Congressman Jim Banks of Indiana and Eric Eggers, VP of the Government Accountability Institute take a hard look at Biden’s Education Secretary, Cardona, and the teacher's unions. It appears last on the list for these folks is your children’s education.
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All right, News Round Up, Information Overload, hour eight hundred and nine for one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program. I saw Tucker last night had this guy on. I've never heard of this group? Have you ever heard of this group? Both keepers, Linda, I mean, do you know any of these people? Because I do not. I do not know them, but I have read about them in some of the documentations. Okay, it's sort of like, you know, well, Hannity once interviewed a guy from this group. I'm like, I don't even know who you're talking about it. I mean, it's it's not anyway. Apparently this guy wasn't even at the did not enter the Capitol, and they're charging him with edition. You got some Democrats hoping they can charge Donald Trump woods edition. Here is what we now know. We now know that Kevin McCarthy, well, he gave a great speech yesterday. I thought saying, no, hell no, I'm not going before this illegitimate committee. Now, the Republicans were willing to participate in order to get answers to prevent the capital from ever having a right again. I'd like to see the committee also formed that would look into the twenty twenty riots, as I've been saying, that killed dozens of people, injured thousands of cops, and caused billions in property damage through arson and looting. That committee is non existent right now. But then we discovered and we were able to confirm from Mark Meadows, President Trump, Cash Battel, Department of Defense Chief of Staff, the Defense Secretary, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. They were all there. Donald Trump, as the law requires signee order allowing twenty thousand National Guard troops to be called up two days before January six Now why would Donald Trump do that? The answer should be obvious. We had five hundred and seventy four riots with all the damage I just mentioned over the summer of twenty twenty. We had hundreds of thousands of people that were anticipated to show up on January the sixth. We knew that political tensions in the country or high. We know whenever you have a large crowd, there's always bad actors in a crowd. Everybody seems to never want to ask the question. Remember, we had the reporting of people prepositioning certain items around the city in preparation of the march to the capital. We've never gotten at the bottom of that and anyway. After the President, as is legally required, signed off on the twenty thousand guardsmen and women, then the chain of command goes to the DC Mayor, Muriel Bowser, and she said she will not call up the troops. And of course the person responsible for protecting the capital as Nancy Pelosias Speaker of the House, in conjunction with the Sergeant of Arms and anyway. So Kevin McCarthy started to participate. He put on the committee Jim Jordan and Jim Banks, and I'm sure they would have done a deep dive into these important questions. But the chairman of the committee's a gentleman by the name of Benny Thompson, and asked on Fake News CNN whether or not Nancy Pelosi was going to be questioned though she's off limits, and Nancy Pelosi, my understanding, my reporting is confirmed by numerous people, is not being required to hand over text messages on the days leading up to January six, the days after, or emails or phone records, nor is the Sergeant of Arms. Nobody's talking to the Capitol police chief that had requested National Guard troops on six separate occasions, including occasions before January sixth. Nobody's bringing in or demanding correspondence from the DC mayor or they're not subpoenaing Pelosi. They're not subpoening any of these people. Now, if the true goal of the committee was to get to the bottom of this, you have to ask the question, if we had twenty thousand Guard troops there, as Donald Trump had requested, would January of sixth ever have occurred. The answer, I believe is a strong affirmative no, it would not have happened. Now, the question is, why are they protecting the people that refuse to call up the Guard knowing what the conditions in the country were the summer before. It makes no sense. And then, of course Pelosi kicks off Jim Banks and Jim Jordan and replaces them with the two biggest Trump paters in the Republican Party, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinsinger. Okay, so Minority Leader McCarthy and Jim Jordan and everybody else is saying that this is a sham committee with a predetermined outcome. They can write their report right now. Donald Trump sucks. Donald Trump caused this. Donald Trump is bad, bad bad. Put them in time out. Whatever they're gonna say, but it's not going to do a damn thing to prevent this from ever happening again. And we must as a country protect our cities like we can't have what happened in the summer of twenty twenty our institutions and our elected officials. This is not complicated anyway. Jim Banks of Indiana is with