Congressmen Banks and Jordan - December 15th, Hour 3

Published Dec 15, 2021, 11:00 PM

Congressman Jim Banks of Indiana, is not one to sit back quietly while the establishment plays games with Americans and other elected members of Congress and their civil liberties. The sham committee led by RINO Liz Cheney is nothing more than an effort to hurt Trump and all of those who served in his cabinet or cheered him on from their couch. Also, now the truth comes out that texts between Meadows and Jordan were doctored, and were not an accurate account of the conversation. Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio, is also joining the segment.

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All right, news rounds up, information overload our Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. I think we thoroughly defeated, debunked, and dismantled the lie that I was somehow in a text to then Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on January sixth, giving different messages on my radio and TV program. We proved that wrong again and again and again. That couldn't have been more wrong, far worse than that is what they're doing to Congressman Mark Meadows. Now the Federalist picked this up. God bless them. I think it was Sean Davis. Correct me, Linda if I'm wrong, Adam Schiff, I can't. What did I say? The corrupt congenital liar. This guy lied about Russia, still lying about Russia, lies in his book about Russia. Basically every time he opens his mouth, he's lying anyway, So his staff doctor the message between Congressman Jim Jordan of a Ohio, who will join us in a minute, along with Jim Banks and former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, the House January sixth committee had to admit all of this. Jordan forwarded to Meadows a three paragraph legal summary from an attorney summarizing a four page legal memorandum that this guy had written regarding congressional certification of the twenty twenty presidential electoral vote count, and a statement to the Federalist a Democratic spokesperson that I mean, they're caught red handed, so they had to confess and admit it. Quote. The Select Committee on Monday created and provided Representative Shift a graphic to use during the business meeting, Quoting from a text message from a lawmaker to mister Meadows, the spokesperson wrote, quote the graphic read on January six, twenty twenty one, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all. In the graphic this elect committee at the end of the sentence was added inadvertently. The spokesperson admitted they didn't explain how one could inadvertently cut a sentence in half and eliminate the final two paragraphs of a detailed legal summary, nor did they explain why Shift attributed the content of the text to Jim Jordan and call him a lawmaker rather than Schmidtz, who's the attorney who wrote the thing. I mean, it's just never ending, non stop lying. And all of this comes down to one thing. And we're gonna be joined by Jim Jordan and Jim Banks in a minute. Once they were kicked off this January sixth committee, it was over. This now was the cast was die faded complete? It's now which hunt number what five point zero? Because they for three plus years and one of the biggest liars in Congress is Adam Schiff himself. It's repulsive. How this man is still in Congress is a question in and of itself. Anyway, Jim Banks of Indiana is with us. Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio was with us. Welcome both of you to the program, John, Jim Jordan, because I guess this deals with you. I'll give you first crack at this. But your friend Adam Schiff is caught lying again. That's why I call him the congenital liar. Yep. No, I mean, if anyone had you, you were riding on you and your opening. But if anyone had any doubt about this, this this one sixth committee and about just a being pure political I think this just erases. This just confirms anyone and how bad this this thing is because they altered a document. They altered a document, presented it to the American people as something different than it was. And this is remember the history, as you point, this is the guy who did the quote parody when he started the Ukrainian impeachment on price President Trump. This is the guy who told us for years that there was more than circumstantial evidence that President Trump cluded with Russia. Only we all knew that it wasn't the case. But it's now being confirmed that we were right about everything. You were right about everything, Sean, in fact, so much so that the Washington Post had to apologize for things that they reported back then. So they're the only ones. And it was but it was ABCNBCCBS, MSDNC, CNN, everybody. The New York Times got two Pulitzers on their phony reporting. Yeah, yeah, the country gets it, though. The country knows that this is a sham. And what they did to our friends, a good man, what they did to Mark Meadows yesterday, and I said this on the floor, make no mistake, this was an effort to try to put Mark Meadows in prison. That's how that's how their lust for power is so strong that they're willing to do things like that, alter documents, go after good people and the country Again, I think the country sees it for what it is, and they're gonna make a big change come next November. I agree with that aspect too. Congressman Jim Banks of Indiana, will you ever give an official reasons why you guys will remove from the committee and then replaced by the two biggest Republican Trump paters in the House, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinsinger? No, Sean, of course, of course not but but but the answer was obvious. Jim, Jordan and I were the ones who were from the from the right from the start, asking the obvious questions about the breakdown security at the Capitol and the bread, the