Civil Rights Movement Made America Better - 9.28

Published Sep 29, 2017, 12:44 AM

Sean's opening monologue hits home with respect to the NFL National Anthem scandal that continues. "Think of those people who were friends with Dr. Martin Luther King," began Sean, "Remember Congressman John Lewis took a brick to the head!" Sean continued, "These men were courageous, they were warriors and they made America better; there is a forum where we can right wrongs and overcome evil." The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep pealing and recuperative sleep that you've been eving, and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code Hannity. You will love this pillow. All right, clans with a Sean Hannity Show one Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. You wanna be a part of this extravaganza. And we're loaded up today as we come to you gotta thank our friends down here in Palm Beach, Florida. We're at news radio w j n O and I got to see Rush earlier today and he's gonna be on Hannity tonight. He was so on his game. It was so much fun and uh so, I hope you'll tell your friends about it. He he just has this ability to cut through all the nonsense and give an incredible perspective. And we talked about everything. I mean, we we went over the NFL, we went over uh Congress, we went over the President, we went over the deep state. We just pretty much no topic, every no nothing off limits and it worked out really, really well, etcetera. Um, Look, I want to start with a couple of things today, and and I know we've talked a lot about the NFL. I'm just not done yet. Why am I not done here? Because I don't think this is over. I honestly think the NFL at this point in time, I guarantee you behind the scenes, there has been hours and hours of emails and phone calls and and etcetera, etcetera, that if we ever heard what was happening, we'd be like, guys, this is football, that you know. One of the reasons I train mixed martial arts and is number one. I get bored on a treadmill. Do you ever run on a treadmill? There's nothing more dull in the entire world. And it got to the point there were no more movies to watch, and I just was like this, I can't take it. They thought of getting up and running boarding five minutes, walking fast boarding five minutes on that thing. I just made me nauseous. Anyway, So my doctor friend five six years ago, whatever it is now, he tells me, well, I've got my black belt. It took me ten years and it was worth everything. And he goes, I think you're gonna really like this. And there's something about being able at this point. And I now trained five days a week. I'm not this is all business for me now, and it's hard, and I've broken fingers and I've gotten black eyes and I've I've I've had bone bruises, and we grapple and we punch and we fight, and it's it's just a great workout. I don't I'm gonna say this when I'm doing it. I'm not loving every second of it. I don't think anybody but I love Mentally it makes you tough. I mean we have certain days. We have one day we called real Day, and that's real life situations where somebody will come up behind me and they'll start choking me out. I mean choking. I mean they've got both carotid arteries. I mean that if I don't get out of it in fourteen seconds, I'm gonna drop. And I've never dropped yet, but I've come really close where you just feel and you just have to do something. And and then as pain day, where literally you just lay your arms out and they just pound on your arms to toughen up and calcify the your bones and your hands and your arms, etcetera. Um, and then you just you know, because we do a lot of core work up a hundred push ups a day, hundred sit ups a day at least and then other core works. So it's it's kind of it's pretty demanding, you know. It's kept me in great shape. I'm stronger than I've ever been in my life. I have the confidence that I know I can defend myself. And the reality is is when we're watching football, I think one of the reasons everybody loves football and hockey so much, and I played hockey as a kid, is it just this a This is a guy sport. This is you know, you know, punch hard, beat hit back harder, and fight hard. And it represents I think sports. The greatest thing about sports is it really represents and and mirrors real life. That's why I wanted my kids to play any sport, and they did play a bunch of sports, and they do play sports, and it's because, guess what, You're gonna learn to win and lose. You're gonna learn the harder you work, the better you're gonna do. You're gonna learn that sometimes your best effort isn't enough sometimes, and you're gonna learn the thrill of victory in the agony and defeat. So I just look and and everybody relates to it. And then when you get think of how many people make the pros, it's a very small percentage. I mean, think all the college football players out there, and right now I'm not really paying attention to the NFL. I just I'm sick of it. God Save the Queen will stand for that, but we're not gonna stand for the national anthem. The Jaguars and Ravens just just threw me over the edge. On Sunday when they were playing in London. I had a friend that has a box in London actually told me that they left. They just said, I've had it, and and I'm sure a box at a football game is a lot of mine. But I rented a box once for for one game. It's like a fortune. So anyway, so it's but you think of the college players and college draft Day. Why is college Draft Day, you know, a really big, important fun thing to watch, because maybe on every team, even like championship teams like Alabama, I mean Alabama pretty much has you know, Nick saban as a championship team every day, probably one of the best coaches ever. I was really sad about this whole Rick Patino thing and and Louisville. We'll get to that if we have time. Later. But anyway, so they're only picking and all these college players, college athletes, student college athletes, they got a pretty hard job because not only they gotta keep their grades up, they've gotta they gotta do regular school, regular college. And they're practicing. And when they're not practicing, well, they're either recovering from injuries or they're seeing trainers are in there there in the weight room, and they're getting bigger and stronger, and you know, they're just pushing themselves to the limit. And these coaches are serious. They want to win. I've never met a coach that wants to lose, that would be happy losing. You know. That's why, you know, I think one of the appeals of Trump is win. Let's make America great again. Let's win again, Let's be successful again. So my point is on college, you know, draft day, you only pick a couple, even though probably every one of those kids dream was to play in the pros one day. And it's such a great honor to even get drafted, even get drafted late. I forget what round Tom Brady went in, but it was not the first round, and you know, it's you know, it just as pretty amazing. Why is Linda leaving the studio. Why are you leaving? I just got where I just all right? So anyway, what's bothering me about this? Is now the teams don't know what to do. I can tell you what the answer is, but you're not gonna listen to the answer. The answer is, you know, there are other ways if you don't like things in this country. We do have an ability and a system by which we have proven again and again that we will right wrongs and we will correct injustices. You know, example exhibit A. We had good people fighting in part. Now, I'm not saying the Civil War. I don't want to rehash the Civil War. I'm not the Civil War experts expert. In part, States rights, impart, the issue of slavery all a part of it. But from the get go, our founders and framers, you can go back and see in their writings they wanted to get many wanted to abolish slavery. And but the others believe that we never would have a union if in fact that battle that was fought then and there. But instinctively many knew that this was evil, just evil. But our framers and founders and then you know, the very people whose monuments we now want to demolish and tear down. And I think O'Reilly at a good point about this. One of the things that one of the reasons they want to tear this stuff down is because ultimately, fundamentally they want to get to the whole predicate of the argument is is that America is fundamentally corrupt. America fundamentally was founded by bad people, and the whole the whole system needs to be blown up. That ever happens that America, we know that, as I've quoted Barry Farborough this week, that accumulated all this power and never abused it like so many other countries throughout history, and used it for the advancement of human good around the world, and stood up against evil again and again and again for people. So what I want, I'm what I'm trying to say here is is really really simple. The answer for these guys is honor the flag, think a little bit more deeply about what it is that you're doing. I don't even think there is a cohesive agreement in terms of what it is that they're protesting. You know, think of the civil rights movement in in sixty four and sixty five, and the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act UH sixty four, the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act in sixty five. You know, you think of you know, when I was in Atlanta, I got such a history lesson from those people that we're friends with, with Martin Luther King, and imagine having dogs turned on you, imagine having bricks thrown at your head. You know, Congressman John Lewis was in the middle of all of that, took a brick in the head. And I got to know one of Dr King's best friends, to Josea Williams. And then you know people that followed, and Joseph Lowery and and Maynard Jackson and and Andy Young never agreed with him politically. I always got along with all of them, and I learned a lot, and I learned it at the root of who these men were. They were courageous, they were warriors. They change the world for the better. They made America better. And there is a forum, and there is a mechanism, and our founders are the ones, believe it or not, that put the system in place where we, if we choose to, can right wrongs, correct injustices, overcome evil, and make the country and make the world a better place. I don't think any one person can define what it is that they're trying to communicate here. You know, when you get back to the whole issue of uh Ferguson, Missouri, for example, you know what I think, I was like one of the only people on TV saying, hold on a minute, woo, I'm not so sure. And and the guy that robbed the convenience store with Michael Brown is on TV saying, you know, hands up, don't shoot, hands up, don't That never happened. And we know it never happened because when we finally when the grand jury decided not to indict officer Darren Wilson, they did so based on the testimony of many, many eyewitnesses who all said the same thing. Michael Brown charged the police officers. Michael Brown, you know, reached into the cop car to take his gun. Michael Brown was charging Darren Wilson after being told to stop. He was the one that was intimidating the clerk. You know. The President rushed to judgment on Ferguson. The President rushed to judgment Freddie Gray eight thirty in the morning, cop on a bicycle, Let's take off and run. Everybody rushed to judgment. Everybody in the media rushed to judgment, the media wrong again, again and again, you know, stirring up racial animosity. Intention Like I say, we see every two and four years in the political world, Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman. Well, until