Democrats Attack SOTU Before It Happens

Published Feb 5, 2019, 11:00 PM

RNC Spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany, author of  "The New American Revolution: The Making of a Populist Movement" and Jeffrey Lord, Former associate political director in the Reagan administration, columnist and author of the book ,"What America Needs: The Case for Trump",  talk about the grouchy Democrats who are already reacting to President Trump's State of the Union Address. 

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All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code topper promo code topper for this great deal and the best night's sleep you ever had. There's a new, unbiased social media platform all about conversation and community, snippy dot com. Snippy dot com as quick updates on politics, sports, current events, food, fashion, and more. Scroll through users posts, strike up conversations, browse the newsfeed, follow your favorite writers, express your thoughts, share your opinions. Tell the world what makes you snippy? No shadow banning, no suppression of conservative thought ever. Join us for free at snippy dot com. Let your opinion matter. Available at the Apple and Google app stores. All right, glad you with us. We are in the swamp in Washington, DC, the sewer if you will anyway, we're here for the State of the Union tonight. We're gonna go through a good preview of what we expect. We have new king Ridge today. We got Oh, this is gonna be great, Dan Bongino, haraldor very you know what. We're gonna have them debate. Let them debate what The president tweeted out that the radical extreme left wing Democratic Socialist Party. You know they're down with a party. What are they fighting for? They're fighting Oh for late term abortions, higher taxes, actually wealth confiscation. If you like Elizabeth Warren's policies, or the seventy percent tax rate of Accacio Cortez, or you know, they're all try and outdo each other, or the ninety percent tax proposed by others. You know what just happened. You know, just moments ago you have Democrats in the United States Senate blocking a bill there that requires medical care for babies that survive and abortion. I mean, you would think that there's got to be a limit here. And it's so revealing in terms of the left wing in this country. It's so revealing when you have a governor, a prominent governor of a prominent state, saying, well, the baby will be delivered under those circumstances, and we'll make sure the baby's comfortable, and then the mother will decide third trimester. These are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physicians, more than one physician, by the way, and it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that's non viable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable the resuscitated if if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. Oh, if you don't feel the callousness in that, if it doesn't move you in some way, this is about brutality, utter brutality, infanticide, and we just now had an opportunity to fix that in the US Senate. But the President's right because this is now growing. New York, the Commonwealth of Virginia, Rhode Island, New Mexico, California now add to the list the entire Democrats in the Senate because they blocked the effort to pass legislation clarifying the babies who survive attempted abortions must receive medical care. In other words, they're outside the mother's womb and alive. They don't support that. It's called the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. And it's happened either way. Give a hat tip to our good friend Senator Sass. What a disappointment he's been, but he's right in this case, and he was right to fight for this. And by the way, and if you think those bills are fad, now look at Vermont. Vermont, They're now going to take it to a whole new level. I couldn't believe what I read today when I says their bill declares that every individual has a fundamental right to choose or use contraception or sterilization. Okay, fine, every individual who becomes pregnant as the fundamental right to choose to carry a pregnancy to term, give birth to a child, or to have an abortion. Okay. A fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus, the fetus, think of that word, shall not have independent rights under Vermont law. And what distinguishes the Vermont bill from New York, Virginia, Rhode Island. It would permit abortions. This is on the blaze. I'm reading it right now today without consideration of any viability, which is obviously a major point of contention in the abortion debate. And that is okay. Viability means the child is so developed it doesn't need the mother to live, It can live out on its own. And that's a huge distinction. You know, all the people that I know that describe themselves as pro choice, I know people that disagree with some of my politics. I've asked them all as many as I can get a hold of. Well, how do you feel about what the Virginia governor said? Without exception, they were a gas called a ghoulish evil, And I actually think it's making them rethink their position in some ways. So we have what is now emerging everything that I told you. We don't have a moderate Democratic party any longer. This is this is now the opposition hate Trump party. Well, we're gonna learn in the days and weeks ahead. Doest do the Democrats in Congress, led by Pelosi and Schumer, because I think the immigration deal that was offered Number one Chuck Schumer almost sounded like Trump just a couple of years ago in terms of funding and building a wall. They said they care about children and dreamers and DACA. The President offered that as part of a deal, they wouldn't sit and negotiate, actually sent aids to sit with the Vice president. They actually said no when invited to the White House to talk to the President, negotiate a good deal. And then what do they stand for? What the Acasio Cortez green energy plan that she's now slowly beginning to unveil and literally saying yesterday that the Green New Deal is going to cost seven trillion dollars, and that we're gonna get off all fossil fuels in ten years, but the world's gonna end in twelve years, which makes no sense at all, but all of it, or maybe you support Kamala Harris and her extremism. She said medicare for all, even nobody can have private insurance. Then she flipped back, and then she flipped back to what she originally said, that the government health care for all, universal healthcare for all, nobody can have their own personal private plan. Then you got a Cassio Cortez eventy percent rate on taxes some are talking about. I think congresswoman no more ninety percent tax rate. Then you've got Elizabeth Warren's brilliant idea speaking of extreme radical socialist democrats. Now, keep in mind everywhere every time socialism has been tried, it fails. Look at Venezuela, more oil reserves, could be the richest nation on earth, and yet the corruption, the promises of perfect everything, government provided everything, They live in poverty, squalor. It is look at what's going on. It is such a waste. Now all of this is what they stayed Elizabeth Warren well let's have a wealth tax. So, in other words, after you've been taxed on your money, and I'm not talking about capital gains, even you've been tax federally. You've been paid your state income tax if you live in New York, New Jersey, whatever, California, thirteen and a half percent, you pay your federal income tax bill. Remember the top ten percent, well they pay, you know, nearly eighty percent of the taxes. Twenty percent pay ninety percent of the taxes. The bottom fifty percent of wage earners, well they only pay two percent. I'm looking for the clock. I don't know where it is. Oh, there it is. So you know, by the way, there was a great point. So she wants to then after you paid all your property taxes, sales taxes, income taxes, stay and income taxes, federal income taxes, hidden taxes, fees, and everything else. Whatever you get to save, Let's say you just put it in a bank account. If you're deemed to have too much that you saved, then Elizabeth Warren wants to empower the government and come in and take it another huge chunk of it, and then when you die then they take a full forty percent more. And if you live in New York. The state of New York takes ten percent more. So that's half of anything you had left after you already paid all your taxes. Well, how is that going to help? Now? If you want to know what's gonna happen, let's just look at the state of New York, because Andrew Cuomo might have just basically and this is gonna happen in California. It's happening in New Jersey, it's happening in Illinois. They are losing tens and tens of thousands of their population every year. And guess what states like Florida and Texas this last year alone gained nearly four hundred thousand people moving into their states. Huh, what are they have in common? None of those states have a state income tax, and they have lower taxes, less regulation than any of the states where people are leaving. So those states low tax or income tax states four hundred thousand new people a year. Oh, New York, tens and tens of thousands of people. New Jersey said the same thing. The only thing I'm gonna say, if you're leaving these liberal states because of what they've done to it and how they've destroyed it. You gotta understand, don't bring those policies with you and destroy the state. You're going to and ruin it for the people that insisted on it in the first place. Now, even the governor admits, listen to Governor Andrew Quomelt is a microcosm of what's going to happen nationally because revenue. Now, he announced yesterday state income revenues have gone down two point three billion dollars. Oh wait a minute, I thought there was supposed to go up redistribution, and he reveals something in this. Listen to this. We have one of the most progressive tax codes in the United States, which is a good thing, which means the richer you are, the more you pay. However, that presents a very fragile economy because then you are relying on a very small number of people for the vast amount of your tax dollars. One percent of the taxpayers pay nearly half of all the taxes. One percent pay nearly half of all those taxes. Those one percent are the richest people in the state. They're the richest people in the country, and they are the most mobile people in the country. And you see the chart on the bottom top one percent about forty six percent, top five percent sixty three