Dr. Michael Baden, New York City’s former chief medical examiner and famed pathologist, performed the independent autopsy on George Floyd. The evidence definitely suggests Floyd was murdered.
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All right, thank you my friend Scott Shannon, and welcome aboard. Glad you're with us. Right down our toll free number, it's eight hundred and nine four one, Sean. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. One hour from now, doctor Michael Boden will join us New York City's former chief medical examiner, famed Pathologists, and he performed an independent autopsy on George Floyd, and he will explain in detail what his findings were and the connection to the eight minute video that we know went on longer of the knee on the neck of George Floyd and when he likely died because when they finally ended up putting him on a gurney, if you watch, they literally had to hold his head separately. There was that much, that long a period of time. As I've been saying, my knowledge of law enforcement tactics, techniques, what is trained to the training of every officer, everyone in law enforcement, is to not do what happened in that video. Training in martial arts, I am a student. I am not a sense I am a student of the arts, multiple arts, eclectic blend of arts, which I've talked about at nauseum. But It has taught me a lot about the vulnerability if, under the right circumstances, your life is being threatened of one's neck. It is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human anatomy. So we'll get to all that today. We're one hundred and fifty four days till you the ultimate jury weigh in. And what we are now seeing is where the National Guard is being deployed. We are seeing dramatic differences in what's happening in the streets of some of American cities, starting with the President sending troops to Minnesota last night. While you know, of course, in New York, just like with coronavirus, you know, you've got a governor and a mayor killing each other and doing nothing. They weren't prepared for coronavi iris. Trump had to bail them out, build the hospitals, convert them to COVID nineteen man, all of the hospitals, send in the ventilators and the shields, and the masks and the respirators and the gowns and the gloves because they had no preparation. Well, now you want to see more incompetence from probably more likely of the more likely the event that New York starts to disintegrate. My prediction here is New York is going to see another mass exodus, probably California not far behind, considering they're like one in two in terms of people leaving their state their respective states because of high taxes, burdensome regulation, and government control over every aspect of their life, and people are fed up with it. And then of course the cherry on top is just complete incompetence and an inability to manage states and cities as we're seeing in New York once again, we're seeing in another places as well. But you know, this is what we're now watching. President Trump now ordered the Pentagon to deploy an additional eight hundred National Guard troops to protect DC residents from violence and mayham committed by these anti cop rioters. Pentagon has now confirmed six to eight hundred National Guard troops sent to DC as the President seeks to stop there another night of protests at the Capitol. The Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General Mark Esper, Bill Barr, other top officials, a monitor monitoring the continuing protests in Washington and around the country. A lot going on, but what we now mostly seeing and I brought this up last night at length, and I'm telling you, you look at where this is all happening. It's not an accident that a lot of this is happening in liberal cities that have been run by liberal mayors and democratic states run by democratic governors for decades. We're watching the looting, the arson, the violence, the just wreckage of you know, all things of civil society right before our eyes. And now it's got to stop. Now, you gotta this is no longer about George Floyd, and it hasn't been for a while. They're not rioting for George Floyd. They're not looting and setting a blaze stores for George Floyd, because if they were, they would listen to George Floyd's own words, which we played on this program yesterday. This carnage does not in any way honor the memory of George Floyd. These riots are gonna hurt innocent people. They're at physical risk, but also their lives will be deeply transformed because many of the places that they might be used to shopping at are not going to be there when this is all said and done, and the likelihood of it bey these places being rebuilt expeditiously is not high at all. If they are rebuilt, then some will not be rebuilt. It will probably take years to get a lot of this done. You have criminals that are now run a muck. We have the usual suspects, you know, the Wall Street occupy, Wall Street crowd, the Antifa crowd or Antifa crowd. Then you have you know, other anarchists. You know, it's report after report after report. You know, we're seeing nothing but the same old, same old. You know, make no mistakes, these are not peaceful protests. As the mob in the media, they're constantly trying to defend these actions, and it's inexplicable to me. It makes no sense whatsoever that anybody would defend what's going on here, but they are. There was universal agreement. The issue about what happened with George Floyd is not Republican a Democrat, it's not liberal conservative, it's universal condom of what Americas saw. The horrific seven minutes fifty five seconds and it went on longer. Of the knee on the neck of George Floyd. But this is you know, forget you know, the anger, the grief surrounding the video is something everybody feels, and we've talked at length about that. Now in record time, four officers on that case were fired. One has already been charged with third degree murder and manslaughter. The officers that stood by all fired. There might be other charges coming. Then you have the possibility of federal charges being added to this, because the President has expedited at the DOJ, the FBI, the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ to expedite their investigation and coordinate with local investigators and get to the bottom of this as quickly as possible. But you have the anarchists, the Antifa crowd, the radicals that want to stir up as much trouble and as many places as possible, bowl storefronts smashed in, fires burning out of control. They're even pushing police out of precincts and burning down police departments, looting in almost every great American city, and business owners are violently attacked. Some of them are defending themselves, by the way, and they're doing it successfully because they have weapons, and they're at the door and they're saying, you come in and you try to rob my place or destroy my place, that would be a threat to me, my livelihood, and my family. Leave and they're leaving. But you got Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Chicago, New York, LA, Oakland, San Francisco, other major cities, most of which there are some exceptions, most of which that have been run by Democrats for decades. What do you see in these liberal states and cities. The worst infrastructure, the highest taxes, the most burdensome regulations, school systems. In many of these cities. We have been failing our children for generations. The violence completely out of control. You know, how many years have we discussed and talked about violence in the city of Chicago. Has anything been done, like Mayor Juliani did in New York City to fix it? Nope. We just get statistics every year, every weekend, every long weekend, you know, more shootings, more people murdered, innocent people, and then nothing has been done to resolve it at all. Joe and Barrock pretty much have done nothing. I'm looking at Joe Biden. Well, he came out of his bunker and had a few dumb things to say. You know, probably the dumbest thing he said is that if someone's if a cop has someone running at them with a knife to shoot them in the leg. I'm like, are you really that stupid. And then he's actually and I'll play some of those later. Now he is demanding economic justice and expanding Obamacare, and he wants a National Police Oversight Commission. Well, we could have done that after the bacle that was Cambridge Police, after the debacle that was Ferguson, Missouri, after the debacle that was Baltimore and Freddie Gray. But Barack and Joe did nothing when they were in charge. And getting lectured from an ever forgetful guy hiding in his basement is not exactly helpful in times like this. And to you know what, cop is trained to shoot somebody in the leg if they're coming at you with a knife. Now, if somebody's coming at you with a knife, well that would be a direct threat on your life. If an officer does pull his weapon or her weapon and they and their life is in jeopardy and they make a decision to shoot Joe, you would think you would know, being in the business what forty years, that a cop is ordered to shoot for upper body mass. Period, that's their aim, not their legs. They missed the leg, they might shoot an innocent person behind them. In that moment, you go for the biggest target, and the target that's more likely to stop. Somebody is about to kill you. I can't believe you are watching watching the fundamental breakdown and failure of liberal governance in these cities and all the predictable areas. But it's been going on for decades. You know. Every two every four years, these politicians they're begging, they go in. They want votes, They want votes. Every two and four years, the race card is played. Republicans are racist and sexist, and misogynics and xenophobic and homophobic, islamophobic. They want dirty air and water, and they want grandma and grandpa to eat dog food and cat food and die. If they don't die fast enough, you know, then a Paul Ryan or Kevin McCarthy or Donald Trump look alike