we heard from the one eye witness in the case that saw tray Van on top of Zimmerman, grounding and impounding his and into cement. And it was George Zimmerman that was screaming so loudly it was picked up on a house recording Friday fighting for his life. Well, gave a different perspective than the rush to judgment that Obama gave us. So I'm gonna work on something. It kind of came out of the discussion I had with with Rush today and he'll join us on Hannity tonight to and Eastern on Fox. Then I think, you know, did they really want to solve the problem. I've always said, I want this show to be about solutions. I want this show. You know, if the election was about the forgotten men and women in America, what about solutions here? What about a better solution here? Anyway, we'll talk about that more tonight nine Eastern our new time on Fox. Rush will join us. Then, all right, we'll take a break. We'll come back. We had a busy day to day, and we'll get into my interview with Paul Ryan last night. We'll check him with Larry Cudlow today. Our friends Jonathan Gilliman, Rick Hunger will battle it out today. All right, as we roll along, Sean Hannity show one Seawan, you want to be a part of the program. There are ways to make things better in society. There are platforms in which you can make things better. But you know what the NFL telling camera operators Red State reported this today. Aren't they big fans of me? Over at Red State? Sweet baby James. He's looking at me like they don't really like you, Hannity. They think you're you know, they're never Trumper's over there. Um, that's fine. I don't care. Why didn't the TV network show angry booing NFL fans Sunday or Monday? Sporting News Mike McCarthy writes today, it's a good question. I'll tell you one thing that the NFL can't do. They're not gonna win this battle. They're not gonna win it, and if they you know, if there was a specific, a specific reason that was given, what is the reason except what Colin Kaepernick had socks on that depicted police officers as pigs. Colin Kaepernick praised a murdering dictator, Fidel Castro. So I mean that's where it got started. And he's never registered to vote, as we reported earlier this week. And the NFL, which I love and admire and and again I like to watch the best of the best of the best athletes go out and compete and battle in a sport of frankly that their warriors, which is why I love M m A and boxing and every other sport that I love. And they go out there and they compete, and I always thought one of the best incredible moments that was such a great example of everybody is they go out they're trying to win. They're given their heart and soul. They work so hard in the offseason, they work all year long, they played what sixteen games a year. They want to get in the playoffs, they want to get the Super Bowl, they want to get the ring. And and then at the end of the game, there's one side is gonna win, one side is gonna lose. I guess they can tie now, right, rarely happens, but they can happen, UM. And they got guys from both teams. And I know you don't talk about this on MSNBC Conspiracy Theory News because the other night when Roy Moore was mentioning God, Oh, I hear he's talking about God the whole time. He's not talking about Trump. We can't be listening to that. They're getting a circle and they say a prayer and sometimes the rest joint and it's like, wow, they're still friends that then you watch them they shake hands, they pat each other in the back, they bang their shoulder pads, they hit their helmets, they bang heads, they shake hands. It's the coolest thing. And right now, that's not the Sunday I'm seeing. I want that Sunday back. I don't know if it's gonna be possible. Quick break, we'll continue till the top of the hour. One Seawan is our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza, UM, many thanks. We're in Palm Beach Today News right twelve ninety the Palm Beaches New Source a great station down here, and UM had a chance to sit down with Rush and it was actually a really just an amazing interview. And um, we're gonna play at least part one of it tonight on Hannity, depending on what might break between now and nine eastern. Remember nine eastern and now the new time of Hannity on the Fox News Channel. A new slot is our old slot, which is now our new slot again, if that makes any sense anyway, nine East or not to confuse you, Um, apparently Rush talked about it today on his show. I didn't I didn't hear I do want to hear it, and Linda pulled it, so let's play what did I want to know? What he said? God plays. If you're going to have seen this place, uh about a half hour ago, maybe forty five minutes, you would not believe that we would ever do a radio show out of here. Today. The Handity crew showed up what they get at six am, and He's tech people on TV show. They showed ever at six a m. The interview starts at nine. They were all set up and out of the studio when I got here, so I was able to get anybody eight thirty start doing some some prip work. Handity and his crew rolled in here by nine fifteen or nine twenty. We start the interview, it's over. Then they start tearing down and they're gone. It's it's amazing. There's no evidence that anybody was here, and yet there must have been thirty five people in this building. But it was that interview went minutes, didn't it? Or was it about forty five? I didn't I it was about I didn't. I didn't check the clock either way. But it's a two parter. On on the handedy showing the Fox News Channel tonight part one at nine o'clock and tomorrow night part two, and it was it was awesome, folks, it was. It was just for once. I'm kind of eager to see it. I never want to watch myself on TV. I never like it. But everybody just raving about this. Nerdly was raving and Catherine was raving about it, Dawn was raving about it. And not when when they don't like it, they say, so it really was amazing. I I can't even explain it to you, and I just I don't even want to give it. I don't want to give it away because it was it. It was really rush in his zone. I'll just put it that way. You know, sometimes, um, you watch for example, you watched golf. I'll talk about individual sports for a minute. You watch tennis players, and and both my kids have played competitive tennis, and every once in a while they're just zoning and zoning and zoning, and you just or if you see a professional in the zone, or if you see you know, any professional quarterback. Let's go to end the NFL. A buddy of mine, Greg moll Sherry Bugsy just wrote me that that, um, Tom Brady was picked in the sixth round. I had forgotten he wasn't picked number one, wasn't picked in the first round. Like he's the best, one of the best quarterbacks, if not the best quarterback ever to live. And I know people saying, because if you're not a New England Patriots fan, I hate Tom Brady, you gotta admire just how amazing he is. You know, I just something about quarterbacks in football. One of the things you gotta love about football. It's like, all of a sudden, you see the replay and it's like, right, the quarterback throws right over the tippy tippy top of somebody's finger, defender's finger right into the arms or receiver and or or my favorite passes over the shoulder into the end zone. Touchdown, and they practice it where all the quarterback does is throw it to the spot and they time it alright, ready, go boom the balls in the air, the receivers like halfway towards the corner, and then he gets in the corner, puts his hands up. There's the ball, perfect throw over the defender into his arms, two steps in touchdown. It just doesn't get any better. It's so fresh straining that this at this game that everybody loves so much, is now ah, dealing with all of this garbage. It's so simple. I'll join. You know, we had Spencer Tilman on CBS. You know he's an all I happen to be a fan of sports broadcasters, and you know I always loved radio from when I was a kid. I mean, it wasn't turned off the TV in my house. It was twelve midnight, one o'clock in the morning, and I got fifty thousand one radio stations on listening to you know, crazy talk radio. You know Roy Master scaring the crap out of me about you know, how your mind could keep you well in a moment of truth and he's like, well, there's evil in the world. And I'm like, oh my god, I'm, you know, twelve years old listening at night, and I'm like, this is scary. One of my favorite late night radio guys in New York was Barry Farber. Guy speaks thirty languages. He's just a genius. And I got a note from Barry because I mentioned him earlier this week, because I quoted him all week, because he always he was the guy that he always said, you know, uh that that there's never been a country that accumulated more power and abused it less than the US, never been a country that accumulated more power and used it to advance the human condition than the United States of America. If I could say it better, I find a way and I wouldn't have to quote him every day. But he's he's just brilliant. And he just had all these different styles or radio that I listened to and Bob Grant, Hey, ladies, and yell, I'll say it, get out of my phote, you creep just and it was entertaining as hell. And he was hated all these years. And did did these hosts say controversial things that they have controversial guests, and you know it's yeah they did, and you know, and then you think of um, you know, liberals like Barry Gray. He was on the station we're on in New York now, you know, the all New AM seven ten w o ARE and and he was on for years. And I just had a great remember with w m c A and New York Good Guy Radio and w ABC when it started and when Rush came on w ABC I think it was, and and he did amazingly well. And Ed Cotts even did a program stop Stop Stop, scream stopping. He's still got huge ratings. He was screaming everybody that called into him. And I don't I just love radio. I love sports radio because I couldn't do sports radio broadcasting. I've mentioned the they have um rivalry night in hockey and I'm gonna forget his name again, Linda, I always forget it, and I'm so embarrassed because he's like one of the best people that's ever broadcast. I'm sorry, say it what? Yeah, oh Emeric, Yeah, if you got a cut, Jason, pull it up. And hockey in particular is like so fast movie and then every name is either you know, a long Czechoslovakian name or a long Russian name, and he's got to fire those names out. Boom boom boom boom boom, up to the point, back to the point, backs, slap side, slapshot, Oh miss save uh, Henrik long quest, Well, what a glove saving the beauty. And these guys do that same with football players. I listen, listen, this is great, great girl game six last spring has broken the tie to this. Don Stoy got it on around for the fraternity, turned around, but Donskoy because around be hunting the chop. But they are devoting all their energy to this game. Both teams off the tie in his fair but it came out to the handle and try. I just I mean, it's it's just the gift, and it's just talented and and that's why we love sports. You know. I had on Sebastian Gorka last night in the A block, and who is he? They debating? Darryl Parks is really good debate. Daryl Parks. He was the Trayvon Martin family attorney and and he and I were on different sides on that, and we were on different sides. And in the Michael Brown case and I just come to love this guy. I mean, he's he's such a good hearted man. I know he sincerely believes everything he says. I just disagree. Dr Gorka goes on this this little rant, and he's like, you know what those guys that fight in these wars for our freedoms to