percent of all the revenue, top ten percent, seventy four percent of all the revenue. Tax the rich, tax, the rich, tax the rich. We did now, God forbid the rich leave, Oh, God forbid the one percent that pays fifty percent of the bill says, you know what, you're pretty much legalized stealing against me. And I'm out. I'm out, and I'm taking my money with me. Hello Florida, Allow, Texas, Hello nicer weather, Allow a beautiful ranch. Properties, Cheaper, taxes are cheaper. You know what, lifestyle is even better for a lot of people. What is happening in New York? Why wouldn't they leave? You're in current, you're pushing them out. You know, it's funny that the mayor was talking about a guy named Ken Griffin, some hedge fund guy in New York bought this massive penthouse two hundred and thirty eight billion dollars, and the mayor, you know, this is about another chance of incommitting inequality. And when you look at the numbers, you know, all right, so some guy has a lot of money buys this huge, massive apartment. Well, the penthouse gives the City of New York ten million dollars. They didn't do anything for that money, but because that rich guy whoever is and two hundred and thirty eight million on a stupid apartment. I mean it's nuts, but ten million dollars for the city. And that includes more than six point seven million for paying for the real property transfer and mansion tax in New York. Never heard of these things. Then there's the mortgage transfer tax, which is two point one seven five percent the value of the all home purchase over five hundred thousand, and it goes on from the air. This is good for the City of New York. Now, let's say the guy doesn't want to pay those taps. Maybe he'll buy his next condo in Miami like so many other people do. All right, eight hundred and ninety four one Sean, if you want to be a part of this program, so much to get to today, soaked the rick. This is your nude radical Democratic Socialist Party, all right. 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To order the eighteen stem enchanted rose metally for twenty nine ninety nine or double the roses for twenty bucks more, just go to one eight hundred flowers dot com slash hannity order today and save one eight hundred flowers dot com slash Hannity. I think it's important that the allegations that have been brought forward against the Lieutenant governor be thoroughly considered vetted. One of my core complaints or concerns about the Kavanaugh confirmation process was the lack of a real FBI investigation of credible allegations of sexual assault, and I think we owe the Lieutenant governor the same sort of thorough investigation that was not done in the case of Brett Kavanaugh and those allegations. Oh really, where are all of the rush to judgment now due process, no presumption of innocence? Senate Democrats. Let's see Richard Blumenthal, Diane Feinstein, Kirsten gillibrand presidential candidate Kamala Harris, and so many others that went out there and even with the most bizarre and unsubstantiated allegations. Remember in the case of the client of Michael Avanadi, you know the story it did change at one point, but the story originally was, well was almost on a regular basis on weekends, and that there was a group of boys, and I remember Judge Kavanaugh was part of this group, and they would spike the punch at these weekend parties and then the boys would line up in the hall and wait their turn to gang rape teenage girls. And it happened often. And well, then the story cha while I saw him near the punch bowl, and I once saw him give a red solo cup, he wasn't standing in line, and that story fell apart rather quickly. There should be follow up when allegations such as that are made. Now, remember when Avanati was accused of something and I said, I will give him the benefit of the doubt and the due process and presumption of innocence. He didn't give Judge Kavanaugh. Interestingly, three separate investigations in southern California into Avonati exonerated him. Now, you know, we disagree politically, but that's the right thing to do. But if your attitude is I believe, I believe. Oh, but only if you're a conservative, or only if you're a Republican or a constitutionalist the originalist appointed by Donald Trump, then we believe no matter what said, just to bludge in you without any regard for you or your family. One thing that is not political, it's smoking. That's about people. And there are thirty four million Americans. Now that's smoke. But for many there's not been a clear alternative. Jewel for me, has been a game changer. I watch people all the time, they go outside in the middle of the freezing winner just to have their smoke. 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Now we've got Vermont joining New York, Virginia, Rhode Island, New Mexico, California, and in the Senate, Democrats block a bill that would legislation that would clarify the baby's survive that survive attempted abortions must receive medical care. I didn't think it could get any worse. Vermont's even goes further than anything they were talking about, even on the surface in New York of Virginia. Then I went over the fact that oh Andrew Cuomo is upset because tax revenues have plummeted by two point three billion dollars. That's just since he introduced his budget last month. Now, maybe of the tens and tens of thousands of people that left last year. Maybe because he even admitted that, you know, one percent of New Yorkers pay fifty percent of the state income tax one percent, And now he's saying, oh, that's a problem. New York's losing population. New Jersey's losing population, Illinois's losing population, California's losing population. And guess who's gaining it. As I said, Texas and Florida nearly four hundred thousand new people last year alone. I mean, it's absolutely crazy now there, And I told you about Mayor de Bloski. He's angry at a guy that brought a two hundred and thirty eight million dollars condo, some hedge, fun guy. I've never heard of him anyway. Well, that means mitt over twelve to fifteen million dollars for the city of New York just for that one transaction. Well, you could do a lot of good with the ten or fifteen million dollars from that transaction. And the idea is if what happens now, if you push people out of a state, Okay, then they go to another state. What if the whole country? What if Acasio cortez green energy plan, which she unveiled, the Green New Deal that she's introducing with Ed Markey, and that she calls a national social, industrial, economic mobilization on a scale not seen since World War Two. But by the way, actually World War Two wouldn't even quite cover the cost or the price tag of this. And though it lasted less than four years, World War two was the most expensive war in US history. Adjusted for inflation for today's dollars, that war would cost over four trillion, and Acasio Cortez is talking about seven trillion. And there's green energy boondoggle. And but this is now Listen, Nancy Pelosi is afraid of Congresswoman a Casio Cortes and the radical frankly, the one who keeps making anti Semitic statements, Congresswoman Omar That is a problem. But this is the whole party. This is This is now the party of late term partial birth, abortion, of extraordinarily high tax confiscation, Cassio Cortez. You know, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris Medicare for all and you can't, Kamala Harris is you can't keep your own health insurance plan. Forget about keeping your doctor your plan and paying less. How did that work out for you? How did all those promises work out? When Obama was pushing Obamacare. Oh, it's not a tax, but it's a tax, and it's not a tax. And once you have legislation, we've learned something, haven't We kind of hard to get rid of it as we've been trying, you know, but they're what they're talking about, a coast get rid of all fossil fuels for the first time in decades. Thank you, Donald Trump, because I've talked about this for decades on my show. We are now energy the biggest energy producer in the world in terms of oil. That's right, more than Venezuela, more than Saudi Arabia, and more than Russia, the hostile regime of Vladimir Putin, the hostile actor. That is great for the United States. Why remember in the boom in North Dakota and Texas and Oklahoma. What was happening. Truck drivers were making a hundred thousand dollars a year. How do I know because we partnered with the oil companies right here on this show. And people that weren't making anywhere near one hundred thousand dollars were packing up moving to North Dakota to pursue a better life for themselves and their family and their kids and their grandkids. You know, she's literally talking about World War two level mobilization. Now, then you got the wealth tax. Wealth tax, Well, that's money that's already been taxed. By the way, they get another bite. When you drop dead, you pay to die. If you have any money left in this country. It's not their money. Now, look at what's happened in New York. So Cuomo knows that one percent of the New York population pays over fifty percent of the state ingcome tax bill. Now, tax revenues in a month have gone down two point three billion dollars in projected income. Tens of thousands of people have left. Okay, let's say we put this on a national scale. Let's say Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax becomes law. Let's say Acasio Cortez's dream of no fossil fuels in ten years becomes law. Let's say that the Medicare for all you can have private an insurance plan of Kamala Harris becomes law. Let's say that they're taking seventy to ninety percent of the wealth of people. What do you think is going to happen nationwide in terms of repatriation? Here? How many people in the Obama are slowly saw that this is going downhill? They packed up and left. So I would assume, maybe this is a crazy assumption on my part, that the people that left New York because in New Jersey, in Illinois and California because of confiscatory taxes and burdens and regulation, and move to low tax states like Florida, Texas and others since the Carolinas, etc. Why do I think if that's what this government ends up doing, well, those people are going to leave the country. Now. I know it's fashionable to have wealth redistribution, because this is what Democrats always play to, the idea that you'll confiscate from one group of people and you'll give to a whole other group of people. And there's more. Have knots than there are halves, and we're gonna do that. Okay. The problem is, and