Crisis of Retiring Cops

Published Jul 10, 2020, 10:00 PM

Commissioner Kerik, author of The Grave Above the Grave, he was Commissioner of the city of New York during 9-11, and Former Lt. Commander of the NYPD Counterterrorism Unit, and Sgt. Demetrick Pennie, 21 year veteran of the Dallas Police Force, President of the Dallas, Texas National Fallen Officer Foundation and now a U.S. Congressional candidate in Texas CD30, are outraged by the calls by those in power to defund the police; including Joe Biden. Is it any wonder that so many police officers are retiring? 

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All right, glad you with us one hundred and sixteen days to go, twenty five days we release Live Free or Die America in the world on the brink in Latin, Live Free or America Dies. And that is exactly how I feel. This is now, this is now going to be reduced to the single biggest choice referendum election, tipping point election in the history frankly of mankind. And now I guess we finally now know what Joe meant when he said he's gonna transform America. We now know rewrite the economy. We now know a lot that we didn't know before. Anyway, Happy Friday, you get to be the ultimate jury in one hundred and sixteen days. Rumors running rampant now, it's pretty much almost sounds like a fad to complete on at least the commutation for Roger Stone as the president last night. We'll have part of that interview coming up later today. You know, if our system of justice, because he's scheduled, he scheduled to go to prison, why do you think they put Paul Manafort. Paul Manafort's case was dead for years, dead and Burry done, investigation complete, no reason to pursue it you know, then we get into Alexandra Tulupa and the DNC operative and let's see meetings at the Ukrainian embassy to dig up dirt political report of this in early in January twenty seventeen. You know, why did dig up dirt from Ukrainian officials so that they can take down Trump and his associates. That's why it was dragged out of multipauls. Why do you think that for process crimes, for tax crimes that you know descending in you know, the pre dawn rate of Manafort's house, Why do you think they dumped Paul Manafort in solitary confinement at his age for such a long time. Well, it's not hard to figure out, is it. They were trying to get him to sing, you know, to you know, tell us what we want to hear, and we'll give you this card. It's like, um, if you've ever heard of the American Express, they have this so called prestigious Black card, Centurion card it's called and it weighs like ten und ten thousand pounds, and you know it's like a get out of jail free card. You know, it's amazing. It's so obvious what they were doing. This is what they do. This by the way, that process whereby, And I know it's been used in in cases involving the mob over the years, and I'm probably the most egregious example of it. It's Sammy the Bull Gravano, and you know, to get Sammy the Bull to turn on I guess at the time, I think it was John Gotti. I'm not my friend Curtis Leewa loves this stuff. I'm I don't follow it that closely. But at the time, you know, to get him to turn what he had committed. I think I read nineteen murders or they suspected him in nineteen murders or admitted to such. You know, he gets the witness protection program and a new life in Arizona. And meanwhile, we're going to trust the credibility of a guy that got it get out of jail free card. It's madness. Well, the whole idea is, you know, well if you sign this, if you say this, then you get it get out of jail free card. Now that is something of great value and worth. It's called your liberty and your freedom. And the whole idea that you intimidate with a pre dawn raid. I mean, let's say that Durham eventually gets around to applying the same standards of justice to come and McCabe and Struck and Page and Brannon and Clapper. Maybe are we going to see pre dawn raids? Are they going to tip off the Fox News channel cameras in case of Roger Stone, twenty nine guys and tactical gear pre dawn raid. CNN cameras just happened to be awake and president at that moment. They weren't tipped off. Why to intimidate Roger Stone, by the way, they could have looked up all they had to do. This was a process crime lying to Congress. Okay, so you say to the attorney report at eight am, or we're issuing a warrant for his arrest, and then you could monitor local airports or monitor where he's going to be and maybe I have one cop if you're really worried outside the house or what you can do all sorts of things. You don't break. You don't have twenty nine guys in tactical gear frogmen, and you don't tip off you know, CNN cameras about a raid because it's too intimidate and if Roger Stone, he said it right here on this program, if he would have said if he would he said, if I would have lied, all of this would have gone away. And he goes, I don't my soul won't let me lie like that. You gotta admire him. Then we have General Flynn. Now what's the goal here? That case was dead, but then it was brought alive in the Oval office of Barack Obama, with Joe Biden mentioning the Logan Act of seventeen ninety nine that has never halted in any successful prosecution. It's all crap, and Obama say, make sure our people get on this. So maybe we shouldn't tell him anything about this. He's up to his eyeball. Sally Yates testifying the House Intel Committee. I was stunned that Obamama was up to his eyeballs and note knew everything about the Flynn kidsley Ac call. You know that was the surveillance and the illegal unmasking and the releasing of rawne intelligence. That case was still dead after an investigation, and then they decided, okay, well, well it looks like you know the Kidsley A call is fine. Even Comey said that, but you know then we know what happened on day four the Trump administration. It was at nineteen days after that White House Oval Office meeting. Susan Rice was there, and she went back fifteen days later and on the day Trump was inaugurated, and Obama said, do everything by the book, do everything by the book. So Papadopolos, they withheld it sculptory information, they held exculpratory information on Flynn. One of the greatest travesties of injustice. It just is so corrupt at every level. And that's why we anxiously hope and await that bar we've got, We've got the FBI. There was no equal justice or equal application of our laws as it relates to Hillary Clinton and our violation of eighteen us C. Seven ninety three, the Espionage Act with a private server or a top secret and classified information on it. You know, it's called obstruction of justice. If you delete subpoena at emails and use bleach bit and bust up devices with hammers. You know, all the talk about well we care about Russia collusion, collercia collusion, turns out the only one colluding with the Russians was Adam schiff On tape sounding like a fool. Uh yeah, we got company MATI did Vladimir see it? But of course ladimis see the company, Lucy the company my dematidial. Yeah, he's on tape. Why he thinks he's talking to a Russian? The dumbass. And you know, then we have the whole shift show that follows. Think they cared about obstruction with Trump, No, because they already they didn't care about Hillary's obstruction. They only cared if it happened to Trump. They don't care about Hillary's dirty Russian dossier. We now know Russian disinformation, which kind of erases the phoning medium mob narrative that, in fact, that it was Donald Trump colluding. There was, for investigations, no evidence of any collusion with Russia whatsoever. General Flynn did nothing wrong. Well, then why did he admit? You know that he lied? Couldn't The FBI didn't think he lied because he lost his house. He didn't have any more money to fight. His money was gone. You don't get rich when you serve in the military. It's called service. You're serving. You choose that. You don't choose a job as a cop or a teacher or a fireman. Or the military for money. It's a calling, and he spent he put his life in harms way, thirty three year veteran, and he was in war zones for a good part of that time. But he basically said, well, we're gonna offer your son something. We'll have to go after your son. Then if you don't sign it, all right, Well, what would any good father do? I know what I would do. I'd like, at least I'd like to think i'd do. I'd just say, okay, I'll impale myself. Where do I dive? You know, just show me where I need to impale myself, you know, instead of threatening my children because you're abusing your power. And now, you know, do we believe in a system where every American should have a fair and impartial jury. Do we believe in that or not? Because in the Roger Stone case, there's no more flagrant abuse of power. It's that simple, and that is the jury. Poor person prior to getting on that jury made it very clear publicly she hated Roger Stone, Donald Trump, and anybody that liked Donald Trump. We have this process, it's called a jury question near form. You know, nobody seems to want to investigate did she lie on that form? I haven't seen it yet. Then when he appeals rightly, that was not a fair and impartial jury, you know, So now the President's like, what do I do? You know? So I'm here that's getting very loud, but that, you know, commuting the sentence would be the least of it. All these people, in my opinion, need pardons. I'd even argue what they did to Mike Michael Cohne, who lied about me saying I was a client. Not particularly happy with that because it was never true. He did apologize to me. I'll give him credit. And you know, but even in that case, you know, they put the screws to you in the hopes that you're gonna say what they want to say and they offer you something a great value. That's that can't happen in this country. By the way, in the British court case, it revealed that Christopher Steele knew he was working for Hillary. Did you know that? Red State? At CBS? Catherine Herritch just killing it with her reporting. Amazing reporting. Information continued to come through the British lawsuit against Steele by two Russian bankers. Steele has now been ordered to pay the damages to the bankers for his inaccurate, misleading material in the dossier. Catherine Harrihage observes, your court findings could play a role in the Durham investigation and mister Steele's evidence the judge rights in this case. Mister Steele's evidence is now that he now believes the ultimate client was the Democratic National Committee and submits that the ultimate client was the leadership of the Clinton presidential campaign. Uh Boughton paid for Russian propaganda, misinformation, dirty dossier that then come three times, and Yates did it, and gwent Day's did it and Rod Rosenstein premeditated fraud on the FISA Court. Where are the indictments? Where are they? Director Ray, where are you? It's just your silent is sickening, and it's deafening at this point. Anyway, So the Appeals Court has put the flintcase dismissal on hold because this crazy judge Emmett Sullivan just you know, they allows this injustice to go on in perpetuity, or