Congress' Response to Ukraine - March 8th, Hour 2

Published Mar 8, 2022, 10:01 PM

Chairman of the Republican Study Committee Indiana Congressman Jim Banks and Rep. August Pfluger from Texas, who was a Colonel in the USAF reserves, flew f-22 jets, and advised NATO, and was on the last congressional delegation trip to Ukraine with the foreign affairs committee; today they discuss Joe Biden’s press conference and the decision to stop Russian imports, all the while making zero provisions here at home. 

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Well, come here to y'all city. We'll all be desire and if you want a little banging again and come along. Are you open to running for president again? Come on today, I'm announcing the United States is targeting the main artery of Russian's economy. We're banning all imports of Russian oil and gas and energy. And there are nine thousand unused approved drilling permits. So I would suggest to ask the oil companies why they're not using those if there's a desire to drill more. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. Yeah, where I'm coming to your city? You want to buy our gids? I'm saying you a new Sean Hannity Show, Harvey. I'm the scenes, information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of the Sean Hannity Show America Trap Behind Enemy Lines, Day number two h six right hour to Sean Hannity Show eight hundred nine, Pot one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, Let's go back to Joe Biden's announcement to ban on all Russian oil and gas imports into the US, which should have been done from day one as we've been saying, only public pressure brought him to this point. But here's what he said today. I'm announcing the United States is targeting the main artery of Russian's economy. We're banning all imports of Russian oil and gas and energy. That means Russian oil will no longer be acceptable at US ports. The American people will deal another powerful blow to Putin's war machine. This is a move that has strong bipartisan support the Congress, and I believe in the country America's of rallied support have rallied to support through Ukrainian people and made it clear we will not be part of subsidizing Putin's war. This We made this decision in close consultation with our allies and our partners around the world, particularly in Europe, because a united response to Putin's aggression has been my overriding focus to keep all NATO and all of EU and our allies totally united. Okay, thanks Joey. Now, instead, what he's going to negotiate with Iran when really the person that he's negotiating with is Russia, and then he's gonna unleash what sanctioned money in terms of tens of billions of dollars sanctions that will not have any place anytime inspections. Oh great, that's not going to exist in that deal. It will still allow eventually for Iran to get a nuclear weapon, which is a dumb deal. Then we're gonna have more more moneys dropped on a tarmac and the mulos will be happy again. And part of the deal is, oh, we get to import oil from Iran. The people that say death to America, death to Israel, those same people threatening to wipe us off the map. Great, great idea, Joe, and then talks with the VENICEU whalen thug murdering dictator. Oh, let's make him rich again. Let's make a Ran rich again. Let's make Russia rich again. Let's beg the Saudiast to produce more oil, and let's ignore all the energy resources we have in this country. You can't make this up. Joey went into how Russia's worn a Ukraine is causing gas prices to go up. With all due respect, Joe, that started right away when you put your radical anti American energy plans into place. It was up at buck fifty a gallon before we even got to this point. Listen, the decision today is not without cost here at home. Putin's war is already hurting American families at the gas pump since Prudent began as military build up in Ukrainian borders. Just since then, the price of the gas of the pump in America and of seventy five cents. And with this action is going to go off further. I'm going to do everything I can to minimize Prudent's price sight here at home, in coordination with our partners, we've already announced that we're releasing sixty million barrels of oil from our joint oil reserves. Half of that thirty billion billion, excuse me, is coming from the United States, and we're taking steps to ensure the reliable supply of global energy. Okay, and lastly, then Joe goes on to say, it's simply not true that I am holding back domestic energy production. There are nine thousand permits to drill now now. The American Petroleum Institute responded to that, saying, yeah, we're at a two decade high per percentage of leases in production, with nearly two out of three leases producing natural gas and oil. Leases are issued prior to exploration. Not every eight ridge of least land has the resources to tap into. Despite substantial investments by developers, and with production still below pre pandemic levels. An imbalance between supply and demand is being exacerbated by the Russian invasion into Ukraine. It's time for the administration to support domestic production and send a message that America is open for energy investment. Now, it's the same Biden. As you listen to this. Remember he canceled the Keystone XL pipeline. He stopped and put a pause on new oil and gas leases on federal lands. He added new and updated really restrictive environmental rules and new rules on emissions. He joins the Paris Climate Agreement once again, and he took away all the anir oil off the table that Donald Trump had