Reverend CL Bryant, author of The Race for Freedom and Senior Fellow at FreedomWorks and Vince Ellison, a conservative columnist and lecturer and author of the book, The Iron Triangle, discuss this weekend’s protests, the calls by many to dismantle the police and an alliance to Democrat candidate Joe Biden. Reverend CL, formerly the head of the NAACP in Garland, Texas, knows all too well the culture of confusion that opportunistic groups of hate are attempting to spread. The time is now for cooperation and conversation - not divisiveness.
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Jacob fry we have a yes or no question for you, yes or no? Will you commit defunding Minneapolis Police Department? I don't know what did I say? We don't want no more police in that clear, we don't want people with guns toning around in our community are shooting us down. You have the law. It is a YESTERO. I know it is a yester right now? Will you confine the Mediapolis Police department j part that we had just because if y'all don't know he's up for re election next year, if y'all don't know he's up for reelection next year, none, he says, no. Guess what the we don't do next year? All right? There it is from the weekend. By the way, that was Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frye was boobed pretty much off stage. You heard the main question, will you commit to defunding the police? And he reiterated yesterday that he doesn't support abolishing the city's police force, which now apparently there is a veto proof council there and the fact that is going to happen, and Minneapolis City Council announced they have a veto proof pushed to disband the police in the aftermath of the what the incident with George Floyd, the death of George Floyd, there is universal agreement. If we're gonna start somewhere, let's start there. There is no I don't see anybody anywhere going out there liking at all what they saw, you know, I think that's shocked rightly, so the conscience of good people all across the country. And we now know that there's a murder, second degree murder charge against the officer involved in the incident, and the other officers that were surrounding their charge with aiding and abetting in record time. But so as a result, now we have the Minneapolis City Council announcing a veto proof push to disband. So I guess they're going to disband it. Supporters of the move told Fox we recognize that we don't have all the answers about a what a police free future looks like, but our community does. We're committed to engaging with very every willing community member in the city of Minneapolis over the next year to identify what safety looks like for you. Then the mayor, of course boot out of you know, this was a I guess I don't know if there's a big town hall if you will or protest. So what are you going to do? You had Senator Romney, he was there, Congresswoman Omar was there, and you know, I you know, you have a one thing is conflating though. You know, you have groups of people saying black lives matter, and then you have the group Black Lives Matter. And in many instances when you have agitated groups Black Lives Matter had talked about remember that, well, we might police our own communities and we might arm ourselves. And I'm not sure what that would look like. But if you remember this, this is now long standing with Black Lives Matter, You know what do we want dead cops when we want them now? Pigs in a blanket? For I am like bacon. So it is. It's going to be interesting to see how this unfolds around the rest of the country. And Omar also saying that, you know, we don't want your damn reforms. We don't want the slowly dying of our communities. In New York, you have Comrade de Blasio. Now he's given in and he is now vowing to d fund the police in New York City at least cut off funding to the NYPD, so that has moved there. Protesters add deep fund the police to Black Lives Matter mural near the White House. But the movement now is moving to different cities in different ways. In Los Angeles now they're talking about as much as one hundred and fifty million dollars in cuts. The budget is one point eight billion. The mayor now saying one hundred and fifty million is going to be taken away from that. There's talk of it in Philadelphia and DC and elsewhere. Now as it relates to politics, President is like, nope, I'm for law and order. You know, if the question is, as you watch these cities, you watch all of this go on. I don't know if many people are really paying attention to it, but seventeen people now have been killed in what liberal Democrats and the mob and the media are telling us, quote, mostly peaceful antique cop protests. Mostly seventeen people I'm reading from the Epic Times have been killed so far, ranging an age from eighteen to seventy seven. Most of those who died were either current or former law enforcement officers, or just innocent bystanders who got caught up in a violent situation. We have the oldest casualty seventy seven year old David Dorn. They've did find the people there, and I'll get to that in a second, and they've been charged in that case out of Saint Louis. He was shot to death while protecting a jewelry store in Saint Louis from looters, and Dorn had served on the city's police force for thirty eight years. Eighteen year old Dorian Morrell was shot dead in Indianapolis and the According to The Indianapolis Star, he was walking around the downtown area after the protest got into an altercation over a gas canister and lying on the ground. Barry Perkins, twenty nine year old protester, was run over by a FedEx tractor trailer in Saint Louis after two men threatened the driver with guns for his life. The driver began driving while Perkins was stuck on the convertered dolly between the two trailers, and he died later in the hospital. You have a twenty two year old person shot. I mean I could just go through every name of people. This is now having a very dramatic impact on innocent people, as we warned would happen. And if you defund the police, it would get considerably worse. President has been out there every day pretty much begging and pleading because it's up to the states, it's up to the governors, it's up to the mayors to ask for the guard help to be brought in. You know, it's a very high bar to get to the Insurrection Act, where the president would then have to take total control. I am of you know, a been of a little bit of two minds on this, but I'm not comfortable with that at all because now we have our military confronting I'm a American civilians. And it's really because the governors and the mayors refused to do their jobs, because they do have ways of handling this, but they're allowing it to spiral out of control. They put in curfews that are meaning to listen, nobody's listening to them, and it's so in that sense, it's getting worse and worse. There was this woman bender that you just heard. And you know, in the middle of the night, when your home is broken into, who would you call? She says, yes, Well, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors, and I know and myself too. That I know that that comes from a place of privilege. I'm like, the first line of defense for a lot of people is calling the police. Now I just happened to for all of my life. I just kind of know that there's got to be some preparedness on your own in life, because sometimes when you call the police, even with a quick response, they may not be there fast enough. A lot of confrontational situations they happen, you know, in seconds, and it's all over by the time the cops get there. The cops will be the first to tell you it's not that they don't want to help. We just got this in because you know, the President has been railing against Biden and radical Democrats and this defund the police movement, and Trump uses the fund police as you know, basically challenging Joe Biden. You have a Biden surrogate. AOC is supporting this defund effort. Anyway, so Biden in his campaign and Kamala Harris gave a disjointed answer. She's now considered one of the top front runners to be chosen as Biden's vice president. But anyway, he now finally has broke with Black Lives Matter, the group and a statement released Monday by his campaign saying he does not support the nationwide defund police movement and Biden does not believe the police should be defunded. Quote. He hears and shares the deep grief and frustration of those calling out for change, and he's driven to ensure that justice is done and that we put a stop to this terrible pain. Well, we had a lot of this in the Biden Obama administration too, and we haven't forgotten Ferguson and Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman and Cambridge Police and Freddy Gray and Baltimore and so far he has no answers as usual, and whenever he does have an answer, it's incoherent. All right. So Minneapolis is a city council. I guess they're going to lead the way. You know, if everybody doesn't want the police that is in politics, and they're out there supporting this effort defund the police, and I think it's then at that point in time, then I guess the police protection that we afford to politicians, and I would strongly be against that taking that away. But if they're consistent, it can't be well, we don't want police, we want to defund them, but not for me. I get to keep my police, so I get to keep my guards that are armed with me at all times, so I get protected. My position is I want all politicians protected. We can't have we can't have mob rule here. And you see people that are trying to gin up their peaceful protesters, but income the agitators, income people, you know, staging items that could be hurled at the police or you know, the molotov cocktails or the out of control looting and rioting. At that point, they're not peacefully protesting what happened to George Floyd. They're not honoring his memory in my opinion either. Then you've got in the city of Chicago, well, eighteen murders in twenty four hours. You know, if you're you know, people have been hearing this, they want to have conversations. But then as soon as somebody says something that you know, even if somebody says, you know that they believe that we're all children of God in all lives matter, which I happen to believe. I believe there's one God and he created every man, woman and child on this earth, and that God is our father and his son is Jesus. That's what I believe, and that he is the creator, creator of all things. I believe our rights are God given, endowed by our creator. And yet if you don't say just the black lives matter, if you say all lives matter, well that's viewed as controversial. Now you have police now not only kneeling on the ground does a show of solidarity, but then you also have people laying down. One guy laid down, I guess a sergeant or a lieutenant in one police department, I think for solid eight minutes, you know, or that. Now they're bringing this all back as it relates to Colin Kaepernick and what supposedly his movement was all about. So we're gonna watch this all very closely. You know, Corey Booker say, we're an over policed as a society. But you know, when you really if you want to get to