On the heels of great news on the economy, Sean turns the heat up on the need for real tax reform. Plus, Sean breaks down the major races across the country including the race for Virginia Governor. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and Hannity.com.
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio Show podcast. So, like many of you, I have trouble sleeping. I have insomnia. No matter what I tried, it wouldn't work until I met Mike Lindell and I got my very own my pillow. It has changed my life. What makes my pillows so different is my pillows patented adjustable fill. In other words, you can adjust the patented filter your exact individual needs so you get the support you need and want to help you get to sleep faster and stay a sleep longer. Just go to my pillow dot com or called one six zero nine zero. Remember used the promo code Hannity. When you do, Mike Lindell will give you his best off forever by one pillow and get another one absolutely free. My pillow made in the US a ten year unconditional warranty and it has a sixty day no questions asked money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose. So it's time for you to start getting the quality of sleep that you've been wanting and we need. Just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred six zero nine zero promo code Hannity. Take advantage of Mike's special two for one offer my pillow dot Com promo code Hannity. All right, glad you're with a Shawan Hannity issue. We got a ton of stuff breaking as we come on the program today. Glad you could be with us right down our toll free telephone numbers one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. We have had such good economic news before we get going today. Now we got new numbers in uh the This is an amazing statistic, and I know there's amazing news that everybody would want to hear. Fake news editors never report any of the good news on the economy. When you break down unemployment by demographics, which is what the Department of Labor Bureau Statistics do all the time, what do we find out unemployment for White America's three point seven percent, Asian unemployment three point five percent, Hispanic unemployment rate is five point two, and the Black community is seven point five. Here's the interesting part. That is the lowest level since December of two thousand, the lowest level and one of the ironies of expanding John prospects. This mostly you know during Obaka Barack Obama's presidency, black unemployment was in double digits, hitting a high mark of sixteen eight percent in March, and between July of o eight and in February, the black unemployment rate was above ten percent. And I know that, you know there's a discont I know every single time that we have in this country a race like we have in the Commonwealth of Virginia today. I hope Ed Gillespie is able to pull that out. That would be pretty fascinating. It's such a if you're in Virginia, uh, and you haven't voted today, I'd get out and be fascinating to watch. You know, the president is doing all of this with the economy is now the result of Donald Trump alone, not these weak, timid, spineless republic alkins. Now we're told that the bill in the Senate on tax reform is dead on arrival. John McCain announced, than other senators announcing obviously, you know to me, this is now a okay, what do you what's more important to you your hatred of Donald Trump or you desire to serve your country and the people. Because this has always been a Republican principal, cutting corporate rates, cutting repatriation, cutting individual rates, although Republicans now have totally caved again and showed nothing but cowardice, like they didn't want to use the power of of the purse to repeal Obamacare, nor do they want to use because they would be blamed for government shutdown, nor do they want to, you know, fight for Reagan conservative supply side economics. They can't stand being called, oh, you're looking out for the rich tax cuts, whether it's Chuck Schumer saying it, anyway, and it's not true because the rich get whacked in this new tax reform bill. And that was the part of the equation Larry Cudlow told you last week. Dave braddoggreed with me last week, is they don't want to fight the fight over class warfare. But ten percent of the population pays the tax bill pays nearly all of it, pays none of the the federal income tax bill. And there's Charles Gasparrino reported that McCain has pronounced the Trump tax plan debt on arrival. It's ridiculous anyway. So oh, and then we had yesterday reporting commentary the the GOP snuck a hidden tax bracket into their new tax bill. They did it the day after they rolled it out so nobody would actually notice it. And the legislation aimed, you know, the corporate tax part of it's good, the repatriation part of it's good. We'll get multinationals to invest trillions in the country and build factories and manufacturing centers. I said, my goal is always to help the forgotten men and women. But if you don't take the tent to pay the ninety plus percent of the income taxes, by any definition, they're going to be called rich by any Democrat that plays the class warfare game. But anyway, Republicans hidden bracket after you know, for those that make a million dollars in taxable income, you know, the government would then impose a six percent search charge and every dollar earned until it made up the tax benefits that the rich received from the low tax rate on the first forty dollars. Only you know, this is stuff Democrats do. That's not a Reagan Conservative. Seventy percent across the board tax cuts that doubled revenues to the federal government doubled them. Oh well, you're gonna lose money because you're not tax No economic growth brings in new revenue and it creates jobs and less dependency, and people that were being helped out now are are are helping paying taxes. So the whole thing is that mess. But you know the jobs cut, you know that. Literally we now have thirty years of We now have hit a thirty year housing building high in the country. You want to look at the National Border. Realtors announced that houses are selling it the face past his pace in thirty years. The Conference Board reported consumer confidences at a seventeen year high. Last week, the Atlanta Fed projected GDP growth for the fourth quarter four point five percent. We even get close to four percent. It's a miracle considering Congress hasn't implemented a tax plan yet, and then we have job cuts have hit their lowest level in two decades. We have people that are using food stamps the lowest level in seven years. And it's all happened before there's been any real economic growth plan put in place by Republicans. Even the Washington posthole Democrats stopp lying about the GOP tax plan. A DP says the economy added another two thirty five thousand jobs just in the month of October alone. Over a million new jobs are there. Um, we have. The President now is going to be acting on getting rid of the Obamacare mandate through executive action, which is great. So you've got a lot of good economic news, and I guarantee you're not gonna hear it in your Russia Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Trump collusion conspiracy theory media. But what's happening is there's there's things now developing almost every hour of every day. Now, I'll give you one example. There's a new lawsuit that has been filed against the Justice Department suggesting that the former FBI Director James Comey and his close friend Robert Mueller may have colluded in Mueller's attempt to prosecute members of the Trump administration. Any evidence showing Mueller coordinated, as is the Washington Examiner Mueller coordinating with Comey could validate critics claims that Mueller's conflicts of interest in the case are so severe he needs to resign. Judicial Watch now wants all the records of communications between Comey and the Justice Department, which would include communications to Mueller in the run up to Comey's appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee in June. That will be a scandal of Comy coordinated his Senate testimony with Mueller's Special counsel office, considering that it was Comey who leaked the information for the very purpose of what getting a special council appointed Rod Rosenstein, who also knew along with Mueller that the Russians had been had people agents of Vladimir Putin in the country using bribery, extortion and racketeering and kickbacks and money laundering. You know, why didn't they do anything about that? That led to the GPS Russian paid Hillary bought and paid for dossier, the salacious lying details from the Russians to influence that election. And there's so much corruption here every single day. Just it's almost impossible to keep up with this, and you know, there's a certain repetitiveness to it. But I'm trying to just give you the new information and give you the background and because it's hard to follow at this point. Now, Catherine Harriage over at Fox News is reporting the co founder of Fusion GPS, the firm behind the unverified Trump dossier, met with a Russian lawyer before and after key meeting that she had last year with Trump's son. Let me repeat that the co founder of Fusion GP Yes, they're the ones that put together the phony Russian dossier bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton. Okay, they paid for that full of lies, hooker's rits urinating on beds, and all this other crab to influence the election and spread it throughout the phony fake news media in this country. Anyway, bottom line, met with the co founder, met with the Russian lawyer before and after that key meeting with Donald Trump Jr. According to Fox News, the context had entire new light on how closely tied the firm was to Russian interests. The very people that paid this group was Hillary Clinton and the d n C. But the d n C we now know was bought and owned by Hillary Clinton with the secret contract. When the fix was in, so Bernie had no shot at ever winning the primary, and they disenfranchised every Bernie voter in the country. They disenfranchised because the fix was in with super delegates, she ran the entire d n C. Bernie's not gonna get any help from them. Remember the odd timing of the debates. She didn't want anybody see the debates. Oh, let's put it up on against football. Uh, let's put it up against the Super Bowl. We'll figure out a way to hide this anyway. The research firm has now renewed has renewed scrutiny after the litigation revealed that the d n C and Hillary Clinton's campaign paid for all of that Russian propaganda, all of those Russian lines, and our Republicans have since question whether the politically finance research contributed to the FBI's investigation of Russia collusion with the Trump campaign. In other words, you gotta think through this. If there was a FISA warrant, which we believe there was, and the fine, the predicate for the warrant was the Clinton d n C funded, paid for Russian dossier and that they went before as a court and they used that phony, fraudulent, lying dossier as the means to get a wire tap on Trump tower. Imagine where this is going here. I've known this is coming for a while, just telling you I've been sworn as secrecy at certain times, but now it's coming out. It makes the Fusion GPS paid by Hillary Boughton, paid for by her contacts with Russian interests, could be the predicate to lie to a court to get a warrant on an opposition candidate before an election. You're following me here, I'm telling you it gets hard to follow. The meeting with Donald Trump Jr. In this Russian lawyer occurred during this critical period and at the time we've learned at Fox at the Bank record show Fusion GPS was paid by a law firm for work on behalf of a Kremlin linked oligarch while paying the former British spy the m I six guy, Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Trump by paying Russians for the dirt you understand. But hours before the Trump Tower meeting, this is the one that took place that we've all heard so much about. Fusion co founder ex Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson met with the woman who was about to meet with Donald Jr. In a Manhattan federal courtroom, according to a federal According to a source to the Fox News Channel, court records reviewed by Fox News and Email correspondents and published reports corroborate the pairs presents together, and the source said