Defending Saudi Arabia

Published Sep 16, 2019, 10:00 PM

John Jordan, Commander in the Naval Intelligence community, and businessman, and Daniel Hoffman, Fox News Contributor and 30 Year CIA Operations Officer, discuss the attacks on Saudi Arabia, by Iran and what the ultimate effect of the oil and threats are to the rest of the world. 

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All right, a lot of breaking news. Happy Monday. I hope you had a great, great weekend. The New York Times Corruption. It shouldn't shock, it shouldn't surprise. The magnitude of their attack on Justice Kavanaugh is so beyond the pale. But it's now pretty much their their business model. Lies, hoax, conspiracy theories, character assassination, besmirchment, slander, libel. It's just par for the course for these guys. It is we've got to change these laws. We'll get to all of that today. Oh, we do have some deep state news updates today coming. Kevin McCarthy predicting both Comey and mckaye will be indicted, and this attempted coup, abuse of power, corruption scandal. I want to begin with what happened over the weekend because we better understand something that if the Iranians keep this up, and that is they're denying, but there's no denying. We know who did this. The President, I think was smart to say that, Okay, we're gonna super double triple, quadruple check the intelligence. But there's very little doubt that the Iranians, because they are supporting the yem Andy rebels in their battle against Saudi Arabia. They're the ones that are funding that proxy war, just like they're the number one state sponsor of terror. It is not something that we really have to spend a lot of time agonizing about, but it is at this point. It is a fact. The President said, he's saying on Sunday that US investigators had real reason to believe they knew who launched the crippling attacks against the key Saudi oil facility, vowed that America was locked and loaded, depending on verification. There's also a report out today they may have seized yet another tanker in the Straits or Hormus. Before we even get into and what has happened here, what the geopolitical consequences of all this are, it is important to point out one thing that these drawn attacks by these Iranian back rebels, these yemen A rebels against Saudi Arabia and their production of oil in their oil facilities, well it's literally it shut down a good five ten percent of the world's oil production. I say this all of the time. People don't seem to want to pay a lot of attention to it. Maybe it's not the sexiest issue on the table, but whatever. But the lifeblood of every economy in this world is oil and gas. That's it. That's why the New Green Deal is insane. You know, we're unilaterally disarming our economy and it would result in an immediate and dramatic economic, precipitous decline, depression, you name it. It's all going to be bad. We're going to take the greatest wealth and opportunity creating nation on the face of this earth, that America that has never abused its power. We're not perfect, but we've never has never been a country and the history of mankind this powerful that is never abused that power but used it to advance the human condition and raise the standard of living of more people, not only in the United States but worldwide than this country. That's the country that liberals always want to talk down all the time. Now, what's happening here is we now are in a position. Let's start with where we are for the first time in seventy five years, we are energy independent. We are producing enough energy that we the United States of America, we don't need Middle Eastern oil. It did the Straits or Hormus, the twenty by twenty two feet wide, you know where all this a large percentage of the world's oil passes through every day off the coast of Iran. Yet where they keep take in. These tankers may have done it again, but you gotta understand it is less. It is now the least significant in terms of our geopolitical strategic need than ever before. In other words, this isn't really all about the US in any way, shape, matter, or form. But it is about the free flow of oil at market prices. It is about the lifeblood of every economy on the face of this earth. And if this had happened before President Trump unleashed our domestic oil and gas industry well, which has now turned us into the world's number one oil producer on the planet, A lot of people haven't been paying attention to that. Well, I could tell you right now that all bets are off, and the stock market and everything in between, and rising gas prices would be in our immediate future without any no doubt whatsoever. But because the President made the world, made America the world's number one oil producer, angers every liberal in the country. Well, we're not as vulnerable to the shutdown in global oil production, but it does have an impact on the American economy. If it's impacting every other economy in the world. I've said so often. You want to raise the standard of living in give every American an opportunity to raise their standard of living. Unleash America's potential. We've got more oil, gas reserves, coal reserves than the rest of the world combined. You don't like Vladimir Putin. We can bring him to his knees, the hostile actor he is in the hostile regime of Russia, by outproducing him in energy and oil and gas and finding a cheaper way to get our resources into the hands of our Western European allies so they are no longer dependent on the hostile regime of Putin. That would be good for the safety and security of the world. But simultaneously, yeah, that's gonna hurt Russia in a major way. They'll get the message not to mess with our elections in the future if we can outproduce them and outmaneuver them and find cheaper ways to get it across the pond to our allies that are now dependent you know, Angela Merkel, making what the making Putin rich again now. Oil prices, by the way, have spiked after the attack on the Saudi facilities. That is not surprising. The stock exchange not down by a lot at all, very very minor at this hour. But if it happened before President Trump did this, if it happened before, you know, he unleased our domestic production, it would be by the way I said, twenty two feet yeah, twenty two mile wide. Thank you for to me ethan. Sorry sound like Joe Biden for a second, but anyway, but we now have an ability now three days before Christmas nineteen seventy five. I know I grew up with gas lines. I saw them. But if we want every American to get rich, you unlease this production to its highest level. Not only will we never need a drop of oil or energy from the countries that hate our guts, but we'll also be helping every American get wealthy. You know, during the North Dakota boom, they were training truck drivers, training them and paying them to drive the trucks. And it was eighty thousand dollars a year on average, and in some cases even a place to stay and all the overtime you can handle. Well, if you're making thirty forty five fifty grand a year and you get trained in how to drive those trucks, and you can double your income in a year and maybe save your money by cheap housing compared to where you're coming from. Well, that means that, Yeah, you're gonna get your f one fifty or whatever other truck you have, Silverado, whatever you happen to like. You're gonna get whatever car you like. You're gonna get a nice house in a safe neighborhood and have a better life for your kids. And you'll even have extra money to save for retirement Disney when your kids are of that age, your vacation that every kid wants to take, and have the ability to take the family out for pasta at Buka de Peppo, which I love, and have a great night and not worry about the finances of it all. But remember, before Christmas in nineteen seventy five, Gerald Ford signed a law creating the United States's first emergency stash or crude oil. Now, the nation had been traumatized by that oil embargo a few years earlier, and at the time OPEC, the cartel of oil producing nations, at a stranglehold on the world's supply of crude. That is not the case today. We are now the world's largest producer of oil and gas and energy. I gotta tell you we are it. And I'm gonna tell you one other thing. We can make every American rich again if we would just literally unleash these resources. Anyway, So now the President has a decision to make. So the President says, the US is locked and loaded. Now you're saying, well, why do we have to get involved in this? Maybe we don't, but if the Iranians look, you gotta understand why this is all happening. The Iranians now are in a panic. The Iranians are lashing out in the hopes that they can convince all the appeasers like mccron and all our Western European allies to get back on board with that stupid, dumb, ridiculous Iranian deal that still allows the Iranians to produce nuclear weapons and doesn't have any place anywhere anytime inspections. That was a dumb deal on top of one hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash and other currencies. And you got mccron and others begging Donald Trump to get back in. He's not going to get back in. And the President, well, I think Pompeia was clear. We know who is responsible for this what happened on Saturday that's now interrupting about five point seven million barrels of crude oil production, over five percent of the world's daily supply. And Yemen's iranium backed rebels of claim responsibility for the drone assault, but the US accused Iran of launching the assault. Tehran has denied it. But Tyrone is lying. And if you ever allow the iranium mullahs that chant death to America and Israel that want to wipe Israel off the map and want to wipe the US off the map, those that believe are convert and die if they ever get nuclear weapons. It's a simple formula. It's mathematical. A squared B squared C squared radical mullah's converted die plus nuclear weapons equals the potential for a modern day holocaust. That is not hyperbole, that is not the misuse of Nazi concentration camps. We could see tremendous death and destruction if that moment ever happens, and how they would then use that nuclear power to blackmail the entire world and then everybody is going to be on pins and needles. But the reality is that's why the Israeli elections tomorrow are so critically important. The one guy of moral clarity until Donald Trump, the sole voice of moral clarity on the world stage, the Churchillian figure that is Prime Minister Nan Yahoo. We've never had a better relationship with Israel. And the President announced