Defending General Flynn

Published Jul 12, 2019, 10:00 PM

Joe Flynn, General Flynn’s younger brother and spokesperson for the Mike Flynn Legal Defense Fund brother stops by the show to discuss the new direction of his brother’s counsel and how they intend to proceed with the conspiracy moved against his brother, and the effort by Meuller and Comey to defame misusing the law to assist them in doing so. Sidney Powell, author of Licensed to Lie and a former Federal Prosecutor has taken over the case and is ready to pushback against the likes of Andrew Weissman, with whom she is all too familiar.

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All right, glad you with us. Happy Friday. Yeah you made it eight hundred and nine four one sewn if you want to be a part of the program. I'm not surprised at all at Paul ryan self serving comments. It is sad, but it is predictable, and it's just so disappointing. You know, all the things that have gotten done, all the things Republicans say that they're gonna do and never end up doing or getting done. We got conservative justices on the Supreme Court. We've got the largest tax cut in history. We now have gotten rid of more burdens and regulation in two and a half years than any administration going back, you know, probably a century. We've been accumulating more and more and more and more and more. Basically, you can't even walk on a sidewalk without the government, you getting into business and getting in the way of businesses, and then trying to produce the goods and services that we want, need and desire every day. Then you have Republicans, Oh, they said for seven years, it went on and on, sixty seven votes around you know, the show votes to repeal and replace Obamacare, and you know what the only and then when the moment comes and they have a president that's willing to sign the bill. They didn't have a bill ready. How did they not have a bill ready? That's number one? Number two. Then all of a sudden, a lot of the Republicans, they were like six in the Senate that voted the year before on just the repeal part of the bill, they voted yes. Then when it matters and it wasn't a show vote, they voted no. And I'm like, they don't even mean what they say. And yes, stylistically, Donald Trump is very different from Paul Ryan. And but Paul Ryan walks away couldn't stand the pressure I had to correct Trump couldn't get them. You know, I just I look at this and I'm like, you know, what is the most important thing if we're going to prioritize that we want from somebody that is a public servant or supposed to be a public servant to me, I want promises that you made kept. I want conservative principles of you say you're a conservative. I want you to fight like hell to get the job done. And I don't know what happens to these people. They go to Washington and they become it's like they're paralyzed. And even though they said it, even though they had show votes about things, they just don't have the courage of their convictions to plow through take a stand. There's no spine, there's no backbone, there's no desire to or urgency to get done the things they need to get done. I get it. But for example, I'll use Mitt Romney as an example. Mitt Romney is who you think he is in this sense. He is a very nice man, has a lovely family. I think would have been a far better president than Obama. And when Obama ran in twenty twelve, and I think he probably would have put conservatives on the court. I think he probably would have pushed for and gotten lower taxes. I think he would have eliminated some bureaucracy. I doubt anywhere near as much as Trump. I don't know where he would have come down on the borders. But that's but putting all that aside. And he's the nicest guy. And they still said he's a racist. They still said he's a misogynist. They still went back and said he cut some kids hair in high school. They tore him up and down every way they could, the media and Democrats and being nice didn't pay off. It didn't win. Now, it's really hard for any Republican to win a national election. And I didn't hear Paul Ryan thinking that Donald Trump could win Wisconsin. I think anybody saw that coming. And the point is is that people, I think don't quite read what has happened here. Well, inasmuch as the American people are fed up with both of these parties, They're fed up with all the broken promises. This is where strategically and even tactically, the Democrats are making a huge mistake because they think somehow that if they investigate Donald Trump for a fifth and sixth time, because four separate investigations have cleared him of conspiracy to coordinate or work with conspire, you know, to ring the election, influence the election with the Russians. FBI came up with nothing. Lisa pad said, after nine months they had nothing. Peter Struck said, there's no there there. Then we had newness after his exhaustive report. He was the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Nothing And he was also the guy warning that this was going to happen as early as twenty fourteen, and it happened in the past. And they're probably gonna try and do it again. And then we had the Bipartisan Senate Committee, nothing, then the Muller Report. Nothing. By the way, I'm one of the few I can't wait for mother to testify. Oh I can't wait. Now they're gonna delay it a little bit, but I just can't wait. I want him to go there, and I want, you know, finally the Democrats have figured out this is not gonna go the way they think it's gonna go. They figured it out. I don't even know if it'll ever happen. We'll see or they'll try and bring it behind closed doors. Yesterday they were trying to make it so that members on the committee weren't allowed an opportunity to ask questions, like really anyway? So you know, I see this Bruhahan, these comments and whatever book this happens to be of. You know, some so called journalists. Why would you know? I get asked all the timing, But these people, you know, reporters are calling me constantly. New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, all these huffing They called me from everywhere. And you know what my answer to Linda, what's my answer whenever somebody calls no comment, no comment. I have four hours on air to day. I don't need their outlet, their teeny little slice of media outlet to get my message across. Or if you want to know what I'm thinking, well, I've even said to them, just tune into the show. You'll find out at three oh six when I start my radio show every day, or nine o'clock straight up when I go live on Fox News. That's the way. But I don't know, so I see this all the time with visionless, spineless, weak, no backbone, no courage or conviction, no urgency, no fight, and a lot of people have gotten frustrated. The American people knew who they were voting for. They were voting for somebody that was a disruptor outside the system that was going to shake this system up. And he has been unrelenting in pursuing the promises that he is made on the campaign trail, and frankly has done a pretty amazing job of getting it all done now. You know, for example, after the court ruled what was it earlier this week on the issue of the census, all right now, the President, and thanks a lot, John Roberts. We've asked this question, you know, in every election since, you know, for over one hundred years, because it's a big deal. Now, I don't think there's anything wrong in ascertaining and determining whether or not, you know, whether people are in this country illegally and didn't respect our laws and our sovereignty. I don't think that is a big deal or should be a big deal in any way. But apparently it is for the court because they didn't ask it the right way, and rather than go back to the court and try and figure out the way they want you to justify asking a simple question like that, at the President said, you know what, he went to the Attorney general Attorney general, chief law enforcement officer in the country, and he said, is there any other way to do this? And the Attorney General said, actually, there really is, because you're the head of the executive branch of government, and you can have the heads of your departments put together all the data, all the information that they have, and you'll probably even get a more accurate number of exactly how many illegal immigrants are in the country. So Trump, being a practical business man, says, you know what, I'll go with Plan B and that's what he announced yesterday, And some people just you know, Oh he cave, didn't cave. He was told no. He thought about the option executive order, thought about the option of going back to the court, then was presented with a third option, and he said, well, I'm gonna go plan C. I mean, it's sort of like in the course of our Danily lives, when you know, you go to a business, a restaurant or something, and you say, you know, um, I just want the spaghetti without with a certain way, and I just I don't want sauce with meating, and you only have sauce with meating it on the menu. Can I have it just with plain sauce? Now, assuming that they have the sauce there without any meeting it. You know, sometimes let us come back and we are not allowed to have special off the menu items. I'm making this up obviously as I go. But if it's the owner of the restaurant and they do have the sauce, he's like, yeah, of course, what do you what would you want? And that is the difference between an owner and maybe somebody who's not as invested in the company and profits. The better you serve your customers, the nicer you are to people, the better off your business is going to be. You know, I have there have been times I've been out with my family and I end up taking a lot of pictures with people and or friends, and they take a lot of pictures, and then my friends will say, oh, that's got to get annoying at times, and I said, no, it doesn't, not even a little bit. I said, they're my customers. I'm thanking them. I don't have this job without them. I don't have this microphone, I don't have that TV camera. And I think it's basic, simple stuff. Same with politicians. You want to get reelected. All these guys in their heart, in their souls, they want to get reelected. So for whatever reason, they all end up