Don't Read The Bills

Published Feb 14, 2019, 11:00 PM

Congressman Tom Graves of Georgia’s 14the district and Congressman McClintock of California’s 4th district, join Sean today to discuss legislation being presented to the President that will remedy the pending shutdown worries, and the funding for the border wall. Graves and McClintock also discuss the new left faction of the democrat party, vowing and supporting the new green deal and spewing anti-Semitic remarks in the House Chamber and on social media platforms.  Plus, Speaker Pelosi is back to her old ways introducing legislation within hours of an expected vote.  Why read what you're going to vote on?

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All right, glad you're with us. Right down our to free telephone number if you want to be a part of this extravaganza. It's eight hundred and nine for one sewn if you want to be a part of the program. Did I not tell you all that there has been the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in the history of this country. I am going to outline all of this to you, because you know, we now have Andrew McCabe going on sixty minutes admitting number one that they lied and lied a lot. But more importantly, what is an effort by top people within the FBI and the DOJ to literally stop Donald Trump first from becoming president and then to remove him and plotting to remove a sitting president. That's only one of the issues that we have on our plates today. A lot of other stuff that's coming up. Now. We've got this bill that nobody's reading a thousand pages and they don't have time to read because we're back to the Nancy Pelosi error, which is, well, you gotta pass it to find out what's in it, which is how they sold us healthcare. So I don't know what to believe because every single Congressional office I call into the well, we're distributing a hundred pages to this person and one hundred pages to that person. And you know, this is no way to govern a country. To spend a trillion dollars as they are now doing, and nobody reads the bill. That is not good governance. It is a typical what have I been calling it garbage swamp sewer deal, and it's you know, government acting at its worst because they cannot ever get the job done, which leads us to the whole battle over the border and what the president I think is going to end up doing anyway. Now, I have no idea. The headline on Drudge right now is President Mulls a shutdown on top of the sixty minutes interview with Andrew McCabe. One thing that makes it interesting to me, although I'm getting some mixed messages here, because Nita Lowey, who's a Committee of the chairwoman of the Appropriations Committee in the House that was part of these negotiations, she has sent out a letter to her Democratic colleagues and she's asking them to vote on this conference report. She says it'll cover agriculture, commerce, justice, science, financial services, and general government, homeland security, internal Interior, in the Environment, State and Foreign Operations, Transportation, Housing in Urban Development, appropriations, bills, a lot of money, over a trillion dollars of spending. We got here, And she brags that the agreement is a repudiation of Trump's budget request, rejecting numerous proposed program reductions and eliminations. So she's bragging about that part. Typically Republicans never show any strength. They're scared to death of a shutdown. You don't even listen. I know everybody wants Trump to sign the bill so they can all go on vacation. Again. I don't really care if he does or doesn't, to be honest, because it relates to the defining issue for our country. He's going to get the wall built anyway. But Nita Lowe is calling it a repudiation of the president and of the President's budget and rejecting programs reductions and eliminations, and other words, trying to rein in some government spending which is out of control and has been forever. She brags it doesn't contain any poison pill writers. And I think specifically she's saying that we're added to bills by House Republicans. But I still haven't gotten a definitive answer as any restrictions on the one point three seven five billion dollars for new border wall construction. Remember they funded everything else. President is currently now building new wall and repairing old wall. That's happening as we speak. This bill adds a billion dollars for the Census Bureau, three hundred and eight million dollars for research and development at the National Science Foundation, twenty five million for Environmental Protection Agency, one hundred and sixty nine million for international peacekeeping, two hundred and ninety three million purport infrastructure, and one hundred and twenty three million for grants to combat homelessness. And then anyway, it goes on to say and acting this five partisan agreement would prevent another Trump shutdown, okay, and also provide federal workers with a one point nine percent pay raise. And she talks about the one point three seventy five billion for border barriers, although we do have about twenty three billion on other aspects of securing our border, but the wall is key, and that's been the president's key promise. The same provided for fiscal year twenty eighteen, she points out, and four point three two five billion, seventy six percent less than the President demanded. I'm just telling you how the Democratic leadership is selling this to their caucus. Oh, it is imperfect. It upholds democratic values and fund smart effective border security. Seven hundred and fifty five million for construction and technology at ports of entry where most drugs come into the country illegally. Okay, I'm for that, which is what I said about the twenty three billion, four hundred and fifteen million for customs and Border protection, humanitarian relief, etc. Five hundred and sixty three million for immigration judges to reduce the backlog of cases. Five hundred and twenty seven million to assist Central American countries so they can fund. No funding for new border patrol agents, no funding for additional immigration and customs enforcement ICE, and removal of field personnel. In a rebuke of the Trump administration's border and immigration policies, the conference report facilitates the release of detained children to family members or sponsors without fear that the individuals will be arrested by ICE. It prevents the Department of Homeland Security from destroying records related to potential sexual assault. Listen to this now, think about it. I'm gonna read this slowly. It in a rebuke to the Trump administration's border and immigration policies. The Conference report facilitates the release of detained children to family members or sponsors. Do we know who the sponsors are? Do the kids know who the sponsors are? Without fear that the individuals will be arrested by ice? In other words, if they get reunited with their families. But I don't like the idea of not handing them back to the mom and dad, and it prevents that they be arrested by ICE. Prevents the Department of Homeland Security from destroying records related to potential sexual assault or abuse of individuals in custody. Okay, places restrictions on putting pregnant women in restraints, and proves oversight of ICE treatment of detainees. Increases the frequency of ICE inspection of facilities from once every three years to twice per year. Now this is where it gets really interesting to me. Pay close attention. An alternative to the Conference Report. That's if they don't do it anyway. And by the way, McConnell says, the national Emergency's coming. What have I been telling you? President's telegraphing it every day. Nobody wants to listen to them. It's obvious that it's coming. An alternative to the conference report is a full year sea Are Continuing resolution for the remaining bills. This would result in losing approximately eleven billion and increased investments. In other words, they spend eleven billion less, including the additional one billion for the Census Bureau that is desperately needed for our communities to be well represented in the decade that follows. A CR would also lead to Department of Homeland Security to allow them to spend two billion on border barriers and significantly increase the number of detention beds. Well, that's more than one point three seven five billion when I was in school. Why not take this save eleven billion, get two billion instead of one point three seven five and you increase the number of detention beds which Democrats for some bizarre reason, are obsessed with. It's like they're obsessed with, you know, abortion in the ninth month, even during the birth process. And she says it's compromised. We have far more victories than defeat blah blah blah blah blah. And it rejects the vast majority of Trump's ineffective border security proposals. Invests in our priorities, allows us to turn to our positive agenda of help in working families. I urge you to vote yes. Well, there's good enough reason for Republicans to vote no. Now, I just don't get it. To be very frank with you about Republicans. Now that we expect that approximately six thirty after the show's off the year, we're gonna have the first vote in a series, you know, following the Senate passage of HJ Resolution thirty when the House is going to reconvete, they'll begin to debate on the rule. This is all Washington Swamp talk, providing for consideration the conference Report to a company the Senate HJ Resolution thirty one Consolidated Appropriations Act. So it's six thirty to seven thirty. You get your first vote in the House, a series of the day on the rule. Following the series, the House will move to general debate on a conference report to accompany the Senate bill, and an approximately eight fifteen to nine fifteen, probably during Hannity, we'll have our second and final vote series of the day on the passage of the conference report. Walk off the floor between nine and ten, and good news is that's during my show, I get to show them walking off the floor, which is a win for the American people. But I am going to tell you something here. Put aside how horrible the swamp and the sewer is, because it just is. And anybody that's a Republican you need to read Nita Lowe's report to her colleagues bragging about how she's kicking your ass. That's what she's doing. And now you look at the some of the insane provisions in this trillion dollars thousand page nobody has time to read bill. Well, it's actually one thousand, one hundred and sixty nine pages released, like you know, one in the morning, twelve midnight last night, less of a wall than even Democrats had already agreed to. That's number one. You have literally local officials have in this. I saw it. Daniel Horowitz wrote this. He picked