protest and our freedoms that we take for granted every day, and and honestly, you know, we don't wake up and go in the shower every morning and go ahe I live in America. I'm free. No, most of us wake up in the morning and went, ha, I gotta work eighteen hours. I gotta shovel coffee down my throat. My phone's buzzing already. Oh, my text is blowing up. Oh sweet baby, James, what do you mean you gotta do an interview? Oh? By the way, the Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN, NBC, ABCCBS all said horrible things about you today, and and James reads this crap. And I don't care about this crap. I'm not gonna read it. You know. I just got a call from Fox. Apparently some guy at the Washington Post has been stalking me for like eight weeks and he wants answers to question I don't have any answers for the Washington Post. I agreed to one interview because Fox wanted me to do a new an interview with with somebody. I'll tell you about it when it happens, we'll know next Monday. And anyway, I said, fine, I'll do one interview with somebody I know that probably hates my guts. Fine, we'll do it. And I'm just it just doesn't get anywhere. What did I don't think they want to know conservatism. They don't want to know where I've stood my whole life, you know. Or if they'll say, well, the president likes you, and well therefore the president must listen to you. The president doesn't listen to me. The President is his own man. Do you know how many people told the President in the course of his campaign stop tweeting, stop or before your tweets, think you know, you don't have to give us every single solitary thought that goes through your hand. I said it to the President myself. He kept tweeting. So I have so much influence on the President. I got him to stop tweeting. Yeah, right, good trying Hannity. I've actually come around on it. I'd say seven percent. He's communicating to the public what he thinks and what he believes, and he's bypassing these jerks that used to be well respected that nobody gives a rip about anymore. You know. That's why I think one of the reasons that that the media has become so rigidly left wing and ideologicals because they that's probably for them. The only way they can now make money is they want to get every liberal to buy and click and click and buy and buy and click. And a regular headline that says, oh, Donald Trump kept his promise, isn't gonna get any clicks. But if he say Donald Trump, he he wants talked to a Russian model, Oh he wants talked to a Russian business person. That's gonna get clicks. Because the conspiracy just gets fed and it gets fed in this this this sewer of of democratic lines, and it's just like this intramural club of people that hate him, and they're all on the meeting. I honestly think at times I'm like a soul voice of reason because I like the agenda. I like America being America first. I like the idea of securing our border. I like the idea of saying radical Islam and identifying those that want to kill us. I was in New York on nine eleven. I like the idea of helping the have gotten men and women in this country so they have the ladder to success that Sean Hannity, the former paper boy and Sean Hannity the former dishwasher and cook and and contractor that he had. Why shouldn't everybody have that? Well, I'm so, I'm is that is zero sum game. I got mine. I used to drove me nuts when people in the Obama years would call this radio show and say, well, I'm doing creat on the person to control Obama's playing my health character. Well, it's not about you. How about the millions that aren't doing so great anyway. Um. So I got into this with with Paul Ryan last night. My biggest problem is this, and we'll get into this with Larry Cutler in the next hour. The Reagan tax cuts worked. I went into this in great specificity and detail. I'm gonna do something tonight. It's a really cool twist, and I'm gonna show it to you. I'm gonna show you the speech at Kennedy. Show you the speech of again, show you what they did, tell you why it's successful. And the only missing ingredient that I see, and it's a big one in what the president's proposing. He's right seven brackets to three. He's right on the postcard size return or do it online. Uh, He's right on repatriate repatriation of trillions from multinationals. He's right on he wanted fifteen. Looks like because of reconciliation, the corporate tax will be better than the thirty. People will invest multinationals, corporations will invest in factories, manufacturing centers. Well, that's good for people that are out of work and in poverty and on food stamps and so on and so forth. That's what, by the way, the Washington Post would never want to hear. You know, Conservatives care about them, and we're not the caricature lie that liberals say every two and four years. And conservatives want everybody to do well, and we believe in the individual. Anyway, Shawn, we'll have Larry Cudlow on all this um. And the only thing I said to Ryan, I said, well, it actually there's a great irony here. You live in New York. You live in California. California is a thirteen and a half percent state income tax. In New York you got nine point whatever percent nine top marginal eight uh in New York on top of federal tax. Then you gotta New York City tax. Guess what that's not gonna be deductible. You know who's gonna suffer, big liberal states that suck, including mine. But I'm not wanted. Governor Cuomo doesn't want people like me that are pro life and pro Second Amendment. They're not New Yorker is. They're not. We don't want them. And then I had every governor in the country saying, come here. I definitely want to live in Florida. So it's so beautiful here today. Anyway, many thanks for our Philly down here News Radio twelve w J and O. Right as we roll along, Sean Hannity Show are loaded up. When we come back New Gingridge, we'll check in with Larry Cutlow on the economy. We got the other news of the day Jonathan Gillham, and we will check in with Rick Unger and we'll get to your calls. Sewn in Palm Beach today. Thanks to our friends and affiliate here News Radio twelve nine w j N O Hannity Tonight our new Time nine Eastern Rush Limbaugh rare interview. He was on his game. You don't want to miss it. I hope you'll watch. Set your DVR, tell your friends. I look forward to working with Congress to deliver these historic tax cuts and reforms to the American people. These tax cuts are significant. There's never been tax cuts like what we're talking about. Our framework is based on four key ideas. First, we will cut taxes for the everyday, hardworking Americans, the people that work so long, so hard, and they've been forgotten, but then not forgotten anymore. I think we proved that of November eight. Under this framework, the first twelve thousand dollars of income earned by a single individual will be tax free, and a married couple won't pay a dime in taxes on their first four thousand dollars of income. So a married couple up to twenty four thousand dollars can spend their money on their family, on their children, on what they have to do, so much better. In other words, more income for more people will be taxed at a rate of zero. At this zero percent rate, taxable income will be subject to just three tax rates of twelve And alright, clan with us. That was the President laying out his plan from yesterday. Sean Hannity Show our two and we are in Palm Beach, Florida. Many thanks for our affiliate down here News Radio twelve ninety w j n O. And well here, Rush does not do a lot of TV interviews, and I can just tell you he was in the zone and on his game today and we're gonna run it in two parts. We got to spend a lot of time with him today and uh, we'll actually get reaction tonight from our next guest to the President and and some of Russia's comments. And he knows him very well. Also former Speaker of the House, author of the number one New York Times bestselling book Understanding Trump, and he now has a new online uh class that he's teaching about defense. And where do you go to the website for that? How are you? It's called Defending America Course Dot comm. It's really about how to defend us against liberals and how to make sure that we have the answers and we can win the arguments. And I'm really looking forward to your show tonight with Russi. As you said, he almost never does television anymore, and he is has such unique views. He expressed himself so amazingly. It's it's no wonder he's been an institution now for some thirty years. Just a remarkable part of the American scene. You know, I didn't finish my thought in the first hour, but one of the things when he did radio and he first came out and and he syndicated, I think it was because I think I started my first radio venture was seven, and I remember being in the radio station when somebody told me, oh, you gotta listen to this guy. He's does these funniest homeless update things and it's just it's it's hilarious, and he's he's really good and he's a strong conservative and um, but he took a lot of slings, he took a lot of hits, and as he went through all of that independently, it did pave a way for all of us, you know that followed him and uh and for that, you got to give him so much credit as one of the great pioneers. And he really did make everybody else's job easier. Um, like you did with politics. I wish Congress had half the courage that you showed after you won a historic election in ninety four on ideas, and you paid a personal price for it in the end. I mean, they never stopped going after you. But the country we did balance the budget, we did have welfare reform, and you did keep promises and and that's something that really isn't happening today. Well, I have to say I agree with you that we need more of that kind of approach. But I had a very good talk to night with Speaker Paul Ryan, and I know you had him on your show, And I think they're making a really serious effort on cutting taxes, and I think it's a pretty good plan. I mean, I'm relatively comfortable that they got a lot of work to do. They gotta still get it done, but they've had a pretty good start with the White House, the House, and Senate all on the same page in terms of what they're going to try to accomplish. Yeah, all right. I look at the plan and it really represents everything that the President said when he was running for office, which I always appreciate because I believe if you make promises, you ought to keep them and I think that was one of the most That was the beauty in many ways of the contract with America, and one of the reasons not only did you win the Congress for the first time in forty years, and that's when you became speaker, but you were able to hold onto the Congress and a lot of good things got done. And and Bill Clinton came along and finally did what you wanted him to do, and you never got the credit for beating him. But you know, here's the plan. Seven brackets to three postcard return or do it online in seconds and you don't need to hire fifty accountants. Um, then you've got you know, three brackets instead of what how many however many brackets we have Now it's you know, yeah, seven to three, twelve, twenty five and thirty five standard deduction, child credit expanded, eliminate the the alternative minimum tax. Corporate tax is going to be which is below the industrialized average of the industrialized world to twenty two point five patriation of trillions for multinationals. The only thing I see missing, and I said it yesterday on radio and TV, is that even though the rates may be down for the top rate, if you live in New York, you live in California, you live in Illinois, New