Defending Our Defenders

Published May 27, 2021, 10:00 PM

Sgt. Tre Pennie, a 21 year veteran of the Dallas Police Force, President of the Dallas, Texas National Fallen Officer Foundation and Eric Feinberg, Communications Director for National Fallen Officer Foundation, discuss those who give their lives to service and protecting the public. Our police and military are so disrespected in today’s America, and yesterday’s BLM protestor, in Kansas City, calling for the assassination of police proves just that and of course Mayor “I only speak to reporters of color” Lightfoot is telling police to stop ‘Foot Pursuits’ after 48 Shot, 11 Killed Last Weekend. 

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And welcome aboard. Thanks for being with us. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean you want to be a part of this extravaganza, all right, Well this is our last day. We're gonna take a long weekend like many of you, I'm sure are. And I look. The only thing I ask what's special about I guess this Memorial Day is that things are getting back to normal for most people. If you're in certain states, oh, you know, you elected the wrong politicians whatever, And I just it's like you, the things in life that you don't always stop ponder, wonder about, or appreciate or take for granted. You know, you don't wake up every morning and say, ah, I live in freedom, the greatest country God gave Man. Let me shovel coffee down my throat quick, and let me make the kids lunch, and let me go put in my fifteen hour work day, and then come home and cook dinner and do the homework, or order pizza if I'm lucky. But when you think about it, we do live in the greatest country God gave Man, And this Memorial Day you think of just even if it's five minutes, ponder all the people who knowingly willingly put themselves in harm's way, the ultimate sacrifice. And I would add also to don't forget those that have been taken on severe injuries for the rest of their lives, and the impact of families losing loved ones and living with loved ones that have terrible challenges that you can't even imagine as a result of conflict and war and the battle and the struggle against evil to preserve our way of life. And you just think about it, and it's amazing these people that have done so much so that we could live so free and not have to wake up every day and worry about those things. And we get to go about our pursuit of happiness and raise our families and drink beer and suck down some tea and eat steak and fish and barbecue and whatever you like. And you know, but a lot of people sacrifice to make that happen. There's a Bible verse from the Book of John. Greater love has no one than this, To lay down one's life for one's friends. It's pretty profound. The people that have laid down their lives for us, we honor them always. Eight hundred nine for one Sean is our number. You know Carville. I know James Carvill. I've known James Carville for years. I'm even going to admit I like James Carville. James Carville is a fun guy to be around. And you're saying, Hannity, what's happened to you? It's an invasion of the body snatches. I even tell jokes on stage James Carville. I'm debating him once and I found I'm losing the debate. And why am I losing the debate? Because my mind is distracted? Did because I'm staring at James Carville and I'm thinking two things. One what the hell was Mary Matlin thinking? And two, man, there must really be life on other planets. Kidding, that's the joke I use. But yeah, you hang out with the guy. He's a great guy, but he's not dumb. Let me be very clear about this. Now, Clinton forget about his politics. He was very, very shrewd political operation. And they had their morning calls with like Podesta and Carvill and ram Rambo, Deadfish and Georgie Stephanopolis, and every day was well, what's the message of the day, how do we stay on message? What ought we be talking about today? And it was very discipline, and Carville was a big part of the Clinton success. Anyway, he said something that really struck me, calling out the Democrats for exhibiting what he called metropolitan arrogance and urban mugnus that he said was detrimental to democratic efforts. He's not wrong, David Axelrod said, Democrats have won seven out of eight national elections popular vote, but that's not how we elect presidents. Every state has two senators, and we become more and more of a metropolitan party, and we write off large segments of the country. Donald Trump won eighty percent of the counties in this country. I mean, this is the great divide. I mean the Democratic Party has become the party of coastal elites Donald Trump. If you take the pandemic out of the equation, which you obviously can't, but you look at the first three years there was we were in the middle. I believe of a dramatic demographic transformational shift in this country because Donald Trump by lowering taxes, controlling our borders and and illegal immigrants, stopping illegal immigration, and Donald Trump incentivizing investment and manufacturing by getting rid of more than any other president, bureaucratic red tape and then further by cutting taxes stimulating the economy. The results were phenomenal, something that no other administration had been able to accomplish, and he set record after record after record after record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment. Now he also became the you know, so the Republican Party because we've been told for years, well, the only way you're gonna get the Hispanic community to vote more Republican is amnesty and open borders. And that never was the case. And I think even a time or two I might have believed it that. Ah, maybe I don't. I don't know what is the out The outreach is freedom. There's there is a natural inclination, I would argue, And I think our framers and our founders understood this of human beings to be free, and that instinctively it's it's in our DNA to want to be free, and instinctively we know that big government is a failure. That's why I don't understand why so many people are attracted to everything's being free. Noh, we're gonna have free. This and free that and childcare and guaranteed job and college and and guaranteed government wage and job and healthcare and retirement and healthy food and on and on and on. That's not what created wealth in America. A standard of living second to none in America. You know, I've been to some of the poorest communities in the country. Now, is that you want to live there? No, you do not. But even but compared to the poverty in other countries, it's not the same. You know, you will often have, you know, a refrigerator of freezer, a microwave, a television, and again I'm talking about basics. Does it mean it's the way you want to live, No, it's not. But it's the idea that if you develop the discipline the skills that are necessary, and you put the time in and the dedication and the time and the commitment into building a life for yourself, you're going to succeed in this country and nothing can stop you. And I believe that's true today. And so I think Carvel is tapped into something I've been saying, but a little differently, and that is Democrats and now the party of coastal elites. And if the Republican Party wants of future. It's got to be the agenda I've been articulating every day, and I'm repeating it on purpose. So don't say, Hannity, you repeat yourself. I am repeating it on purpose because this is the antidote to the power grab and the New Green Deal socialist insanity that is going to destroy the country. Socialism always results in the same exact failure. I did a whole chapter, Live Free or Die, about socialism and its history of failure. Whatever name, whatever form, whatever manifestation that has been tried, it has always failed. They make grand promises government security, and I get the appeal there is rush, would say Santa Claus, and I get all the stress of life is taken away, and government's gonna provide everything for me. I have daycare for my children, college for my children, a guaranteed job, a guaranteed wage, a guaranteed minimum standard of living, healthcare, all the everything that they promise. But then you get just one little slight inch deeper, and what do you find everything that they promised. Social Security is going bankrupt, Medicare is going bankrupt. I thought they were going to put that in a lockbox. Yeah, they squandered it. How did Obamacare work out? Keep your doctor plan and save money? On average? We're paying two hundred and fifty percent more. Millions lost their doctors, millions lost their plans. You know, there's fully figured. I think the number is almost fifty percent now of the country, about forty percent of the country now has one Obama Care exchange option. That's it. That's not what you were promised. You know, government makes a promise for law and order. How's that working out? In deep blue states? They make a promise also of what we're going to give your kids of public schools? They suck? Why do you think Why do you think that? Why do I say an unholy alliance? Because teachers unions they give all the money from their rank and file to Democrats and then as a result, they get to write COVID policy and the CDC takes dictation under Joe Biden. Anyway, Carvel adds, Biden understands a lot of Democrats that a lot of Democrats don't. He understands the people who work is on bripe part with their hands, people that work with their back, people who farm are entitled to the same dignity as people who sit in the front of a computer screen all day. But that's not the attitude of the Democratic Party. It's not Carval said. I think speak plain English, and just what David said. If the nature of being a Democrat is respect everybody, particularly respect people's labor, that's not the Democratic Party. Socialism will always end this way with unfulfilled promises, lofty promises. You think it's a great thing. I don't have to worry about these things anymore. Oh, thank goodness, all right. I don't have to worry about getting a college fund for my kids. I don't have to worry about my healthcare. I even have government guaranteed retirement. I'm gonna I'm gonna have daycare if I have kids. Blah blah blah. Sounds great. They'll never pull it off because they can't afford it. Socialism is great to you run out of other people's money. And then after the promises are unfulfilled, then the next problem occurs, and that is it results in dependency and more