Contempt of Congress- October 15th, Hour 2

Published Oct 15, 2021, 10:01 PM

Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Legal Analyst, Host of The Brief, his new podcast and author of two bestsellers, Witch Hunt and the Russia Hoax, and John Solomon, Editor in Chief of Just the News, join to discuss Biden’s new laws on vaccine requirements for legal entry, but not illegal, the contempt of Congress of Bannon (even though the same was not upheld for Holder) and Biden’s latest blunder on the Supreme Court. Plus, John Moody stops by to discuss his new book, "Of Course They Knew, Of Course They..."

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All right, our two Sean Hannity Show. Remember day sixty two Americans abandoned trap behind terrorist enemy lines. Now we've been telling you about this massive attempt at a power grab by the Democrats that has to do with court packing. Remember Biden early in his administration, he put together a court packing committee, and yesterday we finally got a hold of it. As who were getting off the air, yesterday we got a draft release of the materials that will be in the final report. Now, remember, the court packing is their scheme to turn the US Supreme Court into just another arm of the Democratic Party. And in other words, what they could never get done at the ballot box, what they could never get done legislatively, they want activist justices to do for them. That's what they're looking for, grabbing power and perpetuity, and then God only knows where it goes from there. So all of these are schemes to do this. Now on TV last night, I want to just want to remind everybody Joe Biden, you know, FDR had the right to pack the court, but it was a bone head idea. Listen to Joe. President Roosevelt clearly had the right to send to the United States Senate, the United States Congress a proposal to pack the court. It was totally within his right to do that. He violated no law. He was legalistically absolutely correct. But it was a bone head idea. It was a terrible, terrible mistake to make, and it put in question for an entire decade the independence of the most significant body, including the Congress, in my view, the most significant body in this country, the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Yeah, okay, it was a bone headed idea then, and it's a bone headed idea now. It's it's you know, he was right at the time. Anyway, Joining us is Fox News League Lanelist, host of his own podcast The Brief. Get Greg Jared is back with us. John Solomon, editor in chief of Justice News dot Com, can't wait to get their take on the fact that former FBI Deputy director McCabe now gets his pension back. Welcome both of you, Greg, you're the lawyeral will start with you. Okay. There were mixed reviews on whether to pack the court, but they want to now term limit the justices. I guess that means get rid of every conservative justice now and keep all the liberals and add new Liberals. Yeah, I mean obviously. And look, as a practical matter, you cannot impose term limits without altering the Constitution itself, which would mean an amendment the Constitution, which essentially the most agreeable path would be a two thirds vote of the House and the Senate and then ratification by three quarters to the state legislatures. Well, that's impossible, and that this far left commission that Biden named knew it's impossible, which is exactly why they proposed it, because they know it would go nowhere. So no harm, no foul. In terms of packing the CORP, even this liberal commission was divided on that, and that, of course is impossible. Also you'd have to blow up the filibuster to do it, and even then you'd have to have every single Democrat in the Senate on board, and they don't have that. You've got several Democratic senators say I'm against court packing. So in terms of term limits and packing the CORP, it will never happen. Biden knows it, he knows it boneheaded. But he pandered, and he dodged, and he pandered some more, and then he sluft it off in a commission trying to shift responsibility to see I think he'd love the idea. Yeah, first of all, I'm not even sure if he knows what day of the week it is. I mean, you got the great puppeteer. This is a high class problem, the supply chain issue. No, it's not you idiot. But anyway, ron Klain, so I think he actually does want to do these things, but I don't. But I don't know how much control he actually has. But there are people that are pushing him hardcore left, and he's gone along with it, and I don't see any way he can retreat from it. As adult is his brain might be. He's got to know that it's politically top toxic. He knows poll numbers Americans by huge amounts, vehmently opposed to tampering with the court, and he knows the backlash with the extreme Your take, John Solomon, I think Greg has it just right. Listen, this is a sugar pill, right. They gave the left what they wanted. If you really want to do something, you can go and put term limits and that's never gonna happen. They're never going to get a constitutional amendment. And by the way, court packing just not going to be legitimate. It's actually going to undermine the legitimacy of the Court. Basically, they did an entire exercise to come up with one recommendation that will never never fly in. So it's just an empty process away for Joe Biden to try to keep his far left part of his party appeased or at arm's length for a while. But you know, it's not going to make any of the left left. He's happy, and the truth of the matters is going to have zero impact. The Supreme Court is going to remain a nine justice lifetime appointment court for the foreseeable future. So I thought of both of you when I read the news that Biden's Department of Justice, which you know has been highly politicized, right man. I mean we see it recently with you know, the critical race and looking at mommies and daddies as domestic terrorism, bringing