so he's hoping to have happened. On other notes, before we get to a crazy Joe Biden in a second, I saw this in the Epic Times and the US Army is now investigating a message sent to army personnel that claimed quote make America great and celebrating Columbus Day are forms of white supremacy. According to the Epic Times, the message was sent by a member of the US Army Aviation and Missile Center. I believe this was Redstone arsenal, according to a friend of mine and my own stomping grounds in Huntsville anyway, and it included a government email address, according to the Epic Times, and a diagram outlining various forms of quote covert supremacy and antidiversity offenses and making How does he say making America great again? We want the country great again? How did the president define making America great? Record low unemployment for every demographic group in the country. Isn't that what we want? A successful well? First, we want a safe and secure country for every American, a good educational system for every American child. We want an America where you know, city blocks aren't taken over by anarchists, where police are impelted with rocks and bricks and bottles and Molotov cocktails, and precincts burned to the ground, or precincts taken hostage or a Chaz Chob zone or summer love zone where innocent people like like Horace Lorenzo Anderson Junior get killed and then the police have to beg to go in and offer medical help. Or what happened in Atlanta at the Wendy's that was burned to the ground and then that whole city block surrounded by their own autonomous zone that resulted in the death of an eight year old kid. They don't do anything sad anyway, So that's what it's saying. You know, I don't know. I mean, in one hundred and sixteen days, all of this is on the line. We'll get to all of this, We'll get to Joe Biden's big reveal week. This is not gonna end well for him, you know, with all the talk about the poles, what do we say? So at some point Joe has to speak, and he's gonna have to have an agenda. Now he's adopted the most radical extreme you know, enemy of the people, the police, the Bolshevic Bernie Sanders, socialist utopia, the AOC New Green Deal stupidity. That's Joe's agenda. You get to decide in one hundred and sixteen days. Oh, no, I'm looking at my screen here. We're gonna just we'll get back to the news in a second. Pearl is in Brooklyn. Pearl, we've known our mom. I don't know. It goes back how many decades? And I'm reading your mom passed away. Yes, yes, Sean, Oh, I'm so sorry. Hannah was your mom's name, and she was a Holocaust survivor. Yes, I loved your mom. She was. She was so amazing, amazing woman. We lost a wonderful, wonderful woman. And hand My mother was your first number one fan since the first day you wrote about her in your book, delivered from E Did I did it? Did? Yes? You did? And I want to think. And by the way, I remember she took over the microphone one nice Yes she did. At the Rainbow Room. Yes, she stood up and she said, ladies and gentlemen, I wanna thank you for joining Sean Hannity here tonight. He is the great friend to Israel. And she got two standing ovations. Yeah, I remember. Um. You know, there are some people in life, the people that I admire most. They have been through the roughest, the most difficult, the hardest times, and that was your mom. But she came through it with a heart, a goal, but also with a passion that we never ever allow such evil to exist again. Thank you. I'm so sorry about your loss. It's a loss for the program. Um she's in a better place and that I believe you know that she's um. You know there. I'm not one of them. I'm I'm like one of the people that you know needs the forgiveness type of Christian right. And this country was founded on Judeo Christian principles. I write a lot about it in my new book coming out. But you're in You're in our prayers, Your mom's in our prayers, and whole families in our prayers. Oh my, now, my heart's troubled. On a Friday, will continue all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, just like twenty five days to live free or die America in the world on the brink. So Kenneth Vogel is, I guess what it is he with the New York Toilet paper Times anyway, he just apparently an excerpt from my TV show in an interview with Joe Degeneva that apparently Rod Rosenstein flagged for the Justice Department's Inspector General Michael Horowitz, Linda, You've had more time to look at this than I. I have no idea what. I don't even remember the segment. I don't remember what I said yesterday, but I can tell you the record of every president since Jimmy Carter. But in all seriousness, well, that's kind of an interesting thing, because there are other instances where I know for a fact that Rod Rosenstein was less than complimentary to yours truly, and he was kind of known to have this pretty vicious temper according to direct reports from people who were there when it happened. You know, it's amazing it. I don't even bring up that, you know, for example, things that go on in life, that that go on in this warld we're living in. I mean, I don't know. Doesn't matter to anybody that what there were forty five pages of three O two's of Muller's pit bulls out there questioning people about Sean Hannity. Why, because I'm a member of the press and I do my job, and I was doing the job the rest of the media ignored. You're that interested in what I had to say that in any of the people that I might have might have or not have had. I'll neither confirm nor deny any sources I ever have, and I'll take those to the grave. They'd be so interested. Then they release what did that? Judge, the man of Fort and roger Stone judge release what what was it? Fourteen hundred eleven, twelve hundred of my personal text messages. I'll tell you it was fifty seven pages. Yeah, fifty seven pages. You know, I thought we all Democrats believed in a right to quote privacy. See, I think this is a little bit different one. I gotta be honest with you. I think I think this is all about them eavesdropping to see how much you know about their own corruption, because all these guys are complicit and they're a part of it, so they want to know how much you know. Oh listen, I know somebody who's in the room. Rod Rosenstein threw a fit at the very mention of my name, And how is it that I could even be on television and radio? Had a fit, a meltdown. Well, because everything we've reported is true, now confirmed by the Inspector General, now confirmed by every single bit of new evidence we've gotten. We got the whole thing right. We didn't get any of it wrong. The people that were wrong was the ninety nine point nine percent of media that loves you know, the ever well, let's say corrupt and confused Joe Biden. Anyway, so we have Seattle City Council. They've now backed a fifty percent cut in the police. You got Comrade Deblasio saying that, you know, if there's ever a question that where the mayor and his political agenda is in all of this. The biggest screw up in New York City and state and New Jersey and Pennsylvania and Michigan on coronavirus. Now it's you know, the lawlessness cutting a billion dollars from the NYPD. But de Blasio is going to allow Black Lives Matter protesters to continue marching through the city streets while the city's canceling all other large events through September. And then he said that the calls for social justice are just wighed too important to stop after more than a month of demonstrations. And then Comrade de Blasio, I guess in front of Trump Tower, they I guess on the street pavement, you know, they I guess stencil dinner painted in the words Black Lives matters. And again I make a distinction between the group which was on tape chanting what do we want dead cops? When do we want them now? And pigs in a blanket and fry them like bacon with You know, there were honest protesters that use the word, but they're not part of the group. But you know, when you have a rise of violence such as we are having in New York City that is beyond scary, you have to wonder maybe we should maybe we should keep the city safe and secure first, just an idea. You know, we have an election coming up bow in one hundred and sixteen days. I would think if right now, if I'm the mayor of Chicago, if I'm the mayor of New York City, if I'm the governor of New York State, the governor of Illinois, if I'm the governor of Washington State, I'm governor of California, I think the most important thing right now, Atlanta, mayor of Atlanta. I'm thinking, I got to keep the citizens in my city safe and secure. And even in New York City. He got booed, meaning Comrade Deblasio did. The Utah governors now declared a state of emergency due to civil unrest there Seattle City County, so as I said, they're going to defund the police by fifty percent Seattle police ice cream parlors, apparently of barring police from carrying guns. They'll make their own laws. I guess Maryland Governor Hogan is disgusted by Baltimore councilman's comments on possibly removing a police statute black Lives Matter. Apparently, you know this was in the Washington Times today, quoted our friend Larry elder Anyway, Larry Elders said, quote in this article more people have been shot and killed in Chicago at this point in twenty twenty than in twenty nineteen, despite two months of stay at home directives. He said, where is Black Lives Matter when you need them? When we got the answer, I'll play it later in the show with Don Lemon saying, no, no, the group black Lives matters only against, you know, only against when police are involved in the killing of an African American. And I'm like, why shouldn't it be all encompassing? And this was the point that Horace Lorenzo Anderson was making to me in this heartfelt interview I had with him last week, and he's right. And the father that lost a seven year old daughter that was making to Lawrence Jones on our program this week, and that father's right, and just simple basic common sense. There is no pursuit of happiness. There is no equal justice if you don't live in a neighborhood that is safe and secure. If you want to talk about the ladder to success, well, if you have the failed educational system and you have lack of lack of security, you know, and safety in your own town or city, there's no pursuit of happy that you rip away the rungs in the ladder. And that's what's happened after decades of democratic rule in these cities and in these states. I mean, it's getting scarier and scarier and scarier, and you know it's you know, now we're going to get rid of the police. How do people think this is going to end here? How do you think this is going to end culminating? Now? This was in Saint Petersburg, Florida, amid calls for police reform there. They announced yesterday that non violent calls in Tampa and Saint Pete to the police are going to be handled by quote social workers rather than uniformed officers. Okay, I don't I don't expect that that's gonna work out well either. Anyway, the social workers will respond. You know when people are intoxicated or overdose it, well, some people intoxicated can be very