John McLaughlin, Pollster and Strategist and Retired Syndicated Columnist and Attorney and Pollster, Matt Towery are here to discuss the latest updates in the polls, and the search for a true democratic candidate that the party can get behind for 2020. It seems the motley crew that has gathered to run for office is not winning the hearts and minds of the voters.
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All right, buckle up. This is a huge, big, massive development newsday on multiple fronts. Glad you with us. What a week it's been, and this is now getting more and more interesting. I have been getting frustrated. I mean I can't even explain the level of frustration, and many of you are because I read social media, don't. I don't post myself. My team forbids me from even having access to the ability to post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. I've never even been on either one of those. I don't go on there, but our team doesn't. And you know, we try to keep you up to speed. Hannity dot Com. I love and that's been taken off by leaps and bounds thanks to all of you. And we've reworked it and it looks better than it ever has. We put breaking news stories up there all the time, and we have a news store because we've partnered with it. Yeah. Yeah, if you want to get an awesome shirt or hot or something that just you know, profoundly describes your conservatism on your back before you, feel free to go to the Hannity Store. Yeah. And oh, I'm gonna be in Nashville tomorrow with this politicon thing. I never had. I never follow all this stuff because I kind of been off the road a long time and and busy with a million other things. But anyway, I'm gonna be debating Carvel there tomorrow five to six. Apparently James Comey's there. What do you think of that, Linda, I really wish that you were debating James. Call me, yeah, and I do so we could bring the holds if I meet. If I have the opportunity to meet the super patriot, I'll offer him in person what I've offered publicly, which is for on hour hours with me, one hour TV, three hours on this radio program on six hundred and fifty of the best radio stations in America. I think that I have no doubt that in his writer he had a line in there that says, I may not see Sean Hannity at all costs. Keep Sean Hannity, like some people is aware that I'm gonna be there. Yeah, I'm sure some people want brown Eminem's and some people want to stay away from Shohn Annity. And I think in Komey's writer it says keep me away from John Annity. I think you would be correct on all fronts. Let me get to business here. We have new information about sid vicious Blumenthal. We have new information Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn's attorney is going to join us, and we're going to get into all of that. UM let me So, there's three big news items we're following. One, Horowitz, the Fiser Report is done and is soon to be released with few redactions. Finally, I know it's been so frustrating, but finally that is happening. Number two, in less than twenty four hours, Lindsay Graham's resolution condemning the House of Representatives in what is their secret uh, you know, backdoor, smoke filled room impeachment, unconstitutional inquiry. He's got forty six people already supporting this resolution. You know that means now they're going to have to vote if they want the Senate even look at whatever nonsense they finally get to. We'll get to that. And the biggest bombshell of all is that, yes, it broke just as we were going on Hannity last night, and that would be the US Department of Justice and their investigations into the origins of the Russia witch hunt three years is now a criminal investigation. I'm going to get to that last, because I'm going to spend the most time on that. I want to just give you the details first of the Horowitz report. I can't tell you how many of you have when you see me, when when I run into people, when I talk to people, when you call the show, when Hannity, when well, it's here, it's coming, but sooner than later this time. Anyway, Harowitz now gave Congress in a letter the heads up on some of the aspects on the FISA abuse for port. My sources tell me. I'm just telling you what they tell me. It is devastating. It is as it'll blow the minds of any American that cares about truth, justice, equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws, constitutional liberties, civil liberties, the Constitution itself. You're going to learn that everything that we have been telling you about pre meditated fraud committed by high ranking individuals that had numerous warnings about the dirty Hillary Clinton bought Russian dossier that was the bulk of information to spy on Carter Page, and then a presidential candidate Donald Trump, then a transition team Donald Trump, and then a president Donald Trump. Anyway, it is going to be released and the report on this apparently is lengthy. It is likely to be made public, he said, with few redactions. Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General, told lawmakers in this letter. He gave Republicans and Democrats on four congressional committees this status update on the report, which will detail all of his work. Now going on, what is it a year? I've been going on forever about whether the FBI complied with laws and policies and their applications as it relates to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and warrants against Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. That Carter Page was picked out for a reason. Strategically is a Trump campaign ad aid, so they had a backdoor into all of his emails which could take them Anywhere's that was the real sinister part of all of this, Harrowitz says, given that our draft report is lengthy and concerned sensitive national security and law enforcement matters, we understood that it would take the Department and the FBI some time to work through and appropriately mark the entire report. Now, Horowitz, case you didn't know it. He was an Obama appointee, so when they go after him, it's going to be interesting to watch that unfold said the process is now near completion, that his office is working constructively with the Justice Department and the FBI. I actually my sources have said there's been some contention about things that certain people and certain communities like the intel community that don't want in there, and FBI as well, some of the leaders they're not rank and file. The goal from my standpoint is to make as much of this report public as possible, adding that he anticipates the final report will be released publicly with few redactions. Arewitz set he receives the final classification recommendations from the DOJ and FBI, his office will begin the normal process of reviewing the report for accuracy and provide the agency's a chance to respond, etc. Et cetera. Which is it so it's nearing completion. That is a huge first step. Now onto the issue of the resolution of Lindsay Graham. And I gotta give Lindsey Graham a lot of credit here. And the forty six senators that signed on now I hear Johnny Isaacson might be forty seven. He had not signed on Susan Collins of Maine, and not signed on Mitt Romney. He had not signed on Shocker Uh and I forget the other one or two. But I would imagine now that with all we know that's going on, number one, you've got a compromise Chairman, and that would be the liar, the coward, the corrupt shift And he's a corrupt coward. That's all. There is no other way to put it. You know, lied repeatedly about Russia and Trump, and we've got all the evidence, We've got all the ovenss. He'd go on a fifty one Roswell Rachel Maddow show. We have all the oven, all the oven, all the oven. They didn't have anything for investigations later nothing. Oh, we would like to have contact with the non whistle blower heresay whistle blower, but we never did. Well, that turned out to be a big fat life. Oh I might have misspoken. Now he is a fact witness and he's running these smoke filled rooms behind closed doors, corrupt so called impeachment inquiry and all the things that we've been telling you that New Gingrich every consideration that was given Bill Clinton, well, first starting with the full House authorizing and thirty two Democrats at the time, the impeachment inquiry into Bill Clinton, and by the way, the full House was informed every step of the way and helped define what the scope of the investigation is and establishing the right rules and procedures. That's not happening either. And by the way, Schiff behind closed doors, the corrupt coward that he is, he's not giving coequal subpoena power to the chair and ranking members at the committee level. New Gingrich did that. New Gingrich allowed subpoenas to be subject to a full vote of the committee at the request of either the chair or the ranking member, while the corrupt coward shift is not doing that for Trump either. And new Gingrich allowed Clinton's counsel the right to attend all hearings and depositions. Well, that's not happening behind closed doors either. And new Ingrich gave President Clinton's counsel the right to present evidence and the right to object to some evidence admitted, and the right to cross examine witnesses and the right to recommend to witness list, none of which has happened, which is why pat Zippoloni was correct saying this inquiry is constitutionally invalid, violating all basic fundamental due process right, separation of powers and precedents. He's right well, now we are getting to the bottom of this. Let's see how far they're willing to go. Are they willing to do what they say they're going to do, because I think this all blows up in their face in the end. I'm not worried if they impeach Donald Trump. He's not going to be convicted. We all have the transcript anyway, Lindsey Graham's resolution expressing the sense that the Senate and the Senate that the House of Representatives, consistent with longstanding practice and in precedence, prior to proceeding any further with any inquiry into impeaching Donald Trump, vote to open a formal impeachment inquiry, just like New Gingrich did for Bill Clinton, just like happen with Democrats in the case of Richard Nixon, and allow the President this case Trump the fundamental constitutional protections because it is a cornerstone of our constitution. It's called due process, the right to confront your accuser, to call witnesses on your behalf, challenge accusations against you. And now, under the corrupt, coward shift, the House of Representatives has abandoned more than a century's worth of precedent tradition in these proceedings and denying the President of the United States any fairness, basic fairness, or due process that every American should be afforded under our constitutional system. And by the way, the House is on three occasions done this to formally investigate whether there are sufficient grounds to