Energy Independence Saves America - March 23rd, Hour 3

Published Mar 23, 2022, 10:00 PM

Dr. Mehmet Oz, candidate for Senate in Pennsylvania talks about the keystone pipeline, fracking, and turning to our enemies for energy solutions. 

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We have coming to your city, gets and seeing you a concos we'll all be desire and if you want a little banging, you ain't come along. Now. There's a time when things are shifted. We're gonna They're gonna be a new world order out there, and we've gotten leaded. Everything is Putin's price heights. Inflation is Putin's fault. People don't believe that either. They know that we had inflation before this. You a secret. Most people don't really know what capitalism is. Most people don't even know what socialism is. But most people are not capitalists. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution, coming to your city. Don't want to play our gifts and saying you a concisul show Behind the scenes, information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trap Behind Enemy Linesday number two twenty one. Stay right here for our final news roundup and information overload. All right, news Roundup, Information Overload, Our Sean Hannity Show toll free our numbers eight hundred and nine for one Shawn. If you want to be a part of the program, you know We've spent a lot of time talking about how bad it has been the Biden economic and energy policy of abandoning what he inherited from Donald Trump, and that is a country that was energy independent. We weren't importing even one barrel of oil from Saudi Arabia by the time he left office, and of course natural gas, which is which is so important, and we were a net exporter of energy. Now, you know, fast forward just a little over a year. A year and two months later, you've got Joe Biden this situation in Ukraine and he now is not taking imports from Russia. All right, good call. Western Europe needs to make the same decision. Bite the bullet, find alternative sources of energy fast and find a way to become more energy independent, certainly not dependent on Russia anymore, because that's funding Putin's territorial ambitions anyway. So now we're in a situation where Joe Biden's energy policy is he's going to do this horrific deal with Iran that will give tens of billions of dollars and frozen sanctioned money back to the Mullahs in Iran. The deal apparently will incorporate Russia's ability to build a nuclear facility in Iran. How insane is that at this moment in history it would Also they're squabbling over the idea of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard being taken off the terror watch lists of why they can come to the US. This is madness on a level. I cannot comprehend the stupidity here and the danger associated with it. They're also now actively we're reading today, negotiating with Madura and with Venezuela. Now the Opposition Party is begging Joe Biden not to do this, so that we would lift sanctions on Venezuela and we'd make Venezuela rich again, just like we'd make a Rand rich again. And we have all the natural resources we'd ever need right here at home Texas, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Alaska for oil. Then you've got West Virginia, Ohio, and especially Pennsylvania when it comes to natural gas. If we started mass producing it, we'd have the ability to get that gas to our allies in Europe and make them less dependent on Vladimir Putin. Now, you know, we've been following all of these important Senate races in the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, where I've supported doctor Oz. I'm supporting his nomination for the Republican Party. He just put out a social media post telling the Biden administration to give the state of Pennsylvania the freedom to frack. Listen the Bidens people say, the solution to lower prices has get this stop using fossil fuels. How's that supposed to help you out today? It's tragic because natural gas guarantees high paying skilled jobs right here in Pennsylvania. These jobs can't be exported anywhere. Natural gas has decarponized our country factor than any major country, yet we're ignoring it. You got to deliver clean natural gas of the world and deliver security dividend to all of our allies. So stop ignoring the science and cast site Biden's woke energy agenda, which steals our jobs, increases inflation, and makes us the depending on hostile nations like Iran and that his weather. Are you kidding me? Be Russia should have thought of something, so back off, Biden. Give us freedom to frack. I love that line. Freedom to frac. Doctor I was welcome back to the program, welcome back to front. I was agitated because I was paying over four dollars a gallon filling up my truck when I made that video. By the way, you know what the average price of a gallon of gasoline and in Los Angeles is now? It must be over five bucks. No, no, no, it's over six bucks on average. You're paying over six dollars a gallon in Los Angeles. Well you have the extra California regulations to thank for that. But that's emblematic of what we're talking about here. People in Pennsylvania, we are apoplectic about this because we have the answers right under our feet and people won't let us use it. And what's most shocking, Sean and you, you know you speak spoken so beautifully about COVID and how we really didn't allow signs to