calculating the same thing, which is, Okay, I'm just gonna stay here and I'm not going to rock the boat and I'm not going to do interviews. You know, it's always the same congressman and senators on TV because the other ones say no, they don't want to be on TV. And some of them are horrible on TV anyway, or are horrible on radio, so they say no. All right, so you get the same people you want. Why are we haven't booked the same people because the other people don't want to do it or they can't do it. And my point is, if you want to get reelected, tell people what you're gonna do, then go do it, and then when you're done doing what you said you were going to do, tell him you did it. And Donald Trump now is going to be able to go to the American people in twenty twenty and he's gonna say, I promised i'd cut taxes. I gave you the largest tax cut in history. I told you I'd picked from this list of people for the Supreme Court because of their judicial philosophy. I did it, not just on the Supreme Court, but all these other courts. I promised you I was going to eliminate all this all these burdens, government burdens that are put on business, all these regulations that are stifling business growth. I told you I was going to invite businesses and incentivize them to build their factories and manufacturing centers in America. Then I'll be able to point to the ones that happened. I told you I was going to get better trade deals. He'll point to Canada, Mexico, probably China by at that time, and he'll also say, well, I told you NATO needs to pay their fish. Here he'll point to that, I told you I wasn't gonnae dictators. Well, he met with Kim Jong gun and didn't cost him anything but his time. He didn't bribe them like Bill Clinton did and then lie to the American meal, there's a good deal for the American people. No, wasn't. There's a bad deal for the American people, just like Biden Obama, you know, bribing Mullows. He's not bribing Mullows either. He talks to people, but he's not going to bribe them. And he still kept his promise. I'm gonna I'm gonna focus on building the next generation of weaponry. And he had to make a bad deal, but he got the money to build the weaponry. He couldn't get the deal done with Congress on the border, so he went the emergency action route. Now he's got the money to continue building. You know, he's gonna find a way. I don't see except for the Freedom Caucus and a couple of senators, a couple not many the same urgency, drive and desire to be the public servants that the president's being. No, he's not a perfect person. He's kind of the anti politician or every other politician tries to hide their faults. He just lays it all out there every day, and it's refreshing. And he's also accomplishing a lot. Look at the economy, look at who's benefiting. Look at the demographic groups that are setting record after record after record the best employment situations in nineteen sixteen nine after the horrific disaster of the Biden Obama years. And why Republicans don't join him, It just it flabbergasts me, and they don't see, Okay, he's not like you. Maybe you need to be more like him in terms of serving people, But I don't think they have that desire to fight. All Right, as we roll along Sean Hannity Show, Happy Friday, you know, the media never tires of calling President and Trump petty, vindictive, thin skin bully. You know, it's it's whatever they are. They just they can't stand the fact of that he won and they can't even get over it yet. You know, I want to point out something I haven't heard anyone else. Take note of this. The President goes out of his way this morning to defend Nancy Pelosi against pretty despicable charges by Congresswoman Alexandria Cassio Cortez, where you know, the so called paragon of tolerance, accused Pelosi of racism. Now she denied it later, but he kind of did. He said Pelosi was trying to silence her in the three other congress women of color by singling them out for criticism. As she said this after Nancy Pelosi said in caucus, if you have anything to say, say it to my face, not on in the public and anyway. So the president, I'll be honest, I was like, wow, that's pretty interesting, don't you know. Let this internal squabble is serious. But the most recent example Pelosi yourself only two days ago, was suggesting the President's Trump pushed to get the citizenship question on the census was quote part of his plan to make America white again. And it was after that Donald Trump, the president and reporters they asked him about what they thought about AOC's comments about Pelosi going after women of color. He'd said, well, it must be true that Nancy's racist because the Democratic Party's most celebrated member just said so something. But that's not what President Trump said. No, he said a Cacio Cortez should treat Nancy Pelosi with respect. She should not be doing what she's doing. I'll tell you something about Nancy Pelosi, which you know better than I do. She's not a racist. She's not for them to call her one as a disgrace. And twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Quick update. I guess they're now calling it. It's no longer Tropical Storm Berry, but Hurricane Berry? Is it now has hit? I understand a Cat one hurricane. It looks like it's headed straight to New Orleans and more and then off towards a little bit of the Panhandle of Florida. What do you got our good friend WeatherBell dot com, official meteorologist of the Sean Hannity Radio Show, job is STARTI what do we got? Well? I don't like to contradict the host here, especially since now contradicted. What do I know about weather? I didn't spend my life chasing storms like a maniac like you did. Come on, you're you're making me look that. Wow, you can't make me look at any word? No, no, no, it doesn't Joe. What I love about you, Joe is so passionate about weather. And if I asked you what the hurricanes were in nineteen twenty eight or nine, you can tell me right. I could tell you pretty closely. Twenty eight, twenty nine wasn't too bad, twenty six was real bad, and was twenty six. Let's stick with twenty six twenty six. I believe you had a major hurricane hit Florida. Nineteen thirty three and thirty five were real bad. Thirty five you had a Category five hurricane across the Florida Keys. So it puts the good thing about knowing the past is the history solves the mystery because where you stand today was built yesterday to reach for tomorrow. It's like that in the weather. It's like that a bunch of things. So if I know what happened yesterday and I recognize that situation comes in front of me on the map, and I say, okay, well, we have all these options, and then we look at the computer mobs. For instance, this storm here if in our preseason forecast is what we talked about, scattershot development within a day or two of the coast, and it's because of the nature of the season has a similar look to past seasons. I tell people in Texas all the time, Alicia, which was a Category three hurricane, did not originate over the Tropics. Alicia actually originated over Montana and came south Upper Air disturbance, took a week to come from Montana to the Gulf of Mexico, get out of the Gulf and became a storm. And that's what Barry did. Barry came down from the northwest and you could see it coming last week. And so you know what I do for a living, I have to warn people in the path to that and get them ready. And so we made the call last week. Now, what is this going to do the rest of the way, And well, I guess they've upgraded to a hurricane based on the wind reports of one of the oil rigs south of Louisiana's reporting wind gust in the eighty seven miles an hour. Now, and the thing about this storm is shown it's a south weighted storm if you look out of the cloud photograph. But tomorrow and Sunday it becomes an east weighted storm. So even though it goes west of New Orleans, the big problem in New Orleans is like what happened in Harvey. Remember Harvey was off to the one hundred and fifty miles west southwest to Euston, one hundred miles in there, and yet the heavy rain bands came off the Gulf into Houston. Well, we're concerned about that because there's going to be a one to two foot band of rain someplace between New Orleans and Lafayette. If it gets out to the east over New Orleans. With what's going on in the Mississippi, plus the storm surge that is coming out of the southeast, that could lead to the problem with water overtopping the levees. Now, I've been really reading up on this stuff, and the Corps of Engineers seems pretty darned confident that is not going to happen. And as long as that heaviest rain band can stay west of New Orleans, that I think is the case. But it is a very very perilous situation. And it took three to four months for this to evolve. Why because the part of this is because of all the snow, the late season cold, and the Central Plain the late snow mountain, and the big spring rains came and all that flooding in Nebraska and Iowa takes a while to work its way down to Mississippi. And you know what surprises me, Joe seriously, And then this is this is why we love you, because you have this encyclopedic acknowledge and memory and you're so good at it, and you're passionate about I kid you about it, but I mean, I'm it's inspiring how good you are. Here's the thing though, when they rebuilt the levees in New Orleans, Now New Orleans is blow sea level? Correct me when I'm wrong? Here at New Orleans is blow sea level? Yeah? Correct. So my question is now, why did they not anticipate with the highest possible tide would ever be and build it at least six inches higher than anything they could ever dream of? Because that shocked me that we're so close to the tipping point of the new levies. Yeah, well, the twenty foot storm surgeon in New Orleans has never occurred before. Again, this is a unique situation, Sean. Where you know part of this is now you think they built at the right height. Do you think they that this is the worst situation? I think I think they I think that that is a reasonable height. But as I said to you the other day. If I would if I were to analyze the worst case situation in New Orleans, it's twenty five to thirty feet and that would be a Category three hurricane. I gotta move