Sean reacts to President Trump's remarks on CPAC 2018. Though the President did move off-script, it was very refreshing to see a clear vision on important issues like gun control and federal spending. Plus Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson has a new show! The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Just go to my pillow dot com right now, use the promo code Sean and you get Mike Glendell's special four pack. You get to my Pillow Premium Pillows to Go Anywhere pillows fifty percent off, and you'll start getting the kind of peaceful and RESTful and comfortable and deep, peeling and recruitative sleep you've been craving and deserve. My pillow dot Com promo coach on I glad you with us on this Friday. A lot of news breaking out now. By the way, Rick Gates has pled guilty in his case against the Special Counsel, and no people always want to read into what these guilty please are. I'm gonna tell you half of it. Half of it is you've got a choice. You go for the really easy okay, not so bad. Maybe facing a year in prison or thirty years in life. It's gonna go on six or seven years of your life. You're gonna pay a fortune even if you think you're innocent. It's not as cut and dry as everybody always thinks. But yeah, I know the media thinks this is the biggest deal ever, and that's probably all you'll hear about. Most people don't even know who Rick Gates is, which is fairly amazing. Uh, we have some good news for the president today. We'll tell you about that. We have a lot of really big nuggets, is the way I would explain development as it relates to deep state, Gaate, Obama Gate, whatever term you preferred to use. Um, we have a lot of new information as it relates to the Florida shooter and in this case, and signs that were missed that we're gonna get to. The President announces today some the toughest sanctions ever against North Korea, gave a great speech at Seedpact. He seemed like he was just having I don't think it or remember where he's gone an hour and fifteen minutes like he did today. Well, we're actually gonna air part of it coming up later in the program. Let you hear it yourself in case you might have missed all of that. Um. You know, this will drive the media nuts. The media has tried everything they could possibly do, um too to bring this president down to really the word is well this credit, I don't know, sabotage. They don't want him to be successful. There's his success is bad for people on the left. If Donald Trump is successful and getting people back to work, making America more secure, if making America energy independent, protecting on board, if he's successful. Thing about this from the standpoint, if you're a liberal and you want power more than anything else, why would you want the president to succeed. The president succeeds, the country succeeds. That means an entire generation now of people will realize that that his brand of conservatism works. And that's not good for those that prefer to be in power at all times. Is something intoxicating about power, and these guys want to be empowered at all times, and they think they deserve power. They think they know better. Anyway, thirteen months now into the Trump president, so you've got a brand new gallipole showing the American people are feeling great again. Now do you think one of the biggest hallmarks of Ronald Reagan's presidency is America began to feel good about itself? Um, and that is that that is no small feat, you know, if you think when I said all during the election year in thirty million more Americans in on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, worst recovery since the forties, lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, lowest home ownership right fifty one years, doubling our debt on and on and on. You think about that, it's it's it's demoralizing of points. If everything Obama wanted to bring to the country and thought his radical and doctrination of acorn O Lynsky, Frank Marshall Davis, Reverend right black liberation theology airs endored, it never works. It never has worked. And it's almost the same principle after four years that Jimmy Carter, America was sick and tired of, you know, interest rates, double digit inflation, out of control, you know, the the debt, the moral of the country was just beginning to sink and p poll in this election, the forgotten men and forgotten women. Now we've got two point seven million new jobs created. We've got the lowest unemployment level for African Americans Hispanic Americans since we've been keeping the data. I mean, we have virtually full employment in the country, two million fewer people on food stamps depending on government. And that's a good thing. So as a result of Americans now are satisfied with the position of the United States in the world. That's a thirteen year high, a thirteen percentage point increased from just a year ago. Just after President Trump took office and the public is also more likely than they were a year ago to think that the US rates favorably in the eyes of the rest of the world. And Americans are now more likely to be satisfied with the United States and their position in the world that at any point in the Obama presidency, according to Gallop. Now for Democrats that are predicting to satisfied Americans are going to retaliate against the geop in the mid terms. Well, the results don't bode extraordinarily. Well, think Trump is respected by other world leaders. A majority of americanscent believe the world rates the US favorably. So you know, the high satisfaction rate, I think, well, we'll see. You know one thing that is going to be probably the biggest factor in this campaign. Do you want Nancy Pelosi as your speaker? Do you want Chuck Schumer running the Senate? And the one thing the Democrats have going against them is they stand for nothing. The only thing they stood for is what Obama gave us for eight years, and they were complicit in that American decline for that period. And if you want to go back to that, I know there's an evan flow to political cycles. Then we'll get the government that we deserve at that point. But I think it's you know, it's too early to tell. One other poll out today, the rasp MUSE and Presidential Tracking poll shows the pent A likely US voters approve of the president's job performance. That's the president's highest job approval ratings since mid June of last year, and Obama earned approval rating at this time and his presidency in the second year of his presidency. So obviously some things have changed there. And you know, one thing I think um might be happening, Just an observation I have is I think people now are kind of getting Donald Trump. They're getting the rhythm of Donald Trump. And as as the media feigns more shock, indignation and outrage every day, I mean, they just try and outdo their outrage. He's not no no, no, he's super nuts. No no, no, he's demented nuts no no, no, no, he's no. I think what the American people see is somebody that rolls off up his sleeves and goes out to fight for what he believes it and he fights hard, and he doesn't like losing, and he doesn't want America to lose. And so far, the things that he's been able to accomplish, especially as it goes government regulation, and we are now he is freed up America to now become energy independent. He did keep his promise. He did put a conservative on the Supreme Court. You know, you add that to all these businesses. Because of the less burdensome regulation and the and the better tax code, this is a better country, is a better business environment. That's why people are getting hired. That's why companies are staying. That's why car companies, manufacturing is coming back. That's why big companies are pledging millions and billions to be spent inside this country. And that is that is good for all of us. And the idea that well, we'll have the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world, it's it's the dumbest thing ever, because corporations don't pay taxes. You pay the corporate taxes. They just add the cost into the bottom line and we end up paying anyway, we end up getting screwed. So we're now in the most competitive range. And especially the low repatriation of trillions potentially from overseas that have been parked that nobody would ever dare you know, bring back to this country because of the tax policies. It's all good for us. And don't we want to see you know, if you're worried about money for schools so that we can put in retired um, retired military concealed permit, retired police concealed permit and protect our kids, will maybe this, this wealth creation and job creation is gonna give school districts a little bit more money so that they can do the very thing that they need to do, which is protect our our students. You know, the Washington I went through a number of different places and I got some information that nobody else in the media. I think we'll tell you about. You have the Washington Post, Washington Times, Fox News, the Crime Prevention Research Center, you know, and I know the media doesn't like the president's idea of allowing qualified teachers. Only those that would like tovoluntarily carry firearms with them. Only those that are trained want to do it. It's not anybody else with teachers I think would probably rather teach and not have to worry about these things. That's why I prefer my plan, which is full, complete security checklist and and full evaluation of every school in the country, and a threat assessment of every school. Then you secure the perimeter, you secure the points of entry, you secure at least have one armed retired police military on every floor and available if God forbid, something happens, and you have an I D system to let the kids in, and then you have nobody gets in that doesn't belong there. And on top of that, you have at least a front line of defense because most shootings are over in three minutes. Anyway, all these different groups. As I look through the information that they put out, there's a lot of good information, And it really doesn't matter what the media thinks. There are facts. You know, the media say if a teacher tried to stop a school shooter with his own gun, it would only create chaos and probably end up killing even more children. I love how they just make these things up. Well, there's quite a track record actually of armed civilians, in other words, average men and women acting voluntarily