Defending Barrett

Published Oct 6, 2020, 10:00 PM

Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee is here to discuss her support for President Trump’s SCOTUS nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. The criticism of this nominee has been so egregious, from the remarks about her children to her faith to her ability to be a working mom. One wonders if the same questions would be asked, or were ever asked, of a liberal nominee.

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All. I'm glad you with us. Four weeks from today is election day. I told you this would go fast, and Biden is, you know, out and about. He didn't put a lid on today like yesterday, so that means another disastrous day out on the campaign trail. Biden actually got ticked off out of reporter's obnoxious question. Doesn't like it when reporters refused to follow the script prepared by his campaign. In Miami, a female reporter asked him an off script question about COVID, and he called it, called her quote obnoxious, refuse to respond. I mean, the guy's barely answered a hundred questions his entire campaign. Can I just ask you one question about COVID? The reporter asked politely. Biden responds by waving her away and adding she's gonna ask an obnoxious question she wants to get noticed. Welcome to Donald Trump's warreful like five seconds, I mean, good reef, you know, then scolding Trump. It's embarrassing for the nation. He caught Corona. Well, he didn't have the luxury of hiding in his basement bunker the entire summer and spring. It's pretty unbelievable. I mean, you know from the guy that calls a lid on his day at nine nine thirty every other day, and CBS News White House correspondent says that he'd be safer reporting in North Korea. What is unbelievable. No symptoms for the President today, according to the White House doctors as he took I guess his final treatment of remdissevere part of a regiment that he's taken, including regeneron, which is not new, in spite of it being reported as as fairly new. It's not um. But now we have a big battle in New York as Andrew Cuomos threatening to close down synagogues and close down religious schools in the city of New York again, which doesn't surprise anybody. That will further add to the decline of New York. I wish I could tell you what's going to happen in twenty eight days from today. I cannot. Nobody knows. Nobody's anybody that says that they know. I'm sorry, they don't know what they're talking about. Joe Biden flip flopped and flailed again on the issue of a masked mandate. Now he's saying, well, that's really up to the States to decide, which has pretty much been Donald Trump's position all along, even had to admit that police no longer support them and why should they when police become the enemy, and of course denying the very reality of what has been going on, the violence and minimizing it, just like Kamala Harris not mentioning it even during his own Democratic National Convention. And I've never met a presidential candidate that's never had to ask answer any questions, you know, has anyone ever said, do we ever get an answer? Are you gonna pack the courts? Joe, America would like to know, are you gonna pack the courts if you're elected president? I'm not answering that question. That's a trick from Donald Trump. Are you gonna support ending the legislative filibuster? Joe, that's a trick question too. Do you support statehood for DC and Puerto Rico and Samoa wherever else they might be thinking about statehood so Democrats can have a Senate majority in perpetuity? Do you support that? I'm not going to answer that question either. Do you support moving forward with the Constitutional Amendment to abolish the Electoral College? Oh, that's another trick question. I'm not going to answer that one. I mean, is anybody gonna ask if your regrets authoring the crime bill in ninety four, That was the Joe Biden Crime Bill that led to the mass incarceration of minorities and disparate sentencing, or calling minorities in inner cities predators in the streets. Does he regret praising Robert Bird, the former clansman, as his friend and as his mentor. Does he regret the eulogy that he gave Bird at his funeral? Does he regret fighting with Bird to stop integration of schools? Does he, you know, regret openly worrying that his kids would grow up in a racial jungle of schools were integrated, you know, given his past with a former clansman and segregationist. Does Biden avow the KKK? Does anyone decided to ask him these questions? Trump's answered it repeatedly. Does he stand by his quote you ain't black if you vote for Trump? What did Joe Biden mean when he said the Latino community is diverse unlike the African American community. Does anyone going to ask him that question? Because none of these questions were still twenty eight days out of an election. Has he ever answered? Does he regret saying you can't go to a seven eleven or dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent? Does he regret when he called Obama the first mainstream African American who's articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy, that storybook man. He likes to say the word man and a lot. Come on, man, you're a junkie. You're a junkie. Man, Shut up, man, man oh man. Can't make that up, you know? Does he regret by the way that him him? And we'll get to Michelle Obama's comments too, and Barack and Michelle Obama, they want to talk about Donald Trump, uh and Michelle Obama suggesting that that what we're watching with our own eyes isn't happening, and that the it's only a tiny fraction of the protests that have been violent, not a tiny fraction When you have over three thousand cops hurt, that was not a tiny fraction of anything. But you know, for in eight years of Barack Obama's president, Michelle Obama, first Lady Joe vice president, four thousand homicides in Chicago alone, twenty thousand shootings in Chicago alone. They barely mentioned it that they regret not doing anything to protect the people of Chicago, Baraca, Michelle's hometown. You know, during his eight years as Obama's vice president, what did Biden do to curb violence in Chicago? What did he do to curb violence in any inner city community? You know, why didn't he pass prison reform during his what nearly fifty years in office? Why didn't he orchestrate police reform after Ferguson or Baltimore or Cambridge or you know, why didn't he end chokeholes like like with the prison reform of the president? You know, why didn't he classify the KKK as a terror organization for that matter, Antifa or Antipha, depending on you'd like to say it. You know, why are they enlisting now? I don't know if you saw this yesterday a rapper for this new videos praising the anti Semitic leader of Lewis Farrakon. Does he condemn the picture that was hidden for nine years of Barack Obama with Lewis Farrakon? Does Biden endorse any of the views of Farakon? Would he ever get his picture taken with Farikon? Has he ever gotten his picture taken with Farikon? On Biden's campaign website, it states that Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face. Okay, then why did he lie in say that he doesn't support the New Green Deal during the debate? Anybody in the media care to take a crack at that one? You know? Why did he put his devout socialist AOC in charge of environmental policy? Why did he allow an evo devout socialists to write his economic policy? And why did he lie about the existence of the Bolshevik Bernie Biden manifesto Biden says he supports eliminating oil and gas. He supports spanning coal production. He supports banning nuclear energy. Can you tell us why and what are we gonna do when millions of high paying career jobs are lost in the process, We're gonna fill them with clean energy jobs. That's a fantasy that I don't think. I don't see coming to fruition and anytime soon. Does he support the nationalization of the energy industry? Does he support a ban of plastic products like straws, bags, plates? Is Biden going to roll back the Trump tax cuts like he said he did, would which reduced taxes for millions of middle class American Americans. Is he going to raise taxes on every corporation and small businesses? Who fires s corps? You know how many Americans? Would he would his payroll tax increase impact? Is there any scenario where Biden would ever lower taxes? And does Biden want to, like Kamala Harris, eliminate all private insurance? None of these questions have ever been asked. Were four weeks out of a presidential election and none of these questions have ever been asked by Biden. Does Biden want to you know, will he pay for universal healthcare for all? Is he going to pay for his massive student loan forgiveness? How's he going to pay for that forgiveness program? By the way, will he do it retroactively for people that paid back their loans? If he forces America back into the Paris Climate Accord, which he says he'll do on day one, will he demand that China and India be held to the same exact, rigid standards, paying the same exact moneys as the United States. Will the attempt to appease a Ran. Will he give them more cash for nothing in exchange? Will he applaud the president's newly brokered peace plans between Israel, the UAE, and buff Rain. Does Biden support the President's decision to move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem? Does he support the president's new US Canada Mexico trade agreement? Why did why did Biden support you know, the manufacturing killing NAFTA deal for decades and the wake of the pandemic. What's Biden going to do to encourage vital supply lines and manufacturing companies to move out of China? What you know, is Biden going to restrict his family from taking payouts from foreign oligarchs and companies and nationals from China and Russia and kazakh and Ukraine and other words? Is He's going to allow Hunter to run free and wild like we now know that he has. We have top State Department officials saying that Hunter Biden's Beresma deal compromised the US anti corruption efforts in Ukraine. Biden, you ever going to respond to that beyond saying it didn't happen. When it did