Sean covers the latest stories including the National School Board Association's efforts to label those who oppose their agenda as "domestic terrorists." The Constitution is under attack!
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America trap behind enemy lines, Day number forty eight, forty eight, day forty eight, and not a mention from Joe Biden in thirty one one or two days. It's been that long. It's unbelievable, abandoning our fellow Americans, and he's turned the page completely unbelievable. Eight hundred nine for one shan if you want to be a part of the program. The New York Post nails it today. Joe Biden's presidency is in a complete and total collapse. Not hyperbole, this is it. It's eight months in. It is collapsing on every single front, Joblessness on the rise for weeks, inflation setting record after record after record. It's only a temporary blip. No, it's not his home border chief. Where do you hear the news on the borders today? You're not going to be happy because it's not good. And by the way, House democrats just rejected an amendment to mandate COVID tests for illegal immigrants. Now, remember you've got a vaccine mandate or you're not gonna work. They're firing frontline healthcare workers that were diving on COVID grenades, many of whom have natural antibodies, but for whatever reason they can't or they don't won't, don't want to get the vaccine. You know, I'm not their doctors, so I don't know what the reasoning or rationelle is. But they were in the middle of this shift show, right on top of it to save lives. Now we're firing these people left and right. Cops, we're firing teachers, we're firing nurses, we're firing medical personnel left and right, and nobody seems to care. This joblessness rising for weeks, inflation, COVID out of control. In spite of everything Joe Biden was handed. You know, he's put all his limited energy into this legislation, This Bernie Sanders Biden AOC New Green Deal social was manifesto that's imploding the Democratic parties in the middle of a civil war. You know, initial jobless crane claims now up three straight weeks in a row, you know, up three hundred and sixty two thousand last week, up from three hundred and fifty one thousand a week before, when there's more jobs, more openings available than ever before. When the FEDS announced the economy had added a measilys two hundred and thirty five thousand jobs last month. They were they were expecting a million plus um. You know, the border crisis, abandoning Americans in Afghanistan, begging OPEC for energy. You know, how does it get any worse than this? Democrats now at each other's throats, they hate each other, and and the fascinating thing is, I'm betting my money on AOC. AOC literally laughed at Joe Joe Mansions one point five trillion dollars bottom line. Now, the danger in all of that is it's still two thousand, four hundred and sixty five pages this thing, you know, basically Marxist socialist, leftist statist policies, the Reconciliation Package. And Obama wouldn't have dared think of this. It's so radical even for him, and he was radical. There's no roads or bridges or infrastructure. It's free daycare. It's a cradle degray, womb to the tomb, you know, socialist utopia that will never be fulfilled. The same people that can't balance a budget in their states, the same people that can't keep law in order and keep their citizen re safe and secure. The same people that bankrupted and robbed the lockbox with social security and medicare the same people that promised to keep your doctor plan and save money. We're gonna trust them now, the same people that destroyed the public school system in America. We're going to trust these people back now now that they've got controlled. Why these fifteen congressmen senators rather supported that you know this, you know of this measure to extend the debt ceiling for a period of time is beyond any understanding I have. Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to me. You know, it's like a cult of Washington. You know, it's you know, you got to keep the government funded. No, you don't. There's no process. Too much money, horrible policy. The Democrats they can raise the debt ceiling on their own. They can do it through reconciliation like they use use it for everything else. Anyway. That now again they tried to sneak amnesty back in the bill. You want to say, I mean, it's a disaster for them. This Joe Biden has put all his eggs in this basket, AOC in the squad. I've told you, they've been in control of the entire time. Harris is optimistic that they'll pass to one point two trillion dollars infrastructure build. No, they're not so far. They're supposed to have the votes yesterday, they didn't have them because they didn't have the votes. They don't have the votes today either. There won't be a vote today. You want to know how radical they are? The Senate votes to confirm Joe Biden's nominee to lead the Bureau of Management. This woman we've been telling you about Tracy stone Manning along party lines. Yeah, her affiliation was with eco terrorists. She had a role in that tree spiking plot from from decades ago that came to light in June during her nomination process, resulting and rightly, a wave of objections. Now she's going to lead the Bureau of Land Management. While I was just doing pr for the people that spike the trees. You know what tree spiking does to lumberman that actually cut the trees down, the severe injuries and even death they risk. So you're gonna put that radical person in charge of land management? You know she was I was a twenty three year old