Danielle McLaughlin, an Attorney & Constitutional Expert who co-wrote The Federalist Society: How Conservatives took the Law Back from Liberals, and David Schoen, a Civil Liberties Attorney, discuss the rush to judgment in the Covington High School students, the reaction by adults and media to bury these children in their reaction to a direct confrontation with a hate group like the Black Hebrew Israelites and now the threats of violence against the school, it’s students and the diocese.
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All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code topper promo code topper for this great deal and the best night's sleep. You ever had a new, unbiased social media platform all about conversation and community Snippy dot com. Snippy dot com as quick updates on politics, sports, current events, food, fashion, and more. Scroll through users posts, strike up conversations, browse the newsfeed, follow your favorite writers, express your thoughts, share your opinions. Tell the world what makes you snippy? No shadow banning, no suppression of conservative thought ever. Join us for free at snippy dot com. Let your opinion matter. Available at the Apple and Google app stores. All right, glad you with a slot of breaking news as we come on the air. Right now, as we speak, the Senate voting on these dueling bills to end the shutdown. I don't think either one is going to pass. But it doesn't really matter much because there are a lot of things going on behind the scenes that my sources are sharing with me and that I will be sharing with you as the program unfolds today. We've got a lot of updates as it relates to the state of the Union. There is now an attack against anybody that dares to wear a Make America Great Again hat, just the act of wearing that hat. You won't believe what Hollywood actors, actresses, fake news, CNN, conspiracy TV MSNBA. See what they're all saying about. It's insane. They're now bordering on insanity. We've got even more evidence of a failed media in this country. They will never ever get the esteem that maybe they once had, or a certain level of esteem and trust back the President in the border walls showdown that's going on. We'll hit all of this in the course of the program. Let me start with these votes. So you got two dueling votes going on. One is just to reopen the government. The other is to fund the wall and some other priorities that the President had mentioned Saturday in his offer of compromise to the Democrats, none of which, by the way, it's been falsely reported by some none of which would have caused amnesty to occur. Would be a three year extension to help DACA, DPA and the Dreamers, etc. And uh. And the big issue, of course, is Nancy Pelosi saying no to the President and you're not going to get into the House chamber. Now, we went over the constitutionality of all of this. I've talked to many constitutional scholars. I won't go over it again today, but in terms of the actual language. The president has the constitutional power to convene both houses of Congress, and as of now, I actually think he made the right decisions. And stay with me here, because some of the said, why did he have he needed to go in and do it anyway? And here's what I think is the thinking behind the president. Now the president can go to the Senate and give the speech. The president can cause a constitutional crisis and push this I guess to the Supreme Court and literally walk into the try and walk into the House chamber only to be and have you know, Supreme Court justices having to run into their rooms and decide right then and there. What Article two, section three that we read numerous times yesterday has, what the meaning and interpretation is. Here's why it's a bad idea for the president to go to another location. In my opinion, if he goes to the Senate, well, you can't fit that many people in the Senate. You don't have the gallery. I went to one of Member Louis Gohmer invited me as a special guest. I went to one of Obama's State of the Union addresses. I know, I sat through it and I was as close to an interview as I ever got way up in the rafters in the House chambers, and it's but seeing it and then looking at the alternatives. Now, let's say, for example, I'll use an analogy. You're a popular band or yeah, a popular comedian or a popular act or maybe as somebody that gives speeches, like I've given speeches in my life in some of the most beautiful, majestic, incredible theaters you'd ever want to be yet, like the Fox in Atlanta or all these incredible places. And then I've given speeches in big rooms in a hotel with just chairs there, and they have these wall barriers that they can move in one hundred and fifty thousand different directions. Wells five hundred more people showed up that we expected. Okay, just push the wall back, We'll add more chairs, and there's a huge difference in the room, in the quality, etc. There is a there is a certain pageantry, if you will, There is something about that moment when in the House chamber, mister speaker, the President of the United States, And you know, the amazing thing is even the people that hate the president, whatever side, whoever happens to be president, Democrat, Republican, There are people that will stay fourteen sixteen hours and they will pick one of the seats in the aisle for the very purpose when the President makes that slow walk up to the podium after that grand introduction. This is about grandeur and to just to shake the president's hands so their constituents at home see them with the president. Even if you're a Democrat and it's a Republican president or a Republican with a Democratic president, and I've watched it, the problem is picking another location. You lose that grandeur and when the president, and it will happen, gives the state of the Union after the president. I don't know how this is going to play out, but I can't tell you this. The President is going to get money for the wall and build the wall. Now he has other ways that he can do it. There's a number of proposals there, some I don't like at all, and I've been very vocal about anything that would include amnesty. But if it's an extension DOCCA, something that you know, you make a deal, that's part of the art of the deal. That's where politics worked. But in this whole process, you gotta understand that one side is actually fighting for something deep and profound, and that would be the president's fighting and sees this as life and death. The president sees this as his sworn duty as the commander in chief. He took an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the United States. Constitution is our laws. Everybody that enters this country is violating and not respecting our laws, our sovereignty, and our borders, and it's costing the American people dearly. You can't look in the eyes of an angel mom and dad and give them a talking point that this is a manufactured crisis. Whatever their reaction would be if you were dumb enough to do that, they can't be responsible for because they've lost their children to illegal immigrants that have killed them, oftentimes illegal immigrants that had already been in our criminal justice system and then protected from deportation by liberal Democrats that support sanctuary cities and states that allows Democrats to aid and abet their escape from deportation. And then my mind, they also have culpability for whatever future crimes are committed. We're not protecting them now. You can't look, you know, think about how the opioid crisis is impacting this country. Every single one of US knows somebody that either lost a child, lost a family member, lost a friend, lost a coworker, somebody that's struggling without addiction, but now to rehab. Everybody knows somebody that this is impacting ninety percent of the heroin that usually starts with pain pills. And I think this is something we have to grapple with them. Pam BONDI did a great job down in Florida. You know, they'd have these these pill mills they call them. And what you do is you walk in, you say, oh, my back hurts. There's a doctor, Oh where does it hurt? Okay, what do you like? What do you usually take for that? Oxycotton, oxycodone, hydrocodone, vict in Perka set okay, script out the door, paying money, You get the drugs right there. And then it's that's not medicine. That is that is a sophisticated way of dealing drugs legally. Um and she stopped it, which is the right thing to do. And what happens is a lot of people get addicted to these opioid, these pills, these painkillers. Uh, if you ever get them, you know, handle with care. I'm not saying that they don't serve an appropriate role in life. People are in deep, deep pain at times, um and maybe some people that are dying from horrible diseases. It eases their pain. You know what the last I don't want one pain pill when I'm when I'm going out, I don't want I want to be feeling well when I know. I've said that. If I am told that I have three months to live, I'm not gonna sit there and let my family feed me apple sauce and clean my bottom. I don't want that to happen. Why do you think that is so? That is self less, that's not selfish. Why would I want to burden my family with three six months a year of that treatment of me. Here, Dad, here's some apple sauce. Dad, eat your apple sauce. You know, Dad? Come Dad, stop get dressed. You need to get in the shower. Let me help you get in it. It's horrible. Your life is over when you're helping somebody you love you and know people want to do that. But as the person that we're talking about that might need the help, I don't want them wasting their lives on them on me At that point in my life, I'd rather they remember me when I was alive yelling at them. If it's a case of my kids, remember the real me, eat your apple sauce, and I'll they You want your son Liam one day to be feeding you apple sauce and cleaning your bottom. No, I just enjoy hearing you say apple sauce that many times in a row. Well you get my point, absolutely, But anyway, so there's reasons at that point. I once you see somebody's on a morphine drip, let me tell you what they're doing. They're basically saying you're done. I don't want to be on a morphine. I want to be fully conscious at the moment that I die. I want to be aware. I want to know it's coming. I want to feel everything about it. I want to be able to pray with some sense of real consciousness about me and awareness of what's going on, be thankful for the great life I had, and then interested in Okay, where am I ending up here? Which way hopefully up? Which I believe and have I do believe in that. But my point is, we have these lives and we've got to be careful. I don't want these pain pills in my life. You start with vict in percoset. You start with the oxy, then you leave it in the medicine cabinet. Then the kids get it. Then they like it and makes them feel good and you get high. Their pain goes away, the problems go away, they feel all good. Then the next thing you know, they want another one. Next thing you know, they're addicted. There are people that have said they took one oxy cotton pill