Sean is back and immediately hits the breaking news regarding the death of Iranian General Soleimani. Liberals are going crazy but it's clear that President Trump insists there will be no retake of Benghazi on his watch. Plus, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina sits on the Senate Committee for Foreign Relations and fully supports the actions of President Trump with regard to the death of General Soleimani.
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All right, here we are three hundred and five days until you, we the American people, we get the final say, and hopefully on election night or early the next morning, you will hear the words we can now project Donald J. Trump has been reelected the forty fifth President of the United States. Anyway, Happy Friday, hope you all had a great New Year Christmas. Yeah, I know. I was supposed to be off today many thanks to Rose Tenant. I couldn't take it, my honest thing. I'm yelling and literally going nuts at home. It is amazing, but yet so predictable. I ended up. I was working the phones as I started to get when something was going down. So, yeah, we do our job. We source, we double source. I made all my calls, I talked to everybody, and story begins to emerge. Nobody in the mob, in the media bothered to really dig down deep into what this is all about. You know, you had people literally out there. I mean, you've got you know, Joy Reads. This is Trump's Benghazi. No or Senator Chris Murphy. You're impotent and the only thing you can do is nothing and have our personnel hiding in safe rooms. And then the president acts and takes out Solomany, and you know, we're getting lectures from the Benghazi Democrats. We are getting lectured by the Mullah bribing, appeasement Democrats. And I'm sitting here. I can't take it anymore because this is so deep and so profound, and so vitally important for the safety and security of the United States. Our interest in the region are personnel American citizens in the region. You would think that, you know, maybe for just five seconds, that Democrats could say, good job, mister President. You took out the leader of the Kuds Forces, the guy responsible for more terror, more death, more misery, more mayhem, more proxy wars than any other single one individual in the entire Middle East. But they couldn't find it within themselves to do that. What have I said? I even said it on calling into Jason Chaffins was hosting Hannity last night. I said, look, I guarantee you they're gonna you know, the predictable mob in the media and the Democrats, they would impeach Donald Trump if he cured cancer. He kills one with the biggest terrorist in the Middle East, a guy responsible for the deaths of hundreds of a Americans inside of Iraq. The guy that is responsible for all of the proxy wars that Iran has involved in, including supporting Yemen in their battle against Saudi Arabia, including funding from the get go Hezbollah, which obviously one of the most well known terror organizations in the world. They couldn't find it within themselves to say one good thing, and they were already getting the wag the dog, you know, conspiracy theories started by Congresswoman Omar I really can't stand the very same people that sat back and watched Biden and Obama drop a hundred and fifty billion, not million billion dollars and other currency on a tarmac in Iran for the mullahs of a run. Yeah, the same ones that chant death to America, death to Israel, that burn the American flag, that burn of the Israeli flag, and they drop one hundred and fifty billion dollars. Now, these are the guys that have been fomenting terror. These are the guys fighting the proxy wars, and these are the guys led by Solomani killing Americans in the region. We all watched in horror, were witnessing what was going on as our embassy in Baghdad was being attacked by these protesters. I mean, you would think that that not allowing another Benghazi would be a great thing. Apparently not. We're going to talk to one of the members of the Benghazi Remember the guys that were the Mark Geiss was one of the Americans told to stand down, and him and Tanto Piranto and everybody else, they said, you know what, the hell with our Americans are gonna die if we don't do something. Ended up saving We lost four people, Ambassador Stevens et Center, but we ended up saving dozens of American lives because they were willing to put it all on the line on September eleven, twenty twelve, and they save lives. That's what you're supposed to do when American lives abroad, American interests abroad are being threatened. And it was you know, remember it's reported on the twenty seventh of this past year. Remember the attack, a rocket attack northern Iraq killing an American contractor. Well, in that same attack, I know it didn't get a lot of headlines that deserved more, but there were many of our military personnel that were wounded in that attack and one civilian contractor killed. Several US service members and Iraqi personnel wounded, and this was a rocket attack on Iraqi military base in Kirkuk. Now, a lot of you are saying to yourselves, Oh, what are the Mola's gonna do? And I'm listening to all these idiots, and they are the dumbest people. I'm sitting there at times, I'm literally wondering, Wow, who are you cheering for here? Because it's like their commentary is so extreme, it is so radicalized that the twenty twenty candidates same thing that it literally scares me how dumb and dangerous they are, and what are we supposed to do. These are the same people that didn't rescue our Americans in Benghazi, the same people that believe bribing mullahs in Iran that chant death to us and burn our flag and threaten us that we're not allowed to respond. We're not supposed to respond. This is a by the way, it's a terrorist organization, the Cuds forces, this is their the Iranian elite military forces. And what the president did in the time that he did it is remarkable. Now, just some news the US is sending three thousand more troops to the Middle East. The President is not He's been very clear and I agree with him. We cannot get involved in long protracted conflicts anymore anywhere, especially in the Middle East. How many times have I said, from a geopolitical standpoint, the fact that America now is the number one producer of oil because the President sees the value in the resources that Democrats would never allow us to use. But that makes the Straits of hore Moves less strategic geo political strategy. It's the least important and it's ever been to the United States. What does that mean. That means they don't have the leverage they want has had on the world and the world's economy. Now, if you go back, the media was saying, oh, Donald Trump is going to start a war after they shot down our drone, President said, better not cross this line. President. They thought, after the attack on the Saudi oil fields, What's Donald Trump gonna do? Then we had the tankers, not our tankers, and we had tankers being held hostage. President held this fire. Now, the President acted because American lives and interests. It was a clear and present danger and this is what a president is elected to do to protect Americans an American interests both here and abroad. And it couldn't be anymore clear that American lives were at stake. It is. So it's so frustrating, but this is the battle we now have for the next three hundred and five days. So the President's deploying thousands of extra troops. Now you're saying, well, does that mean we're going to get into a ground conflict. We can never ever allow what has happened in both Vietnam and then later Iraq to ever happen again because the swamp in Washington, they're all get up and go, and then they want to fight wars, and then in a very short period of time they politicize the wars, and then they kind of say, never mind. And after losing fifty eight thousand, you know, American soldiers in Vietnam, that is our national treasure, after losing nearly five thousand in Iraq and Afghanistan and so many others permanently injured, many losing limbs and disfigured, and you know, and then what happens Washington politicizes it. What have I been saying on this program, America's foreign policy future needs to now evolve that we never ever send American men and women to go door to door like we did in Iraq. Now I supported that conflict, but clearly Washington goes wishy washye. You know, but what did Donald Trump do? He said, we got to get out of these conflicts. So what happens he becomes president. How did Donald Trump defeat and push back the Caliphate in Syria? Well, the first thing he did was he took the rules of engagement from the Obama Biden error, which said you can't fire in a war unless you're fired upon. Well that's really dumb, because now you're putting our troops that you send to go fight, you're putting handcuffs on them. So what did the president do? President got rid of those rules, and the president systematically bomb the living crap out of every city, every down, every location where Syria was taken over by Isis by the way, with support from the Cuds and Solomoni. And then he defeated the Caliphate in Syria. Well, wow, that would be a new paradigm, a new model, something we can duplicate. For example, if American now gets down to the very important geopolitical safety security issue of defending America, defending Americans, and defending our interests both here and abroad, then that would mean, if we're really smart and we don't want our kids going door to door again, we must develop and it'll cost a lot of money, the next generation of weaponry, and that would be both offensive and defensive, so that when we fight future conflicts, that we can fight them in an air conditioned room. Women say Nevada where this might have where this where all of this might have been launched from, or Tampa, Florida. And if we're helping other countries like Iraq, they can send their national treasure door to door and give us the intelligence and will offer them the firepower if it is in the interests of the United States. It's that simple. And when you fight a war, you gotta fight it to win it. Now, some are saying, well, what the