Defending America's 1st Responders - September 28th, Hour 1

Published Sep 28, 2021, 10:02 PM

1000’s of 1st responders were fired for refusing the vaccine mandates and yet tens of thousands of migrants are freely flood the USA. What can we do to protect them?

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Eric Good trapped behind enemy lines, day number forty five, Day forty five Americans, their families, their children, American Green card holders. In other words, people eligible to be here, abandoned behind enemy lines by Joe Biden forty five days and counting, and they're not lifting a finger. This has been an unmitigated disaster for these generals and Joe Biden today, which I'll explain as this program unfolds here today. Let me first go to this captured a lot of my feeling, and Senator Josh Hally, you know, say, don't dare tell me he was talking to the Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin that we're not leaving Americans behind. In other words, I'm sick and tired of your lies. Listen, let me just sum up where I understand that we are, based on what's been a fairly extraordinary hearing. Here's what I've learned so far. Number One, presidentized States lighted American people about the advice that you gave to him, about the military judgment that you've provided for him. I think you've all testified to that effect now repeatedly. Secondly, the State Department and maybe the White House appeared to have pushed back the evacuation to such a time that it became a catastrophe, apparently against your advice, although I'd like to learn more about that. And Third, for some reason, we still don't quite understand, the Pentagon failed to plan for the potential collapse of the security forces or the collapse of the Afghan government, despite there being quite a lot of warning. Senator Kane referred to this earlier, quite a lot of warning for really, frankly years, that the Afghan security forces were ill equipped, ill trained, and frankly not up to the job. I don't understand any of that. I'd like to explore those things with you in this round of the next, but first before I do, Secretary, often I have to take issue with something you just said. I know this is an administration talking point. I've heard it out of the mouth of the Press, Secretary and others. We are not leaving Americans behind. That was your quote of just a minute ago, with all due respects, or you have left past tense Americans behind. We have no presidence any longer in Afghanistan. There were hundreds of America, and not just Americans, generally civilians you left behind against the President's explicit commitment not to leave until all American citizens were out and to safety. That is not what happened. And now we have people who are desperately, frantically trying to get out of this country coming to me, coming to members of this committee asking for help. They can't get that help. They're stuck behind enemy lines. So please don't tell me that we're not leaving Americans behind. You left them behind, Joe Biden, left them behind, and frankly, it was a disgrace, a great moment. Josh Holly, Tom Cotton criticizing why Biden, you know, why did you recommend the August thirty first deadline when ten days after Cobble fell. This has been my point, because we in the market. You could have removed everybody safely while you had control of Cobble and control of the Carzai International Airport and the Bagram Air Base and all of these things, and you could have pushed back the Taliban Is as soon as they began their march south to north, and they never lifted a finger. Here's Tom Cotton. Joe Biden has said that it was the unanimous, the unanimous recommendation of the Joint Chiefs that we not maintained a military presence beyond August thirty first. We've heard testimony that effect today as well. When was that unanimous recommendation sought and presented to the president. You're talking about the thirty one August, the thirty one August getting On twenty five August, I was asked to make an assessment provide best military advice. I'm sorry, my time is limited here because you just get You gave me the answer to that I need to hear August twenty fifth. It's correct. Couple fell in August fifteenth. That's correct. You were not asked before August twenty six. On August twenty fifth, I was asked to provide best military assessment. Is whether we should keep military forces past the thirty first Secretary Austin was anybody he asked before August twenty fifth if we should keep troops at the Cobbel Airport. This is the President tasked us to make to provide an assessment on whether or not we should extend our presence beyond August thirty first. And as General Millie just said, that assessment was made. We tasked him to make that assessment on the twenty fifth, and he came back and provided his best military advice. Secretary cobble fell on August fifteenth, it was clear that we had thousands of America. Its clear, members of this committee, we're getting phone calls that we had thousands of Americans in Afghanistan behind Taliban lines on August