poverty. And the last thing that you got to calculate, depending on what manifestation this fully takes on in the end, how much freedom did you give up in the name of false secure created by people that, when you look deep inside, didn't really want to promise anything. They wanted to make you dependent on them so they can stay in power. It's that's simple, That's what it's that. That's the game that they play. Sounds appealing. I'll have no more fear, no more stress, no more conflict, no more worry of my life whatsoever. Government's going to take care of me. Do you believe the government can take care of you? Here's my unsolicited advice to all of you. My wonderful radio family can't do the show without you. Don't rely on the government for anything. Rely on yourself. Go out work hard, work two jobs my parents did. Save as much as you can so you can make choices down the road and assume that every promise they make they'll break, and you'll be much better off. All Right, as we roll along eight hundred and ninefold one sean you want to join us? The Squad is now Delhi callers apiece the Hamas Caucus Republicans launch this term for the Squad. Congressman Mike Walts Florida, Lisa McClain Michigan, Nancy May, South Carolina, Chris Jacobs, New York all hung up stand with Israel posters next to their office stores and anyway. Walts then told Fox News that he's given the squad a new name. The Hamas Caucus is a Green Bereta fought alongside our allies against terrorism. Never did I ever think I would serve in Congress with the Hamas Caucus, who's defending terrorist attacks on our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel out That has become a pretty popular term, according to this Daily callerpiece. But when you you know why, What I never quite understood is why is Biden and Pelosi and Schumer quiet on this? You know, Bernie Sanders tried to block efforts arms sales to Israel. You know, it's it's pretty unbelievable. You have Green New Deal Democrats now upping their battle and their war on energy independences. Was in the Washington Times, Democratic lawmakers attempting to ram legislation through the Senate Finance Committee that would strip federal tax credits from oil natural gas industries as part of the broader effort to remake the US economy. Why so, then we're gonna what give Vladimir Putin war waivers of Vladimir you know, the hostile regime of Russia, the hostile actor that he is. Let's let's help make him rich again, make Russia great again. America, last, dead, last, how do you justify taking away American high paying career jobs in the energy sector, stripping us of the energy independence we achieve for the first time in seventy five years, and then letting Putin do the very thing you won't let Americans do, and helping our allies. We'll continue, Hey five to the top of the hour. Thanks for being one of us. By the way, finally, it actually is faster than I thought it would take for people to fully completely understand. People now get that Joe Biden is adopted radicalism. I remember he went through a whole campaign. They hit him, you know, if he was going to make a big event the DNC speech, or if he was going to debate the two debates they had Remember, he'd be missing an action for six days, and I contended at the time, they're probably resetting his clock, so his peak cognitive hour would be you know, if the debates at nine pm, at nine pm or APM one of a time had happened to be anyway, Fox News Polls survey came out at on Joe Biden and is he too liberal? He's up a whopping ten percent to forty six percent. Democrats are getting increasingly nervous about woke culture. New York Times opinion writer wondering in a new op ed if the progressive cancel culture push is going to backfire on Democrats at the polls. By the way, not the only person analyst that is asking these questions. And anyway, the number of surveys now finding most people are against the more radical campaigns such as defunding the police, upending traditional gender norms. Again, these are the poles, and yet he said, were publicans can still point to the extreme minority that is pushing these ideas to argue the Democratic parties increasingly beholden to the radicals. So that's so it's getting interesting how it's getting out there. We have we'll get into this later in the program today, but we've got new information. Joe Biden said he never had any knowledge of Hunter Biden's business dealings. He didn't say it once, he said it a number of times. Well, now we know according to Hunter's laptop, and I've been telling you there's a lot more to come on that laptop. Just stay tuned. Anyways, This is just even a small nugget that we hadn't heard before that Joe Biden met with his son Hunters Ukrainian Russian Kazakhstan business associates at a dinner in Washington, DC while he was vice president on April sixteenth to twenty fifteen, as in a private garden room at Cafe Milano, Georgetown Institution. Their catchphrase is where the world's most powerful people go. Next day, Hunter gets an email from an executive at Barisma, Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spend some time together. Now it's an honor and it's a pleasure. At the time, Barisma was paying zero experience Hunter, the guy that went on GMA and said any experience in oil no, no, no, no oil experience, casts, no energy, no, any Ukrainian experience. No. Why do you think they chose to pay you millions of dollars? I don't know. Do you think maybe because your father was in charge of Ukraine policy? Probably? Yeah, that's probably the answer. That's a quid pro quo, isn't it. You're not getting a billion unless you fire the prosecutor that's investigating this corrupt crap, because there's not a single other American that would get paid millions of dollars with no experience. I mean, we should all wish we should get such a deal, but if you ever did, you'd probably be in jail. So, but those those laws only apply to conservatives. Now we all know that there's a dual justice system. If you jay walk and you're a conservative, you will go to jail. It's unbelievable anyway. And the same thing with Kazakhstan, same thing with China, the Russian oligar, Kazakhstan oligarch, Chinese National shopping Spree, Bank of China billion five deal. No experience there either. But this proves that Joe lied. Where's the mob, where's the media? I'll have a full report also on Hannity site. Also the Dailymail has a piece on this about these emails that it did, in fact meet with Hunter's foreign business partners while he was while he was vice president. Pretty corrupt. You wonder why I call it the Biden family syndicate. Well, that's probably the main reason. Imagine if the last name was Trump keep that between us. Hunter sets up a meeting between them, VP Biden and his shady business partners. Unbelievable. How many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings. I've never spoken my son about his overseas I have never discussed with my son, or my brother or anyone else and being having to do with their businesses, period. And what I will do is the same thing we did in our administration. Will be an absolute wall between personal and private and the government. Do you stand by your statement that you did not discuss any of your son's overseas business Do you think it was wrong for him to take that position knowing that it was really because that company wanted access to you. Well, that's not true. You're saying things you do not know what you're talking about. No one said that. Who said that, No credible person has ever made these claims. I guess this is gonna be just like the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It's a conspiracy theory. It's the debunk conspiracy theory. It's a totally debunk conspiracy theory. And that's not anyway Back to the Fox News polled too liberal nearly fifty percent. Joe Biden his government spending forty seven percent too much? Who are the seventeen percent said not enough? Well, I mean what do they want everything for free? I guess pushing liberal socialist the policy forty seven percent. Stability of the country, Yeah, socialism, Yeah, that's a major issue. And Carval's right. Democrats, metropolitan arrogance, urban smugness is hurting that party. You've got Republicans Delhi Caller, the Hamas Caucus, Bernie Sanders trying to stop the arm seals for Israel to defend itself. Pretty these are unbelievable times. More and more people see what we've been seeing, and that is that Fauci. I mean, he just got grilled. We're gonna place some of this on TV today. We have Senator Kennedy Louisia. I mean it was a beatdown. It was ugly, So we're gonna get that. Oh and Facebook did a reverse course. Now Facebook will allow you to discuss. Up to now, they weren't allowing users to claim that COVID nineteen was man made as a lab. Leak theory now gains ground. Conspiracy theory has gone mainstream. Unbelievable unbelievable, and you know, life is returning to normal as it relates to the origins of COVID nineteen. Biden has just done a remarkable flip flop because he got called out on it, and he's now saying, oh, I'm going to have our intelligence community redouble their efforts. He just told us through circle back Jensaki this week that no, we're gonna there's a process to this. Come on, there's a process. This is the who's job. This is not our job? Who jump? Yeah, why is it? That? Is it because of Hunter? Is it fair to ask the question that zero experience Hunter? You know, why why didn't why didn't China spend the billion five of the Bank of China with Goldman Sacks or or Chase Bank or Deutsche Bank or any of these big Wall Street firms that are actually good at this stuff? And I actually have they that's their profession. Why did Hunter get it? I haven't taken a penny from China, noe, but you have all your holdings in it that one day you're going to cash in. Unbelievable. Why isn't China being punished on the issue of what they have unleashed to the world, and all the evidence now point to the fact that they knew Donald Trump had no problem putting tariffs on Chinese products. Why doesn't Is it because Joe's compromised? Why is he giving a waiver to putin to build a pipeline when he took away the pipeline in his own country from American energy producers? Why is that? It's unbelievable and and nobody seems to remember that Joe Biden ordered this. The origin of the coronavirus investigation, He canceled Mike Pompoe's effort he had already started it because he didn't give it any