who made the decision to be trained and carry firearms, who have actually foiled mass shooters and saved countless lives. Now, it's happened in schools, it's happened in churches. It's happened in malls, that's happened in restaurants dozens of times over the last few decades, and in no case I could find did any innocent bystander get shot by a good guy who was with a gun trying to stop a massacre? For example, the Washington Post they had a story in student eye witnesses and shooting victims at Pearl High School at at the rampage used phrases like unreal, like a horror movie, as they testified Wednesday about seeing Luke Woodham methodically point his dear rifle at them and pull the trigger at least six times. Assistant Principal Joel Myrick heard the initial shot. He watched Woodham choosing his victims, and when Wouldham appeared to be headed for a science wing where early classes were already underway, Myrick ran up, ran to his pickup truck truck, grabbed his forty five caliber pistol. I had my pistol sights on him. I could see the whites of his knuckles, he said. He reached into the car, he opened the driver's side door. He ordered Wouldham to lie on the ground. I put my foot on his back area and pointed my pistol right at him. He couldn't bring it into the school because it was a gun free school zone. Washington Post tells a story April Andrew Worst, fourteen, charged with fatally shooting John Gillette, forty eight, as science teacher at James Parker Middle School, as Gillette was chaperoning a prom for eighth graders in his eighth grade class. Anyway, after Worst shot Gillette in the head, police said that the teenager entered the banquet hall where is dressed up schoolmates were all dancing. He shot and wounded to other students and another teacher, and police said he began to flee from the hall and as the two fifty kids and teachers ran for cover, the owner of the hall, guy by the name of James Strand, he grabbed a shotgun and he followed this guy out the door. He caught up with him, held him until authorities arrived. Was that bad? Now? That would be a good thing. And there's another case in Colorado Springs, same things, another case in California, same thing. I can give you one example after another. The media will never give you these examples. That's why I asked a simple question, if you're ever God forbid and a in some type of of public building, and God forbid of shooting breaks out. Would you rather have trained, retired, concealed carry military police there or not? I'll take them being there. I'd rather increase my odds of surviving. It's a simple, simple proposition when you really think about it. If you were in any type of building that has an active shooter, would you rather know that there are trained professionals, retired military, retired police in the building with a concealed carry permit and a weapon? I think the answer for everybody. Yeah, I think. So what about if somebody broke into your house? Would you be glad you had trained, took, taken the time and trained to use a firearm or not. There's another example. Uh, this is in Colorado two thousand and seven. Former cop volunteer security worker Genie assum As her name, saved the day at New Life Church in Colorado Springs. Thousands of people were exiting from mass that day. As a shooter Matthew Murphy open fire. Anyway, she ran towards the line of fire, killing the shooters, saving countless lives. Have you ever noticed the media doesn't ever talk about these instances? California, two thousand and one, a student charl Andy Williams shot and killed two of his classmates, wounded thirteen others before being subdued and held a gunpoint by an off duty police officer who was bringing his daughter to school. I bet you didn't hear about that case either. Or in April, the Seen and Uber driver that had a concealed carry permit he had to shoot and wound a gunman who had opened fire in a crowd and of people in Chicago's Logan Square. I never heard that case until I looked it up today. Or an usher in Tennessee at a church used his personal firearm to subdue a mass gunman September seventeen, would already killed one woman in the church's parking lot and injured six others inside. And you have a Fox News report. This is from Sutherland Springs, Texas, November. Armed civilian using his assault rifle to stop Sunday Sunday mass murderer of twenty six church goers. Stephen Wildford, been heralded as a hero, is a former National Rifle Association instructor. Lives next door to the First Baptist Church of Southerland Spring, Texas. He grabbed his A R fifteen after hearing the gunfire, went over to investigate. He confront of the shooter, shot him in the leg and torso before the guy dropped his weapon and fled the scene in his suv. Would you rather have that person there or not? Pretty simple, fundamental question. Alright, A lot to get to today. Um as we bring this up with one New Jersey school district voted for armed security guards. That's interesting. From New Jersey and Ohio school is arming and training teachers to foil massacres. And in New York, Comrade de Blasio was ordering metal detectors for schools. He took him out by the way in alright, to the top of the hour. Alright, Olympics. Why did any of you like and watch much of the Olympics. I was proud of the women's hockey team. They won the gold and they beat Canada. That was pretty cool. I've seen virtually none of it. You've seen virtually didn't now. I did want to see the us UH women's hockey team finally beat Canada, but it was on it't like what MPM and end it two am. Yeah it was a shootout. Was because I never sleep, of course I saw it, but I thought that was pretty cool anyone else uh any of it. But I'm just surprised that everyone loves uh curling so much. I guess it's like the sport that everyone thinks they can do because it doesn't really require much athletic ability. ME tell you something, if you watch the people that are doing that and they move it so quickly to clear the ice to get that little extra it's it's an amazing I don't know why. It's fascinating. My favorite is ski jumping in I have no idea how these kids on those snowboards do the stuff that they do and don't die. How about them? How about the moguls that they go on? Those moguls at high speed? It's it. Listen, it's nuts your knees. I can't believe that everyone doesn't need a new knee after, you know, five years of banging their knees on on those moguls. I never like mobiles moguls when I was a big skier. But I'm watching the name Shan the kid um Sean White I was. I mean, it's like he almost has a hang time that defies gravity. If you watch the way he does a hundred years. I mean, Sean White was doing this in the nineties. Yeah, but the thing is he gets better and better and better every single time. And the number of twists and flips and whatever the hell they're doing up there, How could you be a parent and watch your kid do this without going insane. I remember when my kids were young and we're on a playground, I'd go insane, you know, twitching all around because you know, they are fearless, they don't know any better, and they're at the top of the monkey bars and they're holding on for dear life, and then they dropped down. Ah, you're just thinking the worst's gonna happen. Nothing usually does, but occasionally it does. And I could not live through my kids doing that type of twisting and turning and hanging in the air and just imagining what happens if don't land right. I don't know how they do it. I mean, I guess that's why. It's sort of like the old wide world of sports, just different sports. The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat, the drama of human competition. Remember that dating yourself? You know, I'm totally dating myself. Why are you so quiet there, miss Linda? Why are you? Well? Everybody was having such a nice little, you know, rendezvous here on the Era. But you you don't like sports anyway, you don't even touch down it. I I don't. I don't understand any of it. The only sport I like is hockey, and I have been watching the hockey and I have been watching the Skiers. It's actually really fun because I watch it with Liam, and Liam just gets the biggest kick out of like the hockey teams and we're screaming, we're screaming, and we're maybe he's a hockey player. Little this morning, this morning we saw a little bit of Germany and Canada and Canada got spanked and uh that was amazing, and like the German like, where's this hatred from Canada if you guys coming? Well, they got Trudeau, so you know, Trudeau is having a lovely week as well, so it's just fun to bash Canada. Well, we just had the Australian Prime minister in town with the president. They did a joint pressure together, right. That has nothing to do with my story at all. See, because you're about Australia's anybody in there like Australia. I was talking, you asked me to talk. I'm telling you my time. I reclaim my time. I want to reclaiming claiming time. Why are you so cranky. I'll pretend to be vaccine and you be Minutian, And why don't you just stop being cranky. I'm reclaiming my time. I'm reclaiming my time. Vaccine Waters doesn't have that thick New York accident. My mine is so much better. Okay, well what would you like to say? I just thought it was so it's it's exciting, like when you see these big tough like you know, these manly men's, you know, they're skating around, they're beating the crap out of each other. And then they went and they all start crying. And so Liam Liam this morning is like they're all crying and Liam goes, oh, he got an auchi. He's crying. I said, no, he didn't get an auchy. He got a gold medal. And he goes, gold medal Auchie, Mommy, I said no, no, it was just dying left. You don't It is amazing though, um think of what was the swimmer's name, the guy that won all the gold medals recently? What Michael Phelps Michael Phelps or going back years I'll date myself marks fits back in the day and uh, you know remember diving Greg lugainis how good he was. And I don't get Lindsay Van. I know she didn't have a good year this year, and I know people are mad at her because she said I'm about going to the White House if I win and all that nonsense. But you think about you spend all these years training and unless it's a sport that somebody really cares about, and maybe you have one shot at it one and that's even if you get to the finals. You get one shot at the gold and then maybe