Fox do that they were also together after the Trump Tower meeting. Does this now sound like a setup? And Simpson's presence, the GPS guy fusing GPS guy with this Russian woman that met with JR. Together with rev elations about fusion. Simultaneous financial ties to Hillary Clinton, the Clinton campaign, the d n C that she's running paying Russian interests raised questions about the company's role in the election, real Russian collusion. Now supposedly Mueller's investigating the Trump Tower meeting. Maybe this would be interesting information for him to look at. How could he look at any of this information when he himself is compromised. Anyway, We got so much to tell you. It's I'm telling you. I am trying my best to make this understandable. There's a lot this is separate and apart. Fixing the election the primary, trying to fix the general by paying for Russian propaganda lies, maybe getting a warrant on Donald Trump, your opposition party, to set this president up for all the deep State leaks that we've had and everything else, and trying to influence the American people. And by the way, that doesn't even bring up the oh, let's fix. Let's fix. The fix was in with Comey as he wrote her exoneration a note long before Hillary had ever testified or the witnesses were even questioned, or like Loretta Lynch meeting with Bill on the tarmac. The fix is always in with the Clintons. And you know how I love hearing great American success stories and sharing them all with you. Well, our favorite T shirt, underwear sock company, Tommy John, Well that's one of them now. Tom Patterson grew up in a small town in South Dakota. After college, he had a successful career. He was selling medical devices on the West Coast, but he quickly became fed up with the ways undershirt kept coming untalked. So despite having zero background in men's fashion whatsoever, Tom sketched up some designs for smarter undergarments now, starting out of his apartment and growing Tommy John to the globally recognized company it is today. Well he achieved, Tom did the American dream. Now. Of course there's super soft there undershirts. Guess what, they never come untucked. Plus all of Tommy John underwear is backed by the best pair You'll ever wear guarantee. Or it's free. Go to Tommy John dot com slash Hannity off your first order and Tommy will donate five of this month. Said else from Tommy John dot com slash Hannity to the Honor Foundation to empower Navy seals who are now transitioning to civilian life. That's Tommy John dot com slash Hannity. All right, as we roll along Shawan Hannity's show news information you're not gonna get anywhere else. There is this pattern. You know, let me explain how the law works here. You know, if we've gotta look at potential laws and the dossier scandal. Greg Jared has done amazing research on all of this. The Federal Election Campaign Act, you fifty two USC three zero one o one, you know, filing a false or misleading campaign report. Was that a problem that they funneled that money through a lawyer that the d n C used, the same lawyer that the Obamas used, the same lawyer. Federal Election Campaign Act prohibits foreign nationals and governments in US campaigns. Really, well, they're paying foreign nationals, a guy in Great Britain to get dirt on Donald Trump from Russia. So that's a potential law breaker. Uranium one. Okay, we'd have to look at the Federal Bribery Statute, the Federal Gratuity Statute, the mail fraud Statute, the wire fraud Statute, the program bribery Statute, the Travel Act, h Racketeering, Influence and Corruptions Organization Act. You know what you want to look at laws broken as it relates to the Clinton email server scandal, the Espionage Act eighteen Usc. Seven eighteen Usc. Seven nine three, mishandling classified information through gross negligens, knowingly, willfully mishandling classified information, all of which she did when she put it in a mom and pop shop server. And of course, and it's the removal the Federal Records Act and destruction of government records that's a felony or eighteen Usc. Nine four unauthorized removal and retention of classified information. It's it's pretty unbelievable that this, all of the this is going on. Now, I'm gonna tell you this. You know, when Comey goes ahead and he agrees to calling it a matter, because Loretta Lynch says, don't call it an investigation, call it a matter and takes on Clinton's talking points. When Comy himself is writing her exoneration before he does the work his earlier draft again, before he interviewed the witnesses or did any any investigative work, and Comy writes the words gross negligence that is the legal standard that is an extreme departure from ordinary care gross negligence. Well, he just changed it because it was the exact verbiage that was in the law, to extreme carelessness. Now Comy misinterpreted this knowingly and willfully because she violated the Espionage Act. As I just mentioned, the legal standard is whether Clinton intended to set up a private server intended to use it exclusively for communications as Secretary of State, which would inevitably include classified documents. She did it so when elate's the statute and Clinton could be charged with a hundred and ten counts. Anyway, Clinton destroyed the documents. That too was obstruction of justice Federal Records Act, Public Officers Law. Alright, a lot more coming up straight ahead. Al Right, glad you with US twenty five now till the top of the hour. Toll free numbers nine. Moving the microphone. Sorry, got stuck. Uh, how are you guys in there? How's everybody in there today? You know? What's what's today's date? By the way, why is there a Christmas tree in my studio? Is it Christmas yet? Why is there a Christmas tree in the studio? First of all, did you like the Christmas tree topper. Did you happen to take I saw that part? Can we stay off that? From Star is Born? Okay? They put me on the top of the Christmas tree, this little number one finger with my three with an ugly picture of me plaster all over it. Anyways, so yeah, we put this tree up because the holidays go so fast. You know, it's like, you know, you just leave it up all year long. I would I know something, But who do that? I think it's a little odd, you know, all year long? Humble opinion. I don't know anybody that does. I know, I've I've met one or two. It's a little odd. All right. You can tell everybody you your husband, your baby. Went down to my condo in Florida, and I leave the Christmas tree up all year because I don't go just the Christmas tree I ever seen. I threw up and like you, just like hi, here's all the little Christmas balls that I go there. I go there once a year. I don't have time to go the rest of the year. I'm working. This is in Congress. This is not Congress. I don't have every other week off like on Jesus's Birthday. Okay, so I leave it up so then I don't have to spend my time being aggravated taking the stupid thing out of a box and setting it up every year. Well, you're welcome that we did it for you here. Well, I leave it up for the so people go to visit. I'm sorry. It's in a little corner. It's a little tree, it's not that big. Did it irritate you, Yes, it irritated you. It's it's not appropriate. I'm sorry that my my condo that I'm sharing with you and basically everybody else in the world. I like how we now have an official schedule for my condo in Florida and people just have dates and they were just filling the calendar. I'm going this weekend, I'm going this week, I'm going this weekend week It's like a time sharing. But you know, what good is it for me to let it sit there empty? It's no good. I mean, I bought it. I thought I would use it more. I don't cheer you all year long. I wish I could be down there because they don't pay federal they don't pay state income taxes down there, and I'm stuck up here with my you know, ten percent state tax, and my three percent local tax or city tax, I get tax for breathing in New York. Foul, disgusting, smelly air. By the way, it's not exactly you know. I can't stand and you do this, so I'm blaming you too. The people that walk in the sidewalk in New York and with their dogs, and their dogs pee all over the sidewalk that we walk on. Now they have to pick up, they have to pick up the poop. Let me tell you what half the people in New York do with the poop thingy. They just turn around. They know when the dogs making the movement that the dogs about, you know, poop, They just their heads turn magically in the other direction and they just walk away and they don't pick it. You can assure you that you pick it up in every group. There are some bad actors. Okay, do you ever step on dog poop in New York? It's probably probably have stepped on human poop in New York with all the homeless, let's be honest, breaking news, all the homeless right under Comrade the Blasio. It's sad the bow deedles and I don't think he's gonna be the next mayor, but I love bo anyway, he would have been a great mayor. It would have been like, oh what, let's see what Boss doing today. It would be like having It's like with the president. This president keeps you engaged. Say everything you want about Donald Trump, but you know what he fights for, what he believes in, and you know what to watch liberals on a daily basis, bubble and fizz like alka seltzer in water is pretty darn entertaining. And if Hillary one, we'd be bored to death. I mean, you know, except all the corruption probably would have gotten or impeached here. You know, So the president is away for what two days, uh or three day whatever it is, and he's in Japan, and the media is so desperate to be involved in destroying Trump. They brought up a phony fish scandal. Did you hear about this, that he was improperly feeding the Japanese fish? What do you call those fish? What? Koi? Koihoi kuoi? New York Talk? All right, So anyway that it began. Sunday night, CNN circulated a deceptively edited video that appeared to show the president was feeding the fish with his Japanese counterpart and simply dumping the box of fish into the pond. So what The apparent breach of fish feeding protocol immediately goes viral as Trump was seen as impatient to thoughtfully spoon the fish food into the pond on as the as his counterpart was doing. This is like, this is a media story. He gets two stoops of ice cream and everybody else gets one scoop of ice cream. This is anyway, So this start went viral on the on the I guess on the on Twitter and everything else. They circulate a false reports snightly tweeting Trump was supposed to be feeding the fish with a spoonful um with the Prime Minister, but he got impatient and dumped the whole box of food in the pond. By the way, lucky fish, they get all one shot. What's so bad about that? And then whoever gets you know, then the I guess the best fish? You know, you know, Donna Brazil or burg Doll or any of those things. But they're they're they're on the Koi story. So that's there's one tweet purpool. Trump and Abe were each feeding Koi in a pond spoonfuls of fish. Then this happened and it goes on. Now. The only problem is it's all untrue. The non edited video shows boat leaders casually spoonfish UH food to the fair. After doing so for approximately thirty seconds, Abbe dump the remainder um So his counterpart Abbe dumped the remainder of the box into the pond. Trump followed his lead and did the same. Oh sorry, fake news, CNN. This is CNN fake news. All right, So there's another interesting story. Rowan Scarborough is a great writer for the Washington Times. Really smart guy. He has a headline out Russian dossier investigators suspect now get this part, reporters were paid to spread collusion claims. Anyway, the role of reporters now is taking on an added importance in federal court battles over the infamous dossier UH that leveled unverified charges of collusion against Donald Trump and his campaign and u S District Cord for the District of Columbia. Fusion GPS, the dossier's financier. In other words, Fusion GPS got paid by Hillary and the Democrats. As I was explaining in the last hour half hour, is fighting a House committee chairman's bid to find out if the opposition research firm actually paid so called journalists. I'd like an answer to that question. Do we already know that they colluded during the campaign. A lot of networks did anyway. In a district court in Florida, self described dossier victim wants a judge to order the news website