credibility. Wrong again, wrong on every front. Now, Biden's ATF nominee is a guy by the name of David Chipman, and he backs an assault weapons ban and doesn't believe that we should have arm guards at school. And then he's repeatedly he asked to define what an assault weapon is and he can't do it. It was humiliating. I'll show you the tape tonight. He admits he wants to ban AAR fifteens okay they are. Fifteen is one of, if not the most popular rifle in America. It's not a machine gun. It's a rifle. Your public position is that you want to ban AAR fifteens. Is that correct? With respect to the R fifteen, I support a ban as as has been presented in a Senate bill and supported by the President. The R fifteen is a gun I was issued on ATF's SWAT team, and it's a particularly lethal weapon, and regulating it as other particularly lethal weapons I have advocated for as ATF director. If I'm confirmed, I would simply enforce the laws in the books, and right now there is no such ban on those guns. So you want to ban the most popular rifle in America? To what he said, then, Senator Kennedy said, what's an assault weapon? And then he answers the build to ban assault weapons. Then Kennedy said, no, what's your definition of an assault weapon? Senator Kennedy on TV tonight, he said, well, I could define an assault weapon in twenty seconds. You're going to run an agency and you don't have a definition of an assault weapon. I'll give you one definition that the ATF currently uses. Give me your definition, Senator Kennedy says, one definition that the ATF currently uses. Senator, give me your definition. Kennedy keeps interrupting him. He says, I can give you one definition, and Kennedy says, if you can't answer my question, how can I vote for you? And Senator Cotton wassing. Can you tell me what is an assault weapon? How do you define it? He says? The AT I is in that program defines an assault weapon as any semi automatic rifle capable of accepting a detachable magazine above the caliber of a twenty two, which would include a two two three, largely in AAR fifteen. Cotton says, I'm amazed that that might be the definition of an assault weapon that would basically cover every single modern sporting rifle in America. You idiot, I added, you idiot. This is how radical this left is. They want to control power. They want open borders, they want DC statehood, They want to have no integrity and elections HR one SR one, They want new green deo radical socialism. Six trillion dollars we take in less than four usually as a country. Oh okay, that's gonna be great for our kids and grandkids. This is bad for the country, all of it. I mean, he was brutal, he got brutalized, he got owned at this Senate hearing. You gotta see it. It's more of a TV thing, you know. By the way, Americans are noticing the rising rates of crime. Yeah, trust confidence law enforcement. Most Americans have great trust seventy two compared to a year ago. Is there more or less crime? Seventy three percent? Say more? How could you not say more? Only people that would deny that truth, that simple, undeniable truth, would be the people that deny that they were riots last year. And they got an Attorney general of Joe Biden, Merrick Carland. He's vowing to fight the homicide epidemic record numbers with community relations programs. This is his whole reimagining police departments, where we're gonna send psychiatrists. You know, oh, there is a domestic violent situation emerging. What we're going to send in a psychiatrist? Pretty unbelievable. Then defund the police. I keep asking, Nobody can give me an answer. Who are you going to call? What are you gonna call? Because you know, and I always say to people, you better count on yourself in life. I'm not depending on the government for anything. I'm pretty sure by the time my Social Security age comes that they're just gonna set means tested and steal the money I've been paying my entire life into Social Security. They'll legalize stealing it. That's what I expect. Not good. Now, there was an armed teacher this is in Utah, was a hero. He pulled out his concealed firearm anyway, and it was a man that was trying to kidnap an eleven year old student. Anyway, So police officers arrived and they found the teacher that witnessed the situation. The teacher was inside the classrooms all was happening, his kid's being taken, ran outside, confronted the suspect. The girl was able to break free. The teacher was able to get all the students outside inside, off the playground into the school. Then the guy that was trying to snatch the kid approached the school and was trying to force his way inside. The teacher happened to be a license concealed gun carrier, pulled his firearm and then held the suspect till the police arrived. More Guns Less Crime. It's a great book. It's updated regularly by John Lott. You might want to read it, maybe give it to friends of yours in the mob in the media, big tech, so they might learn something. Hour two Sean hanned his show eight hundred and nine four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, mentioning earlier Biden's ATF nominee. Yeah, pretty much, admitting that he wants to ban a R fifteens. He doesn't even know what an assault weapon is. He has no idea whatsoever. But that's neither here nor there. The issues involving, defunding, dismantling our real We have a new poll out. Three quarters of Americans now say crime is much higher under Joe Biden, seventy three percent according to a Fox poll that was just released. We've gone over the percentages, you know, just an eight hundred percent increase in homicides and Portland on top of the record high last year, and one hundred and thirty two percent increase in Oakland, and one hundred and thirteen percent increase in Minneapolis. These are all record years, one hundred and twenty seven percent increase in Los Angeles, and it just keeps getting worse. And now we see all the videos of how cops are being treated and none of it is any good. And the question then remains, well, what are you going to do if you need to protect yourself or your family? You know what Attorney General Merrick Garland, vowing now to fight the Biden homicide epidemic with community relations programs, will well, you know, we'll reimagine the police and we'll put what psychiatrists and social workers out on the streets instead of cops. I mean, this is what they're proposing. I mean, do they not see what's happening here in Atlanta? You had this deep fund the police packer. Yeah, his car was stolen by kids in broad daylight Antonio Brown, who voted earlier this year to withhold seventy three million from the Atlanta police budget. And it's it's just outright frightening out there. Cops taking you know, guns, drugs all over the place when they can, but they're afraid to do their job because they know they're not going to get the support that is needed. You know, look at Chicago. Listen to this ABC seven Chicago report. Remember this is after Mayor Lightweight, And we've been chronicling this since the Biden Obama administration, where we'd list the names that you've never heard of, a people's shot and shot and killed thus of them. Uh, and you don't ever hear these names anyway, lightweight saying no more foot patrol for police officers. Oh, this is the report from last weekend. Gun violence continues in Chicago this weekend. At least forty eight people were shot in the city since Friday evening. At least eleven of those shooting victims have died. This includes four people shot on Chicago's West Side yesterday afternoon. Police now say four men were in the street near Ohio and Spalding when someone drove up and started shooting. Since we've last heard, one of the victims was in critical condition. Yeah, it's up to fifty. From last weekend, twelve died. Uh. You have a BLM protester. Listen to what this wonderful human being has to say about what they're gonna do to Chicago police. Chicago, We're gonna blow your effing head off talking about police officers. Great job, mayor unbelievable anyway. Sergeant uh Trey Penny is with US. Twenty one year vet Dallas Police Force, President Dallas National UH Dallas, Texas National Falling Officer Association. Eric Feinberg, communications director for the National Fallen Officer Foundation. Uh okay, Uh, we see what's happening, Uh, Trey, we see what's happening in every city, and they're getting away with it, and it's getting they're getting more bold with the police. Police now are more inclined to stay away than ever before. And the squad is pushing really, really hard. And this this bill may die because they're insisting that indemnification be removed from police officers if they're involved in an incident. Where cities are learning a really hard lesson right now, Sean. Uh. In fact, with you, if you look at all these cities that call for defunding the police before we hit the summertime, now you got you got about half of them calling the reinstate putting money back into the budget for police. On average, that these cities have seen thirty three percent increasing the murder rate. There's no way to deal with that. But cities are going to learn about allowing the mob to control the way that they make decisions. And unfortunately there everybody's being influenced by this this nonsense that's going through social media, all the anti defund the police, all the you know, killed police, all that nonsense. That's what the negatively impacted us, and these officers not because they can't do that job or something like that. You start talking about taking away immediately protection for doing their job, You're definitely not gonna have officers police and in communities that are already struggling to maintain a level of decency anyway. You you wanna have a more difficult time getting those officers to control, because nobody's gonna want to face that type of live busity knowing that they're going to be prosecuted or possibly face losing their own livelihood because of an interaction that they had in the community doing their job. No, that that narrative is not going to work. I'm sorry, Sean, is just simply not going to work. Your take, Eric, I mean, I don't I don't even know what to tell my friends that our cops what to do at this point. I mean, glad, sorry, son. My ticket is what Tray said social media. If you look even what happened in the Chauvin trial, I think the jurors were afraid of what would have happened in the tweet storms. And I think we've got to understand law enforcement