happen, and why did you lie about the three and a half million dollars that in fact the wire transfer that took place with the first Lady of Moscow, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow. Are you going to correct the record, Joe? What about the Hunter Biden joint bank account with the Chinese National you know, should Hunter give the money back? For example? Why was Hunter wrapped up in a billion dollar business deal with prominent members of the Communist Party of China. Why did Hunter Biden's private equity firm get a multi million dollar wire transfer from a Russian oligarch? You know, did Joe Biden ever benefit financially from Hunter's business dealings abroad when he was vice president? I mean, none of these questions have been asked. Now you think about it, twenty eight days out of an election, do you think your medium mob cares about truth or do you think they have an agenda? I am arguing that the institutional forces that are combined. It is the entire Democratic Party and establishment from top to bottom, inside and out, up and down. It is the entire medium mob. It is state run newspapers, state run networks, all three of them, and two major cable news channels that are nothing but state run TV. For everything, radical, extreme socialist and Biden. You got every Rhino Republican force also raising money to destroy Donald Trump. They claim they're Republicans, they're not the most radical agenda ever put forward by any presidential handidate and an obviously weak, frail, cognitively challenged, you know, out of touch, you know, barely there, corpse like looking candidate. And we're twenty four days, I'm sorry, twenty eight days away from election day and none of this has been done. Now do you think they've done a service to you, the American people? Or do you think they've got an agenda to want to know why? I can't tell you how this election is going to turn out. Those are powerful forces that have aligned against Donald Trump and the American people. That's why I say you got to act like you're six points down. You're on your own, twenty two minute drill, no timeouts. You got to march down the field, eighty yards, crossed the plane, kick the extra point. I cannot tell you how this is going to end. Neither can anybody else. We have. The Director of National Intelligence has just declassified Brennan notes CIA memo on Hillary Clinton's stirring up the scandal between Trump and Russia going to break all of this down coming up, So you've got you have Biden out there, um literally saying that he was able to stay home during the pandemic because some black woman was stocking the grocery shelf. Listen, see the reason I was able to stay so questioned in my home is because some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf. What what is he talking about? I mean, is this is he making a stereotype of some kind because I happen to do my own shopping anecdotally. Brought it up many times during COVID, would go once twice a week, saw the same people wearing masks and gloves and nobody contracted COVID nineteen. That sounds an awful lot like a like a stereotype to me. Always you remember he gave lectures about what is good for the other N word and I'm like the token black or the token woman. He once said, I'm like it was the token young person. Bussing will set civil rights, the civil rights movement back in a it's a bankrupt policy. We'll get into all this as the program unfolds and Michelle Obama's comments. We'll get to and respond to as well. Eight hundred nine four one sean is our number at twenty five to the top of the hour. Eight hundred and nine four one sean. You want to be a part of the program. Let's go back to Biden. The reason I could stay homed or in the pandemic is this, you see, geez. The reason I was able to stay so question in my home is because some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf. He said, a lot of other weird stuff in this yesterday in Miami. I've never broken my word on anything I've said, he said, And he goes on to say, I want to see these ladies dancing when they're four years older too. Good news is for me. I'm here. The bad news for you as I'm coming back. I'm coming back and I want to see these beautiful young ladies. I want to see them dancing when they're four years older too. And he wouldn't be wouldn't it be the iron of ironies of Haitians delivered the coup de grace on election night? What do you think about this? Wouldn't it be an irony? The irony of all ironies? If on election eve it turned out Haitians delivered the coup de graw in this election. What is he talking about? Then the media ripped, you know. Then Michelle Obama here's her comments. Remember this happens every two years, every four years. Remember nineteen ninety eight Missouri radio ad elect Republicans. Black churches will burn. Then you've got put you all back in chains. Then you've got the James Bird ad. It's like my father was killed all over again, except George W. Bush supported the death penalty for the murderers of James Burden, a terrible, dragging death. And then you've got Al Gore with his his changing tone and pitch and cadence, and out there saying, you know, Republicans have the wrong agenda for African Americans. They don't want to count you in the census. Happens every two years, every four years. So now you've got Joe Biden out there saying the reason I could stay home during the pandemic was because of some black woman was stocking the grocery shelf. And here's Michelle Obama calling the president racist. I remember, Michelle Barack Joe eight years, four thousand people killed in Chicago, they barely mentioned a twenty thousand shot. They barely mentioned it. Ferguson, Baltimore, Cambridge, other high profile incidents, Eric Gardner. They didn't do criminal justice reform. They didn't do police reform. They didn't shatter record low after record low after record low unemployment for every demographic group. Donald Trump did that. They didn't. They didn't do opportunity zones either. They didn't commit as much money for the longest period of time for historically black colleges. They didn't do any of these things. Donald Trump did them. That is just what their policies have been. Anyway, here's Michelle Obama jumping in with these comments. They're stoking fears about black and brown Americans, lying about how minorities will destroy the suburbs, whipping up violence and intimidation, and they're pinning it all on what's been an overwhelmingly peaceful movement for racial solidarity. It's true. Research backs it up. Only a tiny fraction of demonstrations have had any violence at all. So what the President is doing is once again patternly false. It's morally wrong, and yes it is racist, but that doesn't mean it won't work. Because this is a difficult time a confusing time, and when people hear these lies and crazy conspiracies repeated over and over and over again, they don't know what to think. With everything going on in their lives, they don't have time to fact check falsehoods being spread throughout the internet, and even reasonable people might get scared. And the one thing this president is really really good at is using fear and confusion and spreading lies to win. So all of the arson, all of the looting, of the Molotov cocktails, all of the bricks, all of the all of the you know, canes and hockey sticks, all of the arson, all of the chaz chop autonomous spaghetti, potluck dinner, Summer of love zones never happened, Police precinct, the three thousand cops injured, our eyes all deceive us. You see what's happening here? Right? And does Joe Biden ever get called out on his support for his partnership with a former Clansmen. Does he ever get called out for his relationship with segregationist James eastland Strom Thurman praising the former Clansmen? Does he ever get called out for his lies about going to a historically black college getting endorsed by the NAACP. Does he ever get called out for his embracement of segregation in schools, his fight with the clansmen over stopping integration of public schools because he doesn't want his kids going to schools that are racial jungles. Does he get called out for you ain't black? If you if you vote for Donald Trump, you can't work at a seven eleven or Dunkin' donuts. You're not gonna put you all back in chains. You know this is a storybook, man. You gotta Barack Obama. He's articulate, he's bright, and he's clean. That storybook man. My state was a slave state. Poor kids are just as bright as white kids. Unlike African American community, the Latino community is diverse. Should they keep going such hypocrisy? But it's twenty eight days to go now? The question is what percentage of people in the media mob will ever do their job and ask Joe any questions. They've allowed somebody to basically be a ghost of a candidate, somebody to call a lid on almost half the month of September. No presidential candidate hides in their basement bunker in September for almost a full month or half a month the way this guy has. You know that they ever gonna bring up his corruption with Hunter Biden and all of the oligarchs and the Mayor of Moscow, the First Lady of Moscow or Barisma. They won't. Oh no, no, no, that's been proven false. No serious person believes this. Really, Why did somebody that admits he had no experience in oil, gas, energy or Ukraine get millions of dollars? How does Joe get away with lying about the three and a half million dollars that he got this wire transfer from the former first Lady of Russia? You know, how does Hunter Biden, with no experience a week and see get a billion five deal with the Bank of China, oligarchs, Chinese nationals, Russian nationals, Ukraine nationals, Kazakh nationals, all while he's vice president. You know how much money in total did this family of his make as they've enriched themselves off of his position. How is it nobody's ever called them out on this? How is it he gets to make a ridiculous statement that he led on COVID when he was saying it was hysterical xenophobian fearmongering. What kind of country do we live in where the mob in the media is so in the tank the ninety