thrive. We made up rules. Who are following the political science, not the science. And we're doing the same thing with energy policy, but making things up. The Green New Deal is a lie. It will not work in the way described to deal with the environment. It certainly can't be done that timeline. Yet work activists trick us like we were tricked in COVID and half a dozen other areas we can talk about into believing this false narrative, and here you are trying to weigh the receave the planet. The way do we use gas? Guys? The way to save the planet it is to make sure we use natural gas, which is a clean, efficient itself and sustainable, affordable and very reliable source of energy. Otherwise the wolve is going to keep burning cold. The electrification of the world is not that easy. But guess what you let people use our natural gas cleanly harvested without wasting methane and other things from fields in Pennsylvania and Ohio and wets Virginia, and guess what you get the equivalent the equivalent of electrifying every car in America plus putting a battery on every rooftop in the country. How can by the way, and you can use natural gas to in a combustion engine. I know because I once bought an old used Providence Gas Company um van that had been converted back to gasoline after it ran on natural gas. That's that's in the eighties they had that technology. What a life you've lived from I tell my kids, like Dad, we've heard it enough. Stop we're driving us nuts. Let me let me because it's so critical that we go back to these policies. But you know, think of it. Germany now get sixty percent of its natural gas and oil from Russia. That's funding this, this invasion of Ukraine, that's killing innocent men, women and children. Your thoughts, Well, it happened because they took off their nuclear energy off the grid and they started using French nuclear energy. I don't know why that's any better. And then they of course began, you know, being extorted by Russia, which by the way, you know, was knowingly jacking up price. It's taking advantage of German And again it's what people don't appreciate as much of the woke green movement was funded by Putin. We have evidence that he paid for some of these activist groups. That's why the UK said, you know, to the big Dutch producer Shell, you know what, we don't want you drilling anymore. Well now they're back in there saying we reconsider we want you drilling. The dishonest narrative around what happened in order to provide energy for the world has paralyzed leadership around the planets and bolden tyrants. Look where these guys are right in Russia. You mentioned Iran Venezuela, you know, and yet these folks are being, you know, theoretically taken the task. Not really. She may be doing okay with this. Putin making more money than ever with his gats, his energy sales, because although we might not buy oil anymore, other countries are. The Russians and the Chinese are working together with coal being sold to China. So we are pushing the world in a direction we don't want to go to. And Donald Trump said very wisely that he would take Putin on in ways. Putin could not defend himself, and he said, you know, maybe there's only a five percent chance I would do it, but that's enough in the open. But he also he also was lecturing the I played this tape. It was five minutes long. I played the whole thing on radio NTV, lecturing the head of NATO, saying how stupid they are that here we are paying more in terms of real dollars and more in terms of GDP than European NATO allies. And they turn around and make Russia and Putin rich again by doing these multi billion dollars energy deals with him. And that is a definition of insanity to me. And he said at the time that he's gonna hold your hostage and it's gonna bite you in the ass, and that's what's happened. Well, you've played on the show of two weeks ago. His predictions were on gas prices and inflation. It's remarkably prescient. And I asked him, actually, you know, how did you know? He said, well, I did the mask. You know, it wasn't rocket science for him. And the reality is he said what he knew, what's going to happen. He said what was in his heart. Other people aren't honest. Don't say you know what, go ahead and spend all you want to do, or shoot down energy producers in this country. You know they're bad guys, and then you know, cowards hide behind that rhetoric and we end up with the catastrophe we're in right now. I had an interesting conversation with the father of tracking always I won't mention his name just because it's private, but this guy's really influential. He was so emotional about the fact that he wasn't being allowed to help his country because the Biden administration is this honestly claiming that they've given up permits. They really haven't given the green light to the energy industry. To help our nation. We need an Operation warp Speed like President Trump had with COVID vaccinations for energy. Allow these guys to feel like they are part of our national security. Ensure they're not going to be shut down after a billion dollars investment in a pipeline because some activist group decides to shut you down, or a lawyer gets involved, or some attorney general or another unelected official pass to the rules. You can't protect yourself a game. All they want. Didn't even care about the gas price to make you money today. They wouldn't know