you'll get the Wheaties box cover or some type of endorsement deal. But then after the Olympics, what do you do next? I know a lot of people start training again and prepare for the next four years, but you're literally talking about minutes in your life in most cases and most of these sports, and it's not a lot of time. In the amount of effort and energy and training and dedication that goes into it. It's phenomenal that they want to do all of that, and and the other thing. I only other question I am when did Norway become the big medals winner? What happened to the US this year when they're saying that the US isn't so hot this year? Well, obviously, I mean I think they have twice as many medals as we do. Well, it's always frozen in Norway. You would think that they would be good in the Winter Olympics. What you're gonna make a comment from? Like like k did you hear the comment Katie Kirk made that people skate to work? Oh god, then they don't skate to work every day? Uh? She had to and she had to apologize because there was an outrage people. My god, people are so easily outrage out reached over that. We got problems. Um well, I thought I read it somewhere and it just came flying out of my mouth that people skate to work on these ponds and apparently they don't skate to work every day. What you don't have roads there or something? I mean, what's the big deal? I have no idea. What would you like to skate to work? Yeah? I wouldn't mind at all. You know. Look, I tried to play hockey a few years back with some of my buddies. One of my closest friends, you know, Keith, He still plays hockey. He plays does actively. Oh yeah, he plays ice hockey. You know it's the old man's league, but boomer a sciasin, isn't it. There's a lot of teams and really good players, and he's been. But what I'll do with my free time, I'll go play female ice hockey at night. Listen. I I think if your son likes hockey, you should put him. I love hockey, He's totally I already got him a little mini baby um hockey stick. I'll teach him how to head of slap shot. Right now, he's just beating up the dog. But other than that, he's doing beating up the doorg. Is that what your son is beating up the door? It's really funny too, because Winston thinks it's a toy. So then he eats, he eats the stick, and Liam's running around with the stick. So you mean he uses the hockey stick to beat the dogs. He's not really beating the dog. He's too, but he doesn't understand what it is. I'm like, here, hit the mini baby puck. And then he sees the baby puck and he's like here Winston, and he chases. They can't wait for someone to take this out of context. Two and a half year old son to beat the animals more than me, and I have a ton of them, so it's all good. Listen, you love animals so much that you fed that cat so much that it was the fattest cat ever in the history of mankind? Could you please pull? First of all, nothing, could you take it? You still have pictures of that cat? You do You're lying, You're absolutely lying through your teeth. No, you do have pictures of the pretty kill was too much. I couldn't take it anymore. Well, let's put a picture of the cat, because I think you were killing the cat, because you're over feeding the cat. You're just not right in the head. You know that you're not right. I cat on the streets have to put to save the cat's life. It was so morbidly obese. This was like four cats in one cat that you had to send the cat to get like a personal trainer on a farm to save the cat's life or the cat wasn't gonna make it. Are you doing? Are you done? Are you having a good time today? True story? Or yeah? I care? Are you body shaming the cat? Your body? You're it's not nice. You know, I'm body shaming the person that overfed the cat. You're gonna need to issue an apology. I'm owner shaming the owner. That owner shaming the owner who overfed the fat. Shaming of the cat was the side put the cat up on on the website and let people decide did you overfeed the cat? Will make it our question of the day. God, I think you need to put that up. I'll consider it. So you do have pictures, which means you just lied to me when you said you did not have pictures. I will evaluate my photo library, reevaluate, going to reevaluate. You have pictures of the cat. It's in your phone right now. You could put it up in ten seconds, but you're now evaluating. I'm going to evaluate. I'll get back to here. Let me get day. You need beers immediately. Uh okay, what time I got TV? And I can't? Hey, alright, So the Olympics are winding down. President announced the new sanction package today against North Korea that's tougher than anything that's ever been implemented so far. Good for him, and he announced today a new package of sanctions aimed at cutting off all the smuggling roots that the regime is using to evade a UN embargo to fund its nuclear weapons program. And he said, I'm announcing that we are launching the largest ever set of new sanctions on the North Korean regime. He said that, by the way, according a Spack speech, he said that I do want to say, because people have asked North Korea, we composed today the heaviest sanctions ever imposed on a country before. And frankly, hopefully something positive can happen. We will see, but hopefully something positive can happen. But that just was announced. And I want to let you know we have imposed the heaviest sanctions ever imposed. Why didn't he just give him billions of dollars like Obama and Clinton did. Where does the mindset from somebody come from? Oh, death to America, death to Israel, Burn the American flag, burn the Israeli flag, and let me let me bring in a few cargo planes with a hundred and fifty billion dollars in American and foreign currency, and let's pay the Mullahs. And we're saying, please, can we bribe you into liking us? Five seconds after the money comes in, the next thing that happens is they're saying death to America again. It was the same thing Bill Clinton tried to bribe Kim Jong ill it was Kim Jong UN's father, and that didn't work. With trillions of dollars and energy and others. It's insane. This is a form of insanity. All right. We have at the top of the next hour, we have Sarah Carter, and we have Greg Jared. I want to set the scene for you, though. Paul Sperry has an amazing column ount today in the New York Post, and he's talking about that the House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Newness and how he's examining whether the vaunted Obama Intelligence Community assessment claiming that Russia mettled in the presidential election was actually based on that bogus Hillary Clinton bought and paid for dossier. And Newness discovered the findings that the Obama intelligence assessment the o I a mirror almost exactly the made up crap that Hillary Clinton had her henchmen stick in at dossier. So from Sperry's column, he says, suspiciously, Barack Obama's Intelligence community assessment, I see a matches the main allegations leveled by the Clinton paid for dossier on Trump, which wormed its way into the intelligence channels in addition to the FBI, Justice Department, and State Department during the campaign. This is important. In fact, it looks like the dossier makes the exact see claim, and that is into the what the Obamba intelligence community is now echoing the dossier. Now, remember the dossier was never verified by anybody, not by Fusion, GPS, not by anybody in the FBI, d O J, nobody, So they're basically mirroring the exact same thing. You know that Putin personally ordered the cyber attacks on the Clinton campaign and leaked embarrassing emails to bolster Trump. Well, the person that quote leaked those emails as a guy. We know who it is, Julian Assange of Wiki Leaks, And I think we're like the only people in American media that have actually taken the time to go to London to sit down and ask him. And he denies it vehemently that it was Russia or any state. But I'd like to know, you know, and he has the answer by the way, of who did it. I'd like to find out eventually who did anyway, Staff investigators now for deva Newness, his Intelligence Committee are now going over every word of the I s A, including classified footnotes, to see if any of the analysis was pre cooked based on the Clinton Boughton paid for dossier. Now James Clapper, Obama's Director of National Intelligence, he said in a recentcy An interview that the i c A was based on quote some of the substantive content of Dacia. Well, nobody verified any of it. There's still people now trying to verify it, that are being paid to try and verify it. And Clapper also admitted that he broke with tradition. He didn't put the assessment to all seventeen U S intelligence agencies for review. Instead, he says he limited input to a couple of dozen handpicked analysts from three agencies, the c i A, the n s A, and the FBI, and that the report was drafted under the supervision of his office, and all three agencies agreed putin hacked and lee Clinton's emails. Can you please give us the information that proves that, because that's not what the person that leaked them says. In the Defense Intelligence Agency, Homeland Secure, the State Departments Intelligence Bureau, other agencies with relevant expertise on Russia, we're all excluded unbelievable. We'll use it for a phoney. Fis a warrant. We'll all tell each other it's true, and we'll pat each other on the back. Hillary wins, and nobody would know the difference didn't work out that way. Actually have friends of mine questioning whether or not it's really true if you can lend his cat blew up to four times its normal size because she overfed the cat. The answers, absolutely, it's true. It's true in your mind breaking news. I think I want to know why you won't put it online so that people can see that what I was talking about, you fed the cat to death? The cat find a picture and I will put it up there. You don't know it's not fine, You're gonna find it. You have it in your phone right now, and you're not telling the truth. Well, you just said I fed it to death, so I guess that you know she's no longer almost to death is? By the way, is the cat still around? I have no idea. You check in with the new owner. She's with my father in law. How much weight has the cat lost? I don't know. I guess he feeds are does the cat look like it did when Why don't you put them before and after pictures after when you after you send it to them. He's always beautiful whatever