nine percent for one candidate, they refuse to ask any tough questions. Really, can he admit that the travel band the president made the right call and it saved lives? Can he admit that he was wrong on that one decision, wrong on not supporting the quarantine, wrong on not supporting you know, the subsequent travel bands. Does he believe the travel band save lives? Does he does he support or not support the mask mandate? Because he changes every day? How is it you don't praise police, the ninety nine percent of them? How is it you make a statement police become the enemy? How is it you're willing to reallocate funds away from the police or redirect those funds away from the police. How do you pick a running mate that is to the left of Bolshevik Berney that wants to eliminate all private health insurance options, somebody that praises the defunding of the LAPD, somebody that you know co sponsors the Green New Deal, co sponsors Medicare for all. You know? How is it? How is it possible? Do you support packing the court? Joe Yes? Or no. Why won't you release a list of Supreme Court judges the way President Trump has done? Why won't you be transparent? You know, Joe, you're a Catholic. I think You're faith is between you God and your church. Do you think that the same should apply to Judge Amy Coney Barrett? Do you think it's fair that Diane Feinstein questions her faith and her quote Catholic church dogma the way she did in the past. Do you want to eliminate the electoral College? Do you want to eliminate the legislative philipbuster? Do you agree with Kamala Harris that we can get rid of any weapons she wants to get rid of by executive fiat if Congress fails to act. Do you believe that you know? Do you want others? Do you want states added to the Union? Should other states have a say in that? Considering that that would ultimately result in a permanent majority for Democrats in the US Senate, likely in perpetuity, do you support that? Do you believe that state force closures and churches during the pandemic is constitutional? What restrictions would you have on the Second Amendment? Do you support the First Amendment? Do you support restrictions like uh, you know, banning hate speech? And how do you define hate speech? You know? Do you want to give DC in Puerto Rico and other places statehood? Why did you say police became the enemy or it become the enemy. Why did you say you'd read direct funds away from the police. What do you say about Kamala Harris's extreme record? Why did you pick her? Why do you support zero cash bell as is in the Bernie Biden manifesto? I mean, I can keep going. Why did police, perhaps in the past, support you, but they're not supporting you now? Joe? Why do you keep acting like you're from Pennsylvania and you haven't lived in Scranton almost your entire life? You know? Why didn't you mention at your own convention all the violence and the rioting and the arson and the looting and the injured cops over the summer. Why do you just deny it? Do you agree with Mayor Durkin that Seattle's chop zone was a summer of love zone? Why were you quiet about what was happening all summer long? Why do you stay in the sidelines. Why are you hiding in your basement every day. Are you going to be a full time or a part time president? Biden campaign that your staff raise money for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, as did your running mate that bailed out rioters, and even you know, others accused of things like child molestation. I mean, that's nuts, Joe. Why is it law enforcement groups have withdrawn all of their support from you? What is your greatest accomplishment in the Senate, Joe? What have you done in nearly fifty years? Why do you support open borders? Why do you support amnesty? Why do you support free healthcare for illegal immigrants in this country? You know? Do you support the illegal immigrants having the right to vote? Why should American citizens subsidize and pay for their healthcare and their education? Do you support any restrictions on abortion? Whatsoever? I could keep going. I can go over Kamala Harris's extreme positions too. By the way, this just breaking. The Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe he classified documents. It reveals the former CIA director John Brennan brief the former President Barack Obama on Hillary's purported plan to tie candidate Donald Trump to Russia as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server. In other words, the CIA picked up intelligence on all of this. Now Brennan's handwritten notes have been declassified, and he even felt it was important he briefed Obama on it, and anyway, that was now sent to the House and Senate intelligence committees. Source familiar with the documents explained that Brennan's handwritten notes were taken after briefing Obama on the matter. In other words, that Hillary set the whole thing up as a means of vilifying Donald Trump to distract from her email scandal. And that is the subpoened email she deleted, then the Bleach bit and the Hammers. I told you we should always have gotten to the bottom of that, and that apparently our intelligence officials were able to pick up intelligence. In other words, probably some eavesdropping or source of Hillary approving a plan to actually make up a false narrative about Donald Trump being in collusion with Russia. The whole thing was made up. Then that referral was sent to Coomy and to Peter's Struck of all people, they knew the whole time, they knew the whole time. Part of it, Well, the election doesn't go the right way. In twenty eight days. Guess what. We'll never get to the truth. We'll never get to the bottom of it. All right, Live free or die, America, the world on the brink. It's just twenty eight days. It is four weeks from today, and you are the ultimajority told you it was going to go fast. It is going fast. Many of you are nervous. I like that. I want to know why, because you should be. Because what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and Bolshevik Bernie and AOC are proposing is radical. With the mob in the media, you got every institutional force in this country aligned against Donald Trump. You just do. It's the ninety nine percent of the mob, the media, it is every Democrat, it is every Rhino Republican, institutional Republican. It's all the same thing. The swamp protects the swamp, and the one thing they agree on is getting rid of Donald Trump, no matter how that, no matter how they're doing this here. Bill Barr told Jim Jordan he's asked another US attorney to investigate the issue of unmasking anyway State Department officials. They had to be ordered, they had to order the stopping of tracking thirteen prominent Americans for information about the Ukraine scandal because the monitoring violated federal law. By the way, the list of thirteen people. Guess who happens to be number one on the list? Yours truly. But anyway, let's listen to a bar saying about the unmasking. Thirty eight people unmasked Michael Flynn's name forty nine times in a two month timeframe. Seven people at the Treasury Department unmasked Michael Flynn's name. Is this an issue that mister Durham is looking into. I've asked another US attorney to look into the issue of unmasking because of the high number of unmaskings and some that do not readily appear to have been in the line of normal business that I want to be clear. So there is a there is another investigation on that issue specifically going on into the Justice Department right now. Yes, wow, that's great. So mister Durham is looking at how the whole Trump Russia things started. You have another US attorney, can you give us that US attorney's name or at something your comforable doing her? John Bash of Texas. John Bash of Texas is looking specifically at the fact at unmasking thirty eight people forty nine times unmasked, Michael Flynn's name, and probably other unmaskings that took place in the final days of the Obama Biden administrations. At achree actually a much longer period of time even before that. Yes, and we had discovered that in the final year of the Obama administration went up someone three. Now the emails show the State Department officials. The unredacted emails obtained by John Solomon and just thenews dot Com raised questions about the accuracy of other State Department officials and their testimony during the presidents and each proceedings. They weren't exactly forthcoming on any of this information. Judicial Watch first raised concerns about this earlier this year. I'll never forget during the whole issue involving Ambassador Marie Ivanovich, I barely knew who it was that she had somehow created an enemies list and other people in the embassy in Kiev. They've created this enemy's list, if you will, by ordering the monitoring of prominent Americans, including yours. Truly, how I got to be first on the list, I don't know, and I remember when it first came about. I was like, I barely know this woman. We were just basically following the fundamentals of the Ukrainian Ukrainian story, which for me was you're not getting a billion dollars until you fire a prosecutor investigating my zero experience son Hunter who's being paid millions, all of which is true. But I digress here to break down the new information that he's found as John Solomon, editor infajut thenews dot com and author of the book fall Out, Nuclear bribes, Russian spies, Washington lies that enriched the Clinton and Biden dynasties, which we've spent a lot of time about. David Shoones of a Liberty's attorney, he was not on the list, but people like me, Laura Ingram, Lood Dobbs, John Solomon wore John Solomon, how come you're not number one? I would have put you as number one on the list. I certainly vote to put you number one on the list. How did I get number one on this list? That's not exactly the position you want in life. I'm pretty sure I'm at number one on the list of State Department Christmas cards for the fall But anyways, and yeah, well I can bet that too. Yeah, yeah, listen, this is important for two reasons. Right, we now know another example of the crushing power of the state using its