Rohani the president is saying, we're gonna retaliate. Okay, there's always a chance that I guess Iran is that dumb and maybe they didn't get the message when the number one leader of their elite military was just taken out like you know, like just by pushing a button for most part, So what if they do try to retaliate, Well, if you want to. One of the reasons I think Iran is doing all this is because Donald Trump's sanctions has crippled their economy, so they want to respond. They try to respond, they try to retaliate. Well, what's the first thing I think I'd be looking at if I'm an American president. There are three main refineries inside of Iran. Now I'm pretty convinced. I don't know for sure. I don't have access to all the information the president has. I don't have access to all of our capabilities. But I am impressed by what we're capable of doing. And I have faith that if we targeted those three main refineries inside of Iran, their economy would go belly up. And what would happen then the people of Iran that have been protesting, although there's not a lot of news reporting on it, then they might have a chance to overthrow the Mullahs that have been terrorizing even their own people. All Right, when we come back, I got a lot to get to them. We're also loaded up. We've got Kevin McCarthy. The President is expected to speak later sometime this afternoon. Lindsey Graham will join US. Colonel North joins US today, one of the heroes of Penghazi as our special coverage continues straight ahead. All right, so the president just spoke, I don't I want to play it in full in its context, and I don't have enough time leading into the bottom of the hour news, so we'll play it after that news break coming up. So the update is the President now is deployed the extra troops that it will be necessary and needed. I've been told by sources are military is on high alert and that in if there is retaliation, this is what I've been told. All options are on the table now. One of the things I tweeted out today was, you know, you always watch these gutless, these cowards like President Rohana. They never you know, the ones that always encourage the terrorism, the ones that are always saying, yeah, you know, you'll be rewarded in heaven with this or that. If he's so brave, maybe he should show solidarity and he can go to one of these three major refineries in Iran and taught Trump from there, because he was saying just last week that Trump can't do anything. Well, he did, just like Solomani had taunted Trump previously as well, and the media they were saying he was impotent and that our personnel had to hide in save rooms. We'll get to their corruption, their insanity. Much more straight ahead special edition GLADU with a Sean Hannity Show. Happy New Year, all right, twenty five till the taunt of the hour. Happy New Year, by the way to all you know when an embassy is attacked, are you not one? That is our fellow Americans? If you can't unite behind that, when are we ever going to unite? I watch and I'm going to play the president in a minute. His comments in full is a Washington Examiner story that not only had this Iranian elite general this is their elite force, the cud's forces Solomony. This guy's led a terror campaign. I'll go through all the details in a minute. Not only has he done that, it has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of American soldiers during the Iraq War. Turns out he was on the verge of launching a new wave of attacks. According to the Washington Examiner, US special representative for irand guy by the name of Brian Hook said late last night that the US moved forward with the targeted drone strike and I think Pompeo he'll join me on TV tonight was inferring this in his comments on the Iranian Cuds forces because quote very solid intelligence that he was planning to kill American diplomats and soldiers. Our intelligence community over the last many days has been receiving very solid intelligence that Solo Money was planning attacks against American diplomats and American soldiers that could have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Americans, he said on the BBC, So our action was taken to prevent the imminent loss of life. When I called into Hannity last night, I had been working the phones, and I talked to people, my sources in the State Department, the Defense Department, and elsewhere, and they all confirmed that there was real intelligence, significant, real clear present danger to Americans and our interests abroad. Now and anybody in the medium mob ever asked themselves the most basic and fundamental question, what is the head of the Iranian Cuds forces doing at Baghdad Airport? That would be Iraq ran An Iraq usually didn't like each other too much. What was he planning, what was he there for, what was he really involved in? It's probably something we may never know the full answer to that, but what remember it was Hezbollah Iranian funded terrorists that were responsible for the attack by these protesters against our embassy. And thank god we had a president and a military that acted that decisively and that quickly, and then acted on the intelligence. This was a combination of Remember I kept saying, the ninety nine percent of brave intelligence people that work and protect us every day, not the one percent involved with abusing the powerful tools that we give them and turning the tools of intelligence against the American people. This is the ninety nine plus percent that I've been talking about. We have the premiere intelligence community in the world. Nobody matches us, and just like we have the premiere law enforcement agency. Director Ray, you need to clean it up because the ninety nine percent that risked their lives for us every day, they deserve better than a tarnished reputation by a few that abuse their power. But we'll leave them for another day anyway. So you look at this guy's Solomoni. The world is safer today. He is a ruthless, evil terrorist criminal has been brought to justice. Evil personified American blood on the guy's hands. As the head of their elite military force, their cud's force. There was no there was not one. Another person responsible for the death of our American treasure and civilian deaths in the Middle East. And this guy, this is the guy that led Hezbollah. They funded Hezbollah. That yeah, the very same one. They chant death to America, death to Israel. And thankfully, our great intelligence community and our great military, the best in the world, the greatest fighting force ever created by mankind. They with just pinpoint perfection and accuracy, they got this one got. You would think people would celebrate, but no president took the decisive action. He was right. Why was Solomoni even in Iraq? Well, if you look at it and you look at his history, it was obvious they were orchestrating all of these attacks against our embassy. Is it really that hard, Well, you know, we keep hearing one plus one equals two. This is the guy responsible for over six hundred deaths of American soldiers in Iraq, orchestrating attacks on coalition bases all over Iraq and beyond. This guy helped plan the Benghazi attack that killed poor Americans. Solamani, He's been fueling proxy conflicts in a reign of terror against the US and their allies now for you know, decades and of course he's leading this. They're directing Asad's genocide in Syria. Don't forget that they supported Asad in Syria and in the eighties he backed the militias that eventually took over Lebanon known as Hezbollah. Party of God, Kill Americans, kill Israelis, and you know he was the point man for the largest Look, Iran is the number one state sponsor of terror in the world. They cause more misery, death, murder, mayhem than any other country on the face of the earth. There's only one reason. Five years ago it was unimaginable that what has now taken place in the Middle East is actually a reality. It's happening, and that is did you ever think in our lifetime you would see the United States Israel in complete alliance with the Emirates, the Saudias, the Jordanians, and the Egyptians. Why is that? Because they recognize the existential threat posed by a nuclear armed Iran or the threat of Iranian agemony. So if Arran gets control of Iraq, and Iran already has pretty much control of Syria with Assad, because without Iran, Asad doesn't survive. And then you look at their history and then I thought. Secretary of State Pompeo explained it, well, he was planning more terror attacks on US troops. Are intelligence This time it was pin point accurate. It's amazing they identified this guy at this Baghdad airport. You know. It's a message from the President. Couldn't be more clear. There's not gonna be a Benghazi on his watch. Well, I'm gonna sit and watch and tell American soldiers and heroes one mile away to stand down four times and forced them to disobey orders and blow up their careers to go save American lives, which they did, dozens of them. And one of those heroes will join us later in the show, a Colonel North by the way, Lindsey Graham today will join us, and Kevin McCarthy will join us. But I told remember I said this, and I remember I got a lot of press because I directed. I went right after the Mullahs in Iran. This was after they seized that British tanker, and I said to them, I know Donald Trump pretty well. I've known him about twenty five years. You keep pushing his buttons. He will act, and when he does, it'll be quickly, it'll be decisively and it'll be on his terms. People thought it would happen after the Saudi oil strike. People thought it would happen after they took down a drone. People thought it might happen after a rand seas the British tanker. No, the President showed enormous patients, not the warmonger that many claim that he is. And again you get to the issue of well retaliation, what were we supposed to do. Our intelligence was perfect, our military had him right and the crosshairs. What we're supposed to wait and let's see if he starts leading the next wave of attacks against our embassy, putting our American family at risk and putting our interests in the region at risk. No, that would be something that is called dumb. And maybe