this up. Liberal local officials have veto power over the wall. The bill contains an amnesty for the worst cartels smugglers he's identified. Section two twenty four A prohibits the deportation of anyone who's sponsoring and unaccompanied minor illegal immigrant who says or they're a sponsor who lives in a household. You can't get rid of anybody, no matter what they've done. He called it the the MS thirteen Household Protection Act. Those are pretty harsh words, but in a way that that could happen, more funding to manage and induce people coming into the country and doubling low skilled workers. That's that's his five arguments. Now, I'm gonna tell you something here. This is what the President's gonna do. He's either gonna look at this and say I'm not doing this and veto it. They're not going to be able to override his veto and say go back and give me a clean cr or the Democrats shut down the government. Or he's gonna sign the horrible bill and he's gonna take that money all the other moneies that he's now put together, which is i'm my estimates of between nine and three nine hundred million and three billion dollars, and he's gonna use that money in the interim to continue building the wall. And my guess is based on what he has said publicly, he's going to declare national emergency. I've been saying it for days, and then the president is gonna win. After they go judge shopping in California. They'll lose there. They're losing the Ninth Circuit Supreme Court because of all the constitutional issues in play. His role as commander in Chief USC. Two eighty four, which gives him the right to stop drug corridors and build barriers, and also the issue of separation of powers. He has the authority the Supreme Court. We'll approve this because I gave you the history of these national emergencies. We have thirty five of them from past presidents in effect today. Hey, if you're one of thirty four million Americans that smokes, you know what a hassle that can be for me. I'm out playing golf and I come back smelling like cigars. It's the smell on your hands and your breath, your clothes. But now, thanks to Jewel, you don't have to worry about it anymore. Jewel is a vaporizer. It does contain nicotine for a satisfying transition. Now, when I found Jewel, it was a complete game changer in my life. I don't smoke any cigars any longer. And Jewel was designed by smokers for smokers, to be an alternative to whatever it is you're smoking. So if you're one of thirty four million adults who do smoke cigars, cigarettes, pipe, whatever, well there is an alternative to all of them. Now, to discover the smoking alternative that's like nothing you've ever tried, just visit Juul dot com slash switch America. That's ju Ul dot com slash switch America. Now warning, this product does contain nicotine, and nicotine is addictive. All right, So let me tell you, I'm beginning to suspect the President is going to sign the bill. It's the bill's garbage. President knows its garbage. But the president also has planned being c which here's my prediction. The President is going to announce all of the funds that are unspent that grants him discretionary authority to use in terms of military monies. And the statue couldn't be any clear. As I've now been telling you for a while, He's going to announce anywhere between nine hundred million and two to three billion dollars available that will be added to the one point three seven five billion that this bill does give him and keeps the government open, because nobody seems to accept that the government. Partial government shutdowns are never as bad as everybody thinks, except for the people that don't get their check, which I don't like that happening to them either, to be very frank people, most people, a lot of people have checked to check. That's hard on them. But then he's gonna, simultaneously my next bet declare the national emergency, and that means that the president's going to war because I told you he's unrelenting and tenacious, and he's gonna get the money, and he's gonna build or continue to build. It's being built the wall as he promised. That is him, frankly, just understanding that Congress is pathetic, Republicans included, except for the Freedom Caucus and a few others. I do make a stipulation that there are a few good people there, but not most Republicans. They are weak, spineless, and have no vision for the future of the country. That's my prediction. It's ostensibly the same thing, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, right, so the Senate looks like they're gonna pass the build of voting now and then around anywhere between six when you're beginning all the procedures in the House, it'll start around six thirty this evening end sometime during my show Hannity on the Fox News Channel between nine and ten. And I think it's a fate to complete. But I think what I said, and McConnell said that, McConnell said, he talked to the president. President will sign it if they pass it. One point three seven five billion for the wall. But here's my prediction. At the same time, and McConnell, now it's on Drudge National Emergency coming that's gonna probably happen at the same time, as is the amount of moneys that the President has all authority to earmark unspent moneies that they've gathered together anywhere between nine hundred million and a few billion dollars that will keep when you couple it with the one three seven five Let's say it's nine hundred million, let's say it's two billion, whatever it is, that means in the term. While the President predictably will have a fight with Democrats that first go Judge Shopping in California into the Ninth Circuit and then hopefully because of the constitutional issues involved, to the Supreme Court. This goes to the heart of US Code two eighty four that I've been telling you about, and all the provisions that actually authorize the president and give him every again, laws passed by Congress signed into law that allowed the President to use these unspent moneys to stop drug interdiction, including as building barriers. So I would guess that's the announcement at some point later today, etc. By the way, one side side note before I get into I told you so about the abuse of power and the attempted coup of the president and all the efforts by these corrupt upper echelon on FBI and DJ people. So Amazon now decided to drop their plans. Andrew Cuomo, what an embarrassment for him and Comrade de Blasio. But they were gonna build their headquarters in Queens, New York, Long Island City, which is a they're gonna build their headquarters. They were getting a three billion dollar tax break. Now I feel torn because New York is such a colossal mess that is losing tens and tens of thousands of people everywhere, just like New Jersey, Illinois and California. And as the President told the governor, well, if you'd start fracking, maybe you could lower taxes and then help create an economic environment the people want to go to your state, not just one company in Amazon. We find out today they haven't paid a penny in federal income taxes for the second year in a row. Had they pulled that one off, because I know that wouldn't work in my world, or my life or your life either. And the President also majority of California residents want to leave. Well, they are leaving now these states that have been so punitive towards anything involving business development and factories. Of course they're leaving because you can't afford to build in these states. They take so much and they make it so difficult. All right, now, let's go to the deep state. Hannity watch on the deep state? What have I been telling you? It is the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in the history of this country. And I am right. Andrew McCabe, who is under a criminal investigation right now, has written a book and by the way, that also includes James Baker. This is Jim Comey's FBI, the top echelon. And what have I been telling you? Because I know the phony you know news media, they're all excited about their get Trump hero. Andrew McCabe, who may very well be indicted very soon himself. I wonder if they'll send twenty seven agents pre dawn raid amphibious you know, vehicles, swat teams, you know, you know, armored vehicles like they did to Roger Stone's house for a process crime. He's under investigation Inspector General. Remember, he was fired because of committing perjury and lying based on the testimony of people who worked at the GoJ. So this whole thing, now we find out has always been true. And he tells sixty minutes, Yeah, that there were conversations about the possibility of removing Trump under the twenty fifth Amendment and confirming the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had offered to where a wire around the president. I was speaking to the man who had just run for the presidency and won the election for the presidency, and who might have done so, might have with the aid of the government of Russia, our most formidable adversary on the world stage. And that was something that troubled me greatly. How long was it after that that you decided to start the obstruction of justice and counterintelligence investigations involving the president. I think the next day I met with the team investigating the Russia cases, and I asked the team to go back and conduct an assessment to determine where are we with these efforts and what steps do we need to take going forward. I was very concerned that I was able to put the Russia case on absolutely solid ground in an indelible fashion, that were I removed quickly or reassigned or fired, that the case could not be closed or vanish in the night without a trace. I wanted to make sure that our case was on solid ground, and if somebody came in behind me and closed it and tried to walk away from it, they would not be able to do that without creating a record of why they'd made that decision. You wanted a documentary record. That's right that those investigations had begun because you feared that they would be made to go away. That's exactly right. They're not going to highlight that this man is now under a criminal investigation. They're not going to highlight that. Now notice the word he might have had the aid of Russia. Now here's a problem for Andrew McKay because the FBI kept telling the President he's not under investigation. There's another little problem in his timeline here, after because as our good friend Byron York refers to it as what the eight days in May that took place? And the problem with the timeline is, oh, Lisa Page testified and others testified. Remember, the Russia investigation into Trump began right after the exoneration of Hillary Clinton, but that exoneration was being written in May by Comey and Struck Struck as the one that interviewed Hillary. On July