her size, of course. But I didn't say she wasn't beautiful. I just said that you nearly killed her, all right, Sarah Carter, Greg Jarrett next fence Flawyer's perspective, it's a perjury trap. I think from the rule of law perspective, just tell the truth. If you're under oath, you've got to tell the truth. That's what we have. The indictments now of General Flynt. I read through that indictment. The indictment is a little odd, to be honest, because the General was conducting Mike Flynn was conducting foreign policy in preparation for the camp. But paragraph five of that nails him on failure to register. That had nothing to do with collusion. It had everything to do with Turkey, the government of Turkey, and so on and so forth. Because of argument about the law being too broad with the special counsel the parameters by which you or others work, Um, oh, that that's correct. And Congress, when we had the law, we don't have it a bill. Let me just say this, we did not we don't have that law. Now that law was allowed to expand, and I think, yeah, and I think that's a good thing. When did you first learn of the so called Steele dossier and what Christopher Steele was doing? Well, it was a not a very well kept secret among press circles for several months before it came out, and it was in late summer of sixteen when there were some individuals from the various US news outlets who asked me about my familiarity with it, and I had heard just snippets about it. I did not know what was in there. I did not see it until later in that year. I think it was in December. Uh, But I was unaware of the providence of it as well as what was in it. And it did not play any role whatsoever in the Intel's community assessments that was done, that was presented to then President Obama and then President Electromp. How was the Steele dossier treated? It was, how did you read it? And you said you looked at it in December. I assume it's been looked at by It was obviously looked at by the FBI. We've now learned they've tried to confirm some of it and have had some success, some not yet. They don't say it's they don't. They say it's unconfirmed. But that's about it. Well, there were things in that dossier that made me wonder whether or not they would they were in fact accurate and true. Uh, And I do think it was up to the FBI to see whether or not they could verify any of it. I think Jim Comey has said that it was contained selatious and unverified information. Just because it was unverified didn't mean it wasn't true. And if the Russians were involved in something like that directed against individuals who are aspiring to the highest office in this land, there was an obligation of part of the FBI to seek out the truth on it, all right. That was Brennan, who we now know, along with Clapper, got a letter from Devon Newness ten specific questions as it relates to the dossier. Now that all of this is making its way up the ladder in the Obama administration, one thing Deva Nuness is doing today. Paul Sperry had a great column that Nooness is investigating whether the Trump tossier was the basis for Obama's Russia Gate Intelligence Assessment, which, by the way, we need to know because Obama's Intelligence community assessment matches the main allegations that were leveled in the Clinton paid dossier that nobody had verified, which wormed their way into the intelligence channels in addition to the FBI, the Department of Justice, the Department of State, all at the beginning of the campaign in sixteen. In fact, the shady dossier makes exactly the same claim that Putin personally ordered the cyber attacks on the Clinton campaign and leaked embarrassing emails to bolster Trump. Now, the person that put those emails out in the for public review is Julian Assangia Wiki leaks. He's told us multiple times on this show and on TV that it was not Russia, it was no state agency at all, so that would be contradictory to that. Do they have any evidence that it came from Putin and staff? Investigators for the Newness and the Intelligence Community are now going over every single word of the i c A, the Intelligence Community assessment, including classified footnotes, to see if any of the analysis was pre cooked based on this phony, bought and paid for dossier. And we also have Comey agreeing, by the way, to his first interview since his firing. His book is done, and he's gonna appear with George Stephanopolis. Sure, why not go right directly to Clinton's uh number one fan in the media. Unbelievable. Joining us now we have Sarah Carter, investigative reporter for the Fox News Channel, and Greg Jarrett, uh, Fox News Legal analysts. Welcome both of you to the program. Well that and uh, now we have this investigation into whether or not this judge in Michael Flynn's case is looking for exculpatory evidence that could have been withheld. But we have a lot going on today. Sarah will start with you. What do you make about this this piece by Paul Sperry and Newness investigating whether the dossier was the basis for the Russian intelligence assessment. Well, I since certainly say, with you know, absolute certainty talking to sources uh in here in Washington, that they are looking very closely at the assessment and that they're looking directly at Brennan. Remember John Brennan, He was the same, uh, the former chief of the CIA who said in a hearing to Trey Gouty that he couldn't exactly recall when Trey Gouty asked him directly whether or not there was an ambassador that had been unmasking Americans. He said, it rings a vague bell, but I can't really remember. And you know, so here's the same man who has these denials. He's very good at being very careful with his words, and paulse Bury is right on when he makes the accusation that still there has been no evidence to prove that it was the Russians that actually did the hacking, and they've never been able to prove that with definitive certainty, you know, showing the actual facts. So I think what's going to happen here is that the House Intelligence Committee is going to look very carefully at this. Remember they didn't just ask Clapper and Brennan, they also asked Comy the same ten questions, Sean, And this is going to be vitally important because they're going to have to answer these questions. If they don't, I believe they will be subpoena to answer those questions before them, because they know now that something went really wrong and that they were using this dossier as a means to investigate the president um and we know now there's a lot of connections with people very close to Hillary Clinton that we're involved in this dossier, people like Sydney Blumenthal, others from the State Department, that we're feeding Christopher Steel information on what they term a second dossier. A lot of people believe that that same information was used in the original dossier that Christopher Steele had. So there is a mess in Washington right now, and I think everybody's trying to sort this out. This, to me, greg Is is pretty fascinating because you now have Devin Newness of the House Intel Committee examining whether the vaunted Obama intelligence community assessment claiming that Russia medal did the presidential election. Now we're examining whether or not that was based on the Clinton bought and paid for phony Russian dossier that nobody had ever verified. And because he's looking at these Obama intelligence assessments and they mirror exactly what's in the dossier, so nobody checked it out. It's used for a fiser warrant, and it's used in in the Intelligence community assessment. Right The Intelligence community assessment was largely put together by the CIA, the n s A, and the FBI, and I would emphasize the CIA then run by John Brennan. He appears to have played an instrumental role in instigating the Russian hoax and disseminating the fictitious dossier. Uh And in fact, the House Intelligence Committee, who's been probing Brennan's actions, one of their senior aids, and I'll quote here John Brennan did more than anyone to promulgate the dirty dossier. He politicized and weaponized what was false intelligence against Trump. So what did Brennan do well? When he learned of the dossier, He allegedly not just gave it to the FBI and Democrats on Capitol Hill, but certain members of the media were alerted, and according to his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, Brennan seemed to acknowledge that he was among the first individuals to have access to this dossier. And guess what soon thereafter, the FBI was alerted and opened the Trump Russia investigation that was never launched because Papadopoulos got drunk in a London pub and started mouthing I mean, that was preposterous. The New York Times totally got used on that, which just shows a how gullible they are and and be how biased they are to buy into that canard. No, it was the dossier which was used to uh try to frame Trump, launching a false investigation, then spying on Trump associates, and continuing to spy after the president took office. It's unbelievable. Another very very important points that Greg brought up there. And remember, let's go back to when they first briefed then President Obama and then you know President Trump as well on the dossier. When that happened, when the brief President elect Trump and President Obama on this dossier, it was John Brennan who was there as well. And nobody took this dossier seriously in the media, but they were afraid of printing it. It was being shopped all around Washington, d C. A lot of reporters remember this. Uh, then you had Christopher Steel briefing reporters on the background beforehand. Nobody was really nobody probably dossier until they made it official, until they went and briefed both presidents on this. They briefed President Trump, president President elect Trump, then President Obama, and shortly afterwards Sean is when BuzzFeed published the entire dossier and everybody started to roll with it. They had to make this dossier somehow valid. They had to give it some kind of credence so they could spread this unverified And Sperry makes another point about this, because again I think it's very critical that noon As is asking Brennan and Clapper what he knows in terms of the dossier, and those questions I think will be very revealing if if we get answers. But and Sperry's peace. What he's pointing out, you know, is that James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence under Obama, conceded in a recency and an interview that the i c A was based on some of the substantive content of the dossier. And Clapper also admitted he broke with tradition and didn't put out the assessment to all seventeen U. S. Intelligence agencies for review, and instead he limited it to just a couple of h of hand picked analysts from three agencies, the c i A, the n s A, and the FBI. Interestingly, that the report was drafted under the supervision of his office and and all three agencies quote agreed but the defense but again that that bypassed the normal procedures. Why would that be, well, because you know they were pulling a fast one Clapper and Brennan. Uh. You know, at the end of the day, you're going to find out that Clapper, Brennan and Comy, you know, knew this thing was completely absurd, romors, innuendos, supposition, wild speculation. That's why reporters who who knew about it and read it laughed at it and wouldn't print it. Uh, and so, and that frustrated Clapper and Comy and and Brennan and so they tried to somehow legitimize it. And only when they were able to do that did BuzzFeed finally, you know, finally prinative. And you said, you've read it so many times that it makes you laugh every time you read it, every time it gets old. Right, stay right there, we gotta take a break of uh more with Greg Jarrett, more with Sarah Carter. One Shaw in our number right. As we continue, Greg Jarrett is with us along with Sarah Carter, as we continue our investigation into deep state Gate, and it gets more interesting by the minute. So you got these additional charges, none of which surprised me, is related to Paul Maniford. Uh. And of course ri Rick Gates is cutting a deal The biggest development that I see, though, is this whole issue of the judge in the case of General Flynn. Greg let's start with you. He's asking for any and all exculpatory evidence, and he will decide what is exculpatory. That's right. The judges Emmetts Sullivan uh very well known, and he was the judge in the Senator Ted Stevens case, the Alaska senator prosecuted for corruption. In the end, it was all tossed out. Why because prosecutors cheated, as they often do, They cheated in a way that is really quite unconscionable. They knew that there was exculpatory evidence, evidence that would help Stevens, but they deliberately, wilfully withheld it. And so you know Sullivan, I don't know him, but what I've read of him, he has now this ingrained skepticism towards prosecutors, and he has now demanded that these prosecutors, even though there's been a Flynn guilty plea entered, I'm demanding that you turn over any exculpatory evidence, and I'll tell you what's exculpatory. It appears that there's some evidence that the FBI officials who actually interviewed Flynn, and by the way, they had no business interviewing him. He hadn't done any wrong. All right, we'll give you the let's give started the last word. Just running out of time, Okay, sorry, well no, absolutely, I mean Greg brought up a very good point. I mean, I think with General Flynn's case, if you just go back to the very beginning and you realize that Komy had made the announcement that both of the agents that originally interviewed Flynn had actually not believed he had lied, and they interviewed him anyways when they shouldn't have interviewed him, or they should have shared the transcripts with him. He was doing his job. Then you see the pressure of the Special Council putting pressure on them, both financially and threatening apparently his family, threatening his son, And all of a sudden, you see people came into the Special Council. Look, without Flynn, without Mueller being able to get guilty, please Flynn, Papadopoulos, he can't take the next step forward to go after the president. And he used a dossier. This dossier was used to open this investigation. It's an unverified, insallacious Jassier that has no relevance. And and there's over a year we haven't seen any collusion between the President and Russia, and they open this Special Council investigation and there are a lot of questions here, and they've been strong arming people into guilty please, and we've seen that, and we're just gonna look and see where the next step is. I mean where you played that that clip from the beginning. Should the President talk to the Special Counsel? I'm not a legal expert here, but I would be very concerned about some type of an entrapment. All Right, the guys, I gotta let you go. Great workers always, we appreciate it. One Shaw And if you want to be a part of the program. The President speaking at SPACT this morning, he went on an hour and fifteen minutes. We have the best of that speech coming up in our news round up Information Overload portion of the program. We'll get to your calls coming up next as well. Eight nine for one Shawn and Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty. He's always a trip and a lot of fun. As we continue this Friday, alright, twenty five now till the top of the one, Sean President at seat Pack Today. We're gonna play some of that speech in our news round up information overload and your calls and Phil Robertson coming up next hour. But all right, it's been a busy week. Let's get to our busy phones, because many of you have been very very patient. Mark is in the great state of Alabama. What's up, Mark? How are you? Where do you live in Alabama? I actually live in the South part. I used to the Montgomery Actually no, um, small little town called I know, yeah, I know what it is. Of course I've heard I lived in Alabama, yes, sir, Okay, so I didn't know that. The reason I'm calling as a school I went to was actually Northwest Florida, and they had a lot of the same security managers you're talking about. Um. Make they kept one point entry. All the doors were locked other than one point and that was to the four year right next office. And they had a higher off duty officer that was there at all times the school was open. Look, I can tell you from my experience when my kids were younger, they went to a particular school. I won't say what the school is, why embarrass them? That was Hannity kids. Um but you did not get into the school except through one door, and I look, I didn't. I'm not one of these parents that spends a lot of time at school unless somebody's getting in trouble or I have to go to one of those stupid, boring, monotonous parent teacher meetings. But when I would go, I mean I walk in, or they if the kids forgot a book or their lunch or something, might drop it off. Not very often. I walk in. The first thing the guy I would say is high, Mr Hannity, and then I'd have to give him my license. And it's that is the way. Every single entry point needs to be secure. Any other place that kids can get in needs to be secure as well. And you need to have enough people hired that you have enough security. I would say you need a retired concealed carry military guy on every floor. You definitely have to take care of the perimeter outside the school, and you've got to take care of every building inside the school. Some of these schools have multiple buildings. You can't tell me that it's impossible to do this when we do it at football games, baseball games, concerts. And I'm not talking about Vegas. The outdoor concert, which was I'm talking about arenas and and so on. We can do it. We secure our banks. You can't go into the bank and rob the bank blind. You're gonna get in trouble. You're gonna be facing somebody with a gun. And if we just take those precautionary measures, look, evil is evil. And I said this last night that the Sarnov brothers used a bomb that they made and produced with everyday materials that anybody can buy. You can buy a pressure cooker, you can buy the nails, and you can, you know, set up an explosive sadly, fairly easily. And then the worst school shooting was Virginia Tech when they used handguns and thirty two people were killed in that shooting. And that's it's just not the answer securing the school and putting a priority on it. And we're not gonna let these kids feel fear, feel this fear. They ought to be able to go to school with confidence and know that somebody's not going to get into building and start shooting him up. And if the kids have ideas going in and if they go through metal detectors going in, just like we all have to do when we fly in an airplane. Uh, it's really not that big a deal at the end of the day, is it. Yeah, you gotta get to the airport an hour early. Does it really make that big a difference. It doesn't. It's pretty quick. And you know, the confidence of knowing that the guy next to me doesn't have a gun that he's gonna pull out midflight is reassuring to me, and I think most people, and I think the kids. It's it's just the reality, unfortunately, of the world we live in. There's evil. Brendan. I'm sorry, Brenda is in Oregon. Brenda, how are you glad? You called? Good? And how are you doing? I'm great, It's Friday. We made it, I know. Okay. So what I wanted to say is when Obama was talking about u UM with Romney, how you know what he said about Russian trying to interfere and he debunked that and then Trump said something and yeah the two thousand and eight debate, right, okay, So anyway, but when it's been right after the election happened, it was like Obama he went a hit and sent like thirty five diplomats back like a S A P. So is that because he was mad or what do you think the Russians? Maybe? I think I think Obama really I for whatever reason, Obama believed in his mind and his heart that America is this you know, horrible uh superpower, and and that we have too much influence in the world. That influence is not good for the world, and it doesn't um, it doesn't foster diversity, and so on and so forth. And I think he's just got everything asked backwards. I mean, he is a classic appeaser, and his mindset is that, you know, well, if we're nicer to you, and you're gonna be nicer to us, and and tell Vladimir or tell Vladimir, I'll have more flexibility after the election, after my election, all more flexibility. I can't tell the American people the truth to what I'm really gonna do. You know, think of the mindset. What rational human being would ever go along with an idiotic idea of dropping off, you know, a hundred and fifty billion dollars in American currency and other currencies and give it to the Iranian Mullahs that are chanting death to America. There's a particular mindset there