Sean covers the latest on the Congressional battle to raise the debt ceiling. Only 69% of Democrats support raising the debt ceiling... 74% of Republicans... which Republicans would be in favor of this?!
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Where will coming to your city, saying you'll go to We'll all be desire high. And if you want a little banging, come along. I represent science. And if you damage science, you are doing something very detrimental to society. Families that once they own that electric vehicle, we'll never have to worry about gas prices. Again. I don't know if you've cooked a turkey before, but at twenty pound turkey is a pretty big turkey. I think we can all agree they're about one dollar more. But I just want to be clear that there are abundance of turkeys available. They're about one dollar more for a twenty pound bird. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. Yeah, where I'm coming to your city? You want to play our gids and saying you a new Sean Hannity Show Behind the scenes, information on freaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trapped Behind Enemy Lines, Day number one O eight. Day one O eight Joe Biden abandoning American citizens to the Taliban. How sick is that? Including military family members, including thousands of Green card holders eligible to live in the US, including our Afghan allies. Women now have lost the right to go to work and school. There's public beatings of women in the street. There's murders in broad daylight as they discover anybody that might have assisted the US in the last twenty years. And Joe's turned the page. The media has turned the page with him, and nobody comments on it, it seems, but us. I'm in. There are a few others, And for those of you that are commenting on it, thank you. I'm not going to forget. I have to count this down to the day I drop dead. I'm going to keep counting it down until we get every American home safely. This is now getting very interesting now. Mitch McConnell just made a statement that now we supposedly had a debt ceiling deadline of Friday, but Janet Yelling yesterday said, well, the real deadline is December fifteenth. Then the government's going to run out of money and we're gonna have to close down the government. They don't close down the government. They close down. What they always do is you keep essential services, meaning Social Security checks go out, Medicare checks is Medicare stays open, the military stays operational and a lot of other people get laid off to save money, and then they end up getting the money back after the deal has finally done it. This is now in the Democrat's hands, and I'm not sure. Mitch McConnell said that they weren't going to do this again because last time he caved like a cheap suit and got what ten other Republicans to join him and bail out the Democrats. So the Democrats had more time to put together the new radical, green, new Deal socialism, and unfortunately for them, it's not looking very good right now. Joe Mansion was very clear yesterday, and this is pretty interesting. I don't know how to fully interpret it, but right now it seems like all the power is with Joe Mansion and Kristen Cinema, although she is more obscure and what her position is. But Mansion said yesterday he will not commit to Schumer's timetable for moving ahead on Biden's nearly two trillion dollars tax and spending bill before the end of the year, which they want to use the reconciliation process on. We find out today again they're trying to sneak in another provision to grant amnesty, in this case to six point five million illegal immigrants. Is now, I think their fourth official attempt to sneak this in the Reconciliation Bill. All three prior times they were stopped by the Senate parliamentarian. Anyway, Mansion is saying that he's reviewing a version of the legislation passed two weeks ago by the House. He's made no decisions about timing for debate and whether he can support the bill after the Senate completes their own draft. Then the Democrats have another big problem, is all right? Then? Now that if it's a different bill, which apparently it would be passed in the Senate from the one past in the House. Now they got to go to conference and they got to have an agreement and vote on it again. So I don't know if any of this is going to happen. Who knows Mansion rightly, He's raising the right questions and he's concerned about the impact of this massive federal spending on inflation, telling reporters that he heard deep concerns about inflation rising prices from his constituents in West Virginia during his Thanksgiving break. And then add to this, now the discovery of those new variant of of COVID nineteen what are the amicron And you know, God only knows what that's going to do to the economy. That adds economic uncertainty. The exact quote from Mansion was, the unknown is great right now, and it's getting greater. Inflation is now more than transitory. We found out it's not transitory. And on top of that, you have this new strain of COVID they're very much concerned about. No one knows what effect it's going to have. And then you have inflation on top of all of this. So all these things give you cause to pause. So we'll see what he does. You know, this dead limit republic Plicans have been completely eliminated from any process of negotiating as it relates to a budget. They're not involved at all. It's a fifty fifty Senate with Kamala Harris as President of the Senate as vice president being the tie breaking vote, and that means every Democrat has to be on board. Now if that's not if they lose one, they lose the vote, and Mansion's not on board. And then you got, of course, the progressive squad in the House. You know, they're they're up in arms at any changes that Mansion might put in the Senate bill. Anyway, the