BuzzFeed, which published the dossier in full, to disclose who gave it to them. That's gonna get interesting. The case underscores both of them. How Moscow source memorandum created opposition research on Trump and the presidential campaign dictates the debate about politics and reporters. In Washington, Representatives Devin Nounez of California, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, signed a subpoena of force a bank to turn over Fusion gps as financial records. And he wants to know who paid for the dossier. We already know Hillary and the and the Hillary controlled d NZ he paid for it, which is written now in a series of eight team memos by Christopher Steele. He relied almost exclusively on unidentified Kremlin sources. The Russians gave the phony dossier. Now, the question is that the phony dossier was that used to an affis a court to get a warrant against Donald Trump, and was the warrant was any of the information they got from the warrant. In other words, this is bought and Clay paid for Clinton lies to manipulate. Just like she rigged the primary, she was trying to ring the general election, just like she rigged the email server scandal with Loretta Lynch and James Comey and the meeting on the tarmac and call me writes an exhoneration letter before he does his investigation. Everything with the Clintons is fixed. So what they're asking here for is Fusion went to federal court. They don't want their financial records. Let go. But the law firm Perkins coy l P, whose partners was Mark Elios, had kept telling you pay attention to. This guy's name is the Clinton's campaign general counsel. This is the guy that funneled the money. He intervened in this particular case, filed a letter acknowledging it paid Fusion GPS for the dossier on behalf of Democrats. The Democrats are Hillary. The Democrats are the d n C. Hillary ran the d n C. Donna Brazil just told us Fusion and Mr Neunez then worked out in agreement on access to some of the firm's financial records. But despite the you know all of this happening here, this renewed request for information for a judge to block the subpoena because Newness wants the information. But the the widen net includes the names of journalists and law firms that Fusion might have paid. This is getting interesting. Quote it is contrived to substitute for the ridiculous notion that the intervene or the House committee in this case, can demand documents in an overbroad subpoena from a third party and not explain what it's looking for or why. Set a memorandum filed by Fusion GPS is law firm right now on the demand for information on the payments to journalists. Fusion cited First Amendment protection, who are they protecting and confidentiality. It didn't deny they might have paid journalists. That's an unanswered question. It's a great report by Rowan Scarborough and they are not pertinent as they're not related to Russia or Donald Trump. Fusion is arguing, oh yes, it is. Did some of the information from the phony paid for dossier by paid for by Clinton and the and the Democrats. Was that the foundation and the basis for the FISA warrant, Oh yes, it would be. And attempting to justify the overbroad subpoena. It goes on to say, um, earlier they could have, they could have. But of course that la la la la. Anyway, So now in the court battle, Mr new Nez, you know, Fusion has likens itself to a group of journalists with all associated right, they're not journalists, they're opt diggers, op research eggers. And frankly, it's fraudulent and that the Fusion GPS dossier was filled with lies, filled with misinformation, filled with propaganda, disinformation. If you're talking about you know, what's happening in an election steel dossier, you know this is getting interesting. Fusion was briefed, which briefed a number of Washington reporters of Mr Steele's unverified assertions. Has said it it's not the source of buzz buzzfeeds copy really Okay, Well, let's find out who was. As you might imagine if you're an online storage company, to have the accusation that you're you know, FSB agent former KGB. Now FSB. You're essentially co opted by the FSB, and you're launching hacking against the Democratic Party. Doesn't it do wonders for your business? And one of the attorneys argued, I'm telling you this is all gonna blow wide open. Whoa dan, Hang on a second, is that a real tattoo? Is that real? When did you get that? What will you think? Will you drink at you? What did you do? He just rolled up a sleep and I was like, oh what, I can't see it for there's a woman's face on it. It It looks like, yeah, oh he can't hear because I'll give you my headphones. All right, it looks like there's a woman's It looks like it's there's a woman's face on it. And what what is that? What did you just put on your arm? You gotta talk into the mic. This is a radio. This this is a depiction of my mother. Now you make me feel like a dog. Now I feel like crap. It looks like a model. Well, I'm sorry, came out looking like Amy who've met? Which you know? I lived with her my whole life. Now I go live with her fraternity. Did you just get this today? Last week, last Thursday and it looks like angel wings? Am I right? Yes, so it's an angel angel you have to put up with your craps. She absolutely was an angel. Sorry, then it gets kids skinning colored in a month? Wow? How much did it hurt? It hurt like, yeah, yeah it did. On radio, this is uh are you? How old are you? Huh? Are you going through a middlife crisis? Yes? Kind of obviously. Um how how old were you when you're I'm not trying to be down? How long? Because I lost my parents when you know two years mother died twenty years ago when my my my oldest was born. So the whole story is my old two older brothers, all their grandkids. My mother got a lot of time with the older kids, and she didn't get time with the younger ones. Show. These glowing orbs are depictions of my kids and the angels. My mom my dad didn't get to see either of my kids. My mother got to see my son just a little bit. That was it, you know, it's it's it's beautiful in it. Yeah, dude, you're freaking me out. This is midlife crisis. What's You're getting a Harley tomorrow too? Well? Your new sponsor is gonna be on tucket so I can wear cool shirts. By the way, did you see what shirt I wearing today and wearing on tucket. That's we're gonna get That's correct black alright, alright, now that we wasted all the time, I do have a good show coming up here today. When you're getting your tattoo, when you get yours, tell me when you're getting yours. Nigel Farage when we get back. Chris Kolbach is gonna join us. Also coming up today, Gretive and Susserance stopping by, ed Go Lesbie stopping by. So we got a busy day for one. Shaun is on number listen. 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You can't prevent all identity theft, monitor every single transaction, but the biggest, the best, and the most helpful and the ones with the best technologies LifeLock dot com. Go to one eight h LifeLock, or go to LifeLock dot com mention my name, Hannity. You get a ten percent discount life flock dot com one eight hundred LifeLock and protect your name, your finances, your reputation, and your retirement. Um, this is an interesting story in the Washington Examiner. I don't know what's happening in Crazy Uncle Joe is back in the nudes Joe Biden. Today he announced that Barack Obama wanted to quote appoint me to be president. You cannot go to a seven eleven or Duncan doughnuts unless you have a slight Indian accent, my not anyway. Biden said that Obama told him in he would have made him president if he had the ability to appoint his successor, as in his new book, Promised Me, Dad, and which Biden tackles on this decision not to run for president, and while explaining events that led up to his son's death, which is sad, Biden said Obama would have made him president if he could. We were walking after a lunch and he said, Joe, if I had the power of appointment, I had appoint you president. All right, really, can we pat ourselves on the back just a little bit more. I'm you're so great, Joe. We love you. Oh yeah, I would appoint you president of my local r OTC. People look like something you mentioned that in a conversation. Couldn't. But you know, I'm glad. I'm on side. I stick with the winners. I backed him from the start. You just gotta take one look at this guy, even in the early primaries. He's made I've got to do this job. He's smart. He's like you need you ever had to pull with your can't And there's a mechanic you've got comes around tweks a few things. He says, Now, you've got to sort this. You've got to sort that. You've got to do that. The America is undergoing the reboot, and Trump's got He's got the brains to do it. You know what, then, do you know what? What he's got? What he's got is instinct. He has the most incredible instinct as somebody who's a supporter and which is him. Well, when I saw him take on the NFL and these players that for the national anthem, we're going down on the knee, I thought of myself, what on earth is he doing taking on yet another fight. Surely he's got enough on his plate as it is. Here we are six weeks in big majority of the country agree with him completely. TV ratings for NFL have gone down because too many of these players are taking the knee and not standing for the national anthem, and big and big advertisers like Papa John's announced them the last few days that they're withdrawing some of their funding. So Ben, the one thing he's got going for him is the incredible instinct. Alright, That, of course was Nigel Farage. Here we are one year later, where one day away from Donald Trump's big victory, and that would be tomorrow. Now it's one of those days you're gonna remember where you were. And I remember where I was. I was on my bed with multiple TVs, multiple you know, I set everything up for for election night, and I remember that. And all I do is, I'm looking at all right, I've I've got all of the you know, board of Electors locked into my computer, and I'm going from one side to the other side. Where are we in Broward County, West Palm, Where are we in southwest Florida, the Panhandle which closes an hour earlier? Kaya Hoga County in in in Ohio is a big county. What was it in twelve? What was it in two thousand and eight? What do we need to carry in the strong areas? What do you need to look for in terms of turnout in heavily democratic areas? You know, Hamilton's County and in Ohio also plays a big party just going back and forth, going all through the state of North Carolina. And you know, and I'm watching the night to night everybody starts out because they all all these news anchors, they all get the exit polls at five fifteen every day. I got them on election day, and I could tell the story now, But that day I called President Trump. He hadn't and he hadn't been briefed on them yet, and I said, Okay, you're about to get bad news. Let me tell you a story. And I told him the story on this program in two thousand and four that Dick Cheney gets off the plane he had been out campaigning. He gets off the plane. The exit polls showed by far that John Kerry was going to be the next president of the United States. And the exit polls could not, have, as we all know, been more wrong. And Dick Cheney called his radio program at five thirty five, um this year if you remember the last year or no, wait, I'm sorry in Steen. Then we had Don Junior call in the last few minutes of the show on election Day. Anyway, So I go home and I do my usual thing, and I'm watching all the anchors, and the anchors are all happy and giddy because they think they've got this. They think Hillary one there there. It's like they can't contain their excitement, and so they take the information that they get privately that they're not supposed to talk about. They only talk about certain aspects of what the exam poles are actually showing, and so they start talking like they're the smartest person. Well, I think, I think what's gonna happen here is you're gonna see in this exam pole. Trump lost everything. He lost Florida, he lost Virginia, he lost North Carolina, he lost Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. It was a wipe out. It was like the worst case scenario. And so I told Trump at that time, I said, I'm telling you, you gotta trust me here when they come in and they've got a sour look on their face to tell him, I already know, don't trust the exam