violent. In case. I know that from my years of bartending people in mental health crisis, suicide, people at a suicidal or homeless people or neighbor disputes or disorderly kids. And okay, sending the social workers, We'll send in the psychiatrist. I'm not so sure that that's going to work out well. My gut tells me it's not Minneapolis businesswoman. I'm left alone. I have nothing after the riots destroyed her hair. Salon now a city council member in Seattle. You know she's she says that, well, okay, let's have chop USA. You know she's coming to overthrow the racist, sexist system of capitalism pretty much the Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders Acasio Cortez Unity ticket, Pelosi and Schumer ticket. De Blasio denied New York plan would place the NYP under the control of an independent panel. Even New York lawmakers are scared to death of how dumb Dplasio is, and you know he would lose the authority over the NYPD under the state attorney general's plan. I never been a fan of the state attorney general, but certainly has a lot more sense than the Blasio. And meanwhile, of course Cuomo and de Blasio, they just keep fighting every other day. But that's the state of things, and that's basically the state of where we're going to be. And what's it, you know, what is now front and center in terms of what's at stake in this election. I mean, we now have the full proposal what transforming America Biden means. I guess that means, yeah, we're going to defund the police. You know, it was his statement, not mine. It was Joe's statement about you and they now become the enemy of the people. Surplus military equipment for law enforcement. They don't need that. The last thing you need is an up armored HUMV coming into a neighborhood. It's like the military invading. They don't know anybody to become the enemy. They're supposed to protecting these people. So my jineering point is that we agree that we can redirect some of the funding. Yes, absolutely, one of the things that we also need to be doing is fundamentally changing the way and I've been pushing it for years, changing the way we deal with our prison system. So you got this new hundred and ten page document basically the entire radical extreme Bolshevik Bernie Sanders plan for America, the Unity Task Force Summary as they call it. And you know, it's kind of funny because Joe Biden's known for plagiarism. Neil Kinnock in the nineteen eighties, he had to end his presidential campaign then when he was caught per literally plagiarizing word for word, then later plagiarizing Robert Kennedy, and then even accused of plagiarizing a paper in law school. Now he's trying to, you know, talk about American manufacturing at home when they said that, well, those jobs ain't coming back. Now he's trying to say, you know, take on before we got to increase manufacturing. Now he's gonna plagiarize Donald Trump. We already have his eight years record. We already have one hundred and twenty five year record of failure of Pelosi and Schumer and Biden. You know ninety three, Okay, Acacio Cortez top advisor, ninety three trillion dollars New Green Deal. Okay, how are we going to afford that? Then we're gonna have free paid medical leave, free housing, broad student loan forgiveness. How stupid, Linda, We've been STU, but all these years I pay it off my student loan. Aren't you still paying off student loans? Oh? Yeah, plenty of that going around. You get that you're gonna get a universal healthcare you always dreamed of. How did it work out the last time Joe and Barrock tried it? Not even if you don't, even if you don't want it, you're gonna pay the penalty, and you get amnesty for eleven plus million illegal immigrants. Will become the United Sanctuary States of America, you know, prevent ice from deporting even criminal illegal immigrants when they get out in jail. And like Ethan said, so now we can't have guns and we can't have police. So good luck protecting yourself in your family. And Biden wants to outlaw the right to work. Oh what, that's a nod to the unions. You force you to join a union whether you want to or not. So much for freedom of choice. It wants to eliminate cash bill. How du I mean? You have bank robbers in New York thanks to Governor Clomo's another brilliant decision of his, yeah you have no bail. Bank robbers would be caught by police, brought to the booked, you know, get fingerprinted, and then they released no bill. Then they go out and commit another bank robbery and get caught again and released again. What of that one guy he did five separate times, they kept releasing him out there to go rob banks. I guess they're encouraging all of this. So now we know what it means to transform America. And you know, for Bernie to say, you'll be the most progressive candidate in history, everything that we believe in terms of capitalism and free markets and the greatest wealth producing system of governance ever created, that brings out every God given talent and ability people have. The only people stopping that from happening is those, you know, states that have been run by Democrats for decades that have allowed the educational system to be destroyed. You know that we should have fixed that, We should pix that. We know what Biden meant about transforming America now, and that means yeah, the enemy of the people. Great, what did he do after Ferguson and after Baltimore, Because we saw police, you know, taking on those that were involved in the unrest in those cities. They didn't do anything. As I keep saying, it was criminal justice reform. You know, he was out there saying things like, you know, oh, integration, I don't want my kids in a racial jungle, and using the word predators. And his mentor and you know, Keillery's mentor, and Bill Clinton's mentor, and Schumer and Pelosi's mentor, the former clansmen that Philippus did the Civil Rights Activoting Rights Act sixty four to sixty five. It took the vast majority Republicans to get those bills passed. Nothing Republicans ever get credit for, you know, especially every two and four years when you know, those ads come flying out just accused Republicans of every you know everything, racism, sexism, misogyny, you know, dirty air war to the whole list I give you. You know, it's uh, pretty amazing, pretty amazing. Worried his own kids would grow up in a quote racial jungle. He said, can you believe that what if Donald Trump said that trashing law enforcement, referring to the police. They're now viewed as the enemy of the people. Wow, and he's yeah, I'm gonna I'm gonna readirect funding. Well, what are you gonna do if that happens to you? And Saint Petersburg. Now we're gonna what no longer respond to emergency calls? Will send in the social workers another brilliant idea. You know, you look at everything from this combating climate crisis, environmental justice, reforming our criminal justice system, eliminating the police, defunding the police, you know, all of the you know, the all of the promises that everything in the world is free. Joe Biden's bought it all and taking it on hook line and sinker. And I'm not sure he has the mental alertness, the strength and stamina to be isn't it? So then that is okay, Well we got to look at the people around them. Well, he made the deal with Bernie Sanders, the Bolshevik guy that actually honeymooned in the former Soviet Union, and the squad leader, which is Ccasio Cortez on the New Green Deal. So I would assume they'll be advising them critical laws like the proactor strength and collective bargaining on politics like prevailing and Lord, I guess I'm getting I'm taking too much time, But we're gonna have a breathtaking opportunity to create good paying union jobs, deliver the promise of America, the Americans who've been denied it from much too long. To rewrite our economy so the prosperity flows not just the CEOs, but the workers who actually build a country. As Sir. Plus military equipment for law enforcement, they don't need that. The last thing you need is an up armored hum V coming into a neighborhood. It's like the military invading. They don't know anybody to become the enemy. They're supposed to be protecting these people. So my jineering point is that we agree that we can redirect some of the funding. Yes, absolutely, And one of the things that we also need to be doing is fundamentally changing the way, and I've been pushing it for years, changing the way we deal with our prison system. You have reached the nine one one police emergency line due to defunding of the police department. We're sorry, but no one is here to take your call. Leave your name and number and someone we'll get back to you. Our estimated way time is currently five days. Goodbye. All right? That ad has been resonating big time around the country. But you think about it and Biden's comments this week about how the police have become the enemy, and you know, where was he when all of all of the incidents it was, were occurring in Ferguson, in Baltimore and elsewhere around the country. Where where was Joe? You know, all of this is just you know, pable him at the end of the day and transforming America. What does that mean? Rewrite our economy? What does that all mean? Well, now we have some insight into it all thanks to this you know, Unity Task Force, and of course now AOC is advising him on the New Green Deal issues. John Kerry is in there helping, you know, climate, combating the climate crisis, pursuing environmental justice, reforming our criminal justice system. Once so we'll do what they're doing down in Tampa Bay, Florida, and we're gonna send in social workers instead of police. How's that going to work out for everybody? I'm I'm not a graduate of mt or Harvard, but I think a little bit of common sense goes a long way here. It's not going to work. Well, then, of course the full blown acceptance of all things socialism as outlined by Bernie Sanders pretty much the exact same thing, and on every level transform I guess that's what it means to transform the country. It's it's unbelieved, none of it's affordable. These are false promises. As I say in twenty five days from now when I released my new book, Live Free or America Dies, really the America in the world on the brink, Live Free or Die. You know, I go through socialism and it's entire disgusting, repulsive, power grabbing, false promises and failure, a history of failure. And then you read that chapter, after having read the chapter about the twenty twenty Democratic Agenda, and you begin to realize, oh my god, this isn't exactly what they promised all in every instance of failure, it can't succeed anyway. Joining us, our posters, we have John McLaughlin and Matt Towery with us. Welcome both of you to the program. Matt, let me start with you, and let's start with that ad because I'm telling you, if we don't have law and order and safety and security and we have this defunding of the police. So we see this rapid rise and murder and crime and arson, and you know, chazz and chop zones resulting in disaster. You don't have any opportunity to pursue your dreams and pursue happiness. That should be the