Conservative vs. Liberal - 1.18

Published Jan 19, 2017, 1:47 AM

James O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas faces off against the Huffington Post's Ryan Grim in a debate over just how vicious liberals have been talking about in their efforts to stop the inauguration services. Grim started off praising O'Keefe but did fall back into his more liberal ways to defend some of the specific stories of planned violence. The Sean Hannity Show is live Monday through Friday from 3pm - 6pm ET on iHeart Radio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio show podcast Okay, Winner is on the way. And if you listen to this show, you know there's only one product that I absolutely rely on when I get a sore throat or a scratchy throat, and that's the delicious Pine Brothers Softish Throat Drops. Now it's the only throat trop that has ranked number one and throat coating action number one. And I mean you can literally feel it that coating of your throat with their gumm acacia, their plant glycer and of course they're delicious natural flavors. Now, they're amazing. My favorite as wild cherry and licorice. I also love the honey and liquorice. Now, I've heard a lot of people onto Pine Brothers. You want to know the first three things that come out of their mouth. One, they're delicious, I can feel them coat in my throat. And wow, they're soft, almost like a gummy bear. Yeah, I know they're soft. That's why they're called Pine Brothers Softish throat Drops. Now, work with me, people, So this season, look, you're gonna have some throat issues and do what I do to soothe my golden throat, I use Pine Brothers throat drops. You will love this product. It's worth every penny. You can find Pine Brothers at CBS, Select, Walmart, Target Shop right why because they are the best? All Right? Glad you with a Sean Hannity show. Yep, two days, it's all over. It's done. By the time we get on the air two days from now, less than forty eight hours, Barack Hussein Obama's presidency will be over. E's in the process of holding his last press conference, and we'll probably get to some of that in the course of the show today. Alright, So, all week we've been telling you about this ongoing sting operation by Project Veritas and James O'Keefe, and then we had this article come out by the Washington bureau chief of the Huffing and Post guys. Actually not a bad guy, Ryan Grimm, He's been on the program before. And Ryan Grimm counter sting catches O'Keefe network attempting to soak chaos at Donald Trump's inauguration. The stinger gets stung. And the only problem is, and I looked at the little bit of video that they had put out there, on this It was not the same operation, totally different, and perhaps it was conflated. I don't know. We'll get to the bottom of it. Uh. And we'll have a Hannity Classic shootout coming up in the second hour of today's program a little less than one hour from right now, and we hope you can join us for that. We have the issue of Chelsea Manning and the commutation by President Obama and why that he did this. Uh No, I don't want a bit of Obama live nobody. No, why do you do this at the beginning of the show? You interrupt me? You talk in my ear? How am I supposed to continue my monologue? I put your microphone on. What do you want? Wasn't interrupting you? My job is to alert you when there's breaking news. Okay, I'm telling of you. Of the fifty stations that are carrying this radio program right now, not one of them wants to carry Obama's press conference. I did not say that anybody wants to dip into the stupid press conference for thirty seconds, so I don't lose my audience. Uh, Folks in other countries, so you know, I use that as a metaphor. And if in fact, we continue to keep opportunity open everybody to stay age. We had the farewell, we had the speech, we had the Michelle's speech, we have the speech to speech to speech, and he can't tell the truth about how bad he was anyway, goodbye. You know what's gonna happen to him. I'll go into this. He is gonna get off the stage. And this is my opening monologue on TV tonight. I tried in so many different interviews with George W. Bush to get him to take a shot back at Obama because Obama, remember the early years of the Obama presidency, bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush bush Bush bushsh fault. And I do this whole thing on stage. If the dog bites you, it's not the dog's fault. It's not your fault ripping the bone out of the dog's mouth. If you're a dopey liberal, it's George W. Bush's fault. You know, if you take a baseball bat and you knock down a wasp nest, it's not the wasp fault. You get stung, It's it's not you know the fact that, uh, you're too stupid to hire an exterminator, So that can't be your fault and you expected a government extermination service, or you're a liberal and you want everything for free. No, that would be George Bush's fault. Do you drink too much Jack Daniels and you have a hangover the next day, or Budwise or whatever the hell is you drink or wine, or if you're Whino and you wake up the next morning and you have a headache, it's it's not your fault. It's not Jack Daniel's fault. That's Bush's fault. Serious, if you get pregnant, it's not your fault. That's probably Bill Clinton's fault. Actually, I don't think I blame that sucker on George Bush. Uh. It's ridiculous. And every time I'd ask Bush, you'd have too much class, Obama's not. I'm predicting he's not gonna have that much class. You gotta understand something. This man is headed for the most difficult time in his life. He is, and I know he's gonna try and make it up and go out and give speeches. It's never gonna be the same again. He's not gonna have the same invite, he won't be the president anymore. And what he's gonna have a hard time dealing with is Donald Trump, who has said today that he is gonna undo all the he's illegal, unconstitutional executive actions. Because Obama didn't have the wherewithal or the political courage to go out there as a coequal branch of government working with the legislative branch to pass legislation the way it should be passed. He just ruled through executive fiat and executive orders, and he's come up and it's costing US billions and billions and even trillions of dollars in new regulations, etcetera. And Donald Trump is gonna sit there for a few hours. He's either gonna do it on Friday or I'll do it Monday. And he's gonna wipe out sevent of everything Obama did. And Obama is gonna know it, and it's he's not going to be able to handle it. I predict he'll go into a deep depression. I really do. I don't think he's gonna be able to cope. And then when you when obama Care is repealed and replaced his signature legislation, He's not gonna be able to handle that either. That's nine of It's almost like he'll be the man that never was. Everything will vanish in seconds, and he'll know it, and it will drive him insane. It will, and he's not gonna be able to shut up. He's not gonna go away and show the same class that George W. Bush showed him and the same respect that George W. Bush showed him. And he's gonna be on the campaign trail constantly, because that's the only thing he liked while being president anyway, was the adoration so and the accouterments, if you will, that accompany such a high position, like flying in Air Force one to Hawaii and sending your wife on a separate plane and lying on your own plane to where did he go? Nantucket, whatever the island? He went to Martha's, Matha's vineyard wherever he went. And then of course Michelle following later in another plane. And we pay him for the whole thing, paid a fortune for them to live the high life. Now he's gonna get rich, he's gonna go out and do speeches and make a lot of money, etcetera, etcetera. But the truth is, it will be he's like the President that never existed. It will be like the only thing we have left is the doubling of our national debt, him accumulating more debt than every president before him combined, and the horrible judicial picks that have lifetime appointments. Beyond that, there's nothing left. It'll all be wiped away because he couldn't deal doing it the right way, the constitutionally prudent way. And he tried to govern and rule as a king with executive fiat and executive orders. You know, too bad. He's not going to be back community organizing in his hometown of Chicago, where four thousand people, mostly African Americans, were killed during the course of his presidency, and maybe get on the ground and try and stop the violence in his home city of Chicago. He's not gonna do anything like that. He cares so much. He's going to Palm Springs. That's where he's going, Palm Springs, California, Little Rest. And we were west and we wax say we ought to have a pool. How soon it's gonna be when he leaves office? Until he begins the process of unloading on Trump, we really should do a pool. I don't know how do we do a pool like that? On Hannity dot com? Can we do that? Could you figure that out, Well, then we're gonna have more people. But then people have to pay money. Then that's betting. The only people that are allowed to have gambling operations is the government. We could do a poll, that's yeah, not as good as my idea. I mean, I participate with the Christ and Tony football poll every football pool every year. No, there is no money associated with it. Yeah there is. But you know, think about this, the government as a monopoly on gambling and lotto and lottery and or if you what if I wanted to compete in New York and start my own Latto system and I'll say, okay, five percent will benefit the children and education, I'll do it the same way the government does. If I set that up, uh, that would be called illegal, and they'd handcuffed me, perp walk me and mug shoot me and send me to prison with Bubba and that's where I'd spend the rest of my years. Probably It's ridiculous. So anyway, so we have the Chelsea Manning issue also coming up. We'll probably delve into that in the course of the program today. But anyway, so this conflict that was going on, we're gonna have James O'Keefe debating Ryan Grimm on this whole thing. And but this is what we now know. We now know there are tapes of people that are talking about this disrupt J twenty group. They're