and the Israeli Prime Minister announced over the weekend that they have begun talks for a mutual defense pack. That is huge for the Middle East, that is huge for the only democracy in the region. And it is clear that the relationship with Donald Trump and Prime Minister Nyau have never been better. Now, do I want the President to race in No. Do I think the President is going to get boots on the ground and a long drawn out conflict in the Middle East. But the Iranians know. I think the President is probably when he does act at some point, and I would imagine he probably will, they would probably use the model that is what I've told you before, and that is you know what we did in isis to beat back the caliphate. And does this not reverberate and resonate with my call that in this world, the politicizing war after we start them and not having the will to finish them ie Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, that we need the next generation of sophisticated weaponry, both offensive and defensive, so that we can obliterate whoever needs to be obliterated at the right time if they push us. This will not be an easy military action against Iran, but we do have the military capability to knock their sights out. And I hope that this can be done because it's probably the only thing that the Iranian mullas will understand. Now they've seized another tanker in the Straits or hor moves. According to the UK's one of the UK papers, Pompeo laid it right at the door, accusing a Ran of these unprecedented attacks, and Iran is blasting Pompeo, and you know they're hoping for some conflicts, so they say, President rightly, I think released the strategic oil reserves. That's going to help ease some of the pain around the world. This is as the Wall Street Journal said, this is the big one and that and we have to watch out now that these drones. I mean, it's not like the Saudis don't have defense capabilities. They do, and it's solid part as we move along eight hundred nine for one sean you want to be a part of the program, I'll take this a step further. Now you got the Green New Deal. Now we're going to eliminate oil and gas, the lifeblood of our economy. After for the first time in seventy five years, we are energy independent, the first time in seventy five years. By the way, if you are voting in Israel, and I know we have a lot of friends in Israel to listen to this program, you got to vote Lakoud because we can't go through another Yahoo victory. And then he can't form a government because the system is so screwy over there, and you know, you then got to form a coalition government. And then one guy decides, oh, I'm going to hold all the cards. They prevent any progress in terms of Israel being able to move forward with the new government that was rightly elected. But I would take this series. This is I honestly believe this is what the Saudi this is what the Wall Street Journal said is right. This is the attack, this is the big one, and it's going to rock the energy market in the world in the short term. The long term implications are very, very clear, we better not go down this rabbit hole of a green New deal that was cost ninety four trillion dollars and eliminate all gas and oil production and the combustion engine and eventually cows and airplane so we can give everybody everything for free, which is never gonna happen, or having Alexandria Casio Cortez want to paid it for it, but we'll we'll just print more money. Okay, that's not gonna work. Or Kamala Harris, same type of insanity. We'll just print more money. All right. We'll get to more on this. We do have. We have the GM strike going on, we have the Trump economic boom. We have six hundred and fifty thousand kids out of poverty. Yeah, that didn't happen under Biden Obama. We got twenty twenty information we're gonna hit today and the New York Times scandal next, well, the latest scandal next, all right. The President saying it looks like Iran behind the Saudi oil attack, does not want war with Iran, but the US is prepared. The images that were now getting out of Saudi Arabia after this drone strike over the weekend on their oil facilities is pretty massive, very bold. Remember all of this, every bit of it is because of the President's successful sanctions on Iran, squeezing their economy dry. And the idea that there are people still that don't take this regime as the as evil as they are seriously should shock everybody. Now, it doesn't surprise me, because you know, the appeasement peace in our time ideology philosophy has been around forever. I mean, we just look at look at Nevil Chamberlain versus Churchill. Now we've got to move on to something else that you know, this shouldn't surprise you. It's more fake news, but it's serious fake news, and you know it should shock people. But there's nothing that can shock us anymore in terms of the corrupt news media in this country. It just doesn't even possible. So we have this whole scandal it's evolving Justice Kavanaugh and the New York Times, you know, and all the New York Times ends up doing is further humiliating themselves. Just weeks after The New York Times Executive editor Dean back Hat instructed his staff to go after President Trump hammer and you know, all over them by covering as many wild eyed baseless allegations as they can find. It looks like, you know, they're taking the directive and now it's fired back big time. Remember they said, we devoted an entire newsroom to one story, and we're proud of you. But but it ran into some challenges, obstacles, And yeah, the obstacle was they lied. The obstacle was they were wrong. The obstacle was that they missed the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in history. Because they have their agenda or and a divine in The New York Post wrote a great piece today, and you know, and if you look at the political side of this, the Washington Post, and this dovetails nicely into the whole Cavanaugh media. Why they now plan to identify three people that they want to demonize his villains for the twenty twenty election. One is the President obviously, two Justice Kavanaugh. Three Mitch McConnell. And they will be the three villains defining the three branches of government for the twenty twenty campaign. Now each of them, why it matters, According to The New York Post, they are white men. They will argue symbolizing Republican corruption and rule bending. Anti Pelosi has told advisers that it is hard to move the public mood on Trump alone. He's gonna urge her caucus to crank up anti McConnell attacks and of course try and impeach Cavanaugh. Now, why is Kavanaugh back in the news, Why is this matter? Why is the New York Times going after him? At this point, they're already lost because you got to remember, there's always an agenda here. What is the agenda? Just like climate change was never about climate change. Even AOC's chief of staff at the time had nothing to do with climate change. That has everything to do with the socialist agenda. And similarly, this isn't about Cavanaugh. This is about Democrats wanting to now control the judiciary and even stack the bench if they ever get power back, and add as many justices as they need so that they can get the outcomes they want and what they want our judicial activists on the court, and they want people that will legislate from the bench and cite even foreign law as a means of justifying whatever they are justifying that would otherwise be unconstitutional. In other words, what democrats can never ever get done in the ballot box. What they can never ever ever get done in terms of legislation passed. They want the courts to dictate. They want the courts to take over. They want the courts to legislate. They don't want the courts. They don't want constitutionalists, they don't want three branches of government. They want basically everything, every every single agenda item passed through the courts. And that's how that's been their plan for a long time. You know, what happened with Kavanaugh is not an accident. You know that they just can't let it go. And as the New York Times and this piece by Miranda Divine, I think nailed it. This smear is buried in the eleventh paragraph. New York Times writers they're writing a book, is adopted from their upcoming book, The Education of Brett Cavanaugh. They named their alleged witness to an alleged incident as Max Steyer, a Washington lawyer, former Yale classmate of Kavanaugh, described as a respected thought leader on federal government management, but who also appears to be the same person that was then President Bill Clinton's on his legal team during the Lewinsky scandal. How convenient in ninety eighty working for the law firm Williams and Connolly. Anyway, the piece goes on that he alleged claims that he saw mister Kavanaugh with his pants down at a drunken dorm party where his friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student when Kavanaugh was a freshman at Yale, and The New York Times goes on to explain how Steire notified senators, notified the FBI about this account, but the FBI didn't investigate, and that he has now mister Steyer declined to discuss it publicly. Now we corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with Steire. Okay, Now, the problem with the New York Times authors and the New York Times piece is the actual truth and veracity of what they're claiming and what they're reporting in their book. You allege victim in this case does not remember any such incident and also won't talk about it. That would be journalistic malpractice. I agree with Divine. No corroboration, no evidence, no victim, no witness, only hearsay of one person and the paper of record the medium mob. Why do I call him a mob? I say mob on purpose because they act like a mob manufactured crisis, lies, a hoax, conspiracy theories, every second, minute hour of every twenty four hour day. This is what they do. They want to slander, smear, besmirch is it. There's no line they won't cross if it means Nicholas Sandman wearing a Maga hat and running wild with something that was provably false. With about five seconds worth of due diligence, they could have found out. Oh, that fifteen second snippet that they kept playing over and over again was taken out of context, that Nicholas Sandman did everything he could possibly do as a sixteen year old kid to prevent you know, the black Hebrew Israel lights that were taunting those kids with racial epithets, etc. And Nathan Phillips, the protester who walked up to him, not the opposite, banging the drum right in his face, and he just smiled and handled it better than I could