Sean covers the scary news that the economy is showing signs of cracking...badly. We NEED energy independence now more than ever!
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And to day two forty nine, since Joey, your president, promised they wouldn't have been an Americans and our allies and our equipment and all these other green card holders, military family members, he did it. A lot of news today will update you. I will tell you the images. I don't know if your local newspapers would print with the New York Post prints, but they're they're taking the pictures of the mass graves. And if you have a conscience, which I kind of view a conscience like you have a guilty conscience, that's like God telling you you're probably messing up. If you have a conscience and a soul and you look at mass graves like this, and you hear about these crematoriums where they're trying to cover their tracks, and you see entire cities leveled, you know, if that doesn't move you to say, okay, let's let's get the Ukrainians the weaponry they need so they can beat this, you know, defeat this evil in our time, because that's exactly what it is. And I don't really have an argument for you. That's that's your point of view. I have no involvement. There is an isolationist wing of in Americas. However, it's none of our business. I just I don't know. I'm not that person. I'm not that I'm not wired that way. Is it about really helping Ukraine or helping humanity? And innocent men, women and children invade a sovereign country. You just un indiscriminate em bombing, targeting even nuclear facilities, targeting apartment buildings, leveling in an entire city. Marry a pole. But you see what the as the as the Russians retreated from the neighboring Kiev city of Bousha, you see what happened there. This is where you know, three hundred people in one mass grave. You have dead bodies all over the street, even people with the hands tied behind their back, just assassinated. And you look at it and you think, okay, well, what does America's role in the world. We can't be the world's policeman. And then that brings me to the Reagan doctrine, or you got the Trump doctrine. The Trump doctrine is how to defeat the Caliphate. Just bomb the living shift out of them until they're all dead, and defeat them. Take out Solomoni, take el Beg. Daddy and associates and take out the El Qaeda leader and Yemen. Just that's it. It's over. War's over. Win it. You know, we have politicians both sides. They start wars, they don't fight them to win, They politicize them, and then they say, never mind, we can't, we can't do that anymore. You got to learn from history, got to learn the mistakes. And frankly, I don't trust any of these politicians when it comes to these issues. If you're going to fight a war yourself, you win it with overwhelming force. You know, a lot of people still to this day questioned whether what Harry Truman did in World War to to Hiroshima Nagasaki is the right decision. I think it's very difficult decision because you know there's going to be collateral damage. But now, on the other side of that, it was Japan that attacked us. They started this war. They killed all of those Americans at Pearl Harbor, and my father who served four years in the Pacific and lost his friends in that conflicts in the Navy, and it is these are not difficult decisions when you're dealing with evil. But if you're gonna fight evil, you've got to fight to win it. You're gonna use the Reagan doctrine. You're gonna give the weaponry so Ukraine can win the war. And that's where the Biden administration, NATO allies, Western European countries have fallen short. Now with the weaponry that we have provided Ukraine and Zolinsky and the insurgency, they've done phenomenally well. They've they've been able to push back an army of Vladimir Putin that they are outgunned, they are out manned. I mean, it's actually inspiring what they've been able to do. The cost has still been high, it's been extremely high. You know, the refugee humanitarian aspect of this is ridiculous. And then on the main other point is after you supply the weaponry, and by the way, you can charge Ukraine later they have natural resources, they can pay the world back, and frankly they should. But on the other side of it is rather than having some type of committee investigate ways to get new sources of energy for Germany, etc. You need to find them and figure it out now and not sit there, you know, with some you know, we're gonna have meetings on how to get alternative sources of an oil and gas to Germany. Well, Germany, we now find out the Vladimir Putin was funding a lot of the environmental groups that forced Germany to give up its nuclear power and force them to give up their natural guests of exploration and extraction. So they put them in the position. That's why Donald Trump gave the white flag of surrender to Angela Merkel. You know, Biden joking about it, expanding the fight with Russia. If I got to go to war, I'm going with you guys. Oh yeah, Okay. The guy that gets blown over by the win three times climbing up Air Force one, he's gonna be He's gonna be really a rock star. You see a city like Mario Paul, you know, thousands of dead I mean the images I'm looking at. I don't know if if there are many other programs, we're showing it all on my show. We're showing you nightly so you can see it, understand it. Then we get notes from these crazy people. Linda, that is