Congressman Matt Gaetz joins Rose Tennent to discuss his theory as to why we are in "a time of great joy!" As we look toward 2020, we are seeing a strong economy and some real proof that America is on its way to being great again! Four years ago, President Trump promised to put the country on the right track and it's hard to argue he hasn't done just that!
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Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show, and I am Rose Tenant and I have the honor of sitting in for him today, and thank you Sean for that. Thanks to Ethan and Linda, and you know, I was thinking we were talking before the show started. I was filling in for Sean in December, but it was a year ago that I did the show for him. And at the same time of the year, fourth of July, and it was I had just let's see, fell walking my dog face down into cement and broke my two front teeth. All right, No, I actually lost my two front teeth. And then two days later I was playing frisbee with a dog and he was going for the frisbee. As I was coming up from getting the frisbee, he broke my nose in two places. Okay. The next day, of course, I was at the hospital twice in three days, and they said, do you feel safe at home? Is everything okay? The next day I was supposed to sit in for Sean Hannity, and they're like, are you sure you want to do this? Broken nose wasn't fixed, Jack, because you have to wait till the swelling goes down, right for a week, broken nose, no teeth, and I'm like, yeah, I'm doing it. You better believe it. I'm doing it. It's not that I was afraid of saying no to Hannity. I mean, no one should say no to Handity, but no one, ever, in their right mind, should say no to Linda. That's the thing. Oh, I already have a bad reputation. I don't know, man, you know it's tough. No. Look, I have a heart here by your name. I love Linda. I love her. I really do mutual you know what. You guys are just so much fun to wear, even out a big part of that story. Oh my god, I forgotta get I don't know what. Let me tell the audience. So we you know, we do this every year. We have these great fillin hosts, which roses one, and I say to Rose, yeah, let's do it. Dad. She calls me. She's like, listen, I'm in the emergency room. I'm like, oh, okay, why She's like, don't worry, I'm still gonna do the show. I'm like, yeah, that wasn't my first concern. I'm like, why are you with the emergency room? She says, Oh, I was walking my dog. You know, I had the opportunity to go out drinking with my friends and have some not wine and a nice place. But instead I put on my running sneakers and I walked the dog and I fell and I broke my face. I'm like, what, there's got a broken nose? Broken with god? Well, this for walking a dog and playing frisbee. You could have been out drinking exactly. It's a very different story of playing. You're writing. How do I always forget that part? Oh no, I think it's a critical element. He gave up drinking too well. I drink now, I drink and I don't walk, and you don't fall down anymore. You're absolutely right, you know what. I Am going to tweet a picture of that fabulous dog as soon as we go to a break and you can check it. Tucker And okay, I did name him after Tucker Carlson. I'm gonna be honest with you here, all right. So he's cute, little puppy. He's not really little. They told me he was going to be smaller than he is. That's part of the problem too. But you can check him out it at Rose Underscore Unplugged on Twitter. Rose Unplugged on Facebook. And also that's my website is Rose Unplugged, So make sure you check out Tucker Boy during the break. But don't go anywhere right now because I want to talk to you all about something. First of all, write down the phone number if you don't have it already, because when we come back from the monologue, i'd love to take your phone calls. The phone number here is one eight hundred nine four one Sean. Really easy, one eight hundred nine four one Sean. So I want to talk a little bit. We've got great guests coming up by the way too. Congressman Matt Gates is joining me during the show. Also Don Buckner and Major Dan Rooney from me in America. They're gonna be here. It's like perfect, Linda, I love I love the guests you chose because it's absolutely perfect for we're going to talk about. We're celebrating independence tomorrow is the big day. And also coming up this hour, Tyler Merritt. You've probably heard of nine Line apparel. We're going to talk about the Kaepernick Nike controversy. You know we're going to talk about it, and I want to hear from you as well, So make sure you call one eight hundred nine four one Sean. During the break. In the meantime, I wanted to talk out to all of you about you know, we've been tearing a lot about socialism. I'm gonna started thinking about what we're celebrating tomorrow really does kind of tie into socialism. But really, if you think about why we're celebrating this holiday is because we wanted to get away from tyrannical rule. And it's been really curious and terrifying. Actually, I'm very terrified to look at just how far the left the Democrat Party is willing to move. If you watch the debates, all you heard was radical policies, radical candidates talking about socialism. And it just astounds me because there was a time when we would shun I mean somebody, even if they were a socialist, they didn't want to be labeled such because it just had such a bad negative connotation. Right now we see that these candidates and that the left are boldly embracing the label socialist. So they believe that this is a fairer system than capitalism, and nobody stops to think, or at least they don't stop to explain to us when they're on the debate stage or anywhere else. How in the heck they're going to pay for all the free things they want to give for everyone, free education, free healthcare, free, free, free. There's no mention of how are they going to pay for all of that stuff? Now? The other day, Joy Behar was talking about you, Republicans, and you know, she targeted you, and she was walking you. She said that you really didn't understand what the word socialism means. The right wing has been making a lot out of last night's debate. You're first, and they're referring to Democrats as socialists. Obviously they don't know what the word means. Yeah, you know what, Obviously we do know what it means. Okay, we absolutely understand socialism. We understand its big government, We understand its redistribution of the wealth. We understand that it eliminates free markets and it does away with free enterprise, and you know what else we know, Joy, we know that it doesn't work. Take a look at Venezuela, just the latest socialism fail. But there's something more alarming here. The left has been saying something that caught my attention. I'm sure it has yours as well. And Bernie Sanders was one of the first to use the term, and since then it's become like this leftist mantra if you will, you know, it's almost like mainstreaming this term, and that term is democratic socialism. Have you been hearing that democratic socialism? And it's a really clever way to get around the argument of continued socialism's failures. The left can no longer just ignore or explain away socialism because it's been an epic fail. So now they're saying that, oh no, we're not talking about that kind of socialism, not bad socialism. We're talking about democratic socialism, and they're trying to redefine what socialism is. You can't you can't get around this. You know, there's no such thing as democratic socialism. It's an oxymoron. It doesn't exist. They think that democratic socialism is going to sell better than you know, the old socialism term. But let me tell you something. The first election under democratic socialism will be the last free election that we will ever have after that. It's essentially a choice between ham and pork. In other words, there is no choice. It's a trick. It's a way for the government to trick you into handing over your freedom and exchange for all these promises that they can't keep. You know, they can't keep it. And guess what, they know it too. They know it too. So tomorrow we celebrate two hundred and forty three years of independence. You know, you think back, I mean, just think about it. Two hundred and forty three years ago tomorrow, the Continental Congress was meeting and they were deliberating because they were involved in one of the most radical events of all time. Thirteen colonies were to become the United States of America, a new nation. This was this was something that was not done before. This was something that took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to accomplish. So here's the Continental Congress two hundred and forty three years ago tomorrow, deliberating. Now here's what happened. Though, Even though the resolution for the Declaration of Independence was already adopted, there is a lot of hesitation when it came to applying their signatures to the document. So John Witherspoon from New Jersey realized that the House was wavering, and he knew, well, you know what, we got to make this happen. There can be no wavering, There can be no hesitation. This is absolutely got to happen. So he made this passionate speech, and he said, in part, there is a tide in the affairs of men, a nick of time. We perceive it now before us. To hesitate is to consent to our own slavery. And when Witherspoon was done with his appeal, the delegates signed the Declaration of Independence. And I've said this before Ron here at the fourth of July. One of the things that always struck me was that historians recorded that some of those men that signed that Declaration of Independence actually broke down and wept. They cried, These grown men cried. Why did they cry? Because they were once slaves to an oppressive government and now they were free. I have a question for you, if they could see us now, would they cry again? Because we were once free and now are headed once again towards oppression. And you know that's what it is. You know, that's what the left wants. They want an oppressive government, not where you're free to make your own choices, free to do whatever you want to do, free to decide whether or not you want to contribute to a charity or not. I mean, it's completely up to us. Right now, and they want us back on that road to oppression, and for us to cave to lies an oppression that come with socialism, it would be as though we were replacing that divine right of kings that they fled right with a divine right of bureaucrats. It's a way for the government to trick us into handing over our freedom. Our fathers, our forefathers, ran from tyrannical rule of kings. They ran from it. They took risks, big risks with their lives, and those on the left seem to want to run towards it again. Our forefather's goal, their mission was liberty. They left a culture in Europe that believed that brains came with your station in life. In other words, you were only intelligent or productive if you were in the right station in life. That's what they've led from in Europe, because our founding fathers believed that there was genius in every single human being, and that the best way to explore and cultivate that genius was through liberty. Tyrannical governments and dictatorships. Out of socialism, they've brought nothing to enhance our human condition. But those of us who love freedom