us. Eric Eggers is the vice president of the Government Accountability Institute. Thank you both for being with us. You know, I'll start with you, Jim Banks. I mean you were on the committee. Will you ever given a reason why you and Jim Jordan were kicked off the committee? No, of course not Sean. The reason is obvious though. I mean Jim Jordan and I from the outset. We're asking these questions about Nancy Pelosi's role and responsibilities and overseeing the United States Capitol Police Department and the negligence that led to a breakdown of security at the Capitol that day. Now you've got McCarthy and a lot of others who have been subpoenaed or have been requested at least to come and speak in front of this committee. My message to all of them is that nobody should be forced to participate in the Sham Committee when Nancy Pelosi has yet to turn over documents of the bipartisan Senate Homeland Security Committee. She's refused to turn over documents about the central focus of the National Guards and why the National Guard troops weren't called to the Capitol because of quote bad optics. If she's refusing to participate, why should Kevin McCarthy or Jim Jordan or anyone else be forced to participate in the Sham Committee in the House. I mean, it's so obvious that this would be the way to prevent something like this from ever happening again. Eric Eggers now absolutely, and I think Congress and Banks is exactly right. This is obviously something that's being leveraged to score political points with no real interest in pursuing the truth. We all watched what happened on January sixth. I mean, I spend a lot of time on your show, Sean and elsewhere asking very real and honest questions about what it would look like to conduct an election in twenty twenty, what it would look like to conduct an unprecedented election amidst the high fallume ever of mail in ballots, amidst areas that were no longer political stero. We had political actors actively participating in the collection in delivery of ballots, and all people were doing it, asking questions about that, and so to try to take whatever happened on January sixth and turned that into this large effort to censor and shut down everything else that's happened the country since then. I'm just glad we have people like Congress and Banks that are asking the right questions. Oh, I am too, I mean by a long shot, because they don't care about getting to the truth about this. Let me ask both of you about this issue and this report that came out that we now know that there were people involved in influencing the Biden government in terms of looking into parents at school board meetings and trying to determine if they weren't going to characterize them as domestic terrorists. Now, Biden's Education secretary apparently might have helped initiate the now retracted letter to the DOJ requesting that they spy on parents to the Patriot Act. Jim Banks, are you kidding me? What country is this? Well, it just goes to show that the biggest domestic threat to our freedoms to the Constitution to Americans everywhere comes directly from sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue. I mean, this report is it's not shocking because we knew all along that the White House was involved in this, but it just goes to prove that that was happening at the at the Biden white Houses direction to go after parents, to declare war on parents by naming them domestic terrorists using the Patriot Act, Sean, which I served in Afghanistan, you know, and and when and served my country Afghanistan a uniform. We're gonna use the Patriot Act, which we used against a foreign terrorist against parents who have who show up as school board meetings to complain about mask mandates or critical race theory being taught in schools, or who reach out to school board members. This White House is responsible for the letter that the National school Board Association sent to the DOCH and the response that from the Biden White House saying that they're going to go after parents. Now we know all long they were behind it to begin with. And your take, Eric heagers. So we actually have a new report out at the Government Accountability Institute, and what we did is we poured over the political spending and the political activity of America's top teachers unions, and some of the findings from our report I think helped speak to everything in Congressman Banks and you have been raising on this issue for some time, and we obviously appreciate your points. You know, what we found is that the teachers unions have become political partners with Democrat officials, including the Biden White House. And that's one of the reasons why you're seeing they're able to leverage Department of Justice officials. It's one of the reasons why teachers unions are able to help the CDC right guidelines. That's one of the reasons why Chicago teachers unions are an opposition to a Democrat mayor in Chicago who's begging them to get back into the classroom. But they feel so empowered because they've transitioned and transformed themselves into a political powerhouse. Their campaign spending up four hundred percent over the last four election cycles. And if