root causes, and I like to get to root causes and solutions in life and solve problems in life. You know, when you look across the board in this country and you look at the biggest cities, the most liberal states that spend the most money in terms of say education, Look, here's two things are just fundamental if you believe we're all equal in the eyes of God, and God created all of us. Okay, we all agree what happened to George Floyd can't happen again. Okay. Number two, Now we believe God created every man, woman, and child. Number three, we all believe the word education to bring forth from within. God put in every soul, talent and abilities. Okay, if you believe that, now you have to first have a safe environment, because human beings are flawed and we see the violence every weekend, and they've never done anything in Chicago to ever fix all of that violence. Okay, So first we need a safe, protected environment so that so that people can go about and use their gifts and their freedoms to pursue the dreams that will make them happy and successful for the rest of their lives. The next thing that they failed on a spectacular level, especially minorities and inner cities. The numbers don't lie. It's decades that democratic rule. It is decades. How does anybody not look at Chicago and this has been going on, and even Joe and Barrock for ox Home City, they needn't do a thing to stop the violence in Chicago. It's not. It is unconscionable that they've allowed that to continue and nobody has said no more. Defunding the cops, by the way, is not going to be the answer. Having safety is key and crucial. The next thing the unholy alliance with teachers, unions and Democrats. You can't fire all the bad teachers, and yet you can have year after year, failure after failure. If you want to reach the God given talent you have, well we've got a nurture the educational process. We have failed America's treasure, all of our children, and so many of these cities with failing public schools. Now every two four years Democrats want to vote, but then they make all sorts of promises, they'll tell you every Conservatives a racist. Then they do nothing, absolutely positively nothing, because they haven't resolved the problem. How do we bring the best out of people if you're first not safe and secure in your own home, in your own towns, in your own cities. Because it's happened for decades. Defund the police. Okay, well, look at what we're now watching. Seventeen people killed and quote mostly peaceful anticop protests. That's a lot of people. I don't and that's with the police there. But they didn't take the help in any of these cities. They're saying, no, we don't want any help. You got shootings and murders rising dramatically in New York City last week amid the backdrop of these protests. You got eighteen murders in twenty four hours Chicago, most violent day in sixty years. Hard working father killed just before one am, west Side high student murdered. Two hours later, a man killed among the South Side looting at a cell phone store. Twelve thirty college freshman who hoped to become a correctional officer gunned down four twenty five pm, Chicago. You know, just more violence and more violence. But this has now become the this is now become the cause. To leb I would like to know what their answer is because they can't answer it. And when the City Council, I guess president was asked the question earlier today and we'll get to this later in the program, there was no answer. Well, I'm not sure how this is all going to work out, but we are going to defund the police. What does that look like? What does that mean? You know, none of these cities you look at these big cities, decades of democratic rule has worked. If you look at the socioeconomic records for minorities in terms of unemployment and job creation, record lows Donald Trump, by the way, and they were off with the latest model by ten and a half million, with the you know, two point seven million new jobs created last month. Do you understand that the word dismantle or police free also makes some people nervous? For instance, what if in the middle of the night my home is broken into who do I call? Yes? I mean, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors, and I know and myself too, And I know that that comes from a place of privilege. Because for those of us for whom the system is working, I think we need to step back and imagine what it would feel like to already live in that reality where calling the police may mean more harm is done. And so in the very immediate we have to lean into whatever changes we can make in our existing police department. You know, I think we look to cities like Canden, New Jersey, that completely restructured their department as we build up systems, and we've already done that. We are not starting from scratch, we have invested in community based safety strategies. That's not really an answer. That's not one that I feel comfortable knowing, because then I think, then you're going to have more people that are going to be, you know, taking measures themselves, and they're not trained professionals. I do believe one thing for sure, though, and this gets to my study of martial arts now the last seven years, and I study a neglected blend of many of them, and a mixed blend from krabamagata kempo to Brazilian jiu jitsu, boxing, situational street fighting, sticks, blades, firearms, etc. Mostly defensive situational stuff. But who who is the average person gonna call? You know, who's grandma and grandpa gonna call? Who's mom and dad gonna call? Who's anybody gonna call? Most people don't want to spend years training. Now, I would say that they're absolutely can be dramatic improvements to police departments in the sense that you know, some some places it's six weeks, it's twelve weeks, six months, whatever. Now they all learn how to shoot a firearm, and they have to be proficient in the use of a firearm. But that that's the last thing you want to use in any conflict. You want a peaceful resolution to protect citizens on the streets of whatever city you happen to be working on. You certainly there's got to be more education. I mean, for the life of me, as I've been saying, I cannot understand why this officer did not know the instantaneous danger, never mind eight minutes of putting the pressure on George Floyd's neck. I mean, I was horrified by it because I know so much about the anatomy that is the most vulnerable part of the human anatomy for a police officer. Now, over the years, you know, there's been a transformation in many police forces. For example, if you're looking at the identity, the identity politic of this well, for example, in New York, New York City is not a predominantly white police force, Hispanic Asian Americans, Black Americans. They represent the majority Chicago, same thing, or it's it's I think it's about fifty one forty nine in Chicago, predominantly minority. Los Angeles Police Department forty nine percent of their sworn officers are Hispanic, thirty percent white, ten percent African American, Saint Louis is more predominantly white. Atlanta Police Department, the statistics are a little bit old, but that was I believe as of twenty thirteen, fifty eight percent of sworn in officers in Atlanta where African American. If you look at DC, sixty percent of the officers are African American. San Antonio fifty one percent are Hispanic American. And so there's there's been diversity issues addressed for a long, long periods of time now in terms of the hiring of police officers and cities all across the country. UM, and you know, I guess a lot of it has to do with the demographic of the city, etc. But again, if they're not trained properly, we need better training. You know, we always talk about, you know, lifelong education, continuing education. Well, there needs to be continuous training. UM. I train every day, and you know, I could tell you I'm still learning so much every day. There are effective non lethal ways to deal with people that are even resisting arrest that I don't see any of these cops are trained in the use of You know that you can you can grab somebody's two fingers if you know how to do it. And bring them right to the knees and there's nothing they can do to stop it. That's that. But I don't think most officers are trained that way. Now. I've talked a lot about this with my sense is like he trains now. My sense has got an incredible background. He's he's got so many different black belts arts. That's been his passion for thirty five years now. He also is a lawyer, but he does this because this is where his passion is. And he trains a lot of the cops around where the dojo is for free, because he knows that they're not properly trained, and the cops want to learn how to use non lethal methods. I've never been the biggest fan of the current iteration of stun guns either because you know, you got that wire, it's awkward, You get one shot, that's all you got. That then leaves so many officers with only one option if things really start getting hairy, and that's this side arm, and that's the last option. You don't want to go there, And a lot of times that's all they have, that's all they've been trained in the use of. There's got to be better training, it's got to be ongoing education. I think that's a big part of it. There should be liaisons in the community because if we really believe we want to get every every single American in every city to a point where their God given talents come out, the first thing they need is safety and security in their neighborhoods. We're not even fundamentally, we're not even close to doing this, and there's been no sense of urgency to solve those issues, Chicago being the biggest case in point democratic rule. For decades, every Democratic governor, every Democratic mayor, they haven't solved the problem. Even the President of the United States, Barack Obama, that's his home city, and we write about the violence all through his eight years as being president. I remember one night I started scrolling the names of all the people that were shot, all the people that were shot and killed in the city of Chicago. Well, that's you know, that's our American family, every one of those names. We don't hear all of those names, but that's our American family. We don't want any Americans dying. We don't want to watch videos like we saw that shocks the conscience, like we saw last Nobody wants to see that and it is. These things can be prevented in spite of what a lot of people are saying. If you look at adjusta news dot com, that's John Solomon's new website. And there's a recent poll that came out now, even in the midst of all these heightened tensions, etc. Most Americans, including African Americans, have a favorable view of their local police department. You know, anytime I see cops where I live, I always go over and say hi. So there's got to be better community relations wherever they happen to be working. You want to have a good relation. And in case you don't want to be meeting, the first time you meet is in the hostile situation. But you have to first restore the order. You have to have the police to store the order, or you're not gonna