the FBI in to examine parents at school boards. That would be the job of the local police. Well unless your city, of course defunded and dismantled them, then they might need some other law enforcement. But putting that, i'd here, But he politicized it also by going after the State of Georgia and they have one of the most inclusive voting systems laws in the country. One of the most restrictive is Delaware. You have seventeen days an in person or early voting in Georgia. You have zero in Delaware. You have drop boxes in every county in Georgia, zero in Delaware. Both states require voter ID And in the five thousand, nine hundred and thirty eight years that Joe Biden's represented Delaware, not a single time did he ever lift a finger to make voting in Delaware more accessible. So we know it's politicized. Now we have Michael Horowitz. The Inspector General's report comes out, and within this report are referrals meaning for criminal investigations anyway. One of them was for Andrew McCabe. Remember he was fired and had his pension stripped from him, and et cetera, et cetera. Why there was not a grand jury convened, I don't know. But now the New York Times is saying that McCabe is granted his full retirement, he'll get his pension, he'll get his other benefits, and two hundred thousand dollars and missed pension payments. And addition, the Department agreed to expunge any mention of his firing from his FBI personnel records. So I guess you know wis dorm number one Greg and number two. I guess Michael Harrowitzer report was just a colossal waste of time. Well, it's tragic that this guy, Andrew McCabe isn't behind bars. He lied to the fiser cord to see the judges and perpetrated a fraud, and he should have been held in criminal contempt, and beyond that, he should have been indicted. You know, he knew absolutely that there was no justification, no probable cause for surveillance warrant on Carter page. It was based largely on a phone dossier, and McCabe, among others, knew that was funny. And yet McCabe is the one who signed off on one of the four fives A warrant applications. Essentially Jim Jim Comey signed signed three of them himself, right right. And you know both of these guys, you know, if they weren't you know, the liberal Democrat darling, you know, they would have been probably prosecuted, didn't criminally charged. So the obvious conclusion is that even though we had the goods on a lot of these people, they're all going to get off scott free. And then we can only determine and conclude John Solomon, that we have a two tier justice system, one for liberals, one for conservatives. We don't have equal justice under the law, and we don't have equal equal application under the law. Now, when the charge against for example, Roger Stone lying to Congress pre Don Reid with frogmen are tactical gear, twenty five of them, guns drawn and they go into the house, CNN cameras filming the whole entire pre dawn episode. Okay, it's the exact same charge as was made by the Inspector General. Nothing happens as usual. Yeah, listen, I tweeted out this morning. This is the perfect example of the dual justice system alive and well. You can lie to an investigation, which is what Andrew McCabe was documented to have done, you can be fired for it, and you can keep your pension. And we've seen this inside the FBI regularly. There are FBI supervisors who've engaged in horrendous sexual harassment, irrefutable sexual harassment, in some cases what appears to be sexual assault unwanted touching. They get to retire with their pensions. The FBI does not discipline its own, it does not punish its own, and ultimately, the old boys club of the Justice Department in the FBI take care of their own even when they're engaged in misconduct and wrongdoing. And in this case, it's not in dispute. Andrew McCabe gave false statements to an official FBI investigation. It's not the only question is what's the appropriate punishment. He got fired, He should have lost his pension, and now this Biden administration is going to allow him to walk away with a pension. So the obvious stupid question, I guess, probably a waste of time question, is where's John Durham. Anybody anybody have a John Durham sighting? I know we got the sessament indictment, but I don't see you know this, This should have been done in record time. If he would have just used a low hanging fruit and the Inspector General's report, a lot of people would have been charged. But now you know how many years later and he's still investigating. And you know, I have zero confidence John, You're more confident than me and Greg you think that stuff might actually be happening here. Well, listen, there's activity, and I've always said, and I've said it for two and a half years, I think a small number of people will be indicted as a result of it. We're up to two. I imagine that there'll be a handful more that all curb. I don't believe they will be at the level of Acombi or a McCabe. There'll be downstream from them. But there is still ongoing criminal investigative activity, and there's report writing going on, but none of it's going to be satisfying to the American public because at the end of the day, this was a large political ruse that the FBI not only got hoodwinked by, they participated in. And very few people are going to go to prison for it or even be punished for it. Unbelievable. Quick break more with Greg Jarrett John Solomon on the other side than your calls, eight hundred and nine for one, Sean is our number one right as we continue with Greg Jarret, John Solomon with us, Greg Jarrett, you had two number one best selling books on this topic. The case you you lay out in both those books, the evidence this is overwhelming. It is incontrovertible. If you're a conservative and you jay Walker spit on the sidewalk, you go on a jail for seven years. Right, If you're a deep state liberal operative doing the bidding of Hillary Clinton