Pollsters John McLaughlin and Matt Towery, discuss last night’s debate and the fall out moments everyone is talking about today. Not the least of which is Jake Tapper’s comments that Trump doesn’t love his children the way Biden does, insanity.
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All right, thanks Scott Channing eleven days you are the ultimate jury. The debate season is now over and voting has begun in many many states. We have a full interactive map if you want election information about registering or about early voting, when it starts, when it stops, how to do absentee voting, polling locations. Who's gonna be running in your congressional district? Do you have a Senate race going on? It's all up on Hannity dot com. Character is on the ballot? Just remember that because this whole issue that the mob and the media and big Tech have been trying to prevent you from even reading about the same people that pushed the Russia Russia Russia phony hoax and the Ukrainian hoax. They are giving the biggest in kind, incalculable amounts of money donations to all things Democratic, Socialist and the Biden campaign. But it's still getting out. We'll get to all of this. Uh. It was pretty amazing the entire night last night. I just watched in fascination as Joe Biden just lies the number of law and Trump getting him to admit he's getting rid of fossil fuels and oil and gas and yeah, go ahead, put it on your website. I never said I'm gonna eliminate fracking. We've got the table. Get to that in a second here, um, you know, and right out of the box, I did not say that the China travel band was hysterical, xenophobic and fear mongering. Well, his actual Twitter account has it, the travel ban is hysterical, xenophobic and fear mongering, just lying about it. And he did this almost through the end of March. He was still saying the exact same thing. And as a president pointed out, and I thought this was fascinating. You know, his one advisor on H one N one or N one H one as Joe calls it, said, we did every possible thing wrong and sixty million people contracted H one N one. Then they did everything wrong, and they waited, you know, forever to even you know, call it what it was, a massive pandemic. Now was not as lethal as the president pointed out. Again, I am I did not think the moderator is as great as everybody else seems to have thought. In the mob in the media, I guess. I mean, she kept interrupting Trump. This is what I hate about this format. It's all right, give them the two minutes. You can turn the mic off muted if you want, But then let them have at it. Let them have a real debate. Let presidential candidates have a real debate. But they never want to do that, and which I think is, you know, unfortunate, probably not probably the biggest blunder that was made by Joe Biden. Besides a lot of his lying, and I never got a cent. Nobody's ever said I've done anything wrong. Oh okay, Joe, you missed the press conference earlier in the day. Is on the issue his promise, his pledge, his solemn vow that he will destroy the oil industry, and he lied about eliminating fracking, and he said we'll get rid of fossil fuels. Now even his biggest supporters today are scared to death. They've been in damage controlled mode from the second that debate ended last night, when he said he supports destroying America's oil industry, which, by the way, is what the Green New Deal is all about, which he's embraced, which is on his website, just like the Bolshevik Berney Economic Plan, which he paid plagiarized. But he stepped into the biggest political landmine. The first thing and the most obvious thing we've got understand something here, oil, gas, coal, It is the lifeblood of the world's economy. Donald Trump has been able to accomplish something that has not been accomplished in seventy five years. We are now energy independent. We are now the largest producer of energy in the entire world. Now jobs in the energy sector are high paying career jobs that it's estimated to be as high as nineteen million Americans are connected to. That is how vital it is to this country and the economy, and the idea that we would now what we're going to rely on the Middle East again, Well, think about this. They get to control the price of energy. That means we don't have free, open, competitive markets because we ten ourselves out. We are now are artificially reducing the supply, supply and demand, criss crossing dictating the price. Simple economics, one on one. Okay, so we'll do it. Then we'll be reliant on other countries, many of whom hate our guts for the lifeblood of our economy, and they'll be able to run American companies out of business, and all those American jobs are going to be lost. You know, would he close down the oil would you close down the oil industry? I would transition from the oil industry, Biden responded, and Trump didn't didn't miss a beating. That's a big statement. And Biden saying it is a big statement because the oil industry pollutes significantly. This is the you got to understand, Americans. We have got to understand something here now. I'm all for clean air, clean water, be good stewards of the gifts that God gives us. But we've been reducing carbon emissions through our own technological advancements, and getting out of the Paris Accords was one of the smartest and cost saving measures the president ever made. And we still have the lowest levels in terms of carbon emissions in the industrialized world, with the greatest reductions just in the last two years alone. You know. And then the President just stepped right in and said, yeah, I hope you're paying attention Pennsylvania. Did you hear him? Now? That was another point in this debate, you know, when he says I never said I'd end fracking. Here's what he said last night, And what about fracking? All right? Said I opposed fracking you said tape. I did show the tape. Put it on your website. I'll put it on put it on the website. The fact of the matter is flat lying. Would you rull out banning fracking? I do rule out bandy fracking because the answer we need we need other industries to transition to get to ultimately a complete zero emissions by twenty twenty five. Here's Joe saying he will eliminate fracking. Listen and not not not banning fracking period. But kiddo, I want you to just take a look. Okay, you don't have to agree, but I want you to look in my eyes. I guarantee you. I guarantee you We're going to end fossil fuel and I am not going to cooperate with the CAT or no new fracking. Would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking in a Biden administration. No, would. We would work it out. We would make sure it's eliminated and no more subsidies for either one of those. Will you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking your first day in office? Adding the United States the list of countries who have banned this devastating practice. There's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking. So she's banning fracking out right. He will eliminate fracking. He said it over and over and over and over and over again. Now you do have politicians. Remember, Joe Biden is not exactly all there. Does anyone know where Joe Biden is tonight? I guess he's in Delaware And now he's now he's trying to undo the damage that he did last night. They've been in complete damage control mode from last night's debate. But this is now one of the most fundamental differences because I've been telling everybody this is the biggest choice election we'll ever have in our lifetime. Every single thing that you want, like believing it will be turned on it. It's head based on their stated agenda. They have stated a agenda is higher taxes. What sixty six percent? We're gonna pay sixty six cents out of every dollar we make to the federal government. We're gonna he said, last night, open borders. Eleven million people that didn't respect our laws, our sovereignty, our borders are gonna get amnesty, by the way, for Americans that are now just getting back in the workplace. They'll be competing for jobs and those wages will be driven way down because you have more people competing for the same jobs. Then he's out there, I'm gonna ban fracking. I'm gonna ban fossil fuels. Okay, that'll destroy and blow up the entire oil industry and with it manufacturing in America. And then we'll be you know what, foreign conflict will we have to engage in to keep the free flow of oil at market prices up because we were foolish enough not to remain energy independent. I mean, so the people. I don't care if you're in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, anywhere in between. This will be impacting the economies in your states in ways that I can't even begin to fathom. You're talking about high paying career jobs in the lifeblood of our economy. And by the way, natural gas is clean burning. It's not the big polluter that the Democrats would have you believe. But he's beholden to the aocs of the world. He's already committed trillions of dollars to the New Green Deal. I think the president, you know the fact that he just lies about did he forget. I mean, he's been practicing in his basement bunker for six days for the debate. Doesn't do any campaigning whatsoever. You know, now he's out there healthcare as a human right. That's his big speech today. The president he's in Florida. I think he's at the villages today. He's going to be given a speech there in a little bit. So it's an outright lie. And on top of it, now you have this growing scandal which is going to get bigger and bigger and bigger by the day. And I think now America has the biggest choice election. Do you want court packing? Do you want judicial activism? Do you want to basically assert the power of the legislative and executive branches of government by packing the courts things that Democrats would never get done at the ballot box or legislatively. They'll count on these leftist activist justices to do for them lifetime positions. Then, of course DC Puerto Rico statehood. That's four Democratic senators in their minds, that would be a Senate majority in perpetuity. Then we'll end the legislative filibuster. Then we're gonna have open borders and amnesty and take down the wall that Donald Trump has been building, will become the United Sanctuary States of America. What does that do for Americans competing for jobs? It puts them at a decided disadvantage. Then we're gonna raise taxes, that's a guaranteed. Then we're gonna put all those burdens and regulations that destroyed manufacturing back in place. Then he said he's going to replace Obamacare with