have handled it, you know that. But let's call him a racist, and let's do it for a week and a half, even when we know the truth. And Nicholas Samman, well, his life's never gonna be the same, but he's gonna be rich as hell. He now has Lynn Wood as as an attorney. Lynnwood represented Richard Jewell. Lynnwood is taking this case out of a passion. But what they did to this kid, and how reckless you talk about reckless disregard, smear, libel, besmirchment, character assassination. And they never made a phone call to even check a single thing about the story. And they locked into it no matter what evidence was coming out anyway. You look at this New York Times, this is only the latest, you know, claiming their fresh allegation about Cavanaugh echoes previously uncorroborated thirty five year old claims by other people at the time. You know, But yet you know, in the case of Debora Ramirez, for example, but she admitted to The New Yorker, which broke the story last year, that her memory was hazy. He'd been drinking heavily during another dorm party at which Kavanaugh allegedly thrust his private parts in her face and caused her to touch it without her consent. She wasn't even certain it was Kavanaugh. And you have the let's see Michael Avanati, Julie Sweatnick. Oh. Yeah, they lined up in the halls. At first, they would they would literally spike the punch and the girls would pass out. Then they would take turns gang raping them, and had happened almost every other weekend. And then when questioned, well, now that I'd think about it, I never saw Brett Cavanaugh spike anything. But I saw him near a punch bowl once. And I never saw him give anybody anything to drink. But I saw him with a red Solo cup. No, he wasn't lined up in the hall after all, but he was in a hall at some point during a party. This is not that you know, they destroyed this guy. And at the other point of this is he's not turned out to be the best justice that I really wanted. A little disappointed in Brett Cavanaugh, very frankly, there's never any evidence that any of these allegations, which that didn't stop them. You know, we have all of these instances of the New York Times fake news, and this is what they now do. And you have all the presidential candidates, you know, Beto Bozo, Robert Francis, it looks like Havana Light under Oah. Julian Castro not only calls for impeachment and calls Cavanaugh sexual predator. I don't know. I'll ask Greg Jarrett at the top of the era. But I gotta tell you something. You know, I've accept that in my thirty one years in the public eye that people are gonna slander, besmirch, use, character assassination because they don't like my political points of view. But the standard is so high if you're a public figure, that you know, unless you can show that they had intent, unless you could show an absence of mallows of any kind, the standards so high you can barely win. Maybe in this case he can. I don't know. I think that standard is way too high and should be adjusted. He got over there at Conspiracy TV MSNBC, they're saying, well, Cavanaugh is the fifth guy in the gang rape. Oh okay, maybe they need to be sued again. Is they're gonna end up paying Nicholas Sandman a fortune? In my opinion or Klobuchark havanaugh confirmation process was a shape, but they're all Russian and judgment. Whatever happened to do process or the presumption of innocence. Even Michael Avanadi I gave him the presumption of innocence when the allegation of him and his girlfriend came up and it turned out three separate investigations cleared the guy. But you know, and I'll say the same thing you know about anybody. You know. But if the accuser doesn't recall the alleged incident, and then The New York Times now has to make a major revision to their bombshell concerning a resurfaced allegation of sexual assault by Brett Cavanaugh. Hours after every twenty twenty presidential candidate virtually cited the original article as a reason to impeach Cavanaugh, because that they want to impeach Cavanaugh, and they want to stack the court. They want judges that will legislate from the bench. This smear does not hold up, hold up in any way. It doesn't. It is a clear miss. It is it is malpractice. But it is part of an ugly pattern. And it's not just the New York Times. You know, look at the latest Turnberry hoax of Roswell, Rachel Maddow and MSNBC. But now in addition, he's got this money losing golf resort in Scotland that was about to lose the money, losing airport that serviced it. I mean, the golf I don't have time, Crety The bottom line is Roswell Rachel got it wrong again two and a half years, lies, conspiracies, and she's the face of MSNBC. She's it NBC News. She runs their election night coverage along with Tom Brokaw and Brian Lyon Williams. But you know, now, the New York Times finally they finally said, you know, it looks like the dossier, the dirty Clinton Boughton paid for Russian dossier, was Russian disinformation from the get go. Well what about the Times? The New York Times had to correct the man Russia collusion bombshell and Manaphort passed along polling information to a Kremlin connected businessman. Oh excuse me, whoopsie Daisy. Or the fake news about Nicky Haley's fifty two thou seven hundred one dollar curtains, or you know, blaming Sarah Palin for a shooting, Yeah that happened after the Jared Loughner case. That's shooting in Arizona twenty eleven, and let's blame her, you know, Or you know, what about their anti Semitic offensive cartoons. What about their editor that had to apologize for anti semitism and racism? What about the New York Time. We built our newsroom around Russia collusion. But then he came a little difficult because yeah, we got it all wrong. But we'll just move on to the issue of race. Now we'll take Trump down that way. Or the New York Times changing a headline to appeal to the far left because they didn't like the headline, and so they got The New York Times to change. I mean, pretty amazing amount of power. They switched at Trump urges unity against racism, that left freaks out, and they change it assailing hate but not guns. And the New York Times describing a fetal heartbeat as embryotic pulsing. Or New York Times, by the way, their office was once treated for bedbugs. Five times the New York Times defended communism. I'm not making any of this stuff up, you know, for everything from North Korea. I'll lay all of this out on TV tonight. Or deleting a tweet calling Mao one of history's great revolutionary figures, or the case the New York Times admitted that there are that one percent of illegal immigrants, you know, you know, the migrants and the migrant caravans that were being attacked and raped. They finally had to admit it, or the New York Times calling Trump's you know sons Fredo, or the New York Times Trump tax story left out New York State real estate crash as a factor. Yeah, facts matter, and I can keep going. This is what This is a mob mentality. This is mob. This is a mob mindset for every American who cares about women's health, about protections for people with pre existing conditions, about civil rights, labor rights, LGBTQ rights, environmental rights. Now is the time to fight. Now. Now I'm going to withhold by consent for this nominee or any other nominee. President Trump could have nominated someone last night not off the narrow list of those pre cleared, preapproved by far right organizations like the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society. We could be here today discussing a nominee who was potentially someone with a wide open record, someone who might command a bipartisan majority. We are going to look into what went on and what assurances were made that brought this name to the top of the list. Does Kevanov does not, should not get the benefit of the doubt. He bears the murder approof to convince all of us and the American people that he can indeed be a fair and objective just I'm here with sadness to say, Judge Kavanaugh, you don't belong in this building as a justice. Judge Kavanaugh, you should not be serving in this building as a Supreme Court Justice. Judge Kavanaugh is your worst nightmare. All right, as we continue along, glad you are with us. Then, of course Justice Kavanaugh, defending himself will play that in a second one of the more heartbreaking moments and a despicable display of what is just absolute reckless slander, smearing, besmirching, character assassination. This smear buried in the eleventh paragraph. As Miranda Devine wrote today in a really good piece in The New York Post, where the reporters from The New York Times adapted from their upcoming book, The Education and Brent Kavanaugh, they name their alleged witness to the alleged incident in a Washington lawyer former Yale classmate at Cavanaugh was described as respected throughout, a respected thought leader on federal government management, but who also appears to be the same person who was on then President Bill Clinton's legal team during the Lewinsky scandal in nineteen ninety eight and worked at the law firm Williams and Connolly. She allegedly claims that he saw Cavanaugh with his pants down at a drunken dorm party where friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student when Kavanaugh was a freshman at Yale. The alleged victim doesn't remember the alleged incident and refuses to talk about it. And as she concludes, this is journalistic malpractice. Now okay, So now because they've been shamed, the New York Times has suddenly made a revision to this bombshell piece. After all, this was exposed hours after virtually every single twenty twenty Democratic presidential candidate had cited the article as the reason to impeach Kavanaugh. We know that they want a postconstitutional America. Levin wrote about it in one of his books, that we're living in it, and they, yeah, they want to stack the courts. They want to impeach anybody and everybody that they just disagree with for no real reason at all. They're willing to suspend the presumption of innocence. They're willing to engage in at the highest level of smearing and character assassination to achieve their goals. And what this really is about, if we want to dig down even deeper, is what Democrats can't get done at the ballot box by convincing people to vote for their agenda. What they can never get done legislatively because it's not going to happen. They then look to the courts to stack the courts with activist liberal justices that will even go as far as citing foreign laws, not our own constitution as a justification for legislating from the bench. Listen to Cavanaugh's voice, Listen