that I don't I can't relate to in any way because that's an appeasement mindset. There are certain of us that I think are far more rooted in reality. Neville Chamberlain had that appeasing mindset, and he believed that that Great Britain could have peace in their time with the Nazis. I didn't work out that way. And people in the beginning thought somebody like well Winston Churchill was nuts. You know. They said about Reagan that he was a California cowboy that talked about the evil Empire and that he'd start World War three, and he ended up bringing an end to the Cold War and he didn't have to fire a shot, and he said the now infamous words, Mr Grocho, tear down this wall, and he did it. Clinton had an appease or mindset to Bill Clinton gave Kim Jong Un, Kim Kim Jong, I'm sorry, Kim Jong Ill, Kim Jong UN's father gave him, you know, three billion dollars in energy and all sorts of subsidies. Well that with with a promise that they're never going to build a nuclear weapon. Well, how did that work out for the world? Not too good. So I really don't for the life of me, understand the mindset of of so many people. But I do think that, yeah, I think that both Secretary Clinton at the time and Barack Obama were naive. Let's say hi to Anthony is in Annapolis in Maryland. What's up, Anthony? How are you, sir? Hey Sean, thanks for taking my call. The reason that I called is because I've I've actually come up. I'm I'm a wounded warrior and disabled combat that from oh f no, I s I've actually come up with a very unique solution to this whole gun issue that we're facing them today. Um, we're not doing the army. The day that I showed the basic trained, they didn't just give me a rifle and go here, go to send your country. They trained me. Okay, my proposed My proposal is this. I think that if you're under the age of and you want to purchase a firearm, you should have to go through a state certified or federally certified training program for for firearms. So you go and you sign up for a class, and let's say it's four saturdays out of a month. UKA feed to the state. You go take this class that licensed certified weapons expert. We didn't have a prolomed interaction with that prospective gun owner to determine whether or not they're confident with a firearms and whether they or not there mentally. Well, let me tell you what I recently went through in Florida, because I want to get my carry permitting Florida. Okay, and and I've I've been a pistol marksman since I'm twelve years old. I've been trained since I'm eleven. And so to get a carry permit, you have to go and take a safety course. And I went and I took the safety course, and I was the only one in the class. And the guy starts asking me a few questions, and I gave him my background, my knowledge and firearms, etcetera. And uh, he went through every bit of the curriculum anyway, and I and he did the right thing. And then he brought me to the range. I hit the bulls eye like six straight times, and he goes, Okay, I think you're set, and here's your certificate. Get out of here. But you know, I don't have a problem with that. Anybody that asked me that doesn't have a gun what kind of gun they should get? My advice is just just go go, go get training, go to a range. These guys that these ranges are the most giving people you'll ever meet. They, you know, don't be embarrassed that you don't know. Um. I don't know why there's a pride associated with with individuals that we don't want to ask other people sometimes for help. I was at a range recently in Florida and over Christmas, and I went down there and I was shooting and there was a particular gun I had no familiarity with, and I went and I got the guy because my son's friend was actually firing, and I said, would you mind show me you know how to use this particular firearm. I didn't want to pick it up. I didn't want to touch it until I understood it. And that's just my training and working its way into into you know, me being on the range. The guy was great, came over, explained the entire weapon to me, went through it three times on his own, watch me do it once, then said okay, y'all set, yes, sir, thank you, and that was it. Well, I'm not ashamed to ask if I don't know something in particular. I don't know everything, but the people that I know that are that love firearms, they're more than happy to teach, They're more than happy to tell, They're more than happy to guide you and help you. And you know, if you're a woman and you want a lighter gun and one that doesn't have a lot of kick, you know they'll they'll help you find the weapon you're most comfortable with. I mean, some of these ranges down in in Florida are just amazing because you can actually rent any weapon that they've got on the premises, and they'll show you how to use it, and you know it just then it becomes like a fun experience. It's like you know, going bowling or going to a movie. You go shooting with your friends and you have a good time. It's a lot of fun um. Although my kids don't seem to be too interested in it, which is fine with me too. I've taken him to the rains. We're like, okay, can we go now? Uh. I was very different when I was eleven years old, and every kid has their own area of interest. But you raised a good point. I had no problem sitting in that class, no problem with the curriculum. It frankly was a good reminder. There was nothing I didn't know, but it was a good reminder for me, a good refresher for me, and I was glad that that they do that down in Florida. It's not gonna it's not gonna challenge your ability or the time frame in which you can purchase a firearm. C Ann went on. They said, Donald Trump wants all teachers. Okay, fake news, fo fake news, fakeness. I don't want a person that's never handled a gun, that wouldn't know what a gun looks like to be armed. But out of your teaching population, you have a very gun adept people, military people, law enforcement people. They teach, they teach, and and something I thought of this morning, you know what else? And I thought of it since I found and watched Peterson, the deputy who didn't go into the school because he didn't want to go into the school. Okay, he was tested under fire and that wasn't a good result. But you know what I thought of as soon as I saw that, these teachers, and I've seen them at a lot of schools where they had problems. These teachers love their students, and the students love their teachers. In many cases, these teachers love their students and these teachers are talented with weaponry and with guns, and that's they feel safe. And I'd rather have somebody that loves their students and wants to protect their students then somebody standing outside that doesn't know anybody and doesn't know the students. And frankly, for whatever reason, decided not to go in, even though we heard lots of shots being fired inside. All right back to our phones we go, John, a liberal from Alabama. What's up, John, the liberal from Alabama? How are you? How are you doing? Sure? I'm good? What's going on? I was saying, I listened to your regular for the last couple of years, and you know testully this year ago. You're a big Trump supporter. I was saying, if you feel that he's so innocent, why your case is not being tried on the mainstream is just like you're just on your radio show, on your TV show saying things why it doesn't care to hit him in the process, they're going to get it over with that on I'm not understanding your questions. Say it a little differently. I said, you are every day you get on the radio, you say he did include he didn't calude. I'm saying, why is it so hard for you to convince the government, the FBHI merely and all of them that why they're not listening to you? Well, you look, they have they have an agenda that's number one, number two, beyond anybody's imagination. If you really pay close attention, you'll notice that they're not talking about Trump Russia collusion anymore. And even if you watch the Sunday shows, you know, things we've been talking about for months, like the dossier that's now part of everyday Sunday programming. And as much as they have tried their hardest to avoid it all, they have not been successful. So yeah, it takes a little while for the media to catch up with us. And uh, yeah, I was right about Obama, and yeah, I predicted what would happen in Baltimore, and I predicted what would happen in Ferguson, and I predicted you know, a lot of different things. They all get wrong because they're kind of a bunch of sheep and a bunch of followers. But where you know, truth and facts are now dragging them into the arena where they never wanted to go. And it's only gonna get more pronounced than the days to come, but they do their level best to avoid covering it, and they're angry that, you know, there hasn't been an indictment of Donald Trump and they're still waiting for it. Anyway, thanks for the call. All Right News Round Up Information Overload hour here on this Friday. By the way, Phil Robertson at the bottom of the hour is going to check in with us. He's always a lot of fun. Nine for one, Shawn is a number. We'll get to some calls here in just a minute. So we were at sea Pack the last couple of days. I love seapack because these are kids, many of them from colleges all around the country, and you see, it's just, you know, we only see on television those kids that um only seem to like love and worship at the altar of all things liberal, leftist status, Obama, etcetera. And you almost think when you see any scene in a college campus that there aren't young conservatives. I have no idea why my parents were not overly political, but when I was young, I was drawn to conservative thought and talk radio, and I would listen and i'd follow, and I was interested in the Cold War, and I followed every minute of Reagan's presidency anyway, So the president goes there today and he speaks to this crowd of young people. He just pretty much through a lot of the speech by the side, did a lot of ad libbing, had a lot of fun, and was just being his fun, combative self. And the crowd absolutely loved it. Here's part of it because you know, I kept trying to say, why is this, but it's it's just there. So the great enthusiasm. You know, you're sitting back, you watching television. Maybe I don't have to vote today. We just won the presidency, and then we get Claubert, and we can't let that happen. We get Claubert in eighteen and we can't let