Freedom Caucus Chairman, Congressman Andy Biggs of Arizona and Lt. Randy Sutton, 33-year law enforcement veteran and Founder of The Wounded Blue discuss the violence against police all around the country. Death to Police chants are really happening in this country.
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Glad you're with us. It is a fifty day mark and it is going to fly on by, and then you are the ultimate jury. I'd be remiss if I don't remind you on Hannity dot com. Our interactive election map, it's up, it's running completely. And if you want to know how to register in your state, we have information. If you want to know when early voting starts, if it starts in your state, we have the information. If you want to vote appsentee this year and you don't know how to do it, we have the information everything that you need to know, all things. It's just informational. Who's running for Congress in your district? Is your state? Have a Senate race coming up, and imagine you know a lot of good it's going to be if we elect Donald Trump, but you don't elect Senator Tillis, even Susan Collins or Martha McSally or Corey Gardner or John James is a great candidate in Michigan, wouldn't be good. We and certainly we need to take back that Alabama open seat where Doug Jones, the Democrat is a phony, told you he was new. Wouldn't last. Hopefully we get that seedback. But there's a lot at stake. We've been going over all of it. Hope. Did you watch this weekend, you know, because it is amazing. During the DNC, Democrats ignored the issue of violence in our American cities in a full complete state of denial. Never once did they demand, ever these liberal mayors or governors restore law and order in these liberal cities run by liberal mayors, these liberal states run by liberal Democrats for decades. But they care so much about the people, right, they have a monopoly on compassion, they tell us every two and four years, you know, with the predictable. Republicans are racist, Republicans are sexist. Republicans are a misogynist and xenophobic and homophobic and islamophobic, and they want dirty air and dirty water, and they want to throw your grandmother over a cliff in a wheelchair and Grandpa two while we're at it. You know, did Joe say police become the enemy? Yeah he did. Did he say we should redirect money away from the police, Yes he did. Is he backing off? Always trying to? By the way, Kamala, you're happy you praise the La Mayor Garcetti for defunding the LAPD one hundred and fifty million bucks after what we saw this weekend. You know, it was Don Lemon that called out, Hey, you know, it's now that we have to deal with the lawlessness in American cities because it's showing up in the polls and even the focused groups. How about how about you you deal with it because it's just common sense. You can't pursue happiness, you know, in this country if you're not safe and secure in your own city, in your own town. Every American deserves that. That is the number one role of any elected official. And Don Lemon's right, but they weren't willing to even acknowledge it was happening. Since when CNN actually said, since when where does it say that that protests have to be peaceful? I'm like, oh, is that it we want to support anarchy? Or Jerry? Now, it's a myth at there's violence in these groups and these radical groups are you know, throwing rocks and bottles and bricks and molotov cocktails and whacking cops with cockey sticks and canes and bats and everything in between, frozen water bottles. You know, it's it's really we're going to ignore the three thousand cops have now been injured. We're going to ignore the what fifteen dead cops in the country since all those craps started. They ignore mentioning it at mentioning it at the DNC. You know. Now, I'll give you the poll and yeah, even the New York Slime toilet paper Times and this Siana College pole showed Biden as leading the resident in four swing states, but it's showing Biden could lose the election Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, Wisconsin a larger share of voters at addressing law and order was a more important campaign issue to them than addressing the coronavirus pandemic. That's another lie too. I if Trump would have listened to me from the beginning, okay, then he wouldn't have put the travel ban in effect. That's why your campaign ad looked so stupid. On Brett Bear Show last week, Joe supported him from the beginning. No, he didn't. From the day after the President January thirty first, implemented the travel ban, ten days after the first identified case of corona, Joe was calling it hysterical, zenophobia and fearmongering. He was saying it late into March two. Never supported the quarantine or subsequent travel bans. He didn't support any of that. He's more concerned about sucking up to China. So zero experience Hunter can get you know, more billion dollars deals out of the Bank of China. So now, yeah, this is now a big deal. At an average weekend around the country in terms of let's see, in Chicago, you have fifty four people shot, thirteen dead, six dead. In New York eighteen shootings, and then of course we have the disaster that was LA and it was a disaster, and I'm looking at, for example, the fifty three people shot in Chicago, thirteen people dead. That's an average weekend. That's a war zone in New York. New York Post, you got a day's dead. Daylight execution in the Bronx of New York, captured on videotape shows a gunman firing point blank range at a seventeen year old teen that was on his knees crawling, blasting him in the head during a running gun battle in the Bronx of New York. Footage released by the NYPD show civilians standing unaware as two men in hoodies engage in with a group of teens across the street. Who knows what the reason is? What have liberal Democrats done to stop the violence? They didn't even didn't address it. You know. Then we've got this crowd. I mean, this doesn't break your heart. So we have this terrible incident that took place, by the way in New York too, By the way, New York City public school teacher caught comparing cops to the KKK. And this is madness, and it's just it's and it's going on daily. So you've got in Los Angeles, you got this shooting that takes place. And if this doesn't break your heart, I don't know, I don't know what will. What you had as an ambush assassination attempt on two LA Sheriff's deputies. By the way, Kamala anyone gonna ask Kamala Harris how she feels about supporting the hundred and fifty million dollar cut to the LAPD, praising Mayor Garcetti out there the dope that he is. And he's a dope. I mean, all these liberal cities run by liberal Democrats, ambush assassination attempt of these two deputies. They're now out of surgery they're thankfully expected to survive. You did have a California The Epic Times reported city manager after the police are shot. Oh, the chickens have come home to roost. Wow, so he said, posted the chickens had come home to roost. After two police officers ambushed in Los Angeles and targeted for assassination, we hope they die. Protesters blocking the entrance to the emergency room. After these two cops are shot. We hope they die. We have the audio tape. We'll have the videotape on Hannity tonight. You don't believe me, well I can put that to resta very quickly. But playing the tape your mother, yeah, yeah, come on, yeah right, everybody mother recorse, okay, yeah, everybody murder you lay it up right now? How about that? What do you want to do? Shares? What you want to? Go? Ahead? Do you want to fire the shots? Ready? Must it's out? Ain't die? And now? Yeah? Okay the mother shouting gun down over there and the mother the only they're not good, But that's why that's your next with the fucking next. I hope they effing die. I hope they die. Mother efforts. Wow, what a nice group of people. Of course they deserve the support. Uh Rochester police had to get permission to cover their names after harassment against them. Yeah, you know, literally you had an officer attack with a bat in Buffalo, New York. You got finally more voters or classifying the BLM unrest as riots rather than peaceful protests like the Democrats have been saying, because they're not. This is you know, these are again you can distinguish out people that, you know, whatever reason, want to peacefully protest and chant Black Lives Matter. But that's very different than the organization Black Lives Matter. Those are the ones on tape chanting what do we want dead cops? When do we want them? Now? Now? Because now beginning to head home. One interesting sidebar in New York is I see that Andrew Juliani. It's thirty seven years old. I've known Andrew for a long time. He's actually thinking it was actually thirty four. He's to think any maybe he'll I'll run for office in New York. He'd have a chance to win. You know, but Joe Biden thinks that you know, claims assault weapons ban would save lives. He didn't mention any of this anarchy. The rioting, the looting, the arson. He didn't answer it New York. He wants to do nationwide what Cuomo did in New York, which is no bail. These anarchists all over New York City to be out there causing chaos, and I'll tell you what's happening to the cops don't want to do their job. And I don't blame them because they know they're not going to be supported. That's why Carmen Best quit in Seattle. So why Carmen Best told the people homeowners, residents, business owners, I will not be there are. I cannot in good conscience allow my officers who have been told they must stand down and cannot use the tools of their training to disperse riding crowds. I can't put them in harm's way with defenseless She had to quit. Same thing happening what Rochester, New York. In one Westchester school under fire cartoon comparing cops to Ki the KKK unbelievable. I see, Oh wow, mayor lightweight lightfoot in Chicago. She's offering a reward for a gunman who shot the United States Postal worker. How about for the you know and if you look at if you Look at Chicago, Obama's home city from two thousand and nine through two thousand and sixteen, his eight years as president, Joe vice president. Those eight years, four thousand homicides in the city of Chicago, nearly twenty thousand people shot, and they barely mentioned it. No police re formed after Ferguson, after Baltimore, after Cambridge, after the high profile ins and nothing, no criminal justice reform whatsoever. They ignored it. But now they're gonna fix it. It's pathetic buying another press conference. He's gone full on fear mongering, playing racial politics and identity politics, and you know, he's you know, four historic crisis at the same point. Now, this is the guy that did nothing, just that he's prayed