number one fundamental role of any government official to keep its citizen re safe. Well, Sean, let me give you the tale of two cities and explain why this ad really is resonating and in swing states. I left yesterday my home in Saint Petersburg, Florida, to come to my hometown of Atlanta, where you used to broadcast and people still know you well. And as I left Saint Petersburg, my neighbors are all writing me telling me that the mayor in the police department there had decided that they would no longer answer any non violent crimes. They would send social workers and other individuals beginning October first. Now, I have good friends in that area too. I'm not putting people down, but I can tell you my neighbors and my friends, many of whom aren't political, We're all over the phone, upset, worried. They don't know how that's going to work. In the fact a lot of the people that are talking about can still be very violent without being classified as violent. And then I get to Atlanta, Georgia, which is a town that's that's absolutely on edge because of the massive number, large number of murders that have taken place in this city since all of the civil laws started, and the fact that it's become something that's really out of control. The governor has the National Guard activated. The President's add that he has is hitting that tone right now. And I believe it's not for political reasons that I say this, but I'm saying that AD is touching both small cities and areas like Saint Petersburg two hundred thousand people and big areas like Atlanta, where you have millions of people in the same vein, and that's an amazing thing to have happened in forty five days and you've taken on all of that. John McLaughlin, Well, I think the bottom line is that it is very effective. The campaign has done a great job with that. And again I'm part of the campaign. But at the end of the end of June, we did this survey for McLaughlin on line dot com. All we put it up and fifty seven percent to thirty percent. The majority of Americans opposed defunding the police, and Biden was ducking it then. And the reason they opposed is sixty eight percent of all voters I think it's going to increase crime in the country, and they're not wrong. It must be even higher now. So Biden can no longer duck this. This week, you played the audio Biden said this week crazy. We drew him out from the basement, and he said the police had become the enemy, and he said that he support that. He said yes when he was asked if he would shift money from the police. The President has had a really good couple of weeks. I mean, the battle over the monuments, which is more than a battle over monuments, is changing history and changing our freedoms and values. And I actually love the president's idea on a garden of heroes, which would be Americans from all backgrounds, all race, colors, and all the great contributors to the greatest country on Earth and some of our most courageous heroes over the many decades. I mean, it's unbelievable. Yes, and they and you're right, because those that's how about freedom and about our values and when you look at it, the Mount Rushmore's speech was right on the nine one one is right on and Biden has now we thought he was the moderate that was stopping so Sanders and socialism. No, he just signed a one hund ten page manifest manifesto that he's going to enact their socialist policies. And the President got exactly right today when you know, when he was heading down to Florida to speak at the Command he was talking about that far left and the differences that are there. And what's interesting, most interesting, one of those skewed liberal polls that had US down by ten last month was taken July fourth and July third, July fourth, over the weekend, and it was done through the Hill. Paris X had US nationally within four points and its registered voters not likely voters. It's not necessarily skewed our way. Let me tell you the racist closing fast and it's because of this. And you know, look, I don't think Donald Trump pulls well, we've all agreed with all of that. But to me, everything that has happened now as a game changer here. Um, you know, it was interesting. I had an update with Horace Lorenzo Anderson Senior. He lost his son, Horace Lorenzo Anderson Junior. You know it was shot in the Summer of Love Chaz Chop Autonomous Zone, Spaghetti Pop Luck, Dinner Zone out in Seattle, and the President was the first politician called this poor man. The mayor never called him. He didn't get a chance to even even identify his son's body. That was the first shooting that took place. That was the night the police and first responders, Matt Towery had to get on bullhorns. Let me play it for you. They had to beg the anarchist please, we're only here to offer help and medical help to people that desperately need it. Listen, you know, I'm Matt Howery. I mean that if you don't have fundamental safety and you're allowing the anarchist to take over city blocks and streets, the same thing happened in Atlanta, I mean the mayor of Atlanta. We reported on it a week and a half prior to this. Guys with their ar fifteens in the parking lot of the burned down Wendy's where the Ray Shard Brooks incident took place, and they're there with all these guys, they let them take over a city street. A mom just happened driving the wrong direction and an eight year old kid is murdered in the back of the car because they're allowing us to go on and Sean again, I alluded to when you were in Atlanta. When you were in Atlanta, you do a good number of civil rights leaders like I did, Andy Young, Josea Williams. I came to love these guys. So, I mean we didn't agree politically, but Maynard Jackson welcome the be to town. The first hour was in the city well, and we respected the way they did things because they did not let violent. They were truly non violent disciples, and that's critical in any movement. This has now become something that none of those individuals would have anything to do with. When you start having murders and you have Nayhem and people taking over areas of the city, I mean, they truly are scared in Atlanta. I mean it is a scary town right now. So to your point the impact this has politically as a pulser, I had to go to go back to the numbers. John's absolutely right. I feel a shift in this race occurring and I think that shift is because of this very issue, and when Joe Biden decides to take the sort of positions he takes in order to appease the left, and we talked about this a long time ago, in the long run is making it more difficult for him to answer these issues as this continues. And I alluded earlier to the sort of the fact that this is spreading from big cities to smaller cities, and you're seeing immediate ramifications, and you're going to start people see people all over this country where this is taking place, and where the police are standing back, and whether they're being asked to give up certain rights or not be involved. And people who don't usually get involved in politics or don't care are going to start saying, what is going on in my neighborhood, in my community, and that is something that will be a game changer in this race. So now we've got to look at the states that any Republican that ever wants to be president must win. Florida obviously, John McLaughlin, Georgia a must win, North Carolina a must win. Then you've got to look Ohio another must win. No Republican has ever made it to the White House without the great state of Ohio. Then you got to look at Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, maybe Minnesota this time, who knows. You got to make sure you win Arizona that seems to be getting tighter, more tight than I would prefer. Look at Nevada, New Mexico, New Hampshire, and the main second congressional district is way more important than anybody could ever know, because that could tip the balance literally by the one electoral vote in the end. Right and by the way, the states that you're listening out here, But first let me compliment you. I saw that that interview that you did with the poor father who lost his son from the shooting, and it was really powerful TV, really amazing powerful TV, because no one's doing any marches, no one's getting out the fact that they're losing these young children that are getting killed across America now because of the situation. And you're also your interview with the President last night was extremely extremely well done and powerful. But those states that you go into, all those polls that you're quoting, those the same polls had us losing four years ago that we couldn't win, that Hillary had an electoral lock and none of these polls have been coming back, you know, they haven't been done after all these things that are going on with these issues, and the presidents they don't wouldn't have a speeches, they wouldn't have the five million jobs report from last week. And what you're going to see is just like four years ago these when no one thought we could run, you know, that kind of a straight to win the election, to win all these close states. The President did that because he worked his butt off and the people agreed with him. And that's going to happen again right now because you're seeing it. We're Matt seeing it. He's seeing in the cities. You're seeing it, and the voters in those areas, they're going to come around to it, and they're going to see the contrast between the radical left and the president. There's no doubt about it. Stay right there. Matt Towery and John Mclockolint are posters eight hundred and nine four one Sean. You want to be a part of the program, your calls in the next half hour. All right, our final moments with our posters, John Mclockolint, Matt Towery. All Right, the states that I mentioned and I won't reiterate them all must wins. I think for the president. Where do you see this race headed in one hundred and sixteen days, Matt Towery, Well, I think that you're going to start seeing some of these states that the Democrats I think they have in the bag of Florida. I don't think Florida is going to go Democrat. I think it's going to go Republican. Georgia's more Effie. North Carolina is on the edge. But I think some of these other states where the President did well last time, he could do them better this next time. Partially because you're going to see again this heavy vote that won't say it voting for Donald Trump, but will somehow surprise everyone on election Day. And in your final word, John Mclauckliffe, the voters are about to see have to answer the question are you better off? Are you? And will you be safe in Joe Biden's America? And they won't be because the radical left is running the Scafell president. So those states are coming around, and Matt feels that you feel it, and we've just got to keep pushing and running like an underdoor to have a simple room. Listen, always play like you're behind. You got literally it's the two minute drill. You have no timeouts. You're on your own twenty You got to march down the field eighty yards, you got to cross the plane, and you got to kick the extra point to win. And