The Biden Administration is very bizarrely defending the rising energy costs. The bottom line, costs are going up because bad policy is coming down...on our heads.
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This is a special edition of the Sean Hannity Show America Trap Behind Enemy Lines, Day number eighty three and day number ninety six of Joe Biden pledging not to abandon Americans, hundreds of them still there and their families, and thousands of Green card holders eligible to be here, and of course our Afghan allies that we promised we would get them the hell out of there, and he's just turned the page. You know, I don't think there's anybody else in media that I know of, No nobody I know of that even mentions these people abandon Can you imagine if Donald Trump did this, what the reaction of the it would be America held hostage Day number eighty three. Donald Trump abandons Americans. What we only care about our fellow Americans based on politics? Because I've said this before, I don't care if every American that's there, if we can get them home, they're going to spend the rest of their lives and dedicate the rest of their lives to get me fired. There are people that get paid to do that. I wouldn't care. I want our fellow Americans home. It's not political to me, not asking whether or not you're a Republican, a Democrat, conservative, or a liberal. You're American and you're held behind enemy lines and you're a hostage of a brutal terrorist organization known as the Taliban. That's not good for anybody. A lot of attention now today, rightly so is you know, the Democrats clearly have learned nothing. They've learned absolutely nothing about what happened on Tuesday as they now pushed their build back better, new Green Deal socialism. And I know that there's a big deal whether or not this is there's going to be this vote in the House today. To me, that part doesn't really even because I don't think Joe Mansion is gonna go along with the House and their bill. I don't know how many of you saw the viral video of these you know, activists blocking Joe Mansion from driving his car. He's moving his car, Well, don't stand in front of it. And I'm not saying they hit anybody, but I mean the outright harassed, you know, in a million years, and I've had instances, I'll tell I was at the it's what's called in Oyster Bay, New York. They have this Oyster Fest every year, and one year I was there and Chuck Schumer was walking by and they had this big sign Chuck Schumer me Chuck Shump. So I went over and I introduced myself. He knew me right away. We had a civil conversation. What civil conversation? Why do people feel they have a right to do the things they do and get in people's grill like this? That's that, you know, this is the danger. This is my challenge to like Liz Cheney. So they kick off Jim Jordan, they kick off Jim Banks. They stacked the deck and they put on Kinzinger, and they put on Liz Cheney on this committee for January sixth. Now we condemn what happened on January six We have to protect our capital, our elected officials, our institutions. I said it then, I said it now. I believed that, then, I believe it now. But then how is it? Where's the committee investigating the five hundred and thirty four riots that resulted in thousands of police officers injured, police precincts burned to the ground, city blocks taken over, you know, cops pelted with bricks, rocks, bottles, molotov cocktails, dozens of Americans dead, and nobody says a word about it. Why because Donald Trump wasn't involved in that part of it. If rioting is wrong, it's wrong. Everywhere. We had five hundred and thirty four of them official riots. Dozens of people died, thousands were injured, arson, looting, all to talking about billions of dollars in damage and theft. Nobody cares. And this is where you know, you want to know what really led up to Tuesday. This is all. It's like a crescendo, which is building and building and building and building. And Americans don't like what happened in Afghanistan. They don't like the disaster that is known as the border. They don't like the fact that COVID got worse this year even with quote three vaccines at monoclonal antibodies that Joe Biden only mentioned one time. And because it was working for Republicans, oh, they decided, they decided that you know, we're gonna, we're gonna rash in it even though we don't have a shortage of it. It's insane. Now, what's interesting is I don't want Democrats. I think if they want to continue and just act as though Tuesday didn't happen, I'm perfectly fine with that. And they want to push the New Green Deal radical socialism. I don't want that for the country. Nobody knows what's in this bill. Nobody knows whose taxes are going up. All we know is everything that Joe Biden and this New Green Deal Democratic Socialist Party is thrust upon us is not working. Afghanistan. Did you ever think in your life we'd abandoned fellow Americans. I can't get over that. Well, Hannity, get over it. It's a reality. That's not the country I believe in. That's not the America that I know, that's not the military that I know. And yet thirteen days prior to doing it, Joe Biden says he's not going to abandon Americans. Okay, he abandons them. Then the disaster with COVID this year. You know what you want to know where vaccine hesitancy comes from. It came from the CDC because they