fifteenth, and it took ten days to ask these general officers if we should extend our president. I suspect the answer might be a little different if you were asking them sixteen days out, not five days out. Now, there was such enough damning thing said, And just as we were coming on the air, Millie finally admitted that he told China that he would give China heads up on a US nuclear attack. You know. He basically said, you know, I told them that they're gonna if there's gonna be an attack, there'd be a flurry of phone calls going back and forth, that China would be able to pick up and people would call you. I'd probably call you now. And Marsha Blackburn just asked a good question, when do you leak your conversations with the President of the United States. Millie needs to be you know, put on ice pending a complete thorough investigation. That based on the evidence we currently have after today, would remove him from that position. By the way, where do you meet the parents, stewing Kathy Scheller later at the top of the next hour. Yeah, their their son who served this great country. I think he did five or six tours of duty, one for over a year, put his life on the line for the country. Seventeen years he's been a marine, and he spoke out proudly against this, this disaster, and he talked about the lack of accountability. Now he's in the brig and he's unable to even communicate with his own family. It's unbelievable the times we're living in. And then you got another lie from propagandist. You know, Jensaki, the President told ABC ending the war in Afghanistan was in our national interests. His advice, he said, advice was split, but a consensus of top military advisors. Because Joe got caught in a lie here, because they're all saying that he should have left troops there. They're all saying that's what they recommended today. You know, the top consensus was that twenty five hundred troops staying meant escalation due to deal with the previous Administration Secretary of Defense, the chairman Millie, General McKenzie alliterate, No, that wasn't what was said. In other words, they lied, just like they're lying saying they didn't abandon Americans. You know, Millie says he talked to when does a military general get to talk to authors? Well, I don't know if what they printed is true. I didn't read their books. Yet. Even Ben sass that Jackass himself. Biden lied about the withdrawal to cover his ass. That's a direct quote from SaaS. He lied when he told the American people that nobody urged him to keep twenty five hundred troops in Afghanistan because under oath. General McKenzie flatly contradicted the president, and he said it's the worst American foreign policy disaster in a generation, probably in history. And he's trying to cover his ass with political spin. And he was referring to the commons made by the head of the US Central Command, General Kenneth mackenzie, who said during the hearing before the Armed Services Committee, that he recommended they maintained twenty five hundred troops in Afghanistan. And Mark Millie, chairman of the Joint Chief said during the same hearing. He also made the recommendation. All of this is contradicting Biden's statements. He couldn't recall of any such advice, you know, the zero accountability Millie. He called the US evacuation himself a strategic failure. That's your failure, Millie, that's your job. And if Joe Biden's coming up with a plan, that is a disaster. You know, Joe Biden said thirteen days earlier to George stefanappos, I won't leave Americans behind, he says. Millie says he won't resign over Biden not taking his advice. Millie contradicted Biden on his recommendation at Austin stupidly defended not keeping Bagram Air Base. That's just dumb. He's not qualified for his job. Later on, we'll get into an effort by one Republican congressman from South Carolina that wants Blincoln the idiot that he is impeached. It might be a good time to make your way to the airport. We cannot provide for your safety. Maybe don't come today because it's a bad day. You might want to leave. And then telling chartered airplanes that have Americans on it. You're not allowed to land in the US. And if you find a third party country that will accept your chartered flight, that's fine. But if they need our approval, it will not be forthcoming. That's your Secretary of State. It's unbelievable. You know, Millie is admitting now that he tipped off, that he would tip off China because he knows that he's probably on tape saying it. My assumption is is that wood Order, Costa or both of them recorded all of these conversations. Why anybody would talk to any of these guys is beyond me. Anyway. This has been nothing but an unmitigated disaster on a million different levels. It is beyond sad, and it was all preventable by the way. One other unrelated issue, GOP senators they actually have to make a move to block Biden who wants to dishonorably discharge unvaccinated soldiers with their one size fits all medicine that they'd like to practice. Do they have a rare medical condition? Is it a matter of principle? I'm tired