on because I got a lot of news. Let me ask you, this bloke, name the cities that need to be prepared and what time is it going to hit. Well, first of all, it's a slow moving storm that is not going to weaken very quickly overland because of the fact that the upper levels are so loaded once. The further north that coast, believe it or not, the more impressive the upper levels are. But Lafayette, Baton Rouge tomorrow into tomorrow night, New Orleans tomorrow tomorrow night into Sunday. This is going to be a long siege for a lot of people. It won't be the kind of thing where it like when Michael, where the hurricane came in Lord through it was standing wins. How many miles per hour? Well, I think there's a stave wins at Landfall seventy five to eighty miles an hour. But where this is going, there's not a lot of people living there. The big problem with this will be the bands of heavy rain on the eastern side, and the squalls and the continued pushing up the Mississippi River from the Gulf of Mexico, of that surge going against the river trying to come back down. So I mean tomorrow at this time again, this is going to last into Sunday, and then Monday or Tuesday it'll be finally out of there. But this is a long siege for Louisiana. All right, We hope and bought some prayers are with everybody. Buckle up hanging there. And if you're told to evacuate, my advice. I'm not the biggest supporter of government, but if they tell you, I would recommend highly that you do agree. All right, Joba starting WeatherBell dot com. Thank you. So. The President, by the way, bailed out Pelosi two days after she said, oh, he wants to keep America white, and he said, no, she's not a racist. You know, he just why he Look, I'm glad the President did it. I guess he felt it was the right thing to do. But you know, I just don't ever see Democrats just lie about these issues way too often, and it's hurtful and they never get called out on it. I think except for me. I just keep playing the tapes from I'd take it all the way back to nineteen ninety eight and before every election season Republicans a racist, and then everything else in between. But this is now also on a new frontier with Alexandria Costio Cortez playing the race card against Pelosi, saying she was, you know, singling out the congress women of color for punishment. Lacey Clay has senior remember the Congressional Black Caucus rushed to defend Pelosi, saying, AOC's way out of line, and he's a Democrat from Missouri, slammed Ao's see and he faces a primary challenge from a leftist Democrat. He made the statement after Acazio Cortes did this to Pelosi. He said, how dare they try to play the race card at this point? And he says it shows the weakness of their argument. It's damaging to this party. In the internal workings of the Democratic Party, John Lewis of Georgia said that Cazio cortes remarks went a little too far. We got to work together, pulled together for the country's good. He said. The great majority of the caucus membership tends to work together and get along, and we need to go forward. I don't think there's any stopping Alexandriacasio Cortez. You know, it was interesting The Blaze had a piece out today where her chief of staff admitted what the true goal of the New Green Deal is, literally quoted as saying, you know, ask the question, do you think of it as a climate thing? Any right? No, he said, because you really think of it as how how do you change the entire economy thing? Which is what I've been telling you, you know, government control. Remember she said, we'll run business. We'll tell business how they're gonna run and government control of industry and business. You know, that is what the socialists and you know, communist economies do. They run industry. Look at the Dictionary definition of socialism. Casio Cortez also wants to get rid of the Department of Homeland Security. Wow. So we've got all of this unfolding before arise. One of the most interesting developments that I see is how afraid now the Democrats are about Muller going to testify. Now. Oh, by the way, we have at the top of the hour, General Flynn's brother is going to join us. We know that General Flynn now is a new attorney. Sydney Powell wrote the bestseller License to Lie, and she this rates Andrew Weisman in that book. But anyway, apparently, according to Fox News, of breakdown in negotiations with Mueller's team about his testimony caused the delay into next week. But one of the big underlying causes his Democrats have figured out. And Nadler tried to play this game yesterday, Well, we're not going to have time for every member's questions, and every member on the Republican side, oh yes, we will, you know, and they started citing House rules as we discussed yesterday. But you know, the negotiation tab Muller testify has now broken down again, and I'm not sure it's even gonna happen at this particular point in time, you know, because they've had these internal talks. I don't think Mueller wants to testify. The nine and a half minute disaster was probably enough for him, and he got billed out by the Attorney General. The Attorney General said it's just basically a show. Muller himself is said he's sticking to the script. What is in his report? He already got off script when he said, oh, well, yeah, we couldn't indict on the issue of obstruction anyway because of DJ policy and constitutional concerns. When he had said just the opposite, and the media was out of their minds, giddy, it's alive. It's alive. And then five hours later joint statement Special Counsel and Attorney General Barr put that to bed. But I'm watching this and it's pretty interesting because I don't think Muller wants to be there, and I don't think they're getting what they want. But if Republicans get their questions in the ones we've been going over, why did you care about FARA violations? Why did you care about taxi medallion's taxes and loan applications? But you didn't pay any attention to a dirty, bought and paid for Russian dossier of lies that was used to influence the twenty sixteen election. How did you ignore that? How did you ignore FISA fraud premeditated FISA fraud? And then why did you allow Weisman apparently which we learned yesterday because of Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch, Why you allow Weisman to hire only Hillary donors? He was at Hillary's election party celebration Victory Party celebration that never happened. And now Democrats are even acknowledging ap article that questioning Mueller is not gonna be easy, so they pushed it back a week to the twenty fourth. I'm not sure that happens. But this whole thing is bogus, and it has been bogus from the beginning, And if Mueller wants to save his reputation, he's probably smart not to go out publicly. You know, we're learning a lot about our justice system. You know, all these people, by the way that have cooperated and testified, and they were encouraged by the White House cooperate with congressional committees. You go to the House committees, then you go to the Senate committees. Then you go to the Special Counsel's office. And then you got to pay lawyers fees for all of this. And then we learned with General Flynn and the filing by Sidney Powell this week. Oh yeah, they wanted General Flynn to say this about his partner, and he refused because it would otherwise be a I And you know, there's something really radically wrong, and it happened in the Manaphoor case. You know, if they can offer something of high value, like your freedom, if you just say what they want you to say. How is that any different than bribery, except now you're bribing with you know, something, not just a value. It's everything. You don't have your freedom, you have nothing, absolutely nothing. And that's how and then they become the star witness. I never understood Sammy the Bull Gravano, you know, nineteen murders. He gets a plea deal as long as he testifies against Godi. Well, what credibility does he have. He'll say whatever he needs to say. He's a killer to get out. But they do it all the time. I think it's it is a very dangerous, very bad practice in my opinion. By the way, there was a I think it was on the Gateway pun They had a piece. It is an interesting thought that the outsourcing of intelligence gathering to circumvent US laws, that might be a much bigger thing than we thought. We're gonna watch that really closely, all right, so we're gonna get to Oh, we have some Epstein updates. By the way, Donald Trump, who threw Epstein at Amerilago, well he's now urging the media to track down Orgy Island visitors. Good for him and Lolita Express flights with the ones that had you know, girls on these planes, young girls. The Palm Beach police are saying Epstein used threats and intimidation to silence accusers. You know, one of the things that I'd know now that the Labor secretary was involved in this case is now stepping down. But you know, one of the things Pambandi said when we interviewed her the other day was oh, okay, well these are harder than you think, because you know, think about this if you have a fourteen year old kid, think of that Daily Mail article. I was fourteen, I had braces when he did this to her. And I was watching one of the interviews on the Today Show Savannah guthrieus, is it just breaks your heart? Now you're the parent of the fifteen year old girl and you're saying, well, do I want my kid to relive this evil and testify and then be beaten up by a defense attorney? It's not. It might on the surface be an easy question, but it's not. In reality. You know what trauma that kid is already endured anyway. Eight hundred ninety four one Shawn is auto free telephone number. It's just sad when you when you see such evil in the world and it exists everywhere. That surprised you about some of the questions that Robert Muller asked you. Well, look, the Russia thing is a hoax. I have been tougher on Russia than any president maybe ever, But then any president when it comes to the investigation that the Special counsel's conducting me, thirty four people have been charged. Here are you're ready? Okay, you're ready. Of the thirty four people, many of them were bloggers from Moscow, or they were people that had nothing to do with me, had nothing to do with