that it would be mad at us because the president put the travel ban on effect. He was against it. Now he's lying about it. He denied the violence in American cities. Now he's talking about it because the poles show that it's an issue. And he's talking about, you know, the four worst pandemic, the worst economic crisis, worst everything, emboldened white supremacy, and the undeniable acceleration of punishing the punishing reality of climate change. Millions of Americans living with the backdrop of an irange sky asking his doomsday. Here is talking about what's happening out in California where the President, now, by the way, is praising the National Guard that have been just trying to you know, the president. So he said that the president the brunt of falls disproportionately on communities of color, and the West is on fire, and he blames the people's homes and communities of BURNOUI hasn't and he says he has no interest in helping the people of California. Yes he does, but he's insisting there is a science of forestry that is not being used because of environmental stupidity and agenda, and that is you need something called controlled burns to prevent these fires from raging out of control like unfortunately we've been seeing more of and now the California moved into their quote green energy. That's why he got rolling blackouts out there like crazy. Then he gets into, you know, with paper towels on the people of Puerto Rico. Okay, let's play identity politics here. Let's say the hellish events if he gets a second term, will continue to be more common and devastating. He'll put us back in the fire of the Paris of climate of courts. I mean the one that says that China is a third world country, so we have to pay the freight. What a dope, What a dope? Anyway, that's his message today. How many suburbs will burn if Trump wins again. How many suburban neighborhoods have been flooded out, how many suburbs will have been blown away in superstorms? This guy's lost it twenty five before the top of the hour, Live free or die, America, the world on the brink. And I mean it. That is not hyperbole. I mean it is the stated policy. Nobody pays attention to the Biden Burnie Manifesto. We've been going through it. I've been giving you all the highlights of it. I'm not sure why people are ignoring it. And by the way, part of it is to you know, go into the radical issues involving the police and preventing the police from being able to do their jobs. I mean, it's really really pathetic the idea they're gonna, what nationally adopt no bail for criminals. Okay, why would any cop bother arresting anybody. You know, you watch what's happening in a city after city that you know. Of course, the Democrats have been denying. They're only mentioning it now because it's showing up in the polls. Anyway, on the election fifty days from now, there's a lot at stake, you know, I am watching the polls closely. Well, there's a narrowing in the swing states, but they showed Joe Biden's ahead. Now do I believe Poles Not really? No. I look at them, I look at all of them. They can they concern me. Everything concerns me unless I hear the words we can now project Donald J. Trump's been reelected. Yeah, I'm gonna I'm concerned, and you should be concerned too, if you love this country and you love freedom and liberty and capitalism over you know, statism, socialism, redistributionism, wealth confiscation, you know, energy dependence versus energy independence. It's all on the line. Four trillion to new taxes. It won't before it's going to be like thirty that. Just you watch what what New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California become, will become national. I mean, they're literally in California proposing this ten percent, this ten year tax if you leave the state. For the first time ever, we have more people leaving the Great State of California then there are people coming in. They're leaving in droves. New York City is a ghost town compared to what it used to be. It's erie when you see it, really erie. Prices have plummeted, Vacancies of apartments at like a twenty twenty five year low. People movers can't keep up with the demand now. Some of some people just moving out to the suburbs Connecticut or New Jersey or Long Island Westchester, but others are leaving the state completely and saying, who needs this? You know, with tele medicine, teleworking and tell education, do we really need to have everybody in the office anymore? And you're gonna pay this high, you know, the high square foot rents of New York and deal with the madness of you know, taxation and bureaucracy that is New York City. And Comrade Deblasio, he's from one hundred and sixty five businesses and he's like, Ah, I don't care what you think. This is a New New York. This is a New York of equal justice. Oh boy, that's really going to entice people to come back. Bernie Sanders, privately, according to The Washington Post, is telling associates over and over again that Biden is at serious risk of coming up short. He's thinks the reason is he's too vague. He's taken a centrist approach, which is not true. Thee hundred and ten page Bolshevicbernie Biden manifesto is pretty clear about that. Kamala Harris is more left wing than even Bernie Sanders. So that's pretty interesting. And the scenes we're hearing Casio Cortez is not exactly thrilled with Joe either. We in spite of the the you know, attacks from unnamed sources, new poll shows military families back Trump over Biden in a landslide and it's not even close. Biden is claiming that Trump has put Israel in danger with the Arab peace deals. Am I huh, why didn't you get it done? Joe? I mean you just think all the things that that the President's been able to accomplish in less than four years, three and a half years, that Biden and Barack never accomplished. And you think of this, I mean, think about it's it's profound. They didn't do criminal justice reform, police reform, they didn't do opportunity zones. They didn't commit the money for the number of years that Donald Trump has to historically black colleges. You know, they didn't do any of that. They didn't shatter every record low unemployment, No Biden and Obama at thirteen million more Americans after eight years were on footsteps. That was an eight fifty eight percent increase. Eight million more Americans were in poverty. Over forty three million Americans they left in poverty after eight years. I mean, almost ninety five million Americans they left out of the labor force. You want to know as a percentage African Americans out of the labor force, eighteen point five percent. That's their record. You know, that is who they can't run from. That They can try, but not gonna work. So we'll see. I mean, I keep going back to my simple analogy. It's got to be all hands on deck. This is a tipping point for the country. You got to act as though regardless of polls. You can't pay attention to polls. There have been enough polls that show that conservatives and Trump supporters are not going to talk to a poster ever, But they're going to show up and vote. I believe that. But if you don't want to wake up November fourth and wish you did more than start doing it now with fifty days to go, just assume you're six points down. These our football analogy, you're on your own twenty You have no time outs, two minutes to go. You got to march down the field eighty yards. You gotta cross the plane. You gotta kick the extra point to win, if you if you treat it that way, if everybody treats it that way, then everybody will do their part. And you can't believe, well, you know one you know anecdotally, a usually Democrats canibalized, you know, through early voting, same day voting. He's usually a big deficit, especially in some states. But you know, I don't trust anything with the Democrats. Biden is worried that he's losing Latino support in Florida. Apparently he's losing a lot in the Cuban American community down in Miami Dade. It's also apparently that's why he's ratcheting up the rhetoric Donald Trump. Through Puerto Rico paper towels, which is a lie. Bloomberg is going to spend one hundred million dollars in Florida to help Biden. You have data pointing out that half the twenty nineteen donations to that group Act Blue came from an untraceable, unemployed donors. Really, we don't believe that they would be cheating if Democrats out a chance, I believe it. Bernie sent We have one thousand, two hundred and what eighty eight or ninety five cases of confirmed voter fraud, nearly a thousand convictions in this country, not just in the last four years. So we'll see Biden. On the other hand, is you know, saying that Biden is in excellent position to win, but there are issues with people that want to hear more on the campaign trail. You know, it's sixty nine people show up at the stupid press conference of his today the White House to host a made in America of vendas as Trump and Biden battle for the buy America ment. Why would you remember Joe, Biden and Brock said those jobs ain't coming back. You didn't build that. That's what they said. Biden arguing is in better shape than Trump. Just look at us. Okay, we're looking you know, I'm looking at Biden and it's so bad. And I won't play the montages now, but they're so bad. Ask yourself this, because Biden might be the type of person. Sometimes you get the greatest resume on somebody. You read the resume and I'm looking at hiring somebody and I'm like, wow, I bet this person is impressive. And you meet the person and you're like, Okay, the person on the resume looks a lot better than the person I'm talking to. And just the way it is sometimes Biden fifty years in the swamp, he was a Senative vice president, eight years. Okay, he's got all the credentials. What has he done in fifty years in the swamp to improve the lives? One specific thing he's accomplished. Because I can go all day with the list of Trump accomplishments. There are hundreds of them. Promises made, kept, records shattered one after another. Biden's now claiming that he was not against the travel but he's just lying. Biden saying that he has been speaking out against the anarchy in our cities. No, he's not. He's been denying it. They barely mentioned it at the DNC. You know, I look at this guy and I'm thinking, if I was interviewing, if I owned a McDonald's, what I and I interviewed Joe Biden with all the experience he has, and then I met him, Would I hire him to be the manager of McDonald's. The answers. No. Let's say I owned a Mini mart Or seven to eleven, but I hired Joe to manage it. No, I wouldn't. He doesn't look like he has the energy to do anything to do any of that. Now. Those jobs are there, by the way, they're hard jobs. I wouldn't even hire Joe to be a