will take your grandmother in a wheelchair and throw them over the cliff. And you'll see ads like that, or ads like the ninety eight ad in Missouri radio ad that black churches will burn. Or it was like my father was killed all over again. Because George W. Bush didn't support hate crimes legislation, but he certainly supported the death penalty. But James in the James Bird case, when an innocent man was dragged to his death by a bunch of violent, evil, racist thugs. I guess the death penalty didn't go far enough. Now we're watching all over the country. What do we see. We're seeing police officers now being targeted and around the nation and then run over. You have a cop on life support in Vegas tonight after a shooting in Vegas Metro police officer there that happened about eleven twenty three Pacific coast time, south Las Vegas Boulevard. He's now in critical condition. His prayers are with us today. Four cop shot in Saint Louis gunfire protests that went violent overnight. In New York, Oh, we got a lot happening in New York. You got, you know, de Blasio wanting to fire a cop who had to wave his gun at a brick throwing protester. You know a brick can kill you, case your interested. But you got the horrific moment of a looter plowing straight into an NYPD officer with their SUV that happened in New York City. Got another police officer brutally beaten by protesters on the streets of New York that happened last night. Right now, the President's right. New York has been lost to thugs and low lives and looters. They're now ransacking Macy's Herald Square, and they're even on the prestigious Upper East Side in New York. On sixty second in Madison breaking into Erma's stores. By the way, Linda's impressed. I know what er May's how to pronounce it? And four shot in Saint Louis. One in Vegas, you got in the Bronx, a hit and run that was called on video. And yet the President is now begging for them to bring in the National Guard, and he's now gonna he's taking over because they're not doing it. You got Comrade d Blasio and Governor Cuomo yelling at each other, I'm gonna take over. I'm taking, I'm taking, I'm taking Meanwhile, just like coronavirus, they're failing the people of New York State and New York City. That's what's happening in New York. Shocker. You have the most incompetent idiots running the government in the city. It's it is just a disgrace. Rioters did try to force their way into a bank bakery bad owner and his sons met them at the door with guns, and they decided to take their looting work elsewhere. That night, there was a case out in I believe California. It was I think it was a restaurant when I was a liquor store. Guy used in a R fifteen to protect his property. And guess what, they decided to go somewhere else. I am really shocked. They decided, man, this isn't worth the risk. Let's go to someplace where and not protected anyway. It's insane out there. There's an answer. You create a perimeter, you use tear gas, pepper spray, a massive show of force, and you arrest people. That's what you do when people riot, loot, burn and steal. So there's no choice, there's no option. There's no negotiating with people that are willing to be violent, even attack the police, that are willing to destroy property, hurt inness in, people that have no value at all or respect for law or respect from order. We can't let our nations police out officers continue to go unaided. You know, That's what makes New York and what's happening here just so pathetic, because now you've got the mayors of New York City saying I don't want the National Guard. What you're just gonna let people continue to burn down the city and loot with abandon and attack police officers with abandoned because ma, he's I'm sure most of us have all watched Miracle on thirty fourth Street and the one about the Macy's versus Gimbals Santa Claus. Millions of Americans watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Dave Parade. Yeah, well, that Macy's was looted last night, just like other important stores in the Upper East Side of New York. They're going all over New York now, and the governor is denouncing the mayor. The mayor's denouncing the governor, and neither are doing their job. But Donald Trump's going to send them in any way. Eighty second Airborne Divisions Immediate Response Force. They're now going to Washington, DC, and if it keeps happening in New York, they'll be sent there too, because you've got to maintain law and order and protect innocent people and innocent property. People deserve better, all right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one seawn. If you want to be a part of the program. Another sad story, Richmond Police Chief Will Smith overcome with emotion because he had the detail one of the worst acts of violence carried out in the city during the previous night's rioting, and according to Smith, writers set fire to an occupied multi family residence with a child inside, and then repeatedly blocked firefighters access to the scene, and thankfully, officers found a way to secure access and save the family, including the child. By the way, Seattle cop, you know, he had to be told by another officer to remove his knee from the neck of a man they were detaining. How did we not learn from this already? That's you know, not learning lessons like in the case of coronavirus is very disturbing. He's supposed to learn from mistakes. You know. You'd think, for example, New York would be learning now and preparing for the next pandemic that might happen one day, or maybe planning after night after night of violence and looting and arson and violence to do something about it. But they have it. But don't worry. Joe Biden is doing something about it. Joe Biden is suggesting to cops if there if somebody's attacking them with a knife to shoot them in the leg. And by the way, Biden's campaign is raising bail money for antique cop rioters. At least seven New York Democratic politicians have announced that they will be redirecting campaign donations from the police and correctional officer packs to bail funds and other mutual aid organizations. There's a problem that is systemic. I'm tired of hearing that issues of police abuse or the result of a few bad apples. Anyway, what is it We're now going to say all cops are bad people because that's not true, and we know it's not true. And the idea, you know, this is what one bad apple, though, can do to a lot of good people. That was what I kept saying about the deep state. That's what I kept saying about Joe Degenev called those dirty cops. It's unbelievable. Biden says, when I decided to decide, when I made the decision, Jill and I, I made the decision. Let me say that again, when I decided to decide, When I made the decision, Jill and I, I made the decision. Those words actually came out of his mouth. That is more than a little bit scary from my vantage point. Um, you just you watch these events and you ask yourself, how did they let this get out of control? Well, you know it's now, we're one hundred and fifty four days until you become the ultimate jury. And I keep saying that there's an awful lot at stake here for the sake of the country. This is this is, this is about. This is everything that you ever thought a choice election could be, but never on the level. I never thought that we'd have to show up and vote to prevent a new Green Deal that would result in absolute poverty for everybody in the country with all these unfulfilled promises, would be something that we must urgently defeat at the ballot box. But it's true because they want everything free, free, healthcare free, guaranteed job, guaranteed vacations, guaranteed, retirement, guaranteed everything. Everything's free, free, free, free, and we're gonna simultaneously get rid of, if you can believe it, the lifeblood of the world's economy. That would be oil and gas, and then in a process, maybe soon planes and cows because cows have carbon emissions, because that's what they're thinking about. There's not one thing and open borders and sanctuary country. We have sanctu cities, we have a sanctuary state now, all have of sanctuary countries. Billions of dollars being spent on illegal immigrants. They're even getting checks in California. A lot of these blue states that don't have any money, well, they give an awful lot of money and spend an awful lot of money on illegal immigrants. And the impact that has on our educational system, our healthcare system, and criminal justice system. And then when you have people that even are in custody because you're sanctuary status, you set them free and you don't return them to ice, and then you aid and abet them in whatever future crimes that they might commit. You know, de Blasio demanding, you know, a cop be fired, you know, for pulling out a gun in the crowd. Because I haven't seen this particular video. I see cops though, showing a lot of restraint on television every night. You know, it's sad to watch all of this. You know, it's how many more cops are going to get shot here? How many more stores are going to be looted here? You know, four cop shot in Saint Louis. We have a cop in critical condition in Vegas. You have two police officers in Richmond and a suspect injured after a shooting there. You got in Buffalo, New York, I mentioned this. You got an suv plowing through a group of law enforcement during a demonstration injuring two officers there. Videos posted by witnesses show a line of officers, backed up by an armored personnel carrier, rushing and tackling a man after being interviewed by a man with a TV camera about nine thirty pm. Moments later, officers ran as the suv just barrels through a cluster, with at least one appearing to go under the vehicle's wheels. Hope that person's okay. Gotta pray for all of these families and the yes and by the way, the family is speaking out too, of George Floyd, saying this has got to stop. You know, thirty years of progress us in New York City, made under Juliani and sustained at least by Bloomberg ruined overnight. Mayham is the