the Benghazi Democrats and the Mullah bribing appeasement democrats, maybe that's their strategy. How did the hund in fifty billion in cash, you know, the currency work out for Obama and Biden because the Iranians did nothing except keep building out their nuclear ambitions, keep fomenting terrorism, funding terrorism, and fighting proxy wars. So this is how sick anti Trump derangement syndrome is. You got Alec Baldwin, Debra Messing, Michael Moore leading the Hollywood left rushing to social media with their conspiracy theories and their rage after the strike against Solomani. That you know, Trump is a war criminal. People are going to die. Yeah, he's dead. Actress Rosanna Arquette, genius that she is. He's put us in a war to stop him being impeached. Hitler did the same thing, start a war to eclipse impeachment. That's Alec Baldwin. This is what Putin wants. Another Hollywood up. Mike gol Moore, you know what this? Do you know this man? Do you know how he was your enemy? By the end of today, you will be trained to hate him. That's how sick it got. Actually have one Hollywood actress what's her name, Rose McGowan tweeting an apology to Iran for killing Solomoni. I know say in the US is held hostage by a terrorist regime. Anyone thought of the fact that the reason Iran has all this money to commit these terrorist acts and foment terror and fight proxy wars because Biden and Obama gave one hundred and fifty billion in the dumbest deal ever. Now we got Joe Biden. Oh, we just tossed a stick of dining white into a tinderbox. Yeah, okay, you caused a lot of their their wealth that allowed the funding of this garbage that they've been above. Omar threatening to step in and stop Trump, you know, spreading her conspiracy theories, Elizabeth Warren. So this I love this one. Solomoni was a murderer responsible for the deaths of thousands, including hundreds of Americans. But this reckless move escalates the situation with Iraq and increases the the the our Mid East, the new Mid East conflict. What did you want to let him go? You're gonna let the number one terror leader for the Iranians go when he's in Iraq, clearly to foment trouble with Iran. Then you got the dumbest guy of all, this congressman from what's the I guess from Connecticut, Chris Murphy. You know, after last week he tweets out, you can't even make this up because they're so stupid. But last week, this guy tweets out the attack on her embassy is horrifying but predictable. Trump has rendered America impotent in the Middle East. No one fear us, No one listens to US. America has been reduced to huddling in safe rooms hoping the bad guys will go away. What a disgrace. So the President takes out Solomony. What does he do? And he tweets out, well, Solomoni was an enemy of the United States. That's not a question. The question is his reports suggest did America just assassinate without any congressional authorization the second most powerful person in Iran, knowing least, setting off a potential massive regional war. I'm like, okay, wow, it's almost like Bagdad Bob, the entire mob in the media and the Democratic Party. All right, the President just spoke. Let's go to his comments. President Trump is speaking now, Let's listen. Executed a flawless, precision strike that killed the number one terrorists anywhere in the world, cuss M Salomony. Solomony was plotting imminent and sinister attacks on American diplomats and military personnel. But we caught him in the act and terminated him. Under my leadership, America's policy is unambiguous. To terrorists who harm or intend to harm any American, we will find you, we will eliminate you. We will always protect our diplomats, service members, all Americans and our allies. For years, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its ruthless Kud's force under Solomani's leadership, has targeted, injured, and murdered hundreds of American civilians and servicemen. The recent attacks on US targets in Iraq, including rocket strikes that killed an American and injured for American servicemen very badly, as well as a violent assault on our embassy in Baghdad, were carried out at the direction of Solomany. Salomony made the death of innocent people his sick passion, contributing to terrorist plots as far away as New Delhi. In London, today, we remember and honor the victims of Salomany's many atrocities, and we take comfort in knowing that his reign of terror as the Middle East for the last twenty years, what the United States did yesterday should have been done long ago. A lot of lives would have been saved. Just recently, Salomany led the brutal repression of protesters in Iran, were more than a thousand innocent civilians were tortured and killed by their own government. We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war. I have deep respect for the Iranian people. They are a remarkable people. It's an incredible heritage and unlimited potential. We do not seek regime change. However, the Iranian regime's aggression in the region and the president's comments, we have Lindsay Graham, Kevin McCarthy, Ali North, and one of the Benghazi heroes. Straight ahead, glad you're with us. All right, thank you, Scott Shannon. Love the all new open as we always get from our great friend, the Great Scott Shannon. All Right, three hundred and five days till you we the people get to decide, three hundred and five days until hopefully we hear the words we can now project. Donald J. Trump has been reelected the president, the forty fifth President of the United States. All Right, we're loaded up today. I promised to run the president's comments in full. Got about three minutes left. Let me pick it up where we left off in the last half hour. Then we'll get to Lindsay Graham, Colonel North, one of the heroes of Benghazi, Markist and later Republican leader, Kevin McCarthy. But here's the president from just in the last What the United States did yesterday should have been done long ago. A lot of lives would have been saved. Just recently, Solomaning led the brutal repression of protesters in Iran, were more than a thousand innocent civilians were tortured and killed by their own government. We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war. I have deep respect for the Iranian people. They are a remarkable people with an incredible heritage and unlimited potential. We do not seek regime change. However, the Iranian regime's aggression in the region, including the use of proxy fighters to destabilize its neighbors, must end, and it must end now. The future belongs to the people of Iran, those who seek peaceful coexistence and cooperation, not the terrorists warlords who plunder their nation to finance bloodshed abroad. The United States has the best military by far anywhere in the world. We have the best intelligence in the world. If Americans anywhere are threatened, we have all of those targets already fully identified, and I am ready and prepared to take whatever action is necessary. And that in particular refers to Iran. Under my leadership, we have destroyed the Isis territorial Caliphate, and recently American special operations forces killed the terrorist leader known as al Baghdaddy. The world is a safer place without these monsters. America will always pursue the interests of good, evil, great people, great souls, while seeking peace, harmony, and friendship with all of the nations of the world. Thank you, God, bless you, God bless our great military, and God bless the United States of America. Thank you very much. Thank you. All right, that was the President finishing his remarks. We'd stopped midway. I apologize bedtiming on my part. Eight hundred nine one, Shawn our number. President's right. President recognize is Jerusalem. Every president promised it. The President does, recognizes the sovereignty a Golan. The President recognizes Israel's right to its own territory. The President wipes out the caliphate by removing the handcuffs. The Obama error rules of engagement be bad ice is completely takes out Baghdaddy and now takes out this one leader that is responsible for the deaths of how many Americans fomenting terror around the world fighting proxy wars all around the world. Solomani anyway, Senator Lindsey Graham is with us from the great state of South Carolina. I read your tweet last I meant to retweet it. It It was didn't you mentioned something about refineries in Iran? Yeah, well so let's just you know, you gave a good overview. But you know, by the way, this is what you said. If Iranian aggression continues and I worked at an Iranian oil refinery, I think I would think about a new career. Well, so, what the President's going to have to do is let Iran know that if they do more, we do more. So Sulimani basically signed his own death warrant. This was not a revenge attack. This wasn't for past atrocities. This was designed to neutralize a planned attack that was about to happen, to go after the guide doing the planning and the author of the attack. And the reason Suleimani is dead is because he miscalculated. Donald Trump, how many of your colleagues on the democratic side of the all you would think that this leader of the Iranian elite cud's force, their their elite military. Why was he in a Baghdad airport. Why was he on the ground in Baghdad. Nobody seems to want to ask that question. Well, so to my Democratic colleagues, you know, Obama took them lined out. We're all grateful. It was a bold move. Suleimani was in the process of triggering a wave of attacks against Americans. We know the intel to be solid. It was just a matter of time before he triggered this new wave of attacks. And the President, after the contractor was killed, made a decision that you know, I'll give you a pass on the drone that all fill in Saudi Arabia. But now you're killing my people and you're coming after my people. You've got to pay a price here. And this is a major miscalculation. We got to change the ring too. Calculation. Yeah, well major, No, no, no, it's fine. So I'm listening to democrats and the colleagues now I call them them Benghazi Democrats. Remember, I'm gonna have on at the bottom of the hour mark guys, tanto pronto. All these guys were told to stand down. I interviewed