waiter. Oh did I tell you? Oh? I'm sorry, I forgot your drink? Off, I forgot your water? What day is it? Hang on, okay, let me go back. I'll go get it. Now. It gets to the bar and he goes, why am I here? You know it's they're going big on climate change today. We'll take you back to the Paris Accords. Why. Because China doesn't pay anything, they get third world country status where the United States pays the full freight of everything. You gotta be you gotta be kidding me, But that's the way, that's what they want to do. Oh, Donald Trump held the campaign event in Vegas. Endorse, Americans are making up their own mind. Everybody knows how I feel about masks. Now you make up your own choice. I think it's I think people should wear them. It's only going to be a short period, short time. Now we now have nine separate final stage human trial vaccine testing going on, nine separate companies doing this around the world. And by the way, when they stop the Astra Zeneca Oxford College one that's back up and running. The the illness they identify turned out to be fine, which is a normal part of the process, the vetting process. Unbelievable. But I'll tell you it's you know, these states all Matta Florida, You're crucial to Donald Trump. George's crucial, North Carolina is crucial, Ohio is crucial, Iya is crucial, Arizona's crucial. President's playing for New Mexico and Nevada smart obviously Pennsylvania. Joe has said twice now he's lying about FRACKI no new Frackie. I'm gonna eliminate pride. We're gonna eliminate all fossil fuels in fifteen years. It's right there in the Bernie Bolshevik Bernie Biden Manifesto. Pennsylvania is crucial. That is that is created a resurgence of wealth and jobs for the people of Pennsylvania. Were you gonna go to Biden we're gonna eliminate energy independence, We'll be you know, We're gonna create a million jobs building electric cars that people don't want because they haven't perfected them yet over time. I'm not again electric cars. People want electric cars. I know somebody that does what do you call it, the tesla. They like it, they swear by it. That's fine. Don't have no problem with new technologies, clean technologies. But the reality is this world, the world economy is governed by fossil fuels right now, and artificial deadlines are not going to change that. And stopping drilling and fracking and coal mining is not going to help any American in the energy sector. These are high paying career jobs when now the world's largest producer of energy being over seventy five years energy independent in the first time in seventy five years. But it's also going to be Wisconsin. It's gonna be Michigan and Minnesota, seems to be in play. It looks like New Hampshire's in plant. It looks like the second congressional district domain is in play. And the Senate is gonna matter just as much, and the House is gonna matter. And I think the Republicans in the House, they've got a couple of big announcements coming up pretty soon. It will tell you about I have sources that say and it should be important. You know, you know, I read in the American Thinker. I forgot who wrote this. I apologize to the author. Trump's victory must be a route. That's a sad thing to say about the state of affairs because people don't trust. I guess how can you trust? Is not going to be voter fraud when there's nearly a thousand convictions and the Heritage Foundation identifying nearly thirteen hundred examples of it. And this is recent elections. When I'm going back many years he were talking about the last four years. President kept another promise move forward with his executive action to lower prescription drug costs for Americans. Biden's ads saying the President is going to cut Medicare is a lie. His ads out there attacking the President against a dozen support pre existing conditions is a lie. You watch it's the ads of Joe Biden. You would think this is the they It's like that, the slickest ad campaign you've ever seen. You think this is the guy with the most energy you've ever seen in politics. It's amazing what editing, slicing, dicing can do. And it's just one viciousest whole speech today was a lie in an attack. AD eight hundred nine four one, Shawn is a Tofrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. We're gonna get an update on the situation in LA and what can be done about it. Lieutenant Randy Sutton, thirty three year law enforcement VET, founder of the Wounded Blue Officers sort of like wounded Warriors, these officers, you know, like you know, unbelievable. You said earlier, described for me what the protesters were chanting. What were they saying, Well, they were saying death to the police, killed, killed the police, and this our sheriffs. But the message is still the same. And they were using all type of curse words and and derogatory terms about the police. Uh, just just provoking our police officers. Unacceptable behavior because the hospital should be a sanctuary where where you know, we should leave hospitals alone. And certainly tensions are on high since the two deputies are inside. Did you see the deputies make swift action and you said those the protesters trying to get inside the emergency room? He did, Yes, they did, and that the actions taken by your security and also the deputies was very swift and prevented from a tragedy happening inside emergency room. Yeah, yeah, yeah, right, everybody record, okay, yeah, everybody right now? How about that? All right? That was uh well, the aftermath ABC Los Angeles, the news report they put out, Bishop Juan Carlos Mendez says that protesters should shouted death to the police as they tried to enter the hospital after this assassination attempt of two uh two police officers out there. It's unbelievable. And the LA protesters taunting the police outside the hospital. This was an assassination effort. I can't believe for the life of me, this is the world we live in. But it is. And oh, how's that one hundred and fifty million dollars cut to the LAPD working out Kamala Harris. Anyway, Freedom Caucus Chairman Andy Biggs is with us. First thing, Joe Biden is talking about the feckless one. Oh, we need to have a sawt weapons ban. No, we need more police, better trained, with more non lethal options. And you know, you see, you see the rise in what's happening around the country. Everybody now pretty much understands defunding the police, reallocating police resources. What it means for them and their family is very simple is you're on your own. Good luck. And for those officers now that do remain under difficult circumstances, they I don't blame them for not wanting to do their job to the best of their ability anymore because they know they will be thrown down the stairs. Andy Bigs is with US congressman out in Arizona. And by the way, Freedom Caucus Chairman Lieutenant Randy Sutton is a thirty three year law enforcement vet founder of the Wounded Blue. Thank you both. I mean, you know there they are Randy's shouting death to the police showing up at the hospital after these cops were ambushed, and this assassination attempt took place as weekend. And let me ask you something, charge, do you think you could possibly have a reasonable, meaningful dialogue with those people. It's simply impossible. They are there only to spew hate filled rhetoric and literally threatened the lives of officers who are in critical condition, who have been who have been victimized by another insurgent in the war on cops. That's the reality. Well, I mean, that's exactly what it is. How's it cop able now to do their job with confidence? All these police, Look what happened in Rochester, New York. The you know, African American police chief and many top brass We're out of here, Carmen Best in Seattle. You mean, I can't use non lethal options to prevent rioting and looting and arson. I can't do my job and I'm not going to risk the lives of my officers in the process, Andy Biggs. I mean, and you know, the left for the most part, Joe Biden barely mentioned the anarchy and the unrest in the country during his convention for Crying Out Loud. Yeah, Sean, this is part and parcel of a leadership vacuum on the left. So these these cities led by the Left, they're letting this go on. They're not supporting the police officers and the police who protect our rights, and by allowing this to go on, you basically say, even though we're investigating some of these these rare incidences that are that are horrible and we need to get due process for him, you can't even begin to have that rational conversation that Lieutenant Sun is talking about because the left is allowing this to go on. In some cases, they're actually fomenting this going on. They want to see this go on, and that's you have to just acknowledge that they're pleased with this kind of Bolsheviks style revolution that's going on, and they've made the police the target of that revolution. Well, I think this is what is happening. So what options are now available? People are going to do their job. No, that's right, But why would you Yeah, I mean, you know, look at this Kamala Harris tweet. You know, to literally to contribute to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to post bail for those anarchists that are arrested now in a state like New York because of the idiotic policies of this liberal governor and liberal mayor. All the anarchists that were being arrested by the comps, they have no bail, they're sent out to go rejoin the efforts of anarchy. You know, moments after they're arrested. What's the point of arresting anybody at that point. Well, the reality is, is Sean, that this move meant by Cuomo and the Blasio to basically deconstruct the criminal justice system in New York has had the desired effect that they wanted. They are bent on allowing uh, these anarchists and criminals of all stripes to literally walk the streets without any consequences for their actions. And it is, it is a dismal failure. And yet you still see them clinging to this, uh, this the platform, while while the blood of the citizens and the police runs in the streets. It is it's incredible to me that the people haven't risen up. I just got back from from several days in Portland visiting officers who were injured in all of the violence because of my role as the founder of the Wounded Blue and what I saw there was absolutely heartbreaking, Sean. Hundreds of police officers injured the line of duties because they have not been given the tools by Wheeler, who is who is absolutely a complete failure as a mayor and a governor who has failed to do anything even acknowledge the violences there. It's it's it's a shocking what is actually taking place. And you cops want so much to continue to serve. They want to serve. But I'll tell you I