pulse, and let's see what happens. And the next time I talked to him, I said, I think you're going to be the next president. And the third call that night was Mr President, congratulations, And that was it. And that was long before any network had called it. I knew it was over. Um. There were a few of us that believed, not many. And then I'll just say one more thing that will invite Nigel for on here. I'll never forget. I never want to work election night. And my boss at the time, Bill Shine, is like, you gotta work this election. I said, I tried it before. Some people don't even want me there because they don't like opinion, which is fine with me. And I said, and I only get five minutes of time. I'm not wasting my night for five minutes on the air. It's not worth it. And then he goes, all right, go to your studio down the block. I have a studio down the block from my house. And he goes, and I go, I can't. I'm on my fourth beer. I said, I can't. I can't drive number one, number two. I'm not gonna look good and I'm not gonna make any sense. He goes, get on the phone right now, call in, And I called in and I explained what the forgotten men, forgotten woman election was all about. And I didn't stop talking. I think I want to get a copy of it. I went on and on and on and on and on. I was the most upbeat person the entire night in the media, the only one. It was hilarious anyway. Nigel Farage, who you just heard in that last tape, he was one of the people that believed, how could so many be so wrong? That's the biggest question. I just don't think they had their eyes open. Like two thou eight can look back in retrospect, and it was obvious. John McCain had no shot. You know. I think Mitt Romney had a shot until he blew the second and third debates. But this, this was obvious what was coming here. How are you, sir? I'm very well. Indeed, shown good afternoon, you know, I mean you were one of the few. You saw what I saw. You saw the crowds. You were out on the road with him, you saw, I mean the crowd sized. People say, well, you can't tell by crowds. Well, Hillary and nobody's showing up at her advance and a ton of people were showing up at Trump events, and you could see it. Yeah, it just opened your eyes. Well I could, I could. I went to Mississippi in the middle of August, and I was very honored to share the stage with Donald Trump and to say to those people, don't listen to the opinion posters, don't listen to mainstream media, don't listen to those who seek to demoralize. You believe in yourselves, believe you can beat the establishment. And the remarkable thing about the evening of November eight was I've seen this before. I'd seen the night of brexfit, I'd seen the celebration, the remainside of what it's all over. It's going to be a humiliation for thou hours and believers. And it was twice in one year. But the establishment got it completely and utterly wrong. And you know, we're a year on from those historic seismic events. They still haven't worked it out of late. How is that possible? How is Brexit not happened? Oh well Brexit, Yeah, we voted for it. The problem that the problem we've got is that the management of Brexit is back in the hands of the very people that opposed it, and that is the really big difficulty that we've got. However, one thing's a good news I can give you, is it a year and a bit on. Public opinion now for Brexit is much much stronger than it was on June that day we got the recent opinion polls now show that of the public want this to happen. So the politicians can dially and dally, they can stretch it out, but ultimately, believe me, force of public opinion, he's gonna make it happen. You know, in spite of Donald Trump. And but it's election day in America today. I mean, you have the biggest race of the Virginia's governors races going on, and you got a race in New Jersey. But you know, I look at the Republican Party with nothing but contempt and disdain. They can't get the simplest promises fulfilled. There in disarray. They have no vision, They're a shadow of their former self. They have no identity anymore. I don't know if you're you're watching what's happening here, but they never had any intention of repealing and replacing Obamacare. There were just words and show votes. And I think the people are disgusted with both parties. And I think there's gonna be further change coming in the country, in this country, and I think the people are fed up in these politicians. You know, better be put on notice that that promises mean things to people. Well, don't you think Sean Alabama was perhaps to wake up cool within the Republican policy? No, I don't think. I don't know. I don't. I think they're too stupid to wake from that call. I mean, we're now debating the tax reform bill, and because they're so sensitive and don't want to be criticized in any way. You can't get a Republican to go out there. They're raising taxes, quote, on the rich. It's the opposite of conservative supply side Reagan economics. They're doing good on the corporate side of things, but not on the They don't want to be taught. They're getting accused of it anyway, even though it's not true. Oh you're you're giving tax cuts to the rich. Well, only of Americans pay federal income tax, pay nothing, So how do you cut taxes if nobody pays? No, No, no, of course you can't. And you're quite right about supply side reform because you had it with Reagan. And of course, don't forget we had exactly the same Assacher. When Sacher came to power, top rate income tax in nine in the UK was eighty three and can you believe it, she cut it. Yeah, and she cut it to forty percent. And of course what happened with the laff A curve and everything else is that revenues went up, not down. Now that I do understand your reservations about this current tax proposal, but I would say this that if they can, if they can get the corporate side of this through UM, that is going to be revolutionary because that is going to bring literally, I mean hundreds of billions of dollars potentially back into America. Yeah, listen, I I believe that on the corporate rate going to that makes us competitive. I prefer lower repatriation. And ten. You know there are trillions and trillions of dollars parked overseas. That's gonna be good for the forgotten men and women. They can invest that money in factories and in manufacturing centers and and America can be competitive again. The president just getting rid of these burdensome regulations on business has already resulted in in massive economic growth. I mean we have now job cuts at a two decade low. We now have created under Trump over a million jobs, two thirty five thousand just in October according to a dp UM. Even the Washington Post is saying, this is not a tax cuts for the for the rich in any way. Um, you've got a seven year low of Americans on food stamps, You've got a seven year high in terms of the number of Americans participating in the labor force. And on top of that, home sales have hit the fastest pace they've had in thirty years, Consumer confidence at a seventeen year high. The Atlanta Fed a week ago was forecasting four point five percent GDP for the fourth quarter, and they have any of the Republican Congress hasn't even done anything yet. Yeah, I mean the signs are fantastic, the downs at a high, economic confidence is good, and all of that is good. But you know, the reason I mentioned Alabama earlier, and maybe maybe you're right, maybe there are more lessons to be learned, is that, ultimately, you know, it is the establishment, just as it's the establishment in the Conservative Party who are delaying Brexit, it is the establishment within the Republican Party for the stopping for the stopping from from putting through the agenda, the ticket on which he was elected. And I just think she'll know, given where we are, there could be a lot more Alabamas to come. I think it's coming, all right. Nigel Farage is great to talk to you, my friend, and always appreciate you being on the show. You're always welcome. Eight hundred nine for one Shawn Tolfrey telephone numbers. We'll continue a right as we continue, Sean Hannity, So let's get to the phones here, a lot of you being very very patient. George is in Biloxi, Mississippi. George, Hi, how are you welcome to the show. Hey, Sean, how are you? I'm good, sir. What's happening. We'll let you know. We appreciate you. I appreciate you. Thank you. Listen, We're gonna make the country great again. One way or the other. We're just gonna have to get rid of some of these people. That's all rain the swamp. Absolutely, what's going on? Hey, look, I was thinking all these people that were defrauded by Bernie Sanders. If he knew that he didn't have a chance of winning and he asked these people for money. Listen, Bernie Sanders to me, sold a soul here. Bernie Sanders knew he was cheated, knew it was rigg, knew he was robbed, and he still went out there and supported Hillary. He didn't tell the truth and and asked you for your small donations of three dollars or something like that. Million dollars worth of small donations. It's despicable. None of these people had character. And Donna Brazil told she didn't need to know about the dossier. I'm like, really, look that there is more coming from this. How do I say this and not give out too much information? It's obvious to me Donna knows a lot more than she's saying. It's obvious to me that Donna has fired a major shot across the Democratic Party's bow, and she, in her own way, is trying to get rid of corruption. She could have, in my opinion, gone further. If that makes sense. I concurry and I believe she probably had a guilty conscious about it. And I hope she feels they're pound They're pounding the cramp out of her. She's you know, they just all now take her down. It doesn't matter. She spent decades of her life in Democratic politics. James Riverside, California. James, your next Sean Hannity Show. What's going on? Hey, Sean, I'm good to talk with you. Yes, sir, I'm I'll try and keep this short. I went to go see your movie a couple of weeks ago in my town. Yeah. I took my family of six and we all enjoyed it. And did you bring the resonated? The part that resonated with me was how the family started looking towards him. As he was going through his change, so you know, resonated with me. It's as I said, it's takes you on an emotional roller coaster. Did you cry? And you can be honest, a lot of guys have admitted it. I got tryed a couple of times. Yes. And how about the rest of the theater? Did they cry there? I don't know. I was in the front row, all right, Well you can hear sniffling, you know, you can just turn around and hear it. Um. I was too in movie to even pay attention. But all the seats were filled except for two. Listen, I am. I'm blown away by the reaction. It's exactly what I wanted to produce. Hollywood is full of Slee's formulaic sex violence, cartoon movies, you know, action figure movies. H Jennifer Aniston falls in love, falls out of love, falls in love with the next guy, falls out of love with the next guy. I mean, there's no movies with that actually touch your intellectual side, that really mirror real life. It's it's very contemporary and then also touch your heart, your emotions, and your soul. That's why I did this. It wasn't because it's fun. I'll tell you that there's nothing fun about making a movie. Um but, um but, but I just felt so disgusted and fed up. I said, you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna take a chance here. And the good news is there's gonna be more theaters next weekend. And just go to Hannity dot com for updates. And it's only because you made it successful. We are now the forty four highest after only two weeks, no studio help, forty four all time Christian movie and we've only been out two weeks. It's amazing. Actually, it's a mirror. Honestly, it's nothing short of a miracle. And nobody gave this movie shot or but it's done its job and I'm happy. And for those that haven't seen it, I hope you go see it. It's gonna we have a lot more theaters as weekend. Quick break right back, we'll continue. Also coming up, Ed Gillespie running in Virginia he's next gretive ancestor, and Chris Kobach All stopping by on the Shawan Hannity Show. For governor, there's a clear choice. Ralph Northam wants to take down Virginia's Civil war monuments, and I will do everything that I can to remove the statues at the state level. Remove the statues at the