this whole administration lies to us repeatedly. Oh, the southern border is closed, that's a lie. Oh, they're only staying for a short period of time. We don't need to test them for COVID. Well, now we find out from Department of Homeland Security Chief Mayorcus he's admitting, this was in biz pack review, that about twenty percent of illegal immigrants he won't use determine anymore, or illegal alliens either. I don't know what he's calling people anyway, are COVID positive twenty percent? They're not testing them, there's no vaccine mandate, and they're dispersing these people all over the country. And his answer is, oh, I didn't expect the tragic rise of the delta variant. What do you mean you didn't expect it. We've known about it forever. It's unbelievable. You know the lie about you know, the border Patrol agents on horseback whipping using whips to whip the Haitian illegal immigrants. That's not true either, and the Board of Patrol, even the photographer took the picture set it wasn't true. You know, we're not going to leave if Afghanistan until every Americans evacuated. Another lie, the drone attack. We killed one of the icest terrorists. No, you killed humanitarians and seven kids, just like they lied. Oh, Hunter, Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation, another lie, just like the Russia hoax we now know was a Hillary inspired lie the whole time. The cost of the democrats three point five trillion dollars social welfare bill is going to be zero dollars. Why are we using an abacus? Top General's testifying today that Biden lied when he claimed they never told them to keep troops on the ground in Afghanistan, because that's what they said today, this bite Biden's claimed. To the contrary, Austin, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Millie, Head of the US Central Command, General Kenneth Mackenzie, all testifying they recommended maintaining a presence of US True. I don't share my personal recommendations to the president, but I can tell you my personal opinion in my assessment, if that's what you want, Yes, please, yes. My assessment was back in the fallow twenty and it remained consistent throughout. We should keep a steady state at twenty five hundred and it could bounce up to thirty five hundred maybe something like that, in order to move toward a negotiated, gated solution. You told ABC News in August, no one recommended a twenty five hundred troop presidents that he could recall. They all did, so he's lying on that point too. Stunning incompetence. Twenty five hundred troops. He doesn't listen. Thirteen troops are killed. He misses the window of opportunity in March, April, May, June, and July to get people out safely. Every American, every Green card holder, all of their families, all of our Afghan allies, and all of our equipment. Even Joe mentioned was apoplectic that we left billions of dollars of the most sophisticated weaponry and technology of warfare in the hands of terrorists. And now calls begin for Biden to resign, and the General's designed to resign Biden in particular for lying to the American people. Yet again, he lies repeatedly to the American people. So does everybody that works for a Well, they're only going to be here a short period of time. They're not going to be here very long. We're not letting people in from Haiti. No, they're all being sent back. Oh yeah, we left, we allowed I think anywhere between twelve and seventeen thousand people in unbelievable. Oh yeah, I kind of told China that I tip him off. We're going to keep that guy as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. So the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs admitting that he would tip off China if in fact there was going to be an attack, that is room right there. He should be court martialed. That this is very simple, basic and fundamental. Is it not a complicated legal issue at this particular point in time conduct I'm becoming failure to obey in order? And since what is it okay for General Millery would be talking to reporters and leaking private conversations with a president of the United States, And I'm sure if we get to the bottom of the conversations that he add with other top military brass that we're probably going to find other things there that are equally horrifying, including his loyalty oath that apparently they write about in this book, which I'm assuming they probably have a lot of these interviews on tape. I've got to believe that, but you know who knows. But you got the Defense Secretary saying, this is another bombshell. There's an Exchange. General Austin today said he can't confirm or deny that there are four thousand Americans still left in Afghanistan now the Defense Secretary. Austin said he thinks it's fewer than one hundred, but he doesn't know. General Austin says, I don't believe that it's four thousand American citizens, but I can't confirm or deny that. How do you not know how many at this point, because every Congressman and senator that I have contacted, as my sources, have all said, Sean, it's not a hundred or under one hundred, there