Jersey, or any of these states that have a high state income tax, your rates down, but you're paying more. And I just I like, across the board net cut. What are your thoughts? Well, look, first of all, I like across the board net cut period. Uh. Second, they're really they're really making And this has been a long conservative argument of why should a state, the state take Florida with with who doesn't have a state income text, Why should states that have less expensive government indirectly subsidized states that have really expensive government. If Connecticut and the really big ones Connecticut, New York, California, if they want to have an expensive government, that's fine, But why should they charge the rest of us who are who have lower taxes and less government. And now we're transparenting. I think that's the core. This has long been a conservative argument. In addition, it turns out to be a fair amount of money, and they've used that to dramatically increase the middle class exemption. They've doubled the amount that you exempt before you pay any taxes at all. I don't want to give away the rush interview today and I'll ask you to delve into this more deeply after you hear it tonight. Although we're running it in two parts, I'm not sure what parts running tonight in one parts tomorrow, but I'm gonna make this a little bit part of my opening monologue. And he said, if the Republicans could just suck it up for three months and just do the things they said they would do, And I you know, I've been arguing, why doesn't Mitch McConnell put every senator in a room and turn off the air conditioner like you know that seven again? And I'll even throw in modern day pizza and whatever beer they like and make them staying there until they really come up with a plan to repeal, replace and keep a seven and a half of your promise. But Russia's point was if they do that, if they do get the economy going in a in a Reagan Kennedy like way, in a New Gingrich like way, if they secure the border, if they open up energy, make the country stronger. It's such a good point. They'd be in power for generations, they would benefit politically, and they're not doing it, of course, And then you know, I mean, I think they are going to come back again on healthcare. I have happened, just by accident, uh to be at the White House today with with I ran into the President with with both uh the Senator Graham from South Carolina and the Center casting from UH Louisiana, who of course have their particular approach. They were all, you know, they're they're still working to find a way to get this stuff done. UH. And I don't think and the President said publicly he's not backing off. He's probably gonna talk to start taking some steps in the next week or two. I'm gonna see uh my my good friend, uh Dr Tom Price tomorrow morning, who is the head of Health and Human Services. I think he has a whole plan to take steps. Since the Congress has not yet done it, I think you're gonna see continued pressure to reform and replace Obamacare. At the same time, I think the heart of the game this fall is the tax bill. If they can get the tax bill through the House by the end of October, get it through the Senate the first week in November, get it through conference uh the second week of November, and get it signed into law the week before Thanksgiving. And if it has the kind of effect that I think you will have on the economy. Um, this is gonna be a really big deal. You know, we're at three point one percent growth for the second quarter. It's going to slide a little bit in the third quarter because of the hurricanes. But I think it with this kind of tax cut on top of the regulatory activities the president's undertaking, you could see pretty healthy economic growth the first nine months of next year. And if you get that, I think the Republicans keep the House. And actually had about five or six sheets in the Senate, you know, I I think you're right. I think there's probably two other things that would be extremely helpful. One is, you know, and the president talk opened up An Moir. The President got rid of a lot of regulation. I think one of the best things. Paul. I'll give you an example, Paul Ryan, I talked to him privately, and then I had him on the show last night. I don't know if you had a chance to watch, any chance you had a chance to watch. Yeah, I read it. Oh, you read that. You read it. Why would you ever want to watch me when you can read it? I don't know. I wouldn't say it that Listen. I watched you a lot, and I'll be watching you again tonight. Don't get you that I didn't watch you, Hannity. I just I can't take too much of that. I'm so I look, I'm old enough. I actually read well okay, but you know it's so much easier if you just sit there and drink. I remember you used to drink these fossil logger Is when you were the speaker, um the Australian beer that you loved. And I'm like you could at least it's easier than reading. You know, it's more entertaining, and you see my facial expressions everything. I want to get me a six pack of Foster. I'm gonna watch Hannity. Do you know what that sound? I can't watch Hannity without something to soften the blow. That's what that sounds like. Oh you know, it just is it would it would be less for you. All right. Let me let me get to this point because I'm gonna miss it. So the bills that were passed out of commit well, forget that part. So do you go back to the Bush years, Clinton years, Bush years, Obama years and then the Trump years. You know, Paul Ryan made a pretty compelling case. In this way, they passed more bills out of Committee thirty eight than in all the was the highest average of all the last UH five presidencies. Bills passed out of the House that were the highest in the last five years. The bills enacted is below average because the number of bills the House pad and are stuck in the Senate, and good bills by the Kate's Law and sanctuary cities and a bunch of other laws, Fitch McConnell can't get done. And he still hasn't even gotten half of the the government. You know that the President asked for all these people approved. Yet well, I think, Look, I think that the the Senate is much harder than the House. I remember I would speaking of the House, and I have no great sympathy for the Senate. I do think, and I've talked to a lot of Senators in the last week. I have every reason to believe that, Um, you're going to see the Senate Republicans be more aggressive. Uh As you know, they're already moving on the blue slip practice of stopping appeals court judges, and they're going to change the rules on that. I think, and I think they're gonna start pushing very hard, uh, to to force Schumer to either keep his people in session all night and have a genuine effort to filipbuster, or you know, be quiet and just get things done. So I think you'll see a pretty big acceleration. Uh. I'm encouraged that. It sounds to me like they're going to get the budget through both the House and the Senate so that they can set up the reconciliation process for the tax cut. UH. That is an enormous step in the right direction. And I'm all you said fifty chance when I talked to you a few weeks ago. Do you feel better about it now? Yeah, I'm up in about seventy I think I think the rollout has been so good, and I think, frankly, as you'll remember, I am adamant about small business tax cuts being at the very heart of economic growth. I think they're doing a good job. They currently are proposing the lowest small business tax rate in eighty years. It's a tax cut for a small business that to me says a lot. They're talking about a very substantial improvement for the middle class. And and you triggered something. I'm gonna actually look up the numbers and see if I can get them. Um, it was about four hundred and seventy billion dollars a year spent on tax compliance, uh, you know, filling out the forms, having either an accountant or having some tax service, all that stuff. If you could substantially reduce that for the middle class, it's probably the equivalent of another hundred billion dollars in tax cuts annually because you no longer have to go out and hire this. And I think that's why you hear Paul Ryan stay over and over again. Most people and this are going to be able to fill out their form on a large postcard. Now I want them to produce the large postcard, you know. I mean I'm a marketer, like like Trump and Reagan. I believe if you make it clear and vivid, people see it much easier. So I want to see the Paul Ryan postcard tax form and wait, I want to get it on your show and then people can see it. All right, Mr speaker, Um, what a lineup we have tonight. So we got I think one of my better monologues I've spent a lot of time on a tonight. We've got you, and we've got Rush Limbaugh I can't deliver a better show for our audience. That's nine Eastern or new Time tonight. And as always, Uh, we love having you on. Congrats on the book, and congrats we have on our website your book and the defense of course that you're teaching now. And I know teaching is in your heart of hearts, what you love to do. You're a professor. Um. It's just great and I look forward tonight. I'm really it's gonna be so much fun to watch Rush. He is so good at this stuff. And it's a defending America course. Dot com is where people can go for this new It's really designed to answer the Left on the things they say they're just not true. Mr Speaker, thank you for being with us. We'll see it tonight nine Eastern or new Time on the Fox News News Channel. All right, as we roll along Sean Hannity Show one, Sean, So Linda, So we're down here in Palm Beach, right and okay, so we just took it. We just went to get something to eat at lunch and we go to the ocean and I'm like, it's like this in December and January, in Fabruary, why do you keep me in New York. Why you take lunch. There's no time for lunch on this show. Why are you taking lunch? We really just picked up a sandwich. That's all we did. There's no time for picking up sandwiches. We have things delivered on this show. Okay, we haven't bring it to us. We get the work. Okay, this isn't New York. They don't deliver in Palm. That's in the morning. You get lazy in Florida. It's too beautiful. Larry cutload next to the process. In a second, let's pull over the plan. Seven brackets to three, middle class tax cuts, standard deductions, childcare tax cut has expanded. You eliminate the alternative minimum tax. Corporate rate the president said he wanted fifteen when he was running twenty two point five is the industrial average average, okay, somewhere below the worldwide average. And then repatriation of trillions overseas to incentivize them to bring money over right, that's right. And you can put it on a postcard or do it online explaining to it right there. So, here's what this is about. This is about delivering but no class taxpayers tax relief. There are a lot of people in this country working paycheck to paycheck. A lot of people in this country, because of this slow growth economy we had in the Obama years, never gonna raise a lot of economic anxiety. So that's really about them. That's about letting those hardworking taxpayers keep more of their own money and getting them a tax break, but also simplifying the system so much that nine out of ten taxpayers can fill out their taxes on a postcard, cleaning it up, simplifying it. And by the way, by getting rid of loopholes, you are making the system more fair. So people who make the same kind of money and pay the same taxes. It's fairness. It's unrigging the economy, it's getting all the connected crap of the tax code. Excuse me for saying that, but