I know that left wing websites hey whenever I talk about this, but it's true as somebody that started my adult life with no money, and I have been financially independent pretty much since I'm out of high school, actually since I've been out of high school. And the only thing that my parents paid for then was you know, my high school. I went to a Catholic high school, twelve. You know, papers delivered at eight, that was my money. Dishwashes, dishes washed at twelve by hand. We didn't have a machine. I still resent that I got two dollars and thirty five cents an hour, and I got two same Pauli girl beers every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night, and I'd fly home on my bicycle. And then I worked my way up. Then I was a short order cook, and then I was a busy way than a waiter, than a bartender. Then I got into construction. I really thought I wanted to do construction for a living, and I did everything, learned how to be a painting contractor. My buddy Andy Fian taught me how to hang wallpaper. I learned then had a late tiled years later. But I learned framing and roofing and reconstruction and pulling down in New England, Rhode Island, old horse hair plaster and hanging wallboard, and you know, spackling and doing everything in between. Then I slowly, I mean I worked five years in Rhode Island with my hands after falling off a roof two and a half for three stories whatever it was, and busting up my teeth and dislocating my arm and breaking the radio head. But I didn't have insurance at the time, interestingly enough, but I offered to do work for the doctor that took care of me, and he said, sure. Unbelievable. And but you're gonna lose your freedom everything they promise you. We take care of your schools. How's our public school system working out? We pay more per capita per student with the worst results. You can't screw it up anymore. With an unholy alliance with teachers unions and the Democratic Party. Yeah, teachers in New York accused of sexual crimes of children. Guess what they get paid for years and years and years. You can't fire them. Some of them should be charged. It's unbelievable. Where is this ultimately take us? Where has this been tried and where has it worked? Didn't work in Venezuela, didn't work in the former Soviet Union. It's always the same promise, they will take care of every need you have, every want you have. They play on people's natural fears that, well, one day I might get old and not have medical care, one day I might not have a retirement plan. They're going to offer you cradle to grave, womb to the tomb care. And what ends up happening every single solitary time a government makes those promises, they always get rich themselves, and the people are denied and the promises are reneged on, and the people get screwed over, and the only ones that get rich are the ones that were put in power by the people that lie to you. The best, safest, the greatest wealth creation in the history of man is right here in the United States. Because it's predicated on some fundamental but absolutely core principles for our success, and that is, we're endowed by a creator with certain inalienable rights life, liberty, pursuit of happiness that equals freedom, and that equals liberty that equals choices that one makes in one's life. You make choices. For example, some of my best friends, I mean my best best friends decided to be teachers and they're great at it. Others decided to be firemen, policemen, first responders. I know they know that they knew they would never get rich, like whether they work in New York City. At the time, you put in your twenty years, you get healthcare and decent retirement for the rest of your life, and then you get to do other things. Some guys retired at forty forty two because they joined the force. Now you have to go twenty two and a half years, and then they're gonna make it twenty five years. But they knew going in, but they had it inside them. They wanted to protect and serve and love the job. Others, I know, go to Wall Street. I can't. I could not function in a Wall Street environment. And it's just you know, move pushing papers, moneis deals, dah blah blah blah blah. I don't like that. I like to create stuff. I love doing finish work. When I was a contract, I love detail. I feel blessed beyond measure that I got here I remember when I couldn't afford to to like a local hamburger shop like McDonald's, because I just didn't have that money in the budget and I wanted it, craved it. Still do Now I can't go for obvious reasons. It's not going to look good good on TV. But nobody said life is easy, but you have every time they give you something, some promise, some false security, you give up your freedom. You're empowering your government to steal from other people. What well, Elizabeth Warren is talking about, Well, let's go back for another bite of the apple. That would be the government legalizing theft at that point, after the fact, the fact that they take half your money when you die. It's not their money. They don't deserve a penny. You already paid taxes on that money. Now we have there's a reason every time Reagan did it, now Donald Trump's doing it. Reagan gave us the longest period of peacetime economic growth and history up to that point in history. Every and Bill Clinton, after he got walloped in the mid terms his first midterms ninety four and new became speaker era of big government's over and the welfare as we know it. New Ingridge came in, insisted on real balance the budget numbers, and they did it. Clinton was smart enough, and agile enough and moderate enough. He wasn't the rigid ideologue like Obama. Obama never changed it anything, couldn't convince him of anything. But look for example, Trump largest tax cut, deregulation, those two big things, new trade deals that everyone said, oh, it's going to be a trade war has now benefited us. Record low unemployment across the board for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplaces, youth unemployment are vets a gone back to work, and we're breaking records from nineteen sixty nine in terms of we now have a million more jobs available than we have people on unemployment. Well, that's because he begged these companies that were parking their money off shore to bring it back at a low rate and invest it in factories and manufacturing centers. I never in my life got a job from somebody that had no money. I don't care. When I was working in restaurants, I loved when people could afford to tip me and pay my bills, and I'd go home with a lot of cash at the end of a busy night. I was a junior and senior in high school. At ten bar to four in the morning, close the bar out of four thirty, hit the diner and decide whether I'm going to school the next day or not. My senior year was usually not and you know I love that. But if the people didn't come in and spend the money. When I was doing painting, paper hanging, reconstruction, roofing, framing, til ling, I never went into a poor person's house. People had money and I got to then get paid to provide a service. You know, you only make money two ways. You create goods of services. Either one the people won't need and desire and that's it. You either create it and they won't need and desire of it, are willing to pay for it, or they're not. This is Phil Robertson, and today in stores you'll find my book The Theft of America's Soul, Blowing the lid off the lives that are destroying our country. The book points out why America is being robbed. There are ten lives the devil has attempted to use to destroy America's soul. Putting God back in our country is the key. The theft of America's soul, offers ten truths that a fact that on will put God back into culture and turn the country around. And you'll find it everywhere. Books are sold a lot coming up from our nation's capital. As we check in with new king Ridge later on, Dan Mongino, Haraldo rivera battle it out. Who is this new democratic extremist socialist Party? All right, gladuate with us? How are two Sean Hannity Show where live. We're in our nation's capital. We're in the swamp and the sewer obviously previewing the State of the Union tonight. We are getting a little preview what the President's speech is going to be about the theme of the State of the Union is choosing Greatness, where the President will talk about an inspiring vision for all Americans and the policy agenda that both parties can rally behind to achieve the vision, and the President's going to try again to get the Democrats to maybe work together for the good of the American people. New king Ridge, former Speaker of the House, wrote an incredible column that absolutely went viral. Trump and the trivialists after State of the Union speech, I challenge you to do this and rather than me reading from it, I decided our friend, former Speaker of the House, New King rich On to tell us how are you, sir? Oh, I'm doing great, And all I have to tell you that I was inspired, literally inspired to write that by the way in which the lad media responded to the leak of Trump's schedule, which is a historian, I thought was a non event. And I did a series of tweets pointing out what churchill schedule was, what Lincoln's schedule was, what after our schedule was. And frankly, one of our problems is that the group that I've now coined the Trivialists, which I think is a whole new way of thinking about what we're living with. The trivialist knows so little history and have so little context that everything leads them to run around being excited and going, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, did you know this? And so when I when I did that, I thought, you know, here, you've got this clear effort, which we've now sent for four or five days, and of course you've talked to the president. You know this. Fully, he wants to reach beyond the partisanship. He wants to bring us back to making America great again. He wants to ask us to choose greatness. I mean, this is potentially one of the great historic visionary speeches in the history States of the Union. And you know, and I know that the left is just waiting to attack it and oppose its speaker. You're already too late. Chuck Schumer attacked it yesterday, declared it horrible yesterday. How can you declare something horrible you haven't seen it? Just tells you how sick these people are. I mean, when we're dealing with a pathology on the left which is anti American, radical and stunningly destructive. And I predict I'm gonna do you haven't heard me say this before. I believe Trump is