Bidencare. Well, the promise was keep your doctor, keep your plan, and save money. That that didn't work out well either. You know, you look at every single policy proposal, but on top of it all, you got a candidate now that is so compromised based on all of this information that is now readily available, except that the mob and the medium big tech companies are trying to prevent you, the American people, from making up your own minds because they refused to even and put it up. You know, NPR gets our tax dollars and they decide, well, we don't think Biden corruption is a worthy enough news story to cover. Really, you're going to decide for us, and we're paying your salary. No, thank you. We should have. We should have defunded them forever ago the president. I'm going to go through this development that we've been following here with this guy Tony Bob o Lynsky, who did a phenomenal job in a predebate press conference that he had. But of course, you know, none of the networks fake news, CNN, conspiracy tv MSDNC, as long as it's not about Trump or a Trump Russia conspiracy or a phony Ukrainian into conspiracy, that I guess it's not worthy news wise, because we don't want to do anything that's gonna upset the apple cart and hurt Joe Biden and his election campaign. But maybe some people don't fully comprehend or understand it. You get rid of oil, you get rid of gas, you get rid of fossil fuels. Now you're dependent and if we had this great new technology that was readily available, cheaper, cleaner energy, we'd be using it. It doesn't exist. You know, I've talked in the past that I love to go to this earlier when I had time in my life up which I don't have any of now. It is called the Invention Convention. I don't even know if it still exists, and they have this cool stuff. They had this guide one year that said that actually heat thinks that there is unlimited sources of energy in within gravity, if that makes any sense. I'm not scientific in the sense that I can ling it the way he would, But in Layman's terms, it's just that if we could somehow, and he believed there would be a way that we could tap into the gravitational pull and the energy of that, that it would become unlimited sources of energy which would transform the world. But we don't have that available. When he talks about ending the oil industry, he is dismissing millions of people and the jobs that they count on. He is dismissing the lifeblood of our economy. When he's talking about eliminating fracking and fossil fuels, he is literally talking about destroying Due to this religious fervor that Democrats have on this New Green Deal madness, that everything's going to be free, free education from pre K through college, student loan forgiveness, guaranteed government job and guaranteed government wage, vacation, healthy food, healthcare, retirement. None of this is something they can fulfill. If you get off of we decide to unilaterally eliminate not only destroy the lives of millions of Americans and they're the lifeblood of their family, we will destroy manufacturing in the process. And we will still be dependent on fossil fuels, which means we will now be importing them, which means that greatly impacts decisions that we will be making regarding national security. And that means that, oh, we might have to get involved foreign entanglements in the Middle East. Remember with the most recent incident, tankers being taken in the Straits of Hormos near Iran, we had all the time in the world because we're not getting our oil from Iran or through the Straits of Hormos anymore. That alone keeps this country safer and more secure. All right, glad you with us twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sean is our number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza and so much going on, so much happening, pretty crazy times we're living in. Look, the debates now are over. President. Did I think by exposing Biden, by the way, who built the cages? Joe? Who built the cages Joe? Which was the big lie of the media, They built cages. You know. They used to say I built the cages. And then they had a picture in a certain newspaper and it was a picture of these horrible cages and they said, look at these cages. President Trump built them. And then it was determined they were built in twenty fourteen. That was him. They built the cages. They who built the cages. Let's talk about who built the cages. Who built the cages? Joe? Who built the cages? Joe? That would be yes, that was them. Um, look, it's eleven days till election day. You have to assume. And I stand by my analogy. I'm not I am not somebody that is Pollyannish. I do not, I do not believe, and I'm stuck by this. You know, the two thousand Eggs and Poles were pretty wrong, and the two thousand and four Eggs and Poles were dead wrong because they said that John Kerry was going to be the next president. We know how wrong the posters got it in twenty sixteen. We know the eggs and Poles in twenty sixteen had Hillary Clinton as the newly elected president. That didn't quite work out the way they thought. We have other factors pandemic, unrest, all these, all these I don't know how you factor a lot of these questions in except that law order, safety security is on the ballot, And yeah, we are on the verge, probably within weeks of hearing that we have a vaccine final phase human trials that is ready to go, that will be mobilized. And by the way, I'm not one that thinks that everybody should get the vaccine, and I think it should be a choice of the American people that you can read the science, you can read the trials and then decide for yourself. If they deem it safe and nobody's died, and and it creates and the bodies and minimal side effects, I would probably be inclined to take it. But my half my friends think I'm nuts. Thatt, I get a flu shot every year, so that's a personal decision. Here's where we are now. If we look at Trafalgar and the states that will matter the most the same states as they always are. In Florida, Trump has a two and a half point lead. Still close your vote. We know what Florida can be like with dimpled, pimpled, dented, indented, you know, hanging, swinging, perforated chads, etc. Et. Five hundred and what thirty seven votes, five twenty seven votes, whatever the number was. But Trump is leading according to Falgar. In Michigan, Donald Trump is up by a point. In Wisconsin, Donald Trump is down by one point. I think the most fascinating state that is on the Trafalgar page is Biden and Trump or at forty six forty six in Minnesota. In spite of polls by the mob the media, we have Trump up by six in Texas, Trump up by six in Georgia. In Pennsylvania, two point lead for Joe Biden. Pennsylvania's critical. I've got to believe last night's comments and Joe Biden. Now everybody sees that Joe Biden lied through his teeth last night and then his comment about getting us off of fossil fuels. They've been trying to, you know, do damage control on this all day. Arizona, Trafalgar has I think it's probably even a little closer at four points for Trump. Arizona has had me a little bit nervous. Ohio four points for Trump, North Carolina a point and a half for Trump. And you know it's it's basically right now. You just got to assume that you're down by six. I use my football analogy that everybody understands except for a Linda, that you're down by six, it's the fourth quarter, you're on your own twenty you have no timeouts, two minute drill. You got to march down the field eighty yards cross the plaine. I mean, it's good a touchdown and kick the extra point to win. If you If everybody has that urgency, especially if you live in Florida, especially if you're in Georgia, especially if you're in North Carolina and Ohio and Iowa and Arizona and Nevada, especially if you're in Pennsylvania. I'm really looking at Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania heard Joe by last night, and it gets through to Pennsylvanians. Remember you also have Kamala Harris out there saying by executive order, she believes you can take away your Second Amendment rights. Amazing. You have three debates, one vice presidential, two presidential, and not one question about our Second Amendment. But they're going to raise everybody's taxes. They will repeal the Trump tax cuts. That's what that means. Joe is going to pack the courts it's not if he's going to That's why he refuses to say he won't do it. We know that Schumer says everything's on the table that will end the legislative philibuster. We know they're going for DC and Puerto Rico as statehood. They view that as for Democratic senators and that would be you know, a Senate majority for the Democrats and perpetuity in their minds that going. Joe said it last night, amnesty. I think it's more like fifteen million people than eleven million people. But he's going to do that on day one and eliminate the wall. We'll have open borders. We know is week on foreign policy. We know that he's bought into this new Green Deal socialism, which is what it is. We know how Obamacare failed spectacularly. So there's a lot on the line and this is about, you know, the future of the country and where we're gonna go now. So you know, by the way, Rasmussen has an approval rating now fifty two percent. They call that the holy Grail of reelection numbers. And by the way, it's not an outlier because you have the same numbers coming out of John Zogby. He has fifty one percent of likely voters. And but all of this is tight. Now, a lot of this is there's there's no enthusiasm for Joe Biden. There's only Trump hatred. But then you see these rallies of the president with tens and tens and tens of thousands of people, see of people you can't even count, you know, count how many people there? You know? He's the Villages today, which is America's friendliest hometown. Uh, which, by the way, do you ever go to the we went? Were you there, Linda when we went to the Villages, sweet baby James, you were there? I remember we did our radio show from there. Yeah, you were there? Right? That isn't wasn't that the coolest place? The people. They got bars everywhere, they got restaurants everywhere, the movie theaters everywhere. They have every possible activity and it's it's basically and they set us up with their own radio studio. We were like a corner in the back, like across from the back, but then people were standing on outside as we were doing We definitely had fish We had fish ball effect. Just as we were starting the TV show, it starts pouring, so we lost. Yeah, it was crazy nuts. Um, here's another uh something. We've got to pay attention to