last time the Senate had to wrangle with the question of funding the operation of the government was in October, and I have no idea. After two months, Mitch McConnell promised he's not going to help the Democrats out, nor should he. They have control of the House, the Senate, and the White House. They are the ones that have eliminated any opportunity for bipartisanship with Republicans. Republicans have been shut out from the beginning. And after two months and the final days, as the debt ceiling date approached, then McConnell gave in to the extension. I hope he doesn't do it again. If he does, he doesn't really belong to be Major eight. Listen, he just doesn't. Except for the issue of judges. I just don't see a lot of strength in Mitch McConnell as a leader. I just don't you know. Congress is now a couple of weeks away. Now the deadline is really not Friday, but December fifteenth. According to Janet Yelling, to raise the federal debt ceiling or debt limit and anyway, they don't appear anywhere close to a deal North the Republicans should not help them on this. A majority of voters now opposed Biden's Build Back Better New Green Deal socialism. According to the latest rasmussem Pole. Overall, fifty one percent indicated opposition to it, sixty nine only sixty Democrats support it, and fifty four percent of independents opposed. Seventy four percent of Republicans opposed. I don't know why any Republican would support this thing um anyway. So we're gonna have to wait and see what happens, because it's really not good for the country anyway. Congress seeking to fund the government, raise the debt ceiling by Friday and avoid a shutdown. Look, the government never shuts down. There's always this panic, and the media presses the panic button, and they're gonna want to blame Republicans. Don't blame Republicans. When the Democrats have full control of every chamber, and the and the one and the in the White House, they've got it all one party rule. This is it. So initially it was midnight Friday. Janet Yellen says, there's a little wiggle room in that um the even the Annual Defense Policy Bill that was supposed to be one of the easier items on the Democrats to do list for the end of the year, But yesterday there was a snag in how difficult December might prove as the Senate Democrats search for a path forward on the social spending plan, try to avert a default and fund the government. And you know, this is the dysfunction that is the modern radical, extreme democratic socialist Party. This is who they are, this is what this is the America that they promised you. You know. So now we've got to avoid the government shutdown. Some House Democrats express cautious optimism on inflation. How do you how do you express cautious optimism, Congressman Tom o'halla and Arizona inflation right now is problematic, but not as out of controls as far as the economists across our entire nation of indicated. You don't know what you're talking about. Democrats now are heading towards the biggest electoral loss probably in their history, because there's not a single thing that they can appoint to where they say that they're successful. Americans expect results the most mind numbing. Part of all of this is all of it was preventable. Joe could have easily avoided the debacle in Afghanistan. He had March, April, May, June, July to get every American out, every service member family out, every Green card holder out, every Afghan ally out. He could have easily just drone strikes here and there pushed back the Taliban that was on the march. He didn't lift a finger. We could have gotten all our military equipment. I could have been prevented. The border can be fixed. Immediately, bring back the stam Mexico policy, build the wall and end catching or not catch him, release process him, release, go back. In other words, go back to the Trump policies. You want to start. Stop the problem with the economy and inflation. The single best thing you can do is adopt Donald Trump's energy plan. Stop artificially lowering the world supply of the lifeblood of our economy. Stop begging OPEC and violmere putin to produce more oil. By the way, how does this What difference does it make to Planet Earth? Mother Earth? If you're drilling for oil in the Middle East or Russia versus the US, the only difference is we keep Americans working high paying career jobs in the energy sector, and we're energy independent, and we could be a net exporter of energy like we wore under Donald Trump. And it's you know, and pay a dollar fifty less per gallon and pay less for every product we buy in every store we go to. We can do that immediately. Biden released some oil strategic reserves and it didn't do a thing, didn't move gas prices. Now they're trying to do it again. It didn't work the first time. Republicans and Democrats across America want to cut food tax. I'm all in favor of cutting any tax. We are not undertaxed as a country, We're overtaxed. Then we've got Biden meeting with you know, major retail CEOs to talk about the supply chain crisis. He's causing that too, you know. Then he postpones the supply chain speech because he had a disastrous press conference that he made absolutely no sense in. I think people said, you know, why don't we take a nap. They did it fifteen minutes before the scheduled appointment. Then you got Pete Buddha Judge out there telling families to buy electric cars. You never have to worry about gas prices again. Oh there's an answer. And of course, high inflation, low polling. What do you do, blame the pandemic or you blame Donald Trump. Jensaki literally is blaming Republicans for the inflation. They control every aspect of the government. Biden is to blame for the issues with the economy. He's the one that's caused this. You know, why doesn't he take responsive? But buck stops with me. Joe