and a campaign and smearing Donald Trump, you can get away with pretty much anything. Yes, and the number one person that should be prosecuted as Hillary Clinton. In both books, I explained in detail how she invented, financed, and disseminated the Russia Hopes, a lie intended to smear Donald Trump. She was involved in a conspiracy with other people to provide false information to the FBI knowingly. Fualtimate that is a crime, and this was all designed to distract from the problem that she had with her server. Is that true? Oh, it's absolutely true. It was a scheme that was not only illicit, it was illegal to crime to Why did the FBI to provide knowingly false information to frame somebody else, in this case, Donald Trump? And she did it to distract from her own urginine email scandals just before the election. The tragedy is to some extent it worked. It did smear Donald Trump. He won the election, but it hobbled him for the four years in office. It's just unbelievable to me. Now, I had heard some sources telling me John that there is a grand jury convene. Do we know that to be true? Yes, there's no doubt. I've talked to witnesses who appeared before that. I've talked to witnesses who've gotten grand jury subpoenas. And there's two remaining focuses. Listen, there's no focus on the CIA or intelligence anymore. There's a report written to describe the CIA's role, John Brennan's role, all of that. They're focused on two things. The people who brought the information to the FBI, did they know what they were bringing what's false? So the Susmans, the Steals, people like that, did they know what they were bringing was false? And in the case of Sessmen, that the prosecutor makes a clear argument that Sessman had reason to believe what he was giving to the FBI was false. The red hearing comment, Hey, this is a red herring. They still give it to the FBI despite them. The second part, did the FBI people who submitted the FISA applications, who prepared them, who reviewed them, who vouched for them. Did they have reason to believe and should they have known what they were submitting was false? We know in the case of one person, yes, because he altered a document. I believe that I know from my reporting. They're looking at others and still examining whether they had reason to believe that their case is that they what they were presenting to the court was false and what they might have been presenting to Congress was false. It's the other part. That's the only two parts of activity in the grand jury that I've been detecting any activity about. All right. John Solomon, by the way, we have to call him sir, Greg, because he's now the editor in chief of Just the Dues dot com. I have to say, John Solomon, sir. He told me before the interview today, I do expect both of you to refer to me as sir. I said, yes, Sir, I was kidding anyway, John Solomon, Greg Jarrett, thanks for being with us. When we come back, we'll hit your hit the phones, all right, twenty five now to the top of the hour. We'll get to your calls here in a few minutes. Eight hundred nine for one seawan our number. If you want to be a part of the program. So last week we celebrated the twenty fifth anniversary. I've been on Fox Now for twenty five years, and I feel less than humbled and appreciative to everybody to be able to do what I do every day. I'm on radio now thirty three years, if you can believe it. And if I didn't have these jobs, I'd probably be driving around talking to myself all day doing monologues. Let's go to John in South Florida. John, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Hey, Sean, how are you? First time caller? A longtime listener? All right, that's probably my future. In other words, I'll go full Joe Biden on you on myself. But anyway, I've met some wonderful people throughout the years. One of the founders of the Fox News Channel played a very important integral role in building the brand that is now defining news in America in ways that nobody thought would happen. I'm telling you right now, nobody thought Fox would explode the way it did. And I'm honored to just be as spoken the wheel in a small part of it all, and it's been an incredible ride. You make that possible by watching, just like you make this radio show possible by listening. You could fire me any day you want. I hope you don't, because I like doing what I'm doing anyway. So John Moody is one of the founders of the Fox News Channel. So he sends me a copy of a book that he's written, and it's just been released, and the book is called of course they knew. Of course they dot dot And what's fascinating about it. I do not have a lot of time to read for pleasure. I spent so much time reading and studying for work every day that I'm kind of I'm spent in terms of my capacity to read. My bandwidth gets pretty short on this. So I pick up this book and it's like ripped from today's headlines. You have an unhappy Chinese virologist, a master seamstress they think Italy should be for Italians, an unemployed twenty something who believes artificial intelligence is the future, and America is in fatal decline. And you got an ordinary Joe from Pittsburgh who doesn't like being told what to do by the government or it's lying leaders. Now throughout the course that while it's a novel. It's a novel that I mean, it's it's so parallel to so much of what we're discussing and what's going on in the world today. You know that all of our lives, and all of the lives of the characters in the book are twisted together by this invisible viral intruder that doesn't know national boundaries, sound familiar, political parties, etc. You know, where was the virus created and by whom did anyone try to prevent it? To doctor Fauci just adding this part myself that he did he fund it and then lie about it. Of course they knew. We put up a link on Hannity dot com. It's to Amazon dot com. It's now in bookstores everywhere. It's just been released, and