Alaska. Leo Tourell later, but the president's approval rating among likely African American voters jumped to forty six percent according to Rasmussen forty six percent, and by the way, that's updated data less than twenty four hours after the final presidential debate. And according to that survey, the president's approval rating from last night's debate went from thirty seven to forty six. Because I thought his answer about well, the Platinum Plan and opportunity zones and historically black colleges and you know, record low unemployment for African Americans and every demographic group in the country. You know, the president laying all of this out last night. I thought he gave a very good answer, and then he kept hammering Joe, Yeah, Joe, okay, why didn't you do it? Why didn't you do criminal justice reform? Why didn't you do police reform? You didn't do any of it, Joe all talk, no action. Forty seven years swamp creature, which is true. Fifty one percent Pennsylvania voters say they are better off than they were four years ago. Gallup has nationally fifty six percent. But again, you gotta vote too much early voting, who knows how much cheating. I don't trust anybody. I'm a trust but verify guy. Anyway, I don't think anybody's impressed by anything with Joe Biden. It's just you know, and I will tell you that there is damage done last night with especially on the energy issue, especially on his answers on the New Green Deal and everything in between. But we have this other issue that is now emerged here. We had just prior. Now we had big tech trying to suppress the stories. Now and Google and Facebook. Now we have fake news CNN, MSDNC conspiracy theory. They spiked the story of Tony Bob o Lynsky. This is what he said prior to last night's debate, Biden saying that he's never discussed business with Hunter. That is false. I firsthand knowledge about this because I directly dealt with the Biden family, including Joe Biden. I have also heard that Vice President Biden said on Tuesday that Senator Ron Johnson, the chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, should be a shame for suggesting that Biden family sought to profit from their name. Well, here are the facts I know, and everything I'm saying is collaborated by emails, What's app, chats, agreements, documents, and other evidence. On May second, twenty seventeen, the night before Joe Biden was to appear at the Milk and Conference, I was introduced to Joe Biden by Jim Biden and Hunter Biden. At at my approximate hour long meeting with Joe that night, we discussed the Biden's history, the Biden's family business plans with the Chinese, with which he was plainly familiar, at least at a high level. Everything the President said last night, I thought the President had exactly the perfect cadence, pitch and tone on this, because it's true. We already knew Ukraine now that the Mob gave the medium, Mob gave Joe Biden a pass. You're not getting a billion taxpayer dollars. Let's you fire a prosecutor in Ukraine, the one that was investigating zero experience, Hunter, any experience in oil, no gas, no energy, no Ukraine. No. But now we know it's bigger than that. We've got a picture of Joe Biden with this kazak oligarch involved in wiring money to Hunter's company Kazakhstan. You got the Russian oligarch three and a half million dollars. You got that wire transfer on the record the first Lady of Moscow. We know what happened with Ukraine in Barisma. We know about the Bank of China and at one point five billion dollars deal ten days after Hunter travels with his vice president father to China. Now you've got this, you know this. New witness Tony Pabolenski says, I got to hold my phones. This is the phone from these years, this year and this year, and now the FBI has now moved in to interview Tony baba Lynski. He's going to go before the Senate committees, the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, that's Ron Johnson and Charles Grassley. And all of this was chronicled by the way in their report on September twenty three that the medium mob has been trying to conceal. Now what does it mean. That means he's compromised. It means that Joe Biden allowed his family to you know, make money off his position in his name. Now, why would you give somebody with zero experience millions and millions of dollars if you're from Russia or Ukraine or Kazakhstan or China or elsewhere, because you just happened to meet him and like him. No, because you're buying access, you're trying to buy influence. Well, what does that mean if you're the president of Ice. It means that you've been compromised. Kimberly Strasse allot of great right column about this today that lays it out in all its detail. We'll put it up on Hannity dot com. And this, you know, we broke the story with our friend Peter Schweitzer about Sinahawk Holdings, a venture between the Bidens and a China energy company, a Shanghai based conglomerate, and you know which says that you know, it all came from Hunter's laptop. He says he went public to clear his name. And he has all the emails, all the text messages, all the what's ap up app messages? Whatever What's up app? Is? Bob o Lynsky's text messages show he recruited for the project by James Gillier, a Hunter associate. Remember you have this guy, Bevin Cooney is in jail now. He's turned over his email account to Peter Sweitzer, proving that the Bidens are lying through their teeth. Bobo Lensky's messages show that, in fact, Joe did know about all of these business dealings, as does Bevin Cooney's emails. Then you got Devin Archer, also now convicted, and he's now schedu to be you know, given jail times, he's just awaiting sentencing, and it's all there, and the mob and the media and Twitter and Facebook and everybody in between is now trying to act like this story doesn't exist. Well, imagine if Hunter's last name was Trump. Do you think they get the same treatment from big tech companies? I don't think so, or the medium mob. I don't think they're either. Anyway, We're gonna cover it all. We have Ron Johnson on Hannity tonight and Peter Schweitzer was gonna be on tonight. We was gonna blow it right wide open. This was Donald Trump would be the biggest scandal ever. The same Medium mob that pitched lies, conspiracy theories, smears, besmirchments for four years, but they ignore the truth. All right, glad you with us as we continue our two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. The moment that Joe Biden lied and said he never called for a fracking ban my phone blew up. When he said he'd get rid of fossil fuels, my phone blew up. There goes Pennsylvania was the the general consensus. Uh, let me play Joe Uh lying and saying he never called for a fracking band and I want to play Joe saying I will transition away from the oil industry. And then we've got Joe Uh trying to backtrack. I'm not getting rid of fossil fuels for a long time. That was after the debate. Listen, and what about fracking? All right? Let me never said I opposed fracking. You said tape. I did show the tape. Put it on your website. Put it on put it on the website. The fact of the matter is Slot lying, would you rule out banning fracking? I do rule out bandy fracking because the answer we need we need other industries to transition to get to ultimately a complete zero emissions by twenty twenty five. Would would you close down the other way? I would transition from the oil industry. Yes, a transition. That is a big statement because I would stop. Why would you do that, because the oil industry pollutes significantly. I said, here's the deal, but it's if you let me finish the statement, because it has to be replaced by renewable energy over time, over time, and I'd stop giving to the oil industry. I'd stop giving them federal subsidies. You won't give federal subsidies to the to the gasol, shoot me to the to solar and wind. Why are we giving it to oil industry? We actually do to solar and wind. That's maybe the biggest statement in terms of business. That's the biggest statement because basically what he is going to destroy the oil industry. Will you remember that Texas? We remember that, Pennsylvania. Well, we're not going to rid of fossil fuels. We're getting rid of the subsidies for fossil fuels, but we're not getting rid of fossil fuels. For a long time, holding them a while for what they had done, particularly in those cases where you're under certain neighborhoods and you know the dude, and by the way, when they done put it in jail, that's what I have if we don't start using fussil fuels all day. All right, So how's this going to impact the race? As we just pointed out rasmusin now Magic number fifty two percent approval for Donald Trump, dramatic increases in the African American community, Hispanic community, even five thirty eight and eight Silver recognizes that. Tofalger, who's been the guy that has been cited the most as being one of the guys that have been correct, there weren't many in twenty sixteen showing that Trump is up in a lot of these states like Arizona and Florida and Georgia and North Carolina, and he's down two in Pennsylvania. He's up in Ohio very very close forty six, forty six, Minnesota, has the president up by one in Michigan, a dead heat in Wisconsin. Our posters joined us now John McLaughlin and Matt Towery. Matt, you did two recent polls for Insider Advantage and you had the president up three in Florida and down three in Pennsylvania that was down three before that debate. I think that that debate is going to have a substantial impact in Pennsylvania. In fact, I put that in my Trump column right now. I have Trump winning Georgia, Ohio, Florida. I think that Pennsylvania will move into the Trump columns certainly leaning that way. I had Wisconsin leaning Trump, I would leaning Trump. I have Biden doing okay in Nevada. Michigan is still up for grabs, and my upsets special is going to be Minnesota. I'm keeping my eye on that because I think that's one that Trump could grab that no one's looking at right now. But the momentum has shifted. You look at the IVYD poll, which it's not perfect because it's a national poll, but it's one of the better national polls, and they're saying the race is closing, that independents are shifting now to Trump in the last last week or two. And also turnout here in Florida where I live, We've had a massive turnout of early voters. Republicans are leading by one hundred and forty five thousand as of today early voters. Now, admittedly there are a lot more early male ballots who are Democrats, but that doesn't mean that that will say that way. And I think that Florda is going to be