by the way, Linda has no idea what I just said, but absolutely that's how you got to view this race. Every vote will matter, and if these plans are implemented, America literally, it will be the most precipitous, dramatic decline in world history. It will it'll make America unrecognizable. No oil and gas genius idea, no police another genius idea. All right, thank you both. When we come back, we'll hit the phones on this Friday. We'll also get into this law in order issue with Bernie Carrick and Sergeant Dimitric. Penny's going to join us so much more as we continue on this Friday. All right, I can't wait. We have some announcements. I don't know if it'll be as early as next week, but announcements on Live Free or Die America in the world on the brink, and of course in Latin, Live Free or America Dies. You think we're kidding, just look at law and order, no police. Yeah, that's a really genius idea. How do you think that's gonna work out Bernie's socialist utopia? Well, I have a whole chapter in the book about socialism and its history of failure. Now, well, no, it's succeeded in some instances. No, it hasn't. Every time false promises are made, expectations rise through the roof, just give us power, We'll give you everything for free. It's been tried and tried and try again, and we lay out the whole history of failure. The most shocking part of it, though, is I juxtaposed that chapter in the book with the chapter on the democrats twenty twenty agenda, and you know what, it turns out to be the exact same phony promises that always end in failure, and it's just not gonna It will not end well, no oil and gas. How do you think that's gonna work out for America? How do you think the redistribution model is going to work out for America? How do you think the promise is that everything free is going to work out for America? How did Obamacare work out for you? So these are all false promises? You know, A simple you know, simple math in your head, it's like, okay, you take in four four and a half trillion a year, you're gonna spend ninety four trillion in ten years on the new Green Deal and fifty two trillion on the new healthcare system, And okay, it doesn't add up mathematically. Now you're at the point of what seventy five you know of people's incomes. Let me tell you what smart people with money are gonna do. They're gonna leave the country. You see the mass exitus out of New York, New Jersey and California and other states. Why are they leaving burdensome bureaucracy. They're leaving because of unfair taxation, confiscatory taxation. They're leaving because of the high incidents and levels of violence. They're leaving because they're not feeling safe and secure anymore, and they don't like the idea of hearing we're not going to have a police force. And they're leaving because you see utter complete failure and incompetence in all of these blue states. Look just look at the coronavirus reaction. Look at how dumb they wore in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan. And there's your answer. That's what you get that you're a preview of coming attractions. You want to know in America is gonna look like under Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, socialism and AOC's Green New Deal, under Schumer and Pelosi. You've got a preview of coming attractions. Look at New York, Look at New Jersey, Look at Michigan. Now, Pennsylvania is doing better in other areas, but it has, you know, little to do with the governor. It all has everything to do with energy that Joe Biden wants to eliminate and will capitulate to the extremist and his party. So you can count and kiss those those jobs goodbye. That's what's at stake in one hundred and sixteen days, That's what we lay out in our book, Live Free, or America dies in one hundred and twenty five days. This is it America. Those policies will render America unrecognizable. You want to talk about a precipitous, dramatic failure fall of a once great country, that will be That will be the the ending chapter. Because this eight country imperfect, yes, but always striving to become a more perfect Union using something called the Constitution to right wrongs and corrects injustices. It's been working too slow. It's working made a lot of progress. We have a lot more progress to make. We were making a lot of progress before the quote invisible enemy, and that was as represented by record low unemployment for every single solitary demographic group in the country. You can have all the symbolism and all the slogans and all the bumper stickers, and you know, the race card played every two and four years. How about results, results matter? You know, Biden Obama failed thirteen million more Americans food stamps, eight million more poverty, lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, the worst recovery since the forties. Okay, Donald Trump shattered record after record after record, month after month, record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the work plays, youth unemployment in African American youth unemployment. Okay. Now he's keeping American cities safe and secure. By the way, Linda, did you hear last night? Because I had heard from I heard from a source in Seattle. I just wasn't able to confirm it. The only reason that dopey Seattle mayor ever moved was because Donald Trump. They sent in a message, if you don't do it, we're coming in within days. Did you know that? Yeah? I mean the problem there is that she actually said that that was why she did it, and then she said, yeah, I'm gonna, you know, I'm gonna make this a permanent memorial, and we're gonna And I'm like, you were not even letting the police in to rescue lives. What are you making a memorial of the death you allowed. I don't even understand what she's talking about. Listen, I'm just telling you who knows. All I know is I've interviewed Horace Lorenzo Anderson Senior, who lost his namesake son Junior, nineteen years old. You know, other people died in the zone. You know, look at we had our own little version of a chop chad zone in Atlanta. Look at New York. Now everybody, nobody can go out and and not social distance unless you're a protester. I'm like, oh, okay, that makes sense to me. These are the times that we're living in. It's getting nuttier and nuttier and nuttier and scary. Frankly scary what the Blasio said. De Blasios now saying no large gatherings except for the BLM movement. I'm like, what, Yeah, it's it's completely insane. I'm like, everyone is susceptible to the same virus. The virus is not picking and choosing BLM participants non BLM participant. By the way, they're now the medical communities now fully recognizing that you know, all the politicians that were silent during these protests, and you know all the anarchy. You know that they didn't say a word about COVID nineteen until Donald Trump decided to hold a rally. Then they decided to say something. Oh, it's the most urgent ever. Look, I'm not a doctor. I've given my opinion on all of this in terms of mass and everything else in between. By the way, and you know, it looks like finally justice. Now. President was pretty clear last night how disgusted he is and Roger Stone and Manafort and Flynn and Papadopoulos, and he's right, he's he's been right. He is right. And you know what, if you don't have a fair and impartial jury, guess what, you didn't get justice in America, and every American deserves that. Whether you like a person, don't like a person, like their political views, don't that that's supposed to be applied to everybody. And I don't care if it was a jury against Hillary Clinton. You find out the jury, poor person is written publicly, you know, out there hating her. That person can't sit on a jury and be considered fair and impartial. So obviously the president moving in the right direction. And I think there's gonna be a lot more coming too. All right, let's get back to our phones. All right, let's say hid the guy, and let's go to carry minneapples carrying Minneapolis. How are you, hi, Sean? How are you? I'm good? How are you good? So? I just wanted to tell my story from Minneapolis. What happened. My twelve year old son plays free travel football team out of North Minneapolis. It's austen and a half weeks, yeah, and two and a half weeks ago four it is about forty three kids got caught in the middle of a gang shoot out out on the field. The bullet for picking off the post above the kids. Coaches were shielding kids with their bodies, throwing kids to the ground. I was down behind a car hearing the willets bullets. Let's tell me nobody got caught in the crossfire. Please please tell me that none of the kids, by the grace of God, none of the kids got hit. I don't know how. Let me shooting pause for a little bit because the car was coming back around another round at them, which was right next to us. Um the coach. By the way, this is the same Minneapolis where the city council has a veto proof majority to defund the police and get rid of the police department. Is that the same city. That is the same city, the same city council that hired that hired themselves private security. Oh yeah, no, no, they spent They're spending tons of taxpayer dollars hiring private security for themselves because they feel threatened over their vote. Yes, yeh. By the way, Hollywood's the Hollywood stars, the Nancy Pelosis of the world, they all have private security. Comrade de Blasio Andrew Cuomo, they have. By the way, I think politicians at a high level should have security. I have no problem with it. But if you're gonna have security, don't just can you at least afford the community police and at least afford Americans the right to protect their own homes. Anyway, go ahead, No. Um, we ended up having to evacuate the kids out ourselves because the shoting wouldn't stop. There's over fifty grounds fired. Um. The coach hopped in a van. I hopped in my truck and they moved it over to where the kids were an alcove because the way the shooting was rolling, it was rolling towards us to where the kids were going to be in the open again, and just loaded kids and piled them into cars to evacuate him out of there. I mean, listen, this breaks my heart. This is Chicago every weekend. This is now New York City every weekend, and frankly during the week it's happening during the weekend on the weekends. This is a seat the Seattle. This is California. This is defund the police. This is sanctuary cities. This is amnesty. This is what's on the line in one hundred and sixteen days. Sad. I'm glad all the boys are safe. I wish your son all the best in his travel football league and whatever his dreams and aspirations for a sport happened to be. But you know what, You don't get to pursue happiness when bullets are flying over your head on a football field. I mean, that's that's simple. That's sad. Right, as we continue, only one hundred and sixteen days till you're the ultimajority. Back to our busy phones. Guy in Wisconsin, Guy, how are you, sir? I'm great, John. Hey, President Trump, And as tens of millions of supporters, we were all deeply affected by the brutal, cold blood and murder of George