this tax code is one years and we say a lot working, it's fine. It's thirty one years of special interest carve outs put in this tax code, and as a result of that, people pay a higher tax rates. Get the junk out of the code, lower the tax rates. I'd say this first of all, for high income taxpayers. Um, they've done really well. It's the middle class that has really gotten squeezed this country. So on the income tax rates for people's personal taxes. What the President feels very strongly about in Congress agrees is it's the middle class are the people who need the tax break. People who are low and middle income. They're the ones who are literally living paycheck to paycheck, who who are worried about losing their job or not. They haven't gonna raise in years. This is about them and not about people who are really high encoverners getting a break. All right. That was Paul Ryan from Hannity last night on the Fox News Channel twenty four now till the top of the hour, here to respond. Somebody that knows the economy as well or better than anyone, and he has written a terrific book on this very subject. That's I think it's well worth reading. As a matter of fact, if you watch a monologue tonight, what I'm what I'm doing on television, I'm gonna lay all of this out, how all of this worked for John F. Kennedy and the Reagan Revolution and the secret history of American prosperity. And the only thing Larry that I don't like in these cuts that came out of the interview with Paul Ryan last night. I actually said it yesterday in my monologue and and said it yesterday on radio. Is it's you know when they say that, well, you know quote the rich aren't gonna get any tax cut. Look, I want the middle class to get the biggest chunk of tax cuts because they're being taxed to death and Obamacare up eight thousand dollars on averages, killed them and crushed them. And I don't want poor people paying taxes. Fifty of way, generals don't pay any income tax federal income tax. But if we're gonna cut taxes for corporations, I wanted it lower than twenty. It looks like it's gonna be twenty. We're gonna repatriate the trillions of multinationals, we're gonna create the energy jobs. Well, the whole idea is for people to now invest and spend money. And if you lower the top rate and they're paying less once you get rid of the deduction for state and local taxes, the rate may be lower, but you're paying more money. If you did that, I think it would just stimulate the economy more. Yeah. I mean, look, um, by the way, your Ryan interview was terrific last night. I think you're right. I'm first of all, I'm holding out for fifteen. Uh. Donald Trump was all over fifteen on the corporate rate, but I guess that's passed by. What I don't want to see, Sean, is the top rate increase. There was some talk about moving it from thirty nine point six percent. Now it's supposed to be a thirty five, but there could be a higher bracket. You know. I don't like the pander to the left on this whole business about taxing the rich and getting the rich guy rich guys invest in the economy. If you're gonna start a new company, you're gonna need some help on investments, so you go to the people that have the money. Or let me put it to you differently. I want to make the non rich rich, but if I penalize them as they move up the ladder, they're not going to get there. So these are all issues. I hope we're going to avoid them. I really do. I don't think the president really is out of warfare against rich people. But let me I don't think. I don't think it's the president at all. I don't want to give away the interview. Rush was on fire today and he said and I'm gonna turn it's actually gonna be a combination of what Reagan did, what what Kennedy did, and what Russia was saying is three months. All we need is three months of courage of Republicans in the House and Senate. And if they had three months of courage and they did the tax cuts and they reformed the tax code, and they can actually repeal and replace and control the borders and make us energy independent, that they would be in power for generations. And I've been saying the same thing. It would be great for them politically, but they are a bunch of cowards. They're so spineless and lacking identity. It's frustrating. Well, this is a very important ten weeks shot, very important. And if the management of Congress, you know I'm talking about if they must this, if they blow this, oh my gosh, because this is a tremendous opportunity. So I got my fingers crossed. Uh. Look, one other point, all the things you were discussing, the lower corporate tax rate, the repatriation bringing the money home, the immediate right offster investment, let me tell you what the studies show is that the biggest beneficiary of business tax cuts large and small, our middle income wage journals, they're the ones that benefit from investment. They're the ones that benefits from new startups, and they're the ones that benefits from a healthy business. See this point has to be made over and over again. President Trump, I mine add is his last three speeches, is now making this point. But it is in middle class cast cuts. Companies create job and good jobs create higher wages. You've got to connect to to The business tax cut is very important, as is one other thing, um doubling the standard deduction, which we put into the campaign tax cuts land because that is going to take a lot of people. They won't need the deductions to have more take home pay. That's a very important part of this. So the business tax cuts, the doubling and the standard deduction are aim sean directly at middle class way journals. I love that it's directed at them. And that's my background. Look, Larry, you know a lot about me. I don't want to echo my my path. That's my background, and you know what those are the people that deserve to be served. You know, I don't even know how to explain the colossal failure, the lack of urgency. You know, I lived my life with a kind of sense of urgency and let's go, let's go, let's go, mob move, let's go, let's go, let's go. And my whole for example, everybody that works for me knows that I that I roll this way, and everybody rolls that way too. Nobody eats lunch, goes. Do you ever go out the lunch? Did you ever? Do you have lunch dates? Do you ever go to a restaurant for lunch? Do you ever sit down and say, oh, I'm gonna have I'm a three martini lunch or whatever. I don't know what people get the time for that? Well, almost never, almost exactly. And let me add to that, Uh, I'm not as young as I used to be, but I have worked six days a week from my entire career, Sean, and I am still you know, I have my radio show on Saturdays. I'm still working six days a week. You've got TV radio, You've got your your own company, meant well, I don't even know how many companies you have, probably like a hundred. You were great entrepreneur. Well yeah, but but the bottom is that that's the only way I roll. You know, if somebody in my staff ever said to me, oh, we're going to lunch. I'll be back in an hour. I don't even know how i'd react. What do you mean you're going to lunch? And by the way, I do help facilitate it my staff will I buy them and then they want for lunch and that's on my dime. That's just you know, it's not a bonus. It's just my way of saying, don't leave, don't bring on for lunch, bring it in, bring it in. That's great. I love that. Sean by the way, and Wall Street, I don't even I don't even know what I'm gonna eat for lunch. They kind of pick it for me every day and it's always something that they know I'm gonna love. But they but I wouldn't order myself because I try and act like a skinny guy. Well, okay. Traditionally, one thing, um, you're not the punishing rich people so called quote unquote punishing them does not create middle income jobs. That's an important point and we have to reflect this Chuck Schumer nonsense or Hillary Clint that it's all for the rich. Punishing the rich, punishing success will not help creation of new businesses, new jobs, in new wages. Believe me, they all go together. They're not at war. The successful people in this country are not at war with the middle class, and the middle class in this country is not a war with successful people. They go together. And what the Democrats don't understand is that they go together. And I think that's important talking Flint, can I tell you so recently? You know, they got these like rows funded groups, and if you're a conservative on radio and TV, they monitor every word you say because they want to what they want to get you fired, and they want to boycott you, and they don't want conservative voices to be heard anyway. You know, somebody pointed out that one day I had Haraldo on the program. And Haraldo, you know, he's been on television now fifty years, and he was explaining that when the Reagan tax cuts kicked in and in the course of his presidency top rates when from seventy he said, I had all those extra money, is that I went out and bought a helicopter. And I said, well, and then I said I made the point. Well, in all my years as a dishwasher, cook, bus boy, waiter, bartender, house painter, waltpaper hanger, tyle layer, framer and roofer, which is almost two decades of my life, and all those I never got a job from a poor person, and they're mocking it. Oh, tax cuts for the rich, Haraldo will buy a helicopter. I was thankful when rich people came, when people could afford to buy dinner at the restaurant. I was working because I made money. And you know what, if you're in the helicopter may Can business and you're you're on the service line and you're building him and nobody's buying them, they're not gonna be working. See that's the thing. Okay, So Harald about a helicopter, God bless him. But guess what a lot of people are working to make the helicopter and the helicoster. I mean, this is the years ago they got a sales tax on yachts. I don't know if you remember this when the president he made a deal with George Mitchell's a terrible deal. Well, guess what. The boating industry in New England was destroyed, was destroyed because they couldn't find the sales tax. People make things, and therefore we want to encourage not stay right there, stay right there. We'll take a break we'll come back with Larry Cutler's CNBC host, author of the book JFK and the Reagan Revolution, The Secret History of American Prosperity. It's such a great read. We'll have more on this tonight on Hannity. We're in West Palm Beach by the Way and News Radio twelve d w J n oh and Rush will be our special guest on Hannity tonight our new time. Remember nine eastern. I hope you'll tell your friends because liberals want me to fail on nine eastern on the Fox News Channel. All right, as we continue with Larry Cudlow, CNBC, And uh, you know, we were just talking about I wanted to go back to the point you're just making and about ships not being watered, yachts not being born. You know, one time in my life, for like I don't number, I had fallen off a roof and busted my arm and a guy got me a job. I could barely pay my rent at the time, and I was living in Rhode Island and a guy got me a job in a boatyard, and I remember it was a particularly slow period in the the owner of the boatyard, he decided to keep everyone working by building a speck. He used to build these dinner cruise boats. That's what they used to build the Blount Marine and Warren Rhode Island, and I remember everybody appreciated the fact that that he was betting that he was going to be able to sell, you know, the next one that he was building. But it was his money, and I'm glad he spent it. Otherwise I would have been back on the