keep changing their opinion every five minutes, and the NIH and doctor Fauci mask isn't gonna work, and every other prediction that was wrong. Joe Biden mixed messaging on vaccinations, fully vaccinated, socially distant outside mask on then goes inside and meets two elderly people, a former president named Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalind ninety six ninety three, respectively. Take the mask off, get close and have no social distancing, and take pictures. Does that make any sense? This has been going on the whole time. You know, Americans at this point they don't know who to believe because they've changed and shifted the bar. First, Oh, we can't, we can't, we can't do that. We can't have a vaccine mandate. Now you have a vaccine mandate. You know, they every single prediction they made, they've gotten wrong. They never talk about the one therapeutic that we know is working, which is monoclonal antibodies. I know many many people. It's only anecdotal. Talk to your own doctor. I'm not going to play one on radio anyway. So this week is what it is. And one of the most underreported stories of the week is China laughing at Biden's apology. This is the disaster of Biden's week. He goes to Glasgow, he falls asleep, he has to be woken up by an aid, and then he apologizes for America pulling out of the Paris Climate Accords. Now China is mocking us over it. Meanwhile, China is viewed as a developing nation like India is and America. You, the American people, we get suckered into paying the full freight of billions of dollars. And meanwhile, under Donald Trump, the last four years, we have reduced more carbon emissions than any other country on the face of the Earth. How is that possible? But you've got failure Afghanistan, failure at the border, failure with COVID, failure obviously with energy, and failure on the economy. Ask yourself is what has Joe Biden done that instills any confidence in anybody? China has no problem saber rattling every day over Taiwan, though it does putin have any problem moving troops closer and closer to Ukraine for what probably is going to be a showdown with them. Now, Republican senators have requested the military aid for Taiwan amid pressure from China. I don't even think Joe Biden cares. Now China's calculation is this? They say, Well, he said he wouldn't abandon Americans in Afghanistan. What makes us think that he really is going to back Taiwan. And by the way, that is a logical thought process, because I don't think Joe Biden would lift a finger for Taiwan. I actually still believe with all the money that Hunter Biden got in his one point five billion dollars Bank of China deal, that Biden is compromised. The family has compromised, because if Libya knew that Hunter was a crack addict that like prostitutes, what do you think Russia has on zero experience Hunter? Because he got three and a half million dollars from a Russian oligarch, the former first Lady of Moscow one point five billion Bank of China. No experience, just like the millions he got, but no experience, gem any experience, an oil, no energy, no gas, natural guess no Ukraine. No. Why do you think they gave you millions of dollars? I don't know. I don't know. Maybe because your daddy's the vice president of the United States and and he's in charge of the money, that it will be distributed to Ukraine. Probably. Probably I have an idea, what is it. He's gonna paint him a picture, a beautiful, beautiful picture. By the way, if that's art. I'm an artist. Forget about it. He's Picasso, you know, China mocking perilous by. It's it's just a weak president. Now Biden is desperately all day to day calling Democrats. Now he's begging them to vote for his agenda. Now, the question is it really isn't about the House vote today. I know that the media is making it a big deal. I don't think it matters what the House does. Well. The people that I'm most interested now in where they go are people like Mansion and Cinema, because I think Mansion has had it up to here because he sees the phony accounting that the Democrats are using. Nancy Pelosi once famously said, well, you can't pass a bill without it's going to be very, very exciting, but we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it. And she also said you shouldn't pass the bill that hasn't been scored by the CBO Congressional Budget Office. Well, the bill they have, I don't even think it's written yet. They're just telling people what they think is going to be in the in the final pat in the final bill, but then it still has to go to the Senate. You got Kamala Harris now to work on refugees, migration and borders in Paris. That's a headline in the Washington Examiner. Now there are some Democrats pointing the finger at Biden over the election wreckage. How could you not? Newsweek is asking the question, can Joe Biden save his presidency? I have an answer that may surprise you. Can Joe Biden save his presidency? The answer is yes. And the way Joe could save his presidency is immediately go back to energy independence. That will help the economy greatly. He can bring back to stay in Mexico policy. He can bring back building the wall. He can bring back the Keystone XL pipeline, put it back online. He can open up exploration in Alaska. He can ask instead of OPEC, asked Texas and Oklahoma, North Dakota to help. He could adopt the Trump policies on energy, on