impeach a president. Well that doesn't exist, but they're not allowing that to happen either. Now, this is where the rubber is going to hit the road. I say, call the role, let them vote. There's an article out today, the highest level of intensity ever in a measure that came out. I got it over here in my pile, which is amazing. I know two two thirds of Americans think we're on our way to a civil war. Enthusiasm of voters for Trump is at a twenty year high. What does that mean? The Terence Group an eleven point intensity gap between Republicans and Democrats. You know what that means. Every single Trump supporter sees three years of this witch hunt, three years of never ending investigation, three years of madness, psychotic rage, and insanity, and people have done nothing to help this country in terms of peace, prosperity, safety, security, nothing except investigate Trump, undermine Trump, hate Trump go after Trump. Well, the benefit of that is they have now pissed off most of the American people, and why they want to get rid of Trump so they can institute the New Green Deal in Medicare for all and no private insurance. I don't think it's gonna work out. Well, all right, I'm gonna finish with Lindsay. Then we got this. I think the biggest news of the day. Knew this was gonna come now. The Justice Department has officially opened a criminal investigation into the origins of this Russia witch hunt. And I'm gonna explain to you how profound this is as the program unfolds. By the way, American so now figuring this haul out McLaughlin as a pole out. He'll join us later in the program. Today, fifty two percent now of Americans see this impeachment as a political stunt by the Pelosi Democrats. It's a it's all that's ever been as a stunt. And this whole thing is just reeks of corruption. You got the corrupt coward himself who's compromised on a fact witness in the case, the biggest liar in Congress, the corrupt coward Adam Schiff, they moved the gold post a million times. Now they're now kind of settling on. Well, there's no whistleblower because we bring in the whistleblower. The corrupt coward. Schiff is in trouble because he didn't tell us he had contact and probably gave it eyes or his office gave advice to the non whistleblower. Heresay whistle blower. So you know, Republicans are now they're now on offense finally on this. And when the Republicans, led by Gates and Scalise this week, went in there, you know what, show the American people none of this, every single consideration was given Bill Clinton in nineteen ninety eight. And you got the media. Oh, they're apoplectic because House Republicans, you know, forced the corrupt coward shift to flee his own impeachment hearing for a couple of hours, his own witch hunt. Oh is that what you're so upset about? Well, way, you better pay closer attention to what's going to happen here. I am not against Democrats digging their own grave in this. I'm not if Democrats this this is the hill they want to die on. They've done nothing but try. They've never accepted the results of the election. They've never they're not accepting it now. They're never going to accept him. So this has now been all right, well, it's a Russia Russia collusion, collusion, impeachment, impeachment. We've heard impeachment since two days after Trump's elected, all through twenty seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen, they've done nothing. Even they wouldn't even support the president on the border wall when they sounded like him an Obama second term because they don't want to give this president any success. So you got that, and you got Lindsay Graham's resolution forty six signatures. Then you got the Horowitz report coming out. But the big one is yup the origins into the Russia investigation is now a criminal investigation. More next, All right, a lot of big news today. Forty six signatures to Lindsay Graham's resolution as it relates to the lack of standards, precedents, fairness, constitutionality, validity to process rights for President Trump. In other words, all the things that Republicans granted Bill Clinton, and of course the compromised and the corrupt, coward shift running the whole, the whole, the whole ball of AX forty six, Inspector General Harwitz announcing that yes, he has now finished the FISA, His Fiser report will be out momentarily. Do just the final last days, basically is what he's telling us. One interesting thing before I get into this other breaking news, and we have a lot of other stuff we have to get to today. But Senate Democrats Hillary has been saying, oh, I might run again. I might run again, while her colleagues and the Senator saying, don't even think about it. Even Dickie Durbin, the Senate minority whip, she's done a great service to our country. I supported her wholeheartedly, but it's time for another nominee. I don't think it would be good for her. Senator John Tester, Democrat Montana. She's been through this war once. Republicans have made a target out of her for thirty years. She's going to be that same target. And it goes on from there. Absolutely not, Joe Mansion said absolutely not. Senator Harno goes on and says, oh, this is pretty we have a lot of fantastic candidates. Let's leave Let's leave it at that, except the reality is there is a full panic well among Democrats everywhere. Ernie Sanders political as an article, and Elizabeth Warren at conducting a left wing bidding war to win over the activists and the radical extreme socialist party base of the party, with each trying to, you know, literally outtop each other in tax increases, government spending, more radical environmental policies that will destroy the country, new green deals, Ernie's ninety seven point five percent tax on rich people, the wealth tax of Elizabeth Warren a seventy plus percent personal income tax rate, the ninety percent corporate rate. In other words, how to destroy America as fast as possible. You know, one thing I'm thinking about it as I was reading, I can't believe that that Senator Graham got forty six guys. I'm actually occasionally pleasantly surprised Republicans are capable of doing something good. Mitch McConnell apparently was the first to sign on good. But you watch these unconstitutional House Democratic you know, led by the corrupt coward Schif you know that that's compromised himself, and you look at the process, and even Ben Sass called it a circus clown act. And if they had any good sense or any good case, why wouldn't they put it out and open. Why are they behind closed doors? What are they hiding? My sources tell me it's a disaster behind closed doors. John Ratcliffe, They're one that they thought they had one good witness, and I'm told John Ratcliffe shredded the person in ninety seconds, shredded it. The idea of a quid pro quo. There is no quid pro quol. We have, We have the transcript. We don't need anything else case. People are interested in finding out the truth, which I know for some is something that is alien. So we get to our biggest story of the day, which is the Justice Department. Now, the origins into the Russia investigation began as an administrative review, is now a criminal investigation. Now what does that mean? Now? The New York Times tried their hardest to make it well, maybe we need to start attacking Bill Barr, That's what we'll do. But even they had to admit that the guy running the investigation, John Dorham, I'll read from the New York Times mister Barr's reliance on mister Dorham, a widely respected veteran prosecutor who's investigated CIA torture. I'd say enhanced interrogation, broken up mafia rings could help insulate the Attorney general from accusations that he is doing the president's bidding. Well. Michael Harrowitz, by the way he was in the beginning of this, he was very clear everyone forgets when Barr was testifying and Lindsey Graham was asking the questions, and I referred to it a lot at the time. Do you feel mister Muller had every resource yes? Do you feel that he did a thorough job? Yes. Do you have a faith in the system yes. Are you concerned about the possibility in terms of the investigation and the Hillary Clinton and the server? Yes. Do you share my concerns about the FISA warrant process yes? Do you share my concerns about the counterintelligence investigation, how it was opened, and why it was opened? Yes. Do you share my concerns that the professional lack of professionalism and the Clinton email investigation something we should all look at. Yes. Do you expect to change your mind about the bottom line conclusions of the Mueller report? No. Do you know Bob Muller? Yes? Do you trust him? Yes? How long have you known him? Thirty years roughly? Do you think he had time he needed. Yes. You think he had the money needed, yes, you think he had the resources needed. Yes. Do you think he did a thorough job? Yes? And I think he feels he did a thorough job and had adequate evidence to make the calls. Do you think the president's campaign in twenty sixteen was thoroughly looked at in terms of whether or not they colluded with the Russians? Yes, and the answer is no. According to Bob Muller, that's right, he couldn't decide about obstruction. You did, Is that correct? That's right? You feel good about your decision. Absolutely? He gave what he was looking into a long time ago. Now we broke we have broken most of this news. When the FISA report comes out, we're going to discover that the bulk of information was unverified Russian lies that Hillary and the DNC shee was controlling, paid for by funneling money through a law firm that hired an op research firm that hired a foreign national, Christopher Steele. We're gonna learn that probably on at least five occasions, top officials in the FBI and DOJ were warned not to trust Steely as a political agenda that Hillary paid for it. Oh and the most important part is it's not verified that's coming out of that now. So just before airtime last night on Hannity, Okay, the story drops New York Times headline. Justice Department is said to open criminal inquiry into its own investigation, its own Russia investigation. Other words, it's now taken on a new level of seriousness. Let me put it another way. They probably have found a lot of criminal activity because they have been they've been doing a deep dive into this now for some time. And what we're gonna find out is, Yeah, there's a lot of corrupt people. Let me put it this way. My name was Jim Coney. Come, if I'm Brennan, or if I'm Struck or on Page, or I'm Clapper or Baker or McCabe or any of these people, I'd say all of them have to look in the mirror and accept the truth that they probably don't want to accept, which is they're likely now suspects and many are probably targets of this investigation. Interesting comments from House Intelligence Committee Republican John Ratcliffe, and he said this morning that the reason that John Dorham's Russia Gate