Dumbest Governor in America - February 1st, Hour 1

Published Feb 1, 2022, 11:02 PM

Sean covers the latest on America's dumbest Governor, Gavin Newsom, who reportedly broke his own mask rules AGAIN and was lied about it!

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Where I'm coming to y'all sitting and saying you an, we'll all be asire and if you want a little banging again and come along. It's not like people sit around and say, in uh in Guadalajara. I got a great idea. Let's sell everything we have given to Coyote, take us across the border, leave us in it doesn't the country done once? Or don't speak the language? Won't that be fun? On Fox? Is Janine Pierro talking about soft on crime consequences? I mean, what what does that even mean? Right? Um? So there's an alternate universe on some coverage. Freedom is back in style, Welcome to the revolution. Ye I'm coming to y'all siting you want to play our gid styles and saying you a new sewn show. I'm the scenes information on freaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trapped Behind Enemy Lines, Day number one, seventy one days one seventy one, day one eighty four. Since Joey told Americans he'd never abandoned, I mean he did, but of course he's turned the page. The mob and the media has turned the page. It's so sick. They just never talk about it, never bring it up. Abandoned Americans, even military family members, thousands of Green card holders eligible to live in the US, and then tens of thousands of Afghan allies, and we know they're being dragged out of their homes, either ever to be seen or heard from again, or just killed right there in broad daylight in the streets. And that's the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan that Joe Biden told us he had all the leverage on. And he's about to send what three hundred and five million in humanitarian aid. How about we get our hostages back, gets something for the money or no money until you release every American that wants to get out, every Green card holder, every Afghan that we want out, let them out. Then maybe we'll talk about giving you humanitarian aid. And then I wouldn't give him a penny until they gave us our military equipment back. Anyway, glad you with us. We have dual speech controversies out there. One we continue our discussion about Joe Rogan and the other with Whoopie Goldberg over the View. And I have consistent positions on both of them. I cannot believe. And I read this today and I'm like, oh no, Joe, what are you doing now? I think I figured out why he did it, but this is not a good idea. Joe Rogan apologized and pledged that he would have more balance on his program moving forward. And you know, because he was being accused. Most of this exists in large part because when he got COVID. And I don't know what the obsession is of famous people I have COVID. I'm like, why would you want to tell the world that you have COVID? Why do you want Why would you do that? That doesn't make any sense to me anyway. Joe Rogan is the most listen to podcast in the country. I have no idea what his political leadings are at all to me. He does a show that is very stream of consciousness and as he's very good at it, and he just talks to different people. There's a good column today by Piers Morgan in The New York Post. He has a fierce curiosity and he does he's he's really good at it, and it's listen. It's a long form interview. Some of his interviews going for like three hours. With one person, and so it's like you're sitting at a bar, you're having a beer. In case of Elon Musk cracked me up. He just lights up a joint in the studio and smokes away. But that's that's how he runs his program and people like it. Nobody can force you to watch the Joe Rogan Experience or listen to the Joe Rogan Experience. You gotta choose to watch. You don't have to watch or listen to anything. So he comes out and he pledges, all right, I'm gonna be more balanced on the on the podcast. Why because rocking in the free world, you know, ex hippie sixties rocker Neil Young and another has been old rocker Joni Mitchell of pulling their music from Spotify. I mean no, because it's I'm telling Joe Rogan, you gotta listen to me. I've been doing this thirty three years, Joe. I've been on TV now my twenty six year of Fox. Joe. They never it's never gonna be enough. Now here's my gut. What my gut tells me is that Joe likes his relationship with Spotify. He said it many, many times that they leave them alone. They let him do a show. He has a good partnership and a good relationship with him, and he probably feels a little guilty. I'm causing my partners problems here. Let me let me, let me see if I can throw a lifeline and make this go away. Well, within five minutes after making a go away, the next headline comes out, Joe Rogan shares false story on COVID and ivermectin hours after it was corrected. You know, so there's two things that they seem to have gotten really mad at when he got covid. He said that he and his doctor decided to throw