gonna win a shocking majority in two twenty because any of the country's eventually going to get that this is just, this is sick. This is a Democratic Party now running off the deep end. Well, you know, the President sent out this tweet and we've been spending a lot of time. Now I have no idea how the issue of up to the birthing process abortion now is the cause of let's say, New York, Virginia, New Mexico, California, Rhode Island. Now Vermont is even outdoing all of them. And we know what the Virginia governor said, and I'm thinking, oh, okay, so the baby will be delivered and we'll make the baby comfortable. Then the mother will decide whether if the baby's in distress that we will ascitate or not, and then we'll have a discussion. And I'm thinking, and then he got into trouble with the you know, pictures of the clan and all that stuff, and then the Lieutenant governor now is being accused of serious sexual assault. And all the people that said, I believe are very quiet as of now. But my point is they're the party of late term abortion, high taxes, open borders. And with that crime, how did they put themselves in such an extreme position so quickly? You know, years ago, Speaker Confoley, who was a great storyteller, said that he sed did a member who would go on befloor of the House and he would start a speech and talk about this terrible situation. And he would listen to himself talking about the terrible situation, and he would get really angry about what he heard himself saying, and then he would start talking about how truly angry he was about this terrible situation. And then after a couple more minutes, he was so angry listening to himself be angry that he would become hysterical. And he said, you could watch him in about seven minutes become totally irrational. This is a democratic party which has accepted a series of premises. Stealing from everybody else to pay off your constituents is terrific. Is called raising taxes on anybody, but you having an open border is terrific because you don't actually believe in America anyway, So why not let everybody else come in the things we're seeing the last few days once to accept the premise. As a woman once said to me, this was the decisive moment in my commitment to right to life. I was at Never Forget. I was at a lunch on a Sunday at the Risk Carlton, Atlanta. This woman walks up to me an enormous fury, and she says to me, I am sick of all of you who are right to life. She said, as far as I'm concerned, it is nothing but a malignant tumor. And I stared, and I thought to myself Okay, I get to choose baby or malignant tumor. I think I'll choose baby. Well, the Democratic Party chose alignant tumor. And now they're gone a step further because, after all, if the tumor survives everything else and is born, Now, the question I would ask the Governor of Virginia before he resigns is so, how many days can the baby be born before it becomes a citizen, Because in my judgment, the second year born, you are an American citizen and the federal government has to protect you, and if somebody kills you, they should be charged. Well, we know now that the President will address that tonight. We know that the President I think he's very serious. And this bothers me that Lindsey Graham has to go out there and tell his fellow Republicans that with nine of Heroin crossing our border and with feden Al crossing our border, there's a daily mail, a daily callerpiece out today Republicans plan to turn on Trump if he declares a national emergency to build the wall. That tells me that they, once again, the Republican Party has no backbone. It tells me again they're incapable of taking a tough stand on an issue that is literally look at Heroin alone. We're losing three hundred people a week now, feden Al's getting worse. And on top of that, you know all the people that have been victim of crime by that one or two percent, that criminal element that you know integrates itself, for example, with caravans or crosses the border illegally, there's a vulnerability. Democrats supported all of this just you know, a few short years ago when Obama was president, why won't the Republicans support the president and his right to secure the duty frankly to secure the border as commander in chief? Glooming a simple set of numbers that you can post on your website. They're nine and ten in the Emerson Pole in Iowa. This week, when I asked among Republicans, if John Kasik challenges Donald Trump, who would you before it was Trump ninety and it was ten, and I would say to any Republican idiotic enough to oppose the president at a point where or we're speculating now, we're assuming that Nancy Pelosi is so unwilling to protect and defend Americans. She's so representative of a city in which there are now more drug addicts than there are students in high school. As apparently I ask my staff to research yesterday, there are in San Francis, Go today there are more drug addicts than there are students in high school. That's the city the Speaker of the House represents if she is nutty enough to block defending America, and the President of States is command in chief, uses his power to defend America. Any Republican who stands up against that, I think should be primary and people shull understand this is life and death. This is about the future of America, not about the future of the Republican Party, not about the teacher of conservatism. It's about whether America as a civilization has the courage to survive. You know, interesting you watch that battle and look, listen, there's going to be a series of guests on both sides, Democrats bringing in dreamers, you know, Presidents bringing in angel moms and das. You know. The President in this debate with Humor and Pelosi, he's been standing for safety and security and life and death. And what of Chuck? What is Chuck and Nancy standing for? Because it seems like it seems like they just hate Trump. Look I mean beyond our partisanship, which is obvious. Isn't it just sad that having a mother come in who's lost a husband or a son to an illegal immigrant killing them is somehow a partisan statement. Isn't a terrible comment on how the anti American left has now defined our politics so that if you want a defend America, that's a part issue. Shouldn't defending America? After nine to eleven, there was a brief moment when we all thought defending America was a good idea. After Pearl Harbor, there was a whole period where we all thought defending America was a partner, it was a positive idea. Today, you have, particularly with Pelosi, somebody who is so committed to a San Francisco left wing extremism that she just can't imagine why one would defend America or what. She's far more concerned about illegal immigrant children at the border than she is at the children who may be killed in the United States who are American citizens. You know, it's it's really a moment of choosing like we've never seen before. What are your thoughts on this, Virginia Governor? And now you know, it's very interesting after the bludgeoning of Judge Kavanaugh, every senator without due process, any evidence presump, no umption of innocence declared, I believe any woman. Well, now the lieutenant governor was expected to replace the governor. Well, now we find out the lieutenant governor is being accused of a serious sexual assault with a woman. Back at the two thousand and four convention, What do you think of all the people that said I believe then and I don't live about thirty seconds. Well, one of my weaknesses is I'm a historian and I looked at this stuff over the years. That's not a weakness. That's a strength. That's a strength I am saying. That is surprising me. You are seeing a left wing ideology beginning to devour itself and it will look more and more weird. And my prediction is that it will be annihilated in two twenty. I thought it would take a hundred days for them to expose themselves. I was wrong. It only took a month. Mister speaker, thank you for being one of us. Always love having you. Right as we continue from Washington, d C. All right, so, the Lieutenant Governor Fairfax of Virginia now accused of serious sexual assault, and let's go listen to what Democrats many of those that said I believe, like Tim Kane and Chris Coons, we listen to what they have to say now about it's one of their own. Let's see if they believe now. With respect to the situation with the Lieutenant governor, I just don't know enough information. If every person who has, you know, has a claim that they have been sexual assault wherever, deserves to tell their own story in their own time, and that's not yet happened, so to venture a thought or an opinion about it and tell she makes a decision whether or not she's going to do that, I just think that would be pretty true. I think it's important that the allegations that have been brought forward against the Lieutenant governor be thoroughly considered vetted. One of my core complaints or concerns about the Kavanaugh confirmation process was the lack of a real FBI investigation of credible allegations of sexual assault. And I think we owe the Lieutenant governor the same sort of thorough investigation that was not done in the case of Brett Kavanaugh and those allegations. Oh we have the meet, Well, let's go back to the Kavanaugh hearings, and everyone says, I believe. Listen to this montage. Not only do women like doctor Ford, who gravely comes forward need to be heard, but they need to be believed. They need to be believed. I just fought to the men of this country just shut up and step up, do the right thing. Let me just say right at the outset, I believe doctor Ford. I believe your survivor here. I believe her. I stand with her and shows up on Monday. I don't think she should be bullied into this scenario. I believe her. I believe Professor Ford. I think she's credible. Oh you only believe. Oh if it's you can pludgeon a Republican or Conservative, you don't believe if it's a Democrat. The Lieutenant governor of Virginia Fairfax, has accused of forcing a woman to perform a sexual act, physically forcing her. Now the accuser has actually hired Professor Christy Blossie, Ford's attorney in that particular case. Wow, this is getting pretty interesting. All right, we'll watch all of that when we come back. We have a great debate on the issue of the radical shift extreme shift of the Democratic Socialist Party, Raldo and Dan Bongino later on News round Up Information Overload with Kaylee mcnanny, Jeff Lord, and your calls as we continue from DC. I don't even know why he wants