on tape saying that they want to chain individual cars to trains at every train location to shut down the DC Metro service when no, they're on records saying they want to shut down at least one bridge. They want to shut down. They have plans anarchists J twenty groups planning protests and city nationwide on Friday, the DC ones will get the most attention. And you know, then on top of it, there's an audio tape of them saying, Oh, we want to burn down people's houses and we're gonna go to war with you, and we want to put acid puraric acid in the h v A C ducks UH to ruin the parties that people are going to and disrupt the balls that people are going to. And it even gets worse than that. You know, the group Anonymous is out there. They've threatened that Donald Trump will regret the next four years as president. They're urging their followers to investigate his past for shady connections ahead of what's happening on Friday, the group which declared quote total war on Donald Trump ahead of the election last year and now calling on supporters to look for any information they can reveal about him. Uh. It then threatened you're going to regret the next four years. Allegations aren't substantiated, and it's not clear what the actions Anonymous followers will take, but it certainly is a call to arms to do something more than just complaining. These are the exact words. Go get him. It's your duty as adults. We gave you the resources, used them, said Anonymous on one of its affiliated Twitter accounts. The threat came after Trump tweeted that the outgoing c I chief John Brennan couldn't do much worse. Just look at Syria, the red line, crimea Ukraine in the build up of Russian nukes. Not good anyway, Anonymous. This group is made good by the way on their threats to Trump in the past. After declaring war on President elect Trump back in March of a series of leagues purported to be from Trump's phone were spread online. Dubbed Opera op White Rows, it called information included voicemails and telephone numbers At the same time, on verified personal details, including phone number and contact details of close aids, were posted online. The group also brought down the Trump Tower New York website after Trump for a brief period and leak further personal voicemails and protests of his rhetoric towards Muslims. Controversial groups, including the Clan the Islamic State, have also been victims of anonymous which, by the way, I can't fault them for that. I hate those hate groups. So but you know, John Kerry, he's not going. Sixty congressmen, they're not going to the inauguration. Chuck Schumer offering his support for these people. I respect where inauguration boycotters are coming from. They have so many irregularities. What is he talking about? Washington Post? You know, think of the outrage of this. Never Trump Republicans are whining they can't get a job at the new Trump White House. Oh let me just let me, let me hire you tomorrow. You don't agree with anything that he stands for. What's the point? You know? Ran Paul is also right by saying somebody should go to jail for the Trump intel leaks. You know what I retweeted today We had Martin Luther King Junior Holiday on Monday, the FBI letter telling Martin Luther King Jr. That they've got all this dirt on him and his personal life and then they're gonna reveal it and expose it. And they basically tell him to kill himself to not have it exposed. So disgusting, But don't worry. That's you know, government of buying four of the people, and the Intel community can't be wrong. Intel community, by the way, James Clapper once had to admit the outright lied to Congress. I can only imagine what would happen if I lied to Congress anyway. Eight nine one, Shawn Toffrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. We got a lot of other news today, but you don't want to miss this second hour of the program with James O'Keefe and Ryan Grimm, the Washington bureau chief of the Huffing and Post. This is gonna get interesting. So, like many of you, I used to suffer from insomnia. No matter what I did, I just couldn't get a perfect night sleep. Well, then I met Mike Lindel, the inventor of my pillow. He got me fitted from my very own my pillow, and it's changed my life. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer, And now you can too. Just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred four six seven ninth teen sixty two used the promo coach Sean to take advantage of Mike's two for one offer. Now, my pillow was made right here in the USA, has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee, day tenure warranty, and by the way, you can even wash it and dry it. Just go to my pillow dot com or call eight h four or six seven nineteen sixty two promo coach Seawn to get Mike's special two for one offer. Alright now till the top of the hour. I'm really glad when I read this today that Justice Clarence Thomas will become the first African American to administer the oath of office, and he'll be using Reagan's Bible. I was hoping this would happen. I just secretly was hoping. I've met Clarence Thomas on a couple of occasions. By the way, he has one of those infectious, really great laughs that of all time. I mean, very very warm, wonderful person. It was very generous to me when I on the occasions that I met him. My last song I think at Rusha's wedding some years ago, and then it was I spent a lot of time talking to him. Then I really enjoyed my time with him, and I think he's one of the great Supreme Court justices in our time. And anyway, Pence will be uh the first elected officials to be sworn in on the Reagan Family Bible, since the late president used it during his inaugurations, and from what I hear, the Bible will be open to the same passage that Reagan used during his inaugurations, which is Chronicles seven fourteen, which is of My people which are called by name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways. Then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and we'll hear heal their land. The presidents are sworn in by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Vice presidents have been sworn in in a variety of elected officials, including Joe Biden sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Sonya Soto Mayor. I think that's pretty cool. It's a great honor for Justice Thomas, and one well deserved, as he's been a victim of such unfair abuse over the years by the left. Starting with his confirmation hearings, Trump is going to order the State Department to focus on terrorism instead of global warming, and he's going to tell them to start using the word radical Islam. These people at the State Department, but they're the same people that are going through these stress management classes and how to learn how to deal with change. If you can't deal with this, you might as well get out of the way. Anyway, Donald Trump is ratcheted up the State Department's role in the war on terror, which, you know, you think, maybe instead of giving a rip about what the U. N. Thinks and given a rip about what countries that hate us think and coming up with ridiculous plans to give the number one state sponsor of terror, you know, billions of our tax dollars, maybe it's time for them to focus on what their real job should be. Anyway, the Trump team wants to restructure the State Department to focus more heavily on counter terrorism. Well, that would reduce the time and resources devoted to climate change. Why is the State Department involved in climate change? You never what are you gonna negotiate with China about their carbon emissions? Good luck with that. We don't have any saying what they're going to do, and anything they promises is meaningless anyway. And we're the only idiots that pay for all of this in the end, because we're the only ones that comply with the stupidity anyway. They talked to State Department officials have been convinced the president Lex transition team that the Department is underutilized, overshadowed by the Pentagon on the White House National Security Council, which have typically taken the lead on the counter terrorism front. How about all hands on deck until we defeat Isis, al Qaeda and radical Islamis around the world. And when you think about terrorism, which we think about a lot today, poverty which is linked obviously to the levels of terror that we see in the world today. Uh, and of course proliferation of weapons and mass destruction, all of these just turn off, just turn it off. He's going to talk about claiming don't go to the inauguration, John, I've voted for the edge of a million before event against it. He's one of these guys that considers himself the great intellectual. You know, I meant many many journalist professors. They couldn't do this show for a day if their life depended on it. They couldn't do a TV show for a night if their life depended on it. You know, there is something that is underutilized in a lot of people's lives. Education is great. Knowledge is awesome. If you can apply knowledge to principles that you you support in your life, and if you can apply the knowledge to the common sense God gave you, there is intuitive, natural knowing. I have found myself in situations in life and I'm not anti until actual at all. As a matter of fact, I love education. I study now more at this point in my life than I have my entire life. And a year's basis, I will read and study more than I did in my entire college experience, which was three years. You know, I will, I will. I will study more in three months than I ever spend time studying in high school. It's it's just the reality of the what my life is. I literally read a book a day. When you consider the pile that sweet baby James brings me in the newspapers that I go through every day. It is the equivalent of a book. I am the fastest reader you'd ever meet, because I have to be, because that's my job. But I have met people that have all of this intellectual knowledge, very very bright people, that they can't even figure out how to put gasoline in their car. I'm serious. I know a kid that went to Yale and couldn't figure out how to put gas in his car. I I know kids. I know people that are so aren't and when I tell them, I'll give you an example. People that are