ever have an environment where we can bring the best out of our kids and honor you know, our national treasure. You know, we should not pick up a paper every Monday to find out how many people were shot and how many people were shot and killed in Chicago every weekend without addressing the problem. I mean, you've got these are problems that you can solve. There are solutions that have that are instantly available. Defunding the police is not the best solution. And with all the talk, by the way that wow, the president's poll numbers are down, and I've been looking at a lot of what they're printing and I'm not I'm not buying a lot of it, but I see different things in the polls than other people apparently, is said. Seeing by the way, there are twenty five states lowest graduation rate highlighted, you know, at the bottom, and when you look at the states that are the worst, I think you can probably predict where they are. You know. It's it's sad that there we have not decided made the decision to hold people accountable. First safety, better schools, safety in schools. And it's like Joe Clark, remember the movie Lean on Me. Morgan Freeman did an amazing job in that movie that I've interviewed. The real Joe Clark goes in a school in New Jersey and he's known him for a bullhorn, and he's known him for a baseball bat that he carried around the school. Very controversial, but he loved the kids enough to say, Hey, the first thing he did on the job was get rid of every kid that was selling drugs, every kid that was part of a gang, every kid that was disruptive, and every kid that prevented everybody else from getting an education. He took control and they had this big test come up. And then the kids in the end loved him because he loved them and believed in them and believed that they have the gifts and the talents. And that's the institutional failure. Frankly, of decades of liberalism, the most success that we have had for minority Americans in the economy has been the last three plus years leading up to coronavirus. Record after record low unemployment African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment. And you know, I was so happy Friday because I didn't think we'd see these numbers till we got July's numbers in August. But main numbers, they were off their projections by eleven million jobs. They thought we were gonna lose around eight million more. But Americans, you know, their ingenuity. They want to get back to work, and they want to get back to work quickly, and they're trying their best to get back to work. You know, there's a lot at stake in one hundred and forty eight days here, I'll tell you that part Rasbusen's had appalling I think it was Friday. In spite of all that you're hearing in the media that well, the President's support with the African American community is at an all time high. President wants to restore law in order. You know, he wants peace in our streets. We can't live as a secure and safe society when anarchists are out there every night looting, destroying property. You know, we see the violence, the loss of life as a result of this. We can I think there's no doubt justice will be swift in this case and the and that what we saw with our own eyes is going to be resolved. You know, if you go when you look all these states, for example, well they you know they have bail reform New Jersey, New York, California, Illinois, limited bail. So we're arresting the leaders of the anarchy and those that want society disrupted, that plan on it and use peaceful protests, and they engage. They literally they march amongst the peaceful protesters. Then the bubble starts. But if you don't restore order, that means every man, woman and child and whatever city happens to be happening and they're not living a safe day that day. We have we have a we have to we have to get control of what's going on in these cities, you know, to just as blanket blame the police. I mean, you could look at you know, go look up the statistic yourself. You know how many African Americans are murdered. I think the last year we had numbers for by police officers while unarmed. I believe the number. Let me go back, I saw it here twenty eighteen. It was seventy four hundred African Americans became homicide victims in that year. That's seventy four hundred. That's our American family. We can't allow that to continue. We can't have those statistics. We're not protecting our national treasure, our family. Why hasn't that been solved all these years by all these grandiose you know, liberal mayors and governors, the ones to play the race card every two and four years against anybody that happens to be a conservative. Law and order will help people live free, so then they can pursue their God given talent and dreams. And if the school systems are failing, and a lot of them are most of them in these big cities, then you've got to change something. And that means you're gonna have to redo that system and make sure there's a safe environment the kids can learn, so the talent that God put in them will be brought out and they will be participating successful men and women in our family, our American family as the answer. Then everyone wants to get off and start arguing about you know, you know, well you shouldn't. You're not allowed to say all lives matter, or you're not allowed to say that I don't want to kneel. I only kneel for God. And then we blow off and we get sidetracked. We always get sidetracked. You know, if you want the jurist actions where the reading student reading scores, look, it's simple reading, writing, and maths. They learn more about how to be politically correct kids. You know how many teachers are not doing their jobs. How big are the classrooms? We spend more per capita on kids education than any other industrialized country on the face of the earth, and we're thirty seventh the last time I look probably lower now, you know, maybe probably not meaning probably now we're forty five. Who knows he have ways to help people. If you believe in people, and I do, and they're created by God, we have a duty to protect them. And we have a duty for every child to give them the education that is the way to success and prosperity and happiness and a better life for them, their families, their kids, their grandkids. This is more than reform. This is dismantling. I mean, activists who support this are calling this a police free future. Yeah. And you know a lot of us were asked if we could imagine a future without police back in two seventeen when we were running for office, and I answered yes to that question. To me that that future is a long way away, and it would take an enormous amount of investment in things that we know work to keep people safe. I mean, for a lot of folks in our community, stable housing is a safety issue, Having access to healthcare is a safety issue, and so having you know, I think one thing folks are asking is to stop investing so much money in this militarized police force and instead invest in the things that our community really needs. So you know, I know the statement was bold, and I stand by that bold statement. Do you understand that the word dismantle or police free also makes some people nervous? For instance, what if in the middle of the night my home is broken into who do I call? Yes? I mean I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors, and I know and myself too, And I know that that comes from a place of privilege. Because for those of us for whom the system is working, I think we need to step back and imagine what it would feel like to already live in that reality where calling the police may mean more harm is done. And so in the very immediate we have to lean into whatever changes we can make in our existing police department. You know, I think we look to cities like Camden, New Jersey that completely restructured their department as we build up systems, and we've already done that. We are not starting from scratch. We have invested in community based safety strategies. All right. There you have it. That was from the Minneapolis City Council, their president, Lisa Bender, And I'm not sure where the stive fund the police effort is ultimately going to end up as they now have a veto proof majority that they can do. That kind of scary to me because I think what we need is more policing anything. We need more training for sure, and I think we need but we've got We have not been protecting people in many cities across this country for a very long time. I don't think many people have paid as much attention to the city of Chicago as we have on this program and on TV scrolling the names of that you've never heard before, many of the minorities that have been shot or shot and murdered. Eighteen murders in twenty four hours in Chicago over the weekend. Eighteen murders twenty four hours. I saw many young people that were killed this weekend. Well, that's that's part of our American family that's dying. And it's been happening all these years. And I don't remember anybody saying, Hey, we got to get in here and protect our American family. This is our city. You see with a lot of the looting and rioting and arson, you know, well, the President's begging people here, I can send in more help to restore order and protecting us in people and protected us in property. Nope, that as a matter of fact, we're gonna we're gonna fire police, We're gonna take their money away from them. Okay, then who's going to protect you anyway? Joining us now is Reverend cl Bryant, author of The Race for Freedom, senior fellow at Freedom Works, Vince Ellison back with us, conservative calumnist lecturer he wrote the book The Iron Try and go and welcome both of you back to the program. Reverend will begin with you. You and I have discussed these issues many many times over the years. You know, and you go. For example, you look at a city like Chicago, we always come back to, you know, ground zero. I mean, it is it's beyond, it's beyond a dereliction of duty at this point that we haven't protected these communities. It proves to us, Sean that this whole thing is not about the death of a black man. This is about the visual of a white man who happens to be a police officer killing a black man. This is not a black about black lives losing a black life. We lose black lives daily, as you pointed out, in Chicago alone, we lose that. So it's the one thing from one thing. There's there's universal agreement here. When I saw that, I could not believe my eyes. It's unconscientable. There's nobody that I know that transcends politics. That part of it, for sure. Yeah, but still the liberals use as Sean as a visual as they always have, and of the police is also a tool of the liberals to fundamentally change this country. Who will it hurt the most? It'll hurt who liberals have been hurting for fifty years in this country, poor black people. And it's time for black people to wake up and understand that you're being used as pawns in a game that is manipulating and has manipulated the Black community for so long. And Shawn, is time for us to stop it, face it, stop running from us, have the conversation. Let's have it now. And I'm glad you have the courage to put us on. Vince