to what they reduced this man too, when in fact there's no evidence that any of these allegations were true. This confirmation process has become a national disgrace. The Constitution gives the Senate an important role in the confirmation process, but you have replaced advice and consent with search and destroy. This has destroyed my family and my good name, a good name but built up through decades of very hard work and public service at the highest levels of the American governments. I am innocent of this charge. I intend no ill will to doctor Ford and her family. The other night, Ashley and my daughter Eliza said their prayers, and little Eliza, all of ten years old, said to Ashley, we should pray for the woman. It's a lot of wisdom from a ten year old. I mean, if that doesn't just break your heart. They don't care about Greg Jarrett, author of the soon to be released a sequel to his number one bestseller called witch Hunt, The Story of the Greatest mass Delusion in American political History. We all watch this now we know a lot more about this, and you know, the accuser doesn't recall the assault, but it gets posted and everyone runs with it. Your reaction, Robin Publican and Kate Kelly, the two New York Times reporters who wrote this op ed, should be fired by the New York Times and the New York Times Times should issue a public apology to Brett Kavanaugh on their front pages in large headlines. What they have done to him is an unconscionable smear. It is absolute defamation. And the second part of the equation is Brett Kavanaugh should sue Pogrivan and Kelly and the New York Times for defamation. It's true that in a defamation case you have to prove actual malice that the authors knew that what they were publishing was false. It is absolutely clear that Robin Pograman and Kate Kelly knew that what they were publishing was false, because the truth was actually in their book and they omitted the passage from their book in there over the weekend op ed for The New York Times. So it's to me it's an obvious case of Defama Nation. Kevinash should sue and how these two reporters have managed to keep their jobs. The first thing the New York Times should have done was to fire them for rank malpractice of journalism. And this is just a shameful affair. But the New York Times New York Post had it right in their front page when they said, this is a supreme smear. It is, you know, why is it? Look, I've just accepted a long time ago that anything and everything is now going to be said about me. And there's pretty much not a darn thing I can do, because if you're a public figure, people can lie about you. Legally, they can pretty much say and over the course of my thirty one years in the public eye, they pretty much have said so many slanderous things, so many libelous things, so guilty of defamation. I ignore it. It's just now a matter of course, I don't even process it, frankly hardly anymore. But it really shouldn't be that way. Why this double standard that of your a public figure, that you have this high barter reach, which is now you got to prove intent or absence of malice as we call it. He came in the nineteen sixties in a case called New York Times versus Sullivan, in which actual malice was established by the Supreme Court of the News standard. It was wrong then, it's wrong now. But as I pointed out, these two reporters, Pokerman and Kelly knew that what they were writing was faults, and so Kavana can easily meet the malice standard of defamation, which is why I say he should sue. Now, you know, he strikes me as a very kind and honorable man, and we heard it in the clip that you played. So I'm not counting on the fact that even though he is an absolute actionable case against the New York Times and these two terrible reporters, um, you know, he probably won't bring such a case because you know, he's he's a guy who has a thick skin and it group thick. I don't, I don't. I don't know if he has such a thick skin. And I'll be blunt, I'm not particularly enthusiastic or impressed by his rulings either. Uh. You know, Republicans, you know, appoint more moderate people to the bench all the time, and they get burned all the time. Look at the decision last week. John Roberts apparently again just like in the healthcare decision, deciding for political reasons to shift his vote on the decision last week? What was it an asylum? I mean, it's unbelievable to me. Yeah, listen, I agree with you. Um. For those liberals who thought Brett Kavanaugh was going to be a rock solid conservative, his first year on the court has proven otherwise. UM. And so why why they are so insistent in impeaching him and removed unum from the High Court is baffling. But you know, I do think that somebody has to step up and filow defamation lawsuit against the New York Times and these reporters. Enough is enough is But isn't this sort of like great climate change? Climate change? Even AOC's chief of staff admitted, Oh, this was never really about climate change. This is about socialism, This is about redistributionism. This is about state control of every aspect of the economy. And similarly the agenda to go after and you could see they use the same talking point both the media and their cohorts, the Hollywood Left, everybody in between. This is about stacking the courts. This is about impeaching Kavanaugh. This is about about democrats using the courts to legislate that which they would never get through themselves or when on in the arena of ideas of the ballot box. So that's what this really is all about. It's it's deeper than that. They don't care about the guilt or innocence of Kavanaugh. They don't care about the guilt or innocence of Clarence Thomas or or Robert Bork either. You know, in my new book Which On, I spend chapter six fifty four pages of story after story that was wrong, that was fake news, that journalists got wrong and did so intentionally, and and and most of them, except in one instance, all of them kept their jobs. And they you know, they're still doing it. And you know this. It was a shameful affair by brand branding the President United States with one of the worst crimes possible in America, and that is treason. And the media was absolutely complicit in this, along with Democrats like Adam Schiff, you know, Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters, goes on and on. But this was cabal of the media and Democrats that were determined to undo the election results and to remove the president from office based on nothing. There was never any credible evidence that he had colluded with Russians. There was never any evidence that his words indeeds constituted obstruction of justice. It was all a fabrication. And this is why I'm very anxious to see the Inspector General's report, which should be forthcoming in the next few weeks, because the people who did this should be held accountable. Well, I agree wholeheartedly, and I think they will ultimately be but I quick break Moore. Greg Jarrett on the other side, also back to our other top story today on Iran and what they did in Saudi Arabia and what America's response will be Right as we continue, Greg Jarrett is soon to be released book witch Hunt, the follow up to his number one bestseller The Story of the Greatest Mass Delusion in American Political history. I will tell you one of the things I like about lynn Wood, and I think Nicholas Sandman is going to be a billionaire at the end of this process because of what the media did to this kid with a MAGA hat on after he went to a rally in DC. Yeah, listen, lynn Wood is the foremost slander and libel attorney in America and I would love to see Brett Kavanaugh higher lynn Wood to represent him in a defamation lawsuit against Kate Kelly, Robin Pogerman and The New York Times. To me, it's a slam dunk case because by their own admission. But with that said, I don't necessarily agree with you, and I rarely disagree with you because I just think the standard is so high. But saying that, I will say that we need to change these laws that you cannot slander public people just be because you know you can get away with it, and I think that has to end. I think, listen, I agree with you one hundred percent. You know, the New York Times versus Sullivan cases is a wrong decided case. They established this out of thin air, this new standard of actual malice, which makes it nearly impossible to win a defamation case against a public figure, but this is a case that can be one under the actual malice standard. All Right, I gotta let you go. All right, Greg Jarrett, thank you, looking forward to your book. Ones it out by the way October. All right, it's called this is a sequel to his number one best seller. It's called Which Hunt, The Story of the greatest mass delusion in American political history. You can sign up get your copy now at Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere in a couple of weeks. Thank you, Greg Jarrett. Well, when we come back, Uh yeah, more on our top two stories, this one on Kavanaugh and obviously the President and the decision to keep the free flow of oil at market prices and saying he's locked and loaded in what it all means, and much more straight ahead I twenty five till the top of the hour, toll free on numbers eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Following a lot of stories today the corrupt, abusively biased news media in this kind of what the New York Times did, as we've been discussing to Justice Kavanaugh and I listen I hope Greg is right and his family. We've got to change these libel laws. And it's not for me. I've just I've accepted it. Now you might say, look, don't cry a river from me. I don't give a rip. It doesn't matter. But I am saying I know people in this industry. They don't care what they say about anybody. They will go with any smear, slander, besmirchman. And the record is now astounding, and they don't apologize. They don't they don't make corrections. They just move on to the next conspiracy, theorie, the next quote manufactured crisis talking point. You know, you think back, and I mean for The New York Times two and a half years late to say, oh, yeah, the dossier was likely Russian disinformation from the get go think about that one for just a second. Well what does that mean. That means that The New York Times is admitting that, oh, Russia knew about it. They knew they were lies in the dossier that Hillary was paying for, that they were going to use to smear Trump, to help Hillary get elected, or to just create chaos. You know, go go through the list that I went through the last hour, correct after correct Manafort, Russia