even in I know people that are so smart intellectually that when I give them business ideas, they're like, they can't believe that I thought of it. I'm like, that's common sense to me. What are you missing here? And everybody's got their own gifts. Don't misunderstand me. I love you know. If I had time in my life, I'd love to study to be a doctor. Now by time, I really would. I'm fascinated with operations. If I had time in my life, i'd become a lawyer too. If I had time in my life, I would become I'd study all the time I'd studied all the great philosophers I had. Once again, I once in my life, when I didn't have a TV for a number of years, I read all the Harvard classics, Dante's Inferno and Pilgrim's Progress and all these great books, and I studied them. I actually figured out, you know, and that in what they meant. I'd go deeper into what the meanings of these books were. You know, read the Bible well, the New Testament. I haven't gotten through the Old Testament just reading this stuff. And then I mean, people that are so learned so many degrees, that on basic simple tasks in life are so dumb. I can't They don't even know how to buy a car. They don't know a good deal on a on a house. If it hit them over the head with a two by four, they wouldn't know it. And I'm stunned by that. So I think that you know, in life, once you have a set of core principles, and once you have a natural common sense that guides you in your day to day decision making, then whatever knowledge you add to that only makes you that much smarter and stronger. The knowledge that comes in is applied to principles and applied to common sense. And for common sense, it's not so common anymore. It's so many people that are very smart fall prey to the same bumper sticker slogans, demonization, classification of conservatives every election year. They all right into the trap. And I actually believe we're evil if we're conservative. They believe that anyway. Nicky Haley is planning to blast Obama for his anti Israeli vote when she goes to the u N. Biden is warning Davos in Switzerland that the liberal world order is collapsing, globalism is on the decline. Upset about that, then we have Obama granting clemency to terrorists who helped plant over a hundred bombs. This is an interesting story. The last imprisoned member of the Puerto Rican Independence Group actually have this video on tape back in the seventies. Will be a freeman by May, twenty years ahead of schedule. He's granted a commutation to the f A l N mastermind Oscar Lopez Rivera, who served thirty five years of his fifty five years sentence and during the seventies and eighties, Lopez Rivera was part of the f A l N, which plays more than a hundred and thirty bombs in American cities, including one in New York. On January nine, the explosion went off in the business Roncess Tavern during lunch. Four people died, including Frank Connor at thirty year old thirty three year old father. I know the media has more focused on Chelsea Manning, but that's pretty big to me. GOP rightly so is going ballistic all this talk about you. There's a reason that Obama never talked about the White House being hacked while he's president, the d O dban hack while he's president of the State Department, the Post of the Service, the i r S, the Office of Personal Management twenty three million personnel files hacked by the Chinese. Never mentioned it. Why because it goes against the narrative that he actually cares about hacking, and he doesn't because if he did, well, then he would have done something about it. Anyway, I think, uh oh, Trump is using I think he's using Lincoln's personal Bible. That's pretty interesting. I'm glad Clarence Thomas is gonna be there. I think that's awesome. Good for him. He deserves it. It really does such a nice guy. IM so glad I got to meet him. Obama gets a minus nine percent final grade from the public. Well ed. Klein confirms what I've been saying. He has a source inside the White House that had slept in the Lincoln bedroom dying with the Obama family and the residents got regular updates on you know, what's going on since the election anyway. He says that his source is saying Barack can't wait to get out of the White House. It's now the grimmest place in the world. The atmosphere is funereal. Everybody looks like they lost their best friend and their dog. Barack's supposed to be cheering people up, but that he can barely muster a smile. He knows there's nothing much he can do to make his staff feel any better. And it's getting worse with Trump rolling out his cabinet picks, and they portray him as an angry, deeply hurt depressed Obama who can't get over his party's defeating the polls and he's taking it as a personal rebuke by the American people. That's only gonna get worse. I promise you, that's gonna get much worse. Before all is said and done. Um, let's see what else do we got here today? Yeah, Trump is gonna be sworn in on two special bibles and uh, let's see. One is gonna be his own family given to him by his mother. The other will be Lincoln's Bible, and Clarence Thomas is going to do it for him. Donald Trump, Thank god? Why are Republicans offering this now that they have both Houses of carverse? Trump is saying, we need a ten percent spending cut. That's what we need, and cut federal workers no offense, but we need that too. We don't get that. There's been one little thing apparently the President Obama offered at Potus to Trump, but they only have six point five million followers and Trump has thirteen and a half million followers. He's gonna keep at real Donald Trump. Um a hidden CNN poll. The Washington Examiner pulled up the headline on the CNN poll is confidence drops in Trump transition inside the pole. We'll only Queen Elizabeth and Pope Francis have a higher approval rating than President elect Trump, according to americans asked to consider the world leaders. That's pretty interesting happening today. Arianna now is in the sleep business, and Arianna Huffington is pushing the idea that if Donald Trump got eight hours sleep and put his phone off, that'd be be a much better president in the next four years. You gotta give Arianna credit because there's nothing she's not gonna be able to sell. She's go out there, so turn anything into that anyway, Um, President Electrump will be met with an unsustainable government spending. Let me just tell you one quick thing. And there are a couple of articles that woke me up to this today that sweet baby James had handed to me, and I said, you know, this makes a lot of sense to me. And one was a town hall piece. And now the left war on normal Americans truly begins, United we Fall was in the American Thinker, and I read both these articles and I put it with my own thoughts, and this is what I've come up with. Every effort by the snowflakes to insult Donald Trump is really an attack on you. Every effort to stop his Supreme Court appointments, his vetting ideas, his rolling back regulation and the bureaucracy, lowering corporate taxes, repatriating multinational corporations, eliminating Obamacare, replacing it with health savings accounts, energy independence, education, back to the States, immigration, building, the wall. Everything is going to be met with a fierce, unprecedented resistance and a rhetoric that you probably have never heard before. And I know you think you've heard a lot from the snowflakes. And there's still ongoing, and it's gonna be I guess at his height in the next two days, and we'll be down on Washington for the next two days. But I'm just telling you this is not stopping every single one of those agenda items which he keeps reinforcing. He is going to pursue a rain if aid I don't care. How did closed um and and this stuff is like very efficient, very very selly laugh for a long time, and I know how to get There's a beautiful metal or up the glass liquid in the little ball. You know, we need not recognize, I need eater. If you close down, we will look for you around, We will die, We will go to warn you will lose. And it would be really listening. You could stop them from having before on call, kay, I was taking are things that ruin that we ruin the evening, you know, we ruin their outputs or otherwise make it impossible to continue with their plans to make sure they get nothing accomplishments. But we WEPA the Originally all we could do before that same stuff and I could break the pans with the case with a plunder and step little bands that a state depending things. So all you gotta do is pull the pins and press the poor do the whole pan discardet. We have to do how we have to break sover like what you do? Yeah, and that will as a mission. So that is bad enough. That stuff is nasty enough that that it will spread. It will spread. So we use one person is going to block the other to call out talk about ten seconds and everyone, you can't go and you want to chain you know that required like a bolt cutter undo basically shut down that linevideo was a hit Metter Center gallery place and you're all closed up the walk too. And that's every single line A significant penamal of of us to a dozen that we've talked to so far. At these expressed interest in arrested the actions of the disobedience um. But the agreement that we left Sunday on was we're not going to do that unless, as you pointed out, it's actually effective. It's actually it's not. We're not just looking to get a like a notch to say we got arrested. We want to do it so we can have an impact. All Right, We've continue our story hour or two of the Sean Hannity show, James o'cafe project Veritas and some of the tapes that they got this week. This group that is out there that is involved and threatening to do all sorts of things, uh, burning down houses and stopping trains and bridges and burreautic acid at balls that they'll get into the h v a c system. And this is a group of people called disrupt J twenty, the J twenty group, and a lot of things that have been made now. Uh, as soon as we air the first report, Ryan Grimm, who is the Washington bureau chief for the liberal Huffington Post, made the claim that there was actually a countersting operation going on against James O'Keeffe and that these things apparently were said for his benefit, and an accusation