Defending America's Borders - September 20th, Hour 2

Published Sep 20, 2021, 10:01 PM

Mark Morgan, Former Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, and a Heritage Foundation Visiting Fellow discusses the debacle that is happening on our southern border. With migrants flooding in from all over the world, unchecked and being released into the country. While American citizens are being forced to adhere to a vaccine mandate; Democrats voted last week against a mandate for illegal immigrants, even while a new surge of Measles is making its way into the country from the surge in migrants and arrivals from Afghanistan

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Our two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine four one Sean is a number you want to be a part of the program. Like we tell you, there's not a single thing that I can point to where I can say Joe Biden is successful. Afghanistan. We abandon Americans behind the enemy lines, which is just completely utterly unforgivable. Then, of course, on the border, it's a disaster. COVID has been a disaster, The economy has been a disaster. Energy price is a disaster, everything costing more, all as a result of these stupid policies that he's putting in place now, the push for New Green Deal socialism. And it's oh, and it's not a crisis. At the border, We're heading towards two million illegal immigrants this year. We've seen the overcrowded cages with kids in it and others in the middle of a pandemic. And are we testing the people coming into the country. No, is there a vaccine mandate for the people coming into the country. No, that would only apply to you, the American people. If that's not a crisis, I don't know what is. And then in the dark of night, they're just dispersing people not COVID tested, no COVID vaccine to the rest of the country, and then yelling at all of you if you didn't follow their one size fits all medicine. So all of a sudden, now you know, last week we told you the story. They didn't want Fox to fly it's drone over the bridge where there's ten thousand people looking to get into the country. But then we were able to work our way around it with the help of Governor Abbott. To his credit, he allowed our cameras to go on helicopters in Texas and we were reporting. We've been reporting all weekend. I've got exclusive footage tonight you're gonna love to see on Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Now, Biden apparently it is now suddenly sending more agents to the Texas Bridge and they're pledging, is what they're saying, to move Haitian immigrants. So are My colleague and a friend, Peter Doocey, got into it with jensak over this today and here's what happened. The question about what's going on head of the border is somebody asking the Floria Nationals who are walking in del Rio Tisis and setting up camps on this side of the border for a proof of vaccination for a native COVID test. Well, first of all, I can I can readdress for you or retuck you through what steps we take Alice for people who fly into the country. So somebody walks into the country right across the river, does somebody ask them to see their vaccination carton, Well, let me explain to you again, Peter, how our process works as individuals. As individuals come across the border and they are both assessed for whether they have any symptoms. If they have symptoms, they are The intention is for them to be quarantined. That is our process. They're not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time. I don't think it's the same thing. It's not the same thing. These are individuals. As we've noted, and as we've been discussed, we are expelling individuals based on Title forty two, specifically because of COVID, because we want to prevent a scenario where large numbers of people are gathering posing a threat to the community and also to the migrants themselves. So those are the policies that we put in place, in large part because again the CDC continues to recommend Title forty two be in place, given we're facing a global pandemic. We're the vice president on any of this isn't She's supposed to be addressing the root causes of migration, absolutely, and she has been addressing the root causes of migration by working with countries in the region to ensure they have the assistance they need to reduce the number of people who are coming and trying to make those journeys across the border. We've actually seen some reductions in some of those numbers. That doesn't change the fact that this is a very challenging situation in Del Rio. We're working to implement our policies and we're working to ensure we are also addressing your post. It's none of this is true because we've had we have nearly two million, two million illegal immigrants crossing that border. Let me explain to you again. Oh okay, you didn't explain it right the first time, and you didn't make any sense the second time. Well, we're checking for symptoms. Are you testing for COVID? You know there are asymptomatic people follow the science, Jen if