collusion bombshell and other big so called stories, and they're proud of now, they say they're proud of their work. They missed the biggest abusive powers corruption scandal in history. You know, Nicky Haley's fifty two, seven hundred one dollar curtains, or the fake news blaming Sarah Palin for a shooting, or the memory you know, just the entire list, or the anti semitism or deleting to tweet calling Mao one of history's greatest revolutionaries revolutionary figures. Oh what, hello, are you kidding me? Anti Semitic are offensive cartoons and an editor apologizing for anti Semitic racist tweets. You know, we built our entire newsroom around the Russia collusion hoax. The New York Times changing the Trump headline to appease far left extremists. Oh sorry, did I say a good word about Trump urges unity versus racism? Then the mob, their biggest supporters freak out. Then they just cave and they change their own headline. Or describing fetal heartbeat as embryonic pulsing, you know, or I don't know. It's just it's never ending. It is never ending, and it's not gonna end, you know, or just so many different issues that have come up here. Now they have to walk back these salacious allegations against Cavanaugh, right, So we got that on the table. Also, we're following the story. Obviously it's getting really dicey in the Mid East, and America is not vulnerable to the latest Mid East oil crisis. The Straits or hor Moose are literally less important strategically, geo politically for us than ever before. But the world economy, the lifeblood, as I've said, is oil the Straits or hor Mouse. You cannot allow the Iranians to keep taking these tankers hostage as they are doing, or that they're funding now attacking the Saudi's oil production and capability. May not we look, we can survive, we will survive. We have more energy than the entire Middle's combined. As long as we don't allow these crazy people to get a hold of yacht the rains of governments so they can implement the elimination of oil and gas. That'll be the destruction of our economy. Some other news, Michelle Obama, I saw this. She's charging four grand per ticket to see her speak. Wow, sixty five million dollars the Obama's got to write their memoirs. One hundred million dollars the Obama's are believed to have made from their Netflix deal. Now four thousand, two hundred bucks a ticket for a sweet level seat. Wow. Michelle Obama's new Jersey tour stop is offering a five thousand dollars VIP package for two people. Floor seats hike up to around thirteen hundred bucks. You want to meet and greet with the Flotus in person, well that'll set you back twenty five hundred bucks. Who something? Nobody's paying attention to Week two of the NFL their one hundred season. And Jason, have you noticed this? All the empty seats? There's a amazing piece. I'll probably be seeing a lot of them in Giant Stadium then the next dup. Oh yeah they had a great opening two weeks. Yeah they got, they got. They lost to the Cowboys, they got killed by the Cowboys, then they got killed by the Bills. Forget it. Season over. They'll see what the Jets can pull off tonight. I guess their franchise quarter back is now out with something. Yes, mono nucleosis, but I'm just not as interested as I once was im initiating, sucks too. Oh god, it's awful. All right, let's hit our busy telephones here. All right, let's say hi to David and Texas. David, Hi, how are you glad you called my friend? Hello? I'm glad to talk to y'all. What's going on? Oh? Another fun field day of retirement and my part time job. But I was listening to your show last week, and y'all you're making comments about how many people were leaving New York to rich folks getting out of Dodge and whatnot. And I'm kind of curious. As smart as you and your group are, how come y'all are still there beside your contracts? Well, okay, just slow down the last words of your what you just said answers your own question. Besides your contracts. I have contracts, that's it. And it does call for me to be in New York to do the show. That's the answer, my staff. Listen, I'll take you a quick vote. And Linda is out for a day, but a a rare day off. And but Jason, Florida or New York? Where do you pick Texas or New York? Where do you pick Texas? Yeah? I don't know Florida, No Florida, Okay, Texas, New York or Florida, ethan anywhere but New York? All right? Who else is in there to Katie? Texas, Florida, New York. I'm from Texas, so Texas always, Kylie, what do you got? I think I would choose Florida really? Okay? Um, either one is fine with me. My staff is begging me to move. They're begging, and the same with my TV staff. I can't move at this point in my life. Believe me. You know, you know what it's like to get David every year when you talk to my when I talk to my accountant, and I have to sit through that insane meeting once a year. Whatever. I can only imagine the pain you go through living in that. Whatever you do, whatever you do, they don't die in New York. I'm like, I'll work on that. I'll really try not to die in New York. But when you're when your contacts up, I can care can promise you Texas people would welcome you with open arms. Listen. I was welcomed by Rick Perry. I'm an honorary Texan. I got that award. I have it. It proudly in my studio right here, and I listen, I want out listen. I don't care that other people are moving to Texas. But if you're gonna bring your liberal policies from California and Illinois and New York, New Jersey to Florida, Texas, Tennessee, the Carolina is where else you're moving, don't bother because you already ruined one state. Don't ruin the next state you go to. And that is a real concern and fear of mind that does they'll say, oh, well, we got to be more liberal in Texas. No, go stay in California, then don't bother. Hip problem is not met him themselves. Who are they who are extreme concerning who are right to life? I am a guilty soult weapon second Amendment. I'm not a because if that's who they are, and if they have the conservatives the second a member pro life, pro second Amber. The governor of the state doesn't even want me here. And I was humbled by Rick Scott when he was governor, Rick Perry when he was governor, the North Carolina governor, the South Carolina governor, the Tennessee governor, all inviting me to their States, and I'd love to take them all upon it, because I'll do a lot better economically if I can just leave Dodge here. But it is what it is. It's not about me. I you know, we're all spokes in a wheel right now. Everything I will tell you all our focus is to preventing what would be. This has now emerged into a choice election unlike I've ever seen in my lifetime. Now, we've had choice elections before, but never this Stark, never this DIYer. This is about freedom versus America dying, because they will rip the life blood of our economy away from all of us, and it will lead to absolute poverty and the destruction of the greatest standard of living, the greatest wealth creating system with opportunity and for all the United States, a lot at stake here. All right, quick break, We'll come back eight hundred nine for one Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, all right, As we continue back to our busy phones, Brad Utah Next, Sean Hannity Show. What's up, Brad? How are you? Hey? Sean? Thanks for taking my call, Thank you for call. I'm glad you're out there. Where in Utah? Are you. We're out in the hi U in the mountains, induce Shane, about seven thousand feets are ranch. Wow, that's pretty sure. Listen. I had a hard time in Salt Lake City once playing tennis breathing. I couldn't breathe. Yeah, it's a it's a little stressful here when you first come, but you get used to it. You get used to the beauty of the face of God. Listen, I get it. But I mean, honestly, I'd never the same thing happened. And once I once I went to Aspen because I used to be an avid skier. I'm not anymore. My son broke his leg. I never went back. I said, I'm done. That's it. It was too traumatic for me. But honestly, but I went there and I like, I couldn't breathe the whole time. I couldn't wait to get out of there. Yeah. Yeah, the lack of oxygen, the hypoxia is a little tough on the body. At first, we used to live in California. Somebody told me that this altitude pills. Is that true? Yeah, I was a police officer in California, retired and we moved up here. And when we had traveled back and forth to see family there to come up here. It's two weeks before you can really survive again. It's it's tough. Wow, it takes two weeks. Yeah, all right, what's on your mind today? Listen? Two things for you. One, I wanted to help you a little bit with the mindset of first responders. Being a retired first responder, I hear a lot of people on the radio, including Sean Hannity, say that, you know, when these first responders, for example, on nine to eleven, are running into the building, they're probably wondering if they're ever going to come out again, which is so untrue. Shot. First responders never think of themselves. They are well, I know, I listen, I get all that. But their courage is instinctive. The courage is rooted in their training. But I'm sorry, you see what they walked into. I watched a lot on nine to eleven. I watched a lot in that GEO, and they had by far the best documentaries. They had the greatest documentaries on nine to eleven, and with all the video, there was no editing. I didn't edit anything on my show either, But I will tell you it is you had to know you had to that. This is not really looking good for me today. You just have to. I'm not saying they stopped. I'm not saying they hesitated. I'm not saying they blinked. I'm saying just the opposite, their call to duty. They did what every other person, you know, what a lot of people would never do. Everybody's racing down the stairs to get the hell out of there. And these brave men in blue, these brave firemen, America's bravest. You know, uh, what do they do? They went up, they knew, they knew they may never make it back. I'm telling you you can't look at that. See it. You see it everywhere. You see it with with any of the shootings or any any event that's going on. You see the first responders going through the crowd going in. They're not thinking of themselves. They're thinking of getting this taken care of. And you know, when it's all over, and when Ella's sitting back and go, wow, that was spooky. My mind had not come out of that. But it just never It just never dawns on you when you're going in. Well, it doesn't listen. I think in that case, I look, I know they didn't give They didn't blink