Gregg Jarrett, Host of the “The Brief” Podcast, Fox News Legal Analyst and author of Russia Hoax and Witch Hunt, and Candice Jackson, she served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Strategic Operations and Outreach in the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education, and the Office's Acting Assistant Secretary from April 2017 to July 2018, and our audience knows her from when she was the attorney for Kathy Shelton, who was a victim of sexual assault, and her attacker was defended by Hillary Clinton. She is also the author “Their Lives: The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine” - today they discuss the ongoing Cuomo saga and the developments from the weekend, including the murder of a 29 year old police officer during a routine traffic stop in Chicago, who’s baby is only two months old.
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All right, an hour two Sean Hannity Show, toll free our numbers eight hundred and nine for one Sean. You want to be a part of the program, just your calls. Next half hour of the program. Today, CBS ran in interview a young woman by the name of Brittany Comiso, and she was describing the exchange what happened to her with Governor Cuomo at the Governor's mansion, and let me play the longer version of it so you get a sense of her sincerity and how specific she gets in this interview. I had to go over to the mansion to help the governor with a state of the State speech. I wasn't there late I would did my final edit, and while I was upstairs in the office, the governor said, why don't we take a selfie? So his suggestion, yes, by your phone with my phone. I then felt, while taking the selfie, his hand go down my back onto my butt and he started rubbing it, not sliding it, not you know, quickly brushing over it, rubbing my butt And did you ask him what are you doing? Well? This was while I was taking the selfie. I became so nervous that my hands were clearly shaking, and a lot of the photos that I was snapping or completely blurry. I showed him them and he said, oh, you know those aren't you know, those aren't good. And he said, why don't we go sit on the couch and we can take a better one. So you said on the couch, I said on the couch because I thought to myself, okay, I don't think on the couch that he would have a way to just do what he just did. So I felt safer actually on the couch. And in the photo, you know, I have my arm wrapped around his shoulder, you know, almost as if you know, we were taking a picture with buddy, and that is the one that has been blurred out that has been now released to the public. So he gets up and he goes to give me a hug, and I could tell immediately when he hugged me it was in a probably the most sexually aggressive manner than any of the other hugs that he had given me. It was then that I said, you know, Governor, you know, my words were, you're going to get us in trouble. And I thought to myself that probably wasn't the best thing to say, but at that time, I was so afraid that one of the mansion staff that they were going to come up and see this and think, oh, you know, is that what she comes here for? And that's not what I came there for, and that's not who I am. And I was terrified of that. And when I said that, he walked over shut the door so hard, to the point where I thought for sure someone downstairs must think. They must think if they heard that, what is going on? Came back to me, and that's when he put his hand up my blouse and cupped my breast over my bra I exactly remember looking down seeing his hand, which is a large hand, thinking to myself, oh my god, this is happening. It happened so quick. He didn't say anything when I stopped it. He just pulled away and walked away. I want to read to you what the governor said quote to touch a woman's breast who I hardly know in the mansion, with ten staff around, with my family in the mansion, to say, I don't care who sees us, I would have to lose my mind to do such a thing. Reading that is disgusting. It's simple. I know the truth. He knows the truth. I know what happened, and so does he. For more than three months, she says, she didn't tell anyone until she watched Governor Cuomo's press conference on March third. But this is what I want you to know, and I want you to know this from me directly. He almost has this smirk that he thinks that he's untouchable. That was the tipping point I wrote down. You know, I said he's lying. I felt like he was personally saying it to me. All right. Those were the words on CBS by Brittany Camiso. Now she was previously known prior to this interview as executive assist at Number One, tearfully detailing the groping, the unwanted, touching, creepy encounters with Cuomo, for whom she started working in twenty seventeen. These were not the hugs you'd give his brother or mother. These are the hugs with the tension of getting some personal satisfaction out of its, sexual satisfaction out of it. And then started to be hugs and kisses on the cheek and and you just heard the rest of it. This now makes her the second women to go into specific detail about groping, which then gets into the conclusion of the Attorney General, and now four separate jurisdictions within New York, you have you prosecutors now criminally investigating this case. Now we know in Albany, for example, one of the other one aide that it had said that very specifically that he had groped her under her blouse, etc. Now it's now it's the legal side of this, which I've been saying is going to be the biggest challenge that he's going to face here. Now we also have his top aid or what