it's not that hard for you to do anyway, So now the Haitian camp crisis that is now the border which is an utter mess. Now they're claiming that they're going to be sending everybody home, and we have an AP News article that says, well, the people from Haiti at the Texas border, they're not planning on going home. They're planning on getting across any way they can. And you notice they tried to push this this amnesty plan, and the Senate parliamentarian, as I predict, did, shot that scheme down. Kamala Harris. The borders are is too busy tossing a coin in a college football game this weekend. Joe was too busy riding his tricycle on a little ride in Delaware on his little vacation. And now we're saying, well, we may fly some Haitian migrants home. Okay. Even Obama's Homeland Security chief says, We've got to get control of the borders. This is a disaster anyway. Here, the guy that really knows everything about this is Mark Morgan. He's back with US, former Acting Commissioner of Customs and Board of Protection. Mark. I don't believe a word that they're saying is true. We've seen now millions of people across these borders. Nobody's getting COVID tested. They're being dispersed all over the country, often housed and overcrowded cages. So I'm like, I don't believe a word they're saying. So you, I've been listening to every word you said. Your listeners need to know what you've just said and how you characterize that. You are absolutely correct. Everything that the White House Press Secretary just said is a complete, bald faced lie, and there's some irony and hypocrisy. So so now when they're in the facing this catastrophic crisis that everybody can see, especially what's happening in del Rio, then they brag about that they're removing people under Tattle forty two and her words, is they put in place? That's a lie. They talk about how inhumane all the policy who did under President Trump. Yet the most significant policy that was put in place Tattle forty two, that they're now bragging that the using and remove people was actually implemented as a policy under President Trump and then real quick So so with respect of the Haitians, again, misdirection, spin and lies. Right now, seventy five percent the sources I'm telling the seventy five percent of those individuals under that bridge del Rio are unaccompanied miners and families, of which the majority of those are actually being released into the interior United States. The ones that they're focusing on to remove under Tattle forty two are single adults, just like they're doing across the Southwest border. Last month, their own stats show that they only remove forty four percent of the people and fifty six percent of ill lands were released into the United States. And you know, and you know this as well as anybody, there's a high rate of COVID positivity among everybody crossing that border, which which has resulted in a high rate of COVID positivity with border agents they come into contact with the illegal immigrants, and I don't care where they're coming from. You you're you're absolutely right. Look, not not only have Board of te agents come down with the COVID because of this, but you know right now ten border lns they have actually lost their wives in the line of duty because of COVID every single day. You've seen the pictures, and I encourage all your listeners to go out and spend five minutes google pictures what you're seeing under that bridge are active COVID super spread or events. There's no doubt in my mind. And Sean, here's another thing we don't talk enough about is the result of this complete catastrophic crisis is in del Real Loan. What happens is because all the border CHOL agents now are pulled away off their NASSA Security Border Security mission to process and be daycare providers in del Real Loans on, two hundred and twenty four miles of our border are left unmonitored, unsecured, and unpatrolled. The cartels are exploited in that every single day, drugs point in criminal aliens games as two hundred and twenty four miles it was unpatrolled. They've lied about this to the American people from the beginning. They said, when those of us were pointing out the crisis that this is, they said, no, this is not a crisis. No, this is not a crisis. Of course it was a crisis, you know, and they keep trying to prevent cameras from viewing what's actually been going on. I never was able to get a camera inside of you know, the I guess they rented some some you know, trailers and they were putting the little containers, but they put yeah, beautiful butterflies on the wall. We were told we never got those images. The only reason we got images of kids in cages that Joe built is because people like Senator Ted Cruz and others went there and they shared their video with us. Literally, Ted cruised down at the border last week on TV. He's sharing all of his video because they stopped our fox throwne from from showing America what the hell's going on there. There were ten thousand people under that bridge at that particular time. So then