investigation has suddenly become a criminal probe is probably because criminal referrals, which have yet to be publicly revealed, were issued as a result of Michael Horowitz's FIZ abuse investigation. Anyway, Ratcliffe said it's not a coincidence. The shift in the inquiry follows the completion of the Justice Department Inspector General Michael Harrowitz investigation into allege foreign intelligence Surveillance ACTOR abuses. Remember, at the top of any FISA application verified, we now know it was unverifiable, and it goes a lot deeper than that. Then we're gonna get into Professor Misfit. Then we're gonna get into Alexander Downer, and then we're gonna get into Misfit telling people like Papadopolis, oh h do you have do you do you have this? This whole thing as it relates to uh, you know Hillary's email server uh and spying that went on against Carter Paige, Sam Clovis, Papadopolis, way, none who knew anything about any interference because it didn't occur, None of it occurred. Then it raises the question did top officials in America's intelligence community A did they turn the powerful tools of intelligence on the American people, on a presidential candidate, on a transition team, and on a president I like the answer to that question, but I will tell you it's pretty safe to say that if you're Come or Brennan or Clapper or Page or Struck or Bruce or Nelly, and I would not be a happy person today because this expanding review of the Russia probe has evolved into a full fledged criminal investigation, and by the way it could immediately couldn't be determined. What prompted the change at likely would be something called evidence. Let me read from the New York Times piece, They've so corrupted the New York Times. You just see that they're trying to build them excuses for everything, because they were the ones that were also part of the witch hunt, along with the liars, conspiracy theorists, the hoax, the whole hoax, and the medium mob. More than two years, Trump repeatedly attacked the Russia investigation, portraying it as a hoax and illegal, even months after the Special Council closed it out. Now mister Trump's own Justice Department has opened a criminal investigation into how it all began. You see what they're insinuat Trump did this. No, Trump didn't do any of it. That would be the Attorney general who said at the time, we just played it. Yeah, we need to look into these questions. Did people lie on FISA applications? Well? Was Hillary Clinton's email server investigation or rigged investigation? What other American would get would be able to delete emails like she did? Anyway, goes on. Justice Department officials have shifted an administrative review of the Russian investigation the origins of the Russian witch hunt, closely overseen by the Attorney General William Barr, to a criminal inquiry. According to people familiar with the matter, this move gives the prosecutor running it, John Durham, the power to a subpoena for witnesses and witness testimony, subpoena documents, to impanel a grand jury, and to file criminal charges. Oh boy, that's interesting. You see why everybody on the left is so surprised because they never leave their own conspiracy theories their own lives. You know now what you're gonna now the beginning of the trashing of John Dorham begins, and the trashing of Bill Barr begins. That's the next step. At the predictable step of the mob and the media and by the Democrats have a tough time because, as it says even in the New York Times piece, mister Dorham is widely respected. Veteran prosecutors investigated the CIA. They say torture, I'd say enhanced interrogation, broken up mafia rings. Well, that could insulate the Attorney general from accusations that he is doing the president's bidding. What do you like to know if our intelligence community outsourced spying to other Allied countries and their spy agencies for the purpose of circumventing American law, that would be a big problem. It's like everything with FIS is a big problem. When it says verified, we now it's an unverifiable document. Anyway, this report, now, I can tell you all of these people, all of these names, are now in a state of utter and complete and pure panic. Nadler and the corrupt, coward, compromise shiff you know, they hit the panic button last night. They put out a joint statement saying the Justice Department has become a vehicle for Trump's political retribution. No, that's not what happened. It's actually the first time we're getting into the truth of all the corruption that was involved with you guys, and you never cared to do your job. Sid Vicious Blumenthal, I noticed, is trying to block a publication of Russia Gate revelations. We gotta get this guy on the show anyway. Sid Vicious Blumenthal, according to Fox News, has made legal threats to the publisher of a forthcoming book featuring allegations against Democrats in connection with the Russia investigation in an attempt to stop publication. So it's familiar with the matter. Told Fox News that sid Vicious claimed the book the plot against the President, the true story of how Congressman Devin Nunez uncovered the big his political scandal in US history. He did play a big part in it. There's no doubt Bloomenthal tried to stop it from being published. According to the source, he of course a big Clinton compidant. Box News reached out to Bloomenthal didn't respond anyway, So why would he try to stop the publication of the book. Now we do have Sidney Powell's going to join us today. We have a new court filing by Sydney blowing the lid off of this extensive FBI plot to frame General Flynn. There's also a report in The Washington Times how James Comey unilaterally made the decision interview, you know, take advantage of the chaos, something he wouldn't do or get away with in the busher Obama administrations, excluding input from the Justice Department. All of this now is coming, is now going to come out. Court filings revealed that the FBI tampered with key evidence, three or two evidence that's going to come out. All the things we've told you is coming out, is now beginning to come out. By the way, no surprise, ye Wall Street Journal as a piece out, NBC at a piece out. Similarly, late yesterday, in the final year of the Obama administration, an American lawyer traveled to Romania to meet with the businessman accused of orchestrating a corrupt land deal. The businessman was a wealthy Romanian real estate tycoon. The lawyer brought in to advise him was Hunter Biden, according to two people familiar with the matter, and Hunter's twenty sixteen work for the Romanian tycoon went unreported at the time, but Joe Biden, his daddy's involvement in Romania was very much public. Vice President was among the leading voices pushing the government to crackdown on corruption. Uh huh. I think that's going to get bigger and bigger and bigger when NBC News is now doing it. That's a problem. Well, that's a big problem, all right. Eight hundred ninety four one sean a lot of news. Sydney Powell will join us at the top of the next hour. We also have our posters. It was almost seventy percent of Americans think we're headed for a civil war. No, you know what it is. It's just irreconcilable differences. You either want to be a socialist and destroyed the greatest wealth creating system on Earth and accept corruption with the deep state, or you don't. That's basically what it's coming down to. If you believe in constitutional government, coequal branches of government, well then you know what's going to be. That's why twenty sixteen is a tipping point. Sorry, twenty twenty. This is a defining moment for the country this next election. You look at this White House now and it's hard to imagine two FBI agents sending up in the stateroom. How did that happen? I sent them something I probably wouldn't have done. Or maybe gotten away with in a more organized investigation and more organized administration in the George W. Bush administration, for example, or the Obama administration. The protocol two men that all of us have perhaps increased appreciation for over the last two years. And in both those administrations there was process, And so if the FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official, you would work through the White House Council and then be discussions and approvals and who would be there. And I thought, it's early enough, let's just send a couple of guys over. That is one of the worst things I think I've ever heard from any FBI director ever. Well, something I wouldn't have done or wouldn't have gotten away with in the Bush or Obama administration. So if sure, I took advantage of all the chaos. And then of course was what is he talking about. He's talking about sending his agents in to grill or interrogate General Michael Flynn, a thirty three year war veteran. And this is right after the deputy FBI Director McCabe had said to General Flynn when General Flynn inquired, do I need a lawyer, and he said, oh, no, no, no, you don't need a lawyer at all. Now we have some developments on this. Sidney Powell has dropped a massive bombshell on how the FBI did in fact trap General Flynn and as demanding the charges be dismissed for outrageous government misconduct in a filing yesterday, saying that the case against her client should be dismissed for outrageous government misconduct. The court should issue in order to show cause why the prosecutors should not be held in contempt. She wrote that the FBI agent Peter Struck in this case changed his interview notes to purport that Flynn said things that he did not, that a Pentagon official may have leaked evidence to the press with the involvement of former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and that Department of Justice prosecutors have refused to turn over, as per Brady, all the exculpatory evidence that they should be handing over as a matter of law to the defense in this case. I may remember that Flynn was first serving when Donald Trump got into office his first national security advisor. Four days later after the inauguration, Struck met Flynn when Flynn was viewed as he viewed it as a meeting between two colleagues, but Struck was using all of that as part of a criminal probe against him when he was told just the opposite. Anyway, the Great Sydney Powell, the attorney for General Flynn, joins us she's written a lot about and extensively about prosecutorial abuse and misconduct in her best selling book, License to Lie, talked a lot about Andrew Weisman in that book. Sydney, this is a pretty big bombshell, and I think you're blowing the lid off this extensive FBI plot against a thirty three year veteran as an American. That makes me sick to my stomach. What I heard from Comey makes me sick to my stomach. Yes, it really is absolutely outrageous, Sean, and we are going to ask for the entire case against General Flynn to be dismissed for outrageous