Elsen, Hey man, I'm happy to be with my good friends Ceo, Ryan, how you doing, cl Hey, fantais everything that doesn't say is happening me with his good friend Sean Hannity. I mean, it's just what about my good friend Sean Hannity, my friends, my good friend. Shan Handy has pulled me off the lands a hundred times. You got tell of cool now because everybody it's a little bit of conversations. So Shan, you're a good friend and I love you man. You're the best, one of the best people have ever bet in my life. And we need this thing. We understand what's going on. I mean that did not call it in my book. I said they were going to do exactly this. They were going to to wait until they found an askin amankan man killed by white man, and then they're gonna start all this trouble. That is what they do. They've always used black people for either entertainment or exploitation. There was a great piece that came out in the Post on June fourth, and they talked about how uh in this piece when the Post are interesting, they said Dad hadn't been any type of success and and narrowing the gap between white internment black income since notifty eight. That's the whole civil rights movement that hasn't been any success. Nevertheless, they continue doing the same exact thing over and over and over again. We are seeing the Democrat Party wrong live and admitting color. You'll see what they are doing to the American people, riding, killing, murdering, and they're applauding it. A friend of mine, we're dealing with a couple of things though, Vince and the immediate everybody shares the outrage over what Uri showed us. That can't happen in this country, That can't happen to anybody. Um but not but defunding the police. I don't believe it is the answer. I do think if you really I'm a I'm a kind of you get to the root of the problem type of person. I don't. I don't believe in surfacy or feel goodism. And if you really want to solve problems, you got to first protect people in every community. If you want to solve problems, problem, you gotta you gotta educate every kid. You know. The failure is the people aren't food film, He's right. They don't get he's right. The black vote. Why did they say to say why? Right? And Sean, they use I'll tell you why, you change it because what they're doing is failing. And you love your kids, that's why you do it. Right. But Sean, this is the thing that has happened. They use the same people, people that black people have traditionally trusted throughout the ten the decades, and they throw them up again. You see Al Sharpton flying like a vulture over another dead body. You don't see him doing this thing. Over the genocide that blacks are committing against each other in these cities like Chicago. You don't see that. So you're wanting to see. They're wanting to promote a visual, a visual of white man, a white copp in particularly killing a black man. This is not about black lives. This is about providing those Democrats with a tool to try to corral and keep that black vote. And they're doing it through this emotionally charged issue which would hain us. We hate it. There's gonna be justice for it. But they're using it as a tool. And Black people need to wake up. Black lives, black voices for Trump, who I sit on their board, you know his sport. I'm telling you there are many out there who are seeing and awakening in this country. Sean. Black lives only matter to these people when a white man take it. We are being used as pawns for these people again, and people awakening up. Donald Trump is in the first president to really talk directly the black people since Abraham Lincoln with the Richmond in eighteen sixty five. And he's tell them what he's doing for them. He has his plan worked before COVID is going to work. You can and this is why they are ramping this thing up and it's going to get worse. People Black. What COVID did, COVID tour, the tour the scab and the mask off for with the Democratic Party that those in the Black community and showed the structural and balance there that they have not prepared the black community and take on anything in this country. And now you have this rioting going on because black people woke up and they understood this. The Democratic Party's been lying for the last fifty years. They said, you to give us your children will educate them. They lie. Is to kick out your men will provide for you. They lied. They said that if you give us your guns will protect you. They lie. And now the people are riding because they said, you've been lied to me. It's like if you work all week and the guy that's going to pay you and then it's pay that he keeps you money, you're gonna get mad about it. They've been voting for these people and supporting them for the last fifty years, and they've told them nothing but lies. And so whether they do now they give them a parade which didn't give people bread, and Caesar says, give up parading given a Ryan and then this shack and say that if the white Republicans that are doing this, if the white Republicans that are doing it, Dollar tuming In offers three years and they are putting all of this said dollars from the speed and it's amazing that getting and it's ridiculous. It's totally ridiculous. And Sean, I encourage everyone to go and get my film. My film kicked off a lot of this Runaway Slave. It pointed out all this, and Sean, you were one of the very first, You were one of the very first to put it up on your website. Go and get the award winning Runaway Slave, Black said, walk away all of that. Indeed, black people, we need to have this discussion that we're having right now. It's the only way to get past the foolishness that we are engaged in. And believe me, folks, it's not what you think. It's what they're trying to sell you. They're trying to sell you a narrative, a visual and they're ignoring the reality of blacks who are taking black lives. This is not a black black lives. This is about a narrative. This is about a visual wake up. Let's put single day and you know what a Sean a Fello Trader gotta wrote my book, the Red MR Book, because you stood me a message. And he said, his name is Garry Taylor. He said, see the black guy. He said, I took the book to an ANTIFA meeting. That's kryptonite and shut it down. Either. They could not refuse any of your charges that that that that that this is being done by Ian Pringle. In the black community. Most black priests see all is run the acceptance. But most black preachers, most black politicians, and most civic organizers black lives matter indo basis. You see them in full effect right now down there actually happened. Yes they do. It's them and they are getting paid, They are being financed. They are being second care of by the people who they scream way up in. Their job is to make sure the black people vote Democrat. It doesn't matter. Hook up back Christ, keep them exactly where they are, Keep that plantation operational at all calls. And that's what they're doing showing I'm a former president of the NAACP, I'm I'm a former president ub ACP, and Garland two terms. What he has just said, it's been the way our community, the black community, has been manipulated. What happens when you privatize the police for well, people like me, I'm gonna go and hire people to protect our community. Right as long with the community, the poor black people and Democrats, the liberals have known this. They know that they become greater prey for those who are out there if, in fact, you take away the thin blue line. Wake up, Black Americans, wake up to what's going on. You're being hustled, you're being bamboozled. You lied to about all of this. So let's do something different. It's time for us to try something different. Well, you know what, I was on an urban radio station. I was on the urban radio station in Chicago this week talking to the black community, and at first it started out adversarial. By the time I was finished, I got about ten black phone calls. And this is in a city white. Well Obama and Jeremy right are by the time we were finished. Every phone call I got was positive because I told him when they said, Vince, is there systematic racism in America? Are you denying that there's systematic racism in America? Converence Police Department, I for sure it is. There's all coming from the Democratic Party. And then they stopped after the Democratic Party controls every drug corner, every housing project, every sales school, every mayor, every police department, every sheriff's department, every jury, every every jail that you put out black men in. They do it if we tell the truth about they control the breakdown of the family. And when you put that right in their face and say, now, what are you gonna do about it? And then they take your guns away so you can't descend yourself from the people that they say are hunting you. Now rationalize that for me that a free man I gotta put you guys, tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna talk about other issues, and they they continue and well they'll stay with us on the other side of this. Reverend c O'Brien and Vince Ellison, you know now you saw what happened with the mayor who said he's not for defunding the police. What did you think of that reaction? We don't have about twenty seconds for you each until the next half hour. Cebrant Well sean, he has to have the courage of his conviction stand against that. What listen, anyone who stands against the agenda is going to be attacked. That's the new America that we're in. The only way to overcome it, stand against it. Stand anyway, Americans, stand up. That's what we're gonna have to do. Stand up. That's what I've encouraging all of us to stand up. Then squiral quick and then we'll play this state trooper and Georgia when we get back. Yeah, he is ripping what he's sold. There. They they they've allowed to an archie to take place in burning up cities and riding and they've be skewed it away and now they're turning down hill. He's been showing weakness and now when you when when when show weakness? And worlds to go straight for your throat. And he's getting bitten because he's been showing weakness and he's been timid, and now he's all right, quick, break more with them and your calls on the other side the eight one hundred and ninety four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. As we continue, you won't hear the mainstream press talking about this stuff. Sean Hannity is on the ra I wouldn't have feel couples being out of town. That began with my wife. I took golf today this weekend, but I'm out here to rich here. Y'all, SA don't go there. We thank how much. But I only knew person that's God, thank you? All right. That was a Georgia State Trooper African American, and uh he was asked to standings that I'm I only kneel for one person and that's God. Uh. There are now certain things that seem to be going on here simultaneously. Uh. It's if there are controversies now emerging. If people say all lives matter, which if you believe in God and God's the creator of all of us, all of us and we live in one America, UM, I would say, yeah, of course, every life is precious, every single one. That's why I cannot, for the life of me understand how that don't they