thank god Greg Abbott stepped up and then he allowed us to bring a camera up on a helicopter to show the American people how bad this unmitigated disaster is. So that's absolutely right. And what's so frustrating they think they believe if they keep saying that what we did on our trump was was inhumane and not orderly, that somehow it will make it true. But every single week, for a living color for the American people to see, they see it for the lie that it is. What we're seeing under in del Rio is the most this orderly, any humane thing that can possibly happen. And look just a couple of weeks ago, Sean, we were talking about it. It happened to mccallenn. We have four or five thousand illegally aliens under a bridget McCallan, this is happening across the entire southwest border. Meanwhile, fifty percent of agents are pulled off the line along all two thousand miles, leaving the large areas of our border wide open, unsecured, unpatrolled. And that's why we keep saying that this is a national security crisis. And then, like you said, in addition to that, fifteen to twenty percent of the COVID of the migrants that are being tested not by the federal government but but local municipalities as the migrants are being dropped off at them, say it's your responsibility. Fifteen to twenty percent of them are testing positive. Not to mention because the borders are wide open, and Sean, I'm being conserved three hundred and fifty thousand gataways. Think about that. By the end year, that's going to be a half a million gataways. Because we're toll agents are post off the line being daytare providers. We're gonna have a half a million of illegal aliens who got to pass our frontline defense and made their way to every town, city, and state in this country. It's pretty unbelievable. What's what's going on here? And you know it's the same thing Joe Biden. Look at Joe and the border. Look at Joe and the cost of energy. Joe is begging OPEC to produce more energy. Look at Joe. Did you ever, Mark Morgan, ever in your life think we'd abandoned fellow Americans behind enemy lines like we did in Afghanistan? Did you ever think America would ever do that to our fellow Americans? Because I never thought that would happen as a marine myself, that the fact that this has happened, there aren't words to describe adiqually might disgust and pain and anguish the fact that because of an arbitrary deadline, we left Americans behind enemy lines. And that's the truth. That's what happened. I mean, that is what happened, all right. So if there's anything that we're going to do to fix this, it seems simple to me. The things that were working that that brought us to a thirty year low of legal immigrants, that is a stay of Mexico policy, continue building and finishing the wall five hundred miles under Trump. Then you've got you know, you've got to end this whole idea of process and release. It's not even catch and release will process you and release you into America. But you know, the Democrats are trying to push through amnesty using reconciliation. So far, the Senate Parliamentary and you know, pushed it down, but that's what their goal is. Shan, You're absolutely right. I mean, your illicits either stands as as we're seeing the worst crisis sean and and you're in our lifetime the worst crisis on our border fight far, the numbers two decades a high you've seen in Living Color in Del Rio. Why all that is going on? The Democrats are trying to ram through mass amnesty for eight ten million illegal aliens unlawfully through the reconciliation process. But even though this Inate Parliamentary said hey no, this isn't it's an end to run around Congress. And you're trying to enact law and policy that that is going to have a tremendous long life the impact. What what what a Senator Schumer do you right away? Oh? Now done, We're not done. We're gonna go with Plan B and try to go back to the Parliament to continue to try to ram through mass amnesty while a while we have absolutely lost our borders in del Rio. It's spent's pretty unbelievable. Well, please send our best regards. I mean, I wish we could do more for our friends that are on the border, the people that you work with UH and work with successfully to bring us to the lowest level of illegal immigration in thirty years. Now it's going to be the highest level of illegal immigrants in thirty years. Figure that out for me. Um obviously appreciate it, obviously by design. Right, all right, we absolutely all right, we appreciate it. We appreciate it. When we come back, we're gonna get to the phones. We have a lot of the news we've got we've got to touch on. We're gonna get back to Afghanistan. Humpty Dumpty needs a little reminder, Doctor Humpty. We'll call him the epitome of health. Humpty Dumpty over at Fake News CNN. We got a little message for Humpty that will be sending. You know, it's amazing when people I have very specific things that I've been trying to tell people without playing doctor on radio and TV, which many have been pressuring me to do, but still loving you, my audience, and making sure that you take COVID seriously and that you take control of your health decisions, and somehow saying the words do your own research cannot even be comprehended by the medical expert Humpty over at fake news CNN. So I will explain to him what do your own research means, and we'll also remind him of all the things that he specifically ignores that I have been saying. We'll take a quick break, we'll come back your calls on the other side. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, you can't always get what you want, but you can get Sean Hannity online at Hannity dot com. I twenty five until the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one Sean our number. You want to be a part of the program, So you know, one of the things, one of the ways that you have media bias is bias by omission. You know, one of the things all these groups that literally hire people to live in their underwear and their basements and stalk me and listen to every second, every minute, every hour that I'm on air, every single day, and they get paid money to do it. They're all, by the way, all of you that do this, you are a loser. You need to get a life. You are a total, complete, utter loser. I don't care how much they're paying you. It ain't enough. Oh you're right. I can't do this job much longer. Anny's gonna drive me over the edge anyway. So one of the ways we know it's bias of omission. And they do this other thing where they will crop out one phrase, one sentence as a means of trying to say, this is what Hannity said, and it's so reckless and it's so irresponsible, and if people is in a Hannity people are gonna die. Okay, it's it's just listen to for example, now, those of you that listen to this program, because I have said it hundreds of times, those of you that will watch me, and hey, some people even say, Hannity, why are you repeating the same things? Because there are new people listening every day, and there are new people watching every night, and the topic of your health and safety, frankly, is too important to me. I don't have this microphone that's in front of me, but for you. I don't have that camera every night, but for you, and I want my audience to live. And frankly, even if you hate me, I want you to live because I actually am really pro life, just like I want every American abandoned and an Afghanistan. That's not political for me. If you're going to come back to America, work hard every day to get my voice silence, please come home safely. I want you home. All right. You're a fellow American. We have freedom, liberty, you have the freedom not to like me. That's fine. So this is this is this is the latest thing. I guess, humpty and whatever the other guy is that took over for John Stewart. Those awful he said it too, apparently. But anyway, when I say do your own research, listen, four words, four little words that are hurting America's pandemic response. What are they here? Let's on Hannity tell you he loves these words. Do your own research. Please do your own research. Do your own research. Do your own research. There's a ton of it right on, you know, to tip of your fingers on your own phone, right and that's the problem. Do your own research. Everybody has a supercomputer in their hand that empowers them to do their own research, which which is great, right, isn't it? Okay? Can we all stop saying I need to do my own research. Nobody who's saying that is getting in a lab and doing tests. At best, you're reading other people's research, and more likely you're probably reading a tweet about a headline about a blog post about someone else's research. Because he's on Hannity. Can learn anything or two Trevor Noah. Oh yeah, I can really learn a thing or two from Trevor Noah. Okay, By the way, what is the opposite of do your own research? Do not? Don't do any research? Listen to doctor Humpty, doctor Trevor, doctor Joe Biden or I'm not sure he knows what day it is. I'm not sure I'm going to take medical advice from any of these people. Doctor Nancy Pelosi, doctor you know TV commentator. Doctor I think I'm a journalist, but I'm really an abusively biased, corrupt liar to the American people. I'm gonna listen to you. Do your own research, by the way, does not mean that you get in a lab of rology lab and you start, you know, doing your own COVID nineteen genome study. Do your own research means very simple things, even though they've been wrong so often. That would include you can read what the CDC puts up. You can see what the NIH puts up. That would be part of doing your own research. You can read opinions and medical studies on COVID nineteen. For example, you can research the difference between mr NA vaccines like Maderna and Feiser versus the more traditional method of creating a vaccine that would be Johnson and Johnson. You can research, oh, I had a breakthrough case. They didn't warm me about that when they were telling me to get the JAB, but I have a breakthrough case of COVID. The what are the possible therapeutics that are out there