Down To The Wire - 10.19

Published Oct 19, 2018, 10:00 PM

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity radio show podcast My Friends at My Pillow. My buddy Michael Lindell told me he was coming out with a brand new product. It's called the New Mattress Topper. So I got the New Mattress Topper immediately and I've been sleeping on it now for a couple of months. It's the best thing you've ever felt in your life. Now you literally have my Pillow foam for support. It's a transitional foam that helps relieve pressure points. And it's ultrasoft patented temperature regulating cover, and I gotta tell you has a ten year warranty, a cover that's washable and driable. It's made in the USA, backed by the sixty day unconditional money back guarantee. Once you try this new Mattress Topper, you put it right over your mattress, you will never sleep better. And right now, you, my radio listeners, you're gonna save thirty percent off when you go to my pillow dot com and use the promo code Topper. And by the way, Mike will also give you two standard my pillows absolutely free. All right, So try my pillow dot com promo code hopper, promo code topper with this great deal and the best night's sleep you ever had. All right, eighteen days to go gladuate with us Hannity on the road as we continue right down on to free telephone number. It's eight hundred nine for one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. Very proud, happy, excited. We will be in Houston, Texas tomorrow eleven am. If you want to join us. All the details are on Hannity dot Com. I'll be interviewing Rick Perry, the former governor Ted Cruz, who's in a battle against the beloved liberal icon. Now that they're trying, they're throwing tens and tens of millions of dollars from outside of Texas to support Beta O'Rourke, who can't even give a rational answer, Well, what are the high crimes and misdemeanors that you want to use to impeach Donald Trump? No, I'm just I'm with them. What have I been saying? A vote for any Senate Democrat is a vote for Schumer? The people. This guy is so out of touch with what Texans believe and who they are, and it would be. It's say you will get Chuck Schumer as your senator when we have one of the best senators in the US Senate today with Ted Cruz is a brilliant constitutionalist. He's fought hard and delivered on the promises he made for the people of Texas. He's the only guy to stand up and say, wait a minute, we made a promise on healthcare and filipbustering, and you know, then you got this guy Beato roar claiming his mom's a Republican even though she voted Democrat for the last eighteen years. You know a guy that's you know, he gets a dui and worse than that, he tries to run from the scene of a horrible accident he caused while he was intoxicated and then lies about it to the people of Texas. What is it with Democrats? Said, they all seem to have to lie to have any shot of being elected. Bretticon lying to the people of Tennessee, caught red handed by Project Veritas. Yeah, we're just saying publicly, we like we'd vote for cavanat we thought we'd never do that. No, don't don't worry. He's once he gets in he's gonna do everything you want. Don't worry about it. Claire McCaskill, same thing with her, caught red handed, and she's like, she's adamant, she's outraged this. We need an investigation because people caught us lying. We we can't have being caught lying. I hope the people in Missouri are paying very very close attention. By the way, so's fake news CNN gives this guy Beto O'Rourke an hour last night. Well he didn't even get a million viewers on fake news CNN. We had Rush Limbaugh on with me for the hour. We have a just shy of four million viewers. Beto the big star. No, but the whole country doesn't want to see him, never mind Texas. Pretty unbelievable story. And oh, in fake news CNN, they failed to even call him out. Were lying about fleeing the scene of an accident while he was wasted, you know, and or his legalizing narcotics view there's a genius for you. Unbelievable. He will be Chuck Schumer. It is. There's an article written. I don't know where I saw it. I don't know who this person is. Heather Wilhelms, the embarrassment, the embarrassing spectacle of Beatomania. Do you know they've sent nearly seventy million dollars outside of Texas money to unseat Ted Cruz. It's unbelievable. That's why I'm proud of him. I'm gonna be in Houston tomorrow. We're gonna be following this story. It's gonna be a town hall. I get to participate, by the way, which is nice. And Rick Perry's gonna be there on behalf of Ted, and I'm gonna be interviewing both of them. And it's gonna be in Houston, and all the details are on Hannity dot com. I hope that all our friends at ktr H. I hope that they can come on out. We'd love to see out there. It's gonna be at the DoubleTree Greenway Plaza. It's gonna be eleven Am Greenway Plaza, Houston, Texas. Then we're gonna be in Beaumont Town Hall there three thirty Edison Plaza. All details on Hannity dot com. I'm excited to be there, you know. But this one thing is true about this headline is it is an embarrassing spectacle, you know, and I'm telling you, I have the people are Texas are not going to put up with this. I know the people of Texas they're not. You know, you have what I think. They start early voting on Monday in Texas. Um, so that's coming to a head. I mean, barring a disaster, I mean it, all he is is it's like it reminds me of Obama in the sense that he's cool. Obta O'Rourke. It's it. It is a outside Texas phenomenon, not a tech only. By the way, this is a New York DC thing. This is a San Francisco, LA thing. He gets a full hour on fake news CNN. He can't even gonner a million viewers, that's all. That's not just Texas, that's the whole country. You know. We could have put it on shortwave radio and television. He could have done a Facebook live show or a Twitter live show and done better than a million anyway, So you know, and you know Texans, by the way, we have some examples there of people asking non citizens to register to vote. That's now becoming a big problem down in Texas. Oh. By the way, even MSNBC held Peter O'Rourke is a rock star. He could be the twenty twenty nominee. Yeah, try and get through ted cruise first. Good luck with that. But we're following all these races. Let me tell you where I think we are right now. I think the Republicans. I think between the caravan and that we now have coming towards US four thousand people strong that want to get to the southern border of the United States from Central America. I know that the Secretary of Homeland Security, Secretary Nielsen. I had an opportunity to call her office earlier today because I actually do real reporting on this show and get an update. Apparently, as of now there's full cooperation with the Mexican government that that's not gonna happen. But four thousand people still four thousand people? And what are Democrats? What have they resisted? They don't want a solution for the border problem we have where the opioids crossover human trafficking is occurring. You know they now are using these drug cartels. You can't say they're stupid, they're evil, but they're not stupid. They've been using and this is I can't even believe this is true. You know these drones that they fly with cameras above them, so they'll fly from Mexico of the United States along our southern border. They fly drones with cameras on them. And what they do is they map out where the border patrol where agents aren't so then they give like the perfect entry way where it's they're most likely to succeed in bringing in their heroin and their fentonol and drugs that are really being targeted towards your kids, your towns, your cities. That's how evil these drug cartels are and how desperate they are to be successful. Now the President, well he offered, Now he spent three and a half billion dollars so far, that's the only amount of money that has been allocated towards the wall, and he's spent every penny, but we need twenty five billion dollars total. You get the whole job done. That, impart, is what this election is about. It's also about a party that has given up any sense of honor and any sense of constitutional authority, that the rule of law that is based on our constitution, that would mean due process, that would mean equal access under our laws, equal application of our laws. And we know that they gave that up. Any sense of due process with Judge Kavanaugh, they wouldn't even give him the honor of the presumption of innocence even after an FBI investigation, the eighth one that he's had in his life. Well now they want a ninth one. But the way I see it eighteen days out is that we've got the Senate is looking better. Rick Scott has a slight lead now in Florida, but it's not big enough if you want. If you want, Rick Scott has killed himself and done such a great job for the state of Florida. Look at how this man is all hands on deck, doesn't sleep every hurricane. He's prepared to help out those that are victims. Amazing and maybe it doesn't have the most charisma in the world. They'll be the first to tell you that. But you know one thing, I'm a little sick of a lot of politicians with a lot of hot air and bs that talk a good game and just a into us, which is part of the whole democratic strategy. That's why Project Veritas catching Bretticon on tape and his campaign saying oh yeah, well, he's just saying he'll support Cavanaugh. He's not gonna support Cavanaugh. He's not gonna be He wouldn't really, I don't think so. But I was so confused because I just can't believe that he would actually vote yes like I would have wouldn't and but you say he wouldn't follow us. I don't know if that makes it worse for better now it makes it better, but it's still But what's the like, I don't understand what's to gain by fading yes? Is it because of the voters? So he'll lose voters? I says him. Tennessee that ignorant. The people of Tennessee are ignorant, according to the campaign of Phil Bretticon and they're just doing saying what they need to say to get elected. It's despicable. The same thing. Claire McCaskill's