second, twenty sixteen. July fifth, James Comey admits that Hillary Clinton had top secret classified information on the mom and pop server, you know, and that, in fact that they thought in their earlier writings of this exoneration to May that oh, six foreign intelligence services had hacked into it. But anyway, they ended up he goes thirteen and a half minutes saying, yes, you convented all these crimes and then oops, never mind. Then they began the Trump Russia investigation with no basis whatsoever. Now the problem is, when you get to the May timeline, all these people now that had been involved in the investigation, even Trump paters, were admitting they had no evidence of such, including Lisa Page, who by the way, worked for McCabe. This is how sickness. All gets now Rod Rosenstein has a big problem in his life because Rod Rosenstein has now not only did he sign the FISA warrant number one, number two, Rod Rosenstein now it has given three different answers as it relates to wearing the wire. One, oh, just an outright denial. Then he jokes about it. Then he said, well, I never I never ordered it. So it is. And by the way, and the fascinating thing is, we just had how ironic this week the Senate Intelligence Committee saying there is no evidence, a bipartisan committee at all. And it all gets started because these top this is not rank and file FBI or Justice Department, the top people. They didn't like what the American people did. They're angry that Donald Trump got voted in. They first exonerated Hillary without an investigation. They were writing her exoneration in May, something Jim Comey also lied about. And Jim Comey released government documents to Columbia professor to get Muller set up. This never should have happened in any way because they didn't have any evidence at all that warranted this, according to the testimony of the people involved. Anyway, it's all because their favorite candidate that they knew committed crimes they exonerated because as Peter Struck, who interviewed Hillary in July of twenty sixteen, said, oh, she should win one hundred million to zero. He's loathesome, he's horrible. And by the way, we have an insurance policy just in case he does win. You're now beginning to see how this fits. So the favorite candidate gets the favorite treatment. Then if you really want to look at the abuse of power, well then we've got Hillary Clinton funneling money law firm, OP Research Group, Foreign national Christopher Steele. But we also now know that Bruce Or warned everybody in August to twenty sixteen that the dossier was paid for it by Hillary, not verified, not corroborated, and Steele, who eventually got fired for lying and leaking by the FBI. Steele hated Donald Trump. And then even though they were all warned it's not verified and now most of it debunked, they still used it as the bulk of information to get a fiser warrant to spy on a Trump campaign associate. Again, they're favoring one side here and the news and the revelations this week that came out Freedom of Information Act, Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch and they find out that, oh, when they found the laptop of Anthony Wiener, they did find classified top secret information on that laptop. And then there's email exchanges, including Lisa Page, that show that State Department supporters of Hillary were negotiating more positions for the FBI abroad. If only they would declassify what was classified to back and support Hillary, break the law for Hillary to tamper with evidence for Hillary. And the emails prove all of this. Now you take it a step further if you really care about Russian collusion. Why the uranium one deal? We know that Putin's thugs wanted a foothold in the uranium market, But we have a spy from the FBI within his network. He's reporting back to the FBI that the bribery, extortion, kickbacks, money laundering is happening. They do nothing. Well, there's some Russia collusion because then Hillary Clinton, among other Obama administration officials signed off on the uranium one deal. Bill Clinton goes at this time to Russia, gets three times as normal speaking fee, tries to speak with the Russian nuclear people. That meeting doesn't occur, but he gets a meeting with Putin himself, and then one hundred and forty five million dollars kicked back to the Clinton Foundation. Nobody's elders, there's a Russian connection. For you want another Russian connection, Well, the whole dossiers filled with Russian lies that even our intelligence top officials were peddling to the American people, lies, distortion, misinformation, propaganda, all Russian lie she paid for. And then even though they're worn by Bruce Or in August of twenty sixteen, that she paid for its steel hate Trump and it's unverified. Then it becomes the basis of the FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, and then it's used as frankly, a roadmap in their minds to bludgeon Trump, which then becomes the insurance policy. And what Andrew McCabe is admitting here is that, yeah, we were plotting a coup against the president of the United States, a silent coup. You don't think that's possible. What's Rod Rosen's First he denied by the way that he ever, I never talked about a wire ah. Then he was sarcastic about it, and he said, well, I never authorized it. Now the Justice Department says it's McCabe's comments are inaccurate and factually incorrect. It's a great piece by Byron York about these eight days in May, because at that time, before Muller's appointed, after investigating since July, it's now May of twenty seventeen, all of these people involved in this testifying we had no information at all to justify this whole thing. And just because well, as he says, Andrew mcavery day is a new low in the Trump White House. They thought that they knew better than you, the American people, and they used their power to favor one candidate over another, and they spread the misinformation, and they also didn't apply the law equally for the favored candidate. And then they used the Russian lies, lie to the FISA court, committed a fraud, didn't tell the court she paid for it, didn't tell the court it was never verified, didn't tell the court it was uncorroborated, didn't tell the court that everybody knew ahead of time. And so far nothing's happened, but that's all about to change. There are things happening as we speak. Eight hundred nine for one Shawn Tolfree telephone number. We'll get back into this with Greg Jarrett at the top of the hour. We got a lot of ground to cover today. Then we'll follow this bill. And by the way, Lindsey Graham said, it's imperative Andrew McCabe testify on the FBI's anti Trump bias. Sarah Sanders says, it's a disgrace. What has happened to lie to investigators under oath destructive agenda. There was Listen, this is not the FBI. This these people, well the upper echel hunt. Don't think the FBI is like that, because I know FBI agents that are. They're disgusted by this behavior. We better get this right. We lose the country. They tried to influence and steal a presidential election. I was speaking to the man who had just run for the presidency and won the election for the presidency, and who might have done so with the aid of the government of Russia, our most formidable adversary on the world stage, and that was something that troubled me greatly. How long was it after that that you decided to start the obstruction of justice and counterintelligence investigations involving the president? I think. The next day, I met with the team investigating the Russia cases, and I asked the team to go back and conduct an assessment to determine where are we with these efforts and what steps do we need to take going forward. I was very concerned that I was able to put the Russia case on absolutely solid ground in an indelible fashion, that were I removed quickly or reassigned or fired, that the case could not be closed or vanish in the night without a trace. I wanted to make sure that our case was on solid ground, and if somebody came in behind me and closed it and tried to walk away from it, they would not be able to do that without creating a record of why they'd made that decision. You wanted a documentary record that those investigations had begun because you feared that they would be made to go away. That's exactly right. The president may have been assisted in the election by Russia. Well, we just had two year investigation in the Senate Intelligence Committee. At a bipartisan group of senators said there's no evidence at all to back up that ridiculous claim. And the president also our investigation. He keeps our investigation the problem with that is they told the president he was not being investigated. There was no such FBI investigation. Now what you have, and it is here, is an admission that you have the top brass at the FBI admitting to what is a silent attempt of a coup of a sitting president. Now why would I say that, because we now know that they didn't just tell Hillary Clinton once and that would be his boss. He's the deputy FBI director. Andrew McCabe in this interview, was trying to sell a book who got fired, interestingly for being a liar, not telling the truth, and is now under criminal investigation himself. This little side note, but we know about the exoneration before the investigation. There's no bigger slam dunk case than Hillary Clinton and the classified, top secret special access programming information that even James Comey admitted on July fifth, twenty sixteen, was in the mom and pop bathroom closet server. It was there. We know that Hillary Clinton signed off on that horrific Uranium one deal, which gave up twenty percent of America's uranium. We knew that Vladimir Putin was looking for a foothold into the uranium industry in America, the foundation materials that are used to build nuclear weapons. We know that also happened. And we also know that we had a spy, William Campbell, inside of Putin's network, who exposed to the FBI and the director at the time, Muller, that there was bribery and extortion and kickbacks and money laundering going on by Putin's minions here in the US that wanted the uranium deal to go through. And then we have again follow the money bill. Clinton gets triple as normal speaking fee going to Russia trying to meet with their nuclear regulators, but instead gets a meeting with the man himself, Vladimir Putin. Hillary votes for the deal the Scifist board, if you will, one of nine and one hundred and forty five million's picked to kick back to the Clinton Foundation. And I'll add one other note, if you cared about Russian influence and collusion, Hillary paid for the dossier with funneled money from a law firm, to an op research group, to a foreign national Christopher Steele, and he even though they all knew in August of twenty