Sean talks about the internal battles happening with Democratic lawmakers. Is President Biden struggling to work with his own party?
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Day number fifty five. Day fifty five Americans hostage to the Taliban, their families, Green card holders, thousands of them eligible to be in this country, their families and Afghan allies is systematically being murdered as the Taliban now titans the reigns of control on the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan. Joe Biden hasn't mentioned the people he abandoned in about forty days. It's unbelievable, um look up until Tuesday of this week. For about two months, Republicans stood united. Republicans said they would the Democrats were not allowing them in the process of putting together a budget. They were going to ram through their new Green Deal socialism using the reconciliation process. That was a fad to complete. They said it, they identified it. Republicans were shut out. Republicans for two straight months as a caucus in the Senate were united. We're not going to help you. That means if you need to raise the debt ceiling, and they do have the ability to do it themselves, Republicans had no need to cave. Mitch McConnell had no reason to cave, and in fact, then all of a sudden Tuesday, the Spine weekends, the knees buckle, and Elizabeth Warren is right, Mitch McConnell caved, and then Mitch McConnell strong armed another ten people, so they had the cloture vote to allow the Democrats to raise the debt ceiling through December the third. And then, well, we've only given them a short time, very specific dollar amount. I don't want to hear any of it because that's not what you said you were going to do. It is a complete capitulation. Look, you know, if you go back in time on this program, we've not been shy about criticizing the Republican Party when they deserve it, and frankly, all too often they deserve it. And you know how many show votes did we have in Obamacare we're going to repeal and replace Obamacare. I think we were up to like sixty five in the House. And then the moment came Donald Trump is elected. It's January twenty seventeen, and then all of a sudden, the Democrats, I'm sorry, the Republicans get all weak. You know, two years earlier or year earlier, there was a straight repeal bill in the US Senate and just the straight repeal bill. Donald Trump as president, he'll sign it into law. Obamacare will be history. And seven of the Republicans a year later, the exact same bill that Ran Paul had put forward. They buckled, they weakened, they capitulated, they caved, and it just it just you know, it makes you shake your head. And then the same thing. They were not prepared after nine eight straight years of repeatal or replaced, repeal, replays, repeal, then all of a sudden they have an opportunity when they can accomplish it, and they didn't even have a plan. In the House of Representatives at the time, Paul Ryan was speaker. And one day I'll tell a story about a phone call that will blow your mind, but I won't do that today. So you know, one of the things that I have said in the past, and i'll repeat it here today because I know many of you rightly are disappointed that, in many, many ways, Donald Trump's victory in twenty sixteen is because of weak Republicans, the fact that they cave constantly. They say things, may make promises, they don't keep them. I mean to watch Mitch McConnell getting mocked by Elizabeth Warren, who's saying he caved, he caved, he caved. Mitch McConnell then goes to the Senate floor and blast McConnell. McConnell throws this guy a lifeline that he did not have to throw. Democrats have all the power, all the control, and the full ability to raise the debt ceiling all on their own. They didn't need the McConnell assist. Now, Republicans like to say that they're for limited government, they want to they want balanced budgets. These are words, and I'm the larger point that I'm making is one of the reasons that Donald Trump won the nomination. Look at the seventeen people that were running in twenty sixteen for the nomination. You look at that list and you're looking at really prominent governors, senators that American Republicans knew, but they chose Donald Trump. Why did they choose Donald Trump? Because Donald Trump, in large part was a creation of the swamp, the sewer, the weak, the caving Republicans that often lack a spine and a backbone, whose knees buckle, and they lack vision for the party, and they just don't have the courage of their convictions and they're all talking. They're no action, and Donald Trump beat them all. And by the way, some of them are really good people that I really like that did good jobs. Governor Perry would be one. I like Senator Ted Cruz. Senator Ted Cruz a great guy and he's a strong, solid breaking conservative. And so you look at this, they helped create that which they now don't like. You Now they're going back to their old ways, and that might actually cause history to repeat itself. They have no idea, Mitch McConnell today is no idea how angry the base of the Republican Party is because there was absolutely no need to throw this lifeline to Chuck Schumer. And you have, you know, some predictable votes in there, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, some that surprised me. I guess Richard Shelby's retiring, so he did Mitch a favor. That's that's very swampy to me. That's the Washington swamp, you know. Same with Roy Blunt Missouri, same with Bob Portman. They're all getting added there. I don't know what John Thuna is thinking. I don't know why John Thuna of South Dakota dragged Senator Mike Rounds into this mess. You know, John Cornin