student. Still, that's what you believed. Warning the trees in a forest and Idaho spike to protect them and people would get hurt if they tried to cut them down. We're notifying you that the post office sale in Idaho has been heavily spiked, and she now is running the Bureau of Land Management. I found the funniest thing is AOC blasting Mansion for his top line number of one point five trillion. That doesn't take out all the tax hikes associated with this, the corporate tax hike, the capital gains tax hike, the death tax hike, the mileage tax hike, and everything else. It's you know, maybe it's two trillion dollars less, but whatever. Then you got more radicals. Tom Cotton ted Cruz slamming Biden's nominee for US Attorney from Massachusetts, and they tore into this nominee, Rachel Rollin, pointing to the list of non prosecutable offenses that she implemented while being Boston's district attorney. You know, they you know, she put out a list of fifteen crimes that by default she will not allow her prosecutors to pursue without supervisor approval. What you get to enforce the laws that you like in the ones you don't like. That seems to be the Biden way, you know, ranging in severity from trespassing and disorderly conduct, even malicious destruction of property and threats resisting arrest, drug trafficking. How did this person ever get appointed to this administration? Democrats have no problem. This is the radical new Green deal socialist left Harris's office Kamala Harris's office forced into damage control mode after a student accuses Israel of ethnic genocide. Oh that's great that you speak your truth. Huh, how about saying excuse me? You know, why not correcting the person the Irani? By the way, in Iran, their state media is promoting what count. Kamala Harris applauding the student accusing Israel of ethnic genocide, which is a lie. Right to speak. You're a truth all right. A lot of truths you can speak. Unless you're a conservative, you can't speak them. By the way, you know this issue involving zero experience Hunter in the laptop from Hell. Anyway, Remember we told you about the docier that Libya had put together and he requested a retainer from Libya of two million dollars in exchange for him lobbying his father and Obama to free up Libyan assets. The deal never went through, but they described himaculately a drug addict that like, you know, I think they used the term low rent but inexpensive. I'll use hookers. I mean, they had him nailed. They knew he's compromised, sodas China, sodas Russia, sodas Kazakhstan, as SODA's Ukraine. And I would bet maybe one of the reasons that the waiver came from to Putin. They probably have compromising materials in Russia, not only Hunter, but Joe Biden himself. The same with China. You know, why isn't he standing up to China's continuing threats against Taiwan. For example, China's unveiled their advanced stealth drones, which they say could tip the balance against the US in a Taiwan attack. They're still talking about reunification, meaning that the takeover of Taiwan. By the way, not a word North Korea testing an anti aircraft missile and showing the world the videos of it. Not a damn thing is said by Biden. I don't think he knows what day of the week it is. That's how bad this is. This is a complete collapse of a presidency. What did I say and live free or die America and the world on the brink. This is the brink. We got new information on inflation. It is now at a thirty year high. What does that mean? The cost of goods and services rising sharply in August at a rate of thirty percent. That's not good when you look at the numbers behind this democratic socialist plan to bankrupt America. Brian Ridel, writing for The New York Post, You know, you hear all these numbers being thrown all around, all over the place. What do they mean? One point two trillion, three point five trillion? Okay, but he points out the real numbers being much larger, and it's hard to comprehend. You know, people, really, you know, when you go to millions to billions to trillions, we're talking about trillions. Okay. That's the extra zero that makes all the difference. So Mansion already voted for one point nine trillion stimulus that bill. In March, he helped craft the five hundred and fifty billion dollars infrastructure build the past he also voted for the budget resolution that increased discretionary spending their baseline by a trillion over the decade, and even supporting only one point five trillion in new reconciliation spending. Well, that's a total price tag of five trillion dollars across these bills. Now you had the other two trillion hour up to seven trillion dollars, if you want a little perspective, five trillion in new spending three point five trillion would be borrowed. Dwarfs the size of the President's one point President Trump's one point five trillion dollars tax cut. It exceeds the entire twenty year cost of the War on terrorism. Now progressives are claiming victory over Pelosi. I'm betting on AOC in the squad this skirmish. What have I been saying? Pelosi's speaker in my name only, I'm saying AOC is the speaker of the House in all reality. Her and the squad, you know, they're all bragging how they beat Pelosi, which I find kind of funny. By the way, inflation, rents are up ten percent, more than ten percent around the country. Supply chain problems from COVID and energy, and a lack of people going back to work because they haven't had too because of the extended unemployment benefits, low auto inventory inventory. I got a call from my car deal. He says, your lease is up in nine months. If