anyway, Saki's blame game even those further, and the attacks against oil companies continues. Well, you're now charging them more for their leases, as we were reported yesterday, and Jensaki is out there. As we have seen the global price of oil come down, we haven't seen the price of gas come down. So there's also a responsibility for oil companies here in the US and elsewhere to make sure they're not gas gouging consumer. No, they are in the business of wanting to produce oil and gas, and you stop them, you artificially reduced the supply, and you're willing to bag OPEC, and OPEC keeps telling you to drop dead. They're not doing it. Federal Reserve chairman warning that the omicron very will worsen the supply chain problems, and what's pee Boodha Judge the genie is gonna do about that. It's kind of funny to watch because you had Kamala Harris and Pee Boodha Judge visiting South Carolina together amid rumors of a rivalry, and CNN Fake News is envisioning a Harris Buddha Judge ticket. Even CNN recognizes Joe can handle a second term. How do you cancel a speech fifteen minutes before it starts? There's something way off here, and they're not telling you the truth. They're not telling any of us the truth. All right? Eight hundred nine one sean our number. You want to be a part of the program. Listen. Money is freedom. It's Christmas bonus time. So I want my bonus checks from the people that work for me. And I say with Linda, what do I say every year? Money's freedom? And I try to tell people to save it, especially Jason, and I give him recommendations, and the idea is that it gives you, read them to make choices. The more money you're able to save. So I want you to save money. About Miranda Divine's new book, The Laptop from Hell on Hunter. Here's the beyond the details of this that Joe Biden sat in meetings directly discussing deals with the communist Chinese about doing deals with the communist Chinese. I mean, there's so much in this book. Every American should read it. But there's a bigger story here behind it as well, and that is that the medium mob literally this was the single biggest campaign contribution ever in the history of this country. And that is that the mob and the media literally protected Joe Biden in the entire way. Remember now, I see at Jack, your friend has gone on Twitter. Linda and my friend, Yeah, you're friends. And apparently the guy that's replacing him, the new CEO, Why should I distinguish between white people and racists? I don't know these The incoming Twitter CEO, shortly to replace Jack Dorsey, head of the far left social media company, repeated to quote in twenty ten suggesting that there should be no need to distinguish between white people and racist if they're not going to make the distinction between Muslim and extremists, and why should I make the distinction between white people and racist? Okay, so I guess we know politically where he stands, hardcore left by Jack. But one of the reasons is they they like the rest of these social media companies, they refuse to post any information. You couldn't even post a link to the New York Post article breaking news about zero experience Hunter's laptop. But don't forget, it's the same media that you know was talking about quid pro quoes when there wasn't one with Donald Trump while ignoring Joe Biden bragging on tape. You're not getting a billion dollars unless you fire a Ukrainian prosecutor who you're who's investigating my son for making millions with no experience. No, that's not a quid pro quote. Holding them accountable. Sean gets the answers no one else does. America deserves and know the truth about Congress all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, So if you go back and you listen to the media mobble do a montage on Hannity tonight nine eastern on Fox and Trump. You know, just look at Joe Biden hystericals. You know, phobic, fearmongering travel ban. Donald Trump put the travel ban in effect ten days after the first identified case of coronavirus in this country. First identified case of coronavirus was January twenty first, twenty twenty. By January thirty first, Donald Trump put the travel ban in effect. By the way, it happens to be the day that flip flop Fouccio has been pretty wrong on almost everything, actually got an email suggesting that this was gain a function and that one of the genomes identified in the breaking down of the sequence of the COVID nineteen virus seemed to be manipulated by human That's how early he first knew about gain A function research. And of course the flurry of emails back and forth with top leaders at the NIH about possible funding, and it was this our money. Everybody knew the Wuhandrology Lab was involved in coronavirus studies and the gain A function studies. Remember Fauci famously saying that even if it caused a worldwide pandemic, he still supported gain a function research. It's that's madness to me. We now see the result of gain a function research, and the worst part is, you know and now we have the evidence to prove it. We got his emails, we got the nine hundred documents from the intercept. Then we have the October twentieth NIH statement. We'll get into this later with Rampaul, which was you know, about as clear as day, and that is that you know, the NIH actually wrote. And it's pretty funny that the funding of the experiment at the Wuhan lab testing if they were testing if spike this is from the NH. If spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronavirus is circulating in China were capable of binding to human ace two receptors in a mouse model. That's gain a function. That's October twentieth, May eleventh. Fauci testified before the Senate Committee that the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain A function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, all of which is a lie. Those