and available to me? Research that there arapeutics. If you end up getting COVID nineteen and testing positive research monoclonal antibodies and regeneraan. If you vaccinated or unvaccinated, if you come down with COVID nineteen, you know, now what's missing in this And this is what I mean by they cut, they slice, they dice. It's called cropping. It's a name for it, and they just take out one little sentence of what I say. Hannity just says this. Okay, all of you listening to me right now, I ask yourselves, how many times have you heard me say please take this seriously. I've seen the worst of this. In other words, I know people that died. Let me. You want me to be more specific, more graphic. I can be. Now. I say, do your research, take into account your very unique medical history and your current medical condition. Talk to your doctor, your doctors, and the medical professionals that you trust. And yes, research all of this. In other words, research means educate yourself. In other words, take ownership of your own health. Because this is so serious, right, I mean, I'd like to know what medical school. I mean, he looks like the epitome of health to me. I mean, I'm going to take medical advice from doctor humpty dumpty. I'm gonna take medical advice from all these politicians in Washington and all these TV pundits. I want to know what medical schools do they go to? Is that they feel so free to dispense, you know, one size fits all medical advice. I mean, do they even know the from themselves between an mRNA virus and the difference between that and the Johnson and Johnson shot, who's been talking the most about monoclonal antibodies and regenna On. Then little old Sean Hannity, why because breakthrough cases one of my best friends. I also had a seventy four year old friend in Atlanta and his sixty eight year old wife. They were not vaccinated. They got regenna On within twenty four hours and they're doing fine. And I put them in contact with a Harvard trained medical doctor, not Sean Hannity who plays doctor on TV and radio, because I won't do it. You know what medical school did these commentators go to? What medical schools do these these senators and these congressmen and women go to. Or doctor Joe Biden go to. I'd like to know why is it just one size fits all? What if I'd say, I go with the broad sweeping statement, I don't think it's very scientific one size fits all medicine. That's my humble opinion. But what about the people that have rare conditions and their doctors recommend they not get the vaccine? What about natural immunity issues and people feeling oh, like the study in Israel or the name of We've told you about the epic times and doctor Robert Malone. Doctor Robert Malone, he actually invented the technology for the Fizer Maderna vaccines, the m RNA vaccines. He said, natural immunity is better than any immunity that you could get from his technology. He's the guy that discovered the technology. I'm following the science. How many times you heard me say I believe in science. I love science. How many of you have actually sat through brain surgeries like how you have? I've A've been in an operating room watching brain surgery. I've seen other medical procedures because many friends of mine, of doctors. I know it's strange, it's odd. I did a whole one hour special on a doctor at m yu lang Own that does face transplant and hand transplants, and I interviewed people that have had this. It had never been done successfully before, but this doctor Rodriguez, got it done. I'm fascinated with science. I believe in vaccination science. How many times have you heard me say that? Now they could all choose to practice medicine without a license, that's up to them. I am being honest with you. I am not a doctor. I did not go to medical school. I'm not qualified to be your doctor. I'm not and I urge you to please take it seriously. Please talk to your own doctor, doctors, medical professionals. I'm not saying research in the you know, your own little Wuhan virology lab that you're building at home. I'm not suggesting anything that dumb, that would be really dumb. But reading maybe perhaps the efficacy of Faiza Maderna, Johnson and Johnson. I know, maybe it sounds weird, but I've actually read all of that information myself. Because I research. I was not in a lab. I didn't have a lab coat on, I didn't have little vials in front of me. I wasn't playing around with the genomes of the COVID nineteen coronavirus that apparently looks like your tax dollars paid for. So you know all of this out there. It's just these are people that are not honest people. These are people that just lie. This is that was a purposeful distortion of my position because they just don't like my politics. That's all. This is all right, quick break, We'll come back more on the other side more with the non doctor Sean Hannity straight ahead, as we continue, and as we continue, when we've been discussing here about this these cheap shot attacks on me, let me just play a little bit of me saying these things, just