Defeating America's Enemies...With No Apologies - 10.8

Published Oct 8, 2018, 10:00 PM

Dr. Sebastian Gorka, former White House adviser and author of a new book, Why We Fight: Defeating America’s Enemies—with No Apologies - out tomorrow. Gorka has been penning op-ed’s about the many untruths being pushed through the media outlets about the President, the administration and the success the nation has experienced under this President. This is a must-read for those who're looking for ammunition in the fight against the left. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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And by the way, Mike will also give you two standard my pillows absolutely free. All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code hopper promo code topper for this great deal and the best night sleep you ever had. A right twenty nine days till election day, four weeks from tomorrow night, you're gonna be getting news. Now. I'm gonna say this every Monday from now and every Tuesday from now until election day, and just remind you, and you get to set the tone and you get to decide how you're gonna feel that election night. In other words, are you going to be happy? Are you going to feel like? Yes, we've been able to shock the world again. Now, if you haven't learned from what happened and what we witnessed in the last three weeks in terms of who the Democratic Party is, what they represent, what they don't represent, what they care about, what they don't care about. Um, I don't know what else can wake you up here. This is this just is who they are. This is why before the confirmation, before any buddy was ever announced, once it was announced that Justice Kennedy was leaving the bench, I said, buckle up, get ready. Here comes the barking, Here comes Clarence Thomas, Here comes the smears, Here comes the bludgeoning. Well it's the same thing between now and twenty nine days. I wouldn't believe a single thing you read about any conservative for the most part in twenty nine days, how do you get how do you fight to get your good name back? After what Judge Kavana on his family have now been through. What do you have to do? In twenty days? There was never any corroboration and only by well Tomote to vote margin. You know, we got over the hump here and that this man got confirmed with impeccable credentials. But I will tell you it wasn't with a severe amount of of a fight in a battle. And I think a lot of the phone calls that you made and a lot of the pressure that was put on by the American people played a difference here. And uh, you know it's look look at what's happening to Senator Susan Collins. They're all weekend. It has not stopped her and her staff continue to suffer bullying. Well, they even tried to bribe her death threats after announcing And I think that one of the finest, if not the finest Senate speech I'd ever heard. It was the the she went through it methodically, thoughtful, thoughtfully deliberative Lee. She made sense, She had passion. She she looked at all of the facts. She didn't get caught up in the emotions. She went through and made a decision based on what was real information and not the scene that the Democrats tried to create. These people cannot be rewarded for this behavior. And you get a chance to say you've had enough. There's so much at stake in twenty nine days, you see. Are you better off than you were two years ago? Is the country stronger than it was two years ago? Is the economy better off than it was two years ago? Is the president keeping the promises that he's made to you? The American people? We know what their agenda is. We know they want endless investigations if they get control of the House of Representatives or and or the Senate. We know that they want to destroy Donald Trump. We know that they want to impeach him. We know that they want open borders and ice eliminated, and to keep Obamacare, and we know that they want their crumbs back. What are they going to do for you or the four million people that are now working thanks to Donald Trump and the American people that are off a food stamp thanks to the policies of of the Republicans and Donald Trump. You know, how does a party asked to have power when you know, in an interview UM over the weekend, you know, you had the main Republican chairwoman telling Matt Boyle that Susan Collins and her staff had been physically threatened. They've been sent vulgar messages, had bizarre things sent to them in the mail. The vulgarity is unbelievable. You know, I hope you're quote, I hope you're raped. What is this so sick? You saw the people protesting and what human being even has a thought process like that? I hope that you're you're stuck with an unborn baby from a rapist. I mean to say, who says these things? Where is your soul that you could say such things? Where is any sense of decency and respect in any of this? You know, three thousand coute hangers and to Susan Collins office accusing her of sentence sentencing women to back Alley abortions because of her support of Brett Kavanaugh. Her vote on Brett Kavanaugh. You know, there is some follow up by the way, I see that Mitch McConnell has called for an investigation into the matter of Professor Ford and her letter to Diane Feinstein and who leaked that letter and why they did. He said it was a despicable thing to do. And it's uh kind of uh, you know, underhanded of the committee that they that they allowed that to happen. We have a Republican senator may file on ethics complaints. We will be watching that. And you've got Nancy Pelosi and and Gerald Nadler. They're they're just salivating at the thought that Nancy could be speaker in twenty nine days. And and people like Nadler want to start investigations pretty much into everything, Donald Trump as taxes, Donald Trump, Russia, Donald Trump. You know, did he really have a drink one day? How much did Brett Cavanaugh drink in college? Did he one day drink too much? It's just this, this is so so this is about power and about people that so desperately want the power they'll say and do anything to achieve power. You know, you have liberal activist writers attacking I mean, I'm reading some of this stuff and I can't even believe what I'm writing and reading here. I mean, you have left wing activists blame me white women for Kavanaugh's confirmation. This is in the Daily Caller. Liberal writers activists responding to Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation over the weekend attacking white women, you know, going on New York Times on on Saturday evening, publishing an op ed entitled white women, Come get your people. The op ed author Alexis Grnell attacking Republican women supporting and as gender traitors and in league with patriarchy. Well, there was no corroboration. I mean, it takes my breath away that you want to be a party that eliminates something that serves everybody. So well, it's called due process, it's called equal justice under the law, and equal application of our laws. It's called the presumption of innocence. The Republicans for once, handled something almost perfectly for them. They did the right thing. They took it seriously as they should have. They had the investigation that was asked for, it was granted, it was thorough, And now you watch the people on the left just lashing out. White women are expected to support the patriarchy by marrying within their racial group, reproducing witnesses, and even minimizing violence. Against their own bodies. That a liberal writer. You've got to be kidding me. NBC News running an opinion piece Sunday slammy white Republican women for Kavanaugh's confirmation, the ultimate affirmation of the patriarch rc archy that exists in the country. Like, what are they talking about? You know you have to get this. You had the Women's March leader Linda's are Sore pauling Maine Republicans Susan Collins, the mother and grandmother of white women in America who gave us a Donald Trump presidency. Um, Linda, isn't that the same Linda saw Sore with all the radical background comments associations. That's the same one, right. Well, it's just an unbelievable disgrace. And she got to introduce Kirsten Gillibrand why is Kirston Gillibrand hanging out with such a paper person. It's unbelievable. Well, that seems to be the narrative of the day. You have liberal pundit's issuing a deck gloration of war. This was in the in the Washington Examiner. The Supreme Court's legitimacy is in tatters. According to E. J. Dion writing, conservative forces in the country, led by the Republican Party, have completed a judicial coup decades in the making. After all these outrages, there will be calls for renewal of civility, of course, by the same people, as if the people you know, you know saying nasty things about each other. Ruth Marcus, editor at The Post, at Kavanaugh's nomination was a dangerous, even scary moment for the court. Question whether he will go out of his way to prove himself the collegial justice he promised to be. If you're not angry yet, you should be right. New York Times of New York Times columnists faulting Republicans for exercising power and radical ways. They have all collectively lost their mind. But simultaneously they want you to put them in power in the next twenty nine days. They want you to reward this behavior in twenty nine days. You know, how does Christian Jillibrand hang out with Lender sar sore her comments about Israel in the past, You might remember uh and the Nation of Islam. Amy Schumer apparently is seen next to Jillah Brandon sarsar Um. She's repeatedly been rightly identified I believe as anti Semitic. She's been criticized for working with UH at documented anti Semite Louis Farcon. In November, sarsre blame the quote Jewish media for her controversial reputation the Jewish media, Jamel Harris is uh this is a denial of justice for all. Cory Booker's wife received a graphic text of the of a beheading after the Kavanaugh vote. I'll tell you one thing that's happening is Republican enthusiasm is now surgy. It is now awoken a a sleeping base. Maybe now you'll understand what is at stake. This is why, for you know how long this year, if I've been saying this is the most important midterm election in our lifetime, and you better you better assume that right now in a Senate race or a member of Congress that is running, especially with forty retirements, you better assume that we're behind. And you're better assume that it's a possibility that Nancy Pelosi can be Speaker of the House again, and Maxine Waters and Jerry Nadler will run committees, and you better assume that Chucky Schumer can win and