government misconduct. From the inception of the entire investigation. It is beyond and outrage Let's talk about your filing and you go into great specificity in detail, tell us what happened. Well, one of the big things the government continues to hide is all the Strock Page text messages in their unredacted form. I'm convinced there's a lot more evidence out there of the entire plan to destroy General Flynn and also President Trump in those text messages. One of the things I found that the government has not produced is a text message from Strock to Page about how they were going to use the explosion of the Seal dossier in BuzzFeed and CNN as a pretext to go interview General Flynn. And then they literally strategized about how to do that. Stroc and McCabe did for days, and then an entire small group of the upper echelon of the FBI had a planning meeting the day before the interview to strategize about how to do it, keeping him guarded, unaware of what their true purpose was, and to literally set him up for this entire false statement prosecution. It's just appalling, it really is. I mean, the whole thing is appalling. But when the news broke in twenty seventeen in February attributed to senior Intel officials that General Flint had discussed sanctions with Ambassador Kaisliak, contrary to what the Vice President had said on television previously following that league overnight there was a change in his three O two. Do we know who did that? Was? No, we don't know who did it, but we can see what the changes are. One of the exhibits to my brief is a comparison of the three two of the February tenth to the three O two of February eleventh, and everyone can see what the changes were. Well, we've also included as an exhibit the notes of mister Strock and the other agents. For some reason, the government insists continued unnamed. Why are we still waiting for all this evidence that they're supposed to hand over? And I know that you've been pushing to compel the government to handover exculpatory evidence required by Brady and Judge Emmett Sullivan's standing order. But these briefs that you're putting out there between showcasing the prosecution's pension for withholding evidence and exposing significant new evidence and the defense team, when are we going to get to the bottom of this? And the real conclusion in this has to be the exoneration of General Flynn. Well, I would imagine that the hearing on November eleventh is going to produce a significant number of fireworks. I think Judge Sullivan has enough information before him now in our brief and the exhibits that I would not want to be standing there in mister Van Drag's shoes. If the government had any integrity at all at this point, if the Department of Justice has any integrity at all at this point, they will themselves move to dismiss the prosecution of General Flynn in the interests of justice that is long overdue. You know, I'm reading the Federal has had a good summation of a lot of this, an analysis of your court filing, and you're asking the court to dismiss the entire prosecution based on this outrageous on American conduct of law enforcement officials. But the timeline that you pieced together from publicly reported text messages that were withheld from your defense team and excerpts of documents still sealed from public view, the sequence that you lay out is showing that a team of high ranking FBI officials orchestrated what was this ambush interview of the National Security Advisor, taking advantage of the chaos, not for the purpose of discovering any evidence of any criminal activity. They already had tapes of all the relevant conversations. They didn't need to talk to General Flinn about any of it for the purpose of trapping him and basically a perjury trap exactly. They knew that there's no way anyone, anyone can remember all the detail ls of any conversation that would be reflected in a transcript. That's why we have transcripts of court hearing, so we know exactly what is said, because no one is capable of remembering word for word any conversation, much less when you're going twenty hours a day talking to every country on the face of the earth, literally and just you know, to so much it's happening, it's hard to keep track of it under the best of circumstances. So they know that if they go talk to somebody, they can find something. So it was all designed to pin something on him and coordinated with the farrest section of the Department of Justice, out of the National Security Division to instigate all the FARA issues also, all right, so they wanted to first get him on a seventeen ninety nine never used or applied law cold the Logan Act, where individual citizens don't talk about foreign policy with a maka's adversaries, assuming that they were viewing Russia rightly, so as an adversary has that ever successfully been prosecuted. Wasn't that their initial attempt to get General Flynn show, which to me shows just a level of desperation on their part. Well, that was another just pure pretext. They all knew. I mean, the government has produced enough snippets in summaries of statements from other people during the last year that we can tell they all knew that was a pretext and quickly dismissed it. And then, of course there's a January thirty internal memo and DJ that they still have not produced to us in full, the actual memo that completely exonerates him of being an agent of Russia while he was still in the White House and could have and should have been able to keep his job. Why is the judge taking so long in this case and demanding that all of this information, which you have a right to by law be handed over? Why why all the delays? But how did they get away with the fighting? What is now a court order? Well, you know, they routinely say that they've produced all the Brady evidence. In fact, their mantrain this case has been that they've given me more than we're entitled to, and they keep harping on the fact that he waived his rights in a guilty plea, which isn't true under Judge Sullivan's order, and Judge Sullivan politely made that clear to the government the last time, and instead of producing the evidence like they should have before they file their reply brief, they go and file a reply brief that again says we've given you more than you're entitled to. Well, you know it's taken me three weeks or more to get our response to that. That makes clear that's not true. How do you know it's when the rubber's going to meet the road. How do you know that the three twos were altered? Because I know you're alleging in this filing that the FBI manipulated Flynn's three O two's, which is basically agent's ways of their recollections of summary of interviews. And it's not clear who may have done this, though Peter Struck was involved in the original interview, but these changes added an unequivocal statement that Flynt stated that he did not in response to whether Flynn had asked this guy to vote in a certain manner or slow down the un vote. That never happened, did it. It was not in the agent's original statements. There's no support for that in their notes, in their original raw notes. Of course, we don't have the exact original raw notes. We have supposed copies of them. And one of the things that appears to me to be true is that mister Strock's notes are not contemporaneous with the interview at all. So we have asked for production of the actual paper on which the original notes were taken so we can have a handwriting analysis of those if the government does not admit that they were written after the fact, and frankly, I think we should get them anyway. Let me ask you about the breaking news from last night. I think this is huge and as we now move forward, we're going to get the FISA report by the Inspector General Michael Horowitz, long awaited, I'm hearing. I don't see how they don't conclude premeditative fraud on the court for the purpose of spying on the opposition party candidate and then transition team and then a president. But the Justice Department's investigations into the origins of this witch hunt which has taken John Durham and Bill Barr across the pond numerous times to Great Britain, Italy and elsewhere. But this new development, this has now become a criminal inquiry, which gives the prosecutor running it, which would be John Durham, as a great reputation. Even the New York Times piece suggested that the power to subpoena for witnesses, testimony, documents, and panel of grand jury and now file charges. When that step is taken, what does that mean to you? Well, he's going to need that, because I mean, I've seen enough evidence to know there is criminal conduct out there, and so has most of America. You can't look at what happened here and not understand that if you are willing to look at facts and law as opposed to political preferences and abject hypocrisy. So, yes, there are going to be some significant endowments. And what do you believe happened? Because all of my sources are pointing in one direction. When Professor Misfood and Alexander Downer and they were going after Clovis and Papadopoulos and Carter Page, what they were really looking for and digging for was dirt on Trump. They didn't get it. Those were not three people that would ever have it. But more importantly, do you believe it's likely that the outsourcing of intelligence gathering to our Western allies happened to spy on Trump? I am ninety nine point nine percent sure of it. I can't imagine another explanation for it. I think it was run primarily by John Brennan, but with the full knowledge of people above him. He hearted what's called a fusion fell in with twenty sixteen that looped together people like Peter Strock and certain people in the DOJ and the FBI and the CIA and maybe O and A, and cranked up the targeting of specific people. All Right, as we continue, Sydney Powell, the attorney for General Michael Flynn. How many years now has this gone on? Is poor family? I mean, it's unbelievable. Yes, at least two or three now. Yeah, I wonder if Jim Comey is proud of taken advantage of the chaos, and this is how we treat a thirty three year veteran. It doesn't get any worse than this, mister SuperPatriot himself unbelievable. All right, Well, if people want to get in touch with you. How do they do that, Sydney. The best way to help General Flynn is go to the Mike Flynn Defense Fund dot org www dot Mike Flynn Defense Fund. Now I heard they were phony ones. So this is the real deal. This is the one. This is the real deal. There's also a number to text that is, we'll be attached to some of my tweets at Sydney Powell the number one. If people want to take you know what, we'll put it up on our website. I guess the least we can do for a thirty three year veteran that has been railroaded and a victim of horrific abuse of power. Thank you, Sydney. We're watching closely, our prayers with the Flynn's eight