intelligence capabilities to target Americans without legal authorization. You talk about unmasking, and that's where they look at someone's intercepted phone call without a warm and read what was said. This is a little different. State department was monitoring your social accounts, my social accounts using a tool called cloud tangle. Challenge is told to try to get ahead of what we were about to. Reporters say, encounter our narratives. Now, why these documents important? They say, they show clearly that the US embassy in keV, Maria Vanovids, George Kent, the guy with the boat Tide that testified during the impeachment, they were told they had to stop this because it violated the law. They were breaking the law. They weren't allowed to target Americans with this tool. Why is that important? When Marie Vanovitch was asked about this during her impeachment testimony, she said that they stopped it because they ran out of resources. The bureaucrats didn't have enough time. It does not appear that testimony is accurate based on these documents, The second reason these documents are important. They show the motive. Why were they trying to monitor you, Sean and me and Don Junior and Rudy Giuliani and lou and Laura. They were worried about the narrative that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden had a corrupt situation going on in Ukraine. George Kent writes in his email, as he's encouraging the monitoring of these accounts, this Biden Burisma story is the quote unquote mother load that could continue on all the way to November twenty twenty. Now, why is our state Department in cav worried about Joe Biden's November twenty twenty election prospects? Very chilling because that's one of the motives they gave for monitoring your account, my account and all those others. Oh, you look at this from a legal standpoint, how do you analyze this? As a civil liberties attorney? David Shone? I think the law was broken. Frankly, it's as simple as that. But listen, the number one reason this is important is because there's an election coming. There's an election coming which Joe Biden is a candidate. The American people are entitled to know all of the details about this and should we be shocked that they were monitoring these accounts. It is shocking, and I hope we're shocked every day when we hear about this. But they impeached a president for trying to investigate this, so there's nothing folks would stop that to stop that. Listen, this story didn't start with Donald Trump. Made thirteenth, twenty fourteen, The Wall Street Journal wrote a scathing piece about this deal that Hunter Biden got with Devin Archer, a friend of John Kerry's family, with Barisma. It went no place. They demand an investigation. Then Donald Trump didn't start looking into this, but he continued it as the responsible president of the United States to investigate whether a country that's going to get a billion dollars is marred by corruption. As I've said from the start, Joe Biden should be the first person in the world calling for a full investigation of this. Instead. When it was raised at the debate the other night, when the President raised question of unter Biden and payments, Joe Biden said, these stories are totally false. They've been debunked well. Less than a week ago, The Washington Times reported that for example, three point five million dollar wire from the wife of the Mayor of Moscow, a woman who's already suspected by the United States of becoming a billionaire through corruption. That that went to Hunter. Lea Borina is her name, yep so he was known as the first Lady of Moscow, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow. Now but a Hunter and Devin Archer got over four million from the Barisma board. They opened up an account with this guy, Gangwin Dong to fund one hundred thousand dollars global spending spree. They went on a family spending spree. They had a business at business associations with all sorts of Chinese nationals, including people from the People's Liberation Army in the Communist government, and those associations resulted in millions of dollars in cash flow. They also had nonresident women that were nationals from Russia and other Eastern European countries who appear linked to Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking rings. According to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Yeah, what John is doing here? These articles are so critically important and Sean, the reason you were number one in the list. It's because you have the biggest audience in the world to report these facts too. But think about if the election goes a certain way, there won't be any checks in the administration on this. You'll have an Andrew Weisman running the Justice Department. You'll have AOC running you know, State, You'll have elan Omar running the Defense Department possibly you know who knows. I mean that Look, those are those are hopefully outlandish scenarios, But the main thing is you won't have any checks within the government. These things can go on except for important media figures reporting them. They can go on with impunity. Oh, I mean, that's what it's as stake in just twenty eight days, John Solomon, because I think all of this goes away if God forbid, Joe Biden wins this election. Now, Paul show that he's leading. Do you think Joe Biden wins this election, does he ever get the scrutiny it deserves. I don't think so. Yeah. No, That's what says stake in this election. The two visions for government, one that's going to follow the law in order and one that goes under the table and does things like spies on carter page without a legal basis, monitors thirteen Americans without violation of the law. This idea of big government feels more Soviet, feels more intrusive than anything we've seen in our history. And your President Trump has laid out one vision. I'm not for that stuff. I'm combating that. I don't want it to happen to another president in the future. That's what he always says. And then Joe Biden and his media mob are silent. They pretend these things didn't happen. They call him debunked when they're not. That's the sort of choice that the American space when they go to the polls on November third. So all of these happenings take place, and all these money transfers. But he's in the debate the other night and he and President Trump called him out on it, and he just lied. Have you seen anybody, anybody in the mainstream media ever fact checked that he lied? Because I didn't see it, not once. And you know it isn't hard work. You can just pick up the Senate report, go to the footnotes, find out the Treasury document, the date of the payment, where it came from, why it was flagged the additional payments that followed. When Joe Biden says that's been debunked, he's calling the Treasury Department that worked for him, the State Department that worked for him, the FBI that worked for him, liars. And I think that's a shame that's not too originally surface this information, the payments from Yellowing about Arena first surface from the FBI and from the Treasury Department. The concerns about the conflict of interest with Burrisman, Hunter and Ukraine. That wasn't my story. The State Department officials saw that conflict of interest long before I wrote it back. It's the reason I wrote it. Joe Biden is calling them liars when he claims that this has been debunked. Pretty unbelievable. Though there are other Biden family members that are benefited from the name as well. I mean, you've got Joe Biden's son Hunter and Joe's younger brother James. They purchased this Paradigm Global Advisors group that they had. First day, they show up there with Joe's other son, Bow and two large men and they ordered the Hedge Funds chief of Compliance to fire its president. According to an executive that was present, and don't worry about the investment. James Biden laid out what his vision for the fund's future is, and he said, We've got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden. Well, the last name was Trump, and you substitute the two names, I think you might have a different reaction. Yeah, there's no doubt. You know, the clear pattern is that Hunter Biden, in the entire family, flew in the vapor trail of Joe Biden's foreign policy jet China, Russia, Ukraine, all of Joe Biden's primary foreign policy responsibilities as vice president, and Hunters got his hand out, and he's taken money from each of those locations many days, on the same day or just a few days after Joe Biden has been in that country. That corrupt pattern is exactly what Americans don't want to see their government do. All right, as we continue, John Solomon, editor in chief, Just the News dot Com. David Shown Civil Liberties Attorney, and you know, now we know State Department officials were ordered in twenty nineteen to stop tracking thirteen prominent Americans looking for information about the Ukrainian scandal. I being one of them, Rudy Giuliani being one, John Solomon being one, Don Junior being one, Lou Dobbs and Laura Ingraham being two others. And now legally, I mean, I guess there are no consequences for behavior like this, even though they had to be told by the State Department they're violating the law. David shown, Yeah, well, there could be consequences. Frankly, I mean, they will raise all sorts of immunity defenses, but there are constitutional rights violations here and statutory violations. Remember, you know, we've been all through this. What it takes, what it should take at least to get a FISA warrant to eavesdrop to conduct surveillance on telephone lines of American citizens, on emails and that sort of thing. We've seen how that process got so corrupted by those after President Trump. And so in this case, there could literally be individual lawsuits against the employees who are identified as having conducted this illegal surveillance. But I don't know whether they're go any place, and it's going to take a long time to play out, and all that. The American people need the facts of all of these circumstances. They need them now, not after an election. They need them before the election to know who they're voting for. And you know we talked about Senator or advisors and Viten's family. It's not just that, it's a culture. It's John Kerry. You know who you are getting, John Kerry, Susan Rice, Eric Holder, Andrew Weissman. These people will all be back without anything raining them in. Yeah, pretty frightening. That's a great report. I gotta tell you John Solomon, if you haven't been to his new website, he's the editor in chief of just the News one word dot com. Thank you both for being with us. When we come back, we'll update you on the soon to be started Senate hearings to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court. They start next week and they expect sometime around the twenty second or so of October that they'll move forward in the Senate with a full vote. Senator Marshall Blackburn gives us an update. Then we'll get to your calls coming up next half hour. Then Leo two point zero and Horace Cooper will weigh in on the controversial comments of Joe Biden and Michelle Obama as it relates to race, and we'll go over Joe's history of race, which is not pleasant, but ignored by the mob, the media, and of course everybody in the Democratic Party, because that's who they are. Quick break right back, will continue. Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. He draws his inspiration from US soldiers and the brave men and women who wear the blue, the warriors who never run from a fight, they run to it. And in this fight to save the soul of our country, it's time to wake the silent majority. Let this moment radicalize you. The battle lines are drawn, the mission is clear, and the time is upon us. With your help, in November third, Republicans are going to win the House, win the Senate, and again win the White House. When the brave are prepared. There's no battle we can't win. Let's do this suit up, chin down, and he'll take the lead. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, glad to with us twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of this extravaganzas six days from now, that would be a week from yesterday they will begin the hearings in the Senate Judiciary Committee moving forward with the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court. How bad will the Democrats get? In other words, will there be a borking Clarence Thomas ing, will there be a cavanoing? Well? Who knows what to expect from Democrats. We already know that Diane Feinstein has kind of set her sights in the past on Amy Coney Barrett when she talked about Amy's private personal faith. Now, keep in mind that both Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden profess to be Catholics. I know that some of their positions, like on abortion and other social issues, are at odds with what the church teaching is. But with that said, it frankly isn't any of my business. It's it's frankly nobody's business. It's between them, their church and God. As far as I'm concerned, I think deeply held religious views should be just that, as our Constitution ensures, we shouldn't have religious litmus tests of any kind. But this might be or a reminder of what people like Diane Feinstein will be capable of when they begin this in six days a week from yesterday. And this was Amy Coney Barrett before Diane Feinstein the last time when she was up for the Circuit Court. I think whatever a religion is, it has its own dogma. The law is totally different. And I think in your case, Professor, when you read your speeches, the conclusion one draws is that the dogma lives loudly within you, and that's of concern. Oh dogma that lives within you, and that's a concern. Was Nancy Pelos sees dogma of concern to Diane Feinstein or is it that her dogma inside of her, you know, politically, is in alignment or the same with Joe Biden. God only knows what Joe Biden's dogma is on anything when you really think about it, because the guys flips and flops and flails all over the place. Joining us now is Senator Marsha Blackburn from the Great State of Tennessee. Boy, you had a hell of a controversy down in Nashville when John Rich was referring to the mayor down there as Judas for hiding numbers on COVID and acting like it was much worse than it really was, and keeping a lot of people out of business and out of work at a time where probably they could have opened up. How did that work out? Well, you have the bars and restaurants opening back up now. And there was a controversy about how the Health Department had handled the numbers and making it appear or the appe arrants was given that the bars and the restaurants were the drivers and not the construction sites, etc. So I think they're all coming to an understanding and things are getting open and you know, showing people want to go back to work, They want children to go back to schools. The schools in Davidson County, Nashville are not open. Public schools are not open, and people are very concerned about getting these children back in school. Well, and by the way, how many people John Rich told me about one hundred people work at the Redneck Riviera bar of his and all those people have been out of work for a long period of time. I'm based on the numbers that they were actually hiding on purpose. Perhaps a lot of it was unnecessary, which is unbelievable. Let's get your reaction to Diane Feinstein and what she was saying about Amy Corney Barrett. And it looks like this vote will come out of committee. My math is right, and about ten days after the twelve, which would be the twenty second. Do you see or foresee anything that would prevent a full vote in the Senate of confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett. I do not, and we are moving ahead with our schedule. We will begin our hearings on October twelfth. I think most of our members are like me. They are doing their preparation work this week for both their opening statements and their questions and reading opinions that Judge Barrett has written. We will move her to completion for the hearings on the fifteenth. We will vote her out of committee on the twenty second, and I think the twenty six or twenty seventh will be on the floor to confirm her to the Court. Is there anything Senate Democrats like Chuck Schumer and company can do to delay that vote. They keep saying they want to investigate, have the FBI investigate the adoptions. They want to investigate the Catholic Church in the group that she works worships with. They are wanting to have a further review of her curriculum from her classes that she has taught at Notre Dame. But the point is she is supported by Democrats and Republicans. To have a religious litmus test is unconstitutional and showing what they're trying to do is say if you're a woman of faith and you take your children to church every Sunday and you are active in your church, that that should be a disqualifier. And basically what the left is saying is they think you have to be a secularist or an atheist to be a federal judge, and it is absolutely ludicrous. But at this point in time, in order to keep a constitutional jurist off the Supreme Court, they're willing to do that because they want to socialize medicine, do degree new they want to give statehood to DC, they want to abolish the Electoral College and expand the Supreme Court, and they do not want constitutional jurists in their way as they seek to radically change this country. How do you see this election shaping up? I mean, if you believe the polls, the president is behind. If you don't believe the polls, then you believe as I do, that the president is in this, and I still believe that there's a certain percentage of people that are not going to tell any poster how they vote. But when you look at the poll numbers, it's concerning. What are your thoughts on the state of the race right now? Well, it is of concern when you look at the poll numbers. But I have been talking to people all across the country and what I am hearing from people, and I saw this reflected in the Cato Institute's poll most adults Cato had it at sixty two. If you get polled, they are not going to tell you how they're going to vote. And in Tennessee, we have a lot of folks down in Springhill that belong to the UAW and work for general motors. But you know what, I carry that Springhill box every time I'm on the ballot. So I think that people are worried about their freedoms, their first principal freedoms that free speech, free religion, the ability to carry a gun, a right to privacy, and they are very concerned that if you had a Biden Harris or Harris Biden, that what you would have is a push to limit those freedoms. And that is one of the big differences between Democrats and Republicans. Wherefore individual freedoms and liberty in doing what we can to shore those up. And the left, what are they for? They say, give government your freedoms, give us the power, and we'll give back to you as much as we think you can handle or you deserve. Thank you, Senator Marshall Blackburn, Great State of Tennessee. Senator, thank you. We'll be watching these hearings very closely and watching you partaking this and thanks for being with us. Good Thank you. All right, eight hundred and ninety four one. Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, let's go to Clint Is in Arkansas. Clint, Hi, how are you glad you called? Twenty eight days to go? Sir? I'm done fine, Thanks Sean. My comment is about Chuck Schumer and his comments of everything's on the table, including stacking the Senate, killing the filibuster, packing the courts. This is just totally against the very ideology of the Constitution. Our founders lived under a one party system of the monarchy and the aristocracy. They fought a revolution we have revolutionary war to escape that, and they framed the Constitution with certain safeguards built in place to prevent one party rule, and here they are Schumer, Lozy, alc Illian Omars, Bernie Sanders, all those people. They're trying to circumvent those safeguards of the Constitution and take us back to a one party rule. And that's it's just not acceptable. Well, I mean, if this goes back to my list of questions that Joe Biden has never been asked with twenty eight days out of an election, and this guy's gotten the past the whole time. That does not happen to any other politician. This is this is beyond negligence here, this is beyond dereliction of duty. This is a campaign donation of Joe Biden. You know, a mild a question by the New York Time about him being frail and weak and struggling cognitively with was met with a fierceness from the Biden campaign. It's like you can't talk about it. You know, he who shall not be named, the ghost of Joe Biden, that is Joe Biden. I mean it is scary. I mean, the level of hatred of Donald Trump is so deep, it is so profound. And and remember, I don't think you got people going out there to vote with Joe Biden. I think there is a hate Trump contingent, and what the election is going to come down to is the group of people that are motivated by their rage against Trump. Is that larger than the group of people that support this president. And that would you know, wait online in the freezing cold and rain for days to pull the level for Donald Trump. You know, the the integrity of the elections will also factor into this. But I've never seen a scenario in this country where where they have so fallen down on their job, their their their responsibility, their duty to vet a candidate. You can't ask Joe a tough question. Nobody asked Joe tough questions. Joe doesn't answer questions, and they have allowed him to, you know, put a lid on his day at nine thirty ten am every day and then he asked, you know, he's gone for the day. You know. Then he says, oh, it's embarrassing for the nation that the president got coronavirus. Well, he's actually out there living and breathing and working daily, you know, doing the job that obviously Joe's not up to doing. It's very frustrating at this point to me, really is all right, let's say hi to Steve Is in Pennsylvania. What's up, Steve? How are you? Hey? I'm doing great, John, how are you? I'm good. So he just moved to Pennsylvania, Yes, sir, I did. I just moved to Pennsylvania. And I was out driving around the other day looking at neighborhoods around the area, just kind of checking it out, and I pulled into a somewhat affluent neighborhood and I noticed quite a few Biden signs um and it just it just reminds me of just how out of touch they are. I want to know kind of when did when did the elite start becoming Democratic? And you know, I was growing up, I always thought Republicans were the money hungry kind of party and that the Democrats were for the average hard walking American. But it seems to totally flip now, where you know, you have these elitists that are all for Biden, that really don't have a clue as to as to what's going on in the real world down Here's look, I mean, there are people I don't know what fully motivates them. When you were inundated, though, I will tell you that the mob is a powerful force. And when it's all the print media, and it's three major networks in terms of state run newspapers and television and news and two cable channels, never ending rage and hatred against all things Donald Trump and every Democrat. And then you got this other group of weak rhino Republicans, although I wouldn't even really call them Republicans at this point. You know they're willing to elect the radical socialists just because they so hate Donald Trump's style. Those are powerful forces to beat back. Now, the people did it in twenty sixteen, and it was somewhat miraculous, but it's never easy for a Republican to win anyway. I hope that helps you. Eight hundred nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of the program, quick break, we'll come back. We'll continue on the other side as we're joined by Leo two point zero and Horace Cooper much more straight ahead, gladual with us just twenty eight days. You're the ultimate jury eight hundred and ninety four one Sean. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. You know, one of the things that I've always pointed out on this program every two years, every four years. There is a history the Democratic Party the issue of race, the race card. They divide this country old versus young, rich versus poor, Black versus white on the issue of race. You know, elect Republicans and black churches will burn a ninety eight Missouri radio add of the Democratic Party. Or the James Bird at in two thousand, It's like my father was killed all over again, except George W. Bush supported the death penalty for the people involved in the dragging death of an innocent man named James Bird. Or it's Al Gore changing his tone as pitches cadences speaking delivery, or Republicans have the wrong agenda for African Americans. They don't want to count you in the census. And it goes on from there. Um, well, now we've got Joe Biden is out there saying the reason that he was able to stay home during the pandemic was because some black woman was stocking the grocery shelf. Listen to see, jeez, the reason I was able to stay it's the questioned in my home, is because some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf. What is he talking about? Seriously, I'm asking what does he know that for sure does he go shopping himself, because I go shopping myself every week. I was the one that kept saying I'd go every week during the middle of the pandemic. That's when I said, anecdotally, mass of working because nobody in the grocery store I went to was getting COVID nineteen. And this was in the middle of the worst of the worst of this thing. But Joe's history of race is reeled. You know, the predators on our streets, and you know, embracing segregation in schools and partnering with Robert KKK Bird, who he praised as his friend and his mentor, but partnering to stop the integration of our schools. You can't work at a Dunganonas or seven eleven unless you have a slight Indian accent. And you ain't black if you consider voting for Trump, and you know unchained Wall Street and all, you know, Obama's articulate and clean and you know bright. This is a storybook many state. It's a slave state, he said, anyway, and my poor kids can be just as bright as white kids. It's unbelievable. Now you've got Michelle Obama. Listen to her comments from yesterday. They're stoking fears about black and brown Americans, lying about how minorities will destroy the suburbs, whipping up violence and intimidation, and they're pinning it all on what's been an overwhelmingly peaceful movement for racial solidarity. It's true. Research backs it up. Only a tiny fraction of demonstrations have had any violence at all. The saddest part of this is it's predicated on something that is false. They're not mostly peaceful protests that we've watched throughout the summer. She's wrong about all of that. Now, either our eyes deceived us, or these businesses were being burned to the ground and cops were being assaulted, and the over three thousand cops that are injured, and we nearly have fifty dead cops in the country now this year is either happening or it's not happening. In the eight years Michelle Obama was the first lady and her husband was the president, Joe was the vice president, they're almost just shy of four thousand homicides in the city of Chicago alone. They barely mentioned it, and they never lifted a finger to stop it. Not one of the three of them stopped it. Twenty thousand shootings in the eight years that Barack was president, Joe was vice president of Michelle was the first lady. They didn't do a thing anyway, eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Unbelievable that there's zero scrutiny of Joe Biden and the issue of race. But that is the state of the mob and the media today. That's the state of the Democratic Party today. If you're a radical socialist, you can have the most radical views and never never even get in front it on it, never have to answer a question about it at the Leo Terrell on Twitter Leo two point zero and Horace Cooper with us your reaction of both of those comments, first by Biden and then by Michelle Leo Terrell, you know, I'm really bothered by this, Sean. I'm telling you that that Biden audio which you played, I've never seen some black woman shell stocks some shell This is a nineteen thirty plantation owner mentality by Joe Biden. You know what, He's a racist and he doesn't even know he's a racist because he's used to downgrading Black Americans in a manner in which has been accepted by the Democratic Party. For him to say that some black woman, why does he have to identify her race as the woman? It shows you how he has black in a subservient role. But because he has that big D on his chest, he gets away with being a racist. A Republican could never ever said what he said on that audioce it's disgusting, and yet black Democrats won't challenge him. I left the Democratic Party and joined the Republican Party. But Shelle Obama, she's just lying. You're right to supposition is absolutely long. She has her eyes closed. Did she see what was going on in Portlands? In Seattle? What was going on all year? The black on black crime? And I'll tell you right now, Donald Trump got elected president because the American people rejected the Obama Biden administration for eight years. Fast why he's in office, and thank god, you know why, because blacks have prospered under Donald J. Trump. Horace, what's your reaction to Joe Biden. I mean, everything that he's ever said on race is pretty repugnant. Well, this is particularly infuriating. I am looking at an experience that apparently even my grandmother would have thought in the nineteen fifties was certainly insensitive and certainly was not a reflection of the reality of the world these people, including Vice President, are imagining in America and the twenty first century that is some sort of dystopian offshoot of the nineteen thirties. I mean, it is really really telling that the go to thought is that if you are lucky to be alive and nut and COVID nineteen three, you should turn around and think, some poor, distraught, downtrodden black woman that has made that possible? What a world are we living in? And then we has this idea that somehow quote the evidence and the research shows that these protests have been