exposed doing the same exact thing. We're saying that. Do you think she's more progressive than she lets? Yeah? Yeah, alternative so she's a lot more open minded. So she's a lot more radical than what she says. By the way, there's a story that just broke on Claire McCaskill. This is going to be problematic. I see it on foxnews dot Com and the headline is her husband is accused by of abuse by his ex wife. Anyway, it was reportedly accused of domestic violence, and Missouri candidates u Claire McCaskill's husband accused of domestic violence, and his once a company once victim blamed a woman who sued for sexual misconduct. Oh, I wonder if she's gonna speak out like I've been waiting for to speak out on Keith Ellison. We'll keep waiting because we're not going to hear any of it. And we got, of course. Kamela Harris, other prominent Democrats, they slowly leak out what they want. Now. Maxie Waters revealed that they keep saying, they keep telling me, don't say it, just shush, We'll do it, but don't say it about impeachment. John Podesta's group saying just don't ever talk about immigration. Just get off the topic as fast as they ken and talk about anything else. Because they want open borders, they want sanctuary cities, they want amnesty, they want sanctuary states. They made a political calculation that that's gonna benefit them down the road. Kamela Harris, you know, literally and other Democrats are now saying they want their crumbs back. They want to repeal the tax cuts that have set off the booming economy we haven't seen that is setting records for decades, and she wants to stop it. She wants to replace the tacuts with cash payouts for the poor and working class. Well, fifty percent of taxpayers in America pay nothing. We already have free distribution. The crumbs that go to businesses and middle class Americans won two thousand dollars a month. It is impacting their lives and creating, you know, jobs that we thought weren't coming back to America. Four million new jobs since Trump selected eight million Americans out of poverty and off of food stamps, four hundred thousand manufacturing jobs created. And what do they want. They want to go back to Obama. Well, we're going to add another you know, thirteen million Americans to food stamps, and we're gonna put another eight million Americans in poverty. We're gonna have another eight years when we don't reach three percent GDP growth. We're gonna accumulate more debt than every president before him combined. That's what you want to go back to in eighteen days. I don't with only a kite, a house key, and hempstring Benjamin Franklin captured lightning in a bottle over two hundred and sixty years later. With a little resourcefulness, ingenuity, and grit, we're not only capturing energy from the sun and wind, we're storing it, ensuring Americans have the energy they need whenever they need it. Learn more about the nation's leader and energy storage at next Era Energy dot com. Ah yess, we roll along Sean Hannity Show eight hundred nine for one Shawn Tolfree telephone number. You know, with all the devastation damage that is down in the Panhandle in Florida, that's all these people have been displaced. The Panhandle usually determines the Panhandle in southwest Florida, Southwest Florida being Sarasota, Fort Myers, Naples, Florida. I mean, they play such a big role in Florida's votings, as well as the four Corridor, you know, Tampa, Orlando, everywhere in between. And because of course, then you have Palm Beach County, which you know, dimpled, timpled, you know, hanging, swinging, shattered, punch just Chad's if you remember back to that point. If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry. You don't need to know. That was the two thousand election. It went on forever. You'd see these guys with their what do you call those uh, what do you call not microscope magnifying glass? Looking well, was that really a vote for Buchanan? That was it At the time. As I look at the Senate, I'm worried about Indiana because you got a libertarian that is siphoning votes away from the Republican. By the way, that he's going to join us on Hannity tonight, and you take the libertarian component out of the polls and Joe Donnelly's toast in Indiana. You can't waste your vote on the libertarian. And I'm not trying to be rude. I love libertarians. I have libertarian positions. But the reality is it's they're not drawing any votes away from Donnelly. They're drawing him away from his republic Republican opponent. I think Heidi Hikamp deserves to be sent packing, and hopefully will John Tester can be beaten in Montana. Trust I'm telling you, I'm looking at the numbers Rick Scott ken Win in Florida. It's way too tight for comfort. You cannot elect Gillham in Florida as your governor. You will destroy the Florida economy. Marsha Blackburn will be a phenomenal She's an honest person, unlike that phony, that fake, that fraud Breticon. Same with Claire McCaskill. What a phony she is. And of course you've got the radical in Arizona cinema, Oh my gosh, anything else we're gonna learn about her hanging out with radical lawyers to defend the blind Shake, inviting them. You know, Oh, it's okay to join the talon, no problem, what when Arizona's are crazy. By the way, Dean Heller is a very important race. He needs support. Nevada will continue all right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred nine for one Seawan Tolfrey telephone number. We're on the road. We'll be in Houston, Texas tomorrow eleven am. We're hoping that you will have the opportunity to get out and join us as we're going to be in Houston at a town hall. I'll be interviewing Rick Perry and and Ted Cruz and be part I'm actually gonna be part of the town hall too, which is fun eleven Am, DoubleTree, Greenway Plaza. All the details are on Hannity dot com. A Beaumont town Hall at three thirty Beaumont, Texas at Edison Plaza. Ted Cruise dot com has their organization. I guess you need tickets for this thing. I don't know. I think it's it's all free, which is good. Just they're just town halls and um Anyway, I hope I can see you in Houston at all eleven o'clock tomorrow and Bowman at three thirty tomorrow. Look forward to seeing our friends down there. Maybe big time aj from Houston will show up. Hoping that that happens, that will make my month. So we have a Washington Examiner report. Looks like the wave of democratic violence and mobs is now getting close to home where I live. Long Island man arrested for threatening to kill two senators over the support of Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation of the Supreme Court. Man identified as Ronald de Rice of Smithtown, Long Island, left more than ten threatening voicemails at the offices of two senators who are not identified. According to the US Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York. It's about time we hold some people are responsible. Remember all the times we have these uprisings, looting, rioting. Remember remember what happened in Ferguson, Baltimore. You know, we never do We never follow up. We have all the videotape of everybody that's in there looting. We see there, well, they don't have a mask on, you know, we see their faces. We know we can find out who they are. We never follow up. I mean, if somebody's willing to threaten to kill a politician, I don't care if it's a Republican a Democrat, they need to be arrested and put in jail. You're not allowed to make threats and told all conservative groups you do no good to the conservative movement none if you're on tape acting like a lunatic, if you're out there causing violence, leave your hands in your pocket, keep your hands to yourself. You want to win, you can go out there in eighteen days and cast your vote. That's how our system works. Unlike Michael Moore. Uh and uh, who's the latest one? Oh, Rosie O'Donnell, Rosie O'Donnell. I mean just the following in the footsteps of Michael Moore and Alec Baldwin and did all the things that you probably knew about him when he was a elected. What I wrote on Twitter was we should impose martial lawn till we make sure that the Russians weren't involved in the final tallies of indicted thirteen Russians for election. And people were like, martial law, what's wrong with you? You're a lunatic. He wants to send the military to the border, so I would have send the military to the White House to get him. You're yucking it up there on NBC News, Tom Brokaw, you're proud of your network, A You're proud of NBC News. What has become us extraordinarily dangerous? As you can see the violence, the mobs ramping up violence as election day near as we got investors business daily, They've noticed the Democratic Party keep ramping up their rhetoric. You know, Maxie Waters, get a crowd, get your friends, you follow them, You follow them into grocery stores, department stores, gas stations, and you tell them they don't want it any anywhere anymore, you know, getting their face. Corey Booker says, kick him. Eric Holder says he can't be I don't want to play you know, Hillary Clinton, don't be civil. That's the environment they're creating. And you got, oh, this is my favorite. This was Time magazine, New York Times. Uh, their magazine. Just when you thought the left wing nuts couldn't get any nut of Yer magazine reporting a bunch of Trump hating nut jobs in Brooklyn, New York have turned to witchcraft in an effort to remove Brett Cavanaugh from the Supreme Court. What is it with the Democratic Party now? Witches Washington Examiner pointing out that Kristen Cinema and Arizona on top of you know, her saying it's fine to join the Taliban, and and while her opponent was fighting that war, Martha McSally rightly asking for an apology. You know, the same woman calling the meth capital of the world and people of Arizona crazy. That same woman, radical leftist inviting the Blind Shakes, radical attorney accused of taking messages from the Blind Shake to supporters that are also violent. I remember that case. Well, Andy McCarthy prosecuted that case. Anyway, a bookstore in Brooklyn is holding a public event to put a hex they use witchcraft