We've raised that baseline of human existence beyond anything that's ever been conceived before. We did it. We do it. When Thomas Payne wrote about freedom, he said, this what we obtained too cheap, we esteemed lightly. It is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods. And it would be strange, indeed, if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated. You know what our president wants to do to celebrate this fabulous holiday, this wonderful day where we remember that document that gave us all the liberties that we have so enjoyed over those two hundred and forty three years. He rates liberty highly. And and Pain think about what Pain said, because, like him, a lot of us understand that it is what we care for most lovingly that holds the greatest value for us. Right, So, if I asked you what it was that you wanted to leave as an inheritance for your children, what would you say? Would it be the sports car in the garage, Would it be that fantique that's been passed down through generations. Would it be precious metals or stocks, or or should it be something more precious than all of those things. Should it not be? Liberty? Isn't liberty worth any sacrifice to secure as an inheritance for our children and their children. That's what we all fight for here right now. That's what we're doing. That's what Linda, An Eathan and Sean do every single day. We are fighting to make sure that we preserve that liberty, that constitution that provides so much for each and every one of us. We want that for our children and their children. We want it for people that we will never know. Our liberty was secured two hundred and forty three years ago this July fourth. It was crafted for us by men who pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. They pledged that to this cause, and a lot of the signers of the Declaration of Independence knew that they were never really fully going to enjoy the fruits of that liberty. All the work, the sacrifice, the risk that they put in to this document that gives us so much that made such a bold statement to those tyrannical rulers. They knew they were going to fully experience the liberty that it was going to provide, and yet they did it anyway. They understood that they were doing this for a generation of people they would never know they were doing it for us. We owe them a life that is dedicated to preserving that liberty. I want to say a shout out there to Charlie Daniels and his son who are listening right now. By the way, Charlie Daniels wrote the forward, or actually he did an interest We did an interview together from my book Thinking Our Soldiers. I love that guy, seriously, Charlie, I love you, I absolutely love you. And listen. You can get a portion of what I talked about in the monologue came from what I wrote for American Thinker. It's published today there, so go to American thinker dot com. The title is the Perilous Mainstreaming of Democratic Socialism, so that's where you can find that. Also. Oh, during the break, I'm going to post a picture of Tucker, Yes, the dog responsible for a broken nose on both sides, two broke breaks my nose and for the loss of some team. So that'll be up on Twitter at Rose Underscore Unplugged to make sure you check it out. We'll be back. Welcome back to the Sean Hannity Show. My name is Rose Tenant. You can check me out on Twitter It's at Rose Underscore Unplugged, and then on Facebook and my website it's Rose Unplugged. That easy. I did post a picture on Twitter of Tucker. You gotta check him out. I'll tell you what, The Golden Doodles are the sweetest dogs ever. They really are. They are so lovable unless they're breaking your nose and breaking your teeth. Other than that, they are like the nicest dogs ever. I'm telling you they really are. They're hypoallergenic too, so that kind of makes up for the other craft anyway, So joining us today I'm really excited about this is the president and CEO of nine Line Apparel. His name is Tyler Merritt, and you know, I think it's so great because when he does is run a veteran owned and operated company right here in the United States, and there's so many things about him and his company that tie into things that are happening right now and celebrating our nation's birthday. So please welcome to the show. Tyler Merritt. How are you, Tyler, Hey, thank you so much for having me on. Well, you know, what I have used your product. I've bought several T shirts and other items from your online store and I've used them as stocking stuffers at Christmas time and fun gifts just to give out. Because you've got some pretty funny stuff on there. I'll love it. And you've got some really great patriotic items as well well. I really appreciate that, and we try to create a product with messaging. You know, there's more to our company, a set of values. You know, it's a lifestyle brand that's meant for true patriots, and we find ourselves now in a niche that is surrounded by controversy, and it shouldn't be. I've been making products with the Betsy Ross design on it since twenty fifteen when I was actually serving in special operations, and it's never been controversial. And today all of these weird arguments come about, and I'm just glad that we're able to have a voice. Well, you know, it's interesting and for the audience sake, In case anyone missed it, I don't know how you would have though, but Nike did pull out. They had a special fourth of July sneaker and it had the I just talked about this in the monologue. The biggest thing that happened two hundred and forty three years ago, to borrow, is that thirteen colonies became the United States of America. Unprecedented magnitude like you've never seen before. Okay, this was an epic event, and this is what we're celebrating tomorrow. My God, to deny our history, just I am just it shocks me. I cannot believe that this kind of thing goes on. And then to have Kaepernick. What happened was Nike wanted to put these July fourth themed shoes out on the back of them, they had the Betsy Ross flag with the thirteen stars right in the circle. But Kaepernick, who hasn't even god he has he played football in the last what five years or six or who god knows, he complained about it. He said it was offensive. The thing that baffles me is that Nike would take the advice of this individually. You have a guy who essentially stays in his grandmother's basement and tweets out that we should not be promoting these sneakers their racist even though this symbol is the same one that President Obama stood in front of during his inauguration the same for years. It's the same one that if I were to have come in last week and ask people, is this racist? And I have a very diverse group of individuals, different backgrounds, different sexual orientations, and honestly, when we look at this symbol, it's are breaking away from the tyranny and oppression of England of diverse groups coming together to band against tyranny for the pursuit of liberty and for whatever reason. Now, Nike, you know, which is technically their name is derived from the goddess of victory and Greek mythology. You know, at what point do we say that the American flag is not representative of independence in our country? Any flag? You know, I've got friends. Navy Seal Eddie Gallaghy just got sound not guilty for committing murder. And I'm sure that's a story that you guys have been following. Yeah, and I want to talk about that too. Yeah. This individual has fought to defend our country for twenty years against every single threat this nation has ever had in the last two decades. You know, the flag means something to us, the American the national anthem means something to us. And the fact that Nike is listening to Colin Kaepernick, an individual that I've been calling out and asking to come to the stage and have a debate with us since his first shenanigans of kneeling during the national anthem, and he doesn't want to. He wants to sit beyond his computer and his mother's basement and tweet out these assinine things. Yeah. Well, and I just want to comment. You mentioned Gallagher, and the jury did find him. He was a decorated Navy seal too, by the way, but Edward they call him Eddie. Gallagher was found not guilty yesterday almost all charges that he was facing. I guess. There was a charge of murder and attempted murder and there was some there's still some talk about the photograph that he had taken, and they're going to I think what I understand is it's going to be considered time served because he's been in jail for like a year, right, eight months, and the maximum sentence for that charge you're talking about is four months. They owe him served. Yeah, absolutely, and you'll never get that back. You have an individual who spent twenty years defending our country, whose family was brought out of their house at gunpoint on September eleventh, every year ago. And we were just so proud and honored to get a phone call from them and say, hey, can you help us raise funds? Can you help us with this defense this David Verse Golias case. That we were able to raise a significant amount of money doing our T shirt campaigns, well over one hundred thousand dollars, and that's still a drop in the bucket for what this individual had to pay to get adequate representation. And those are things that we like to do. We like to be the bridge between those who serve and those who don't, to try to educate the American public of what is going on with our first responders, with our military members, and try to bridge that. God not create divisive, made up issues, because that's what this is. And I just hope that people stopped paying him attention because that's what he wants, Nike wants. I mean, it's I mean clearly, when you have during President Obama's second inaugural address, there was a Betsy there were two Betsy Ross flags. In fact, if no one's seen it, I have it on social media at Rose Underscore Unplugged. I did post a picture of it and that was okay, there was no problem with that. I'll tell you what, how much do you want to bet that President Trump flies a Betsy Ross flag tomorrow? How much you want to bet? I'll bet he does. I'll bet he does, and I hope that he. I hope I will send a beautiful Betsy Ross shirt with the word victory spelled out, which is obviously Nike in Greek mythology. And I'll send him one, and I hope that he wears it because you know what it's made in the US. And then that Nike doesn't do they talk about giving back to community. Colin Kaepernick talks about, you know, being the voice for social injustice and giving back to community. What have they done? That's where we like to say, you say just do it. We say, just prove it. Be a treat, and it doesn't have to be heroism. You know, it's an idea of a random acts of kindness for your fellow countrymen. What does Nike do for this country? And they send tons of job opportunities over to China. We're trying to bring it back. You know, I sit here as I talk to you, looking over a manufacturing facility. I get two hundred hard working Americans. How many people are they employing here in the United States? Question? Right? Well, you know, and something else too. I do want to talk about this because we know that President Trump had told us when he was campaigning that he cared about our veterans, and now we have seen that he truly does and a lot of things that he's done with the veterans in mind. And you've got to