overwhelmingly peaceful. The US insurance industry that has more than a billion dollars was done in damage by the so called mostly peaceful. You don't need one hundred percent cancer to kill you, you don't need fifty percent cancer to kill you. A little bit of poison one percent can destroy you. And our own eyes, we have witnessed that the evidence is overwhelmingly greater than that lying about the data and making a slur on America that there aren't people like Michelle Obama, who are the former first ladies, but there aren't people like Oprah Winfrey, who are among the highest compensated women in America. This is just an amazing slur on America. And if we had a working media, there would be an ability, you know, Leo, I look at this and I do see polls where minorities are supporting Trump and larger numbers than twenty sixteen. I think for the president to win, those polls have to translate into votes. Do you see that happening? And do you think one of the reasons that this is coming out the way it is and these words are being used is to compensate and try and shift the ground in terms of a demographic voting Sean, I'm so glad you asked that question because the answer is yet. I did a Washington Post interview and the article came out the other day and the bomb line is this, Donald Trump is getting more black men to vote for him than ever before. Guess what, I'm over there, I'm voting for him. And so the Democrats are nervous, so they have racked up the race cards to a fever pitch. They are worry shot because black people are not drinking the kool late like they did years ago or eight years ago. His numbers are going to increase significantly. And I hope he's listening right now, because you know, I got to go into those black churches in those battleground states and challenge some of these people who are sin singing this rhetoric of racism because it does not exist. Systemic discrimination does not exist. If it did, it happened in the Obama Biden administrations. Donald Trump has done more for Black Americans. But you notice Sean, Michelle and Joe Biden didn't get away with saying racism racism, but no one asked him from the left wing media, what have you done for black Donald Trump is front and center and he'll tell you exactly what he's done for black But Joe Biden can in fifty years, Michelle Obama and Barack Obama can't tell you in the eight years they were in the White House. This country is shifting, and black folks are no longer automatically voting for the Democrats. They're going to Donald Trump, especially black men. Well, we're gonna see over time. I gotta tell you that. I mean, you know, if you look at the cost. You know, all these riots, insurance costs as high as two billion dollars a billion dollars in riot damage, the most expensive insurance history. Those are real dollars. And it's just denying truth and denying reality. But why didn't Joe, Barack and Michelle why didn't they lift a finger to help their own home city as Chicago horst. I mean, it's not like it was in front and center in the news. I mean, I think I was the only one on TV that would scroll the names of the people killed and the scroll the names of the people shot. I mean, it was a regular weekly story that was breaking out of Chicago, and they barely mentioned it. So in my book How Trump Is Making Black America Great Again, I have done a comparison and contrast. Let's look at the policies that were in a place when Barack Obama and Joe by we're running the show, and let's compare them. I've talked about crime, I talked about abortion, I talked about income, I talked about all of the kinds of things that people care about. If you want to win elections in America, you've got to actually tell the people what you're going to do. To improve their lives. Leo's right that we're looking at a circumstance where people had been using just scare tactics. I don't have to give you a vision. I don't have to give you a platform. I don't have to show you how my policies are going to improve. I just tell you that other guy, the looking man, is coming. The problem is we've had nearly four years where people can see it's not a mirage that there's a brand new pickup truck in their front yard. It's not a miurage that they're not sleeping on the couch and their grandparents house. They're actually I gotta take a break place. And as we continue, Horace cooper as with those legal commentator, co chair of the Black Leadership Network Project twenty one, author of How Trump Is Making Black America Great Again at the Leo Terrell on Twitter Leo two point er, as we call him. All Right, so it's twenty eight days, it's four weeks from today, Leo Terrell, where do you see this election going. He's a true warrior and he's going to win. I'll tell you how he's going to win. First of all thousands, those polls are meaningless because thousands of Trump supporters are going to come out and vote on record numbers on election Day. And I guarantee you the Trump campaign has a is a ground campaign. What the president should do and I hope he's listening, is he put his foot soldiers, he put his thircus, like Leo Terrell and Horace Cooper and Herschel Walker, and we raised that number of black voters. We go into those battleground states. We start with Florida, we start with Pennsylvania, We start with Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota, and we stay there. We camp there twenty four seventh and we talk to the people because all it's going to be is turnout. Trump's supporters are loyal. They are loyal, and they have a record to run on, like Horaceton, like he Leo, I love this idea. Why don't you, Horace Herschel and others get on the road and go to these swing states. I think you should do the Leo two point zero tour. I have sent videos messages to the White House. They say they're gonna call me. So on the Sean Him and the show call me, you say you're gonna call me, call me because we do that for twenty four seven, Sean, we increase the black vote, men vote, and the Biden cannot win. He cannot win without the black vote. Herriot, where do you see it going? Horrace? You get the last word. The magic number is eighty five percent. In order for the Progressives to win in twenty twenty, they gotta keep eighty five percent of Black Americans. The data actually is showing they'll be lucky to get eighty percent. And the re them again is scare tactics don't work. People want to know what are you actually going to do for me and my family. Progressive don't have an answer. This president has a record. Well that contrast, I'll know where to put my money. Easy, all right, Horace Cooper, thank you, Leo Terrell, thank you. When we come back, we'll hit the phones. Eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean. You want to be a part of the program, say your DVR. I hope you join us tonight, nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News Quick Break, Right back, Let's do this suit up, Chin down and twenty eight days, four weeks from today is election day. Let's go back to the comments Michelle Obama and saying that only a tiny fraction of the protests have been violent. Listen to, and the president is a racist. Listen. They're stoking fears about black and brown Americans, lying about how minorities will destroy the suburbs, whipping up violence and intimidation, and they're pinning it all on what's been an over whelmingly peaceful movement for racial solidarity. It's true. Research backs it up. Only a tiny fraction of demonstrations have had any violence at all. So what the president is doing is once again patternly false, it's morally wrong, and yes it is racist. Now let's listen. I got a very it's a little bit long, but worth hearing. Really tiny fraction of protests have been violent. Well, that would be at odds with every single rock throne, brick throne, frozen water bottle throne, Molotov cocktail throne, the canes, the hockey sticks, the knives, the guns that have been used, the violence in our street, the rioting, the arson, the looting, and everything else that we've seen with our own eyes. But we have news reports to confirm that we're right and Michelle is wrong. Listen and seeing the surveillance video windows being broken out during the chaos in Chicago South Loop late Saturday night, looters ducking in to take what they can. I could see the glass being completely just shattered, blown out by some object that they threw through the window. Owner Adrian Alvarez and her husband compelled to come to their Orange Theory fitness franchise in the early hours of Sunday morning, but as her husband, Ralph, was trying to clean up outside, Alvarez says she turned to see him on the ground in front of a large crowd, unconscious. I started to scream. I tried to wake him. He wouldn't wake back up, and I tried to call for the police. No one was picking up. I tried to call from the phone and there no one was picking up, and people just kept coming by and just looking at him, and I wanted him to wake up. When she went to help him, that's when she says she was attacked. A woman came out of nowhere and hit me over the back with the crawbar. Now, mind you, it's what I said in the last half hour Leo and Horse. You know Barrock's president, Joe's vice president. She's the first Lady four thousand homicide, Chicago, twenty thousand people shot Chicago. They barely mentioned Chicago. I'm you get just gotta wonder why why is there this this mysterious resistance, this reluctance to just confront truth and reality in the hopes that you get it right. Um. Anyway, we're gonna get to your calls here in a second eight hundred and nine for one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Linda has been begging me to play Chris Rock. I have a Chris Rock story. You know, I do not know? I do? Do you not know that I met Chris Rock? Do not do? Does it surprise you that I met Chris Rock? It does? I actually think Chris Rock is funny. I don't think it's funny at all. But ahead, oh, come on, he's you know what I thought he was funny? Wait, I think that body was funny. He was in that movie with Adam Sam grown ups. That movie was funny with Maya Room standup is funny. He is