Eric Trump joins to discuss the hidden agenda of Letitia James, the Attorney General for New York, who is now subpoenaing Donald Trump’s children.
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All right, news rounds up information overload our gladual with a Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one. Shawn is on a number if you want to be a part of the program. I never realized how often the Attorney General in New York specifically ran on a platform that pledged to target one man and one family, and that being Donald Trump and the Trump organization. But we've got the audio to prove it. As the age now is investigating the Trump family and now you know Ivanka and Don Junior and Eric Trump, they're all being dragged into it. The only thing the Manhattan DA apparently might have found is, oh, they gave a free scholarship to the child of an employee. And they had a company car and a company apartment. By the way, that would represent every single company, probably without exception, in the state of New York, especially in New York City, and is at the worst, Okay, you want me to pay back taxes on that. When you're dealing with a company that's that's dealing with billions, not millions, you know you're not going to have the perfect tax return because any on any given year you give accountants, five big firms the same information, They're all going to come up with a different calculation. That's because the laws are so convoluted and difficult to interpret. Anyway, here is the age of New York making campaign promises before she got elected. Will never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate president when our fundamental rights are at stake. I believe that the president of these United States can be indicted for criminal offenses. But is fueling my soul right now is Trump? Will you sue him for us? We're going to be a real patly asked to going into the office of Attorney General every day him and then going home and I knew my name personally, how would you feel if an attorney general, with all the power of that office was going after you or your family? Now, Democrats don't have a problem with it because they just hate Donald Trump, And as long as I guess it's not happening to them, why should they care. I wouldn't want a conservative attorney general targeting of family or individuals by name, running a campaign and then following through on the campaign promise, which appears to be happening. Eric Trump is with the Trump Organization, Well, I'm gonna be honest. When I saw the tape put together, and I had put one together previously, now that I saw some of the other new available video that's come out, I was I was shocked, to be honest with you, Sean, I'm really shocked by anything anymore. I mean, you and I have been speaking about politics for what six seven years at this point, and you know, we lived the Russia hoax, right where the FBI illegally spied on my father's campaign and made collusion stories. You saw on Peachment one, you saw what they did to Kavanagh, you saw on Peachment two. I mean the lens at which these people will do is to effectively weaponize politics, weaponize you know, the criminal justice system, weaponize the DOJ. I mean we've seen time and time again, and you know they do the same thing in New York now, right the You have an Attorney general in New York named Lutitia James. She's a most unethical attorney general. She ran on the campaign promise and by the way, she's not that smart because she put this all on video. She ran on the campaign promise of taking down Donald Trump. I'm gonna get him, I'm gonna follow his money I'm gonna go after his kids. I'm gonna go after everybody in his orbit. He's gonna know my name. I mean, she's on camera. I mean he's played a little bit of it, literally laughing about this. She has one clip where she goes, I'm going to go into Attorney General's office every single day, I'm going to sue Donald Trump and his family, and then I'm gonna go home, and then I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna do it the next you know, the same thing the next day. I mean, this is crazy. In fact, you know, just earlier this morning, she sent out a campaign you know, soliciting campaign contributions talking about my father. My father's not even an office anymore. It's it's insane. But you know, she wants to pose my brother, she wants to pose my sister. So finally this week we sued her. But this is the deep state that my father's been talking about for years. They weren't successful and taking down my father in Washington, DC, despite the fact that they tried over and over and over again, and so what do they do. They send it to their cronies in New York to try and take him down and it's disgusting and honestly, I used to have a lot of faith in the legal system in this country. I have no faith in it anymore, because a prosecutor in the United States of America shouldn't be able to make the promise on a campaign that she's going to target somebody in their family, that she's going to harass those people, that she's going to go after them day and night, and