Floyd. We've been outraged by the senseless murder of African American children and by the outrageous murders and shootings of many other African Americans. Just like the prior caller, we are deeply saddened by those who brutalize our fellow American citizens and who commit these murders. In these shootings, we know that police brutality may be the product of racism by individuals who commit this brutality. This racism has got to be weeded out of police forces and must be prevented from being allowed to enter our police forces in the future. We know that these murders and these shootings are oftentimes a reflection of despair and rage that are the product of hopelessness. Our federal, state, and local governments need to address the root causes of this rage. In this despair, local governments in large cities, as you have said many times, have failed at this task for decades. President Trump, on the other hand, has taken steps to provide hope. He's provided an economy that has provided a record number of jobs for African americanness. Hey guy, let me ask you a question. I'm I've been doing this thirty one years. Be honest, you're reading this, aren't you. I am. Let me ask you. Why don't you speak for your heart? Tell me what you sum this up for us from your heart. I think that we all have to take a hard look at the future of our country and for ourselves, for our communities. The bottom line is this. You can't expect what has failed in the past to work in the future. That's the definition of insanity to keep trying the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. President Trump has shown what he can do, but not only him, but his supporters. In mad US. We believe in the people, the citizens of our country. We want to help them all. We need is the chance to make this change happen. There was a chance when George Floyd was killed to work on a consensus all across our country. Well, let me let me just echo your son. Let me let me tell you what this is. This is the greatest choice election in your lifetime. If you believe as I do, that this is the shining city on the hill, the greatest country God ever gave man. Yes, we have a system, a beautiful system where we can right wrongs and correct injustices. We've made progress. We have a long way to go, a long way to go. Nobody's disputing that. And the beauty of it is the reason that we've accumulated this power, and we don't we've abused it less than any other country. But we I've also taken the freedom experiment, the liberty experiment, and we have taken all of its natural God given talents and creations that have come to fruition. And we've advanced the human condition more than any other country in the history of mankind. And we've shared it with the rest of the world and will continue to do that. That is the beauty of America. That is the beauty of liberty and freedom in the name of security, this socialist utopia. You will give up your freedoms, you will give up your liberties. This new Green Deal will eliminate capitalism. It will eliminate the lifeblood of the world's economy. And if you can't understand that, then we'll get the hell whole socialist failures that are predictable and guaranteed it will be. It will destroy America at its foundational successful roots in terms of the economy and freedom and liberty. And I'm telling you it's it's it's scary on a lot of levels. Anyway, thank you for the call. Quick break right back, we'll continue. Remnants of another violent crime scene serve as a reminder to neighbors and Saint Alban's Queen's now. Lately, gun violence is on the rise in New York City. No community or age group seems to be immune. It's terrible gun violence. Disturable authorities say a teenage boy was shot in the neck and torso around five pm on one hundred and sixty sixth Street. He's still in serious condition at the hospital but is expected to survive. It shouldn't have be going on, especially kids, and it happening board delay. It's crazy. I was home, I heard two three shots. Fernhowell lives only yards away from the scene. She grew up in this house, spending seventy years here, saying crime has been getting worse when they disbanded the unit than on unit. All the stuff, but the city was doing all right. In the past week, there were one hundred and one victims of shooting citywide, compared to thirty three the same week last year, two hundred and six percent increase. The fact that so many people have nothing to do, have lost their jobs, there's no school to go to, There's tremendous frustration and pain and trauma. There is no court system functioning. I think those are the really big factors here. Similar to Deblasio, on Monday, NYPD Chief of Department Terence Monahan blamed a multitude of factors for the rising crime, including the release of prisoners from Rikers Island to avoid overcrowding and this spread a coronavirus. They say in June two hundred and seventy five imates release were re arrested five hundred and fifty times. On top of all this, the courts have been shut down and many individuals who were indicted by a grand jury on gun charges are not in jail, but instead of free awaiting for the courts to open up. The top spokesman for this state court system caused the assertion absurd claiming quote, the courts have operated continuously throughout the pandemic, arraigning defendants, holding hundreds of hearings and conferencing thousands of cases. And back here in Queen's police are still working diligently to catch whoever shot this teenager. All right, they have it. Oh, what's happening? It rise a gun violence all over New York. I wonder why that's happening. And then Comrade Deblasio, by the way, News round Up Information overload hour, my interview with the President at the bottom of those half hour, Then Comrade Deblasio not only cutting a billion dollars from the NYPD, now he's canceled all large events in New York City and they're going to any bar where there's not exactly six feet social distancing, and they're not only shutting them down, they're taking away their liquor licenses. Well, let me tell you what that means. Whatever hundreds of thousands of dollars you invested, maybe be more in your restaurant, your bar, whatever that means, you can't do business anymore. You're done well, that's going to end up in a bankruptcy. You're going to see the largest mass exodus out of states as a result of their incompetence over the coronavirus. And they're embracing this deep fund, the police madness. Everybody has the socially distanced in New York unless you're a psycho, you know, anarchist that wants to go out and protest. That's what that's what build A. Blasio said, let's play what about protests? If people want to march down Fifth Avenue, are they're gonna be allowed to do so? Look, wealth, this is always an area of real sensitivity. If you're just talking about health, we would always say hey, folks, you know, stay home if you can. But we understand at this moment in history, people are talking about the need for historic changes. I mean today in New York City, you know, recognizing the power the meaning of the message black Lives Matter, which we did in front of Trump Tower today. This is an historic moment of change. We have to respect that, but also say that people the kinds of gatherings were used to the parades, the fairs. We just can't have that while we're focusing on health right now. Oh okay, there we go another genius common by the Blasio you know, unbelievable. Then you got, of course, the quote of the week. Joe Biden comes out of the basement. What does he do? He embraces all things Bolshevik, Bernie Sanders, socialism, and then he embraces all things AOC, his advisor, and then of course his enemy of the people line, meaning the police. Listen, sir, plus military equipment for law enforcement, they don't need that. The last thing you need is an up armer in humvee coming into a neighborhood. It's like the military invading. They don't know anybody to become the enemy. They're supposed to protecting these people. So my engineering point is that we agree that we can redirect some of the funding. Yes, absolutely. One of the things that we also need to be doing is fundamentally changing the way, and I've been pushing it for years, changing the way we deal with our prison system. Okay, genius anyway, joining us, we have a former NYPD police commissioner, also author of The Grave Above the Grave, member he was the police commissioner in New York City, showed amazing leadership and courage on nine to eleven O one, and by the way, was the former lieutenant commander of the NYPD counter Terrorism Unit. Also, Sergeant Metric Penny is with US twenty one year veteran of the Dallas Police Force. And by the way, he's now a congressional candidate in Texas for the thirtieth congressional district. Welcome both of you back to the program. Bernie, I've known you a long time. One of the things I've admired so much about you over the years is what you and Rudy Giuliani accomplished, and that is that you identified areas that had the highest concentration of violence and crime. You weren't going to demographics where's the crime, and you went in and you targeted those areas with a heavy police presence. And we went from about twenty five hundred murders a year down to it even got as low as three hundred at some point, but down about five hundred. Why you are still in office and Mayor Giuliani was in office. Yeah, we dropped it, Sean, honestly, down about seventy percent, the murder rate sixty five percent of violent crime rate. And in the black communities you know Bedsty Crown Heights, East, New York, the murder rate dropped almost eighty percent. So when I see cities like New York today, when I see Chicago and Baltimore, in Atlanta and Minneapolis, don't tell me it can't be done. It's all about leadership, it's about resources, it's about funding, and it's about somebody that can stand up and say this is what has to get done. This is how we're going to do it. Now, go do the drub you're supposed to do. And by the way, you know, I don't think anybody Sergeant Penny was any more critical of the top officials in the FBI. It pained me to do it because my love of law enforcement. But the truth is the truth, and the bottom line is they abuse power as it relates to a FISA fraud, premeditated fraud on a FISA court, as it relates to not having equal justice applied in the Hillary Clinton case, and unequal justice under the law, and of course lying under oath. But I always said that that's the one percent. Everybody agreed this could never happen again, what happened to George Floyd. Everybody agreed, and the president is the one that put in police reforms that stopped choke holds unless your life is in jeopardy. Joe didn't do it. Parrock didn't do it. They didn't have criminal justice reform, they didn't have police reform. Donald Trump did all of that, right right, This is a complete disconnect in the current American politics. Right now. We see that. Now these politicians are all coming out and this is what trouble Now. I got to go back to your monologue real quick, Sean, because the