one and they were instantly addicted. And then they run out of money for the pills because they sell for about eighty bucks on the street. And then or you die because fitnol is lacing that pill and you die, you know, one pill. But the usual progression is then you start taking heroin. Maybe you think I'm never gonna shoot heroin. Well, you'll chase the dragon, you'll put it on fire, you in hail the smoke, or maybe you'll snort it. Well, then the next thing you know, you're taking a charine because one of you, oh, you're gonna love this ten bucks a bag, and that you don't know where it comes from, except we know ninety percent of that heroin comes from Mexico. So when it's life and death, when it's safety and security, What are the Democrats. What's their fight here? They don't have a principled fight in this except that they hate the president. That's all that it is about. What are they winning here? When the President offers them every single thing they said they wanted on immigration as a means of paying furloughed employees, as a means of securing the borders, and they won't go and protecting dreamers and Dhaka. They're nowhere to be found. They're on vacation, lobby is, paid junkets, They're going on excursions around the world on our dime, and ignoring every invitation by the President to talk to speak. I'm saying, and there are things worth fighting for now. Maybe there comes a point where the stalemate is what it is and the President decides to declare a national emergency. I think at some point it may come to that, and I think the President's gonna win. I think it is a clear and compelling case that can be made that open borders is a clear and present danger to the United States of America drug trafficking, human trafficking, criminals, gang members, cartels, that all the crime statistics bear out that it is a risk, and that the President's trying to protect the American people. Who's Nancy Pelosi trying to protect She's trying to protect Nancy Pelosi. She wants her base to love her, or else they may throw her out. That's what it comes down to. One thing that is not political. It's smoking. That's about people, and there are thirty four million Americans. Now that's smoke, but for many, there's not been a clear alternative. Jewel, for me, has been a game changer. I watch people all the time, they go outside in the middle of the freezing winner just to have their smoke. You don't have to do that anymore because of Jewel. Now people don't have to worry about the smell on your hands. Jewel was specifically designed by smokers, forced smokers to be a satisfying alternative. It's a clean technology. Jewel has no ash, no odor, no mess. If you're one of those thirty four million adults who do smoke, you now know there's an alternative to cigarettes and cigars. Just go to Jewel. Juul dot com slash switch America. That's Juul dot com slash switch America. Now, this product does contain nicotine, and nicotine is an addictive chemical, but just go to Jewel, juul dot com slash switch America. So what's really happening today is not what is being reported by the media now. It was fifty to forty seven, and the Senate on the President's plan, guys like Mike Lee, Tom and a few others didn't like the Republican plan, which they just wanted straight money and offer another nothing on the other side in terms of the extension of DOCA. It is not amnesty was never done, meant to be. That. What's really going on, though, is there are now groups both in the House and the Senate of Democrats and Republicans behind the scenes that are putting together competing plans and also coordinating back and forth with each other that will get the president to five billion dollars that he wants for border security, and they're close. They had a few more votes, i think for the discharge petition in the House, which would be worthwhile, Kevin McCarthy saying to me last night that they would have a discharge position also on a number of issues. So it's just going to be one of those long Washington, you know, back and forth processes that most people don't really care a whole heck of a lot about. But it doesn't matter. Here's what the president is not going to give up on funding the wall. The president is not going You know, when you believe in something and its life and death and its safety and security, and you believe it's your sworn duty. This is what I thought. We always said we wanted in politicians. You know, the night that Ted Cruz philipbustered, Remember that night, or the time that Ran Paul philipbustered. I'm cheering. It's like, finally somebody is fighting and standing up for the promises that they made. What was my biggest criticism of Republicans over healthcare, The House had sixty five votes when Obama was president repeal and replace, and they get a president that actually would repeal and replace it. Number One, they weren't ready with healthcare cooperatives and health savings accounts and things that we've discussed and great ideas for twenty years. And then secondly, a bunch of Republicans if they became afraid that's not what we need people in Washington. Why term limits are good. You go there, you do the right thing, you come home and go back to your regular job. All right twenty five nownt the top of the hour and our news roundup, Hower, We're going to go through some of the crazy, insane and unbelievable laws that are being passed in all these liberal states as the Democratic Party is becomes more radical, more extreme. It's the radical, extreme democratic socialist Party of today. And you know, Acasio Cortez is out there wanting her seventy percent tax rate and of course thinking the world is going to end, which is why oh Scario kind of fits in terms of a nickname for her. You make ten million dollars in one year, your dollars after that start to get progressively taxed at a much higher rate. And really what that is is that it's the tax interpretation of one answer to the question of how much is at what level are we really just living in excess? And what kind of society do we want to live in? Uh huh? Put the one about twelve years well, I mean, how does somebody like it was like al Gore saying that the earth is suffering from a fever and he was making those crazy predictions. Now we've got a Casio Cortez, and you know, if you get the seventy percent rate, then in New York you get ten percent more her state. Then you get four percent city income tax, then you got the highest property taxes. Then you got, oh on top of that, the Hell's taxes and the largest property taxes in the country. I think that the part of it that is generational is that millennials and people and you know, gen Z and all these books that come after us are looking up and we're like, the world is going to end in twelve years if we don't address climate change. And your biggest issue is your your biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it? And like this is the war, this is our World War two. The planet has a fever, doom and gloom, and the only way to fix it. Remember she has a twelve year plan to get us off of fossil fuse. All right, hang on, I had to send out a quick text. Now, New York. You want to know why, New York, California, New joy Zy, Illinois, they're all losing population. And you want to know why, Well, because of taxation, burdensome taxation, crazy liberal policies that literally prohibit everybody from doing business. Linda, why are you laughing so hard that you can barely contain yourself here, tell her to put her microphone. She entertains herself in the middle of this program? What is it put your mind? What? I'm sorry, I can't talk right now? Why can't you talk right now? Why? I'm so sorry? You're so sorry anyway, but it's so extreme. Yeah, let's let's get free healthcare to illegal immigrants in New York City. There's plenty of wealth, but we've sent in the wrong hands. Are you done now? What is it? What was so funny? Sorry? What was so funny? Just you know what it is? It's like I've just worked you for a very long time and you just did to the audience would you do to me all the time? Which is you give them like you're listening, but you're not. Actually you're not paying intention at all, and you're just yuessing me because you don't want me to go away. And you were like texting Vision you texting it's going on, and I'm like, I'm just like guy trying to actually get information for the show. I'm trying to find out what's going on in DC, what the latest battle is going on. I can we can literally walk and chew gum at the same time. Anyway, we'll get into all of these liberal laws and what the new radical extreme democratic Socialist Party is all about. I will tell you this is how insane it is getting. We'll get to this later too. Alyssa Milano is now saying everyone that wears a maga hat identifies with an ideology of white supremacy and misogyny. A maga hat make America great again. That's what a maga hat is. Don lemon Over at CNN chaperones must educate these Covington students about why maga hats make America great again. Hats trigger marginalized people. Conspiracy TV Amo NBC claiming anyone that wears a maga hat is looking to fight coving In kids are symbols of white privilege and it's insanity. And of this Congresswoman Omar from Minnesota, you know, sent out a tweet filled with falsehoods about these kids at this Comington High school. You know, it's amazing how they all rushed the judgment here. Now, if you wear if you I guess a pro life and you're a kid, and you're you're at a march for something that people disagree with, even though you're getting yelled at by really racist, bigoted, anti Semitic, black Hebrew Israelites, and they're taunting you and calling you every name in the book, and you don't respond. I've seen no evidence to this second that the kids did anything wrong. The media says, look at what he did to this Native American, that it was just playing his drum. He got up in his face. No, the Native American, Nathan Phillips guy, he walked up to the kids and I guess he saw that there was some loud confrontation going on with the black Hebrew Israelites. Gain a bunch of child Moleston. That's right, just like your damn Donald Trump does. Look all these dusty crack with that racist garbage on. Look at these dirty crack crickets. That's right. That's why everybody hates. That's right, the man, woman and child. Uh huh. So that's those were the people that were causing the havoc when they all went down. And now if this is it, so let's talk about make America great again? What is making okay? So President Trump runs on doing certain things and I will talk about the socialist utopia, extremist dream of the new radical, extreme democratic Socialist Party and what Donald Trump has done and what the results are, because I told you many times in the twenty sixteen campaign that this election was about the forgotten men and women in America? Who are the forgotten men and women I was talking about? You know, I got a painting the Forgotten Men. It's on the wall of my studio. We'll take a picture and tweet it out. Alyssa Milano says, everyone with a magahat identifies with an ideology of white