you look at their internal resolutions, these are the documents they say, hey, here's what we as teachers unions are. These are what our priorities are. They've admitted it's no longer pension and healthcare for the people actually doing the work of educating America's future. They've fully admitted that they are now political organizations. They've passed thirty four internal resolution Sean in twenty twenty Sixteen of them are about issues like critical race theory and social justice. Another four are about gender dysphoria and LGBT issues. So this is no longer the Union, This is no longer a group that's represented people they're teaching maths. These are now full on political actors, and it's making its way into the classroom. And I'm just glad that parents are waking up and having a voice in opposition to it. Quick break more with Congressman him Banks of Indiana, Eric Eger's, VP of the Government Accountability Institute. This is the Sean Hannity Show, now heard on over six hundred and sixty radio stations across America. Thanks to all of you for making this happen, John Hannity or so the following program we're prerecorded right as we continue with Congressman Jim Banks of Indiana, Eric Egger's vice president of the Government Accountability Institute. We have a new governor running in the state of Illinois. Will tell you about you'll meet him next to somebody you know, and much more. We'll get to your calls eight hundred and nine for one Sean, but first we continue Jim Banks. Let's be honest here, a few angry parents at a school board meeting is hardly domestic terrorism. It's sort of like, you know, Terry mccalloff saying parents should have no role in their kids education. I actually like the fact that parents are engaged and parents care about their kids education, and parents are the ones that pay for these schools through their property taxes, etc. They have every right to be there, and at times they have every right to express their anger over draconian COVID measures or other things as well, critical race theory, you know what they have. They I actually think they have a responsibility to do it. And I say that as a parent that never went to a school board meeting or any school meeting frankly because I could. I just didn't want to involve myself. And if I show up in the room, forget it all hell breaks loose. Yeah, this is the Democrat's worst nightmare. I mean, they have they have awakened a sleeping giant. I mean, Sean I have three daughters who are a great school and I see parents everywhere all over Indiana rising up and going to school board meetings for the first time who weren't interested in these issues before. And the fact that the but the Biden White House lied about their role in soliciting this letter from the school Board Association again that calls on the Biden White House to use the powers the Department of Justice, the federal powers of the government to go after parents. They wanted that to be secret, and now it's out in the public where everyone knows that it's the Democrats and Joe Biden and his White House who have waged this war on parents. This is their worst nightmare because it's going to have a political effect in the midterm election unlike anything that they've ever seen before. Well, I just think and I'd like to see more people, you know, get involved in their kids education. I think that makes schools stronger, not weaker. I think school board members maybe need a little less sensitivity training and they need to be able to have honest discussions and be able to take, you know, criticism. Now, if people get out of line, eric agers, if they threaten violence of any kind, obviously, in a situation like that, that would be a matter of local police. Most school board members that I know of, they might be elected. They usually don't get paid for those positions. It's a thankless job, but they do it because they care that much about the school system. I know people on school boards. I'm like, why the hell would you ever do that? You're out of your freaking mind. Well, everybody needs a hobby, Sean, But you're exactly right. We already have solutions in place for parents to get out of line. It's called the police. They do show up at times to meetings. We certainly didn't need the federal government to insert themselves with the threats of domestic terrorism anything else. And that just speaks to what I think is to disconnect between the ruling elites that are they are sort of empowered by political power from teachers unions and the fact that the Democrat mayor of Chicago, Lorry Lightfoot, gat up and when she was announcing that school would resume in Chicago, who was the number one group The first group that she thanked It was parents. She thanked parents were standing up. She said, we need your voice, we need your fight, and I, for one I'm glad to have it. And that just speak to the divide that has emerged between the people that are in charge of the education system and the people that are actually in charge of the kids who are in the education system. And that's such an important dynamic. And I think Congsman Banks is right. I think you're right where. I think this has been a