the investments they make will pay dividends down the road. Because you're doing good for the world and for our country. Quick break, more with doctor Oz. On the other side, a Republican candidate for the US Senate in Pennsylvania. Straight ahead, three hours a day of red, white, and Blue America proz. This is the Sean Hannity Show. All right, More with doctor Oz. He is a candidate for the Senate for the Republicans in Pennsylvania. Let me ask you a medical question and lean on your medical knowledge. Here we had to call it the last half hour. If you recall after delta. The Biden administration said, oh, we didn't see amicron coming. Okay, now we see Amicron two point zero, if you will, is all over Europe, and now it's made its way to New York City. Cases are rising dramatically on a daily basis, which means that you know, we're now going to go through another variant in this country. Now look at Jensaki, for example, And I mean this since surely about her and Hillary. I want them to get better. I don't I don't want, I don't wish this on anybody. But the reality is you have somebody that's fully vaccinated with a booster and a previous infection now getting it the second time. And they're still only pushing this one size fits all vaccine science of theirs, which isn't really following the science. And in the meantime, you have Gladstone, Clients, Smith and stropa MAB, which is the monoclonal antibody of choice for the omicron variant. And I'm wondering in the interim, in this period of time where we didn't have many cases at all, although we were losing two or three thousand people a day, if you paid close attention did they produce enough monoclonal antibodies for this next wave? I believe they did not, And why won't they make the transition and follow the science that Okay, fully vaccinated boosters a previous infection, people can still transmit it. We need to focus on therapeutics. Why won't they make that transition because they're ideologues. Washington keeps getting it wrong, because they have different values than we have. They believe in a top down, authoritarian, one size fits all solution, which means vaccination, that's the only choice you have. They just approved, by the Way today vaccinations for kids under the age of five, not that that's a critical group of people. I mean, my goodness, thankful they've got a bunch of grandkids in that age group. They've had COVID, didn't have any issues with it. So if you want to vaccinate your kid, that's fine. But the solution long term to COVID is not more vaccinations of three year olds. It's giving us treatments. So when you do have breakthrough cases, you've got a backup plan, especially if you're vulnerable. So you and I have been like arms traders trying to get you know, antibody cocktails yet you know, trying to save lives. That's how scarce they are defined and instead of calling all over and you know how kind of a system is this is America. Social of a map, which is the Gotch Smith, Klein and antibody cocktail should be widely available. I still don't believe it is. I also know that packslovid, which is a pill that when given early on the people with COVID has a You're talking about HCQ and there's I think a dozen studies now the backup taken early that ittigates mitigates symptoms. Correct. Yeah, there's evidence ras too, but yeah, we should be Well, I'm sorry, you're talking about the anti viral uh that's put out by murk uh if I'm not mistaken, Yes you are, but you know you're not. You're correcting what you said. I wasn't going to talk about hydrogria chora quinn and I've remember I think the gold standard is monoclonals. Do you agree with me? It's a goal standard for high risk patients because it works so darned well. But for the average you know, sixty year olds who gets a case and doesn't have a lot of risk factors. Hopefully they'd be okay with this packso Bid, which is the you know, the the Fiser drug. And it's another one that the Piavier, which was made by Murk, which by the way, existed before COVID started. Unbelievable. These pills, they've been around for four years and we weren't allowed to use them because again the government didn't want them studied. Murk went around the US government to make these pills. Now finally, finally we have them. But where are they A great point. I know of one person that was able to get them, and they got it by going on the website. I think it's Murk of the manufacturer, and they have a list of pharmacies where you can get them. And now I don't know a whole lot about the anti virals, but every doctor, starting with you, that I've talked to, swears by them. They work. They we knew they work. What makes me other doctors so angry in that rhetoric that I discussed earlier, where the government believed that it's just a one size fits all solution. That's not how medicine works. I don't give every listener a blood pressure pill. I give you a blood pressure pill. If you get a really high blood pressure and risk factors, everyone else should not take a blood pressure pill. So when I'm trying to customize treatment for you, I need to be armed with tools. Right and early on, when I was on your show those very early days that you were so good about just calming people and clarifying, we said, you march into war right with the weapons you have, with the army you have, you don't get to pick well now with Two years later, President Trump