him four straight times. They risked their entire career because they knew Americans were under fire and they weren't going to stand back. They knew were a mile away, and they're a fighting force, so they went in. This President I am told had to act very quickly. That the intelligence was rock solid. Now, the Washington Examiner quotes Brian Hook, who is the US Special representative for Iran, who said that very solid intelligence, that he was planning to kill American diplomats and soldier and that this intelligence was real. Yeah, this was a peremptive defensive attack against Suleimani who had He has blood on his hands all over the region in five or six hundred Americans killed by these cone shaped dietes that came from Iran. So nobody's mourning his death, any rational persons not. But to my democratic colleagues, what did you expect the proceeds to do? Just sit back? It wasn't just Suleimani who was killed. It was the leader of the Popular Mobilization Front, the Shai militias in a rock. Their leader was there. They're the ones who attacked the embassy. You know, Trump killed twenty five of them after after they killed a contractor. So you had the gown the ground leading the Shiite militias, and you had Suleimani, you know, the thug terrorist leader all together at Baghdad. What the hell were they doing in Baghdad going to the airport. By the way, they supported and propped up a sod in Syria and we beat back Caliphate. The president did something that never happened. So this president isn't into the mola bribing appeasement ideology because one hundred and fifty billion in cash another currency didn't seem to buy any good will of the Iranians? Did it well? No, I think he's taken on China, go say cheatas like crazy when it comes to trade. He's coming down hard on North Korea, but giving him a way out. He is offering an opportunity to re engage with the Iranians. But what do they do Instead of re engage, It is trying to destabilize the entire region. So when to kill the contractor? That was a game changer. And what can we learn from this? When it comes to American personnel, American citizens, and American interest, you risk a lot if you come after US, and Donald Trump changed the equation for the entire Mid East in the world. If you kill Americans, you're going to get killed let me let's play the game the Democrats are playing. Oh well, what if they get mad at us and they retaliate. What I liked about your text, and I'll read it again. If Iranian aggression continues and I worked at an Iranian oil refinery, I think I'd be thinking about a new career. I actually tweeted out, well, if if Rohani wants to show solidarity and support for the Iranian people, why why doesn't he go visit one of the refineries. I've identified three major refineries that pretty much is the epicenter of their economy, and I you would know more about me. You have access to information I don't have. But I'm thinking we take out those three refineries, their economy collapses. But maybe I'm wrong. I'm just to talk right, Well, I think you you're dead right. So those refineries are the lifeblood of the economy of Iran. So what are we trying to do here? Create deterrence. We're trying to let the Iranians know we're not being clever, we're not being too cute, beyhalf, We're not doing the Obama thing. We're trying to let them know, if you want more, you're going to get more, and we're trying to up the endy. If you come after us, you come after our allies, you try to destabilize the roof in the future, you try to retaliate against Israel, you try to retaliate against the United States, and a rock or other blazes, you may be out of the oil business. What President Trump is saying today in a speech, I have a lot of targets available to me. I don't want to go further, but if you take me further, you will regret it. This is a clear signal by the President to establish deterrence. If you want to be out of the oil business, test me. I would think that if those three refineries now I don't know if there's a lot of smaller ones, but my understanding is as three major refineries, that would be a target. And look Prime Minister Netanya, who's been warning for years, and I think one of the reasons we watched the impossible emerge, which is an alliance between the US, Israel, the Jordanians, Egyptians, the Emirates in the Saudist against the Ranian hegemony because they realize that that would be a clear and present danger. Because when you talk about wiping a country off the face of the earth. And you talk about death to Israel in America, you probably mean it. Yeah, So I mean, so what have they done here? I mean they've given Hesbelah thousands of rockets pointed to Israel and Lebanon. They've given you know, hamas in Gaza. The other side of Israel's got thousands of rockets coming from Iran. They're so supporting Shiite militias in Iraq, trying to undercut the Iraqi military and the Iraqi Parliament. Here's what I worry about. I worry about the Iraqi Parliament being pushed by the Iranians and they go too far. I've been to Iraq and Afghanistan fifty seven and fifty eight times since None eleven. Got a lot of friends over there. Here's my message to the Iraqi political leadership. Don't hook your wagon to a dying economy. Don't hook you wagon to the largest state sponsor of terrorism. I know they're your neighbor, but don't do anything stupid here. Don't let the ietolo goch into doing something stupid. America has been your friend, have been your ally with sacrifice, blood and treasure to help a stabilize after Saddam Hussein. So I'm urging the Iraqi political leadership, don't let the Iranians push you around. Well, it seems to me that my conclusion would be the only reason that Sulimani was even on the ground. Was probably far more nefarious because Iraq and Rerend have never been particularly close friends or allies. Let me move on. Let's talk about said something. Can I just mention you're the first guy to mention it. And he's on the ground to work with a Shiite militia leader, okay, in a rock to come after us, But he's also on the ground a destabilize the parliament. They have a political campaign going on inside of a rock to try to drive us out, and we can't let that work. I'm sorry. Go ahead, Let's go to Nancy Pelosi and well, we've got to impeach them because it's a threat to the country, and we've got to do it fast and faster than ever. We only have one fact witness who said that Donald Trump said I want nothing. So now she's threatening not to even bring those articles to the Senate. I would think under our system of justice that if you're accused of a crime. You have a right to a speedy trial. I would assume, especially considering it's the president of the United States, that Congress has their role. They impeach them. Now the Senate has their role to have a trial. And I don't really think the Senate needs lectures from Nancy Pelosi on how they're going to conduct their business. I would imagine that's not going to happen. Well, it's not going to happen. Is not going to let it happened. So from the American people's point of view, we need to end this charade, get the trial over with so we can move on to important matters like foreign policy, prescription drugs, you name it. We need to start governing the country than fighting with each other all the time. So she's doing a disservice to the people. She's trying to dictate to the Senate how to run the trial. That's constitutional extortion. She's setting a president bed for the present presidency itself. Can you imagine if a Republican Speaker of the House pulled this stunt against a Democratic president, they'd be eating us. I only got thirty seconds. How should the Senate Republicans deal with this? I think we should bess a resolution pretty quickly saying what she's doing is out of bounds. And if we have to down the road, if she didn't send the articles, change the rules so we can start the trial, and that can happen. Parliament parliamentary will say you need sixty seven votes. The House then would vote to all rule Parliamentary, parliamentary and whatever you call this idiot, but anyway, Senator, you've been very generous with your time. I know you have a busy day. You're going to join us on Hannity tonight. Thank you for taking the time to be with us today. Thank you, Senator Lindsay Graham, Colonel North, Mark Geiss, a hero from Benghazi, and also Kevin McCarthy all coming up. Busy special breaking news edition of the Sean Hannity Show. So when we come back, I'm gonna have Colonel Oliver North his history with Iran. He knows this regime better than anybody. Nobody knows as well as he does. Mark Iiss, one of the heroes of Benghazi, and we're gonna have time to get to your calls coming up in our news roundabouer this decision, though, well, first you gotta understand the importance of becoming the world's number one producer of oil. It gives us a freedom we never had before. It ought to be a sign, a symbol. Don't count on the lifeblood of our economy coming from countries that we know hate our guts. That was huge. The second thing is is that Benghazi stand down Democrats and the Mullah bribing appeaseman Democrats. They failed, This president succeeded. We'll come back. We'll continue our coverage straight ahead. Best recently, Solomating led the brutal repression of protesters in Iran were more than a thousand innocent civilians were tortured and killed by their own government. We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war. I have deep respect for the Iranian people. They are a remarkable people with an incredible heritage and unlimited potential. We do not seek regime change. However, the Iranian regime's aggression in the region, including the use of proxy fighters to destabilize its neighbors, must end, and it must end now. The future belongs to the people of Iran, those who seek peaceful coexistence and cooperation, not the terrorists. Warlords who plunder their nation to finance bloodshed abroad. The United States has the best military by far anywhere in the world. We have the best intelligence in the world. If Americans anywhere are threatened, we have all of those targets already fully identified, and I am ready and prepared