needs to do a better job, and everybody needs to understand, as Tray said, how what you see in the real world it's being radicalized and started on social media. We did last year, Tray and I we watched over the Four Days which is coming up this weekend, and we watched how hashtags F twelve ACAB thirteen twelve, which is ACAB based, to be metastasized throughout the social media world, which led to the protests and riots and looting across the country. Unbelievable. Well, at this point, you know, one, if the Squad is successful, and they've been successful in getting the New Green Deal agenda across, they've been successful in terms of being able to say anything they want about Israel. And I mean, it's it's pretty shocking some of the comments that we've heard Republicans now referring to the Squad as the Hamass Caucus. And I mean, well, and I don't disagree, but here's the point, Trey. It's that when when you look at the squad, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, they're afraid of the squad. Nancy Pelosi doesn't want to lose their job as speaker, Chuck Schumer doesn't want to be primaried and Joe Biden doesn't know what day of the week it is. So we don't really have anybody stopping the squad, and they're adopting the entire radical agenda of the squad. Well, that whole system that that's that's being a running the Democrat Party is stealing, it's stealing from it's come to part at the seams. Unfortunately, we have the we have politicians in Congress that are actually advocating for supporting the interests of terrorists in other countries. We simply can't have that. We have an increase of anti Semitic uh rhetoric, we have attack going on individuals attacking Jews in our communities. Uh and it's all because you have politicians that have validated that nonsense. We got to push back against those type of those type of narratives. We gotta push back and got against this bill and agenda that that um you know that trying to partner themselves with with Hamas. I mean, in what world is it okay for any group, any group in America to call themselves partnering with Hamas? And what world is that okay? That's that's that's that's a that's a fallacy. I think that we need to we as conservatives, need to be smart and how we handle business. We you know, yeah, I agree completely. I love this story in Atlanta. I mean, you've got a mayoral hopeful out there. Councilman Antonio Brown attending a ribbon cutting ceremony at an event in northeast Atlanta around noon four kids, apparently around twelve years old. I'm sorry, six kids around twelve years old. Yeah, they just jumped into his car and stole it in broad daylight. And that then raises the question that nobody seems to be able to answer, except I know what you guys would do because of your training, and I know what I would do based on my training. But what will people that want to defund the police, that are anti Second Amendment, that don't know how to defend themselves or use their hands, eric, what are they gonna do? I think it's we're dealing with ignorance here and they don't know because they've never been in this situation. And I think some of it what you're talking about showing and we are I think it's generational. You know, some people like us who are a little bit older. I think it comes down to generation, you know, and a little bit of ignorance because they've never been in a situation or experience things. So you know, they're literally being led to a place that they're not aware of. And I think it's generational in some regards. I think a lot of this And I still come back to social media misinformation. You seem to be that the people who aren't wanting to defund the police and all this, you know, pro hamass and all this, seemed to be younger and they read through these, you know, misinformation chains on social media, and I think without social media, the squad would not have a place, you know, a voice, we wouldn't know about him. Social media has given him a platform to spread this stuff. If you look at this story in the Washington Times today, Trey, you know, we're watching, for example, the the Biden nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms that doesn't even can't even define what an assault weapon is, but he wants to ban them. And they've not given up on their dream of firearms confiscation and eliminating the Second Amendment. Anyway, how ironic and sad, but on the other hand, heroic. You have a U taught teacher who ended up being a hero when he pulled out his concealed firearm. And by the way, this atf guy that they're recommending, he doesn't believe that we should have armed police and schools to protect our kids anyway. So you have a teacher in Utah, he has a concealed firearm permit, pulled it on a guy that tried to kidnap an eleven year old student. And they said the officer on you know, on Tuesday that the teacher witnessed a situation from inside the school, ran out, confronted the suspect, and the girl was able to break free, and the teacher was able to get all twenty students off the playground into the schools safely. And at that point, apparently you know, he would reportedly approach the school building and was trying to force his way inside, and then the teacher, a license concealed gun carrier tray, pulled his firearm and held it, held the suspect until the police arrived. Sounds like a hero to me, so definitely a hero. Look, I'm one of these these pro secul Amendment advocates, and I'm going to tell you when when it comes to our kids, I think I don't think there's anything I wouldn't expect anything less than having having armed teachers, having armed guards on all of our campuses. And this day and age right now, there's no way to predict human behavior, especially as it relates to all these different attacks that are happening on our schools. So we need to have individuals like that and our plauts. Is just this gentleman for protecting the instance of those kids. But look, when we're talking about campus safety, I don't discourage anybody from using necessary force to prevent anybody from getting an attacker from getting inside of the school. That's what we need to do. We need to start We just start funding all our schools specifically to make sure that every last one of them having armed protection on those campuses. I mean, what I've suggested is how about retired military train, retired police train that if they dedicated X number of weeks and their local school district that federally and on the state level, that they won't have to pay income taxes. How's that won't cost anybody a dime? And how much safer would parents feel about their kids knowing that if God forbid a lunatic gets into the school or school shooting breaks out, that at least we've got some the first line responder right there, because even the greatest response time is not going to be sufficient because whatever is going to happen will have happened. Yeah, yeah, we talk about that. You know, in all these school shootings, those incidents happen in less than five seconds from when the first shot is fired, and it takes on average between seven and ten minutes for law enforce and to arrive. So yeah, having a first respond their own scene to be able to interact or respond to those situations when they occur, we need to have that. But most importantly, we got we gotta make sure we include this in the discussion. We need to have on police officers, on trained individuals on campus to protect. We're gonna have a first line, first line of the fifth just have a military personnel. There's simply not enough. They have to be They have to have some level of protected to stop the armed attackle from getting inside that school. And that's that's why I say we got to start talking about this. Well, I'd feel better knowing my kids had trained armed military or police. And by the way, I'm talking about planes, clothes men. They don't have to be dressed in uniform or camouflage. I mean, they can be there dressed in a suit. But we know that if something God forbid happens, we have people right there on site protecting our kids. I mean, Eric, we all have president air marshals what you're talking about. And it works. If I look, if I'm flying on a plane and I know that there's somebody on this plane that's an air marshal, that's armed, that's trained, I'm gonna feel a lot better about our odds of stopping somebody that has you know, evil intention. Yeah, and you know what it's. It's it's also a determent, will John, Let me just simply people know that we have these mechanisms in place, You're less likely to have attacks that are gonna occurred when people know that you've already set the standards. You set the standards to half armed guards on plane, you set the standard to half armed guards on at school. The attacker knows this. The attacker will know and I think it's gonna ask someone as a deterrent, But when those situations do occur, we're gonna effectively respond yeah, all right, Well, we really appreciate both of you what you do. Do you do you find that most guys are leaving the forest real quickly A Trey. Yeah. Absolutely, there's a drafted increase of officers leaving the profession right now, and a big part of it was centered around the defund movement because these officers are afraid of losing their job, especially as we started talking about you know, we're moving qualified immunity. So that is a real thing, is not just rhetoric. That is real. All right, Thank you both for being one of those Thanks for what you do every day. Eight hundred and nine four one. Sean told free number we'll get to your calls next half hour twenty five to the top of the hour. So earlier this week we played for you circle back Jed and Saki and said, no, Joe is going to follow the process. This is an international investigation and we are relying on the WHO to do the investigating as it relates to the Wuhan virus blah blah blah origins of COVID nineteen. Well, now Joe's trying to do a reversal and now saying that he will release a report on the COVID origins, unless there's something that he's unaware of. Okay, here's the problem, because Joe's lying, and circle back is lying too. Now they just there was so much brushback to all of all of the lies that have been told by the medium mob, by big tech, and by the Democratic Party on the origins of this COVID nineteen virus. They listen, we knew people were being silenced, we knew people were dying. We have cell phone records, we got hospital records. We had people