supremacy and misogyny, and chaperones must educate Covington students about why maga hats trigger marginalized people. Well, okay, under Obama's policies, and most of these Hollywood liberals loved Obama and the media never vetted Obama the way we did about Frank Marshall, Davis A. Korn Olinsky, the Church of g D America airs door and unrepentent terrorists beginning their career Obama in the House of unrepent domestic terrorists. They never did their job there but make America. So what's happened? Well, Obama left thirteen million more Americans on food stamps. Well, now we have five million fewer people on food stamps. The president has gotten elected. Oh and we've gotten almost half. Obama left eight million more Americans in poverty, eight million. And we have news out today that weekly jobless claims are the lowest since nineteen sixty nine. That's the year I was eight years old. That's the year the Mets won the World Series, nineteen sixty nine. I can tell tell you the whole lineup. Two jobless claims today are at the lowest level in forty nine years. All right, So MAGA hats trigger marginalized people. Well, people under Obama thirteen million more gun on food stamps, eight million, Morgan in poverty, bows home ownership rate. In fifty one years, we doubled our national debt. He took on more debt than every other president before him combined. Is that not marginalizing the American people? Are they not marginalized? Those bad policies, Let's redistribute at the wealth policies burdened some regulation that literally took away all incentive from business to ever invest in anything in the in the country. Now, the lawyer for these Covington kids is now threatening to sue. This is a good issue. We'll get into it. Our lawyers. Later in the program, they're now going to sue anybody in the media or any of these Hollywood people that falsely smeared, libeled, or slandered these kids as racist and putting words in their mouth that they never used. In other words, they're gonna sue several major media outlets for libel unless they publicly retract they're false reporting. They're giving them until Friday. I don't even know why they bother giving them time. Just go out there and sue. You have a case. They said one thing happened, and then they went with hours and hours of commentary that was false, defamatory, and libelious. And these are teenagers that they did it too. Anyway. Their attorney, the kid's attorney, Robert Barnes, and he said on Fox and Friends yesterday that he they're discussing all the legal options with the families, and Barnes is giving major media and celebrities forty eight hours to retract and apologize or face a lawsuit. He said, these are private citizens and many of the miners, and he said the law is that you say anything about them, it's libelous and you don't have a defense of actual malice. All you have is to prove is negligence. You know, the difference between you know, one of the reasons. You can pretty much say anything about me, You can write anything about me, you can lie about me, you can smear me, slander me, libel me. But because I'm a public figure, the bar is so much higher, because you have to prove there's malice. How did you get into somebody's mind and what their intent is. It's just almost an impossible standard to reach, which I also think should be changed too. You know. Then you have the freshman congresswoman from Minnesota Omar Well, she had to go out there and delete her tweets. She rushed to judgment as well, and everybody else in between. Anyway, So the lawyer's giving them now thirty four hours, and I think it's a good idea if they just go for I would take If they don't do it by now, then that it's not going to happen. You know, when you stand up for something that is right, though, you know, I'll give you an example. The President talked a lot about it, and I read that there was a Nassau County Police Department. Nassau County's the second highest property tax county in the country. I know because I was born in that county, not in a big house, in a little baby house, you know, fifty by one hundred, a lot, three older sisters, one bathroom, the definition of hell on Earth. You never get to use it, especially when you need it. I gotta go. That's traumatize me. That's why they That's what I did. Bushes at the back of the garage, or I'd be knocking on mister Mince's door next door, then you please, they'd have some mercy. Right. Oh, yeah, those are the days I made sure I got extra bathrooms in any house I bought since or apartment that I rented. Traumatized, that's two traumatized anyway, So things are so bad in Long Island. I grew up in Long Island. There's still nice parts in Long Island, but there's some that are really horrible. And top Democratic official there is on Defense after the President blasted her Wednesday for trying to shield in prison MS thirteen gang members from deportation from Ice. Now it just so happens that apparently they were in custody at the very jail my mom worked twenty five years at. Yeah, anyway, Trump called out the Nassau Democrats store in this meeting yesterday with Conservative leaders at the White House, with a decision to remove US immigration and Customs enforcements from the county jail. That's the jail my mother worked at. My mother was a prison guard for well, I think twenty five years. And anyway, see Long Island. They don't want ice. The radical Democrats don't want ice there because they're too good. They do their job too well. And he said, the really radical Democrats don't want them there because they don't want anything to deserve disrupt MS thirteen. Why would they refuse? This isn't a sanctuary county that I know of. Again, New York soon to follow. It's just, you know, basically the little brother sister state of California. Whatever dumb radical thing they do, New York is going to end up doing. Anyway, the decision is an opportunity to make clear our immigrant communities that Nassau Police Department is not focused on deportation. The Nassau County executive said, well, well, if they're criminals in a jail having committed another crime, not just entering the county tree illegally, those are the people that we ought to be sending home because those are the people that represent a danger to innocent people. And the decision is and I don't think the Nassau County Police officers believe this in any way, shape, matter or form. I know a lot of these guys. They're friends of mine. The group, like the Nassau Police Benevolent Association, opposed the decision. It said as President said that, I don't. I wanted to personally thank President Trump for weighing in on this very important issue and calling out those who want to interfere with the police cooperation with ice while fighting the violent gang MS thirteen. So it's not the cops grief. It's unbelievable. You know what, at what point do we not say they have blood on their hands? The politicians there, you know, you have murderers, rapists, and jail. They serve their time, they're supposed to be deported by federal law, but they step in aid and bet their escape back into society to commit even more crimes. Racist played out in Washington yesterday on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, some students harassing an older Native American man of Vietnam VET. The situation came to ahead when that young man there wearing a Make America Great Again hat, got right in his face and didn't move. The video appears to show dozens of youths wearing nake American Great Again hats mocking Native American elder in Vietnam veteran Nathan Phillips. Yesterday, a Native American man was confronted by young people make America Great hat song. There's something wrong with that outrage over this now viral video showing high school teenagers harassing a Native American elder. When you have the kind of anger that we saw at the Indigenous People's March, where a veteran, a Native American man was you had a standoff with students who were, you know, mocking him. A crowd of teenagers surrounding a Native American elder and other activists as one smirking high school student blocks the elder's path. We feel that President Trump is giving license to some of this behavior. Another man of peace stands face to face with bigotry. The elder says. The encounter with the group, an intense stare down with the one team in particular, leaves them fearful of the future. This kid in the front thinks it's somehow acceptable to stand in the face of this Native American man. It's not just to him, but disturbs me. It's it's the others. It's his schoolmates there that are having fun with it. They think it's funny. It's interests me that we're at a day and age where we see things like this occur. Those protesters who were on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, the Native American man who was beating the drum, Nathan Phillips and those kids and the Make America Great Again hats. So we're kind of smirking at him and kind of looking down their noses at him. We only hope that they're in the minority. Hopefully that kind of action all right. As we now know, by the way, glad you with us our two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine four one Sean if you want to part of the program. As we know that first initially released thirty second snippet that the media put out, and the rush to judgment of the media, the declarations of racism. Well, when you got to see more of the video, nobody bothered to ask questions. They just ran with one narrative that you have a bunch of kids that are pro life, that are there for the pro life rally. Oh and they're wearing make America Great Again hats, which now in and of itself is becoming a massive controversy. Listen to liberal Hollywood activists Alyssa Milano. Everyone in a MAGA hat identifies with an ideology of white supremacy and a misogyny. No, that's not true. The people where make America Great Again hats because they want the country to be great again. Maybe Alyssa doesn't know that today we hit a forty nine year low in terms of jobless claims in the United States. The US weekly jobless claims is now the lowest since nineteen sixty nine. That would be wanting to make America great again, having the record low unemployment for Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment. That would be about making America grade again. That's what the agenda is about. And she's not the only one over its fake news. CNN. You got Don Lemon saying chaperones must educate Covington students about why make America Grade again hats trigger marginalized people. Well, why would they trigger marginalized people, Considering when Barack Obama left office after eight years, we had thirty million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, the worst recovery since the forties, the lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, lowest home ownership rate in fifty one years, and he doubled the national debt. A guy that once said nine trillion dollars in debt is irresponsible and unpatriotic, he himself accumulated more debt than every other president before him combined. The way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt so that we now have over nine trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back. That's irresponsible, it's unpatriotic. It's not just Elissa Milano and fake news CNN. Now you got conspiracy TV, MSNBC. They claim anybody wearing a MAGA hat is looking to fight Covington kids or a symbol of white privilege. But wait a minute, I just gave you the numbers two years of Trumpet, his economic policies have created the lowest numbers of people Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, wreck low unemployment levels. Oh so maybe that headline is more is that white privilege or is that the privilege of our fellow Americans that were left behind, the forgotten men and women in the Obama years now having an opportunity that they didn't have before because of the policies of this president. Now what's also getting interesting is there is now talk that I believe is very serious. The lawyer for these Covington kids has given all of these people in the media and Hollywood forty eight hours and he literally these kids were falsely smeared by the media as racist, and they're now threatening to sue several major media outlets for libel unless they publicly retract their false reports by Friday of this week. That would be tomorrow. The attorney, Robert Barnes, anyway, he was on Fox and Friends yesterday, said that to discuss the legal options of the kids and the families, and he's given every major media outlet, every celebrity forty eight hours to retract and apologize or face a lawsuit. He said, because of all these private citizens, many of them are minors. The law is saying the law is that saying anything about them is libel. And you don't have a defense of actual malice. All you have is to prove negligence and rushing to judgment. I think by any measure would be negligence. And then you have Representative Omar from Minnesota. Well, she now is apparently the leading her attack of the Covington students. I don't think that's retraction. I think it should be retraction, admitting the mistake, doing it as prominently, if not more so, than what you originally said. There's a lot of other issues involved in all of this, anyway, joining us. Now we have Danielle McLaughlin, attorney, constitutional expert co wrote The Federalist Society how conservatives took the law back from liberals. David Shown civil liberties attorney, criminal rights attorney. Thank you both for being with us. Thank you, by the way, Danielle, I heard you had the baby. I saw the pictures, and uh, welcome back. We're glad to have you back. It's grace for you back. Thanks for having me. She's two months old. She's ustfully sleeping. Right now, everything is good. If you put the radio up nice and loud, maybe we can wake her up and and I can, I can baptize her a conservative and no time. It won't take any time to get her away from your liberal indoctrination. Uh well, well, well let's talk about the law. And it's very simple, Danielle, when you libel somebody. They did not do their due diligence. They took a snippet of a video that didn't they didn't show the black Hebrew Israelites viciously attacking these kids. Listen to this a bunch, that's right, just like your damn Donald Trump, dusty crack with that racist garbage on and look at these dirty crack crickets. That's right, that's why everybody. That's right. They said this kid was taunting. It was apparently an indigenous people's march going on as well, and Nathan Phillips, he walked up to the student himself. But that was not the way they said. They got all the facts of this story wrong. They did no due diligence. Are they on the hook for libel? Yes or no? Well, there's no there's no straight answer. I'm afraid, libel or fland. It has to be a statement of fact, right, So it has to be It can't be opinion. It can't be a characterization of the boys uh Um behavior. It can't be calling them racists. It has to be a statement of fact that in the case of Um, these these boys are not public figures, so the private figures. So you have to be negligent with that statement of fact. So basically you have to not done dudue diligence and you have just said something about them that you should have known was wrong, that didn't know what was wrong. So I ASTI saying that the kids are racist is and not. They didn't even they didn't even try Daniell, they didn't ask for more video. They just ran with it. Nobody interviewed these kids to find out what had actually happened, Nobody sought the context of the moment. That was negligent on their part and as a result, they ruined the reputation and attempted to they slandered the reputation of these young kids. Or I think there maybe some liability. There's another avenue that can be pursued when the behavior is really outrageous, and I think this cause to what happened on Twitter with some of the people that were doxing these children and their families. That has a taught called the intentional infliction of emotional distress. And if you can show, if these boys can show that there was some extreme and outrageous conduct, which might be the dock saying, that was inflicted upon them intentionally that caused them to their emotional harm, there is some Kentucky law that might provide for them a means by which they may know. Well, I remember get damages. And David, by the way, I know you represented the National Democratic Party in the past, and you know represented them at a trial years ago when Ron Brown ran the party and they got sue. You actually won. But let me I see a lawsuit here, and I see all of those news organizations they're all gonna have to pay, and all the celebrities are gonna have to pay. Listen, I think he's got a case for liable here. I'm just not sure that's the answer in this case. I'll tell you what troubles me the most. You mentioned it earlier, and now you've sort of tied it in with the Democratic Party. The tweet by Elon represented elan Omar is absolutely outrageous. She deleted it, but here was exactly what she said. She said, these boys, meaning the Covington boys, yelled, it's not rape if you enjoy it. Since the found out that the person who said the videos had no idea that the person yelled had anything to do with Covington, and she said the Covington boys were taunting five black men before they surrounded Phillips and led racist chant. She since deleted that she's a United States Member of Congress, part of the Democratic Party. She had the umbrella of the Democratic Party. I was very proud to represent the Democratic Party of the United States in the past, very proud, and we won it trial. By the way, wait, let me stay on this point. Though we know that it wasn't the kid. We actually have the tape of that rape comment, and it wasn't any of the coving And kids, and that's not one of the coving In high school students. That's right. So and remember also who these black people Israelites are. This is a hate group. Southern Probably Law Center hasn't listened to the hate group. If you ever were to walk in Times Square and wear a yamaka where they regularly perform just about every day. They scream and threaten and intimidate you, you're not the real Jews, etcetera. It goes on and on, and that's what they were doing with these high school kids. But think about this. We know now that Omar tweeted this. This comes on the heel of her other anti Semitic tweets. We see Tlabe with anti Semitic tweets over and over and over again. I never thought in my life I would see the day that the Democratic Party of the United States opened its umbrella wide enough to not only include anti Semits, avowed anti Semits, but to honor them. These people have been given now seats on very prestigious committees in Congress. They are avowed anti Semits and anti Israel. The Democratic Party has never wanted to be known in the past as being anti Israel. It's one thing not to stifle free speech. It's another to reward these people and not speak up when they say these horrible things. People today, because they saw the Omar tweets and other things, are still saying that the reports originally were right. Some people still haven't deleted their tweets or retracted them, and there was outraged by some quarters. When the boy from Covington was given an interview on TV. We didn't even get to hear him speak. All right, we got to take a quick break, welcome back more within Ye McLaughlin and David Shone on the legality of all this. Then Jonathan Gilliman Horaldo will battle out on the other side of this break. Our news round up information overloading your call hour coming up in our final hour today, Robert, I understand people emotionally taking sides, but where does the legality of this come in? Well, because these are all private citizens and in many cases miners and kids. The law is that it's saying anything false about them is libel, and you don't have a defensive actual malice. It's all you have to prove is negligence. So a lot of these journalists have been saying false statements about these kids, false statements about the kids they're at the Lincoln Memorial, false statements about kids that were in various photographs related to the school, slurring and libeling the entire school and all the alumni for the school, And all you have to prove is that they were negligent in doing so. And by this standpoint, by this point in time, it is clear that anyone who continues to lie in libel about these kids has done so illegally and can be sued for it. Robert, why do you want to do this? Why do you want to help the families? Well, the nature of libel lawsuits is that generally it's very hard to bring. They cost between a quarter of a million and a million dollars in legal fees to bring. All right, as we continue with David Shone attorney, also our friend, welcome back Danielle McLachlin real quick as we wrap this up here. I think they have a good suit. If you were representing any of these clients that made these false libelows claims against these kids, would you recommend they rescind and apologize? Danielle? Absolutely, yes, that's easy. That's an easy one you would And what would you do, David Shone? Of course without a lawsuit. They lied, They were wrong, and they lied, and this comes on the heels of the BuzzFeed scandal, which still hasn't been fully corrected. It's outrageous. All right, we're gonna have to leave it there, but all right, thank you both. When we come back all right. The President has offered the Democrats everything they say they wanted on immigration, but they still won't give and the media so wrong so often. Will they ever gain back the trust of the American people. I think it's impossible. We'll get Haraldo's actions, Jonathan Gillham's action as we continue, and our news round up, the other news of the day coming up at the top of the hour, and your calls as we continue this edition of The Sean Hannity Show. Are you pushing away out for another space to base meeting with the president? I mean, how have you worked this out if you don't sit down? But we have met, We've met every time. The last time we met, it was a photo up for the President to leave the room. But they know full well that we're here in order to have any conversations. It's