John Moody had just brought them on to just give you a quick, you know headline. First of all, you're I am stunned. I know, I've always known how smart you are. We've we've we've had a great relationship all the time we worked together at Fox. And although you were more on the news side of programming at Fox, you are very supportive and understanding that you know, we have an opinion side. We have the talk show host side. I'm a member of the press, and I'm just I have a different role than what your role will it was, and you respected that and the whole time I was there, and a lot of people, you know, in the news division don't particularly like some of Sean Hannity's opinions. Well, Sean, thanks for those beautiful words. And I just want to say, before we do anything else, you were probably the single best decision that we made twenty five years ago. So congratulations to you. You know, but John, we got We gotta be honest here. I was awful when I started on television. I remember asking Roger L's one number of times, why didn't you fire me? I said, because I'd look at these old tapes and I'd cringe and it's embarrassing, and that my kids would see it and they'd say, god, Dad, that's awful. And his answer was great, you know, typical Roger for me, because well, we knew nobody was watching anyway in the early days, and I knew you would grow into it because you were a radio guy. That's what he said to me. Yeah, Roger always do how to make a guy feel good, didn't they? No, But I mean, in all seriousness, if I were to go, if I was the person I was a local radio host in Atlanta today and got called by any of the big news networks, channels, cable, whatever, and was given a show. If it didn't rate, in like a week, it's over. I wouldn't have had the time to grow into the job which he gave me. Well, one of Roger's great talents was he took the long view of things, and he could see over the horizon. And I think with you, he knew that there was a product in development, and he just wanted to be there when it burst forward on the scene, and we were all there to see it, and we were all proud of you. Well, let's go to this book. I couldn't believe now it's very hard to get me to stop what I'm doing at night because I'm numb from reading all day. And I actually couldn't put your book down. So you know, I've always known how smart you are, but then I didn't know what a great writer you are, and so you know, I U should be very proud of this. And you asked me for I told you I love the book, and then you said, would you buy blurbing it, and I said, Americans know something's wrong, but I've been silenced by political correctness. I didn't add wokeness. I would have today that these characters have a voice. So explaining how this connects to real life today, well, Sean, I had a lot of time last year to look at what was going on, and I kind of thought at the end of the year there were three threads that kept interweaving during twenty twenty. The first was this unexpected and horrible spread of this virus which we were in, which everybody said we had to call COVID instead of the Wuhan flu or the China virus because we didn't want to upset the Chinese, of course, and so the mainstream media rolled over on its back, put all four legs up in the air and said, yes, sir, we'll do whatever you say. The second thread was the social protests that we saw sweeping across the country. And there's nothing wrong with social protests as long as it remains peaceful. But these protests turned violent, they turned into riots. They burned down police cars and they looted stores. That's not social protests, that's rioting. The third was the presidential election, and I think everybody kind of looked askance at what was going on and said, you know, this is not how we're supposed to elect our leaders. There is a lot of anger and a lot of bitterness going on, and we'd rather have, you know, an election that we can all say, Okay, it wasn't perfect, but this is how it went. And so I think these all these things made Americans nervous and made them wonder what was going on. And so I tried to capture that. It is a novel, but I tried to make it as realistic as I possibly could. It really was an incredible year. You're right on every point that you made. Here one thing for you, I'll let me pick one example. January sixth I said, right from the get go, this cannot happen in this country. You know, we have to protect our institutions. We have to protect every lawmaker. I don't care what your politics are. We have a we have a sworn duty to defend are the our institutions. But it's interesting, interesting to me that Democrats only want to talk about one riot. There were over five hundred and thirty four of these riots that took place in the summer of twenty twenty, Democrats denied they were and riots. You know, I love you put on fake news CNN or MSDNC and the shot over the shoulder of a reporter saying things are mostly peaceful and you got a city ablaze, or you got people, you know, throwing rocks and bricks and molotov cocktails at cops. Nearly three thousand cops were injured and dozens were killed in the course of these people quote riots as the media and the Democrats told us, how come then I want to investigate those because it doesn't fit their narrative. Sean, You know, I did watch news reports while I was writing this book, and I tried to keep a certain level of separation between what I saw and what I wrote. But you know, the things that got me were reporters standing there saying, I feel very uncomfortable being in this crowd of people who are Republicans and all white men, and I don't like being in this presence. Well, reporters have to go into dangerous situations sometimes. The ones that we're covering the social protests of the summer seem to be quite happy to be there and had no reluctance whatsoever. About saying these were peaceful protests as flame shot up behind them, and then you got Kamala