that were trying to warn the world that we're being let's just say, not only silence, but in some cases, seemingly they just disappeared. Maybe they got sick. Now, as Joe has switched gears in the course of this week alone, only out of pressure that was brought to bear by conservative voices and Mike Pompeo and the Trump administration former Trump administration officials. Now Joe's ordering a US investigation. They told us earlier in the week, they're going to count on the who. Okay, we're gonna redouble our efforts. Our intelligence agencies will redouble their efforts. And I have now asked the intelligence community to do this. Now the only problem is is that Joe Biden actually was the person that canceled the investigation of the origins of coronavirus, the effort that was being spearheaded by former Secretary his stake, Mike Pompeo. Now basically they got caught, you know, circle Backsaki indicating the investigation led by the United States is not necessary. She was telling us what on Tuesday of this week, administration was hopeful that the WHO would have success in doing this investigation, and we've got to trust the process. Really. Then, of course she got the whole medium mob And when Donald Trump mentioned this a year ago, he was mocked, he was ridiculed, he was attacked. Everybody was saying, there's a big conspiracy theory. He'd listen, the best evidence suggests that the kind of bat from which this virus jumped to humans wasn't even present there. But you know, the worst of all, whether it came from the label, came from the bats, it all came from China. Because we don't know where the novel coronavirus came from, yet the conspiracy theories filled avoid I'm telling you, the chi coms are trying to weaponize this thing. Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh with zero proof suggesting a Chinese bioweapon lab is to blame. It is this question about the Wuhan lab. We know that it's been debunked. Those same agencies now have been tapped with investigating one of trump World's most favorite conspiracy theories. This week, Donald Trump is still pushing the debunked bunkum despite his own intelligence community's findings that that is simply not true and there is simply no reason to believe that is the case. There is no empirical evidence to verify that. Their virus hunters out there that have looked at what's the most likely cause, and there's no debate here amongst serious people. There is no debate. This was most likely what we call his zoonotic disease and went from animal to human, likely in a market in Wuhan. It's not uncommon. He can't just sit back and let the doctors and the scientists do their jobs. He's got to Chai man. He may pick up the conspiracy theory that this was some weapon. People don't keep bats in caps of It's a complete We don't need to involve conspiracy theories. This is just another example of the president trying to change the narrative from his own failings. The problem for President Trump is that he's running for reelection, is looking for ways to deflect blame for the performance of the administration. Pretty predictable and unbelievable. Eight hundred and nine for one, Sean is our number. You want to be a part of the program. Let's say, hi, Jimmy is in New York. Jimmy, what the heck are you doing here? Why don't you go down to Florida? It says you're a retired police officer? What are you doing up here? Well, right now, I'm actually listening to you. But are you gonna listen to me down in Florida or somewhere else Texas or I'm looking right now as a matter of fact, like everybody else. Welcome to the club anyway. What's got How many years did you serve on the NYPD? Okay, so well, I was actually a city cop for about eight years. Then I was in New York City, flinnment for eight years, and then he became a top of them out one Island and retired there after about fifteen years. Oh wow, what a great career you've had. Good for you, Yeah, it was great. Yeah, I left right after nine eleven tould a small, small town police department in Nashville County. But the reason why I quarnshone is something's been really bugging me for a long time after the New York Yankees took took a knee. Uh you know, during and before and after the national anthem. Diehard Yankee fan for as long as I can remember, and the problem has been with me is like, how do I justify buying a ticket to go to a Yankee game when these idiots I'm sus shouldn't use that term, but when these professional baseball players are taking a knee in disrespecting my country, I don't know, like it's to me. Let me, let me backtrack and let me try and answer your question. Um, remember when Drew Brees, I think it was Drew Brees made the comment that the reason I don't take a knee is because I think you said, my grandfather, you know, he fought under that flag and that anthem means everything to me in as a way to honor him, and do I believe in freedom of expression, I make my living with it. That's why I never support Boycott's and never tell people I'm against and have always been against, cancel culture, and I believe in freedom. But the problem with professional sports now, I don't care if it's Major League Baseball moving the All Star Game from Atlanta to Colorado, not knowing a single fact at all about how much more inclusive Georgia's law is than Joe Biden's law in Delaware, where he served for thousands of years and never lifted a finger to make voting more accessible in his state. It was done out of complete ignorance. And yeah, right, and the same as good. You see that. You know you have record low ratings on television for the NBA, you know, double digit declines in the NFL and the NBA and Major League Baseball. Now, now here's my argument why politics should be out of professional sports completely. Now, if if, if any professional athlete who has got this pedestal, put on a pedestal by so many people, if they've got a cause, say, you know, bettering our schools, stopping violence in the street, whatever it is, if they would ask their fans to support them, I bet their fans would, and I bet they'd support them in droves. Probably. You know, you go to a football game, you go to a hockey game, you go to a baseball game, go to a basketball game. You know what you don't know the people of all races, all socioeconomic backgrounds. You know, you're sitting next to somebody you don't even know. You have one shared passion and you don't care if they're liberal or Democrat. You love your home team. It's a shared passion. And you know you find yourself high fiving people. I'm sorry, I'm saying you just want to sit back, relax and forget about the world, everything that's going on, and just enjoy watching a game. That's all you want to do. But think about this. To look at the pitches mound and it's got a BLM insignia on it. You know, listen, that's that's the deal of whatever BLM is it is. But I don't need to see it. All right, it has no place because there are those of us that understand that the actual group bl I'm not people that were after George Floyd Chanting. You know, black lives matter because they all lives matter, of course they do. But those that are part of the group that chanted what do we want de cops? Why don't we want them now? Yeah. So the so the problem is is that you're taking something that unifies everybody. How many times you find yourself at a game high fiving with somebody you don't even know, a stranger you know, hits a home run game. Yeah, I went to a post Yankee game, you know, good clean fun ribbing each other that having a ball. We didn't care. I didn't care if the guy was black or white, or if you supported a Democrat or a Republican. It's unifying. You have a shared passion. You know, you have a shared passion with everybody, all the fans that are there. And unfortunately, all this does is alienate people. And you know, I guess now it's even making us way into college sports. And what's happening is the result is people like, Okay, you've taken all the fun out of this. I'm trying to get away from politics, and and you're forcing you're putting this big wedge in the one place that could be the most unifying. Makes sense, you know, like for example, if Lebron James asked the Lakers to put up on you know, the what do you call that big thing in an arena um, the JumboTron, whatever you call the thing. You know, Hey, please Joy, please text lebron at blah blah blah. If you want to hell you know, kids that need an education, if you want to help stop the violence, whatever it is. I bet you a ton of people would do that and be glad to It's just a different way to look at it. I mean, because we really we probably share a lot of things that we would agree on. But you know, unfortunately there is this fear. I mean it is palpable. Major League Baseball acted, corporations acted without any knowledge whatsoever. They took Joe Biden's word, the guy that actually fought against integration to schools with a clansman, and they took his word about George's law being Jim Crow two point zero, and they were scared, and they just okay, we're out, Like do you know anything about the law, because you obviously don't. So it's it's an environment that I think we're missing. The biggest opportunity we have to unite people with sports. It's a common interest, it's a passion. It could be the place to go. You know, right after they took after the Yankees took a knee, and then during the batting practice, they had the BLM shirts on them today uniforms. Right after that, I got soap set. I threw some jerseys out and hats and everything, and I said, I'm never going to a game again. So I said, I said, you know what, I'll watch it on TV. That'll be you know, I can still watch TV. I sit down to watch the game or what am I looking at on a mount a BLM insignia. I'm like, I can't win. This is terrible, you know. I mean, there's a time of place for everything, and I don't I don't think teams know or understand the group Black Lives Matter? Is that controversial? The group and I make a distinction. I delineate greatly because it's important. The group that chanted, what do we want dead cops? Why don't we want them now? And pigs in a blanket and pryme like bacon. Now, that's the group. Then you look at their their radical views and ideology, and it's it's it's it's radical. But you know people that were chanting that as they were protesting the death peacefully, those that were peaceful, and that there was many of them, the majority even um not. It's it's just sad It's like