to come and give the State of the Union. The state of the Union under him has not been good, and he has been devisive, and I think he's putting us all in harm's way, and so he's not worthy of being listened to. I don't know why nobody want to pay attention to anything that he has to say. He lies over and over again. Like I said, six thousand lines have been documented since he's been there. I just can't imagine what he's going to try and say. But since he is a great liar, he'll say anything because he's capable of saying anything without facts, without research. And so I'm not looking forward to his State of the Union, and I hope that people will turn the television off knowing this president he'll then make some bold new promises and not even make an attempt to fulfill them. The man has so little integrity that a promise that he makes it the State of the Union, means nothing the next morning. So tonight it's logical to believe, based on his past speeches, that the president's speech will ignore the reality of his administration, the reality of our economy, the reality of our world, and instead weave a web of fiction. If past speeches are an indication, the president will be in his own bubble. Democrats are not focused on the press as it's rhetoric. We're focused on fighting for workers in this unequal economy, fighting for American families struggling to avoid healthcare, fighting to bring a measure of accountability to this government, and fighting for a foreign policy that reflects both our interests and our values. Yeah, let's trash, absolutely destroy and trash the president's speech before he even bothers to give it. Pretty unbelievable. Now, the president, they've given well a little bit of a hint of where they're going tonight. The theme of the State of the Union is choosing greatness. By the way, what a great idea. Why don't we choose to be as great as we can be, as rich as we can be, help everybody along the way as much as we can possibly do. The president, obviously we'll be talking about immigration and how to secure our borders. Certainly, I guess this issue of now. What he tweeted out the other night was, well, this Democratic Party has become the party of late term abortion. Now we see it in even another state, and Vermont is worse than all the other states. I mean literally, they're saying you can decide on an abortion right after birth, kind of what the Virginia governor had said as well. In the Senate, the democratrats literally a blocking a bill right now that would require the medical care of any baby that actually survived an abortion, born alive. It happens, It's happened. A matter of fact, we've interviewed people in years gone by about this issue. But they're also the party of high taxes seventy to ninety percent. They're the party of open borders, and obviously they don't care about the drugs coming into the country, or the cartels, or the gang members, or the dangers to innocent men, women and children that already live here. Also, the President will be talking about lowering the cost of healthcare, prescription drugs, protecting our national security, and all of his achievements that the media will never tell you. He's the only one that I guess anyway, joining us now, Dan Bongino, former NYPD officers, secret service agent, author of the best seller Spygate. Horaldo Vera back with us Fox News legal analysts, author of the best seller of The Horaldo Show. Thank you both for being with us. You know, why would now six states, Why would the Democrats at this moment in time be pushing so hard, Horaldo for a bill that allows abortion even after the birthing process dilation has begun. And think of the words of the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Well, I'll tell you what will happen. The baby will be delivered, and then we'll make sure the baby's comfortable, and then the mother will decide if the baby is in distress, whether to resuscitate or not. And then we'll all have tea and crumpets and a discussion. That's what he said before we learned about the KKK blackface issue. In terms of late term abortion, where I the president, I would stress the Virginia example, stay away from the issue writ large, but focus on third trimester partial birth abortion and the savage nature of the procedure that would allow, as I read it, any mom with one doctor to declare a child severely deformed. Maybe a down syndrome child like what my whole life shown to give rights to the developmentally disabled. And to think now that a commonwealth or a state would attempt to pass a law that would sanctify what is a brutal taking of a life of someone with real human potential is extremely distressing. But when I hear Schumer, when I hear Congresswoman Maxine Waters, what I hear is a kind of cruelty, a small mindedness, especially directed at the president, where they go so far as to undermine their own sense of nationhood and patriotism. Sean Well, I think it's well said. By the way, I want to tell everybody in this audience if he didn't it was it did go national at the time. You've been in broadcasting now for You're gonna hit your fifty year anniversary at some point, I know, because I'm throwing you a big party. But I think some of the best work you did was exposing the evil, grotesque, horrific treatment of mentally disabled people at what place called Willowbrook in New York. And that video is still online because recently I showed a friend of mine your great work from that time. Dan Bongino, is this now the party, as the President says, of late abortions, high taxes, open borders, and crime. Because I think it is seany descended into ideological madness. I mean that I think about it, right, and it's a serious question. I know it comes off hyperbolic, but how many breaths does an infant have to take before they're safe from the democrats legislative pro abortion agenda? I mean that may sound like a ridiculous question, but is it really. I mean, we had a prominent governor, not a small timer, in a very important state, Virginia, a swing state, debatably a swing state, on WTOP, a major radio station, argue that an infant should be kept comfortable. Why a decision was made? This actually happened. Okay, this happened, and people everybody saw it. You just mentioned the Vermont legislation, which is which is ghastly. Um, it's absolutely grotesque. But how many breasts? How long is there a timeline? Um? This is a serious question I'm posing to the liberals that listen to your show. I know because I read the nasty tweets you gets from people. Um, how how long is there a timeline? Go ahead? No, you and Listen, you're saving your mental health by not do it. Don't worry, I do it for you. And I'm sure Linda has seen some of the nasty stuff too. But it's a serious question. Is there going to be a day now? Is it a day five where the infant is safe? Like what's your new metric for the safety of an unborn child, where they're safe from your legislation, where they're not a choice anymore. And the answer, Sean is, I have no idea. This is a ghoulish, ghastly party, and I feel that there's no room left for moderate anymore. But damn, this is not even about abortion. This is not even close to an abortion debate. And I have friends that and maybe even Haraldo is one of them that say their pro choice. But they're all first trimester not viable on its own people. And when they heard the governor's description, I mean every one of them use some form of it sickens them that this is grotesque evil. You know, an infant being kept comfortable is the essence of innocence, and it's a living, breathing, human soul, independently living on its own. And we're going to decide whether we want to keep it or not all though, I think that what people cannot lose sight of is the law of the land now is encapsulated in the decision Roe v. Wade. As controversial as it is, but if you look at that decision, that keeps the rights to the mother carrying the unborn child until the unborn child is viable, at which time that the viability gives the humanity, not in any religious sense, but in a legal constitutional sense. Once that child can live on its own, even with life support machines or whatever, that child then has the right to be born. To think that, you go that the Democrats, rather than trying to hunker down as the Supreme Court composition changes, they have tried to and are doing an expansion of Roe v. Wade. They are saying, no, there is no rights in the unborn unless and until the mother and a doctor designate the child as Wade if it ever, and I don't see it being repealed anytime in the near future. All the fearmong reading that goes on during a Supreme Court nominee and posturing about Rov. Wade back Alley abortions, it would immediately go back to the States. And you know, look at all the states, I think most of them would allow some form of abortion, and then you'd be able to go to a crazy state like New York. Now vermonta is even worse than New York and what they're proposing, or Virginia or Rhode Island or New Mexico or California. So it's never it's not going to be outlawed proposing in Virginia. Showing this, as you correctly say, and as brother Dan also you know, reaffirms, this is not about abortion. This is about infanticide. This is about a living, breathing human being having its life handed to the decision of a distort mom and one doctor. I mean, this is bizarre, This is this is way beyond. This is euthanasia. This is what they did in uh, you know, totalitarian states when they're trying to purge you know who humanity is. And when you look around look around today, look around at every child you see with down syndrome. Now, they live normal lives, they work, they get married, you know, you say hello, you see them on TV. Imagine that every single one of them under the Virginia law could have been snuffed out by a distraught mom and one doctor. It's just it is. You can't cry over it and being pro choice, pro life, whatever. I'm pro humanity, and this is so inhumane, you know, Dan. But it talks about look at the green energy proposal that will you know, here America, for the first time in decades and decades, we are now the largest producer of crude oil in the entire world, beating Saudi maybe a beating Russia. We're on track by twenty twenty five to be in a position to create as much energy between natural gas, oil and coal for the entire world. We will be in other words, all of the money and riches you see in these Middle Eastern countries that would be ours. But Acasio Cortez and the Democrats and their new Green Deal for