are hundreds. And if you add their families, thousands potentially, and even Tony Blink and testified thousands of green card holders. They abandoned all of them. I mean. And then now we're learning all of these guys contradicting what Biden said, that they ignored his advice to rush the withdrawal from Afghanistan, not to rush it, and that in fact that they that he lied on ABC when he said, no one ever told me to leave twenty five hundred troops. There. See the danger when you let somebody, and somebody's a president that is weak frail and a cognitive disaster like Biden. All right, twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one seawn our number if you want to be a part of the program. So much to get to today, I mean, so much happening out there, the testimony that's going on, the Senate grilling of the Secretary Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and these these other generals which I've just gone over here. We now have the you know, the next wave, if you will, of illegal immigrants. Thousands more are we're being told or on the way, thousands more, not just a few, but thousands. How do you send thousands of people here like that? And there are no absolutely no consequences whatsoever. And all Joe Biden does is lie and say, well, we're not accepting people that are here illegally, when all they're doing is accepting people that are here illegally. It's unbelievable. Yeah, I love John Bolton is now out there saying, you know, the Taliban could end up with nuclear weapons. Oh, I hope you still feel good about your decision to trash Donald Trump and get helping Joe Biden. John Bolton after you begged me to help you, you know, get into administration. Please put in a good word for me, as if I'm like the you know, hiring person at the White House, which I am not the DHS secretary may orcus, the same guy that lied and said in fact that there's nobody coming here illegally in Jensaki saying, well, they're not going to be here very long, so there's no reason, like, what are you people talk? You just lie. They lie through their teeth. Everybody in the media, Donald Trump told the lie. There are all the lies of Donald Trump. What about the lies of Jen Saki and the lies of everybody that works for Biden and the lies of Biden. Biden is line through his teeth. Now he's just saying, well, I didn't expect the rise, the tragic rise of the delta variants. Well, nobody expected it, but we figured it out really quickly, and you know, and we took a step back, and by reason of that, I didn't expect it to be late September where we are. And then he went on to say that roughly one in five illegal immigrants he won't call him that migrants, as he says, being encountered or experiencing an illness in an apparent reference to COVID nineteen. When one is speaking of seven thousand and seven thousand, five hundred people encountered at the border every day. If one takes a look at that system, it's not built for that in a COVID environment where isolation is required, well, all the more reason to bring back to stay in Mexico policy. By the way, even The New York Times, according to the Daily Caller, issued a correction claiming border patrol agents were whipping Haitian migrants with horse reins. The original article published Friday, covered Biden's comments, and it says the images of agents on horseback chasing it in some cases using their reins of their horses to strike at running migrants, which was the Biden administration. There's still on that lie and talking point. The updated version of The New York Times says images of border patrol agents on horseback waving their reins while pushing migrants back into the Rio Grand have prompted a torrent of criticism from democrats and civil rights groups. In the correction, the New York Times admitted the original article overstated what was going on at the border, give him credit. They're the only ones that I know that admits that admitted that they're wrong. The photographer himself, again he's an ap guy, said no, that didn't happen. Report is grilling Jen Saki about his quip about the press, you know, and taking it so personally. Remember she lectured Boris Johnson for taking questions and Joe Biden is not allowed to take question unless he gets permission or else he might lose his ice cream before he goes ninety night. Anyway, the Indian Prime Minister was in town, and the President choked that the Indian press is much more, much better behaved than the American press, and that Americans were likely to be knocking folks over. I think, with your your permission, we should not answer questions because they won't have any questions on point. Oh okay, all the questions have to be on point. Now. It's interesting is Senator Ted Cruz is pointing out that South Texas Democrats they're all wanting to leave the Democratic Party over the disaster at this border as of now. I mean, you know, you think of all the lies, you know that the Homeland Security Secretary has been saying, well, I approximately I think it's ten, maybe twelve thousand or higher. They've been Mayorchis has been, you