monologue when you're pointing out these politicians that get up and they start off talking about Black Lives Matter, and then they'll go into whatever else they're saying. God, black Lives Matter is a domestic terrorist organization. You hear first. I've told you this in twenty fifteen. By the way, sergeant, you got to make a distinction here the Black Lives Matter groups, and again, you don't see them in Chicago every weekend. You don't see him in New York City. Now, because ninety seven percent of all people that were victims of shooting our minorities in New York City. And this is the one. This is a group that chanted what do we want that cops? When do we want them? Now? The group you know, you know, pigs in a blanket, frime like baking, the people that say the word black lives matter. I make a distinction. I think you do too, Absolutely, absolutely. Look it's the group you're talking about and law enforcement. I'm black, Okay, I support black people. I've been in I'm my community is all black. We've been subjected to black crime, to black on black crime for years. That's not the issue. This group only comes out whenever it's a shooting involving a police officer, a white police officer and a black individual. And they're not even talking about the black people. We're not talking about upstanding black citizens that are just doing great things and they get killed by police. We're talking about a lot of them, or individuals that are doing things nefarishy that are getting themselves killed by police. So that's the whole Let's let's make sure we address that issue to begin with. And secondly, we gotta get into how these groups even organized. We got to talk about that. This is where since twenty fifteen, I've been pointing out they've been use the social media as this platform to recruit a radical line. And now in this time, what just happened the George Floyd Ryde Those were all based on an International Workers World Workers group that on telegram. They organized those pages specifically for to rile the black community up. And now guess what those telegrams, those same telegram pages are now evolving to talk about workers right, Blacks for workers right. We got manipulated, we got played, and that's what the black community needs to because this was all part of an exchange. And again it raises questions. You know, I mean I I now have interviewed and Lauren and Stones interviewed the father that lost a little seven year old beautiful girl in Chicago, and I interviewed Horace Lorenzo Anderson Senior lost his namesake, Junior's son, and the Chazz Chop, Summer of Love Zone, etcetera, etcetera. But let me play that exchange, and it's very revealing. With CNN's Don Lemon, this is the Black America's version of the Mean Too movement. If anything's going to change, we ourselves need to look at our own communities and look at each other, and hey, this thing cannot go down. And and this is the thing too. There are a lot of great, great people there who are held hostage, who are held hostage by people who literally are are running these neighborhoods with violence and then claiming that black lives matter. When you look at the parents of these little kids who are mentioning, saying, hey man, why aren't they speaking up for me too? And then this is what I'm saying. It's when I look at this whole thing about you know, it's about who is controlling the narrative. It's got to be all black lives matter. And what's happening is that because I even challenged it, because I even questioned or and warkpe Terry, I became sick to wear master Terry. I want to gif you. You you're a high profile person. You're writing things out there. You know you're gonna get backlash. You know people are gonna respond to what you're saying on Twitter. So I just I don't think you should be surprised by that. I you know, I have a skin as tough as an armadillo because of what I do, and I think maybe you should adapt that. But here's here's what I have to say. The Black Lives Matter movement was started because it was talking about police brutality. If you want an all black Lives matter movement that talks about gun violence in communities, including you know, black communities, then start that movement with that name. But that's not what Black Lives Matter is about. It's not an all encompassing So if you're talking about if someone started moving that said cancer matters, and then someone comes in and said, why aren't you talking about HIV, it's not the same thing. We're talking about cancer. So the Black Lives Matter movement is about police brutality and injustice in that manner, not about what's happening in black neighborhoods. If you there are people who are working on that issue, and if you want to start that issue, why don't you start it? I mean that says it all a sergeant and will let Bernie Wayan, Hey Sean, you know I have to left. It's you know, dun limits. You know, he's a position of themselves like a show game. This isn't a game. Black Lives Matter. If you go on their website, they don't even talk that much about police brutality. Or systemic racism. They can't because it doesn't exist. But what does exist is this systemic slaughter of black men and women in black communities, and they ain't doing a damn thing about it. If they were really, if they really wanted to help save black lives, they'd be out there. What they want to do is they want to use black lives to promote their political agenda, and their agenda is a Marxist agenda. Their agenda is the overthrow of this government as we know it. We know that because their founder is a trained Marxist. All right, Bernie, So I think all lives matter. But apparently if you say that, I guess that's controversial. But to say the Black Lives Matter group is not about what's happening in Chicago and Seattle and Atlanta, to me is unconscionable because I'm interviewing the families that are losing their children. Yeah, that's right, And the bottom line is they don't really care. They could care less. What they do is it's just like the Nietzsche said earlier. They take one event, they take George Floyd, and they stirred up the entire country and created these massive riots in addition to Antifa and promoted this insane Marxist agenda. That's what they're about. That's what they're about. If all you have to do is go on the website listen to their founders. Their founders are admitted trained Marxists. Their founders were inspired by Joan Chesimard, who murdered a New Jersey State trooper in nineteen seventy three, is in exile in Cuba, now lives in Cuba, one of the most horrific de Messias. I'm gonna tell you something. We're gonna watch, Bernie. I don't mean to cut you off. We're just out of time, but we'll see the biggest mass exodus in history. Commissioner Keric, thank you. Sergeant thank you. Congressional District thirty in Texas. You're a candidate. We wish all the best in that race. H Sergeant Penny, thank you. All right, when we come back, my interview with the president on the other side, and we'll continue on this Friday, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour. Yes, Live free or Die America and the world on the brink subtitle in Latin, Live Free or America Dies. We'll have some announcements, maybe as early as next week about plans that we have that hopefully you'll you'll you'll be excited to join us in and uh. Anyway, but it's on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com if you want to guarantee first week delivery of the book. And it is the definitive story of what is at stake in one hundred and sixteen days. It's also what has made America great? What? What? What? What are the principles that have made this the greatest country God has given man? You know, what is it that these radicals in the and the Democratic twenty twenty agenda? What do they want to do to the country? Well, we now know, well the police of the enemy. We want to transform America, rewrite our economy, eliminate oil and gas. Okay, that's their agenda, just so you know, and when you read it, it is the most comprehensive. And then I literally purposefully dovetail their agenda next to a chapter on socialism and its history of failure. I also give you chapter and verse of what they have done, the damage they've done with this phony Russian conspiracy theory hoax, this ridiculous failed to attempt at basically a coup and impeaching the president and what they and with the help of the enemy of the people, as the president says, they hate Trump, media mob, what they will do to freedoms in this country and also the other side. What it means. What is at stake? Well, simple, lower taxes, law and order, no amnesty, a border wall. We're not going to become the United Sanctuary States of America, Energy and Dependence Constitute, shouldn't no loving judges appointed to the courts. Hopefully some mistakes are made, better trade deals so American manufacturers can do better, holding countries like China accountable. Taking military action when needed, that would be ending the Caliphate. Biden and Obama wouldn't do it. They had handcuffs on our military, taking out the likes of Baghdaddy and his top lieutenants, taking out Solomni, taking out the al Qaeda leader in Yemen, and also not involving having American troops any longer. Due to new military technology, we don't have to go door to door in any country ever. Again, we don't have to do it. We decide we're going to go to war. We've got the technology and we can if you fight it, you fight it, you win it, you leave no more half asked, Oh we're half in it. Then oh it gets politicized and oh never mind, after so many you know, our national treasure goes, fights, bleeds, dies, and comes back with the most heinous injuries. We can't fight wars like that anymore. Anyway. It's on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. Limfrey or died twenty five days from now, and we're one hundred and sixteen days away from the most important election in I think, most pivotal tipping point election in our lifetime. All Right, with that said, let's go to the interview I had last night with the President, and here are some of the key moments. We need safety, we need security. We can't defund our police, and we can't abolish our police. They want to abolish our police. And as far as the surplus equipment, I've given out hundreds of millions of dollars. This is stuff that was sitting in storage as is all over the country. It wasn't even old, but it was never going to be used again. It was gathering dust, and I gave it out to all of our police forces all over the country. Saved many many police lives and many lives I think period. It was really a lot of it was protective equipment. And I know that President Obama and Biden didn't want to give it out. They thought it was terrible to give it out. It made the police look too strong. And I gave it out, and I have been thanked by every police to put But mister President, while the Summer of Love zone turned into a shooting zone, and you see what's happening. Shootings up, violent crime is up, murders up. You know, one hundred and thirty shootings up in New York City. You see