the President of the United States. We meet with him anytime he wants to meet. And I've never discouraged anybody from meeting with the president. You give me an opportunity to say this. We first sent them what they did, pure and simple Senate Republican Leadership legislation. They said no, they said no. Why would they say no when they passed at ninety two to six in some cases one hundred unanimously in committee and sometimes with a vote of Mitch mcconnall because he's an appropriator. The Republicans on this side said, why would we just pass something the Senate did when we negotiated these bills, and we have conferenced, have out of conferences on them. So we said, okay, this week will bring up the bills as conferenced House and Senate. Still they said no. They gave them what they asked for, and still not enough Democrats and Republicans voted for. But we had the votes to pass it in the House. And that's another thing that the Senate could take up. But today is simple. It's about twelve billion dollars for disaster assistance plus two weeks of open up government. Who can say no to that, so that for two weeks we can have this debate. No, I did not, especially since we were giving them back exactly what they gave us. I guess I had better hopes for the concern that the Republicans in the Senate might have for the concerns of working people in our country. All right, there we have the continuing debate. There is crazy. Nancy can't make up our mind or anything. And of course she is beholden to her radical new radical extreme democratic socialist base. And look at all the invitations she's missed. She well, she went to Hawaii President Trump state in Washington. She was headed on a junket President Trump State in Washington, an a taxpayer paid junket that would have guaranteed that furloughed workers miss yet another check. No possibility of negotiations. They're invited to negotiate a full weekend with the vice president. They send their aids to negotiate with the Vice President of the United States, almost on a daily basis. Democrats are invited by the President to come to the White House to sit down and to and to come to some type of resolution on this. Now, for the President, it's very clear. He made it clear again yesterday. This is about life and death. This is about keeping America safe and secure. The President has talked about the ninety percent of heroin that crosses that border that comes into this country, ninety percent of it right from down there, and of course the new drug fet and all he's talked about that two percent of people, the criminal element that have been responsible. We've talked to angel moms and dads that have lost their kids to illegal immigrants. That's real permanent separation. We've talked about assaults and sexual assaults committed by illegal immigrants, and how even sanctuary city and state policies even when we know people are criminals that had entered this country illegally and they commit other crimes, well then we give them added protection. And the government in certain states and cities are aiding and embedding whatever future criminal activities may happen. On top of that, it's costing per average illegal immigrant seventy thousand dollars a year per taxpayer. That's on top of you know, an overburdened criminal justice system, and our healthcare system is impacted, and our educational system is impacted. And the President is saying no to the drugs, the cartels and the gangs and those people, the bad elements that are at our southern border because it's wide open. On top of everything, the President went out on Saturday said, you want dacca, Okay, let's do daca. You want TPA, let's do TPA. You want to take care of dreamers, Let's take care of the dreamers. Reaching out still before he even gave that address or offer. They said no, and they refused to go to every meeting of every day. But the President's offered joining us now. Jonathan Gillham, former FBI agent, Federal Air Marshall, author of Sheep No More. Horaldo rivera Box News legal analysts, author of the bestseller of The Horaldo Show. And you know, Horaldo, you kept saying, let's have a deal, let's make a deal. Well, the president offered your deal, and still they won't talk to the president. So I think, won't John, I get that, but don't don't despair because at the very beginning you called the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi crazy Nancy. What is interesting to me, our friend, the President of United States has not resorted to denigrating or or denigrating or I mean, I think, listen, she has a party now that is declaring that the world is going to end in twelve years. That's a little nutty, Haraldo, That's that's crazy stuff. But that's crazy stuff. Well, I am keen on preserving the institutions. The fact that the President yielded to the Speaker on possibly postponing the State of the Union address, I think even though he had to give something. Was an appropriate move by the president to show that he respected the institution. The Speaker of the House of Representatives, you know, she controls that the the ornate chamber of the House. I think that that is a good thing, and it's actually Article two, section three would allow the president to do it if he wanted, but he chose not. He did the right thing. He did the right thing because we don't want to destroy the enemy here. What you want is conciliation and negotiation. And I'm starting to see around the edges. Finally, you know what the problem is. Nancy Pelosi will not give Trump any money for the wall. The President won't open the government until she yields. So you have this ridiculous impasse that's hurting hard working federal employees. And I think that it is distressful, but I think that we'll get through the show, all right. Jonathan Gillam, what do you think? Well, you know, I really think that there's no more institution in the government. I think, you know, when we say we respect that the different branch to the government, the reality is there's only two parties. It doesn't matter if it's a Senate where if it's the Congress, the only balanced and check that we have in Washington, DC. And I'm saying this with a completely neutral heart and looking at how this works, is that we have a president that stands up to the pomp and circumstance of Washington, DC. He's done it to his own party. He's doing it to the Democrats now, and I say I would he's going down the right track. You know, I'm a shot show right now. I've been talking to thousands of people, and it's not just that they support the president, it's that they understand what he's doing and they support him. And I think it's very very important. I think he should stick to his guns and if anything, if he ends up doing the emergency thing where he has to declared emergency situation down there a national security issue and build this wall and then opens the government, and then it makes them come back and debate him on whether or not he gives them the things that he said he would when he was willing to compromise. He's got them, and people are supporting him. I even talk to border patrol agents here that are not getting paid, and they said they want him to keep going the way he's going yeah, well, I think. Look, I don't think the president's ever given up on this fall, and I don't most Americans don't really care that much. I know some people are inconvenience. I'm worried about the furloughed employees. I want them to get their checks. Republicans tried to do that, and of course Democrats wouldn't go along with that plan. There's a lot of gamesmanship. But this is what I see happening. I see a president for years we're all do we want politicians to stand on principle. We want them to stand for what's right. We want them to fight for the promises that they make when they ask us to go out and vote for them. And this was one of the president's big promises. I mean, I think one of the well, I agree, it was a central theme. And this is the reason for Brexit, this is the reason for all the discontent in Europe. This is the reason the midterm elections were not the disaster that the Democrats were hoping to inflict on the Republicans. But this is what I think the president can do today that I think that will really help him. And I instantly agree with everything, as I usually do. With that, Jonathan just said, but what I would like to tomorrow, for instance, here in northeast Ohio and Cleveland, I'm inviting all furloughed federal employees to Harbor in the oldest bar in Cleveland. I'm buying so tomorrow eleven thirty Harbor in Cleveland. Come on. I want the president to do stuff like that. For example, Sean, there's a group called interest free dot org that gives interest free loans to employees who are have the interruption in their in their uh salaries interest free interest free dot org. I want the president to do a little more to alleviate. Well, in fairness, the Republicans voted to give the furloughed employees their checks. Well, they wouldn't go along with that, so you can blame the Democrats for that. By the way, if I was in Cleveland, I'd go join you at the bar. Now, you and you know exactly what it would be like. Yeah, but I do. I usually get the check. I just you know, I think you are one of the most job stop. Look but you know it's funny because look at how people react to this president. Look at the media, look at BuzzFeed, look at the way they've reacted to the Covington kids. We now have the lawyer for those kids saying that, well, okay, if you lied about them and you libeled them, and you smeared them and slandered them, well we're gonna hit you with a lawsuit unless you rescind it and apologize. In forty eight hours. Now it's gotten to the point where Elissa Milano says everyone in a Make America Great Again hat identifies with an ideology of white supremacy and misogyny. Don Lemon literally says chaperones must educate Covington students about why Make America Great Again hats trigger marginalized people. MSNBC claiming anyone wearing a MAGA hat is looking to fight coving In kids or a symbol of white privilege. And you know, Haraldo, I have a story out today. It says jobless claims now hit the lowest level in forty nine years, the lowest level since nineteen sixty nine. And we already know we have record low unemployment for who or Hispanic Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, and youth unemployment is at an all time low. That's what makes America Great Again. But look at where the left takes everything with this president and if they either make it up or they just they are They're so fixated on their hatred of him and blinded by it. It has become a psychotic, you know, almost a mass psychosis with these people. I'm in a feud right now. I don't know if you know, with the Lissa Milano because I called her to the carpet for that awful, sloppy, intellectually corrupt generalization that anyone who wears a Magna hat is a white supremacist. I think that that's that's the kind of stereotyping that has gotten the country and the trouble that we're in now, the division we are in right now. We have to, you know, stop looking at at our