wouldn't blame I don't blame those people that are leaving. The guys that are on the job maybe just a very short period of time. Either find a job in a department that will support you and get out of some of these big cities, or you might want to think about another profession because it's not safe for you anymore and you're not able to do the job. You're not even even use this simple training that that you are given on even non lethal methods of crowd dispersement. So at that point, Randy, if you've been on the job any length time in your retirement age, get out. And they're getting out in droves, I can tell you in New York City they're just leaving. They're getting out in droves all over the country. Portland just lost fifty and now they've only got eight hundred costs and they've they've they've been understaffed for a long time. They just lost fifty, They're losing another fifty. Minneapolis is losing two hundred who are retiring because of the stress issues. That's a massive amount, literally, Sean, what we're going to be seeing here, this is the tip of the iceberg. We are going to be seen a This is a critical time in policing because with it takes it takes two to three years to get a police officer fully trained and experienced on the street. With the thousands that are leaving, retiring or just quitting, and those who are not even joining the police anymore, we're going to see a critical shortage of law enforcement. And that is going that is actually what the left wants. They're getting what they want, which is even more heartbreaking. And this is this is going to have a long term effect on America. Listen, Americans now that recently and Henry Firearms is a new advertiser for our program and they have a great program, especially for first time gun buyers to help people learn everything you need to know about gun safety. And they've got incredible rifles and incredible shotguns for people, but they want you to learn how to use it and use it safely. I've had to carry permit my whole adult life. But you see now over five million Americans that have never purchased a weapon before in their life or a firearm or now purchasing them. And for those people that ask me, well, you know what do you like, Kennedy, I like one that you're willing to be trained in the use of and the safety of. But there are so many good options out there for families. But you can't even have that weapon in New York City. And then that's a big problem. So, okay, the cops now are defunded billion dollars in New York. The cops that remain want nothing to do with putting their themselves in harms way, knowing they will get no support and likely be brought up on charges. So now you're on your own, which is what the Seattle police chief was telling business owners and residents you if there's a riot, I can't in good conscience send my guys in. Well, now the anarchists win and there this is all happening prior to the DNC convention, and they say nothing. You got a street side daylight execution in the Bronx, New York that was captured on videotape. Another typical weekend in the city of Chicago, fifty three shot, thirteen dead. What did Biden and Obama do four thousand homicides in the eight years that they were president and vice president? They barely mentioned Chicago. Nearly twenty thousand shot in there in an Obama's home city. This is not a new phenomenon. What's new is Chicago is now the norm around the rest of the country. Andy, Yeah, And that's and that's a total failure of the again of their leadership, because if you want to stop this type of activity, you make the arrest, and the police are making the rest, but you also have to file charges and prosecute and get convictions. And when you're letting people out on bail and letting go back onto the field basically to commit more violent crime, you don't provide any deterrence to anybody, no specific deterrence by getting removing that one individual, but you also don't get general deterrems where people saying, well, they're going to enforce the laws, I could be going to prison for the rest of my life or whatever. And that is an absolute bankrupt type of policy and it's and it's it's the policy now of the left which just as you see, is all over the country. They're saying, we're going to let people out without any bail, they don't have to come back. We're going to undercharge them. We're not going to charge them for the crimes that they're really involved in. And so there's no support to the police officers to begin with. But you don't know how on the back side either, So it's a total capitulation. All right, Andy Biggs, thank you, Chairman, Freedom Caucus. Lieutenant Randy Sutton, thirty three year law enforcement vet, founder of the Wounded Blue which is a national organization to assist injured cops, kind of modeled after Wounded Warrior. Thank you both for being with us. Pastor Darryl Scott is coming up. He's got a lot to say and weigh in on all of these issues. We've got time for a quick call in this segment. Eight hundred nine for one. Sean is our number of the state of Florida. We'll be paying attention in fifty days. Dan, how are you You got a minute and a half, sir, that's a lot of time for me. Sean, this is Dan. There's no way that we can thank you for all you do I'll just say that there's no way to Timpo. I need to thank you, but let's let's all win this together. That's my all hands on deck. What happened today and yesterday or you know, with the attempted assassination of the police officers and then the chief of police in LA saying effectively from what I saw in Fox is a sort of a well, priests, don't block our emergency rooms. This is we all have thinks in life that are whatever the word is, you would know it. I don't know. It's just a line that we never believe that people could cross. And as I as I said, I don't believe these people who protested and blocked the emergency room there have Sean Hannity's DNA and they certainly don't have mind. I don't believe they really belonged to our species. I really don't know how to say it. I've never heard or seen anything like that in my life on this earth in the United States. That's my well, I gotta tell you it's this is now a new normal. But think about this. They've allowed us to go on forever, you know, and that frustrates to live in hell out of me they've allowed this to happen in other cities. We know how to stop homicides in big cities. Rudy did it in New York. By the way, Andrew Juliannie is being an ass to run for mayor of the City of New York. If he runs, I think he could he has a shot at winning in the environment post Comrade de Blasio, I really do well. You know time is gonna tell. People are gonna have to decide. Pastor Darryl Scott is coming up, Your calls are coming up. Fifty days until you are the Ultimate jury, Limfrey or Die if you haven't gotten your copy Amazon dot Com forty percent off bookstores everywhere, also heavily discounted, which we love, and quick Break will come back. All hands on deck. Fifty days are gonna fly by. We'll continue Free or Die, America the world on the brink. Fifty days you are the Ultimate jury. Forty percent off Amazon dot Com if you're not gotten your copy, Costco's, Walmart Books, a million, Barnes and Noble bookstores everywhere. Now we've played a lot of the violence at a loss Angelus, which was nothing but an assassination attempt, and then of course, the rhetoric afterwards, which makes me want to throw up of these anarchists, you know, taunting the police out the ones that were targeted for assassination outside of the hospital, and it's pretty unbelievable. Chicago fifty four shot, thirteen dead. New York eighteen shooting six dead. Let's listen to the reports. Out of these cities, four people were shot, one person died. We spoke with the aunt of the man who died. She says he was in his thirties and he was simply getting a soda from his uncle when those gunshots rang out. New Rochelle Henley lives very close to where all of this happened. She says she heard the shots being fired and came running outside or told she saw her nephew lying in the street in a pool of blood. Please say he was shot in the head and pronounced dead at the hospital. Good morning. Now, one of those deceased victims is a twenty eight year old woman that she was shot and killed in Garfield Park while sitting in the vehicles. Twenty eight year old woman was in the back of twenty six year old man was also hit inside that vehicle. Now, both were taking a Shorteria hospital, where the woman was pronounced to cease. The man is in critical condition and again. Fifty three people were shot over the weekend. Thirteen have since died, including three that were killed after midnights a day. One of the five fatal shootings on Saturday was seventy eighth Street in Dyker Heights at five twenty two pm. Police say thirty three year old Arfon But was shot in the torso and pronounced dead at a nearby hospital. He lived just a few blocks away, and the gunman is still on the loose. Earlier on Saturday, at the Jackson Houses in the Bronx, a twenty three year old man was shot dead. Almost the same time in the same burrow, a twenty five year old man was killed in a gun battle in the Mount Hope section outside the Munroe Houses. Also in the Bronx, a twenty seven year old was shot dead. And in Jamaica Queen's early Sunday morning, a thirty five year old man lost his life to gun violence. The mayor and then really need to step step up what they need to do in their positions, because obviously something is lacking here because they're letting the criminals basically run the streets. Since Friday, police have responded to at least eighteen shootings, compared to six for the same time last year. For homicides, at least six since Friday compared to two for this same weekend last year. I mean, okay, you get the point. The anarchists, they're allowed to run free in New York, for example, and Biden supports this nationally. And that is the nobel insanity, which is New York City, which was allowing in the middle of all of the chaos and anarchy in writing that was going on in New York. Although Joe denied the rioting, didn't talk about it at the DNC, Now he's tried to shift the debates salt weapons of the problem. No, that's not the problem, Joe. The problem is when you are vice president, you let four thousand homicides take place in Chicago and you and Barack barely mentioned it his home city. Nearly twenty thousand people shot in the eight years you were vice president in one city and you guys did nothing. You didn't lift a finger to help anybody. Unbelievable. Now cops are targeted for assassination. You want to be a cop today. I honestly am telling my best friends that are cops. I'm like, you know, if they just started, I'm