sixteen, because Bruce Ord testified that he told everybody in the DJ and FBI that that Clinton paid for it, still hated Trump and none of it's verified. Well, then it became the basis of a not one, but four fis, a warrants against the Trump campaign associate. So they tried to stop helped Hillary Clinton, stopped Donald Trump before and then screw him afterwards as his evidence here, because they think they knew better than you. The American people all right joining us now to discuss and shed more light on this. Greg Jarrett is with us. Am I missing anything here? Now? You've nailed it one hun. You know what I found amazing this morning? I flipped on CBS and there's Scott pelle. He seems to think that he's breaking news with his interview with Andrew mccaven. He was shocked at what McCabe was tolding him. We're has Scott Hellie been? You know, if it's news, it's news to Scott Pelley. In truth, there's really nothing new in his McCabe interview, And in fact, in my book, I confirm page two ninety one that Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page James Baker all confirmed that Rosenstein was serious about soliciting people to wear wires to secretly record Trump and recruit cabinet members to invoke the twenty fifth Amendment. Well, that's the other side of this, now, Rod Rosenstein didn't need to deny that. Oh, sure, he had three explanations and they don't coincide. In September, he denied that had ever happened. Then he said, well, it did happen, but I was being sarcastic. Now he says, well, I never authorized to recording or invoking the twenty fifth Amendment, which is sort of like saying, well, I seriously pitched it, but then I didn't authorize it. And now Rosenstein is Brandy McCabe is a liar. He says McCabe did not tell the truth to federal authorities on multiple occasions, leading to his termination, which is true. I mean, now you've got a shark tank if sharks who are really hungry, and now they're beginning to nibl at each other and consume each other. You've got McCabe, says Comey's a liar. Comey says McCabe's a liar. Rosenstein says McCabe's a liar. For my money, they're all crooks and liars. Well, what's fascinating to me as I read through. This is breathtaking because you don't think something like this could ever happen in the United States of America. I have said, and I stand by what I have said, this is the single biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in our history. It is. And I want to be clear as always, this is not rank and file FBI. Now the question is now that we you know, so he's under a criminal investigation. We know James Baker's under a criminal investigation. We know we're expecting the Inspector General. I've got to believe everybody that signed the fires A warrant knowing it warned ahead of time that it wasn't verified. Five people, okay, and they are Yates call me Daniel Blente, Rod Rosenstein, and Andrew mccaye. Right, So what happens to if they knowingly used as the bulk of information phony document and they didn't tell the court she paid for it, alied to the court. They deceived the court. They withheld vital, critical evidence, concealing all kinds of stuff. As I wrote on the very first page of my book, this is the most notorious hoax in modern American history. And John Dowd, transformer attorney this week pretty much has said the same thing. He said, this is the biggest fraud in American history, and he's absolutely right. And here you've got McCabe saying, well, you know, after the President fired James Comey, you know, I was concerned that he was a puppet for Russia and had stolen the election with Russia's help, so I launched the counterintelligence investigation of the president. What McCabe is conveniently ignoring is the testimony of Lisa Page, the FBI attorney top attorney, who confessed to congressional investigators that when that special council was appointed by McCabe, they had no evidence of collusion, which means the special council appointment was in violation of the regulations. Well, she's not the only one, though, that said that. Comey, Remember even though he signed off on the first FISA application. Then he goes to Trump Tower, meets President Trump and says it's fallacious but unverified, the very opposite of what he had testified to or presented before and signed off on before in October the year prior, that's three and a half months earlier. Sure, well, James Commy is the master of prevarication, evasion and lies. Well is he gonna all right? So what happens to all these deep state actors, those that didn't believe in the deep state? What happens to all these people? Well, today at four forty five, William Barr will be sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts as the next Attorney General. In any his confirmation hearing, when Lindsey Graham, of the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee put it to him, all of these corrupt acts and especially lying to the Fiser Court, will you investigate? Barr said yes, because nobody, not even law enforcement, is above the law. So if William Barr holds true to his word, Sean, he'll investigate this. And look, he doesn't need a special counsel for this. There are plenty of competent, honest, honorable career prosecutors, top notch lawyers at the DJ who can do it. So before are Mueller's even appointed, they're thinking about invoking the twenty fifth Amendment, even though even though numerous people are on the record saying well since July when they launched this at twenty sixteen, there was no evidence, right, so they're trying to basically remove a dually elected president because they don't like him, they don't like his policies, they don't like the man. The McCabe interview only illuminates the FBI severe bias against Donald Trump. Who violated laws? Name the names? Who is it who violated what law? Stared started the well? First of all, if you ignore evidence deliberately for political reasons, contort the law to clear somebody of a crime even though the evidence in front of you shows they committed those crimes, that substruction of justice. So that would be James Comey and all of the others who were involved, including Peter Strock and Lisa Page and the investigation of Hillary Clinton. Then you move forward to launching an investigation for personal and political reasons when you don't have probable cause or credible evidence. That would be James Comey, Peter Struck, Andrew McCay, the whole gang at the FBI. And then you move on the five individuals you and I just named lying to a court that's perpetrating a fraud. It's six different felonies. So and that doesn't even include the people who lied. Everybody that's signed off on the FISA. Then we gotta go to Hillary Clinton and what cheap we gotta go back there? Right, Well, don't because I mean, don't forget James Comey stealing government documents and seeking Now, so if there's equal just as an application of our laws, everybody that's signed off on the FISA, Comey himself, McCay, baker, struck in page, who else? Yates? Sure, Sally Yates? Well when does Clapper and running get brought into all of this? Clapperer's five years statue limited is run. So he's free and clear. He got away with deliberately line to Congress, and nobody at the Department of Justice in the Obama administration was willing to pursue it. And then you had the feckless incompetent Jeff Sessions who didn't take it up either. In the statute is run. We'll take a break, We'll come back more with Greg Jarrett. His new paperback is out, The Russia Hoax, with a new chapter and available on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. All Right, So I didn't think my friends at My Pillow would ever be able to outdo themselves. They've created the My Pillow Mattress topper. And what you do is you put it on top of your mattress and it's like you're floating on air. And yes, it helps you sleep better. Now. It has three layered design. One is my Pillow Phone for their support transitional phone to help relieve pressure points. And also the Ultrasoft patented temperature regulating cover comes with a ten year warranty. You're gonna love My Pillows Topper Washable Dryable made it in the USA, backed by Mike sixty day unconditional money back guarantee. And right now, because you listen to the show, you're gonna save thirty percent. It's gonna change your life. Just use the promo code, Hannity when you go to my pillow dot Com say thirty percent haul eight hundred nine nine six zero nine zero. Now, Mike is also going to throw in two standard my pillows absolutely free. Now when you add the mattress topper to the pillows, it's heaven My Pillow dot Com eight hundred nine nine six zero nine zero promo code Hannity. When we come back the eight Days in Mail, ask Greg about that straight ahead. Are you sick of fake news? Well, we've got you covered Hannity watches here and as the news you need Sean Hannity, all right, as we continue, Greg Jarrett, author of the number one bestseller now out in paperback with a new chapter, The Russia Hoax. All right, our friend colleague Byron York, talks about the eight days in May. That's eight days from the time Comee was fired by President Trump for just cause the ninth to the seventeenth, And the seventeenth was the day that Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Muller as special counsel in violation of the regulations and at the same time told McCabe get lost, You're off the case. And it was that eight day period of time, and we know that they had been investigating potential contacts Trump and Russia, and they had enough since July of twenty sixteen, and numerous people, including coleme he couldn't page. They couldn't believe that this man, Donald Trump had won the presidency. It didn't want him to win. They were pushing for Hillary Clinton. They cleared her so she could win. And they had violated the law in lying to a court to spy on his campaign before the election. Can you imagine the panic that set in at the FBI and DOJ that night that Trump won when they said, my lord, we could get caught for what we did. And sure enough they've been caught, although the mainstream media to ignore it. Now we know what the insurance policy is about, don't we. You know, the guy that is interviewing Hillary writing an exoneration for Hillary even though she committed obvious crimes. The FBI favors her, even with you know, their shading whether to declassify classified emails on Wiener's laptop in exchange for oh, we'll give you more positions from the State Department. Those same people are now involved in their insurance policy because Hillary should have won one hundred million, zero right right. You know, the insurance policy was let's launch and leak dilating the investigation of Trump, accusing him of being a Russian spy. And then, of course, as you mentioned, the quid