borders, on national defense, and he can send troops to go rescue the Americans that he abandoned in Afghanistan. Yeah, he can save his presidency. We did you know We're talking to new Kingridge yesterday about this. After the shlacking that Bill Clinton got in his first mid term, he did change course, he saved his presidency. Republicans took control of the House of Representatives for the first time in forty years. New Kingridge ran on a contract with America which I would like Republicans to do one year from now. I want them to coalesced, nationalize an election, elect us and we will do these things and make it the simple conservative principles that we talk about every day. And it worked. But Bill Clinton adjusted and he said the era of big government is over, the end of welfare as we know it now. What happened as a result, Bill Clinton ended up getting reelected. I gotta take a break eight hundred one, sean, if you want to be a part of the program. You know, as we get more and more information, we now know that the virology lab in Wuhan seems one hundred percent at this point in my mind, anyway, the origins of the COVID virus. This all was took place in a lab. That's what we call gain of function. A letter from a guy by the name of Lawrence to back the National Institute that helps Principal Deputy Director to Congressman James Cohmer of Kentucky confirms that the NIH. This is Fauci's NIH funded research at the Virology Lab in twenty eighteen and nineteen that manipulated a bat coronavirus called W one v one. Researchers at the institute grafted spike proteins with other coronavirus says onto W one v one to see if the modified virus was capable of binding in a mouse that possessed the ACE two receptors that are also found in humans, the same receptor by the way which SARS covid nineteen binds, the modified virus gain a function. What they found is reproduced more rapidly and made infected humanized mice sicker than the unmodified virus. Now, starting in twenty fourteen, the NIH literally National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases headed by Anthony Fauci, gives out grants to study the risk of bat coronavirus's emergence. More than three point seven million dollars is given over the period of five years, and again it's funneled through this group. The national the Eco Health Alliance in twenty eighteen and nineteen that research creates coronavirus is more virulent more easily transmitted. The NIATE says that was a mistake and that they don't give Gain money to gain a function research. Now. Meanwhile, the NIATE says that the manipulated virus was not COVID nineteen. Does show that the sort of Wuhan lab was doing these sorts of experiments on wild bats. After the outbreak. Anyway, they all rally other scientists to push the idea that COVID nineteen came from the wet market. Remember that comment, investigators can find no natural origin for the virus. Looks like you paid for it. Unbelievable. And he remember the same guy that said gain a function is so important that even if it caused a worldwide pandemic, he still supports it. The great doctor Fauci Wow, holding them accountable. Sean gets the answers no one else does. America deserves and know the truth about Congress. At twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine one sewn our number. We got a lot of ground to cover today and we will, including the latest in the dorm investigation, which seems to run into perpetuity. But let me go back. So this is newsweek, hardly members of the vast right wing conspiracy right, and the headline is can Joe Biden save his presidency? Joe Biden's presidency was meant to be defined by calm, experienced competence. Yet nine months into his term he has been teetering on the brink of failure. Teetering He's failed on every level. He's not a single thing. I think a Democrat can point out, hey, we're really better off because Joe did ABC or D name one thing if you can think of it, shouted out in your car, or call us and tell us, because I can't. If somebody, if we find somebody, Katie that has it as the issue that Joe's successful on, I want to hear it. They even go on and say, no president in the modern error, not Jimmy Carter, not Donald Trump, has fallen out of grace so swiftly, this soon into their presidency. So to answer their question, can Joe save his presidency? The answer is yes he can. But the problem is, I don't think Joe knows what day of the week it is. I don't know who's in charge. I just don't know. Because the guy that fell asleep in Glasgow this week, the guy that just keeps, you know, repeating the same things over and over again, expecting a different result. How many more times is he gonna beg OPEC to increase oil production? How many more times will he be humiliated on the world's stage as they reject him. Do you know how stupid the world that he looks to the world OPEK is. They understand our energy resources in this country, and they're like, they're the dumbest people in the world. They're begging us for oil when they've got more than us. And we're stupid enough to allow a president to increase the cost of everything and deny American high paying career jobs with skills, specific jobs for the energy industry. Yeah, he can. He can save his presidency. Go save the Americans. You abandoned an Afghanistan, bring back to stay in Mexico policy, start building the wall again, and your