don't get control of the violence every weekend, not some every weekend in Chicago and other cities. Um, you know, look at the comments of Drew Brees. Now we're back to the kaepernet controversy and kneeling, and you know it went into this long story about when when they play the national anthem of the football game, what it means to him, what he thinks about and he wouldn't kneel because of his love and respect for even his own family members that you know, served, fought, bled and died under that flag. Anyway, we're gonna get to your calls this half hour, eight hundred nine one Sean, we continue with the Reverend cl Bryant, author of The Race for Freedom, Senior fellow Freedom Works Vince Ellison, author of Iron Triangle. He's a conservative columnist, lecturer. UM. When you you know, you know, I happen to have the same mindset about kneeling. And if you say that what that means you're not showing enough respect. I you know, I I'll kneel with anybody. You know. One of the things I like the most, Vince, is at the end of a football game, because we have two real gladiator sports, right, we have Mma, which everyone knows how love and football. I mean, these are the best, the most gifted h athletes. It's the most dangerous. I mean, the life's span, career, period of time and both those sports is not long. Um. And then at the end of these games, you know, people both teams often will get together, they shake hands. You know, everyone gave their best. They get in a circle. Sometimes even the refs joined in and they say in prayer and they get on their knees and they pray together. I think that is you know, that's sports unifying everybody. You know. Putting aside that they are ignorant, racist people in this world, we know those people exist. I don't believe that's the majority of anybody. I think they're they're fringe lunatics. And if they say they're conservative, I want nothing to do with them because I don't agree with them. Um. But you know, so there. But what I'm saying here is if you take a different position on some of these issues, look at what happens. Well, these people they're going to force you into conformity, because that's what the left is all about. It's about force. Larry King said that his most memorable interview was an interview of doctor Martin PA King Junior, when he was integrating a hotel and when the police officer came and asked him what he wanted, King said, I want my dignity. Now I hate that story because it implies that you can get your dignity from another man, and you can't. Your dignity is yours. It comes from God. We went and we did this march on Washington. Then we said that we went there to actual government for us ailienable rights. And it was said there that one hundred years after Macipation Proclamation, that the Negro is still not treat that is a lie. I was born free and my freedom was given me by God. And these young men are being told, looking at all of this stuff and hearing about our our marches and whatnot, that this is how they're supposed to go get that dignity and their freedom, and then unagidable rights to go to government. And this is why we are in such a turmoil, because these rights do not come from government, they come from God. They want to go to white people and say you have to give us out dignity and give us out freedom. You already have your dignity, your freedom, you must exercise them. Your unamiable rights are irrevocable, non transferable, and unsellable. And right now we have to go right back to our Bible and says, you know a tree by the fruit is bear. If the fruit is rotten, the tree is rotten. And if you're looking at the Black community and the Black community is staying with its own mouth that our fruit is rotten, you've got to go right back to the tree. And what is the tree. The tree is the iron triangle. Most black preachers, and most Black politicians, and most black civic organizers, they are leading and running the Black community into the ground, and they're doing it for the white liberal masters. There are no better than the house negroes that were running that were part of the at the Bull of South between eighteen hundred and eighteen sixty five. They're just the iPod version of it. And they look at what they've done to our people, and they run for reelection every year. James Clybland been running for twenty seven years the black and in the dist that he's only still one of the poorts in the whole country because they're proud of with it. And this is why they're there. This is the thing. Sean as well Um, having lived from black and I've brink from colored and white water fountains. I'm sixty four years old, I've ridden on the back of the bus and maybe older than both of you. There was a time in our nation. There was a time in our nation when there was disparity and the powers that be they did seemingly have a control over your personal dignity because they did not. You did not have equal access period righting on the back of a bus or drinking from a different water fountain in someone else. But see, let me let me jump in and add something here, because there for example, and this has been proven in New York. Uh, let's say it's a busy night, you can't get a cab, and if a cab driver, you know, there's three or four groups of people on a block that are waving for a cab. It's been proven that African Americans will get discriminated against that. Just look at what the president did it everybody ignores the disparate sentencing that that existed. Donald Trump, fix that right. You know, they created opportunity zones, any created record after record after record low unemployment, and then helped historically black colleges. It didn't happen with Parker, Joe, it happened with Trump. You know that that's the latter to success for everybody. There are racist in the country, but the country is not nineteen sixty. It is not nineteen seventy, is not nineteen eighty. There are racists in America today, but to brand our nation that has come through the things it's dark past to its bright future. And until this coronavirus hit, America was on its way to record heights, black unemployment, Latino unemployment, opportunities for women. We were on our way to record heights. Just to see now that progressives and Democrats are using a crisis a tragedy and they have turned it into a farce and bring in a call here, Okay, finish your thought. They want us to be divided so that we can be controlled, manipulated. Never have seen Americans so hurted like sheep and two pins the way we were in these last two months. And folks, if you really want to know the truth, when Jesus called the people that he was talking to sheep, he was not giving them a compliment. He was telling him that they were stupid. And that's many times is what we're falling for is very stupid things in this country. Oh, we are fallen beans. That's just a fact. Carol Nebraska, you're on with Reverend cl Bryant and Vince Ellison. How are you, Carol? Very good? Thank you. It's a privileged gentleman's very powerful things are being said today. I wanted to add an idea I have. I support President Trump, and I have an idea to flip the tables on who's leading with this issue so that we can actually get something done. The President needs to seize control of the narrative and show how much he cares by calling for a summit. Now it's you know, it's kind of what you were talking about, Sean, where non political black leaders and everyday citizens meet with him and bring their best ideas as to how we change the educational system, job opportunities for people of color. But don't allow any politicians or anyone who has been involved in politics. Remember how Obama heads are for everything under the sun. So why not a race relations are and a team from the summit to deal with this head on. And since no solution is one size fits all, let's have each state be plugged into this federal team so they can come up with solutions that fits their constituents and special needs. And I usually Sean wouldn't promote more governments, but this already involves government institutions like our public schools, which we know are failing our kids, especially those of color. It's an idea for us to take back the narrative and actually listen and get things done. What do you think I want to respond, Vince Allison. It's a great idea. Anything that we you can do to make government more receptive to its people is always good. Jesus asked the beggar that has been laid down by the pool for all those years, he should will thou be made hold until a person wants to do better, They're not going to do better no matter what the government does. And what we have is a situation where we talk about this racism and it does exist, but we can't control it. We can't control who who is not a racist. My life's changed and my family's life's changed when we decided that we can't control what people do to us. We can only control how we respond to it. Racism is the same way. It's like the weather. You build a house to protect yourself against the weather. I build a house to protect myself against racism. That's why racists can't touch me. A racist isn't ignorant, illiterate person. How can you touch me? And I'm a child of God. A racist is a fool? How can he touch me? If I'm a child of God, I cannot be a victim. I'm an ara of Jesus Christ. How can you hurt? This is what we have to get back to. I'm not going to beg the government to protect me. I protect myself. I dare want them to come and try and try me. I'm a man, I am not a victim. I am not oppressed. I have never seen anyone, no man superior to me or blast one. I am an Arab of Jesus Christ, the son of God. How dare everyone's step to me and look at me and tell me that I'm inperious? If he doesn't laugh at it, because I know he's a lot, you cannot oppress me. It's an impossibility. I suffused to be your victim. I cannot be. And that's how you defeat racism. About knowing you understand that. Let me get a quick answer from Cel. Thank you for the call, Carol, Go ahead Seal to speak to her question about dialogue. If we have dialogue, it has to be centered around the right questions. What we have been guilty of in this country is telling a story instead of listening to what people are asking. If you ask the right questions and you get the right answer, but you have to listen to what people are saying. There are reasons why people feel as though they are being manipulated, and the reason is because we are. We are being manipulated, and man, I wish we had time to talk about the manipulation of this coronavirus to us and incredibly prosperous society. If the mask work, why should we have closed down our country? And if they don't work, why should we have to wear them anyway? I mean, it's something here is missing as far as our common sense approach to who we are as Americans. I gotta let you both go, but we're gonna continue this discussion on Hannity tonight, and thank you both, amazing our Reverend cl Brian Vince Ellison, thank you both for being with us as always, and this conversation will continue. We need to get it right. We need to make sure we get our country on track one United America. Everybody can have an opportunity for success, and we can't, you