that is that is a false picture. This is being photoshopped. I'm like, no, it's not being photoshopped, because I got ends on the ground confirming. Yeah, that's all real, and we do double check. Now Putin is looking to bring in, you know, the Chechen leader to support them. They're still threatening to bring Belarus into this conflict, in their army and their munitions into this. The US Senate voted to resurrect a World War two era policy to help Ukraine amid this invasion, and it was the Ukraine Democracy Defense len Lease Act of twenty twenty two, passed by the Senate voice vote on Wednesday to provide enhanced authority. It just NATO's been too slow. Western Europe has been too slow, America has been too slow, and Joe likes to take credit, and they've been too timid and too frightened by Putin. Why did Joe veto the MiGs that Poland was going to give Poland by far has been the country that has stepped up the most of any other country to help the Ukrainians. They're the ones that all for the MiGs there. They're taking in more refugees than any other country. But all the proof you'd ever want of Vladimir Putin's soldiers carrying out all of these atrocities in Buscha, you know, have now been well chronicled one of the most heartbreaking stories ever is you know an image of a butcher woman who dreamed of becoming a big makeup blogger. Dani Mano had this article, heartbreaking story and they were only able to identify this woman who dreamed of becoming a makeup blogger by her unique manicure, her signature manicure. You have other examples of heroism or drone footage actually was taken that shows Ukrainian combatants a Ukrainian one tank, a two sixty four tank taking on an entire column of Russian armored vehicles and winning because of the the smart okay that the tank held, they were able to just blow them out of the water. It's incredible. The insurgency effort has been amazing. On the economy. Deutsche Bank has now become the first major bank to forecast that the US is going into recessionary times. Recession defined as two quarters of negative growth. I don't think there's any doubt that that's going to happen. And they said that the federal reserves fight against inflation is going to spark this recession in the US that begins late next year. The recession call the first from any major bank reflects what is, you know, the obvious concern that the Fed will hit the brakes on the economy so hard that it will inadvertently and the recovery, if you even want to call it, that that began just two years ago, and a lot of it. It's all related to Joe's economic and energy policies, all of it. I mean, they've used all this COVID money. They can't account for it because it was all used for New Green Deal energy policies and anything but COVID relief. How do we know, because we know they don't have monoclonal lantibodies available. We know that they ran out of COVID tests in December, right around right after Christmas, which was inexcusable. So we no longer see the FETE achieving a soft landing, and anyway, Deutsche Bank goes on. Instead, we anticipate that a more aggressive tightening of monetary policy will push the economy into recession. I have other people that are really smart in the economic world saying it might even be worse than that. But anyway, according to CNBC, Biden's inflation is of forcing most Americans now to cut their family budgets more than fifty percent of adults say they've already cut back on dining out will consider reducing that further if inflation continues to surge. Well, it's been surging long before Putin invaded Ukraine. Nearly half of all adults think about rising prices all the time. Fifty five percent of those with annual household incomes of fifty thousand dollars or less are constantly checking costs. More than seventy five percent of adults said that they're worried about higher prices and that will force them to rethink their financial choices. You know, that's why you know when I'm telling you you can get the same exact cell service and save nearly a thousand dollars a year per family with Pure Talk pound two fifty on your cell keywords save now or if I talk to you about American financing dot net Goldman Sachs is predicting as many as eleven interest rate hikes in two years. They're predicting as many as three more this year. I couldn't believe. I'm looking at the you know, the Internet today and what sweet baby James prints out for me in my economic pack today, And sure enough unleaded regular gas California eight dollars and seventy nine cents. Again unleaded plus nine dollars and nineteen cents a gallon, unleaded premium nine dollars and seventy nine cents a gallon. Now California is currently averaging six dollars and seventeen cents per gallon. I mean, you can't make this up. It should be jaw dropping to everybody, so you know it's time. And then what happens yesterday They start demonizing the energy sector and blaming them. And by the way, they got an earful yesterday. Stop blaming us. They blame the meat companies, they blame the oil industry, the gas industry, they blame Vladimir Putin, They've blame Fox News, They've blame everybody but themselves. We're going to end fossil fuels. Eighty one ways this was put out. We actually scrolled it on TV the other night. I have eighty one specific things that Biden has done in his war on American energy. And the one choice, the obvious choice, to help the economy, and that would also help with