idiotic policy of catch and release. But how embarrassing was it the Joe by and had no clue that his own Department of Justice has the plan to pay four hundred and fifty thousand dollars to illegal immigrants that was separated from their families during the Trump era. Turns out Peter Doocey was right and Biden was wrong for reports that we're servicing that your administration is planning to pay illegal immigrants who are separated from their families at the border up to four hundred and fifty thousand dollars each, possibly a million dollars per family. Do you think that that might incentivize more people to come over illegally if you guys keep sending that garbage out. Yeah, but it's not true. So this is a garbage report. Yeah, Okay, four hundred and fifty, four hundred and fifty thousand dollars for persons. I was just saying that was separated from a family member at the border under under the last administration. That's not gonna happen. Apparently it's happening because the administration confirmed it yesterday. I mean, these are the times we live in. Even the New York Times, you know, is pointing out Democrats they will if they deny the political reality, they do so at their own peril. And they ended up pointing out that what happened on Tuesday, and no Democrat who cares about winning elections in twenty twenty two and the presidency in twenty twenty four should see this as anything else. And that is the result. Trend lines are a political nightmare for the Democratic Party, and he's and they go on The New York Times familiar takeaways like a wake up call, warning shot, don't do justice here because the danger of ignoring those trends is too great. What would what would do justice? What is badly needed is an honest conversation in the Democratic Party about how to return to the moderate policies and values that fueled the blue wave victories in twenty eighteen and one. Joe Biden the presidency in twenty Well, Joe Biden didn't campaign because he was in the candidate protection program. You have a top Democratic superpack telling the party they better shape up or they're gonna face serious consequences. That's Priority USA, Priorities USA, one of their top Democratic superpacks. They said, you better shape up or face serious losses in the mid terms a year from now. The Daily Beast has an op ed they frame white women, unken voters as handmaidens of white supremacy. Wow, later on we'll have Joe conchon. Way do you hear? I was pretty shocked by all of this. Michael Eric Dyson, what he said about Winsome sears a black mouth moving legitimizing white supremacy. And then we get all the lectures about our consumption and oh you better shop early, and oh the supply chain issue is your fault. You know, now we have a Secretary of energy. Average price of a gallon of gasoline up a buck fifty. Everything every American pays war costs more. You would think the energy secretary might be smart enough to stop begging OPEC that keeps rejecting their request to produce more oil. And Jennifer Granholm, the Energy Secretary, burst out laughing when asked what is the plan to increase oil production? And then she blames OPEC. The person that reduced artificially the supply of energy in the world is Joe Biden's policies, his new Green dealism. Listen to her laugh. What is the Grandham plan to increase oil production in America? That is hilarious? Would that I had the magic wand on this. As you know, of course, oil is a glow market. It is controlled by a cartel. That cartel is called OPEC, and they demand a decision yesterday that they were not going to increase beyond what they were already planning. No, we had our own energy and dependence. How does she not know that? How do they not go back to what worked? This is where I think this is such a radicalized party. They don't have any Bill Clinton in the meaning the era of big government is over and the under welfare as we know it, that moment will not come with this party. It is impossible. It is controlled by the radical leftist New Green Deal socialists, and they will not change one iota. And they're all they're gonna do is lash out at the couple of moderates if you even want to say that about like mansion in cinema. Now, some Democrats have hit the panic button, a few of them, but not many of them. Nancy Pelosi admitted that election night was not a good night for the Democrats. But she's right back at it today and she's trying to push this New Green Deal socialism. Okay, well, I don't think that's gonna work. The American people have looked at it, don't want it, don't like it. There's nobody that's out there supporting it. Americans would respond if Joe Biden controlled the border, brought us back to energy and dependence, dramatically lowering the price of everything we're purchasing, reducing the heavy, heavy toll of inflation on every American family, disproportionately impacting the poor in the middle class. It's unbelievable. They don't want to wake up. They think they know better, but it's not going to work. You know, look at what's happening. Truck drivers are now facing shortages and many are expected to quit big companies because of the vaccine mandate, just like in the military, just like we see with nurses, emergency personnel, hospital workers, police firemen, officials warning the vaccine mandate could exacerbate the truck drivers shortage we already have. All Street