unemployment line. You know, people forget, all these lefties, forget they look at rich people like they come from another planet and they hate them. But the important thing is people work with their hands still today in the century. Plumbers, contractors, carpenters, even computer fixer uppers. People work with their hands. And you've got to support those people by keeping the business going and the job's going. And if you're punishing success, you're not gonna get any of it. You're not gonna get any of this. So it just doesn't make any sense. And I think Trump's got a sinker on this. I read a speech yesterday. He's got a sinker on this. I'm really happy. And by the way, he finally mentioned that John F. Kennedys back Scotts, I have been asking him to put it in all during the campaign, and he finally did it yesterday. I was very proud of myself. How soon do you think we would see the benefit fit of assuming? By the way, and you got to admit, with the Republicans capability of getting things done in their lack of urgency, and Mitch McConnell's, frankly, his impotence, he's the worst that I've ever seen in my life. But with all that said, how soon would it kick in, assuming that the President's plan as stated gets pushed through, not longer than three months, and it might even be sooner. Did you see another quarter of three growth? By the way, Yeah, well, good, good, good good. I'm not sure the third quarter is going to be that good. But putting that aside, you've got all these business people, large and small. They have money, they have been making profits, but they won't pull the trigger, Sean. They won't pull the trigger for the new investment, for the new business and new job until they see what Congress is going to do. They must, Larry go alright, just say they've got to see Congress tell them, and then they'll pull the trigger. And that can happen. Fat all right, Larry. Always good to talk to my friend. Thank you eight one Sean. If you want to be a part of the programmer our weekly debate, Rick Unger, Jonathan Gillham and your calls coming up next hour one Sean. Don't forget we're in West Palm Beach, Florida, by the way, where a news radio twelve w j N No Palm Beaches news source Rush Limbaugh tonight, don't forget our new time on the Fox News channel and uh he was on fire today and uh, I think I have one of my best monologues were put together on what it means for a country to be successful and thriving and how you get there and how everyone benefits. Anyway, it's ninety Eastern on Fox and there are plenty personally. When they're protesting during a football game, I think they can find better places, but they cannot do it during the national anthem. The NFL's in a box. They have to do something about it. The disrespecting. And when I say they, in a way it is day because they can stop it. You know, they have rules for everything. You can't dance in the end zone, you can't wear the pink socks relative to breast cancer, which one of the players. They have rules for everything. Why aren't they honoring this country by enforcing a rule that's been in existence for a long time. So the NFL and the players really have to do the honor of the country's for the honor of the country. They have to respect our country. They have to respect our flag and our anthem. What prompted that in Alabama? Well, I have so many friends that are owners and they're in a box. I mean, I've spoken to a couple of and they say, we are in a situation where we have to do something. I think they're afraid of their players. You want to know the truth, and I think it's disgraceful, and they've got to be tough and they've got to be smart because you look at the ratings. The ratings are going way down. The stadiums are I've seen a couple of stadiums over the last few weeks. They are losing. There are a lot of empty seats. I couldn't even believe it. But when it comes to the respect of our nation, when it comes to the respect of our anthem and our flag, they have no choice. You have to have people stand with respect all right, So there's the president NF Hell, yeah, they're in a really bad, bad box right now. And if the NFL doesn't change, it's gonna go straight in a sewer, he said to hell, And he's right. How could a business thrive when all they're doing is alienating so many people in the crowd? And when is when is they ever gonna have the courage to show the people in the crowd that are literally booing at the highest decibel level you can ever see. Look, this goes back to what I was saying earlier in the program. Today. You know, TV networks aren't showing the angry booing NFL fans and you know, hey, we got some of it. NFL camera operators, according to Red State, are told not to show the booing crowd when when the players are kneeling during the anthem. And they're gonna do it again this weekend. Good luck to them because ratings are down already significantly. They've lost some advertisers already, and you just keep watching what's happening, and you know, I guess they have the packers. I just don't think they survive very long without the year becoming at this asked her. We had a source calling us yesterday on the program telling us, Oh, we take calls for this team. I can't tell you which one. But by the way, we're inundated by season holder season ticket holders and then they're sick of it and other people wanting refunds every single day. So you know, if they want to keep this battle out, they want to keep this battle going. And I have a big challenge for them tonight, big challenge for all these players tonight. And uh, I hope you'll be watching something special we're gonna do on Hannity on the Fox News channel. All right. In the meantime, we welcome back to the program, Rick and Unger of the infamous Rick and Unger. I'm steal an Unger program. And Jonathan Gillim, who needs no introduction because he fills in on his program all the time. How are you, sir? Welcome back both of you. Why don't we ever let Rick? Why don't we let Jonathan and Rick do it together once? Linda? Why didn't you ever let that happen? You're id do that? And I have offered that to Rick, but he's a busy liberal. He doesn't always have time to come on. I'll do it again with Jonathan. I think you can do just a straight up hate Rick Unger hour, and I think it would probably right, really high. You could fill the whole show exactly right. Yeah, um, all right. You know, look here we are, and I got to imagine Rick Hunger and I always start with you, and you always find a way to weasel out of what your party represents and stands for and your side stands for. But from myself, not for a party. Okay, but you're but you're a liberal. But then any time I ask you a question about liberalism, you say, well, that's everybody else but me. That's everybody else but me. I don't believe that, Hannity. I don't, you know. But I have a very different position, which tells me that you're in real life when you come on this program, you're not acting like the liberal that I know you are. So I'm gonna ask you, So you've got all these this isn't about race. How about respect for the flag, the anthem? How about respect for the for the people that want to come see a ball game, Honor our military and remember those that fought, bled and died because of that flag and those people that are you know, in harm's way now in Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world that have to watch players taking a knee while they're they're defending their rights and ability to do that. Tell you what if the people who are in harm's way around the world, and and just like you, I get many calls from many vets on my program, if they're having a problem with it, I'd be having a problem with it. They aren't. I gotta tell you that's number one. Number two. You know what, I'll refer you to, not the are you too, I'll refer you to Justice Scalia because it doesn't get any more august or conservative than Justice Antonio Scalio, who wrote about burning the flag, and he said, you know what, I won't let anybody burn the the U. S. Flag, but the United States Constitution does, and therefore I respect that. It's not about the words, it's about the the sentiment that people in this country are allowed to have. Now take out the words flag burning and put in kneeling before or during the national anthem, and I'm happy to follow the words of Justice Scalia. You know that's such a cheap way out, Jonathan. I know a lot of vets. I had them on last night. We had military people on last Pete Pete had said it was on last night, and and other great military guys. So my question is, I don't know one military guy that isn't offended by this, not one. I don't know who really Rick Unger's friends well obviously don't listen. It's not even being friends. We had twelve calls last night from vets that we took. We were taking them first, and I was shocked, not even one. I'm telling you all. Twelve that wasn't John Kerry's swift boat, wasn't John Carey. It was it was current active and a mix of current active and people who were wasn't John Carey. Jen just con remember that comment, Oh my gosh. So first of all, Rick, you know I love you, but there's no way to verify who's calling. You know. I've had that before when I was, oh know, you have no idea who these people are in real life. You don't have a d D two fourteen in front of you. So you gotta take radio. When somebody calls and says they're a VET, you gotta take that with a grain of salt and listen. I get attacked by people constantly on Twitter that there's no verification of who they are. They just say that that's that they're a veteran. But we don't. We don't know. But I think you know, here's the deal. Um. I think there's a couple of things here. One. I think Justice Scalia was wrong. I I like Justice Scalia, but I think he was wrong when it came to the flag. I think that's an action, it's not speech. I don't think the Constitution speaks to that. I think that what these individuals are doing at football games, um, is an action, but it's I don't think that they're breaking the law, but I think that they're disrespecting not just the country, but the fact that there's nineties people in the stand standing uh to honor our nation and those people who serve it. And it's the only time every week in this country that you get that many people to stand together as one for the right reason, and they're ruining it. And when you're watching a game at home, do you stand when and and trying to try to tell the truth here, when you're sitting on the couch watching the football game and the national anthem begins, do you stand up? No? Okay, but I'm not. You're you're missing, You're missing my point. Now, No, I don't think so. So the point is there's nine people in the stadium standing for the right reason together and these guys come in and disrupt that, and I think that's highly disrespectful. It's also highly disrespectful to pick that one specific thing that where they honor not just the flag, not just the country, but those who serve it. And it's a slap in their face especially. And let me say this, the one thing that's not being mentioned a lot on the news is the fact that Colin Kaepernick and his girlfriend are communists. They're black separatists. Black Lives Matter were started by three Marxists. I'm just curious why that's relevant. Who they are, what they are, I don't know. By the way, anybody, anybody can get on the radio, John, No, anybody can get on the radio and make an allegation like that. You told me that my collars are all frauds. They're all fakes. They're just saying they're military collars are all flawed. I say, you gotta take what somebody says. They're a veteran. You