know, defunding the police nearly. We know where that's gonna end. It's gonna end badly. All right, let's get to our phones. We have a great Jared John Solomon, a whole treasure trove of new information. We're gonna get to you. Also, we'll bring back Sergeant the Metric pennies with us. He's actually down running for Congress and pretty amazing comments he had this weekend in Dallas. But first we say hi to Brad in Texas. Brad, Hi, how are you glad you called? Hey? Let's go and Sean, I'm good sir. How are you doing great? Doing great? Hey? So last week I was searching around Google and taking a look at Minneapolis Police Department policies and I came across one on the Minneapolis, MN dot gov website, and it's regarding use of force and it's section five three one one Use of neck restraints and chokeholds. The first thing they do as they go over the definition of a chokehold, and they define it as a deadly forced option defined his applying direct pressure on a person's trachea or airway front of the neck, blocking or obstructing the airway. Yeah, let me just say this because this was my point. When you know, again, I'm a student of martial arts and it's an eclectic blend of many of them. There are so many tools available. You know, we always talk about continuing education, lifelong learning and all things like that. Unfortunately, most cities, most municipalities, most towns. You know, the only thing that cops get trained in after they get out of an academy, which is sometimes six or twelve weeks, is you know, they have to qualify in the gun range. So there's not enough options for police officers. They are not trained in non lethal ways to take control of a situation. Chick up, check this up, John. So of that policy, the next thing they move on to is neck restraint. They consider that a non deadly forced option, defined as compressing one or both sides of a person's neck with an arm or a leg without applying pressure to the tracheat or airway in front of the neck. Only sworn employees who have received training from the MPD Training Unit are authorized to use neck restraints. They have two types of neck restraints. A conscious neck restraint and an unconscious neck restraint. The conscious it's placed on the neck restraint with an intent to control and not to render the subject unconscious. Listen, I'm listening very closely, Brad. You're not listening to me. The neck is the most vulnerable part of the human anatomy. Well, if if you want to get control, I could do things with your fingers that will put you in full compliance and control and bring it to your knees. They don't know how to do it. This is these are simple Brazilian jiu jitsu moves. They're not given the options. I once mentioned b y r NA and I met these guys once and they have an alternative. They have a tear gas, pepper spray, firearm option. A lot of cops their only option is that a horrible stun gun which barely works, or they have their gun. They don't have a lot of options. We need to give them better training and options to again not hurt people, not kill people. There are ways to do it. Quick break right back. We'll continue stay right here for our final news round up and information Overlord and we're very happy to welcome to our net rek Lisa page from her FBI lawyer who worked as special counsel for Robert Mueller's legal team. She worked on the Russian government disinformation probe and on the Hillary Clinton email investigation, both lucky for US MSNBC analysts. You signed a warrant application in June of I think twenty seventeen to get the Carter page weren't renewed. Is that correct? Yes? Okay? Have you looked at the Horrats report, Yes, I have. I have it with me. Senator, If you knew then what you know now, would you have signed the warrant application? No, I would not. And the reason you wouldn't have is because mister Howartz found that its sculptor information was withheld from the court. Is that correct? Among other reasons, and somebody actually altered an email? Correct? Right. The information available at the time included, well, why do we have the Mueller investigation of all if we had concluded they weren't working with the Russians. I don't believe we had concluded it at that time. I'm saying in January the fourth, twenty seventeen, the FBI had discounted Flynn. There was no evidence that Carter Paige worked with the Russians. The dossier was a bunch of garbage, and Papadopolis is all over the place not knowing he's being recorded denying working with the Russians. Nobody's ever been prosecuted for working with the Russians. The point is the whole concept that the campaign was cluding with the Russians. There was no there there in August twenty seventeen. Do you agree with that general statement or not. I agree with that general statement, thank you. No there there in August of twenty seventeen. Now he's admitting a couple of things here one knowing what I know now, I shouldn't have signed the fourth, the third renewal visa application warrant, which the bulk of information was the dirty dossier. Now, there were warnings before or the signing of the first one. Remember Jim Comey signed three of them, and they were warnings all over the place. Don't trust it. Christopher Steele has an agenda, Hillary paid for it. None of it's verified, says on the top of a FISA warn't verified. Okay, but then it even got worse. For by the time we got to the third renewal, well, they then had interviewed starting in January twenty First, they had interviewed Christopher Steele's subsource. The subsource not only didn't confirm a single thing that Christopher Steele had in the dossier, said yeah, this was like Bartalk, this was never meant for anybody or anything to be real in any way. Later we know that Christopher Steele himself denied anything being true inside the dossier. But they used it and then they lied about it. Adams shiffled about it, all of them lied about it. Now Rosenstein's claiming, well, I didn't read it. I just assumed that it was verified by the agents involved, and that's their job, not my job. Then we see so, but the subsource already put it to rest. The FBI had never proved a darned thing. As a matter of fact, they debunked it. And of course the exculpatory information that Lindsey Graham is talking about, that's all true. Then they're changing a letter that was true. And then as it relates to General Flynn, that case was dead. Then as it relates to the exculpatory information you know there was now that we have, for example, the transcript, there's nothing that General Flynn that said that was wrong or incompatible at all with what is soon to be new job would be. He was talking to as soon to be colleague from another country. Nothing bad was said. Papadappa said, I'd call that treason. They put that kid away. And then we got, of course, how they treated Roger Stone, Paul Manaphort, Michael Cohn and everyone else. And then you know, how does Rod Rosenstein legally get out of what he did here? Greg Jared, I don't see how it's possible. He blamed everybody else and said, gee, I didn't know. You know. On his very first day as acting Attornager, the first day as Deputy Attorney General in April of twenty seventeen, he should have said, show me the FBI file. He would have received it and noticed that it was incredibly thin because there's nothing in it. There was no evidence of any Trump Russia collusion. He should have said, tomorrow morning, we're having a meeting with a Komi, McKay, Prestap, James Baker, Peter struck lesa page, all gathered in a conference room, and he should have said, show me your evidence. There would have been dead silence at that point in time. He should have closed the FBI investigation into a Trump Russia and step before microphones and camera and said, there never was any evidence. There's nothing in the files, the people involved have no credible evidence presented. This is over. Instead of doing that, what did he do? The opposite? He escalated and accelerated it by a point a special counsel in violation of federal regulations. He was not just incompetent, he was malevolent and corrupt. John Solomon, Well, listen, Greg, has it right? I mean you have Rod rosensigned the head of a giant bureaucratic machine that allowed and sustained an investigation to continue on for nearly three years in the absence of any evidence. It's more than just bungling. It's more than just eraors. It's more than just excuse making and passing the buck. You had a willful, knowing effort to sustain an investigation in the absence of evidence that hampered this president's early presidency, misled the American public, and certainly defraud at the fisichord. And for the first time senators who maybe very early on in this process were doubtful of this theory. Now we're talking about a conspiracy themselves and that's why Senator Ron Johnson just dropped thirty three subpoenas, or as a permission to drop thirty three subpoenas. There thirty three bureaucrats that he's now going to be able to question each one of them their role. Why didn't they put it stop to it when they had a chance, Adam Howsley tweeted out earlier today. Criminal referrals have already been sent to the Justice Department, and the overall number may reach as many as sixteen to seventeen by the end of next week. Investigators are now working on additional ones as we speak, and some are targeting the Muller probe and how the Flynn investigation started. And another one from him that came out was that former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein himself as being investigated. Quote, he rights, his testimonies don't really match, but apparently there are emails and known briefings that he received that counter his testimony of what he knew and when he did it and what he did. That doesn't sound good for Rod Rosenstein to me, John, then we'll go to Greg. Yeah, no, I doesn't know. There were inconsistencies in the first and last time he testified their inconsistencies when he gave the speech where he was bragging about people don't know what a face is. We all take it seriously. He even had to correct himself in the middle of his own testimony, with Senator Graham saying, I read it well, actually I reviewed it, I didn't read it. I think Rod Rosenstein has a testimony problem, as do many of the witnesses who've testified previously whose testimony now conflicts with the evidence that has been made public. Greg Jarrett, I mean, you've been going through and going over the different crimes that could potentially come into play here. My sources are telling me that all of the top names that we talk about have all hired these very expensive, high powered DC attorneys. Your thoughts, Yeah, there are so many different crimes that are in play here. And you mentioned Rod Rosenstein's testimony false statements as well as perjury. He was under oath sworn to tell the truth. You also have a fraud, conspiracy to defraud the government. Most importantly, you have obstruction of justice, hiding evidence, creating false evidence. So you know these are all potential crimes, and you know there should be more than a dozen people indicted by a grand jury, and I'm optimistic that it will happen. Now, I watched, like