great awakening for parents. And I'll tell you what, just based on the parents I know, and it's spoken to between the thread of the things being taught in the classroom when they're open, and the thread of the classroom is being closed again at the latest, you know flu bug that's circulating around. I don't think parents are going away anytime soon. I thank you both for being one of us who really appreciate your insight as always. And Congressman Banks, why don't you just tell Liz Chenney she can write her I Hate Donald Trump report now and tell the chairman Benny Thompson he could write it now, because it's already written and they might as well release it. And here's my prediction, they're going to release it in October. Anyone want to take bets on that, just prior to the mid terms, anyway, Thank you both. Eight hundred and nine four one, Shaun is a number. Speaking of actions, you just don't vote in November. You vote every single month with the money that you spend in the companies that you spend it with. Now, if you're still a customer of one of those large, overpriced wireless carriers, you're also supporting candidates and issues that they donate to. Listen, I've been telling you you can save the average family saving close to a thousand dollars a year by making the switch to Pure Talk away from Verizon, T Mobile, AT and T And guess what, for the exact same five G network, for the exact same cell towers, and you keep your phone, you keep your phone number. Why would you pay nearly a thousand dollars more year per family? This is the exact same service anyway. Just I'll pound two fifty on your cell phone save the keywords saved now. You begin saving money immediately. Pound two fifty on your cell keywords save now, you save money immediately for the exact same service from our friends at pure Talk. I'm twenty five to the top of the hour. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program, I spoke out about the mayor's race in New York and a good friend of mine, we worked together for years. He literally has dedicated decades of his life to keep New York City safer by forming the Guardian Angels and forever following through on at Curtis Leewam looking at the people that are running for governor in New York Lea Zelden and Mayor Giuliani's son Andrew Giuliani, and oh Rob aster Reno's running and I and these are all uphill battles. I knew it was going to be hard for Curtis. He did really well, better than many people expected in a city that Democrats out number of Republicans nine to one in and that is such a high population area, it's it's very tough to win as a Republican. There is a new entry into the governor's race in the great state of Chicago. Happens to be a friend of mine, also a longtime friend. And well here's this announcement. Hi, am Man cal Mueller. I am going to announce right here that I'm running for governor. We live in the greatest state in the Union, right here in the heart of America. Well, it used to be the greatest state. It's not anymore. It's falling hard times, and it's not your fault. You've worked hard, you've paid your enormous taxes. It's fall into disrepair because you've been sold out. Well, the buck's gonna stop here when I'm governor, we aren't fly over. We're good, hard working people. We are the heart of America. I'm gonna get the heart beating again. Laugh to right, all this, stop all that nonsense. They're both selling you out. I'm something different. I'm actually worried about you and your family. Yeah, we're gonna be releasing everything every week, more and more information. You can fight out what the campaign is all about. When my YouTube channel man coun Microaggressions, and you can link to it through my Instagram and get constant video updates. I think you're gonna be very happy. Hi, am Man cal Muller, and i'd like your vote for governor. All right, man joins us now one of the most successful syndicated radio in history in morning radio. By the way, that ad was kick ass. I love that ad, but you're out of your freaking mind, But that was a kick ass Ad. You know, I'm not out of my mind. That's the first I've heard of it. That was me messing around in the studio. It's not really the real ad, but something we put up on the internet. You know. You know, Sean, are you running from? Are you ever going to run for the presidency? We've talked about this for twenty years. Okay, seriously, I'd get five people to vote for me. But thank you for the kind words and why you must hate me, because who would ever want to go through the hell that Donald Trump went through? Sean. I'm sitting here in this state. I own a beautiful restaurant here called Marqueza. I had a four dealership. I'm I'm a businessman. I have two daughters that you know, and I can't take him into the city. It's it's a blood back. My taxes are forty five thousand dollars a year on my home. I've done well in radio, not as good as you, but I can't. I can't retire here at this place that I love. The exodus is happening. It's a mass exodus from Illinois, and I believe I can end all that. But it is David versus Goliath. It's you know, the Republican Party here. It's for the most part, not all of them, but it's it's