very tight, but Florda is going to go for Trump as well. What are we to make, John McLaughlin, of all of those early voting now nearly fifty million people having already voted. Well, I think that was what the Democrats are afraid of, is that they wouldn't have enough early voting and because they wanted people to bank their votes before they saw what they saw last night in Trump delivered a really toward a force against Joe Biden where he exposed them on a lot of radical left plans that he's going to be controlled by the radical left. As you saw it last night. The longer the debate went, the worst Biden looked and he got fatigued. That's what he means, the mistake that he's going to wipe out the oil industry and he's gonna you know, and he continually lied through the whole thing and wasn't called to account. And most of all, the best thing was in the media before the debate, Frank Luntz and others were saying the president should not make corruption an issue, he shouldn't do it at all. But you know what, Frank Luntz is on emails and the Hunter Biden hard drive communicating with Hunter Biden way back when. But he's in that. And the crazy part is when the president led off with corruption in spite of the blackout from the mainstream media ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, etc. They won't carry it. The President was courageous enough to make that an issue, and Joe Biden raised it when he talked about characters on the ballot. Guess characters on the ballot, and guess what The evidence is now pointing that Joe Biden was influenced peddling as vice president and he was basically running a family business where where he was getting money from Chinese businesses and Ukraine businesses, and the Mayor of Russia's wife gave Hunter Biden millions of dollars that they were holding for the vice president. So this is something that's gonna over the next eleven days, continue to build momentum and continue to reveal facts that it will motivate Republican turnout in the final ballot and on through election day, and it will also make those independents who are undecided they can't vote for Joe Biden because he doesn't have the character and he didn't tell the truth, because he lied last night in the debate. You know, it's gonna be fascinating. One of the things that we will learn before this election, I believe next week later next week, and that is what the GDP growth is for the third quarter. There are estimates it could be a record shattering thirty or thirty plus percent. Matt Towery. Now, fifty million people already voted. They're voting without that information, which would mean the greatest economic recovery in the history of this country, which, by the way, Biden and Obama couldn't do it eight years. Remember they had, you know, eight million more Americans in poverty, thirteen million more Americans food stamps, lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, and Donald Trump shattered to every record low unemployment number for every demographic and every minority group in the country. You're absolutely right, And that gets me to a point that I've been making month after month after months. Donald Trump is not running against Joe Biden. He is running against the American media, the media establishment. I happen to watch ABC Nightly News the other night. This is with all of this stuff in Hunter Biden, which was just discussed by John, all the other issues that are out there do you know what led it was? Coronavirus is now out of control. Hospitals are overwhelmed. People shouldn't go out of their house. It's drama after drama, and anything the President A chaves will never be covered. We're in a complete blackout between Twitter, Facebook, the networks, and the major newspapers, national newspapers. So if the economy ends up being magnificent, which it is, he has made the greatest comeback a person to possibly be expected to make given these circumstances. But when that happens, let's see how it's reported by the media. Let's see what they say. You won't hear a word about it. So this is so corrupt, just like big tech companies are corrupt. All right, Let's go through these numbers. This is from Trafalgar and it's all right. Wisconsin, Biden up by one, Michigan, Trump up by one, Florida, Trump up by two and a half. In Pennsylvania, Trump up by two. I'm sorry, Biden up by two. Arizona they have Trump up by four, Ohio, Trump up by four, North Carolina, Trump up by two. Minnesota's fascinating to me. Forty six, forty six Georgia Trump up by six I mean, pretty amazing numbers. At the end of the day, How do you interpret any of this, John McLaughlin, Well, as for those of us who went through the twenty sixteen campaign with President Trump, it's dejavule Oliver again, except it's closer. It's even closer now because those numbers that you're talking about, this is exactly what we've been talking about for weeks. If you go on the Real Clear Politics website, which granted trafalgas moving in the averages our way, when you look at the battleground states, there's one hundred and ninety seven toss up electoral votes and Donald Trump already is banking over one hundred twenty electoral votes. So the one hundred ninety seven toss ups is just like back in twenty sixteen when we had one hundred and seventy one electoral vote toss ups and we ran the table to win in the last couple of weeks. It wasn't you know, it was right before election day and you talked about Rastmuster reports having a fifty two percent job approval for the president yesterday, Well, George W. Bush the day got reelected fifty one percent Obama after Hurricane Sandy the day he was reelected fifty one percent. This president's on his way to getting re elected. And the national polls you mentioned rastmus in Reports Florida, they have him up three today, forty nine to forty six. President Trump's ahead. So and there's one there's one polster out painter. I don't know them, but they put out a poll saying that Trump is ahead and was in Michigan, parton me, Michigan forty ninety five. So Joe Biden, it's come. It's like, by the way, did you know that John James somebody. I don't mean to interrupt you, but John James has gotten the endorsement of the Detroit News. John James is leading in that race for the Senate Michigan. Yes, and they're worried about the Senate. The Democrats are worried about the Senate Seaton Minnesota too. So Donald Trump, besides beating Joe Biden, may have some Senate cotails here because if he wins, they will hold the Senate. And and you know, all that Joe Biden can say is he kept on sale last night. Come on, man, And at some point when he would say come on. It's like, oh, he's gonna say another lie, like he's gonna lie about fracking. He's gonna lie about Hunter Biden and his business deals. And by the way, we have a little we have a little montage just in your honor, John, listen, don't worry so I'll give me over soon. Come on, learning to live with it? Come on. Not that many of you are gonna die, so don't worry about it. So don't worry about it. Come on, I know how to game the system. Come on, Come on, folks. And we had a good relationship with Hitler before he in fact invaded Europe, the rest of Europe. Come on, is lecturing me on social security and medicare Come on? Let him go bankrupt? Come on? But I told him to stand down and stand ready. Come on, I mean, and we could get to my favorite which is, well, come on, okay, you on, crack man, come on, what are you on? You unbelievable? It must the suld glitch of a teleprompter. Yeah, exactly. What are people taking away though from this debate? You know, you know you listen, you could tell the media was that they that Trump won last night because they were like, very very serious in their concern that Donald Trump put in a very different debate performance than the first debate. What did the president do the last night that helped his cause? Matt Towery, Well, he was very focused. I mean he was extremely focused. Donald Trump didn't say a word that he didn't think about before he uttered it. He made sure that his style was right. He pushed the Biden issue, but he didn't push it too far, and he didn't make it personal against Hunter, which is very important. He was able to pick up and a good debater does you have to You have to pick up these dropped points or points where there's a mistake, and you got to point them out. When he said, oh, tell that to the voters in Pennsylvania, tell that to the voters in other states. That's a brilliant debating tactic that really is far advance for presidential candidates, and he did it beautifully last night. I couldn't believe Biden just outright light about it. I mean, he had multiple lies that I've been I've been pointing out over and over again, lying about, for example, what he said about the president's travel. Ben I mean a lot of them. All right, stay right, there are posters Matt Towery and John McLaughlin craft of things jump are posters or with us? John mclacklin, Matt Towery, All right, eleven days here we go. How does this all end? Matt Towery? I think it ends with a Trump victory. I really do. I'm doing increasingly confident President will pull this off because I'm seeing these various groups move. One final note, I think Donald Trump will get fifteen percent or more of the African American vote, and I think he's going to outperform the Hispanic vote from the polls, and I think that's going to make the margin of difference in some of these estates like Florida, North Carolina and Georgia. Your final thought, John McLaughlin, I think Matt's exactly right with that. But as you always say, it's the fourth quarter, you got to run like you're behind. And we've got a lot of votes to get out between now and November third. So we got to make sure those votes are fired up, they're energizing, they get out, and the ones that are still undecided or they're a week Biden voter. We need to hit the corruption issue every day, and by the way, that's an issue because of you shan your conservative talk radio, your programs, your TV programs, the Internet. People on the Internet that are getting the story out regardless of what big media and big tech are doing a censor us. So we've got to do the hit that every day to inform people, and we got to drive the economic contrast that they will be better off in the next four years with Donald Trump as president than Joe Biden. All right, thank you, John mclachl on, Thank you, Matt Towery. When we come back, I got a lot more ground the cover. We'll check in with Congressman Gozer, Louie Gomert, Andy Biggs. Now, the FBI is rushing to interview the