become the Senate majority leader, and you better assume the worst that they'll do everything they can do to destroy the president, stop his agenda that's been working right in its tracks, all the progress that is being made for forgotten men and women in this country. It's everything gets that much more difficult if, in fact, they win in twenty nine days. I love how, um, now the liberals are turning on Avanati, which is an interesting sidebar in all of this. But we've got a lot of ground to cover here. You know, Wall Street Journal twenty Sorrows funded groups were behind Saturday's anti Kavanaugh protests, shocking Pelosi announcing she's a push to obtain Kavanaugh impeachment evidence. You don't think there's a lot going on in thirty and twenty nine days, there is. You got a no notorious Obama liar Susan Rice saying she's mulling a run to challenge Susan Collins and Maine. We'll get to all of that today. I'm also gonna tell you and put you unnoticed, there is going to be big, big deep state news today this week, maybe as early as TV tonight, no later than tomorrow, though, um, And let's just say, somebody is going at a very high level. Somebody's confirmed all the nefarious things we told you was going on within the dj and the FBI. With only a kite, a house key, and wet hempstring, Benjamin Franklin captured lightning in a bottle. Over two hundred and sixty years later. With a little resourcefulness, ingenuity, and grit, We're not only capturing energy from the sun and wind, we're storing it, ensuring Americans have the energy they need whenever they need it. Learn more about the nation's leader and energy storage at next Era energy dot Com. Alright, twenty nine days till the important mid term elections, and yeah it could be well. CNN predicts that Nancy Pelosi will be the next Speaker of the House, Jack Schumer will be the next Senate majority leader. Uh that, let's see. Oh, Maxie Waters will be chairing this committee. Gerald Nadler will be chairing that committee. And Michael Avanati is running for president in UM. There are some I mean, this is a pretty scary environment where we are now discovering, according to NewsBusters, that advocacy groups paid those protesters we were watching all last week opposing the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court to quote helped create viral moments, including the nearly five minute confrontation with Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, according to uh an editor top editor for Vice News, claiming on Sunday, Shana Thomas appeared on ABC news is This Week programs that a lot of the protesters were normal people who were mad about the nomination. However, she also then added that we also saw people that were organized, and she singled out one of the women who confronted Flake, saying one of them worked for the advocacy group Ultra Violet and was paid to steer people in the right ways to be able to confront the senators. When This Week guest host Jonathan Carl tried to clarify, she said these were people who were paid by organizations like Ultra Violet to try and harness the energy in a way that would make the viral moments that we ended up seeing, and then later clarifying on Twitter saying there were some official organizations in the mix, and f staff and consultants were part of it, etcetera. Um, did you hear about Stephen Colbert? Hey, Steven, when are you gonna fire this guy. Where are you? Stephen Colbert? Mr? Honor and decency? As he likes to portray himself, I'm just glad we ruined Brett Havanaugh's life. That was a social media post Saturday. This guy is a writer for The Stephen Colbert Show, celebrating the damage done to Brett Havanaugh and his family and his reputation and the bruising and bitterly you know, and the bitterness partisan battle that we've had. By the way, students call for a USC professor to be fired for saying accusers sometimes lie. Okay, Duke Lacrosse, let's start there, U v A now until the top of the one Sean, you want to be a part of the program, and we're gonna have big, deep state breaking news as this week unfolds. Here today, we've got a little bit of a preview with Greg Jarrett and John sale Will still of course have a lot to talk about as relates to Kavanaugh. But why would you ever give power back to a party that doesn't believe in the Constitution, the rule of law, due process, equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws, and no presumption of innocence. Why would you give power to a party that has an agenda to basically, in any way they can find, go on a witch hunt to destroy a duly elected president rather than just try to defeat him in the elections. Why would you go along with a party that seems to be perfectly fine with the abuse of power at the top echelon of our FBI and our d o J. Why would that the ones that protected Hillary Clinton when it was the biggest slam dunk case of obstruction that we've ever had in the history of obstruction of justice. Why would you reward a party that was willing to disseminate false information about Mitt Romney never paying his taxes and Mit Romney being a misogynist because he had women's work applications, And a party that every two and four years I can chronicle and I will chronicle for you. You know, accuses Republicans of being racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobics, eennophobic, Islamophobic, that they want dirty air and water, and they have killed children, and some look alike is gonna of a candidate, is gonna throw granny over the cliff. What did they do with the eight years of power you gave them under Obama? You know, the statistics. If you'll listen to this show for any length of time, I'll repeat them. I'll repeat them because this is what they want to go back to in twenty nine days, because they're the single greatest abysmal failure in the history of the country. Thirty million more Americans and on food stamps, eight million more Americans and poverty. That's eight years of Obama. Lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, I mean, think about it, worst recovery since the forties, lowest home ownership rate in fifty one years, accumulating more debt than every other president before him combined. And yet he called nine trillion dollars in debt irresponsible and on patriotic. What are they offering the American people? This president has taken four million Americans off of food stamps. We have over four million jobs created. We have record low unemployment now in fourteen states. We have record low unemployment demographically African Americans, Hispanish, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workforce, youth unemployment highest GDP fourth quarter UH second quarter growth four point two percent revised upward. We have a prediction now of four point seven percent by the Atlanta Fed. For the third quarter, we have manufacturing jobs to the tune of four hundred thousand. That's more manufacturing jobs than we've had in the last thirty years. That's helping real Americans, real families, have a real life and a real future for their kids and grand kids. It's not hard or complicated to understand what people want in life. You know, people want a nice house, and as they're not looking for mansions, they want a nice house in a safe neighborhood. You know, maybe even a pool if they can have an extra. You know, they want to drive a decent car or truck. They want to be able to go to dinner, you know, a couple of times a month and not worry that they can't pay for it. They want to be able to provide the extras for their kids, a few activities whatever their kids, whatever sport they might like, or dance that they might like, or skating they may like. I don't know, whatever kids like to do. I'm an old person, what do I know. But that's what people want. They want to be able to take this seven year old kid and suck it up and go down to Disney. The kids will love it. Most parents hate it, and then they're gonna want to go back again. But parents want to be able to afford it. You know, we got trade deals. Everyone said the President is gonna start trade wars. Well, we got an infinitely better deal with to the m Mexico. It's benefiting our dairy farmers are farmers in general. It's benefiting car manufacturers. It's guaranteeing a minimum sixteen dollar an hour jobs for Americans. It's guaranteeing that what eighty percent of spare parts come from the United States America parts or for cars that are manufactured overseas, that it's got to be a sevent of it's got to be American made. I mean, it's unbelievable. China is now kissing the ass of Donald Trump because their economies down thirty five percent the equivalent of their stock market. The Iranians, we didn't drop, you know, cargo planes of cash on their lap and reward them for chanting death to America and death to Israel. And now their economy is tanking as it should as now the sanctions are working, Little rocket Man. Now we're gonna have a second summit. They've had four media and in the interim. Not one rocket has been fired over Japan since last December. Remember it was like every other day, Rocket here, rocket there, rockets everywhere. You know, my button is bigger than your button. Fire and fury, and look where we are. We're talking about de nuclearization of the entire Korean peninsula. Got a president that is beginning a relationship with China. Hopefully it's gonna take time that will bear fruit. We got a better relationship now with Canada, Mexico, and the President's demanding our European allies also not have so one sided trade deals. Who's the beneficiary? You we the American people. When the President gets rid of burden some regulation and approves the the varying North Dakota pipeline, Keystone pipeline allows drilling in Annuar, Lisa Murkowski, we have that's gonna benefit every single solitary Alaskan financially. Do you know you get paid to live in Alaska. Not only not pay taxes, they pay you the portion of the natural resources. Go Alaska. One of my favorite shows ever is Life under Zero, Life below Zero. Let's go now, Let's go broadcast broadcast for one year from Alaska, one year from Alaska. Um, I just don't like the cold that much. I'm not interested in I I didn't run the race. And the other thing is, I don't think I can go with no sun half the year. That would suck. That would lamp, little lamp lamp. And then I'll just lay in and get a fall, your your little tanning booth. But America's prospering, American workers, prospering all these jobs that are being created. America is more secure. I know we don't have full funding of the wall, but the President spent three and a half billions so