headline in big letters in the cover of the New York Post today. Because it's happening all over the city. It's not just one part of the city. Now it's everywhere in the city, and the mayor and the governor fighting like usual. Nobody's making a decision now as usual, Donald Trump will have to come in and save New York. And he chance Donald Trump will win New York in one hundred and fifty four days. Nope, zero. But he's done an awful lot to help New York in the last year, that's for sure. Macy's Herald Square, same thing, you know, and I'll tell you it's it is. It is a culmination of years and years of democratic rule broken and false promises and neglect. How is it possible, Barah and Joe never stop the violence in Chicago? Start there? How is it all of these cities that spend so much taxpayer money of the worst infrastructure, the worst governance, the worst school systems we pay the most money to, and they don't get anything right. You know, if the educational system I remember, the Nation at Risk is a landmark study in the Reagan years said what has happened to America's educational institutions? Were it done by an outside entity or force, would be tantamount to an act of war. Yet some video appears to show rioters going door to door in the Washington, DC area. New York Times appears to change another headline because of pressure. Joe Pollock picked this up Quotas chaos spreads, Trump vows to end it now. And then, by the way, and post outrage, Trump threatens to send troops into states, and the president deploys the police for a photo op. Mainstream media continues to fan the flames, appearing to be siding with rioters, you know, the mob, and some celebrities are actually encouraging it. Anderson Cooper, Trump seems to be thinking to think dominating black people peaceful protesters as law in order. Anderson, He's going after people that are committing crimes, people that are destroying property, people that are injuring innocent people, including police officers. So I would say that is fake news as usual. You know, you got um, you know, reporters yelling at the president. Is this still a democracy? I think that came from fake news. Acosta, you got CNN to crying the White House defenses like authoritarian countries. And by the way, you know Don Lemon claiming Trump is declaring a war on Americans. This is this is your fake news industry. You have a se Then reporter making excuses on television, and it goes on and on. It's it's sad Illinois Democratic governor deflecting blame in his state and city of Chicago is they've been hit hard, and you know, calls a blaming Trump. Now, that would be your job every weekend. It's happening in your state and in your city, been happening for a decade now, and you've done nothing to fix it. You know, where a Schumer and Pelosi on these issues except trashing Trump. That's all they do. Lapd out in La. We've been watching things out there. Their chief says Floyd's death on rioters hands as much as you know. You know, Minnesota copisshes an apology, facing calls for his firing cities mayor, facing calls for his own resignation after comments the chief made about rioters and looters taking to the streets. Quote, we didn't have protest last night. We had criminal acts. That's why they want to fire him. We didn't have people mourning the death of this man, George Floyd. We had people capitalizing on it. His death is on their hands as much as it is those officers. I disagree with that statement, but the part about the people that are committing crimes is true. Mayor Garcetti found outside of their remarks that they claimed the man misspoke. He said, I misspoke when I said the blood was on their hands, the chief said, but certainly their actions do not serve the enormity of his loss. You know. It's and people attacking Donald Trump are going to the church of the President, Saint John's, which was said ablaze the previous night. They did that yesterday. I mean, this is this is you know. And then Joe Biden lining himself with Democratic elected officials that are failing to protect their own people. Unbelievable. Now lockdowns are over Michigan, Michigan governor lockdown, Whitmer lifts the stay at home order. Finally, pretty unreal. I ain't got to ask yourself, well, what are we supposed to do to restore order? I would like order has to be restored. You need the manpower to do it. You know, states, they have state troopers, they have local cities that can lend their officers to cities that have become quote hot spots. You have the state guard that they can call up, and the president is begging them to take the National Guard and if they're not, he's saying he's gonna send them in any way, because that's what Donald Trump does. He ends up fixing their messages because they don't have the courage to make the decisions. Now, do we want any of the protesters injured? Absolutely not. I'd rather I'd rather people protest peacefully and make a point. There's a point to be made here, and it's a point that I don't see much disagree Rieman on as it relates to George Floyd. But now, federal resources, including the military, we do have the Insurrection Act, which I talked about yesterday, is probably going to be employed to protect people life and property. President rips Biden staffers for getting anarchists out of jail during riots. Yeah, that would be a dumb idea. The President, as he said yesterday's first duty is to protect the safety and security of the American people, and he will fulfill that duty. And he's taken immediate presidential action to stop the violence, restore security and safety in America, and that now we have all of these federal resources, civilian and military that are on the ready to be used where necessary and protecting the rule of law. You know, he is now recommended every nearby, every governor deployed the National Guard in sufficient numbers. He's offering it to them. They are All they need to do is request it and it's there. That's their job. If they can't keep control, this is their back up. And the presidents directed thousands of military and personnel and law enforcement. Usually, you create perimeters, you have non lethal tools at your avail. That would usually include tear gas and pepper spray. That's what it usually that usually is very effective in dispersing crowds. Is it pleasant to watch? Nope? Do any of us want to watch it? Nope? Do all of us wish it wasn't happening? Yes, do all of us wish this didn't happen to George Floyd? Absolutely. We feel sorry for his family and sorry for people and others as well that are victims of the horrible one percent of people that abuse their power. It's awful. Now we have you know, there's no doubt about it. The President has the authority with the Insurrection Act to put the riots down. By the way, um, you know, Andy McCarthy couldn't have been more clear on his explanation, which we got into yesterday anyway, eight hundred and nine for one. Shaun is a toll free telephone over. People say with the president has been silent, No, he hasn't. It's been out every day given speeches. He's been talking about this every single day. He's the one that demanded an expedited FBI DJ Civil Rights Division investigation in conjunction with local police authorities. That's what he's done. How long I got to hold him? Now over there was watersoe what gave they will give me at of course George Floyd. We've all watched seven minutes fifty five seconds and they went on longer. That's just a tape portion of the knee on the neck of George Floyd that has shocked the conscience of a nation. When we got an initial UH examiner report, they said, well it wasn't because of asphyxia. Well, doctor Michael Boden was hired as for the family of George Floyd. He's a former New York City medical examiner fame pathologist, has been a friend of this program for many, many years. UH. He found quote that George Floyd's death was due to asphixia yeh from sustained forceful pressure by Minneapolis police officers, according to a news conference and a release by Floyd family attorneys. Anyway, doctor Biden joins us. Now, doctor Boden, thank you so much for being with us. Thank you great to be with you. Hey, Sean, how many years you have you been doing this? Just to give away a background, And I've known you now for a couple of decades. I started this when I was a resident doctor at Bellevue Hospital being in this part time medical examiner in nineteen sixty that's before I was born, doctor Boden. But I knew you. I knew you when you had two names, when you had Hannity and Combs. That's correct. People, a lot of people now don't remember that well. First, and how many autopsies have you been involved in in the course of your career. I've done personally more than twenty thousand or autopsies over the past years. Yeah, and you've done a lot of high profile cases. I think you're probably one of the preeminent experts and all of these things. First, please send our deepest sympathies to the family of George Floyd and our prayers, and I believe this never should have happened. Family was very pleased. They heard you say that yesterday about sending them their sympathy. We after your television program you mentioned that they were very pleased, as was the lawyer. Were the lawyers? You wish them good? This is unnecessary, doctor Boden. You and I both know that one of the most vulnerable parts of the human anatomy is the neck. Police officers are trained not to do this. That's right. That's right, because pressure on the neck presses the blood vessels, the nerves, supply, the breathing are all there in the neck, and pressure can cause death. And that's why police uh uniformly and I'm supposed to compress the neck. They've gotten involved with that Garner case also, which wasn't as deliberate as this. I think what happened here was that the video and the attitude of the police officer made this much more horrific than other cases. Tell us what your findings were, UM, I believe other people were involved in this with you, if I'm not mistaken, doctor doctor Leteacher