of Texas, Really, John, this guy wants to replace McConnell. One day, you just lost my vote forever ever because you just a typical swamp move lest Virginia's Senator Shelley Moore, what's her name? Capito John Barosso of Wyoming. You know, so they raised the federal government's debt ceiling twenty eight point four trillion dollars because the Democrats they couldn't get their act together, and they couldn't get the New Green Deal done. And now what happens at the end of this process, Mitch McConnell, he be strong arms for these Republican friends of his. They go along with the cave. They go the exact opposite of what they've been telling us for two months. And now we're here. We are again. Now now we're going to face the same problem in just on December third. I don't know if they are Democrats, why give them time, buy them time so that they can get their version of the New Green Deal right, which we know if you're a conservative or a Republican, you're supposed to be for small government, lower taxes, you're supposed to be for less spending, balanced budgets. These are simple principles that you should fight for. And that's why the rank and file voter prefers Donald Trump, because he fights. That's what they like about him. And now they're The irony of all of this is they might be just paving the way for Donald Trump's return. I don't know what his plans are. He's, if I had to guess, he's leaning towards running again. But it's just sad. And then to watch the Democrats mock McConnell, it's humiliating, you know, Elizabeth Warren U caved, He caved, McConnell caved, Chuck Schumer. Listen to Chuck Schumer taking his victory Lot leader. McConnell and Senate Republicans insisted they wanted a solution to the debt ceiling, but said Democrats must raise it alone by going through a drawn out, convoluted, and risky reconciliation process that was simply unacceptable to my caucus. And yesterday Senate Republicans finally realized that their obstruction was not going to work. I thank very much, thank my Democratic colleagues for our showing our unity in suiting this Republican manufactured crisis, despite immense opposition from Leader McConnell and members of his conference, Our CAUK is held together and we've pulled our country back from the cliff's edge that Republicans tried to push. You get the point now, I c SPAN picked up and it's kind of gone viral. Joe Mansion in West Virginia with his hands in his face, and then he couldn't take it anymore, so he walked out and made some comments, and it was as Schumer was actually speaking, and it was caught by the captured by the c SPAN camera, you know, lecturing McConnell, who threw him a lifeline. That's the things you get, Mitch. There's your friend Chucky. Chucky kicked your ass and you know what, he's thrown it right in your and that's because you know, he stayed for we We stayed united. They had no option. Now they were threatening the nuclear option, and that quote scared McConnell. I'm told, well, the problem is is yesterday Joe Mansion said he's not going to use the nuclear option to raise the debt ceiling. So that was a lie in the first place. And they played a game of chicken, and the person that blinked was was Mitch McConnell. You know, it's um Mansion. After the speech, you know, it was embarrassed. This was not an appropriate speech. We all have to quote de weaponize. You can't be playing politics. I mean this is after McConnell did him a favor, because there was no way in hell that they were going to get the debt ceiling raised. In other words, why they want to raise the debt ceiling because they want their new green deo radical socialism. But they're in their own state of a civil war going on, and you know, Mansion blasting Schumer's speech as civilities gone in the country. Mitt Romney, Susan Collins lashed out at Schumer. Well, Mitt Romney, by the way, surprisingly to me, didn't go along with this cloture vote. Did he? I don't think he did. Right, No, you know, Cinema, you know, gets accosted again and not a word comes after this whole thing. You know, Lindsey Graham was on the show last night, We folded on the debt ceiling, and they did, they folded. Now, if you're a conservative or a Republican, what do you What do we believe as conservatives? I go over this. It's very simple and I can say it in under a minute. We believe in liberty, freedom, capitalism, and our constitution. We believe in limited government and greater freedom and less bureaucracy and lower taxes. We believe in school choice for parents instead of you know, the unholy alliance with Democrats and the teachers' unions. We believe law in order to keep every American safe and secure so they can pursue happiness. We believe in free market solutions to healthcare and healthcare cooperatives and health savings accounts. These aren't complicated issues. Constitutional is on the bench. We believe in law, and we believe in secure borders and legal immigration. We believe in energy independence so we don't have to beg opec like Joe's begging them to increase oil production. We believe in free and fair trade and peace through strength. That pretty much sums it up. And we want politicians. This is why I'm not a registered Republican. I am a registered Conservative. You can register as a Conservative in New York and I am. And this is what everybody hates about the Republican Party. This is what created Donald Trump and might create either Trump coming back or another Trump that will be an outsider that is willing to go in, break some dishes, be an iconoclass and a disruptor, and keep their promises. Eight hundred nine f one seawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Well, how's the economy under