far in building the wall, fixing the wall, and that will be the big fight post election. And we know what the Democrats agenda is. What is it? We know that they want their crumbs back, They want to impeach the president, they want endless investigations, they want to eliminate ice, open borders, and they want to keep Obamacare. How did that work for you? Are you better off than you were two years ago? Why should America reward a party that all they do is smear, slander, besmirch, character, assassinate, and bludgeon. You know, I begin this week on Fox my twenty third year I've been accused of everything in twenty three years, being on Fox in thirty years in radio? Is there Linna? Is there anything I have not been accused of that you can think of? Yeah? I can think of a couple of things. Actually, very quick. I have an accent. Should be playing the Jeopardy music as I ponder what am I not? What's not been written about me over the twenty three years or thirty years, depending on which which which job you're looking at at any particular time. I have so many things to say, but I don't think it's appropriate for the three o'clock hour. So I'm gonna just refrain. Why does this party get rewarded after what they what they do every two and four years to the country. Now, when you break things down demographically, have liberal policies helped the African American community received the lowest unemployment rate ever, or the Hispanic American community, or the Asian American community, or women in the work force community, you know, it's never been better. A record is a record, meaning it's never been better. And yet, for whatever reason, these demographic groups by the bs that these democrats sell every two and four years. I'm a conservative. I don't like racist I don't like sexist people. I don't like homophobes, eno phobes, is lamophobes. That's not who we are most concerned speak out about radical Islam, radical Islamist radical Islamic terrorism. Most the most conservatives I know, they want clean water and they want to protect the environment, the blessings that God has so generously bestowed upon us that none of us deserve. You gotta protect the blessings that we've been given. Dirty water, dirty air. I want to breathe clean air. Uh, you know they're gonna be many Hannity's hopefully, you know, long after I'm dead and gone, and I like the water to still be drinkable and the air to be clean. I don't know. I don't know anybody whider Republicans get accused of hating Grandma. That goes back to the debate about they only want to increase Medicare seven percent a year if seven percent increase every year, And that's when the whole thing started, as they want to kill Granny and throw Granny over the cliff. Here I got you want to know what the agenda in twenty nine days is, We've got it on tape and peach body Fie and beach Body Bae and Beach Body By. I think there's no question that we've got to critically re examine ICE and its role and the way that it is being administered and the work it is doing, and we need to probably think about starting from scratch. I think we need to abolish ICE. That seems really clear in terms of the bonus that corporate America received versus the crumbs that they are giving to workers. To kind of put the shmooz on is so pathetic. Please don't just come here today and then go home. Go to the hill today. Get up and please get up. In the face of some congress people eliminating ICE for instance, and President Trump, yes, they have strayed so far from the interests of the American people and the interests of humanity, we need to we need to follership. When the American people learn that some of them are not getting anything, some of them getting raises, and the rest they're getting crumbs, and big corporations and wealthy individuals are getting nice fat pieces of pie, they're going to be outraged. They are already. ICE isn't doing what it was created to do. It's being used as his own personal police force, and in those actions, it's actually making us less safe. When this country understands and feels what has been done with the tax scam, uh and what that's going to do for our deficit in this country, it's going to be reversed. And I think you should reimagine ICE under a new agency with a very different mission and take those two missions out. And so we believe that we should protect families that need our help, and that is not what ICE is doing today, and that's why I believe you should get rid of it. What we have proposed is an increase in the corporate tax rate. Did you see anybody from that cabinet and the rest you run in a department store at the station, You get out, and you get and you just back on them. Can you tell them there will go anymore? Like anywhere? We need to rebuild our immigration system from talk to bottom, starting by replacing ICE with something that reflects our morality. Medicare for all is actually much more, is actually much cheaper than the current system that we pay right now. This is invaccine. Please don't say impeachment anymore. And when they say that, I say impeachment. Impeachment, impeachpeachment if it turns out that he does become Justice Kavanaugh and your chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, would you investigated for possible impeachment. If he is on the Supreme Court and the Senate hasn't investigated, then an the House will have to You'll investigate. We would have to investigate. Unbelievable. That's the choice you have in twenty nine days. Are you going to reward this behavior? Are you going to allow what they did to to literally put these people in power. If you've not been particularly interested in a mid term election until now, well this would be the perfect time to wake up. And I'll put on TV the states, the districts that will matter and define what you're gonna hear on election night in twenty nine days from now. And if you don't vote, you're gonna get the government you deserve. You know who they are, you know what they're horrible agenda is, you know what their despicable, despicable tactics are. So if you want the progress to continue, if you like where we're headed, get your ass out of the chair and go vote. That's my advice to you. Originally, the story from FBI and d o J was that Republicans had started this information and given this information, and that has been totally blown out of the water. Republicans had nothing to do with it, and the top levels of the FBI absolutely knew this, right, I mean, you can't possibly argue that the top lawyer for the FBI meets with the top lawyer for the Democratic Party and just doesn't tell anyone. And so then you you fast forward four months later, four months later, when they come and present the information to Congress, they say, well, we believe that Republicans were behind this. No, Republicans were never behind it. You knew the whole time who was behind it. The Democrats were, and it was so explosive and so damaging that that's why they didn't want us to know. And this is why the President United States has got to declassify the information we've been asking for. If he doesn't declassify it, he's gonna let these criminals, this criminal activity and fraudulent behavior, people are gonna get way with it if this information is not declassified so that all the American people are all right. We're only twenty nine days away from the most impotant important midterm election in our lifetime. That was deva newness over the weekend. There's going to be massive, huge news breaking this week. I know a lot of what it is, but I'm not allowed to reveal my sources at this point. The President before that talking about how Kavanaugh was, you know, absolutely the disgraceful antics and tactics of the left, which is I go through all the time. This is who they are. It defines them. Character assassination, smears, besmirchment, bludgeoning. It's it's sad to watch this, and but by a narrow margin they were able to pull it out. He is now a sworn in member of the United States Supreme Court, joining US now Greg Jarrett, Fox News legal analysts, author of The Russian Hoax, number one New York Times bestseller, and John Sale is a former special prosecutors, having served in the prestigious New York Southern District of New York and an assistant Special Watergate prosecutor. Welcome both of you to the program. Rod Rosenstein's about flying on Air Force one with the President, But let me ask you both first about the treatment and what is you know. I know we're supposed to be happy when there's a victory and some the good guy wins, but at what cost. Well, you know, I will say that Susan Collins put it best. She condemned the outrageous behavior, the distortions by special interest groups, all of the activists and protesters and Democratic senator. She made it clear that they're shameful tactics, the smears, the character assassination backfired on them as far as her vote is concerned. And last night on sixty Minutes, she reiterated that. She said, look, these political threats, uh and and attempts at driver ery have backfired on her. It made her steal her determination to make sure that Kavanaugh was being treated fairly with the presumption of innocence and do process. She said, that is relevant to our advise and consent duty. Let me ask you, John Sell, I know you've been in more than a few political battles in your life, and we watched this process unfold, I mean, and it got worse and worse, you know, literally crescendoing at what when Michael l Avenati represents a woman that claims, almost on a weekend basis, that young girls were systematically drug boys lining up in the hall to rape them. One after another and that was a normal weekend, and that would happen and not just once, but multiple times. And no parent, no law enforcement, no teacher was ever told ever all your years in the prosecutor's office, would you be a bit suspicious at that story, Well, you'd be more than a bit suspicious. I mean you would just rejected out of hand. But showing going forward, there's something very special about the Supreme Court. You know the fact that the confirmation was fifty It's not like we're trying to beat a point spread. Just it's now Justice Kavanaugh. It's so longer Judge Kavanaugh. He was confirmed. And the Supreme Court just must be above the free and not send out political signals. And I think the editorial he wrote where he said the op ed that he was going to be independent and impartial. Obviously he will be, and I just hope that it does not will be awful. Things that have happened in the last week do not affect the public's confidence in the independence of the