Congress Needs To Be Angry - August 25th, Hour 2

Published Aug 25, 2021, 10:01 PM

Congressman Mike Waltz of Florida’s 6th district is a Florida native, a Colonel in the National Guard, a combat-decorated Green Beret, former White House and Pentagon policy advisor, small business owner and a proud father. Waltz discusses with us today the resolution he is bringing forward addressing Biden’s lack of leadership with regard to Afghanistan.

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All right, that's Leonard skinnerd simple man. That means all things Bill O'Reilly dot com. Before we get to O'Reilly, let's go back to Donald Trump, his presidency and comments he made about a hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan. My original instinct was to pull out, the consequences of a rapid exit are both predictable and unacceptable. Nine to eleven. The worst terrorist attack in our history was planned and directed from Afghanistan because that country was ruled by a government that gave comfort and shelter to terrorists. A hasty withdraw would create a vacuum to terrorists, including ISIS and al Qaeda would instantly show just as happened before September eleven. All right, that was President Trump who made those comments. His withdrawal plan included the following. First, before any negotiations took place, he got on the phone with the head of the Taliban and said, I will obliterate you if you do not follow every dotted I cross, tea period and comma in any deal we make. He saw what I did to the Caliphate, It'll be nothing compared to what I have planned to you for you do you understand now this has been confirmed by the President himself, by Mike Pompeo on the call. Mark Meadows was there and others as well, and about as harsh rhetoric as you'd ever expect. That's number one. Number two, it included keeping but Gram Air Force Base as for operational and military purposes. We would be in total control of that happens to be out on the outskirts of pretty much anything, which makes it very defensible. Cost millions of dollars we paid for it. It would also the deal included well a withdrawal where the Taliban wouldn't have made their march to Cobble. I keep running on TV the timeline of how much of the country that the Taliban was taking control of and how quickly they were doing it, which gave Biden months if he was paying any attention to get the people are fellow citizens out and a full withdrawal and our equipment out or at least destroy it and not do it on the timetable. Now with the Taliban, now, it appears that he's sticking to the August thirty first artificial deadline. Bill O'Reilly dot com, mister O'Reilly is with us, simple man. This is not a simple There's no simple solution. And from what I can tell is that Americans are about to be left behind in Afghanistan. This is what happens in a republic votes in incompetent people. So I don't know why everybody's surprised. I mean, you and I and others have been saying in the very beginning, even before the election, that you put this guy in office, there's gonna be some problems here. So why is everybody go, Oh, he's gonna leave Americans behind. Yeah, he will, just like James Buchanan. But hang up, but Bill, one second here. Remember I wrote this book, my first book in ten years. I don't like writing books. You're great at it. It's painful, the whole process to me. But I did it because I felt so compelled to lay out what would happen if I'd ever got elected. Right with everything that I factored in, everything is even worse than I anticipated. And I don't think i'd ever anticipate an American president being willing to leave Americans hostage behind enemy lines. Bell It's happened before. Jimmy Carter did it. James Buchanan, the president right before Lincoln, the Civil war. He did nothing, nothing to keep the Union together and to try to forestall the most violent conflict on American soil and history. It's happened before. The difference now is that we have a guy running the country and the commander in chief of the armed forces who cannot retain information, so he doesn't he doesn't have the ability to analyze what's happening around the world or in his own country. So that's why these kinds of things are just pin you know. And you're gonna see another two or three coming up in the next year. Not as bad as this. This is probably going to be the worst, but really really intense problems Biden will make worse. And I'm not This is no ideology on my part. This is just the guy. Look, hatty, you're you've been around okay, I think it was eighty two years old now, So such a such a you know, for a simple man, you could be such a jackass. But remember your oldest to me, I'm going by the gray hair that I see on TV. What do you want me to get? What you want me to get a colorist and start dying it? Yeah and Bothox give me the audience a break by the way. How weird is it that so many guys in our industry actually do that like a majority. I think you and I are the only hardcore old schoolers. Biden, what's happen? An I thing going on? He's got some on. I don't know what's going on. It's not there's not a lot of activity in between though, right But anyway, Um, so, we know that there are people who cannot do the jobs that they have, and everybody listening to us knows those people too. They just can't do it. It's not that they don't want to do it or you know