statements directly contradict each other, which by the way, would be a felony. It's just unbelievable. Now if you listen to Joe Biden, you know now Joe Biden is instituted, I guess a xenophobic, hysterical, racist travel ban as it relates to the omicron variant that has shown up in South Africa. Listen, two hundred twenty thousand Americans dead. You hear nothing else I say tonight through this, anyone who is responsible for not taking control in fact not saying I take no responsibility initially. Anyone who's responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America. We now have over three hundred and fifty five thousand dead Americans since he was inaugurated from COVID, and he inherited three vaccines and monoclonal antibodies. I mean, it's pretty unbelievable. You can't screw it up any more than Joe has screwed it up now. Peter Doocey grilled Jen Saki over Biden's hypocrisy on xenophobic travel bands. Here's what happened before Joe Biden's president. He said that COVID travel restrictions on foreign countries were hysterical xenophobia and fear mom drains for what change Well, I would say, first to put in full context, Peter, what the president was article of was the way that the former president put out. I believe a xenophobic tweet and how he called what he called the cocronavirus and who he directed it at. The President has not been critical of travel restrictions. We have put those in place ourselves. We put them in place ourselves in the spring. But no, he does not believe. He believes we should follow the advice of health and medical experts. That's exactly what he did and putting him place these restrictions over the weekend, Joe Biden called it hysterical, xenophobic, fearmongering and of course racism. And moments like this this is where credibly a president is most needed as he explains what we should and should not do. This is no time for Donald Trump's record of xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, and fear mongering to lead the way instead of science. So the science, you follow the science, So nobody seems to want to follow the science in Israel or I guess Cutter now has hundreds of thousands of examples as well showing that natural immunity far surpasses the vaccinations in terms of protection. In Israel, it's nearly eight hundred thousand people twenty seven times less likely to be impacted by the delta variant. That's a pretty impressive number. Still got to be peer reviewed, but we're watching it closely. Over three hundred thousand and cutter that they've studied there too, with very similar results. Now, I know a lot of you are worried about this new strain and this omicron variant as we call I don't know what this is going to turn into. Is you know, unlike everybody else on radio and TV and everybody in Washington, DC, I'm not going to play doctor. You know, there are people that devote their entire lives to studying single viruses. That's that's real science. Okay, that's not my area of expertise. I have not been to medical school either. That's why I don't give out medical advice. That's why my advice is very, very very specific. Take it seriously. I know people that died from this thing. I know people that barely survive ventilators from this thing. I know people that died with ventilators in them from this virus that never recovered. I know people that never woke up from the medically induced coma while on a ventilator, never woke up, called COVID brain. Then you have COVID fog syndrome. Then you have long haulers people that have symptoms that last over year in some cases. And this is just one weird, weird virus. I'll tell you that. Take it seriously, do your research. And for you idiots in the news media, I'm not talking about putting on a lab coat and opening your own virology lab, talking about researching. You know, what is an mrn What is an m RNA? Sorry vaccine? What is what's the difference between FISA maderna and say Johnson and Johnson? You know, if you get COVID, if you get a positive test, somebody close to me today call me today. While I was working out, when the phone rings three times, I usually suspect it might being important. I picked up my phone and it turns out somebody that I knows mother got a positive COVID test. They had a home test and abbot test. Those tests are very accurate, and I was the first thing that I said. Usually it's so get get it confirmed and get ask your doctor about monoclonal antibodies. Most people don't know about monoclonal antibodies. And you know, because they're friends and they know that I know a lot about it. I gave them all the information I had, and I told them exactly where to go and to who to talk to. And again I always say, talk to your doctor. I'm not a doctor, but you got to do your research. You can or account your unique medical history, your current condition. Talk to your doctor. Doctors take it seriously. I don't want anybody dying any more. People dying from this thing period. Now. If you get it, whether you're vaccinated or not vaccinated, I argue that I am, in my opinion, the vaccinate don't vaccinate debate in this country's over. I think those people that decided they don't want the shot, you're not going to talk him into it. And people are even willing to give up high paying jobs in a salary and their benefits and their pensions because they believe so strongly in their positions. Some have natural immunity. Well, if we're going to follow science, why are we more interested in the science of Israel and these other countries that are studying natural immunity versus you know, the vaccinations. I mean, let's follow the science. If the science shows that the percentage of kids five through eleven that die from COVID it was one hundred and sixty two, is almost identical to the number of kids that die from the flu every year. Why aren't we following