that happen. Only because we are so happy. We passed so many things. Honestly, and I say, I'll use the word my administration as opposed to me. My administration, I think has had the most successful first year in the history of the presidency. I really believe, I really go over. We've ended the war in American energy. We were in war, and we've ended the war on beautiful, clean coal, one of our great natural resources. I'm very important for our defense, call very important for our defense because we have it, we don't have to send it through pipes, we don't have to get it from foreign countries. We have more than anybody, and they wanted to end it. And our miners have been mistreated, and they're not being mistreated anymore. We're doing tremendous business. I was in Vietnam and the Prime Minister and the President of Vietnam were there, and we have a massive deficit with them, like we do with everybody else, because these presidents have just let it go to hell. We have the worst trade deals you've ever seen it. So we're changing it. So I said, we have too big a deficit with Vietnam. I'm not happy. He said, well, but we're going to I said, bike call, mikel. They used a lot of called bike call, and he said, you know, we have book call from West Virginia and other places, and it's the finest call we've ever is. It's interesting, and West Virginia now is doing great. You look at what's happening in West Virginia, you look at what's happening in Pennsylvania, you look at what's happening in Ohio, and you look at what's happening in Wyoming. You look at what's happening all over, it's like it's like a different world. And remember this, Virtually as soon as I got into office, we approved the Keystone XL pipeline and the Dakota Access Pipe bloods which would never have been appro and we announced our withdrawal from the totally disastrous job killing wealth, knocking out you know, it knocked out our wealth, or it would have. They basically wanted to take our wealth away. They didn't want us to use our wealth power. We knocked out the Paris Climate Accord, would have been a vest. We're doing record business. We're doing business, and you have to look at the fundamentals. Companies are pouring back into this country. They're pouring back, not like I mean, when did you hear about car companies coming back into Michigan and coming to Ohio and expanded. When do you hear You never heard that? Do you hear they're leaving? I've been talking about it for twenty years. I was a private sector guy, but for whatever reason, I always had these guys always covered me much more than anybody else. I always got a lot of these characters. They used to treat me so good too. Until I ran for office, I used to get the greatest publicity trend of mine. Said, you know, you used to be the king of getting great publicity. What happened? I said, Well, I have some views that they're opposed to for a lot of bad reasons, a lot of bad reasons. But but when you look at what's happening to our country, it's incredible, and the fundamentals are so strong. The stock market I just see, with all of the ups and down since election day, is up thirty seven percent from election thirty seven percent. It did a little bit of a correction. In fact, I saw it. You know, is in it for like thirteen fourteen months from election? I say, is this sucker ever going down a little bit? This is a little embarrassing. It was up up a hundred, up, two hundred, up huft up sixty three. That's a good that's better. Hey, we've got seven years to go, folks, you know we got we got a long time to go. Somebody got onto television recently and they said, actually, this is the first time I can remember Trump made campaign promises. He may be the only person that actually fulfilled more promises that he made. I think that's true. I fulfill more promising, But we have a very crooked media. We had a crooked Candiday too, by the way, but we have we have a very we have a very very crooked medium. Somebody got into television recently and they said, actually, this is the first time I can remember Trump made campaign promises. He may be the only person that actually fulfilled more promises that he made. I think that's true. I fulfill more promising. But we have a very crooked media. We had a must have strong borders. We celebrate our history and our heroes, and we believe young Americans should be taught to love their country and to respect its traditions. Don't worry, you're getting the wall. Don't worry. Okay, he said. I had a couple of these characters in the back say, oh, he really doesn't want the wall. He just used that for campaigning. I said, are you can you believe it? You know I say, every time I hear that, the will gets ten feet higher. You know that, every time, every single time. Okay, now we're gonna have the wall, or they're not gonna have what they want. It's time to make our schools a much harder target for attackers. We don't want them in our schools. We don't. We don't want them. When we declare our schools to be gun free zones, it just puts our students in far more danger far more dangerous. Well trained gun adept teachers and coaches and people that work in those buildings, people that were in the Marines for twenty years and retired people into the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Coast Guard, people that are adept at dept with weaponry and with guns they teach. I mean, I don't want to have a hundred guards standing with rifles all over the school. You do a concealed carry hermit, and this would be a major deterrent because these people are inherently cowards. If they thought, like if this guy thought that other people would be shooting bullets back at him, he wouldn't have gone to that school. He wouldn't have gone there. It's a gun free zone. It says, this is a gun free zone. Please check your guns way far away. And what happens is they feel safe. There's nobody gonna come at him this way. You may have and remember, if you use the school as an example, this is a very big school with tremendous floor area and a lot of acreage. It's a big, big school, good school. A big big school. You'd have to have a hundred and fifty real gun. It's looking at one guard. He didn't turn out to be too good. I will tell you that he turned out to be not good. He was not a credit to law enforcement. That I can tell you. That I can tell you. But as I've been talking about this idea, and I feel it's a great idea, but some people that are good people are opposed to it. They don't like the idea of teachers doing it. But I'm not talking about teachers, you know. C Ann went on. They said, Donald Trump wants all teachers. Okay, fake news, folks, fake news, fake news. I don't want a person that's never handled a gun, that wouldn't know what a gun looks like to be armed. But out of your teaching population, out of your teaching population, you have a very gun adept People, military people, law enforcement people. They teach, they teach, and and something I thought of this morning, you know what else? And I thought of it since I found and watch Peterson, the deputy who didn't go into the school because he didn't want to go into the school. Okay, he was tested under fire and that wasn't a good result. But you know what I thought of as soon as I saw that these teachers, and I've seen them at a lot of schools where they had problems, These teachers love their students, and the students love their teachers. In many cases, these teachers love their students, and these teachers are talented with weaponry and with guns, and that's they feel safe. And I'd rather have somebody that loves their students and wants to protect their students then somebody standing outside that doesn't know anybody and doesn't know the students. And Frankly, for whatever reason, decided not to go in, even though we heard lots of shots being fired inside and a teacher would have shot the hell out of him before he knew what happened. Right, So the President earlier today at Seepack, and I will tell you it's one of the events that I really enjoy going to every year. Been there now, how many years we've done at least three years in a row. We did it many years ago. We went through a period where we didn't go, and it was just fun to get back there and see a lot of people and and do the television program from there. Two nights in a row is so fun. All Right, let's send our busy telephone as I've been promising. All right, let's go to Kurt Is in St. George out in Utah. Kurt, how are you happy Friday? Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Thank you, Sean, Thank you for taking my call. Yes, sir, what can I do for you? Hey? I just wanted to point out that with all this controversy and everything going on, and everybody bad, not from the n r A. UM. I am a member of the n r A, and the number one thing that the promote it's safety, gun safety, And that's what they're leaving all that out. You know. Yeah, we promote you know, the Second Amendment, of course we do, but gun safety is the number one I gotta tell you something. I've had a lifetime of experience dealing with people in the n r A and people a unarranges and and people that are that are trained in the use of firearms the n r A. Yeah they are. They are noted for their gun safety at courses and self defense courses. And the first thing they teach is gun safety. The thing about every time I've ever been to a gun range, every single time, the thing that stands out the most is that if there's ever anybody there that ever needs any help, maybe a novice or maybe they want to try a different weapon out or something. The level of assistance that people with with a lot of knowledge are willing to give to others is unprecedented. You know, there's and and every single person understands the safety issue. The safest people with guns are people that are trained in the use of them. And the n r A promotes this more than anybody. The U s c c A, that's another group that promotes it gun safety, gun responsibility, and it it's never gonna get discussed in the media. People don't care about it. And I can only say that my experience with the n r A is one that they take great pride and pleasure in helping people understand the safety aspects of the firearm. So I think you're dead on right all right, back to our phones. Lead is in the Bronx of New York. Lead how are you the all new seven ten w O R What's going on? High shown great show. You're in the bronx. I can