hundred nine for one Shawn Tolfree telephone number. All right, with all the madness, where are the polls? We'll get into it with our posters. Also the latest yep, the Justice Department announcing it is now officially a criminal investigation into the origins of this Russia witch hunt. And we have Senator Rams resolution condemning the House's tactics on this impeachment garbage and much much more. We'll get into all of it throughout the rest of the program. Hillary Clinton, your foreign policy has been a disaster for our country and the world. It's results in the deaths and injuries of so many of my brothers and sisters in uniform. It's devastated entire countries, millions of lives lost. Yet, despite this damage that you have done to our country and the world, you want to continue your failed policies directly or indirectly through the Democratic nominee. It's time for you to acknowledge the damage that you've caused, and it is long past time for you to step down from your throne so that the Democratic Party can lead with a new foreign policy which will actually be in the interests of and benefit to the American people and the world. You're going to tell me you support the secret hearing of where Republicans can have access to not even a transcript or do you think it should be done the way New Gambridge did it for Bill Clinton. I think it needs to be a transparent process. You know, I have long expressed my concern about going through impeachment proceedings in a very very partisan way, because it'll only further tear apart an already divided country. My interest in concern is for the well being of our country and our democracy as we move forward. I think there are areas of concern that were raised around the conversations that happened between Trump and the Ukrainian president, which is why I supported the inquiry. I think that inquiry needs to be done in a very narrowly focused way, and it must be done transparently. I don't know what's going on in those closed doors. We as members of Congress don't have access to the information that is being shared, and I think that the American people deserve to know exactly what the facts are, what the evidence is that's being presented as this inquiry goes on. All Right, that was Tulsi Gabber, the congresswoman from Hawaii. By the way, she's not running for a second term. She announced she was on Hannity last night. I mean, this is probably the kiss of death if I say, I mean she's actually a rare moderate, semi moderate Democrat. But with that said, I mean, what Hillary and set about her that she's being groomed to be a Russian asset. Jill Stein was a Russian asset who maybe a Russian asset again. You know, just add this to the list of a million excuses that Hillary has made as to why it is she lost in the last election, because it's pretty hard for her ego to accept that truth. I've noticed that with a lot of presidential candidates, they all think they're gonna win. I've been out on the road with them, and you know they're not gonna win. I knew John McCain was not going to win. I just knew it. It wasn't that hard to figure out that there was a momentum and he was I thought he was a terrible candidate who did not understand. And Mitt Romney later in the campaign did not understand that Democrats take the blood their gloves off, and it's a blood sport for them. That's why every two and four years it's Republicans are racist, Republicans are sexist. Mitt Romney's a misogynist. He has binders with women's names on them. That they want dirty air, dirty water. Islamophobic, xenophobic, homophobic. They want Granny and grandpat to have cat food and dog food as their only meal daily until Paul Ryan or a Paul Ryan look alike throws them over a cliff because we have no need for them anymore. That's that's playing, you know, on the dark side of politics. We just get used to it. Unfortunately we shouldn't, but we do. Here are the posters are we have our buddy John McLaughlin and retired which is a joke. Syndicated calumnists and attorney Matt Towery also a poster. How are you guys do well? All right? So, how does this just where we are with this impeachment? Behind closed doors? A compromised head of the investigation leading the committee, the you know, the coward shift, the corrupt coward shift, and no transparency at all. They're doing it behind closed doors. Now they can't have whistleblowers step in at all because if the whistleblowers step in, that's a bad that's bad for Shift because he's compromised. How is this going to play out in the polls? Matt Towery will start with you, Well, this is sort of like Act two. I mean, we talked about this during the Russian investigation, and the President's polling numbers went down because nine eighty percent of the media information that people saw came from networks or organizations that would not run anything that was exculpatory for Trump, and we're going through this same cycle right now. They are all kinds of things taking place, but right now, both online and most of the online sites and many of the most of the mainstream quote unquote networks, you're not really seeing the other side. So the issue about whether this is a fair impeachment process, and the fact that it's not being shown to the public, and the fact that it's not the way that they've done any other impeachment in the past. The average American doesn't know that, and in fact, most Americans still don't know that an impeachment is different from a tribe. So I've been of the opinion all along, and I know this one that no one likes to hear, is that Donald Trump needs to get to the impeachment and get the trial done and get this thing. Oh, he's not guilty. He'll be proven not guilty. They will not get the votes in the Senate, but it is inevitable and that he's going to be impeached. And I think the House of Representatives, the longer they drip drip, drip, drip this out and we go from December to January if everybody. If it gets into the springtime, it could be very dangerous for the president because there's too much out there right now that the public is seeing this negative and it's having an effect on his poem number. Well, why wouldn't have an impact on the Democrats? What are they impeaching him for? I mean there was a big shot across the bow with Lindsey Graham. He now has forty six sponsors in a day a Senate resolution condemning the House of Representatives in their secret Soviet style closed door impeachment coup attempt. Well, let me john on you, and I'm sorry that I was going to give it Sean. I was going to give you an update on poll numbers that we have a release yet. But we just did a brand new national Paul, and we asked the Republican primary for president, and the president's base is rock solid. He beats Mitt Romney seventy six to nine in a Republican primary. So and we used his real name. We didn't use Pierre de Lecto. We used well, was it to Sandford one? Walsh one? Then we have the Democrat primary for president and Biden still had Except when you get to liberals it's a three way jam up where you got Biden at twenty six, Sanders at twenty two, and Warren at twenty one. And this is all on our website, McLaughlan online dot com. But we took out Biden's name and we said, okay, if he's not running and Hillary Clinton gets in and Mike Bloomberg gets in, you then have Sanders ahead twenty three percent, Warren at twenty percent, Hillary Clinton only ten percent, and Bloomberg way down on the list at one percent. So the Democrats are packed that the president's going to and this impeachment is all about stopping them from getting reelected. And when we asked them, do you think that Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats are moving forward with their impeachment inquiry against President Trump mainly for political reasons or to stop them from being reelected, or to stop them from being reelected, or mainly for legal reasons? Fifty two percent they're saying political reasons, only thirty six legal. So it's totally transparent and what Lindsay Graham is doing in the Senator or to do it, because they have not this inquiry is not based on president or constitutional law. The three times where they've had impeachments before with is Andrew Johnson, or it was Richard Nixon, or it was Bill Clinton. The House had a vote to authorize the inquiry and to move forward, and they was due process. The Republicans could call witnesses or the minority party, the opposition party could call. That's why Lindsey Graham was able to get forty six. I do think though this is cumulative too, And I don't know, Matt, I might disagree a little bit here with you. And as much as this is now gone on for three years, it's been three years impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, and in the process, the president has a really good story to tell about. Well, the best employment situation since nineteen sixty nine and record low unemployment for just about every demographic in the country, and we're energy independent, and he is building the wall, and he got rid of burdensome bureaucracy, and he gave us the biggest tax cuts, and he kept his promises on judges and trade deals. Oh, and he beat the Caliphate back in Syria. I think he's got a good story to tell, and he did all of this without any help pretty much from anybody, plus be blunt tax cuts a little bit from Republicans, But he did all the heavy lifting pretty much himself, and the American people are gonna see and hear that side of the story. Yeah, I agree with that. Let me just let me make this observation. I think we've moved into a world now. I mean now that you can hold an impeachment inquiry without ever having an author authorization of a real inquiry, and of course you do it in the Intelligence Committee, so you can keep you can say you can't let stuff out for national security reasons. But now that we're at this point, probably as we go down the road, long after we're gone, you will see other presidents elected, and if the other party has the House, they will find a way to impeach that president as well. I think we're in a whole new world now. So while I prefer that they're not the impeachment, what I am saying is I think the president gets reelected either way, because I think the nominee of the Democratic Party will be such a stark difference. We've talked about it before. It will be a Nixon the government type separation I think at that point the President wins. But in the end, the thing he doesn't need is for this to drag out into January. I don't think the Democrats want that, though they've been trying to do this expeditiously. Let me throw two other polls at both of you, and I would agree. I mean, I think the American people will get disgusted if the Democrats drag it out that long. And I think they know that. I actually think instinctively Nancy Pelosi knows this as a loser. And now the Schiff, as compromised as he is and proven