then actually get into office to do exactly that. I mean, Seana should be legal. It's third rate stuff that we see in this country. And Latitia James is really she's probably the most unethical prosecutor in a history of this nation. Every person should be shocked by this. What really scares me. I mean, I'm looking at this January sixth committee. You got the biggest purveyor of election lies, the congenital liar that would be Adam Shift. The committee is trying to make the case that it was the president's rhetoric about the election and irregularities and laws not being followed, etc. That caused what happened on January sixth. But now we've been able to break this down, and as you know, I discovered that your father, as the law requires authorized calling up up to twenty thousand National guardsmen and women to be utilized. The process then was handed over as per chain of command to Nancy Pelosi, a mayor Bowser, and they both rejected your father's authorization of the National Guard. Now, I would argue if they had followed his authorization, January six never would have happened. They would have been prepared. But this committee chairman now is saying that Nancy Pelosi's off limits. Well, why isn't she answering the question, why did you not call up the guard? Knowing we just had a summer of five hundred and seventy four riots, dozens of dead Americans, thousands of injured cops, billions of property damage, knowing there are always bad actors in big crowds. Why did you not anticipate this? Why did you reject the help? Why did you not listen to the Capitol police chief. I'm going on too long here. Well, Sean, either it's because they're incompetent or they wanted exactly this to happen. And there are some real questions about January sixth. I mean, there are people on top of you know, large scaffolding directing people to do things. And you know, it's really interesting. They haven't never getten called between you know, before committees, people who go into Capitol, who've taken selfies, who've gotten months and months in jail. But yet you know, they have people where they have pictures of their faces on top of large scaffolding directing them into a building. And yet they're not willing to find those people. You know, they're not willing to ask Nancy and you get the communications why she didn't actually bring in twenty thou in National Guard troops. You know, why aren't they willing to ask those questions? Because they want this investigation to be one directional, right, there's no question about it. It's no different than the Russia hoax. They wanted the you know, they planted misinformation out there, They made up lies, they brought lies to the FBI. They knew the dossier was totally fake, and they ran with it for years. If we didn't have people like Yushon that didn't unpeel the onion, as you said, if you didn't have guys like me out there fighting this every single day for the nonsense that it was, because there was no collusion with Russia, was a total fallacy. It was a total sham. They would have gotten away with this, and they're perfectly happy because all they were trying to do is smear president who did a damn good job for this country, who did a phenomenal, phenomenal job for this country. And you know it isn't amazing. Now you have this guy in the White House. The guy can't spell his name. He doesn't know what year it is. The other day he said, we're gonna we have a lot to be optimistic for and you know, twenty Yeah, it's kind of interesting considering it's twenty twenty two. We have a lot to be thankful for in twenty twenty. The guy doesn't know what year it is. He can't complete the sentence without he doesn't know what let's go, Brandon means. How could you not know that? Well, of course, and then Sean, but beyond all of that, look at gas prices right now, they've doubled. Look at you know what Russia's going to probably do, the Ukraine amassing troops along the southern boarder. Look at the bear shelves we have all over this country. Look at rampant inflation. Look at the fact that you know, businesses can't even reopen because they can't get employees. I mean, I can go down the list. Look at how every country around the world is literally laughing at this commander in chief because they all know he's a joke. Right Yet Congress is spending their entire time on January six. Now, they're not spending any of their time. I remember I was in Washington for some of this, while you had protesters, violent protesters trying to rip down the White House fence, when they were burning chapels literally directly across from the White House. When they're burning down police stations and courthouses in Seattle and Portland, in Chicago. I was in New York when they were staging palettes of brickshawn all over the streets of New York with a little map sending people to them so they could pick up those bricks and throw them through store windows. No, the FBI isn't paying attention to any of those. They're paying attention to, you know, the nice person wearing the you know Trump hat holding an American flag, who took a selfie in the