they can't do it? All right, built it, let me, let me, let me approach us from a different way, all right. The CIA, according to my sources, pulled out over six weeks ago. That means they saw this happening. I've been running this map on my TV show where you see in May how much territory the Taliban had taken over. I show May and then different times during the period of June, how much territory they were accumulating. They were accumulating a lot of territory very quickly, all the way through July. In the interim, everybody can see what was happening. It's not just Joe Biden. We do have a vice president who's pretty checked out, seemingly, but we also have our military guys. Now, I know Millie's been into a woke military agenda, but certainly there had to be a Defense secretary, a Joint Chiefs chairman, a National Secure the Advisor, Department of Homeland Security secretary, somebody. Why did they miss the march of the Taliban and not go in with alarms screaming saying we need to get our people out now in May, June or July bell Why because they're politicians, jeez. And they knew that the Biden people who surround him wanted out and wanted out fast, and they were not going to go up against that scenario. So yes, he got briefings that said, well, if you really pull out fast, I don't know if that combo government can withstand. He got that, and they all knew that there was a better than even chance the country would collapse. But they're not going to pound the table because they want to keep their job. And there I don't know anybody in the Biden administration from top to bottom. I don't know anyone who I would say is a problem solver. Now in Trump, you had Cudlow, you had other people. Pompeo, I thought it was a very good Secretary of State and he went plump back off here, back off there. Remember Trump fired a lot of people who disagree with him, but Pompeo could get away with it. I don't know, bar, that was real tight to the vest I don't know what happened in the Justice Department there. I'd love to know, but I don't know either, and I've tried to find out. Yeah, it's very hard. But Pompeo, we know Pompeo a tough guy. Ain't commun and say hey, and this is likely to happen. And Trump listened to him because Pompeo was a former CIA chief. Pompeo and Petreaus, who knows Afghanistan better than anyone. Petreus was pounding a table on Boat and Trump and say, look, you guys do a complicated thing. You just can't extricate yourself. In three days. You're gonna have a blood bath all over the place, which is what's going to happen. You know what's interesting about this Afghan story, Hannity, is that it will die down after Labor Day because the corporate media doesn't want to continue it. But you're going to have an atrocity, do sure? So the Taliban, I'm going to set people on fire or enslave women. They're not going to kill Americans outright, because then Biden would have to go and bomb the hell out of them, He'd have to. I disagree with you. I think I think they're capable of anything. Now they know if they kill an American, So they're gonna We're gonna know that Americans are being held hostage, yes, behind enemy lines, by a terrorist organization, a safe haven country, the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan, and that these Americans are there. Because I'm not going to stop reporting it, Bill, I will count every single solitary day. I don't care if it's the next five thousand days. As long as I'm breathing and talking, I'm doing it. But be careful. You have to realify, you know, you have to know. But Carter did the same thing. And that's what Cronkite destroyed Carter because every night on the CBS Evening News, Cronkite would go day fifty eight of our Americans being held hostage, fire, on day fifty nine day, today's day eleven of Americans caught behind enemy lines. You gotta do the whole Cronkite thing. Pull the video cronkite. We're gonna start talking about David Brinkley next. And I'll tell you somebody I did love I thought was great was Tim Russer. Russer was a very fair man, very smart man. But my point is this cronkite destroyed Jimmy Carter. He absolutely destroyed him because people trusted Cronkite and every night he got on and he did that. Now you could set that whole thing up tonight. Just pull the cronkite saying to look what he did. And we're to do this too, because we want Americans to be every day No. And then the atrocities. The talibank can't help themselves. There's no discipline in a core. So it's not like the Taliban or the Iranian army, the Kud's force, that's not these are These are local thugs, local opium dealers. They'll slip your throat for five dollars, So they're not gonna be able to control them. They're gonna be able to do what they want where they are. And if you don't think that they're going to go in and brutalize women and non Muslims and children, even children, Okay, they are so that Biden's gonna have to own this until he leaves office, and it's not going to stop. It's gonna be like every day. That's the dire situation that President Biden finds himself in. Corbrit media will flee away from the story, but the story will be there, and Americans are not going to forget it. If there is one American left behind, Bill O'Reilly that we know of that we verify, I will never give up hope that we will go in there and save them. It is certainly are capable of doing