to take whatever action is necessary. And that in particular refers to Iran. That's the President basically saying, go ahead, retaliate. This is what Senator Graham was just saying in the last hour anyway, twenty four now till the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, are continuing coverage and joining us now. Colonel Oliver North, best selling author, decorated war hero, veteran Purple Heart, actually two and his brand new book, by the way, is amazing. It's called a Rifleman. Also, Mark Geist is with us. Remember he was a member, he's one of the heroes in Benghazi on September eleven, twenty twelve, and he was at the CIA annex about a mile away and told to stand down numerous times before he and three others risked their entire careers and their lives and then went to save Americans that were under fire, and they saved American lives, very different than the Benghazi Democrats, which we're willing to just leave them there and do nothing. Gentlemen, welcome both of you, simplified, Colonel. I don't think there's any one guy I know that knows more about the Mullas and Iran and this this regime than you do. Well, I got it the hard way by going there so well, by the way, and when you went there, I had to remind our audience you were given by our government pill that would take your life if you needed to use it. Is that correct, sir? Well, the idea was not just one pill. I had enough for everybody. Okay, there you go. There's no bravery involved in that act. None. Well, at least we all came home. No, thank God, thank God, thank God indeed, and thank God indeed that the good president that we've got took the action that he did, because the world without ceremoney in it is a better world. You know. Definitely, let me go, because you know, it was very interesting. I'm watching I honestly, I know that I say it, and sometimes I can't even believe it's this bad between the mob and the media. And then of course the the you know, Mullah bribing appeaseman democrats one hundred and fifty billion didn't seem to buy us much goodwill with the Mulla's mark geist. But here you have a president that acted decisively and quickly because American lives were in jeopardy inside of that compound. And you got this idiot Chris Murphy and congressman from Connecticut, you know, literally tweeting the president last week proclaiming, uh, the Iranians don't fear us, and we've been reduced to huddling in safe rooms. And then the president does it. Now it's almost like he's he's rooting for failure. And then when the president gets in there and actually does the job, then he's even critical of that. What's amazing, Sean, is that I was listening on I must confess to another radio station coming in. And then there is Chuck Schumer demanding an apology from the President for not briefing the Congress before they did this. I mean yeah, I mean well, and this guy Chris Barby literally says we're impotent in the Middle East. No one fears us, no one listens to us, We're reduced huddling in safe rooms. Then the President takes out Solamani, the number one leader of their elite forces responsible for killing Americans in Iraq, fomenting terror and proxy wars around the world, and mark geist. Then he says, Wow, did Erica just assassinate without congressional authorization the second most powerful person in Iran? Your reaction to that, wow? You know, this is what really bothers me is that, you know, I say, Win is enough enough with our politicians? With these You know, they are going to countail to the Mullahs, They're gonna countail to anybody try to buy their loyalty. And we all know. I mean, you know, I grew up rodeo and cowboy. And then the way you take care of a bully as you punch him in the nose, You don't do it by sitting there and giving him your lunch money. And when the president does it, you know, and and they do it, and then I wonder, you know, Win is enough enough? With how much American blood has to be spilled by somebody before it's okay to kill him? Remind everybody thousands, Yeah, no, he killed thousands of Americans who died as a consequence in both Iraq and in the region because Colonel North why was he in bad Why? Well, because look at here's the secret. This is very important. There's actually two Baghdad, two governments. In Baghdad, there's the pro Americans, most of whom are in the special operations side of things in the Iraqi military. And you've got people like the Prime Minister, who is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tehran, and he's the one who now wants them to have called a meeting of the parliament and reinvestigate whether we want the Americans to stay or not. Without the American presence training good Iraqi soldiers, there is no future for this country. It will become a suburb of Tehran. And all the Iranian leadership wants a clear shot at going from the border with Iraq all the way across Iraq into Syria and then into leban Hunt because that's how they're going to expand that's what they've been fighting for all this time. Remember the militias that were organized to quote go after Isis. We're actually out there trying to take over as much territory as they possibly could, going through on Bar province, which happens to be largely Sunni, and they pressed the population in a way that they've got free access to literally on the highways with large convoys of munitions into Syria because they've got the backing of Assad, this brutal dictator and demands propping up Assade. Without Iran and putin support, there is no Assad. And on top of it, militia leaders like Abu Madi Luhandas, who was killed in that convoy with American missiles. He was one of the leaders of the whole effort to turn all of Iraq into a suburb of the Tehran government. Let me ask you, Mark, I remind everybody you were you were there in Benghazi when our embassy was under attack. We lost four people that day, including one of the heroes of that day, Sean Smith, and I love his family, I've met his family. My heart breaks for them, but we also Ambassador Stevens we lost. Remind people what the Benghazi democrats what you were being told. You knew that that you were a mile away from that embassy. You knew Americans were under serious fire, that embassy was under attack. You guys knew exactly what was going on. Tell us walk us through what happened and the stand down orders. Well, we got the first as I was driving back with the female case officer, we got the rest of the team got the first call to for help. They went up to the chief of chief of base said now you need to wait, you need to stand down. Tonto and Tig went back up along with Ron and talked with him again, and he says, no, you're not gonna go. Well, after the third time he was said no, they came across the radio and they said, if you don't get here now, we're all gonna and die. And that's when everyone said, you know, we don't care what he has to say. We're gonna go anyways, and you and you and as a result of the action of you and and Tig and Tonto, Pronto and Sean Smith, who we lost. He was one of the last people killed in that conflict. If I'm not mistaken, um as you were able, what's that it was Tyrone Woods was killed him and uh Woods, Yeah, he was killed standing next blown up together. But but so, you guys risked your entire career, you disobeyed orders and you ended up And please, this is important. You saved dozens of American lives, true or false? Very true, very true? And would they have made it had had you not disobeyed orders, would they have survived? No, they would uh, they would have. They would have been a twenty four or twenty five American lives that would have been killed, killed, taking hostage, utilized for whatever I mean, rape, utilated, No telling what would have all happened. And you know, and for the last few days since the attack on the bank the Baghdad embassy, and because I spent five years in Baghdad, and a year and a half of it was almost probably good portion of out was across the street from the embassy in Baghdad. And you know, everybody says, well, this is Trump's Benghazi, and there was no similarity whatsoever other than that it was bad people trying to kill Americans. Colonel north our Us, a special representative to Iran Brian Help, gave an interview with the BBC was picked up by the Washington Examiner, and he said about what the President did here, he was acting on quote, very solid intelligence that in this Potato Solamani was was planning to kill him. American diplomats and soldiers and he said, quote, our intelligence community over the last many days has been receiving very solid intelligence that Solomoni was planning attacks against American diplomats, American soldiers that could have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Americans. What if our president didn't take the decisive action and we find out later he was told that, Well, look at you'd be right back to the days of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. I mean, what happens in this particular case is that intelligence was so good they were able to launch a remotely paloted aircraft. At least most people are now saying that. I do have some people have some questions about it, and I think they're going to have to provide a little bit more information to make sure that we're reassured this was a target of opportunity. You weren't going to get that kind of chance. Again, he's all alone on that highway in the middle of the night, and they launched in time to get there, the remotely piloted aircraft. And we can make suppositions as to whether it was a hell fire missile or what. But when I look at those vehicles and Mark, you've seen a bunch of by hell fire missiles. It sure looks like hell fire missiles to me, and it sure looks like it must have been a very high priority target, a high priority individual, because they're heavily armored vehicles and your average guy just driving around does not get one of those kinds of things. Now, Colonel, you know the Iranians, are they stupid enough to try and retaliate against what happened here? And if they do, I would imagine that the last place you want to be. Lindsey Graham is right when he said if I worked at an Iranian oil refinery, I think about