he says, I'm not trying to sell you anything, but if you want a new car in nine months, I got to order it. Now, what do you want me to do? I gave him a deposit. I mean, he's a nice guy. He's looking out for me. You know. September sell off, stocks tumble in the entire month. I mean, inflation is so out of controlled thanks to the Democrats, these leftists. This has gone so bad so fast, I can't even believe it. I wish for once in my life, I really wish for the sake of the country. It was wrong. And none of this is gonna get better. And you can't name a single thing that Joe's doing that's going well. I'm worried for our kids and for our grandkids. Anna, you don't have any grandkids, and I'm not ready for grandkids. Not there yet. Even Democrats now New York Times polling of all places, it's not just Republicans, it's not just independence. They're turning on this collapsing presidency of Biden. Nate Cone detailed the president's standing with Democratic Democratic demographics based on a pole Pew Research, Marist, ABC, Washington Post, Fox News, Monmouth Quinnipiac. Both before and after the fall of Cobble, President's approval rating among women down nine points to forty eight percent, among African Americans, down six points to fifty three percent, Among Hispanic Americans down to thirty nine percent, independence down to thirty nine percent. Among quote non whites, his approval dropped to thirty percent Among white Americans no four year college degree seventy four percent, Whites in general forty five percent, eighteen to thirty four forty eight percent, sixty five and older forty two percent, Men with college degrees fifty four percent. You know, these are all demographic numbers, but I just thought i'd throw them out there. You know, you look at this disastrous bill. You look at the amount of money. You know, you look at the infrastructure bill, five hundred and fifty billion in spending, you know, for previously projected federal levels. Okay, one hundred and ten billion for roads and bridges, and some moneys for rail maintenance, etc. And broadband and ports and airports and modernization a transit, etc. Etc. That's not what is in the far left bill. You know the reason Nancy Pelosi had to at the call off the vote on infrastructure is because the squad said no. The squad is in charged. The squad is out there there they are. Are you talk about character assassination of Mansion in cinema? Now, as I pointed out, with the money that Joe Mansion has already voted yes on and the one point five trillion dollar limit, it's still five trillion dollars. He just doesn't want to go to seven trillion dollars. At the end of the day, this country cannot afford it. You want to know why it's a thirty year high inflation. There's a thirty year in high in inflation for a good reason. And then I'm gonna explain exactly what is happening to the economy and how it's going to impact you and your family and our kids, grandkids and great grandkids. You know, years and years from now. It's an unmitigated failure, collapsed disaster. You'll hear what everyone really thinks in DC. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. I mean, there is a part of me that that doesn't mind that liberal, radical socialist Democrats can't can't get their act together. But it is bad. But the problem is still If you ask me, with my thirty three years of experience on radio and now we're gonna be twenty five years on Fox I think next week as a matter of fact, Yeah, the October seventh, of twenty five years on Fox News can And by the way, if you would have bet that I'd be lasting to this point, you would have I would have been a bad bet. I would have been a long shot, I promise, But I'm honored to do it. Every day. I am as energized, engaged as I've ever been. I've never felt more passionately about where we are as a country as I do now. I've never been this concerned. It's never been this bad. We've got a cognitive mess as a president. We got the most radical extreme party in my adult lifetime or that I can think of in the history of the country. You know, this makes the Great Society of LBJ and the New Deal of FDR. You know look like, you know, a tiny little bicycle compared to a you know, a motorcycle racing bike. It's ridiculous. Anyway, Mansion says he needs a little bit more time to green light the socialist bill and Mansion, you know, similar comments that I'm not sure where he ultimately is. He's getting laughed at by the squad. The squad won't follow Nancy Pelosi's please to go along with the infrastructure bill. First, they're demanding the three point five trillion dollars. They're demanding to control the entire Congress of the United States, and so far they're winning. You know, Jensaki circle back is saying the infighting is democracy at work. No, they're actually losing because if Mansion and Cinema, if they hold the line in any way, then AOC in the squad, I'm not so sure they go for the one point five trillion based on what AOC did yesterday. She started laughing at Mansion. You know what one point five trillion a year? Is that what you mean? I mean they are This is what they want, This is their vision. They want AOC's Civilian climate Core. They want drug price controls. They want all their taxes and redistribution that we have discussed in great detail. They want their millions for the Older American Act. They want their twenty four billion in rent support. They want their fifth million to reduce human wildlife conflicts in the national forest systems. They want price controls for everything's root canals, major teeth restorations, all