everything at covid. Correct me, My memory's wrong here, Linda. That they use monoclonelantibodies HCQ ivermectin, which is not horse d warmer. But I've never seen a study that on I and COVID. I've never seen one. MURK does not. There's a new one. Well that's the difference. That's the anti viral. But they don't sanction it for off label used forever mecta. But I have seen the studies on HCQ at eighty four percent of the time it taken early. It mitigates some of the symptoms, but certainly monoclonal antibodies are the gold standard of therapeutics that are out there and available. And the fact that we're not mass producing in this case, the newer monoclonal antibody that was authorized in May, the GSK sotrova MAB. I don't know why it's driving me nuts. There's no excuse for not having tests, not excuse for mass producing those, no excuse for not mass producing anti virals and monoclonals. Anyway, back to Rogan, so they threw everything at it. That was his decision with his doctor, and he shared it with his audience. My answer to it is, Wow, I'm glad you're better, Joe. I'm glad. I don't even know Joe Rogan. I've never talked to him. I don't know Joe Rogan. I know he likes mixed martial arts, so that makes me kind of like him a lot more. But putting all of that aside, it has nothing to do with anything he's telling his audience what he did. Why wouldn't people just be glad that he didn't become another statistic and we have another dead body from this insidious virus that was you know, produced in this lab in Wuhan, and in part I guess we paid for based on all the evidence that is built up to this point anyway, So then he interviews the other thing that got mad at is doctor Robert Malone. There's a world renowned position he is. Without Robert Malone, he's one of the chief architects of the technology that led to the creation of m RNA vaccines. Without him, we probably wouldn't have the Fizer or the Maderna vaccines that all these liberals love so much, that want us to take again and again in a boost and a booster, and a booster and then another one. So but he has also been a critic and saying that it's being overused. That's his medical opinion. He's a doctor. Look just like you put a group of fifteen doctors in a room. The odds of them agreeing on anything, it's probably pretty low. But this is what that's his opinion. You know. That's why I've been I refused on this program and resisted the push and the pressure to play doctor because I never went to medical school like doctor Malone. I never went I never did an internship, I never did in a residency, and I'm not knowledgeable enough to give one size fits all medicine out to people. Now, when I learned things from the medical professionals that we bring on this program or bring on Hannity, we share that information with you. That's that's what our job is. And I've been very very careful in my wording. Do your research, factor in your unique medical history, your current condition, talk to your doctor, your doctors, and then you got to make your own choice on this stuff, be it treatment or the vaccine. I think the debate over the vaccine is over. Everyone's kind of made up their mind. Now that we have breakthrough cases which started with the delta variant. We have people now that are fully vaccinated and also have a booster. They're getting COVID. We have people with natural immunity and vaccinated and they're still getting COVID. So it's it's not a disease of the unvaccinated. Another why Fauci and Joe Biden? Oh if you tell if you if you get the vaccine, you never you won't get your protector, you won't get COVID. How long does that work? Now? Everything changes? They got every single thing wrong. You want to talk about misinformation. Look at Fauci, look at Biden. They've been wrong on everything regarding this running out of tests over Christmas. I mean, it's mind numbing to me, the level of incompetence, not manufacturing the monoclonal antibodies that have shown to be the most effective, the gold standard of therapeutics, not mass producing these anti virals. Considering every doctor I've spoken to I don't know a whole lot about them, swears by them. We'll ask doctor oz Is coming up later in the program today, anyway, So doctor Malone has a different view than what doctor Fauci, Well, what's his track record on any of this? And this is where I get back to Rogan, Why, you know, why would you apologize for interviewing a medical doctor that played a big role in creating the technology that create that allowed for the creation of these new mRNA vaccines that all these critics of yours love so much. It makes no sense. Now We've been doing this along time, and I'm going to tell you something, as evidence by this article that came out not long after he gave his apology, is Rogan shares a false story on COVID and I ever met an hours after it was corrected. I'm like, you're never gonna win trying to placate the left, and I suspect that you probably were trying to be nice to your partners at