telling him, you really need to look at another department, one that supports its officers. I was actually impressed with the Lieutenant governor of New Jersey. I don't even know her name this weekend. Went out of her way. Maybe she did it on Friday nine to eleven, went out of her way to tell officers, we won't be defunding you. You are you are our only line of defense. An African American woman and she's very, very powerful speech that she gave. Did we forget those guys that went into those buildings nineteen years ago? Did we forget the two Capitol police officers walking across a ball field up against a guy with a rifle that is hidden and camouflaged. I mean, that's a death sentence. So sad. You know, all these guys that put their willing to risk their lives. The name is Shila Oliver. She's been there since twenty eighteen. Look, I'm not a fan of the New Jersey governor. Kind of a dope. His executive order on COVID followed Cuomo's executive order just dumb. And you know, we now know over eleven thousand people were killed because of that one executive order of Governor Cuomo in New York. But he blames Trump. He left Trump's hospitals that he built, manned and provided every bit of ppepoor, he left them empty. You know, New Jersey had access to the US Navy ship Comfort and the hospital ship, and they had access to the Javit Center. You know, seventy five eighty percent of the beds that Trump built they didn't use. They were too busy sending COVID patients back to nursing homes to infect people the most vulnerable population of all. Person that did the best job protecting the elderly was Rhonda Santis down in Florida. And well then but the virus came back and younger people got it, but they weren't dying. There is They're very distinct. There's a great distinction here. That is one thing that remained consistent. Those that were most at risk of dying from COVID were the elderly, those who are compromised immune systems and underlying conditions. Younger people do not respond the same way. I'm not a don't ask me. I'm not a doctor. I have no I don't know why H one N one would tend to impact younger people, but it did. You know, people spend their entire lives studying viruses. All right, let's get to our phones. North Carolina, Paul, Paul, how are you. We'll be watching very early fifty nights from now North Carolina. We'll get a very clear indication how the night is going based on North Carolina, and that is a must win Trump state. Absolutely, I'm good, sir, how are you? Looks good? Good? So real quick. I just wanted to say, you know, the left, I mean, they're out of their minds, and it's it's quite clear to a lot of the patriots and the people that are in the middle and on the right, and quite frankly, you know, they've got to be careful what they're whing for because the only one that's protecting these and they're not protesters any longer, their rioters and their anarchists. That's it. Protest is out of the question. The problem that you have now is the only one protecting these predators that are out there right now are the police. Because the bottom line is if they go and they defund these police, and there's no one on the streets, and you've got victims that are out there where You've got seventeen year old kids that are dropping people in the street. I have news for you. The Vosity teams coming in and it's not going to be a good situation. But the fact of the matter is, and this goes back to the last time you when I spoke when we had the Second Amendment rally up in Virginia, when we were talking about why were these guys wearing all their gear and their tactical gear and their vest because the message was trying to be sent very clear. All these folks up in DC can say and do what they want, but there's going to be some sort of a consequence at the end of the day. Right now, the only people that are paying that consequence are the small businesses and the innocent people that want to either maneuver around the streets or conduct their living for their family. And I'm telling you right now, they got to be careful of what they're wishing for, because I don't think they realize just how close to that line. They are. I look, I'll tell you what bothers me when we especially, I do think it was Michigan when the guys were in you know, full tactical gear and you show up with a heavy presence of rifles. Look, there's nobody that supports the Second Amendment more than I do. But when you're making a statement like that, you are raising the level of how do I say it? The tensions will only rise That visual means like we're here and we're ready to go to war with you. Now, if people want to peacefully protest, I'm all for it. But when you make a statement and you show up in tactical gear, it's gonna happen. Is you're gonna have one side show up in tactical gear, then the other side's gonna show up in tactical gear. And I would argue the odds of it ending while and not very high, And we want to de escalate whenever we can. And look, I ask my conservative friends, if you if you have a legitimate reason and lawful reason, which I think every American should have, and you're trained in the safety and use of a firearm, and you have a carry permit, by all means carry it, you know, can see I believe in concealed carry it's not provocative, but God forbid something happens. You can defend yourself and you can defend your family, especially now because the cops aren't going to be there. I just I like to de escalate whenever possible. Look over the years I've been a public figure, I've had many situations where where people try to create confrontations with me. I'll do everything I can possibly do. I promise you to diffuse a situation I'll do. If I was in a restaurant, can I buy you a drink? Would you like a drink? Can we just agree that, you know, it's a good time not to talk about politics, not in front of my kids. Police, thank you? Okay, here, please buy go go to the bar, get a drink on me. There are a time other times I just you know, will say, Okay, this is not worth this is not worth staying in this situation. I'll just walk away. But I'm prepared to defend myself. I just don't want to defend myself. And I think most Americans are like that. You know, in New York, they've got this madness to you. You must before you, even in your own house, can defend yourself and your family from an intruder on your property, in your home. You have to make an attempt to quote retreat. I'm like, retreat to where the bathroom? Where are most people going to retreat to? It's sinsanity to me as we continue. E one hundred nine four one Sean is our number. Let's say hi to Canas in Indiana. Ken, how are you glad you called sir? Hey, Hi, Sean, thanks for taking my call. You go, you go out of your way to make sure you label things appropriately. And I haven't heard the word Stalinism. And what's occurring now is even beyond Marxism a Stalinism. Stalinism tries to shame people. It tries to make them the object of ridicule. Stalinism destroys people's careers, as they did in Russia, to destroy people's careers so they could not take care of their families. Stalinism exceptionally one orthodoxy. And if you don't do that, they seek legal action against you, will try to imprison you. And then ultimately Stalinism targeted political enemies for assassination and murder. And what we're starting to see, especially with common like enemy of the State, which is a classic Stalinist term. We're starting to see the emergence of Stalinism as a formulas for politics by the left and the Democrat. So I would hope that you and your platform and others would start referring to this what it really is is a form of Stalinism, and I think that would help with the American people. Off and again, thank you for your time. Oh, I appreciate it. Thank you for your time. I mean, yeah, Marxist leftism, Stalinism, you know it is. There's certainly a degree of authoritative stateism behind everything the Democrats would do. It goes back to my conversation with Comrade de Blasio about okay, well you have four armed police officers guarding you when he came into my TV studio and okay, and I'm like, well, there's every New Yorker. Shouldn't they have a right to defend themselves with firearms in their homes in New York. Every New Yorker should have the right to be safe to average people, should they have the same safety you have? And if somebody breaks into their house, can would you respect their right to have a firearm in their house? Everyone deserves to be safe. And ask the answer is not for everyone to have a firearm anymore. That's for every TV answer as well. I believe people have rights, but I also believe we need background checks when need an assault weapon ban. If you have it for purchase, then I get into it. If you have a background check, no history of mental illness, should you be allowed to get a firearm. Every New Yorker has a right to be safe. He doesn't believe that every New Yorker has the right to the same safety measures that he has in his life life and for him and his family, which, by the way, I'm all for it. Leave politicians public figures. They need to be protected. I have no problem with that. But allow us, don't prevent us from protecting our selves with our families. It's that's simple, all right. Chris is in Maine. Now here's something very few people know. You have two electoral votes in the great state of Maine. Congressional District one Congressional District two. There could be an electoral college decision where it's two sixty nine two sixty nine and it will be main second congressional district could tip the balance to Donald Trump that he would win the election. That could happen, Chrissy, you in District one or two? A District two, I believe, okay, and so your district matters a lot. Yeah, well, you know what, on a liber note to take the conversation in a different direction. Recently, me and my fiance we've been looking at homes and we've been in and around the Augusta area, the capital of Maine, and I noticed that it's just flooded everywhere with Trump hint signs. So I couldn't find any Biden hair signs. So we had two kids in the back seat, and I said, tell you what, guys, while we're driving around doing this, any Biden hair assigns you find, you point them out. You earned a dollar. So over four days we found a place, but over four days of driving between Lewiston and Augusta, they both earned two dollars. So there's definitely an unspoken majority of Republicans out there that are afraid to speak up because you know, these polls really don't cover it. They're afraid retaliation just for being in a public setting and saying, hey, you know I'm voting Trump, and now listen, I'm telling you right now, there is there's a group of