capital. You know, Sean's disgusting, and this entire country ceased through it. And so many people don't want to talk about it because they don't think it's politically correctly. If we had equal justice though an equal application of our laws, where's the committee investigating the five hundred and seventy four riots that killed dozens of Americans, injured thousands of cops, and caused billions and property damage? Where is that committee? Well, if you had a Republican attorney general who was going out, who made a campaign promise to take down Barack Obama and to go after Malia and Sasha, and to go after his family, and to investigate everybody in his orbit, and to go into office every day and sue all of them and then go home and do it all over again, and you know, fund raise and make money off of them. And then they actually started doing that, Sean, they would be in jail. You know, that's illegal. You're not allowed to do it. Not only is it unethical, it's illegal, but yet for some reason, they do it to us. And you know what, we're really lucky as a family. We've got loud voices and we're willing to fight back. At this point, we don't care. We're willing to fight back, and we'll fight back harder, and we had to do that in Russia, and we had to do that impeachment one, we had to do it in impeachment two. And my father did it during Kavanaugh. He did it one hundred other times where they tried to come after him, you know, and we're willing to do it every single day. But this is not how the United States of America should act. We're the best country in the world, and sometimes we act as a banana republic and it has to stop. And I think that's Sean really why my father's more popular right now than ever before. I think you have the whole country that realizes what a disaster we have right now in the White House, and what a great job my father actually did, because sometimes it takes a disaster to have something to compare job kind of performance too. But they are seeing the unequal scales of justice, whether it be the people of January six who have been so horribly treated, or whether it be the you know, total unequal scales of justice, you know, as it pertains to the way they treat Republicans versus the way they treat democrats, you know, the rigged institutions we have in this country, the Democrats have rigged every institution in this country, whether it be the military, the dj the FBI, you know, higher education, lower education, school boards, um, you know, the pharmaceutical industries, the medical industries. I mean, there isn't a single industry in this country that the Democrats haven't sunk their claws into. And they've done it on purpose. And it's a deeply dangerous thing for this country. And I think people are really kind of getting very part too exactly what's happening out there. What I learned in the in the four years five years, I guess really since your dad ran and as six now I know I've known them for twenty five years. I've known you for many years. We've been friends for many years. Is all of this I never would have thought that I would say on the air, I don't believe we have equal justice under the law or equal application of our laws. I never thought I would say that on a regular basis. I see the country now criminalizing political differences. You know, here's look at what happens with Joe Biden and he goes to Georgia excoriates a state of Georgia. He's been a senator for five hundred thousand years in Delaware, and they have the most restrictive voting laws there. You have an attorney general that is suing Texas and Georgia. Georgia has seventeen days early in person voting available for the people of Georgia. Delaware has zero. Every Georgia precinct has it what's called a drop box where people can easily drop off their ballot. Delaware has zero. You have literally the most accessible laws in the country. Both states require voter ID. Why didn't Merrick Garland go after Delaware? Why is he going after you know, the Delaware, the restrictive state, and Georgia, the state with all the accessibility you could ever want provoting? Why did he go after that? Stay? Yeah? Why is Lutitia James going after Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump and the rest of our family? Yeah? Leticia James won't go after Hunter Biden. You know, I'm a guy that goes to bed normally at about ten o'clock at night. I'm up at four o'clock in the morning. I'm the first person to work, no drugs ever in my life, barely any drinking great father, you know, spend my life very clean life. Yet a person who has pictures of crack pipes and laptops, and you know, prostitutes, and you know taking money out of China and taking diamonds and other things from all different nations around the world, and you know, sitting on nothing, nothing happens, you know, but it's really amazing. So you know, Eric Trump, the guy who normally falls asleep with the beagle in his lap at ten o'clock. They go after him. But yet you know Hunter Biden, the crack pipes and the prostitutes, and you know the sketchy deals with China. You know nothing to see