Spotify. That's my guests. But let me say this, They're never going to on the left. All they're gonna do is keep coming out you because they want you canceled and they want you fired. That's what their goal is. We've had millions and millions and millions of dollars, those of us in conservative talk radio and on Fox used spent to get me canceled, fired by people that just disagree with my opinion. It is never ending battle that they're they're you know, constant boycotts, constant attacks, constant you know, misinformation that is sent out there. And by the way, if you look at the pole, the Monmouth pole I mentioned yesterday, seventy percent of Americans believe COVID is here to stay. It's time we get on with our lives without Dr Conian mandates and restrictions. You know, if anyone is responsible for misinformation, you cannot not have that discussion about the NIHS, the CDC, Willinski Fauci and Jen Saki Joe Biden and Kamala Harris because they've been wrong the whole time, you know, but unlike the left, you know, we don't call for firings on this program. Now, Whoopie Goldberg made this statement that the Holocaust was not about race, and it turned into a huge, huge issue for her. She apologized for saying it was not about race, and there was an immense backlash. You know, obviously, I know Whoopie Goldberg. I've known her for years. I haven't talked to her in a long time, but I know her, and I'm telling you right now, Whoopie Goldberg doesn't have an anti Semitic bone in her body. And this you're hearing this from probably the single most pro Israel, one of the most single one of the most pro Israel hosts in the country. I just know her. I think she was inarticulate. I think she definitely could have thought through it. Obviously, she didn't understand the concept of a master race and six million Jews were slaughtered in the Holocaust and all of that is real. She just talked about it from the sense of evil, and it's a lot deeper than that, and she fully apologized. Now, if it was a conservative that did this, I guarantee you the odds would be very high today that that conservative would likely be fired. We don't call for firings on this program. We don't call for boycott's on this program. I refuse to because you know what, that's going to come back and buy conservatives right back in the ass, and it's going to be used against us to silence our voices. If you don't like what somebody says on the view, or on Joe Rogan's podcast, or on the radio or TV, but not my show included, you don't have to listen and you don't have to watch. It's called liberty and freedom. It's time to embrace it and stop acting. You know, everybody's so affected and oh the vapors and oh I come so offended. All my sensibilities are are oh shattered here. I can't believe what this person said. It's you know what, it's all bs. It's total adam bs shift, if you know what I mean. The people feign their moral outrage all the time. Oh, Donald Trump's tweets so offended me. No it didn't. You're just using it for political purposes. It's that simple. Well, you're dying away in on this, aren't you I can see just a little irritated, not a lot, just enough, you know, just enough. It's three o'clock program. I'll get back to it, all right, Dot's we roll along eight hundred nine sean or not what I'm I'll give you time later in the program. Just you know, you just being too nice? You know, I mean, they would they would never do this for you. There will never be you mean, well, whoop, we apologize. First of all, the view in general would never give you an inch left in general. But that's but that's that should not be a factor in my strong belief that cancel culture is is toxic and it's cancerous to our society and a whole principle of freedom of speech. I don't disagree with everybody in their life. All have sinned and all have fallen short of the glory of God. Doesn't the good books say that you go to a great church now? Right? Pastor Tim I think is his name, would would appreciate my quote. Okay, So if we all fall short and then she says she's sorry, and she seems sincere and her apology, why don't Why are people unwilling to accept it now. I also see a double standard here too. I see they want to Clapper Rogan because I guess they perceive him as more conservative. I don't really know. I don't think. I don't know what his politics are. To be honest, he doesn't really do a political showing politics, Pater. It's the best kind of politics, you know, you all right? So so okay, and I've done this to what joy? Really, I can go through the list, elmar, I can go through the list of everybody, don Imus go you run through the list. This idea that people can't say that they're sorry and prove it over time and and really learn from the experience. UM, I just think is insane. That's fine. I just think it needs to be made clear that that scene, that standard won't apply to me. I'm not. I'm fully aware of that. And you know, hopefully I just don't screw up and mess it up. You will, we all do. They just won't forgive us like you will. Thanks a lot. I've survived Welcome thirty three years and you're you're predicting my demise on my own show. Doesn't mean you're not great. It means you're human. Holding them accountable Sean gets the answers no one else does. America deserves and know the truth about Congress. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour. You want to get really, really really angry, you know. The Transportation Secretary is the ever so experienced former mayor of South Bend, Pete Buddha Judge, and he came up with this idea for infrastructure. And the infrastructure is he wants to put all over the country these what he's calling safety cameras that would literally the government would be would would have cameras all over the country and they would pick up your speed and if you're speeding, then you're gonna get a ticket. Now, let me tell you what this is really all about. For example, Chicago has more red light cameras than any other city in America. They have them in my town. If you have ways and you use any system like ways, they usually tell you where they are, which is actually helpful. But anyway, it's the rollout of this is just you've got to understand where they're coming from here because these roads safety cameras have been associated, by the way, with political corruption in recent years. But putting putting all of that aside, you know what this is. This is a play to get every American to pay more entire axis. You know the people that keep saying to you, oh, we're only going to raise taxes on the rich. What do you think's going to happen. Everybody that I know speeds. Everybody, and I speed a lot less than I used to. I haven't gotten pulled over in years and years and years and years because I actually am just a safer driver. I mean, if I have to text, or if I have to make a phone call, I usually pull over if it's something that's important. But I try, but I try not to do any of that. I try to focus in. I put the radio channel on that I want to listen to, and then I go from there, and then I just take off and I focus on my driving, and I try and go to the speed limit. If, like, for example, you're driving on a highway and to keep up with traffic, everyone's going sixty five and a fifty five mile zone. He does keep up with traffic that I don't even really consider it to be officially speeding. But could you imagine how much money that the poor, the middle class, Who do you think is going to get hit with this's the most people that can't afford it. Now, by the way, very rich and wealthy people, a lot of them have drivers, and what the drivers are now going to get hit with this tax? Probably maybe after you get so many tickets to you get your license suspended for speeding. It's just all it is is a play for more money for the government, and it's another way to tax without calling it attacks because everybody's gonna speed and it's a little nineteen eighty four ish for me to have the government with cameras everywhere spying on us, looking at us. Maybe as soon they'll be talking to all those you're a scooters ten miles over to hours, Slow down, slow down, slow down. You know, it's like a sci fi movie. The turn in the country into Jensaki is offering so much proof that the Biden administration really doesn't get what's going on with violence in the country. We've been talking about this and people have not been listening to us, and we've been pointing out as often as we can that things have never been worse. And you know, they're not going to get better either unless the American people just stand up and say that enough is enough, and at some point, you just got to recognize reality. Now, these are the same people that themselves wouldn't even mention a word. They would do nothing to stop the rioting in twenty twenty. In the summer of twenty twenty four and five hundred seventy four riots, dozens of dead Americans, billions in property damage, arson and looting. The story today, Right aids are closing left and right. You know why because of crime. They can't stay open. Here it is here Michael Rappaport says that Right Aid is closing because of shoplifters. New York actor comedian Michael Rappaport posted another online video Sunday from his local Right Aid Upper East Side of New York, this time saying the store is closing down because of incessant shoplifting. The guards don't stop them. And as long as you're steal under in some cities and locations now under a thousand bucks, then not going to stop you and all. If you get caught, the only thing you're gonna gets a ticket and you're gonna pay a fine. This is just madness, you know. With all the talk about Oh, Donald Trump at Israeli mentioned that he might pardon some of the people from the January sixth right at the Capitol, and you know where is the committee looking into the rioting and all the thousands of cops that were injured and the dozens of dead Americans and the billions and property damage. You know, that was the summer of love Zone and what was