Wilson also the two of us to the second autopsy together for the family. Bright Bright Young forensic pathologists from Michigan, and both are in full agreement. We both agree. We both agreement that, and so there's the medical examiner in their report. All of us agree that he died because of the way he was restrained. The medical examine adds in cardio pulman arrest, well, cardio pulmany arrest happens to everybody. Well, normally, if somebody's shot and they die, they have a cardiac arrest at the end. Then he say cardiac arrest due to shooting. But normally we don't do that. So I think that there's not necessarily a difference of opinion because restraints caused death by interfering with breathing. And that's what he said. What George Floyd said is he can't breathe. The police have a mistaken notion that if a person that says talks and says I can't breathe, that means he's breathing. Well, I'm talking and talking and talking and bloviating, and I'm not breathing right now. I'm just abloviating. I could say I can't breathe. I can't breathe. So I think that that's why the police don't you would think of that. Somebody says I can't breathe, they would immediately lighten up, especially when you have somebody like this who's already handcuffed behind his back before before he was got down. And I think one of the things here that was very bad that isn't as visible as what the the kneeling in the neck was, is that another of the officers was kneeling on his back while he's on the ground on the side of the cop and the kneel pushing the knees into the back prevents the diaphragms from going up and down. You can't inhale an exhale, so he's in a position where he can't take a breath because the diaphragms won't move because of the pressure on the back pushing the liver and the other organs up which toward towards the lungs, so they can't move. And this way it isn't just the fellow who was on the neck, but the other fellow too, that the two together prevented oxygen from going to his brains. It's so sad and so unnecessary, very absolutely right. It breaks my heart. And he was already handcuffed. Let's talk about the other findings. I mean, because we watched for seven minutes and fifty five seconds, and it went on longer. And yeah, you see his face just pushed hard into the pavement. Now you saw abrasions on his face. That means something to abrasions. Yeah, there are three three or four inches in length, the rough abrasions on the side of the face and on the nose. See any pressure on the nose and mouth the three areas that are vulnerable and straight in breathing. Nose and mouth breads it in the neck is when it all comes through the windpipe to the lungs, and the chest is where the back of where the lungs are. So pressure in any of those three places can prevent the flow of air. And in this situation, you had pressure on the back, you had pressure on the neck, and you also had abrasions on the nose to indicate at some point the nose was against the pavement, also causing difficulties breathing and some little injuries to the mouth. The nose and mouth were held against the pavement for some time. Also, is there any doubt what happened to George Floyd is a result of that knee on that neck. The result of the knee on the neck and the knee and on the back together one affected the lungs, the other effected the blood vessels and windpipe. The two together in this case, in my opinion, is what caused death. Either one alone could have, but in this case is both of them cause death. Now, part of it is with the medical examine mentioned that there were also other features like some heart disease, and he may have heart disease, has a history of high blood pressure, but that would have no and he may and he definitely and according to the toxicology release, he did have drugs known some other drugs in him at autopsy. Those are important in what's fun yet what happened at the time, but they didn't cause a contribute to the death. How do you make the determination, especially when when there are drugs involved. You know, look, I I look at that tape, and I look at it from my seven years of training. I'm a student. I'm not an expert in martial arts, but I'm a student in an eclectic blend of different arts. And I you know, for self defense purposes. You are taught. You know, if I put somebody in what's called a rear naked choke, and I could apply any amount of pressure, I'm gonna drop somebody and they're gonna be knocked out cold. In you said last night, probably ten to twelve seconds, right, And by the way, I've gotten to the point where I take it as long as I can. Then what we do is tap out, just so you know that sensation and what it feels like. I know everyone tells me so. Or if, for example, one strike to the carotid hard strike, a targeted strike will drop somebody right to the ground. That's one second strike. Um, that's that's interesting because I've had some martial arts people email me just what you're saying that the way he was doing things that the martial arts people know how a single strike like you can make a loose consciousness immediately, and that's dangerous if it's if if the pressure is maintained see here, the office was maintaining the pressure, and that's best seen in the video. If we didn't have the video, sean that the pass of the civilians who saw this would say what we're seeing, and the police would may say that they thought there was a different scenario, that it wasn't as bait, and there'd be two opinions as to what happened. But in this instance, the video makes that scene entirely apparent and without any further And that's one of the reasons why there's so much why you were upset so much by seeing the video. You didn't have to know what the autopsy showed you to see that, to see that that was inappropriate and dangerous. When you see something like this and then you watch the video, it gives you obviously some context into what you're looking. But you would be able to figure all of this out, whether there was a video or not. You'd be able to figure out that it took some sustained trauma to the neck that would have caused us. Yeah. Yes, once the autopsy's completed and there's no competing cause of death. Now, if he had a brain hemorrhage at that time, a very aneurism, a brain hemorrhage, or if he had a heart attack, a fresh heart attack, uh, then they might be the causes of death even on these circumstances. But the rest of the autopsy doesn't show any other illness that would could cause death. He might have some forty nine years old. We all have a hardening of the autoies to a certain women in extent, he had high pretension, but he'd never been treated. He had never had problems with the with the high pretension before. So this, uh, the nature of the severity of the compression of the neck and of them back in of themselves are the cause of death and excluding all other possibilities. And in this instance, the toxicology could not compete with what we see with the naked eye. When you talk about Fenton, you know, I keep reading that like two or three grains of that stuff could kill a two hundred and fifty pound man. Is it is fendyl. Well, fendyl is more deadly than than heroin. That's it. And we've seen a lot of them. But if you if you die from an overdose fentyl, you don't trust drop dead. You sort of go to sleep. You go to sleep and go deeper, deeper sleep. So that's why narcan can work on these things, because, uh, if you have heroin or or or or phantonyl uh this time to give the antidote and then that will help you. It is a person goes to sleep and there's time in in the for half an hour or an hour or more to resuscitate the person and Uh, but not. It doesn't just cause you to drop dead when somebody happens to be squeezing your neck. Yeah. UM, how is the family? I don't know how any family holds up in a situation like this. There there, there there, you know. I spoke to the family on the phone because to find out any medical history, and that's when they had indicated they're very good in the phone there there, I think in Texas or Atlanta, UM, and they were very, very appropriate and very UM tried to be very helpful in telling me what medications he was on, whether he had any prior illnesses of any significance diabetes or heart disease, and none he had. He had some high pretension. That was all. You're great at what you do, and it helps give answers to people that deserve them, and it also helps us get to justice, which we will get to in this case. I am very confident of UM and I as always a thank you, my friend for being one of us, Doctor Michael Biden, thank you, thank you for inviting me. All best wishes and be careful of your martial arts well. Our prayers and best wishes to George Floyd's family too. I will I will tell them that, thank you, thank you, sir. All right, as we roll along, Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. When we come back, We're gonna hit the phones. Eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Also, we have where have the leaders and communities been? And governor of Illinois we don't want Trump's National Guard here? Well, they need them new York. And you know, by the way, there is a side note Ari Fleischer at a tweet. Why is it that a New York governor thinks that they can override a New York City mayor? And why would a New York City mayor not want the National Guard in light of everything that's happening. All right, we'll get to all of this with doctor Reverend Christian Charles, Christian Adams and Pastor Darryl Scott also coming up. We support the right of peaceful protesters, and we hear there, please, what we are now seeing on the streets of our cities has nothing to do with justice or with peace. I saw people converging on the police vehicle. I saw people throwing things at the police vehicle. That is not peaceful protests. This is not in a spirit of Martin is a king junior. This is chaos. A seventh night of chaos across the country. Protesters in New York attacking police over night, bashing an officer over the head by a brick, sparking at