point that out, you really do. I'm sure you've noticed that and that you appreciate that. I've had the pleasure to serve under a few different administrations, and President Trump was one of them, and I'm very excited for what the future has to offer. I'm very excited of what's already been accomplished in such a short period of time. And in terms of us manufacturing, if you kept the current laws and regulatory requirements, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish what I've done in the last few years. So I was active duty for about five of the last seven years growing this company. In the last two years, we've seen just a tremendous growth. You know, our employees are able to receive higher compensation and it's a lot to do with the initiatives that he set forth. Well you know what that and that I'm glad that you pointed that out. And I have to ask you one more thing though, before I let you go, Tyler, because a lot of people are criticizing President Trump because of the plant that he has for the fourth of July, and he's brought in tanks and he's going to he's going to be highlighting our military. Some say they don't like that. Do you have a problem with it? Yeah? I think I have a problem with people who have feelings that get hurt very easily. We're in a serious crisis right now dealing with some individuals in power and foreign countries that want to possess weapons of mass destruction, and as a member former member of Special Operations doing bad things, are bad people in those countries to stop it from coming back to the United States. Has it has in the past. I think he's showing to the world that we are not afraid to use our toys. We are not afraid to release the Eddie Gallaghers of the world. And this is the perfect time to explain to everyone that you know, speak softly, but carry a stick, and that's what we're doing. It's very similar to what's been done in the past. And I think when we look back at this moment, maybe this is the beginning to brokering better peace deals with Iran or with North Korea. Interesting listen, and you've got to love him. I mean, I don't think there's ever been a significant president like this one in my lifetime. I mean, Ronald Reagan is up there, baby, he really is. But when we saw him step across the line, Donald Trump save across that line into North Korea, I mean that that was just astounding to watch. It really was. And of course he was criticized by some on the left, but I just thought that he that was significant in so many ways. Yeah, I think you're never going to make everyone happy. I think in today's society there is there is no middle ground. That's extreme left and it's extreme right. But you know what, most of us, the silent majority of Americans, we are getting tired of hearing the nonsense and our voices are starting to be heard. And I think it's those subtle acts, you know. I like making these product lines. I like our logo because people ask, what is that? What does it mean? Well? On nine line is a distress call in the military and to us here, it's a call to action. You know that the idea that it's not me, then who how can we give back to our community? We build houses for homeless veterans here in Savannah, we work with severely wounded veterans. We do a ton of different outreach. And it's not the tout you know, look at me, but it's look at Nike, what do you do for your community? Look at Kaepernick? What do you do for your community besides collect large checks and create controversy that's deteriorating our country. You know, they have no regard to that, and I think it's a shame. Excellent point. Thank you so much for joining us today talking to Tyler Merritt. He's the president and CEO of nine Line Apparel. Give your website out. Yeah, it's nine line apparel dot com. All spilled out and for you and the Handity listeners, please use Hannity twenty for your first purchase. All right, And we can get a Betsy Ross flag product from you can't. We absolutely We've got tons of It's been on our site since twenty fifteen. All right, Tyler, thank you so much. God bless and happy for it to you. God blessed you as well. We'll be back with more of the Sean Hannity Show. Call in with your questions comments eight hundred nine four one seven three two six rows unplugged website, Facebook and at Rose Underscore Unplugged is my Twitter, so I'm looking forward to hearing from you. We've got some time to chat after this break, so stay with us. It's the Sean Hannity Show. My name is Rose Tennant and I am sitting in for him today. Thank you so much for that opportunity, Sean and Linda and Ethan. I love you guys so much. The phone number here is one eight hundred nine four one Sean one eight hundred nine one Sean. My monologue to a Degree was printed an American Thinker today, so check it out American Thinker dot com and what else. Okay, So Tucker is up on social media everywhere you can check out my little golden dudle. He's not so little, so listen. I think that this would be brilliant and I'll bet you he does it. I'll bet he does it. Betsy Ross flag hanging tomorrow when he makes when he does his address on the fourth of July, President Trump. I can see it. I can see it right now, I can't. You know, MSNBC isn't going to air July fourth event. They're not gonna lie. They won't do it live. Unbelievable. The president of the United States, two hundred and forty three years of independence and they don't want to put that on the television. My god, we can't have that. Let's take a call from Henry in Alabama. Hey, Henry, that's a nice name. My dad's name is Henry, but we call him Hank. Do they call you Hank? No, never been called hand sank. Goodness. I love Hank. Oh. I love that. Okay, but I like Henry too. I like Henry. I love Rose. That's a beautiful name. And I hope Rose has a wonderful patriotic fort You know why I will? Can I tell you why I will. I'll be sitting I'll be sitting there with in the in that section right around the president, watching everything. Everything. Well, it's amazing. Rose on the crawl on the news, you know, the crawl on the bottom. I was watching ABC News this morning and it's excited. Right after Trump's uh, the parade it's telling that the America was in its lowest part of patriotism. It was the lowest point. I don't know if it was history or if it was just for the time period or what, but it had to put there after his about his blade, it had to put on there that we were on our lowest point of patriotism. So you know what this is all about, Rose, This is the Left is not going to be celebrating the lowest point of patriotism in the US. Instead, America will be celebrating patriotism. We will. Indeed, that's right. This audience is very patriotic. This audience loves this country. There's no doubt about it. Henry, all right, thanks so much for your phone call. I will take more. We have lots more coming up next hour. I want to talk about women in their vote. Also, we have Don Buckner and we've got Major Dan Mooney joining me at the half hour, so lots to talk about. We'll still take your phone calls one eight hundred nine four one, Sean. I can't wait to hear from you. I love talking to all of you. It took a while we get there, but I'm getting there. We're getting to the phone calls. Hang in there with me. Welcome back to the Sean Hannity Show. My name is Rose Tenant, and I'm fortunate enough to sit in for him today. I would love to hear from you. The phone number here is one eight hundred nine four one seven three two six nine four one seven three two six or one eight hundred and nine four one Sean s A N Sean. So anyway, my social media is at Rose Underscore unplugged for Twitter, and it's simply Rose unplugged. On my website is Rose unplugged, Facebook is Rose unplugged? And what else did I want to tell you? Oh? My monologue was loosely taken from something I had published in American Thinker dot com today, so you can check that out as well. Also, I'll take your phone calls, and I'm gonna start real quick with Ruth, who's been waiting from New York. Go ahead, Ruth, how are you hi? How are you Rose? Doing well? Thank you? What part of New York are you from? Well? I actually I worked and lived in New York in Manhattan, Long Island, Westchester County. I worked as a private chef for rich family. Oh wow, nice, I wish I could afford that. That's the one thing I really would hire was a private chef. Oh my gosh, well, I'll come give you a week for free. All right, then there we go. I'm told I have I've gotten very reviews. But the reason I'm calling is, um, you know, I moved out to the mid back to the Midwest actually, with raised in New England, moved out here and then went back to New York. And now I'm back here, and you know, the heartland of America, I think is probably a more true cult of what's going on in the country. And I was telling Linda, I said, you know, the surveys, the psychological surveys and the readouts that they do from patients that come in for counseling, they say most people leave a job that they don't like, or a marriage or a relationship or where they live. For twenty percent that's negative and abandoned the eighty percent that's positive. And I think that's what the media has done to us for generations now, just hammered away at the imperfections of America. We aren't perfect, but oh my gosh, we're the best thing the side of heaven. And they've hammered away. They've hammered away, and they've done it to our kids in education, and it's really it gives you a warp perspective on life, because really we need walls to keep people out. Tyrants need them to keep them in. But anyway, I was saying, I would really like to challenge Americans to put out as many American flags as possible this holiday and just put it in the face of the media, because you know what, they don't know America. They don't care about America. They have been indoctrinated through you know, these universities that have longed. I mean, my brother was in Brown in nineteen sixty and h he was hearing these invitations socialism and communism. And I went to pub Catholic schools, so I remember the nuns teaching us how communists would take over a country. And I'm only twelve years old, and he's telling me this all right as a as a Brown student, and I'm thinking, oh my god, he's talking about communism and interest right. But anyway, I have my brother's flag. He was a fighter pilot Vietnam, and it is it is huge, and I put it out. Everybody should put out every flag everywhere I just tell the media take a hike. I don't care about us, and we don't like you. This is the best thing, you know. I had five brothers and three of them served, and my oldest brother actually helped open China trade under Richard Nixon. Wow. And yeah, but you know how he started at nineteen He went into the Air Force and they gave him a test. They found he had a thing for lie, which is and so they send them to Syracuse for twelve weeks and immerse him in Russians. And then as a nineteen year old, he was over at the Berlin Wall translating conversation. Who does that at nineteen Wow, I don't know what happened to me. I think you're pretty darn smart too. Honestly. I love what you had to say, and I especially like what you were saying about the light over area in this country. The left usn't understand that. And that's one of the biggest problems I think that they have, is that they don't understand that most of us, most of us shudder