against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's happening next Saturday night. If we have any witches in the audience, there you go. There's your opportunity. Larry Sabateau House Democrats are close to winning control of the House, he says, but the latest University of Virginia analysis shows the race is not a done deal. This is now. I would take this as you better listen or you're gonna wake up in nineteen days, or watch TV in eighteen days and see Nancy Pelosi's your speaker, he says. A race by race analysis of Democratic House target shows the parties close to winning the majority, but they don't have it put away in our judgment, said Kyle Condick, is the managing editor of Savada's Crystal Ball. In fact, district by district reviews show that the Democrats, in a worst case scenario, could be four seats shy of the needed twenty three to install Pelosi as speaker. That's how close it is. You can't say you weren't warned. That's how close these House races are. You vote for Pelosi, you vote for any Democrat. You're voting for Pelosi. If you don't show up. You're given a half a vote. To Pelosi, it was one day a year. You can't get your ass out of bed. Take the time and make it better government and keep progress going. You will get the government you deserve. Don't blame me. I'll fight if she's the speaker. I'll be here every day, fighting trying to stop whatever insanity they want to pull on the country, their endless investigations, their possible impeachment. I'm not sure this is so good. We go back to Texas a minute. It appears that Vicente Fox, so I once had a big fight with on Hannity, and he said, they're not illegal, they are migrants. I'm like, well, if you enter the country illegally and you don't respect for laws and sovereignty, that's the illegal. You're violating our laws. No, they're not law breaking. I'm like, yes, they are. They're illegal. Anyway, it appears Vicente Fox, the same guy that famously said the country will not be bleeping pay for President Trump's border wall, announced that quote great American, fantastic Democratic Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke, isn't that nice? The guy that doesn't want borders and American borders Security is supporting Beto in Texas. Will stay there for a minute. I'll be in Houston and Beaumont tomorrow. Might as well talk about more of them. But there's this caravan as we speak, So you know, there's a caravan of four thousand migrants from Central America fast approaching our southern border for a showdown. All because Democrats refused to secure the border. That's why we're in this predicament. And even after the President offered what a deal on Dreamers in exchange for the border wall, President spent three and a half billion. He needs twenty five billion to secure the whole border. This is what the Democratic Party wants. They made a political calculation. Open borders, you're gonna end up paying for the healthcare, education, criminal justice system. We've already paid billions and billions for years. And then on top of that, well, now we want sanctuary cities and sanctuary states, and we won't cooperate with Ice. How do you think Kate Steinley happened and so many others. As I sat in a briefing, ones would with former Governor Perry six hundred and forty two thousand crimes committed against Texans alone in a seven year period. By the way, Politico is warning the Democrats to prepare to be disappointed by Robert Muller's report. Trump's critics have spent the last seventeen months anticipating what some expect to be among the most thrilling events of their lives. Special Counsel Mueller's final report on twenty sixteen and the so called election interference Trump Russia collusion quote. They may be in for a disappointment. That's the word Politico got from defense lawyers working on the Russia probe and more than fifteen government officials with investigation experience banning from Watergate to this case. You know that means that's eighteen months your media has been lying through their teeth to you and creating hype and conspiracy theories and lies unbelievable on the issue of Kashogi. Look, I told you where I stand. I think this Washington Post journalists, and be very careful what you read, because there are people that are trying to rush to judgment in this case and demonize the guy that was killed, which is wrong at nobody deserves to get killed when you walk into a consulate. And the second thing that I'm watching is that you know people because Donald Trump's saying, Okay, I'm gonna We're gonna have due process. Mike Pompeo said, give them a couple of more days. But I think I know where this is ending. I think this guy was murdered inside that consulate. It was planned, it was plotted, it was schemed. And if you want my opinion, the same Saudi Arabian leaders that abuse women that I talk about, nobody else in the media talks about. They treat them like fourth class citizens. Same country that you know men need to give permission for the women, for their wives to travel abroad. The same country that tells women how to dress, The same country that wouldn't let women voter drive, The same country that gave Hillary twenty five million to buy hearse silence about the abuse of women, the persecution of gays and lesbians. They murder them for being who they are. Nobody Hillary took their money. I wouldn't take them, but I don't want to red scent from those people. Wouldn't take it in a million years. And in the same country that persecutes Christians and Jews, good luck building a synagogue or a Christian church in Saudi Arabia. Tell me how that works out for you. I don't think it's gonna work out very well anyway. King Salmon, the older king, who is a senior member of the Saudi royal family, has now ceded much of his authority to the Crown Prince Mohammed been Salmon now playing a prominent role because it appears that the Crown Prince is in deep trouble over all of this. Well, it might take. My guess is it's gonna come out he knew. Don't know for sure, but I'm betting he knew. I don't trust them at all. Mexico is now stepped up. They have arrested the caravan ring leader apparently, and they also now have put a lot of their troops along the their southern border to prevent this migration of four thousand people. And way, the director of the Organization of Pueblos in Frontenas, which is detained at a march in the southern border. He was leading this caravan of four thousand people. Mexico also, according to the Daily Caller, has deployed hundreds of federal police to stop the illegal caravan. By the way, this is our homeland security Secretary Nielsen and others doing their jobs, saying you're not going to allow four thousand people to march through your entire country to get to our border. That can happen. Fascinating editorial in The New York Times today urging Democrats to stage quote an intervention to stop Hillary Clinton. Member the New York Times editorial board urging Democrats to stage that intervention to stop her from speaking out before she does any more damage to the Democratic prospects in the mid term election next month. Anyway, the editorial board member Michelle Cottell, she's the one that wrote this. Anyway, She said Hillary has been a on a bit of a media tear the past few weeks, holding forth on both personal and political, and making clear that someone needs to perform an intervention before she complicates the life of other fellow Democrats. And then they have a former Hillary Clinton adviser saying there's a chance he wants to run again in twenty twenty. Great, don't you someday want to see a woman president of United Not you though, And I don't think I want lie in Pocahanas either, And what an embarrassment. One one twenty fourth Native American but for ten years, what did she's You're the first woman of color at Harvard University and at you Penn turned out to be one big lie. So that's the state of things. This House, the House of Representatives, right now, way too close to call. You vote for any Democrat any district. You're voting for Pelosi. That's it. You stay home, you're lazy, you can't get out and vote. Well, then that's a half a vote for Pelosi. You got bad news on election night. Look in the mirror, because you can blame yourself. These races are very, very tight. Same with the Senate races. You know you gotta support to Santas Rick Scott in Florida. Marsha Blackburn over the liar, the fraud preticent in Tennessee. Claire McCaskill, Time to go, she's another phony in fraud. Also now it reports today that her husband's now accused of abuse of his ex wife. You want Nevada to have the good service you've been getting the last six years. Keep Dean Heller. You can't elect Cinema the radical over Martha McSally, the war hero in Arizona Heide High Camp. She basically is Chuck Schumer in terms of House, she votes on everything. Same with John Tester, Joe Donnelly Indiana. You cannot vote for the libertarian Indiana if you want good news on election night. I'm sorry about the Libertarian, but he's all he's doing is creating a path for Donna let to stay in the Senate. All right, Hannity on the road, Gladow with us eight hundred and nine for one sean toll free telephone number. We're gonna look at the polls around the country. John McLaughlin, Doug Schoen join us later on Sebastian Gorka, Mike Glendell, Bill O'Reilly checks in today and much more, and we'll be in Houston and Beaumont all the information on Hannity dot com, Ted Cruise dot com. What's the combination of victories that has you winning the majority? Well, you know, I mean, it's neck and neck, as I said, and I'm not going to get into specific states, but across the board, we're doing better in places that we never thought we could where all over you name it, you name the state, we're doing better than we thought. You've already said even though that's not done, that you would to impeach and so according to the Constitution, that means that the president has committed the crime of treason, bribery, or a high crime and misdemeanor. Which one of those do you think the president has committed? I would