smoking gun Biden Gate witness. We'll update you on that, and also at the Leo Turrell out on the road with the President. Hannity tonight at nine say your DVR quick break right back. We'll continue h twenty now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of this extravaganza with just eleven days and you are the ultimate jury. So we've been fact checking the debate from last night, probably the biggest blunder of all time. Is that he's going to destroy it, the oil and gas industry. And I never said I was against fracking, which we've been pointing out is just an absolute lie. He said it, and he said it repeatedly. You talk about an election year conversion, you know, but we're talking about millions of jobs now in the energy sector that are high paying career jobs. That's his climate change radicalism and agenda guaranteed to end all fossil fuels. Joe Biden amnesty for eleven or it's probably close to fifteen million people. Yes, Joe did advocate, as we pointed out earlier today, cutting social Security, and he's running ads just lying about Social Security, preexisting conditions and so on and so forth. We're gonna replace Obamacare with Biden Care. How did Obamacare work out? Pretty amazing stuff. And of course the scandal of how the entire family enriched themselves while Joe Biden was the vice president. Russian oligarchs, Kazakhstan oligarchs, Ukrainian oligarchs, Chinese nationals, Russian nationals, Ukrainian nationals, Kazakh nationals. They're making a fortune. It's just not true. I didn't make a penny oh, okay, Hunter will keep in holding ten percent for the big guy. Wonder what that meant. Anyway, we do have a co signed letter to Attorney General Barr asking for questions about Biden's activities with zero experience Hunter, Congressman Andy Biggs, head of the Freedom Caucus. Ten members of the Congress sent the letter to the Attorney General Bill Barr, requesting the DOJ immediately appoint an independent, unbiased special counsel to investigate recent issues that have been raised about Joe Biden and his involvement with his son's business dealings. Then let me just ask some questions about all of this. Broadly, Vice President Biden, there have been questions about the work your son has done in China and for Ukrainian Energy Company when you were vice president in retrospect, with anything about those relationships inappropriate or unethical not anyway, joining us now, we have Congressman Paul gozer Is with us, Also Louie Gomert and Andy Biggs with us. Andy, I'll start with you today. I mean, okay, the letters necessary, but we're only eleven days out of a campaign. But there are certain facts now that we know we knew this storing impeachment. We know that Joe leveraged a billion taxpayer dollars. You got six hours fire or prosecutor investigating my zero experienced son being paid millions or you're not getting the money. And then it's three and a half million dollars from the Russian oligarc, the first Lady of Moscow. Then it's the Kazakh stand oligarc and why are transfers that are on the record, And then of course it's all things China with a billion and a half dollars ten days after Hunter travels with then Vice President Joe Biden at China. So I would think all of it represents paid to play and I compromise candidate. Yeah, that's right, Sean, And that's part of the issues here. You've got you've got a guy that looks like he's been extorting or paying for play in other words, just simple corruption for a long period of time. And the reason we're asking for the special counsel is this meets the regulations for a special council. But if the president wins, and because this is going to be mounting up through the rest of the election and then beyond, if the president wins, they're going to say this is all punitive retributive against Joe Biden by the President, and if Joe Biden was there, it's just going to get dropped. But if you get a special council appointed immediately, that we could persist in a non biased way, nonpartisan way, regardless of the outcome of the elections, because this has got to be made known because we can't have this kind of corruption in the United States. What about how big will this issue yesterday of mister bob Olynsky coming out and coming public he wants to clear his name. People seem to forget that Bevin Cooney, a Hunter Biden partner, is in jail, a convict. Devin Archer has just been convicted. He's awaiting sentencing. Bob Olynsky has these three phones with all these text messages now that he's been able to confirm or true that show that he was recruited for our project and explaining that Joe Biden himself was up to his eyeballs and all of it. Uh louis well in addition to what Andy has said, one of the biggest reasons I feel like we've got to have this special prosecutor, especially where the things you've outlined, Sean is we can't trust the leadership of the FBI. You know, Christopher Ray was put in there to clean up the FBI, and it sure looked like he took that as a sign he was supposed to sweep everything under the rug. There is too much evidence now this needs a special prosecutor with his own handpicked investigators, whether FBI or from elsewhere, to go after this stuff. This is incredible, and you know you've talked about it this week, but it's given a new like to me, at least to a hunter. You know, I was thinking he was such a big, bad criminal in all this, but you look at his text to his daughter that you know, at least you know, to his dollars in at least you don't have to pay the big guys, you know, fifty percent of what you make. You know, did Biden's jobs hugger into all these positions that got him paid so he could funnel the money. And the biggest question remaining unasked last night, naturally the moderator didn't ask it is you say you weren't paid by the foreign countries. Did they pay your family and your family have to pay you? I mean all great questions, but the reality is, if you're the son of the Vice President and you don't have any experience in oil, gas energy, you don't have any experience in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia or China, and you're getting all of these lucrative deals, one must ask, well, why are they paying you millions of dollars? Why are you getting a billion five deal with the Bank of China rather than say Deutsche Bank or Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan or whatever. The group happens to be a Paul Gozer And the reality is there buying access to what extent does that compromise any candidate for any office. He compromises all across the board shown and it's willful because when you start looking at particularly to China, the Aviation Industry Corporation of China and the involvement with Scithius in regards to the Hening's transaction, this was a dual youth company that was old to China and it didn't and it went through Sciffius. I need to remind you that was the same thing that happened with uranium one. And this was an anti vibration technology, So there was a wilful negotiation through the process to avoid scytheus's disclusion. And that's why Senator Grassley is looking at this. This is wilfully done. This is not haphazard. We have something going on in this country, and that is we have massive amounts of money, in calculable amounts of money going directly to elect Joe Biden, and it's coming from big tech companies, social media companies, and the media mob itself. When Bobo Lenski holds this press conference yesterday, no major news outlet except for the Fox News channel actually covered the press conference. There has been as we now know, even NPR and most of the news organizations have just made the editorial decision that they're going to help Joe Biden get elected anyway they can. And what is there, if anything Andy Biggs Congress can do considering that would be any by any estimation in an in kind donation of amounts of money that I can't even begin to fathom. Yeah, Sean, that's right, I mean, and it's in my opinion, it is an in kind donation. It's an FEC violation because they're they're not reporting that as an in kind donation. Um, they're not being they're not providing equal access, they're actually suppressing information. So what Congress needs to be doing is we need to be investigating that. We need to see if there's loopholes that they're using to to engage in this. But the moreover sean as we as we see this Bubbalonski himself, he's basically indicated that there were multiple deals. And you've mentioned and we said China, Ukraine, et cetera, and Russia. You're talking about multiple deals with multiple partners. He has multiple partners in prison and that are sitting there. And when all of this comes out, both the FEC stuff that's going on with this press that's so bad, and all of these additional business entities that Hunter Biden and Biden Syndicate was working through, I think we're going to find that this was a totally corrupt situation. And that's that's why it needs to be investigated, both on both sides, the high tech sides and the publication side, because they are suppressing this to defeat President Trump. All right, quick break, welcome back more with Congressman Gozer, Congressman Gomart, and Congressman Bigs On the other side, we'll talk about the President and polling numbers that show a dramatic increase in support from African Americans and Hispanic Americans from twenty sixteen. That's all straight ahead and your calls eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, set you DVR Hannity Tonight ninety Eastern Fox News. And as we continue with Congress from Paul Gozer Coiressman Louie Gomert and Congressman Andy Biggs, especially things like Facebook and Twitter, Louie Gomert at, I mean, they get Section two thirty protections against liability because they're supposed to just be the sites that provide a venue for people to put content up. But once they begin to edit one point of view over another point of view, shouldn't those protections at a minimum be taken away. They absolutely should. And one of our judiciary hearings, one of the giants said, look, we just want to be treated like your friends at Fox News, and I go exactly, and Fox News can be sued and you can't, and we need you to have liability glifts so people can go after you. But well, Sean, you put your finger on exactly why the media feels comfortable not asking the tough questions that you do, and that is because they know that people will go straight to the internet if they have a question, really did that happen? And they'll look it up Google, Twitter, Facebook, and they won't find it. There are algorithms will keep it