there. I mean, sean people are sick and tired of this nonsense. And last last question, but only am thirty seconds? Sure, Well, I know your father and I asked you this, whether you think and want him to run again describing what you're describing, why would you bother? And I'd make a prediction, you know, And I don't think good people are ever going to want to serve watching this. I think I think they're going to say, who the hell needs this? And my question is you know he can play golf. If he announced I'm not running for president, I guarantee you all of this crap would go away tomorrow. Sure, you know why why no one else can save this country? And I mean, who's going to do with Chris Christie. I mean, give me a break. I mean, who else on that stage is going to go out to do what my father did? No one could have faced I agree with him. First of all, Sean, they one have one second of all they would have withered away in about two days flat. Um, you know, and my father's one guy who can fight it. You know, we're very fortunate as a country, we as you know, as a family, as a company. We can fight this nonsense, and we can push back. We have the voice to do it. We have the resources to do it, and and frankly, you know that's the only reason we're here now. If we didn't have that voice, if we didn't have those resources, they would have eaten us up and shoot us up and literally spit us out. I'll tell you one other thing. You happening for the United States of America. We're fighting for red, white and blue, the greatest country in the world, and we're just not going to let it down. We're not. I got let you go. But you also have millions and millions of Americans behind you, Eric Trump, thanks for being with us. Eight hundred nine one Shun is our number, all right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean you want to be a part of the program. Bridget is in the state of Taxachusetts, actually now being out done by New York and California. But anyway, glad you called Bridget. I will say this, Boston is a beautiful, fun city. I can say that, but it's not worth the money. Well, Hi, thanks for taking my call. I'm not originally from here, so just letting you know that you're not from Boston. No, I'm from Western New York. What's going on? So this is kind of backtracking to the mandates for healthcare workers. I was terminated from my position in October. It was like the first round of terminations that came out, and I have a medical issue. I have a blood clotting disorder. However, I was told that in the first communications from my hospital that we could not use any of that, that they were not contraindicate indicated with any of the vaccines. So that kind of took that off the plate, so I went for. The next was the religious exemption and it was denied, so I lost my job. It's been three months. I've had no money coming in, and I'm like all the thousands of other healthcare workers, struggling and not knowing what to do next. And I can't work anywhere I've done healthcare travelings. Really I don't This is the problem when you're describing. I don't know specifically what you're blood clotting disorder is, but it's very dangerous. I know this, Um. What is the drug that people take? I think plavix is that the right one maybe to take? Okay, you don't have to tell you don't have to tell me any of the details. But you have a blood clotting I'm just trying to remember the commercial, um, but just not to get distracted. But you have this this issue. You have a medical doctor. Your medical doctor makes that determination based on your medical history and your current medical condition. And this is what the problem is with one size fits all medicine. I interviewed a lovely girl. She was I think but twenty or twenty one something like that, I don't remember. But two years prior she had had another vaccine and had it was and it resulted in her being paralyzed for like a couple of months. Her dream college was Bring him Young in Hawaii. Now this was not a bring him young problem. It was a state of Hawaii problem. And because she wasn't vaccinated, she couldn't go to her dream school. And this drives me crazy. It's like, there are rare conditions like yours that make it impossible medically for you to take the vaccine according to your own doctor. I'm not a doctor, I'm not playing one on radio. But the point is, why why are they so rigid? The rigidity here is unbelievable. And then everybody else f your freedoms and all this other stuff. It makes no sense. There are people that have and are seeking religious exemptions because it deeply held religious beliefs. Well, I thought conscientious subject or status was something liberals like, but only when it's convenient, right, I mean, And you know this issue that I have. I only found out about it three years ago because I ended up in the hospital. So it's a legitimate issue. It's a major issue. And for me and my house, you know, I can't chance taking a vaccine. I don't know what will happen with it. However, I'm at the end here, and I've depleted all my savings and this is where people are, and I'm