bread crumbs all lead to Nancy Pelosi's office. And when we started asking those questions, that right right after Kevin McCarthy, the leader, appointed the two of us to lead the Republican effort on the committee. When we started asking those questions, that that's when Nancy Pelosi knocked us off of the committee. And if you if you listen to the hour long debate on the floor, yesterday about the contempt of Mark Meadows. There was absolutely not a single word spoken by the Democrats about security at the Capitol. It was all about political payback. It was all about abusing their power to tear down their opponent and send Mark Meadows to jail. Any Republican to jail that gets in their way. That's what it's all about for them. They're not just actively ignoring the breakdown of security. By the way, Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, she is oversight of US Capitol Police. They're not just actively ignoring it, they're covering it up. There was a bipartisan Senate report that came out of the Senate Homeland Security Committee. The only person who didn't cooperate with what they were doing was the Sergeant at arms who was appointed by Nancy Pelosi, and emails and documents that they had access to that they have on their computers about why the National Guard wasn't alerted, why why they didn't exercise that didn't take advantage of all of the intelligence they had about what was going to happen on January sixth, the breakdown of the leadership of the Capitol Police. The only people who didn't cooperate on that bipartisan report was Nancy Pelosi's office, and that's why they're actively ignoring that that subject again yet yesterday and throughout this entire process. So in my view, we've got to have a real committee doing a real investigation. You mentioned last night on my television show that that would be going. I would time the release of the real report that. Look, we can't have attacks on our institutions like happened on January sixth. I said it live on this program when it was happening. I said it January six that evening in no uncertain terms on my program on TV. But we also need an investigation into the five hundred and seventy four riots over the summer twenty twenty that the media mobs said were mostly peaceful and they weren't, and that Democrats pretty much ignored completely except for when they were helping out bail funds like Kamala Harris, Jim Jordan, Will you put together an alternative committee with an alternative report? Yeah, investigate the investigator. No, No, you're you're exactly right, And I understand what you point us on what Jim's play out. We've been consistent Republicans have inconsistent. We have condemned violence every time it happened. When it happened on January six, we condemned it. When it happened in the summer of twenty twenty, we condemned it then as well. It would be nice if Democrats would have been consistent with us and condemned the violence it took place that summer instead. What they've been doing this is scary. They've been weaponizing the government. Ten years ago, it was the IRS who went after conservatives around the country who were speaking out against policies of President Obama. They targeted them. Lois learned the IRS five years ago they abusedify the process. The FBI targeted President Trump and spied on his campaign. Two months ago, we learned what the dj is using the counter Terrorism Division at the FBI to what spy on moms and dad so and now yesterday, now yesterday, they weaponized Congress contempt that this resolution to go after a good man. So that is the pattern when the left has power, when the left controls government, and that's what the American people are going to throw out. Not to mention all the other things they've screwed up with economic policy with the border and everything else. So yeah, I think a big day is coming in November of next year. What's should take Congressman Banks? And can you time the release of the real report with this phony, abusively corrupt and biased report of this? You know, Liz Cheney, I want to purge the Republican Party of all things Donald Trump Committee. Yeah, yes, absolutely, Sean, And that's exactly what we're doing. We're interviewing Capitol Police officers. There was actually a Capitol Police officer whistle blower came forward that the the the Pelosi shift Cheney January sixth Committee ignored. We we've been We've spent time with him and have interviewed him about his point of view. It's also important to point out the rank and file membership of the United States Capital Police had a vote of no confidence in their leadership. And it was like over ninety of the rank and file members of the Capitol Police voted against their leadership because they they've been crying out for help. They've been begging Congress to act people in leaders to do something about the systemic breakdown of leadership and security at the capital. And they know better than anybody, Sean that the United States Capital is no safer today than what it was on January sixth, because these guys have been focused on tearing down their political enemies and the witch hunt that they're engaging in. They haven't done anything since January sixth, almost a year, to actually look into ways that we can prevent another January sixth from happening. It's been all about tearing down their opponents and sending guys like Mark Meadows to jail. What does Mark Meadows do from here, Jim Jordan, I mean, obviously he's being targeted unfairly. He tried to cooperate with the committee. There is something called executive privilege. Now. The reason we have executive privilege is people need to be able to give their honest, straightforward advice to a president of the United States without fear that what they advise may come back to bite them at some point. That will