that in fact, James O'Keeffe's people were offering money to shut down a bridge, in other words, inciting people to say these things. Now and James O'Keeffe got his video on tape. He did take it to the d C Metro Police because this was seemingly a terroristic style threat. If you're gonna use this acid and get it in the h v a C ducks, are you're gonna try and chain cars of trains, and you're gonna stop bridges, and you're threatening to burn people homes down, and they took it very seriously. The Secret Service, the Metro, DC Police, the FBI all are investigating apparently anyway. So we decided to bring these two together, James o'cafe, founder of Project Veritas, and Ryan Grimm. And James is very passionate about the fact that they're talking about two very different operations that were going on, and that Ryan Grimm is talking about another case. James, why don't you explain it in your own words? Thank you Sean for having me on. This is pretty straightforward that these these individuals met with our journalists at a restaurant in DC after two months of developing relationships with them, and they told us that they wanted to put acid in the event shafts. They talked about how they want to harm people with cold water from the sprinklers being set off. They went on to talk about other plans involving chains on metro trains, punching people in the throat, and generally calls causing it what they call a cluster f We established relationships with them over the course of a few weeks, and after this meeting on December eighteenth, they sent a number of follow up mails where they see seeds not only are are undercover journalists, but all the other people involved. They were literally a hundred people involved in these group training sessions and discussions in shutting down the inaugural events. So the notion of a reverse sting in this case with these individuals disrupt j twenty Scott Greene and Colin Dunn and Luke con is utterly implausible, not just to me, but to the FBI, the Secret Service, and the counter Terrorism Test Unit, who as I speak is meeting discussing this and and we've confirmed much of the information they already had. Ryan, are you talking about a separate sting operation? I think so, And I don't get the opportunity to say this very often, so I want to. I want to take it right here. I completely agree with James O'Keeffe what he is describing as a separate um operation. As far as I can tell, I wasn't when I wrote my story about the counter sting, I wasn't even actually even aware that that he was sticking this this other group, this j twenty uh you know, group of whatever you'd call a manner because and communists who are who are planning to disrupt the convention. So James is James is absolutely correct. So actually are you praising James O'Keefe's work here, Hey, uh, take it for take it for Awarstown. By the way, is this the same Ryan Grimm that constantly took shots at me after I had you as a guest on this program? Is that the same guy? You? Sure it's you? Are you drinking today? Why did I ever take a shot at you? Sean? I I have, I have missed you greatly since I uh since I was last on now. But so look, I think then what you're saying is what I guess James and I agree on here. If you're talking about putting acid in the hv a C ducks, if you're talking about burning down people's homes, if you're talking about tying chains to trains in the d C railway and you're talking about blocking bridges and you're talking about we'll go to war. That is something that you wouldn't support at the Huffington Post or personally. Yeah, that's right. I mean I do think we want to be careful about kind of undermining the you know what people who have Well, let me then ask you the follow up question. Do you think James O'Keefe did good work here? Then? Yeah, I think I think this is this is probably good work. I think my only my only criticism of it, and I think it I think it is good work. I think he went in there and he I think he probably did accurately, uh, you know, expose what was going on there. My only criticism would be it's a group called Disrupt the Inauguration or whatever the name is, Disrupt J twenty. Like they're very publicly saying that they're going to engage in direct action, which is lefty code word for civil disobedience, breaking breaking laws in order to get arrested, in order to create a disturbance and try to shut down whatever operations going on. So I do think he did good work. I think it's interesting to see the inner workings of a group like this is there a possibility, But I don't think it exposed any hypocrisy, if you know what I mean is is there a possibility because of his work lives could be saved? Lives could be saved, well maybe right, or injuries prevented. Let's let's all hope right. Well, James, I didn't particularly expect that from Ryan Grim today. I expected a big argument in a five that goes my whole show. But we can talk about the other one if you wanted. Well, we'll get to that in a second. What's your reaction to what what Ryan saying? James, I'm not surprised, Joan. I think that I think that I don't know Ryan. I haven't met I haven't spoken to Ryan since he's been on his program. But I think any self respecting report looking at the evidence here, we've laid out the evidence the FBI, Secret Service and members of the d C Metro Police were when when we met with them. And I have some a little bit of news to report on your show, Sean that the U. S. Attorney's Office called our attorney late last night, and my attorney again met with um this Terrorism Joint Task Force today and they told us that um that they're that they're revisiting the matter, and um they're analyzing the tape. And they also said to us, which Ryan now agrees with, this was definitely not a counter sting. They looked at the body language, they looked at the evidence that the emails to them. This was not even close to a counter sting. This is certainly something they were all planning. So I'm not shocked by Ryan's agreement. It is clear these guys are planning this, and you might see and arrest made. You might, you know, as your attorney put out there. I mean, look, I would not be surprised at some point of a group wants to do a reverse thing on you, James, because of the work that you've done and the success you've had and the people you've exposed. And I could see that happening anytime. But you know the fact that you know all of this information, that these people were known by law enforcement, as you said, and the things that they're talking about, there's nothing funny here. There's what I'm hearing here is a bunch of anarchists plotting, scheming and planning to bring not just disruption, but potential harm to people. And you know, I know liberals maybe have a different philosophical belief to me, but I was the one that always said during the Obama years, we have got to protect our president, we have got to protect our our elected officials. And I really really think I believe in the peaceful transfer of power, um. And I think these threats now exists equally for Donald Trump. And that scares me too, because we've got, as I've said old during the years, protect these guys. Well. They they did. When we met with the government, they did. They said they were aware that they were that these individuals leg book care for Luke Coon or their names leg But talked about changing the trains, Luke Coon, talked about burning houses down and putting acid in the in the chafts. They were. The FBI was aware that they were actually planning these activities. They were aware of this, and they thanked us. And I'm going to quote the brief here. Our information was deemed quote helpful and quote confirmed some of the intelligence these agents had already received. Had to hear that, all right, So let's go journalism. It confirms and corroborates with the law enforcement agents, and I could be creating the greatest partnership in the history of media with James O'Keeffe and the huffing and post. But all right, so what is your complaint Ryan about this other issue or the other countersting article you were writing about. Well, I didn't. I didn't have a Actually, if we want to bring a little conflict into the first one and salve, it's that part of it. By the way, I'm only listen if people are safe because of this, I'm really happy. I would I would quival with the throat punching thing like James. James may not know this, but throat punching is it's kind of a word that like ninety pound guys used to like pretend that they're going to annoy somebody, like let's let's go do some throat punching. They're not These are anybody who says that they're going to throat punch something punched anybody. But if you if you add that to burning down people, sure you gotta put it in this context. So what is your disagreement? So I didn't, Well, just to suggest that this ninety pound kid was actually going to punch somebody in the throat, that that was my only disagreement. But you know, he's on tape saying it, so it's you know, no, no fault of James is there. That's that's the only context I would add on the on this, on this, on the separate one, I don't. I didn't really have any uh any complaint with anything that um Project Verry Toss was doing. But this, this was a really fascinating little situation where you had, and I presume Alison Moss was recording the exchange as well the Project Verry Toss operative. You had two people sitting at a restaurant filming each other, each one trying to get the other to say incriminating things so that they could expose the other. All right, stop right there, Hang on, James, do you agree with that assessment or no? Yeah, I think that's generally true. Allison is one of our reporters. She she was actually she was, Yes, she was wearing a hidden camera, but she was just asking questions about what do you guys had planned? You know, she was acting like Ryan would act if Ryan was at the huffing and post this. By the way, what we're talking about now is a completely separate thing, a completely separate group. A few weeks ago that that Ryan uncovered last QUI, did you did she offer money to shut down a bridge? Absolutely not, absolutely not. This is a cat and mouse that wasn't Ryan's peace. All right, we'll pick it up there