people who refer to as his enforcer or most trusted aid principal. You know, I guess person Melissa de Rosa has now resigned, and speculations swirling she may start cooperating with prosecutors, and she probably would be the person. If there is anybody that knows anything other than the people that were with him in these moments alone, it probably would be her. And it was her comment leaving was it's been the greatest honor of my life to serve the people of New York for the past ten years. In a statement release last night, adding that the past two years have been emotionally and mentally trying. This is significant and as she was seen as one of the governor's most trusted top aids, and she stood by Cuomo for years, even as his inner circle kept shrinking and shrinking, and many top staffers who had helped him win in twenty ten had long left the administration. About two thirds of State Assembly members now are saying they favor an impeachment trial if he refuses to resign. Nearly all sixty three members of the State Senate have called on Cuomo to step down or be removed. But then it gets to the criminal side of it. The New York Times is reporting probably a name you've never heard, Kathy Hokel, and she's the Lieutenant governor in New York. She has been extremely harsh in her comments about the governor, but she would take his place, becoming the first woman to lead the state of New York. And anyway, joining us on these new developments, we have Greg Jarrett. He has his own podcast now called The Brief. And Candice Jackson serves as the Deputy Assistant for Strategic Operations and Outreach for the Office of Civil Rights in the Department of Education and the acting Assistant Secretary from April twenty seventeen. To July at twenty eighteen. Anyway, she was the attorney for Kathy Shelton, who was a victim of sexual assault and an attacker that was defended by Hillary Clinton. Anyway, welcome both of you back to the program. Let Greg, let's start now on the legal side of it, because now that case, as you rightly predicted, as growing by the minute, it is. And I must say, and you played a clip of what she had to say to CBS News. She was poised in articulate as she recounted the harassment and the physical abuse she suffered over the course of two long years. I must say her demeanor seemed sincere. Her story was compelling. At one point I would use the word credible. I watched it. It was credible, polutely, and she said what he did to me was a crime. He broke the law. She will make I think, a compelling competent and as you say, a credible witness. Should the Albany District Attorney decide to bring charges against Cromwell, as I believe he should, she filed a criminal complaint against him, the DA could well decide to arrest and prosecute Cuomo under several New York statutes forcible touching, sexual assault and battery, even criminal harassment. Let's get your tay, Candice, and this is not your first rodeo in these cases. Tell us what you think and how you felt about this interview coupled with the first accuser of a physical assault. Well, I think the posture of watching and listening to that interview is certainly different in light of the state Attorney General support that came out. In other words, this is a we're now in a different ballgame, a different situation than when accusers first come forward and give interviews with the media and we can all sit back and judge credibility and see what our oppressions are. But now this is all against the background of an extraordinarily comprehensive and thorough factful, independent investigation into the allegation. And so in that light, it's not at all surprising that I think we're seeing all three directions and pathways of accountability being pursued now impeachment. I think civil lawsuits are about to follow, and it isn't surprising that this kind of patterned behavior is going to cross over into the criminal realm. Quick Break more on the latest with Andrew Cuomo with Greg Jarrett and Candice Jackson and your calls the next half hour. All right, as we continue, Greg Jarrett, Candice Jackson, the very latest on Andrew Cuomo. I've been asked by a number of people, you know, what options does Governor Cuomo have. I don't think he survives into any circumstances, and now it's going to be a matter of how long he fights it out. I think is big threat is now. It has nothing to do with politics. The civil cases will go forward regardless, but now I believe the criminal issue is front and center. Now. It's interesting. Your background is interesting because you are the attorney for Kathy Shelton, a victim of sexual assault, and her attack are defended by Hillary Clinton. You wrote the book Their Lives, the women targeted by the Clinton machine. Do you see parallel Uh? Do you see similarities in this? Well? Absolutely, Here there are parallels, and then there are are a couple of differences. So the parallels are that Cuomo just like with Bill Clinton, just like with so many other liberal sex harassments and a few scandals that we've seen over the years, the pattern is the same in the sense of even people who are out there politically supposedly standing up for women and taking strong stances against sexual harassment and sexual abuse. In there behind the curtains lives are are the biggest offenders, and yet their inner circles circle the wagons and not only disfend their guy, but actually go on the offense against any woman who dares to come forward. All of that happened here, the differences that I think the zeitgeist has shifted, and now we're seeing, we're seen in an abandonment of let's defend