guys, well, how do we know that Colin Kaepernick and his girlfriend are communists because they they subscribe to the ideology of Black Lives Matter, and Black Lives Matter is a marketist group. When when when when Colin Kaepernick shows up with socks that have pig cops on him and then he wears the Shaga Vera shirt, I would say he's leaning to the left towards communism. I would say, Lena left and communism are are just a very wide gap. By the way, if you go out to the suburbs where there are a lot of well the white folks, they wear shakea Vera T shirts and they don't even know who he is or or why they're wearing it. So so no, wearing a T shirt probably doesn't bring your black ideology. Rick, That's the most racist, stupid thing I've ever heard you say. I've never called you racist before. I didn't call the y racist either. Who's who said, but that there are people out in in in rich neighborhoods wearing shakea Vera shirts. My point, My point is not a race. My point is not a racist. They do it as a fashion statement. So why are you branding a guy a communist because he happens to subscribe to Black Lives Matter? By the way, was that that fellow last Sunday who really turned the crowd at the Trump rally in Washington? A Black Lives Matter demonstrator who the folks at the rally did a great thing, a really great thing. They put him up on stage and they let him say his peace, And I thought that was that was as American as it gets. And and I applauded those Trump supporters. And when he was done, they were all agreeing and and and cheering together. Was he a communist because he was there for Black Lives Matter? No, I'm not saying that guy's a communist, But here he did you said Kaepernick is a communist because he belongs to the Black Lives Matter? So did that guy Kaepernick? Wasn't the guy wait a minute, let me let me help out here, Let me help out. He was praising the murderer, dictator Fidel castro Okay Cash callin Kaepernick where it's all over. Do you ever read and every No, I don't read anything. You know, I do a talk show three hours a day and I don't read a thing. I'm wondering, how do you even do? The show? Isn't it amazing. It really is. It's beyond amazing. Anyway, go ahead, back to Jonathan Sean. Let me just say this because because here's the problem is all these people get all riled up by this stuff and they missed the basis of what these people stand for. And I'm just gonna say this. I'm a huge nask Our fan. I've been very proud of the way they've handled this. By the way, but Dale Earnhardt Jr. Dale Earnhardt Jr. Did one of the most ridiculously stupid things I've ever seen, and not only supporting this nonsense, but then quoting j F. K from a speech where he was telling communists, including Fidel Castro, that if they don't subscribe to a peaceful revolution, that that may turn around to become a violent revolution. And he used that quote to talk about this. In other words, he's supporting a revolution in this country of some kind against the Constitution. It was stupidest thing I've ever heard of in my life. All you have to do is google Colin Kaepernick Castro. First thing that comes up Miami Harold unrepentant hypocrite. Colin Kaepernick defends Fidel Castro CNN Miami fans Jeer Kaepernick amid comments on Castro when he took the field during an interview that he had he had given elsewhere. Then The Washington Post Colin Kaepernick grolled by Miami Herald reporter over Fidel Castro t shirt. Uh. Bleacher report Colin Kaepernick praises Fidel Castro's education policy. Uh, Fidel. Colin Kaepernick's Castro comments made Miami a long shot destination. All right, we gotta take a break. We're gonna come back. We'll continue. Made him a communist. Okay, you missed my point. I said he praised a murdering dictator. Evidence he praised a murdering dictator. You said, I need to check that. I checked it for you. It's called Google. Try it. It's a great new invention. We'll continue, Rick Onnger, Jonathan Gillham, Sean Hannity Show, we are in what Palm Beach, Florida. Will continue. All right, as we continue with Jonathan Gillham and Rick Onnger, Well, every single article when you google Rick Hunger, Colin Kaepernick and Castro, is him praising Castro a murdering thug dictator. And that and that was the point I mean you said no, he never did that, which I hadn't and I'm reading it too. But let me ask you a question. I know you hate when I do that. You support a president you're who is? I know, but I still get to ask a question. It's it's also freedom of speech, but you support a president who has praised a number of murderous dictators. I can begin with Saudi Arabia, I can go from there. Why does that better than somebody you don't like? Excuse me? Donald Trump is that guy. He never took a penny from from Saudi Arabia. I didn't say to Hillary. I don't remember him praising anybody. But he's trying. He's trying to wait a minute, wait a minute. He also is trying to broke her a peace without trying to totally change the Muslim world and and shift some of these countries into democratic republics like we have, because we know the impact of American trying to change the way of life in certain Middle Eastern countries. It's not worked out too well, but he does want peace with Israel, and he's working a broker that piece, and he's recognizing that there are people that come from countries with values that we don't recognize, unlike Hillary, who took millions from these people. And she says she's a women's champion and gay and ran champion and religious rights champion, and they kill gays and lesbians, they persecute women, Christians and Jews. He didn't take their money, and I could probably I'm not a big fan of castor what's it got to do with taking their money? What's it got to do with taking their money? We're talking about an athlete who praised somebody that you don't particularly like. I don't particularly like him either, By the way, all right, I gotta lect you both go um just at a time, um Brick Hunger. You really annoy me, but we appreciate you being on the show. And Jonathan, you do not annoy me, and we always love having you on the show. Eight one, Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. As we can continue from West Palm Beach. Many thanks to our affiliate down here News Radio twelve w j N O. Rush Limbaugh, New Time, Hannity, Fox News nine Eastern Tonight, an interview you don't want to miss. In an opening monologue, I think you're gonna like and learn a lot from You have no idea how great this feels to be back here at work in the People's House. As you can imagine, these last three and a half months have been pretty challenging times for me and my family. But if you look at the outpouring of love, of warmth, of prayer, Uh my gosh, Jennifer and I have been overwhelmed with all of that outpouring and it's given us the strength to get through all of this and to get to this point today. And it starts with God. When I was laying out on that ball field, the first thing I did once I was down and I couldn't move anymore as I just started to pray, And I will tell you it gave me an unbelievable sense of calm no that at that point it was in God's hands. The first place I want to go to to thank true angels along the way starts with the United States Capitol Police. When I was elected Majority Whip. As you know, the elected leadership has a security detail. And if anybody ever wondered why we're signed security detail, I surely found out that day. And let me tell you, I want to specifically mention Crystal Grinder and David Bailey. But when I was laying there, not long after the first couple of shots were fired, I could hear a different caliber weapon and that told me that they had immediately engaged the shooter. And let me tell you, if Date did knack so quickly and even after being shot, both themselves continued to engage the shooter and ultimately got him down, which not only saved my life, but saved the life of a lot of other people that are here in this chamber today. Crystal couldn't be with us today, but David Bailey is with us. David, you are my hero. You saved my life. Thank you so much. All right. That was Congressman Steve Scalise making his way back into the House chamber earlier today. And look, I didn't want to say what I knew at the time, because I don't think it's my place sometimes to pass on specific information. I knew the day that this happened, in the days that followed that this was very, very, very touch and go. I forget the exact number of transfusions within like a forty eight seventy two hour period, but it was very high. And um, it just is one of those stories you're just glad that somebody comes through all of that. And if you watch the video we'll show you on Hannity tonight at ten eastern, you'll you'll see for yourself. I mean, he still has a long way to go in terms of his recovery, and we know he'll get there. Um and you can't. You gotta stop him. And you've gotta think of, all, right, here's a sniper, here's a baseball field, and here it's wide open. And then you think of the Capitol Hill police officers and they walked into an open field. I have been shooting. I have been. I was really a pistol marksman much more than a rifle shooter. I learned first on rifles, and but I just like pistols better. It's just for me what I what I liked and what I enjoyed more so I just stuck with that. But if it's a rifle and you have anybody with any margin of of skill and basically a higher higher turf, higher ground, and the police officers that walked into that open field, and I've been to that field the night after this happened, we went there. We did the broadcast from there. I think it was even that night, and then we went to the congressional baseball game. We were covering all those for Fox, and I just remember thinking, Wow, those cops were walking out their sitting ducks. It's a miracle they're alive and they still have their severe injuries and things they're dealing with. And the other people that were shot, I met a number of them, and it's one of those things that you really realize, Wow, things are politically so tense, so heated's it's so vitriolic, you know, and you're gonna think this is a partisan comment, and it's really not. All these years of the Democratic playbook. Now the playbook is since the tax bill has been announced as class warfare, class board it. As I asked Paul Ryan last night, you know, there are a lot of people in states like New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, because there you don't get to deducts state and local tax anymore. And if you live in California, that's thirteen and a half percent. If you like me in New York, that's ten additional income tax. Right now, the top federal rate thirty nine point six. They're gonna lower it to thirty five and say, oh, these are tax cuts for the rich. It's not because it's a lower rate, but it's a higher amount of money you're gonna pay because you lose your state income tax local income tax deduction. And if you work in New York City, that's another three percent. So that's and then ten percent and then three percent. That's fifty three cents out of every dollar. And then I live in the second highest property tax county in the country, Nassau County, where it happens to be where I grew up. And believe me, it's not worth the amount of money I pay in taxes. And you might say, well, Hannity, get down in Florida today, I'm I'm in the studios of news radio twelve ninety w j n O, which is Palm Beach's news source. And here we are, we're doing the radio show, and we interviewed Russia. Is gonna be on tonight Hannity our new Time nine Eastern. He was I saw him earlier that he was amazing