pro quo, that's a violation of public corruption laws. It's attempted obstruction of justice, attempted a bribery. You know, when you're offering and pressuring the FBI to do something and they lie to the country and the president when they said there wasn't an investigation and In this interview, McCabe admits there's an investigation. Yeah, of course, all right, we got to leave it there. Greg Jared, great work out in paperback, the Russia hoax, Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. When we come back, the latest on this trillion dollars thousand page nobody read bill that everyone's voting on today and what the president should do next? And you know who we are apprehending kids? Children, If they are lucky, they're there with their moms or dads walking two thousand miles. If they're lucky atop, not inside of a train known as the Beasts, or lave Estia, surviving every manner of depredation in those who pray on human misery, and here, at their most vulnerable and desperate moment, they want to make sure that they have found the right place. The two hundred and forty three years into this great experiment an idea that is America. We will not take advantage of them. We will not send them back to certain death. We will not believe that walls can or should keep them out. Instead, we welcome them with open arms. The wealthiest, the most powerful country on the face of the planets can meet this moment in our obligations to one another and be all the stronger for it. Our walls don't keep us safe at all. Twenty five now until the top of the hour, Bozo or' rourke at his very small attempt to compete rally with Donald Trump, I mean they were did you see the crowd outside in Alpasso? Unbelievable anyway, joining us now as Congressman McClintock of California discussing, you know what is now being a one trillion dollar spending bill, only one point three seven five billion as it relates to the wall, and nobody's had a chance to read the thousand page bill and I guess you have to pass it to find out what's in it. Once again, Congressman McClintock, welcome back to the program. How are you, um, great Sean, thanks for having me. The battle comes down to this in my mind, and I want to ask you about it. That the president is fighting against the ninety percent of heroin in our country that comes across that border, the new fentanyl and that kills three hundred people a week, the new fentanyl crisis that we have. He's fighting cartels, human traffickers, including young girls being you know, sex trafficking that goes on. He's fighting the gangs, and he's also fighting to protect America from those people that might commit other crimes. We've given the statistics on homicide, sexual assault, and biling assaults. What are your fellow congressmen that are on the other side of the aisle, the Democrats, what are they fighting for here? Well, they're fighting for open borders. I think they've made that very clear. They see that as a political opportunity to maintain perpetual power in this country. And it relies on the sixty thousand foreign nationals that are illegally crossing our border every month. And the problem with that is pretty simple. If we have no if we're not going to or immigration laws, our borders mean nothing. And if our borders mean nothing, we're no longer a country. We're just a vast international open territory between Canada and Mexico, both of which, by the way, have immigration laws and borders that they actually enforce. Well, I did see that you had written an editorial in the or an outped in a Washington An Examiner and this is what I think, And you said to Claire an emergency and build the wall. I think the President is going to let's assume for a minute, they didn't put a poison pill on the one point three seven five billion for the wall, which is all they've allocated for that. Now they've also allocated another twenty three billion for everything else but the wall, which I'm happy about that. But the wall needs to be built. That is the most fundamental part of it. The President says he has anywhere between nine hundred million and a couple of billion dollars of discretionary moneies that haven't been spent that he gets to spend anyway he wants. So I think the president's plan is he'll simultaneously again, if there's no poison pill, sign the bill, keep the government open. If there's a poison pill, he may ask for a short term cr Then he'll put those other moneys together that he has the discretion to spend as he wants, and then he'll declare a national emergency. And then they're going to go out to your state and they're going to file a lawsuit, which probably the Democrats will win. Then they'll go to the Ninth Circuit again in your state, California, which is pretty socialist at this point, and they'll probably win there. But I got to think the Supreme Court takes it up next, don't you. Well, whatever he does, even if it's using the congressional appropriation to build the wall, they're still going to try to block him in court. Anything he does, they're going to find a left wing judge to temporarily block. But he is on absolutely solid ground in using his authority the dates back to nineteen seventy six to reprogram unobligated military construction funds for projects for nation defense. And I can't think of anything more important to our national defense or than securing our southern border. And you know, when you hear folks attack it, they'll say, oh, well, that's going to come out of other military construction projects. And my response to that is what is more important securing the border of Iraq or curing the border of the United States. I just to trying to the Democrats always said they support this and Obama's second term they all sounded like Donald Trump on the wall and funding the wall and building the wall. They claim to care about dreamers and DACA, and they claim that they cared about furloughed employees, but they wouldn't even have a conversation with the president. Look look, for years now, they have not even been able to call illegal immigration for what it is. Illegal. It's hard to believe that they are opposed to illegal immigration when for years they've been working to reward illegal immigration with free taxpayer paid services, education, healthcare, legal services, you name it. Then you look at the sanctuary policies that they have been advocating for years that released dangerous criminal illegals back into our communities rather than deporting them. You can't point to one thing the Democrats have done to assist in securing our borders. They have done everything they can to undermine our borders, and that's why we're living with the crisis we have today. Have you had any time to read any of this bill or I assume you're probably you know, handing off two hundred pages to this staff or two hundred pages so that staff, or because you can't read a thousand pages. Well, I read the portions dealing with the with the border wall, and what we know for sure from this is it's completely inadequate to address the crisis. So are there any restrictions on the president's spending. Yeah, well, yes, there are many restrictions on it, including they've carved out big sections of the Rio Grande Valley where they're not permitted to build. They cannot start building until they get local government to consultation completed. There are a lot of restrictions like that. But the principle question is this, If it's not adequate to secure our border, he's going to have to use his executive authority anyway. And if he has to use his executive authority anyway, why does he need this appropriations bill now for the purpose of the wall. The other concern I have is that this continues us on a spending trajectory that is producing a trillion dollars annual deficit. That's about eight thousand dollars of additional debt an average family in this country will have to pay through its future taxes, and is economists are screaming this warning at us, that it is putting us on the verge of a debt spiral that will lead to a sovereign debt crisis. Of if this bill actually addressed our border crisis, I'd be willing to take one more step down that path. Well, let me it's completely inadequate to do so, I'm wondering what's the point. Nita Lowey put out to our Democratic colleagues a page and a half about the House's vote on the Conference report, covering the financial issues here, you know, a billion for the Census, three hundred and eight million for research development National Science Foundation, twenty five more million for the EPA, one hundred and sixty nine million for international peacekeeping, two hundred ninety three million for port infrastructure, one hundred and twenty three million for grants to combat homelessness. But then she has an an alternative to the Conference report is a full year CR for the remaining bills. Now, this would result in losing eleven billion and increased investments, including the additional one billion for the Census Bureau that is desperately needed for our communities to be well prepared in the decade that follows. CR would also lead to the Department of Homeland Security spending two billion on board of barriers and significantly increasing the number of detention bets. Sounds like the President should say no to this deal and maybe just get the full two billion dollars, which is more than they're offering. I agree with you. And by the way, once he invokes his authority to reprogram funds and it's upheld by the courts, the Democrats will then be in a very weak bargaining position. Yeah, I mean, so what are they going to do? Are they going to shut down the government? Because I don't think they have the stomach to do that either, because this, to them would be their shutdown. Well. I can't read minds, and I can't tell fortunes, but I can tell you this, This bill does not secure our borders. The President, even if he signed this bill, he's going to have to use his executive authority anyway, and and ultimately he's on very solid legal groundoing. So yeah, is that true what Nita Lois Lowe's telling her her own Democratic conference that basically it's a better deal for Republicans not to support it. Well, what the cr does is basically continue the priorities of the Republicans set in the last Congress. The Appropriations Bill removes a lot of those provisions, so its moves us much much farther to the left's idea of government, which is huge tax is huge spending of it continues to all the farm suberty programs that green energy subsidy programs, which are the worst form of corporate welfare there are. So yeah, I agree with you. I think we would be in biddershape with ACR than we would with this bill. Tom Graves from Georgia also joins US now their fourteenth district. Welcome to the program. What's your take on this? Nita Lowy report