hidden. And these reporters know that they know that the IT monopolies have their back. Those monopolies have got to be busted up. Yeah, I would tend to agree, Paul Gozer. I mean, does that happen next? I mean, and how quickly can that be done? And where do you see the congressional races running in the Senate races running in the selection year. Well, going to your first part of that question, Sean, what I look at in the censorship aspect is that you've got to get rid of the section two thirty because if you use antitrust, all you're doing is you're taking the five big sharks and taking them and moving them down to a school of piranha. You're going to get eaten either way. But it's just size of the bike. So you've got to get rid of that exception to thirty, which I've got to build that Senator Cruz and Loffler and Matt Gates and others have actually looked at. In fact, the Attorney General is actually outlined. It basically discloses what is legal language illegal language, and then put us a burden of proof on to the platforms. So there's there's something out there and we can get it done. It won't be done before the election, but the administration has done what they can, and that is the antitrust application, because that is one way they can put them on notice. However, when you start looking at what ABC John Dickerson said, I mean, he said bluntly, they got an allied and they got his back, and that's horrible. When you look at elections across the country. In the state of Arizona, you can't help. You know, on Monday, I got a sunburned because I was with the president for five hours and the sunshine very Risona. There were tens and tens of thousands of people from ruler Zona pouring in to see the president. You don't see that anywhere. We're on the Biden aspect. We need we need Arizona. Some of the polls have been close out there. We can't lose Arizona for sure. Congressman Goeser, Thank you, Congressman Louis Gomer, Thank you, Congressman Bigs, Thank you. Eight hundred and nine for one. Sean told free telephone number at the Leo Terrell is gonna join us next. We'll continue. It's a long way intol November. We got more questions. You got more questions. Tell me if you have a problem figuring out whether you're fremire Trump and you ain't black. But I think you know to even answer your question more deeply. I think you know, when it comes to those black people you say you see who maybe you know showing support for Trump, I just think you know it's because Trump is actually talking to young blackmail boarders. He's directing adds towards them. They are a group that you know, never get caughted. I mean, black people don't get caughted either as a whole, that old Democratic regime. He speaks to old black men, and they think everyone else in the black community, the black family, is just supposed to fall in line. You know, black women are going to show up regardless. And you know, like I said, they speak to old the black men, and they think the rest of us all speak the same language. So Trump is targeting young black males and from one marketing it works. So this phenomenon now, by the way, gladual with US eight hundred and ninety four one sean you want to be a part of the program, News Round Up, Information Overload Hour. Even Nate Silvers, ever loved by the liberal media mob his website, is pointing out that among younger African Americans and Hispanic Americans, Donald Trump is picking up dramatic support among this demographic, these demographics, and we're talking about two three, four times even the support that he had in twenty sixteen, which if it translates into votes in the election, would mean that in fact, Donald Trump is going to win the election. I mean that would that would be a massive voting block in terms of demographics transfer the President highlighting his Platinum Plan last night, highlighting opportunities owns last night, criminal justice reform last night, police reform last night, highlighting record low unemployment for every demographic group in the country, something, and then reminding Joe, why didn't you get it done? Joe? Why didn't you do it Joe? And then reminding Joe Biden of his comments about predators, his support of the Crime Bill, Joe had to backpedal and say, yeah, it was wrong and it was. The President could have hit him with the fact that he praised the former clansman Robert kkk Byrd, his friend, his mentor, and then partnered with his friend and mentor, the former ku Klux klansman, to stop the integration of schools because he didn't want his kids going to schools that he described as racial jungles. Joining us now at the Leo Terrell, civil rights attorney, radio talk show host now full time on the campaign for all things Donald Trump. Gianno calldwellers with us now part of Gingridge three sixty and his network, and he's got a new podcast called Out Loud with Gianno Caldwell. Leo, what stayed the end today? You've been out campaigning all week for the president. Tell us how it's going out there. We'll tell you first of all, Seane, it was great the Trump campaign in Ohio, Michigan, Atlanta, North Carolina. I'm telling you, ever you just said to the listeners in what I said to you when I was a Hannity reporter on Wednesday, black mail voters are shifting to Trump because the old playbook, the nineteen sixty playbook the Democrats are using talking about the civil rights moment. All due respected, John Lewis, that playbook is outdated. You have Barock Obama in Philadelphia giving a speak. You know why, because black men are leaving the Democratic Party. The Platinum Plan is an economic incentive. You have ice Cube saying he doesn't want to be twenty cents. I've excuse me, fifty sins say he doesn't want to be twenty sis. He doesn't want to be twenty cent. He wants to be fifty cents. He wanted to be fifty cents. And my point is simply this, Sean, and I've been out there and I'm seeing the media, the left wing media plays the race card. Man. There is harmony in Ohio and Michigan, people of all colors, and the enthusiasm on the road, Sean, it's unbelievable. They love Donald Trump. Let me ask you, so you go, Are you doing these events by yourself? Are you doing them with other people? Tell us what you know, tell us what states you've been to and what events you've been doing. Okay, let me just simply say, and I want to honestly thank you for the tremendous exposure. I have been in Lansing, Michigan. I have been in and Arbor, Michigan. I've been in Columbus, Ohio. I've been Raleigh, North Carolina, Durham, North Carolina. And here's the bomb line. The bottom line is I'm usually headlining the program. There's other speakers, but I'm talking about the energy. Of course, you're the headline. You're at the Leo Terrell. Why would you not be the headliner? Well, obviously I don't. I want to sound bragging, but it's sound like they know. First of all, they all know Sean Hannity, they know the handedy shows. They are die hard Trump supporters, they are die hard Hannity viewers. And I'm telling Sean this is the part that's humbling. When I walk into every location, they give me a standuovation. It's unbelievable. And the Trump people want to send me back to Ohio. But I'm telling you, I don't need to be in Ohio. I need to be in those Democratic strongholds like Philadelphia because the Democrats are worried, Sean, black men are going to shift over the Trump And you ask me this on Wednesday, He's gonna get anywhere between fifteen to twenty percent. And you're right, it is gay. He gets fifteen to twenty percent of the African American vote, is it is game, set match, It's over all right, And Gianna, let's get your take on this again. Well, these numbers of support among Frican Americans Hispanic Americans translate into votes for Donald Trump based on his record of four years and then based on the record of Well the ever bizarre Joe Piden. Well, first of all, must thank you for having me and thank you for mentioning in my new podcast out Lot with Channa called Weller. It's great to be a colleague with you at Fox News. Let's look at history. Twenty sixteen, Donald Trump got an eight percent of the African American vote, about twelve percent of black men. Those numbers have trended up. Now. When Leo says that they're coming over, I would argue that they've already come over. If you looked at the debate last night, you saw Donald Trump make a very direct pitch to African American men and Hispanic man Why because they've been taken for granted by the Democratic Party. And if I would have even pushed that further, they've also been taken for granted by the Republican Party. I've been a conservative for over ten years. I ever wrote a book called Taken for Granted, How Conservatism Can went back to Americans that liberalism fail. Donald Trump has done something no other president has done, whether they be Democrat or Republicans. He has created policies that would legitimately transform the African American community. And what black folks have noticed, even though they may they may not say it, because I got a piece coming out next week call they Hitting Trump Vote, where I argue that black men and Hispanic men are part of that hidden Trump vote. They're for the policies, they want the policies. They never get courted like this. But you can't go out and say hey, I'm gonna support Donald Trump, because the PC mob will stop you. I got a podcast coming out with he Headset on Monday when we talk about this exact same thing, how the PC mob is out to get every African American and Hispanic American that's supportive of this president. They will try to cancel you. They would do whatever they can to eliminate your voice because they don't want to see this narrative change where Republicans started ushering in a tremendous amount of support among this demographic. And trust me, if he's successful, which I believe President Trump will be, this will be the changing of the Republican part he for the better. For the One thing that the President did extremely effectively Leo last night is h you would just you're a vice president four years ago, why didn't you do it? Then you've been there forty seven years? Why didn't you do it? Then you're a vice president eight years? Why didn't you do it? Then? All talk, all talk, all talk, no action, no action, no action. Typical politician. And I thought that was extremely effective as the President went back to it numerous times during the debate last night. You know, you know the great thing about Donald Trump is he's the analogy is a boxer. He could shadow box, he could be on his seat. He went into a different format and he