we just keep putting wedges everywhere, and there's no bridges being built anywhere. The easiest bridge to build, in my opinion, is in a you know, at an NFL game, an NBA game, MLB game, hockey, NHL game, at the you know, if whenever, if you go watch any boxing matches. I've been to boxing matches, if you watch UFC, I mean, it's just great stuff. Everybody in that those arenas, they love that sport, and they're there because they have a passion. They're paying good money to watch the best at the best of the best. I love sports because I love watching the most gifted, the most talented people that have honed their incredible skills to a level that is inspiring. And it's sad when you know, we don't need more politics. We got enough politics right now. We need a break from politics at times, although we can't take a break from saving the country. Go ahead, let me ask you a question. So you have an opportunity. Now, let's if you were my shoes and you had an opportunity to go to go sit in the Yankee game, would you go? You know, I'm not going to answer that because now you're asking me if I'm going to boycott sporting events now I'm mostly I will tell you I watch very little football last year, very little I watched college foot. I actually was fascinated with college football. It's got wrapped up in it more than I ever had. I'd always been more of a pro guy and anyway, but you know, then we had Tom Brady facing off against Drew Brees and Aaron Rodgers and the whole narrative of him in another Super Bowl. I'll admit that. You know, it just piqued my interest so much. I watched those games because they were great games and um, but you know, I can't make that decision for you. But you know, going to a baseball game ain't cheap. You gotta get the you know, you know, you you need to take out a mortgage half the time to get a go to a baseball game and get it. You know, two beers, four hot dogs and Cracker Jackson popcorn. You know, and you go with your hands up because you're getting robbed, no doubt about it. I mean, you know, if this, if people like you stay away, you know what the net result of that is, athletes are going to end up being paid less opportunity will decline there. You know, nobody's thought through this. There's another way ingratiate people to your passion and your cause and and and your help for a community. That would be my recommendation, but nobody ever listens to me. What's the difference anyway? Thanks, I appreciate it. Thanks for serving as a police officer all those years in a firement, sir, Thank you very much. Eight hundred nine. Shawn is our number. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. All right, news round up, information overload, our Sean Hannity Show. Actually, Ronald McDaniel, head of the RNC, found the tape of Circle Back Jen Saki. I guess she was a CNN fake news contributor at the time. And even she acknowledges that Joe's got a little sippy cup problem. In other words, yeah, we've noticed these moments, these lapses, this insanity that happens. How funny that it is that she wouldn't acknowledge it now, but so she put out a tweet that thought it was very funny. Let me play it for you. But it's Jen Saki. Prior to being Circle Back, White House Press Secretary Sackey. There have been a number of moments where even those of us who have affection for Vice President Biden think, what on earth is happening right now? From the chart, assuming from Charlotte one another line going from in Florida down to Tampa, that is a major factor. We don't see that. Look. So, the best way to get something done if you if a hold near and dear to you that you like to be able to anyway, here's what drives the driver to the states that are affected. Here's what the you can do the drivers. I'm encouraged, not just because of solid meting with with uh the he takes questions nearly every day. He's out across That's not something you recommend. Okay, So circle back Sucky admitting that Joe's cognitively messed up. Oh, I don't know why we did find that sooner. I'm actually jealous. Why did I not find that? I hate when people find stuff I should have found anyway. Here to weigh in on this and much more is Mark Simone's the host of our midday morning show on our flagship in New York w r U. A great show. Concha, Oh I wish would have his own media show on the Fox News Channel. I am. I am pushing hard for it because he's the only media commentator in America today that actually gets it right, and you know, stands like he's an island unto himself in terms of media analysis and honesty. Welcome back, both of you. Wow showing you got my PayPal. Thanks. I was wondering if that money went through. But no, I actually say things that I mean, like, for example, I can tell you another thing. I can say this about Mark Simone. He's probably the funniest damn tweeter I've ever seen in my life. Oh where's my show? Then? Oh you've already guy. No, but I don't go on Twitter. You know. You know that all our friend Linda here has banned me from any access to any of my own social media accounts. You all know that, right, Uh, you were great on Twitter. You should go back. Mark has a memory like an elephant, so you kind of remember the Alec Baldwin battles and the Jimmy Kimmel battles, and yeah, no, that was the greatest thing of all two big stars, that free time at night to fight with e children. It was Grez, you know, with the Twitter wait a minute, and wait a minute, and wait a minute. I think I think we need a little clarity here. First of all, go ahead. The best of all time, the best back and forth on Twitter was Sean was Jim Acosta a little Jimmy little. Those were the best fights. That one was that when he like accused me of seeing him on a bus someplace and I didn't have the nurse God. That was when we were in Finland. He was like, and I'm like, we need when you were there, must um And if he wanted to see me or talk to me, why didn't he say hi to me? He actually, well he was scared recognize him. Nobody recognizes him exactly. And then the other funny part about that whole thing was he was begging. He was like on his crawling on his hands and knees. TV and radio was shameless to get on the show. And I'm like, I'll sell your stupid book that nobody bought anyway. It's like, humpty dumpty, stupid book. You know, uh, you know, I think it's all like in a year, forty thousand copies. I'm like, which is an utter unmitigated failure and disaster. But all right, but is there is something here? I want to get into this a little more deeply. Is Jensaki admitting Mark Simone that Joe really is Sippy Cup Joe. Well, if she's saying that he's drunk, that's great news. I thought he had some mental decline that mine was shot. This is just drinking week that then we'll have a few hours where he's sober. That's great, That's that would be a good point. But I don't think that's what she's referring to to you. Uh, I don't think it's Listen, it's I'm not the the lie the guy. Look, I've now shown more tape show Concha of Sippy Cup in twenty twelve, twenty sixteen, even and versus today, he is a It's like it's there's no comparison. He's not the same guy. And the first part of our enemies see it. Go ahead, just for five minutes this weekend, because it's going to rain like over most of the countries, he might have to find some time filling the hours. Just put in YouTube Joe Biden Paul Ryan vice presidential debate twenty twelve and just watching for five minutes and you will see somebody you won't even recognize this person. I'm not talking about Ryan, I'm talking about Biden. He was crisp, he had his fact straight. You know, I'm not saying he's the perfect speaker, the perfect debater, but when you compare it to what we're seeing now, it's incredible. And here's the thing. It's not like twenty twelve. Biden. He was vice president then, but now he's working at the food king or he's no retired and playing golf every day to everything. He's the leader of the free world. He's the president of this country. And look at this. This is his schedule. Just yesterday, nine fifty am. All right, that's the first thing on the schedule. The president receives the president's daily brief Then twelve pm in town pool, call tim or it has nothing really to do with him. Twelve thirty press briefing by the press secretary. That's it. That was his entire schedule. So this is what happens. This is what you get, and this is why the country is going in the direction that it is on so many key issues, because you have a president who simply doesn't want to work because maybe he can't work. I don't think he can. I don't think he's up to it, and part of me it scares the living hell out of me. And now we see, look, every the media can play their game. I am waiting. I shouldn't even telegraph what I have planned, Linda, should I tell? All right, I'm just going to be honest with my audience. I am waiting for the media mob to come after me, and I've been waiting for pointing out the obvious that Joe is clearly a cognitive mess and weak in frail. And when they do, Mark Simone, let's just say, I will put out the defining tape of Joe. That would be it is evidence that is overwhelming, incontrovertible about my case. And then I'll say, let's have a vote. Let the American people decide. Let's wait, they haven't taken one of those cognitive tests. And do you ever see what he's playing with the dogs? Even the dogs look at them funny, like they know there's something wrong with him, so they don't go near him when when they running around, Hang on, it is that what you're reading the dogs for you to sipping cup? Look at the pictures. There's nobody smarter than the German Shepherd that they're looking at him like, what's wrong with this guy? Come on, well, you know, there is one interesting story that came out recently Mark, and it was I'm sure you probably covered it even but the dogs that are able to sniff out people ninety eight seven percent effective if they got COVID. Yeah, I'm sure they can sniff out a little a problem too, and they smelled someone. You know, I am not responsible for what Mark Simone says on my program. I'm just not I'm not taking the heat for this crap. Hey, look, Joe Biden still hasn't released any of his medical records either. Why is that all right? I mean, particularly when you're dealing with somebody who has had health issues in the past, When you have the oldest president in this country's history that will be in his eighties before his first term is over, I would think that the most honest, most transparent administration of all time. At least we were promised that, it was like we're getting the second coming in George Washington. What at least result releases medical records, But nope, they're keeping those under wraps. And it's a fair question to ask, why the hell is that well, I mean, it's it's pretty unbelievable to me. All right, let me move on because we've got we've got Biden family syndicate corruption news to get to. So now we discovered, thanks to Hunter's laptop, that Joe Biden met with his son's zero experience Hunter and his other part and they had a dinner in Washington, DC. And I'll go to you. Joe Consche was on April of twenty fifteen. He was the vice president at the time. And the next day Hunter gets an email, you know, the executive of Barisma to thank him for introducing him to his father. Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving me the opportunity to meet your father and spending time together, he writes, It's really was an honor and a pleasure. Well, that's at the exact same time Barisma was paying Hunter eighty three thousand, three hundred and thirty three bucks a month to sit on a board. When he admits on GMA as zero experience in any of this, isn't that remarkable? And that's a story, now, isn't it. That's a huge story, particularly on a day like today where there's not a lot of breaking news, particularly, and this is what we're seeing on the homepages at CNN dot com and Nbcnews dot com and the Washington Post dot com and the New York Times dot com. You don't see anything about this story whatsoever. It's the usual suppression. Nothing to see here. Trust me. If this president's name was Trump instead of Biden and he was accused of the same thing that Biden is, and now the receipts are starting to come in, you would have to add another hour to twenty four seven cable news because there wouldn't be enough room to cover it the way people will be on their soapboxes screaming about how this is a threat to democracy and X y Z. But not only is this not being covered, it's not being touched. And that's remarkable because if I'm running a news organization, this is a big story. The biggest story here is that he lied. Joe Biden lied. He said in multiple interviews, I never met these I never discussed the business with my son. He was in a meeting, a dinner meeting with these guys, Cafe Melana where they were. That's the big power spot, hotspot of Washington. That's another part of the favor these guys can be seen with the Vice president there by. Everybody you know, the Left tries to dismiss this like that, it's like a Billy Carter. It's like a Roger Clinton getting a few bucks to promote a beer or something. This is millions and millions of dollars from the shadiest people in the world. Usually we get foreign aid to every country, but the Biden's figure out a way where they give it back to them and they collect it. For Joe Biden, who've been there and a light about it, the fact that he lied about it tells you everything you need to know. Where do both of you see this? This grand jury convening in New York going after the Trump organization. Joe contra I have zero id going to be honest with you, zero idea on this one. I mean, it's it's Tis James, the ag Democrat. She wants to be governor of New York, is what you hear the skull bon around. Obviously, getting a big scalp like a Donald Trump, or at least someone big within that organization would help her, particularly in a blue state like New York, But as of now, it's just so murky in terms of what they actually have and does it actually go all the way up to the president, because obviously, you know, he hasn't been around the Trump organization for for many years. So I honestly don't know. I don't want to speculate on things that I simply cannot predict. It just seems like it's never ending, Mark Simone. It's that they want to make sure now because they didn't win with Muller impeachment one or impeachment two, and they just don't even want a possibility that Donald Trump can run in twenty twenty four. Yeah, what they're trying to charge him with is inflating the price of his real estate to get better bank loans. You know, you can get any appraises to give you any price you want, and whatever price you put on the building, the bank never uses that. They get their own appraises. They don't look at your numbers. So nobody's ever been charged with this in history. If they try to do this, it'll look ridiculous, the media will cover up for him, They'll get a lot. It's such a good point, especially when you're talking about either tens of millions or hundreds of millions or maybe even more of dollars. They're not going to go with your estimate. You could argue with them, we think it's worth this, you think it's worth that. They're going to go with their own, you know, calculations. Yeah, anybody's gotten a home loan they give you don't tell you what the home is worth. If you can't tell them. But you could get a left wing judge in Manhattan, enough left wing Trump paters on the jury, who knows what could happen. Yeah, that's that's a pretty scary thought. I think it can too. Will there ever be anybody held accountable with the Durham report? Joe contra or? Is this just dead? You know, we haven't heard much about that, have we, Right, So it appears like it's dead at this point because Durham under Trump obviously probably had a lot more leeway. But now under a different democratic administration that you got to believe that most likely we're not going to hear anything about this. It's amazing no one brings this up, right, It's almost you just bought it up. I'm like, oh, yeah, I forgot about that. So we're talking years now. But but Durham is a solid guy and the right person you want here, so hopefully he can't be manipulated in any way. But as of now we're not hearing even a peep about it. It makes you wonder if there's any there there. Yeah, you know it just said, I mean, I've me conclude that we don't have equal application of our laws. They don't have equal justice under the law. You know. It seems like Mark Simone, if you're a conservative and you spit on the sidewalk or jaywalking in to prison. For years, I mean, Horowitz were made referrals about top people in the FBI lying to Congress, nothing ever happened to them that same process crime that was that was what led twenty nine people and frogmen and tactical gear and weapons drawn and CNN cameras to Roger Stone's house, and they wanted to put him away for a decade for the same exact thing Harowitz is accusing FBI people love. Yeah, flind of mine is having himself frozen and they can wake him up in a hundred years. I said, why would you do that? He said, I want to be able to see the Durham report, so I'll ever get to see this anyway, guys, listen, have a great holiday weekend. Twenty five to the top of the hour. All right, heading into a holiday weekend, what's my team got planned? What are you all doing? I hope everybody will stop and reflect and remember this is Memorial Day. It look, we're all so tired, everybody I know. Anyway, everybody's so tired. Everybody I know works so hard, and you know you got we all have busy, busy lives. It's been a hell of a tough year. The great news is this Memorial Day weekend that we actually get to live normally again, unless you're you know, a crazy liberal fanatic and that is addicted to their mask. You know, but we can't just just even if it's just a moment, you know, to close your eyes and think and appreciate all the love and sacrifice and pain and suffering that has gone into us being able to have a long weekend to barbecue with friends and family and drink beer and whatever else we like to drink and have a great time and maybe do nothing else. You know, there's a Bible. There's a great Bible verse and it's in the Book of John Greater Love hath no one than this, and that is to lay down one's life for one's friends. So many people have laid down their lives for all of us. Linda, what are you doing this Memorial Day? We're actually gonna go and pay homage to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. And we're gonna go to Themorial Day parade and wave our American flags and pretend that Joe Biden doesn't sit in the White House. Uh yeah, okay, I like that too. So this now, we do me one favor this holiday weekend. One, just one little favor. Don't say it. Don't say it, Just don't say it. You don't even know what I'm gonna say. I know what you're gonna say. No, you don't know what I'm gonna say. Can I take it? Contending to take a bet? I guess yeah, I think you know what I'm gonna say. Could you please? Is the happy meal? Right? Yes? Please? Give little Liam? Just take them to McDonald's. What a happy meal? By the you have choices, you get the cheeseburger happy meal, the chicken nuggets happy meal, anything you know. I will cook him something on our own grill, stupid air frying grill crap. I didn't say it was an air. I didn't even make an air friar grill. Now you're just making stuff up air friar French fries. I mean the oil taste delicious too. I had the oil also is disgusting and bad for your arteries. Okay, have you if you never deep frieda a turkey and a master built butterball turkey friar? Did you actually put that video out? You did? Didn't? It was me in the video, that's right. I forgot about that. Oh yeah, you forgot about that. Yes, it was like Thanksgiving Day. I remember getting that tweet from you and saying or that text for me, and like you saying, can you put this up on Twitter? It takes one hour. If you fry a turkey in peanut oil, it is the juiciest thing you've ever had. Turkeys dry. And don't tell me you baste a turkey better than anybody, because it doesn't matter. Well, for I don't base a turkey. I cook it in a bag and I see, isn't it? And it tastes one? You cook it in a bag? Yeah, cook it in bags? Poor kids. Have you never had turkey in a bag? No? I don't cook turkey in a bag. A cook Turkey's gonna cook some turkey in a bag for the master built turkey for now. I even make, for example, occasionally when I'm not being manorexic, as you call me um all the time. It's really irritating. Actually, why that's not true? I mean, I it's so true. You're so full of crap. It's totally true. But the problem is is if I eat what I want to eat, I'm gonna blow up like a balloon. So I you know, you need to eat in moderation. That's why when your mind, you watched me diet for years until I finally found NJA diet, and now I do modified NJ and intermit intermittent