bought us a lot of space with the vaccine. But think about this Republican administration says we're going to go to this direction, and everyone goes in that direction. And because it's from like like a business, like your professionals, like you're good at what you do. Now, we've the last year plus we've been sitting around with answers that we knew would work, and we did not allow these groups to move forward. It's the same for energy, it's the same for COVID treatment. It's the same with the problems for having in our school system at the border over and over again. Why she didn't get too wrong again, I believe because they don't share our values and we have to fight values, arguments more with doctor Roles on the other side. Eight hundred nine four one, shas on a number. You want to be a part of the program, We'll get to your calls listen. Want to remind you how do you look in the mirror? You want to look your best, maybe delay aging a little bit by taking great care of yourself with incredible products from our friends at Shamanee Genuinell. Marina Fort Lauderdale writes, great product. My skin loves their new ultra retinal serum from Genuine Cell. I've spent more money on creams over the years, enough to probably pay off my house. I'm only kidding, but it feels like that this product has changed my life. Linda, you swear by you use all of these Genuine Cell products. I really do. I mean, I absolutely love their microdermabrasion. I love all the exfoliators. And now with these awesome products. You know they're using these ultra retinal serums. 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If you want to be a part of the program, we'll continue in a second with doctor Oz. Now, when Donald Trump came on the scene and twenty fifteen, and he was dealing with high profile, high named experienced politicians, governors, senators, you know, the whole list of people. And very early on I supported Donald Trump and it started way before he ever came down that escalator with Milania. I'd known him twenty whatever. However, many years a long time, and we started talking about politics. First we started fighting over you know, the Iraq War after nine to eleven, etc. Etc. And he was right in the sense that we could never fight a war like that again and long protracted excursions of our national treasure, our sons and daughters. We can't be banging on doors in Baghdad ever again. And these kids are getting the legs blown off daily because they didn't have uparmored hum VI's available. Early on, but we started talking about everything, everything about energy, everything about the borders, everything about his ideology as philosophy is governing philosophy. And it was very apparent, very early to me that this guy that donated to Republicans and Democrats, he even was honest and said, yeah, I did it because I wanted to keep getting my building permits so I could keep you know, my business up and running. And he never liked the system, but that is the system. And when I said I support him, I really was putting every all of my conservative credentials, which is important to me. With this audience on the line, and there were many people that were skeptical. There were many prominent conservatives that excoriated me with the notion that Hannity actually believes that Donald Trump will govern as a real conservative. Well, I don't think there's been a more conservative president, maybe even more conservative in some ways since Ronald Reagan than Donald J. Trump. And conservatism, I always argue works and if you ask me, what is your political philosophy, Well, I'm a Reagan America first, make America great again, Save America, Reagan Trump conservative, That's my answer. And it's in a very similar way. I've gotten to know doctor Oz, and we haven't had one conversation. We have had years worth of conversations. He's been thinking about this for quite a while, that he might one day give up television and run for office. And he is like I was right about Donald Trump. He is a strong conservative and he's also a fighter. We saw him fighting against the nablishment during COVID and he'd come on my programs, which, by the way, is a death sentence for anybody you know that thinks liberally. Why are you on Hannity Show? And he did it to get out information that other people weren't getting out, and we used to have phone calls at two three in the morning because he was up early to talk to his medical counterparts all over the world to see anecdotally what might be working and what's not working, so that information could be shared among a large group of doctors. And so I'm vouching the same way I did for Donald Trump for doctor Oz as an America First Conservative. And this race in Pennsylvania, you're running as a Senate candidate in a primary. It's a very crowded field of some nice people in the field. I have nothing against anyone else running, but I'm supporting you because I know you. I support you, and we've had long hours and hours conversations about every issue you can think of. So I want you to explain you're governing philosophy in your own words. But first, thank you very much for the support you've given me throughout, not just in the campaign, but COVID and earlier, because you've made a huge difference getting people to wake up to the possibility they can become the world experts on issues that affect them. You get people in your energy