to her conference, saying that well, we can have an alternative to the conference report, a full year CR for the remaining bills. That would mean spending or losing she calls it spending eleven billion dollars less in what she calls investments, and the CR would also lead to the DHS spending two billion on border barriers and significantly increasing the number of detention beds. I think I like that one. Hey, Sean, thanks for you know, going over that. And I appreciate mister McClinton. There's nobody more articulate on this issue and others than he is. But you're absolutely right. If this claim is true, then a continuing resolution by far would be the better option. If it is not true, then it should be debunked quickly. And I think that's an incumbent on those who are who are researching this and reading this to say, Okay, if that is true, why aren't we not sticking with a continuing resolution? But aside from that, I think we should hit the pause button anyhow. I think we should be doing a two week continuing resolution right now to allow every member, Republican and Democrat ample time to go through this legislation. It's eleven hundred plus pages which I've seen. I haven't had a chance to review one hundred percent of it, and I'm on the Conference committee myself. I think this is such an important topics, such a comprehensive, complex issue, that every member deserves time to review it. And if you have to get with the program, Congress, with all due respect to you, you got to pass the bill to find out what's in the darn thing. You're a little behind him, You're behind the times. Why read a thousand pages for a trillion dollars? I mean, that's it's a revolutionary thought. Yeah, we should actually read something before we vote on it. But you know there are folks who are worried about Well, if we leave it over the next couple of weeks, then people are going to shoot holes in it. Well, if it's bad policy, we shouldn't be passing it. If it's a good policy, it will withstand the criticisms in the scrutiny over the next ten to fourteen days. So this is a really important topic. And yeah, mister mcclint talk's exactly right. This is about securing our homeland. This is not about who's winning and who's losing. This is about security of our country and our citizens. You know the idea. Look, I'll be honest, at the end of the day, if the President signs this and the President uses all of the funds that he can appropriate, use the defense funds that he has the ability to discretion to spend as he chooses, let me put it that way, and the president simultaneously declares national emergency, I think that's a win win Donald Trump, because he has money to continue building the wall as he's doing now in the interim, as Democrats challenge it in court. Congressman mcclintop, would that work for you? Oh? Absolutely it would. And again, we need to remember there are two mortal perils facing our country. One of them is the class of our borders, but the others the collapse of our finances, I mean, history warns us that countries that lose control of our borders or that bankrupts themselves simply aren't around very long. So we have to ask ourselves, how does this bill affect these mortal dangers? And the answer is it is wholly inadequate to secure our borders and moves us further toward a sovereign debt crisis that could be fatal to our country. I agree. Final word we'll give to Tom Graves. They only got about fifteen seconds. Tom. I think we've got a great opportunity here to just take a break, get this thing right, make sure our customs and border protection have all the resources necessary to secure our homeland. And this is the one opportunity and moment we have to do it. And I hope we stand firm here and get it right. Yeah. Well that would be a refreshing change, and be nice of people actually read a bill before they vote on it. All right, guys, thank you both. When we come back, News round Up Information Overload. How are the Democrats gonna deal with this new civil war among their new hard radical extreme left that has taken over their party. That's coming up in our News Roundup Information overload and tonight the definitive breakdown on Hannity of what was an attempted silent coup by people at the highest levels of the DJ and the FBI, not the rank and file nine Eastern Fox. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. No, I think it is a green dream, and I think that it is. It is, and I think that that all great, all great, all great American programs, everything from the Great Society to the New Deal, started with a vision or our future. And I don't think that, you know, I don't consider that to be a dismissive term. I think it's a great ten. Sorry. Recently, I know a lot of people that's run for president. They've been starting to accept a smoking marijuana is becoming president isn't something that sometimes they run away from it don't fully embrace. Well, I don't know about running away from I certainly think people used to run away from it. But we just need to accept that there is nothing more inherently damaging about marijuana than say, legal substances like alcohol or kind anything else. And so so I'm glad that we're moving towards a more just position as a party and that we're moving to legalized mariuana, but not just legalize marijuana, but to really make up for the damage is done by the war on drugs and the people that were unjustly incarcerated by the War on drucks. Some of the presidents, would it be okay, like even if they say, like I know, said state that it was a long time ago. So someone that wouldn't be okay to have a president who saying that they do smoke because I don't care. It's yeah, I don't care. It's fine with me. You're not hurting anybody, you know, because there's really no difference between that and now. There are plenty of exactly, there are plenty of people who drank. They'll go out to happy hour, they'll you know, they'll go out have one, two three. All right there, it is the star of the new radical extreme democratic Socialist Party, and that is a Cosio Cortes, the congresswoman. You know, great article in Red State that I told you about earlier. A war is coming between old and new school Democrats. It's not coming, though, it's here, it's right before our eyes. And what they're most afraid of is a Casio Cortez is just revealing what this party is already evolved into. Except they thought they were clever. They try to hide what their real positions are. They don't actively come out and say that they want socialism. They would always, you know, on the campaign that their m was to sound as moderate as possible and to bamboozle the American people and then always vote hard left no matter what the issue happened to be. But do they believe in the government takeover of industry like the healthcare industry? Will listen to Kamala Harris and Kirsten gilla Brand and Bernie Sanders and Medicare for all the well, Kamala Harris and Jillabrand say, we've got to eliminate all private health insurance. That's one hundred and eighty seven million Americans that will be forced into a government system. This is the radical party. They want energy, Okay, look at the New Green Deal or the Green New Deal. Okay, in ten years, no more fossil fuels, no natural gas, no coal, no nuclear, just clean renewable energy. Okay. That means that we're gonna have to change the cars that we drive. And but we'll have plug in areas all over the country. That's nice of them. Airplanes are gone, cow meat is gone, all the things that we Every home has to be rebuilt, every building has to be rebuilt. But you're guaranteed pretty much everything in this utopia society that they're promising, all the right words, all your fears are taken away, all the platitudes and false promises, which is everybody guaranteed a job with a family sustaining wage, and family leave and medical leave and vacations. Everyone gets full complete retirement security. They'll define what that is. Of course. Now we're gonna we destroyed K through twelve education. We pay more per capita than any other industrialized country, and we are like thirty seven when it comes to the educational system in this country. Well, now we'll take it straight on through college, guaranteed government. Healthy food. Great, what are they going to pick tonight for supper? But we can't have cows because there's too much cow flatulence and CO two emissions and it's hurting the environment. So you better stock up. If you want to make money, maybe you'll maybe you'll buy a lot of beef and freeze it for when beef then becomes illegal and then you have to of course you can sell it on the black market for huge profits. And of course we're gonna get rid of eventually the cows and eventually airplanes, and we're going to replace everything with high speed trains. Can't wait to see that high speed train express to Europe and Asia and New Zealand and Australia. But everyone gets free healthcare. Well, how do an Obamacare work out for you? Only this time they'll take away completely your healthcare plan? How do how do we ever recover from that? If they get their way. We're gonna have, of course, safe, affordable, adequate housing for everybody. That's after we rebuild every house in America because of the new Green mandate, economic security for those that are unable to work, those that are unwilling to work. But they try to back off that, but that's what they believe. Wasn't an accident they put it there. And economic environment free of monopolies. Yeah, because they will take over all industry in America. And then of course no beef, no planes. Oh and the party of late term abortion, even even during the birthing process, it will be legal. We're now up to eight states pushing this. It's not an anomaly. In New York. And then on top of that, the Senate wouldn't even take up the issue because the Democrats refused the you know, born a Live Protection Act if botched abortion happens. Now, we had a woman on the show last week that had that happened too. Anyway, glad you with us eight hundred and nine for one Sean toll free telephone number. It's our news Roundup and Information Overload hour on the program as we're joined by Jonathan Gillham, former FBI agent, Federal Air Marshall, author A Sheep no More, Danielle McLaughlin, attorney, who is a liberal quote constitutional expert. Um. Well, anyway, welcome both of you. Good to have you so tell us, Danielle, and congrats again on the baby. Tell us what part of the Green New Deal you don't like? Good, good afternoon, Sean, and happy Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine. Hey Jonathan too. I didn't think we'd be talking about cal' fletulence on Valentine's Day, but here we go. You knows because it's both applies to the Democrat Party. So well, yeah, well, I'm sure I suspect