happening in Portland every night and cities all across America, and rocks and bricks and molotov cocktails, you know, being thrown a police officer. We have all of this video. Is it if you don't prosecute people you have on videotape committing crimes is not ostensibly the same thing as a pardon. Oh, nobody's outraged about that. Nobody. Democrats have pretty much been quiet. Kamala Harris supported the Bell Fund after the burning of the precinct in Minneapolis. She praised the LAPD when they started to, you know, defund the police department out There a lot of good that's worked for them, but it's it's pretty unbelievable. But thousands of you know, people in this country are being victims of crime every single day, and we're not lifting a finger to help them. We're not doing anything to help them. And the question is why not, because we have the ability. You know, if you're gonna have those cameras out there, I'm pretty sure that you could probably use the cameras and find out all the people that are committing all the crimes, because it wouldn't be that hard to figure out, would it. It's pretty unbelievable, you know, I'm watching all of this crime. I mean, we had breaking news last night inmates two inmates believed to be MS thirteen gang members killed at a federal penitentiary in Beaumont that resulted in a nationwide lockdown for the federal prison system. But it's getting worse all over the country. I no matter how many times, how many places, how many ways you point this out. The Fraternal Order of Police, you know, they put out a statement Jensaki suggesting the violent crime in our country is of no concern and just laughing it off. She may be safe in the White House, one of the most protected buildings in the US, but not everyone feels safe. And they're right by the way, you know, we have what all the riots in the summer of twenty twenty, nobody's investigating, no commission, no committee. If you look at the FBI numbers, intentional police killings have reached a twenty year high. Can somebody tell Jensaki and Joe Biden? By the way three and forty six officers shot in the line of duty in twenty twenty one alone, ask yourself, can you name one of them? Ambush style attack acts against cops are up one hundred and fifteen percent over a record year in twenty twenty, and over five hundred percent increase in carjackings in big cities. Joe Biden, is he going to deny this reality? This is the defund dismantle, no bail movement. They're responsible for all of this madness. When you have all these people on video committing all these crimes in the summer of twenty twenty, and they're out there rioting and they never are held accountable, what do you think they're going to do? Just like if you let people walk out of stores with nine hundred and fifty bucks worth of stuff and you can only write them a ticket, well that's a problem. You know, it's just appalling, you know, just like, Oh, we don't have to COVID test people at the border because they're not going to be here long anyway. Yeah, they're not going to be there long because you're going to fly them with preferential treatment, no COVID tests, no vaccine mandate to other parts of the country. By the way, this was in Rasmussen. I was kind of surprised by this. Fifty percent of likely voters support the impeachment of Biden. I'm finally that kind of hard hard that might be. We'll watch it, but I'm surprised it's that high already. I guess people know that he's not up to the job. I like Marsha Blackburn. She's called for the release of the transcript of talks between Biden and China on COVID origins. And I'd also like the tape of Biden and the President of Ukraine. They Democrats demanded the tapes be released. At Donald Trump and the President of Ukraine, why don't we get those out? I have bad news on the economy. Shouldn't shock you. Four million Americans now have quit their jobs in December. I guess Joe Biden is boasting about the economy, saying it's never been better since he started running the show a year ago. I guess nobody told him about this number. Four point three million people quit or change jobs in December, down from last months all time high, but still near record levels as the labor market remains unsettled. None of this is good for anybody. Biden. Also, he's doubling down on stupid when it comes to energy. The single best thing that we could do to stop inflation, because everything we buy and every store we go to has to get there with the truck that pay more for the diesel fuel, you pay more for the items you buy. It's that simple. On top of paying more to fill up your tank and heat and cool your home anyway, Biden administration officials are now starting a crackdown on power plant pollution, aiming to shift the nation's electricities supply to a cleaner energy in the phase of congressional resistance and a Supreme Court that could limit the federal government's ability to tighten public health standards. Okay, now we're going to pay more for our electricity bills on