liken impeachment to an indictment. There is enough there to proceed with the trial. But Nancy Peloso try and chuck him and the radical Democrats. They want to raise your taxes, They want to impose socialism on our incredible nation. Make it Venezuela, because that's what's going to happen. They want to take away your healthcare because you won't be able to have it, our country won't be able to afford it, Destroy your Second Amendment, and throw open your borders to deadly drugs and vicious gangs because plenty of them are coming across and a lot of drugs. Democrats have become the party of crime. It's true. Who would believe you could say that? And nobody even challenges it. Six hundred forty two thousand crimes committed against Texans. I sat through the security briefing with then Governor Rick Perry over a seven year period of time, including yes, very heinous crimes some murders, some petty, but real severe damage done to the state of Texas because of open borders. And as New Gingrid said, Yeah, there are two really big issues now impacting this race, and that is number one. The way the Democrats actor in Cavanaugh, no due process, no presumption of innocence. We got a caravan of four thousand people trying to make their way across our border. That's happening even as we speak. Chuck Schumer is absolutely lying when he says across the board Democrats are overperforming. No, they're not. They're not overperforming by any stretch of the imagination. They are. You know, Look, the hardest race for the Republicans to win in the Senate is going to be Indiana because he got a third party candidate, and if you vope with a libertarian, you're only gonna hurt yourself and hurt your state. And Joe Donnelly, a loyal Schumer supporter, is gonna win in that state. We heard from Beto O'Rourke. He sounds just like Chuck Schumer. We're gonna be And Beto o'rour couldn't get a million viewers. They gave him a whole hour last night on fake news CNN. He couldn't even get one million viewers to watch this ridiculous display of people outside of Texas throwing tens and tens of millions of dollars at a radical Schumer, you know, clone as if the people of Texas share those values. They do not, And then of course he had Beto himself. Oh, there's enough to move forward with the impeachment of Trump. It's over. But I still will be in Houston tomorrow. Rick Perry's gonna be with us. We're doing a town hall, and Ted Cruiz is gonna be with us. Details on Hannity dot Com. That's what eleven o'clock tomorrow morning, and you euston. Then we'll be in Beaumont, Texas at three thirty tomorrow, looking forward to that, and I'll be interviewing Ted Cruz and we'll be airing a lot of this on Monday. Obviously, CNN is they've made their decision who they're supporting, which is pretty fascinating. Anyway, We're just eighteen days away from these all important mid term elections, and what do we see. We see that Brettison has now been exposed this week in Tennessee as somebody that's is purposely lying to the people of Tennessee the same with Claire McCaskill. We see that Kristen Cinema is falling apart, I mean literally job. You know. She says, oh, it's fine to be uh, it's fine to join you know, radicals, and the Taliban actually said well, and by the way, this is the meth capital of the world, Arizona. By the way, you're crazy. And she has anti war rallies while her opponent, Republican Martha McSally, is out fighting for her country. That's not playing well, very very well right now in the state of Arizona. And you see that Heidi high Camp totally out of touch with the people in North Dakota. So see, there's a lot of pickups in the making there for the Senate for the Republicans. Tight race though in Florida, both for governor and for Rick Scott, who always does an amazing job for the people of Florida. Anyway, joining us to analyze where we are eighteen days out is our good friends, welcome back to the program. John McLaughlin and Doug Shone, polsters, both of them. John, eighteen days out, what do you see happening. Well, the House is still in playing the Republicans without a dat or fighting back. They have gotten more aggressive, but still it needs to do a lot more. And what's really amazing to me is the focus of you know, you're exposing the Democrats and what their agenda is all the time, but the focus of the Republicans really needs to be to expose Nancy Pelosi and what she intends to do. I think you played a clip earlier about Schumer in the Senate and he wasn't very specific about where they're going up in the polls, because the Republicans Postcavanaugh have have really done a lot better in the Senate polls that have come up. I mean, when you're talking about Arizona, mcsalley's now ahead by a little In Tennessee, the Republicans leading now decisively. So the Democrat opportunities to take over the Senate look like they're going off the table. And on the other hand, it looks like the Republicans are ahead in Missouri, They're they're they're running close races in Montana, Indiana, West Virginia. I mean even in New Jersey. It's turning into a competitor, which it's really looking like New Jersey might be a dog fight for Bob Menendez and the people in New Jersey have had it with him, and you know now his association with this Julian Epstein guy, that has now become an absolute verbal war between Menendez and his Republican opponent. Opponent and now showing up in the polls. Doug Showen, where do you stand eighteen days out? Well, I think we're America stands and think John and you were right. Unfortunately, I might add is that the Senate has moved pretty decisively Republican. I don't think that New Jersey will go all the way because it is a operationally democratic state, but the other states use site John, I think are moving in what I think is the long direction. I still have a chance to pull out Nevada and Arizona, but both of those have deteriorated about it from my perspective in the last week. I think Arizona in particular, but Dean Heller was in a very tight race for re election the Republican It was a two point race a week ago. Donald Trump goes in and now he's up by seven. And I saw the crowds. When I was out there, it was massive, but the crowd outside was even bigger than the one inside. Well, look, yeah, I was gonna say I've seen the same numbers, John, Please go ahead. Yeah, no, I'm saying absolutely. I mean, the President is motivating his base, and the Republicans need to embrace that because nationally, when he won, he had sixty three million voters, and when the when the mid terms occurred, we only get ninety million. Pe usually out might be a little more this time, but it won't be as big as the one hundred and thirty nine millions who showed up in twenty sixteen. So if you can get the sixty three million Trump voters motivated that they're coming out again, which the Kavanaugh hearings did and it appears to have backfired, particular Senator Schumer and the Democrats in the Senate. If you can motivate those Republicans to come out, those Trump voters, those independents and Democrats has supported them, they have a very good shot at gaining Senate seats, and it's probably the only shot they have of winning the House. That and going after Nancy Pelosi, the idea of stopping Nancy Pelosi the most unpopular. Let me tell you what I'm saying on radio on TV. If you vote, I don't care what congressional district you're in. There are four hundred and thirty five congressional districts in this country. In any of those districts, if you vote for any Democrat, you're voting for Pelosi. If you stay home, it's a half a vote for Pelosi. And the same in the Senate. If you're going to vote for Tester and mccaskell and Cinema and against Dean Heller and Donnelly, and you're gonna vote for you know, Brettison, who's just a phony fraud to the people of getting caught on tape being it and not put Marsha Blackburn in. You know, you'll get the government you deserve. But you're really electing and voting for Schumer because they're gonna they're gonna tow the line with Pelosi in the House and tow the line with Schumer in the Senate. That's you know, and what do we know that they want? They want to impeach the president, they want endless investigations, they want to raise taxes. They're actually saying that they're hiding the impeachment, begging Maxie Waters not to say it anymore. John Podesta's Center for American Progress is saying all Democrats should not talk about immigration because they want open borders, sanctuary cities, sanctuary states, and elimination of ICE, and they want to keep Obamacare. That's not that didn't work for eight years, Doug. And you know what why Donnelly, who is holding a bit about leading Indiana, is saying keep Ice. He is saying build the wall, and he's saying no impeachment. Which so the only reason he's surviving and not down by five or six now is because you got a libertarian in that race that is polling at nine percent. You take the libertarian out, Joe Donnelly is history in Indiana. Well, I wouldn't be so sure, Shan, but he is running where Democrats need to be, in the center. And if we were a centrist party rather than a leftist party with new leadership from top to bottom, I think we'd be doing a lot better. I think you'd probably agree with that, Sean. How is it possible the Democrats hold on to Pelosi and Schumer? How is it it is a phenomenon. To me, the one word answer sean known as money. So she's raising enough money. Yeah, and so is Schumer. That's what it's all about. And he's absolutely right. Because when we asked in September in a national pull that I did with pacadel when we asked voters, if the Democrats take over Congress, do you want Answy Pelosi as speaker again, only twenty three percent of all voters said yes, fifty six percent and said no. But then when we asked them about the fact that, you know, if you know that they're accepting that these candidates are accepting millions of dollars that they're raising for their campaigns from Nancy Pelosi, will they owe their votes to her? Agreed with that statement. Only twenty nine percent disagreed of all voters. So they, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer hold the mortgage on these candidates. And let me tell you, for for someone who's involved in congressional races right now trying to defend Republicans, the Democrats are pouring millions of dollars into the races right now. What impact all these tapes Republicans? I mean, Project Veritas released two tapes and They are stunningly, you know, revealing in terms of the willingness of campaigns to purposely organize a campaign to lie to the people of Tennessee in the case of Bretticon, to lie to the people of Missouri, in the case of Claire McCaskill, to say one thing privately another thing publicly. It tells me Democrats to win, they have to. They can't expose who they are if they can't talk about impeachment, which they want. They can't talk about immigration and being told not to talk about that. They can't talk about raising taxes even though they want that. They can't talk about obamacarey even though they want that. I mean, what kind of people are they if they have zero sense of honor, honesty, character, and integrity. Hope you exempt me from being I do exempt you. But you know what, nobody's been listening to you, because if they were listening to you, we'd have a whole, entirely different slate of candidates, and frankly, the Republicans wouldn't have a shot this year. Well, thank you, I think that as a real compliment. Well it's a fact. I mean they've gone so radical left. Oh yeah, listen your your style of Democrat. Listen, this is a party that kicked out Joe Lieberman. Joe Lieberman is one of the most decent man ever. You know, he's very, very tough. It was great on national security issues, horrible on social issues. Nicest person in the world. But he's not left enough for the Democrats, and they threw him out and he's came back in one. But I mean it says everything you need to know about the modern radical Democratic Party of Schumer and Pelosi. Democrats would be better with that. Bo Yeah, all right, stay right there. We'll take a break and we'll come back more. Doug Shown and John McLaughlin our posters. Next half hour. We got a lot more to get into later on. Mike Lindell and doctor Sebastian Gorko will join us. Bill O'Reilly's going to check in with us today. His book skyrocketed right to number one on the New York Times list in week one. Congratulations to him. Hannity tonight, nine Eastern, we got an awesome show for you, and then we'll be in Houston, Texas at eleven am tomorrow interviewing Ted Cruz, Rick Perry and doing a town hall. Also a town hall in Bowman at three thirty. All the details on Hannity Com. We'd love to see come out if you have time tomorrow in Houston and Beaumont. A right, as we continue with Doug Shane and John McLaughlin. All right, eighteen days out, we don't have a lot of time. We got a minute prediction. So what's gonna happen in eighteen days? John McLaughlin, We're gonna pick up Senate seats the House. I still I'm not ready to make a prediction yet, but we can hold it if we raise, if we have a very aggressive two weeks where we make the case to stop Felosi on the issues that you've laid out about open borders, taxes a week, are Americans, She's really she's the target Senate Senate. I think we pick up Florida, Missouri. I believe we keep Tennessee. Marsha Blackburn as will be an amazing senator. We pick up Arizonas and Martha McSally. Dean Heller holds on Heide high Camp is out test too close to call the Libertarians killing the Republican in Indiana. Joe Mansion probably stays house too close to call Doug. Yeah, I've got I am a little bit more optimistic on the Senate than you and John, but I really recognize that the Republicans are gonna pick up one or two seats and there's no chance of a Democratic winning the Senate the House. I think the Democrats will get twenty six twenty seven. The seats will take control, but more narrowly than people had anticipated when they were talking. We can prevent that. That's you're talking four seats stacking. Wow. All right, thank you both. We'll have you back eighteen days to go. We'll be in Houston, Texas tomorrow town hall interview with Ted Cruz Rick Perry eleven o'clock details Hannity dot Com. On the other side, we will continue Bill O'Reilly's next Hi twenty five now until the top of the hour Sean Hannity Show. We're on the road tomorrow. By the way, we will be in Houston, Texas, who doing a town hall interview with Rick Perry, former governor and now Energy secretary and also Senator. Ted Cruz is going to be part of the town hall interviewing him. It's at eleven o'clock in Houston tomorrow. Then I'll be in Beaumont, Texas at three thirty tomorrow, same cast of characters and other town hall more interviews and a lot of fun. It's open to the public and it is free, so all the details up on Hannity dot com. We welcome back to the program Bill O'Reilly with a big congratulations to him as we had him on. I told you I picked up his new book, Killing the SS The Hunt for the Worst War Criminals in History, and it has debuted now number one on the New York Times bestseller list, the whole killing series that he has put together. It's nonfiction, by the way, when you look at it is the most successful, biggest selling group of three books that have been written and sold in history as well. So you can get it on Bill O'Reilly dot com and Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere, and we have it up on our website Hannity dot com. Uh, congratulations to you. So that's a that's a testament to how great this book series has done. And I told you I couldn't put the book down. I've now finished it. It's amazing. Thank you very much for reading it, Honey. I know how busy you are. You have to fight lots of bad guys. So the fact that you book is really a compliment to me. Thank you. No, there's there's not lots. There's like millions of bad guys. You know, people don't know. I mean, Hanny and I, uh, we go way back, and we started at the Fox News Channel. It was basically not this way in America. The hate wasn't nearly as intense. You'd agree with that, right, It's never been this bad. So what happened was that as a Fox News channel became more successful, um and the country's ordered to fragment than individual people like Hannity and me and Laura Ingram, we became targets and we are lives changed. I mean, remember going and I'm sorry I'm telling your audience this, but I have to. I remember going to see a Tom Jones concert. Hanny and I are sitting there in his second round. Do you know how humiliating this is that? You know, we were both speaking at a restoration weekend of the Atlantic City and Atlantic City and then it was just in the beginning, right, Tom Jones had no idea who we were, and women were throwing stuff at him, and then it was horrible. We throw snow cones at him. It was horrible, and I'm like, listen, he's a great performer. But we were like bored. Oh, there's nothing to do. Oh, here's free tickets to go see a show. We walk in and it's Tom Jones. Jones. It's not unusual. It's not unusual. That's right. I'll tell you what what motivates me. And you know my background and I know your background, and in many ways it's similar. I'm a paperboy at eight, a dishwasher or twelve, a cook, at thirteen, busboy, bartender. Then I painted houses, framed houses, did roofing, laid tile. That's another decade of my life. That's two decades of my life doing real work. And but this is what's happened is we are now not only not only demonizing people we have differences with, as Hillary says, you can't be civil, we are now criminalizing differences. You know, the whole witch hunt issue that the President talks about, where the power of intelligence forces used to stop one candidate that they protected from the law, who broke who committed kept felonies, lying to FISA courts with unverified information one opponent pays for and then disseminating it with a media strategy to make it look like something happened that didn't and after that, you know, two years of investigation. They want to destroy people they disagree with. That is the modern left today. I don't want to destroy anybody. I don't want to boycott anybody. I don't want people, you know, I want everybody has a choice. I can't make people watch Hannity or listen to this radio show. I do the best programs I can and people have all the power. But that's not enough for these groups. No, because they can't win. They can't. They can't win on the electoral basis. We saw that with Donald Trump defeating Hillary Clinton. That was the last straw for the George Sorosuas and the far left. The media matters all of these people once they went down in the presidential election that all of them thought they were going to win because they had the media in their pocket and still do. Then they said, you know what, we got to abandon the free marketplace. We have to now go and assassinate people. And this is very similar what happened in Germany. You know, I'm bringing it back to the and by the way, you're not saying that. You know, it's funny I saw some press. You're not saying that that that people today are like Nazis killing people. What you're saying is that there are similar lying the propaganda, misinformation, demonization. Very different from saying that there are death camps. I mean, look, that can't happen in America, thank god, because our structure is still in place to prevent anything like that happening. But I'll tell you what, Antifa no different than the say George Soros behind the scenes with tens of millions of dollars all right, funneling it into agencies that are bent on destroying human beings. When we talked about this last time I was on a program, what happened to Brett Kavanaugh. Every American should pay attention to that, because if that guy can go down on uncorrobat, uncorroborated, then anybody in this country can. And as you Riley pointed out, they tried it with Trump on the Russian collusion that's collapsing all over the place. The Fusion GPS guy without that dossier taking the Fifth Amendment now won't testify. What does that tell you? Okay, so you know we're living in a