and you give them confidence, which is exactly what our campaign seeks to do. So, who am I a limited government conservative? I'm against a government that is large enough to give you everything because guess what, everybody that will same government is powerful enough to take it all away from you. So making a simple life strongly supportive of in the pro life space, I'm a I'm a heart serve and I've operated on babies right when they come out of the world, right when you see the majesty of that heart pounding kind of little hearts, you know, the size of a pee. Jude would never compromise that, even if it was nine months earlier. Life starts a conception, and that's what we believe in my family. But life is also about being safe in your body. When you're walking down the street in Philadelphi, it's being safe because the borders are secure, which is a covenant we have with our government. We cannot allow a pourst border, which is a cartel run human trafficking operation to run not just human beings which and they abuse those human beings, can also run drugs get one hundred thousand deaths in this country. So every state is a border state. Because of the cowardice that the Biden administration has showed I believe strongly, not just in life, but in liberty. And liberty to me is the first Amendment, but you need a second amendment right forced the first Amendment. And then finally pursuit of happiness, which to me means capitalism, the ability to do what you wish to do with that government involvement, especially if it's unelected bureaucrats pushing rules across the transit because they feel like it needs energy. Independence that also provides well paying jobs. It means respecting our constitutional with bench constitutionalists. So Judge Jackson is a good example of what we need to be careful about. So we're not giving up our rights to an unelected group that is legislating from the bench, and it means security. You know, we need free market solutions for healthcare and for education because if we don't invest in our kids, and we're not doing that now, we're using our kids this shield. They always pay the price for our decisions. We mortgage their future with thirty trillion a debt. We are more than willing to use the machields during COVID shutting down schools. That's not what a brave society does. And I believe in America. I am more optimistic Sean today than ever before because what I'm saying, and we have the lead in the Senate race because of these issues and ideas they resonate, because Americans and Pennsylvanians know they can do it if government gets out of their hair. I can't really add one thing to that except renfair trade and maybe piece through strength, which you explain pretty well in the last a half hour when we're talking about Ukraine, Doctor Os. We're following your race very closely, and what you just articulated is why I proudly support you and I want you to win this race. I think you'd be a great Senator from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. And this is a very important seat at very important time and inflection point in history, and we need people like you in those positions. Thank you for being with us. God bless you, and thanks for all the wisdom you shared over the years. Eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, let us say hello to Jim in California. What's up, Jim? How are you? I am well, sir. How are you doing today? I'm good, sir. What's going on in the tax and rob state of California. Well, I'm in the oil business, so we really don't want to go there. There's not enough time. By the way, there's a ton of oil resources off the coast to California, a tonnel in the Gulf. Go ahead, yes, yes, right out here in bell Ridge, California is one of the largest oil leases in the nation. Yep. And you know what, how many environmental restrictions prevent you from doing your job expeditiously and safely. The list is longer than my arm. It's so sad and so dumb. But will import oil from countries that don't have these restrictions. We do a better, we do a cleaner and we do not need to be negotiating with a random venezuela. But I turned it over to you. What else is on your mind? Okay, I just want to talk to you. Had a caller yesterday. I'll give right to the point. Longtime listener. I'm several months ago I came down with COVID and I appreciate your honesty and information that you provide to us listeners. I went to my personal doctor. He tested me and he came back positive, and he looked right at me. He's known me for years. He literally knows me inside now, and I'm type two diabetic. I'm proud older two stints in my heart. He gives you this paper, He goes, you're gonna call this number. You're gonna go get the monoclonal antibodies tomorrow. You got them, and let me guess. Within forty eight hours, you felt great. Let me tell you, it was like somebody turned to switch back on. I felt good. I have never ever and I know now hundreds probably I'm up to a thousand people like you that that God have gotten monoclonal antibodies. The earlier you get it, the more effective they are. That it's not a single person that got them early that I know of, that had anything other than the same reaction as you had. That's why I say to this audience, and I know Linda's gonna roll her eyes, and she can if she wants, But I say, if you get a positive test, call your doctor immediately and ask about