frustrating them, angry, and I've just disgusted and not knowing what to do next. I can't work anywhere in healthcare, that is. Let me ask. I don't have a good answer for you, because I you know, off the top of my head, you know, my suggestion should to you would be to find a way to make a living, and I don't know what that means for you. I know what's inappropriate. But if you don't have to answer, can I ask what your age is? I am fifty three years old, and it's a tough age to make a career change. Yeah. Yeah, I mean I'm not afraid to do that. It's just that, after twenty eight years of being in healthcare, it was a good income. You know, I'm willing to start over and start at square one and make the income I made thirty years ago. That's okay, However, now that's I took a conditional job offer. Now I was told today that I have to reveal my vaccination status as of today. It's happening everywhere, you know. The only thing I'd say is now most experts who are expecting the Supreme Court to weigh in on vaccine mandates, and it could happen any hour, at any point and any day now, even today, and the consensus is is that they will lift the vaccine mandate for companies, but maybe not for hospitals, specifically government run hospitals. You might get you might get a stay of relief here. There's a possibility. I'll hope for that for you and for many other people in similar situations. But the but the bottom line is you've got to assume, you know, wait for this decision to come in. But once that decision comes in, you've got to find a way to provide for yourself. And it's not going to be two job offers. And you know, I'm trying to go forward with outside of healthcare, and that's fine, I'll start over. It's just getting frustrating now because you know, like you said, it's still at the Supreme Court, but yet they have this other mandate and place where I have to give up my personal medical information to take a job, and it's such an Maybe I'm one of the few Americans left that actually believes in medical privacy freedom and doctor patient confidentiality. You know, everybody's been demanding what about you, hannay, what's your status? How about it's none of your freaking business. You know why I decided not to talk about myself. Number One, I'm a private person anyway, naturally, how private am I? Right? And I'm a recluse, especially during the work week, and the fact that they were demanding I do it, I'm like, go jump in a lake because now you're making me never do it. And the other thing is, the more I thought about it, I don't want people to be influenced by what I decide. I want people to make their own decisions, doing their own research, listening to the experts we bring on the program. Maybe you agree or disagree with them. I interview people I agree with and disagree with, but just to inform yourself. And more importantly, now that we have all these breakthrough cases and vas booster and natural immunities not stopping omicron, we have spent more time talking about monoclonal antibodies and these anti virals the doctors are talking about. But it's sad to me because we're giving up liberty and freedom and this fear that has gripped this nation. You know, the words Land of the Free Home and the Bravest is meant to mean something. And I'm telling you right now, I do not live my life in fear of COVID nineteen. I know people that do, and I've seen the worst of it. I know what it can do. But I also know that these therapeutics taken early, especially monoclonal's work, and I've seen it every single time. I've not lost a single person that I know that came to me and asked me what I would do, And I take all the time that's necessary. I was on the phone last night a friend of mine out in Oregon. He's older, he has a has comorbidities. He was having trouble breathing, and I said, can I please talk to you? Give me a doctor's number. I want to talk to a doctor. And the doctor had already made the decision to give him monoclonal out of bodies and he's going to be fine. I'm very confident of that. So it's great that he's in a state where he can get them right. So right, well, I was surprised Oregon. I thought I was gonna have a lot of trouble. It's that sort of thing. I think it would be a little bit more difficult New York, believe it or not. I found places, and I know places where you can get them, and I share all that information people when they call contact me. I'm trying to help people. Look, but I also add, but you got to ask your own doctor. You know, don't listen just to me, ask your own doctor, because you know all these people that was so wrong. You know, doctor Joe Biden saying if you get the vaccine, you'll never get COVID, doctor Fauci, a real doctor, if you get the vaccine, you're never gonna get COVID. It's total bull and they you know, and now they said, well, at least to protect you from dying. Well, I mean maybe at this point in time, but the way this thing keeps changing, God only knows what's going to happen next. And they just brings to the fact that I'm sorry to interrupt, brings to the fact that now healthcare workers who have COVID