when we get back. Eight hundred nine for one Shan James O'Keeffe and Ryan Grimm. Eight hundred nine for one Shawn is a number we'll get to your calls. Also coming up, we know you never want to miss the Sean Hannity Show, and now you never have to. Just sign up for Hannity Headlines, bite sized version of the show that you can take with you on your laptop, your mobile phone every where you go, even to your liberal in law's place in Vermont. So um, yeah, and after a few hours of that, you'll be glad you've brought Shawn along. To sign up today for Hannity Headlines. Go to Hannity dot com. Alright, till the top of the hour, we continue our discussion from the last half hour. James O'Keeffe, the founder of Project Veritas, Ryan Grimm, who is the Washington bureau chief of the Huffing The Post. I was expecting a big fight in the last hour based on an article that Grimm had written in the Huffing Them post. But we're able to all come to agreement that James O'Keeffe's work about this disrupt j twenty group that he got on tape talking about things like chaining train cars at the station at the DC Metro and shutting down the entire train transportation system in d C and stopping people from going over bridges and dropping acid in the hv A C system and burning down people's homes and going to war with people. Even Ryan Grimm thinks that this was pretty good work, which is pretty interesting. And then it led to a wider discussion about journalism in America today. And if you look at the approval ratings of journalism and the mainstream media in particular, Ryan, what do we see. We see that they are Their believability and trustworthiness is at an all time low. We learned through wiki leaks that there was massive collusion from many networks and many publications with the Hillary Clinton campaign, even the right to edit pieces in the New York Times or Politico or questions fed to Hillary before town hall events. And it gets worse from there. You know, we saw Matha Rabbit's crying she had moderated a debate once it was announced that Donald Trump became president, John Harwood bragging that he got under Trump's skin and and he obviously had a bias, and all of this was revealed. And I think this is now the state of new journalism. And by the way, I would include the Huffing a Post in this and Matt Drudge and the Drudge Report. And then we've got Project Veritas that in many ways has gone back to old style journalism, which is going undercover and and breaking stories the way they have and had a big impact in the election, and it's having a big impact now. And then there's people that hate talk radio like Obama, and hate the Fox News Channel like Obama. And Obama attacked me by name at least a dozen times. And then you have your colleagues in the mainstream media. I don't consider you mainstream though, Ryan, to be honest, they consider you a compliment. Well, I consider you pretty hard left. I mean your paper everyone's talking about or online Huffing and Post was talking about how Donald Trump's not a legitimately elected president. That's ridiculous to me. But you have an opinion, you have a readership, you have I guess a constituency that you're appealing to, and you have every right to do. Appreciate that, and maybe Obama will change his opinion now that he's in retirement and has more time to listen to talk radio in the afternoon. And I tend to think he's got better things to do than listen to me talk about how horrific is eight years about h Well, I can give you the statistics. I can give you the statistics, but I guess look, let's go back to sixty minutes for just a second. James O'Keefe, you remember Mike Wallace. I mean, I know Chris and Mike Wallace was probably the best at it. Sixty minutes built their reputation doing this on a regular basis. And now, yes, yes, Sean, I mean I'm very young. I was born in the mid eighties, but yes, I remember my I've looked at the videos. I've read history because I'm i and I read the history of journalism. I see that they used to confront corporate ceo as they used to go in. Some called it yellow journalism, but they used to go in and they used to make people shake in their boots and there and they're just hasn't been that happen over the last eight years. And Sean, I've been on your program a number of times. I've been served criminal grand jury subpoenas. I've been harassed by my government. Eric Holder came after me after we did the voter fraud in New Hampshire. I can tell you story after story about power coming after us, but I would go a step further than than than you know what Ryan said about you said. Ryan has opinionated in his journalism. At Veritas, we don't even state opinions. We just show things. We show the reality. And you have to take this stuff because no one would believe me otherwise. I don't editorialize, I don't use adjectives to describe things. And the American people are upset at journalists in my opinion, because they read these articles and they're so planted. They use flowery language describe events. Barratas just goes in and films and stuff, and we let people speak in their own words, and we need more. And don't you usually also release the unedited version as well on your website. Yeah, we sometimes do. Sometimes we have to be careful about revealing our undercover people are revealing our sources, but no journalists in their right mind. This is another way they hold me to a higher standard releases their full raw notebooks. If they did, if The New York Times did, if CNN did, if CBS did, you would see a different story. That's why Katie Kurt got sued for defamation when she edited that video where they showed the gun people reacting and they were all quiet and confused. When you look at the raw, they immediately responded. So journalists cut and edit and mince words and used hyperbole, by the way, you know, cuts every interview up as sixty minutes. They never air the entire interviews. Sometimes they'll add it now to sixty minutes online other parts, but it's still edited, and I usually try to do I try to do sometime for the constraints of time, I have to cut this with that out, but I try and air my interviews as they are. People want people want access to raw, unfiltered information, and social media is allowing that to happen. That's why Facebook and Twitter the market share right now. And and we're not yet at the tipping point, but we're reaching a tipping point where at some point people are just gonna say I don't believe you to the television, and they're gonna go right. They want to see the raw information. That's why Veritas is successful. But Sean, you and I both know that many mainstream media platforms are scared to give to give air to these stories because they're just that effective. Listen, I get I get in trouble just for putting you on the air. I mean, I get people don't. My audience doesn't particularly like Ryan Grimm, but I'm putting him on the air. Ryan, why didn't you when your story came out the countersting catches James O'Keefe network attempting to so chaos a Trump's inauguration. The stinger gets stung when you put that out, and then you saw the way it was being interpreted. Why didn't you speak out how his story was being misconstrued in the public and that this was a separate issue and a separate example. Well, the first time hearing that these were presumed to be the same thing is you're not hearing it for the first time. You know what the subject matter was before you came on the air and we talked, No, no, I know the subject matter. I didn't know that people were conflating the j twenty and the whatever you would want to call the other one that I wrote about, the the the A T A as as I understand it, Correct me if I'm wrong. It came out your your latest one came out on Monday? Is that right? Right? So one day I was off Monday. Here here's where, here's why I would shown not argue. But Ryan, I think you knew that people are conflating the two. In fact, some of these corporate media n t s are using your article currently as the reason not to air the story. And the fact that you're on Shawn's program right now clearing the air saying there's a there's nothing to do with one or the other that changes the game. I agree with you that that is a game changer because I know for a fact that people were complating in the two issues. Let me let me, let me, let me, let me expand cleared that up on Twitter. If I if I thought that was let me expand this into the decision, well you do, I guess you can tweet it out right after this, but after Obama and his decision on Chelsea Manning to commute the sentence. Now again I mentioned that the Pentagon Papers some time ago. Okay, so he's going to commute the sentence. How does this impact in both of your minds Julian Assange and Wiki Leaks, which all they did was print what was handed to them. Is that any different from what the New York Times did with the Pentagon Papers? Your thoughts, Ryan Grimm? The big problem that they have always had with Julian Assangs that they called it the New York Times problem because, you know, because the New York Times were, you know, cooperated with Wiki Leaks and publishing a lot of the a lot of the manning materials, it would be very difficult for them to go after Sane without also going after the New York Times. Supposedly, you know, Assange thinks that there is a sealed indictment of him. I don't even know what the charges would be. Well, I think the Department of Justice under Loretta Lynch is said that if they did go after Julian Osans, they would have to go after other journalists, and it makes it impossible for them to do so. In other words, do you think, you know, would any other news organization have gone with us? I think history proves that they probably would have, and that the culprit, the person that broke the law, that stole the materials was Chelsea Manning. Right, so, and the sources. You know, somebody who leads classifying information is always at risk, um of of getting caught. I think, if you are presented with this information, would you have run it as an exclusive for the Huffing and Post? Yes, but no, I wouldn't run it the way that wiki Leaks ran it, which is just to kind of dump it all on the site. What I would do is I would go through it and