stampede as cops draw their weapons. Buffalo is going to go under a curfew after three police officers were hurts when an suv struck them during rioting last night in the city. This happened outside a Buffalo police station. An suv crashed through a police line and struck two New York State troopers and a Buffalo police officer. One of the troopers suffered a broken pelvis and a broken leg. A violent and destructive night in the Bronx, people not only looting, but setting fires and viciously attacking a police officer. Video captured the horrifying moment another officer was hit by a car. All right, some of the sounds more of the violence that has gone on. We did see a decrease in those cities where the national hard was brought up, which brings us back to points I was making earlier today, and that is, you know, just like with coronavirus, New York has the dumbest, the slowest moving, the most pathetic so called leaders that I've ever seen in my life. The police union in New York is blasting de Blasio about his own daughter being a quote object throwing, rioting anarchist. De Blasio now saying he's proud of his daughter's arrest, admires she was out there doing something. Did you not hear what the cops said she's doing? Comrade de blasiou it's you know, I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen New York. You're watching the beginning of the end. Because if you think the mass exodus was bad prior to coronavirus leading the nation, you're now making it worse. Every single solitary day, we got a fight between Cuomo and de Blasio. Cuomo saying, well, I want you to order the national What do you mean I want you to do it? The president needs your request to do it. If not, he's just going to have to do what he did during coronavirus. Build your hospitals, man, your hospitals, convert them to COVID. Send you every ventilator, every respirator, every shield, every gown, every set of gloves, and even outside help that you will then tax when they leave. I mean, you see now moments where the NYPD have this officer a car plowed right into their suv and another police officer brutally beaten by protesters last night streets in New York. They took it all the way to the beautiful, prestigious Upper East Side of New York. Right there are Maze and all these expensive stores. They knocked in the windows, they went in and looted the place. And does any of it have anything to do with George Floyd? Nope, none of it does. Are they doing anything to keep residents and business is safe? Nope, They're pretty much overrunning the place. And the Blasio has no clue how to deal with any of this, and neither is Cuomo. And now they're targeting police stations across the US. You have for shot in Saint Louis, one in Vegas, a bronx New York, a hit and run caught on video. And you know, then you got the mob in the media, Democrats that basically no, this is they're basically nonviolent. I'm like, what video are you watching when they went in full force yesterday. That's only so Trump could go to could go to the Saint John's, the Church of the Presidents. No, that's not why rioters set fire to a home with a child inside then block firefighter access. According to Richmond Police Chief will Smith, Seattle Copp removes a fellow officers need from another guy's neck that was being detained. Amidst some of the chaos. UFC star John Jones was stopping rioters in Albuquerque. You have rioters hijacking Chicago's police radio communication, slowing response times. I mean, and there are people now that have decided the cops are useless and their cities and rioters now trying to force their way into a bakery. Well, guess what. The owner and his sons met them at the door, and they had guns. And guess what. Rioters take their hard day's work elsewhere. It worked, it helped, It happened elsewhere as well. We've seen a number of videos of this of business owners now protecting their own property. California liquor store owner used an AAR fifteen to protect his property from looters that was happening out there. Kansas City police bricks staged near protests were being used during the riot. In other words, they were preparing for that night's activities. Now the president is saying, the guard is available, it's up to you. But what do we know about antifa or some call it antifa? And we have with as Gabriel Na Dallas. He's a student's right advocate for the Leadership Institute. He is a former Antifa member. Welcome to the program, Gabriel, how are you. I'm doing great, Thank you. How old are you? I'm twenty six, all right, twenty six. When did you join Antifa? And what can you tell us about this organization that we may not know because the president is now designated it a terrorist organization. You know, far too many people think that Antifa is something that just propped up on January twentieth with Donald Trump's election, and when we saw two hundred Antifa activist riot outside of a Trump's innegration, that did not come from nowhere. It came from somewhere. Antifa is a much much older organization. It started in with the rights of fascism in Germany during World War Two, but in America it's been around for a few decades. As well, and contrary to what they may say, they're not fighting fascism. If you look at everything, there are a lot of their targets. It often tends to be innocent people who just they don't like. You know, it's really funny. I'm doing a webinar later today and University called me an all right. Like, first of all, I'm libertarian, I'm brown, and I've been despising and talking so much smack about the all right. But according to Antifa and their supporters, since I'm criticizing them, all of a sudden, I'm now a fascist supporter of theirs. Tell us what the philosophy is behind this, and tell us what was going on behind the scenes, and what type of tactics they were advocating. And do you believe that they are behind a lot of the unrest we're all watching unfold in many American cities. Well, first, the philosophy. They may say that they are fighting a fascism, but that is wrong. There's been multiple different Antifa groups throughout the world have said the fight against fascism is not over until capitalism is destroyed. That's a quote from an Antifa group from Germany, and here in America, the same thing. You hear all of this pro socialism, pro communism a rhetoric, and that's supposed to stop fascism. Meanwhile, they forget that socialism and communism have killed close to one hundred million people throughout the country over one hundred years. For the last hundred years. As far as how it works, Antifa is organized very horizontally, but it would be a mistake to say that they have absolutely no leadership. There's different types of leaders who are promoting this kind of behavior. Obviously, it's not an official leader. You can't point at one and say, oh, he's the president, he's a lieutenant, he's now. But there's certain people like Professor Mark or Lecturer Mark Bray from Darthmut College, who wrote the book Antifa, the Anti Fascist Handbook. He would be more of a national leader, a thought leader who helps promote this type of mentality. And unfortunately he's not alone. At the Leadership Institute's Campus Reform were Keely report on several different leslie professors who see themselves as activists first and educator second, and they promote this ideology that it's okay to beat conservatives simply because they are conservatives. They don't care about debate, They don't care about discussions. Antifa should really stand for anti First Amendment, Well it should Listen, I'm not against anybody protesting. I don't even care if they have crazy radical views about the economy or foreign policy, whatever it happens to be. It's the violence aspect of all of this. And you see what's happening. How much of this do you think that they are agitating behind the scenes? In other words, how much responsibility would you put on their shoulders in a lot of these instances, And where are the cities that they're strongest, You know, I was about to say that, look at the first city to start a rioting same Paul, Minnesota, Chicago, Portland, or in my home town in Los Angeles, all of these different places where ANTIPA has been allowed to organize for the last several years, almost uncontested, All of these places where the first ones hit, And that basically spurs this sense of lawlessness throughout the country where other people who may not necessarily be part of ANTIPA Antifa feel like they should be. They can get away with violence as well. That's actually called propaganda by the deed, which is a political tactic in which which is means to try to take up arms against somebody with the hopes that other people will be encouraged to do the same. And as you can see, there's some peaceful protests out there at these riots, and in some instances, members of the African American community are demanding antifa activists to stop because they understand that and even they understand that antifa is a danger to our society and that we should fight them with every legal means possible. Well, I think it's now a danger to society. Do you regret your time with them? Yeah, I definitely do. And let me tell you it's not it's it's so much different than when I was around. I mean, I did some protests. I've talked about about some vandalism that I did, but I was never involved in a riot and I actually never heard anyone physically, which something that I'm glad I never did. But it's become so emboldened for the last ten twenty years because so many leftist professors have paid their pupils that this is okay. There's so many professors that do this. For example, there was just a professor I forget from what university who basically put on Twitter her plans on how to dismantle the Washington Monument, and then she's getting paid to have this kind of to push this type of agenda toward her students and to all of these young people. It's it's despicable. It's sad that it is despicable. And you know what, there's an election in one hundred and fifty four