what they're talking about, or there were people that got caught telling a fib were telling a lie. I think it's a terrible thing that's happened to this country because this investigation is a witch hunt. It's a terrible witch hunt, and it's a disgrace. Do you think it would you look at General Flynn with the FBI said he wasn't lying, but Robert Muller said he was, and they took a man and destroyed his life. Your handling of the Flynn interview, how is it consistent with the investigations or roadmap for agents, the Domestic Investigations of Operations guide. It's entirely consistent in my view. Question no, I mean the domestic Investigations operations guys, the roadmap for investigations for all agents, and there's a special section for sensitive matters and individuals. And I'm wondering if you feel comfortable that you're handling as assistant with that. I do, I do very much. All right, there, you heard it, you know, one of the great injustices in all of this deep state abuse of power and corruption. In my view, has always been what has happened to General Flynn? I mean a thirty three year veteran. He was in combat for this country, served this country honorably for thirty three years. And as you heard the president, as you heard Devin Newness, you know, comey and McCabe as Newness, they made j Edgar Hoover look like a saint. I remember, they illegally unmasked, leaked raw intelligence. So it's a crimes against General Flynn. And then to hear McCabe, you know, was called by General Flynn or called him and said no, no, the FBI guys are coming over. But it's not anything legal. You don't need a lawyer. And he's the deputy FBI director when he knew because he was working in conjunction with the FBI director, James Comey, and they were investigating him, and Flynn had no idea because they told him, you don't need a lawyer anyway. So then Colby's in this town hall We're going to play this for you where he is being interviewed, and he's bragging how he literally did something that he never would have ever dreamed of doing in the Obama administration or the Bush administration. This was on day four of the Trump administration. Any new administration in day four is probably going to be somewhat chaotic. That makes sense, as everyone sort of settles down into the where are they staying? Where is everything? How do I walk around? What clearances? Do I have computers? Etc. But he's bragging that he took advantage of the early days of the Trump administration to set up a thirty three year war hero. Listen, you look at this White House now and it's hard to imagine two FBI agents sending up in this stay room. How did that happen? I sent them something I probably wouldn't have done or maybe gotten away with in a more organized investigation, a more organized administration in the George W. Bush administration, for example, or the Obama administration. The protocol two men that all of us have perhaps increased appreciation for over the last two years. And in both those administrations there was process. And so if the FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official, you would work through the White House Council and they'll be discussions and approvals and who would be there. And I thought, it's early enough, let's just send a couple of guys over everything you just heard there. You need to There's got to be a sense of shock in AWE that you have an FBI director bragging about how he set up took advantage of a new administration so that he could go in and question somebody and all protocols thrown out the window. And then you add the added piece here is number one. They had already known everything that General Flynn has head because he was surveiled, he was unmasked, and the raw intelligence was even leaked. And then on top of the no, no, you don't need a you don't need a lawyer at all. It's fine, this is normal, nothing blah blah blah blah. Then the agents go in, including Peter Struck, and then they interviewed General Flynn and they didn't think in any way he was lying. Now, as the process goes along and General Flynn gets thrown out of the White House, we're now learning that apparently somebody sat Vice President Mike Penns down for you know, three hours or some length of time to say, this is what we've got on him. To this day, we don't know exactly what it was, but I do know the FBI agents did not think that he was lying to them. So why did he plead guilty to lying? Well? Number one, he was going bankrupt. Number two he had to sell his home. And number three, knowing the tactics on Savory at times of prosecutors and especially this band of people like call Me and McCabe, they had no compunctions about being fair. And you know, remember what Judge Ellis said, you put the screws to somebody in the hopes that they're gonna sing or compose. You know, I have a real problem now we keep running into this where prosecutors are offering something of great value, and that would be freedom in the case of Manafort, if only Manafort says what he is saying isn't true. In other words, if you lie. And Sydney Powell, who wrote License to Lie, a great book exposing Andrew Weisman for the corrupt individual, was withheld exculpatory evidence in the past and put innocent people in jail in the past. Why he became the lead pit bull for Muller is beyond any comprehension. I have Muller knew his record, never should have put him there. But then they start threatening, well, we're gonna have to investigate your son and your family. And what father at that point doesn't say, all right, I have no more money, my house is gone, and now it's going to cost me millions more, and they're gonna go after my kids. So he did probably what most fathers would do. He dove on the sword and admitted to something he didn't do for the sake of his family. That's what I'm pretty sure happened. Joining us now is General Flynn's younger brother and spokesperson for the Flynn Legal Defense Fund, Joe Flynn. Thanks for being with us. I heard that there's another Flynn that got a third star recently. That's right, that's Sean. First of all, thank you very much, and I want to say publicly on the app of the Flynn family, a huge thank you to you and your staff and people you work with, and particularly you Shawn for all your support that you'd given General Flynn through this terrible debacle we're going through. And you're right. My brother Charlie was promoted to lieutenant general last Thursday. He's now the Chief of Operations for the Army, reporting to the Chief of Staff of the Army, Great man, Great American. Did I describe in your view accurately the process by which General Flynn decided to plead guilty to something that not even the FBI thought he committed a crime? Absolutely? You absolutely did, You absolutely did. It was right on right on the money. Um. You know, they they led him out financially, no question about that. You're right. We sold the home that time. We pushed Mike to open up the legal defense fund. He didn't want to because you know, he's a proud guy. Three star general, five years in combat, thirty three years, a decorated war hero. That's not somebody who wants to, you know, go looking for money. But when they when they come after you with an army of lawyers, it's impossible to fight it. And you're right along the lines with his son. They were going to go after his son as well. And that's why we're in this predicament right now. You know, we know that, we know that he's an innocent guy. We know he's not a liar, and you know, we're fighting it and thank god we've got Sydney poll on our side. Now. Well, I like Sydney Pale. It's a little surprised Burr comments last night about cooperation. We'll get to that in a second. So you're confirming they did threaten to go after his son because the son worked in business with him. I mean, it's it's my opinion, Yes, it's my opinion that that that's that's how I read. Now. They've been very careful, you know, they've been very careful not to you know, let us know the details of their legal strategy or what had happened. But you know, from all I can see and from all I can tell, that's you know, that's that's kind of how we ended up here. Well, let's talk about the process. When you hear James Comey admit that, oh, of course I wouldn't do this the Bush administration or the or the Obama administration. I took full advantage and sure I send them over. And then on top of that, we learned that the Deputy Attorney General McCabe that in his particular case, he said, no, you don't need a lawyer, but he had also previously been illegally surveiled on masked and raw intelligence leaked on him. Isn't that a crime too? Sidney would know the answer to that. It's incredible and I'm really hoping that Sidney gets to the bottom of all this. I mean, I was hit carp on the last hearing in you when Sidney was presented to the judge and she specifically asked, if you remember, she specifically asked for a security clearance so that she can get access to all this information that really hasn't been disclosed yet because the prosecutor in that day said there is no class we haven't disclosed any classified informations, and Sydney saying I want access to that. So I think Sydney's gonna dig hard and fight hard and find out what's really going on here, Sean, and the amount of smugness in that comment that Comy May, I think that just kind of pieced the entire picture of what we've been dealing with for the last three years here. I mean, I think it's I am shocked that this is how I'll tell you why because your dad served as country honorably for thirty three years. He fought in combat for thirty three years, and we're not going to give him a straight up answer if he needs a lawyer when he asked for one. You know, President Trump tweeted in May of twenty nineteen, and now seems General Flynn was under investigation long before was common knowledge. It would have been possibly impossible for me to know this. But if that was the case, and with me being one of two people would become president, why was I not told so I could make a change? Now? What that would assume that that that General Flynn did something wrong to me? They only charged him with lying to the FBI. And and this is where we are. What did Sydney Powell mean when she said she