when we think when we hear the word socialism. Most of us don't want free programs. Most of us, particularly women, and Ruth mentioned this the things that we are most concerned about. Women are concerned about our children, We really are. We care about our families. So what do we care about our families. We want to make sure that they're getting good healthcare, not necessarily free. We want good healthcare. We want protection, We want security in the country. We want to know that this is a safe place to raise our children. We want liberty so that those children had the same opportunities that we had to pursue their dreams to make things happen. Those are the things, some of the things that we want as women, And that's what the Left doesn't understand. They don't get us. They don't. As a matter of fact, I wanted to talk to you women for a minute, and guys, you are absolutely allowed to listen in because I like guys. Conservative women like guys, okay a lot, We like them a lot so, but the left would have you believe that that they are our enemy, and they're not. So anyway, you guys are allowed to listen in. But here's the thing. For seventy years, the left support for women has been so self interested. I mean, it's predicated on the willingness of women to tow this ideological line that they want us to toe. Now that last presidential election, there was vote shaming, ladies going on. You know it, and I know it. They were shaming us. First. It came from Hillary, another woman, and she suggested that you as women were not independent thinkers, that you couldn't make your own decisions. And the accusation was that we mindlessly accept the dictates of all the men in our life, our husbands or sons, or bosses or brothers whatever. The suggestion here, ladies, is that this woman didn't believe other women couldn't make a decision for themselves without the dictates handed down to them by their men in their lives. But you know what they are suggesting, though, that we should apply the dictates that are handed down to us by the left and by the media, and that's I'm sorry, that's just not going to fly. And we let them know that it wasn't going to fly in twenty sixteen, and my suspicion is that we're going to let them know in greater numbers in twenty twenty that that stuff isn't going to fly. The feminist movement should take all women seriously, regardless of how they vote, and they don't now. The other thing that happened in terms of vote shaming was the media and the left attacked us. They said it was a betrayal of women voters. That was one of the titles out there. Another one was foot soldiers of the Patriarchy. I mean they were. It was horrible the things that they said about you, ladies, in this audience, and that to me suggests that the media was willing to exercise that same type of control over us that we were fighting to free ourselves from in the very first place. So you can think for yourself. You are independent thinkers. You do make your own decisions regardless of what the media says and what Hillary Clinton has suggested. And if you look at the results of the way that you voted, you did really well, ladies. It tells me that you are pretty damn smart. You really are, because if you look at what's happened since twenty sixteen election, female unemployment is currently at a fifty year low. Did that happen? Oh, that happened because you voted for the guy who gave you that. Women's unemployment rate is three point five percent. That dropped a full one point two points since President Trump's inauguration, and it's the lowest level. Whenever sixty five years I said fifty, it's actually sixty five. I stand corrected. That's what you got, ladies, You've got the best economy of our lifetime, breaking records. Should you be ashamed of that? Is that? Is any of that anything that you should be ashamed of? Is it shameful that you elected a man who's responsible for African American and Hispanic historic glows and unemployment, youth unemployment at a fifty year low, tax cuts on the world stage? Are you ashamed of voting for President Trump, who withdrew us from TPP almost immediately, who got us out of that horrible Iran deal? Should you be ashamed the man who said au revoir to that scam, the Paris Climate Accord? Are you ashamed of a president who's watching out for our vets, gave us conservative Supreme Court picks, who made government more accountable to the American people, who put us first. That's the guy you voted for. Let me ask you, is there anything there to be ashamed of? We have nothing to be ashamed of. We made a good decision all by ourselves. And you know when I think about in August next year will be one hundred years since the final ratification of the nineteenth Amendment. And those ladies that worked on the suffrage movement, the ones who were really involved with it, they were they were great ladies. They were so influenced by the way, I don't know if you know this, by the Second Great Awakening. That Second Great Awakening totally revolutionize the way that women began to view their role in this country. So they were influenced by it because one of the reform movements during that akening was abolishing slavery, and they were working really tirelessly on abolishing slavery, and suddenly it occurred to them, wait a minute, if we believe that all men are created equally, then we also must believe that women are created equally. And that's really what began that whole suffrage movement. So thanks to those women who were inspired, spiritually inspired, might I suggest inspired that we should have a voice and how things are determined in this country because why because we care so much about the outcome of this country, Because we know how important it is to have security in this country, We know how important it is to have economic stability in this country. We know how it is to make sure that we've got a place to take our sick child. We understand all of this, and we should have a say and how it was done, and that is what they believed. But you know, sometimes when I look back at what they did for all of us, it took them a very long time to realize what it was. In fact, it didn't even happen in their lifetime. Elizabeth Katie Stanton and Susan B. Anthony started meeting in eighteen fifty one. By nineteen o two, fifty years later, Anthony wrote to her friend, we little dreamed that half a century later we would be compelled to leave the finish of the battle to another generation of women. Can you imagine that? But ladies, I want to suggest this to you. We can little afford to leave the battle of preserving our constitution and our liberties to another generation. This is our job. We need to make sure it happens. Don't you let anyone shame you. In the end, you made the right decision. In the end, you elected a president that will give you that peace of mind that you need as a woman, as a mother, as a wife, as a single woman, All of the above you made the right decision and you should not be shamed for that. We're gonna have a guest on next, and you know, this is kind of cool because we're talking about America and all the great things that happen out of freedom. And joining us to talk more about this will be Dawn Buckner and Major Dan Rooney. They are with Made in America, and I just can't wait till you talk to them because or hear from them, because I spoke with them earlier and I just love what they have to say. So we're gonna talk to them. Check me out on social media. I'll take some phone calls when we come back at Rose Underscore Unplugged on Twitter, Rose Unplugged on Facebook, and that is also my website and you can call in eight hundred and nine four one seven three two six, eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, We're back. It's the Sean Hannity Show. I'm so excited love being with this audience. You guys are so awesome. Matt Gates, Congressman Matt Gates joining us next. Our great guests coming up at the half hour. Real quick, let's take a listen to Eric from Pittsburgh. Hey, Yeah, hi been I'm doing great. Been listening to you since the nineties when you were Yeah, I sound old, don't say that. Yeah, great show, Great show. I want to talk to you about Trump in Pennsylvania and the Purple States in general. Yes, you know how important it is for the Second Amendment voters. You know, you got to categorize your voters. You know, your Second Amendment voters there they they they love their guns. They need to vote on that. I need to make sure that you know, Trump knows that that's important and and not to mess with that. Also, what we need to do is we need to get activated for him. And the way we can do that if you go to your you know, in our area in Pittsburgh, north of Pittsburgh is where I'm at. You know, we have Republican state reps and and state senators and whatnot. They all have organizations, So you can either plug into your local Republican party or you can plug in with one of those guys. They're going to get you where you need to go so that you can be effective and volunteering. Because Rose, you know as well as I do, if we don't get Trump reelected, then we're going to have the opposite effect on our courts. That's going to affect Go ahead, yeah, no, I mean listen, you are so right, You're it will have an effect on our courts. But you know, Eric, I have to say, I was we just made it. I mean, Pennsylvania went for Donald Trump. But gosh, I was here in these studios that night watching the returns, right Ethan saying, yes, he remembers, And honestly when we left finally early in the morning, we didn't even know he had it. Remember. So the thing is, Eric, we cannot take anything for granted. We need Pennsylvania. And listen, for those of you living in Pennsylvania. Thanks in large parts of the stimulus that was provided by those middle class tax cuts, Pennsylvania's unemployment rate reached three point nine percent in March. That's the lowest level ever recorded, and Pennsylvania businesses have added one hundred and twenty three thousand over one hundred twenty three thousand jobs under President Trump, including thousands of jobs in industries like manufacturing that we're like dying under the Obama's regulation happy two terms in office. So Eric, you are so right, but you know what, wet we can't even do this election like we've done other ones. Everyone like you said, Eric, thank you for this. Everyone needs to get involved in this election everyone, So don't take anything for granted. People. We will come back. We have some great guests joining us. They're already standing by. I can see them. Really nice people. And also check me out on social media at Rose Underscore Unplugged and it's Rose Unplugged on the web and also on Facebook. And looking forward to still talking more with you next hour and Congressman Matt Gates next hour as well. So hang in there with us. We'll be right back. Welcome back to the Sean Hannity Show. My name is Rose Tenant, sitting in for him today, loving it. Joining me next hour is Congressman Matt Gates. Lots to talk about with him. I'm going to ask him about the Muller Report also some other things that he's been involved in. And I want to mention that my social media is at Rose Underscore Unplugged, and Facebook is Rose Unplugged, and my website is Rose Unplugged. You see how easy that is. Joining me today in studio and I'm really excited is president and CEO of MAIDE in America and