the statistics in Chicago every weekend. How do you react to that? Well, first of all, New York City is not recognizable. Crime is way up, shootings or way up. Murderer is way up. It's just unbelievable. Chicago. What's going on in Chicago? And we are looking at it very seriously because we're gonna have to do something. We've asked them. You know, we're really supposed to be asked to come in and help the federal government. And we have the greatest people in the world and we can solve it. But we're supposed to be asked, So the mayor or the governor of Illinois should be asking, but they don't want to ask. And you look every weekend and every week in Chicago, it's just numbers that are not believable. Atlanta is starting to have some problems. So we're ready to act, and at some point we may have to act anyway, we have to do it sooner rather than later. One of the reasons that the Seattle mayor finally acted is that they were given notice that if they didn't act, that you were going to Is there any truth to that we were going in? We were going in very soon. We let them know that, and they all of a sudden they didn't want that, so they went in before we got there. But we were going in very shortly, very soon, and we would have taken the chop I call it chop. We would have taken it back very easily. But they went in and frankly, the people just gave up. They were tired. They had it for a long period of time. But because of the fact that we were going to go in. Now, if you look at Minneapolis, after four or five days of our we called them, we said you got to get out. The National Guard we insisted that they do it. When the National Guard finally got out, they walked through it like a knife goes through butter. That was the end of their problem. That was it. There was a great job done by the National Guard, and yeah, we were all set to go into Seattle. Frankly, I looked forward to it. Joe is just look, let's face it, he's been taken over by the radical left. He has no clue what they're doing and what they're getting him into. This is worse than Bernie Sanders is at his best. And you look at the deal they made with Bernie Sanders now in the group. That's all crazy radical left stuff, and Joe's never going to be able to find it, even if he disagreed with it, which I actually don't think he does. I think they you know, there's an expression, old expression was used badly a long time ago in politics. I think they brainwashed him. They brainwashed him. He doesn't know where he is, he doesn't know what he's doing, and our country will suffer, Our stock markets will crash, bad things will happen. They will to fund the police, they will abolish the police. It will be maybe a backlash or maybe it'll just go to hell like Venezuel. And do you think he's trying to back out of debating you, Well, yeah, the answer is yes, absolutely. But you know, he he meant the COVID tests, the COVID test. He didn't mean cognitive. He meant COVID. Oh, he said cognitive. I'm pretty sure he didn't mean that, because you know, you don't have those tests that often. He said, I take him all the time, and now he meant COVID. But I think he was confused by the question and the words and everything else. He he didn't mean that because he hasn't taken any cognitive tests because he couldn't pass one. I actually took one when I very recently, when I when I was you know, the radical left was saying, is you all there? Or is you all there? And I proved that was all there because I aced it. I aced the test and he should take the same exact test of every standard test. I took it at Walter Reed Medical Center in front of doctors and they were very surprised. They said, that's an unbelievable thing. Rarely does anybody do what you just did. But he should take that same test. What do you make of these hot spots as we call him, and Laurida and Texas and other states. And doctor Fauchi's comments, well, first of all, the mortality rate, and doctor Fauchi's a nice man, but he's made a lot of mistakes, Like you don't have to ban him coming in from very infected China. I did it anyway, and we saved hundreds of thousands of lives. I banned Europe from coming in when Italy and when France and Spain were having all the problems that we saved hundreds of thousands of lives. A lot of people said, don't do it. They've been wrong about a lot of things, including face masks. Maybe they're wrong, maybe not, but a lot of them said, don't wear a mask, don't wear a mask, and now they're saying wear a mask. So a lot of a lot of mistakes who are made a lot of mistakes. We are testing and creating. It's the greatest thing that ever happened for the opposite party. But we're doing something that nobody's ever done to the extent, and we're doing a great job. But we have a mortality rate. Think of this, that's tenfold better than any other what we're doing is incredible. If you look, you've heard the numbers tenfold. We have fewer people dying, and our people have done an incredible job. And one other thing, we're very well on the way to a vaccine, very well on the way therapeutically, therapeutics were very well on the way. We've got a lot of great things happening. We already do. We do have some that are that are very effective or at least effective, and a lot of very good things have happened. A lot of really good things are doing a great job. But the testing is just showing up all these cases. And if you turn the news and you'll see it's always the word cases. They don't talk about death because death's a way down. Well, first of all, I under tax audit, Okay, so I mean they treat the I R S treached me just like they used to treat the Tea Party, except worse. And I'm under tax audit. I have been for a long period of time. We made a deal a long time ago, and once I ran for politics, that deal was like, hey, we didn't make it, So I'm under a continuing audit. And anybody that did that or showed that before. You haven't finalized, but they treat they treat me horribly, the irs horribly. It's a disgrace. What's happened. We had a deal done, in fact it was I guess it was signed even and once I ran, or once I won, or somewhere back a long time ago, everything was like, well, let's start all over again. It's a disgrace. So I was disappointed. And at the same time, it was because I think we a president should get protection from thousands of prosecutors out there, thousands all over the country. They could go after you, and you're supposed to be running the country. I'll tell you justice Alito wrote a totally brilliant decision. He wrote something today that really got justice. Thomas likewise was great. They were the two that came. So it would look actually sends it all back and we start all over again. I guess that's what it means. Bad things happened and Struck and Paige, the two lovers, and many of the people, many of the people when you look at I could I could go down a list of lots of people. They were spying in my campaign. It was totally illegal. If that were the other way around. The people would be in jail for fifty years and it would have started two years ago. It's a disgrace what's going on. We caught them one hundred percent. As far as General Flint, he's a great hero, he's a great gentleman. What they're doing to that man, they've destroyed that man. But he'll come back. He's going to come back. Roger Stone was treated very unfairly, unbelievably unfairly. And I watched that and I thought it was incredible. The way that man with a jury for woman who was it was disgraceful. And the judge, the way she treated him. I think it was a disgrace that they didn't give him a retrial. Roger Stone and Papadopoulos, I mean, they have a tape of his conversation. If anything, He's like it was a perfect As I said about my conversation, I turned out to be right. It was a perfect conversation that Papadopoulos had and they destroyed him too and put him in jail for two weeks. So these people and Paul Manafort, what they did to that man is a disgrice. What is your second term agenda? Well, first of all, I didn't know. I was criticized for that answer because it's a simple question. First of all, are going to defeat the invisible enemy, and that we're wellered our way, And as again I told you, the mortality rate is tenfold down. We're going to rebuild the economy. We're going to bring back jobs from all of these foreign lands that have stolen our jobs on horrible trade deals. We're going to continue to make great trade deals. We're going to finish rebuilding our wall. We're going to finish. We're gonna have that. It's going to be almost complete by the end of this year, shortly thereafter it's finished. It's made a tremendous difference. You see, we're doing record numbers on the border. Very few people are able to get through. We're rebuilding with our military. We've rebuilt the military two point five trillion dollars. We're fixing up the VA for our vets. What the job we've done there between choice and accountability. We have choice where they can go to get a doctor if they're sick. They don't have to wait for five weeks, six weeks, two weeks. So we're doing great with the vets and the vets are love and Trump. We're protecting our Second Amendment so important. We need more judges and more justices. You see that now with a Supreme Court more than ever and the next president. I've had two, and the next president's going to be able to pick two or three or one or whatever. But a lot of justices and that means everything, whether it's for life or other things. I mean, it's means so much, but protecting the Second Amendment, getting more judges, all of the things that we've done. Nobody has done what this administration has done in the first three and a half years. Nobody's even come close. When you look at everything that we're doing. Now. What we're doing is working on lowering drug prices and knocking out special interest because it's not easy. We're fighting for choice. We did it for the veterans, and now we're doing it for school too. We're want choice in school so a parent can take their child to a school of their choice. And that's happening very good, very very well. And we have many things that we're doing and many things that we've already completed, and you can't do more than what we've done. I think we've set records on every We actually set a record on judges. We're going to be by the time of the end of this year, we'll be up to almost three hundred federal judges and that's a record. That's incredible. Fluting DC. All right, that's gonna wrap things up with today Monday, one hundred and thirteen days to go until you become the ultimate jury. And on Monday, only twenty two days for the release A Live, Free or Die America and the world on the brink we have we have little segments of it upon Hannity dot Com if you want to get a preview. Amazon dot Com does the same. Anyway, A's are amazing times living in and there's an awful lot at stake. Anyway, we'll have the best election coverage. Our countdown continues Monday right here on The Sean Hannity Show. Have a great weekend. We'll see you Monday

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