national security, that would also help our Western European allies. Also reduce inflation. Also help with high paying job creation in America is to become energy independent. Again, not that hard. We could fix that problem. We can fix the border, we can prepare ourselves for Omicron two point zero, start mass producing monoclonal antibodies. We could do all these things, except Joe's not going to go there because he's beholden to the climate alarmist religious cult, in other words, the new green deo radical socialists. These are all solvable problems, frankly, not even the toughest problems at all. And we're not doing any of the obvious things that would have a profound impact on the lives of the American people in a positive way to mitigate the damage that they've caused. And they've caused it. It's not Putin's fault, it's not Big Oil's fault, it's not Big Farmer's fault. It's their fault. We have a lot on the Biden family syndicate crime synder coming up in the course of the program today. Where learning the Durham thing is getting more interesting. Is one tech executive was worn that dirt digging on effort on Trump that's not gonna fly. It seems like we got to a point where maybe Durham is digging down deep enough to realize, yeah, this really was a conspiracy. Yeah, this whole Boughton paid for dirty Russian dossier and and then bringing the Intel community into it and having them believe the big lie and going to the FBI and telling the FBI. Oh, I'm not saying this on behalf of anybody but myself, but I have information. I only want to help the bureau. Yeah, that could be a problem too, and we'll see what happens. But I you know, I I'm done making predictions as to when they might do that. I don't know why that Joe Biden and the New Green Deal climate alarmis. I don't understand this thought process, because they're willing to do anything, it seems, to make this deal with Iran, anything, just like they're willing to do anything to make a deal with this murdering thug dictator in Venezuela Madura, just like they're willing to beg OPEC that keeps rejecting them when they have all the natural resources here now. House Republicans and the House Foreign Affairs Committee ranking member Mike McCall has actually told reporters that they're planning to file a discharge petition to force a resolution of disapproval of Biden's plan to revive this idiotic nuclear deal. Would this would put tens of billions of dollars in the hands of the Mullahs, the number one state sponsors a terror. This would allow Russias brokering the deal, which is in their own best interest, to build a ten billion dollar nuclear facility, allow Iranian Revolutionary Guard members to be taken off the no fly list, and then we're going to import oil from Venezuela. We begin OPEC and now we're going to take it from Iran. We have our own oil. We don't need theirs. Right twenty five to the top of the hour, Nancy Pelosi was at the White House on Wednesday, and today is tested positive for COVID nineteen and she's literally right on top of President Biden. And look, I wouldn't wish I don't wish COVID on anybody. To me that it's a political which means that the president has been exposed. That means that, okay, anybody that's been around the president needs to be contacted. If you're going to do real contact, tracing like of course, the government says, and I wish everybody well. Now another question is with Biden and now seen this week that they don't have enough monoclonal antibodies and now canceling monoclonal antibodies for states. The one thing that every doctor says, taken early is the single most effective therapeutic out there. I wonder you know everyone got mad at Joe Rogan when he said this is what I did that work. We threw everything at it, meaning monoclonals and HCQ. He threw everything at it, and then he came under fire because he told everybody how he dealt with it when he tests a positive instead of saying, well, Joe, whether I agree or disagree with you, I'm glad you're okay. And you gotta wonder if there's a shortage of monoclonal is Nancy Pelosi gonna tell us what she does, because I'm gonna bet that she's gonna get monoclonal antibodies, which has been my point. It should be available to anybody that wants them. We've had enough time. There's a year three of the pandemic. We've had monoclonal antibodies since Donald Trump got him got monoclonal antibodies when he was president, and they still had not warped speed in the production of which I guess she was just about to visit Taiwan for such trip in twenty five years. Not sure what she's trying to accomplish here. Now pay close attention because Shanghai apparently has had such a bad breakout of COVID and they have now ostensibly shut down completely and their residents and now, according to reports of the BBC is reporting they're actually running out of food. What does that mean for us? It means that the supply chain crisis is likely going to get worse because anything that's imported from Shanghai probably won't be getting here for the next few weeks at least. Fuci goes on an interview on fake news CNN, and in the interview he's asked about the death toll. This guy has been in charge of this since day one, the highest paid government official, not the president, Fauci, highest paid government official of any official, The same guy whose own emails show him in a panic over whether NIH monies were used for gain a function research in the Wuhan Virology