political opponents and immediately assuming the worst about them. Look at the record unemployment. And then you have people say, well, if you wear make America Great Again hat, that means you will support the ideology of white supremacy and misogyny. I think the answer is no, you support successful economic policies that have helped more minorities than any previous administration since Ronald Reagan. You know, Sean I choose to listen to people like yourself or even Vildo. I mean, ever, you know, I tell you when I come on here with Vildo, he makes more sense than any other quote unquote liberal I've ever been with. And I think he's got a good hit on him, but he's got a background he's got to hang out with. I'm slowly it's my job, it's my life's mission to change him. Well, he's got real experience in life, and I think you slowly come around. But the thing is, why are we entertaining people? I can listen Milano, that is who the Democrats use as their echo chamber to go out there and do stuff. She played a witch on TV. That's all she's ever done. And it kills me when we have people like that that are going out in insulting sixteen year old kids and not just insulting him, but but causing people to actually threaten them. There's some guy who sings country music. I can't remember what his name is, but saying that he needs to have his very end beat and if anybody in Kentucky knows him, go beat him up for him. I mean, there's all kinds of stuff like that, and I just think that what's happening now. The good side of this is that like these things that just got past in New York City, these abortion laws, they're getting so outrageous that they're bringing people that consider themselves liberal but not extremists and conservatists together and there the reality is their lingo is starting to become very similar. And that is a promising thing for me. I mean, I know we're in bad shape here and it's shut down as hard and things are on the other side are good that President's doing, but it's not being recognized. But overall it's bringing people together because they're seeing politics for what it is. I just want to say one other things. I'm hearing set show and I feel like I'm your little brother. If if Jesus had a brother, I would be the brother, the little brother, because everywhere I go, everybody says Jonathan kill him. I hear you on Hannity, Oh great, Oh I get you. Notice he says the little brother. That means I'm the older brother with grayer hair. Thanks a lot, Jonathan, And I'd mean that Jesus bad, bad older brother. I'd be the one taking him to the bar. And yeah, exactly, and get up. Oh no, it's gonna be. It's far worse when that than that one you hang out with Eraldo, But you'll never have more fun in your life. All right, guys, thank you, appreciate it. When we come back, News Round Up, Information Overload Hour, The Sean Hannity Show continues straight ahead. Do you hear a lot of talk that there are experts that say that walls don't work. I promise you that if you interview border patrol agents, they will tell you that walls work. It comes down to borders security. And we're extremely grateful to President Trump and we fully support what he is doing to take care of our nation's borders, to take care of the future of the United States. ICE has been doing an amazing job in deporting a lot of these people back to their countries. Unfortunately, once we deport these people, these people will not stay in their country. These cremoral aliens that have been released from jail, that have been deported will come right back into the United States. However, we had a physical barrier, if we had a wall, we will be able to stop that. The cooperative efforts of ICE and gang investigators within the correctional setting as an invaluable resource to combat gang violence. It is basically one of the tenants of what law enforcement is all about, combating crime through the sharing of information. Again, dedicated cooperation between law enforcement organizations is what combats gang violence on Long Island. NASA County Sheriff's Department gang investigators work hand in hand with ICE agents and NASA County Police gang investigators to protect public safety and that county. Cutting off this valuable resource for any reason is an affront to the taxpayers and residents of Nassau County who depend on they're elected and appointed officials and law enforcement agencies to keep them safe. All right, News, round up Information overload hour. We get to your calls coming up as we continue this hour, I promise eight hundred nine four one sewn if you want to be a part of the program. All the other news we always come in with so much news and so many things that we don't get to. That's why we're dedicating this final hour to the news we haven't yet gotten to. And of course your calls, your input, your opinions, which matter the most. So here's how bad things are. We gotta Casio Cortez and we have played at length, the extremist statements. Of course, the world is going to end very shortly. It's only going to end in twelve years. And the only thing you care about is paying for what. Yeah, you gotta work. Whatever extreme plan you have to save the world is going to cost us a fortune. All right, Then you got the seventy percent tax that she wants as well. So we're doing Hannity last night. I guess she's watching AOC is watching and tweeting out screenshots of my television program. Now, Mark Levin had invited her on h Well, Mark Levin had invited her on the day before, and I said, well, she knows. Maybe I'll have an autographed and put it on my desk. I'll go to Washington and we can we'll do a three hour radio show with Alexandria Oscario Cortez. Because she's trying to scare us. Why do you say no, Why you don't want to do the three hour show? Where's worth her? I mean, are you trying to torture us? I mean, okay, why does she really want Americans to believe the world is gonna end in twelve years? Nothing? And she needs to scare people in order to get be relevant, but a seventy percent tax rate. Right now, add it all together. In her state, New York, you got a ten percent state income tax, Then you got a four percent city income tax. Then you got the highest property taxes in the entire country in many of the counties like Westchester and Nassau and Suffolk counties. Then you got sales taxes. Then you got hidden taxes. I mean, there's no money left and this is their socialist dream. But then you got you know, then in California you got the same. This is what this is what the extreme leftist radical New Democratic Party Social Socialist Party represents, Gavin Newsoon, free healthcare for everybody, free, free, free illegal immigrant, free healthcare, Comrade de Blasio, plenty of wealth in New York. It's just in the wrong hands. Well how did it get in the wrong hands? Who judges whose hands it ought to be in? You know, everybody that I know in life that has been financially successful, Number one, they all work more than eight hours a day. You know, I don't know people that work eight hours a day. Any of you here work eight hours a day. You better not because you'll be fired. I mean, everyone that works for me I'm looking at Kyla, looking at it all. My whole staff here, everybody, they all eat their lunch at their desk. Now, in fairness, I pay for their lunch, but the last thing I need is for them to step on out for an hour to go have a lunch. In the middle of producing a radio show. I eat right here in my studio, just before airtime. I eat my usually egg whites. That's my first meal of the day. That's what I eat. And they eat sushi and steaks, and you know, they have ice cream Sundays like yesterday, and all sorts of stuff they get all and we use Grubhub and they have we all have the food delivered anyway. It's that extreme. Then they want to get rid of plastic out in California. Then they want a tax on top of a thirteen and a half percent state income tax. Now they want to tax drinking water. What do you get for your taxes? You get highways in California that are parking lots. In New York, you got the most dilapidated, broken down infrastructure, and still you're paying fifteen bucks each way when you cross over one of the bridges in New York or one of the tunnels in New York, and then you're wondering when you're driving through the tunnel whether or not you know you're going to be in a scene of a movie where the water starts crushing in because it looks that dilapidated and the bridges look like they can collapse any second of any day. But that's the new radical extremist Democratic Socialist Party. This is now everything they were hiding in twenty eighteen before the election is now coming out, including their endless investigations, the fact that they want to eliminate Ice, they want to open borders, they want to impede Trump, which we saw last Friday. This is how extreme it's gotten now. Look, most people don't talk about abortion. It's settled law with Roe v. Wade. I know a lot of Americans like me. I just I happy to believe life begins a conception. I think that honest people can say, well, if it's not a child that can that is viable outside of the womb with the mothers, without the mother's help, Okay, I understand it, I don't agree with it fair enough. Most states allow for that, and there's always the myth that if you put a Supreme Court justice. That's an originalist that thinks roe is bad law, that that means abortion is going to be illegal in the country. It's not true, because the states will all have their laws and people want to get it now. I would prefer that people you know there are consequences to our behaviors. Everybody knows how you get pregnant. I don't think that many people are ignorant about the process of getting pregnant. There are a lot of choices if you're pro choice in the lead up to the moment where you get pregnant. Let's say you're in the back of the car. You have all your clothes on. One article of clothing after another. That's a choice. There goes the code, there's a choice. There goes the hat, there's a choice. There goes the shirt, there goes the undershirt, there goes the jeans. And you get my point. But each article of clothing you take, it's a choice. Then you choose not to use birth control. Everybody knows about birth control. Widely available. You can even get it for free in bars in New York. Colleges offer it all over the place, and you can actually buy it very inexpensively at any drug store, and most towns have a twenty four hour drug store open. All right, so there are options, choices. But here's where it gets so really twisted to me, because in New York they had what's called the Reproductive Health Act, just passed by the New York State legislature, the most permissive abortion law in the United States, and legalizing abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy, all nine months. Now, we know, let's say it's the day before you're about to give birth, that would be legal to abort that child. But that child is a viable into visual at that point, that child can live on its own. Matter of fact, we have premature babies, you know what five and a half six months, and we can