our guy at all costs, and it's coming at frankly the right time. It's coming after a factual investigation has determined that these women were credible. He is not credible, and now now now he's got to face the consequences. Yeah, you know, Greg, as we now look at the way this is unraveling here, it seems that I'm not sure the governor is taking the legal side of this seriously. But you know, we saw what was unfolding with this this absolutely adam shift show of a press conference last Friday, and I didn't think it went well at all, and it was you know, I mean just roundly just just just people were excoriating the lawyers what is your take on what the defense is here? And where do you see this going? Well, they were acting as his shills, uh, you know, and they were roundly mocked for the anemic arguments they tried to make on his behalf, and it waked Shaun of desperation. Riddy Clavin, one of the lawyers, gripe that Cuomo is sixty three years old. He's been in public life for four decades. She said, for him to be all of a sudden accused of sexual assault doesn't pass mustard, you know, amazingly, she said it with a straight face. You know, that's the kind of defense that his legal counsel intends to amount. Well, then Cuomo should be hiring better, smarter lawyers. The fact that nobody came forward until recently is irrelevant. You know, Harvey Weinstein sexually harassed and assaulted women for years and got away with it before the truth finally emerged and he was prosecuted and convicted because his victims had the courage to finally speak out about his hideous acts of abuse dating all the way back to the nineteen seventies. So that's not a defense that's going to work. I think Andrew Cuomo is kidding himself if he thinks he can survive this sex scandal of his own making. There is zero chance his banishment from office I think is in Actis now highlight Lucy Florez and Tara Reid and Joe Biden? Or does the media just give him a pass? We have thirty seconds left, Candice, Oh, I think it should highlight it. I think that element of democrat of liberal hypocrisy on sexual harassment issues is going to continue. I think that everyone will will go after Cuomo and and you know, kind of do the right thing as Bart, holding him accountable and give Joe Biden an absolute free pass. Yeah, all right, We're going to continue to follow the case. So more on Hannity tonight on all of these developments. Eight hundred nine Shan is a number. You want to be a part of the program, quick break right back, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour. Eight hundred nine four one sean, you want to be a part of the program. So you know, we have made the point that a riot breaking the law, equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws. We need to have consistency. We don't I can now unfortunately, sadly tell you that equal justice under the law, in my opinion, in the United States today doesn't exist. Equal application of laws does not exist. Case in point, Michael Horowitz makes referrals for lying to Congress the very thing that ended up getting Roger Stone. Nearly thirty guys in tactical gear, frogman pre dawn d raid, guns drawn, CNN, fake news cameras, you know, chronicling the whole thing. They would tipped off. And top officials in the FBI, not the ninety nine percent of great people, but the one percent nothing happens. I mean, it's unbelievable. So we had five hundred and seventy four riots in cities that were officially declared riots, nearly three thousand injured police officers, twenty five plus dead. He watched what happened where city blocks were taking over chaz chop autonomous, summer of love, spaghetti, potluck, dinner zones. You know, that's what Horace. Lorenzo Anderson Junior died and they could barely get him the medical assistance that he desperately needed on time. And so all this goes on, police precincts burned to the ground. Kamala Harris supporting, you know, a Bell fund to get the people responsible for the rioting out of jail in Minnesota. Minneapolis, and we saw it in Los Angeles, and we saw it all across America. We've seen it in New York and everywhere. Okay, though those are called riots, they're officially declared riots. Okay, January six happens. We condemn what happened on January six. We've got to protect American institutions. We've got to have laws that are obeyed. And yet the only of the five hundred and seventy five, when you include all the summer rioting, the only ones that Democrats care about is the one that they can exploit. All these murders take place every weekend. We don't know the names of all the people's shot and all the people shot and killed. We don't know the names of all of the police officers. This year, over one hundred and fifty killed in the line of duty, most of them shot, some stab some other ways, they murdered. And you know, it's so it was very evident from the beginning this is just Nancy Pelosi. Her commission is just you know, bias. And then they even they get so you know, so obvious about it. They kick off Jim Jordan and Jim Banks from the commission one thing. Look, I'm not going to spend a lot of time on it, but you know I knew Dick Cheney very well, actually liked them. This guy served as country Defense Secretary two different tours vice president, smart guy, tough guy. I believe post nine to eleven they made a lot of right decisions. They didn't have quite the military technology and capability we have today. I would never go back and fight a war the way we fought the Iraq War. You know, where we have our national treasure banging on you know, going door to door and