today. That's why he's you know, he is the icon that he's always been and his take on everything was pretty phenomenal. I'm actually building my monologue off for two things tonight that Rush said to me as we were following two topics exuming. Assuming the news doesn't change between now and nine o'clock anyway, welcome back, Steve school Ease. And I I just look at the left and all these times you go to your playbook, Republicans are racist. Republicans are racist. Republicans are racist, white supremacist. Never heard any of this language before, you know, just now we're hearing it every day, white nationalism. And nobody I know in the conservative movement knows these people. Nobody wants these people in their lives. They have no place in the American debate and society. Nobody. I don't know any prominent conservative Republican in the country that they can name that I would even know that espouses the sick, twisted, ugly views that they say we espouse. Just like poor Mitt Romney was a misogynist because Mitt Romney had a binder of women's resumes, and with that binder, he actually wanted to hire them if he was elected president. And then it's you know, xenophobic and homophobic and and islamophobic. Whow you say radical Islam can't say that that's that's islamophobic. Well, those that pervert the religion of Islam and in the name of Allah go out and killing us at men, women and children, and we see it happening almost weekly. Um, yeah, they're radicals, and yeah they're trying to you know, it's convert or die in their world and they think they get seventy two virgins in heaven and you can't talk about it. Or if you want to control your borders, you're you're against immigrants. No, we just want you to go through the normal, lawful process of coming into the country. And most people I know are libertarian. Most people I know, they don't really give a rip who you're dating, what you're doing, whose hands you're holding, and who you're kissing. Nobody cares. Nobody care. We're so wrapped up in our own lives and if people care, it's only for salacious conceipt. They don't really care. You want something to talk about when they go out with their friends and they have a beer, or they go out with their friends and have dinner. It's really frustrating. I Meanwhile, issues of real importance and significance get pushed aside. It's so frustrating. All Right, we're in Palm beach today, Rush tonight, don't forget our new time. I want to thank everybody too. I did this on on television the other night, and I'll do it again. Look, it's just the fact, even because I've invited guests on this program, that these well funded, multimillion dollars funded organizations that target conservatives and want to silence conservative voices, you know, the real liberal fascists in this country. We've taken a lot of heat just for having guests on the program this week, like Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh. And the fact that I'm on at an earlier time seems to irritate the living daylights at the people that have been trying to get my voice also silenced all these years too. And this it's beyond understanding because I thought liberals were tolerant. Liberals were open minded, liberals, you know, believed in freedom of speech. Look at the free speech movement begins in Berkeley, and well it's not working out too well in Berkeley now. And also you know the media, I've I've read all the the pieces. You know, even when we win. We won every night in the ratings this week number one in cable. And first thing, I want to say is thank you to all of you. But there's a whole large group of people in the media that can't tolerate it, and they want to see the show fail. And I don't want to fail because I feel in my heart that what we're doing and trying to do is so different from what we're what the other offerings of the mainstream all left destroy Trump Media, and all they want to talk about is destroying the president, delegitimizing him. They never talk about problem solutions answers to the problems that we face as a country. They use every wedge identity, political issue that they can find. They're advancing in ideology like they've never advanced before. It's never been this bad, And you know, I just I do appreciate it, because the only reason that we've had success both in radio and TV is because you listen and you watch, and I know that I understand that, and you know, my job is like any other service industry, I want to serve you with news and information and of strong opinions that you're not going to get anywhere else. And the fact that it even exists drives these people crazy. So I hope you'll keep it listening. Hope you'll keep watching, Hope you'll tell your friends and UM. So far the reaction has been good in the move to nine, and as evidence by well, ratings is important. Ratings determine whether you live or die frankly in this industry. All right, Jeannie speaking of Florida, she's in clear Water, not far from here. Jeannie, Hi, how are you? Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Welcome to Palm Beach. How are you? What's going on today? Good Sean? Listen. I love talking to Johnny and I want to tell you, yea that you win at nine o'clock. I love it. And you know what, for any of your listeners who watch you, just so you know down here in Florida, if for any reason you um miss part of the show, you are on again at midnight so you can watch it at nine and we come one, you know on the TV show. You know what, Thank you, and you know what. Let's say you can't watch it one night you're out with your friends or what are you? Still can DVR and watch it when you get home. And you know, I, honestly, I've been paying a little bit more attention than I usually do I haven't spent a lot of time watching other shows, and I just sort of been surveying the cable news landscape lately. I can't believe how bad it's gotten. I can't believe how unhinged these people are. And you're gonna say, well, you talk about it, you should know, and I'm like, yeah, I'm But when I watch it, I my staff usually watches it and they tell me what these these these idiots are saying. When I watch it myself, my jaw drops in just utter astonishment at the pure hatred that they have for the country. But I'll tell you it's, Genie, It's different. It's it's worse. They have contempt for us, those that voted for Trump, those that want to change, those that want to improve the country, those are sick and tired of failure. Um, those that do take pride in they have contempt for us. They you know why, Sean, Because we are at a time now where this is good against evil, this is God against Satan. And I'm not a religious person per se, but I am very spiritual, and I believe God puts you in a position that he did because you are a spokesman for all of us. Out here who feel the same way you do. And we know that Donald Trump is fighting every single day to do what is good for our country and what is good for everybody. Whether you're black, whether you're white, whether you're grain, whether your purple, whether you're a woman, whether your man, whether you're gay, whether you're straight, it doesn't matter. And give the people credit. We do see what the media are out there trying to propagate and procrastinate and do whatever the hell they want to do when they're saying on TV, which is why the vast majority of us no longer watch them, and we watch you and we listen to you because you are in the fight of your life and we understand that and we will stand behind you, and we will stand behind the president because you speak the truth, and the truth is what is the most important thing that people need to understand. This is really you know, that's like these football players. You make more in the short period of time that I made in my whole entire life working. And you know what, I couldn't stand Obama and I respect my flag and I respect our national anthem. You have total disrespect and I'm ashamed for you that you would do what you do. I am. I am beyond honored um by what you're saying. But am I allowed to say I think God made a mistake, that there's a lot of better people out there than me. I don't know is that allowed? Because I kind of feel like he could have done a lot better than Seohn Hannity. Um Um. I know my imperfections in life, so um, but I will say this, and Gennie, don't underestimate your role in this. And I say this to everybody, but I understand my roles a little more public and I have Nope, I don't care that. I don't want any of them to like me. If they like me, if the media critics like me, if they say nice things about me, I'm probably not doing my job good in But I'm gonna say this. We are all spokes in a wheel here, and we'll say, Okay, Trump is the center of the wheel. We we all need to support the agenda if we want to fix the country, which we want to do. Um. God bless you by the way. It is paradise down here, Jeanie. It is. It is so beautiful. I am like, what in God's name am I doing in New York in the middle of winter. It is gorgeous. It really is in Florida, alright, eight nine one, Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. Hey, listen, you know how much we all here at the Sean Hannity Show love the Dollar Shape Club. I love that. Sweet baby James doesn't have those little white pieces of paper all over his face. He now uses the Executive blade. Linda loves that, Lauren loves at Ethan loves it. Jason uses it for his mohawk. We all picked it individually. We all love the Executive But the people of the Dollars Shape Club they make high quality personal grooming products for your hair, your face, your skin, your shower. They've got everything your bathroom needs, all delivered to your house. And their blades and their products are a third us of what you'll pay in any store. Their higher quality than you'll buy in any store. For example, their blade is the best blade you've ever had. The Doctor Carver shave butter, you'll never use shaving cream again. Everything is super high quality, lower price, conveniently delivered to your house. And you don't pay to be a member of the Dollar Shave Club. And if you've never tried it, you know you get your first month starter set for just five bucks. That's it. It includes their travel size shave butter, their body cleanser. Uh, it's certainly their best raiser, the Executive Blade. And after that, you know what, You only pay what you pay. You only pay for the things you buy. That's it. And it's so convenient and it's the best product you've ever had at a lower price. Just go to Dollar Shave Club dot com slash Hannity Dollar Shave Club dot com slash Hannity. All right, we'll take a break, we'll come back, we'll continue. We're in Palm Beach. Many thanks to our affiliate down here News Radio twelve nine w J You know this is Palm Beaches news source. This is the Shawan Hannity Show, Rush Limbaugh Tonight Hannity or New Time nine Eastern. Hope you'll join us. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Many many thanks to our affiliate down here in Palm Beach News Radio twelve w J. N Oh, they've been so accommodating. Uh, don't forget Hannity Tonight, ten Eastern. I think you're gonna love this opening monologue. Let's just say it's gonna be a real good history lesson and how we can make this country great again. Then rare interview Russia. Lumbaub will join us. Part one tonight, Part two tomorrow, New Gingridge joins us tonight. That's all coming up our new time nine Eastern. We hope you'll tell your friends. We hope you'll set your d v R. We'll see you back in New York tomorrow and tonight at nine. Thanks for being with us.

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