put them in incubators and we you know, on one floor I guess of a hospital. You're gonna have all of this modern technical equipment that was built to save lives. And if somebody chooses in New York that they have been given the right to infanticide, that is a that is a human life at that point, that could live on its own. Where's the compassion of the Democratic Party? You know, they only define someone as a person who has actually been born so up to the second you're given birth, you know people can do that. I'll give you another crazy New York law. I want to scare everybody. And I didn't know about this, Linda. Do you know about this law in New York where they actually have There's a case that's going now through the courts. The guy's name guy is Joel Christopher Paul. He lives in Queens. He had a home intruder incident in the early morning hours of July thirtieth, twenty seventeen, twenty seven years old, and he was home in his Springfield, Gardens apartment. He was with his mom, brother's sister, and when someone attempted to break into their house. The intruder who had traveled north from Maryland after being named a suspect in a shooting there ten days earlier. Now they at the time were also expecting a pizza delivery anyway, so Paul's brother, his sixteen year old brother Michael, went to the door and discovered this guy that wants to break in trying to break in, and then Michael it literally forced the guy to the surrounding area. His mother called for help. The other brother, Joel, you know, adrenaline rushing him short through his veins answered the call. He comes down with a bat and a knife because this guy's now broken into their house. And by the time it was all over, you know, I guess he got the ultimate lesson in picking the wrong house. The guy ended up dying because he went in the house attack, was there to attack and break in and attack the family and both brothers avoided arrest. They remained home after the incident. But then months later you have a district attorney in Queen submitting the case to a grand jury bringing literally then they bring charges. The guy was breaking into their house. They were waiting for pizza. Now get this, you've heard of ham sandwich can be indicted anyway. So now this case is going on facing first degree manslaughter charges and part of the trouble and I didn't know this existed in New York. New York has what they call a retreat doctrine, you know, like Florida has to stand your ground anyway. The theory, you know, apparently fit for a law class discussion, you know, law school discussion. It holds that even though their home being broken into, that the homeowner quote has a duty to right to run and to hide if it's safe to do so. It's an obligation. Like most New Yorkers that I've asked my friends, you ever heard of this? Never heard of this before, And that apparently is what the DA is going to be pursuing in this particular case. You know, most other reasonable jurisdictions would have left the guy alone because he was the victim of a crime, and this guy caused the violent response from the family that just wanted a pizza. There's also and I think it's an abuse prosecutorial discretion here as well. The DA should have recognized the guy was forced to make a split second decision involving the fate and life of his family and defending his family, which everyone naturally instinctively would do. But I never heard that we had a government that says that you literally, as a matter of law, have an obligation to run and to hide when somebody breaks into your house. Well, what are you supposed to do then when the guy follows you into your house. If you can't protect yourself in your own home and someone can invade your home, that is the most insane waw I've ever heard. All right, quick break, we'll come back. More of our final hour news round up and your calls coming up at the bottom of this half hour. All right, as we roll along Sean Hannity Show News round Up, Information Overload hour. All right, So the President is midway in this last segment, took to the microphones. I've said, rather than just run pieces of it, what we'll do is we will run the entirety of the president's comments. Looks like he's going on now, and we'll play that at the bottom of this half hour. Then we'll also get your calls in as well. Linda's like sitting in there amazed at You're really you if they want you in New York to run and hide that if you have somebody breaks into your house, they want you to run and hide. Yeah, I mean I think you are crazy. Man. You're gonna have an abortion up to the moment before you get birth. I mean that is called infanticide. That that is a fully formed child. I really, you know, I gotta say, I really struggle with this. I truly, you know, having lost a child, having gone through the process of losing my second son and then having to remove my child that had died inside of me, and going through I don't know how anybody willingly takes a living child out of their body. I could barely get through it when I lost my child. You know, at some point you just look at the radicalism of that position. We've debated when life begins at conception, when viability. You know, um, my niece Cassie, as you know, had a little baby girl not that long ago, and she kept sending me all of the new sonograms and they're nothing like you know, they're crazy. The for d ones are amazing. I mean, very early in the pregnancy. You see definition. You see eyes, nose, hands, fingers, and toes and that you never saw before, like, well, my kids would be important. But you know that's seventeen twenty years ago. I will tell you a friend of mine was in here the other day and we were talking about this woman who used to work for Planned Parenthood, and she was doing all the communications for it, and they asked her to come in and see an abortion. So she did and it was on a three month fetus, and the fetus is fighting the scissors as it tries to enter the womb to kill it. And she watched it and she left Planned Parenthood. It now works against How do you justify because they don't know. It's ignorance and bliss. Excuse me, they know that that's a viable child at nine months. Absolutely a lot of these people they lie to themselves. All right, So the President now both bills as we predicted, when down, and Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell meeting as we speak. Maybe a down payment, short term opening of the government. Maybe the President just has to go the national emergency route, will play his comments when we get back in your calls. Eight hundred nine all right, twenty five now to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one, Sean Tolfrey telephone number. As we predicted early in the program, the two varying Senate bills on trying to get past this impass and get the border wall funded have well not worked. Excuse me not. We're voted down. I don't know why I coughed. It just came out of nowhere. So almost immediately both in the House and the Senate they have reconvened to try and finally, for the first time, do something. The plan is to give the President a pro rated down payment on wall funding as they are asking for, Like this was what Lindsey Graham had proposed a three week period or so for them to do their job. Let the PROLOUGHD workers get their back pay, etc. So that they're not overly burdened, and then perhaps the president then if they can't get their job done, then he goes to the national emergency route. But anyway, so the president just moments ago speaking about what's going on, here's what he said, thank you all very much appreciated, thank you temporary. Well, one of the ideas suggested is they open it, they pay a sort of a pro rated down payment for the wall, which I think people will agree that you need, you need the world. In fact, I see a lot of the Democrats are all almost all of them are breaking saying, look, walls are good, walls are good. Big difference from what you had two or three weeks ago. And the vote. We had the vote on our bill, which we won fifty to forty seven. Even that was our bill, but we got one Democrat. It was fifty to forty seven. And we need, as you know, we have to get sixty. We don't have sixty votes, so we need Democrat support. We didn't get Democrat support other than from a actually wonderful man as you know, Center Mansion, and who's doing the right thing for his people. I mean, he's doing the right thing for West Virginia, frankly. And the other bill, it was fifty two forty four, and that included a lot of hurricane relief for a lot of different states, So it's sort of not something some of them really voted for the hurricane relief, which they felt they needed. That was fifty two forty four, but you need sixty so that didn't go anywhere. So we knew they both were not going to go anywhere we thought. And now Mitch is negotiating with Chuck Schumer and we'll see what happens. I think they just left a meeting. They just had a meeting. I think they're going out to see the people, but they just left. So we had bills. I think we did very well. The Republicans held, except for two. The Republicans held. Two were not there. They couldn't They weren't able to be there, so there were two non votes. But even with two non votes, I think they would have been good votes for us. It's fifty to forty seven. We won, but we need sixty votes because of the sixty vote rule, and so I just really want to thank the Republicans for holding again on the other one that was the opening up. That's fifty two forty four, but you need sixty votes, so it's a long way short, and a lot of that. A lot of those votes were based on the fact that there was hurricane relief for certain states. But we're spending without money for the wall. Were just just to reopen, I wouldn't be happy with it. I wouldn't be happy, But we have a lot of alternatives. Honestly, we have everybody. Look, for the most part, people agree. When I say everybody, I would say almost everybody agree. We have to have order security. We have to have a wall in order to have border security. You cannot have order security without a wall. I mean, we can play games and we could talk about technology, we can talk about drones flying around. You know, right now formed is an eight thousand person caravan and the caravan is heading our way. Congratulations, we have another one. We stopped the first one, we stopped the second one. I wouldn't say that Tijuana is too happy, but they're happily living in Tijuana right now, and a lot of them have gone back, but we stopped them. But it's very tough, and if we didn't have a wall in those areas, it would have been very hard to stop them. We have the military and we have the border patrol. They've done an incredible job, and ICE has done an incredible job all over the country. Frankly, we've removed thousands of Ms thirteen and others out of our country. But if we had a wall, we wouldn't have that problem. It would be great. So we have a lot of alternatives. But I'm just honored that almost all of the Republicans voted for our bill. Our bill is the bill that we were really focused on, but we had almost all of the Republicans. The end