Lab. The same guy who's exposed in the intercept their in their nine hundred pages that they were able to expose it's the same nih that he ran that confirmed that they knew damn well the gain of research or gain a function research was being done at the Wuhan Virology Lab, and that they funneled the money through a group, the Eco Alliance, that actually gave the money to the Wuhan Virology Lab. And why werever given money to the Wuhan Virology Lab that is known for coronavirus investigations or experiments and gain a function research studies. Why that we had ever used one US dollar? So he's asked the question about the death toll we're near. We are near one million COVID deaths in America. So Fauci has asked if the government had been smarter right from the start in March of twenty twenty in dealing with this less I would say, over the course of the two years, both under President Trump and to some degree President Biden, less politics, more public help, we could have had a lot fewer deaths. I'm like, you've been in charge the whole time. Why didn't you speak out beforehand? You're the one that's been wrong. No masks don't work. No one masks two masks, No masks, masks in perpetuity. You know, if you get the shot, it's you're never gonna get COVID. Oh well, now you need the shot and the booster. Then if you get the shot and the booster and you had a previous infection, I guess what, you could even get it a second time. There are even people now reporting getting it a third time. It looks like there's new variant what they call BA dot two or I'll call it omicron two point zero, really on the rise in about half the states in the US. I told you this was coming a couple of weeks ago, especially rising in Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, in places in New York. Interestingly not so much in New York City yet, but in New York. But COVID cases are on the rise in half the states. And you know, now one has to wonder, Okay, well what's next after this? Oh? Oh, if it's happening during the election, we know what that means. That means, oh, we have more mail in balloting. No, every state needs to have a plan that if in fact, we have a breakout of COVID at the time of the election. That states that have laws that require partisan observers, people from all parties on the ballot, to be able to watch the vote count, you can't. You got to put it in contingencies that they are not one hundred feet away, a thousand feet away, turned away at the door, or twenty feet away or six feet away. He can't see anything six feet away. So in other words, you're gonna have to make accommodations. And that's going to mean, Okay, you take the ballot your market and you show people, Okay, this is a vote for whoever, this is a vote for this person. There's a vote for that person, and give each partisan observer an opportunity to look at it. That would be preparing for a worst case scenario. Every state needs to do that. Got to give kudos to both Governor Abbot and Governor de Santis of Florida. Texas. Governor Abbots is gonna send thousands of illegal immigrants who have poured into his state because Joe Biden won't enforce the law. So he's decided that Texas will begin busting and flying illegal immigrants to Washington, d C. Send them to Joe's house. Joe can adopt them anyway. And then then we have Governor de Santis say he's going to take all of the illegal immigrants that are being flown into his state in the dark of night, and he's gonna send them to Delaware. And who blames them because what Biden has been doing in the dark of night. Remember, you have special treatment if you're an illegal immigrant. No COVID testing because you're not going to be here very long, Jensaki said, no vaccine mandate either. And then you get free transportation to the state of your choice, and you get dropped off at two, three, four am in the morning, so in an obscure airport, not a major airport, so nobody really sees it. And then you disperse throughout a city or a community, and then it's a community's responsibility to provide food, water, shelter, medical care, education for all of these illegal immigrants. Then they don't have the right to circumvent Joe Biden's aiding and a betting of lawbreaking. It's insanity. Anyways, he said, the first location will be the steps of the US Capital. That's where Abbott said he's going to drop them off. Congressman Chip roy erupted after Jerry Nadler scoffed at the idea that drugs and human trafficking at the border's mind boggling, and he went on to highlight all the crimes of the border. We've chronicled all of this. Now they want to make it worse by rescinding Title forty two, which is in the middle of a pandemic. You can't have all these people, the rampant flow of illegal immigrants. We don't have any health checks, we don't have any COVID tests, we don't have any vaccine mandates. Only American citizens get that treatment anyway. And then he turned around because Nadler doesn't know a thing about what's going on, you know, and said, have you ever been there? Of course the answer is no. But the border craft they lift Title forty two, watch out. I've been trying to warn you. And then we discovered yesterday Jen Saki was asked about the purpose of giving cell phones to illegal immigrants. So we used to have Obama phones. Now we got Biden phone that we give as a way to track and check in with the illegal immigrants. Free cell phones if you enter the country illegally. Our