or test positive, who are symptomatic or a symptomatic are allowed to work. Meanwhile people like me have lost our livelihood. I mean, it's just it's dumbfounding. Well, I wish you the best, I really do, and I hope a great opportunity opens up for you, and maybe this court ruling can impact your case and change it immediately and they would rehire you. I would hope that happens for you anyway. So I've been watching the court case and pray. Pray every day. Amen. Yeah, we can't pray enough. Let's say hi to Paul and Virginia. What's up, Paul, how are you doing well? Sean? Thanks for taking my call and being a voice of the truth. Thank you for giving me this microphone. I can't do it without you. You have my audience can fire me at any point. I've never forgotten that. Well, it's always nice to be humbled, right, So last Friday broadcast, you had requested one thing our administration has done, and that one thing is our administration has been successful in destroying our supply chain. We're a small manufacturing facility. Our staff, we work tirelessly every day, and with the destruction of this supply chain were limits are manufacturing. Now we have up to six to six terrible materials and products. That's terrible, by the way, luminum plastics, you know, Biden, empty shelves has gone viral. It's it's happening everywhere. It's so sad. You know, bare shelf Biden is now trending all over the place. I'm so sorry to hear that. I mean, that's terrible. Since then naturally we have to pass the cost off to the consumer. Sure, but also the consumer demand is being outweighed by prices. You know, it really is unbelievable to me. And then everything we buy at every store costs more because of his stupid economic and energy policies. And all of these things can be fixed, but their main focus now is on you know, build back better socialism or build back broke as I call it. And the you know, getting rid of voter ID and allowing the illegal immigrants the right to vote. It's insane which they're now doing in New York municipality elections. I would only say this, and you know I will tell you I'm I'm kind of fortunate. I have a car dealer friend of mine. I leased my car and my daughter's car. Recently he called me, what what was it six He called me six months ago? Yeah, it was six months ago. He said, your daughter's leases up in six months. Yours is up in nine months. And he goes to me, you got to order it now and put down a deposit or I won't be able to get you a car now. You might think, oh, Hannah, he's just trying to sell your car. No, no, no, not at all. This is a really legitimate guy. He did it as a courtesy and a heads up to a customer that's pretty loyal to them. And so you know, my daughter got her car. Mine will come in at the proper time, I guess in a couple of months. But I'll tell you the fact that they can't even The average cost of a used car now is twenty nine thousand dollars. That is insane if you can find one the cost of I know people that are actually buying out their leases and selling because they had a lease price pre COVID and then selling the automobile and making like twenty thousand dollars profit like they got a free lease. It's insane. But I'm very sorry for your business. Can I can we give you a business a plug? What's your business? Actually? Scottie signs? Oh? You do signs? Yes, sir? Okay? And you do? Do you do billboards? What kind of signs you do? Commercial? Commercial? And we also work with national accounts as well well. I hope you can get the supplies and keep your guys working. I remember when I was a contractor. I came up on a moment where I was about to run out of work and I put all my eggs in one big basket for a very big job, and I didn't know if it was going to come through, and it came through it just the right moment. It's it's kind of scary when you know that what you decide and how you decide it can impact other people's lives. I didn't I did not like as a young guy having control over other people's lives, some of whom were married, with mortgages and kids. I'm like, I don't need this pressure. I'm twenty two years old. But I managed to pull it off, thankfully. And at what point does common sense prevailable? Sure? Okay, common sense is not that common anymore? All Right, my friend, God blush you, Paul, appreciate you being with us. All Right, that's gonna wrap up things for today. Ted Cruz is beat down in the FBI. Today he'll join us Jim Jordan Jim Banks on what we have now discovered about this corrupt, predetermined outcome committee. The January sixth Committee, the biggest single day ever positive COVID cases thanks to Joe Biden. And we still don't have tests, and we don't have monoclonals, and we don't have anti virals. Doctor oswill join us on that. Kevin McCarthy, he is on fire, says he wants to investigate Nancy Pelosi and would strip some Democrats of committee assignments. Leo two point, Terrell Laura Trump nine Eastern say, DBR. We'll see it tonight as always nine pm, and then back here tomorrow. You make this show possible. We never thank you enough. See you tonight, see it back here tomorrow