fasting. You know, I do it intermittent fasting. Now listen. The intermittent fasting is a good idea. I think that that's awesome. But I also think that depriving yourself of things that you love until like you know, you eat them in like grand consumption. I just think it's silly. Just have a little bit. No, I just refuse to have these items in my house. Yeah, I know, yeah, that's it, all right. And then you yell at people if they send you anything, because everything, do you know? So Gomez flies down to Nashville with us, right and oh he did, that's awesome. Oh yeah, and you know and my other buddy Rich Lochner from high school copy book. You know, they came down. We had a great time. Anyway. So John, and as you know, is married to Cindy. You know, Cindy won the golf championship down She's fantastic. So she makes this is like to me crack cocaine. She makes the greatest carrot cake I've ever had in my life. And no matter how many times, how many ways I tell Cindy stop, I can't eat this, she sends either the carrot cake or the best homemade chocolate chip cookies you've ever had. And I had a whole box of chocolate chip cookies last night. But see, this is your problem. You deprive yourself, so then when you get it, no good yourself. Just every day and you'll be fine. I absolutely, I only had two and I left them. I gave them to everybody eat the whole box. So is it two or the whole box? On it brought a huge box of them, and I only had two. No, way you had too unbelieving. I swear to go ask o mess I will ask him, Text him right now, text I will. I'm going to Stephanie Louisiana. Glad you called. Hey, Sean, thanks for taking my call. Thank you for call. I'll try to be quick. I have had this question for a while, and then the other day I read an article in a certain magazine that pretty much says that anyone who supported President Trump or voted for him needs to be taking out of the conversation completely. Yeah. I see this stuff all the time and don't pay attention to it as nonsense. Here's my question to you, though, is can you explain to me this absolute hatred and viciousness for this man and that is now being put upon his supporters because I don't understand that I have been following politics. My first vote, I ever vote, my first vote I ever cast was run on Reagan back in the day, and I've watched it. It's gotten ugly, but I've never seen it at discipline. Listen to you and I we've been on the same track. I mean, my first vote was for Reagan, and I will tell you that it's it's something that you cannot explain it is any irrational psychosis that has taken over the media mob, the Democrats that never trumpers. I saw a quote of Liz Cheney. I used to get along with Liz Cheney, and you know, while the left, you know that now love Liz Cheney. You know, that's the same group of people that were calling her father daily a war criminal and Bush and Cheney lied and people died, and they were the ones wanting to put her father in jail for his work at Ala Burton and allegations of impropriety never ending. And also she was friends I'm sure which Scooter Libby, our dad's chief of staff, that was in fact convicted but pardoned by Donald Trump. The sentence was only commuted by them. President Bush. She's actually out there claiming my reelection will become a referendum on the Republican Party. I'm like, well, Liz, with all due respect that I mean, I don't dislike her, I just it's not personal. This Your election will be a referendum on you and your relationship with the people of Wyoming, and that's it. It's not a referendum on the Republican Party. You're not the Republican Party. Yeah, well, that's the second part of my question. But back to my first question is is that I don't get it. There has to be a reason. It can't be power. They have all the power, I could tell you part of it, every part of it, every aspect of life. For the most part. The only thing they don't have the power to do is to change the will of seventy four million people. They cannot do that, But they have the power in every other aspect of life in America. And the viciousness is what do you think that this has been since the day this man's come down the escalator, culminating in two impeachments. And you know also every law that they didn't follow in twenty twenty and they took full advantage of COVID for their own benefit. That's why state legislatures need to do everything in their power to make sure it doesn't happen again. In my view, I've laid out the five items that I think need to be done immediately. But but to answer your question is, I've never met somebody he Donald Trump is an America voted for a disruptor. They voted for the antithesis of the typical establishment swamp creature, and he exposed the muck and the mud and the slime and the sleeves that is DC. And he fights like hell and they didn't like it. They don't like And I've never met a man that has an uncanny ability to live in people's heads. They still talk about him every day, whether he says anything or doesn't say anything. That's why I believe they're going after him so hard in New York. They want him out forever. That has to be against the law. They're on a fishing expedition and I did not think legally you could do that. Yeah, But a question, the second part of my question to you is when you when you mentioned Liz Cheney. I've been listening to you, and you say, we have to continue to fight. You can't be down in the domes. You can't give up. But the Republican Party, but the exception of one or two that we could probably name together, has been silent. Who are we supposed to be fighting for? Because if I had my way, we wipe out all of them and start over. But you know, I know that's impossible because the Democrats would win in a landslide. But who do you root for? The lines are so blurred now you don't even know anymore. Listen, I think I fear your passion. But it's what you're sensing is is that you've got these major institutions. And I appreciate the call. I really do what I what Stephanie is expressing here is something that I tried to warn about before the election. Yeah, powerful institutions, big tech, the media, mob, the Democratic Party. They're all united in this psychotic passion of theirs to destroy any and all things conservative and Donald Trump. You know, Reagan had it to a far lesser extent, but he was he was he had Stylistically, it was so different than Donald Trump, and you know, but they didn't refer to him. This didn't come from Democrats and amiable Dunce. That came from Republicans because Reagan was too conservative for the establishment. Then the Gerald Ford wing, the Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party. So this has been an ongoing battle. Trump brings it to a head because he's so direct about it. Now. I personally like that that in your face style. Maybe a little less would probably be better, a little bit wiser, more strategic, but I like it. I grew up in New York, and I'm not going to feign outrage when I hear a cuss word. I'm not going to feign outrage when people attack me because I don't feel it. And I think there's a lot of acting going on that they stand back sanctimoniously to the point where they justify their own irrational behaviors and lying and spreading of conspiracy theories and hoaxes, and when they take on spectacular double standards like ignoring quid pro quote Joe and zero experience Hunter because they like Joe. Okay, anyway, David Long Island, New York. What's up, David? How are you? Hi? Sean good to seek this? Another person from New York, I call the question I was calling in about voter ID laws and actions for our election. Um, my question is what makes voter ID laws more efficacious as opposed to the things we already have? Is it because it's before um the ballots are cast, because we kind of saw, you know that with the hearings that they had with our part of things. Well, it's it's simple. The idea is one person, one vote, right, sure, Okay, So you don't you don't want this concept, this idea of what they call ballot harvesting? You you need you need an ID to get into the Democratic National Convention or the White House or the capital or uh, do you drink beer? David? Do you like? Do you do you like to buy beer or wine? Or or I don't know, Tito's or something Catholic? Okay, there you go, All right? Don't you need an ID to get when you go to buy that? Don't you need an ID? Well? Absolutely so? But ques so you need an ID for everything? So why I would turn the question on you? Why would you? Why would people be against that? If it if, if it increases the confidence and election results and results in more integrity in the election process, well I'm not against that. So my question is mainly, do we have to focus more on protecting the security of our elections before the ballots are harvests our cast as opposed to ask? I think these changes need to be institutionalized so that the American people will have confidence and election results and that the process is one that has transparency and integrity. Very quickly, the five things voter ID, signature, verification, chain of custody control when ballots come in. I think you need to always clean up the voter rolls every election season, and most states have statutory language that allow partisan observers to watch the entire vote counting process. That didn't happen in twenty twenty. That's all I think. I don't think that's unreasonable. I think that protects everybody, both sides, all sides, all political points of view, and it adds to integrity. But anyway, I hope that answers your question. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up at today. I mean Senator John Kennedy, I mean he just laid out, I mean absolutely laid out this guy with the ATF. We'll have that coverage tonight also Dan Mongino tonight, Kevin McCarthy, Greg Abbott, Dana Lash, Laura Trump tonight, Leo two point out, Terrell, Tammy Bruce. We got news you'll never get from the mob in the media. That's all happening tonight at night. We'll see you tonight and we'll be back on Tuesday. We hope you have a great, great Memorial Day weekend. And as I said earlier in the program today, it's just just a minute, that's all you can provide. Just think of great old love has no one that's than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends. All those that gave the sacrifice for us, we honor them and their families. Have a great Memorial weekend. See you on Tuesday.

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