a liar, I think they got even bigger problems. And doing it behind closed doors, that's a bigger problem. And not having anything fundamentally the President even did wrong. As a problem, we have the Terrence Group. They conducted a survey of centrist Republicans and they found an eleven point intensity gap in favor of Republicans. Now, it was interesting in twenty ten, which was a big year for Republicans, they had a nine point advantage on intensity. In twenty fourteen, seven point advantage on intensity, meaning voters were more intense about voting, in other words, enthusiasm. And now this is an eleven point advantage, and according to the pollster, I've never seen a double digit advantage in terms of the intensity to vote. And one other quick poll I'll throw into the mix here is a Quinnipiac poll where forty seven percent of registered voters say that Democratic Party has gone way too far left. I think intensity matters, and we see that at these Trump rallies. John McLaughlin. Yeah, that's why we won in twenty sixteen. That's why you and I were saying he was going to win when everybody else said Hillary had an electoral lock. And now the backlash is coming because in the same poll that I mentioned you before, the President retweeted this number that we put out yesterday where we said agree or disagree and teaching President Trump is a waste of time in tax dollars, and the Democrats ort to focus on working Republicans to working with Republicans solve the nation's problems. Fifty nine to thirty three, all voters agreed the country is sick of this, is tired of us, and I agree with Matt. They ought to get it over. But the way to get it over is your friend. Senator Lindsey Graham's got that resolution out there, Mitch McConnell, the Senate leader, or to say, without a vote by the House for due process and President, we are killing this impeachment today. Well, I think they pretty much saying that. They're pretty much saying that, and I think what it's gonna do is force the Democrat's hand. Now they're going to have to have that vote or these senators they'll they'll get the fifty that they need to go on record saying that we're going to kill this. Don't even waste your time sending it over here, because this has never been done this way. All right, So let's say so at that point that either forces the House Democrats to take the vote the role called the role and I and from what I hear, you've got at least thirty Democrats that want no part of this because they know that their political futures are hanging in the balance if they vote for this. Absolutely, because you're right, because people like and then it would go to judiciary and somebody like a friend of mattson as like Doug Collins would actually stand up and expose what a fraud this is right now, and absolutely the Republicans on that committee would kill it, and Sean, I want to speak to this intensity because that's you know, each time we talk about this, I say that elections really aren't about how people poll as much as who turns out on election day. And I am convinced of one thing. There are as a silent group of people who support President Trump. They don't show up in poll They didn't show up any other time except that the ballot box in the twenty sixteen, and I think that's going to be a bigger number this time. That's why I say I believe the President will be re elected regardless. But I do think right now, I have to be honest, I think he's taking on a little bit of difficulty because you just can't take on this much. Everything's a bombshell. If you noticed now every news story is a bombshell, well, I will tell you. But but the news we got yesterday about the Justice Department investigating the origins, that this is now a criminal matter, that's huge bombshellshell. The FISA coming out unredacted as huge. And I think the fact that Lindsay got forty six guys in a day is huge. Stay right there, Matt Towery and John McLaughlin Our posters eight hundred and nine for one Sean told three telephone number. You want to be a partner? All right? Final minute with John McLaughlin and Matt Towery. All right, quick, thirty seconds each, Paul, two thirds of Americans nearly seventy percent think we're on the weight of a civil war. How do you interpret that? In thirty seconds? John McLoughlin, total partisan. The parties are opposite ends. I don't think people are headed for civil war as much as that they're so polarized that they want Washington to get together. They're tired of Washington. They want them to start solving the average person's problems, and impeachment is not on their list. Their list as they care about they care about the economy, they care about jobs, they care about healthcare. They want the Congress to start getting together and solving problems for people's lives. And Matt, I think they are shelf shocked from fake bombshells in all seriesness. I mean, they've just had so much of it. I can believe they probably think they're on the verge of it, but they're not. In This country will be fine, just as it always has been. All right, Thank you both. Matt Towery, John McLaughlin eight hundred ninety one sewn toll free telephone number. News Round Up, we'll go over the week's events, our top big three stories. Now it's getting real yep. The Department of Justice now has opened a criminal investigation to the origins of the Russia Investigation, Operation Crossfire Hurricane. A lot of scared people there tonight in that group today. Also more on Graham's resolution, and we'll have much much more Top of the Hour coming up Sean Hannity Show going up next, our final news round Up and Information Overload hour. If it's not even try to interfere with the House and teachment process. Back in the NIAMI under Clinton, how had you reacted. I think if we were doing this, you'd be beating this out of us. I think if a Republican we're doing to a Democrat what we're doing, you would be all over me. And I think it says a lot about people in your business. With all due respect, I am confident that if we had an Intel Committee inquiry involving a Democratic president where we selectively leaked stuff, you'd be calling us every kind of bad name, and we would deserve it. So what I am saying is there's a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it, and this is a dangerous way to do it. What's going on is a runaround the impeachment process, creating a secret proceeding behind closed doors that fundamentally is, in my view, denies to process. And when you're talking about removing the president of the United States, seems to me you'd want to have a process that is consistent with who we are as Americans. If you can drive down a president's poll numbers by having proceedings where you selectively leak information where the president, who's the subject of all of this is pretty much shut out. God help future presidents, God help future presidents. Yeah, let me tell you something. If you know in this, I'm gonna bring Daniel McLaughlin and our good friend Jonathan Gilliman here in a second. Now, Lindsey Graham is pointing out the obvious, the fact that he got forty six senators, and I think he might have gotten forty seven. I think Johnny Isaacson might have signed in from Georgia. But a resolution and getting all these senators to jump right on board because they're watching what is going on with a conflicted, corrupt coward Adam Schiff, who's a fact witness in the case, and a witch hunt going on, and all of them have read the transcript, and then all of the nonsense with the contact with the whistleblower, with the office with Joe Biden, and then the Shift office. I mean, this is a scam. This has never happened. All of the due process considerations that were given and granted to Bill Clinton have been denied Donald Trump. Donald Trump that they didn't have a House vote authorizing this so called impeachment inquiry. Well, I hate to tell you, but that would render their so called inquiry is constitutionally invalid. They violated every due process right and separation of powers for with the president by doing this. You know, the full House is not involved in any steps as it relates to the inquiry or the scope of the inquiry, or what the defined scope is in this particular case. There's no rules, there's no procedures. You know, they're not like Bill Clinton. New Ingrich made sure that in Bill Clinton's case that the ranking member in the chair both had co equal subpoena power with Nuke Ingrich, Well, he also made it a requirement that all subpoenas be subject to the full vote of the Committee at the request of the chair or the ranking member. In other words, rights were given to both sides. It was taken seriously, and by the way, the President's counsel was allowed to attend all hearings and depositions. A lot of this is all going on behind closed doors in smoke filled rooms, and even Republicans on the committee they can't even get copies of the transcripts, which, by the reason I hear is because the interviews are a disaster. But the coward chief and the liar that he is anyway, new king Rich allowed Clinton's counsel the right to present evidence. He allowed Clinton's counsel the right to object to evidence if it's admitted. He gave Clinton's counsel the right to cross examine witnesses. Gave Clinton's counsel the right to recommend a witness list. None of this has happened, and so Lindsey Graham took it upon himself. Now has forty six Senators signing on to this resolution, expressing the sense of the Senate that the House of Representatives consisted with longstanding practice and precedence prior to proceeding any further in the so called inquiry of impeachment with Donald Trump, that they vote to open a formal impeachment inquiry as was done with Nixon, as was done with Clinton, with fundamental constitutional protections. And it goes on to say, whereas one of the cornerstones of American constitutional of the American Constitution is due process, the right to confront your accuser called witnesses on your behalf, challenge the accusations against you, and the House of Representatives is abandoning more than a century's worth of precedent tradition in impeachment proceedings, denying the President of the United States his basic fairness and due process rights that are afforded to every American. You look at our country's history. The House has on three occasions moved to formally investigate whether sufficient grounds exist to impeach a president. It's a pretty big deal and they won't allow any of these considerations that were allowed in the past anyway. Danielle McLaughlin, she fancies herself a constitutional attorney, and Jonathan Gillham, former FBI agent Federal Air Marshall, author of the book sheep no more, would you sign this resolution, Danielle McLaughlin to give Donald Trump the rights that were given by newke Gingrich and Republicans to Bill Clinton, the same rights that were granted