know, bobbing and weaving and lying every step of the way. At one point, he said, you know, he blamed eighteen hour days for his lack of clarity. Okay, you know what we do is we follow the law as Congress passed it. No, you don't. That is just an outright flagrant lie. And if Donald Trump did, it would be covered everywhere. We have enforcement guidelines in place to provide individuals who are recent border cross who do not show up for their hearings are enforcement priorities. They will be removed. That's a lie too, because they're not even sending out required court appearances, but recommended. You know, we're recommending that you come. In other words, we're now the wrong word. We're requesting that you come, or Border patrol agents on horseback, you know, whipping up people. That was another lie, painfully conjured up the worst elements of ongoing battle against systemic racism. He claimed. Even the New York Times backed off that we don't agree with the building of the walls, as he went on to say, the law provides individuals can make a claim for humanitarian relief. Yeah, Donald Trump said they can make the claim while they stayed in Mexico. Why didn't you? Why did you get rid of the policy that worked eleven million people in this country without lawful presence? Is a compelling reason why there's you know, a full agreement about the fact that our immigration system has broken. I reform. He's talking about amnesty. Why did the Democrats try and slip amnesty into the Senate Reconciliation Bill. Well, it's a simple, obvious reason for that is that you know, as I pointed out yesterday, all of these countries, they charge a fortune. You can buy passports to other countries and become citizens of other countries if you fork over hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars, and a lot of people actually do it. Anyway, you can do that. America doesn't charge anybody. But we are asking that you respect our laws, our borders, our sovereignty. And I don't really care where you come from, but we have to have a security background check, I health check, and we got to make sure that you're you're financially capable of handling taking care of yourself and won't be a burden on the American people, not that we're mean, but we can't afford it. That's the bottom line. But that's another disaster that's been unfolding at our border. Now. This week is really all about Democratic spending and the five point the really five trillion dollars, it's the three point five trillion dollars. It's a mess within the Democratic Party. Cinema and Mansion apparently have been summoned to the White House. This is where the arms get twisted. This is where the swamp does its best work. We'll see how strong they are for the people in their states, because right now they're saying that they're not going to go along with it. All right. You know, as Joe said, give me your numbers at two point nine trillion? Is it two trillion? Will you give us one point five trillion? How many trillions will you give us? And Jensaki actually says it's unfair and absurd for businesses to raise prices. If Joe Biden raises corporate taxes, are you really that dumb and naive? You must be, because that's exactly what happens. Jen Corporations don't pay taxes. They don't pay taxes, and you know, so Joe Biden. If you look at this, they're now plotting this week to blow the single biggest hole in the federal budget that generations will be paying for. And they're trying to say, Joe's their talking point is is it's not going to cost a single penny. It will cost nothing, It'll cost zero. He's been you know, he's making this another lie. We build back better. The agenda costs zero dollars, the President tweeted from his official account, and then he said, if you make under four hundred thousand dollars, you're not going to pay a penny. That's a lie too, because when corporate taxes are raised and you pay more for everything, that's a tax. And now we got the highest price for oil and I forget how many years. That means everything we're paying more for to fill your tank, heat, cool your home, and everything you buy is going to cost more. This is a debt bomb. And somehow Democrats and the new three point five trillion on top of the one point two trillion, on top of the six hundred billion pushed by Biden and the squad and Democratic leaders, you know, twenty five million on antidescript nation and biased training in the healthcare industry, seventy seventy nine billion for the IRS to step up their law enforcement of tax laws that means harass all of us. And with the measure headlines about the authorization of huge spending. Now the three billion earmark by the House Agriculture Committee would be dolled out to state, local or tribal governments for tree planting. With a priority three billion dollars for tree planting, how are we going to afford that seven point five billion for the creation of new style civilian climate cores? Seven point five billion dollars. That's real money, you postal service. You tried to get them the vaccine mandate waiver seven billion to purchase