opened up. Though he's lying when he says this, Listen, it's simply not true that my administration or policies are holding back domestic energy production. That's simply not true. Even amid the pandemic, companies in the United States pump more oil during my first year in office than they did during my predecessor's first year. We're approaching a record levels of oil and gas production in the United States, and we're on track to set a record roil production next year in the United States. Of onshore oil production takes place on land that isn't owned by the federal government, and of the remaining ten percent that occurs on federal land. The oil and gas industry has millions of acres leased. They have nine thousand permits to drill now, they could be drilling right now, yesterday, last week, last year. They have nine thousand to drill onshore that are already approved. So let me be clear. Let me be clear. They are not using them for production. Now, that's their decision. These are the facts. Joey should be honest. Let's be honest about the facts. Not every one of those acres you talk about and leases that you talk about have proven to have any reserves at all, So that does not negate all the restrictions and regulations you put on the industry. Anyway, joining us now, we have the chairman of the Republican Study Committee, Indiana Congressman Jim Banks. I'm glad to hear, Congressman that you're going to be back on the ballot. Congratulations, something that I don't think you should have had to fight for. Yeah, thank you, Sean. We cleared that out of the way once again. These are the tactics from the left. They want to kick our name off the ballot, they want to take away our voice on social media, they want to take our takeaway our right to vote for whoever we want to vote for. But we got to fight back. I don't I don't back down from a fight. In this case, we won this fight. Well, we enthusiastically support your reelection. I don't think you're gonna have much of a problem. Congressman August Fluggers back with US Colonel and the US Air Force Reserves flew F twenty twos advise, Nate. Let's start with the energy side of it, and I'll start with you, Congressman Flugger, because you're from Texas and we you know we're gonna have Rick Perry at the bottom of the hour. My understanding is that a lot of the leases that they keep referring to are not areas where they've even identified that energy actually exists. Is that true? Well, Sean, thanks for having me, and you're absolutely right. This is the disinformation campaign that the Biden administration tries to wage and unfortunately Americans and the rest of the world are seeing through it. There are six energy export facilities that need to be approved right now. He could increase the capacity for our own domestic exports out of the country of energy by twenty percent if the Biden administration would approved them today. So they're talking about these nine thousand permits, Well, you know, just like you said, that doesn't mean that we're actually going to get the resources there. And oh, by the way, it's much more complicated than just one permit. You need several permits in a lot of cases for the hiplines, you know, talking about the Mountain Valley Pipeline or some of these others, they can get the product where it needs to go, strengthen our own energy security, become dominant again. And to hear Biden saying that US oil companies are to blame for this crisis is just absolutely ridiculous. It is his policies starting on January twenty, twenty twenty one, that are to blame. Well, I mean, that's the whole point. He did it inherit energy independence, did he not, Congressman Banks, did he not inherit an America that was a net exporter of energy there. For the first time in a long time, Donald Trump made us energy independent, and on day one, Joe Biden made us reliant on foreign countries for our oil and gas once again. That's what's so insane about all of this. Instead of turning to American energy, this president, even though he finally did the right, the right thing by banning Russian oil imports, at the same time, he's turning to two other bad guys. He's so, he's so, he's going to shut off one bad guy in Russia, but he's going to turn it two other bad guys in Venezuela and Iran and buy more oil and enrich those regimes instead of turning to American energy producers, American jobs, American oil and gas. It's absolutely insane. Sean's today. It's why today I introduced a new bill, No Oil for From Terrorist Act to stop this president from doing what he wants to do, which is by oil from Iran, one of the greatest adversaries that we face in the world today he's rushing to it's the number one Congressman, it's the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Yeah, this is not complicated. Why we're even sitting at a table with them. Why we're willing to open up sanction money in terms of tens of billions of dollars, Why we would ever agree to a nuclear deal that would not allow for any place, anytime inspections by Americans, and why we'd want their oil in the first place to make them rich again is insanity to me. Yeah, it is insanity. That's why my bill, the No Oil from Terrorists Act, would stop Joe Biden from negotiating for oil with Iran. I can't believe that it takes a bill to stop him to do it, but that's why we introduced it today. Do you think you can get any Democratic support, any crossover voting or no? Well, I don't know. I mean, at this point, Sean, you can see Democrats all over Capitol Hill fleeing from Joe Biden. They at this point, they're they're admitting he's they know he's a disaster. They knew, they've known that for a long time. Now finally they're they're speaking out against him too. I mean, they're the reason that he banned Russian oil imports today. It took Democrats to push him to do that. So we're gonna ask democrats We're gonna at least force their hand to ask them to say no, to come and join us and sign onto our bill. It's a common sense bill. Quick Break, Welcome Back, more with Congressman Jim Banks of Indiana Congressman August Fluger of Texas as we continue. Look, you know I'm a Pure Talk customer. I've told you how many times I just love this service. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of you have made the switch, and you're all saving money. We have a five star review from David in New York. He says, I was pretty hesitant about changing from Verizon and Pure Talk, but I was shocked to learn that the exact same plan that I had with Verizon was and I paid one hundred and seventy dollars for, would only be forty nine dollars with Pure Talk. My next concern would be, all right, how difficult will it be to make that change? Well, it was simple. Verizon quickly gave me a code number. 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Now Hannity's on coast to coast, and as we continue with Congressman Jim Banks of Indiana and Congressman August Fluger of Texas, I don't see one move that he's making, Congressman of Fluger that is going to impact the price of a gallon of gasoline at the pump. I don't see how it's going to reduce the cost of energy in this country. And meanwhile, I just scratched my wooden conservative head here and I'm thinking, wouldn't it be better, smarter, wiser, if we were the masters of our own destiny and we produced our own energy, that would be coal, natural gas, and oil. Well, Sean, you're absolutely right, and last time we talked about middling over Moscow. That's what he needs to do. It's not just a slogan. He needs to stop the regulatory assault on our own energy development. He needs to end the fiddle freeze on all new oil and gas projects. He needs a fast track pending L and G export permits. I mean, these are just a couple of the steps that need to be taken. But what he's doing right now is blaming American producers, which is completely false, and then putting money back into the hands of terrorists. Just like jimman Banks just said, what a very very good point for all Americans. Understand it. We're taking money maybe away from putin for a second, and putting it into either Venezuela or Iranian hands to sponsor terrorism. It's atrocious to hear the blame gang here when we have the capacity to do it ourselves and to focus right here on us domestic production that helps our own energy security and been quite frankly that of our allies and partners. You know, Jim Banks have been asking this question regularly, and I've not gotten a sufficient answer from anybody. If the argument is about climate change and climate change alarmism and New Green dealism, tell me what difference it makes to Mother Earth. If you drill for oil in Russia, or you drove for it in Iran, or you drill for it in Saudi Arabia or the Middle East, or you drill for it in Venezuela, or you drill for it in America, wouldn't pretty much have the same impact on the environment. If anything, America does it more cleanly than anyone else. I scratched my head about this as well. The Democrat You ask the Democrats this question, they can't answer. How is it environmentally more friendly to drill and so Arabia, Iran, Venezuela than it is in the United States of America. There's no good answer to that, because the only answer to this is this is about the Democrats radical green New Deal agenda and transforming America into a socialist country. And it's these efforts by by Joe Biden and this administration that are getting us getting them path further down this path toward their radical agenda. We've got to stop them. And the American people there, they can feel it, they see it, they know more than ever. The Democrats have no association anymore at all, Sean, with working class, blue collar Americans who are who are paying more for gas than they've ever paid before in American history because of this, this president and these Democrats, and and that's why there's there's gonna there's there's gonna be there's got to be a red wave election in November to throw these bums out and replace them with people who want to put America. Members of Congress who will come here and fight to put America first instead of putting America last in all of these decisions that Joe Biden has made. Are you come, Congressman Fluger, that we're going to provide the Ukrainians enough javelins and Stinger missiles that they can be successful and they're fight against Russia. Well, Sean, it's a great question. You alluded to my service as an OFF twenty two pilot, and you know, we've been pushing the administration to do this for months and they've they've slow rolled that they've President Biden said something interesting the other day. He said, we've known for weeks that Ukraine can get invaded. And excuse me, mister President, the rest of the world has known that for months and we've been demanding that you take action. And you know, they need all the lethal aid that they can get. Zelinski is not asking for troops on the ground, US troops on the ground. He is a leader, he's a courageous person. I met with him five weeks ago and he said they were going to fight, but they need help and they need to receive that aid. And I'd go a step further. They also need those airplanes, those