to Richard Nixon. Hey Sawn, Hey Jonathan. I have no problem with the House declaring an impeachment inquiry opened. There's no reason in the Constitution to do that that. I think it makes sense for House Democrats to put their money where their mouth is. I will say that what they are conducting or depositions, which are typically conducted behind closed doors, and just like when you are paneling a grand jury, a defendant does has no right to excuse me. That is not what has happened in the cases we just referred to. I just I just laid out for you every consideration that was given to Bill Clinton, and they didn't go forward in the Richard Nixon case, they didn't get to that point, but all of those considerations were given to Bill Clinton. Well, you've got to remember too, I'm sure many listeners will remember that we already had the Star Report that had recommended impeachment and articles of impeachment prior to the House making any Star report identified eleven eleven separate felonies that ten star believe we're committed by Bill Clinton. And by the way, he did lose his law license, and he did pay out a big sum of money to Paula Jones, and we know that he lied through his teeth and Democrats rallied behind him. Jonathan Gillham, Well, you know, I see several different issues with what's happening right now. I mean, first and foremost, I've always said all along there we have no need for special prosecutors. The way that this unfolds typically amounts to nothing. Every time, it really amounts to nothing. Even impeachment amounts to very little. But when we look at what's going on right now, and I would hope and I think Daniel might agree with me on this one. When we look at the nonsense is being going on over the past three years with this president and all the accusations that are unfounded that end up being nothing, we should have a complete stoppage of all these things that are going on, the impeachment process, all these other things, and we need to have the FBI. And I'm not talking about the executives and the FBI. I'm talking about regular agents investigate all of this stuff, because what we're seeing is people that were involved in this whole criminality of the Russia investigation are now involved in trying to impeach the president. They just literally shifted with no results to what they did themselves. It was criminally, and they've shift it now into this impeachment process without giving him what we are built upon, which is the presumption of innocence. I mean, they don't really even have a case. But the way our system works is not to assume that people are guilty of something. They have to prove that you're guilty. They have to prove that there's evidence that you have guilt, and there's none of that going on. They just instantly have stuff behind closed doors. They're trying to get rid of our president, and it's all going behind closed doors with people that are criminals. Has to stop, Daniel. The only I couldn't. I don't know if there's anyone I know. Hopefully is more on the Constitution and the rights than due process that this president or any American should have. If this goes to a trial in the Senate, then there will be representation by counsel. The president will be able to face it that's a that's a nice dodge, and that's not the point. But no, no, no, no, Danielle's let's argue apples and apples, not apples, oranges and grapefruits. Here the question here is past precedent, fundamental rights that were given Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon, and this is how the process has been done. You have a guy that is a fact witness in the case, and that would be Adam Schiff, the guy that lied for two and a half years. Well, we've got all the evidence about Trump Fresher collusion, nothing for separate investigations culminating in a Muller report with nothing. So you got this guy that is involved in the case having lied about his office in contact with the so called whistleblower that got this started. Whistleblower never really was a whistleblower because it was all hearsay whistle blowing. And number two, this is a guy that's doing it behind closed doors because they're getting slaughtered behind closed doors. None of the witnesses that come up, none of them have backed up their theory or their wish or their dream about quit pro quoes with Donald Trump and Ukraine. Nor do we need it because we've got the actual transcript of the call. Yeah, you're not getting anything from the witnesses. That's fine. You know, I don't care what happens. I just want the truth to come out. But the idea that these depositions should somehow be conducted and public, which goes against every you know, every every standard that within the practice of law. You don't conduct depositions in public, conduct them in private, you locked down histimony. And if those people are going to go then lie under in a public trial, then you impeachment on that lie. You impeach them on that line, you underline new credibility on the lie. This isn't law. This is a political process. Even impeachment is not a criminal case. It is a This is political and I cannot trust. We cannot trust these people behind closed doors. They're going to do the exact same thing that these FBI agents that were a part of this cabal did to General Flynn when they change the three O two's with and that do not reflect their notes that they took. And that is a major problem that actually got General Flynn charge with lying to the FBI. And in this case, we're looking at the possibility of the indictment of a prisoner that could possibly probably won't but could possibly lead to him leaving office. All these things are being done by the same people, and they're using the same tactics. Let's do this behind closed doors. It doesn't matter what they say behind closed doors. We will say to the public exactly what we want the public to see. And then when it gets into the echo chamber of the media, whoever they're going after it is done. Look, these are they're collecting swan testimony and that will be Then all of these witnesses are going to have to go to a trial in the Senate, get on a stand, swear an oath that they are telling the truth, and the president's lawyers can get to undermine them, cross examine them, do all of the things that any of us have rights to under law. I agree this is a totally political process, but the nuts and bolts of what is happening right now are pretty normal. As it relates to having a deposition in froment and not having a public well, I would bring those of this is normal. No, I mean it seppy. This would be the same as if in New York City when Rudy Rudy Giuliani was in charge of this city and they were going after the mob. This would be the exact same thing is if we let the mob run the case behind closed doors. This is exactly what it would be like. They're not going to convict themselves. They're just going to convict the people that are their opponents. And that's what's happening here. They're just trying This is all political, it's all us. But if not political in the way of what their actions are criminal, I truly believe they're criminal. Well, we know that we have Attorney General bar investigating the investigators on the Russian issue and whether there was wrongdoing by people the Obama administration, and that's fine and that's good. So the idea that somehow Democrats just investigating Republicans is not the case. And we will see what happens when the US Attorneys the Connecticut you know, makes his findings. He's been given full power by Bill bar to look into what happened, and I welcome it enough, Johnson. You know me well enough to know that I'm not going to defend people who are indefensible and I don't care what politics they are. You know, we need to look at all these things that are happening in this political process the same way that we would look at if we were being accused of a crime or accused of something that could get us removed from our job or are put in jail. And we need to look at this in the same way, and it needs to be handled in the same way. And I just think that these special treatment of politicians and the things that they're allowed to do should stop, because there's nothing in the constitution that protects them the way that they have set it up to be protected. And I think that in and of itself is what's allowing this to happen. Danielle last word, Look, I don't like what's happening any more than anybody else. I do think that what Shift and the other they're doing is appropriate, considering they're doing the same thing that Kim started back in the nineties. But the President will have a chance to comspond is accused it, and that is the way this should go, and it's appropriate way to handle this, all right, Thank you both of being with us. Eight hundred and nine f one. Sean to be honest, I mean I spend way too much time doors. I go from the House I go to the car, I go from the car into the work, into the working. You know, I gotta I gotta hear some birds sing. Get back to normal now, you know that's I guess Linda's getting to be back to normal except for a voice, because you now have your hustle, a lawnmower, and you're out there every weekend. I had so much fun seeing those guys getting caloric Guy and regeneration since nineteen sixty four Hustler turf dot Com. They're great. But I am making that video this weekend of me O my hustler. So you're really gonna put on like makeup? You said, Well, I gotta get made to do the same person in the world. Yes, you're going to put on makeup to cut the lawn. Listen. I don't leave my house without my face made. Guy, I'm old school. I don't leave my house with my face made. First of all, you wear more makeup than most men, so you might want to be careful. Only it's only for an hour a day. All I can tell you what let me for people that have ever seen a dead body, and you get I don't know, why is this taking a nice turn? Happy Friday? Well, when you go to a wake and this happened to me and it traumatized me as a kid. And you see the dead body in a coffin, I mean it's all caked on makeup. That's pretty much what TV makeup. Are you ready because I'm about the top of that story. Go ahead, get ready, I'm ready. Buckle up, buckle up. Okay. My dad was a funeral embomber. Oh my god, he did that for a living, and he used to bring the bodies home on lunch break. I have seen a lot of dead bodies and trust me, they need makeup. This explains a lot. It explains a lot about you. It really does it really? Now now it all fits. It finally has come into food you bring home for lunch? Dad, you got a guess for dinner, dear, And by the way, prop him up, Bernie. Let's see if we can get a guy weekend. If Bernie's you read these stories every once in a while, how like a spouse is so in love with they're they're the person they're married to or whatever, that they just keep the body around like that. Where