was going to continue the General Flyn would continue to cooperate. Well, obviously she she has to be read in I mean, she just took she just took over, right, So she's got to read thousands of millions of documents to get to get up to speed on everything that's happened to General Flynn up to this point. She's not ready to do she's not ready to make any major changes until she has more information about what's what really went on here. And so I think she's given herself time. Again my personal opinion, I'm not you know, I'm not talking. You're not privy to the insider view, I understand. But well, she did say sixteen months ago that she thought it might be a good idea for your brother to withdraw his plea and and you know, you know, I mean, that's her opinion, and she said that publicly. She said it to me many times as well. And you know, I think now that she's there and she's getting information and getting up to speed, we'll see where he goes with it. You know, it's it's time. We'll tell all right, quick break, we'll come back. We have General Flynn's Michael Flynn's brother Joe Flynn with us more on the other side. And uh, he went bankrupt in this whole process. How to sell his house in this whole process and listening to Comy just infuriates me. Right as we continue with Joe Flynn, he is Lieutenant General Michael Flynn's brother. Um, as we you know, I still can't get over Jim Comey and McCabe and what they did to this man and the FBI never thought he was lying, and now he has to sell his house, he's bankrupt, and and still we can't resolve this thing. One of the things that I guess is most disturbing here is that the number one the set up, and that the fact that they had all the information they had, the answers they tell him not to get a lawyer and etcetera, etcetera. Is you know, if we're going to treat veterans of this country this way. Yeah, the people that were willing to fight, bleed and die for their country and these civil liberties that are so precious to everybody. That we learned a lot that civil liberties arm protected in this particular case at any level, and I hope those that abuse power are held accountable. Then we're not protecting anybody. I've got to believe that there has to be great outrage. Now I was there was a moment where the judge apparently misunderstood something that the prosecution was saying and excoriated your brother is not as almost being a traitor. Do you remember that moment. Yeah, it was a terrible moment, and the judge was completely misinformed. The mainstreamly, as they always do, ran with it saying the judge is calling him a trader, and then it judge comes back after recess and profusely apologizes for making that statement because he was completely outlined in his statement, which was a very unfortunate moment. But of course the mainstream media runs with that just like they do everything else. He the same judge presiding in this case. Yes, because he did suggest at the time, don't think just because we're putting all sentencing that that means that the sentence is going to be any different when we come back here. And that's correct. And they had a June thirteenth, we had a hearing with Judge Sullivan. His name is Emma Sullivan and a well known judge and uh By. He was the judge and the Ted Stevens case. Interestingly, and Stevens was exonerated long after his career was destroyed. He has a history of being you know, kind of very anti persecutorial or very misconduct. In other words, he's actually for the rule of law. That's how I would put it. That's right, what I was what I was curious to me when we went to the last year and where Sydney was presented as Michael's new attorney. He was very flattering the city. He was very welcoming. Uh. He mentioned jik book and it was it was. It was a different feeling that I got from Judge Sullivan this time then the last night. I think a lot of people got I happen't to be the only one my family there. I don't know if you know, Mike, we have nine brothers and sisters. Are a very large family. So we Uh it's Irish. By the way, I happened to be a Flynn descendant. My grandparents, my grandfather was with Flynn. Yeah, my mother's maiden name was Flynn. Listen, I'm gonna have to run, but you you guys have set up a defense fund for Lieutenant General Flynn, and I want to know people, if they want to help him, where they can go and do that? Where did what's the website? So it's Mike Flynn Defense fund dot org. It's Mike Flynn Defense Fund dot org. And we appreciate all the support from patriots across the country. We're going to continue to need funding to deal with this situation. As Sean I camp, he literally went bankrupt over this. He has no money. It's been a it's been a very difficult time financially. We're talking multiple, you know, we're talking seven figures multiple. And he sold his he had to sell his house. Yes, that's correct. It's unbelievable. All right, thank you for your time. Joe Flynn. Please send our prayers and best wishes to the General and we hope we get to the truth and that this has resolved the way it should be. This can't happen in America. We can't do this to people. You cannot say, oh, you don't need a lawyer. I took full advantage. Ha ha, Wow, it just flabbergasted me. I am here to say we are not backing down on our effort to determine the citizenship status of the United States population. I stand before you coutline new steps my administration is taken to ensure that citizenship is counted so that we know how many citizens we have in the United States makes sense, we will defend the right of the American people to know the full facts about the population size of citizens and non citizens in America. It is essential that we have a clear breakdown of the number of citizens and non citizens that make up the US populations imparative. Knowing this information is vital to formulating sound public policy. Whether the issue is healthcare, education, civil rights, or immigration, we must have a reliable count of how many citizens, non citizens, and illegal aliens are in our country. The Department of Commerce sensibly decided to include a citizenship question in the twenty twenty census, as has been done many, many times throughout the history of the United States. Unfortunately, this effort was delayed by meritless litigation. As shocking as it may be, far left democrats in our country are determined to conceal the number of illegal aliens in our midst They probably know the number is far greater, much higher than anyone would have ever believed before. Maybe that's why they fight so hard. This is part of a broader left wing effort to erode the rights of the American citizen and is very unfair to our country. Therefore, we are pursuing a new option to ensure a complete and timely count of the non citizen population. Today, I will be issuing an executive order to put this very plan into effect immediately. I am here by ordering every department and agency in the federal government to provide the Department of Commerce with all requested records regarding the number of citizens and non citizens in our country. They must furnish all legally accessible records in their possession immediately. We will utilize these vast federal databases to gain a full, complete and accurate count of the non citizen population, including databases maintained by the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration. We have great knowledge in many of our agencies. We will leave no stone unturned. The Census Bureau projected that using previously available records, it could determine citizenship for ninety percent of our population or more. With today's executive order, which eliminates longstanding obstacles to data sharing, we're aiming to count everyone, all right. That was the President yesterday. It was interesting to watch some of the reaction to what the President saying. Because of a court decision and which he could have brought back to the courts. Thanks John Roberts. Once again you're doing a great job screwing things up. But putting that aside for a second here, the President made a decision, do I go back into the court system though I try and thread a needle that they want, and will it even be in the end successful? And so he and the Attorney General Barr said, you know what, We're just going to do it another way. Just like when he couldn't fund the border wall because Congress wouldn't do it, he went through executive emergency action and he was able to successfully get it done that way. Now the President is saying he's not going to back down, and he is just decided to take a new, different approach, perfectly legal within the executive branch's power to get a full accounting of all people in this country, legal and illegal anyway. Joining us for discussion, Congressman Buddy Carter. He is with Georgia's first District David Shown, Criminal Defense Civil Liberties attorney. Thank you both for being with us. Congressman, let me start with you. We had Matt Towery on yesterday and we were talking about a pretty dramatic shift in demographics in Georgia in recent years. Now, I was there when in nineteen ninety two as a local radio host, and Georgia then flipped to be a Republican state. Prior to that that was not the case. We saw with Stacy Abrams and the governor Kemp that they had a pretty tight race. And according to Matt Tower, who knows Atlanta polling better than anybody, he's saying that it is not as reliable, reliably Republican, especially in what was a stronghold for Republicans and past elections, Cobb County. Is there an illegal immigrant problem as part of it or do you just want to get to the bottom of the country's sake and why is it important? Well both, I think that you could make a case for both of those points. There. Certainly we want to get to the bottom of it. The President wants to get to the bottom of it. The American people want to get to the bottom of it. I mean, two thirds of the people who have been polled say yeah, we want to know. This is a kind of question that should be asked. And even when you break down the demographics of those polls, you see that the majority of Democrats want to know. They want to know are you a citizen of this country? Is it important to us in Georgia. Yes, it's important to