an eye. But I don't think you could walk into a situation like that and not really realize, Holy, this may be it. I just and they did it anyway. What makes them who they are? What makes them the bravest, the toughest, the most courageous, and what makes them, you know, the people that we want put on a pedestal and admire the most. That is that it factor the factor that they're going to do it anyway. And when you say what is a hero, that's the definition. Listen. I have many many friends of mine over the years that have been on the y Fire Department and other friends. So many people I know that are cops. I mean, it's ridiculous. My whole family was full of cops. And I will tell you that I would give my fireman friends so much grief. I'm like, what do you mean when you get rack time? Like they would work twenty four on twenty four straight hours on then they get two days off, twenty four on three days off. I mean it's and I kid them and the way they always shut me down and shut me up because they get to cook dinners when it's slow. You know it depends what firehouse. Some are slower than others. Some are really busy and your work and all night every night, and I give them a hard time. Oh you get to cook dinner and you get rack time, meaning you know, if there's nothing happened, and they can you know, take a couple of hours sleep if they can get it. It was twenty four on is a hard shift. And then they'd always get back to it with some point in the conversation they're going to say, okay, talk to me about nine to eleven, and I'm like, checkmate, I lost. They win because what they're right, it's that one day that may come in the course of their career where their life, their asses on the line. And that's what we love about them. And you know, every one of my fireman friends is just an amazing human being in their own way. Every one of my cop friends, every one of my law enforcement friends, they're all amazing people. They do it because they're called to do it. It's a calling. They want to serve, they want to protect. It's it's a special person that can do all that. Anyway, quick break, we got a lot to get to. More of your calls also coming up and at the top of the hour, you know, we'll look at the latest with the Iranian situation and what the President's options are. Straight ahead, all right, news round up in information Overload, hour eight hundred and nine four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. We go back to our other top story today, and that is the President and the show now with Iran and what happened over the weekend, the drone attacks on the Saudi Arabian oil facilities, the President saying very clearly, the US is locked and loaded against the attackers of the Saudi oil facility. Now, look, we know what's going on. We know the Yemeny rebels are being funded and supported completely by the Iranian mullahs. We know that the sanctions of the President are having a dramatic impact on Iran. We know that all of the action in the Straits of hor moves is a direct result of the President's policies. But I also would argue that this shows that the President was right from the get go when he pulled out of this ridiculous Iranian deal. And I think now the question is all right, the President says he's waiting full complete confirmation of everything that has happened. But in the meantime, we now have Iran as believed to have seized yet another oil tanker passing through the Straits of hor moves and Pompeo couldn't have been more blunt accusing Iran of this unprecedented attack. This is all about the money. This is about the free flow of oil, the lifeblood of the world's economy at market prices, and Iran blasting back and they're talking tough. And I think it shows more than anything that the President was right to pull out of this ridiculous deal. And the President has now also authorized the release of strategic oil reserves after the attacks on Saudi oil. And I think the Wall Street journal is nailed this, saying yeah, this is the big one, and they talk about the technological, sophistication and audacity of this attack. It's why I've been telling you the election in Israel. Another main reason is a key component to keep the Churchillian figure that is bb Netanyahoo, who for many years prior to Trump was the sole voice of moral clarity on the world stage in office. There's such a messed up parliamentary system in Israel. He won the last election, but couldn't form a government because of one holdout. It's ridiculous. There's some talk about the possibility of oil being at one hundred bucks a barrel, that none of that would surprise me. But then we go back to what I've been saying for a long time. For this first time, in seventy five years, the United States of America's energy independent for the first time ever. The lifeblood of our economy is in our hands, but the first time in our history. If you look geopolitical strategies, the Straits of horn Moves has never meant less strategically than now to the United States. You had this very narrow passageway, I think it's about twenty two miles wide, with a very narrow path for these tankers to go through. A very high percentage of the world's oil supply passes through those straits. But we don't need them like we used to. But with that said, we are an interconnected economy in the world. I think there's a moment in history here where we may never see this again. Where we have the United States its closest allies Israel in the Middle East, the only democracy, especially with Prime Minister net Yahoo, the Jordanians and King Abdullah LCC running Egypt and the saudiast In spite of my very frequent criticism of all of that, all of what they do and how they treat people. Putting that aside for a minute, coupled with the Emirates, they're all aligning. They're all sharing intelligence like never before, as they all stand equally against Iranian hegemony in the region. But the fact that this happened with a drone strike and it went undetected by the Saudis, and the Saudis have a sophisticated defense system is should be a scary thing for everybody in the world. Anyway, Joining us now to discuss and debate all this, John Jordan, commander in the naval intelligence community, and businessman Daniel Hoppman, Fox News contributor thirty years CIA ops officer, thank you both for being with us. Daniel, welcome back. Good to hear your voice again. Look, you and I have discussed this at length for on many occasions. It seems like Iran is now because of the financial pressures of the President's sanctions, they are now trying to intimidate the world into going along with another bad deal. And I don't think they're going to get that from Donald Trump ever. Now Iran is trying to induce US to eliminate the sanctions which had caused them so much pain. They're practicing nuclear blackmail by stockpiling low grade uranium it levels not allowed by that flawed nuclear deal you highlighted. And they're also weaponizing or enriching uranium to weapons grade levels, which is also a part of their nuclear brinkmanship plan. And as you pointed out, they have been targeting merchant vessels in the Persian Gulf. They shot down our drone. They've been launching a repeated series of attack on Saudi Arabia, including this most recent one, which we're not exactly sure officially the US government has said whether it was launched from Iran, Iraq, or Yemen, but all indications are it's cruisemith lens and drones from Iraq or Iran. So this administration that stood firm we are not going to eliminate those sanctions. There's a precondition getting back to the negotiating table, which is the right thing to do. Let me ask you, John Jordan's look, I'm very cautious about any military intervention anywhere now, and I have been an advocate after Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, you know, because wars now become politicized every single time, and we don't finish the job. And then we put rules of engagement in place to tie the hands of our brave soldiers, and then if they don't abide by the insane rules, then we throw them in jail and Leavenworth and elsewhere. Clint land Rance's case comes to mind. But the reality is the next generation of warfare, both offensive and defensive, is the answer to all of our problems. And I'd rather these wars be fought from Tampa, Florida, and use the technology like we used in Syria to beat back ISIS and defeat the Caliphate. Two things here, Sean. First of all, the Iranian regime desperately wants an American attack. The Iranian regime needs to change the political dynamics here so that pressure may be exerted on the United States to relax the maximum pressure campaign and give the Iranian regime some breathing room. The Iranian real their unit of currency, has lost over two thirds of its value since the withdrawal from the JCPOA eight to seventeen of eighteen Iranian pension funds, including those for the security services, are in the red and at risk of collapse. So the Iranians are back on their heels, but they need to change the dynamic and American attack effects for the better domestic politics inside of Iran and would allow the Iranian regime to spin this as for nationalistic reasons that we're being attacked by the West. The Iranian regime desperately needs that due to its own unpopularity. The second thing this dog hasn't barked here at all, Sean is the fact that the Iranians are now trying to rope in Asia. In this fifty four percent of all Iranian oil exports go to Korea, China, Japan and India. And you can't help but wonder if oil prices go up that the Iranians are hoping that those four countries might be trying to put some diplomatic pressure on the United States to relax the sensions, or might be willing to work with the Iranians to find a work around like the Insects project that the Iranians worked for the Europeans on them. Well, the bottom line is, and again I think the President will be cautious, but I do think our military might needs to rule the day here if this is not met with fierce resistance from the world community. Daniel Hoffman, I honestly worry that the Iranians are just going to feel more emboldened to take any ship they want going through the straits or moves, and a never ending series of attacks against like, for example, Saudi Arabia. In this case, we know it was the Iranians. I don't think it's the Yemny rebels. You no, no, well, I mean either way it was Iran who was behind exactly because they're funding the rebels in their battle against Saudi Arabia right right first, on the Persian Gulf, we're working in concert with the UK Royal Navy and with Australia to