find that the news worthy aspects. But um, I have before published um classified information, and I would do it again if I felt like it was Well, if you ever get arrested it, I honestly would do this. I will go visit you in jail and I'll bring you a cake with a file on it. I take care appreciate that. What are your thoughts on this, James o'kese, I would say there's a distinction between people stealing information like Manning did, or breaking the law criminally breaking the law, and by the way, sometimes in the like in the case of Snowden, you can be a hero and the trader. It's not necessarily. You don't have to be one or the other. You can you can, you can sometimes, as Martin Luther King said, you can some laws are unjust. But he did break the law, and and some would argue was pretty heinous, and how he did. It's a distinction between breaking the law like that and just breaking information that someone else gives to you. There's a total distinction there. If someone came to me with information and I thought it was important for the public to see it and it and it didn't jeopardize that a responsibility, I would publish it, but I wouldn't go hack into the system and do all the illegal things that There is a huge distinction there, and we have to remember that. And we're talking about, well, you know, I mean this this whole charge that somehow the Russians were involved in the election, when we know they didn't hack into our voting machines and they had no impact on the voting of people. But you know, you can't get away from this aspect of the story, which is Hillary Clinton did not secure as she was required to by law, top secret information Special Access program information, and that her emails were hacked because she put a server in a mom and pop shop, bathroom closet, and we now have confirmed, I know, Fox confirmed with certainty that at least five foreign intelligence agencies had gotten into this. And everyone's all concerned about this. But in the Obama years, I doubt the having a post reported that the White House had been hacked, the d O D had been hacked, the State Department had been hacked, the I R S had been hacked. They actually broke the story that, uh, the White House had been hacked, did you? And then of course we have the Office of Personnel Management three million personal files hacked by the Chinese. Obama never discussed it. Yeah, I didn't break that one, but turned out my my wife's files were in there because she had done a clerkship that you know. There are millions and millions of people I know, But what nobody talked about that nobody that was pretty big. It really wasn't that big. If Obama didn't talk about it, that's that's tells you where his priorities are. Doesn't that suggest that talking about Russia and the case of Hillary Clinton's server and somehow they're not responsible and Russian hacking without any evidence whatsoever to confirm it there's also distinction between hacking and election and showing people's emails. Let's just let's assume Russia showed the emails. It's not hacking an election. That's like a form of transparency to show what people are doing hacking an election, like the videos in Philadelphia where they were literally telling people who to vote for the election judges, you know, and here's another people who. And then it's even worse than that because Obama, you know, used tax prayer money and tried to influence the election against our our biggest ally beb Netanyahu. And that's just a fact, right, I mean, the United States has been flipping elections, either by by force or by other other settlement means of influence for more than a hundred years, that's for sure. Yeah, And nobody really paid attention to that except for people like me. Were pretty mad about a lot of those. And I know it bothers Ryan to no end that this show is as popular as it is and Hannity the TV show happier. You're such a liar. You're such a liar. I used to say, do you say hi to Ariana for me? But she's not there anymore? Is she off? They hie to her for you. Now she's not, she's she has moved on to bigger and better things. Well, I still like Arianna. She's nuts, but I like her. And now she's talking about well, if Donald Trump slept eight hours a day, he'd be doing so much better in the next thing four years. All Right, you know what, this turned into something totally unexpected, but I think a very worthwhile conversation, and you both contributed a lot to it. Thank you both, Ryan, Welcome back, James. I think today's a vindication day for you and good for you. Thank you for the work you're doing. I hope that lives are saved as a result of that work. Thank you. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload in the final hour of the Sean Hannity Show. Okay, the front, they're already plucked the whole front, which means it's already funk. Hotel is already shut down. I think what we should do is we should run up. They're gonna peak out, but we're just going up to the Derreka. We're not gonna find already run Donald Trump, Donald Trump, no, k k K, don't pass you kak al Right. News round up and information overload. Our here on the Sean Hannity Show that was at the Trump Hotel in Washington, d C. It's our snowflake snowstorm update. You got the group Anonymous now calling on followers to actually attack Donald Trump. The group has declared a total war on Trump. Uh. They did this ahead of the election last year. They're calling on supporters to look from Reveal for any information they can find. You're going to regret. They threatened the next four years. Really anyway, they are urging followers to investigate his past shady connections ahead of this inauguration week and then the allegations are in substantiated, not exactly clear that they'll take it, but put it. They put out a call to arms, go get him. It's your duty as adults. We have the resources, use them. The threat came after Trump tweeted out that the outgoing c i A Chief John Brennan couldn't do much worse. Just look at the red line in Crimea and Ukraine and the build up of Russian nukes. It's not wood Anonymous, by the way. It's involved in hacking, collecting and all that sort of thing. Anyway, they have made good on threats to Trump in the past. After declaring war with the President elect. In March of sixteen, the series of leaks purporting to be from Trump's phone were spread online and the information included voicemails and telephone numbers. At the same time, unverified personal details, et cetera were of close aids were posted online. And then of course in the group brought down the Trump Tower New York website after Trump for brief period and leaked personal further voicemails of his rhetoric towards Muslims. That's just one group. And of course we have the latest O'Keefe video planning to blockade the Trump inauguration, and of course John Kerry he's not going to the inauguration. We're now up to sixty plus Democrats that are not going. Uh. Then we have Chuck Schumer I respect where the inauguration boycotters are coming from. They have so many there have been so many irregularities. Washington Post never Trump. Republicans are whining about not getting a job at the House. Why would they hire you if you don't support what they're doing? Now you just want a job. You think it's your due to get a job, and Ram Paul actually said somebody should go to jail for the Trump intel leaks. CNN. Of course, we've got great debate battles going on there with one of their host I guess contributors suggesting that people that support Trump that happened to be black Americans or mediocre negros. Sheriff David Clark had to weigh in on that and fired back at that stupid comment, ignorant comment, Robert Reich's weight in. And then you've got Josh Ernest making an unsubstantiated claim against Congressman Tom Price, who is slated to be the Health and Human Services secretary anyway. Joining us now, Lieutenant Colonel Buzz Patterson is with us, author of the book bestseller Dereliction of Duty and eye witness account of how Bill Clinton compromised America's national security. Gary Byrne, a decorated White House Secret Service veteran who witnessed a lot of the obscenity filled rages and violent behavior at the Clinton White House. He wrote the book Crisis of Character, a White House Secret Service officer discloses his firsthand experience with Hillary Bill and how they operate. Welcome both of you to the program. Gary, I'll start with you and think back to your capacity of being outside the Oval Office for all those years when Bill Clinton was president. The Secret Service is referring to this inauguration as as the most unique in terms of threats that they've ever experienced. Do you see that? Yeah? I do, Sean. First of all, it's nice to be with you again. And I worked three inaugural fliers in the Second Service Uniform Division, two for President Clinton and one for George W. And they're they're they all have some similarities, which they're always very large. Um. Two of the most important things that you know about the inaugurals is during the same place every four years. But that also gives the Secret Service of the advantage of they've done this many times. Um, them and their partners with the FBI and other law enforcements. You know, they'll have to direct together, believe me, but it is it is a huge hand. Well, this is a massive undertaking. I mean, I've I've got to assume you need a literally a bubble created, a three hundred sixty degree bubble where anybody that wants to get inside that bubble needs to be checked. Is that possible? Yes, it is from the White House all the way up to the capital, about two or three blocks left in right of that that path will be closed off, pretty much like the security you would need to get into an airport. Well what if what if somebody? And I'm I'm I'm thinking out of the box here because these sounds like this sounds like real threats by real people. And look, I know a lot of people discussed this one when Obama came in office, President Obama and and and people thought about the threat assessment then. And now we've got these people that are opening openly threatening Donald Trump. What does that mean for the Secret Service? And what if somebody, God forbid snuck a gun in already? Right, all