have you heard that? Uh? Yeah, Ethan looks look one of those How I'm telling you it's happy. Who is so happy in marriage? After fifty years they're doing that, I'm sorry, Like they don't want to they don't want to let go of the person. And then like two years later, you know, the stench gets so bad, or if something happens and they find out like, uh, this person's dead. Oh yeah, I know. I just didn't want to say goodbye yet. Well, stench I think is supposed to be, I mean, horrific. I wouldn't know. I'm really curious about how callers are going to react to the segment one sean toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, all right, it's Friday. Some of the audio we put together and just run out of time with during the week. We want to play as we do every Friday at this time. Then your calls coming up, What is your recourse and what could you do you personally as a senator and Democrats in general, if Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell doesn't go for it, doesn't do a full trial in the Senate, but tries to rush this through either in a few hours or just rejects it out of hand. Well, first of all, Jonathan I've stopped short of saying what my vote will be as a juror, because I respect the process, I respect the Constitution. I don't even know what the articles of impeachment are going to be right now. The only way we can get that testimony accurately is under oath from either members of his staff or from the whistleblower, and he won't bring those witnesses forward. He keeps trotting in career ambassadors who are alarmed at Donald Trump's unconventional approach to foreign policy, who's surprised at that? And again, Ambassador Taylor today, I found him to be very forthright. He had very strong opinions about Donald Trump's approach to foreign policy. But again, the mainstream media reporting that he provided evidence of a quid pro quo involving military eight is false. I questioned him directly on that, and under Adam Schiff's rules, I can't tell you what he said, but I can tell you what he didn't say. And neither he or any other witness has provided testimony that the Ukrainians were aware that military aid was being withheld. You can't have a quid pro quo with no quote. Well, I read that testimony that you're talking about his opening statement, and you know, there were some things in there that I think provided greater detail than we had seen before from some other career diplomats. But at the end of the day, again, this was about quid pro quo and whether or not the Ukrainians were aware that military aid was being withheld, and on that most important issue, neither this witness or any other witness has provided any evidence that there was a quid pro quo, any evidence that the Ukrainians were aware that military aid was being withheld on July twenty fifth, and unless until they bring in a witness who is willing to say that there was knowledge by someone that speaks Ukrainian to that fact, a quid pro quo is legally impossible understand Benghazi, to understand Trump, right, because Lindy Griham isn't just a piece now I said, it's damn it finally lying, lying, lying, lying, and raising money off of the death of for America. So anyway, that's my little speech. Absolutely not the president's job to enforce the anti corruption laws of another country. I mean, that's absolutely not his job, and that appears to be what he was soliciting in this case, right, he's telling the President of Ukraine to initiate an investigation of American citizens for violating Ukrainian laws. That is just not how we work. If the President was that convinced that the Bidens were involved in some sort of criminal activity, the way to handle that is to make a referral to the Department of Justice, have the Department of Justice review it, and then if they thought there were something there, they'd ask the FBI to investigate. So I'm assuming what I just said and what we're hearing is true that if she thought she was the best position to beat Donald Trump, she'd get the race. She's done. I would take issue with the Macedonia part, But other than that, I you know, she ran for president because she thought she would be the best president. If she still thought that now, if she thought she had the best odds of beating Donald Trump, I think she would think about it long and hard. I know she's not. She hasn't for closed the possibility. I guess she has not. That's what I'm saying. So you were in the room today when those Republicans interrupted your committee's deposition of this U Pentagon witness set the seed for us. How did this unfold? Well, we were getting ready for the deposition to start, and we had had a Democratic Caucus meeting just before that of the intelligence members. We came into the room. Everybody was seated, and just as a witness sat down, you had, of course, you had Democratic members that already seated, Republicans that were seated. They were about thirty of the Republicans twenty five or thirty of the Republican members. It looked to me like it was all the guys. There may have been a few women there, but I didn't see them. And there are three entrances in that room, and they all came kind of storming in. Most of them are not members of the committees I think of jurisdiction. And quite honestly, it looked like a mob scene. It looked like a kind of a mob party coming into that room. You have to remember, right, we keep talking about how there is a mobster mentality in the White House, and now it's moving in to the leadership of the Republican in the House, and you saw that with what happened yesterday. Mobsters. Gangsters are known when there is a court hearing to bring people into the room to line the back stair down the person who's testifying against their their member, their leader, or whatever the case might be, to make sure that they understand that if they were to make a statement, we're going to get them in trouble that they might not survive. And you know, that's an intimidation tactic that's known worldwide, and that is the intimidation tactic that they are deploying. And not only was the procedure holded because they parched in and we had to take the people who came to be this posed away for a short period of time. The room had to get resweeped, and that took an hour and a half. And for people who were complaining about procedure to disregard procedure. It's just shameful. So much news breaking every single day. Wow, all right, George, Connecticut A George, how are you glad you called? Well? Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to talk to you. Yeah, thank you for calling. Yeah, sir, go ahead, Yeah, I was calling yesterday when you were talking with Doie O'Riley film made a comment that the reason he did not think that Trump would be impeached by the Democrats was because Adam Schiff is open clearly to criminal action, not just wondering why are the Republicans not pressing criminal charges against him for lying to converse saying that he did not have any communication with the whistleblower when in fact he actually did. He lied, he's compromised, and he's a fact witness. And look, Lindsey Graham did the greatest thing yesterday. But I think the next thing he needs to do is call the coward, call Adam a liar, shift the coward into his committee, and he has to start answering questions. I think they'd be a great thing to do because he's just making literally making things up and communicating information that is absolutely incorrect, and yet we're supposed to be trusting him. Hmm, you're right, but you can't, can you? You know what he's tainted. He's corrupt. He is a liar, and I will tell you this is this corrupt coward is hurting the country and what he's doing and everything behind closed doors. It's a disgrace. Larry Vegas next Happy weekend, Larry, Yeah, thank you for having me. I'm a program. I just want to reiterate something as mentioned by many of the guests prominent attorneys that have been on your program. You know, the president has rights and he has allowed due process. What's taking place here in several several months, we've seen many documents have been presented, and it's proven that the president's rights rights have been violated under federal guidelines and policies and procedures that federal employees must follow, such as Pelosi. We could go on and on and on and Shift, etc. They are violating these rules and regulations and making false accusations against the President of the United States. Therefore, I believe that j Secular, Juliani and whoever other attorney he wants to use, or whoever the President wants to go to, he should file charges against these people. They've committed growth negligence and their responsibility as government employees. I can tell you that way now. It's all unfolding, and I know that this has been very painful for many of you, and me too, I promise you. You know we've been eating, sleeping, breathing, digging and digging and appealing the one layer of an onion after another. We've there's been a lot of painstaking work behind the scenes. We're comfortable where we are now that we have Horowitz, we're going to get an unredacted FISA. It has to conclude one thing, pre meditated fraud committed on the FISA court denying an individual American as constitutional rights. But even more sinister than that. On top of that that's bad enough, is they used it as a mechanism to spy on an opposition party candidate for the purpose of impacting an election, then a transition team, and then a president of the United States. And you know what, the people that really are nervous today, trust me, they are absolute losing it. And I know this for a fact. The guys that are gonna be up to their eyeballs and nothing but problems in all of this. Yeah, the Clappers, the Brennan's, the Komis, the Strucks. I can't wait to read these things to find out exactly what they knew and when they knew it. Then I want to find out how high up it goes. Now that we have the Department of Justice and part of the origins of the Russia witch hunt, Well, can't have a counterintelligence investigation without a president. That president at the time would be Barak, who saying Obama so let's see where this goes. Look at what we talked about with you, Sidney Powell's unbelievable. All right, that's gonna wrap things up today. I am out tonight. Jason Chaefitz is filling informat. Big stories continue, Yes, the origins of the Russia probe now a criminal investigation, the pending Horowitz Report that is now coming out very soon. And also Lindsey Graham as forty six senators signing onto his resolution against the unethical, illegitimate, frankly unconstitutional, lacking due process which hunt against Donald Trump. That's all happening on Hannity tonight. Jason Chafe, it's filling in for me. Have a great weekend. I'll see you back here on Monday, and I'll see some of you in Nashville debating Carboral this weekend