result was fifty to forty seven. The Democrats lost one that came over to our side, so they pretty much held and we held. And again we were missing two Republicans. They couldn't vote, they were not here. Movement and the shutdown, well, I have to find out after this meeting. We'll find out. But right now, Mitch McConnell's mate. It which up Schumer and see if they'll have to see what happens their meeting to see if they can work out something, maybe on a temporary basis where we start. But I have you know, we have a lot of alternatives. There are a lot of people that want this to happen. I'll tell you who wants this to happen. The military wants us to happen, because this is a virtual invasion of our country of drugs, of human traffickers, of so many different things, of criminals. It's an invasion of our country. And the military wants us to happen, and the border patrol wants us to happen. And by the way, border patrol said, all of the drones lying up in the air having a lot of fun, flying drones all over the place, they don't mean a thing when they look down and they see thousands of people rushing on border. The only thing that works is a strong barrier or wall. I have not I haven't spoken a Nancy Polos and number no. But I'm here. You know, I haven't left except for a beautiful evening in Iraq. I've been here. I've been here for a long time. There's your brother, you see, Wilver Ross, and that he doesn't understand what federal workers will help getting food? Can you understand, No, I haven't. I haven't heard the statement, but I do understand perhaps you should have said it differently. Local people know who they are when they gopher groceries and everything else. And I think what Wilboy's probably trying to say is that they will work along. I know banks are working along. If you have mortgage, is the mortgages, the mortgage, the folks collecting the interest and all of those things they work along. And that's what happens in time like this. They know the people, they've been dealing with them for years, and they work along the grocery store. And I think that's probably what Wilbur Ross meant. But I haven't seen a statement now, but he's done a great job. I will tell you that. Yes, Venezuela, I just want to know, aren't you worried to leave? Well, we'll look at it, Venezuela. It's a very sad situation. That was the richest state in all of that area. That's a big, beautiful area and by far the richest, and now it's one of the poorest places in the world. That's what socialism gets you when they want to raise your taxes to seventy percent. You know, it's interesting I've been watching our opponents, our future opponents, talking about seventy percent number. What they can't do it for seventy percent, It's got to be probably twice that number. But maybe more importantly, what happens is you'd really have to study and take a look at what's happened to Venezuela. It is a very very sad situation. So we have all rive very closely on Venezuela, very closely. Can come to some sort of agreement. Lease, what depends where the agreement is. I mean, yeah, but if they come to a reasonable agreement, I would support it. Yet I only look, look, I have other alternatives if I have to, and I'll use those alternatives if I have to. We want to go through the system. We have to have a wall in this country. We have criminals pouring into our country. And I'm not talking about the southern border. They don't stay there, they go through it. They permeate all throughout the country, including places like Wisconsin, a lot of a lot of different places. And that's the problem. I say that we would cut our crime. You know, we're doing very well on crime rate compared to past years and past administrations. But I think our crime would go way down, and I know our drug rates are drug what's happening is the drugs are pouring in. And yes, they come through the ports of entry, but the big trucks come through areas where you don't have a wall and you have wide open spaces. We have to have the wall. You'd stop us, you'd stop human trafficking. I mean human trafficking where they tie up women and they put duct tape in their mouths and they put them in the backseat of a car or in a van. They don't come through a port of entry because the people at the port of entry are going to see that that's not like hiding drugs in the engine or in the hubcaps. And they have incredible ingenious ideas. I mean, Frankland says some of these people, it's so genius. If they were ever legit, that become very rich people. But what they do is they go through the ports of entry with small stuff, but the big stuff comes through areas where you have nobody watching. I mean, you have hundreds of miles of open space, and they go out there and they're loaded up with drugs or they have women in the backseat of the cars with duct tape all over the place. It's a disgrace, and you don't catch them. They make it. If you don't even know the difference between Mexico and the United States. They make a left turn after they go out twenty miles forty miles, five miles in some cases, unless they make a left him they're in the United States, and then they do whatever they have to do. You need the wall, and we can all play games, and we can all talk about technology. I know more about technology than anybody. If you don't have the wall, the technology doesn't work. First of all, the wall is based on it. I mean it's all based Any technology works only with the wall. I'm not going to work on the ways you need the wall. In fact, a lot of the technology is put on top of the wall. That's how you see it, the cameras and everything else. I mean they literally put the technology, they fasten it to the wall. Then you have drone technology, and that's great in terms of what are you gonna do. You're gonna follow the people. First of all, once they step into the country. You know what happens, right, You know what they do. It's called what do they call it? You know they put one foot in our country, right and we got them. That's it. So the drone stone help us. We have to keep it out. We have no choice but to have a wall or a barrier, and if we don't have that, it's just not going to work. So it's very important to me. All right, One more question, Pepe. I love them, I respect them. I really appreciate the great job they're doing. They you know, many of those people that are not getting paid are totally in favor of what we're doing because they know the future of this country is dependent on having a strong border, especially a strong southern border, because we have tremendous violence and crime coming through that border. We have tremendous drugs, we have the human traffic, and we have Ms thirteen in gangs pouring through those borders, and if we don't strengthen those borders, we're going to have a big problem in the future. One of the people I blame as myself, because the economy is so strong right now, stronger than every before today. Today, right now, we have more people working in the United States that has ever worked in this country before. That's a great compliment. So I blame myself, Okay, but The fact is people come up because our country is doing so well and they want to break through our borders. The fact is we want them to come up. We have a big We took in more people last year legally than we have in a long time because we need them, because we have a lot of companies are coming into our country, so we need people coming in. I want people to come in, but they have to come in legally, and they have to come in through merit. They have to be able to help companies. And if they don't help companies, and if they don't help our country, we can't do that, folks. We just can't do that, all right. I'm why did you decide to agree and Nancy policy there? Well, it's really hurt choice. I mean, I would have done it in a different location, but I think that would be very disrespectful to the State of the Union. To pick some other places I could have done it. I could have gone to a big auditorium and gotten twenty five thousand people in one day, and you've been there many times. But I think that would be very disrespectful to the State of the Union. So what she said I thought was actually reasonable. We'll have to say to the Union when the shutdown is over that I can't tell you that. I can't tell you, but we have a lot of alternatives, but we need border security. Okay, thank you very much, everybody, thank you, thank you very much. Thank you. John Hey, that's the president. I think it's all right. So that was the President looked like it was in the Roosevelt room to me. Nice hat, Linda, here's what's happened. I told you the the two bills would fail today as he anticipated, because you got to get to clotures sixty votes. Now we have a push among Republicans and Democrats in the Senate that there would be give them a period of time. This was Lindsay Graham's proposal, about maybe three or four weeks, with the President getting the pro rated monies of the five point seven billion, which I guess it would be abound seven eight hundred million for the wall, give them an opportunity to fix the problem. And as the President said, I have other alternatives. I will use the other alternatives. Now, this just broke on CNN, which says the White House has prepared a draft national emergency and identified seven billion dollars for the wall. In other words, if he gives them the time with pro rated money coming in every day that they want to try and fix it, and then if it doesn't go through, well, then the White House has apparently proclaimed and prepared a proclamation or the President to declare the national emergency on the southern border, which by the way, you know they won't even talk. What a choice does he have now That might take a little longer, but he gets the pro rated money to work with in the first place. But it might take longer because there'll be a lawsuit. It'll go judge shopping, they'll go to the Ninth Circuit, and then it'll get to the Supreme Courts, where he should win because he's the commander in chief and he has it's his job to protect and the borders of this country. And the case is more than compelling. The evidence, the amount of drugs, cartels, gangs, all of the arguments that have been made, the number of crimes that have been perpetrated on the American people. It's a pretty compelling case anyway. So we'll have the latest on this time. And by the way, some people have disagreed with me about the President should not go anywhere else but the House Chamber for the State of the Union, because nowhere else will you get that same feel the grandeur of mister figure, the President of the Undated States. I'm buy a megaphone, and the pageantry of that moment he should have, So I think anything less than that would be fullish. So anyway, we'll have all this tonight, and we have deep state news that is breaking as we speak. We'll have a nine on Hannity. All right, that wraps things up. We'll have all of this news tonight on Hannity and we're going to break a big story on the deep state nineties turn Hannity Fox, Thanks for being with us, See you tonight. Back here tomorrow.