America that's and Medicare for all, which is what thirty two trillion dollars and Kamala Harris no healthcare. This party has gone so far to the left. I don't see America connecting with this, you know, Sean, you just tb up perfectly. There's an op ed in the Wall Street Journal today, right, So let's just contrast this. Alexandria Cacio Cortez is advocating for socialism, right, that's our thing, her Bernie Sanders. They love socialism. It's their little it's their things, their little nugget of goodness. Right. So, Venezuela, I don't know if your audiences this has the large oil reserves in the world, larger than Saudi Arabia. Venezuela is socially, we do now have the largest oilverserves in the world the United States, but we have a good amount Sean. Do you know the state of North Dakota itself produces more oil than Venezuela, despite the Venezuelans having it tons more oil than we do. You know why, Sean, because we have relatively free markets and we're not socialist imbeciles like these morons running the government, these tyrants in Venezuela. Why And once we get the Keystone and Da Coda pipelines and drilling and am wire going, you know, we're talking about literally hundreds and hundreds of thousands of high paying career jobs, game changing jobs for all of those American workers. Quick break right back. We'll continue more with Horaldo Dan Bongino at the top of the hour, our news round up Information overload hour and your calls and as we continue Dan Bongino Horaldo Rivera with us Horaldos. There. When the President talks about late term abortion, and President talks about the good economy, and President talks about the dangers of going back to raising taxes, when he talks about the importance of building the wall and securing our borders, what do you expect the Democratic reaction to be, Because I'm pretty much can bet one hundred percent what it's going to be. I think it's going to be hostility, unremitting, confrontation, rigidity. See if I were President Trump tonight, I would spend two thirds of the State of the Union speaking specifically about the state of the Union being how people are faring in terms of the economy. Thanks to President Trump, thanks to the forty fifth president, we now have an economy that is humming at basic full employment. It is historic full employment from many minority groups. And if I were him, I would stress that you congressmen from these urban areas, you want your constituents to get a fear deal. They're getting a fairer deal when my ministers and then they ever have before Black unemployment at historic lows, Latino unemployment at historic lows, and hit that and hit that and hit that hard, because Sean, I think that is the economy stupid. Once you make that argument that everybody that this rising tide is lifting all boats, then you go into the wall and yeah, you hit the wall. I'm not sure what he's gonna do. I hope it's not a decorum's gonna put up a national emergency, but we're gonna put up there. Haraldo supports the wall because I finally got you to my sight on this. But all right, guys, I replace repair, expand I got and every other technology protect our country. This is about listen, fettonol, heroin, cartels, gangs, and by the way, they're only the one or two percent. They're the ones we're worried about, not the ninety eight percent that Democrats say we're trying to hurt. Quick break right back, News round Up, Information Overload. Our preview of the state of the Union continues. We're in the swamp the sewer of Washington, DC. Coming up next, our final news round up and information overload. Hour all right, News round Up, Information overload, Our Sean Hannity Show a lot coming up. We're in DC and we are now presently currently awaiting the President and a big State of the Union address. That's why we're here in DC now. Some people yesterday got to go and sit with the President and get a preview of what's going to happen today or tonight, and they're going to join us in just a second. I want to also get back to the difficulty in what is happening now in the Commonwealth of Virginia. First it was the abortion issue. Well, first the baby will be born and we'll make the baby comfortable. Then the mother will decide whether the assuscitated or not. She decides, and then afterwards we'll just have a little meeting together. I mean, cold callous. It's even getting worse, believe it or not in other states like Vermont, as the Democratic Party becomes more radical, more extreme every single solitary day. Now we have but the person who is set to replace the governor, the lieutenant governor, this guy justin Fairfax. Well now he's facing a real serious allegations regarding well issues with a woman in Boston at the Democratic convention back in two thousand and four. And the question is are all those same people in the Kavanaugh hearings. That means Diane Feinstein, Kirsten gillibrand Kamala Harris, everybody else, Richard Blumenthal? Are they all going to have a press conference and say I believe because what he is accused of is that what started out as consensual kissing resulted in a forced sex act. So where are do we believe? People? Remember this? You might call all this. I only do women like doctor Ford, who gravely comes forward need to be heard, but they need to be believed. They need to be believed of this country. Just shut up and step up, do the right thing. Let me just say right at the outset, I believe doctor Ford. I believe your survivor here. I believe her. I stand with her, and your hotel shows up on Monday. I don't think she should be bullied into this scenario. I believe her. I believe Professor Ford. I think she's credible. All right, I believe, I believe, I believe. Well, now we have the accuser of the Virginia Lieutenant governor. Well, he happened to have now hired Professor Christine Ford's attorney. That's interesting, isn't it. Anyway? Joining us now they got to go to the White House and hang out with the president. There's some big meeting and a preview of coming attractions for tonight, and I wasn't invited. Kaylee mcinanny is with us, joins us now and also Jeff Lord, two good friends of mine. Ran into Jeff in the green room at Fox last I'm like, what are you doing here? Well, you got to go. I know you're not allowed to give away everything that was discussed, but there are certain themes that the White House is saying that will be addressed tonight, including by the way, late term abortion, high taxes, immigration. I'm sure the President's track record of success, this is an opportunity for him to bypass the media that would never tell the country all of this success anyway. So I'm sure he'll take advantage of that opportunity. Yeah, absolutely, Sean. You know what I found most interesting about this, And you've known Donald Trump longer than I have. But in the time I've gotten to know him since twenty thirteen, I think it was when he first got in touch with me, I have heard him constantly talk about, you know, I can visionary terms. I know that's a term that's going to be bannied about here lately. But this whole making America a great thing I have him on tape. I'm going to have this in my new book, Swamp Wars. I have him on tape from twenty fourteen talking about in conversation how he wants to make America great again. I mean, he really really believes this, and he gets up every day. I mean, you should have seen him yesterday, Sean. He was pumped up. I think Kayley will agree with this. He is pumped up and ready to go. He was optimistic. He wants to do deals, he wants to move the country forward. He is all in for this. And you know, I'm sorry you weren't there. You would have loved it. All right, Kayley, what was your impression. I understand the president walked in, the vice president was running the meeting. What happened? That's exactly right. And the Chief of Staff mc mulvaney was there, and Jeff characterizes the president exactly right. He was popped up, in good spirits, excited to have this form to share his accomplishments. But also I think an element of this greatness is the choosing part of this. There will be a very clear contrast tonight. You'll have a president saying, hey, I want to move forward on border security, and fifty four Democrats wants voted on that. I want to move forward on infrastructure, and all Democrats voted on that in the Obama era. I want to move forward on the high cost of prescription drugs, several areas Democrats have said they wanted, and it's only in the Trump era at their reversing course. So I think you'll see a real choice for Democrats to choose greatness with the president. But the Democratic Party, jeff has now emerged into the radical extreme democratic socialist Party. I mean they're talking about, I mean wealth confiscation. That's the Elizabeth Warren's bill. Kamala Harris wants to take one hundred and seventy seven million Americans healthcare plans, take them off it Medicare for all. One of the big problems with that is, oh, that's going to cost us a fortune like three point two trillion a year every year for ten years. Obviously we can't afford it. They want full and complete redistribution. Some are even talking about tax rates at ninety percent. Then, of course, oh, Acascio Cortez, Oh, let's get rid of all fossil fuels in twelve years. That the lifeblood of every economy. It would drive this economy into the sewer if this insanity was adopted, Sean. The thing that caught my attention in the last forty eight hours is the governor of your home state of New York, Andrew Cuomo, basically coming out and saying, we've taxed off these rich people and they're leaving, and now we've got a hole in our budget. What do we do? How many times have I heard you talk about the tax burden in New York Aside from federal taxes, you have the state and local taxes. Well, they've done this to the max. I mean, Andrew Cuomo has gone out of his way to make New York venezuela and it's working and so settling. Now he is stuck with the results and he's not happy. So this is what they plan to do. In the fact of the matter is the results are starting to backfire them on them, and you know, sort of slow move. But notice two, you know, everything that I was saying to this audience the Democrats would hide in twenty eighteen, now they are cheerfully bragging about this is what they want. You know, you mentioned New York is a microcosm, so is California. They're they're losing population by the tens of thousands every year. And states that have no income tax, low taxes, limited regulation, like Texas and Florida. Texas and