one of his supporters, Major Dan Rooney. So Don Buckner and Major Dan Rooney are joining me today. Dan Rooney heads up Folds of Honor and he's also a fighter pilot, PGA professional. Can you believe all this? A philanthropist and an author? How does he have time for all of this? How are you today, Major Dan Rooney? Oh? I am blessed and happy eve to America's birthday. Honor to be with y'all, hey man, And your book is a patriot's calling, living life between fear and faith. Oh I like that. Oh my gosh, I could sit down to five daughters, you know what. Okay, listen, So my mother had four daughters, but my mom I get I'm very fearful. I don't know what it is. Sometimes I go through this like I worry, worry, worry, And there is like this line between fear and faith. We need to talk about that sometime. I might even have to, like need you to counsel me sometime to work out my fear and faith. All right? Also with us is Don Buckner, as I said, President and THEO Made in America. And how are you. We had a little conversation before the show. Really enjoy talking to you, Rose, thank you for having us. We're honored to be here. Well, it's really important that you guys are here today, I think because it's significant one of your things that you really promote made in America businesses. And I love that because we just talked about that. That's all we've been talking about these last couple of hours is how important it is to have that freedom to produce, you know, Major, when you think about it, I was talking earlier in the show about how you know, our forefathers came here from Europe, a place where people actually believe that you were only as smart as your station in life, that you could only produce as much as your station in life allowed you. And when these forefathers came over to this country, they came here and they understood that it was gene that all of us had the potential for genius. But in order to cultivate that genius, we needed liberty. Would you agree with that, Major, I wouldn't. I think it's so apropos as we head into the fourth of July that we remember what this country is all about, why it was started, and that's what makes you know, groups that are focused on America more relevant than ever. Yeah, and we just talked, you know, gosh, you know, we were talking in the green room on and I was telling you, you know, you said you had looked me up. I looked you up, and you said you were surprised you found out that I had first were One of my first jobs in favorite jobs actually was working for Smaller Manufacturers Council and I was a political liaison at the time, and I was representing those smaller manufacturing companies and I always had a heart for that as a woman who grew up in a family of entrepreneurs. So my mother had a dress shop, my dad had a design business, and then you know, lots of other things too, we of us involved in. But we were talking about how at the dinner table we talked about business for the most part. Right, I'm sure that's a familiar scenario for you as well. No, absolutely, it's part of our lives. I grew up in a family that focused on entrepreneurship. We have entrepreneurship has made focus of our family, and we homeschool our children and that is a big focus. And manufacturing. I recently sold a manufacturing company that I started in my garage twenty years ago. And sold it to a multi billion dollar company here recently, and now we're able to move forward with our vision of bringing together there as many US manufacturers as possible under one roof and celebrating US manufacturing. You know, if you were to talk to someone today, both of you, I'm going to ask this question, and we'll start with you, John, If you today we're talking to someone who had an idea, who believe they really could do something or produce something significant, but they were afraid to take that first step, what would you say to that person. Well, one huge word, the biggest word that I can remember telling myself, was to persevere no matter what. And at the same time, you look for momentum. Every day you look at that momentum. One step, one foot in front of the other equal success, you know. And major I was thinking too that we do live in a country still, thank God. Maybe we're hanging on by a thread, but it is a country right now that allows that those opportunities. You can start, you can try something, you can fail, you can start again. I mean, we have that freedom to pursue those dreams. And I think that's what Donald Trump talks about a lot too. President Trump, you know he wants he wants to see people pursuing the American dream. That's what this country's all about, and being excited about it. I think that's one of the great things President Trump was brought back to the fight is being excited and proud of being Americans and the opportunities that present themselves. And you know, not unlike John. You know, I started folds of honor about my garage, so we have that in common eleven years ago. And you know, we've awarded now over twenty thousand scholarships to spouses and children who've had somebody killed or disabled. And it's an education. And that the ripple effect of that, Uh, these great men and women going out empowered with an education, which is foundational again in America. That sets it apart from any other place in the world is when you're armed with this education. The only limitations that we place on ourselves are our dreams and this power of choice that we have militian to go out every day and you know, and make it better. And I'm proud to serve and find fighters for twenty one years and this is exactly what you go fight for, is so we can preserve the American way of life. You know, it's interesting, Major because your motto says it best honor their sacrifice, educate their legacy. And right now I'm going to be heading back to DC after this show because I'm joining with Moms for America and also with a couple of gold Star families. And one of the things that we've all been talking about these last couple of days while we've been together in DC is that these young men and women go out and fight for our country. They fight for what they believe in, for liberty, and we need to honor that. And many of them gave the greatest sacrifice of all their life, and that needs to be honored, that needs to be respected, and so often we neglect that aspect of it all when we talk about liberty. Sometimes there is a cost to liberty. Yeah, I mean, you hit it on the head, I'm sure, John Ire, but but freedom is not free. And we look at this conflict which has pretty much been my entire military career in Afghanistan and Iraq, and we've had about one point five million dependents, those spouses and kids that have suffered the death or a permanent disability of a of a service member, and the vast majority getting no federal education assistance. And that's why it's important for all of us to step up when we talk about folds of honor and honoring that sacrifice by empowering these families with an education and uh never ever, you know, diluting uh these American values, which I think we all feel are under attack on a daily basis. You can, you know, look at the Betsy Ross sneakers, or you can look at people kneeling during a national anthem, and it makes me want to throw up. I think it's it's so misplaced, um in in their in their efforts to to be heard, you know, I mean that's the right word, too misplaced. So so look, so Dan Rooney and you, Dawn Buckner, are joining forces. You believe in buying American. Being American made you love that, and so you're promoting that. And you've got a big event coming up in October at the Indiana Convention Center. Why don't you tell us a little bit about it? Sure, Rose, we've had the in October. We started with the idea of why don't we put together a trade show of as many US manufacturers as we possibly can in one place from all over the country, all shapes, all sizes, from Mom and Pops the fortune five hundred companies bring them to Indianapolis. And the reason we chose Indianapolis. If you take and draw a circle around Indianapolis, but the bulk, probably fifty percent of the US manufacturing is in that area. So we try to make it as easy and convenient for them as possible. So we've rented the Indianapolis Convention Center for the first week in October to bring together these manufacturers. We hope to connect consumers and educate consumers the importance of buying an American made product. In fact, one of our most favorite comments that we like to say is that the power of change is literally in our pockets and each of us. What better way to show our patriotism than to spend our hard earned American made dollars on American made products. There's just no better way. And really, with this administration's help, we've seen it become a lot easier for those American companies to really continue to do business and do it in a very productive way, in a very and profitable way. No, absolutely, so, the environment has absolutely changed. So we started in ninety eight and two nine ninety eight and two thousand. We started buying these domains thinking at some point in the future there would be an opportunity to put these domains in action. So here recently as the current administration is very favorable towards American products and protecting those US manufacturers in a way that hasn't been done in over twenty years, and re establishing those tariffs is going to be challenging, but they have to be re established in order for this country to survive US manufacturers. As you know, I really challenge with the idea of trying to compete head to head with an imported product. US manufacturers have. Their cost of operating is so much higher. They have to pay a fair wage, they have to buy insurance, they have to buy buy rules and regulations and just not they can't survive in a free trade environment. So we have to get back to that fair trade position for this country in order for US manufacturing, which by the way, is the foundation of any solid economy. In the last couple of years too, we've seen an increase of what six hundred thousand new manufacturing jobs country, so absolutely good point. Reashoring has become very popular. The conditions are ripe for that, and the TIFFs only add value to that proposition. Many of those manufacturers had ran into deliveries and all kinds of supplier chain issues that now for seeing them to come back to the United States was absolutely a great thing. And the sovereignty of this country is certainly at stake, and so we must put up very high focus on spending our American dollars on these American products. And in fact, tarists become an irrelevant factor. If we all choose to spend our hard earned American dollars on American made products, that tarrists become a non issue. Interesting. Interesting, all right, So Major Dan Rooney, I tell us who should show up at the convention Center, Indiana Convention Center October third through these six Here do you want to say that? First? Yeah, to pile onto what Don said, A huge salute to him. And you look at the military in this country, so it's actually less than a half a percent to put the uniform on to serve. But Don is a perfect example of how great patriots don't have to put on the military uniform but serve in other ways. And I think people are so many people want to participate in this country and serve this country, and Don is creating is this