with Rob Rosenstein. On the one end, he's saying, they should have done it, they should have done it, they should have done it. But then I did it, but knowing now I wouldn't have done it. And then but there were other Again, after the nine month FBI investigation, what had Lisa paid say, yeah, we didn't find anything, any nothing, What had structs say there's no there there? Then the subsource saying yea, and none of this is true. We talked about this in a bar. Nobody really believed that there were hookers urinating and Donald Trump's bet at Moscow. But yet that was even leaked, you know, to conspiracy theorist David Corn and Michael Izikoff before the election. And now apparently we have this issue of Okay, was CIA director Brennan? Was he feeding this information to Harry Reid, who then writes a letter to Jim Comey. I mean, we got a lot here, John, Yeah. And one of the patterns that I think keep showing up in this evidence, and I think has now become a focal point of the Justice Department investigation is every time the investigation hit a roadblock, the evidence disappeared, it reversed, they found out their theory was wrong. Instead of shutting down, there was a strategic leak to the media to keep the theory going, to keep the narrative going. And I think that criminalization of leaking, that conspiracy, the leak to keep a false investigation going is the pattern is becoming more and more clear, and I think it's also become of greater concern to those on the inside investigating the grand juries. Where do you think we are both of you, Craig, I'll ask you first in terms of the Durham investigation. This is well over a year now. He's gone far and wide, and he's expanded the scope. Where do you think you know if people are going to be you know, if there's going to be grand jury's form do we know about it? If there's going to be indictments, how soon would it be? Well, you often don't know if there is a grand jury, because of course it occurs in secret. They're sworn not to talk about it, so that's often, you know, hidden from the public for good reasons. So I do think that Durham has been going full bore. He's a pitbull. He does. He's not biased or prejudiced in any way reputationally, So I mean, I think he is somebody who can be trusted. I know that Bill Barr seems to have send all kinds of signals that he has been kept abreast of the progress of John Durham. So I mean, I think Adam Holsley's reporting, which is generally always accurate impression, is probably about right. I think sometime soon in the next few weeks, we will see unsealed indictments and contain in the d In the indictments will be the story of the Russia hoax and John, do you see it ending and going in that direction? Also? I do. I think that the indictments, I think there'll be a small number of indictments that will make a very big, large story that will lay out a long running conspiracy to sustain an investigation in the absence of evidence. I think Greg described it perfectly. I think I think that's where we're headed. But I don't think it's gonna be a lot of people. The guidance time getting is a few people, but a narrative that will show everybody's role in the case. Okay, but here's the thing. This is three years. The media in this country and the Democratic Party, they were dragging us through the mud for three long years. They don't seem to ever get held to account. No, they're the unindicted co conspiracies. The Democratic Party, Adam Schiff in the media, they allowed this narrative to go on because they participated in the conspiracy. All right, I gotta let you both go here ahead, Greg, real quick shift. Knew there was no evidence, and for two and a half three years he lied saying there was thank you all and newness told the truth. Nobody wanted to hear it. All right, Greg Jarrett, thank you. John Solomon will stay on it when we come back, Sergeant to Metrick Penny's going to be on with us. Twenty one year Dallas Police Force. Now we're running for Congress. We'll talk to him about all the events and defunding the police. All right, let's get back to our busy phones. Eight hundred nine four one. Shaun is a number, Mike Oceanside. Mike, how are you glad you called? Sir? Good? How are you? Thank you for taking my call? And what an honor it is to speak with you. The honor is all mine, sir, question question or I guess I can say that I'm not happy with Senator Graham on his softball questions because I remember with him the last year he had said that he was going to get to the bottom of this and he was going to be tough on everybody, and then he to me he just asked softball questions to Rod Rosenstein, Are you kidding? I couldn't disagree with you more. He buried him. He got him to admit. He got him to admit that everything that we'd been told by the mob and by the Democrats was a lie. He got him to admit that a premeditated fraud on a FISA court happened four times. He got him to admit that they had nothing to warrant this special counsel investigation. He got him to admit that all of these people got it on us epic fail but also on a corrupt failure. He got he had him they're admitting these are crimes. He got every single thing that I would ever wanted to get out of him out of him. It was one of the It was one of the I would say that was Lindsay's Graham Lindsey Graham's finest moment, except for maybe Cavanaugh. He did an amazing job, but it's only the beginning. One of the questions that I wanted to hear was, you know that Rod roses Seen said that, you know, he didn't really read the report. Okay, that's great, you didn't read the report. But I guess I would have asked this, Okay, you didn't read the report, but this is such a high profile case. This is the President of the United States and all of the people. How come you didn't read that report? They did that. Listen, all of that came up and this thing. Look, I think it was Ted Cruz at that point, because they get different times. What we learned last week, what we learned in the weeks prior about General Flynn, and the things we're gonna learn even going forward. Just buckle up. Everything's happened now. It's the case is closed. Now. This was one massive conspiracy, theory, corruption, abuse of power. They knew what they were doing, and they knew better than the American people, and they broke the law. Dirty cops, It's all true. You got dirty cop in the Floyd case. What cop would ever put their neck, their knee on someone's neck like that. This whole thing is about a few dirty cops, not not the rank and file and the FBI just like defund the police. You know, Okay, we have some bad guys, but most of them are not. They want to protect and serve, but one bad cop can do a lot of damage. The damage here was this was an attempted coup in the United States of America. That's how big this now is. They did it with nothing but lies the whole thing, and we learned that thanks Lindsey. Look, it took them a long time. There are reasons for that. I hate how slow this is, but we're finally getting it. It's all true. Everything we reported was true. Sad sad chapter. Now the next chapter is equal justice, an equal application of our laws. Or you might as well take that document from seventeen eighty seven put it in your shredder, because it will be worthless if they're not held to account. But now, I'll excuse me, this happens. I tell you that they didn't pact him and the office that showed up to my house they didn't look like it, so we didn't there just say the Popolis some races and who he's out trying to kill us. I gotta prison out and get us out a little bit, because you know, life, it's all about those individual offices. The people that believe in helping people don't offer their showing over the white office. They inspired me at that young age to say, I don't want to do that. Even though my family didn't want to carperad they wanted to call them and they treat us problem. I'm want to hold to become and down the police off And I do this because I enjoying people. I love people. It's about the interest of the people, and I think we gotta stop. We gotta stop pointing fingers. Let's start looking at our community. Let's start looking at the studio economic issues that are calling us to have the police not community. I was a young habit it back then. I didn't want the police to watch them unity, But I'm now I understand why they had to be there because when they're killing them. All right, that was from yesterday. Glad you with us twenty four Now till the top of the hour, Sergeant Dmitrick Penny is with us and h doctor of Education, twenty one year veteran Dallas Police Sergeant, President of Dallas, Texas and the National Fallen Officer Foundation, h joins us. Now, good to have you back, sergeant. Thanks for being with us. How are you, yes, sir, thank you so much for having me on the song. These are tough days. I mean, I look, I looked at the video like everybody else. That is the one one thing everybody seems to agree on is that. And I know a lot of cops, and I know a lot about martial arts, and I know a lot about self defense. Uh, you don't do that. And we watched this go on for eight plus minutes, and we see now the aftermath of all this now culminating in this push for you know, let's let's get rid of all the police, which I think is a really bad and dangerous idea. Your thoughts, Yeah, you're absolutely correct. I mean, and you know, in this day and age, to say that we're going to get rid of the police, it's scary. I mean, I realized how it was when when I grew up. And I'm glad you played the clip earlier because I was saying that before a crowd of five hundred people, because I wanted people to hear that It wasn't about the police, the police attacking us. It was about the socio economic conditions in our community. It was about us, you know, forcing the police to be there. Now, we have to realize that everyone is everyone's not not criminals in these communities, and police understand that is. If there needs to be if there are agencies that need to put forward criminal justice reform within the agencies to make sure that they are training officers properly on how to deal with the minority communities, then I'm fine with that. But to say that we're going to disband Loan for how do you even justify that was eight That was there were eighteen murders in twenty four hours in Chicago this past week. But yeah, no, no, this weekend, I want you to repeat that eighteen murders in twenty four hours inside, you know. And by the way, if we're gonna be honest here, sergeant, I've been talking about this now all throughout Obama's presidency. It's his home city. They did next to nothing to solve it. If we love our fellow Americans and we're losing people this way every weekend, the idea that nobody has gone in to solve that problem is unforgivable to me. That's right, that's right. And you know what's beyond a dereliction of duty and a lot of people getting killed or young people even kids, some older people, some bystanders. But you can you know, every weekend, you can get your count how many people were shot and how many people were shot dead, And nobody seems to bat an eyelash. Why Look, were lower economic communities are the ones that