banging on the doors and Baghdad. You know we can. We can fight wars now with precision and accuracy by pushing buttons in Tampa. That's how sophisticated weaponry has become. You know, since since they were in office, and I look at Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney, and national security was always probably the most the most important issue for them. And now Liz Cheney has embraced and is frankly partnered with the very people that would regularly say Bush Cheney lied, and people died. The very people that would call her father a war criminal, the very people that wanted to put her father in jail for the rest of his life, the very people that attacked the work that he did and tried to create nefarious intentions when he was in the public sector and he was working with Haliburton, the never ending attacks against dar. You know Cheney at the time, he's dark, he's evil, He's he's the embodiment of evil, because that's right out of the Democrats him book. What I'm having a hard time understanding. I get it Liz Cheney hates Donald Trump. Okay, I understand that, fine. But did you hate his policies in Afghanistan? Did you like that he was tough with Russia, obviously tougher than Putin than Biden with Putin? Did you like the fact that he got free and fair trade deals that nobody thought would ever happened. Did you like the energy independence that he achieved first time seventy five years? Did you like how he stood up to China and China then started now importing more American goods and then we put tariffs on China when they were being obstinate. I don't see Joe doing any of these things. He seems to be kissing the ass of every you know, dictatorship out there in the world today, forcing South Korea to give them alls an Iran what seven billion dollars. You know, Putin gets a waiver for the pipeline, but we fired Keystone Xcel pipeline workers here. Putin's rewarded with all the cyber attacks by getting a summit with the cognitively weak Chow and of course the whole Hunter Biden question about how compromised the entire family is. But you know, I just wonder I just went back in time a little bit. Maybe remind Liz the people that are now praising her in the media, the Democrats that she's now partnered with, Maybe just a reminder of who she's now best friends with. Dick Cheney. He's the one that created al Qaeda by taking over the Holy Land in Saudi Arabia. He's the one that de baptisize the Iraqi government and created ISIS, and he's coming back again with more advice. I think it's a mess. It's a mess that Dick Cheney and of this creator on backstage and you're opening monologue that you mentioned that Dick Cheney this you know, embittered bacteria of some of humanity who and I think about it, it's always it's always a surprise to me to remember that, you know, through bionic technology and so on. This this guy's still here and and still not given the credit. And I wanted to give him the credits that you mentioned him. I mean, these are the guys he and President Bush and some others who invented dash risis. I mean, they really are that which created it. I find somebody who can who can be absolutely charisma free and reviled by everybody. So he went ask Goobby Bayle, and you know, thank you, and for all the competition, I will be cornering the market on the charisma free. What do you think, Mike McConnell next, I could be good. Um, thank you to Satan for give him inspiration on how to play this wrong looked. Shaney's awful. First of all, he's just awful. If you can't trust a man who shot his own friend in the face because he thought he was a burn. I was stunned to hear that quote from Vice President Cheney just now. If he doesn't think that was torture, I would invite him anywhere in the United States to sit in a water board and go through what those people went through. Okay, Yeah, if you talked to mister Rodriguez who was in the room and others, we wouldn't have gotten the courier found the courier through k Sam Kellid Sheik Muhammad. That led to the guy that was delivering all of Osama bin Laden's mail, you know, which led to a batabat whatever it's called in Pakistan where they were able to get bin Laden. Anyway, So it's Kinzinger and it's Liz Cheney. Maybe she forgot though, maybe maybe it's just an honest you know, you know, a forgetful moment like Joe. Anyway, eight hundred nine four on Sean our number. You want to be a part of the program. The Final Hour roundup is next. You do not want to miss it, and stay tuned for the Final Hour freeverall on the Sean Hannity Show. And as we continue right to our phones we go, Let's say, Hi, we got Nicks in New York. Nick apparently owns a pizzeria in Queens, New York. Where's your pizzeria? Hey, Sean, pleasure to be on the show. Where's Where's your store? Where's your pizza? It's in Howard Beach, queens right on right on the board Beach. I know a lot of folks in Howard Beach, A lot about a lot of people I know hang out there in the summer right by Russa's on the Bay. Once a call Divinos de Vinos. If you're in Howard Beach, go to de Vinos and say, Sean Hannity sent you. What's going on? My friend? Appreciate it. It's fifty in Minnesota the Nassau County border and Maya de scrat Field is no vaccine card restrictions. What do you think the un vaccinated population in New York City, which it's pretty uh, it's pretty vast. What do you think they're gonna do? Are they're gonna wait in line? We now have to hire a bounce ask your question. Are you gonna not be able to sell pizza to anybody that comes in your store and doesn't show you the vaccine card for right now? The way that he worded