state level. Ralph Northam will take our statues down. Ed Gillespie will preserve them. I'm for keeping them up and he's for taking him down. And that's a big difference. In November November seven, vote Ed Gillespie for governor. I met Gillespie candidate for governor, and I sponsored this at all right, big race today in the Commonwealth of Virginia, as Ed Gillespie now has been able to close and narrow the gap. We got a very very close race, tough state for any Republican to win, and he has been on the precipice of winning before. And Ed Gillespie is with us. How are you how you feeling about today? I feel a good show. I feel like we have a lot of momentum in the home stretch here and we're peaking on election day, which is what you need to do. And our voters are enthusiastic and excited, and uh, you know, the stakes couldn't be higher in Virginia and the choices couldn't be clearer, and our folks are coming out and I can feel a win in the in the making here today. I really can have been working precincts all day, hitting voters up as they go in the vote. I'll be there at seven o'clock tonight, getting every last vote that I can. You know, I I know the last time that you ran, I mean, it got to be such a close race, the polls had you losing by double digits, So nobody can go by the polls in the Commonwealth of Virginia, just like on election day last year, a year ago tomorrow, I mean, the eggs of poles had Donald Trump winning nothing pretty much and uh and they turned out to be wrong. So you've lived through that yourself. And I think you would have gotten a lot more support had the poll has been a little closer last time. And I think people learned that lesson. You seem to have gotten a lot of support in spite of what has been a vicious negative campaign against you. Well right on both counts, Sean. And first of all, these public polls, the media polls, the Washington Post and the universities, these polls are not designed to gauge the outcome of an election. They are designed to affect the outcome of an election, and they're designed to discourage conservative voters from going out and voting. But you know what, we've seen it too many times now when we're onto that trick and and we just don't fall forward anymore. And so our voters know that we've got to be out there, that there's gonna be a close race. Our people have to turn out and vote if we're gonna get Virginia Brown again. And you're right, you know, the tactics of the left and in this campaign have been despicable. That add was not just a low and you know that I'm talking about where they portrayed my supporters as trying to hunt down young children, really really vile stuff. And you know that's that was not just an attack on my supporters, by the way, that was an attack on a good, decent, hard working Virginia who want to have an honest, civil debate about the issues that we faced here in Virginia and really backfired that that people reject that kind of rhetoric. Look, I think at the end of the day, this is a close race. And look, it's it's what four or forty here and on the East coast. And I'd say to anybody listening to my voice, we're all over Virginia that you've got to get out and vote, and especially if you're in different places of Virginia, if you're in the more southern part, if you're in Norfolk, if you're in any of these areas, you've got to know that is a part of northern Virginia that has been taken over by the deep state left, and uh that has resulted in a very tough race any time for any Republican. Where do you stand on on what is happening in Washington. I mean, you've got an establishment that seems incapable of keeping their promises. You've got a president that's even a lot of these establishment figures don't like. What is your opinion about the battle that's going on there. Well, I'm hoping that we get tax relief and they get that done on But one of the things I've come to realize running for governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia frank this, we can't count on Washington, DC to solve our problems, and frankly we shouldn't. You know, we're talking about tax relief. I've got a plan to cut our taxes ten percent across the board in our individual income tax rates. They've not been cut in forty five years, and it is time for them to come down and for hard working Virginians to keep more of our dollars to spend as we see fit. And the result of that would not just be higher take home pay for Virginians who have had stagnant wages for way too long. It would also result in increase in job creation here. I'm not gonna wait for Congress to do something on allowing us to compete across state lines. I'm gonna work with governors in surrounding states would for our insurance markets and open them up to a competition across state lines so that we can have more insurance competition here in Virginia from from insurers who were in you know, Mary, That was the best executive That was the best executive order the President signed. When it allows you know, people that can literally form associations and they too, like big corporations, they can they can buy across state lines. They have all sorts of options. They have the buying power of a big group. Uh. That would mean that you know, just catastrophic plans would be legal a end. And there's so many different options that would open up for people in the Commonwealth and and around the country, and shown that competition would bring down prices for consumers. That's good for consumers. So I'm gonna do that on my own and and work with my General Assembly to get that done when I when I get elected, hopefully today. And you know, look, we have got to ban sanctuary cities in the Commonwealth of Virginia. That's a clear choice between me and my opponent. We need more parental control over our children's education. I can do all these things working with the General Assembly that is in Republican uh control here in Virginia. And that's what that's what voters are focused on Virginia. That's why my message is resonating everywhere. And by the way, you know, I'm from Northern Virginia and I'm gonna do very well in Northern Virginia. There's a lot of voters there, and I know that. You know, we're in the minority, uh you know, as as Republicans in Northern Virginia, but there are a lot of us and we're gonna be turning out in big, big numbers today because that message resonates everywhere, and people also want to know, you know about what are you gonna do about traffic? And I've got plans for transportation that that would east traffic congestion. And you know we pay high taxes in northern Virginia. That message resonates very well there too, So I feel good about the entire Commonwealth. I think we're going to perform very very well all across Virginia. And I've been campaigning all across Virginia. Well, I also got to give you some credit of the clock tonight. I mean, unlike a lot of Republicans, you're embracing the agenda of the president in many ways. And I know that. Steve Bannon said, if you look at Virginia, you see the grassroots, they're fired up and they're coming out UH to embrace you because you, unlike other people, you know, are saying we need to fix the country and you're not playing personal bitter politics. And I think solving people's problems is the antidote to UH to great politics, good policies, and fighting for people to forgotten men and women is gonna end up getting you in office and keeping you in office. Well, um, how do you what's your relationship with the president, Like well, I look at the President. I don't know the President, to be honest with you, but I appreciate his support. And it's very important for a govern in Virginia to have a good relationship with THEE. I think we're losing Ed Gillespie. Uh, anyway, that's all right with Ed Gillespie. If you're in Virginia, you definitely want to get on out and vote. You still have a couple of hours. Poll's close. I think it's seven, and so if you haven't voted yet, this this matters for your commonwealth, for your state. One Shawn is a toll free telephone number. Joe is in New York City, the all New A M seven ten w O R. The Talk of New York, New Jersey and Lewong Island. What's happening, Hey, Sean? How you doing? I'm good. I'll let you know. I'm a former you know, lieutenant commander from the NYPD. God bless you, Thank you, sir for what you do. What you said yesterday, pal that you are the biggest, you know, supporter of law enforcement and not just in New York but all over the nation. And we really appreciate it. And I have to tell you sometimes when the guys are listening to your show, you would think that you scored the final touchdown. Uh. The Notre Dame is something. The way they cheer you on, it's just amazing. So can I just say, I don't know, I don't know how did we ever get to the point show. You know, I was raised, you know, I I remember in kindergarten don't laugh at me here that cops and firemen would come and I looked at them in awe. You know, I I never I I came very close to signing onto the n y p D. When I was nineteen years old. I had taken the test. I took the physical, I took the psychological. I got a ninety nine on the test, and I was appointed to the Academy. And for whatever reason, you know, God works in mysterious ways. I just said, yeah, you know, I'm maybe not now. I would have been retired for sixteen years because you do a lot more for us on your end than you know. But I have to tell you I'm a legacy. I mean, my dad was a cop. I had his shield number, and I have to tell you it's it's New York has become as sessful of ignorance. Sad, isn't it? From the from the politicians, all the way down the line. And it's just a lack of respect all the way around. And you know, the current mayor he he deserves, he doesn't deserve the respect because he doesn't give the respect. You know, I have to go back to Rudy Giuliani's time. Rudy Giuliani was a great mayor. Alright. A lot of people didn't like him because they said he was, you know, headstrong in certain areas anything, but look what he did for the city. And I have to tell you, if you really want to see it, look at Commission of Bratton under Giuliani and then look at commission of Bratton under the current mayor. Alright, two different people, alright, And that's where we lose it. When people think that they can circumvent the cops, and when they think that everything is about getting down on the cops, then that's what happens, and you lose your first line of defence, not only here in New York but across the United States, through Ferguson, through everything that you mentioned. All Right, it's it's a round robin effect and it's you know, he's starting to come a little ways. You know, we saw on the on Halloween when I I won't say how I get there. I go from radio to TV and I'm walking into the Fox building and there are guys on the NYPD Terrorism Task Force and They've got they got serious rifles with them. I didn't ask what it was, um, and I just stopped to talk to these guys, awesome guys, and we you know, how did we get to the point where it's okay for people that say a group that says, what do we want dead cops? Why don't we want them now? And pigs in a blanket from like Bacon or people forget what happened on on Halloween. They forget nine eleven O one. I'm just using big examples. And they won't even give the police the benefit of the doubt or the presumption of innocence before they render them guilty in both the media and the general public. And it is it's unbelievable to me. It's unbelievable because they're the first people you're gonna want when you're asked in trouble, first people. You know where it started. It started when Obama took office, alright, because when they saw the president not supporting the police and going against them in every shape and formed that he could have mean sending holder out to do his you know, the little legwork for him. I mean, he would say that Cambridge police acted stupidly because his friend had had an issue with the cops, or that you know, he was you know I I would be like jumping in and being wrong on Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman being wrong in Ferguson wrong and you know, these high profile racial cases, and then ignoring his home city. Eighteen thousand shootings in the last six years of his presidency, thousands dead. He does nothing there. And that's the greatest example. And I've said it a million times. And when you had the people like