that, and well air powers well for the build. The problem is when it was easy in May, June and July, as the Taliban were on the march again, I go back to my map. They had every indication that the Afghan army that Biden bragged about just a couple of weeks ago was totally completely collapsing and getting destroyed by the Taliban, and yet they did nothing when it would have been easy. Now we've given them billions of dollars of military equipment, including Blackhawk helicopters, night vision goggles, all of our weapons and munitions that they left behind up armored humbys. They got it all, Bill, because they didn't move. You can't do it any worse than this. I would. I would A five year old could have planned logistics better than this, your bet. And you know, Biden, this is I think it a sink him. That whole progressive movement's gonna go with him too. How much time we got before you got to see? Okay, so it's interesting to see there are now popping up a few people trying to defend Biden. This guy Matthew Dowd on ABC. I mean, this is guy's ridiculous. Juan Williams trying to defend bid Oh no, he's doing the right thing. Oh no, no, no, there's no screw up here. Oh no. And you know, not many of them, though not too many. But you'll start to see a little bit more of that because corporate media knows that he's tottering, knows that he's on the edge of the cliff, and because the story's not going away, he will go over the cliff. I don't know, Bill, I mean, I am I am in terms of the sense of urgency and alarm. I've got a five alarm fire going through my system twenty four hours a day over this. I'm sick to my stomach that our fellow Americans are left behind. Yeah, I am, I am. I am absolutely apoplectic and livid at how the level of incompetence and lack of preparation. This was not a hard due a heavy lift. This was one of the most It's one of the most incompetent. However, in the US history. And O'Reilly all things o'reiley at Bill O'Reilly dot com. He'll be playing Walter Cronkite reruns apparently tonight. Do you want to watch? I Oh, I'm messing with you. Anyway, we gotta pray for a fellow Americans, Bill, and I was not kidding. I will all right, eight hundred nine four one, Sean as our number will continue. When fake news gives you lies, Hannity, he supplies the truth. Sean Hannity is on right now, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. A few minutes from now, we'll be joined by Florida Congressman Mike Waltz. He's been phenomenal on this m Florida native colonel in the National Guard, combat decorated Green Beret, former White House Pentagon policy adviser, and he's been he's he's getting out of a briefing in the latest updates of what's really going on in the ground, and he'll he'll share them with us as soon as he pulls out of that meeting. In the meantime, let's go back to circle back, Jen Saki, It's like the Baghdad Bob of our moment. Uh. You know, well, this evacuation is his success. Really, how do you find success? I would say that this is now on track, Peter to be the largest airlift in US history. I am sure that if they capture me, they will kill me, like media a hundred people. This is called the wrong policy of the United States. When I went there, they were just whipping people left and right. So I got whipped and I got really scared. I came back bringing American citizens out. It is bring our Afghan partners out, it is bringing allies out. One half of my life with the US, and now they left me beyond. I sort of find it basically, what part of my life the US government and now I'm not even able to save my own family and my own plan. So no, I would not say that is that anything but a success. I'm an American the rescue, evacuating, we hope. Yeah, is that what we call success? Americans trap behind enemy lines? Biden seemingly, you know, not caring. You stay until every American is home. You don't take dictates and orders from the Taliban, And no, no president in their right mind would have would have watched the Taliban march all the way through the entire country, grabbing larger and larger portions of the country in record time, and not have acted sooner when they had control of Cobble. Anyway, this is Saki. Let's listen to her. This was the first woman play. Is from two days ago when she got into it with Peter Doocey that you know, we're not stranding everybody. Then we have the woman that called Fox says I'm stranded. Yeah, I'm being stranded here and so many others, and then saying, yeah, we might leave Americans behind, something I never thought i'd hear from our government in our lifetime. Listen, the person haven't sense that most of the criticism is not of leaving Afghanistan. It's the way that he has ordered it to happen, by pulling the troops before getting East Americans who are now stranded. Does he have sense of that? First of all, I think it's irresponsible to say Americans are stranded. They are not. We are committed to bringing Americans who want to come home home. Commitment continues to be to US citizens. If they want to leave, we will help up them out. Again. We expect there could be some, but I don't. I'm not going to get into it further. We expect there could be some left behind. Congressman Mike Waltz of Florida, we've talked about him, a colonel in the National Guard, combat decorated Green Beret, former White House and Pentagon policy advisor, has just come out of a