Florida nearly picked up four hundred thousand new residents as New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California are losing, you know, huge portions of their population there is, and it's all because they caused it. Now, what are they going to do to solve it? They're going to double down on stupid and then tax the people that let remained even more and chase more people out. Listen to Governor Cuomo. We have one of the most progressive tax codes in the United States, which is a good thing, which means the richer you are, the more you pay. However, that presents a very fragile economy because then you are relying on a very small number of people for the vast amount of your tax dollars. One percent of the taxpayers pay nearly half of all the taxes. One percent pay nearly half of all those taxes. Those one percent are the richest people in the state, they're the richest people in the country, and they are the most mobile people in the country. And you see the chart on the bottom, top one percent about forty six percent, top five percent sixty three percent of all the revenue, top ten percent seventy four percent of all the revenue. Tax the rich, Tax the rich, Tax the rich. We did now, God forbid? The rich leave. Yeah, they're leaving. You chase them out. And states like Florida and Texas Kaylee mckinanny are flourishing and absorbing massive parts of the population. Which you know what, it makes sense, doesn't it. It makes complete sense. High tax liberalism doesn't work. There you have Cuomo admitting what we always knew. When you raise taxes on the high, up on the billionaires and millionaires, people flee. When you raise taxes on corporations. When you have the highest corporate tax rate in the industrial world. Before President Trump came on board, you had corporations moving their headquarters overseas. High tax liberalism does not work. Also, what does not work is socialism of it. I'm so glad Sean that Democrats are finally admitting what you have always said their true intentions are, which is this single payer system, one that eliminates private insurance, late term abortion. Now we know in fanticides sending Democrats just blocked a bill prohibiting and fantaside hidden intentions are coming out. It is unbelievable and it is absolutely disgusting. You know. The funny thing is, and Nancy Pelosi with her phony Bible quote that wasn't in the Bible. You know, we've sent our cameras to herd district Jeffrey Lord, and what do we find? Needles everywhere once you get out of that rich specific neighborhood encla she lives in, and she's worth tens of millions of dollars, and then you had all these homeless people. Everyone mentioned the feces in the street and the needles all over the place. And why doesn't she and her rich liberal friends in San Francisco, why don't they build a homeless shelter so that these homeless people have a place to go to the bathroom, take a shower, and maybe get some drug rehab if they're shooting up in the street and leaving their needles there. You know, this is like watching people try and pretend that gravity does not exist. These things have real world consequences, and it doesn't make any difference if they're done in the twelfth century, the twentieth century, or the twenty first century or the twenty ninth century. You cannot do things this way and expect any other result than what you're getting. And they don't seem to understand this. I mean listening to Andrew Cuomo, he is becoming the embodiment of Margaret Thatcher's famous saying that the problem with socialism is sooner or later you run out of other people's money. Well, thank you, Governor Cuomo. Yeah, I guess you're catching on to the drift. Now. The problem is that there are going to be plenty of people on their side that want to just keep going with this and and really make his venezuela. And that's where I think they're going to lose big time. But this has now become the party. Then that's the point, Kaylee mckinanny. They'd become that party, you know where they were once. Um. Look at the treatment even of Howard Schultz, who's no conservative. UM, and Joe Biden, you know what he will anyone gets the nomination is going to be pulled in that direction because that is the Democratic Party. That's the danger of the country, because this is what they want to implement. And by the way, no energy, state run energy, state run healthcare, UH, confiscatory taxation, eighty seventy redistributing, redistributing wealth. It will chase people, not only out of New York, New Jersey, California and Illinois will chase him out of the country. They'll leave and they'll take their money with them. Exactly right, they will leave, and you know it is Venezuela. Socialists like policies. Make no mistake. That's the true intention and fact. Go on Bernie Sanders website right now, his must read section. He has a twenty eleven article where it literally says it's an editorial board that wrote it. He's featuring it. The American dream is more apt to be realized in Venezuela. That is the true intention of the left. It is sad, it's disturbing, but that democratic debate stage is going to expose that because the euphemistic terms of medicare for all and free college, their ideas are being exposed. They will take us the way of Venezuela. People will leave. They do not work. They have failed everywhere they have been tried. All right, we gotta take a break. We're gonna come back eight hundred and nine for one seawan our toll free telephone number if you want to be a part of the program right as, we can send your final moments. Now we'll get to your calls. Next half hour State of the Union preview as we continue with Kaylee mcinaney and Jeff Lord back with us. All right, Jeff, so this is going to go down. Chuck Schumer's already condemned the speech yesterday before the president's even given the speech. So a predictable outcome, right, Yeah, very predictable. Although I think I heard him say today that the President was sowing something. I think he meant sewing, but I'll give him a patch. Well, they didn't say navy corpse been five times like somebody else we know. Yeah, yeah, exactly, Yeah, I mean there's no question. I mean, this is just going to be a partisan reaction. And the interesting thing is, since this is in effect has long since become a television show, what theatrics are gonna we expect? I mean, I would imagine that Nancy Pelosi will sit there stone faced. We've already gotten I think a couple of people who were making much of boycotting it. But you know, the cameras will zero in and we'll still see people sitting there stone faced and rolling their eyes and sitting on their hands. You know, going to have to be very they are going to have to be very, very careful how they do this. This is the President of the United States. He was elected by the American people. They're all elected officials, and you've got to be careful when you do this kind of stuff on television. Last word, Kaylee, that's exactly right. And I will be keenly focused on Nancy Pelosi because she refused to meet with the Angel Moms. Well, tonight she's going to be forced to look an angel family and the eyes that lost their parents. They'll be the President's guest. She's going to be forced to look at a young woman affected by the opioid crisis. Of course, opioids crossing our border daily, So she's going to be forced in a very uncomfortable situation while she stands for that family. She certainly should. I met a young woman who's going to be sitting next to the first Lady tonight last night at Fox and Well, I'm just going to say, you're going to want to see this. Her story is amazing, inspiring, incredible, and yet it reveals all the dangers of these drugs across our border. All right, quick break right back. When we come back, we'll hit the phones. Eight hundred nine p one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program to me all fair. Thousands of young girls smuggled into the US. Take it from there. Absolutely, And I spent in rape thirty or forty times a day. Forty four times a day is conservative, frankly for what's happening to them once they get into the United States. These kids are coming in, They're being trafficked. There's Mexican cartoons. I have two stories just two weeks. These videos we're seeing, Yeah, these are these are traffickers. These guys were making child pornography from Haitian children and sending them to our pedophiles here in the United States. We are the demand. This is an important part the United States is the demand for child sex. We're the highest consumers of child pornography in the world. How many young girls are we talking about? On how young ten thousand children? According to State Department Tip Report, ten thousand children every year smuggled into the United states for the single purpose of commercial and they go to states like New York, California that they go to the big cities, New York, Atlanta. How do you know their rape thirty forty times a day because we rescue them and we have them out and we're talking to them. I just talked to one of our survivors who were who's in our character surviving. She's scared to death. She said, it's bad. At ten thousand a year, ten thousand children, children, adults, you had the adults. You're gonna double that. Why hasn't this been discussed more? Well, I've been I've been screaming for years about it, all right. That was last night on Hannity on the Fox News. Child Tim Ballard, former DHF special agent, worked for twelve years and ten thousand children a year. We don't ever talk about the human trafficking side. They have video tapes. They follow these kids from Central America, Mexico, sold into sex slavery in this country. Nobody ever talks about them. He mentioned to me he had just spoken with one of these survivors and how horrific and also how these children are abused and put in to films and the films are trafficked as well. You know, I know the Democrats, I know Nancy Pelosi. He didn't have time to meet the angel moms and dads, and when they were outside her office, she wouldn't take the time. She didn't take any time for that. There's nothing if our constitution, if our rule of law does not protect the essence of innocence as represented by children and infants that are just born, it will reflect what kind of nation do we want to be. And now that one party seemingly is doubled down on the idea of this abortion concept in the ninth month, when the child's viable, where a sitting governor of one of our great states can literally say, well, I'll tell you what's