Supreme Court. Well, I think it's gonna be interesting. And then what we have to ask the question, Well, the party that was responsible for all of this, will there be a price to pay in twenty nine days. Well, I mean, in other words, I talked about every election, Republicans are racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, is lamophobic. They want dirty air water, and they want to kill granny and throw her over a cliff, and they want to kill children. Well, now it's you know, cult hangers being sent and and there it's it's just the same tactics. Those tactics, I think are backfiring on the Democrats and all of the activists and protesters and these special interest groups. The polling data Shan is very revealing. There was some apathy among Republicans, as is often the case in a midterm election, and suddenly that changed and transformed GOP voters into energized and motivated voters to get out on election day next month because they see what is going to happen if they lose the House in the Senate, because Nancy Pelosi and Jerry Nadler, who would then become Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of Democrats when the House are vowing to uh exact revenge a retribution investigation to remove kavan Off from the Supreme Court by virtue of articles of impeachment and and there's nothing that will motivate of Republican voters more than that kind of a threat to undermine the democratic process of confirmation and to try to destabilize the Supreme Court for partisan reasons. Well, it's going to be interesting to watch, do you think politically? John, You've watched a lot of campaigns. Is they're going to be is the Is the American people gonna be motivated in twenty nine days? And are they going to remember this? Well? I can't read the tea leaves, but what we just saw with the confirmation battle actually was an example of our separation of powers in action, where each branch exercised its appropriate role. And now in our democracy, the people are going to decide, and you know there are going to be irresponsible lawyers who are going to come go on TV shows with more people who are claiming I should have been interviewed, I could have told this tale. And I just hope that people can separate the week from the chaff. As a prosecutor, looking at these three cases, how would you have handled them thirty six years later? In each case, no corroboration in each case? Uh well, uh with I don't know anything beyond what's in the public record. But without corroboration, you might entertain a meeting for an hour or two and say thank you for coming by. Uh, there's nothing to talk about. Um okay. So when when Professor Ford, for example, she can't remember a location, she can't remember an exact date or a place not she's struggling to know the year. In the case of Ms. Ramirez, she's calling other fellow students from back in the day. She's asking them if they remember because she's not sure she remembers. Uh. In the case of Julie Sweatnek, who who made the you know, changed her story. Well, Brett Havanaugh gave out red solo cups and he was near the punch bowl, and I saw him in a hall maybe not lined up in a hall um, which is very different from the sworn Appa David that they had originally laid out a week before. I mean you, if you look at that, it's been a prosecutor's office. What are they gonna say, Well, they're going to say these are all frivolous accusations. But as far as we know regarding Dr Ford, there were nine or ten witnesses interviewed, and people are going to say, well, there were so many more who didn't wererant interviewed. It's not the number of interviews, it's the what they have to say. And if it's all cumulative, you don't if you don't count the witnesses. But I think some of those other people, as I say now, are gonna want to have their twenty four hours in the sun or in the you know, in the in the same and they're gonna wanna go to the National Enquiry or something like that. But there are no criminal there's no criminal cases, there are no civil cases. A good man was confirmed. He's now a justice, and we need to move on. Let's talk about the news that we are pretty confident is coming out this week. Um let me just say this very obtusely if I can, that if a top ranking FBI official were to confirm that there was an orchestrated effort among the upper echelon within the DOJ and the FBI to go after Donald Trump for retribution for the firing of James Comy, what would that mean, Greg Jarrett? It would mean that this was all a hoax, the Russia hoax, and it wasn't Trump Russia collusion. Well, that would mean Greg Jarrett was right from the get go. But yes, and yes, and the latest information only corroborates the thesis of the book. There wasn't Trump Russia collusion, but there was Hillary Clinton Russia collusion. She had on her payroll a British spy who was using Russian sources. And now we've learned through the interview behind Closed Doors of James Baker, at the top FBI lawyer, that documents were being passed to him from Hillary Clinton lawyer and the d n C s elier. So you know, this is astonishing information. Uh. And in fact, we've also learned that you know, this was part of the FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. None of it was corroborated, and federal regulations are very clear you may not submit to the FISK information and evidence that is uncorroborated. And yet that is precisely what they did. And so I agree with you. When these documents are declassified in the Inspector General has has had enough time to look at them and decide. I think they will be explosive. Is there any way that Rod Rosenstein, who signed the fourth FISA warrant, you know, the basis and bulk of the information in the FISA application John was the unverified, uncorroborated dossier, the political document that Hillary paid for. I mean, how is it possible that they passed more of those? And I mean, doesn't he have to be held accountable for that? Well, let's wait and see when the documents are declassified. But the n city questioned is of course, Uh, we talked about the president is not above the law, and he's not, but certainly neither is the deputy Attorney general. But I see one thing a little bit differently, and maybe we're going to segue into this, and that is everything you're talking about should be thoroughly investigated. But I think it's separate from what the Moller people are doing. And I think that the Muller investigation can conclude by showing independently that the president was just not involved in any wrongdoing and it doesn't have to be one or they're not necessarily linked. Would they would he have an obligation? See, this is what frustrates me. I think that the the mandate was so broad that we end up going into people's you know, bank loan applications from years gone by. To me, is just ridiculous that considering where it was post a start and where it was supposed to go, uh, would it not lead to an important issue, especially if Russian lives were paid for and disseminated to the American people to purposely lie to them before an election, and worse than that used to used in five applications to spy on an opposition party candidate and then use later to destroy a presidential uh about president who was duly elected. And if those things are verified, the people involved should be held responsible criminally. But I'm saying that the Moller investigation in and of itself can conclude by showing the president didn't do anything wrong. One of the dangers of a special Council or a special prosecutor is they have only one case Southern emission. But what I've always believed is if a special council does a thorough investigation and concludes that in this case, the president did not do anything wrong, he that special council has not failed. The special council has done a thorough investigation, and in this case, we haven't seen any evidence to show that Donald Trump was involved in collision, obstruction or whatever you want to call it right as we continue with Greg Jarrett and John Seale and all right, so Rod Rosenstein, why would he even be in the mix considering we now know and have corroboration Greg Jarrett that he was saying, you know, well, what do you want me to wear a wire around the president? Well, he has a lot to answer for, and the President, I'm sure I spoke to him about it on Air Force one today. Did did you really try to get people to secretly record me? Did you recruit people to invoke the Amendment to depose me from office? Now we know Rosenstein is going to not deny it. Whenever he's caught engaging in illicit, if not illegal activities, he claims his words were misinterpreted over and over again. We've seen examples of that. Threats to the Intelligence Committee staff, threats to Devon noon As, Oh, I'm just misunderstood. Rosenstein must be the most misunderstood man in Washington, d c. But it would be imprudent politically for the President to fire him. He has no intention of doing so. Rosenstein, you know, must receive Mueller's report, and I think the President wants to see how that will play out. And I think it's beginning to wind down. Many of the people on Mueller's staff have already left and returned their jobs at the Department of Justice, so I think that is reaching a conclusion. I agree with John. No collusion, no obstruction. Uh. And then let's launch a serious investigation with a grand jury into people at the Department of Justice and the FBI who engaged in this what I believe to be an illicit a legal scheme to frame Donald Trump. We'll take a break here, but we gotta say goodbye to Greg Jared John Sale. Thank you both for being with us. One Shawn toll free telephone number. This is gonna be a huge story and it's gonna break tomorrow. But just we're getting bits and pieces now. I know a lot more than I can reveal. I have been sworn to secrecy with some of my sources. But this is a huge story. We have an election in twenty nine days. Well why do we fight? Well? Last, Dr Gorka coming up next carter page also stopped by. That's straight ahead, alright, twenty five now until the top of the hour. My buddy Sebastian Gorka is with us. He has an amazing new book out why we fight defending America's defeating America's enemies, no apologies. Well, we have we have people within the country that don't want positions to strength, that wanna you know, kiss up to about before uh the altar of Mala's that chant death to America, death to Israel. We have people in this country that will say and do anything for power. Um, and a lot is literally hanging in the balance in twenty nine days. Uh, like these unhinged anti Kavanaugh