shock and awe opportunity for Americans to come together and not only the manufacturer side, but you made a great point individuals making the choice to support American made products, and that is the beauty of the seat that you know He's planned in Indianapolis, and hopefully we're going to have thousands and eventually millions of people rallying around this opportunity to support America and driving its economy, because the economy is what drives the military, what creates this blanket of freedom, if you will. From that perspective, we get to sleep under each and every night. So what a great coalition. Don A huge salute to you. Yeah, Don, it sounds fantastic. And as someone who you know grew up with all of this, I just I thank you too for what you're doing. And you can get more information at Made in America dot com real quick. Before we go, though, Major Dan Rooney, your thoughts on do you have a problem with tanks showing up and saluting our military on the fourth of July? Hi? Anybody here having problem down? Major as long as your American Oh? Yeah, oh absolutely not. You know, I don't and I think you. I mean, it's one of those things you you need to be prudent, right, but having opportunities to celebrate this country again, it harkens back to our proudest days. And it is true wonderful to see what, you know, what President Trump and so many other people are doing to um to wake that spirit up in America. And that's exactly what's going to happen in Indianapolis. Courtesy get down and the great Americans that are gonna be there. So amen. Yeah, thank you, Maiden America dot com. Thanks to Don Buckner and Major Dan Rooney. Was fun, guys, Keep up the good word. Thank you Rose. Birth of July. God bless oh absolutely God bless America. So listen, this is the Sean Hannity Show. You can call in one eight hundred and nine four one seven, three two six taking phone calls when we come back from the break. Also check me out on Twitter at Rose Underscore Unplugged and Rose Unplugged on the web and Facebook. It was a lot of fun. Thanks guys, so great to see you appreciate it. We'll be back. Welcome back to the Sean Hannity Show. My name is Rose Tennant. Sitting in for him today. Check me out on social media. It's at Rose Underscore Unplugged, and Facebook is Rose Unplugged, and my web site is Rose Unplugged. I see a lot of phone calls Mike, Cindy, Steve, Joe, all of you. I will get to you. But first, when we come back, Congressman Matt Gates lots to talk about with him. Oh my gosh, I can't wait. In fact, so he'll be joining us. We'll talk about Mahler and he's testifying before Congress on July seventeenth. That's going to be a subject that we'll discuss. Also some of the things that Matt Gates has been involved in, and I'll get his opinion too on the Fourth of July celebrations tomorrow and Washington d C. I also wanted to say thanks too. I had a chance to spend some time with actor John Voight last night. He took a couple of us to dinner and to see Hello Dolly at Kennedy Center, and he's just such a sweetheart. So thank you, John Voight for your generosity and your kindness to GoldStar Families and Moms for America. We really appreciate you. It was a lot of fun. Okay, So stay with us. Congressman Matt Gates joining us nets. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload on the Sean Hannity Show. My name is Rose Tennant, sitting in for Sean today. Thanks so much, Sean for the opportunity, thanks to Ethan, thanks to Linda. A lot of fun with you guys. All right, check me out on social media at Rose Underscore Unplugged and Rose Unplugged on the web and also on Facebook. All right, here's my favorite guy. And you know what, when I'm talking to people out there, when I talk to all of you, you love him too. He is from Florida's first congressional district. Welcome to the show, Congressman Matt Gates. How are you? Oh? I am great, Rose, Great to be talking to you again. And I just have to say I got a great experience with your son David working on our team on our congressional staff. Now he's gone on to a better job with a better congressman, but our team was so much better for him. He did a great job with us. And thanks for raising up such a good, outstanding young man. Oh my god, that is the sweetest thing. Thank you, And I listen. He is very fond of you. I hope you know it, and your staff, he really is. You guys are great over there. You're so easy to work with and you're a lot of fun. I mean, can you imagine people out there imagine working with Matt Gates? I mean, come on, can we get some Gates? Come on? Hey, look, look, this is actually an important political point. I think that so often when we see like the negativity that's out there, we see the violence, the Antifa, you know, all this stuff, sometimes it makes us depressed about the circumstances we live in. And I remind the members of my staff, I remind my constituents, this is a time of great joy. Let's consider ourselves lucky that we get to be alive during the presidency of someone like Donald Trump, who was so transformational, who is so willing to do things in a different or new or creative way. That we've got all kind of opportunity unlocked for our country and we're doing better as a result. And so, you know, even though our politics is divisive, even though it kind of seems like things are really crazy, sometimes we cannot miss the opportunities that we have to be joyful about the opportunity that exists in these exciting times. I mean, I remember, you know, two thousand and seven, two thousand and eight, graduating from law school, trying to get a job, and what companies were doing was figuring out how many people they were going to lay off, not how many people they were going to hire. And it's just great to see our country in such a state of turnaround and success. You know, it really is. And I'm glad you brought that up, Congressman, because we actually had a few phone callers. I didn't get a chance to get to them this afternoon, but a couple of them had called in about what the perceived anger out there in there is. There's there's a lot of anger, there's a lot of hay, but there are a lot of good things going on. I can't help but think that four years ago when Donald Trump the candidate or made that historic announcement when he came down that escalator and he said that he wanted to launch a campaign for president to put our country back on the right track and to make America great again. Now, a lot of people got really ticked off about that statement. But he was right, and he won the election as the jobs president, and I'll tell you what, He's had an ambitious, ambitious agenda for the country. He immediately got to work in making good on his promises. And I think a lot of us and you know, you'd never know it listening to the media or those on the left, which is basically the same thing, but you would never know it listening to them. But crossover country, the majority of the Americans are enjoying a stable economy, more jobs, lower unemployment rate. I mean, the list goes on and on. But you know, Rose, I'm a Christian, and in my sake, you know, we learn about trying to be a light that chimes right to others so that they want to be a part of that movement. And I think we can apply that sense of inclusiveness in our politics as well, you know, as Trump supporters, as people who are proud of America, who don't feel the need to apologize for our country, but are grateful and proud of the of the fact that we're the just the most wonderful society that I think has existed in all of human history. And I think that if we want to be inclusive to people, they'll they'll want to beat join in that, and not this very negative movement that seems to be gravitating to farther and farther to the extremes on the left. You know what I mean that, Rose, I'm watching TV, and all I see on TV or these people with the you know, the gas masks and the assaults and hurting people. I mean, you know, I know that no political side, the right or the left, is immune from having some crazies, but it's important to state we are against violence in politics. There are none of our disagreements that are worth taking up arms against our fellow man arians and these it seems to be a lot of this kind of like you know, response to the populism that has been helpful to the right throughout the Western hemisphere, that the left isn't engaging on the substance of our ideas. They're instead trying to deep platform, the fame, destroy assault anyone who has a view that is right of center. And I, you know, I hope that that's not what our future holds well, and you were, and I hope not either. And I really do hope that things change, and I really wish that people would just look at this and look at the country and where we're headed and what we've done so far in the last two years, what this administration has accomplished, and say, you know what, hey, this is good for everybody. It really is good for everybody. You know. Right now, the media and the left are having this huge meltdown over Trump's Fourth of July celebration. I'll be back in DC tonight and I'll be part of it, and I do have a ticket there with the you know, in the President's area watching the celebration. And that is what it is. Congressman. We are celebrating two hundred and forty three years of independence and the media is just having a huge melt down. It's almost like they want this equal time or something. I mean, what do they want to do? Rebut the fourth of July celebration that the President's having. This is insanity. But there's nothing wrong with it. There is nothing wrong with it. And also no one should be as surprised by this. When Donald Trump was a candidate, you know, he said he was very critical of Obama. He said Obama wasn't enough of a cheerleader for our country that he really viewses the presidency not just to someone who takes positions for or against bills or makes appointments, but as someone who tries to like embody a sense of vigor and optimism for the nation, and who cheerleads for the country. And so you know, I know the President's gonna love forth of July. He's been looking forward to it. It's a great time for him, and it should be a great time for all of us because this is the chance that we get to celebrate the values that make us a special country. It's not by accident that we are the world's largest economy. It's a consequence of our values in our principles. You know, it's not by and it won't be just given to us. To maintain this freedom going forward, we always have to be diligent in the preservation of our freedoms and in our constitutional principles. Yeah, you're absolutely right. And you know, and when you consider the tanks in the military, which is what they're really freaking out over as well, you know, there is a long tradition of tanks in military uh celebration during the Fourth of July festivities. Clinton also gave a speech on the fourth of July Reagan actually did his from the USS Kennedy get Michael Caucus in one of those tanks roles. They put Rachael Michael Ducaucus in one, letting him run around. I'm like, are we really at the point or the left tank that we that we can't that we can celebrate our military too much? I mean, I'm from the district in this country that has the highest concentration of activity. Yes, you do, yes, yeah, And I don't think we can ever celebrate the military enough. I don't think we can ever