bigs and suquois from some of the NATO countries who were former Soviet Union countries to help them set up their own no flies on so they can protect their own sovereign borders in their own sovereign airspace. Unbelievable. We appreciate both of you and your analysis. Thank you both. When we come back. Former Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, former Energy Secretary Rick Perry, he knows a thing or two about energy, will get his take on what's going on. Eight hundred and nine for one, Shaun is a number if you want to be a part of the program. The Sean Hannity show a thermonuclear MMBA assault on Facing News. Hannity is on right now, Hi twenty five, so the top of the hour, eight hundred nine for one seawn if you want to join us. So with all that is happening, and even predictions as high as two hundred dollars a barrel of oil, which is unfathomable, Russia even saying three hundred dollars a barrel, It's unbelievable. You would think Joe Biden today would have come out and said, I have consulted with all of our energy producers in America, and I have authorized them to expedite exploration extraction of as much energy and natural gas as possible to return to energy independence, and to also produce as much energy as possible for our NATO allies, Western European allies. But no, you know, Russia's war on Ukraine should motivate us to accelerate a transition and clean energy. He said, it's simply not true that my administration's policies are holding back domestic energy production. He said, we know that's a lie because he canceled the Keystone X pipeline. He put a full pause on new oil and gas leases on federal lands, new and updated and environmental restrictions and rules on emissions that are killing energy producing industries, rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, ending all Alaska and and more drilling and close that off, and you know, we just get the same talking points. You know, it's it's pretty unbelievable. Anyway, here's Joe and his belief that are the answer to this crisis is green energy. Three consecutive American presidents have enjoyed stints of explosive economic growth due to a boom in oil and natural gas production. As president, would you be willing to sacrifice some of that growth, even knowing potentially that it could displace thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers, in the interest of transitioning to that greener economy. The answers, Yes, we're gonna make it easier for American consumers to switch to electric vehicles. Well, we're going to have an opportunity, I believe, in the next round here to use the green economy, my green deal, or to be able to generate both economic growth and consistent with the kind of infusion of moneys we need into the system to keep it going. But the reason I don't know. I'm not opposed to the Green New Deal. What I did what I thought beyond at least a more detail what the Green New Deal is calling. I've argued against any more oil drilling or gastroling on federal lands, but I don't think we'd get it done in terms of getting the votes to get it done. To say, all fracking is going on now ends unless you can show there's some physical security need or worried about explosions, etc. Which is a legitimate thing to worry about, But I would not allow anymore. He can to service President just to clarify, would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking Biden administration, No, we would, We would work it out. We would make sure it's eliminated and no more subsidies for either one of those, either wanny fossil fuel. And meanwhile, he's still to this day has been importing oil from Russia, talks with Venezuela, Iran opak Opec, which has rejected his call to increase production numerous times. So We're going to go to the world's biggest, big dictators and thugs and beg for them to produce more energy. US gas prices now officially have hit an all time high. Has Biden banning Russian oil imports? Finally? Yeah, at gas, at gas stations all across the country. These pictures of Joe are showing up. I did that? Meaning the high price of oil. Russia warns oil could hit three hundred dollars a barrel. The Bank of America is now forecasting oil to go to two hundred dollars a barrel, and it is literally crushing this country economically, on top of the forty year high of inflation that we already have. What pleased to have back former Texas Governor Rick Perry, he was also former energy secretary. He knows a thing or two about energy. Sir, welcome back to the program. It's gonna be with you Sean. Thanks which won under these conditions. But we are facing some of the most inept leadership in this country, I think, in our history. But we can know in a little bit. But it is really a sad thing that's happened, not just for America, but for the world. Can you explain to me why the president steadfastly refuses to talk to states like your state of Texas, Oklahoma, Alaska, Pennsylvania for natural gas, Ohio for natural gas, all these other gas producing states that we have explain this reluctance and resistance and preference to go to the world's dictators for energy rather than produce said domestically, well, I can't give you an intellectual reason for it, but I can give you, I think the philosophical reason. It's his philosophy that he is so bought into with the left, with the Alecs of the world, the Green New Deal, that he is so far down this trail that to stand up and say, you know what, we were wrong, he just doesn't have it in him. He's not courageous enough. He doesn't feel comfortable enough in his own skin to be