Garry mccaffy that was in it that could have made a difference, they went against him as well because his ways, you know, the old CompStat ways in New York and the way Rudy Giuliani set it up over here in New York went worldwide, not not just within our country, went worldwide because such a successful program. I was on the air at the time a local radio host here in New York and I'm telling you it was like Rudy Giuliani pulling teeth, called every name in the book, and he ends up taking the murder rate from you know, nearly three thousand down to five hundred and saving lives by by good policing. Listen, I have to run. I can talk to you, Joe all day, all my best to your buddies, and uh, all of those that that protect and serve our interests every day that don't get the respect that you deserve. And it's it's nauseating to me, frankly. You know we should be uh. You know, it's like when people put their lives on the line for you. How about being appreciative? How about saying thank you? How about saying high officer? You know, when I get pulled over, First thing I do, I put my hands outside the window. Next thing I do, high officer, I have a I have a legal loaded weapon in the car. First thing you tell him if I have it with me. Next thing I do? I say, you know, would you like me to step out of the car and show you my license and registration? Would you like would you know? How would you what do you want me to do? That's what I do. And almost every case, you know that they're so professional, that's a moment where you're saying to them, this is danger. But I'm telling I'm giving them my heads up. My hands are in front of him. I either put him on the dashboard so that he can see them, or I put him outside the window, you know, And I say, yes, sir, no, sir, I'm sorry if I was beating, sir. Not that I ever speed. I've gotten so good with that. I don't even get pulled over anymore because I just don't. I was younger, I had a heavy foot, constantly getting tickets, and then I just stopped type February. But you know what, I don't want to hurt anybody. I'm not racing to any place I don't have to get there that soon. Know. I'm racing to a tennis tournament. I left late, which occasionally happens occasionally, not much, Alright. Eight nine one, Shawn is a number right news round up information overload coming next. Jan is in Auburn, Alabama. What's going on? Jan? How are you? How are you to stake with you? My question um as really twofold. First of all, how in the world I'm astonished at the amount of loyalty that the Clintons have built over years. And I'm wondering if Donno Brazil, I mean, obviously everybody's watching their own back, if she might be the first shout of all, or if she's going to be the only one. And the second part of my question is with the Uranium one deal, did America receive any payment at all for that uranium or did the Clintons only receive nothing money from that Nobody has ever said America has gotten anything out of that deal, nothing, zip, nothing. He stole it from us. Our schools are better, our military wasn't funded. She is a thief that stole uranium from America. Worse than that, she sold out our national security. She got a huge back end on it. And as I was talking about earlier in the program, there's so many broken laws here, everything you know, as it relates to the dossier scandal, the Uranium one scandal, the email scandal, there's so many felonies. If we have equal justice on the law, she's going to get arrested and put in jail. Thank you appreciate it. Jan Callback Again, look, I support the general thrust of what you and certainly Tesla are saying people were franchised, But I want to go a step further tonight, the entire Democratic Party stinks from the head down the whole process. Everyone has really staying on their hands. And with this new revelation tonight on the emails that it probably involved gross negligence, it strengthens my call and that of others for a special prosecutor to look at that comy, the gross negligence, to look at the email deal more generally, to look at uranium one, the docier, all of it, because at this point what we know is getting more and more troubling. I say, this is a loyal Democrat. I know Teslins a loyal Democrat, But as she said, and I would say, this is not part of and this is about psimocracy. Didn't know that this book is being used against the party, said again, I'm trying to say, you know, against yes and against everybody. So so you know people are upset, and you know you understand, so so explain why you didn't realize people would take the idea of Hillary bailing out the party years before, nor whenever she did it uh as something that was bad and robbed Bernie of his ability to be president. I mean, that's how that's the message that has been put out, uh in your name. Well, first of all, I never used the word rigged. In my book, I said that I used the word cancer, and that I was uncomfortable with the cancer that I found when I became tear. Look, I was an officer. I didn't know how deeply in debt. I'll pull what it was, okay. And when I learned that Hillary was billing this, I want to call that secretary of Hillary Clinton, but I also know as Hillary because I have great affectional respect for When I learned the Hillary was billing our party out given us three point five million dollars a month to keep us floating, I appreciated that. But what I wanted control over whoop was that if I raised a dollar a dollar fifty, I wanted to spend my money without asking permission. Because there are a lot of questions about this Russian dossier and their evidence that has come out that the d n C helped fund it. Did you know that was happening and were you surprised to hear it? If you did? I asked one question on November fourth, and I was told that I did not need to know, and so no, I did not know because I did not control my money. But you're waxing poetic a lot up here about Russia and Russia's involvement in the election, which is deeply important to me. But when you see that the d n C was funding it, so, Megan, Megan, you know campaigns. So the line item is called legal, the line item is called research, a line on them. What if you asked me today, because I had a list of all of the DNC consultants, do I see fusion GPS? No? Uh. But if you asked me, was this a question that came up during my ten years chair? It did on November before. Do you think it's wrong? Do you think it's such a bad precedence to do legal research for opposition I was not involved in the contract, and I don't know. I did not I did, Megan, Um, I was not involved in the hiring of this firm. I did not know about the existence of this contract. But in terms of opposition research, people go after things that I must tell you in America, if they go after dirt, when they go after dirt, you saw what the Trump junior did, But no, I did not I did not go after it, but just I think it's wrong to go to Russia. Had to ask for opposition reasons. I don't you asking me about the dossier and how it was compiled. I don't know how it was compiled. I don't know who went after Megan. All right, that was on the view today, Man, pretty blockbuster stuff. I was told I didn't need to know any of this, and she goes she she actually had used the word rig, which, by the way, is somebody who's authored a book. Let me tell you, by the time you finish your book and it actually gets published, you don't even remember it. And I know it sounds weird, but it's true because it becomes such a painful act to be out there writing books. Speaking of which, my friend and colleague gretav Ancestra has a new book out Everything you need to Know about social media without having to call a kid I want to talk about. You know what's funny about that is I have to ask my daughter to download all of my apps. We're not that's not funny. I don't think that's Why are you mocking me? Oh you mean, yeah, of course, how are you? Of course I'm laughing at you, but you know what, you're like everybody else. I mean, that's the problem. You know, why I wrote this book is because I thought I was asking a twenty five year old a rather sophisticated question one of my naces about Instagram. And I asked the question and her response was seriously, And I said, yes, I mean seriously. She said, you don't know that. I said, actually, I don't know that, and I used to change your diapers. It will be nice to me, it definitely. It's amazing what they can do. I mean, my son has been so crafty and so tricky. You know. For example, he would play his game a lot, and he likes like mad and football for example. And the smart ass son that he is, so he knew every once in a while if I was getting sick and tired of him playing too much, I'd go in there and I grabbed the disk and I take it away, and I thought I was ending his game. And then and he didn't even get back because he had the whole thing downloaded in the machine. The whole thing, of course, of course. But see that's what as the instant team about. My book says for everybody over forty who thinks that he knows everything about social media as any questions or not to get started, and there just wants to understand it. It's also for everybody under the age of forty who's sick and tired of answering questions to those of us. Yeah, it's less than bucks. You can't go wrong, you really, you really can't go wrong. I actually when I saw the title, I said, this is hilarious. And by the way, it is a timely book and one that is necessary needed for But like me, how have you been lately? I know you spent a little time over at MSNBC we mess you had fox Um, how did how did that work out there? How did how did that work out? For me? Well? I got fired? But let me say that. No, no no, I didn't mean that. I didn't mean it that way. I mean, well, I'm asking in a nice way, what happened? I got fired? You out you jerking? Yeah? No, no, no, I actually don't know what happened. If it's not for a personal reason. I have an absolutely perfect personnel file. The only thing that is my contract. It's not for the ratings because my show was up overall from the show I replaced you earlier in the demo and by the way, I replaced Mark Halprin show. And no one's ever suggested I did anything wrong, any bad behavior, and nobody ever acchoosed me of being unfair or not getting the facts right. So the question is why did I get fired? I have my suspicions that I think I can tell you. Look, you've always been and I've known you for years, and and obviously everybody on TV and radio as different personalities, everybody does it differently. But I always looked at you and your show as the curious show you would. You would ask questions and you'd let people answer the questions. I always love that about your show. Now I obviously have stronger political opinions, but that but your show provides a valuable service. They said, Okay, we'll explain this to me. Explain that to me. I mean, and as a lawyer, you always had these deep, penetrating questions and you aren't asking with any mouse or any agenda. And then people would would answer a duck or dodge, and if they tried to dodge, you usually go into it three more times. And you know, but I never got the sense where you are politically. I honestly, I honestly don't know where you stand politically issue where I am politically. But as for your question, but but I think that, but I think they didn't want anybody that wasn't hardcore conspiracy theory, left wing. There's my answer. Well, but but the thing is, I was no surprise when they hired me. Have been in the business twenty five years. I kept my side of the bargain. And the only thing that I don't like is it that they let the narrative out there that it was somehow the ratings. But I had less than six months in my rains were up over the show that I replaced, when it just simply is not true. What you know that it was the ratings, and they let that narrative go out there. You know, the show was a successful one. Viewers liked it. I still get emails they liked it, and I all, I wanted to be fair to me. I know, I'll let the chips fall as they may, but they ought to be fair to be and and so I'd love to know I got fired. You know, this this business that we're in, more than people know, it can really suck. I mean, it has a dark side. You know, well, we're very blessed. You and I have discussed as many times together. I mean, it's it's a blessing to do it, but it's I don't think people understand how much work goes into