covered through the government. Everything's for free. They want free daycare. They want free college. They want free K through twelve education. They want even kindergarten included. They want free school lunches even when school is out for the summer. They want lunches for welfare recipients, anybody, and everything for illegal immigrants as well. The word tax is used one thousand, eight hundred and twenty nine times. The word taxes is used sixty nine times. The word taxation is used seven specific times. Supposedly, all of these new taxes add up to zero, because that's what they're telling us, that's what they want you to believe. Well, sorry, money doesn't grow on trees. Bernie Sanders is angry. It's absurd the way this way to do due business, negotiating a multi trillion dollar bill in a few minutes before a major vote, with virtually nobody knowing what's going on. It's unacceptable, you know. So they're they're all fighting each other. Kristen Cinema reiterates you will not back to three point five trillion dollars spending bill says Biden and Schumer are fully aware of her stance. Manchin says his limit. He said, I did compromise. I went from zero to one point five trillion. On why he won't straight because I believe in my heart that what we can do and what the needs we have right now, what we can afford to do without bait and basically changing our whole society to an entitlement mentality. I've said it, I've said where I'm at. You know, the bottom line is this, I think we basically should be starting and making our priorities and put into proper place. I've never been, He went on, I've never been a liberal in any way, shape or form. There's no one that ever thought I was. I've been a governor, I've been a Secretary of State, I've been in the state legislature. I think Senator and I voted pretty consistently, and I don't think any of them who believes that they're much more progressive and much more liberal, and all they need to do is, you know, have to elect more liberals if you if you want this bill, elect more liberals. That's what he's saying, now is it is it good enough for me? No? Is it conservative in any way? Not really? And the amount of pressure arm twisting fighting is epic. Why these Republicans fifteen of them voted to raise the debt's the only at stop got measure, I don't know, because they really didn't need to do it. There was no need at all whatsoever for them to engage in this. I really don't get it. Democrats control the House, they control the Senate, and they control you know, the presidency. Anyway, eight hundred nine for one, Shawn is our number if you want to be a part of the program. James, where did you print out piece that I just asked you to print out? Anyway, let me go into some of this other New Green Deal stuff that's in here. Now. Look, keep in mind of whopping six trillion dollars in emergency COVID or relief spending has already been outllocated six trillion dollars. The entire federal budget for twenty nineteen was four point four trillion. So where we're going to get this ten trillion dollars that they're spending? You have any idea? Now they're saying two ways they're build back better plan what We're going to raise taxes on corporations, capital gains, small business, individuals, and families, And we're going to raise the death tax. So you pay taxes your whole life. Then the government comes in when you die and they take sixty one cents of every dollar that they didn't steal while you were alive. Anyway, that to me is licensed stealing. They want another bite of the apple. Everyone in America let me because they're lying to you, just like they lied about keep your doctor plan and save money, Just like like they lied about a lockbox for Social Security and Medicare, they squandered the money. Just like they promise you better schools. They spend over forty grand pur student in New York City public schools. We spent more per capita as a country with the worst results. They can't keep law in order and everyone every American safe and secure. Our cities are a mess because of their dismantle and defund the police, insanity, corporations and businesses. They're not going to take the loss. You will pay those taxes, and anybody that tells you otherwise is lying to you. The second way they're going to do this is through what they call quantitative easing and other words, printing money. In other words, it causes inflation, and other words. What it means to you is your paycheck is less valuable. Everything you buy just on this one point now because of inflation, quantitative easing, you know, printing more dollars, that causes inflation. Everything you purchase now costs more. Every paycheck you get is less valuable. Every grocery bill will be higher, every drug store bill will be higher, Every car you buy will be higher, used or new, and everything will be more expensive, more expensive raw materials, lumber, aluminum, building, this building, it's all going to cost more. Housing prices will go up, rent prices will go up. It's already happening. When now at a thirty year high for inflation. That's what it means. If you look at a key index used by the Federal Reserve. Now the Fed has been working overtime to print enough money to pay for the six trillion dollars an emergency COVID relief spending. Inflation already is at a thirty year high according to this key indicator. Now add to this, what I think we're like the only ones talking about it, the energy independence that Joe Biden inherited and abandoned, and Donald Trump got this country to energy independence for the first time in seventy