going to happen with the new builder baby. We'll be born, baby, we'll be comforted, we'll make sure it's comfortable, and the mother decides does the baby live or die? If the baby's in distress, do we resuscitate or not, And then we'll have a discussion after she decides with the physician and the mother. There was a very contentious committee hearing yesterday when Fairfax County Delicate Cathy Tran made her case for lifting restrictions on third trimester abortions as well as other restrictions now in place. And she was pressed by Republican delegate about whether her bill would permit an abortion even as a woman is essentially dilating, ready to give birth, and she answered that it would permit an abortion at that stage of labor. Do you support her measure and explain her answer? Yeah, And I'm you know, I wasn't there, Julie, and I certainly can't speak for Delegate Tran, but I will tell you one first thing I would say, this is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians and the mothers and fathers that are involved. There are you know, when we talk about third trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physicians, more than one physician, by the way, And it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that's non viable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered, Uh, the infant would be kept comfortable, UH, the infant would be resuscitated if if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. So so I think this was really blown out of proportion. But again, we want the government not to be involved in these types of decisions. We want the decision to be made by the mothers and their providers. And this is why Julie that legends slaters, most of whom are men, by the way, shouldn't be telling a woman what she should and shouldn't be doing with her body. That is not We are better than that. This is not about politics, This is not even about abortion. This is about infanticide. And in the case of what Tim Ballard was telling me on television last night and in the days to come, will show you more of these videos. He's got hours of footage, and I've asked if he would pull it out for us so I can show you, just like the fourteen times I've been down to the border over the years for the sake of exposing the drug trade. I sat in a big, huge, massive drug warehouse once, and Florida's ceiling drugs aimed at small town USA, big city USA. Yeah, the drugs that kill three hundred or so plus kids a week, that those drugs and well ninety percent of them across in their southern border. We got to increase security at our ports, we got we gotta put up a wall. We've got to do all the above, because this for the cartels and the drug dealers and the human traffickers, they don't have a soul. They don't care about the lives of those kids that they traffic or our kids that can get hooked on this stuff and die. And that's what it's about. Or Republicans want dirty air and water, They want children to die. They Republicans want to throw Granny over the cliff. Well, they tell these lies. At what point to people that support these policies not bear the responsibility and the culpability of what happens in light of their poor decision making not too safely secure this country and it's people. And because it is life and death, what is the president arguing life and death? Safety security? What was Chuck and Nancy arguing nothing? They just want to They just want to stick it to Trump. The question they have as we now move forward, is their hatred for Donald Trump greater than their love of the American people and doing what they themselves once wanted done. That's what it comes down to. All right, let's get to our busy phones. We will start in New York with Devon the All New AM seven ten WR Hi, Sean, Hi, how are you? What's going on? I'm I'm great. I was just saying I was very excited to hear about the state of the Union because I'm one of the eight hundred thousand federal employees that was furloughed most of January and some of December, and I was interested to see what Trump was going to have to say about the potential second government shut down at the end of next week. Well, I don't. I think the president's more inclined, although I'm so angry, And it was Lindsey Graham who's now saying that, Lindsey Graham say, why won't Republicans? There are some Republicans that don't have the courage to let the president use the military or call a national emergency to do his job. Same president that was promised by Paul Ryan if he signed that bad omnibus bill that did fund defense, did get rid of the healthcare mandate, the individual mandate, and he would have vetoed it, but he was promised, we'll get you the money for the wall. Paul Ryan announces he's resigning, he goes lame duck, and then, uh, the president didn't get the money. So I know him to be tenacious. He's really unrelenting. He's not going to stop. He's gone every single time there's any issue to be dealt with. This president is going to bring up the wall and wall funding. Anyway. What else are you watching to see tonight? Yeah, yeah, I'm I'm actually I was going to say that I'm from New York, so I'm very familiar with what's happening with the current abortion legislation, and I am a very much pro choice, but I'm extra I'm just horrified at this new bill. I don't understand how this could be right. When it came out, I thought to myself, I read it, and I thought, I've got to be missing something here. There must be some some loophole that I'm not picking up on, because this can't this can't be right. This, this isn't right. And I don't understand how anybody can read something like that, and read about something like that and not be completely angry and disgusted and we should just be shouting from the rooftops like this is wrong. I just I'm I'm flabbergascid and is a New York uh you know, citizen. I'm I'm embarrassed to live here. It's it's embarrassing. But you know it's interesting New York now down billions of dollars because they're running people out of the state. Member remember Andrew ka and by the way, thank you for the call. Andrew Cuomo said, if you're a conservative, well he also said nobody needs ten bullets to kill Ada, which is my favorite. But but Andrew Cuomo said, if you're one of those extreme conservatives and your pro life and pro Second Amendment, and Bob he says anti gay, nobody's anti gay. Their problem is not me and the Democrats. Their problem is themselves. Who are they are they these extreme conservatives who are right to life, a poor assault weapon? ITTI gay? Is that who they are? Because if that's who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, that they have no place in the state of New York. Is that's not who New Yorkers are. We have one of the most progressive tax codes in the United States, which is a good, which means the richer you are, the more you pay. However, that presents a very fragile economy because then you are relying on a very small number of people for the vast amount of your tax dollars. One percent of the taxpayers pay nearly half of all the taxes. One percent pay nearly half of all those taxes. Those one percent are the richest people in the state. They are the richest people in the country, and they are the most mobile people in the country. And you see the chart on the bottom, top one percent, about forty six percent, top five percent, sixty three percent of all the revenue, top ten percent, seventy four percent of all the revenue. Tax the tax, the rich, tax the rich. We did now, God forbid the rich leave. It's simple. No one hunts with an assault rifle. No one needs ten bullets to kill a deer. Unbelievable, all right, And then all these governors from Texas, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, all over the country started calling me on this show, saying, we'd love to have you. And you know what, if my work didn't keep me in New York, I would leave with the tens of thousands of others and go to Texas or Florida. I haven't decided yet. All right, we'll stay in New York. Ellie next on the Sean Hannity Show. Hey Sean, you're a great American. Thank you for taking very great American. Thank you. Yeah. My brother listens to you alive every day from Israel. Oh really, that's awesome. You know, it's amazing how many people we do have listening from Israel. And every once in a while nobody knows. We do a local show in Israel. They promoted for a week and then we take calls from Israel. We do it real, We do our show, but just for Israel. We do it at Tel Aviv one on two FM. I'm familiar with that station. Anyway. My comment about the radios go through the roof one. Who's this crazy guy with the New York accent? All right, go ahead, I'm sorry. Yeah. So, my concern with the national emergency is that, first of all, it'll change the narrative. Now it's going to instead of being a crisis, it'll be Oh Trump is losing. Some liberal judge made a judgment against him. That would be number one. Number two is what's going to happen in the sevent eight months while we wait for the Supreme Court to make a decision. What's going to be in this seven eight months with a border wall, It'll be the border will stay wide open. And that's my main concern. Well, in the meantime, you know, we have the military. You know, my fear has been Now we've got two thousand people that the first of the caravan, with the help of the Mexican government, which the President is going to have to address. We now have the first two thousand people that are at the border. Okay, one of twelve thousand people get there at one time, and you know, they rushed the border. They decide to you know, race right across that border and there's no opening. What do we do then? I mean, that is that's scary. Is there going to be tear gas? Is they gonna be rubber bullets? We have no protection. The wall will protect people on both sides and it'll have a big door. Anyway, La, I appreciate the call. Thank you. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Full coverage right here tomorrow on the State of the Union. Now the state of the Union, Well, we usually plan it goes about an hour and a half, then the Democratic response. Then I come on right after that with immediate analysis. We got a great line up Lindsay Graham, Senator Ted Cruz, Eric Trump, Steve Scalise Meadows, and Jordan Dan Bongino and Lawrence Jones right after the State of the Union, Hannity on the Fox News Channel, Thanks for being with us. We'll see you tonight. Back here from the swamp in DC tomorrow

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