people sixty two percent according to the Cato Institute. Rasmusin said it was like twenty percent of Trump voters. They're not telling anybody who they're voting for now, they're all you always have. Early voting tends to favor the Democrats put more and more. It seems like when they do that, they cannibalize their election day or day of vote. What bothers me is who's watching where where these ballots are being sent? Who is authenticating the ballots? Signature is one way to do it. You know, states that are new to this. That bothers me a lot. And you know, I tell you my belief is you want to run up the score. If you're a Republican, nobody can can sit out at this election. Everybody's got to do their part because if you don't, you're gonna wake up the morning after the night before and ask you, so, why didn't I do more? Anyway, we're watching closely Chris Maine's second Congressional district. Quick break right back, we'll continue. Seawn's new book, Live Free or Die is now available. Feel free to grab your cobby in stores and online everywhere. Live Free or Die? All Right, Live free or die, America, the world on the brink fifty days. You are the ultimate jury on sale forty percent off Amazon dot Com and Barnes and Noble Books, a million Costco, Walmart, Target, you name it. Nice discount, but it defines everything that this election is all about, what impact it'll have on the future of this country, and it is deep and it is profound. We've been talking a lot about the assassination attempt against these LAPD officers, and then of course, you know the lunatics on the left showing up and literally taunting the police, hope you f and die, while the police are in there being operated on and fighting for their lives. It's not just an LA thing. We have what fifty four shot again this weekend in Chicago, thirteen dead, six dead in New York City, eighteen shootings there, and you know, violence and crime and anarchy spiraling out of control. Democrats, you know, only now this is terrible. Well why didn't they mention it during their convention? Because Don Lemon pointed it out. Oh finally, law in order and safety and security is on the ballot, and yeah, showing up in the polls, and it's showing up in the focus groups, so we better change our opinions now pretty scary anyway, joining us. A good friend of the program is Pastor Darryl Scotty's chairman of the Urban Revitalization Coalition, and he's just come out with his brand new book, Nothing to Lose, which, by the way, it was Donald Trump's message to African Americans and minorities last time, you have nothing to lose. They've been promised you in you everything for decades and they delivered nothing. Think about all these liberal cities, liberal politicians, the larger percentages ninety plus percent of African Americans usually and a lot of these elections voting for Democratic candidates. Well, how do you grade them on law and order and safety and security in these cities and states run by liberal Democrats for decades, how's their educational system? Because those are the two most fundamental jobs of any politician. Anyway, Again, it's called nothing to Lose, unlikely allies in the struggle for a better Black America. Pastor scott I actually had the pleasure of actually speaking from the pulpit of his church lunch. Was the biggest mistake he ever made in his life. By allowing that to happen. I made it Unlike Neil Boortz, I made it through. I didn't I didn't cuss. I didn't use one cuss word, which was pretty good for me when I'm out in public. Um. But your whole life is a miracle to me, pastor Um, I admire you on so many levels. Many years ago, you were living a life of crime and drugs and madness, and and you know, you almost didn't make it, and your faith, your belief in God, pulled you out of this and it transformed your life. And that's how many years ago thirty seven years ago? Yeah, almost on close to forty years ago. Yeah, but um, you know I talked about you in the book. I mentioned you in the book on the I saw it. I know what you're gonna say, and I'm like, okay. The one part to stands out is that's it. I really believe what's sell on Hay podcast careers over he will into into the ministry. Oh gosh, oh boy. You know what. I'm the one that needed all the prayer and fasting. I'm the one that got in try. I've been an incorrigible kid since you know, when I was young. It was incorrigible. You know, being a talk show host, you got to throw a few sharp elbows once in a while. Reverend, I don't mind throwing some elbows, you know. Verbal I'm being honest, and I know all of my colleagues and everything, you're probably one of the most spiritual guys I know. And I mean, I've never believed more in my life in terms of my faith. I'd really it's it's never been this strong. I realize that we're nothing but without God in our lives. That's my own opinion. I'm not trying to proselytize anybody or convert anybody. I think there's a misunderstanding of what Christianity is. I think Christianity is, first, you know, coming to a realization that you're not as great as you think you are, and being willing to surrender yourself to a better way of life and invite God into your heart so you can be a better person. That's that to me, is the nuts and bolts of it. It doesn't get any more combat. I don't know if everyone must think that Christians got to be perfect. I think the Christians I know are the ones saying they know they're not and they want to be better, and we're in the daily quest for God to improve us, to work on us, to continue to work on us. And since on the subject of God, I will say this, and I said it in the book, I believe in the omniscience of God, the all knowingness of God. I believe God sees the end from the beginning. I made a couple of examples, Joseph being one and David being another. And I said, God started at the palace and worked his way back to the pit for Joseph, and then he got Joseph from that pit and worked him up to the palace the same way with the David. He was prophesied that he would be king while he was still tending his father sheep, and he went back attending sheep, and God got him from the sheep fold and took him to the palace. I said that to say this, I really believed that when I was out in those streets living that life that I was living. And I really believed that during that time when Donald Trump was living the life he was leading, and he was building buildings and doing whatever it was he was doing, God knew that was my future president right there when he looked at him, and God looked. I mean, let's go through the Bible a little bit. You know, my years in Catholic schools in a seminary. Let me let's I'll give you a little bit of knowledge. David, you know, was chosen by God, God's favorite. You know. According to the Bible, he had like five hundred concubines. Everybody concubines a word that's very outdated. But he couldn't withstand I guess the temptation of Bathsheba and sent her husband of the front lines to be killed after he got a pregnant Moses, you know, never made it to the Promised Land because of murder. We know about Saul of Tarsus and the conversion on the road to Damascus. Uh, you know, why are you persecuting my people? That I would assume the twelve apostles, eleven of which were married, that they probably as fishermen, maybe use salty language, and moren't so politically corrected in their day. Maybe that's an assumption on my part, but maybe wrong. And it seems that God has an interesting way of picking the people that aren't perfect, the people that need the help. As people he chooses to lead things. Well, the Bible says God chooses the foolish things of the world to confound those which are wise, you know, to be honest. And you were there from the very beginning, way back in twenty fifteen, it seemed the foolish choice to back Donald Trump for President of the United States. He was mocked, he was derided, he was laughed at, he was he was castigated, Twitter size ridiculed. I'm gonna be honest, he has a lot thicker skin than I have. And you know, we watched this guy go from number seventeen in the field of seventeen to go all the way to the presidency of the United States. And one thing I always say is this, I don't see how he could have lost because of all the prayer that he received in that time. Every time he turned around, Donald Trump is getting preyed on by someone else, by this organization, that organization, these preachers, those preachers. He was the man who we both know solicited the help of God in his political campaign. And I even said it on last week, and I said a joke. You know, when I first met him in twenty eleven, he was considering I talked about it in the book. He was considering running for president against Barack Obama in twenty twelve, and he asked the Google preachers to prey on him that God would give him the wisdom to make the right decision, to give him the wisdom to know whether or not to run in twenty twelve. And I said, I think God spoke to him and staid, hey, Donald, don't run in twenty twelve, run in twenty fifteen. And I got you. I hope I never hear those words in my ear, because I think I want to go at that point. I'd rather go deaf, because who would ever want to run for president in this day and are? I mean, you see what's happening. Here's what I don't understand. Let's let's get to the bottom of this, because you're pointing out nothing to lose was Donald Trump's message to African Americans and minorities in the country. And what he was referring to is what I mentioned at the start of this this hour, which is that you know Democrats come calling every two and four years. I have laid out Hannity history lesson on the use of the race card. You know they're gonna put you all back in chains and Republicans have the wrong agenda for African Americans and they don't even want to count you in the census. And it's like my father was killed all over again and elect a Republican and black churches are kind of burn president saying what have they done for your school system? What have they done to make your community safe and secure? Nothing? And then he comes and what does he do? He's able to do something remarkable and that is record low after record low after record low unemployment for every minority demographic in the country. Barack and Joe didn't do that. Yeah, you're absolutely right. And you know, during the twenty sixteen campaign, we had those on the black left that were constantly complaining about or decrying the condition of the black community, endeavoring to make that a campaign talking point. What are you going to do for the black community? Because the black community is so dysfunctional, it's so disenfranchised, the black community is in such a deplorable