days. Gabriel, all right, as we continue, Gabriel nadalas a former ANTIFA member, we now see the destruction that this is causing in cities. These businesses are not going to be coming back any too quickly, and people are going to have a hard time even getting to the store in days and weeks ahead. And some of those people are disabled, some are elderly. And in the case of George Floyd, there was universal outrage. This wasn't Republican or Democrat or a liberal conservative. This was universal condemnation of the video that we all saw. It's very hard to fire a police officer in a day. They got it done. It's very hard to indict somebody on third degree murder charges and manslaughter charges in three days or four days. They got that done. The investigation into the other officers is ongoing. The President ordered the FBI involvement, the Department of Justice involvement, the Civil Rights Division involvement, and wanted at all expedited. And he can't be any more clear his call for justice in the tragic death, unnecessary death of George Floyd. We have a system of justice. We have a system that also has rules and laws. Similarly, those governors like New York and especially New York City mayors like the Blasio, they just they don't do not have any capacity to even disperse the crowd. It's pretty easy to disperse the crowd, now, Gabriel. If you're in a crowd and you're within Antifa people protesting, and they surround the perimeter of that crowd and they use tear gas and pepper spray, what are the odds that crowd is going to disperse? Probably pretty high, What don't you think? I definitely think so. And you know, I am so happy that finally we have somebody in the White House with some backbone, because he's getting things done. He's shown that he's willing to take down all these riders. They don't care about fighting fascism. They care about dismantling law and order in American society. I want to thank you for being with us, Gabriel. We really appreciate it. Glad you've made a leap. You know, it's kind of interesting to me. It's like Winston Churchill once said, if you're twenty and a liberally, you don't have a heart. If you're forty and not a conservative, you don't have a brain. We will forgive your early liberal mindset. You seem to have woken up and realize what this group is really really doing in the country and how dangerous it all is. We appreciate you share that with us. Righton's Rounded Up Information Overload Hour Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Joe Piden out of the punker for a few minutes again yesterday, and every time he does, well, let's just say very gently, it is nothing but a never ending shift show. I mean, he actually said, when I decided to decide, when I made the decision, Jill and I I made the decision. Huh, okay, But you know this is a guy that has now been in what public life. It's the eighties, thirty some odd years wanting to be president in the United States from day one. Plagiarism got in the way, lying got in the way, a few controversies got in the way. Anyway. Now now he's actually out there, he has the answer to how to solve this problem, and he wants cops, if somebody's running at them with a knife, to shoot them in the leg instead of the heart. Now, let me explain for those of you that are not familiar at all with police training, if a police officer pulls their weapon and they feel that their life is in danger, you don't aim for the leg. You aim for upper body mass. That is what they are taught. Well, let me aim for his leg. Then either there's not a big enough threat to even fire the weapon, or number two, he's the dumbest guy on the face of the earth. I'll let you decide, but I'll let you first hear it. Standing there, China, Coptam's an a non person of coming at him with a higher or something shooting lay instead in the horror. It's a very different thing. There's a lot of different things that can chance shoot him in the leg. You. Now, it's very interesting because when we at some point within the next one hundred and fifty four days we have a real presidential campaign beginning. We're gonna compare and contrast records here and for example, um criminal justice reform that has benefited the likes of Alice Johnson, who we love and is a regular on this program, but that has been good for the fact that we've had a dual justice system for many many years. Unfairness and sentencing racial racially related in many many way disparits sentencing was real. Uh, Donald Trump fick that fix that, not not Barack and not Joe. When it came to the lowest unemployment ever for African Americans, his Panic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment, that was Trump. When you look at helping historically black colleges, that was Trump, not Barack and Joe. When you look at the opportunity zones set up in cities that have been left behind, that was not Barack and Joe. That was Trump. You look at, for example, those manufacturing jobs that Barack and Joe said, we're never coming back. Guess what they came back. And after we get over coronavirus. They're going to come back stronger than ever because we're gonna take a lot of our manufacturing back from China that lied to the world. Here to discuss debate all of this, we have the Reverend Charles Christian Adams, he's with the Hartford Memorial Baptist Church in Detroit, and Pastor Darryl Scott, he is the chairman Urban Revitalization Coalition and pastors his church in Cleveland, Ohio. Welcome both of you back to the programmer. I think we all need a little prayer and fasting now for our country, probably something we could all agree on. Pastor Scott, I wish I've seen a bigger presence among leadership, including the clergy, to help bring an end to some of this violence. But if we're gonna be honest about it, all these years we've been watching Chicago and all the violence there, and Barack and Joe never did anything there in eight years either. Yeah, absolutely right. I mean, Joe Biden just recently called for a sweeping police reform because of the George Floyd incident. But I find that music because during his administration as vice president was President Barack Obama, we had the Eric Garner incident, to Michael Brown incident, to Tamir Rice incident, to Freddy Great Intiden, to Sandra Black incident. These were all during Obama and Biden's administration. So when people say that George Floyd is the last straw, then Eric, Michael, Tamir, Freddy, and Sandra were the first five straws. This frustration and this boiling over now is a result of frustration that built and developed under Barack Obama's administration. And so Joe Biden has been very hypocritical and all these black voices, where are they at now? I find it a music, Sean, I don't know if you're aware of it's. The singer Cardi d stated that her I saw this as a protest and the violence, and then someone posted her address on Instagram and she responded by saying, if you come over my house, you're gonna get killed. Now, I find that a music. You support them vandalizing other people's property, but if you vandalize mine, you need to get killed. You have all these people's Oprah's quiet, Barack Obama is quiet, Lebron James is quiet, everybody's quiet. All these Hollywood celebrities, they're quiet. Everybody's quiet now, you know. I think Pastor Adams, I think Pastor Scott makes a good point because he's right. Ferguson Missouri happened under Barack and Joe's watch. And Baltimore Freddy Gray that happened under their watch. Eric Gardner that happened under their watch, the Cambridge police that happened under their watch, and all the other instances that Pastor Scott brought up. They didn't do anything. Now they could sit there in the confines of Joe's basement where he does his pathetic podcast every day, it is a little confused in the middle of the podcast. Why didn't they do it? Why didn't they get the unemployment rate down for African Americans to the lowest level ever? Why did it take Donald Trump to do it? Donald Trump has been no savior to the African American race. First of all, we need to understand. Look, you're not You're not ignoring the record. You're not ignoring all the hold on, You're not ignoring the record low unemployment, record after record after record low unemployment for African Americans. I know you're not ignoring Donald Trump's help for historically black colleges I'm sure you're not ignoring Donald Trump's criminal justice reform that Barack and Joe talked about but never got done. I know, I know the liaison to the African American his historically African American counturres universities. Personally, he's a good man. But the fact of the matter is our unemployment rate is still far above all the other races in this country, and our poverty rate is far above the other races in this country. We only make up twelve point four percent of the population, but our poverty rate is still at twenty five point two percent, and it's also higher in specific cities like a Republican city Miami, a Republican city Oklahoma City, a Republican city Fort Worth, Texas is still higher disproportionately for African Americans than whites. And when you start talking about trying to make Cardi b the step child for threats and violence, I'd like to direct you to the state of Michigan when conservative, white right wing protesters stormed the state capital with automatic weapons semi automatic You know, you know I Pastor, I love you, Pastor, but Pastor I was critical in that case too of people in tactical gear a very small number of people, and I said they had no business. Maybe legally they can do it, but it doesn't make it the right thing to do. When I was outspoken and I got criticized for it, but I get criticized pretty much for breathing, So I'm kind of used to it. And what I'm asking you is very specifically, Donald Trump said, record after record after record low unemployment for all these varying minority groups when we break down demographics, and you can't even say a good word about it. Alice Johnson gets out of prison and he did that, and Joe and