Joe Biden working out here? We had another disastrous jobs report today, the second month in a row. The US added a measly one hundred and ninety four thousand jobs last month, way short of economists expectations of over a half a million. That's what they were expecting. Seems hard hit the leisure hospitality sector. You know, Joe and company are blaming Delta, but Delta cases of declination wide about forty percent since early in September. And the job market is we now have twelve million job openings in America an eight million unemployed. That is literally a job and a half to every unemployed American. This job growth was so bad it fell to the lowest pace of the entire year, and so you can't even make up numbers this bad. As the Senate now does this temporary lifting of the debt ceiling. Listen, I keep going over the energy issue, right because you know, we broke down the cost of everything, the Biden inflation tax, we called it, and the average American household is paying two thousand, one hundred dollars in Biden's inflation tax a year. In other words, the money you make is worth less than it was last year by a number, two thousand, one hundred dollars over the course of the year, zero heads as a piece out Today. Global food prices now have hit a decade high. That's not good news for people. I thought only the rich we're going to get taxed. You look at crude oil prices now topping eighty bucks of barrel. That's the highest since twenty fourteen. Joe Biden only gives waivers for pipelines to Vladimir Putin because I'm sure that Vladimir Putin probably has compromising that the adels on Hunter Biden. It's like Joe won't confront the aggression one hundred and forty nine times now that China is flying their fighter jets over Taiwan, not a word at a Joe. We have supply chain issues up and down the entire country that don't seem to be going and you know, doing anything. By the way, Elon Musk is a smart guy moving his headquarters from Palo alto California right to Austin, Texas. I mean why because because the environment for business is better in Texas. That's why it costs two thousand, one hundred dollars to run a U haul from California to Texas. You can take that same U haul back to California from Texas for about three or four hundred bucks. That pretty much tells you everything you need to know. And you know then they're lecturing us. We use too much oil. Straight ahead, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one Shawn, if you want to join us. There was one interesting piece that came out about Kristen's cinema. According to reports, she's not always returning Biden's phone calls. This is according to even fake news CNN. Biden himself has sounded exasperated at both mansion and cinema, according to Democratic lawmakers who have spoken to Biden about reconciliation negotiations, and President telling progressives this week that he has spent many, many hours. Okay, I don't believe he spends many hours doing anything. But that's my pumble opinion. But you know, many many hours in these negotiations with these two senators and they don't move. The legislative standoff is so bad. CNN sources say the news organizations that Cinema does not always return phone calls from Biden. Why. It's probably the same conversation. He just didn't remember it from the last time. To resolve any bad blood between negotiating factions, Representative Rocana of California reportedly suggestion suggested that Biden assemble both senators in a room hammer out a compromise on the massive tax and spend package, but Biden believes that would not help the inner party standoff. President told the progressive House Democrats that he's been in politics a long time. In getting them together in the same room would almost be like homicide. I just think it's a matter of getting them in the same room. Senator John Tester telling CNN asked if he was concerned democratic infighting could derail the entire Biden agenda. Tester said, yes, well, this would have been their problem today, not the Republicans problem. Republicans that have no say they've been shut out of the entire process. Democrats are going it on their own. That's what makes yesterday even more egregious. Anyway, eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. But interesting piece in the Federalist is Joe Biden flying to Wilmington nearly every weekend to dodge visitor logs. It's an interesting question, you know, for the umpteamed time. You know, temporary flight restrictions gracing the area around the President's beloved city this weekend as he prepares yet another air Force one back to his customized home in Wilmington. Now, by the way, I don't care where where presidents go on vacations presidents really, Except in the case of Joe, I think probably sleeps most of the weekend. They usually are never stopped working. That's not the case with Joe. I think Joe sleeps very comfortably at night, totally oblivious to what's going on in the world House. Democrats, they're getting frustrated with Biden's failures. You know, it's going to be interesting. Even in spite of the cave of McConnell, December third is not that far away. It's now October eight, so we've got two months. Let's see what happens. Maybe that'll be the next McConnell cave. I mean, if you're not going to stand end up for the simple, basic, fundamental principles of what it means to be a conservative, then you ought not be in leadership. It really is that simple. And I'll tell you what it's going to result in. You know, McConnell's trying to recruit his list of people. He always wants the people that are going to vote his way. We're going to endorse people that we believe that will govern conservatively. That's