those things you're talking about are possible, not likely. But here's one thing that there are threats. Do get to speak a service now? That gives them reason to go and start interviewing them. Right now, both speeds at are pulling people, you know, uh, figuring they already know who a lot of these people are, start pulling them aside, start interviewing them, and uh, and maybe they can actually beating with some of this stuff now because that they were open threats. Okay from your position, Lieutenant Colonel Buzz Patterson. To me, this is a massive undertaking and a great risk for everybody. Well, it definitely is on. And I was in the inauguration and also in the parade back to the White House, and I remember how massive it was back in those days. There are probably today about twenty eight thousand security officers and officials that are working this secret Service guys, FBI, Park Police, Capital Police, National Guard. Is actually what they call the Multi Agency Command Center of the MAC, which has all these agencies there in the room communicating with each other while this goes on. It's a it's a massive, huge pot print, a massive undertaking, and I do believe this is a very unique one in terms of the threat that done on some faces. I have no have no doubt, however, whatsoever, that the Sickeret Service guys, the FBI, they've all done their job. They're doing their digital right as we speak. Their space over the Washington is used to be closed on Friday. They won't beat the way anybody can can get from the air or on the ground in my estimation. All right, so do you think that this is a different time and do you think the threat that that they're talking about openly. Do you do you view this as a real, clear present danger. Do you think it's any don't you think every president is facing this threat? Now I think it's a little different this time because one of the things that we've got three of us know but we just haven't discussed yet here is in the last eight years, President Obama has gone out of his way to reduce the respect the best way to put it here, to reduce the respect of law enforcement. Now you've got thousands and thousands of anarchists who don't really respect to law enforcement like they used to. They think it's okay to attack them, and that will play into what we see happen on in our room. Explain what you mean by that a little more detail. So you know when President one of the first things to happen when President Obama took office was this friend of his that was a professor got arrested for destroying private property and he was arrested by the police. And the first thing that the President Obama said was the police officer did something stupid because he knew this guy, which is incredibly, uh, kind of silly to say. And then later on we saw President Obama. Whenever you know, something happened with uh, somebody getting shot, an African American getting shot, they right away they took the side of the of the so called victim, and they basically attacked a law enforcement, law enforcements to aggressive law enforcements. This law enforcement does the best they can with the tools they have, and then nine nine percent of the time they get it right. Yeah, Well, it's that one percent of the time I guess that we've got to worry about. And I even't even mentioned radical Islamic terrorism. And I'm sure desire by isis to take this moment where we have a change in government and the peaceful transfer of power and use it to their advantage if they see one. Yeah, I have to say, also shown that there's also a lot of programs in place that exists around the clock to the White House and the President that are already there existing in terms of having hospitals on alert, will be evacuation roots planned, um, they'll have helicopter pix wing assets on alert around the area to get Mr Trump, President TRUP out of harm's relation that come to that. So this is not unusual that we have high security around the president. President Trump, I think is an usual um uh protected as it were. But that's what we reassure everybody to ate. A lot of presidents when a lot of presidents, when they are in the inaugural parade after they've taken the oath of office and they go down Pennsylvania Avenue, a lot of them over the years get out of the car for a period of time and they walk. Yeah, so that part of the motorcade is there's a there's a point there where the Secret Service they've already told the president there's a point if you want to get out of the car, this is where you can get out. And they've taken some some um security. So in other words, that would be a predetermined area, absolutely, and it's gonna be the secured area close to the band stands because the standard they bet because that stands. That's not just a bunch of bleachers. The colonel can tell you that it takes about a month to build it and it's like a regular structure. It's just temporary. This is something that maybe I shouldn't even ask, but I'll ask anyway. Would this be an event where the president and the incoming president the outgoing president would probably be wearing a vest, you know what their shift leaders and themselves for that particular day. It depends what protecting they are. Yeah, were exactly right. It was always situational in my time, they're shown him a situational the president, President Clitt in this case would take the advice of the of the of the lead and where what he did on Occasionally my time there were one I would I would probably advocate that in the situation. Yeah, and that is there is there a possible Is there such a vest design now that nobody would even know you had it on? Yeah, they're they're they're pretty good with that. Actually, I just got I just got the chance to stop too long ago to look at some some modern um. The president has access to the latest stuff nowadays. What they're wearing is the state of the yard. It is dinner and it will stop rifle ball. So yeah, it's out there, absolutely, But then that doesn't stop a headshot. Doesn't know it does not, and that's where the Secret Service comes in and so scared. But all we're talking about here so scary. When I just read to you what Anonymous and all these other groups are doing, you know what does that due to your antenna because it puts my TenneT through the roof. Well, for me, it's just been it would be another day of the office. I mean that's what the Secret Service and the FBI and their partners. They're doing this. This is what they go through every day. It's just I don't want to make it sound a lack of datable or or or I'll bet I'm laid back about it, but it's the it's the threat. Just like what the colonel had to do with what his job was at the White House. I mean he might have had to run up there with those codes and and help the president launch an attack. It's just what the job is, all right, guys, I want to thank you both our thoughts and prayers, and I said, there's many times during the Obama years to my thoughts and prayers. We must protect our elected officials. And what I'm reading sounds pretty scary every day. But if I win, I am going to instruct my Attorney General to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception, there has never been anything like it, and we're gonna have a special prosecutor. When I speak I go out and speak. The people of the country are furious. In my opinion, the people that have been long term workers at the FBI are furious. There has never been anything like this where emails and you get a subpoena, You get a subpoena, and after getting the subpoena, you delete thirty three thousand emails and then you ascid wash him or bleach him, as you would say. So we're gonna get a special prosecutor and we're gonna look into it, because you know what people have been Their lives have been destroyed for doing one fifth of what you've done. And it's a disgrace and honestly, you ought to be ashamed of you. That's old Senator Cane last night. If either of our sons in the military handled classified information the same way Secretary Clinton did, they'd be court martials. I mean, that's the hard truth of all this. And the American people are tired of You saw the man with a picture of the submarine. His mother goes around, she's devastated, devastated took pictures of a submarine. They took the kid who wanted some use of the submarine. That's an old submarine. They got plenty of pictures of the enemy. Wats them, They've got plenty of them. He wanted them, took a couple of pictures. They put him in jail for a year. I saw his mother the other night on television. I'll tell you what, folks, we've never been in a situation like this. Why didn't they protect a kid has taken a couple of pictures of a submarine that's an old submarine, and they put him in jail. They put him in jail. Lovely family, lovely mother. They put him in jail because he wanted to have some remembrance of where he worked. Let's be clear, Chelsea Manning has served a tough prison sense. So the notion that the average person who was thinking about disclosing vital classified information would think that it goes unpunished, I don't think would get that impression from the sentence that Chelsea Manning has served. It has been my view that, given she went to trial, that due process was carried out, that she took responsibility for her crime, that the sentence that she received was very disproportional, disproportionate relative to what uh other leakers had received. Really so Manning was convicted of stealing and distributing SEVENFOD military documents, which was published both by Wiki Leaks and The New York Times and others. But Manning is the one that stole them, and that sentence was community. And then Donald Trump was talking about, of course, Christian Saucier, and he got a one year federal prison term because he was proud that he worked in a submarine and for his own private personal use, he took six pictures inside the submarine. And by the way, other sailors had done the same thing and nothing happened to them, or they got a slight slap on the wrist. And this guy is now in jail while his mother and his wife and his baby girl waiting for Daddy to get out of prison. Six pictures of a submarine. Really. Kathleen Saucier is the mother of Christian Saucier, the