a new career. Well, look, first of all, they're not pumping that much oil because their infrastructure is shot to pieces. The price of oil is gone up already, it's going to price the gasoline is going to go up for the next few weeks. The bottom line of this is it's not a matter of smart or stupid. It's a matter of ideological flicity with all of what the Iranians has started to do ever since the iol home and he came back in. You know, when he came back from Paris, he started the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Suleimani started the Kuds force, which is the major component of spreading revolution around the world. If they can anywhere, there's Shiites that will back them, the Lebanese Shiite militious that you've got. I sent footage of my involvement when we got I was there when they stopped their convoy trying Sulimani was with him, trying to get into Mosel and up dump things that were happening the right way against ISIS. And I've got You've got thirty eight seconds of footage that I just shipped up to New York for you for your TV show tonight. It's amazing you know all of these characters and you know them them by name for years. Mark Gys you want to winn Yeah, I think you know. Colonel Nerf is spot on. I mean, we have an opportunity to take out a bad man who's doing bad things. And the intel on that it's spot on. And and you can see, I mean the battle damage assessment on that is it was a ten point strike, so it had to be probably I mean sure it was a hell fire missile. And in the thirty seconds we have left to explain a hell fire air lunched initial it's based on helicopters, it's on some slow patches apaches, yes, and it's on all kinds of different as we the proper word remotely piloted aircraft. Right, So call groans by our colleagues. I gotta tell you, Thank God, this country has the greatest intelligence and on the face of the earth, and we've got brave people like Colonel North and Mark Geist and the people that are military that was able to pull this off an amazing feat. The world is safer and um I thank you both for joining us today. Happy New Year. Hold un seventy five, all right, news round up, information overload our Yes, we are back. Yes, well I wasn't playing on me, but I just couldn't take it anymore. I'm just being honest. I could not take it anymore. All right. Just seconds ago, the President now speaking to a group of evangelicals in Miami. This is now his second comments about the killing of Solomoney. And here's what he just said as he addressed this group. Thank you very much. That was beautiful. That was beautiful. Most powerful people in the world my book. But thank you Paula the beautiful prayer. Thank you everyone, Thank you for this incredible crowd. They have thousands of people outside trying to get in, and if you're truly religious, you should give up your seat right now let them. But I'm thrilled to be here in Miami, Florida to officially launch one of the most important grassroots movements in American history. It's first Evangelicals for Trump and and you know how we did a few years ago. Hard to believe already we're talking about it almost three years, but you know how we did. The numbers were phenomenal, and the love is greater today I think that it has ever been. I'd like to begin my remarks today by extending our profound thanks and gratitude to the extraordinary men and women of the United States Military right there by far the best and greatest anywhere in the world. Is nobody close. In recent weeks, American warriors executed a daring raid that killed the savage leader of ices al bag Daddy is it depraved butcher who will never again hurt another innocent person. Last night, at my direction, the United States Military executed a flawless strike that terminated the terrorist ringleader responsible for gravely wounding and murdering thousands and thousands of people and hundreds and hundreds at least of Americans. Custom Solomony has been killed, and his bloody rampage is now forever gone. He was plotting attacks against Americans, but now we've ensured that his atrocities have been stopped for good. They are stopped for good. I don't know if you know what was happening, but he was planning a very major attack, and we got him. We are a peace loving nation, and my administration remains firmly committed to establishing peace and harmony among the nations in the world. We do not seek war, We do not seek nation building, we do not seek regime change. But as president, I will never hesitate to defend the safety of the American people. You so let this be a warning to terrorists. If you value your own life, you will not threaten the lives of our citizens. Americans have many blessings, but perhaps the greatest among them is the blessing of being protected by the most exceptional and virtuous military on the face of God's earth. This evening, we are delighted to be joined by many incredible leaders, including all Right. That was all. The President said that he went back into his speech she had spoken earlier today, he was very very clear. Under my leadership, America's policy is unambiguous. To terrorists who harm or intend to harm any American, we will find you, we will eliminate you. We will always protect our diplomats, our service members, all Americans, and our allies. And for years, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, by the way, they're a terrorist organization and its ruthless cud's force under Solomoni's leadership, has targeted, injured, and murdered hundreds of American civilians and servicemen. As president, my highest and most solemn duty is the defense of our nation and its citizens. And last night, at my direction, the US military successfully executed a flawless, precision strike that killed the number one terrorists anywhere in the world. Because Sam Somni and Solomoni was plotting imminent and sinister attacks on American diplomats and military personnel. But we caught him in the act and we terminated him. That's what presidents are supposed to do, not what the Benghazi democrats did on September eleven, twenty twelve, or the Mullah bribing appeasement democrats that tried to bribe the Mullah's love of us with one hundred and fifty billion in cash and other currency. And so the president, well done, American. Everything came together, the greatest intelligence community on the face of the earth. How many times did I say that? As we now have had to examine the actions of the one percent that abused their power, that turned the powerful tools of intelligence on we the people, and that had an agenda to stop the election and then take down a duly elected president. It's only the ninety nine percent risk their lives for us every day, just like the FBI, greatest law enforcement agency on the on the planet. Nobody's better except for a few at the top that abuse their power. And we're corrupt, all right, as promised. Uh Kevin McCarthy coming up at the bottom of this half hour. Let's get to our phones. Amy is in Colorado. Amy, Hi, how are you happy New Year? We're glad you called. Happy New Year, Sean, Thanks you so much for taking my call. On many blessings to you in twenty twenty. You too many blessings to you, may showers of blessings. Well, thank you, And my comment is this president is so awesome. I'm in military South UM. My husband's been in for twenty plus years. He's the Serjeant major and the bulk of his career, Sean has been working to secure UM the regions in Iraq and Afghanistan. He's done multiple tours over there, and it's heartbreaking to see it, you know, go back into chaos. And this president he didn't agree with the war maybe initially. However, he cares about stability in the region and the men who fought for it enough to maintain that stability rather than give us I ran a billions to destabilize the region and that means so much to me as a military spouse, just knowing we have a president that cares that much and knows how important it is. Listen, I'm going to tell you something. It's very clear, based on the comments of the President, the comments of our Special representative for US Special Representative for a Ram Bryan Hook, and an interview with the BBC Mike Pompeio will join us on Hannity tonight, it's very clear that what they are telling us is that our intelligence community has been receiving very solid intelligence at Solomoni was planning attacks against our diplomats and American soldiers. It is clear if you had just opened your eyes, that the Iranian influence at which has been growing in Iraq significantly of two separate you know, governance is now going on one loyal to Tehran, the same Tehran that is the number one state sponsor of terror, the same Tehran, the same mullahs, the same country that threatens to wipe Israel off the map, that chants death to America, death to Israel, the same people that foment terrorism, fund terrorism, fight proxy wars around the globe. There's a reason now, and it is the real, clear, present danger of a nuclear armed Iran that has literally allied Jordan, Egypt, the Saudias, the Emirates, the Israelis, and the United States. That was unthinkable five years ago, but that's now that they now recognize. This is a real, clear president danger to the entire region, and the President acted. Now. Does the President want a long protracted war, Nope? Is he going to get involved in a long protracted war? Nope. President has been very clear, and I think what we saw in Syria when he defeated the Caliphate will be the paradigm, the model that we could expect should the Iranians be stupid enough to try and retaliate how they might. I mean, don't put it past them. That would give us an opportunity to take out their refineries, that will further cripple and if not destroy and collapse their economy. And the Iranian nuclear sites we know where they are. We know this is a difficult military operation. That would be the tough one because a lot of those sites are spread all throughout the country, a lot of territory to cover, and they're buried, some of them deep into the ground. But I hate to think of the world where Rany and Mullahs have no clear weapons. This is real stuff. Scary Amy, thank you, Pete New Jersey, Sean Hannity Show, Happy New