what we're looking for. We've made mistakes over the years. I can give you one mistake I made. I regret ever, supporting Ben's sass, the ass from from Nebraska turned out to be a complete and utter disappointment. Boy, he talked a good game. Linda. Remember back in the day, we said, wow, this is refreshing. Not only do I remember, but we had him on the show. He was on the show often. We did everything we could to get him elected help and he was the biggest trader. He's such a rhino, he's such a liar. It's a shame. He thinks he's a tough guy. It's something that Yeah, when I showed up in glen Beck, are you kidding me? The best part? Best line by Sean Wait? Can I tell it? Best line by you? I'm sorry? Who are you? I'm sorry? I was like, oh my god. Some guy comes up and he's like, he tries to get in my girl, and you're lying to the people in my state and saying I'm voting for Hillary. You're lying, You're lying, You're lying. And I look up and I go, who are you? Who are you? That's how do you see anything? Are you so close? He's like he was taking it back that I didn't know who he was because I'm I'm I'm Ben Sass and the Sass. And I'm like, oh, I said, well, that's not true. I didn't tell people you were voting for Hillary. I said, I said, by you not supporting Trump, you're half a vote for Hillary. And then his head, which is accurate. Not for nothing right, And you know, I mean, I'm so confident now in my ability to handle myself that these confrontations are somewhat entertaining to me. But but I try to back off and avoid all trouble. I'm trying to stay out of trouble. You did, listen, you handled that pretty well, not for nothing, and you handled the DNC in Philly pretty well. Yeah, that one got a little closer than usual. You should hear Sense's version of that. You know, when I said come on, let's go. He remember he reminds me that often. And uh. And then we was like the door and we were at of Wah wah. And then uh, that's what we do here in PA. Just so you know, we like Wawa. We like what and Waha was like a cool place. You got people in suits and you know, missus people. It's late, it was open, you get food, and then you have like homeless people and every every every It's like an eclectic blend of people place to blend. So this guy is a jackass to me, and I'm like, all right, I'm ignoring it, ignoring it. And then finally I had had enough. I turned and I had my sense there because when I'm at the Democratic National Convention, I'm not usually loved, and so I bring people I don't I don't like to have to bring protection, but I had to there. Um everybody insisted on it. In my life. It was the right decision that it really was. Yeah, and since it is like I mean, and then finally as I'm walking out, and I said, all right, wise, ass let's go come on out all talk. It's funny how the door and standing outside the door was a cop. I'm like, oh, man, like, all right, game over. I said, this guy is harassing me. And you know what the cop did nothing. Oh no, that was a preview of coming attractions. M Susan Wild said she's disappointed in the Biden administration the lack of results, sandling the crisis of the border UH. Several House Democrats have taken shots of Biden. Stephanie Murphy of Florida, one of the House Democrats wanted an immediate vote on the infrastructure build, told The New York Times that the way he's governing does not reflect the skills I know he must have from his years as a legislator, and she says it's disappointing and frustrating. Democrat Jim Costa California criticizing biden overs pit to Congress for infrastructure, calling it disappointing. So they've got their own problems. Terry mccauloff throwing Biden under the bus. You know that. You know he's a He's unpopular as hell in Virginia. He's got a thirty eight percent approval rating. Biden. Apparently this is even fake news. C And then it's it's bad enough when we have General Millie promising to give the Chinese a heads up on impending nuclear strikes. Now apparently we have Joe Biden sharing the details of our nuclear weapon weapons inventory with China and Russia, an information President Trump wisely kept a secret from the rest of the world. Anyway, in a reversal from the Trump administration State Department to reveal the number of nuclear weapons in the US stockpile for the first time in four years three thousand and seven hundred and fifty. Why would we tell our enemies that, how stupid is that's it's it's like that, It's just totally clueless. We have a group of House Republicans now putting pressure on americ Garland. We're going to get to that in a second, demanding an explanation for targeting American parents that are speaking out at school board meetings. You don't need the federal government for this. That would be the job of the local police. Department. Okay, somebody's getting loud at a school board meeting, and if somebody makes a threat, we have laws to protect people elected officials on the local basis. You can't have anarchy. But we're talking about moms that are passionate too. You know, we got you know, we got all of these issues. What about the teleban? Linda, why are you talking in my ear? A great line yesterday about the fact that the Taliban is business like and professional, but mom's like me, and the mom's speaking out about COVID and critical race theory. You know we got. Biden has now crashed our booming economy. He's destroyed our energy independence. He's now given us wide open borders will set a forty year record, and he's just processing them and not enforced seeing the law. He's aiding and abetting law breaking. He's accelerating a rans production of nuclear weapons. You know, it promised the disaster of hyper