Barrock did nothing. And then you look at the opportunity zones. He did that, Joe and Barrock did nothing, and you won't even say a good word about the guy. Is there anything Donald Trump? Is there anything Donald Trump has done that has been helpful for African Americans? Because if you can't say yes to that, I think you're just playing politics. You're distorting the economic growth that has been continuous in this country over the last twelve years. It has not just been because of Donald Trump's policies. Hey, pastor, this is your wheelhouse is the pulpit. My wheelhouse is politics illustration. My wheelhouse is politics. Your wheelhouse is the pulpit. Okay under Barack. Under Joe, thirty million more Americans after eight years on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, the lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, worst recovery since the forties, and the lowest home ownership rate in fifty years. Under Donald Trump, record after record after record. I know my politics, and you can't even acknowledge one good thing that Donald Trump has done that helped the black community. Not one. Look. I'm gonna tell you, tell me one thing. That's one. Look. We were critical of Clinton and the out of this crime bill. Joe supported it when when they added hundreds of thousands of more police officers and mass incarceration started. We were critical of the comments that Hillary Clinton made when she said that our sons and our daughters were super predators. Critical, but don't try. Don't. I know you know politics, but I know that you are also wise enough to know that the previous administration you cannot Adams, I thought the truth set us free. Pastor Scott, I just gave the truth about the Biden Obama record and the truth about the Trump record. He does he just ignores it. Yes, he will not acknowledge that truth, but he will say basically, yes, Hillary called a super predators. Yes, Joe Biden locked us up. Yes, Clinton locked us up. But so what, we're supporting them anyway? Yes, Donald Trump did have historic levels of unemployment. Yes, Donald Trump gave unprecedented money of HBCUs. Yes, Donald Trump has an urban revitalization Planet opportunities Owes. Yes, Donald Trump did criminal justice reform and prison reform. But so what, we're not going to support him anyway. He's it's a soul, what is m and so that doesn't make a legitimate at for him. More money. He's saying blacks make more money, but not as much money as someone else. But that's a subjective matter. That is subjective. You factor in the those that are on one type of expertise, uh, career expertise with another. You factor then maybe blacks don't make as much, but they still make more. First of all, Reverend, you sound like a fool when you start talking about that police brutality started under Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Oh, he never said that. He never said that on the show comments. That's exactly what he said that Ferguson Baltimore are Eric Gardner and all these other incidents happened under their watch. That's the truth. The truth will set you free. Reverend, I read that in a good books were never brought to justice. Excuse me because in charge in the Sandra Bland killing, and that our problems are the instances that these protesters today are referencing. They're saying after Eric Gunner, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice Freddy Great, that alast George Floyd is the last saw. So what I'm saying is, so those first five jaws were acceptable. That why wasn't Barack Obama called into account? Why wasn't Joe Biden called into account? Why wasn't that Justice Department, Eric Holder? Why weren't they called into account to do something when these people were killed? All right, as we continue our discussion, we'll get to your calls next half hour. Eight hundred and nine for one Shawn our number. The Reverend Charles Christian Adams Hartford Memorial Baptist Church pastor Darryl Scott, chairman Urban Revitalization Coalition, also the pastor of his church in Cleveland. What's your church again? I spoke at the pulpit, which was the worst moment in the history of the church. But anyway, I tried my best, pastor. But you know, I might have cursed once or twice. I didn't mean to do it from the pulpit. I was an accident. Hey, listen, I have a book coming out called Unlikely Allies in the soccer for a Better Black American, the name of a book of Nothing to Lose, And I talk about you in that book, and I said in it I give you a warning. I said in the book that I could see you being a preacher oh my gosh after oh my gor radio career. By the way, that statement in the book, So I'm warning you an e Van. Oh boy, by the way, Reverend Adams, you never invited me to your church number one? Why why don't you invite me to speak of your pulpit. I most certainly will you know, and you have me on record. But but justin for the record, and I'm not holding my breasting a little profanity. Personally, I think your political philosophy is more profane than your language. So if you curse the time or two, certainly won't bother you. But I don't think listen, I don't think all that. I don't think all the apostles that were fishermen, you know, they might have had salty language if they're like fishermen that I know today. And I kind of think when Jesus turned over the tables in the temple, he didn't actually, you know, use the maybe the maybe. Maybe his language was perfect because he was the only perfect human being, but I'm sure there was a little bit of righteous indignation behind it. Well, I think Peter might have had a few choice words when they he was by the fire, and that young lady accused him because once he saw customs, she said, no, he must not have been with Jesus, because they don't talk like Jesus. Don't talk like that. We could agree on that. Where Reverend Adams are? Where? Where are the guys in the pulpit? Why are they not out in the streets saying stop? I don't see enough of them. Maybe I'm missing it, but I don't see it many of them are. But what I've noticed is this is an organic movement. It's a grassroots movement, and it's one that has really moved beyond the traditional civil rights and political structures. And part of it is because the system itself is the problem, and a lot of our young people are viewing some of the oldest civil rights leaders as not radical enough and not ready to really change the pennings of the system. I have to go because of the constraints of time. Look forward to your book, Pastor Scott, Pastor Adams. I'm holding my breath waiting for my invitation to preach from the pulpit at at your wonderful church, Harvard Memorial Baptists, and I think I might surprise you. Um, I hope, I hope that invitation is coming. I would be there. Eight hundred ninety one. Shawn Tolfrey, number your calls. Next an amazing Hannity nine Eastern on Fox. Please set your DVR the best coverage available on television straight ahead. One of last night's victims an NYPD officer who police say was targeted in a hit and run. He's in serious but stable condition. He has a head injury and a leg injury from being hit by a car. A very violent night for police officer. Several attacks on those officers caught on video. In fact, dramatic video shows a sergeant struck by a black sedan. He is in serious but stable condition. The people in the car got away. Another officer beat up on the street, and in Buffalo, a suspect is in custody this morning after a police officer and a state trooper were hit by a car. Both are in stable condition. Buffalo is going to go onto a curfew after three police officers were hurt when an suv struck during rioting last night in the city. This happened outside a Buffalo police station. An suv crashed through a police line and struck two New York State troopers and a Buffalo police officer. One of the troopers suffered a broken pelvis and a broken leg. A seventh night of chaos across the country. Protesters in New York attacking police over night, bashing an officer over the head by a brick, sparking a stampede as comps draw their weapons. It's violent and destructive night in the Bronx. People not only looting, but setting fires and viciously attacking a police officer. Video captured the carfying moment another officer was hit by a car. Sights and sounds of horrific, horrific leadership. All right, as promise, We're gonna get to our busy telephones here eight hundred and nine four one sewn you want to be a part of the program, I'm uh, let's go to Jay in Wilmington in North Carolina. Jay, Hi, how are you? I'm glad you called? Hey, Sean, Thanks for what's going on here. I was just I would to say that I think it's reckless to go ahead and convict this officer of first degree murder. The video is one piece of evidence. It's a bad looking part the evidence. It's a tragic loss of life. But there's so many other factors that contribute. Well, listen, I'm just telling you. We now we talked to doctor Biden, right, we now know what he says. I trust him implicitly. I've known him. He's a foremost expert in in forensics and what he does, and he's been involved in many of these cases. Um, knowing what I know about the vulnerability of one's neck, knowing what I know about police training, Uh, you cannot do what this officer did and expect, frankly, any other outcome than we got here. And that's why officers are trained not to do what he did. And as far as the other officers that were there who knew what and when? I don't know, but if they did know and they can or if they can prove that they didn't see most of it or any of it, then they might not have a conviction. But you know, the odds to me nine we got eight straight minutes a videotape of that knee on that neck with that face you know, you know, push down hard into that pavement. That will kill anybody. And I'm speaking from seven years of training. I'm a student of martial arts, and I'm just telling you you can't do it. If I get you in a rear naked choke and I put thirty percent pressure, you're going to pass out right in my arms. You