dangerous time. Let me add something to this. You're I'm agreeing with you. What really got exposed to me that scares me a lot? And there's two things. One is we have a dual justice system. We don't have equal justice or equal application of our laws visa v Look at Hillary Clinton. She the biggest obstruction of justice slam dunk case ever. But the problem here is we had one party literally before the American people you mentioned Kavanaugh abandoned all principal constitutional law and the and literally core values that have served us so well, which are due process, the presumption of innocence. The Republicans, for the first time in their life, did something right. They handled it with the seriousness the topic deserves. They were thorough, They did it right, and at the end of the day, there was no corroboration to the allegations being made. And now we see people like what Eric Holder kick him. We can't be civil, Hillary Clinton getting their face, Corey Booker or Maxine Waters. You see these cabinet people, you get a crowd and you follow them into into grocery stores, department stores, gas stations. Can you tell them we don't want them nowhere anymore? That's what she said nowhere. It's amusing that you ran down the list and we could add ten more. And then Trump goes to Montana and makes a joke, a joke about the Republican candidate for Senate there Um slam dunking a reporter, you know, and it was obviously said in jest, and the press goes wild crazy. Yet all the things that you pointed out are somehow overlooked. It's not overlooked. They they don't. Yeah, yeah, well, because now they're in concert. The American media is in concert with the Democratic Party, and that's I don't think that's ever happened before in this republic, where the eighty percent of the media now is promoting a political party. So it's gonna be fascinating to see the backlash in the election coming up in November. I do believe there will be one. I don't know the extent of it. I don't think anybody does. I think anyone that says they know, I doesn't know. I don't think a lot of people saw what happened on twenty sixteen. I said it's absolutely possible that Donald Trump is gonna win. Then then the five days on the factor five days before he was going to win because people didn't like Hillary Clinton and they were going going to stay home or vote against her. And that's exactly what happened. But I want to I just want to reinforce this because I know you can't say it on your TV and radio show, but what you know, you say it, then they're gonna attribute it to me, and then I and thanks a lot, Hannay, let's O'Riley say the stuff you won't say. You have no idea what I'm going to talk about it, because nobody ever does, and nobody tells me. I don't even think you or me either know what we're gonna say, but before it comes flying out of our mouths No, but what will you do every day? I mean, you're you're putting in four hours a day doing commentary and then you have to go home. But you have to have unbelievable security surrounding you. That should never happen in a free society. You're not the only one I talk about it, right, you tell but look what they've done. Look what they've done to the pr on and the conservative commentators are all in danger. And and this is you know, to me, I'm saying to myself, it's got to be exposed, number one, and it's got to stop number two. And you can't have people telling h emotionally disturbed individuals hey surround them when they're in the restaurant. I mean that should be Maxie Waters should be investigated by the Ethics Committee of the House just for saying that bill. We have seen now in two major cities many riots breakout. We have two politicians, Republican candidates in Minnesota have been punched. The guy was cole cocked in a restaurant, got hit from behind and he's got a concussion and the healing time is a minimum now of six weeks. One of the people that were punched was a woman. Yeah, you know, look at Pambandi's secretary, Nielsen, Sarah Sanders, Ted Cruz's wife, Heidi. Now we're going after women and children. Look at what's been said about Milania Avanca on a level of cruelty that I've never seen. And by the way, unfair Milania. She is one of the most lovely people you'll ever meet. Same with Avanca. And where where are the spokesman on the left condemning this? See they won't use the mob. Word, Well, what is antifa? Okay? You're not gonna say the word mob? Now, if we're the tea Party, Hannity, you know damn well, CNN would be saying a word mob. Okay, but what exactly are those people in the clad in black with masks on? A gang? All right? Maybe a gang all right, but they're organized and they're out to hurt people, and you don't care. You're not going to use the word mob. Come on. I'm worried in many ways that we're losing the country. We're so divided, and I don't think ram Paul is too far off. I mean, this is the canary in the coal mine, a preview of coming attractions. If this continues, somebody's gonna get killed or severely injured. It's it's with that close now, it's like a tipping point. You can see it on the horizon. I don't want it to happen, by the way, and I will say to any conservative, keep your hands in your pocket, and just because you disagree with somebody, be respectful. Respect don't do it. Don't go down to that leable. Look, we've already had the shooting into softball field. You're right, which was undercovered by the national press. You know, Steve Scalise. Everybody who watches Fox News knows the story. But if you just watched MSNBC, you would know Steve Scalis as you would happen happened to him. Um, so you're right, And that's what I'm talking to you about today. And I'm trying to I want to hang on one second, um, because I want to talk a little bit about your book. That's called Killing the SS The Hunt for the Worst War Criminals in History. It's on his website, Bill O'Reilly dot com, Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. All right, just play a little bit. This is so humiliating by the way O'Riley has to expose this unbelievable. It's not unusual up to have fun with anyone, but in truth, he's an amazing performance. Yeah. And man, people don't know that I had to talk you out of getting a permanent like he has. You know, No, I was thinking to get in the face work because obviously we're both getting up there in years. So I read your book and I finished it, and um, what I'd learned from the book is the effort of the world and how hard it was to track down these Nazi war criminals. I mean it took decades. Yeah, because at the end of the war, the United States was facing Stalin and the Soviet Union and they didn't want to basically go back to the Nazi thing. They had defeated them. So Patton, who was occupying the southern half of Germany, he didn't care what was going to happen to the SS. So they got away, and they scattered, and they were helped by the Red Cross, which is based in Switzerland and neutral country, by legending CIA people who wanted the SS to spy on Stalin, and by members of the Catholic Church for reasons that are just almost impossible to comprehend. Maybe they didn't know how bad the concentration camp stuff was in nineteen forty five, forty six. Tell you what, I wish we could tell the whole story, but we're just out of time. Bill O'Reilly's new book it's called Killing the SS, The Hunt for the World's Worst, for the worst war criminals in history. But I will tell you, looking at modern day Islamic radical groups al Qaeda, that's evil in our time, and then it exists all right. Congrats Number one New York Times Bill O'Reilly dot com. Thank you, Bill, appreciate eight hundred nine for one. Sean Tolfree telephone number will continue coming up next our final news round up and information overload Hour at Stake. And I've been trying in I don't know how many ways to explain to my audience why it's different now than it was fifteen years ago or twenty And I do it by trying to analyze who the left is, what they have become. I'm naive in many ways, and I might take a little objection to rushby and naive. You will you tell me if this is naive. I look at what happened during the Capital hearing. You just describe Rison and stuff to Susan Collins. We looked at the literal mob behavior that was inspired, bought and paid for by the Democrat Party. The media encourages it. In my naive world, that behavior would secure the biggest landslide defeat a political party has ever had. In the same world where decent people of the majority that would be rejected out of hand, it wouldn't even be considered relevant, and the people of this country would want to get rid of that as quickly as they could, but yet it may be close to fifty percent of the country. Fact of the matter is, since Barack Obama, the Democrat Party has been losing elections, starting in two ten mid terms Tea Party, all the way up to twenty and sixteen, the Democrat Party has lost twelve hundred seats national, state, local, if account all the way down to dog Ketcher, they've lost it. They'd they have the least amount of electoral political power in Washington since the twenties. Where is this blue wave? Where's the evidence that people can't wait to vote Democrat? The evidence is that they're doing the exact opposite. Trump is out there continuing to do the things he did that won him the election twenty sixteen, all of these rallies, and they have been unable to get rid of They've thrown everything at Trump that usually gets rid of Republican opponents and nothing has worked. And they're just frustrated as they can be. And I think they're so overplaying this and they're going way beyond the bounds of anywhere near propriety. But they think most Americans want to be encouraged do mob like behavior, getting people's faces. I don't think we've lost the comfort to the extent that that wins elections. All right, that was Rush last night on Hannity the TV show. Don't Forget. We're gonna be in Houston and Beaumont, Texas tomorrow. We're interviewing Ted Cruz and we're doing rallies. He's doing a rally and we're doing a town hall and hopefully many of you will put all