U. S. Navy sailor, and Dr Jeff Atticott is the director of the Center for Terrorism Law at St. Mary's University School of Lawn, San Antonio, and he took up Christian's case pro bono because he feels that Christian Saucier is experiencing an injustice at the hands of the U. S. Military and government. Kathleen, I'm just assuming you're wishing that this at least commutation, but hopefully a pardon was given to your own son. Absolutely, and I'm grateful that you had both of us on because um, Jeffrey has supported and taken on the fight along with Ron, who you met the last time we were on, and he submitted a pardon request to the president administration, President Obama. We understand there's time constraints and things like that, but hearing this news about Chelsea Manning as well as General Cartwright today the same thing. I'm sure there's to be even more today and tomorrow, it just shocks me. It disgusts me. As you said, to hear seven fifty thousand that she admitted she was wrong, she accepted responsibility. Those are all the same things that my son did. He said, Okay, look, I took six photos, never transmitted them, never anything like that. And he's sitting in Have you have you heard it all from the White House since you submitted this application for a pardon pardon? I have not personally, but I'll let Jeffrey Atticott speak. Jeffrey, has anybody heard from the White House and now since Obama now has commuted one thousand, three d eighty five sentences, more than any president in the history of the country, and has granted two d and twelve pardons. Have you heard anything in this case, No, not yet. That we have two petitions we submitted one for clemency and the other four pardon and to get a pardon, of course, you have to also submit a request for a waiver. We haven't heard anything. Of course, in a bureaucracy. Uh. You know, I didn't really expect to hear anything, did you Do you have anybody on Capitol Hill that is pleading your case for you? Well, we're reaching out to everybody, and that's why we're very grateful Sean be on your show, because it's a matter of putting his tastes on the fast track where somebody in the Trump administration picks up the phone to the parton Attorney's office and says, you know, I want this on my desk in two weeks so I can make a determination. Uh. I was a military officer. I was the senior legal advisor to all the United States Army Special Force of the Green Braves. Twenty years in the military, so I know what classification is and what deece on the seriousness of these types of matters, but in this case, it's a gross injustice. What happened to the sailor and we all know the reason that it happened. He was a He was, you know, put on the altar of political correctness because the FBI was being criticized along with the Department of Justice, that they were doing nothing about Clinton's classified issues. So they held him out and they said, oh, really, we are concerned with classified stuff. They took this caste from the Navy who had jurisdiction and they crucified him. Unbelievable. And Kathleen, when Donald Trump talked about that, that was the night or was the day after you had appeared my television program. He had watched it on my show and even asked me about it at one point. And so I don't know what Obama's gonna do. And one I asked to wonder in these final hours, if I wonder if Hillary Clinton gets some type of pardon in other words, for remember, if you go back to Watergate and Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford for crimes committed or may have been committed, the power of the pardon is absolutely no. There is absolutely nothing you can do if you get a pardon. But I gotta tell you if if you haven't heard from anybody, I would suspect that this is not on the front burner. Is there any congressman you can talk to that would maybe call over to the White House and ask for a look at this. Well, I can tell you when it was going down, when everything was happening, I reached out to my local congressman here in Connecticut, and no one was willing to help me at all our support. So I would imagine it would take a very congeous congressman somewhere in the United States. Well, I know who could do it. I know who. We can put you in touch. How many more favors can I ask poorla Louis Gohmer to do for me, Linda? But you know what is there any way? Maybe we I mean they hate Louis over at the White House though, right? Is there any congressman or woman that Obama, anyone that we know that would do this? Paul, Well, he won't take my call. Speaker. Well, I mean I'd love somebody. I mean, at the very least, maybe Marcia Blackburn. Can we ask her to do this, she would do it. It's not Remember it's not an issue for the Congress. We've got to get to the executive brand. No, I know what I'm trying to get you. I'm trying to get somebody in Congress that could get to the executive branch for you, because obviously it's your attempts are not working out too well. If we get on your TV show. I'm not worried about when Donald Trump gets in office. I'll ask him myself at some point, you know, right when he gets in there. But um, he's got a lot going on in those first few days. Maybe if people call Congress, I'll do this now two o two, two to one, and respectfully ask your congressman, you're a congresswoman, if they'll take up the cause of Christian Saucier and ask the President if he would give this guy a pardon and remind them, in other words, if they could just make a call over to the White House in the Office of Pardons or I don't know what they call the office the do they have an office of pardoning? It's called okay, so call them. No one will answer the phone. No, I'm saying, but the Congress can get in touch with them. I mean, if need be, they could walk over your file for crying out loud. All right, Uh, we're gonna pass that on. Kathleen. You're in our thoughts and prayers. We're not giving up on this issue, regardless of what Obama does. Okay, we will continue to advance this. Yeah, we are. I know it's hard. I'm sorry. You deserve better. And you know what I tweeted out. Remember the letter the FBI sent to M. L K Junior to kill himself. You see, I tweeted that out today. Amazing the comment. Oh but of course our intelligence is just perfect, you know. All right, Rhonda's in Colorado. Hey, Rhonda, how are you glad you called? I am great. I'm so excited to talk to you today. I've been trying to get in touch for years. I'm so glad you got through welcoming board. I know. Thank you so much. UM, thanks for all you do. UM. I think you did a great job in helping out our new president to be elected. And UM, actually I got a chance to meet him in Colorado when he was here last October. Awesome. And he's a great guy. And I think you'll do a good job, wonderful. I agree. Um, I'm really concerned about you. I know you're gonna go to the inaugural ball and you're trying to figure out what to wear, and as crazy as the protesters can be, you'll get your tux ruined. I think you should go in jeans. I think it's important that you go in jeans. All right, I want to go in jeans. And I was willing to I was willing to do it. Here's the problem. Do you have a boss and I have bosses too, right, I have been ordered to wear the tucks pants and all and this was non get this. I was told it's non negotiable. Now I said, I'm not wearing the dopey bow tie and they said, okay, you don't have to wear a bow tie. But I was you know, I even got a call from my boss's office telling me you've never been in Washington Correspondence dinner. You will be going this year. And I said I don't want to go. And I said, we don't care if you want to go. And I said it's on a Saturday night. I don't have to work Saturday nights. And then get go back and read your country rack. We do what we you, we tell you to do. And I said, all right, we'll deal with that in April, but I'm not going. I've never been there. I want to keep my perfect track record up. And they're saying, no, you've got to be there because you were the leading voice on the channel and support of the new president, and and we want you there there would be nice about it, but I'm like, but I don't want to go. I don't want to see Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper and all these media people I hate. I don't want to see them. They hate me and I hate them, let's be honest. And all the people at MSNBC, I don't want to see them either. But they say Fox is throwing a huge party, and they're like, we want you to be the bartender. And then they guess what, and they said, and you have to wear a tux to that. I don't want to wear a tuxedo. Whoever thought of a tuxedo. I just want to go on record and say I think that's really stupid that a bartender's gonna wear a tux Exactly. I'll just throw the jacket away and take off my tie and get rolling see a bartender and in Paris tuxpans. Listen. I always tucked a rag on the side of my my belt and I would fly. So I'm willing a tend bar for the party stuff right there. Well, it worked at the time my belt and I was ready to flat. It worked at the country seventeen I had. I got pretty lucky back then in terms of making out with girls, so I was pretty good. Well, I know I'm a fat old guy now, but you can't imagine me back into dead modesty. Don't even go with that false modesty. I made out with a lot of girls at the seventeen. No, I'm a fat so now, well I am. My stomach is fat. I mean I'm strong. I've never been stronger in my life. So my sense now makes me do he times. You're like Kung Fu Panda the radio set. Now, No, now he times my hundred pushups. I have to do a hundred push ups every day I train. How fast can you do a hundred? You couldn't even do a hundred push ups? Be honest, bench press, I don't need to do no pushups? Okay, you couldn't do a hundred push ups? Could you know I said I don't want to do push ups? Yeah, I bet you couldn't do fifty. I'll bet you a thousand dollars you can't do fifty, and you can drop down now while I'm doing this. Try so far, thousand dollars. You can't do I mean real down, nose to the ground push ups, Yes I can, and I will take that bet. I can do. You can do twenty? Could you? And Linda, have you ever done one in your life

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