will, your legs will buckle, and you will go down to the ground in under fifteen seconds with a third of my strength being used. If I use my full strength, you're gonna go down faster. That's how dangerous it is when you get to somebody's neck. And I'm not even talking about a tray hold. You know, you've heard the term schlock somebody out right. You've heard that true when you know how to do it. I hate to say it, it's actually if if you have the person in the right hold, it's kind of easy to do. It's not hard to do. You can look it up. But today's cultured the streets, not the courtroom. If all these instances everyone's naming from the past, all these officer involved shootings, if the people would turn around going because have their day in court, we wouldn't be talking about none of these deaths. Well, I hate to tell you that there was very few people that were right about Richard Juel. I was one of them. Very few people write about Ducal Cross. I was one of them. Very few people write about the Cambridge Police. I was one of them. Very few people write about UVA. I was one of them. Very few people write about Ferguson Missouri. I was right there. I was right on Freddy Gray and the incident in Baltimore, and I warned people, not one of those cops is going to get convicted. Now. How do I know, because I work my sources. Now in this case, it's different because you cannot deny what your eyes see. What does your eyes? What do your I see? When you watch the seven straight minutes and fifty five seconds of that that knee on that man's neck with his face pounded into the pavement. What do you see? What do your own eyes tell you? It's never said that it's a tragic loss alife. I didn't ask you that. Tell me what you see in that scene? Tell it he's handcuffed, he's not resisting. He says he can't breathe, over and over, and he asked for his mother over and over. What do you see in that scene? For eight minutes and said, hey, enough, okay, you're avoiding my question, though I'm not trying to be a jerk. What do you see? What do your eyes show you? A man they had enough? Maybe everybody they need to maybe very common practice this day in time. Everyone that gets a knee on the back screams they can't breathe. A couple of weekends ago on Live PD and the officers they were pevered in la A a young black man with handcuffs. They were getting ready to put him in the car. He broke loose, almost ran out in traffic, office ran out in traffic. Yeah, listen, but once somebody's not resisting, once somebody is in handcuffs, and one somebody is is now screaming they can't breathe. You already have them in custody. You can't do what we saw here because if I am telling you, if you do that, if anyone does that again, you're gonna get the same result every time. You will get the same result every single solitary time. If if I have a targeted strike and I take you know, with the back of my hand, and I hit between right on the side of your neck, with the side of your job being part of the strike. If if my target, if I hit the target, you're going straight to the ground, and when you try to get up, you're gonna buckle and fall down again. Guaranteed. That's one one second strike. That's how sensitive your neck is. And police are trained that way, and if they're not, then they got to fix that. I don't think. I don't think police are trained enough at all, period. That's that's just a fact they don't. They don't get near enough training that we agree on anyway. I appreciate I'm not trying to be tough on your jay. It's just I'm angry. And I'll tell you the better part of my anger is you even see these cops now getting on knees and showing solidarity, you know, what they're saying. They're saying they didn't like what they saw. They're trained differently, that's what they're saying. They don't want to be out there in fights with the public. They signed up to protect and serve the public. Nobody, no cop that I know, goes to work ever hoping they're gonna kill somebody. Now are are Are there people that just are bad apples? Listen? Look at my industry. How many people do you consider to be good people in media? I don't. I don't have a high opinion of many people in my profession, And be honest with you, you have a high opinion of the media because I don't. Let me make one point on all these officers that are on TV and radio saying. One thing that really drives me crazy that they one thing they do cover in training. They all say this was a routine stop, a routine arrest over a counterfeit dollar bill or something. There is no such thing as a routine stop or a routine a risk. The day that you think that you've doing a routine stop or a routine a risk is a day that you go home in a body bag to your family. And these officers have the right to go home. I have total complete agreement and sympathy for cops and how dangerous their jobs are. They never know what they're gonna face in any given moment. It is a dangerous job. It is. But people that I know that go into this profession, and it is a profession, they do it not for the money. And even the police departments that you know, pay a decent amount of money, They're not doing it for the money. I promise you there are other ways they can make more money. They do it because it's a calling for them. Like people they medicine, it's a calling people EMTs, firefighters, those are calling. Good teachers, it's a calling, you know, good ministers, it's a calling you know, say what you will. The big mouth, I guess that's a calling of mine. Whatever. Because I wanted to do this and I didn't. Once I did it, there's nothing else I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Let me ask you one thing that officer. Can anyone tell me without a shadow of a doubt if there was an active shooter two days before that, he wouldn't have got in front of mister Floyd to protect him from getting shot. It broke up at the end, say it again. Can anyone tell me that that officer two days before, if there was an active shooter, would not have stepped in front of mister Floyd. I most cops I can say, yes. I don't know what to say about this. I don't know what this guy was thinking. I just don't. It breaks my heart. You know what, one bad cop. Look look at the impact it's had on the country. Look at the dirty cops involved in the deep state. Look at what they have done to the country. You know, one bad cop, one bad doctor, one bad teacher, one bad whatever. It always Unfortunately, it is so damaging because it damages the reputation of all the good, dedicated professionals. You know, I wear a flag pin with the FBI symbol in the middle because I know the ninety nine percent are good people that risk their lives for us save in the intelligence community. To have a CIA pin. By the way, the fact that people are talking so much about my Punisher pin cracks me up. Makes me laugh. It happens to be if you're interested in any of the Marvel products. If you look at Addition, and I think it's one twenty nine of the amazing Spider man. It is one twenty nine February. That was the introduction of the Punisher, which is the only R rated character in the Marvel line. Nobody seems to know that I appreciate it. Charles in Atlanta, WSP. What's up, Charles, how are you? Hey? Sean, great to speak with you here. I do training. I'm a law enforcement police trainer and we train. Core philosophy is on treatment and communication, skills of treating with dignity, showing respect, and that goes everything from the initial contact all throughout the interaction into the phase of stabilization and control. This is the court. Yeah, go keep going, sir. The core, you know, with someone that's being restrained, things that we need to be doing is communicating with them verbally, communicating that things are going to be okay. Listen to my voice, turn your head to the side, checking for signs for responsiveness, and making sure there's no obstruction in the airway. They need to know that we're there to care for them from the beginning of that verbal interaction throughout the physical alternative of stabilization and control. I'm just saying that cops are the professionals and these environments, you know, you're all right, You're right and all that you're saying. Cops have every right to feel, you know, the right amount they get they need, they need adrenaline training. One of the things that I trained with, for example, is you can't involve yourself in any physical altercation if you're attacked, if you can't take pain right, if you're not trained. We actually have as part of my training, well, it's called pain Day, where I sit there and I get hit. I literally I stretch out my arms and it gets pounded. I tighten up and I get hit in my core and it gets pounded. I get put on gear and I get slapped in the head hard. I get pounded. Part of my training, it's for cops. We don't do enough in terms of options other than oh let me reach for this crappy stun gun, which is useless. You know. I one day mentioned the burner gun, which is a gun that shoots tear gas and peppers, bray b y r NA, and I actually wish I invested in this thing. It's a great company. You can buy one on line night. I don't have any financial interest in it. But Bernard dot com, I think, is the website we'll put it up on Hannity dot Com. But I gotta tell you something. We need better alternatives than just picking up your side arm. We need better training in physical self defense and restraining people. But I appreciate what you do. Thank you, sir, eight hundred nine for one, Sean Tolfrey telephone number, amazing Hannity nine Eastern tonight. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. We still New York can't make up their mind. Illinois rejects the National Guard, these governors, these pathetic mayors. We have Rudy Julianni, We have Dan and Heraldo, ken Cuccinelli, Lawrence also, Leo Terrell, Larry Elder, Sheriff, Chris Swanson, and much more. All coming up, nine Eastern tonight, Say a DVR Hannity, Fox News Channel. Thanks for being with us, See you tonight. Back here tomorrow