briefing on the very latest of what's happening on the ground. Well, there's none of it can be any good, is my my gut feeling. Maybe you can give me some good news for once, Congressman, because I don't see anything good happening as a result of Biden's disaster here. Bushan prepared to be disappointed in terms of good news. Look, there there's there's two major disconnects that continue to happen day after day after day. One is to disconnect between the happy talk that we hear from from the President and his various folksmen and women, Docky Kirby and the rest that say everything's fine. That disconnect between what we're seeing on the ground, where we've got congressional offices that are going operational, helping American citizens dodge Taliban checkpoints and get through lines. And then the other piece is what we're hearing behind closed doors and classify briefing from his people, and then what we hear from him couldn't be more night and day different. So you're basically telling us that the president is lying to the country. He's either lying or he's heartless, or he's clueless or all of the above. Hard to tell. Well, I mean, there's these are not issues. Does he the one way or the other? Either it's going well or it's not going well. You know, to put a spin on it politically and read a speech written by some staffer that is at odds with truth and reality of what's going on there. What can you give us some examples? Well, we're hearing that, you know, look, we may have a few hiccups, but people are getting through. I could tell you just this morning, one of my teams was guiding. I mean, it's amazing that congressional staffers are real time guiding Afghans and Americans through checkpoints and the Taliban stopped, stopped them, grabbed their phones and destroyed them and told them to turn around and go back down. This is not Afghan allies, because they've already said publicly they're not letting Afghans get to the airport. So, in other words, that all of those people, and they have all the computer data that helped us the last twenty years, they're going to be left behind and they're going to be murdered. That's just the fact at this point. But you're saying that Americans with American passports green cards, that when they get to the airport checkpoints so the Taliban controlled the entire perimeter controlled by the Taliban, that Americans with passports are being turned back. Is that correct? That's right. Some they're letting through, some they're not. And and we're in a position where we're saying, mother, may I let me let me and please and begging and let me tell you something Sean, having sat across from these terraces on more than one occasion. The more you beg and plead from them from a position of weakness, the more they're going to push and take advantage. They understand strength, they understand leverage, and they understand and bullets. Uh. And what I just got out of this briefing is no one has said to them. No one has said to them in all our dealings, we're coming to get our Americans and if you stand in our way, we're going to kill you. That's what they understand. And no one has said that. It is this arbitrary, made up deadline thirty one August that we gave them and now they're enforcing and putting back on us. Uh. It is, it's it's just outrageous across Americans. We are we are in a position bottom line of leaving Americans behind. Uh. There are no how many Americans are there? And are you saying that there's no doubt Americans now will be left behind if he sticks to the thirty one August. I do not see any logical way they get every American out that wants to leave. Apparently there are some, uh that that do not want to leave, but mainly that I can it's because they have Afkan family that they know will be targeted and that they know the Taliban will seek retribution, and they don't feel like they can get them out. But otherwise they are going to be those that are trying to leave and cannot. And what I can't get a straight answer on even in this briefing is why we're not going to get them right now. We have special forces on the ground, they're ready to go, and I can't get a straight answer of who's not, Like, look, well, wait a minute, the Brits are doing it, the French, you're doing it, the Dutch are doing it. I don't know if other countries are doing it. Why haven't we done that. They're ready to do it, they have the capability to do it, and I could tell you from talking to the special operators they're beside themselves with anger that they're not being allowed to do. I mean, we know how many Americans right now are behind enemy lines? Number one and number two are we do we have the locations of every American behind enemy lines. I don't want to get for their safety and mainly and for the military safety, get into too much detail. But I'm asking you a good question, though. Let's put it that way, right, that's right, and I'll tell you what it's in the thousands. And here's the thing. We are approaching the largest mass potential mass hostage event in American history. This will make nineteen seventy nine and Tehran look like a leapover because what the Taliban will do, you know what they want? They want access to the billions in foreign reserves, they want international recognition, they want economic assistants, they want you know, there's all kinds of things they want, and all they