Year, sir, Hey, Happy New Year, Sean love it man. Hey. I just wanted to go ahead to let you you and all the listeners know that I am in complete support of the President of the United States and this administration for what they did. You've got to understand to all those that are going to go ahead and do harm to any American civilians or any personnel in this world, to any country, or any dictatorship or any regimes, please know this that this administration does not draw two or three lines in the sand. It's one, only one, And we cannot have a dictatorship in Iran that's going to go ahead and spread terror and bully people around in the region. So they can go ahead and walk over to whoever they want into the next country and take them over. And before you know it, guess what, there was like a cloud over us and all of a sudden, Israel is bordered. This is what their goal is. I don't understand what these people who try to appease this country and try to go ahead and go through means of peace. We've done it for how many years, right, Jean? And no, And they don't care. They don't want that. They want to annihilate Israel, but first they want to get rid of us. We're considered the great Satan. So whoever what they say that they're looking to the centrifuges for energy, it's a lie. They don't need this type of nuclear type of setup in their country. They don't have enough people to do that. So I am in support of this president and to all those listeners out there, please support this president because you know what this is for our humanity, This is for the saving this world because you go ahead and give this country I ran a nuclear weapon and then that's going to be war War three. I love you, Sean God bless thank you. Great comments. Pete, New Jersey. Think about this a nuclear arm Duran can't let it happen. You know. The sad thing is, and I always say, if Donald Trump cured cancer, Democrats, the mob and the media would want to impeach him for that. I'm obviously right. You got these idiots, you know, Rosanna Arquette out of Hollywood, Trump as a war criminal and people are going to die. Well, they were about to die, and we just stopped it. We're not the Trump's not the Benghazi Democrats. He's not the Mulla bribing, appeasement democrats. What idiot would give one hundred and fifty billion to Rania Molus? You know? And you know Alec Baldwin start a war to eclipse an impeachment, you know the conspiracy theories or Omar saying the same thing, This is what Putin wants. John whatever his name is, Michael Moore, do you know this man he's talking about? Solimani? You know this man? You know he was your enemy? Did you know that by the end of today, you'll be trained to hate him. You'll be glad Trump had him assassinated. You'll be You'll do as you are told. Get ready to send your sons and daughters off to him. I don't think that's how he's gonna do it. Elizabeth Warren love these. Solimani was a murderer, responsible with the death of thousands, including hundreds of Americans. But this reckless move escalates the situation with a ran, Well, what were we gonna do? Why is the leader of the Cuds forces of Iran doing it Baghdad Airport? You know, you know, sleepy creepy uncle Joe, responsible for bribing the Molos in Iran. Imagine one hundred and fifty billion in cash and other currencies. He says, the president just tossed a stick of dynamite into a tinder box. We're supposed to left him orchestrate the attacks on America within Baghdad. You out of your mind anyway. I gotta take a break here, quick reminder. Will put it up on our website. Ali North has some book signings. This new book is phenomenal, fairly gets called a rifleman. We'll put it up on Hannity dot Com Sunday ten forty five to twelve pm. We'll give you the address and everything on the fifth quick break right back, and Kevin McCarthy coming up straight ahead. A time for another quick call than Kevin McCarthy after the news at the bottom of the hour, let us say hi to Bill is in New York, by the way, the state that lost more population than any other state in the country. Now, why would that be? Why would why would people be leaving New York? Taxas, regulation, confiscatory, basic, legalized, stealing. What's going on? Bill? How are you? Hey? Sean? I want to be quick. I know you're in a hurry, but I think the raid was a great thing. And what I want to do is I want to ask mister Schumer, mister Schiff, mister Nadler, mister Shalou, I mean, mister his name there, you know all of them out there. It is the Benghazi Democratic Party, the Muller bribing, appeasement Democrats them. Who do they think was next on the hit list? If this guy didn't get taken out? What do they think is ultimate goal? Was? You See, you're the problem with you, Bill as you're actually thinking rationally you are using your intellect, your reason, your common sense that God gave you and guess what they can't even acknowledge. You'd think that when an embassy is attacked that everybody would be on board stopping them. When the head of the Kud's forces from the number one state sponsor of terror is let on Baghdaddy Airport property, taking them out so a good thing. Put out a statement a short time ago that says the decision to eliminate General Solimani was in response to imminent threats to American lives. Was the nature of those imminent threats? John, I can't to talk too much about the nature of the threats, but the American people should know the President Trump's decision to remove Costum Solomoni from the battlefield saved American lives. There's no doubt about that. He was actively plotting in the region to take actions, a big action as he described it, that would have put dozens, if not hundreds of American lives at risk. We know it was imminent. This was an intelligence based assessment that drove our decision making process. The American people also know the history of Costum Solomany. Hundreds of American lives on his hands too, was involved in the Bay Root bombings. He'd orchestrated attack right here in Washington, DC. It ultimately failed. This is a man who's put in American lives at risk for an awfully a long time. And last night was the time that we needed to strike to make sure that this imminent attack that he was working actively was disrupted. All right, There was a Secretary of State, Mike A. Pompeo, responding to the death of Solomoni. And this is such a big deal, and the reaction of the left and the media and the mob is and the Democrats so predictable. But this is the opposite of what happened in Benghazi, as we've been discussing today. Joining us now, the Republican leader of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, is with us. Congressman, you happen to be with the President a lot yesterday. Can you walk us through what you saw, what you heard, what you know, and then we'll get into the politics of it all. Well, thank you, Sean. And one thing everybode needs to know, this was a terrorist that had killed Americans. This is not a time to play politics. The world is safer because this man is no longer there. And think of the contrast here we're asked this president, President Trump is removing terrorists. Why the Democrats are trying to remove the President from office. This is a time that we should be uniting. He was making, he was planning. You watched where he was traveling, who he was talking to, You watched what they had escalated. They went in and they killed him American. And I've got to give the President a great deal amount of credit because he did not overplay his hand. Remember when they shot down our unmanned drone. Many of us wanted to go send cruise missiles in there. He said no. But when he made a very strong red line, if you kill an American, you will have to answer for it. So they shot back when they killed an American, and then went in and then they escalated, went into our embassy, and the President was very clear that he would hold them accountable for what they had done and what they were planning to do in the future, when we look back in history, we will have saved lives because what our men and women did last night for us. Now, when I got down to mar Logo, I was just I was gonna have dinner with the president. We're gonna meet before dinner and others. And when we when I went into the meeting, that's when it first started breaking, where there was a couple of phone calls where we had to go up and I'm part of the Gang of eight, get some assessments and others. But I will tell you what amazes me so much about this president is what he's able to continue to do while the Democrats continue to play politics. He's got his focus on this country keeping us safe. It is amazing that he's able to do that with such a clear thought and process behind what he's doing. What did you see or what can you share with us that you saw in terms of the entire process in the night unfolding because you were with the president the whole time. Well, you get reports, a lot of them by phone. What's amazing in social media today you can look with on Twitter on reports even inside Iraq itself where you watched on Twitter where you could see the photo of the ring that Salmali wears, and then you watched after the bomb hit you saw his hand with the ring on it to confirm and the reaction, I mean, the precision and what has to be known here too. This individual was such a severe terrorist. I would rate him as one of the top five most dangerous people in the world. But to those other four, the President also sent a very clear message, and the world is safer because of it. You know, I watched for the amazement, you know, the very exact same people that had no problem with the United States making the worst deal ever foreign policy deal, you know, maybe the equivalent of you know, peace in our time, that somehow one hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash and other currency dropped in cargo planes dropping down in Iran for the Mullahs of Iran so they can continue funding terrorism as the world's leading sponsor of terror and their proxy wars, which they have done. And Solomoni is responsible for killing directly Americans, hundreds of them in Iraq and injuring many others. And I'm watching this and I've often said