monoclonal antibodies. That's what I tell them. I'm not a doctor. Sean Is I never had to ask him because he knows what the hell he's doing. Listen. Let me tell you something. If I make that phone call to mind doctor Um, he will literally scour the earth and make sure that I get the treatment that he recommends, because he recommends the same. Yes, and luckily the clinic was right here in Bakersfield. Thank god. I'm down here the next day and it was handled. Yeah. Do you stay there for two three hours and then they monitor you an hour and you're done? Yep, And you know it's it just works if I again. But I'm telling you to ask you doctor. I hope everyone in this audience hears me. I'm not repeating myself because I want to hear myself talk. I'm repeating myself because I know we have new listeners every single second of every show, and some people might not have ever heard me say this before. So the repetition is by design not to hear myself talk. I'm glad you're well. God bless you and your family, and you know, watch out. You can get it again. I'll just warn you. I know tons of people now that have had it twice, not once. Let's say hi to Dave. He's in Florida. Dave smarter than all of us. How are you, Dave? What's going um him down here in the sunny keys. Yeah. By the way, don't take this the wrong way. We really appreciate your calling, but I hate you. Go ahead, yeah, by car shows eighty eight right now? Oh man, you know really now it's yeah, we're going yet in a lulu. He had a sixty degree day here in New York and I was like, all right, I can actually walk outside for once. Yeah. My question is, UH, Belarus is assembling their troops and they're just waiting for Putin to say join us. So doesn't that put us closer to World war? If they join? Uh Belarus would not trigger Article five of the NATO Alliance. But I don't think. Now Joe is in Europe and we're gonna hear about more sanctions. I'm like, okay, Joe, you just it's his mouth is moving and he usually can't speak in a way that it is even coherent. But that's not the answer. The answer is you've got to up your game and supply the Ukrainian people that have shown a incredible will to fight for their country. Give them the weaponry they need, and I would include Miggs. If Poland wants to give Miggs. Joe stop vetoing it. Let Poland do what Poland seems necessary, deems necessary to do. Poland is right next to Ukraine, and Poland knows damn well they could be next, so they want this. This war can be won I think by the insurgency if Europe does their job and provides the weaponry to Ukraine and America does its job and gives the weaponry to Ukraine. Now I say that, and I'll repeat again because people live about what I've been saying. I want Putin take it. If you kill innocent women and children, you forfeit your right to lead a country, You forfeit your right to live. Everybody understands very clear, not one American boot on the ground. We are not going to fight this fight for Ukraine, but we will support their effort to fight for their own freedoms. That's the Reagan doctrine, and I support it here right, Yeah, No, I fully understand that. I support that too, But I just thought maybe if another country's join in the battle, that's gonna bring more people into the fight. Listen, Belarus, right now, there are a satellite state of Putin's. They're a puppet regime and propped up by Putin, and I think Belarus they're not assembling their troops and munitions on the border. This is the northern side of Ukraine. For no other reason except that I believe that they will escalate and join Putin in their war against Ukraine, the invasion against Ukraine. And that's why Europe better get their act together. And Joe needs to get his act together and provide the the munitions. They're not asking us to send our national treasure. Send them the weaponry and you can charge it to them later, make them pay us back, but not now. Get them the weaponry and get paid later. We can't give everything away for free anymore either. I'm sick of that anyway, good call, appreciate it. Eight hundred and nine four one Schon. If you want to be a part of the program, all right, if you like me who used to suffer for insomnia, except you now still are suffering from insomnia, I've got the antidote and it's all things my pillow dot Com. 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But the sleep when these products arrived, the sleep you've been wanting and kneading and craving and desiring, and the sleep you deserve, it'll be yours. My pillow dot Com Sean Hannity Square, reaching over six hundred and seventy five stations across this great nation. We'll do the media's job and we'll give you information you're not gonna get anywhere else. This is the Sean Hannity Show. All right, we have a jam pack show tonight, Hannity, We'll have the latest out of Ukraine. Joe in Brussels, NATA will not do what they should do. I'll explain that tonight as well. James O'Keefe undercover investigation. Way, do you hear what he has tonight? I'm not going to tell you now. The great one Mark Levin, Rick Perry on what we should do with energy. We have obviously Greg Palcott and others on the ground in Ukraine. Senators Hally and Graham will join us nine Eastern Say DVR, Hannity, Fox News, see you in a night back here tomorrow, and thank you for making this show even possible.

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