hear the accent. What's going on? Yes, Um, I just wanted to make a point that I have a ten year old daughter that goes to Catholic school, and you know, I take it to school every morning, and when I drop her off, I feel very satisfied knowing that I have a good feeling that nothing is going to happen to her. And for the simple reason is that as a parent in that school, we actually pay extra money for security guard that is a retired police source and carries a nine millimeter gun. And I feel very safe bringing my daughter to that school and leave her there all day. Listen, if we if we would universally do a complete threat security assessment on every school, put in the number of retired or concealed carry military, concealed carry police retired in these schools, we have a line of defense. We we would have the ability to step in. They would have the ability to step in and save lives. The idea that that is even viewed as controversial to anybody is mine numbing to me. And I know the President said, well, teachers, if they want to train, I'm not don't want to put all the responsibility on the teachers. If they do, that's fine. I don't have any problem with it. But trained, concealed carry, former military, former police, and and a full threat assessment. Everybody has an I D. Metal detectors were needed. And yet you've got security in our schools. We could do it. We do it everywhere else we want to do it. Why couldn't we do it there? Uh? Johnny was now by the way, buddy Philip Robertson, one of the huge rock and roll stars of duck Dynasty, is a news show by the way himself on CRTV. It's called Into the Woods with Phil and he has a contest going on right now and he wants you to know about it. What's the contest, Mr Robertson, how are you, sir? Well, the contest he is. Whoever wins it will get some of Miss Kay's cooking and I will give them a ride through the woods and do a little as we go. Wait a minute, you never took me duck hunting, not once. Now, I did get to go to Miss Kay's kitchen and but except we were outside, we were grilling steaks, and uh, I had a great time when I was down there in West Monroe, Louisiana. Sir, well, you gotta remember, uh when they whoever wins this thing and they're able to come down here. I was talking to that Rick and Bubba show over in Alabama's well, my buddy Rick and Bubba. I love those guys. I told him, I said, boys, always remember whoever wins is saying it comes down in here. If they're not converted to Jesus yet, they will be all right. Now, that brings us to the old story. So I'm down there interviewing you and and basically your home as a trailer. And yet you build this, you know, majestic kitchen, you know, building for your wife that you don't even live in. And I'm like, and then you're you're the chair you sit in, the actual chair that Phil Robertson sits in, looks like it's a hundred years old. And I'm thinking, always remember this, whether it's my household or yours. Kennedy, money always the money always gravitates towards the women's purses, you know. Yeah, good luck in this day and age. You're you're you're on your own when you're get in trouble. Next time, miss kast Misk is gonna be. Miss Cay is gonna be a little annoyed. But I by the size of hard kitchen, and besides the size of that building. Now, I just want to know this. So you never asked me to go duck hunting? Why don't invite me on the trip I want to go? How do I win? You are invited to go, and you'll win by me just saying, hennedy, come on down here, let's go duck hunting. Load up, get out of New York for a while. Get out there and relax, my man. I will give you this. I commend you for standing for the truth when you're dealing with all these people what I'm here to do. I'm glad you called me in because if I'm able to talk to you, that means desperation is setting in. So I just want to remind you what you do every night. Jesus and John chapter eight said that the devil is the source, source and calls of all murder, and he is also Jesus said John Ate read that when you get off the phone, he is the source and the father of lies. So, Sean, what you're doing may be even not realized it all together. You go so far as to say, it's just this is how come people, this is just evil what hitary Clinton did and all the stuff with the with her computers and all this and steal and the dossier. You've got to remember you're dealing with human beings who are controlled by the Father shown of lies. Believe it's not so hard to wait through it because you're thinking, how could people lie this? Well, they are getting their instructions from the Evil One, according to John chapter eight, which is a daunting task you have undertaken because you're really dealing with the power of the Evil One, whether it be the shooters and the schools, are the people that you're dealing with that just lies come forth from them like it's Jesus said, telling lies. He speaks his native language, the Evil One does. I just wanted to give you that information to know you know something. I want to ask you something because I think at heart you are and I've had the honor of getting to know you and your family, and I really I love your family. You have a wonderful family. And um but I do see good and evil. And I actually wrote a book one's called Deliver Us from Evil. And what's so amazing to me is is that. You know, in the last century, fill over a hundred million human souls were destroyed in the name of of communism, fascism, Nazism. Uh, you just see, well, you see man's in humanity to man. Look at the Look at what happened in the school shooting this kid. You know, there's evil. No normal, good hearted human being with a soul could ever go in there and coldly kill innocent children or people that listen to this John the Apostle, this is the message you heard from the beginning. He's talking about Jesus. We should love one another because that's the answer and the solution to these gun dance and all this other stuff. But everybody says love, love, love. I don't think anybody has a clue what love is. Well they don't and because they don't have God. But the bottom line is he said, do not be lack Kane. He goes all the way back to creation Adam and Eve Kane enabled they're not before I'm on the earth shone. Listen, don't be lack Caine. Remember he murdered his brother who belonged to the evil One, and murdered his brother. Now listen, and why did he murder him because his own actions were evil and his brothers were righteous. That's all he needed. Let me ask you this because I think that you know, and it's it's a very interesting story for people who don't know. So I'm doing this interview down on West Monroe, Louisiana with Phil Robertson, who joins us. Now he's now on CRTV and he's got a contest. If you want to go duck hunting with him, I'll tell you about that minute. And so you're literally Hannity, you want to get them ratings up, come on out in the swamp. Now, I've watched your show enough to know that they are alligators in that swamp. And you wanted to dunk my head where where amongst the alligators swim head? But your whole person, my whole person. Well, if you build a pool, I'll do it in a pool, but I'm not doing it in a swamp with alligators. Remember, the Lord will protect you, my man. So you say you have actually baptized people in that swamp, you're telling me thousands? Are you serious? Thousands of people? Thousands? If you sew the throne that we've not walked down into the river during a thundershome, I feel like a w and we walked out there in the river. If you had seen the throng that have my faith obeyed the death Barlin resurrection of Jeeves died of seeing their old person is being very and the new one comes forward. All right, I have a question, then, why do why do people that are saved? Because I believe in Jesus like you do, and I believe that he's the Son of God and our personal Lord and savior, and he suffered, died, and was murdered and beaten and humiliated for our sins. I believe all that. But my question is, then why does everyone keep sitting? And I'll start with myself, Probably because, uh, knowing your history, they probably sprinkle a little water on you before you Yeah, they did around a little bit. Well you wait a minute, are you saying you don't send this to this day? You don't say, Hey, we all make mistakes. That's why Jesus is at the right hand of the Father constant, mediating for us to keep what's cleans of any future sn He's covered the whole thing. Past one was removed at the cross, future sins. He's there to not hold him against us. But you're a changed person. You don't send like you used to. Oh, not nearly as much. All right, well, all right, so Phil, I'm sorry, we're just out of time. Listen. So if people want to go hunting with you, um and win a special hunting trip and enjoy ms Kay's food and cooking at which you can't beat, you can just go travel accommodations two days, one night, West Monroe, Louisiana, home cooked meal with ms K, a tour of the Duck Commander facility, and gets to go hunting with you. How do you do that? Well, that's a good question. I've never turned on the internet, never clicked on to anything. I don't have a telephone. Wait a minute, I got I'll get your own the internet. And I said on the internet have to say, but they'll have to go to CRTV to find out all the all you gotta do. I got it right here, crtv dot com, slash Phil and use the promo code Phil and and you get to watch the show as well. All right, Thank you so much, Phil Robertson. We love you the best of the family. And uh, I will I'll go in the pool. Buy a pool for me. Hey, I got it Land up, come duck hunting. Women will do the whole deal. All right, my friend, I blush you. We appreciate an eight nine for one Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. Alright, Hannity tonight, nine eastern. We hope you'll sell you DVR, Fox News Channel. The President at Seepac today. If you missed this out, this speech went on an hour and fifteen minutes. We'll show you some of the highlights of that speech. We'll get full complete reaction among our many guests judged and impio and much much more. And that's tonight nine Eastern on Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Fair and balanced. We're not the destroyed Trump media anyway. Otherwise, have a great weekend. Thank you for being with us. We'll see you back here Monday, and we'll see you tonight at nine. Hope you have a lot of fun this weekend.