that they would be your your point of view. Look, the Green New Deal is a set of ideas, okay, and I agree there are some things in here that we're never going to get to. These kid timelines, the idea of making buildings green, that's crazy talk. That's never going to happen. But what this is meant to do is start a conversation and get us to start thinking about what this planet and what our cities and what our farm and our talents are going to look like in fifty, yes or one hundred years, and what we're going to do to adapt to climate change and the real economic downsides and economic harms that can come from a from a changing climate. Okay, you can say all you want that this is not We have one hundred Democrats signing onto this insanity. By the way, and a reporter asked Bob Benendez about the Green New Deal. We got all pissed off and threatened to call the cops after a reporter asked that. And now what we're seeing is there was an article in the New York Times, the Acasio Cortez effect Jonathan wave of challenges hits entrenched New York Democrats. What that means is every establishment, you know, real left wing Democrat. Now it is going to be challenged by one of these. You know, I want to take radical extremist Democrats, and the radicals will probably win. Well, that's what scary, you know. Was one thing I learned a while ago in politics in New York City was when Charlie Rangel used to get elected over and over again. I started looking into that, and as it turns out, in his district where he was running, you know, there's a million people there up in the Harlem area, maybe more, but only about eighteen thousand would come out and vote. That's it. So it's you know, some of these people that are getting in are going to the specific areas where people don't vote, and then they press these ridiculous things forward and then they convinced people just to come out and vote that aren't really looking at the issues at hand. And I think, you know, I'm hoping that they shoot themselves in the foot here, but I think it's really going to show what a way. But whether they will, they already have shot themselves in the foot. The American people, even if you identify yourself as pro choice, it don't support abortion while the birth is happening. After it's a fully formed baby. Most Americans heard the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Well, first, will deliver the baby, will make the baby comfortable and the mothers in labor. I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if if that's what the mother and the family desire. If not, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. Nobody supports this, but this we are on the verge of being the wealthiest nation on the face of this earth because of the vast energy, natural gas, oil, coal resources we have that Donald Trump is now allowing us to use. This will create literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of high pain in career jobs for Americans. And the wealth we saw so long in the in the Middle East will now be our wealth and will be the biggest exporter of energy, the lifeblood of our economy. But not if Danielle's friends, however, way their way. Look for sure we can we can head it both ways. I think you know. We have to in the in the in the now. We have to think about jobs and energy and I know exactly what you're talking about in terms of the reserves and texas that have been uncovered, but we also have to think that government. Government is about stewardships. My kids, my children's children's, yours, Sean. They're going to be inherenting a planet that is even more polluted than this today. And the consensus of scientists is ninety seven percent. So basically what I'm saying is, if you believe it's smoking causes cancer, then you have to believe in climate change because the numbers are exactly the same in terms of scientific consensus. I agree that some of this stuff feels very kind of crazy, but the Republicans it feels. Listen in the seventies, the Democratic Party and liberals, Jonathan, we're telling us the new ice age is coming, that it involved in the global warming. Because they were wrong on that prediction. Then all of a sudden, the planets started cooling again in a lot of areas. Then they said, oh boy, they would being exposed a third time. So they just say climate change. So whether it's hot or cold, whether the temperature changes, which it has historically over the years or not, they're going to use it because the premise is that humans are pillaging the planet for profit, and humans are destroying the planet, and we should have full, complete redistribution and equality among every person. That's what it comes down to. That's what they truly believe well in that. And I know people think this is crazy when I say this is called communism. That is the utopia that they believe in, that they have to cause disruption in order to get there, and showing if you listen to the verbiage that they use. I've heard so many people over this past week, because this is accelerating quickly, use a term called the collective. And it's scary to me when I hear them say that, because that is a communist term. We can call it communism or globalism or socialism, but that is a term that what they're trying to do is get everyone to think the same not to say everybody to say she's shore a solution and everybody says, yes, that's a solution. That's not what they're trying to do. They're trying to get everybody to think the same way so they can control them. And the scary part of this whole thing is that they are affecting a big part of this country to where they don't even question what they're doing, and Corey Booker saying the world cannot sustain people eating meat. I'm telling you, I'm really thinking about buying a bunch of cows and having them frozen for future use. Jonathan, I take this as real because look at the numbers of people that are supporting a Kasio Cortez's Green New Deal, and knowing Nancy Pelosi, I mean, she could be out there saying as she is right now, just trying to dismiss it. But she's facing a rebellion from this wing and her party, and she may be overthrown in the sense losing her speakership by this radical wing that has taken over the party, and as if she's not radical enough, right, And people are saying, you know, I hear it talks to people all the time, and they're saying, you know, oh, let that happen because they're just going to destroy themselves. I can't say that that's the case. It's a very scary thing what's happening and the speed of which is happening in the Democrat Party. And I think people need to ask themselves. This should be the litmus test that they use when they're listening to this. Am I supporting a candidate or am I supporting a candidate that shows me individual solutions to problems? You can't. It's not like cable. You don't bundle solutions. You either fix this and fix that or you're just trying to sell something that identifies to an ideology. And that's what's happening. Last word, Danielle loving these new policies. You know what this is, what this is all about. We have to have a discussion. One thing, I'll say that the Democrats are doing his preceding division for the future, whether you like it or not. That's got some ideas. What is the goop saying about what we're going to be doing in sixty years? Nothing, Well, we'll see. Certainly. I don't really hear you objecting to a lot of what they're proposing, so I have to assume you'll like it. All right, we'll take a break. Thank you both. When we come back, wide open telephones, we have an amazing Hannity tonight nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel Quick Break. We are going to do what no one else in the media will do. We're going to lay out the definitive case of corruption in the Department of Justice and the FBI to literally pull off a coup and undo well first to help elect a favored candidate and then undo a presidential election. That's nine Eastern. We'll continue, mister President, my son got a bad deal. He was killed by an illegal alien eight years ago. This is my daughter, Amy Courtland, who was killed by an illegal alien. This is my only child, Dominique German chocolate dirtan. This bill will result in nothing more than tens of thousands of more Americans being killed. Please, we plead with you. Please do not sign this bill. Please don't sign this bill. American people who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens, and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the US legally. President's decision to end DACA was heartless and it was brainless. When we use phrases like undocumented workers, we convey a message to the American people that their government is not serious about combating illegal immigration. Hundreds, hundreds of thousands of families will be ripped apart. If you don't think it's illegal, you're not going to say it. I think it is illegal and wrong. Ends of thousands of American businesses will lose hard working employees. And the argument them as the president is Americans don't want to do the work. Wait, just and fine American workers to do the work. But the president that is a cruck in many instances, it's just not true. In my view, From's decision to end the DOCCER program for some eight hundred thousand young people is the cruelest and most ugly presidential act in the modern history of this country. I cannot think of one single act which is uglier and more cruel. We've got to do several things, and I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants. People have to stop employing illegal immigrants. Come up to Westchester, go to Suffolk and Nassau County. Stand in the street corners in Brooklyn or the Bronx. You're going to see loads of people waiting to get picked up to go do yard work and construction work and domestic work. You know, idiot, this is not a problem that the people who are coming into the country are solely responsible for them be coming if we didn't put them to My proposal will keep families together, and it will include a path to citizenship. The number of immigrants added to the labor force every years of a magnitude not seen in this country for over a century. If this huge influx of mostly low scale workers provide some benefits to the economy as a whole, it also threatens to depress further the wages of blue collar Americans and put strains on an already overburdened safety net. Immigrants aren't the principal reason wages haven't gone up. There are those in the immigrants rights community who have argued passionately that we should simply provide those who are illegally with legal status, or at least ignore the laws on the books and put an end to deportation until we have better laws. But I believe such an indiscriminate approach would be both unwise and unfair. It would suggest to those