electric delivery vehicles and related infrastructure. Five billion towards E cars for the rest of the federal government. Unbelievable. Union members are going to get a break. Enhanced I arrest enforcement is a you know two hundred and fifty You know you can get to deduct your union dues. Oh great, they can donate more money to the Democratic Party, just like they say, well, we'll give you amnesty. We're not like these other countries to charge money. We'll give you something of great value. Will you vote Democrat for the rest of your life? And I'm only I'm only touching the surface on this. It's unbelievable. Obama is saying that we desperately need this, including tax the rich, including me. Okay, Republicans build back better three point five trillion, reconciliation bigger than you know, FDR, spending, the Great Society of LBJ, all of that. It's going to fail spectacularly, and you're gonna pay for all of it, every single dime, every single penny. Let's see you get the child tax payment credits, they're gonna extend that. That's one point one trillion. Even if Republicans get control of Congress and the White House, Democrats their allies will extend the payments one hundred and ten billion dollars each year pre K three year olds, four year olds, daycare, free, college, free, pre k entitlement. You know, it's thirty three billion dollars. You know, in the House Education Labor Committee bill, it doesn't specify any appropriation. In that case, they pick up one hundred percent of the cost. Washington sharewood declined to sixty percent, So now they're going to cost shifted to the states, which can't afford it either. Childcare subsidies, you know, universal childcare entitlement ninety billion dollars. If the ninety billion runs out, such sums as may be necessary for each fiscal year will be allocated. Biden's plan includes raising the wages for those in the childcare industry to fifteen dollars minimums. How are parents gonna afford it? Free college education? Federal government will cover seventy five percent of the average tuition costs. And when they implement that, the plan recommends adding dental vision hearing benefits. Wound to the tomb, cradled to grave. What does socialism always do? They promise everything, they never fulfill the promises. Everybody ends up poor. It impacts the people that they say they want to help the most. And then it's a matter of how much freedom you gave up in the end. And I can go on and on. Climate controlled New Green Deal, reducing carbon emissions fifty percent. US grid to get eighty percent of its power from emissions free sources by twenty thirty. Okay, what are the sources and how are you going to pay for it? That's just another cylinder in the making. He's gonna hiking taxes on earnings of fifty thousand dollars or more. That's the Heritage Foundation analysis. On top of the inflation that the FED now says is here to stay. The Fed is saying inflation is staying now. If you look at some of the other news of the day and you look at you know, Biden gets annoyed when the press asked him questions that he doesn't like. Oh, I'm so sorry, Joe. I'm really really breaks my heart. All hell is breaking loose in the energy markets. We're now seeing gas prices. Look at this, gas prices closed at the highest level ever, up eleven percent on the day yesterday. You know what that means that deal with our allies in Western Europe and Russia. Yeah, he's making Putin rich again while simultaneously cutting out America and from all the profits and benefits. We could have high paying career jobs, and we could be providing our allies all the energy they need and more because we've got more resources than all of these countries. Natural gas prices in Europe have surged to twenty five million. We now have an oil shortage in Great Britain. The Patrol Retailers Association which represents independent fuel retailers, accounting for sixty five percent. They said members reporting fifty to ninety percent of pumps are dry in Great Britain right now, so the demand is going through the roof, and oil prices haven't been this high and forever. So this is, you know, let's let's get the record straight on how bad this is. It includes money for let's see tree equity, bias training, free community college for illegal immigrants. I've got that part of the bill that's in there too. Now, Mansion is doubting that this deal is going to happen, but it's not going to cost you a penny. According to the Democrats, that is the biggest lie in all of this. Now, Republicans, they should not be involved. Democrats control the House, the Senate, in the wine house. Why would they Why would they ever raise the debt ceiling. I see no reason for them to to raise the debt ceiling. I wouldn't do it under any circumstances. Let the Democrats own this lock stock and barrel. This is their spending, their bill, and they're the ones that want it. They're the ones fighting for it. They're the ones that are going to own the disastrous results eight hundred ninety four one. Shawn is on number

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