inhibit the ability of the president to get real, serious, significant advice on very tough issues that he will face an office. And I can't believe we're not respecting executive privilege. No, you're exactly right, son, I said yesterday. The reason we have it, the reason it's there, the reason the court, the Preme Court is recognized. It is because it's good for us. It's good for we the people. It's good for the country. It's not about President Trump, it's not about Mark Meadows. It's about the nation. What's good for the country. And Democrats don't care about what's good for the country right now because they're focused on getting their political enemies. When was it first asserted seventeen ninety four, George Washington goes all the way back to the start of our country. Are our first president General Wasson he first asserted as president ed state. So this is I mean, I'm so disgusted about where they're taking the country, what they're trying to do. And now today we find out they actually altered a document in their US and left to go get Mark Meadows and go get President Trump. They're willing to change documents, just like Klein Smith did when they went to devise a course with it, and just like Trump's campaign, it never it's the same, just like shifted with the first impeachment of the Ukrainian impeachment. Yes, it is, so well, let me ask this, what about the release? You know, look, my life really doesn't matter here. I mean, they just read my personal text messages. But I'm like up to thirteen hundred personal text messages now released publicly. Uh, does privacy no longer exist in this country for little old citizens like me? It's supposed to, it's supposed to in this great nation. But the Democrat again, they're destroying that. Um, that's why we got to win. That was Liz Cheney's decision. Liz Cheney's on you know, obsessed, and she has obsessive compulsive disorder on all things Trump. By the way, the same Donald Trump that part Scooter Libby. Because Dick Cheney couldn't get it done with his president. That's a great way to pay back Donald Trump. You're welcome. Yeah, yeah, no, you're right, you're right. Um, what this this quest they've been on to get President Trump is is it's just so wrong. It's so wrong. It's sick. It's actually president Yeah, it's just it's it's nobody's gonna want to serve Jim Banks. I'll give you the last word. Nobody will ever want to step up and do this. Well. It is certainly, that's certainly a great point. I mean, ship is doing what ship always does, but in this case, you're seeing Sean Sean that Liz Cheney is the new Adam Shift. I mean, she's leaking reporters, text messages and emails. She's going to do a lot more of that. They just subpoena a number of a number of our colleagues, Jim Jordan's records included last night. You're going to see a lot more of this in the weeks to come. Again, it has nothing to do with preventing another January sixth. It's all about burning down Republicans, anyone associated with Donald Trump or the Trump agenda. That's what they're going after. And they know they've only got a year. They know they know Republicans are going to win back to majority. They're gonna do as much damage in a year as they can, and we got to do everything we can to stop it. All right, I appreciate both of you being with us. I'm glad you are continuing the work of doing a real investigation. Look forward to your report. I hope you'll release it the same day as this phony January sixth committee led by Kensinger and Liz Cheney and Nancy Pelosi, Jim Banks of Indiana, Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio. Thank you both for being with us. Thanks Sean, all right, eight hundred nine one sewn our number. You want to be a part of the program, We'll get to your calls coming up next we'll continue. I don't know why do you think it is. I'm just out of nowhere loving Christmas music this year, Linda, I have no idea where that came from. You know, it's funny, you like the really aggressive Christmas music. Like when I hear that music, it makes me feel like somebody's going it's guy's bass, Like it's very like a you know, like I can't breathe. But specifically, God rescue married gentlemen. Nothing you dismay for. Jesus Christ, our Savior, was born on Christmas Day. I'm like listening to the words, I'm loving it. Yeah, well, this is like what we were talking about the other day. It's like you're singing about Jesus. You know, you're doing praise and worship in your car. You know, Mary, did you know like all these different songs that actually have a much greater meaning than any of the hallmark nonsense that they're shoving down your throw it every day? You know, Trans Siberian Orchestra, just does it a little bit more edge. You don't like, you don't like the Uh what's the name of the Hallmark Channel? Love movies? God, I can't do a bunch of them. And I guess, first of again, everybody does them there. Their main star is Candice Cameon, Cameron Buret. By the way, I like her. Do you like her? No? She's great. But it's just, first of all, have you have you seen these movies? Have you seen the all? I honestly, I've maybe caught one here and there, But no, that's not like my style. Okay, so I already knew the answer to that. Considering your favorite movies Braveheart and uh, you know, yeah, what's the other one? Um, the Gladiator, that's it. But putting that all aside, I love Rocky movies and that awesome. I'm obsessed with Rocky. Everybody knows that it's not. And then the Russell Crowe boxing movie. What's that one called? Oh Cinderella Man, that's my movie? Um, but an old ruth Hallmark Channel. It's basically like someone who gave you a cup of hot chocolate, right, and inside the cup of hot chocolate they put a baggage chocolate chips. Then they ends if you want to marshmallows and whipped