more gangs, let's stop this, No more traffickers, drug traffickers, human traffickers, sex traffickers. Let's terrible. Let me ask you this, our arms around this. All right, we gotta take a quick break. We'll come back more with Congresswoman hopefully soon to be Senator Marcia Blackburn. Right, as we continue with Congresswoman hopefully soon to be Senator Marcia Blackburn from Tennessee. I've been telling people, and Bretticon is one of them. I mean, and even you know, his whole staff was caught on tape admitting as much. But if if anybody in Tennessee were to vote for Bretticon there, basically it would be the equivalent because he's going to vote for Chuck Schumer to be the Senate majority leader, and I doubt that he's gonna he would ever support a Kavanaugh and he's gonna go along with the resistance, and they pretty much have said as much. And I think for the people of Tennessee, this is a clear choice election. Do you want your tax cuts? Do you want to make them permanent? Do you want to keep them? Do you want to eliminate burdensome regulation and keep it that way? Do you want America to be energy independent? Do you want to secure the southern border? Um? Do you want the record low unemployment we have to continue? Do you want an innovative health alternative, healthcare alternative that will protect people with pre existing conditions, a free market alternative. Maybe it's what Rampaul wants block granting money to states, or maybe the cooperatives that I always talk about, or maybe health savings accounts. They want that. And I think Americans like the security of, you know, not dropping a hundred and fifty billion taxpayer dollars on the on the landing strip of with cargo planes full of cash, and of the currencies for rainy and mullows that chant death to America. I think they're happier with security. We're better off than we were two years ago. Well, you're right, and those are the questions that they are asking themselves because they want to get the Affordable Care Act off the book and open up the health insurance marketplace, make certain that they can buy health insurance they can afford, and if they get up policies they like, they've got portabilities they can take it with them. They know that Phil Bruteson has supported government run, single payer health care. He wrote a book about it called Fresh Medicine. Thinks that there ought to be a twenty search arge on your income to pay for government run healthcare. He and Hillary Clinton share the same views on healthcare. Tennesseeans want to make certain that they keep those tax cuts. They want to make certain that that wall gets built. They want to make certain that they have the ability to grow their businesses and to dream those big dreams and see their version of the American dream come true. They are tired of the federal government and especially the regulatory overreached it took place during the Obama years. And I don't mean interrupt, just running out of the time. When does early voting start or has it started? We're We're in the middle of early voting now and it goes to November one, and the turnout has been terrific in Tennessee. Yes, Marcia Blackburn dot com for more information or to find your closest felling place. All right, thanks so much, and I hope the people Tennessee understand how important the seat is. It is pivotal. You can't have a good night if if Marcia Blackburn doesn't win Tennessee. That's how important it is. Alright, Seawn toll free telephone number. We're gonna talk more about instable incivility of the left. Things you might have forgotten. The list gets longer and longer. Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern on Fox Quick Break Right Back will continue twelve days to election day, and we continue with the best election coverage available on your radio dial. Cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That's why I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again. If you have to be stuck at an elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pants or Jeff Sessions, who would it be. Does one of us have to come out alive? Did you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a departments, at a station. You get out, and you get at and you get back on him, and you tell him, then will come anymore anywhere? Please don't just come here today and then go home. Go to the hill today, get up and please get up. In the face of some congress people for when he was elected, what I wrote on Twitter was we should impose martial law until we make sure that the Russians weren't involved in the final tallies of the vote. And people were like, martial law, what's wrong with you? You're a lunatic. He wants to send the military to the border, so I would have sent the military to the White House to get him. Yes, I'm angry, Yes I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. You know, I had a dream the other night about that I was playing golf with Donald Trump and I was standing beside him with a club in my hand. I was, you know, considering my options when I suddenly woke up. You know, it was one of those dreams when you want to just get back to sleep so you can finish it. And I put Mr Burgess up against Sean Hannity. I'll tell him up. I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to him, whether they're independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with him and get in their faces. Fresh always ask me. I don't like worshiper or debating him. No. I wish we were in high school. I could take him behind the gym. You know, when they go low, they go that new democratic about they go low, we kick him, doesn't matter. I want to punch him in the face. I think an awful lot about blowing up the White House, severed heads of President Trump, and of course, threat after threat after threat after threat. The media never got all worked up and their lives, uh when it's a Republican. Look, here's here's just a truth that they will never