thinking about coming here illegally that there will be no repercussions for such a decision, and this could lead to a surge in illegal immigration. These are students, their teachers, their doctors, their lawyers. They're Americans in every way, but on paper, those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law, and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law. We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants. Real reform means establishing a responsible pathway to earn citizenship. All right, those you know, why does in Congress now that they're going to vote on their thousand page, trillion dollars bill and not know a darned thing that is in this Why why would they ever allow this to have it? We're now back till you gotta pass it to know what its Senate strategy of the Democrats. And the amazing thing about all of this, to me, is what Nita Lowie is telling people. So she writes to her Democratic colleagues, Oh, the House todays or Thursday meeting today is because it's gonna vote in conference and a report covering the agriculture, commerce, justice, science, financial services, general government, homeland security, etc. And she talks about all this new money, a billion dollars for the Census Bureau, of all this other money here, and then she has an interesting paragraph because she's urging Democrats to vote for this after with the horrible bill we're talking about. Remember it's supposed to give and she even says there's no poison pill in the bill as it relates to the one point three seven five. But then she writes an alternative to this bill, the trillion dollar nobody read, thousand page fiasco bill, And I'll turn to the conference report. Is a full year continuing resolution a CR for the remaining bills. This would result in losing approximately eleven billion dollars an increased well spending, she calls investments just like taxes. There's the investments, and she including the additional billion dollars for the Census Bureau that is desperately needed for our communities to be well represented in the decade that follows. A CR would also lead to the Department of Homeland Security spending two billion dollars on border barriers and significantly increasing the number of detention bets. Okay, do a clean CR. That's what Republicans ought to do. That's that's pretty straightforward to me. You know, we have so much big news. If we got this war emerging between as I've been talking about earlier today, we've got a Democratic Party that is just off the rails. I mean this, you know, you got one hundred people supporting Acasio Cortez's you know, Green New Deal bill. You know, the one that is gonna demand every home be rebuilt in America, every building be rebuilt in America. The one that's going to eliminate all fossil fuels, I mean, all gas, all oil, all coal is gone. And well that will eliminate the car. That will also eliminate airplanes. Well, that might take a little longer, she says. Then we've got, you know, everything else that they're now support. Everyone's going to get a great, equal sustaining wage, great promises, great platitudes, bumper stickers, free free, free family medical leave, guaranteed, a bill of rights that guarantees it high quality education. Now we've ruined K through twelve. Now we're gonna go into ruining college as well as if it's not enough indoctrination going on in colleges. Government's gonna absolutely guarantee you help the food a boy, here come the diet police. Then of course, safe affordable, adequate housing. Everyone gets the government house. Everyone you know, put it together on healthcare, same thing there, everyone is going to be guaranteed a retirements, security of vacation healthcare. And by the way, that includes Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillabrand, Bernie Sanders. No more private healthcare. Everyone's gonna have one healthcare. Everyone's gonna have guaranteed housing. Everyone's gonna have an environment and economic free of monopolies. Because they're going to nationalize the healthcare industry, good luck to you. And then of course on top of that, they'll nationalize energy. They will destroy what is the life blood of our economy, which is our energy sector. At a time, we're about to experience explosive growth and wealth creation for all Americans because you know, think back to the North Dakota boom and the Oklahoma Texas boom, and the natural gas boom that is developing right now. I love when you know Andrew Cuomo goes to talk to the President and beg for more money, that the President says, why don't you just frack your way out of it? Because you're stopping fracking is what is creating such devastation in the state of New York. And he's right, that's the answer. We have more natural gas. We are the Middle East of natural gas. We are frankly, we are the biggest energy We could be the world's biggest energy supplier easily. We got two literally right now, two separate pipelines that are available to us that are being built, and more is about to open up. We've surpassed for the first time in sixty five years where energy not only independent for the first time, but now we're literally exporting energy. And if drivers in North Dakota get one hundred grand and free training, well that means high paying career jobs for every American is literally now on our horizon. Money is that now people can afford homes and trucks and vacations and everything else. So you know what this means for the country. This is insanity. Okay, We're gonna have all these high speed trains built to Europe. We're gonna have a high speed train to How are you gonna get to Vietnam in ten years if they have a summit. We're gonna have a high speed train to the Asia. We're gonna have a high speed train to New Zealand and Australia. Australia, Hey, Mike, what are we gonna do? Free? Free, free, can't wait till you have to rebuild your home. Even the unions, by the way, are supporting, you know, saying this is insanity. By the way, Amy Kramer is with us, chairwoman of Women for Trump and CJ of the Deplorable Choir. Amy Kramer, by the way, her beautiful daughter works on our show now, And hey, son, what's going on? How are you good to talk to you? So you're actually you're saying you now the president. You know, we've been mullin a shutdown all day and on all of this, and I can, for the life of me understand if Nita Lowe is now telling us exactly why we shouldn't vote for why we would be even consider voting for it. Well, that's exactly it. I mean, I just go back to I think it was last March when the President himself said I'll never do this again. I'll never sign one of these bills again that no one's read. Here we are, you know, it came out last night, eleven hundred pages. What we do know is in it is not good. It's horrible. And look, I've been on Capitol Hill the past two days with angel families, people who have lost loved ones to illegal immigrants across this country starting from nineteen ninety. One of our angel parents lost somebody in nineteen ninety the most recent one December twenty ninth of twenty eight team, so not even two months ago. And you know what they told me today, Seun Days said our children are worth more than one point three billion dollars. That's how they feel about it. This is not acceptable, This is a bad deal, and they don't want the President to sign this bill. Well, I understand it. And look look at what Nita Louise. You know what she's saying in all of this, and that is that, you know, and she's trying to convince her conference, she said. An alternative to the conference report, meaning this trillion dollar boondoggle, is a full year of a CR continuing resolution for the remaining bills, which would result in losing approximately eleven billion dollars in increased investments, meaning government spending right and including the one billion for the Census Bureau that is desperately needed for our communities to be well represented in the decade that follows. A CR would also lead to the Department of Homeland Security spending two billion dollars on border barriers and significantly. Are you in the number of detention bets. Well, I think that's more what the president wants, isn't it right? But I mean Chris Kobak was on a new show to Thoughts and Friends, I believe this morning, and what he was talking about is the key words that talk about the spending, like before you know, the one point three to seven or the whatever, however much is going to be spent for barriers or whatnot, because if it says, you know, not anything above or more whatever, I mean, the president's hands are tied. So I don't trust the Democrats on anything, and honestly, there's a lot of Republicans I don't trust either. And I'm concerned right now that the people around the president are given him bad advice. I think they want to just push this through and be done with it, and that is not what we want. I mean, that is not why he was elected. He was elected to secure the border, build the wall, make sure America's safe again. That's his number one priority, making our national security, making sure we're safe, and that's what he needs to stay committed to, and he to know that there are millions of people out here supporting him. I feel like he's far right. Let's get let's get CJ in here as well. Hi, Sean, great to hear your voice. She's awesome, Sean. Yeah, I'm sure. Did you hear how we went to the Capitol yesterday and we brought all the Angel Moms and they actually called the police on these Angel Moms when we went into Nancy Pelosi's office. Yeah, I saw you guys at Nancy Pelosi's office with the Angel families. I'm so glad you're doing that. All right. CJ of the Deplorable Choir and Amy Kramer, thank you both for being with us. Thank you, Sean, Thank you, Sean. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. All right, we have more going on time. We're going to explain exactly what the president's plan is, which you just can't listen to the media here. And you know, part of this is election of conselt Jus elections due and the second part of it is that Republicans can be really weak. But with that said, the president is going to build the wall and I'll explain in all detail. Also, the biggest abuse of power scandal in history confirmed. We're gonna give the timeline and who now that was involved in the silent coup, Who ought to be facing charges and what charges? All right? John Dawd, the president's former attorney, Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs Tonight, Dan Bongino, Sarah Carter, Victor Davis Hansen, David Shown, Greg Jarrett, and Gorka all coming up, nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News, see it tonight, Thanks for being with us, have a great Valentine's Day, and see you back here tomorrow

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