us in Georgia, particularly League Sean. As you remember, there are two Georgies. There's Atlanta and there's everywhere else, and I represent everywhere else. I represent the South Georgia. It's going to be extremely important to us that we have accurate figures so that when grants are educational grants or whatever kind of grants there may be, whenever those are doled out, that we get our fair share. Le mean, go to the attorney David shown. Now this question had been asked in past census. John Roberts, I guess, writing for the majority, shoots this thing down and says know that he felt that, you know, there was almost contrived what the reason given by the administration. I didn't feel that way at all. I just think it's basic, simple common sense. As Ted Cruz said, you know we've done it and how many other past you know, census takings in the you know, every ten years we have done this in the past. Why not, Now that's right. It's about as common senses against menking and you're one hundred percent right. Between eighteen twenty and two thousand, some version of this was asked on every census, including places birth, something like that. If, as common says, it gets One thing I want to address is there's this notion that every time the president has a policy, the Democrats attack and he comes to a businessman solution that honors the president's interests in the country's interests, but a void with the Gaye sent and that sort of thing. They say he's retreated. He's not retreating here. First of all, it was part of Secretary Ross's plan to do exactly what the president is doing is saying to do now also, so there's no backtracking there. Secondly, he came up with a solution to get the same information. But let's be clear, just take one step back. You know, we have a constitutional clause call the Census Clause of Enuminations, Article two, Section two, Clause three. It says Congress has to have this sentence sensus every ten years. But Congress delegated it to the Secretary of Commerce to make a census, as he would direct what he determines to be important. The only gauge on that it can't be arbitrary and capricious. All the decision said now is listen, you're perfectly entitled to ask this question. It's been asked many times in the past. We don't like the reason that you gave. We think you kind of rushed through it. Go back and think about it, and the prison would be a practical decision. We don't want to take that kind of time. It's going to delay everything we got to get the census out. But lastly, all the census also is already printed, so it would be an addendem or an additional piece of paper, and that then becomes difficult in and of itself. Right, let me just say that this last point of this thing, the reason given for not including this question is and let's assume the evidence is clear. Less people will answer the questions. People who are non citizens won't answer. So think about what their argument is. By viraating the law and not answering the question, you won't be counted, and therefore you're just won't be h We have the boards that otherwise would have, and you won't get the federal funds you would get. You know what, the answers this is your common sense poise. Obey the law, be counted, you get all the federal funds that you're entitled to, then we don't. We don't award reward people for violating the law. And that's ultimately the rationale here. But if they take the population numbers, David, which is what has called for, and you don't you don't ascertain the percentage of people that might be illegal immigrants, and you know, they're estimates. They're all over the map. I've heard eight million, eleven million, sixteen million. We just don't know. I don't think I've ever had confidence in any one number that they're looking at. And anyway, so I'm just looking at the common sense practicality of this isn't going to impact where congressional districts lie. If there's millions of people that are in the country illegally. Yeah, but again those people then should say, listen, I'm not a citizen that's inter to it. Oh well they might. That might have consequences. That's true, that's what the law is all about. You shouldn't get funds if you're not if you're lying on the or omitting or failing to obey your constitutional duty to respond to the thing. And we are as a governor title to know who's a citizen and who's illegally in the quickly serid, how do you develop a policy around immigration? A question? We're entitled to that information and what and so Congressman Buddy Carter ask you, so, all right, do you think that the President and his plan as getting the seal of the approvally the Attorney General and the Commerce Secretary is going to get the same information because that we do have data resources available to every department, and if every department reports back as has been demanded of the President, I would think that we can get a fairly accurate read on where we are at least, no question about it. Sean, as we like to say in the South, there's more than one way to skin a cat. And as President has come up with a way that we can do this and do it accurately, and it needs to be accurate. And David is absolutely right. This is just common sense that we're talking about here. Unfortunately in Washington, DC, it doesn't go over very well up here that being common sense, But it is common sense. And I hear the Democrats say, well, this will deter people from answering the question and therefore from filling out the census report. Well, you know, give me a break. If they are not a citizen, they shouldn't be finished. They shouldn't be filling out the census report anyway. Last word, David, that's where David yours. Can they still get this information accurately? I think, unfortunately for these folks, they're going to rue the day they pushed him this far, because now there's going to be hypersensitivity among all the government agencies to accurately report the information and report where they're illegal aliens living based on information cold from other agencies that they have flipped under the carpet. Otherwise, all right, I want to thank you both for being with those congressmen. Buddy Carter, thank you. And also David Show News round Up, information overload, a lot of your calls coming up in the next half hour right as we continue of What's it? Our busy Phones? News round up coming up at the top of the hour. As we say hi to Terry is in Tyler text is Terry, Hi, how are you happy Friday? Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Hey, Sean, what's going on? Well? I just think the sensest thing. I have an odd feeling that's just them not wanting the American people to know exactly how many undocumented people are in this country. Well, I think there's a lot of things, you know, And then of course it gets turned into a race issue. It was ironic this week Nancy Pelosi's hey, well, they want to make America white again. I mean, just typical, as I've been saying, it's not every two and four years now, it's every second, minute, hour of every day, the typical playbook of the Democrats. But then it was interesting to watch Acasio Cortez come back and say, well, Nancy Pelosi seems to be attacking all the time women of color, and that same tactic Democrats often used, what'd you say? I said, it's kind of funny watching them try to argue with themselves and tear themselves apart. Yeah, exactly, I mean, and by the way, it's not a nice thing to say about somebody, especially when it's not true, isn't it? And that is playbook one on one for the Democrats. Oh, let's refer to Republicans. They're racist, their sexist, misogynistic, homophobics, emophobic, islamophobic, they want dirty air water, they want children to die, and they want to kill grandma. You know, but it's interesting the point that I've been making, isn't it interesting that the people in this country that were so disproportionately negatively impacted by Biden Obama Democratic policies for eight years, that they, if you break it down demographically, are the ones that are doing the best under the Trump economy. And this is not by accident. If you cut taxes, you limit regulation. If you want to raise the standard of living of every American and put the latter to success in front of everybody's door, the best thing we can do is cut taxes, especially for individuals and corporations. Corporation don't pay taxes, they pass that money that burden onto us. And then when you end burdensome regulation, you open up our natural resources, when our energy independent for the first time in seventy five years. It is the single biggest wealth creating moves that any administration can make. That's why we have seven million new jobs created. That's why we have, according to the Census Bureau, seven point five million more jobs available today. That's why we are at record low unemployment for all the demographic groups. We talk about African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic Americans. Women in the workplace and youth unemployment. These conservative limited government, low tax, limited burdensome regulation policies work time and again. Whenever they're tried, they work. All Right, Quick Break, Right Back, News round Up, Information Overload. Tonight a T. Hannity town Hall, as we now ask the questions of Muller that the mainstream media probably won't ask. Great Show, Great Panel nineties from tonight on Fox cop Final News round Up and Information Overload Hour. All Right, News round Up, Information Overload Hour, Sean Hannity Show. All Right, We're gonna get to a lot of your calls here. So last night on TV, we played a video and I think it was one of the funniest things we've ever played. It's this guy. He's in a bagel shop and he's having this meltdown. Linda shows us to me yesterday in front of the entire team. They end up been watching it all day and they're still cracking up, laughing, and this guy just just starts ranting at other customers and then and he goes up to one of them and says, you want to see meet me outside first? You're man, you're like one of those people who retails a joke over wrong. You give the punchline first. It's just terrible. Can I please do this? You don't even know. I didn't give the punchline yet. You gotta