cream, and if you wanted a teaspoon of sugar in it. And at that point you're almost as sweet and ridiculous? Is that? How are you talking about? What? What do you mean? Because it's so obscene. They got people in there every First of all, everybody's in love a life is perfect. It's always snowing. Everyone's wearing a scarf at all times. It doesn't matter what time of the day it is. They are perfectly dressed. They always have a scarf, like it's not that cold. What's happening? I mean, seriously, when you go out, do you put a scarf on? Do you? Oh? I don't, of course you don't. Every man? Every woman? Men do, Yeah, they do, but it's ridiculous. Like their jackets open, they're in a T shirt, but they have a scarf. It's just scene. I dressed and sweatpants, T shirts, you know, jeans and and I hate putting on shirts. You want to be into my pants all the time? Um not, Well, I don't know. I don't even like to get dressed for Christmas, but I don't know the songs are just meaningful to me. This year, they aren't. Maybe that's been a tough year in the sense that it has been. It has been a very hard year. Um, but I am excited. I'm very I don't know where this optimism is coming, because I'm Irish and I'm usually pessimistic. But I just sense that there are good things ahead for this country and that makes me happy because I think there. I think there's a lot of every things. You know, every problem we have could be solved. Go ahead, I'm sorry, No, no, no, you're fine. Um. If you didn't interrupt me, I'd be confusing. I would really think you were losing your mind, because if you were optimistic and not interrupting, then I would have to ask if it was still you. M but putting that aside, I'm just kissing you a little bit. You know. I think that there's a part of us that we all need a little bit something. We need something nice, we need something to look forward to because we've got people trapped in Afghanistan that nobody is talking about on the mainstream media other than us done. Now, by the way, do you know what you read the report this week in the Washington Post it's over. Oh yeah, they're not getting anyone else out. And our friend John Andrassik is doing that really cool thing. He's having people wear ribbons and get out there on the on the Senate floor, get out there on the House floor and remind people that we still have Americans trap behind enemy lines. Even though you know Joey forgot, Joey didn't forget. Joey can well maybe Joey did forgot, because I don't know if he knows what day Joey forgot. Even what's the guy's name that you know? We we can't stand. Brett Stevens is suggesting that Joe, please, Joe, don't run again. Don't run again. We can't take this. It's so silly. But he's tapping well, because everybody knows what I was the one that got it started. Now the American people see it, and it's showing up in polls. Joe is not mentally fit for the job, and now we're stuck with him that we are stuck now. The only thing if it gets if it gets much worse, at some point, we have to consider the twenty fifth Amendment. And I'm not wishing ill on Joe Biden in any way. As a matter of fact, there's even a small part of me that feel sorry for him. But then I look at the bigger part of it, which is people around him knew that he was struggling, and they hid it from the American people as best they could see. I disagree with you on that. I disagree strongly on that, because you know, Joe Biden never gave a rip about anybody but Joe Biden, and he watched what his son did to people. He watched and totally deceived the American people and has done so for fifty years. While he's been in office. He has said some of the most horrible, racist, offensive things against women. I mean, the guy is just the worst possible person. And then the idea that he's sitting in the Oval office, it's a disgrace. So I really don't care how much he's not feeling well, not like I want any ill will to happen to him. But I'm not out here feeling sorry for him, because he never really did a whole lot for anybody else but himself. Oh, I think his career, I mean, it's I would like to know who's in charge because they're doing a lousy job. All right, anyway to our phones. Chris is in the great state of Wyoming. What's going on, Chris? How are you well? Hello, sir. I wanted to thank you for taking my call and also thank you for what you do for all the people. There's a there's a lot of folks in Wyoming that listen to you. So you know that Liz Cheney comes from Wyoming and there's not a lot of people that are very happy with the way things are going with her. But what I was looking for was maybe some thoughts and some advice from you on how to get her out from the point of view that we have so many candidates that have thrown their hat into the mix trying to help unseat her after everything that has happened in the last Well, there's a poll that came out. You probably saw it in the last week. She's down against her main primary opponent by eighteen points. Yeah, and three of them, I was reading, three of them have dropped out now because of who President Trump endorsed, which I think it was good for those three guys to step out of the race. I know that they were all seeking Trump's endorsement. Endorsement, but the person that got it. You know, she's still running. She's a lawyer from Cheyenne, and I don't know. I guess it was just maybe looking for some encouragement and things. Maybe you thought that I actually think Liz Cheney's plans are bigger than that I think Liz Cheney And it was just there was an article revealing that she's getting money for people that help fund the Lincoln Project. And I suspect strongly that the Lincoln Project. You know, their utter hatred if Donald Trump is a nominee in twenty twenty four, they will put up another candidate to try and and draw enough votes