like three hours of radio in an hour of TV and grinding it out every day. But it's my honor to do it. It really is. And like every other business, it's a service business. I mean I did all those you know, blue collar jobs all my life, and nobody said thank you, can I have your autograph? Um, I don't view it as any different except that we're in the look I and and in that sense, you know that you lose your anonymity, which I think a lot of people would probably like to keep their anonymity. But um well, I'm sorry that happened. But I know you you, I mean, you can do whatever you want. You'll write your own ticket. I know you. Sean is as long as I as I go out of a job, and I did go out of the job this way as with my head high and that I always did my best, always try to be fair. I took the job very seriously getting the factor for the American people. I tried to call every every fall as I saw it, and and and frankly, that's why it's so stunning to me, because it wasn't you know that you want me to sum it up for you. You did not hate Donald Trump enough. That's your that was your problem. You did not hate Donald Trump. But but you know what the problem is, though, is that you know that that would be very bad because you know, we're not supposed to tilt the news. We're supposed to be honest. Okay, have you ever watched that network? They hate Donald Trump? Seven? You were the one hour that didn't hate Donald Trump. My job was always, as I've saw it, to be responsible for my hour, to be to do my very best for the viewers. I think you know in your heart, and I'm only saying that, I think you know that I'm right. I'd love to hear from them. I know. It's like, you know, it's like, uh, I still don't understand. There was one criticism of me, and all of a sudden one day they called me in and fired me. I'm sorry to hear that, I really am, and and and not even an explanation. Listen, this is like what happens though the explanation they put out there though this advised me is the explanation they put out there is simply not true. But you're too smart an attorney for them to be that stupid. It is all I would say on that front. You're too good an attorney. You are. Yeah. I mean, if if they said something that was factually inaccurate, I would imagine that's going to come back and hurt them. Yeah. I try to walk out of there with my dignity and realize that, you know, I've been very lucky in this business, sets of great jobs and great colleagues, and I see that more the reflection of others who might not want to be talking about of me. Let me move on. UM, I want to press your legal mind here. What do you think a Donna Brazil saying Hillary stole the primary basically and had the fix in and rigged it all? Right? First of all, full disclosure down on our fronts. Been friends for years. Um. I've been listening to Donna's book since I got released today. I'm about two hours into it actually. I actually I recommend if you're going to read the book, that you actually download and listen to it, because she reads it herself. Donna is painfully honest. People may disagree with it, but she's painfully honest, and she paints the rather disturbing picture of the d n C and its financial situation. And one way you can look at is that the Clinton peoples that were scrambling to try to rescue it's been employed the embarrassment that I was going under financially, Or you can look at it the other way is that the Clinton administration was looking for an opportunity control and identify controlling the money springs strings by bringing a lot of money into the d n C. UM, you know, take your pick, how you how you want to explain. If I were Bernie Sanders, I'd be furious. Um. But then again, Bernie Sanders never wanted to be a Democrat. He was always independent. But for president, Donna told him the truth and he did nothing. I think that that's that that who actually is a more full disclosure is that John Cole, my husband's friends with Martin o'maley, former governor of Malan, and that he's the one who should be angry because in politics, the way that you get your attractions is through the through the debates, and that's how you get name recognition. Get a chance to show yourself off, raise money and uh, and it looked like it looked like these are my words. The fix was in that they had a limited number of debates Debbie Washington and show uh was close to Hillary in two thousand eight and and the is in Washington is that they were controlling the number of debates so as to help for us. Unbelievable and they and they got the fix was in with the super delegates and everything that Donno says. All right, stay right there. Gretive Ancestra is with us brand new book out everything you need to know about social media without having to call a kid. Quick break right back, We'll continue right as we continue, Gretive Ancestra with us a brand new book everything you need to know about social media with out having to call a kid. Um, let me ask you some legal questions. If there are emails that are subpoenaed thirty three thousand of them, you know where I'm going, and you delete them, acid wash, bleach, bit them, and destroy the blackberries with hammers? Is that a crime? Um? I think it is, but I'm not sure you have the facts exactly right as ever. Call And I actually said this on the air when I was at the Fox Suite channel is I think that Congress notified Clintons to preserve them October that what they wanted them to put down up to preserve that they want, and then they destroyed them. If I were a Hilary Clinton's lawyer at that time, I never would have destroyed them. And I've always thought that the lawyers would be in trouble in hot water with the bar because I felt enormously uncomfortable with the fact that, as a lawyer, I never would have destroyed them. So once I was notified by Congress, all right at the crime. But I think it's a bar problem. Isn't it also an obstruction issue, because you know, you obviously have had the equivalent of Congress telling you to preserve these things. You don't do it, and then you destroy it. I don't know if you have. I think at the U. S. Curies Head, I don't think of Congress that advilies use a necessary obstruction. I don't know. I can tell you one thing, if it fits you know where it fits within a particular statute. I could tell you I'm extremely uncomfortable with the idea because it's deceitful. What did you think about effort something the gross negligence statute that we see in early writings before Homie had had basically exonerated her without even interviewing her or most of the witnesses, and he had used the term gross negligence, which is the legal standard. And we know that the Espionage Act says knowingly and willfully mishandling classified information. I assume that would be putting it on a private server, which she told others in the State Department not to do, and then destroying those things. And and we know five foreign you know actors were able to access it. Any of those ring took as primes to you when I know you're referring to that the press conference that there's press state with the COMI gave. I think it's late June or early July. He used extreme rec the earlier drafts. And I'll tell you, I thought that made the lawyers look bad because I thought it made no sense the way the way he was trying to sort of do the sort of the gymnastics around that. I don't know what was going on in his mind. I mean, it's just stunning to meet um the way he handled that. I mean that that is not the way I would have handled it. I don't even know why he made a statement. I don't even know why they I don't even the sort of the weird thing later when he met with the Tree General at some point or she called him, and they all want to get the same page, to get the right languages to how to refer to it. But I mean, there's there's a lot of explain that needs to be done here. I gotta let you go on, not because I want to, but anyway, congratulations on the new book. We're gonna post it at Hannity dot com. Everything you need to know about social media without having to call a kid crediv and suster thing. Last thing, I miss you, Sean. We miss you too. Anyway, I'm we're proud of you. You're doing amazing and good luck with the book tour. I know you're doing a lot of work with Franklin Graham, which I admire immensely. And we didn't see my app. Oh, I can't wait for the app. Great to be fun. That's the piece, all right, thanks, Sean, will continue. I am today starting the process of terminating the Diversity Lottery program. I'm going to ask Congress to immediately initiate work to get rid of this program, diversary and diversity lottery. Diversity lottery sounds nice. It's not nice. It's not good. It's not good. It hasn't been good. We've been against it. So we want to immediately work with Congress on the diversity lottery program, on terminating it, getting rid of it. We want a merit based program where people come into our country based on merit, and we want to get rid of chain migration. This man that came in or whatever you want to call him, brought in with him other people and he was a point he was the point of contact, the primary point of contact for and this is preliminarily twenty three people that came in or attentionally came in with him. Uh. And that's not acceptable. So we want to get rid of chain migration. And we've wanted to do that for a long time, and I've been wanting to do it for a long time, and we'll be asking Congress to start working on it immediately. There are bills already about ending chain migration, and we have a lot of good bills in there. We're being stopped by Democrats because their obstructionists, and honestly, they don't want to do what's right for our country. We need strength, we need resolve. We have to stop it. So we're gonna get rid of this lottery program as soon as possible. He came in through the diversity program, as you know, and we're gonna stop that. We're going to as quickly as possible to get rid of chain migration and go to a merit based system. Terrorists are constantly seeking to strike our nation, and it will require the unflinching devotion to our law enforcement, homeland security, and intelligence professionals to keep America is safe. We will take all necessary steps to text our people and our communities and to protect our nation as a whole. We have to get much tougher, we have to get much smarter, and we have to get much less politically correct. We're so politically correct that we're afraid to do anything. And that's not only our country, that's other countries too that are having very similar problems. And we have to get tough. We have to get smart. We have to do what's right to protect our citizens. The ISIS logo on it, and I think investigators are looking at that photo to find out he was posted on site the website of isis UH in August. And so that's something that investigators are looking at right now in terms of are there other people involved? Right now, it looks like this is a long wolf case. Glad you with us twenty five now till the top of the hour. The Halloween terrorist attack New York City, as the President rightly pointed out, he had in through the diversity lottery system. Well, that's what Chuck Schumer bragged that he had authored. Maybe if he hadn't authored it, maybe those people that were mowed down would still be alive today. And similarly, you have comrade build the Blasia, well he ended, are the the surveillance system if you had radicalism and moss, this very moss that he was at, we had one of the detectives that was actually monitoring it. And he said, yeah, there were plenty of radicals in that mosque. The diversity lottery program, no surveillance. Presidents saying we need merit based immigration, ending chain migration. He brought twenty some odd people in here with him. And by the way, on top of all of that, you know you have Republicans that don't seem too concerned about changing the immigration laws in this country. Chris Kobak is with US, vice chair of the newly formed Commission on Election Integrity and also the State of Kansas Secretary of State. How are you, sir, uh? First comments on this? Then, of course we're gonna have integrity and elections. I guess that means Hillary is no longer going to be allowed to steal elections and rigged the system. Yeah, well yeah, on this diversity PISA lottery deal. This is outrageous that this is still part of our immigration system. I mean, you mentioned that