condition that what are you going to do if you're a president to improve the conditions in the black community. If Donald Trump asked, Trump asked the questions that it is right, okay, if it's that bad, if it's as bad as as the black left is endeavoring to make it. It's if it's as bad as the Democratic Party is saying it is after eight years of a black president, If the black community is still in that bad of shape, then what do you have to lose voting for me? I can't make it any worse. He was saying, would give me a chance, give me an opportunity, and watch what I do. And he's stepped up to that plate when given that opportunity by eight percent of the black voting community. And what has he done? Criminal justice reform, urban revitalization, opportunities zons, prison reform, historic low levels of unemployment, historic funding for HDC used, and there are so many other things on the table. He's done some ceremony and symbolic gestures as well, designated Martin Luther King's home birth home as a national Landbarky's pardon Jack Johnson posthumously. He's done a lot of things to endeavor himself to the black community. But he's not done it for the sake of politics, for the sake of pattern. He's done it because it was part of his overall agenda from the beginning to improve living conditions for all Americans. You know, you think about you know, your life, and I love that you talk about your transformation and how things have changed, and you were right there with the president and every step of the way in twenty fifteen and sixteen, and yeah, and you by the way, and you talk about all the different people that are publicly known and your relationships with all of them. I tend to stay away from a lot of that part of it. But and how you know, you know, being on shows like My show and Fake News CNN and all with Van Jones and Don Lemon, I guess it might be a different experience when you're on their show, right absolutely, you know why they were always you know, when I would be one with the white news host, they would be more polite. The brook Ball was Amston Cooper's, they would be more polite. But what they would do they would always go get a black person, a black contributor to come on against myself and even other black services for President Trump. And the black contributors they would bring on would be the nastiest, most insolent, disrespectful people you ever wanted me in your life, And Don Lemon would be pretty disrespectful as well, because they felt that because they were black, they could disrespect another black and you know, me, I didn't take that crap, and so I would hit them back and smack them in the mouth twice as hard as they would smack me. And they didn't like it, and they didn't like me for it, and they would even question the call of God on my life. They would say, well, how can you be a pastor and and respond to us like this? And I would say, well, if I'm a pastor, you shouldn't talk to me like that in the first place. But you know, you know, I don't know why. It would always be one against three and one against four. It would be one Trump supporter and three or four Hillary supporters the three or four Democrats. It was even worse. Jeffrey Lord would sit on these panels of eight and it was him versus everybody else or Kaylee mcinanny would you know versus everybody else? And so you know, they obviously stacked the deck. But you're pretty good at defending yourself. I don't have any worries about you. How do you think you know? Look, there's polls out now that show that African Americans and Hispanic Americans are showing more support for Donald Trump. I mean, in the case of African Americans, it's three times the support he's had that he had in twenty sixteen. And with Hispanic Americans at last Poule I'd think I saw was up twelve or fourteen. My question is are those poles real? Because if they're real and they translate into votes, this is a whole different race this year. I'm gonna say the polls aren't real only because I believe there's more for him, then the polls will reflect. You know, our people culturally, we don't answer a lot of questions from strangers. That just the way it is, um and there. You know, there's a lot of people in the Black community and the Latino community, but I was keying on the Black community. They don't want to be a part of cancel culture. They don't want the arguing, they don't want the big wing. They don't want to back and forth. They don't want the ostracism, the criticism, the condemnation that comes with being an outspoken Trump supporter. But they note that when they get in that booth, they're going to vote. I think the parse that support him and stare it there, Pastor Daryl Scott, nothing to lose, unlikely allies in the struggle for a better Black America. I want to get a prediction from you when we get back. Listen, our friends are building homes for heroes. Uh. Last week they began the process. They're now giving away eleven homes and eleven weeks. These are custom homes, remodeled homes that are specifically designed for those brave men and women that come back from fighting wars for us, to protect us and protect the cause of liberty and freedom with the most debilitating injuries so they and their families can have transformative lives. And they've done an amazing job so doing eleven homes they give away free in eleven weeks. For example, Isaac France GUIs who just got his home just recently, an amazing story immigrating from Haiti's Navy medic ten years new mortgage free home was gifted to Isaac and his wife and his three children and nineteen years to date that you know, his flight was postponed to come to America. Pretty amazing. At twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Our friend passed at. Daryl Scott remains with us. He's got a brand new book out. Nothing to lose, unlikely allies in the struggle for a better Black America. We've talked at length. The President ran on a slogan for minorities. Well, you got nothing to lose because they didn't. They make all the promises every two years, every four years they tell you Republicans are racist and sexist and misogynist and homophobic and xenophobic and islamophobic. And they won dirty year and water and they pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord. Well, you know, the Paris Climate Accord recognizes China as a Third World country, so they don't have to pay what we pay. How about we stop and get out of it for that reason, which is nuts. But the President did something Barack and Joe never did for minorities in this country, created opportunity zones and in places where neighborhoods and Americans have been literally denied opportunity. The president was the one that funded for the longest commitment, largest amount of money to historically black colleges. Criminal justice reform wasn't Barack and Joe it was Donald Trump, prison police reform. It was not Barack and Joe was Donald Trump. Record unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment. Donald Trump did, not Joe and not Barack. It's amazing. Their economic you know, record was atrocious. I mean it's amazing to me. The mob, the media will never point any of these things out to you. They just they just refuse. I'll give you thirteen million more Americans food stamps. They increased the people the number of Americans on food stamps by fifty eight percent. Eight million more Americans in poverty after eight years of Joe on Barack. That's over forty three million Americans they left in poverty. Lowest labor participation rates since the seventies ninety five million Americans out of the labor force. Under Barack and Joe, African Americans out of the labor force was eighteen point five percent, the worst recovery since the forties. One in five American families didn't have a single member of their family in the workforce. One in six men in those important work years of eighteen to twenty four were either in jail or living at home with Mommy and Daddy, lowest homeownership rate in fifty one years, and accumulated more debt than every forty three administrations before them combined. And Trump shattered every record all right, which raises the question for Pastor Scott's brand new book is out Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. Nothing to lose, unlikely allies in the struggle for better Black America. First, you took a lot of heat as an African American pastor in Cleveland for supporting Donald Trump, didn't you. Yeah, I took a lot of heat, But I don't know, maybe because of some psychological defect I had. It really didn't bother me that much. By the way, I have the same defect. I just don't give a flying you know what it's some cases, it's like point gasoline on a fire, and you know, and so you know it's you at motives. But you know, I knew one thing I knew from the private conversations I had would then Canada Trump all the way back to two thousand and eleven when you and I first had our conversations guarding the condition of the black community. He told me out of his mouth all the way back in twenty eleven. He said, I believe unemployment, unde employment, depressed living conditions, and poor schooling contributes to the disparities and the overall depression of the Black community, and that if I was president, jobs, better jobs, improving their surrounding their communities, and giving them better opportunities for schooling would go a lot, go a long way in elevating the community. He told me that in twenty eleven, and I believe it. And he began repeating the same thing in twenty sixteen, and I had no reason not to believe him. The Democrats had been selling us a bill of goods for years. Hilary had been in office for years. You know, prior to that, in politics, you had Joe Biden and Barack Obama. Here's Joe Biden working with the first black president for eight years, eight straight years, and you can't think of one positive thing that they did exclusively for the benefit of the black community. How is it that Joe Biden gets away with his praise of the former clansman Robert Byrd, the guy that philibustered the Civil Rights Act, opposed the Voting Rights Act, how does Biden partner with this guy to fight back against the integration of schools because he doesn't want his kids going to school. You know that that he called a racial jungle. Kamala Harris, you know, pounded him in a debate, But now she's his VP candidate, and I believe that's why they won't allow those two to make appearances together, because the question is going to have to come up. You call it this guy a racist months ago in the primary. What happened Either you were lying then and he wasn't a racist, or you, for the sake of an opportunity, which is what happened, you're talking about a sellout, and they