will struggle where these shootings happening in There happening in our lower economic communities. So if you want to talk about real change, it has to start by by changing the economics in these areas. Right, just look this into the argument about the police reform again defunding police departments. Okay, there are three parts of what happened in Minneapolis that we need to pay attention to. You there was the issue involving the officers poor tactics, so you want to focus on training, focus on training. But there's also the piece where the community came in, where these radicalized groups that operated under this radicalized hashtag F twelve that came in and they burnt down the city, They looted, they rided, they killed, people. Okay, that's what we need to be looking at. We could be looking at how in the world did all these groups come together? And I say the third piece, the third piece of the truth. The truth is all these groups are being manipulated with part of this big social experience experiment that's being put together by these social media platforms. They're pushing all these groups together to force us to fight each other, and we have no control over law enforcement has no way to respond. The people don't realize that they're being manipulated by these narratives, and they're coming out. They're burning down their own cities. It's time that we, as the American people, we pushed back on that. It's time that we have our governmental leaders stepped in and take responsibility. We have to change these legislative policies that are broken. We have to resform CDA two thirty. I've been pushing for this chance since twenty seventeen. I called it with the with the Black Lives Matter, with the shooting attack in Dallas. After the Black Lives Lives amounter of proteins in twenty sixteen, I called forward. I said, we have to reform social media whow because that's exciting individual to bolance and no one, no one starts seeing and look at where we are. Now you've gotten all of these. You've got a convergence of a lot of issues here and conflating of a lot of issues here. Um, now you have the group Black Lives Matter, And now people are saying they support. I don't know if it means support. I think every life matters. I think we are all children of the very same God. That's my Christian belief that we are created by one God, period, all of us where one we should be one united American family. Nobody liked what happened to George Floyd. Now the question is we have other institutions that you know, if we're going to be honest and we get if you ever want to get to root causes of problems, well we got to look at decades and decades of failure in terms of bringing out the best in our children in every neighborhood, in other words, failed educational system that I mean we allow that to happen. Remember the movie Lean on Me and Ye had this h It was a great move, all right. So it's like, how is it possible all these big cities have spent all of this money and we've gotten no return on an investment because it's not the kid's fault. It's the government that has sail them. And the idea that nobody goes in to fix the horrific school systems in some of these cities, the idea that they allow violence to get out of control and do not police at a level where people can live safely. You know that's gone on for decades too. We're gonna be honest here. If we love our American family, we gotta go to where where the most help is needed quickly, sort of like if you get a coronavirus hotspot, you send it like your medical squat team. We need a team of people, pastors, a churchgoing members, teachers, anybody that has courage. And we got to now double down on saving generations here because we could do it. We want to. That's right. That's right, which is why I said I'm going to take a stance, and I'm gonna do it head on, Sean. And I'm fairly running for US Congress in this district and one of the one of the districts that everyone told me not to run in. This is the district with all the problems where you know it's predominantly African American. We have to hide. We want to verge of the highest murder rating the state of Texas. At the time that coronavirus hit and sentially located in my district, and I decided to put my name in the hat because I know that my interests aligned with the interests of the people. The only way that it's going to change is they have someone in there that understands how to fix them. And that's why I put forward an economic plan. I got it on my website. I want everyone to go look at it. When we're focused on training, opportunities, economic development with tide of actors for government handouts. People don't want government handouts. People want opportunities to get it for themselves. And that's the message that I'm pushing. Nobody gave me a hand up. I did it on my own. I thank God every day for the United States for me because that provided me a way out of the out of the inner city than he got. One Guy the movie that I referred to lean on me. Morgan Freeman played Joe Clark, was the principal of the school One Guy and Look, it was kids controversial. He had a bat in a bullhorn, but he loved the kids. And the first thing he did is, Okay, identify all the kids that are getting in trouble, selling drugs, creating chaos that are violent, you're out. He threw them all out of school. The rest of you you want to stay in school. Now you're gonna study. And this is how we're gonna do it. We're gonna do it together. That's actually a true story. That's that's one man, one guy that was able to save the lives of kids that he loved. You know you can do it if you look. The word education is predicated from the Latin derivative at dukaday to bring forth from within. That means everyone of God's children, they're born with the gifts great teachers are bringing out. Everybody has their own unique individual talent and ability. You know mine, I guess is I have a big mouth. That's it. No, But seriously, we love if, we love our children and we believe that they I believe we have in many places around this country we have failed them. And we stand back and to hear rhetoric after rhetoric, and every year two four years, you know, you get the politicians, we're gonna do this, We're gonna do this. They do nothing, They get nothing accomplished. The best unemployment numbers for all demographics came because of Trump's policies. They were working. Now, I think we can institutionalize that and take it a step further and make sure communities are safe, and make sure our schools are teaching kids to read, write, and do math. Let's stick with the basics, absolutely fundamentals that you need to succeed in life. The fundamentals aren't getting through, and the numbers don't lie. It's not and it's this. It is bad governance that has allowed us to go on an amen. If we love these kids, we believe in these kids. Now we owe it two of them to protect them. They got to be safe. Then we owe it to them to give them a quality education that allows them to go compete in this free country. Right right anyway, Well, I didn't mean in no, I really appreciate. I appreciate that because those are great ideas. Those are those are the exact ideas that I'm putting forward for my community. I want everyone wants the same for that kids. Everyone wants safe communities, they want the kids to be educated to go off and do great things. But you know what, as long as you continue to have leaders in place that continue to allow the economist disparity to occur. Now, and I'm simentually looking at that district that I'm in. For twenty eight years, about eighty five percent economic development has been pushed away from this district. So this district that was already struggling has been been forced to deal with with with with lesser and lesser each time. So now you have this system that is broken, and you've got all these people that are saying, hey, we want, we want, we've want in your district. How how are the schools in your district? Uh? What is the percentage in terms of national standards as it relates to breeding, writing, and math and your in your district? You know what are what are the crime percentages? Because you know what you sound like just the person that could actually go in there and clean it all up and help these kids and believe in them and bring the best out of them. That's right, And in fact, I was just we have a lot of schools in my district unfortunately, that have not met the stake stamards and met the stakes, standard standards for accountability and um and that that and this is a part of the whole system of letting me a problems that need to be addressed, UH that I systemically want me I systematically want to go through to address. And a lot of it has to do with bad leadership, a lot of mismanagement, a lot of mismanagement. So we got to come in and into these systems and identify the measures of fraud and waste and and and and accountability, simply making sure that I was students are learning. We got classrooms right now. The national average for a class size it's fifteen point three. But we got classrooms in this district with thirty kids in it. How can one teacher deal with that? And then you're taking you copal the socio economic issues and the things that are coming so that happened to the kids at home. When you throw that into the classroom with it, my gods, I mean, what are we going to do? These teachers are struggling. They're struggling to maintain to maintain what they have. I have a good idea, and then get Texas Congressional District thirty. I vote for you. I think you You sound like you care enough, you love people enough, and you're gonna you know. Look, you know, sometimes it's like people talk about Trump's um, the way Donald Trump handles things, and that, you know, I want a guy that's gonna lead. You go in there and you lead. You're not If you're not teaching your kids in school, you're out. Get out. We'll find somebody that will. If you. They've got to be held accountable. Gotta have parental participation, you gotta have, you know, it's to me, it's these are the fundamentals that we've lost too long ago. That's what bothers me. But all right, so Sergeant Dmitrick Penny, God bless you're great to have you back on the program. We wish you luck. This is the Texas Congressional District thirty. How can people get in touch with you? Learn more about Penny for Congress Pecongress dot com. I don't even know you're running as a Republican or Democrat. Republican, you know, I'm not. I'm not a registered republic I'm a registered Conservative. All right, thanks so much, sergeant, good to talk to you, my friend. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up for us today Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern will be following well whatever's happening around the country as well. Also Senator Tom Cotton, Wow, look what happened with him in the New York Times. Ari Fleischer, Oh, Alice Murray Johnson has been two years since she's been out Criminal justice reform. Larry and Leo and Dan and Haraldo and Bernie Kerrick, nine Eastern Hannity Tonight, Fox News. Please say E DVR. We'll see you tonight. Back here tomorrow as always, thanks for being with us.