five years. Where you know, now we have a price of a barrel of oil headed to ninety bucks a barrel, then it's going to go to one hundred. Natural gas prices are now hitting records. Well, that's gonna make Middle Eastern countries rich again. It's gonna make Putin rich again, especially with the waiver to build this pipeline to our Western European allies to provide all their energy needs, the light blood of the economy, the world's economy. We've now artificially reduced a supply worldwide. And when supply and demand crisscross, and that dictates the price, and you reduce the supply and the demand remains constant, what happens to the price you pay more? Right now, we're paying a buck fifty more. Pretty soon we'll be paying two bucks more. And at every gallon of gas you buy to fill up your tank, and they're at talking about a ten cents a mileage tax on top of everything. Heating cool in your home costs more, that too, will as prices on every single thing you buy. You know, So this is where the big lie is. You know, I've said it a million times. In the name of false security, everything is going to be free. The people that failed on social security, law and order, education and Obamacare. Now you're going to give them, you know, control and accept their promises. They'll give you quality childcare and a free college education, and k through college education and student loan forgiveness. And you're going to trust their healthcare plan, including their new dental plans, including everything free for illegal immigrants. They try it again to sneak in amnesty for illegal immigrants. Oh, it's something of great value. Why would Democrats speak trying over and over and over again to sneak in amnesty. Send a parliamentary and how to stop them again? Because they're going to offer illegal immigrants something of great value. Oh, great Democratic party must be the good party. They're giving us something that other countries charge a fortune for. You can buy citizenship in a ton of other countries. I don't mind having. I'm all for immigration that's legal, Respect our laws, our borders, US sovereignty. You need a background check, you need a health check, and you need to provide proof you will be able to fend for yourself and not be a burden on the American taxpayer. It's not that much to ask for. We're not asking for the millions of dollars that Cyprus demands if you want to get a passport from that country, or the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and Belize and Antigua, and you know what are the cassaint Kits and Nivas, Cypress, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand. Some of them charge millions and millions of dollars. We'll just give it away for free. Just I hope you vote for Democrats moving forward. I don't care where you come from. Just do it legally. Please respect our laws. Let us do a background check, let us do a help check, and let us make sure you can provide for yourself financially. Their spending plan is beyond anything this country has ever seen, and we cannot afford it. Now add to this House, Democrats just rejected an amendment to mandate COVID tests for illegal immigrants. Well, why are they mandating vaccines and firing policemen and teachers and nurses all over the country over their vaccine and they won't even test the people that they're they're aiding and abetting and law breaking and entering the country illegally. We have laws that prevent that. You want to change the law, Joe, then change the law. Now. Get this. The Daily Mail had an article about Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorcas he's asking officials whether the department is ready to handle Get this, the possibility of over four hundred thousand illegal immigrants arriving in October alone own. That's double the twenty one year high scene in July, and it's gotten higher every month since two hundred thousand in August alone, despite these attempts to you know, lie and say well, we're sending them, they're not sending them back, they're processing them. And all they ask for is you to agree to their request. Not they're not requiring. They're requesting, Well, you might want to show up on this date, but you don't have to. One democratic border town mayor town of Texas along the US border, you know, is saying yeah, things are a lot better under Trump. And this is uh Laredo mayor Pete I think his name is sant sae n Z. I won't even try reluctantly acknowledging that things were much better for his community under Donald Trump. Then you've got you know, on top of all of this, Mayorcas. You know, being in the country illegally is no longer enough to earn deportation of arding to ma Orcus, he said yesterday. So the laws of the land, they facilitate the law breaking, they ate in the bet law breaking. It's unbelievable. It is unbelievable. Now we've got at a Panama eighty five thousand, and we're told migrants now headed to the border, and now my Orcas is morning. It could be as many as four hundred thousand in October alone. They said, well, this is seasonal, this is gonna stop. Well, it's not stopping. None of it is stopping. Then you want to add the Afghanistan betrayal and disaster. California is now announced vaccine mandate for kindergarteners. Where's the science on it? Because I haven't seen it yet. I'd like to see the science. Laurie Lightweight moves to plan b installs bleeding control kits all throughout Chicago. Okay, there you go. We're not going to stop people from shooting each other every weekend. So I just putting in bleeding control kits. I think I've heard it all by reading that unbelievable