tell. They care about only Donald Trump. Russia collusion. With all the evidence that Hillary Clinton bought and paid for Russian lies disseminated them to you, we the people in the lead up to the election, that those Russian paid for lies of Hillary were used as the bulk of information presented to you know, four fives A court judges that the that predicated the entire Russia witch hunt, which was the phony, bought in paid dossier of Hillary Clinton from with Russian lies. They only care, They only care if it's Trump Russia. They don't care about anything else. You know, if you look at the Kavanaugh situation, Oh, Kavanaugh, we need an FBI investigation. These allegations are horrible. None of those people that demanded an FBI investigation into nearly forty year old allegations, some of them so far affetch from reality. They never once demanded an FBI investigation into Keith Ellison. And this is in within the last year with evidence with tapes, with text messages, with doctors reports. Uh, nobody that was demanding the Kavanaugh treatment for Kavanaugh ever demanded it for Ellison or the recent report over the weekend about Corey Spartacus Booker or Claire mccaskell's husband and allegations made against him, uh when he was married to his first wife. I mean, if that's the standard, none of them asks for the Clinton's to have this Bill Clinton to go through the same thing that judge Kavanaugh went through. They praise him to the hilt, and we've got the same thing here. I can literally spend an hour on this program playing the incendiary, violent statements of those on the left that the media routinely ignored, and the hatreol in the minute by minute, second by second, hour after hour, day after day, Trump Hatreo seven, which is now there. It's a it's it's a psychotic pathology on the part of those in the news media. They didn't care about that either. I'm very clear, you know, I don't think the Kavanaugh standard should be applied in in the case. I believe in due process. Still for even Ellison, even for Spartacus, We're consistent on this program. There's Brussia collusion, Hillary Clinton paying for Russian lines, we need to know about it. And in this case, people are making threats of violence against the president or against any Democrat. Well, I'm the one that said, uh investigated when Bill when Barack Obama was president, and I'm the one that lectured how we need to keep our presidents safe and secure. When Steve Scalise was shot on that ball field and we found out it was a Bernie Sanders supporter, I said, I'm not blaming Bernie Sanders for what one of his supporters does. That's not Bernie sanders fault. And you don't see the same recognition by anybody on the left. They just want to hyper politicize anything they can, any minute of any day to to bludgeon Donald Trump politically. Anyway. Danielle McLaughlin is with us as well as Jonathan Gillham. Welcome both of you to the program. And how many more weeks we're gonna have another little baby, Danielle McLaughlin. How many weeks? Um? Hi, guys, you know about that two weeks or so? So that congratulations appearance for a little wi thank you? Is there any truth to the rumor you're gonna need it name your baby? Uh? Gillham Hannity wasn't wanna get Shawna Gillham Hannity and Gilham Hannity. I mean, I think that might work. Come on, Congratulations. The real hate has been coming from the left. It's been ignored by most of the media. It's been very little coverage. I forgot to mention the severed head of president. They didn't seem too outraged about that most people. And now there again there is a selective moral outrage being about Russia, or being about sexual assault or allegations of such, or about you know, vitriolic rhetoric or actions. I mean, you have people threatening to beat up the president, destroy the president, bomb the White House, and I didn't see the type of outrage we're now hearing from the left. Hey, you know, I think this is having on both sides, and I think there's no excuse for it. You know, I listened to every clip that you just played, and people at home and at work are doing the same thing that we has to be inflectly honest about the extent to which the president has also made threats and talked about violence and other thing. I ask you one question, and you and what you do is you give me the predictable liberal talking point. I asked you, very very specifically about all of the rhetoric that has led up to where we are. We've now in the last month, watch woman after woman after woman being run out of a restaurant by left wing mobs, and the same left wing media didn't have anything to say and every one of those as a matter of how fake news CNN wouldn't let their anchors use the word mob. Well, because that's a talking point for the not a talking point, it's a reality. You don't when you you don't think those are mobs going after those people, I do. I'm not going to defend it. I don't think it's right. Is it a mob? To be able to eat in silence? Looks like a mob to me. I also don't think the president should be telling police officers in Long Island to rough up suspects when they get in the back of a paddy wagon, you know, or calling the media the enemy of the people, because you and I both know that for the most journalists from across the political spectrum, just people trying to you know, with all due respect. I don't see that. I see a media that has been corrupted and complicit in advancing conspiracy theories, lies, and pure hatred of all things Donald Trump. What do you see, Jonathan, Well, I'll tell you one thing. I will say that I don't think it's a mob. I think it is organized gangs. And that's a big difference in a mob, a mob or people that may or may not have the same interest that gather uh to do a certain thing. But in this case, these people have organization they don't just show up somewhere, uh and want these people show up again and again and again. That's a very important thing that