protesters and media Democrats melting down over Kavanaugh and Susan Collins speech. And you know, um, it's it's just tough times. Listen to this much same same say the tour. Now we know here yet another institution broken in the time of trumpy Supreme Court. Supreme Court is heading into a crisis of legitimacy. And and when when not if when Judge Kavanaugh helps them to chip away at civil rights, voting rights, women's rights, abortion rights. I don't think it's gonna sit very well with the country. He promised that he would be a hardcore parson, and he will be. That's the one thing he didn't lie about under oath. The message to survivors like Dr Ford is one. We don't want to hear from you. Two. If we have to hear from you because we're forced to, we're going to rig it so that there is no FBI investigation. Let's not forget these people would go to church and then go to the lynching after clothing themselves and morality, and that's what we're seeing today. This is Mitch McConnell's rule. He is restoring order as he and people like him understand it, and they will impose it on the people like those people who were protesting. Women were shrieking out in agony, saying you cannot impose this on us, You can't send us back to the fifties. But Mr McConnell says, yes I can. Starting with Justice O'Connor and and continuing with just Kennedy, there has been a person who people who found the center or people couldn't predict in that sort of way. It's not so clear that, you know, I think going forward, uh that sort of middle position, you know, it's not so clear whether we'll have it. O God, My God, and Peach body bye, and Peach Body bye, and beach body by. I think there's no question that we've got to critically re examine ICE and its role and the way that it is being administered and the work it is doing, and we need to probably think about are from scratch. I think we need to abolish ICE. That seems really clear by replacing ICE with something that reflects our morality. Medicare for All is actually much more, is actually much cheaper than the current system that we pay right now. This is a vaccine. Please don't say impeachment anymore. And when they say that, I say impeachment. Impeachment. If it turns out that he does become Justice Kavanaugh, and your chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, would you investigated for possible impeachment? If he is on the Supreme Court and the Senate hasn't investigated, then I then the House will have to You'll investigate. We would have to investigate, all right. Joining us now is the man himself has got his brand new book out today. I love the title and I liked the content even more. Why We Fight Defeating America's Enemies with no apologies. Dr Sebastian Gorka is with us. How are you, my friend? This book is must read for everybody, and how are you good to see you very excited, Sean. Thanks for having me. I didn't think this title would be as appropriate as it is after the last seventy two hours. But man, we are in a fight right now for the future of the republic. It is a fight for the future of the Republic. The one thing I love about you, and I've come to know you very well, is that you are a patriot and you understand evil in our time, evil abroad, the need to defend and keep America strong, and you understand the political aspects of it as well, because if you let the wrong people and we're gonna have policies of appeasement again, and that renders us more vulnerable. Just look at the last eight years. What did we have. We had a commander in chief who started his presidency with an apology tour and then he blamed all the bad things in the world on America. What resulted the rise of isis, Russia invading its neighbor Chinese, Chinese remilitarization. At the end of the Obama administration, just one metric. Take take politics out of it for a second. We had sixty five million refugees in the world. That's more than we had at the end of World War Two. When you don't have American leadership, the world is a more dangerous place. Now that's over thanks to Donald Trump. Now we have a commander in chief who believes that evil exists. Read his Warsaw speech. Listen to what he says about isis about what the Chinese are doing. What he said at the u N Yes, absolutely absolutely so That's why I wrote why we fight. But but you're absolutely correct, we have domestic issues here. Evil exists not just outside our borders. Look what they did to that godly man, Brett Kavanaugh in the last fourteen days, a man who had probably the cleanest, most spotless record in American public life, goes from being a stand upstanding federal judge to a to a mass rapist. They will use every tool because they lost the election. And that's why the next thirty days are so important. Sean, it means everything. And look, everything is right on this. I don't know if you would have asked me three weeks ago, I would have leaned in on the side that history would would win out because the party that wins the White House usually ends up losing seats in a midterm election. That it's only not happened three times. Only You've only picked up seat three times in the last hundred years. The last was after two thousand and one, in the attack of September September eleven um. But there's so much at stake here, and that is what literally jumps off the page as I'm reading through your book, that we better defeat America's enemies, and we better do it without apologies. But Dr Gorka, we don't get to do that if we're not in power. We we have to take very seriously this concept that the left, so the left has been taken over by the radicals. Think about the fact that JFK would not be allowed into the Democrat Party today, a hard core anti communist, strong on national security, he wouldn't be allowed into the d n C. What do we have. We have the crazies, we have the Occassio cortez Is, we have the Maxxine waters in control, who have made a pact with the devil. They have said, very simply, the ends justified the means. We want power and we will use any tool. Well, guess who used that philosophy in the past. That philosophy drives to the labor camps. It drives to the ghoul ags, and it drives to the death camps. Whether you're a right wing extremist, whether you're a fascist, or whether you're a communist. That's the philosophy. And we've got to stop that short. We have to stay true to the principles of the republic. You talk in the book about the will to win, and and again the title why we fight defeating American's enemies with no apologies. And here's what we can't have anymore. And you talk about the will to win, you talk about will is if you go back to Vietnam, we lost fifty eight thousand brave Americans, and we allowed that war to become politicized, and we pulled out. In Iraq, in Afghanistan, we pull out, We even give dates of our withdrawal, and we lost nearly six thousand kids, and and so many others come back without their arms, their legs in their and their faces disfigured fighting for their country. We cannot commit American troops ever again unless we are willing to win the war. If we're not willing to do what it takes to win the war, then we ought not get involved ever period. Unless we have to you have to win these wars or else don't start them, don't be involved in them. So so my book is about two things. It's about all the threats we face as a country, so whether it's Isis, Russia or China. But the second part is much more important. This is the one you're hitting on. It's do we have the will to defeat our enemies? Because Vietnam is the great example. We were the most powerful nation in the world and a bunch of guys with wooden sticks and rusty rifles defeat us. How is that possible? Because we lost the war at home because we allowed the left to undermine our will to win. And one of the most important thing is the individual will to win. In addition to the analyzes of the threats, I have four vignettes of American heroes. I go back to the Barbarie Wars two hundred years ago. I talked about a Korean hero, a chesty puller. I talked about a man who spent six and a half years as a naval aviator in the Hannah Hilton. But the last story is very, very important for what we are seeing right now, and it's Whittaker Chambers. Most kids have no idea who Whittaker Chambers is. This is a man who was kavanaughd before Kavanaugh was born. In the first live televised Senate hearing, was a man called Whittaker Chambers who had been a Communist agent of the Soviets, who went on records saying, hey, I'm no longer a communist, but I need America to know where the communists are in the government, including al Jahi. He was a guy who was working for the Soviets. What happened to this man who stood up for the truth. They accused him of everything, cheating on his wife, they accused him of the death, of responsible for the death of his brother. None of it was true. But what did he do? He had the will to fight. He stood out for the truth, just as just as Kavanaugh did. So it's sure he's he's But here's the scary thing. The Democrats have done this before. Don't be surprised at what they did to Kavanough. They've done it seventy years ago. They have done it every election in my lifetime. They play the race card, the gender card. You know, they divide America old versus young, rich versus poor, black versus white. This is the identity politics, which which they have mastered, and I keep playing them in their own words. It's not like I'm making it up. Quick Break will come back more with Dr Sebastian Gorka, Why We Fight his new book, Defeating America's Enemies with No Apologies, Amazon dot Com, bookstores everywhere, Hannity dot Com, and as we continue with Dr Sebastian Gorka's brand new book is out, Why We Fight to Feeding America's Enemies with No Apologies. By the way, It's up on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, and bookstores everywhere. There are people like you and me, and the public eye you. I know you were very similar. You don't care what people say about you. I don't. I don't give a flying rip what people say about me. It's all been set. There's nothing that hasn't been set. Well, that's because you stand up to them right when. I have the ability to fight back, but I don't even waste my time half the time fighting back because there's too many other important issues to deal with. Um. You are driven with a passion to defend this country, a passion a love of maga making America great. You you know since the first day I knew you, I knew there was something different about you. That's very kind. There's a reason, and it's the first chapter of my book. It's my family