irreverend as hell. He is you know, He'll say anything, and I kind of find it refreshing. I think comedians ought to be able to say anything. They're trying to agree. Okay, So I'm a believer in freedom of speech. But that's not never gonna happen. But he can still say anything he wants, which is a good thing I think. All Right, So anyway, so he's opening up for Saturday Night Live, makes a comment about you know, he's cheering for COVID. I don't even mind. You know, I don't even mind that he's doing that either. You know that on Trump's hospitalization, my heart goes out to COVID. Okay, whatever, So I think he really wants the president to die, No, I do not. I think he's trying to be funny. That's what comics try to do. They try to be funny. We've become humorless in the society. And then, you know, you've been wanting me to play the part where he talk about me, But I'll play it. But I didn't think it was this was it's funny, but it was routine. He's he's literally pleading with his side of the aisle. He's begging, let's let's listen, like I watched the Republicans. Take it serious. You know, you watch Fox News. Sean Hannity's mean every day, he's looking you in the cameras, tell you us the end of the world. Listen to me. And every time I see Anderson Cooper, he's with Andy Cullen on New Year's even blowing a kazoo. Of course they believe Sean, but you know, all the crow kite was like the most respected man in news, you know, because we never saw him in shorts. All right, that's pretty funny. It's it's very funny, all right. So John McEnroe, believe it or not, now he's a big liberal, but um, you know, I knew him, and I knew the guy. I know the guy that runs you know who runs it as well, our friend michaela, her dad runs the John McEnroe Tennis Academy. He runs the whole thing. Great guy, great family. Anyway, Um, so they invited me to this fundraiser and John McEnroe was there with Djokovic, who's one of the I guess he's the number one player in the world right now, right, I think? So are you asking me a question about sports? Is this a sports terrification for Lina talk about comedy right now? That's very funny. What part is funny that I don't know if he's number one? That I don't you don't know who. NOA Djokovic is. No. Was he part of the Russia collusion? That's his name is No? No, Oh my gosh, No, he's only the number one player in the world and men's tennis. But digress over this. So they start auctioning out doubles match where you get to play with Djokovic and John McEnroe and then you know, you and another person. So I bid openly and I said, okay, I'll bid. I don't want to say a much. I bet it was a pretty generous amount, but I donated to his charity. It's to help minority kids in sports. It's a good cause. I was glad to do it. And so I bid on this auction item to play tennis with McEnroe and Djokovic and one person else. I said, but one condition, I said, you have to play with Chris Rock and I'll play with Novak Djokovic and mcarro. Didn't miss a beat. Mcnro's funny. I mean, he's here, reverend as hell, he's very funny. He didn't miss a beat. He said, well, I'll pay you that that and more not to play that match, and then I raised the stakes again. Anyway, so after the bid, this guy has no idea who I am. And it was interesting because I met Chris Rock after and like a lot of comedians, I mean, he came off as painfully shy in real life to me, sort of like Neil Bortz is so outspoken on radio. You meet him in person, and I mean, it's like, it's it's awkward. He's just not the same person when you meet him in person. He's just shy, naturally shy. He's gonna hate me for saying it, but it's true. Um, and a lot of performers are like that. But I think you'll put a microphone in his hand, you put him on stage, and mean, this guy comes to life like nobody else. I mean, I think he's one of the most talented, gifted performers out there. You have no you really don't think he's funny? Yeah, I think I think lots of people are funny. You don't, but you're not. But what do you think, Jason? What do you think? Ethan? I like Chris Rock, He's he has his moments. I think he used to be more funny. Jesus, here's my take. Okay, this is my macro take. I love when people are funny and they bash everyone equally. When you bash one side more than the other, I get turned off. Like, if you want to just, you know, bash everybody and it's funny and everybody just needs to leave their their feelings at home and just laugh. I'm all in, But if you want to bash one side, I'm like me, not so interested anymore. Nobody knows what means they do now they do now. They also know who job Jocob what's his name? That guy? They know who? Joka Vich? Whatever? Oh Man? Bill and Pennsylvania Sean Hannity Show, What's up? Bill? How are you okay? Hey? How are you doing? Sean? I'm hanging in there, sir. You're a great American. We love listening to you. I was fun to tell you that I heard your caller before talking about Pennsylvania and I'm actually from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and I understand bidens there today, and yeah, there might be a few Biden signs there around Gettysburg, but you get outside of Gettysburg, and I mean it is just Trumps signs everywhere. I mean I kind of roughly twenty to five Trump signs everywhere. And I was at his rally in Middletown the other Saturday, and they were talking about how the Democrats all there's one hundred thousand Democrats for two thousand and sixteen to now have left the party, and they gained nearly fifty thousand registered republic And that's I actually think the number is higher than that. That is a true statement, sir. Yes, And he thinks he's going to win Pennsylvania bigger now than he did in two sixteen. And I'll tell you, with the enthusiasm around here, I mean they're having bigot, big vote regattas and big parades all over the place every weekend here in mid Pennsylvania, I just think he's going to win by a landslide. He had seventeen to eighteen thousand people at that rally, and I mean there was there was African Americans, there was Asians, there was Hispanics. It was just wonderful. His crowds are just incredible. Look, I wish I could tell people and assure people that Donald Trump's going to be elected in twenty eight days. I can't, and I don't think anybody else can either. And I think all the people that tell you what's going to happen. I don't think they know what the hell they're talking about. I do think the people will decide this though. At the end of the day, I do believe we the people will decide. And you know, the problem is is that such a large percentage of the country is literally propagandized and inundated with never ending rage and hatred. If it's a caricature that they have painted now four plus long years against Donald Trump, I think it does have a cumulative propaganda effect. And I'm just saying that if you don't want to wake up the morning after, the night before and find out that this, you know, weak, frail, cognitively challenge ghost of a candidate corpse as your president, then you're gonna have to take it seriously. And that's I wish I could get. I'm not going to give false hope on this program. I'm gonna say it's it's doable, you can win the election, but everybody better take it seriously. That's my admonition. Am I optimistic? Nope? Am I pessimistic? Nope? I'm realistic and realistic. Is you know what, until I see or here we can now project Donald Trump's been reelected, then I got assume that Joe Biden can win this race. That's how that's how you have to take the game. You know, there are sports analogy you after sports analogy you can use here. You take a team too lightly and it can end up biting you when you know what. I hope you're right. I hope it's an indicator. Um anyway, thank you. We use another type of analogy, maybe baking. Like you take your you take your muffins out too soon. You know, you think they're ready, they're not. You think it was good to go, it's not. And what do you got? You got gobbly goop, It's nothing. So you gotta take it all the way to the end. You got to stay in the space of baking. You know what I'm saying, because I'm a baker. I love to bake. Again, this is comedy what you're talking about, Oh corn muffin mix. You follow the directions, you set your oven to what three twenty five, three fifty. First of all, no one makes time. You'll leave it in there and it comes out perfect and the exact same time. What's so hard about that? First of all, it comes in a box. Respectable baker is cooking from a box. That doesn't mean I've never cooked from a box. That just means if I'm going to sit down and make a muff from croc why are you making fun of Betty Crocker. Don't distort my words. I'm having a Criss Rock moment. Your feelings need to be left alone. I'm sorry. Do you not use Betty? Have you not made a Betty Crocker cake? I have? I just said I have. I'm just saying, if you're a baker and you're all in this is your big baking moment. That kind of cake, which I don't even like it, so I want that kind of cake. I want that kind of president. That's what I want. Rather have Betty Crocker cupcakes than than Magnolia cupcakes. I might make mega cupcakes. I I don't think based on your inability to follow your want your cupcake, because you don't even you apparently pull your cake. Are you all right? So you need to go to Norton? That's what needs to happen, right, I don't need to go to Norton. I'm at Norton. Norton's great anyway. Eight hundred nine one Sean, if you want to be a part of the all Right, that's gonna wrap things up for tonight. All Right, Hannity nineties to and hope you say DVR, Fox News as we are loaded up. Lawrence Jones on the ground, our twenty twenty correspondent with the Biden campaign, Larry Elder, Leo Terrell, Ted Cruz, John Kennedy, Greg Jarrett, Dave Bossi, Corey Lewandowski, all coming up the best election coverage available on television and the best election coverage right here on your radio dial. See you tonight at nine, Say your DVR back here tomorrow. Twenty seven days as of tomorrow, and you are the ultimate jury. Thanks for being with us,

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