journal points out Congress considers allowing teenagers to drive big rigs. I'm a little concerned about that because if you look at the higher incidents of accidents, it happens to end up being younger people, not as experienced drivers. Liberals, you know. On fake news CNN, I played this last night. There was a family of eleven and they Texas couple, nine children. Two by the way that they've adopted most of these kids, two of their biological children. They've adopted six others. They have one foster child. Wonderful family. Sounds like to me, very generous and kind and loving people to bring kids into their home that need a family. And she started seeing the prices of milk rising. She said, a gallon of milk was a dollar ninety nine, now it's two seventy nine. When you buy twelve gallons a week, four times four weeks, that's a lot of money. And she and her husband added that he felt guilty that they were being forced to buy less healthy food to save money. Then people in the liberal media start laughing, what's so funny about that? That's sad. Who's getting hurt here? We were a little ahead of the curve. We had a farmer call into this program and tell us that fertilizer shortages threatened also to spike food costs. We had a farmer tell us that directly a couple of weeks ago. And we're still begging OPEC it is you doubled down on stupid. We have a new report out, by the way, published where the Senate Joint Economic Committee massive labor shortage continues to grip the nation and hold back any economic recovery. And of course you got the pandemic on top of it. Now, of course you got inflation, and now the high cost of energy was It's not caused by Opecket's caused by Joe Biden. But Joe is busy appeasing the New Green Deal radicals in his party, unveiling a plan to reduce methane emissions by twenty thirty. How about we drive down the price of gasoline first? How about we help out poor Americans and middle class Americans first? At what point, if you want to know what america lasts policies look like, you're seeing it every single day. This is a disaster in the making. And I don't see that they've learned a single thing from what happened this week. Doubts are now growing, and it looks like they've canceled the vote in the House today, which I kind of predicted. You know, the only reason Nancy Pelosi cancels a vote, that means she doesn't have the votes. That's the only reason she will not take a vote and loose. That's her m So they were getting close to ramming through Biden's social agenda. But as I was saying at the beginning of the program, it wouldn't matter because Joe Mansion would have the last word anyway. And they can be as mad as they want at Joe Mansion, and they can surround his car all they want, look like a mini insurrection. They're gonna have Liz Cheney comment on that. Is Liz Cheney ever going to comment on the five hundred and thirty four riots that took place in the summer of twenty twenty. Is she gonna stand up for the thousands of police officers pelted with bricks, rocks, bottles of molotov contails, where the dozens of Americans killed like Horace Lorenzo Anderson Junior. We haven't forgotten him or his father that now lives without his son in the chop Chaz Autonomous Summer of Love Zone. The billions of dollars in financial losses for businesses as a result of either arson and or looting. Where's that commission? Rioting is wrong? Period, end of sins and everybody. If we're gonna have a commission on the one riot, we should have him on all of them. How to prevent them from happening in the future. I just I'm looking for any glimmer of hope here, and I don't really see it now. Democrats are clinging to the fact that the US job market posted much better numbers this month, which is okay, non farm payroll jobs increasing, and I think it was eighty one thousand jobs higher than they expected. Okay, I'll take it. I want good news. I don't want bad news on the economy. The reality is there's nothing but bad news. The reality is inflation is here to stay. The reality is gas prices are not going to go down on their own. And it's not Opex's fault, it's not a cartel's fault. It's this administration's fault. Because we had full complete energy independence. That is one of the biggest causes of where our economy is right now. But do you think AOC in the squad and the new Green deals socialists are going to allow Joe to bring back online the Keystone XL pipeline and exploration in Alaska and drilling in Texas and Oklahoma. We have all these moratoriums. I doubt it. You know, I'm all for any good economic news. But in September, you know, economists have been predicting five hundred thousand new jobs. They only got one hundred ninety four thousand three hundred and six thousand jobs shortfall in a month. August was even worse. It predicted seven and twenty thousand jobs. They only got two hundred and thirty five thousand jobs. That's a four hundred and eighty five thousand jobs shortfall in that month. I'll take the better news, but there really isn't a lot of and all of these problems, every single one of them was easily preventable, and everything could be reversed, but he'd have to adopt Donald Trump's policies because they were working. Most Americans don't even know that we have more COVID desks than twenty twenty one than twenty twenty. How's that possible? How is that not big news in the country.