background. My parents lived on the wrong side of the Iron curtain. My parents' children lived through a fascist Nazi dictatorship and then suffered through what the Communist takeover of their country. Not only that, my father, at the age of eighteen, created a secret Christian student underground organization to to to resist the ministake of his of his country. What happened he was betrayed from the West, a guy called Kim Philby look him up, one of the biggest traders of the twentieth century. As a result, he was at the age of twenty arrested, tortured by the secret police, and then given a life sentence two years in solitary, two years down a prison coal mine, only later to be liberated from a political prison by the Hungarian Revolution. He made it to the West with the seventeen year old daughter of a fellow prison mate, through the minefield into a refugee camp. They were married, and those are my parents. This is in my gene. People asking when did you become a conservative when when your parents have lived through that, it's in your blood. And as a result, I don't care what they say about me, because, as we said in the White House when the when the worst attacks were coming, we had we had a motto, you only take flak when you're over the target. Well, we're over the target a lot. I guess I've taken a whole ton of flak. Um. I've been an honor of mine over the last you know, a couple of years to get to know you and become your friend. The book is so well written, and I gotta be honest, you won't put it down. And there's a lot that I'm learning about it, and I cover this stuff every day and I appreciate that you took the time to write it. I hope everyone will go to bookstores, Amazon dot com. It's now when bookstores everywhere. Hannity dot com. We have a big display on our website. It's called Why We Fight and Defeating America's Enemies With no apologies. Dr Sebastian Gorka, you're a good man, sir, God bless you. The book is phenomenal. Thanks for being well, God bless you, and take a quick break. We'll come back at the top of the hour. Carter Page is going to be massive breaking news this week. There is a top ranking FBI official that is admitting the truth about what they were trying to do to Donald Trump. That'll be breaking this week. We'll get a preview, straight ahead, all right, news, round up, information, overload our Sean Hannity Show for one. Sean is our toll free number. You want to be a part of the program. Um, there's going to be big deep state breaking news. I know a lot of what is on its way out. Um. Apparently there was and will be evidence that supports the fact that there were very angry people within the upper ranks of the d J and the FBI. They wanted to take out retribution on President Trump for the firing of James Comey. And there are now people that were involved in this effort that are now speaking. And the news is beyond explosive because what have I said, It's the biggest abuse of power scandal in American history, and it is you think back through this whole process, what do we have We have had? We had one political campaign that got a free pass, the worst obstruction of justice case, biggest slam dunk obstruction of justice case I've ever seen in my life. If we do enforce the Espionage Act, violation of that too, and well, the fix was in. I call me instruck. And we know about paid now, we know about McCabe and and all the other people that have been involved, and the twenty five people now that have either resigned, been to mow it, or fired from the ranks of the FBI and the d o J. Again, this is not rank and file, this is the upper echelon. And then we know that the bulk of the information that was used to secure a FISA warrant on Carter page a Trump campaign associate. We know the bulk of that information was bought and paid for political hit job put together by Hillary Clinton and her campaign and the d n C. And that we know FISA court judges of fraud was committed upon the court repeatedly. They never verified, as is not only law but protocol, or corroborated any of the information. And they signed one, two, three, four these applications against the American citizen, which is a violation of their Fourth Amendment rights. And also, I don't recommend anybody that you commit a fraud upon any judge in any court at any point in your life, because it's never gonna work out well. And meanwhile, the only people are getting trouble for lying are people like General Michael Flynn and Papatopolis now has to spend what two weeks in jail lying to the FBI. I you know, nobody heard of Papadopoulos before this election. I hadn't. Now he's stuck spend in two two weeks in jail, and it could have been five years. The person they so desperately wanted to spy on is Carter Page. We've been trying to get information and the President asked for the declassification unredacted FISA memos and applications that were used, specifically the fourth FISA warrant, the third renewal application, and in that application he specifically what once pages ten through twelve and seventeen, the thirty four. They're also looking for the d O J what are known as three O two's, and those are the conversations between Bruce Or and Christopher Steele. And we now know Christopher Steele was funneling information trying to get it to the Special Counsel Robert Muller and his team and Andrew Weiseman and Andrew Weisman knew all about this leaker himself. Anyway, here's Bob Goodlett telling us two weeks ago what this is about. We have been very, very concerned about the lack of production of some document. We've gotten a lot of documents, access to more than a million documents from the Department of Justice from but some key key documents, including the so called MCCAB memos, which could very directly bear upon this question of what was Rod Rosenstein doing in that meeting UH immediately prior to the appointment of Robert Muller as a special counsel UH. And are these allegations that are in the New York Times actually true? I think that can be a lot of light can be shed on that if the documents we've been requesting for quite some time are made public. So as a result of that this week, if they're not produced by tomorrow or Tuesday this week, we are going to issue a subpoena to the Justice Department that expands upon the subpoena we issued earlier this year and includes the MACCAB memos UH and some other documents that have been requested by US but thus far not produced, including Peter Struck's personnel file, some of the struct page uh texts, uh the uh, the Bruce or three oh one and some other things. All right, so joining us now in studio, we welcome back the man that's in the middle of all of this. And I tell, do you know what the news is tomorrow? If you're getting bits and pieces of information about what's happened there there we have people and that no that we're there that understand that, in fact, um, a lot of this was a plan and a scheme, not only a media strategy, leak strategy, but to take out a duly elected president. I'm hearing a lot of big hints coming Sean, But similar to the situation where the d n C paid for a lot of lies about me, I'm careful to not jump to any conclusions until the real facts are on the table. So, but I I agree what I'm hearing. It's gonna be really big. You know, when all of this I mean to get four fies of warrants against you, you would think that you must be a really bad guy. And now that you've discovered how they obtained this information obtained these warrants against you, Um, you've never been indicted, so I guess you're not a threat to the country. Um. I've since learned through previous interviews that when you would go to Russia where your work brought you, that you often would be debrief by our intelligence community and you had a good relationship with them. Correct, absolutely, Sean, Yep, and been by intelligence I mean C I A f B. I guys absolutely and other intel community people for decades. Yes, for decades, And I assume they liked you and trusted you absolutely, you know, and we would sometimes disagree on things in terms of our various assessments, you know, similar to any uh, international relations or security discussions that I would have back in the Pentagon, etcetera. But that's you know, an honest debate, right. But okay, but they wanted There was never a time where you you met with anybody that wanted you to spy on your country that you love. No, But again, I'm happy to share insights and ideas just like I do, you know, used to at New York University when my students, So we're a pretty open guy. But all right, So, anybody I guess that would regularly go to Russia because they are a hostile regime, and they've been hostile to the United States. Um, we do know that, in fact, that Putin does have a network of of their own deep state operatives that are trying to create chaos in America by using social media and etcetera. Right that you don't doubt that well in terms of creating chaos in America, if you compare everything that the Russians did versus with what the d n C did with their lies and the millions of dollars they spent on that, you talk about election interference, particularly their conspiracy with the deep state, you know, d O, J, FBI, CIA. Now that we're learning all these details, much much worse than anything Russia dead. How did the d n C ever get away with never handing over their computers to the FBI? Um, I don't think i'd get that consideration an option, and no, I'm gonna hire our own people. What was it like? When when did you first know that you were being spied on? Well, I started, I had some hints about it, you know, people I know in Washington mentioned it in September of right around the same time when I started getting phone calls from the New York Times CNN, Washington Post about these d n C funded lies, and they mentioned to me that there were uh Democrat hired operatives working in Washington who were paying for these uh these operations. And you know, soon thereafter it I found out about the you know, the hacking of my emails and wire tapping of my uh and this first happened in August, so you found out pretty early. Yeah, And actually I first started getting the phone calls. I didn't know about the intelligence operation. I just say general calls that they had the SPISA warrant against you, and the media knew about it, or do you believe they knew about it? Well, the first news report I think came out with his lady, Louise Mensch in October of twenty sixteen, within just a couple of days of when the first FISER warrant was. I think my first ran with the story in March of seventeen. Yes, and that's when we