do enough to idolize and set forward as a standard for patriotism, you know, the people who do the hardest work and who exemplify the boldest sacrifice exactly. I think the President loves if people want to attack the President for doing more to hold up the military or to showcase the unique expression of patriotism that is reflected by military service. I just think it shows how crazy they've become. You're absolutely right, Hey, Congressman, how much do you want to bet that President Trump hangs boldly a Betsy Ross flag after all the controversy. I wouldn't be surprised if he did something like that. I really want to if he did that. If he everyone was like a big race. Yeah, that's true, Gladys Ross flags hanging in his inauguration he did? Is it is it now? Is like is Betsy Ross one? It's so crazy. I mean, we can now let these people run the country. I mean, if this is how the history American history and a reflection on the uniqueness of how our country formed, we could never give them control over the apparatus of government because they really don't represent the common good for the common man in our country anymore. You know, that's absolutely true. And you know one of the things, I mean, it's so crazy, isn't it? Because first of all, we're celebrating what happened tomorrow, two hundred and forty three years ago tomorrow. The idea that was something so magnificent, it was so radical, thirteen colonies, We're going to become the United States of America. That was astounding, It was amazing. It was worth celebrating then and it is now. And it was with great sacrifice. And they knew that. They knew when they were declaring their independence and they were establishing this nation of thirteen colonies. How dare anyone be upset about that? How dare they hey, and think about how many places in the world people wish they had, you know, a version of a Betsy Ross flag to celebrate. Think about, you know, how many millions and millions of people live in oppression and they wish they had a moment where in their country they said that we can be something more than an oppressed people. We can thrive through our liberty and the success of our citizens, not the overbearance of our government. I mean, you know, I think that, you know, I'm grateful for people like Governor on de Sciantists for putting Civics education back in the schools, because if we're going to save this country, we really are going to have to educate a new generation of patriots who understand the importance of living and celebrating these moments that have made America the most exceptional society ever. Amen to that, my friend, real quick, do you mind if I ask you about July seventeenth, That's when Robert Muller will be testifying before a Congress. So there's a subpoena for his appearance, And what do you expect to happen? What do you hope will happen that day? I hope we get direct answers to direct questions. Yeah, I think I think that, you know, it is sort of bizarre for the Democrats to be reliving the Muller report. They're trying to take the written word as like a screenplay and turn into a movie. Now. And I think that most people in the country are concerned about their healthcare, their drive to work, their economic success, and their future. I think people are concerned about, you know, whether or not our country is able to preserve the dignity of a border and ensure that we don't just have you know, four or five thousand people a day rushing in with no real control over that system. I don't think people sit around wondering, like, you know, what is the new revelation that if Robert Mueller says it as opposed to writing it will take us to a totally different place on our perception of novel. Trump, when you say it out loud, health grants Why you're right, though you're absolutely right. I mean, one of the things that they should ask him, and I doubt they will, is that how much of the Special Council, the Office of the Special Council, rely on information that they got from FBI spying on the Trump campaign. But they're not going to ask questions like that though, right, well, I mean it is a legitimate question. It is indeed whether or not the Special Countboy, you've tuned at evidence, right right? I mean like, if if we're going to do this, uh, and it appears we are, then then it's at least worth testing. Well when you came to these conclusions, were you working off of evidence that was reliable or evidence cooked up by Russians funded by Democrats in an effort to destabilize the election and presidency of Donald Trump? Wow? This is is this astounding that we're still discussing all of this and this is still to an extent, is going on. It really is. Look, you know a lot has been happening with the protesters, and you've been actually a victim of you know, this milkshake thing that they're they're throwing at people. It's a social media trend um, you know. And then Eric Trump, who I love. I think Eric is like the sweetest guy. I really do like him a lot. And then he was at the restaurant The Aviary in Chicago and as someone spit on him. My god, imagine if if if an employee of a restaurant, any restaurant, any employee spit on any patron, there would be so much trouble they would be fired immediately. But this has become acceptable behavior for God's sake. Unfortunately, this is part of being a conservative. In Donald Trump's America, people feel a license to assault, abuse, and terrorize you. Kelly and Conway was assaulted, Eric Trump was assaulted. So one threw something at me. And I'm gonna be honest with you, ros I can't tell you where I am right now because I can't go back to my own home right now because my office has received such a barrage of death threats, and so I'm somewhere else based on death threats to me and to my family, and I have to be where there's you know, law enforcements, you know, and it's it's just like, you know, what are we doing for? This is such an unproductive use of the American existence for people to be engaging in this type of violence and buffoonery. And I just think that, you know, we can have our disagreements, we can hash them out in elections, and nobody needs to resort to this type of activity. But it does seem to be that. You know, you're starting to see a lot of it sensational media, and so I'm like, I wonder, you know when I watch Antifa NonStop on TV and it's all the news stations agree they shouldn't even give them all the time on there, you know, but we're out of time. I'm so sorry. I love talking to you. Knew how that goes all the time. Listen, what you are doing is right. What you are doing is for future generations. What you're doing is preserving our liberty and the constitution. Keep up the good work. And I am so sorry that you have to go through what you're going through. God bless you. Congressman Mac Gates. I am taking phone calls. I promise that's it last. The rest of the show is is you baby? Colin number is eight hundred nine four one seven three two six eight hundred nine four one sean, So give us a call. Also check me out on social media at Rose Underscore Unplugged. My website is Rose Unplugged and Facebook is Rose Unplugged. So we'll take your phone calls. We're gonna talk about women. Should you have been shamed for the vote, for casting your vote for Donald Trump. Also, MSNBC isn't going to air Trump's fourth of July event live. I'll be there. I can't wait. I'm so excited about it, and I think it's great that he's celebrating our military people who've made the greatest sacrifice to preserve our freedoms, and that he is honoring those who have served in that way. Also, I just think it's a great It's just gonna be fun, and I love that he loves to celebrate in this way. Hey, he does it big, baby, he does it big. All right. So we'll be back with more of the Sean Hannity Show. Make sure that you call in during the break. It's one eight hundred and nine four one seven three two six eight hundred nine four one Sean, We'll be back. Welcome back to the Sean Hannity Show. My name is Rose and thanks again everyone for allowing me to do this today. I had a lot of fun. Gosh, it's a lot of fun. So now I get to talk to the audience and I love you guys so much. Let's go to We'll get him Mike in Chicago. He's been waiting a long time. Thanks Mike for hanging in there. Yeah, you bet so well. I'm listened mostly all day to day. And here's my concern for US conservatives. We are naive because we know this whole thing was nike. Mark Parker. I googled him this morning, and some of these guys he's a globalist. Some of these guys are real obedience and they I just don't believe that this whole thing was copernick in him. I think it was staged. If you think about it, what business would just turn on a dime make all these things and then just turn on a dime make a decision. I think it was all planned in order to get more media pr for what is a globalist agenda to discredit the America's founding. I mean that might be, but I just find that difficult to believe that they would alienate a large image of the population who doesn't have a problem with patriotism. But I guess it hasn't hurt them in the past, though, has it. I don't know, well, I don't know either. I mean, if you google Mark Parker, anybody can do this. I mean, he's got the most deviant art collection, and I know people can form their own opinions of what motivates that I have my own, but some of these folks are into some dark stuff and I, oh, I'm sorry. Okay, I don't know what happened here, but thank you for waiting in there. And let's go to Cindy in Brooksville. Listen, So, Cindy, thank you for waiting as long as you did. I appreciate that. And you want to talk about social media and what they're saying about Trump's celebration tomorrow for the fourth of July. Yes, Rose, First, I want to say that I really appreciate your patriotism. I'm totally with you there. I love our country so much and that's why I find it so hard to believe that people have seemingly been brain on Ashton to the meme I'm about to read you. It's on a famous website. It's called Occupied Democrats, and it says, I'm hoping and praying for thunderstorms in the DC area for Trump's corrupt hijacking of Himerica's July fourth hijacking? How is he hijacking the fourth of July celebration? How in the world is he hijacking that? I'm very posed before it says that he is um turning it into a campaign rally. You know, this is so this is really pathetic, the length to which these people will go to complain about this president. He is not doing anything that others haven't done. Clinton had a Fourth of July celebration, Reagan did it from the USS Kennedy for Heaven's sake. Obama had a pre I think it was prerecorded Fourth of July message. I mean, and we have a long tradition of tanks and military as part of the Fourth of July. I love celebration. But they hate this man so much, so much that they will find anything they're they're actually protesting a celebration of our independence. This is just I mean, this is gone really too far, really too far. Cindy, thanks for sharing that with us. Joe, Long Island, Joe, how you doing, Rose good doing a great show. Incredible, You're really rocking this. Listen, this is an American rally. I'm so exciting. It's excited. I was ten years old nineteen seventy six Advison Saniel celebration. Oh yes, is bringing He's bringing this fact for the kids, for America. He's it is Patriots Rooms. He's restoring