top of the energy crisis that Joe created. How many of you can afford all of this? You know? The Penwharton study was pretty clear that the average household is paying up to five thousand dollars in Biden's inplation tax. January's jobs report. I assume this was leaked by the administration because economists are projecting the US economy, he's only going to add one hundred and seventy eight thousand jobs. That would be a decline from the meager one hundred ninety nine thousand jobs added in December, which fell well short of expectations. I think they're they're now trying to lower expectations to say, oh, we exceeded expectations, we did better than we thought we were going to do. But anyway, they're bracing the White House. Another article about this for Amicron job numbers that aren't going to be good. By the way, if you care about the Super Bowl, well there was a study and it shows that your food costs are going to go up fourteen percent more this year as inflation hits Art Laugher very smart guy, former Reagan economist, issuing a pretty dire warning for the US economy as a whole. Arguing that it is tipping into a slowdown recession in twenty twenty is plausible. I think it's beyond plausible. He argued. Inflation is not under control. It's not He noted he's quite concerned about the next twelve months for the economy. He should be. He was on with Maria Barto Romo, who was a great show on Fox Business, and he went on to say that the inflation spike largely surging energy costs, which rose, you know, nearly fifty percent from last year. Well, what have I said? It's the lifeblood of the world's economy, and we now artificially reduced the supply and by cutting back and appeasing these new Green Deal lunatics. And how did that work out? By the way, Now they're about to run out of money again, and Chucky Schumer is trying to apply pressure to make an annual government spending legislation. By the way, the economic year for your government starts in October. By the way, in case you don't know it, today is February. First man should has had to hire detail security detail amid threats and protests. That's not good. The squad Democrats silent on police funding as crime continues to rise in major cities. I don't expect that they're going to come out and say, oh, we were wrong. AOC is now blaming corporations for price gouging, and that's what's fuelling inflation. No, the cost of production goes up because the cost of energy is high because of your degree new deal, and we're all paying more for everything that we have. Anyway, eight hundred and nine for one sean our number if you want to be a part of the program on the COVID front. Today, in Denver, the mayor announced the end of the city's vaccine mandate, saying that Omicron has run out of fuel. Somebody might want to tell them that another omicron variant that is apparently more contagious than the previous one is in this country already in spreading pretty quickly. Denmark announced their ending most of their COVID restrictions. Oh, as it relates to the truckers that are you know, this freedom convoy. They have a fund and apparently it's approaching ten million dollars, more than the country's political parties combined raised last quarter. It's a go fund meat page supporting the Freedom Convoy of Canadian truckers. I mean, it's amazing they're actually bringing in fuel so that these guys can sleep in their trucks every night because they're running out of fuel. You have to run the truck to get the fuel inside the cab. I've been inside the cab of one of these eighteen wheelers. They're actually pretty cool. You get a nice bed, you have a refrigerator. You can even cook in there if you have a little stove, and you know, you can stock it with whatever you want. Your refrigerator you have. Some of the trucks have pretty big sized TVs. I mean, it's not the life I would want to live. I think it's a very hard life on a tough job. But everything we have we have to thank a trucker for getting to the store that we go to to buy it. It's pretty fascinating. We'll get back to all of this. You'll look you're you're just you're chomping at the bit. I can see it in your eyes. You're just dying to get back to I'm trying. I'm doing my best here. I'm going to wait patiently, which is not my strong suit. All right, doctor Oz, when we get back, and then after doctor Oz, I'll let you talk about it. I'll let you scratch the itch whatever you want to say that apparently I've said that it has annoyed you about this. All right, then I have been you've worked for me for seventeen years. Have I not been consistent? I don't support boycotts and firings. Have I not been away? I always say I believe in second chances. We've all sent them ball short. I mean, hell, you you're support a third and four chances? Sometimes? Yeah, sometimes sometimes I've given you at least a dozen chances. What are you talking? First of all, that is fake news. Okay, that is totally fake news.

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