it, it's for indoor dining, so you can't go out to eat anymore if you're not vaccinated. In New York City come August thirteenth. I can't tell you what to do, and I'm not gonna urge anybody to break the law, but I will tell you I find it's so offensive. You know, where are your papers before you can get a piece of pizza, your great pizza shop? I mean, you got to you gotta be kidding me. Now, I'm sure you've already suffered a lot because of the draconian shutdown measures already and now we got to high bounces for the doors, we got a higher security to check these cards. How do you stay in business? There's not a lot of profit margin in a pizza. Now, how much does it cost you to make a pizza? Your cost? What does it cost if the labor insurance you're not walking away over very much, You're not walk away over very much. What do you make it? On an average you know, large pie, a regular pie is seventeen eighteen dollars profit launchins about twenty five percent on that. And that's not a lot. It may sound like a lot, but it's not. By the way, and some of you that don't live in New York and you eat this crappy pizza all the time, trust me, you don't know what pizza is until you've lived in New York. It's much better. Um. That's that was my biggest complaint when I didn't live in New York sixteen years. Um, and that I couldn't find a good bagel anywhere. But putting that aside, you know, I feel I feel terrible for guys like yourself, Nikki. You know, you built a business, you put your heart and soul into it. Let me ask you, how many hours you work a week? It's a family owned restaurants, a family owned restaurant, it's my whole family in there. How many hours do you put in a week, at least at least five nights a week, working at least twelve hour days, calling job job works full time, go work there at night. I mean, it's just so hard, and we're like, we're killing guys like you. Just in New York is just killing businesses like yours. And you know, you drive through New York City now you see in the streets all these outdoor dining structures, all these tents. Guess who I to invest in that money just to just to keep the doors open, keep their employees working. The restaurants were at the foot the bill for all the lumber, all the manpower that I took to get the you know what they're really creating here. It's such a crock because what they're creating is an indoor area just covered with plastic and saying it's outdoors. That's all they're doing. It's not any different. You see it. You see, it's beyond stupid to me. I'm like, I go to my buddy's restaurant, um Chris and Tony's, and I love these guys and and you know, so I go, I'm hanging out and he goes, do you want to He goes, do you want to stay outside? And I'm like, really, you mean in the indoor plastic room? Or would I rather eat in the restaurant? Is that my option? Start a laughing, start a laughing. Everyone knows it's a croc everybody, And I'm gonna tell you anything, and every cop I know. They're not going after you guys. They don't want to hear it. No, no, if anything, they come in and they they're buying their own pizza, you know, just coming in the back door the best. But now what people are gonna do is are they're gonna wait in line if they're not vaccinated, or they can't bring their shouldred without being mixed up on borderline Queen's neighborhoods like Howard Beach, Bayside, Little Neck, Saint Albans, or they're gonna drive fifteen minutes across the border into Nassau County and not have any restrictions. That's what's gonna happen. And that's what's really gonna enpen. If there's somebody like you close to the border, you're gonna pay. You know, Look, if I ever get in the area, I'm gonna come by and see it happened to be a big pizza lover. And anyway, I'm sorry. I really am truly sorry. You and your family deserve better than this. And I wish I could say pack up your business and move to Florida, but that's not exactly easy either. You know, I don't know if you own the building, rent the building you have. You know, the cost moving and building a business is so so difficult. How many years have you been in business? And there you're going, It's it's gonna be inevitable pretty soon to pack up and leaves. It's gonna be inevitable for people. How many years your family been in business? We've been if we opened up three years ago, so we had one year in normalcy yet and the year an a half of chaos. Yeah, it's hope. I can tell you that people in this audience, they get it. And there's nobody listening to this that isn't saying this sucks. And I don't want I don't want anybody to fail. Especially this is your dream, your family's dream. You put your heart and soul into it. I'm sure your your menus phenomenal. You kill yourself every day. It's not easy work. It's a heavy lift. The margins are small and they make it impossible. And then whatever money you do make, they take half of it. Anyway, Um, hanging there, my friend. I one day I hope to stop in and see you also what they were doing. Well, I don't care. I'm walking in anyway. And if you want to call the ops on me, call the cops on me. All right, goodbye. Whenda Hannity arrested for going into pizza Paul Or refused to show identification his papers on his vaccinations status. Just say you're go to pick up Obama's catering for his bash. That's yeah, exactly. I'm here for Barak, it's all. I'm gonna take it up the month as Vinyan, that's all. That's all you're doing. And I hope you had a good I hope you had a good time. We're gonna talk about that with our friends, Mark Simona, Joe Consch at the top of the hour, quick break right back