Schumer was involved in the statute that made it permanent. There was six there was the first version of this lottery. And guess who was the uh, you know, one of the primary authors of that, none other than Ted Kennedy. So you've got something with the brandchild of Ted Kennedy and and and Schumer. Uh that that should be your first clue that it's a pretty bad deal. And it's just horrible for the United States. We're giving away fifty thousand green cards every year randomly, and we don't even we don't even vet them. Yeah, without proper vetting. And you know, you think about it. I look at it this way, Sean. So you've got this this terrorists ipoth he comes from use Pakistan. Why anybody from whose Pakistan is even eligible for this lottery is beyond me or And there's a whole bunch of other countries where terrorism is very prominent that are eligible for this lottery. And but but the point is, look, the most of the green cards we give away are there is at least some small national interests served. Either the person comes in with a skill that our economy needs, or the person comes in and it serves to reunite a US citizen with his family members or at least close relatives. But with the lottery, there is no national interests that served. So we're taking a risk that always exists, that that we're bringing in a terrorist for no national interests. There's no reason to take this risk. And so although it's a lottery for the alien, it's Russian roulette for the United States. And this, by the way, is not the first terrorist who's come in through the diversity visa lottery. No, I'm just delighted that President Trump is recognizing the cause of the problem, or one of the causes of the problem. And he's is willing to do something about it. Let me ask you. You're now the vice chair of this newly formed Commission on Election Integrity, and we now learned that Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary rig the election. We heard this from Donna Brazil. Now, why do I think if Donald Trump, I mean, everybody, Terry mccaullo, if it's no big deal. Edwarndell, it's no big deal, Let's move on, Nancy Pelosi says, and I'm thinking, yeah, okay, that would be your exact response if it ever happened, happened in a Republican primary. And then we also see that now with the revelations on Fusion GPS, she tried to have the fix in for the general election, using paid for, bought and paid for a Hillary propaganda from Russia that was to influence the election. I mean, it's clear that the the email server scandal, that that whole thing was rigged by James Comey and Loretta Lynch and the Tarmac meeting, everything that in their lives, the primary, the general election, the email server, the tarmac meeting, everything with the Clintons is rigged. And yet there's no justice in this country so far. You do a great job of summarizing all of it together. I mean, it's it's not easy, as people think. Keeping these things straight in my head is a little harder than people might know. I I fully get it. I mean, there's so many stories that are now starting to weave together. Uh. But you know, one of the things that strikes me, and I'm sure you even noted this too, is that you've got this Uh you had this outrage. What was it a month ago when people were talking about and Trump Jr. Having accepting one meeting request with a Russian on on the with the concept that maybe perhaps this this Russian might have something interesting to say about Hillary Clinton. And in contrast, you have the Clintons and the d n C paying millions of dollars to go to Russia to sense bies and dig up information from Russians. A much a much bigger act and a and an act. Do you notice as I do? I honestly feel that on radio and TV and there are others. I don't want to say I'm the only one, but I feel like I'm like pounding the drum every day. The evidence is overwhelming, it is incontrovertible, and yet we still focus on Trump Russia collusion, and this past weekend, Ninan Feinstein says there's no evidence, and then here we have all it. Look, if I deleted thirty three thousand emails, wouldn't I be arrested? That was subpoenaed would not be called If I if I bleached bit my subpoenaed hard drives and acid washed them and break blackberries, wouldn't I get in trouble with especially to the subject of an investigation. And if I had classified information on a mom and pop server that five foreign sources enemies were able to hack into intelligence services, wouldn't that be you know, compromising American security basically for the purpose of by passing congressional oversight, constitutional oversn't even started talking about uranium one yet, I mean said we talked about all right. I mean I feel like I really do. I I know that this is what you understand and you know, but it's like I have to be It's like you have to almost bang the country over the head with something for them to be aware of just how bad this is. In the case the uranium one, we need to import uranium, Chris Kulback, we need We don't have enough uranium and after two thousand and nine, you have the FBI director of the time, Muller, you have the Attorney General at the time, Eric Holder. They know about bribery, extortion, kickbacks, money laundering, and racketeering by Putent's thugs and spies that want him to get into our uranium market, and they didn't do anything. Does that make sense to you? No, not at all. And why this there hasn't been a thorough investigation at multiple levels, not not just by the executive branch, but also by Congress of uranium one deal. I do not know, but it is in my mind that is the one that that poses the greatest threat to the United States of all of the misdeeds that we're talking about. Yeah, let me ask you this, what is your political future? What are your plans? Because you know what, I think, you're one of the people, rare people. You see how Republicans are in Washington, you can say, I say it everything. They're weak, they are there are a shadow of their former selves. They have no vision and you look at this tax bill for example, they abandoned ever being considered Reagan conservative supply side. You know, economic policies, rising tide lifts, all boats because they're afraid of being victims of class warfare, like they were afraid to use the power of the purse with healthcare. What do you make of the state of the Republican Party. Well, I think it's full of too many people who are scared of their own shadow, too many politicians who just want to please everybody, and so if they sense that there's any controversy in any vote or in any policy, they shy away from it. And that that's not what you should be elected to do. You should go in based on principle and not worry about offending people, and realize that you're gonna if you're gonna push for conservative principles, there will be some people in this country who won't like it, and we'll call you names. But that's okay. You have to do it, and you have to realize that this is a a tough game, and you have to stand on principle, not on wanting to be liked by everybody. And I think we have way too many Republicans in Congress and in the governor's houses around this country who want to be loved, not want to push for conservative principles. So you can answer your question a few months ago, I declared that I'm running for governor in the state of Kansas. We have an open seat next year. Um Brownback will be retiring and uh, he will be retiring actually before the term ends, and so it's an open race for the for the governor's position in Kansas. And I'm going to say the same conservative principles, why don't you go to Washington instead. I'd rather see you in Washington. Hello, Kansas deserves a good governor. Kansas is a great state. Well, you know, there's there important things to be done on both levels. Uh, there's no question. By the way you'll have you'll have a lot lot more You'll have a much stronger ability to get things done. I'm what I'm what I'm telling you to do is going to be the most frustrating thing in your life. You know what, You're probably making the right decision. Well, you know, as governor, you can actually make a lot of change, and you can make it quickly, and hopefully the people in Washington will see what happens when the state does something to reinforce. We have great governors. Republicans do have great governors that have done a lot of good for their states. But I think the Republican Party is in drastic need of a spine transplant right now. Absolutely, Christ appreciate it. Uh. I am supporting your effort unless you tell me not to, because I would endorse you. But if it's gonna hurt you, I won't endorse you. Oh are you kidding? Welcome your endorsement any day the week. Well, I strongly recommend the people of Kansas. You want to the rising, you know conservative stars in the country, and just don't let me down like Ben Sasted. Don't worry, I won't go in that direction alright, Chris, thank you appreciated one. Sewn. You know it's not that hard. And just think about this for a second. What is missing when I say if Republicans don't want to fight for conservative supply side economics, now, they're doing a good job on the corporate side. I've I'm going out of my way to say that the repatriation. Good. President's done everything he can do as it relates to getting rid of Obama burdens and regulations. I think the corporate drop is imperative, that repatriation is imperative. But here's where they have given up. Republicans just like with Obamacare. They were afraid they'd get blamed for a government shutdown. Ted Cruz stood up and said, wait a minute, constitutionally, coequal branches of government, separation of powers. We have the power of the purse. We can defund Obamacare. And all the show votes sixty in the House. However, many in the Senate were meaningless. Just like vote in the Senate just to repeal Obamacare that passes with every Republican then, but when it actually matters, they're nowhere to be found. Seven of them change their vote the exact same bill, except this time you have a president that would actually sign it. It's the same thing with this tax bill. They don't. They don't have an appetite to engage in the fight. And I'm gonna tell you something. Look, let me be blunt. My position in sixteen leading up to this election. My obituary in terms of doing this show and doing television, I promise you was written a thousand times. His career is over. He supported Trump. His career is over, just like when I was vetting Obama and oh seven, and you gotta stop, You're gonna You're gonna lose your job. You've gone way too far. Now, and I'm like, I don't listen to people. I don't put my finger in the air and decide, oh, I better go easy because I want to keep my the job that I love. And you know what, the the interesting irony of all of this is when you stand up for what you want and what you believe, and you fight for what you believe, it actually works out better you and this audience. No, I'm not b ssing you. I'll put it all on the line for what I believe. And that's what's missing in Washington. You know the idea that all right, I might get fired, but I'm I'm fighting for those tax cuts, I'm fighting to repeal and replace and I'm not giving up. That's missing. That is the shadow of their former self. That is not the Republican Party that under Reagan dropped the top marginal rates from seventy That's sad. And you know what. The other irony in all this is when you take courageous steps and you keep your promises, you get reelected. The very thing that they don't want to have happened, that they lose their seat is more secure by doing the right thing. It's crazy anyway, let me tell you about legal zoom dot com, your business owner. You know how important it is to keep moving forward, moving forward. That's what livings about. Moving forward. You get up. It's not how hard you hit it how hard you get hit, and you keep on moving, keep all moving. I love that speech anyway. So the President is in South Korea, Um, the world is going to be watching tonight what he has to say about Kim Jong un. Schedule to speak right at the top of the show. Uh, we'll a full reaction afterwards. It's expected to be a hard hitting speech and so we'll find out what that's all about. John Bolton will react after Sebastian Gorka will join us, and much more. That's tonight at nine. That your DVR. Hannity, Fox News Sarah Carter also tonight, See you then and back here tomorrow.