the details up on Hannity dot Com. You can find it there. So if you're in the Houston Beaumont areas, we will be seeing you tomorrow. The look Russia is right on a lot of thinking here and the Kavanaugh caravans, as new Kingrad said yesterday, you know, we got four thousand migrants now trying to make their way to our southern border. And what happens if they get there? What in two weeks, you know, before election day. We're now just eighteen days away from election day. Then you've got the treatment of Kavanaugh. What did we learn about the Democratic Party? No due process, no presumption of innocent smear, slander, besmirchment, and bludgeoning. That is your modern Democratic party. They spend two years trying to bludgeon this president, undermine his presidency. With the help of a lot of deep state actors we have been able to expose in the course of the last two years. It's unbelieving. These are unbelievable times we're living in now. When I say to everybody, if you vote for any Democrat in the House, you're voting for Nancy Pelosi, this is not hyperbole. They'll vote for Pelosi. They'll vote with Pelosi if you send back to the Senate somebody that just lies to the people of Missouri. Claire McCaskill, if Tennessee would ever be foolish, and if I'm worried, I saw a pull today Marsha Blackburn down by one in Tennessee. You can if you send Breticon he's on tape with his staff saying that we're just lying to get elected. They don't even care about the people at Tennessee. People at Tennessee. I lived literally ninety minutes south of Nashville, spent a lot of time in Nashville in my life, and I know the people of Tennessee good honest, decent, hardworking, law abiding, tax paying citizens that serve their families, their God, and their country. That's Tennessee. They're not used to being manipulated and lied to by the Schumer machine. You vote for against Marshall, you vote for Brettison, You're voting for Schumer. You vote for McCaskill, you are voting for Schumer. You vote for Cinema, you're voting for Schumer. You vote for Nelson. In Florida, you're voting for Schumer. After all Rick Scott has done for Florida. Rhonda Santis will stop of forty state business tax, which will destroy the Florida economy a disaster. You know, the same thing. Heidi Hikamp another one. She's not representing North Dakota and values. Nor is John Tester. They represents Schumer values. Joe Donnelly, by the way, that's libertarian, is muddying the waters in the great state of Indiana. And then we got one of the greatest, strongest, best candidates this cycle, John James and Michigan. I know he's behind, but I would love he would be a rock star future leader of the entire conservative movement in a war hero fought served as country, successful businessman, I mean as smart and tough, just what we need. And we have other races we're watching, but those are the main ones. But in the House especially, we can't keep track of all four hundred and thirty five. We're trying to. On my website Hannity dot Com, we have the top seventy House races that matter, and if you have time, I hope you'll spend the time to look at it. Anyway, joining us Now News Round Up Information Overload hour here on the program. We'll take your calls in the next half hour. But we have Mike Lindell. You know. Mike's, of course as the inventor of My pillow and then my pillow topper. But he's been traveling the country defending Donald Trump and trying to help Donald Trump with these House and Senate races. Been a long time friend of mine, has probably the most compelling personal redemption success stories I've ever heard in my life. Doctor Sebastian Gorka is with us former White House adviser his brand new book, Why We Fight, Defeating America's Enemies with No Apologies. We have that linked on Hannity dot Com and it is a necessary book in these horrible times we live in. Welcome both of you. Mike, what have you been doing. I know you've been. I know you were in Minnesota recently. I know where that's. You have your factories there, you have your workers there. But you've also been traveling the country fairly extensively. Yeah, it's been. It's been a busy week. I was just with Laura Trump. We did an event in Minnesota fundraiser and for all you know, I'm working hard for Doug Wardlow against Keith Ellison and Jeff Johnson our governor, and Karen Halsey for Senate or Karen Halsey. And then we have um, Jared Jason Lewis. Just visit my visit ye. Jason Lewis, by the way, is a very popular talk show host in Minnesota. Look, I feel good about the Senate. But you know, I could sit here and make all the predictions I want, just like these idiots on TV that have been telling us for a year. I always believe that the media wants to depress any sense of hope that people won't show up. That's not the case we know in twenty sixteen. Um, but I think now Kavanaugh caravans and the exposed lies and the real agenda of the Democrats, they're trying to hide. They have to lie to win. That's that's the saddest part of that party. No, it is. And not only that, but the radicals have taken control of the Democrat Party. When you have people like Maxi Moore is saying harassed members of the Trump administration, then you know the lunatics have taken over the silent But sure, let me let me give a sense. What do you say at the beginning of your show. Let your heart not be troubled, Let your stories. No, no, no, let not your heart be troubled? Right right, all right? I was in Florida last night for a battleground event with your buddies, you know, Mike Gallagher, Hughes, Hewett, Kaylee mckin great friends. Mike and Hugh were good friends of mine. Right, So we were there with Kaylee from the GOP and we had about eight hundred people in the theater and Hugh does something really funky. He said, can any everybody who was a registered Democrat who voted for Trump please stand out? Sean, It was almost half the auditorium. Everybody's worried about this caravan coming through from Mexico across our border. I think Donald Trump has created a new Republican caravan of people from every walk of life, every social stratum. And I think what happened in twenty sixteen is going to happen on overdrive in two and a half weeks time. We've got to have faith and we can't allow the fake news industrial complex to get us down. We've got to get out that to vote. We're going to take our friends to vote. Listen, it's gonna be really simple. But you're either gonna be happy the night of election night, you're gonna be sad that night, or you it's gonna be mixed results. And my answer is, why don't you go and win it all? I'm not sick of winning. And the fact that think of what Trump can do is if Muller is now leaking that this thing is now coming to an end and there's no Trump Russia collusion, which I've been telling everybody for two years. So what now? We're going to hand the reins of power over to Nancy Pelosi, Maxie Waters and Gerald Nadler and Chucky Schumer got to help us. It'll be endless investigations, impeachment and again progress. What do they want to do? Take their tax cuts back? Mike, does that help your employees to lose their tax cuts? No, I'll tell you Sean, the you know when you talk about By the way, I'm finished, I'm doing the rally on Houston with the President. We're meeting at the White House. Is coming week for the opiate crisis and the all these good things that are still to come. I tell people all the time, you know, remember we did that one hundred days after the president was in power. People asked him on that tour we did. People ask me all the time, what can we do to help our president? I said, you know, pray for his wisdom, discernment, and protection. Well, now, back then we all went on faith when we voted for him. Now you have absolutely, we have absolute proof. Look at this is amazing, all the great things he's done. You should be able to go out and tell your friend's family and everybody not. You know, you can do more than just pray. Now, get everybody out to vote. If everybody gets out and voted to vote him in him, every every state will turn read, every every person will be voting Republican. It'll be awesome. Well, are we better off than we wore two years ago? Is my pillow dot com better off. You know, sefteen hundred employees, all American workers, all jobs in Minnesota. UM and your business and next is booming. So my best day is today, Sean. Every day people ask me, when's your best day? I've ever my pill It's always the day we're sitting in and all my employees. What I see now in Minnesota is that confidence we've never had before with my employees. We've and my Pillow, we've had the higher wages and we've had this uh you know, we let people go out and try different things and they can come back right where they left off if they want to. But we're seeing that with all the other companies too. Now. I'm in a big manufacturing area. We have four hundred thousand square feet of warehouse and the rate the wages are rising now because everybody's there's a there's a competitive of snow where where our black unemployment Minnesota is at a seventeen year low, and Hispanic unemployment and it's just amazing things are going on and under and the regulations, the stuff that has been uh that has been taken back, and that's helped us too. We're able to do things that the inner city stuff we're doing now that I'm doing with my foundation and my recovery network. I'm seeing these things. It's just everything's changing, you know. I want to just tell people very quickly, when we come back and you have given your testimony, a lot what people may not know about Mike before you ever created My Pillow is going to blow your mind. And I'm gonna let Mike tell you about that story. Also, don't forget doctor Gorka's book. It is such a necessary message at this time why we fight defeating America's enemies with no apologies. We put it up on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. As we continue. Mike Glendel, the inventor My Pillow, also the brand new My Pillow top part. It's like sleeping on a cloud. But Mike has travel in the country on behalf of all of the Senate