team at Texas is saying that you guys are starting to give smartphones to border crossers hoping that they'll use the phones to check in or to be tracked. Which part of that is supposed to deter people from crossing illegally into the States? Well, I think you have all people, since you've asked me a range of questions on this topic over time, would recognize that we need to take steps to ensure that we know where individuals are and we can track and we can check in with them. Well, any concerned by post round here that these migrants will take the phones and just toss them. Do you have a record of people throwing phones away? Do you have a record? I mean, it's such a sarcastic She's gonna fit in great. Everybody at MS danc lies. She's lied to us repeatedly and just just use propaganda with a high degree of sarcasm. And it's just I don't know how they get away with it. We're gonna get into this more at the top of the hour. It looks like the entire Biden family is looking to cash in on Joey. Apparently, Valerie Biden. Owens is going to write a memoir. Growing Up Biden described being the moment when her brother Joe Biden, you know, just barely thirty, was elected to the US Senate. Well, that's not the whole family cash in on this. I told you about a new report that actually revealed in twenty seventeen that Joe Biden wrote a college recommendation letter for the son of Hunter Biden's Chinese business associates. Remember, Joe Biden said repeatedly he didn't know. I never talked to my son about his foreign business dealings. Now we have a problem with that because we got a picture of Joe and Hunter with Hunter's favorite Kazakhstan oligarch. And then we got a picture of Joe and Pictured with Hunter's Mexican business associates. Those would be foreign business partners of Hunter. But they've never talked about business and other instances as well. The New York Post and I'll get into this at the top of the hour with Miranda Divine. They have twelve examples that prove that Joe is lying and lying right through his teeth. It's pretty unbelievable, Charpe. Now, but there are things moving here for all the controversy over presidential tax returns over the last number of years, I was surprised to learn this morning Joe Biden has a nice little secret tax shelter that he sets up for himself. And while Joe Biden and Joe Biden make a big deal about releasing their income tax returns, apparently it doesn't include the records from their s Corps shelter, where the Biden's have stashed the bulk of their income over the years. Now this is in the Federalist. The sources of that income undoubtedly include book deals, speaking fees, and as the Federalist points out today, those two income streams are nowhere near large enough to account for the extra thirteen million that the Bidens have socked away, far away from prying eye. So where did Joe and Jill get the rest of that money? And does the extra cash have anything to do with Hunter's complaint that he's forced to split some of the money with the big guy and forced to pay Joey's bills, which he complained bitterly about. Between Senator Ron Johnson and Senator Chuck Grassley, they've been zeroing in on Biden's brothers, China ties as well. Katherine Herridge had a good report on CBS used to be my Fox colleague. He sent it Republican, telling her that this week that newly obtained banking records ray similar concerns about the first brother, James Biden. We have people with the Biden name dealing with the Chinese business people that have a relationship to the Communist Party. Chuck Grassley said it in this I think James Biden was very much a part of this. And bank records released by Republican senators this week indicate that James Biden's company received payments from a Chinese finance consulting group in twenty eight, team before his brother announced he was running for president. And Grassley says the same year that James Biden and Hunter received monthly retainers totally one hundred and sixty five grand one hundred thousand to one hundred and sixty five grant to James. And Grassly said his team obtained records directly from the banks where the consulting group did their business, and he spent three years investigating and described James and Hunter Biden business dealing is very concerning. A lot of people want a special prosecutor, and we'll ask Greg Jarrett about this. Well, the problem is that the Department of Justice, we already know has been politicized by Marrick Garland. We know that Joe Biden has said publicly his son's innocent, and we know that from reports that he's been put Garland to go after Trump. And if there is a special counsel appointed, it's going to be by Merrick Garland, who's clearly in the tank for Biden. Also, a treasure trove of deleted evidence has reportedly been recovered from Hunter's laptop. A former co host I guess of Steve Bannon's podcast, Jack Maxie I don't know how to pronounce his last name, claims that he found four hundred and fifty gigabytes of deleted material with eighty thousand images and videos of more than one hundred and twenty thousand archive emails. We'll find out if this pans out. Apparently had to go to Switzerland to have the right to be able to look into it. INTEL officials, by the way, who misled America on Hunter's laptop are all now worn to obtain subpoenas. A whole list of things that are going to be coming out on this and we'll give you more detail at the top of the hour.