got to know to call me a sellout. A sellout is a person that violates personal principles for the sake of advancement, for the sake of game. She sewed out for Joe. The prospect of being vice president made her abandon all of her prior opinions of him. But here's a guy who has a well documented history of negativity towards the black community, well documented in public life, public service. We have it on video, we have it on record, we have it, gets a pass pastor, he gets a past. All right, here's the important last question prediction. There weren't many of us that saw the path for Donald Trump to become president in twenty sixteen. We were both. We both saw that path was possible. I see it's possible in fifty days. I can't guarantee it. I don't have a crystal ball. I think that you know, in my mind, you better act as though your six points down, you got two minutes left in the game, you have no timeouts, you're on your own twenty and you got to march down the field eighty yards, crossed the plane, and kick the extra point to win. It's got to be an all hands on deck moment. And if people want to stop this radical agenda, they better get to go out to vote, especially in your state of Ohio. Absolutely right, in Ohio and nationwide, we have to get out support President Donald Trump. And I'm also believing, I'm believing to be between twenty to twenty five percent support from the black community. That's my prediction, the silent majority of that, all of them together, because I know too many in the hood now that we're firing it anti trumpers three four years ago that love him now and they're going to support him. That the ground swell of support but Donald Trump in the black community is going to surface. I'm believing between twenty and twenty five, a bold prediction. If if that happens, it's game over. Donald Trump will be reelected, I'm believing. So all right, Well, say hello to your beautiful wife. I don't know why she seemed to like me more than you. He told me something recognized as good people. Oh no, no, no, she's awesome. Please please send my best regard. She's a great lady. All right, my friend, nothing to lose, unlikely allies and the struggle for a better Black America. Pastor Darryl Scott Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. Now out in bookstores everywhere. Are you're gonna want to get a copy? Terry is employer to Terry. How are you glad you called? Thanks for being with us, Sean, It's an honor to talk to you. Thank you for taking my call, sir, Thank you, sir. I just wanted to express the concern, you know, everything that's going on with law enforcement and to hate for law enforcement. I'm in corrections and my brothers and sisters, you know, we're out numbered. Forty to one when it comes to the prisons are already shorthanded. And what happens if this spreads and the inmates start to write onto us and we don't carry weapons inside the prison system, we have nothing to protect ourselves. You know, nobody's thinking about that, and you know we're kind of like the forgot Listen. I don't know if you know. My mom was a prison guard her all her my young life, growing up, all her adult life. She'd worked sixteen hours shifts. I barely saw. She was working for a family, and she is one of the ones that made it through. And it's it's a very You have to be a special kind of person to work inside the prison system. I listen, I wouldn't want that job at a million years, but she was convinced I was going to be on the other side of the jail. She's she since passed away, but I think she worked herself to death, to be honest, I listen, you're right. You guys can be sitting ducks there. And these these inmates. I watched every prison show there's ever been made. These inmates are very clever. They have the ability they make weapons inside a jail. They make their own hooch inside of jail. They get drugs and phones inside a jail. I don't know how they do it, but they You know, if they ever used the creative genius that exists in there for something good, they'd all be rich and they wouldn't need to be in jail. It's kind of sad to see that talent wasted on just a you know, the criminal mind. But in many ways, you're right, you're sitting duck. What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? There's not much you can do. If they decide they want to turn against the guards, that could happen. It's happened before. We've witnessed this before. Now. The only thing you can do at that point is, you know, try and get in and save the guards that are in there. And it's going to be a violent ending. But you know, I don't know, I don't know what else you can do except keep these guys locked up in isolation or you know, twenty three hours a day and let them out one at a time. You know, that doesn't go a long way to rehabilitating anybody, right, No, it doesn't. And all best you can do is just keep us all in your prayers all law enforcement. I love my brothers and sisters and and uh, I just pray for us as we do to through this. That's a that's a really really hard job. And I watched. You know, my mom wouldn't even talk about I think she was embarrassed to as a prison guarden. You didn't want to wanted me to talk about it. Well, you know, you know, I'm actually proud she did that. I mean, she did it, and she worked the extra shifts, the sixteen hour shifts all the time so our kids, her kids didn't do it for vacations and new cars, they didn't get them, they didn't take vacations. They did it so their kids could go to Catholic schools and they you know, they sacrifice both my parents to do that. And you know, it's I don't think it's exactly the most pleasant job on earth. But she succeeded inasmuch as you know, she accomplished her goal and paid a price for it. I believe probably died young because of it. So it's that stressful and that difficult a job, and the kind of hours she was working was insane, just insane. You know. I when I try to explain this to my own kids. They don't get it, all right, I know, okay, leave me alone, Dad. They get it, and I'll to be perfectly blunt. I didn't appreciate it enough when I was young. Otherwise I wouldn't have been so incorrigible to my format. Don't leave this house. I'd be like, you can't stop me. Isn't that terrible? Linda? That's awful? Right? Yeah, that sounds about the same way you are now when I tell you to do something. He said, your father gets home, That's what I got. Wait till your father gets then she'd get him all worked up. I'd walk in the door and off comes the belt and here we go. Oh man, and some people by the way, if anyone did that today, you'd be brought up on child abuse charge. My father. That's the problem. There's way too many parents trying to be friends of their kids instead of trying to be parents. I don't try to be I tell my kids all the time, I'm not your friend. You want a friend, go find somebody else, exactly. I am your parent, exactly, and I'm going to remain your parent until you show me you're an adult. Did you see that New York Post article on the brat pack in New York City. Yeah. Yeah, these little, these little domestic terrorists that are out there blowing everything up. Oh you mean the girl with her little dossier of plans to kick people out of their homes and apartments. Meanwhile, she's got more money than God. She was in the parents' second home. Parents at one point eight million dollars apartment in New York. They had a second home on seven acres. That's where they found her. Hard it's really it's a struggle to hide on those seven acres. You know, I really feel so hard. You know, poor poor little rich kid makes me sick. I just they know not what they do, you know, think of it. They just they just they grew up in a school system that has deranged them and docrinates them. Okay, so I don't disagree with you, but by the same token, I think of like the Bernadine dorm And and the bill Aires of our time and what they did with the weather underground, And we had that same thought, right, like, they know not what they do. Okay, Well, twenty years later they were still as radicalized as they were twenty years ago, and they had no remorse or repentance for what they did. So that's what I'm afraid of when I think this mindset dominates academia. You know, I stay out of my kids collegists stuff. I just stay the hell away because I can't get I'll drive myself nuts, I really will. I when my kids tell me what they learning and the stuff that the professors say. Now my kids happen to agree with their dad, it's pretty interesting. But I tell them, don't express your views in college is shut up. I was just talking about this yesterday at church. I was telling you, imagine telling them to shut up. I'm like, you know what, just get your degree, do your thing, and if you if it warrants you can speak up. I'll support you speaking up. But honestly, if you know, you gotta really want to enter that world, you know. Like that's why I admire Charlie Kirk so much. Him in turning point Usay, I'm just not ready for my kids to take on the burden of you know, having a dad that's a well known conservative. It's just not worth it to me. You know. Let them enjoy their childhood, let them find what they love in life, and then I'll support them to get there. But I've told both my kids, I said, I'm not giving you all my money. You got to live life. You were God gave all of you, both of you talent. Find it. I'll help you find it. I'll give you the resources you need to do the best job you can. But after that, you gotta work, You gotta find you gotta serve other people in this life. You don't get served your whole life. You know, this is like the effect enclave into doing our job creators live read here because job creator is all about that, you know, That's what they are. They're about getting people to work, showing them how to get a job, showing them how to get you know, their best skill set. And this is something that these kids have never had to think about. And now you know, we're the taxpayer is paying them to be political terrorists in our streets, to work for Act Blue and Democracy Now and all these other people. And I'm telling you, the search for the money behind these these protests and the riots, that's going to be the real source of the answer of how we put an end to it. I think you're right, we'll get all right. That's gonna wrap things up with Today R DVR, hopefully every night. Hannity, Fox News nine Eastern, best election coverage, fifty days till you decide. The LA County Sheriff will be joining us tonight. Also auraldo dam Boino, Candice Owens Tonight, Judge Piro, Pastor, Darryl Scott, Sarah Sanders, Eric Trump, ninety Eastern Hannity, Fox best election and coverage, and we'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us. M