Harris literally promoting a bell fund to get the rioters out of jail. I mean, you can't even make this up. You have entire city blocks overtaken by anarchists, but were told it's the Summer of Love Zone. I don't know if you saw the interview I did with Horace Lorenzo Anderson Senior. His son was killed in the chop Chaz Autonomous Summer of Love Zone, and not one politician ever picked up up a phone to call him. The only politician that ever ended up calling him was Donald Trump. After watching this poor man who lost his son, you know die, Donald Trump picked up the phone and called him and said, I'm so sorry. Yeah. And those are the kind of things that I think Trump never got credit for the media. The mainstream media could only think of things to disparage him, to say, you know, this is a terrible person. He did a lot of things that probably didn't get attention, and that would have if it had been a president from another political party. But about the victims of those summer protests, I mean, the mainstream media is never going to give any credence to that stuff. It doesn't fit their narrative. They want to talk about the injustices that were done by the police, not the injustices that were done by the rioters. You know, it's such an amazing time we're living in, and for many a very scary time. You see what's happening with the economy. You saw what happened in Afghanistan. We abandoned Americans. You see the disaster at our southern border. I mean, for Biden to now say he's going to bring back the remain in Mexico policy, that's pretty much an admission of failure, but it doesn't go far enough. He ought to bring back the entire Trump policies. We gave up energy independence, John, you know how important that is. Quick break, we'll come back more with one of my fellow founders of the Fox News Channel, John Moody. Ripped from the headlines. Of course they knew. Of course they dot dot dot dot dot. The final hour of the Sean Hannity Show is up next. Hang on for Shaun's conservative solutions. Hi. John Moody is with us. We worked together for many years of the Fox News Channel. He's authored a book written literally ripped from today's headlines. It's called of course they knew. Of course they dot dot dot And by the way, you can get it on Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com, bookstores everywhere. I will tell you, I am more worried about the future of this country at this point than I've ever been. I don't do this job for money anymore. I do this job because I love this country and we need at least a few voices, just a couple. There's not many of us, some in talk radio, a couple of us on Fox. Is not many of us that are conservative that have access to the airwaves anymore. Well, you're right, Sean, and I'll just say this. I don't mean it as a self plug, but this book was written for your listeners, your viewers. It was written for viewers of Fox News. It was written for people who still care about the country and want to see what's going on and what might be done to turn things around. And your role in this is as important as anybody's in this country. And I say that without trying to butter you up or anything else. Your voice is out there and it needs to be heard and needs to be recognized. You know, and I'm an appreciative of the opportunity to do it. I always tell this audience that we're all spokes in a wheel, and if you want that wheel to spin around, we need every spoke. In other words, it's all hands on deck. Where do you see this going? I mean, look, you're a student of history. You've been through all these elections throughout your very successful career. Where do you see twenty twenty two and twenty twenty four headed well? In terms of the elections, I think the Republicans have a real chance to clawback from ground that they lost. I think that the Congress, if the Republicans can take control of either of the houses, is going to be a very very important cog you use the word cog in the government. And I think that President Biden's very very liberal agenda might grind to a grind to a halt, but it takes Republicans to get out there and vote and care and do what they know needs to be done, and take a few chances while they're doing it. Let me ask you this, how would you describe media in America today? Because I said in two thousand and seven, many many times, a journalism's dead, John, I don't think it exists anymore, Sean. The mainstream media decided once Donald Trump was elected that they could no longer be honest tellers of what was going on. They could no longer be observers. They couldn't afford that. They had to be participants, and they had to shape the narrative in a way that would do Donald Trump the most damage and would do them, the media, the most good and get them the most viewers and readers. They have given up objective reporting. And one of the reasons I had to make this in a novel is I could not do the kind and quality of reporting to do a non fiction book that I would have had to do to satisfy myself that I knew all the facts, So I made it into a novel. I took a few little liberties with this and that, and didn't use the right names all the time. But the media doesn't worry about those things anymore. If it suits their editors and who it suits their agenda, it's going to be out there and listeners and viewers and readers. You have to decide for themselves what they believe and what they don't, all right, John Moody I really you got me to do something that is not easy to do, and that's take the time to actually read a book for fun. And I did enjoy it and I couldn't stop reading it. It's up on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, and it's called of course they knew, of course they dot dot dot literally ripped from today's headlines, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere, Hannity dot com. Thanks for being with us, John Moody

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