keep the Persian Gulf and the merchant fleets they're as safe as they could be and keeping my soup Sean that the President said what he said to deter Iran from future action. It wasn't just about the strike they took on Saudi Arabia. It's also about the future now. Iran, make no mistake, was probing up they were targeting Saudi Arabia because they want Saudi Arabia out of Yemen. They want to raise the cost of that, and of course they want to raise the cost of oil. If they can't exp oil, they don't want anyone else doing it either. I think we have reached a point though, where the administration needs to think about how we target around. The President was not that interested in launching a kinetic attack after our drome was destroyed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps in this case, I'm sure, which, by the way, shows you know, for all those people that were predicting Donald Trump would be, you know, this cowboy on the world stage, they weren't listening to Donald Trump. Because Donald Trump is a non interventionist. But there are times, like in the case of Syria, that the United States will act, and it's in our best interest to act. But he's not going to do it with boots on the ground. He's going to use our superior defense weaponry in any of these conflicts or any of these skirmishes that arise. I mean, Iranians will escalate in their view to set up a de escalate scenario. So the question for the administration, for the Trump administration is are their targets in Iran, perhaps the Iranian oil facilities that we might now strike as a response and make it clear that we did that to counter them and deter them from future action. I'm sure again that the administration is looking at all available options and we'll hear about it very soon. Yeah, and I'm to me, I think this is a no brainer, but I think it's got to be very strategic. John Jordan very quick. I also see a time in a day where the world's going to have to reckon with this truth. That is, it's a simple mat mathematical formula that A squared and B squared equals C square. That radical Iranian Mullahs that believe in a philosophy of convert or die, coupled with nuclear weapons equals a potential modern day holocaust. And if you doubt it's possible, the last century we lost over one hundred million human souls. When you add in Stalin and communism and MAO and fascism and Nazi Germany and the killing fields and to Joe and Japan, you got one hundred million people slaughtered in the last century alone. So it can happen, absolutely absolutely can Sean. But at the same time, we need to be very smart here. The Iranians would like nothing more than an American attack that they can turn into a propaganda horror show to exert political pressure in the United States, both at home here and abroad and prop up their regime with these types of Western attacks. Bodies, dead children, all that stuff. The Iranians are praying for something like that. General Jack Keane was very smart Rope. I mean Foxnews dot com. Today we have the Iranians right where we on them, and by using Kinnecticut military action, we might be letting them off the map. Well, yeah, look, I think at the end of the day, do you see what I see. We've talked about this at length. We see a potential opening, a moment in time where we might be able to thread a needle and get Jordan, the Saudis, the Egyptians, the Israelis, the Emirates, and the United States to really create a universal opportunity for peace in the Middle East and come up with real solutions that could make the world a much better place considering all the instability that comes out of the Middle East. Yeah, and let's include our European NATO allies in that equation as well, because look, Iran has demonstrated that they are a nefarious, revisionist revolutionary power in the Middle East, and we need to counter them. I don't think our European allies, those signatories of the flawed Iranian JCPO A nuclear deal, have been on the same page with the United States. But every time Iran escalates this crisis, I think that should be another step that rid our European partners, France in particular, on our side, so that we can speak with one boy, hammer them economically and drive them to negotiate almost position. You mean, like McCrone, who who's been begging us to go back into the stupid deal that Obama and him and others signed on too. Um. Yeah, I think that's a bad idea. I agree on percent and I think again this I Ronnie an attack. Have to convince McCrone that he's wrong on this. I gotta take a quick break. John Jordan is with us, our good friend Daniel Hoffman eight hundred nine for one Sean if you won't want to be a part of the program. All right, So the President says he's locked and loaded. Um, what does that mean? What can we expect in the next twelve week or so. John Jordan, commander in the Naval Intelligence Community, now businessman Daniel Hoffman, Fox News contributed thirty years CIA OP officer. Uh okay, John, what do you think happens and what do you think should happen? We got about a minute each. Well, first of all, to build build on what you were saying, this is an opportunity for Saudi Arabia, the United States and the others Persian Gulf states to come together and build an international coalition and build political support for an alliance against Iran. The good news, if there's a silver lining on all all this is we're starting to see a paradigm shift away from the Arab Israeli conflict in the Palestinian question being the defining issue of the Middle East, to now Iran being it. And so you're starting to see Israel move closer to those states with whom it's ostensibly at war and ultimately perhaps a broader peace in the Middle East might be the results in the long am here and last word, Daniel Hoffman, I'll just make some great points. I'll just highlight what I think is going to happen from the intelligence community, the CIA NSA, the rest of the community will assess what happened in Saudi Arabia determined definitively. Let me interrupt, You agree with me, They probably have already made that assessment, correct, Yeah, I think they probably have, but they're going to share it. We now with probably the House and Senate Intelligence Oversight committees, and they'll work with the administration to consider a range of options or how we can respond and whether that will induce Iran to behave the way we wish to behave. And Secretary Pompey has been clear about that. This is about changing the way Iran behave, modifying their behavior, and ensure they don't take these sorts of strikes in the future, and they pay a price for the strikes that they've already launched against us in the past. And so I think the next few days are going to be critical. Look, this can't go on very long, as we've highlighted. You've got to assess the situation and make a quick response, otherwise you kind of lose the effect. All right, guys, will wait and see what happens. I would not expect the Iranians to get away scott free here this time. That's my prediction quick break. We'll come back well more in our two top stories, including just how divided as a country we are and your calls coming up straight ahead. You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That's why I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again. If you had to be stuck at an elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pans or Jeff Sessions, who would it be? Does one of us have to come out alive? Yes, I'm angry, Yes I am outraged. Yes I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. Who is the last time an actor assassinated the president? I want to clarify I'm not an actor. Did you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a casole station. You get out, and you and Donald Trump is a guy who you understand. He hurts you, and in my testosterone sometimes makes me want to feel like punching him, and which would be bad for this elderly, out of shape man that he is. If I did that. But when he was elected, what I wrote on Twitter was, we should impose martial law until we make sure that the Russians weren't involved in the final tallies of the vote. And people were like, martial law, what's wrong with you? You're a lunatic. He wants to send the military to the border, so I would have send the military to the White House to get him. You know, I had a dream the other night about that. I was playing golf with Donald Trump and I was standing beside him with a club in my hand. I was, you know, considering my options when I suddenly woke up, Oh, along, there's going to be our saving grace. You know, when he's about nuke Finland or something, She's going to walk into the bedroom. And you know, daddy, Daddy. He's a punk, he's a dog, he's a pig, he's a con, a book artist, mutt, he's an idiot. He talks how he wants to punch people in the face. Well, I'd like to punch him in the face. Trump, And in that orderly and formal way and lawful way, we need to overthrow the government of the United States under Donald Trump. You know, when they go low, they go low will just new democratic artis about all right? That is the never ending hatred of the left. Washington Post actually had an article Democrats, they have three villains for the twenty twenty campaign. Obviously the President now Brett Cavanaugh. We saw the smears all weekend there, and Mitch McConnell. Because each of the these men, they will argue, symbolizes Republican corruption. That's what they're playing. What are they gonna do for America? What are they ever gonna think about helping the American people, you know, get out of poverty, maybe have better lives. You know, one economic statistic that really struck me this weekend. I saw it. I hadn't seen it before. Since Donald Trump has been president, six hundred and fifty thousand children are out of poverty. We already know six point two million or off of food stamps. Thirteen million were added under Biden Obama eight million in or you know, eleven million in poverty or as a result, millions also out of poverty. The jobs have gone to the forgotten men and women in this country, and their policies are working for people. Lowest unemployment rate for African Americans and Hispanic Americans Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth, unemployment. It's not by accident that these things happen. Now, kids are getting out of apartment. Now we're gonna stop progress. Okay, I don't think it's a particularly good idea, But running on hatred I don't think is an agenda. And you know, running on taking away a K forty seven's is not an agenda. And Medicare Medicaid for all that, that's