the science, because that's what the science is saying. You see, they only follow the science when it's convenient to them, and that's that's the messed up part of this. Now the only hope that I have, and I don't know if this will remain consistent. I'm I'm going to be consistent, not play doctor. Is a very interesting story about a South African doctor, the one that first suspected that she was observing a different coronavirus strain has turned out to be the armicrons variant among patients, and she noticed it with seven patients. She noticed the difference anyway. Her name is doctor Angelique Cortez, of private practitioner but also the chairperson of the South African Medical Association. This is what she said to Reuters. Listen, but looking at the mouth of the symptoms that we are seeing currently, there's no reason for panicking as we don't see severely ill patiences. So what we see with this one is again it started normally, it will always start to hear younger people. So it started with a younger generation forty and less. And the most predominant clinical complaint is severe fatigue for one or two days within the headache and the body egge and pain. Some of them will have what they call a scratchy throat, and some will have a cough, a dry cough, but it's not a constant coffee. It comes and go, and that's more or less than the big symptoms that we have seen. So she's describing again very early the armorcron variant. Early indications are that it might be a little more contagious but very mild symptoms. So that's where it is now. I can't and again she's the one that discovered it. But the hypocrisy is just breathtaking. I mean to watch all these politicians, Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi and the mayor of San Francisco and Whitmer and Joe Biden. Joe Biden's in Nantucket. You can see the sign masks required, and he's in the store without a mask on I had yesterday. He lectures everybody, you got to wear a mask indoors, and he goes right back inside the White House with no mask. And see, you can't make this up, and here come the predictable, you know, draconian measures. Massachusetts governor may impose vaccine passport requirements. The Santis, on the other hand, is vowing to protect Florida from Biden lockdowns. All this is doing is pushing people to Florida. I know more people moving to Florida than any other state. Second is Texas. We're not going to allow any media driven hysteria to do anything to infringe people's individual freedoms when it comes to any type of COVID variant, said De Santis. Now, Florida right now is the lowest coronavirus case rate in the entire nation, and it's dropping every day. It doesn't mean that he won't hit a hotspot, but I think when he set up his monoclonal and A body centers all throughout Florida, it had a very positive impact because remember Delta first brought us breakthrough cases. We didn't have those before. And then De Santis went on to say, when I saw a Bouci on TV yesterday saying that he couldn't rule out lockdowns, and even today Biden didn't rule it out. He said, no, not now for now. Well, let me just say in Florida, where we will not let them lock you down. We will not let them take your jobs, we will not let them harm your businesses, we will not let them close your schools. His schools opened in August of twenty twenty, and they've had no problems with kids down in Florida. That'd be a pretty good indication that maybe the rest of the states could follow Florida's lead. You know this opinion by this court yesterday that literally blocked Biden's vaccine mandate for healthcare workers in ten states. There's a big deal. It's now the second case that has blocked the vaccine mandate. I think there's going to be more. But then you go to the predictable same places. In Los Angeles, they're beginning enforcing vaccine mandates at gyms and restaurants and businesses. You know, I could tell you in New York. I don't know why. If you break things down demographically, minorities in New York have a very low level of very low vaccination levels. Well, we're going to tell people they can't go to stores and out to restaurants and they can't participate in society. I mean, at some point I thought that We were told that the vaccine was going to keep us safe. That's what they told us. But this federal judge blocking the vaccine mandate for healthcare workers. That is the most obnoxious thing to me. The very people that worked in a COVID petrie dish, watching people die every day, and they went in every day anyway, risking their lives to save others, many of them contracting COVID as a result, diving on COVID grenades every day. As I say, and now we're gonna fire these people. See, thanks just like Governor Cuomo. Oh, thanks for coming to New York to bail us out in the middle of the worst Adams shift show in the world. By the way, here's your tax bill for being paid for working at the hospital while you came from another state to help bail out in New York. I mean, good grief. Well you need the money that bad, you're that hard up money. Where's your level of appreciation and thanks that people would risk their lives like that. They're heroes to me. Now the heroes are getting fired and being yelled at and lectured at by you know, every idiot with a microphone on TV, radio or and DC that you shouldn't have any more freedom or medical privacy or doctor patient confidentiality. Well, if you get the vaccine, where your mask, you know where a hazmat suit? I don't give a flying rip. If you're that paranoid, I mean, don't get on a plane ever again. Don't get in a car again. People understand now what the rules are, and everybody has a different level of risk for themselves. It's called freedom, all right. When we come back, we'll check in on the vaccine mandate, legal debate, and also Rampaul straight ahead