Why don't we play it? And then you gotta set it up because it's a visual thing. My friend. Okay, the guy is in a bagel store. He's having a meltdown because I let him say it his own words. Do you want me to say it so he can nut it up? No, I want him play it and then we'll set it up. It just works. It just I just not get his words in there first, Okay, but it is hilarious. I just just will explain to imagine this a bagel store, a guy's having a meltdown, it's on video. Everybody's like, what the hell is going on here? And it ends a certain way, which we'll explain on the other side. Why is it okay for women to say, oh, your five feet on dating sites you should be dead? That's okay, we'll say that to you here. Nobody women in general have set it on dating sites. You think I'm making up everywhere I go. I get to see what did he take it out? And shut your mouth. You're not God or my father or my fours Dude, want to step outside? You want to step outside? I'm not stand it. I'm not up all right. Now there's a second video. We're gonna get to here and say wait, wait, wait wait what was the best part of the whole video? Then with the girl, she's like, oh my god, I just want I want to bagel. I just want to hear. I just want to get breakfast. Um. So for why, we don't know why? This guy was ranting about what women say about short people on on social media and and dating sites, and he feels that he is not being selected or treat it properly due to his height. Okay, so he did look it didn't look too tall. But so what you know, I mean people looking for different qualities and people I don't know if people if it's that important. You know, let's say you meet a person with the greatest heart, that's the most generous, wonderful person. Um. Is height really gonna make that much of a difference to you? Well, okay, I think inside was five two and I'm five. I'm five. Everyone needs to know you've had like a million ex boyfriends. Oh my god, no, you did no you you think I think that's I think that's a compliment. And yeah, you know what, I I don't see you. That hole that you're digging is really deep. I'm not Wait a second, did you a popular person that got asked out by a lot of people? Is there anything factually wrong? First of all, answer and being asked out? Okay, going out and obtaining a lot, So that follow. Let's go through the questions. Were you popular and did you get a lot of people that would ask you on a date? No, and no, I don't believe that. No. By the way, neither does anybody else in that room. You know what it is. When I was in high school, I first of all, I went to an all girls high school, so you know, I didn't you know, and there were no boys there, so I didn't get asked out. So yeah, and I did not you know, I played the violinch one. I was a straight A student who played the violin, you know. You know. I was in marching band, you know, but he put the pieces together here, you know, boys, And yet you didn't play any sports. You didn't really blossom. I didn't really blossom. Oh good, gree I don't really want to get into blossom. I have a long list of men I data, but blossom offends you. But you had long term relationships with guys, and you had boyfriends, and you were polic monogamous. Yeah, I'm popular. You were a very popular person. You have obviously an outgoing personality, and as a result, you didn't have a hard time meeting people that were interested in you. Is that a fair way to characterize that? That's so much nicer, Thank you? Okay? And then you did date a number of people in your life. Is that true? A true statement? Sure? Okay, So why are we even talking about this? Why do I have to tear it apart and break it down because you wore popular? Oh? I think the audience will let you know soon, But I don't think so. But we'll see. All right, So this guy has this meltdown. Now the interesting part is so he gets up you want to go outside? You want and the guy that he's doing it against is much bigger, and then he does like this tummy push into the guy and I'm like, what is this guy doing? And he's he's escalating and escalating. Then his other guy comes out of nowhere, and when you're watching, we'll put the tapes on Hannity dot Com when you watch it in the slow motion. But he didn't really push him in the in the tummy, No, he he was pushing the guy that was raging out there. He went up and he threw his stomach and hit the one guy, not the guy that eventually tackled him. Oh oh, the shorter man hit the taller man in the basta bubble. He belly bumped him. Belly bumped. Never heard of it before. Up he belly bumped them. And so out of nowhere, he's he keeps red and another guy comes out of nowhere, the flying knee right to where it's gonna hurt, a huge takedown, and then it ends. That's the end of the video, but we have part two. Inside Edition was able to track this guy down last night. Now the interesting part of this, nobody got arrested, Nobody got into trouble. I guess everybody got their bagels. And the guy, well, this is him being an interviewed last night on Inside Edition after the incident went viral. What do you mean take it out him? You act like I committed miss shooting him something, That guy twice my size, that women love the bullies attacked me. He was quickly done talking. You know what, I don't really know offense. I don't really like you that much. So this interviews over what the bullies attacked me. Now, let's go back to the first tape. He said, you want to go outside, you want to go outside? And then visualize this guy that apparently has a problem. He's upset about how tall he is in life, belly bumps the guy that he's yelling at saying, let's go outside. Let's play that tape again. Why pay for women to say, oh, your five feet are dating sites? You should be dead? That's okay. Who said that to you here? Nobody? Women in general have shot it on dating sites. You think I'm making that everywhere I go? I get to say its smirk with the fighting whip. Shut your mouth. You're not God or my father or my thos. Dude, you want to step outside, You want to step outside. I'm not standing. I'm not you shut up to attack Pip. Oh my god, I just want it begel. It's just But honestly, I think this guy think he doesn't understand. It's got nothing to do with his height. It's got everything to do with his attitude. He's got a really bad attitude. I actually think this guy is like, you know, somebody gotta watch for going postal. You know, we always have these incidents. And then we find out later, Oh, supposedly he lives in a van down by the river. And I'm not making that up for being funny. In New York City, in New York in Long Island. Oh great, right in my backyard. Crazactly. Um, I just thought, and I'm watching this whole thing. Now. We have another nutty video that took place. This one involves our friend doctor Gorka. So you got the CNN playboy guy, and he says, they're all these people because the president yesterday with high profile social media people, and he just decides to that they're all demonic or something to that affect. And finally Gorka just wat He goes, come over here, Why don't you come? We want to go out there. This must have been the moon might have been in a certain place last night that everyone's losing their mind. You were a punk. Just for the record, he'd kick yours. What was happening yesterday? How do we miss all the action? I know we're over here covering the deep state and where you're covering the deep state and expose it's the war of height. This had to be something. It had to be some lunar lunar positioning. At the moment, it's like, was mercury and retrograde? I don't know, something was very strange. I don't even know what mercury is in retrograde. Oh no, kidding, that's what it is. Everybody loses their mind. Oh, come on, you don't believe that, crapt I totally believe all that stuff. All right, What does mercury and retrograde mean? It's just the alignment of the planets and basically the pole planets, the planets. Okay, what do you call them? Planets? Whatever? Anyway? I call him? What this? How do you call it? What do you say about golf? I already told you what I want to do about golf? Golf? Where did you come up with the word golf? Golf is not a word. Golf is a word. It's a word. Country did we go to first for the first summit with Kim Jong un? Who went to Singapore? Singapore? That's right? And what do we do? What? What kind of radio format is this? Talk? Talk format? Talk? And what do you drink in the morning black rifle? I drink black rifle coffee. Yeah, okay, you don't. You have a slight, slight New York accent, very slight. You can roadly hear it. Um, I don't know, but it's funny, all right. So let's see Eddie and Florida. What do you think of this person in the bagel shop? Well, as it being a Southern boy, I'd say his corn bread ain't done. But in this case I'd have to say his bagel as a couple of chive short of sour cream. Not sure he's corn bread? Hate done? Is that? That's what they call it. That's a phrase for it ain't done, A couple of fry short of a happy meal. The wow, Um. You know. The funny thing is there is a serious side to this. So this guy's nuts. No normal person who is going to act this way in any store. But you have nuts all over New York. We see them every single day. And then you know, then you have different degrees of nuts. Then you have nuts with evil, you know, like all those you know. I read the story about Epstein. I was fourteen with braces. There's such a rage that naturally builds up in me. And these people exist. You know, we think that evil just exists with regimes you know, Hitler and Stalin and you know, fascism and cetera. No, it's people can be just pure nuts and pure evil. And it's like, wow, It's like when you have kids, You're like you want to put them in a straight jacket and surround them with bodyguards every day. They're so nuts. But anyway, and any he did it in public, anything inside edition comes over from the interview and he lashes out again. Guy's got a hair trigger. Thank you, Eddie. Let's go to Janet, Tampa Bay. So what do you think of our friend in the bagel store? Okay, I'm I'm originally from New York and thirty two years down south here in Tampa Bay now, And I think when I heard it, I don't miss that part of New York