if Donald Trump cured cancer, they would impeach him for curing cancer. So here you have. You know, this guy is on the ground. We all watched. We're all witnessing what was going on at the embassy. I don't think anybody was comfortable watching that. We all had you know, images and recollections in our minds of how people dealt with Benghazi and what a disaster that was that turned out to be. And I'm thinking the very people that will give one hundred and fifty billion to radical islamis that chant death to America, death to Israel. The very same people that defended the non action in Benghazi. Now we're going to offer advice and lecture Donald Trump, who responded forcefully, decisively in record time exactly, and we had that action in the past. Think about this, the Ben Rhodes and what in his administration with Obama, what a dope consult Yeah, salt with Congress when he did it went to Iran? Was it a treaty? No, he couldn't even bring it before us because it couldn't pass. And then secondly, when he delivered those billions of dollars, he lied to Congress, didn't even tell him, and delivered the money. And now and what did that get us? All that did was make the world less safe. That funded the missiles to go down to Yemen, Hezbollah and others. And who was the mindset behind that. The individual who's no longer living today. So this individual that we just took out everyone will tell you killed hundreds of Americans. People should rally behind this president and doing what was right. And we know by his past behavior and with the intel what we had of what he was planning in the future, where he was going, and what he was trying to do in the very near future. We just protected ourselves. I mean, does anybody ask the question your fellow colleagues in the House that are now critical of the president for taking out one of the biggest terrorists on the ground and obviously orchestrating the attacks on our embassy, and they have funded has be lost from the get go, and basically it's an Arranian funded terrorist group. Have any of your colleagues that have been critical here Warren't some of them also critical that, Uh, you know, the president's being embarrassed by the leaders of Iran. Where are they you know? I mean, they can't They want to have it both ways. To me, they just want to criticize this president instead of putting this country first. Thank for a moment, Why this president took this action. They've been for the last year, Remember uss Cole, Remember the downing of our drone, Remember the bombing in Saudi Arabia. Remember the tankers, they had been trying to push us into a war. What they were planning. Remember that they just went in and killed an American just in the last month. We reacted. And what did they do? They escalated and came into the embassy in the Green Zone. They burnt one of the buildings inside the embassy, the entrance there. The President told him, if you kill an American, we will hold you accountable. When they came into our embassy, and everybody knows who's behind it, this individual that we just killed. But more importantly, where did he come from and what was he planning in the future. This is making sure we don't have a nine to eleven. This is using our intel committee, our community to go out and find what is happening before it happened. And really, when you sit back and think about this, what did this president just stop? How did he keep us safer by making that bold action? And I've watched this president. I watched him in the time when they shot down our drone that here we're going to go in and send missiles in and he said, no, no American died. I want to work with him. He has tried, but this has gone on too far, and I think this decision this president made has made us safer, and nobody should be criticizing they should be supporting him. You know, obviously the sanctions, all the saber rattling that's been going on, taking ships, tankers hostage in the Straits or moves, shooting down a drone, obviously the attack on Saudi Arabia. Clearly the Iranians or saber rattling, they've wanted this attention. Now they've got it. They're now pledging that they're going to retaliate. I would imagine if they retaliate and they kill Americans that probably number one on the target list has got to be the refineries. There are three major ones in Iran that we're aware of. Their nuclear sits certainly would be good targets as well, which Prime Minister net Yah who's been warning for a long time, we better get those taken out before they have nuclear capability. And I just got to imagine that if they want to go there, they're gonna lose, and it's not going to be a boots on the ground scenario as some of your colleagues are suggesting, because the President's clear that's not the way he wants to engage in conflict. Well, the President is very clear he would like to de escalate. He only reacted based upon what they were planning and what they had done. Remember this is because an American was killed and they came after our embassy and who planned it and what he was planning to do in the future. If Iran wants to try to do something more, I think last night would be a very eye opening to them that at any place, at any time, our men and women are so well trained, they can find you anywhere and they will defend Americans anywhere. My mind set on future conflicts and future wars evolved dramatically, especially in light of what fifty eight thousand Americans killed in Vietnam. The war becomes politicized in the DC swamp, and then we kind of say, never mind. The same thing with Iraq and Afghanistan. Everyone's gung ho, you know, we got to do this, they have a war authorization. Then it becomes politicized and all these kids banging on doors in Iraq. We can't fight wars, Congressman this way ever again, and what I want to see and we saw this work at the Caliphate in Syria that it was defeat once we unleashed our military power and got rid of the Obama rules of engagement. But I think the single most important thing we can do is develop the next generation of weaponry, both offensive and defensive, so we never have to send our kids door to door in any of these countries. You're correct, and every person who served in the military would tell you that exact same thing. And that's what this president is doing by rebuilding our military so it protects our men and women. The other thing that happened when you named all those different wars and battles, what if you were able to stop one. What if you knew about information of somebody planning a big attack when you watch the past behavior of trying to get us into a war, what if you were able to take that individual out before any of that took place. The world would not know what how terrible things would have happened, but you would have known simply from the fact that you kept America a little safer based upon what women last night, and how much safer would we have been, and how many more would have been alive if this individual would have been taken out a long time ago. Americans great point we'll take a quick break, we'll break. We'll get your thoughts on Pelosi's insanity when we get back. As we continue with Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy California, eight hundred and nine for one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, we are back tonight Hannity Special Edition. Yes, I'll be back in the chair, nine Eastern with let's see Mike Pompeo, the greatest lineup you could ever want on the Fox News Channel. Quick break, right back, We'll continue only three hundred and five days until you get to decide who leads this country down the road? Straight ahead? All right, As we continue, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy is with us, So explain to me the thinking of all right, we have these two very weak articles of impeachment that the House Democrats stay out there were hell bent on undoing. There's only one fact witness. Now Pelosi's holding the articles. Now we're very clear in the Constitution you impeach in the House. The Senate holds the trial. But she's not going to hand it over to the Senate until whenever she decides that the Senate vows to her command and does it her way, and she basically wants to do over. Your thoughts on how this is going to unfold, well, I think at the end of the day she's going to have to send it. But one thing I will tell you for Schumer now to claim he wants to have witnesses, that he wants to bring Bolton in, when the House Democrats, if you know, Sean, because you carried it so well, they had all control, they didn't let the minority bring witnesses. They never even asked or tried to get Bolton. The idea that if you look back at what Schumer said during the Clinton impeachment, he wanted to dismiss before it even got to the Senate, before it was even hurt. They know that they have failed at this. They know where it's going to end up. And I think the same thing is going to happen in the Senate that happened in the House. The only bipartisan vote here is going to vote down impeachment because this president has done nothing wrong. But again, look at the contrast. Can the Senate just dismiss it if she refuses to hand them over. I believe the Senate can if she continues to go along this route. It is going against what the Constitution says. I believe the Senate could bring up by a fifty one vote, bring it up and then vote it down if she does not want to send it. Amazing times we're living in house. Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, Congressman. I know it's a busy day, a travel day for you. Thank you for taking the time to be with us. We appreciate it. Thank you. Sean all right, eight hundred and nine. Well, I don't really have time for calls. We're loaded up tonight. We got a great hand at he nine East on the Fox News channel, and you know, look, I just couldn't stay away. I was supposed to be out until Monday. We've got all the political angles. We got Colonel North, Mike Pompeo, Lindsay Graham, call Rove, Sean Spicer on the media losing their minds, and Pete Hegseth. It's all happening nine Eastern set in DVR. We'll see you tonight on Fox, and we will be back here on Monday. Have a great weekend. We'll see you then.