challenged Joe Biden to explain his record, to justify why black shoot vote for the Democrats. And Joe Biden doesn't have a record all of these you mentioned the forty seven years, What is he going to do in these four years if he gets elected? That he didn't have the opportunity in forty seven years. Trump was pounding Joe Biden in the stomach over and over again. And one of the points which I like, we disagree with my colleague, blacks are speaking out, Sean, I have no problem speaking out supporting Donald Trump. Ice Cube and fifty Si hang Ont said, but Leo, you know this from our mutual friend Larry elder or and so many of my friends that are African American and conservative. Dani Barelli wrote about it in her book Blacklash. You know, google my name, see the horrible names. If you are African American and you are conservative, you have been a target of the most vile, vicious, hateful names in this day and age, supposedly not to be acceptable, and there's been this societal pressure to just say, no, you can't, you can't say you're conservative. Let me respond to that, please, please, I do not dispute that's the attitude of what I consider African American and urban cities. Sean. You asked me what I've been in the last couple of weeks or I mean last couple of day Ohio and Michigan. I see died hard rabbit out in the open black Republicans in Ohio, in miscuts in North Carolina. I've videotaped on Twitter. So I agree with that there are people in these urban cities who are being harassed because of their support for Trump, but in the Midwest they are proud to be black Trump supporters. I saw it with my own eyes and was shocking. Let me give you a number, Giano that I found just stood out for me, and this is from rasbusin. African American voters who tuned in the last night's debate were very impressed with Donald Trump and what they found out in this survey is that Trump's approval jump nine points from Thursday to Friday today, going from thirty seven percent to forty six percent this morning following this presidential debate. Now, the president also experienced to twenty four percent bumping approval among likely black voters since Monday, so there seems to be I mean, I don't think you can ignore these numbers because it's not just rasp me. Since it's pole after pole after pole, Zogby has been picking it up, Matt Towery has been picking it up. John McLoughlin's been picking it up. Rasping has since been picking it up. These are not outliers. They're all saying the same thing. And I'm not surprised by that. Shannon. I'll tell you I grew up extremely poor life, gas and water off at the same time, mom addicted to crack cocaine right on the South side of Chicago. I talk to these folks that are still in these marginalized communities and sometimes they say, wow, I watch you on Fox. Whenever they watch, they usually see the clips on my social media, on my Twitter and Instagram. By the way, following me on social media at Giano carblow for who's listening. But folks are really legitimately interested in the policies in which Donald Trump has implemented on behalf of this community. And I'll tell you another thing. Folks aren't gonna forget Joe Biden said you ain't black if you don't if you don't vote for me. People haven't forgotten about that. People have not forgotten about the ninety four crime Bill. People have not forgotten about Kamala here as prosecutorial record. People understand what's going on, and they also see the social media and the mainstream media are looking to tip the scales on behalf of Joe Biden. We know who their favorite candidate is, we know who they want to win. But the thing is, we're not stupid, whether you be black, Hispanic, or white American or hard working American anywhere. We understand what's going on, and we know who's more beneficial for us, and that is not Joe Biden. Is Donald Trump. The number one issue pole after poll is gonna be jobs in the economy. Who can get us back to that those former good days just over a year ago, Donald Trump, not Joe Biden. Joe Biden says, I want to raise your taxes, and he says, oh, only if you make over four hundred thousand. But wait, I want to take back the Trump tax cuts, which means everybody gets a tax cuts, I mean tax hikes. We're not stupid, Joe Biden think that we are, but we see beyond the bs and people are going to vote. Let me let me say this. In internest cities in America, we have high populations of African Americans and minorities in America. Most a lot of these cities have been run by democratic governors for decades, and a lot of these states have been run by democratic governors for decades. How if they can't keep every citizen in their state and city safe and secure and restore law and order. For example, four thousand shot and killed, four thousand homicides in Chicago. The eight years that Biden Obama are are president vice president, twenty thousand shot. How are they doing on that? I grade them all in f How are they doing on the next most important duty or promise or what should be their best pledge, and that is giving every child a quality education they deserve. Well, all those blue states, all those blue cities, excuse me, they're destroyed. They've destroyed the educational system because of their unholy alliance with teachers Union. So I don't I just you know ahead, I'll tell you, Sean, And again, that's one of the issues that I raised when I was in those battleground states. I'm telling you school choice cuts across every It's not a black and white issue. That's an American issue. Every person in this country wants a great education for their sons or daughters. And I'm telling you right now that is going to be some peach that is going to take the black of the black Democrats and ship them over to the Republicans because I guarantee you, well, we need that vote in eleven days. Leo. All right, but stay right there. We're getting We're getting it. I'm telling you, I've been on the on the ground. I've been in the battlegrounds. All right, Leo Terrell, Gianno callwell, eight hundred nine Sean is our number. All right, final moments. Leo Terrell Gianno called, well with us? All right, we got twenty seconds each. Predictions Leo, how does this election pan out in eleven days? Oh, no question, I'll take ten seconds. Donald Trump is going to get a second full term. Donald Trump is going to fracture the Democra credit party. Blacks are going to give Donald Trump the elections in the key battleground state done. The first time Leo Terrell, on his adult life, has ever voted for a Republican. Wow, I'd him. I've already voted for him. I've already sen Giano, how did it go? How does this turn out? Listen? I'm talking about it on Allow with Gianno called the New Podcast. I think Donald Trump is ultimately going to win, but I do believe there's going to be a number of court challenges because what we saw with mail in voting. Is it right? And they should rightfully go to the courts on a number of these issues with Donald Trump will win. All right, Thank you both. When we come back on the Friday, wide open telephones, eleven days, You're the ultimate jury, Hannity back normal time tonight, nine eastern. Say a DVR Fox News Quick Break, right back, We'll continue straight ahead. A lot of lying in that debate last night, and a lot of hiding all week, the ever needing of sleep and nappy poos. Joe Biden eight hundred nine four one, sewn our number. If you want to be a part of the program, we'll go to the calls here. We got eight hundred nine four one. You want to be a part of the program, Hannity, we got a great show, nine eastern. Please set your DVR. Jo Anne is in Pennsylvania, boy Doweede Pennsylvania in eleven days, Joanne, how are you? I'm good, Sean, thanks so much for taking my call. And if signs in people's yards or any indication it's going to be Trump first, then garage sales, and then Joe Biden. So what part of Pennsylvania are you in? Joanne? Central Pennsylvania A little town called Beaver Springs. Oh nice, I know the area, really nice there. Okay, yes, it's gorgeous. God's country, God's country. Amen, So what's on your mind? I just wanted to tell you two things really quick. I wanted to let you know that my husband and I were very conservative, but we were never Trump present twenty sixteen because we thought that Trump would hijack the conservative movement and that you would govern liberally. And we couldn't have been more wrong. He's been a phenomenal president and we're so excited to vote for him the first time. And the second thing, I wanted to tell you that my husband just talked to us seventy year old man yesterday. He's well in the seventies and he's never voted in his entire life, and he's voting for the first time for Donald Trump. No, it's fascinating. Ronald McDaniel, who runs the RNC, has been tweeting out at these massive Trump rallies that there are twenty five percent on average people that never voted for him in twenty sixteen. I find that fascinating. Listen, Joanne, I was beaten up so bad by my fellow conservatives in twenty sixteen, when I said, nope, I'm telling you. I know Donald Trump, and I've known him for over a quarter of a century. He's gonna govern conservatively. And by the way, he was a New York builder and construction guy, and the way New York works is you have to donate to everybody. That's just the way it works, or you don't get your building permits. Ever, it's really a corrupt system, and it's getting more corrupt by the day. And he said, I played the game and I donated it. Yeah, I did. Well, when did you become pro life? Then he gave the story about what he changed his views on abortion, And knowing him as well as I knew him, I knew he meant what he was what he was saying, and he accomplished, you know, go down the checklist to what he was promising, and he got it done. So but I got beat up pretty bad, Joanne, by a lot of people that are now for Donald Trump, because it's my job to tell people the truth. And I knew that he would do that. I knew that that these were not words. Yes, well, I we changed her. My husband and I both changed our mind. Like Trump has been the most pro life president. He moved in USMBS, he did Jerusalem, he withdrew from the Iran Deeal appointed Neil Gorsich Cavana on ACB, and we could not be more proud of him. And we are totally fine with saying that we were proved wrong and we are gladly voting for him. Joanne, this vote matters. Pennsylvania is critical. I mean, if I had to pick the most critical state, and there are many of them, I'd say the president winning Pennsylvania could be the whole all come down to Pennsylvania. That's what