have to do is grab Americans as hostage for leverage. Because why because Joe Biden left them. There is there any doubt that that's what the outcome is going to be. This, this is why I felt so strongly. And I don't know if you've been watching my TV show, and I keep referring to this map that we've we've had built out, and it's it's a time lapse and it shows the country, I guess now the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan, and it shows the Taliban on the march and how much territory they had accumulated in May and how much in early June, mid June, late June, early July, mid July. I mean, they literally were taking over the entire country extraordinarily quickly. And my main argument is here is everybody could see it. It's not like we needed, you know, even intelligence on the ground to be telling us. Yea, in real time, we knew that the Afghan army was collapsing in real time. They knew it May June and July. Why didn't you. That's right, they're gonna blame They're gonna try to blame the intelligence and say we didn't know. We just called them on it on this briefing and say, actually, we've accessed reports that said you were being told to stop lying to us. Rubio's confirmed the same. And let me add one other thing. You do know that the CIA pulled out six weeks ago, don't you? So he'll probably ask you, I know that, but how do you know it? Hannity, But go ahead, But here's the thing going forward. We are blind now because the CIA did pull out this term that Biden keeps thrown out over the horizon, counter terrorism, it's a talking point. It's a joke. We do not have. We are in a worse position Seawan than we were in September tenth, two thousand and one, because now we have no bases in the region our local allies back then it was a Northern Alliance. Now they're being hunted down as we speak, and those who survive are never going to trust us again. And here's the thing that makes me so damn mad is that we're going to have to fight through our own equipment, billions of dollars worth of body armor, artillery, heavy weapons, night visions to get to al Qaeda and one black Hawk helicopter's Congressman, you got it, you got it. And the thing that the intelligence community has been crystal clear on this is what the American people need to understand, is that the Taliban equals al Qaida. They are married at the hit, they have not divorced. The number two of the Taliban is al Qaida God by the name of Sarahakani Zawahiri, which is Osama bin Laden's deputy, is still alive and well, and they fully intend, according to Biden's own intelligence community, to hit the United States again. So here we are heading into the twentieth anniversary of nine to eleven, and that cancer. You know what happens in Afghanistan doesn't stay in Afghanistan. It spreads like a cancer. And I am not going to wait until we have another San Bernardino, another Pulse Nightclub, or god forbid, another nine to eleven. If this White House won't lead, will lead from will lead from Congress. And we're going to take a page out of Charlie Wilson's playbook. Uh, and we're gonna We're gonna help what resistance has left because we have this is this is about taking a stand against extremism and terrorism that fully intends to kill Americans in our backyard, not on my give us more details, specifically, what can you do well? Justin I was just in touch today with the resistance that's still left. If you look up Ahmed Shah Masoud, he was a famous resistance fighter. His son is still making a stand. The vice president of Afghanistan is still making a stand in a place called the Panchier Valley to the north. We need to be directing assistance to them. We need to be helping them, and we need to number one, number two, we need to cut off all a to Pakistan who has fueled this thing with the Taliban, and then number three. We need real options from a counter terrorism standpoint to stay on top of al Qaida. But this is this is another nine to eleven in the making. And here's the thing, Sean. The same team that's around Biden, Lincoln, Austin, Jake Sullivan, all of them. It's the same team that was around Obama that led to Benghazi, the trade for Birddall, the rise of Isis into a caliphade after they yanked out of Iraq, the a Ron deal, and we can go right on down the list. It's the same people making the same mistakes and Americans are going to die because of it, and that blood is going to be on their hands. That blood will be on their hands. Congressman, my heart is troubled. You're right, that's a lot of bad news to absorb in one half hour of radio. But we appreciate you being forthright and honest with us. And God help every American there that we can get as many as possible out and hopefully I pray not leave a single one behind. Thank you. Keep us updated, sir. We appreciate your hard work. All right, Sean, talk to soon. We'll keep up the fight. Eight hundred nine for one Seawn is our number. If you want to be a part of the program. We'll continue coast to coast border deploy Sean Hannity is on the radio right now, all right, when we come back. Reports that G seven leaders were trying to convince Biden one of the reasons he was nearly five hours late for his pressor to extend Afghanistan's troop withdrawals. He said no. The behind the scenes story about Europe's frustrated attempts straight ahead

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