and House candidates in these races. We're gonna be in Houston and Beaumont, Texas tomorrow Houston at eleven am, three to thirty in Beaumont. Details Hannity dot Com. Doctor Gorker also writing his new book. It's really a morton message why we fight defeating America's enemies with no apologies. So Michael Lindell, I'll let you just you know, we don't have a lot of time. We got about ninety seconds. Tell people where you were for twenty some odd years of your life. Yeah, it was a crack cocaine addict and to the point where the drug dealers get an intervention on me in two thousand and eight and said I couldn't buy crack anywhere. I've been up for fourteen days. And they came back. They said, you know, you always tell us that someday you were going to come back in this and your pillow was just a platform for God, and you will come back and help us someday. And we're not going to let you die on us. And and well that's all come to fruition now. And I quit everything January sixteen, two thousand and nine, and now I'm coming in. I'm setting up this some amazing it's called the Lindell Recovery Network and my foundation Sean I'm actually speaking this Saturday. Took two hundred and fifty thousand millennials telling that story in Dallas, Dallas Speedway, Texas Speedway. And that's seven o'clock Saturday, night's called a pulse. Even if you go to my foundation right now, we're actually, uh, we're gonna I'm getting I gotta go quick. What's your foundation? Where? What's the website the Lindelle Foundation. We're gonna link the Lindelle Foundation on Hannity dot Com and that's this Saturday. And we'll also put up doctor Gorka's book. Guys, Thank you both. What you're doing. You're literally putting on all your real work aside try trying to help get people elected. Thank you. All Right, we got to take a break. We'll come back. I will see a lot of you in Houston tomorrow morning, Beaumont, Texas tomorrow afternoon. Details Hannity dot Com when we come back our Friday Florida, Georgia, Line, Zach Brown concert series, and Mike Bishop. He's running in Michigan's eighth district and by the way, doing his best. Well. I'll explain his case when we get back, a much more straight ahead all right, twenty five till the top of the hour of this Friday, A lot of breaking news. We've got a great Hannity tonight. We're gonna introduce you to John James and Josh Holly and the guy that's gonna hopefully defeat Joe Donnelly in Indiana. Although we got a problem. We got a third party candidate, Libertarian that's siphoning votes in Indiana away from the Republican candidate. It's a wasted vote. I'm sorry. I love Libertarians, but all you're gonna do is help elect Donnelly. And we learned so often that Democrats often encourage third party tickets because they know they can't win a head to head match. Joining us now is Mike Bishop. He is running in Michigan now. Michigan is a state that's benefiting from the Trump policies. My hope is a total and dream is a total, complete revitalization of a great city like Detroit one day because we have so many jobs, We're building so many factories, we have so many manufacturing centers that people are gonna say, you know what, we got all these buildings in Detroit. We can revitalize them. We got neighborhoods built, we can revitalize them and make it the biggest comeback city in the history of the world. Anyway, Mike is in that eighth district doing his best to make his constituents understand that want to vote against him, or would mean basically your opponent, you vote for your opponent, and you're they're voting for Nancy Pelosi. That's just a fact. Correct, That's correct. It's we've got an opponent who's coming to town. First of all, good, good at talk you Sean. We've got an opponent that's parachuted in from from Washington, DC. And she got a suitcase full of Nancy Pelosi money and George Sillaros money and Bloomberg stay or you name it. She's got it all the way from Hollywood to a New York City. Well, and it's the same thing. I mean, it's the same attack as the same phenomenon. I'm headed to a Texas tomorrow and I'm going to be interviewing and I'm doing town halls with Rick Perry and Senator Cruz and of eleven thirty in Houston, Texas, I'm going to be three thirty in Beaumont, Texas. But you have all of this outside Texas money being poured into Beto o'rooke. One of the most fascinating things. You know. We had four million viewers last night with Rush Limbaugh and they have Beto, the hero of the radical left in this country. All thing he wants to even impeach the president. He doesn't represent Texas values, but he's got seventy million dollars from outside the state pouring into his coffers. Just a smear and slander cruise, which makes it very difficult because some people begin to get influenced by these negative ads. And Beto o'roo couldn't get a million viewers on CNN last night. They gave him the whole hour. That is just pathetic. The hero of the Democrats that their rising star couldn't get a million viewers on CNN last night. Fake news. It is amazing to me, and it's it's happening here too. Sean, the my appointent's raise two point six million dollars just last quarter alone, and ninety percent of it, almost ninety percent of it has come from out of state. They're particularly upset with Michigan because they lost Michigan this time around, last time around, so they want it back. So they're going to do everything they can to steal the seats here and buy whatever they can, and they're they're investing heavily in our state. Nancy Pelosi alone has has thrown three million dollars at my race to try to take me out, and it just keeps ongoing. It doesn't end coming from every direction. Well, it's a little scary. What are the poll numbers now showing in Michigan's eighth district. Well, we're still up, but uncomfortably close. And that's what we don't like. And we we're encouraging people to get out and we just got to get our base out to vote. Your team and your audience can can help. We're at elect Mike Bishop dot com and we'd love to have their support. And your opponent is a woman named less Us slot can correct correct, Yes, and didn't she urge her supports to boycott local businesses that have signs that support you. And she just moved into town. She never lived here before, she's never had property here before, she never paid taxes here before. First time she voted was the last time, this last primary for herself. And you're right, she came into town for the first time, met with a bunch of my my neighbors and told them that if if businesses downtown Rochester and my little hometown had had signs up for me that they should boycott them and uh and not give them business. And these businesses that have been hit by phone calls and threats and intimidation for weeks now just because they have the idea really angers. Let me tell you how I am. Where I live. I know everybody that runs a business. There's a deli in my town. I go to my local delia. There's a meat market in my town. I go to my local meat guy. There's a local grocery store. I go to the local grocery store. I go to the local pharmacis. I go to the local gas stations. Whenever I can, I won't. And by the way, I don't ask if you're a Republican a Democrat. I just I want to keep you know, these businesses serve their community by being there, and so I try I try to do. I go to my local restaurants when I can. You know, I really go to three places. So it's not like I go to that because it's just ridiculous. If you've been through what I've been through at restaurants where you just can't believe the crap the codes on if you're in public, in the public eye. But well, anybody that's gonna say. And everybody in the eighth District of Michigan, if you have a Democrat saying don't support local business if they don't vote for me, that is exactly like Hillary saying we can't be civil. The exact what's the difference. There certainly is no difference. And most of these people are supporting me, not necessarily because of my politics, but because they've known me my entire life. They would school together, I frequent their places of business. And this person has come from out of town, doesn't know anybody. And to me, that's that's just an attack on my community, and it's it's a statement as to what she thinks about all of us. And she's never lived or pay taxes in her local community. It's unbelievable. No, she's not here for that. She's here to take power and that's all she wants. Let me tell everybody, if you cannot hold a business owner hostage, to vote either my way or I'm not gonna patronize your place. Now, as somebody has a radical view, very extreme, that might be a circumstance where you just say I'm just not that's those values are so anathetical to my own personal values that I'm not I'm not going to reward this with my my, my dollars. But most business owners are like man that they're fighting to stay alive every day. And it's just it's expensive. The rents expensive, the employees are expensive. Then you got to pay for benefit plans and all sorts of stuff. I want to wish you luck and I just want to tell the people this is the Rochester area, correct, Rochester, Oakland County, Livingston County, and Ingham County, Michigan. All right, listen, we really wish you the best, Mike Bishop. I'm sorry you obviously have a big bullseye target on you in terms of Democrats wanting you to lose. We wish you the best in your race, and uh we'll follow up very closely. Okay, thank you for your great support. I really appreciate it. Glad to do it. All right, that's gonna wrap things up at today. Look forward to seeing many of you in Houston tomorrow eleven am Rick Perry Ted Cruise and in Louie Gomert's gone and Beaumont, Texas. Louis will be there too, and looking forward I'll be doing interviews town Hall. It's gonna be fun. It's free. All details on hannity dot com for Houston and Beaumont. Houston at eleven, Beaumont at three thirty Details Hannity dot com. Ted Cruise has it up on his website. Have a great weekend. See many of you in Houston and oh Month this weekend. H

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