inflation. We now have inflation impacting every American. It's every household now is paying two thousand, one hundred dollars on average a year. You know, expresses great confidence after the disaster in Afghanistan of Joint Chief's Chair Millie and everybody else involved in that fiasco, you know then, and even the fact that Millie conspired with China and Nancy Pelosi still still claiming that was a great success. Overwhelming majority Rasmussen voters say that America is more divided under Biden than Trump sixty four percent. The country has become more divided since Joe Biden has taken over. It's unbelievable. And it's only you think this is going to get better. It's not. It is absolutely is not. By the way, they want to look at every item and every bank account of every American as they now, we're gonna hire one one hundred thousand more IRS agents. Basically, you're gonna get the Hannity treatment because this happens to me every year anyway, and we just that's why I have not one accounting firm, I had two accounting firms. I get my taxes done with this very stringent, strong instructions. Pay it, pay it all, pay everything well you can you can. This is a legal deduction. I said, Okay, we're gonna have to spend five years fighting over just pay it. And you may think I'm stupid to do that, but then my lawyer takes it, and then my lawyer brings in his accounting firm to do the taxes again to make sure we don't make mistakes. That's how much you know faith I have. Now that we've politicize the Justice Department, it's just a disgrace. I mean, you know, this this crackdown on parents, moms speaking out, they sex education that might be inappropriate, age not age appropriate or or CRT or you know, speaking out against what you know, things that they believe in as it relates to you know, COVID, draconian restrictions, etc. We're weaponizing the FBI against parents. But the Taliban is professional and business like unbelievable that this is like an alternate universe. You have one Florida mom has now called for the mass exodus from public schools. Now, we have a sellers homeschooling as a as a advertiser on this program, and and you know Power Homeschools. I mean, they're doing great. By the way, if you're interested in homeschooling, they have a website, you know, you just go to power homeschool dot org. Anyway, this mom, this plan to investigate parents as domestic terrorists, that don't like what their school systems are doing in the indoctrination and and draconian COVID measures, and they're speaking out about it. Terry mccaulluff is saying parents shouldn't have a say in this. Okay, good luck with that argument, Terry. But a Florida mother called for parents to lead a mass exodus from public schools in the wake of garlands announcement that the FBI will investigate intimidation and threats of violence. And by the way, nobody gets away with threats of violence. Let me be very clear, A riot as a rioters a riot you're gonna investigate January sixth, investigate the five hundred and thirty four riots that killed dozens of Americans and injured thousands of police officers. You can't threaten people not allowed call making a threat, and it's illegal. But that's not the vast majority of moms and das. And if that happens, you call your local police department and they come in and they'll take care of it and handle it as they should. Anyway, This Florida mother gave this speech on a panel discussion fighting indoctrination on a national scale. Family Research Council Pray Vote Stands summit. They called it. You're at home trying to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for your kids, and the FBI could be knocking on your door because you might have said the wrong thing at a school board meeting. I really think at this point the only thing to do is to have a mass exodus from public from the public school system. By the way, it's like hundreds of thousands of kids that haven't shown up a single day in New York City public schools. They're not going to school. They spend over forty grand pre student in New York City. Anyway, she said. The crowd responded with applause, some audience members even standing up and cheering. With this FBI thing, it made me realize what else are we supposed to do? Standing up to these people doesn't matter. I mean, we have all of us at times, we've been to school board meetings. They don't want to hear our opinions. We're writing articles, emailing teachers, and they just keep doing what they're doing. Our House Republicans are demanding Merrick Garland explain this targeting of American parents. It is an appalling broad sweeping generalization. Actually, they're not even investigating all the illegal immigrants coming into this country. We even know nothing about their backgrounds. We're not doing background checks, we're not doing COVID checks because quote, they tell us they're not going to be here very long. Unbelievable, you know. And then we find out that that Garland's family is making money off of this whole thing, meaning teaching critical race theory. I'm like, oh, maybe we should have an investigation into that. Eight hundred nine four one sewn is our number. You want to be a part of the program. We're going to look at the border. They're expecting four hundred thousand illegal immigrants in the next thirty days. Brandon Judd and Andy Biggs will weigh in. We'll give you a full rundown of what happened with the McConnell cave yesterday with Chad program is going to join us and the head of the one of the co founders of the Carlisle Group, one of the most successful businesses. We'll weigh in on the economic disaster, and we'll get your calls in eight hundred nine four one Sean