said, wait a minute, there's a FISA warrant on the Trump campaign. Uh. Were you aware of our reporting at the time. It's funny, sean right, interesting story. I haven't talked about it in the media before, but in March seventeen that's what's been leaked in the Washington Post that I was having all these meetings with the FBI. I remember, you know, in these long series of ten hours of plus meetings. One of the meetings I'm walking out, I mentioned that, Well, I had a long interview in detail with Katherine Harridge and it's going to be airing tonight on the on the evening shows on Foxing. What they say, they were quite uh, you know, they gave me a bit of a luck, let's just put it that way. But think again, because it's all about, you know, media perceptions. They asking you what the time, what do they want to know? They're spying on you, and then they're bringing you in simultaneously. You've never been charged with anything. There's no indication you're ever going to be charged with anything at all. You don't fear that that in any way you're gonna be charged, right, absolutely, well, I know I've never done anything wrong. Right, and again the primary focus of those conversations was about the Dodgy dossier, right, the same false allegations that the d n C paid for. Going back to a lot about that. Did they ask you specifics about that dossier? Absolutely? Yeah, basically everything I've done and kind of all sort of revolving around that. Also, you know, as you were alluding to, I've been a source for the Intel community previously, and you know I helped UH the year prior there is an indictment of or you know, if someone pleaded guilty in the Southern District of New York, and I was a witness on that case. So you know, we were talking a bit about that too. All right, let's talk a little bit about what now now that your life had been upended. Um, you I I know you're fighting to get your good name back. I know media organizations have told lies about you. I would say that the there was absolute reckless disregard for the truth in a lot of these cases. Um, what are your plans? What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do to the government that ends up, you know, using unverified information to literally take away all of your civil liberties. There's got to be some recourse for you. Well, I'm definitely working on a few strategies, Sean. To me, the biggest concern is just the damage that this has done to our country and the roadblock that it's created for the Trump administration. In the first couple of years in office. So my the biggest thing, and it goes back to the first thing you were talking about in your segment with Chairman good Lad is just getting the truth out there. And so I'm doing everything possible to help facilitate that. You should write a book what it's like to be spied on by your government? You know, something to that. I'm serious. That would be a you know, a movie certainly that could be put on the screens as well, But I mean, what does it feel like? Because I guess maybe there were some people because they took out the warrant on you. Do you have you do you know what they did? They ask you about everything that you were saying and doing at this time. Basically, Yeah, And I'm going back many years again, and we had talked about how many hours total do you think you've spoken to Intel community, FBI, Mueller, all these people. How many hours do you think you spent total over the last two years, over the last two decades, two years, the last two years. Well, I mean in terms of actual in person meetings, you know, forty eight hours or something like that. But you know, when you add in the hundreds and hundreds of hours I had to do in terms of document production, etcetera. You know, that's a whole different level when you went before Mueller. What was that like? You know, I don't. I don't like to talk about that, Sean, just because in general they have been less leaky in terms of getting the you know, mentioning that fact. But it was reported in December of twenty seventeen, December last year, that I had recently been in front of the grand jury, and I won't I don't confirm, but I won't back at all, absolutely not. No, you have it, And as that is that, they now stopped asking you questions. When's the last time you got a call from anybody? I haven't. I haven't talked to anyone in at all the whole year. It's like a year's worth of freedom. Well, you know it's I'm not worried about freedom for me. I'm worried about freedom for our country and freedom from the fake news. You know, I watched what happened to Judge Kavanaugh. It's just a complete replay of this exact same d n C smear tactics. So do you think that there will always be a cloud of suspicion hovering over your head because of this. I talked with someone, you know, a top law professor earlier this year, and he said, well, there's always going to be thirty of the country that just never believes you in completely hates you. Right, all right, we gotta take a break. We'll come back more with Carter Page on the other side than your calls coming up final half hour on Seawn. You want to be a part of the program. Why the Democrats, why you need to vote? Let me put it that way. We will lay out the case that this party of smear and slander should not be rewarded nine Eastern tonight, Hannity on Fox, or with Carter Page her calls on the other side, continue with Carter Page, who is with us in studio today? UM, so tell me what the futureize you know for you? And I think this is all gonna end soon, is my guests. And I don't think. I don't think the president was involved in any collusion. He never was. I think the big story here is the abuse of power, um putting the fix in for Hillary? What happened to you with the pies application warrants? I think the abuse of intelligence, the weaponizing of our intelligence is another big issue, and I think there's a lot more to come. I think when you hear the news tomorrow, I think you're gonna be pretty shocked end that these things really did happen. And I don't I in the end, I don't want this to hurt law enforcement. I love law enforcement. I love our intel community. But you can't turn the tools of intelligence as powerful as they are on the American people. I fully agree, Shawn. And one of the big problems, as you're alluding to, is secrecy, right, so much is just undercover, and you know, and even it's funny over those ten plus hours of in last March when I was talking with the FBI agents, you know, eventually they were asking me a lot of questions. And then as as we went further and further into the interviews, towards the end of the long conversations, they started saying, well, our bosses want us to ask you know, isn't they I think they so saw through it, but they knew, you know, that was back during the COMA believes maybe one of the lessons never go visit Russia. Ever, don't go, don't go to Vladimir Putin's Russia. Stay out well. President Trump has done a lot to fix that situation, and I think, you know, there's his his courage. I'm inspired by that, and I think there's even that it's going to be fixed over time. I'm confident Harder Page. Thanks for being with us. We always appreciate you being here. Eight nine one, Shawn is a number. Thank you, sir. Alright, twenty five now until the top of the hour, nine pot one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, all right, let's get to our phones. I know a lot of you have wanted a weigh in. A lot of news happening today, twenty nine days to election day. There is a lot at stake, and I think the biggest case to be made is are you better off than you were two years ago? Have things in America change for the better? Do you want this party of slander, the party of bludgeoning people's characters? Do you want them rewarded? Because this is who they are, this is what defines them. That that not the party of du process, then, not the party of the presumption of innocence. They're the party of bludgeon first and win it all. Call that's what That's what's at stake now. I know it's hard to get people motivated from it term elections. I hope this wakes you up. I hope this motivates you. I hope you know the stakes are high. I hope you know there's a lot in play here. Now we know here yet another institution broken in the time of Trumphy, Supreme Court. Supreme Court is heading into a crisis of legitimacy. And when when, not if when Judge Kavanaugh helps them to chip away at civil rights, voting rights, women's rights, abortion rights. I don't think it's very well with the country. He promised that he would be a hardcore partisan, and he will be. That's the one thing he didn't lie about under oath. The message to survivors like Dr Ford is one we don't want to hear from you too. If we have to hear from you, because we're forced to, we're going to rig it so that there is no FBI investigation. Let's not forget these people would go to church and then go to the lynching after clothing themselves in morality, and that's what we're seeing today. Let's get to let's say hi to dan Is in Charleston. Dan High how are you glad you called, Sir. I'm doing great, Sean. Thank you for taking a call. Hey, thank you. I did the DOJ last Thursday indicted seven Russian hackers for hacking uh Any, doping agencies and Westinghouse here in the United States, as well as a bunch of places in Europe. And I was wondering that if you had any take on that, because three of those guys were named in Mueller's indictment. So I'm wondering how it is that they could have been doing. I don't think there's anything. There's no doubt at all that Vladimir Putin in the hostile regime of Russia, be him being the hostile actor that he is, that they are constantly trying to, you know, create chaos in the United States, and that constantly so cyber warfare now has been going on for many, many years. But I'm gonna tell you something that very few people will tell you, and that is, at some point we've got to take responsibility for the fact that this is happening not only by the Russians, by the Chinese and North Koreans, the Iranians, even some of our so called allies are hacking into stuff. You know, how much intellectual property is stolen. Its billions and billions of dollars from Americans, say with you know, if you look look at Julian Assange, whose name is probably I guess the most known, well, Julian Assange is what in his mid forties somewhere in there. Okay, but he was sixteen years old and the guy hacked into NASA and the d D. That's how long this has been going on. Now, the the fact allegedly by the way, the fact that we have not created cyber defenses