away from Donald Trump to help Joe Biden or help Kamala Harris or Pete Buddha Judge or whoever the Democrats put forward. That's where I think this is going. And you know, I don't think she's going to get far with that plan, but we'll see. Well. And it's it's not that I don't disagree with you, but I guess it's I'm trying to also think of, you know, the representation for my state because we only have her, she is our only representative. Only have one congress person. I know, it's crazy, and you have two senators. But listen, I feel sorry. I think that she's done a bait and switch for the people in Wyoming, and I think that the people of Wyoming see it. I think people in the country see it. She's standing on her high horse. She thinks she's hoholier than now and sanctimony, you know, it loses from her poores almost. I mean, it's just ridiculous how sanctimonious she is. And I think that Liz Cheney's out for Liz Cheney, and that she is now in the process of doing everything possible to damage him, bludgeon Donald Trump in the hopes that he's not a viable candidate in twenty twenty four. I think that's what the purposes. And I think all these other groups that are funding her efforts and her campaign and all, you know, groups like the Lincoln Project, have the same goal. And if it means aligning with somebody like Joe Biden and socialism and socialists and people with the weakest foreign policy in American history, they can't claim to be a conservative and do this. But that's the end justifies the means. Maybe you don't like Donald Trump's style, I understand he's tough. But Donald Trump was tough and he fought and he kept his promises. And you know what, at least Donald Trump can speak forty uninterrupted minutes and be extraordinarily well informed, intelligent on any topic you ring up to him. I know because I've interviewed him enough. I've known him all of these years. He's not changed, and I have spoken to him on a fairly regular basis since he's left office, and I think he is every intention of running and I think it's going to be interesting. We first got to focus though on next year, and even before that, we've got to make sure that every state has election integrity measures in place, and next them, people are going to have to be all hands on deck, and I hope the Republicans will take back to Congress. We have the most important Senate races in the country, Bell weather races you could ever want, with Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, Arizona, Nevada. I think it's Missouri up there, and then maybe Missouri as well. I mean, these are all bell weather states, and we'll see if Republicans can get the House and Senate and then went back to White House in twenty twenty four. We can fix the country, and we don't need long to do it. The thing is, everything is reversible. The first thing I would do if I was elected president right now is I'd immediately crank out energy production at a level those country has never seen before. That in and of itself, that one act would do more to eliminate inflation and the economic pressures that we now feel. It's all Biden induced, It's all preventable. Next thing I do, I'd secure the borders. I get back to energy independence, and I'd screw Vladimir Putin for putting troops on the Ukrainian border. And the way I would do it is, I'd give cheaper energy to our allies in Western Europe as far as China goes. If they don't stop their saber rattling with Taiwan, I would end all trade with China. Well, that's a trade war, Hannity or a protectionist now, not a protectionist. I believe in free and fair trade, but also don't I believe in standing by our allies short of sending troops in because we're not going to get into a you know, a war with China over it, but we can hurt them financially because their entire economy is based on exports. The entire economy of Russia is based on energy, and so that we have tools available to us. If we had a president that you know, was cognitively aware and had the courage to do it, we could fix both of those problems immediately. The next thing I would do is I put the sanctions right back on the Iranian Mullahs, and i would make it impossible for them to advance the nuclear program. And I would align even further with Israel, Jordan, Egypt, the Emirates, the Saudis, and everybody else in the region against Iranian hegemony. I'd stop that problem. The next problem would I would solve. I'd lower taxes that would further ease economic pressures, also create a lot of jobs. You know, this stuff isn't complicated, and I'm not saying running for office. I'm just saying that we could have prevented the disaster. The next thing I would do after that is I would get on the phone with the Taliban and I'd say, you've got forty eight hours to decide. You release our American citizens, You release our green card holders, our military family members. You release these people that helped us, or I'm going to bomb you into a previous century and then I'd think about doing it anyway, Hannity, or a warmonger. No, I'm not a warmonger. I believe in peace through strength. It worked for Reagan. He didn't have to fire a shot. Diddy eight hundred nine for one, Shawn our number. If you want to be a part of the program, all right, that's gonna wrap things up at today. But we are loaded up tonight on Hannity. Jim Jordan on getting kicked off, The Predetermined Outcome January sixth, Committee, The Great One, Mark Levin is back, Kelly Ann Conway, nuke Ingridge, Pete Hegseth and Lynn see Graham on where Joe Mansion is ninet Eastern News. You'll never get from the mob. Fox News, Hannity, We'll see you tonight back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us. You make this show possible. We will never forget it or thank you enough.

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