able to stand up and say, you know what, I was wrong. I was wrong, and it's costing Americans, it's cost in the world. It has created a war in Europe. And don't get confused that this war in Europe is inextricably tied to America's energy policy. Had we kept the policies in place to President Trump promoted during our twenty seventeen through twenty twenty years, we would not see the Ukraine debacle that we're facing today. I don't believe that that Putin would have done what he did. He's seen a weakness now both and how we left Afghanistan, the weakness in turning over the finishing of the large stream to pipeline of how Iran. And he's got China backing him up on all this when you put all of those pieces of the puzzle together, which would never have happened under President Trump. And it's it's staggering to me to see this president making bad decision after bad decision, then standing up in front of the American people and either having the gumption or being st audacity maybe since yeah, to tell us what you know, things like going from uh defunding the police to we need to stand with the blue and the state of the state. I'm sitting there going where is the media that's supposed to be the orbis of truth in this country? Where are the you know, the people on CNN, MSNBC, the mainstream media who aren't just calling complete bs on this guy. It just wears me out. John, I'm stunned that we that we're seeing the loss not only of America's reputation around the world, but the other thing that we're seeing that's really worrisome to me is that we're seeing the loss of journalism in America today. Well I called I called it out, and in two thousand and seven, I said journalism is dead. I had no idea how right I'd be. So, to break this down to a simple terms, we now have the United States president that is so beholden to these radical climate cultists as I call them, or these new Green deal radical democratic socialists, that he would rather deal with the world's tyrants, starting with the thug Vladimir Putin, because he's been resistant to putting sanctions in place as it relates to energy, the one that would actually work. He'd rather deal with the likes of the Mullas and Iran, the chant death to America and death to Israel. He'd rather deal with this murdering thug in Venezuela, and rather deal with OPEC nations, a lot of whom really don't like us very much, and compromise our national security on the one hand, and then hurt the American public on the other hand, just to satisfy this radical ideology, and then lecture us how we need electric cars and that's where the real solution lies. And he's not going to bring produce any more oil or open any more exploration here in this country. That seems like a pretty real, sick, twisted way of thinking to me, Sean last night, as we talked about this, I think I used the phrase a reckless disregard for reality. And when we think about that, this is an administration that is disassociated with reality. When you have Pete Boudegee standing up and saying the way to deal with the high gas prices if everyone would just go down and buy an electric car. You know, the average price of that's over fifty grand. A lot of people can't afford it, absolutely, and and and the other side of it is that would not affect the price of gasoline. If it did, it would be a minor thing. It's like this throwing, you know, caution to the wind and using our strategic petroleum reserve to drive down gasoline prices. It may have a week's impact to soften the prices, but it's not going to have a long term effect. The only way to have a long term effect on the price of gasoline is through supply and demand. Is to tell the American oil and gas producer listen, we're not going to come in behind you with regulations, with taxes, with other things that hit your bottom line. I saw Pak saying we've got nine thousand permits out there. Go talk to the oil and gas guys about why they're not using them. Well, I can answer that for you don't have to go ask them. Jen. The answer is they don't trust you. They don't trust your administration. They know that what Biden has said about disliking the oil and gas industry, trying to stop it, trying to strangle it, he believes that. And until this administration's gone, I will suggest to the all and gas industry is not going to go jeopardize their future by going out and putting the money into drilling for oil when they know for a fact that this administration will come in behind them to backstab them, to try to destroy the industry, all in the name of this praying at the altar of the climate. Well, I mean that's that's what they've actually come out and said exactly that on numerous occasions. And more importantly, they need to find new areas to explore. Will they'll have the volume that is necessary to bring us to energy independence again? Quick break more with former Texas governor former Energy Secretary Rick Perry is with us. Listen, a lot of you know. I learned how to use a firearm when I was ten eleven years old. I was a marksman at a very young age, a pistol marksman. Anyway, people ask me all the time, Hannity, what kind of gun should I get? And I always tell them, well, first the gun that you're willing to get trained in the safe use of. And then secondly I tell them about my friends at Henry Repeating Arms, and then I tell them to go to Henry USA dot com their website. They'll give you a free catalog, free decals, a list of dealers where you live, and they have over two hundred models of rifles shotguns that you can choose from. 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