because but you're right, it's everywhere you see it. Oh my god, I mean, you know it is different. I've been down in the wintertime to Florida. All of a sudden, you get off the plane, let's say Fort Myers Airport, Miami International, right, and you get off the plane and then all of a sudden you feel the weather, and then you're driving in the car, and then all of a sudden you see people in shorts and t shirts and maybe they're running, maybe they're jogging, maybe they're ridding a bike, maybe they're just licking, you know, an ice cream cone and having fun. And you just think, Wow, this is this whole other world out there. Why am I killing myself up there and being charged a lot of money for it? And I kind of concluded that I'm really stupid. I should have negotiated moving the whole show, but I didn't. Oh, well, you've got time, God willing, I have time. Right back to our phones, we go as we say, Hi, Vincent is in Arizona today, Vincent, Hi, how are you happy Friday? So glad you called? How are you doing? John Sean not John Sean? Sorry, that's all right. Is by the way, John Sean is John in Gaelic in case you're interested, But go ahead. Oh I didn't know that, okay. I was wondering what your take on the legal take on what the recent Twitter anti twitter blocking legislation of the Ninth Circuit, if that could be applied to the First Amendment. First Amendment suppression by the big tech companies. I think this issue of these big tech companies, and I got to give a shout out to Project Veritas and them exposing Google. And as we have pointed out, Linda will give you how many how many Googles sixty three thousand searches per second? Sixty three thousand searches per second. Now, that is a lot of influence. And if they have a political agenda, and that political agenda favors one party over another, with that type of reach, it then becomes more than an inkind donation. That is a type of that is a type of donation that can sway an electorate. Beyond which two, I mean the whole issue of Wow, they're not even they're not even trying to be fair and yeah, and they have they wield enormous power, and I do think that there's going to be they're going to have to stop these sophisticated algorithms to either band people, shadow band people, or control the content as they are currently doing, because if they do, they will be basically the biggest donors to any candidate that has ever come down the pike. And we have to see this for what it is. Why don't they just play it straight and let people decide for themselves. But I don't think that's an option for them. I think they've already made up their mind. All right, Roger Vincent kidding, we'll talk next next time. Thanks for being with us. All right, twenty five till the top of the hour. It's Friday. We made it. By the way, Hannity, we got a town hall tonight on the deep state and the questions Mueller really needs to answer. You're gonna love this, nine Eastern Fox News. All Right, it's Friday. Every time we get to this point, I mean, we're one week in from vacation. I would say by Wednesday I began to feel right back in work mode. Monday and Tuesday you kind of still you have that little vacation hangover thing. It goes away by Wednesday. Maybe if I took two weeks, it would have lasted a little longer. I don't know, sort of the glow that followed a vacation that you have. But anyway, had a great time this week. A lot of news this week, Gonna be a lot next week. And he laid that golden fiddle on the ground at Johnny's feet Johnny said, devil, just come on back if you ever want to try again, because I told you once, you son of a gun, I'm the best has ever been. And he played, even Linda's rocking out there. I mean even Linda, I'm always rocking. Yeah, except when you dance alone at the ch That's when I rocked my best, when I don't have dead weight on me. James and everybody else that saw it stangy. We all looked at each other and said, oh my god, this is this is her first of all, you all looked at each other and said, God, I wish no we did courage to dance like Linda. No. I that's why I walked over and said, hey, why don't you come on over here. We're all hang. What did I say to you? Go fly a kite? You told me to go fly a kite? And then you made up some cockamaney story that John Rich said, Oh, you're such a good dancer out there by yourself. I just have to call John Rich and put him on the air and say, well, go ahead, because I don't believe that story for a second. I don't. He wouldn't remember he does how many shows a year? He's not gonna remember one individual show that we happen to be at at his that's his bar. It's called the Redneck Riviera. He has the new whiskey by the way, in the back of the bar. That's where I spent a lot of time hanging out. Their veterans get you know, you show that you're a veteran, that you are are currently serving, you get a free shot of Redneck Riviera whiskey. That was though before they started making Redneck Riviera whiskey, and it's a big hit. And then they even have the special select Redneck at the Blue Bottle Redneck rivera or whiskey. Um. Anyway, it was a little fun time. I'll say that. All right, let's get to our phones. Amy, Colorado, how are you hi, Sean, Thanks for taking my call. A happy weekend. Happy weekend, I'm so happy. Yeah, me to you. And my thoughts on that guy, um, I see it kind of both ways. I think he's pretty nuts um for laughing out like that. But I'm like, I'm five feet tall, kind of like Linda and I love I love you guys going back and forth. By the way, and by the way, she is annoying at times, don't you think that she annoys me on purpose? By I wouldn't say, I wouldn't take some purpose. I don't think she's annoying. Oh she No, she definitely goes out of her way to like push my buttons. She did admits that she does. It's part of my joy. I mean, my life would be so meaningless without irritating you, Like I said, that's why we missed you when you were away. There was no one to amy fist of all. We'll go ahead, all right, thank you? But you know, these people are nuts? Why why is everybody on a hair trigger? And if he's just joining us, it's up on my website Hannity dot com. This guy's nuts, he's out of his mind. And you know the good news in that is the guy that did tackle him didn't get arrested. I expected that news to break any time. A double standard though, because girls that are short are kind of seen as more cute and kind of more adorable than guys that are short. I think I'm married a guy that's like six feet tall. Ye, yeah, I don't know. I don't know, but he didn't. He definitely didn't need to do what he shot. That's for sure. Uh, that is absolutely for sure. And I don't know. But look, if you have belly bump somebody, you so you want to stide, Yeah, you want to come outside. Okay, if your belly bumped the guy, then you've now made contact. And although they have in New York, this is such a strange law. How long ago was it we went over the New York law that you must retreat even if somebody breaks into your house, you gotta make an effort to walk away from the guy that's, you know, in your house in a home invasion. You can't just go aggressively and take him down exactly. That is insane personal space then you know, um, that's not right at all. So yeah, and he definitely did you to do that. Well, all right, Amy, thank you, We appreciate You'll be well. Us have a great weekend. Okay, all right, Joe and Georgia. Sean, you have a great program, but I'm again sending illegal Immorgan healthcare money. That's ridiculous, and your show is going to lead Trump the biggest landslide victory in history, and I'm fired up. We don't want social of them, but we need to all get behind Sean Hannity and give Trump a landslide reelection. How about that. Well, I think that can very well happen. But don't get overly complacent Republican. To win nationally, you got to thread the needle and you got to run the table. That's always hard. Dana Tennessee. Last year my son went to Ireland finish his map, to finish his master's degree at the University of Cork, and last Christmas he gave us before he came home, he gave us a call. He said, Hey, they're not going to let me back into the country unless I proved either I have an income or X amount of dollars in the bank. And we were pretty much devastated. He's a student, you know, starving musician, and so luckily he had money. Debate. But I think the United States take a look at that and say, hey, let's not let these people come in and give him free staff, let him learn the way before they said. I just believe in merit based immigration. It's really simple, and I believe that we should be able to vet and actually the people that want the limited slots available, they should pay for it. We should be able to vet the people that we allow in. I don't care where you come from, just as long as we know you're safe. You want to be a part of our family. And you also need to prove that you're going to be able to take care of yourself and not be a burden on the taxpayers. I think that's fair, all right, eight hundred ninety four one, Sean Tolfree telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. A great Hannity tonight, nine Eastern as we have a studio audience. Robert Muller, I'm glad he's testifying well with Democrats are now scared to that they've kindly finally have figured out, oh, this may not go the way we thought. Whoopsie Daisy and Jim Jordan and Doug Collins and Devin Nuness and Matt Gates. They're going to get questions too, and we have a lot of questions we want answered. We'll go over them tonight at nine Hannity Fox Quick Break right back this Friday, wrap things up. Glad you're with us? All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today and Hannity Tight. So even though it's delayed, we have the Special Council still planning to go and testify on Capitol Hill for what is a fourth and fifth investigation, the never ending Trump conspiracy collusion investigation. But now Democrats are nervous, and one of the reasons will be the questions that we are outlining tonight, Special audience edition Hannity nine, Eastern Fox News Channel. Hope you watch us, hope you join us, have a great weekend. We'll see it at night at nine.

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