not really an agenda either, especially with the New Green Deal costing ninety four trillion Ernie Sanders sixteen trillion just for the New Green Deal, and we went over the cost of well, how much is it going to cost for Medicare? Yeah, that's gonna cost a fortune. Also, that's gonna be like, oh, over ten years and another, you know, forty trillion dollars or more, with no options of private care. So this is where your modern Democratic candidates, now, this is what they have at impeachment at all costs anyway. Jackie Cushman Gingrich Cushman, daughter of new by the way, longtime friend of mine, author of the brand new book Are Broken America? Why both sides need to stop ranting and start listening, and this is a country in crisis, and it's so extremely politically polarized. Listen, Jackie, It's simple for me. If Donald Trump cured cancer tomorrow, if you gave every American five million dollars tomorrow, if he co opted even there insane climate change agenda, he'd still be hated. It's a blind, psychotic rage at this point. Yeah, well, you're absolutely right, Sean, and thank you for having me on. But you watched EAT on election night when Donald Trump won, you could tell, especially if you watch the watching CNN, because who's on the body language of their anchorage. And by the fact they took their time to call the states, I think they were secretly hoping it wouldn't happen, and finally they realize Donald Trump was could have win. I knew who went earlier in the night, and I'm sure you did. Man. They are so upset and they're fantastrant at having Donald Trump presidents, and frankly, they don't know what to do. And you're right now they're talking. All it is talk about grievance, about what's wrong, what's wrong, what's wrong, And quite frankly, we live in the best nation in the way and we need to acknowledge that and be grateful we live here. Well, I don't think that's going to happen, and I don't think the divide is going to be bridged anytime soon. And I you know, look at for example, the New York Times embarrassing themselves over the weekend. But you know, this is just par for the course in this environment we live in. You know, it doesn't it doesn't matter, truth doesn't matter. Journalism is dead. They're just the willing accomplices of you know, every second, every minute, every hour of every twenty four hour a day, every seven day week, every month, every year, just waking up hating Donald Trump. It doesn't matter what it's for. It doesn't matter how many lies they tell, how many conspiracy theories they spend. Well, then you're exactly right. But I think the challenge we have and the we found that our works just took are Broken America. And it comes out tomorrow. I'm very excited about it. If I'm being concerned about the political culture that we have today and what I'm going to wait for my children. I mean, I've been going from politics and that was very young, as you know, took campaign for my father to English, and I found it becoming more and more polarized. And what I've what I've found is that if you actually want the New York Times and people want to that are screaming, but you work in the community and meet people did a lot of those people in the sooner will become to real life. All the terrible things and heard about Republicans just aren't true. They're not true. Well that's been a pet peeve of mine forever. You know, it's uh and that is Republicans racist, sexist, and they're guilty of their monogeneous and um you know, they want thirty year water, their homophobic, xenophobic, is lomophobic, and they want to kill grandma and killed children. First they gotta feed grandma and grandpa dog food. Then a Paul Ryan look alike or a new King Ridge look like will throw Grandma over a cliff, but only after a year of dog food. Absolutely good. Here, here's here's our town. And this is what I'm trying to work on, at least at least for myself. And you know, they've been terrible lives part about my family and my father that I've had to deal with for years and the reality is you can't if you'd constantly yell back at them to no one here. But if you can, if you actually can pause for a second, if you gotta say it's my right, Okay, terrible, Nay, what do you do? Shook on the progress we're going making, which is what you did at the beginning to chapter. People coming out a poverty, Look what's happening. But if every time they need us to pull us down into wage with them, then we're both lost and we end up turning to this like seeding prinzy. Well. Look, and the other problem is the Republican Party. I mean they are weak. Let's be honest here, many Republicans are weak. Seventh Senate Republicans voted in twenty fifteen to just a straight repeal of Obamacare. Seven of them wouldn't vote for it two years later when it mattered, And the same with you know the sixty eight votes show votes on repealing and replacing Obamacare in the House when it mattered, they weren't there and they had no alternative. Seven years to build up a consensus plan that would include health savings accounts, healthcare cooperatives like our buddy, doctor Josh umber Atlas, MD and they didn't do it, and the president pretty much has to do the heavy lift on his own, like with getting the border funding and finding a law and finding you know, authority to reallocate funds from the Defense Department to build it. I mean, that's just a fact. Republicans are not there. They're not fighting like he's fighting well. And I think they're also not funny. I think to your point, Sean, I think they constantly get dragged down into the most Democrats instead of being able to say, knowing your law, that's not true, and then continue to focus exactly what you're talking about on solutions for people. Right it says, instead of worried about half, I'm asking six to help your system, they're worrying about desending themselves from these ridiculous claims about you're a terrible person because of the Republicans, when that's in fact not true. The sad thing is the sixty four percent of Democrats and fifty five percent of Republicans have few are no frames in the opposite party. If you think about the sixty four percent, Democrats really don't know any Republicans more than just maybe passing. Because we had this huge gap about you know at your point a Republicans a terrible and part of that work, I think, can't we get in Washington, in Tampre's God, anywhere else has to don a local community and has to go buy people to being in both these communities and working together and realizing that you know, we'll get people in want to help America. I mean that we've got only focus on what can we do? You know, last exit question. One of the things about your dad and I've been I was there am seeing the night you remember it well at ninety four when he became speaker. But I would like to see twenty twenty Republicans, you know, sit down. That means McConnell and the House Republicans and Kevin McCarthy and actually come up with a positive, solution oriented agenda to nationalize the elections elect us. This is what we promise we're gonna do, and we work with the president. You know, you can build that out on eighty twenty seventy thirty issues and there's a lot of work to do. Absolutely, you're exactly right being able to everybody on the same like the same plan and to be a positive vision for what I'm going to do in that confition Contention America was incredibly successful. We're coming up the twenty five anniversary and they'll be as special as you know. But that's the only way to really get people galvanized and is terrify people so they can vote. But that's what they can texting, right, Let's terrify people still vote for us. We need camp. You're evolving like we need to, trying to combine people to the gut and work for us and vote for us. All right. The book is called Are Broken America? Why both sides need to stop ranting and start listening. It's up on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. Jackie Gingrich Cushman, thank you for being with us. A great read, well done. Thank you for sharing it with us. Thank you so much, someone I appreciate it. All Right, to our busy telephones we go as we say hi to missy Is in West Virginia. MISSI, Hi, how are you glad you called? And how are you? Um? I just wanted to point out the obvious that every single thing that they do every two and four years, just like the sext thing with Kavanaugh, this is all about money. The new Green Bill is not about saving the environment. It's about money. We have four seasons, we have solar eclipses, we have Hailey's comment that all comes on a cycle, whether it's cyclical, and God controls it. Next time it rains, go outside, throw down a quarter. See if you can make it stop raining. You can't. Kavanaugh, that is all money grab. They were worried if he got onto the Supreme Court he was going to overturn rovers his weight, which means people were going to lose money for the Plan v. Pill, which Blood four was heavily invested in. Well, let me just say one thing I mean, and we got to be clear about this because all of that, it happens during every single confirmation hearing. He's going to overturn Roe v. Wade. Okay, all that would do, and it was bad law, and frankly, it never should have gotten as far as it has gotten in my view, constitutionally, it will go back to the states. Now, how many states are going to outlaw all abortion? Maybe be too. If any I don't see it happening. And if that's even the case, I can promise you abortion on demand, even late term abortion, Well that'll be that. That will be the laws in New York and California and New Jersey, and well, we know what the Commonwealth of Virginia governor said. First we'll deliver the baby and make the baby comfortable, and of course then we'll let the mother decide whether we're gonna keep it. It's insane. Listen, I'm just out of time. I can tell you need your own show. You're doing great, but I've got to move on. I do appreciate it, missy, but the constraints of time are pressuring me to move forward. All right, Hannity tonight nine Eastern Fox News Channel. The President ran the showdown, locked and loaded. What does it mean? What's the right thing to do? Also, the smear of Cavanaugh continues, and yeah, the New York Times screwed up big time again. We have the Israeli elections. We're going to be following the latest news on the economy, and yes, the Democrats new Green Deal, hysteria all coming up tonight Hannity nine Euston. We'll see then we'll be back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us.

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