we need to look at, UM, is to the way the conversation has been going over the past couple of days, though I want Sean, I think everybody needs to look at one thing. All that rhetoric that you played at the beginning of this was very specific out violence, very specific about who to target. And when I look at the at the response which you had in which I've seen from other people when Barack Obama was in office, UM, and in the case of the shooter that shot UM, the Mr Scully's UM, what you saw were people not blaming Bernie Sanders. But what you see here, and I find this so odd, is that uh, these devices have been put out there, that somebody went the distance to to put these things together, to uh, to carry out a plan covertly, to put these things in place all at once, and none of them went off. And immediately the rhetoric starts in a way that is organized. And now I'm not saying they have something to do with whoever put these out there, but the organization of the rhetoric is so disgustingly low on the political chain that it does make one paw was an asked, um was this rhetoric prepared? It's a it's a very alarming thing. Listen, Glad, Daniel, you know, I just I just want to make it really clear. I'm not blaming the president for this. I think that there is blame to be laid across the entire political spectrum. And what I think regular people like me see is I go out into the world, I deal with people who I don't necessarily agree with. I get my jobs done. I jobs done, I work hard, and somehow I can manage to get around the world, get around this country, get around my city without inflaming tensions of the people around me. And I just don't understand what is wrong with politicians that they cannot get their jobs done without this kind of inflamatory rhetoric. Jonathan, The way I look at it is this has now gone on two years of vitriol, hatred, lies, conspiracy theories on a level we've never seen before. And what's worse is, you know, when the President said fake news, a lot of it has been fake news. It's not even news. All of his political commentary cloaked up as news, and it's not news at all. There. These are not news channels. These are opinion channels. You know, I don't see much real reporting from fake news CNN or or even NBC, ABC or CBS anymore. They're all run by liberal activist. George Stephanopolos has an agenda. He's he's been Clinton through and through his entire life, and he hasn't changed one bit. And it's not any different on CBS or NBC or any of the two cable channels. And you know, it's interesting. I say, I'm a talk show host. Part of my job is to give opinion, but I also report straight news. We do investigative reporting. We've been doing it, for example, but we vetted Obama when no one else would. We've vetted the deep state more deeply than anybody else in the media, and so that's part of what we do. Giving opinion is part of what we do. We're like the whole newspaper. They say they're only the news are of the newspaper, but they're really the opinion part. You know, Sean, I've been on your TV show, on the radio show. I've been around you for five years now and one thing that I can truly say, whether it be you or anybody else on Fox News and and a lot of these other networks out there, is that when when something like this happens and all these Democrats are having these devices delivered to them, you're not gonna see what I saw on NBC today where they have the the down below where they have the headline below the reporter and it says that Trump opposition is getting devices delivered to their to their addresses Trump Opposition. That that's the way that they're they're playing this, So they're automatically putting suspect on Trump just by the way that they label the lower half of the screen. I mean, it is, it's it's such political, um distasteful rhetoric that when you couple that with the things like mcdonna said, with the things that uh, these politicians are instigating people to go out and carry out these things. Trump never never has said anything that inflammatory, and by and large the reason his words are so uh inflamed, it's not because of him. It's because of CNN and MSNBC and these leftist politicians that go out and pump it up to something that he never meant. It to be all right, we're gonna have to leave it there. Uh, Jonathan Gillham, author of Sheep No More. Thank you, Danielle McLaughlin attorney, Uh, and uh soon to be a mom for I believe the second time, if I'm not mistaken. And uh, in two weeks. We'll give you a few weeks off and we look forward to seeing pictures of the baby. We'll put them up on the website when the baby comes. Maybe the baby is gonna be born on election day. Let's hope it's a good day for Republicans. My son was born on election day, believe it or not. Oh, really, well, do you go even more? Even I knew it was a conservative, it wasn't exactly a good year. And every time a bad race was announced, he'd cry. I'd cry. He cried like you know, everybody cried it all the right time. So it's perfectly I thought. You're gonna say, maybe maybe will become a Republican and maybe she will. Well, I'll do everything I can do to help that. You should make me the godfather for that reason. All right, thank you one Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. We got an awesome Hannity tonight nine eastern on Fox News. Alright, Hannity, Tonight, nine eastern on Fox. Steve school Lease joins us. Remember he was shot just practicing for a softball game. Uh. It was a Bernie's supporter. But unlike Democrats, we don't blame Bernie at all. We didn't at the time, we don't now. Pam Bondi run out of a restaurant. She'll join us. Stan Bongino, Greg Jarrett will have the very latest on the caravan making its way to our southern border. David Limbaugh, Herman Kane, Tonight in John Solomon, It's all happening, nine eastern. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow

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