America's Core Value, God, Family and Country, American League, Increed for one hundred years, and if I might rose, President Trump has paid for half. It is because he's four hundred thousand a year. Shall oh. I love that point, because everyone's wringing their hands over how much this is costing us, and you know what, You're right, hey dude, why don't you complain about a president that didn't take a salary for gosh sakes. I mean, you're right, Joe. I like that point. Joe. I gotta tell you something, Babe, I gotta tell you something. You brought up the bi centennial. I got it just reminded me of what I did that day. First of all, I mentioned earlier on on the show that my family was a family of entrepreneurs, and so they had a dress shop that I thought was so cleverly named Hangups. And so for the bi centennial, they had me dress up as Betsy Ross as a live mannequin in the window. Is that child abuse? Dad? I love you. I know you're listening. So anyway, actually I kind of loved that. And then we had a pig roast and we did a square dance and all that for the bi centennial. It was really fun, the whole neighborhood. But anyway, Joe, I had to interrupt you to tell you that. But Joe, dog Gunna, you are right, my friend, You know you are right. I can't wait. We're gonna watch it onto my sisters, going there to DC. She booked the hotel room. I hope it's bigger next year, bigger and better. I really do. I want it's gonna be big and better this year. Hun, it's gonna be really good. I'm we're watching it on TV. You won't see it on the MSNBC Live though. Just remember that, okay? Oh really? Oh, I know you're disappointed. You're gonna tune into that? Oh? Why don't the democratic comedies like Bernie Biden Harry's book that's put up your money where your mouth is. I don't see you doing it. All they spiel is this democratic socialism, one communism, one on one. That's what it is. The culture they're trying to stay did this in the cultural reb Oh? Tom wants to argue with you. Hold on a minute, Joe. Oh, he wants to argue with me. Oh, oh, come on, stay on. Tom from Delaware. How's it going, Tom? Hey? How are you doing. I'm okay, what's up? Good? Well, I disagree with it. Just seems to me. I'm neither Democrat nor Republican. Okay, what I see. I've never seen this country so polarized, is what it is, has has been since. Oh and whose fault is that? Though? Tom, let's just ask that question. Tomp doesn't help anything. And the fact, you know what, everybody wants to put Trump to the right, just put Trump on on a pedestal. But you know what about the fact of all these accusations he's had from different women of sexual misconduct and rape. First off, that there they're accusations that happened. Women are all multiple women. So Tom, hold on one second. Wait, wait a minute, Joe, Okay, hold on, Tom. First of all, I don't want to date Donald Trump. Okay, I'm not here to date him. Number two, I believe that Donald Trump is a protector of our liberties. And and number three, he's done a damn Will you tell me, Tom that he hasn't done a good job where the economy is concerned on the world stage? Are you going to actually tell me that, Tom, Is that what you want to tell me? I don't believe you need to be going over there kissing a dictator's ass. Excuse Oh whose ass did he kiss? I'm sorry? I missed it? Did he did? I miss this? Was this a big news story and I missed it? Who was it? The dictator of ruler of North Korea who just called up and you meet me at at the DMZ zone. Yeah, brilliant. It was freaking brilliant. And it has a lot And here's the problem. Here's a problem. People don't realize how much was said, how much was demonstrated in that action, and it has to do with China, it has to do with a lot of things going on right now. I think he was brilliant, absolutely brilliant, but people will not go beyond their hatred of him. Don't tell me Tom that you're not a Democrat or a Republican, because if you truly were not a Democrat or a Republican, then you would understand that neither is Donald Trump. So you guys can put away your hate for Republicans and conservatives. Donald Trump is a guy who thinks it that this this, there are problems that need fixed, and that he's the guy to do it. And I don't see him as because I was a diehard Republican. I don't and and and and then I have to tell you I stopped feeling that way for a long time. And then when he came around, I thought, you know what, I don't even I don't even believe he has a party of feeling. I don't really put him on a label on him. He is just a man who wanted to do this job. I believe he loves his country. Do you not think he loves this country? Torm? Why do you think he's doing this? I think he loves himself. I think he's hell yeah, he does, thank God, because I mean, you know, you gotta love yourself to go through all the bassid he's been going through all this time. Oh yeah, I think the wall he wants to board build on a southern border is a monument he wants to become because of his ego. That's what I think. Also, Oh okay, all right, you know what, I'll bet that Washington Memorial is like all about ego too, right, Well, yeah, it's a yeah, that's it. That's what I thought you were gonna say. I kind of thought that. Okay, Well, Tom, thank you so much for though I appreciate it. Okay, Joe, Wait, Tom h Okay, I made a mistake, Joe, Joe, am I still arm rods? You're still on? Go ahead? Hit him? I let him go by mistake. I'm sorry. I screwed up. What am I gonna say? Fire me? Oh there's not enough time to now? Go ahead, babe, But oh I'm still there. Okay, I'm hearing shot my errands a little bad. That's why I wanted to jump in on. I'm saying, what rocker is this man? Living on the for eight years on the Biden Obamas, we tried democratic socialism. It was no jobs in America, no jobs. It was a depression, and the president brought us back one point eight for sent GDP was the norm. Are you kidding me? Illegals running amuck on a country. This man is going to go down as the greatest president. I loved this president. My family loves him. He has brought with I have nine children, I know, living out here, working and grinding. It was the worst eight years. And wait a minute, you have nine children? I do? Did you you gotta give that lady a rest? Are you done? Are you done? Hey? The only think that guy has to do is something that he likes to do in the first place. Okay, that's it. Nine children, Jeff, Really, the wife's a saint. I tell you, she's a saint, and I believe me. I'm married up, trust me, but a big time you know, a whol again. But anyway, yeah she uh, you know, thank you, mister Trump. I love what he's doing for the children. This is about the kids. It's about the America and uh and going back for eight years, it is Obama and Biden's driving what they did to America. They drove borderline and this is what's gonna happen again if a Harridge gets in there or anybody. So well, you know, Joe, here's I'll tell you and thank you, honey. I'll love your enthusiasm. I love you, I really do, and your wife must really love you too. Nine children. So anyway, this president, so you can't even I couldn't even do the whole list of his accomplishments and promises kept in this three hour program. I could never do it. But the truth is that we do have a stronger economy and it's the strongest today and American workers are better off today thanks to Trump's pro growth agenda. Right there, that's enough. But no, he didn't stop there. Unemployment claims record lows all over the place, Hispanic Asian American female youth unemployment, African American unemployment, veterans unemployment lowest in two decades. Sixty seven percent of Americans believe now is a good time to find a quality job. According to Gallop that was done a while ago. Oh, manufacturing jobs. I don't even know what the number is right now. I mean, it's beyond the three hundred thousand that when I was keeping track. But there's a consumer confidence that has reached an eighteen year high because of him. This is this is just locally, this is just at home that you know, you look on the world stage and what he's done there. This guy's darn smart. You know. I don't want to marry him, don't want to date him, but I do want him as my president. I want him as my president another four years. In fact, I'm so pleased with the job that he's doing. So there, yeah, so there, And if and if people were really honest, if the if the left would just shut up for a minute, if the media quit trying to to really move on their agenda, and pass it on to you. If people were really honest for just a minute. This guy he you know, you act like he's an idea loogue or something. This man, this man is someone who believes in this country. I really do think that, honestly. And I've had an opportunity to meet him on several occasions, open for him before his rallies, and I want to say he's I've always felt a genuine quality in him when he wants, he wants to know what are the people really thinking? How do they feel? And I think he really cares. I really do believe that. I do believe it, honestly, I do. Let's take another call. Oh my gosh, I just feel like I'm gonna like I had should I get there's a break yet I have to take I didn't even remember. Okay, we're taking a break. I mean between Tom and Joe and all those guys, I've been a rough afternoon. We'll be back. Welcome back to the Sean Hannity Show. My name is Rose. What a fun time. I just saw Jonathan Gillham walk into the other side of the studio. He is such a nice guy. Nice guy. That's a vicious rumor I don't know what you're talking about. That guy, that Navy CLFBI agent, former Federal marshall, that guy. That guy. Yeah, I thought it was true. I don't know. He's at my experience. I don't know. I love you, Jonathan. Nice to see you. His book came out yesterday. Your book came out yesterday. All right, his third one, you know, only three, only show three. He's such a great guy, he really is. Listen, you know, as we close the show today and we go into celebrating two hundred and forty three years of independence, I just want to remind you the Declaration of Independence of this country, of the United States of America, declares that we hold these true to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among those are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These guys understood, and they recognize that God, and God alone, was the author of life, was the author of freedom, and was the author of man's free will. And this liberty that we celebrate tomorrow should not be taken for granted. And it must be understood that this liberty is a fragile thing, and it was fought hard for. And it is up to us to make sure that we preserve this constitution, that we preserve these liberties that those men so wonderfully put together for us and their declaration when they were fighting and running from tyranny. We should do the same now, and socialism is just another form of tyranny. Happy Fourth of July. Thanks so much, everybody. I loved joining you on the show at Rose Underscore plugged on Twitter. Rose Unplugged is where you can find me on Facebook, but it's also where you can find me on the web. And I did post a picture of that lovely dog that was supposed to be little but isn't, Tucker, so check him out, gorgeous golden doodle. Love him all right. Anyway, you have a great day tomorrow, and remember what we're celebrating, all right, Love you guys.