to prevent all hackers, and we haven't hired the best people to design the best systems to protect our intellectual property. You know, at some point we can't blame others. At some point we got to look inward and say, uh, maybe where the ones responsible. That's what I'm thinking. What do you think? Right? I think you're right about the one. One question that I come up with with with this uh D O J indictment is they were very specific. These Russians were targeting things, very very specifically. And I want to know how come of it it is that Mueller can't find anything that specifically points to exactly what they were trying to do. You know, the the d o J has very detailed information. UM. I hope somebody will get you the indictment if you if you have time to look it over. It's pretty, it's pretty, it's in depth. It's damning, and you're right. But you know, understand another thing is that not one of these people that Muller ever indicted from Russia, especially the equivalent of their CIA agents, are ever going to be brought to the United States and never face a trial. I don't doubt this is happening. As a matter of fact, it was. Devin Newness warned everybody what happened in every other study has shown that it has an impact of the election in any way. But that's not the point. The fact that we continue to have this vulnerability is at some point it becomes is our problem and our fault. The fact that Hillary, you know, we don't have any doubt that foreign UH services tacked into her email system that was parked in a mom and pop shop bathroom closet. Nobody doubts any of that. We better take it seriously, um, and you know, look at your own personal That's why I tell everybody get life flock dot com you know, call one eight LifeLock. They're they're literally robbing people blonde blind every day. These cyber criminals are good at what they do. All right, let's get back to our phones. Dan, thank you appreciate it. Let's say hi to guy is a Maryland guy. How are you twenty nine days to election day? Sir? How you doing? I'm good? How are you doing? Yes, sir, I'm fine. Hey, it's great talking to you. Man, You're a great Amagine. I'm gonna tell you something. I'm a registered democrant and I am totally confused. How is anybody not thinking that Trump isn't doing a great job? And if you have children and grandchildren, don't you care about the safety and jobs? You know? And all that? I mean, Sean, I'm totally confused. Explained it to me. I mean, is everybody going crazy? I mean, I can't understand that guy was doing a great job. I I honestly believe that if Donald Trump would a cure cancer, his enemy still would hate him. If he if he adopted their dumb policies and was their biggest advocate for him, they'd still hate him. If he gave every American and everybody in the world a million dollars, they'd still hate him. They can't help themselves. Sean, I said that way before you ever said that. I originally said, if he gave everybody a million dollars, they complain, why isn't it two million? So every time you say it, sir, I did give me a world because I said it way before you. Okay, but I didn't hear you say it. So let's just say, great minds think like, how's that alright? My friend? Thank you buddy. Twenty nine days Michelle and Connecticut un till these important mid terms. How are you, oh, Sean, I I can't believe you took my call. I've been trying to get you for three weeks and be quick by the way you say, like Linda, how you doing? Good to talk to you. You are absolutely the most fantastic champion for Trump. Thank God for you. I watch you every night, sometimes twice a night, and I listened to your radio show. You gotta do this about illegal immigration. You gotta put a board up on your show every night and pound into people's minds how much the real cost of illegal illegal immigration is. Regarding the sanctuary stupid cities. I live in Connecticut near nuevn UM policing, Medicaid, food stamps and pound it. It's not eleven million people, it's like twenty two million. Yale just did a study and I'm surprised they did it. But you gotta put up a poster every night. You're great at doing that with statistics. People don't understand how much these illegals are costing. I'm gonna, I promise, Michelle, I will do my job and make sure everybody knows the facts at what about what is I play and what is at stake when we go to the ballot box in twenty nine days. I promise I'm gonna do my part. You know we have the power. I think after everything that we've witnessed now for the last three weeks with Judge Kavanaugh culminating him just barely by a razor's edge, getting into the Supreme Court getting confirmed, I think Americans now know everything that I and others have been saying. This is not a party that is advocating an agenda that's going to help the average forgotten man in this country, a woman in this country. They're not all they care about at this particular point in time is their accumulation of power. Um, anyway one, Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. I'm on at Michelle. I promised Tom Kansas an election in twenty nine days. Tom, what are you gonna do? Uh? That's all listen, that's we need you to vote more. People like people like let a vote. Well, I gotta tell you something. Listen, all of these things. No, remember the media. I was on election day twenty sixteen. The same thing happened in two thousand four, him on the air Election day and everybody, all the eggs of polling data comes in, and that's it. Trump got slaughtered, He lost everything, He didn't win a state basically, and then well we had a very different story unfold that night. The same thing happened in two thousand and four, the Eggs and poll show John Kerry, I voted for the eighty seven billion before I voted against it was going to be president. Can we play a little bit of our favorite montage John Kerry? Which one when they laughed, Um, you know, just a little bit, just a little bit Tom? All right, then we'll let Tom talk here he called. In Just last week he confirmed the national Review that he's again considering a run in a fighting check held of this country which doesn't want you to be president, but which badly wants you to run. Donald Trump has been saying that he will run for president as a Republican, which is surprising since I just assumed he was running as a joke. Is that people think that Donald Trump is a clown? Donald Donald Trump is a clown? And I mean, does anybody seriously think that Donald Trump is serious about running for president? Donald Trump, it ain't the clown. President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States. Exclamation point at real Donald Trump, at real Donald Trump. At least I will go down as a president's Basically, this is the beginning of the end for Trump, at the beginning of the end. The beginning of the end is probably starting of the beginning of the end for a right. I could run through this. It is our favorite montage, tom but you get the point, and then it ends in crescendos with Donald Trump up is now the winner in the state of Wisconsin, state of Ohio, the state of Florida, the state of North Carolina, the state of Michigan, the state of Pennsylvania and he is Donald Trump will be the forty president of the United States. Didn't that make you feel good that night? Think back of those good feelings of election night. Didn't you feel excited that night? I was. I was extremely excited, and wasn't it exciting to be worried? Is our public? They are definitely uneducated about the political system, and they're more worried about how it comparts his hair or how it causes tie or Harry's sister. That my point going to be an I'll keeper real short. The only way to destroy the United States is from the inside out through our political system, and it seems like somebody's doing pretty talk good job of it right now. Would you like to feel what you on November six or November what was it Nember November? Would you like would you like to go through that feeling again? For sure? Yeah? Well, guess guess what if everybody votes, those same people that were depressed before are gonna be depressed again. You have rendered him speechless, Shan, Well done, sir, No, we could. The power is what I'm saying is we have the ability to shock the world again. We have the ability to stop the so called blue way big time A j Houston, Texas. What's going on baby time, Sean, Hey, I tell you what the world is. Donaldy married Christmas and speaking of Obama, say being a president when off we really got a president ran now and look at the things the man is does, Thank god mc donald Trump and that uh pull wrapped the Democrats. Did you mean you got sons and it got daughters? And just think if our sons to the choose or something like that, big time, Shan, and our daughters, they won't be relieved if something happened to them like that. The Democrats putness forward up to that crap and blessed off with nothing happened to that woman like it did. But I'm just saying they made it worse for the real victims of our country, Sean, And they're trying to get us down. And I'm telling you take time, Sean. It's gonna be a red wave right sixteen and it's gonna shock him. And I just came right for Todd and Need the idiot that was stupidest that look on their faint it's gonna be puitless again. So everybody got to get out and vote. The women are mad. The me man, any real real is coming to this country to stay kids is for our children. And you know, but what we leave for our children behind? Man, this joke with the idiots in the Democrat Party doing and the media that we in the media or you would word for what I wish we were better bar? Well, let me tell you no, I wish I was at a bar too instead of working. But there's no taken off between now and election day, big time A J Houston, Texas. We love you, baby, God bless you, thank you, and yeah, if everybody gets to shock the world in twenty nine days, we've done it before. We can do it again. A Right. That's gonna wrap things up to today. Busy night tonight, Hannity on the Fox News Channel. What the Democrats want to do to this country in twenty nine days. What is the meaning of what they've tried to hold off the last three weeks. Lindsay Graham, Laura Trump is with us, Tammy Bruce, Allen Dershowitz, Greg Jarrett, Sarah Carter, and we're gonna have a lot of breaking news throughout the week. That's nine o'clock tonight, Annity, Fox News, and we'll see you back here tomorrow, Thanks as always for being with us tomorrow, twenty eight days to the most important mid terms in your lifetime.

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