I believe. Thank you, Joanne, all the best. Let me play some more of the highlights. People have been saying they want more, more highlights from last night. Then we get right back to the phones. So we can't lock ourselves up in a basement like Joe does. He is he has the ability to lock himself up. I don't know. He's obviously made a lot of money someplace. I have not taken a penny from any foreign source ever in my life. In retrospect, was anything about those relationships inappropriate or unethical? Nothing was unethical. You haven't ruled out more shutdowns? Oh no, I'm not shutting down the lay but there are Look who built the cage. Yes, let's talk about who built the cages? Talk? And what about Frakie. All right, I'll let me, let me, let me allow. Vice President ever said I oppose Fraki. Would you close down the other way? I would transition from their own industry. Yes, Oh, I'm a transition. That is a big statement, technical political statement. Let's get off this china thing. And then he looks the family around the table. Everything. Just a typical politician when I see that politician. Okay, that's why I got elected, all right? From last night's debate, Steve is also in Pennsylvania. Like our previous caller, Joanne, Steve, Hi, how are you glad you called mister Hanney. It is a total honored privilege you speak with you, sir? How are you? The honor is all mine, sir, this microphone as an honor. I'm good. Eleven days. We need your state desperately. How are you? Oh, don't worry. Honestly, I think that the polls in Pennsylvania are not right because nobody called me, and I've never been called either. I want to be pulled at least once I've never been polled. I'll tell you what. They called me once and asked me about, you know, where I stood politically, and I told him that I was registered Republican and that was the last I ever heard from That was many years ago. So um, but anyway, I would like to know why you weren't a moderator. That's one of the things I would like. I would really like to know. I think you should have been a moderator at the presidential debate. Well, I'll take it as a implement, but I can tell you hell would freeze over before that ever happened. Um. You know everyone's been singing the praises of what's her name, Kristin Wexler Welker last night. I don't. I never knew. I never had heard of her before, to be honest, and I just started reading about a family and pictures with Obama him. I here we go again. She interrupted Trump almost thirty times, she only interrupted Biden only twice, and everyone's pray. I'm like, um, okay, uh, it was a lot better than usual, But I felt there was way too much interruption. I you don't want to keep hearing Trump's mike cutting down. I thought of her something wrong at my internet connection. But I'm like, what the heck is going on? But yeah, no, it wasn't. It wasn't your internet connection. No, But um, I noticed that that wild Biden was speaking. She's saying everything that the Trump campaign's already doing. They're already doing it, and he's saying he's going to do it. So it was bizarre at times. I mean everything say it on coronavirus. I'm like, have you do you not have a television set and your basement bunker. I'm like, you know, what do you? And by the way, we are on the verge of the vaccine. It's just a fact. Remember final stage human trials started in late July. We're now weeks away and they're going to announce they got the vaccine. Because otherwise, if, for example, and final stage trials, if people were dying, they're not, if they weren't creating antibodies they are, or if there were major complications with the vaccine, they would have they would have stopped the trial. The fact that they didn't stop the trial means it is duplicating what we learned in Phase two trials, which is antibodies are created, nobody dies, minor side effects. I mean, and that's what you want now. The therapeutics like Regeneron and some of the others Eli Whitney, they're all real now. And also the President keeps saying the mobilization effort to get the vaccine to anybody that needs it. Obviously first responders, older people would be a top priority. It's gonna happen extremely fast. So I say, spring, this coming spring, it's all over. Thank god, Operation warp speed. Nobody's been perfect, but we're getting through it. Yep. I think so too. Um. I also wanted to ask you what you thought about early booting because in Pennsylvania, I'm hearing a lot of things about some fraud going on on the ballots. Like there was a guy that I worked with. He was telling me yesterday that one of his friends went in to go to go vote and there was some kind of like a like a scribble or something on the top of their on their ballot, like like a check mark, like because they found out that he was a Republican or something and they put a check mark on it. It lends itself to massive fraud and it worries me greatly. There's my answer. So I Okay, So I was gonna. I wanted to find out from you because I was thinking to going and voting early on Saturdays. But if if you think it's it's it's a problem. And I'm just gonna wait till election day. I think if you vote in person, you're good. I think in person voting is better. You know, It's funny because when we would have a normal election year and I would go to the Democratic National Convention, I'd need a I'd need a photo ID to get in the building. And even when I pull up and my you know, my bag is checked or whatever I'm carrying is checked and I'm wanded, you know, they'd say, hi, mister Hannity, Okay, can you please put your arms out? Uh yep, okay, turnaround. Please, everybody gets checked. You need to picture photo ID to get in. Amazing. All right, Good luck, Steve. We're counting on Pennsylvania eleven days. Thank you. Let's go to Tim Is in Indiana. Tim, how are you doing well? Thanks for having me on Sean. Thank you, longtime listen, longtime listener, first time caller, and mister Hannity, thank you for being you and giving thanks all of your supporters hope for our country. We gotta win that this country will be unrecognizable with their stated policies. It's a little frightening, yes, actually it it is. Well. I can't think of how or why Biden could win the presidency, but if he did somehow, I think if our set continues to hold the majority, I think we should go immediately to impeachment due to all the so called evidence with the laptop from Hell. And they didn't have anything on Trump for impeachment, but it sounds like they do on Joe. For the life of me. If you want to know one of the quintessential examples, and you raise a great point, Tim, when you have Joe Biden on tape, you're not getting a billion taxpayer dollars unless you fire a Ukrainian prosecutor who it turns out, was investigating his zero experienced sun being paid millions. It doesn't you know. It is everything that Democrats impeached Donald Trump over, except with real evidence. It's sad that that's how corrupt democrats are and the media is it really is sad? All right, Tim, good call, listen, all the best to our friends in Indiana right in the heartland. Let's say Hi to Jerry and New York. How are you doing. What's up, Jerry, how's it going, How are you doing? Hey, good afternoon, showing it's it's an honor and a privilege to speak with you. And before begin, I just want to thank you. I have no right to make fun of a New York accent, considering I'm from New York, but go ahead, Well it is a one state city. But I just want to let you know that I appreciate your passion for politics, your sense of humility, and how you can hold to your principles. You know, debate very very vigorously, but yet not come to personal attacks. And I've been a fan of yours since you had your program with the late Alan Colmes, and wow, you know, your sense of graciousness has been tremendous. So I do really appreciate that and appreciate the opportunity to finally speak with you. Well, thank you very kind of what's on your mind today? I just wanted to say that I really think about the debate last night that President Trump really comported himself masterfully. He was very calm composed, he was disciplined, he was laser focused on the issues, and he remained on message everything that he needed to do. I mean, you and I being new York because we understand President Trump, that New York attitude, that New York squad, which doesn't necessarily play very well in all areas of the country. We sort of understand that give and take. But I think he was appropriately appealing to the probably four to six percent of the undecided voters, and he was sticking to the policy issues, which is going to matter over the personality issues. Because the personality issues, you're going to love President Trump. And he's had so much more enthusiasm than I'd seen in any president in modern history. And I first first started voting when I voted for Ronald Reagan in nineteen eighty four, was the first ballot I ever cast for president. But I see even more enthusiasm for our President Trump. I think he was key that he locked a former Vice President Biden in on provable falsehoods such as you know, he was against fracking, and then that he doesn't like the oil and the fossil fuels industry. And then President Trump masterfully called out key bowground states right into the camera. And those are going to be I think snippets that the presidential campaign would do very well to run and adds in these final days of the campaign. If they don't, contrast to show Biden is not a truthful individual. If they don't, it would be dumb political decision. They're gonna be running those trust me, and people need to understand. It is the life blood of this country's economy. It is everything you're talking about. Millions of high paying career jobs wiped away. It's unbelievable. Jerry, thank you so much for your kind words, great analysis. I think you're dead on accurate. And yeah, some people don't like Trump's style. I happen to like people that are fighters. I'm a fighter. I like to fight. That's gonna wrap things up at today, all right, full fallout, fact checking, the ever lying Biden, the impact of his comments on eliminating fossil fuels and fracking, and as they try to have been cleaning this thing up all day. By the way, Biden rushes back to his basement, but he had one short appearance in Delaware. Anyway, We'll check in with Karl Rove, Vice President, Mike Pence joins us tonight, Peter Schweitzer and Ron Johnson when we get back here on Monday, eight days until you're the ultimate Jury. Have a great weekend, Thanks for being with us, See you tonight. Back here on Monday,