to let you know that. Okay. Oh by the way, what we're going to play is only what I said last week, just in the last week. Listen, you know, listen, I am really I'm very concerned that piece. Some people don't take it seriously. I've seen the worst of it. Take it seriously. There's a lot of research out there, is yours, my audience is a smart audience, and spend time. You know, your health matters research. Then you have to look at your unique medical history, your current condition. Talk to your doctor, doctors, talk to the medical experts in your life. Don't ignore it. Don't ignore it. Now, what do you do if you have a breakthrough case? Again, talk to your doctor. I still stay with my argument, take it seriously. Talk you know, do your own research, take into account your unique medical history, your current condition, talk to your doctor, your doctors, and then you got to make the decision that's right for you. Again, that's why I tell people to research, to first, take it seriously. I've seen the worst of it. To research, to take into account your unique medical history, your unique current medical condition, and to talk to your doctor, your doctors, and then make the decision that's right for you. My advice, take it seriously, do your own research. I meaning to take it seriously. I don't want you to die. Then talk to take into account your unique medical history, your current medical condition, talk to your doctor, doctors, medical professionals you trust. Now, Linda, you've been with me seventeen years. When I repeat stuff like, for example, Obama's horrible track record for eight years, right, or you know in a campaign, what is the what is the thinking behind that is that by the time we start our list in January that everybody not only can repeat it, but they're repeating it to everybody they know. I thought it was a drinking game that every time you said doctor, I was supposed to do a shot. Well you have I'm not a doctor, or follow the science, depending where you are there. I know there's moonshine in our radio studios in New York. We have wonderful listeners that send delicious gifts that I happen to love. On the liquid diet. You know, a little vodka never heard anybody never heard of just a little at the little Is that doctor Linda talking or that party Linda talking? You know, to make the distinction. Linda makes all sorts of Linda Specials with all sorts of wonderful drinks. But what I will say is when I listen to Sean Hannity talk about COVID, I get tequila for science. I get vodka for doctor. I'm not a doctor. And uh, and then we go through monoclonal, monoclonal, monoclonal. That one is a hard bourbon. That's that's a difficult that's a different reward. Do a bourbon for that's a straight shoot? We do? We do redneck vervier or whiskey for that. Oh, nicely done well by John Rich. Uh. But I can't say it anymore. I mean in the sense that I can't say it any now. To purposely take this out of context, though, Why was that taken out of context? That was taken out of context to attack me. It's just another way of lying. What do you what do you think now? He said it because Humpty Dumpty has been fallen off that wall and his ratings are going right with him? And click click click, click, let's get your name in there. Click. I am clickbait. You are indeed all day long. So the reality is, um, I can't. I know people have pressured me, and I'm looking at people and I'm like, what the hell do you know about? You're given advice to people on something as serious as a pandemic on a a virus and you didn't go to any medical school, and I really don't if you went to nursing school, I'd pay more attention. If you actually were on the front lines and you saw things happening, I would take it seriously. I know people that work at testing centers that give me anecdotal information that every case they're now seeing or have been seeing rec in New York is a breakthrough case, meaning fully vaccinated people testing positive. What do you do? Then? Okay, how many of you know what? Seriously? Ask any of your friends how many know about regeneron. There is a very prominent politician that had COVID a breakthrough case. I won't say whether it's state, local, federal, but prominent. When I said how are you doing? I said, have you? I said, are you looked into a regeneraon. They said, yeah, what is that again? They didn't know, So at that point I began to realize, maybe I need to tell people, whether you're vaccinated or unvaccinated, you test positive, look into monoclonal antibodies like regeneron Eli. Lily has their version of it. Not that I'm telling you to take it. I'm asking you to talk to your doctor about do your research. Do your research, do your rese I'll put on a lab call, don't get dressed up. Just do your research and get little samples of COVID, you know, spitting a cup and think that you're do in real medical research here. That's not what we're talking about, you dumbasses. I mean as people are, dumb, as dirt as unbelievable

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