the same coin. It's it's the General's versus the globe driders right, it's fake no that week that listen. I've said this for years about Republicans. Many, many, not all. Many are weak, spineless, feckless, visionless. One thing I do know about you, Manka, is a guy that has more energies. You kind of remind me of Trump in the Energy Department. I mean, endless, boundless energy and enthusiasm. And you're always upbeat and you're always happy. And I know over the years, I mean, you used to do a pretty pretty racy morning show more in the shock jock realm, and you you evolved as you got older, and now you're taking this big step and you've always been successful at everything that you've ever done. I want you to win. I want to be very clear here. I want you to win. I would love you know. Since two thousand and nine, man Cow, I'm the only one that I know on national television that would scroll the names of all these people being shot and shot and killed in Chicago. You can predict right here and now, on this Friday. Whatever number of people are going to be shot this weekend, and you're probably going to be close how many of those shot will die? And nobody ever lifts a finger and nobody we don't talk about those lives that should matter and matter to me and matter to you because what we can't politicize it. I have two incredible comments, if I can say so myself. One as I did an interview yesterday, and you know, the mayor refused to talk to white reporters and I was friends with us mayor. This mayor did my show a lot of talking about Lorie Lightfoot, who spend a disaster and I call her doctor Lorie Lightweight, but go ahead, yeah, And I said, I said, how you know she wouldn't talk to me because I'm white? After she got elected? How racist is that? And you know, brother, I want to cut the guy. I don't want to give you the campaign speech, but I really can't fix it. No, No, you want to know the truth. I want to hear it. Give me this, give me because I can give you conservatism in a minute and what it means to me. I'll let you give yours and then I'll give you my one minute speech. Okay, I'd like I'd like to hear that. And I'm you know, I'm a big fan and a friend of yours as well. But you and I have a lot of mutual friends through this radio show. You come from nothing. I come from nothing where I come from. Look, look, no nobody gets where I'm at from where I come from suicide falls in Missouri. I mean no one in my family. And I've been very blasted. I have a lot of goodwill and a lot of friends and fans here in this city, and there's a lot of I've been able to interview everybody, and I've learned that all these politicians, most of them liars, fakes, phonies, And I always wanted to do something, and I'm sure that's what you felt doing your TV show and your radio show. God I could I could fix this. And what I don't know is I you know, I have people, I've interviewed the best of everybody. I can assemble a team that can fix this. I'm going to cut gas prices by well in half pre Trump. They jacked them up during Trump because they didn't want people to have a have the feeling that the economy was good and that's the truth here. You know, the exodus people are leaving Illinois. I would reward them to come home, property taxes cut and crying. You've got to support the cops. Look, I saw these guys defecating in the stores, chasing me down the street, yelling racist things at me, and they and I was told by my corporation. They said that I should refer to them as righteous people, you know, looting at Chicago. They should be right to me. Okay, and let me let me say one more silly little thing. And this is for everybody that's listening. For the most part, they're gonna laugh. But we're not allowed to have the Fourth of July in Chicago. I'm going to bring back the Fourth of July. Well another I saw your platform. You're gonna legalize and tax fireworks cells. I'm amazed. I go down to like Florida and they sell fireworks in like Walmart. It's unbelievable. So here's my speech. As a conservative, I believe in liberty. I believe in freedom. I believe in capitalism. I believe in our constitution. I believe that every American should we should have law and order so they can be safe and secure to pursue happiness. I believe that parents deserves school choice. Our schools have failed our children on a spectacular level, and we can do better than that. I believe in lower taxes, less bureaucracy, constitutionalists on the bench that believe in separation of powers. I believe in free and fair elections and election integrity measures must be adopted in every state and not federalized. I believe in legal immigration, but I support the Trump agenda to secure our borders energy independence. Trump got us energy independence. We are a net exporter of energy, free and fair trade deals piece through strength. That about some Oh, and I believe that Americans ought to have the right to the First and second Amendment, which seemed to come into question a lot. That's it, man, cow, That's that we want to sum up Sean Hannity's belief system. There you go. I jumped in the governor's race. We need Sean Hannity for president. And this guy's not going to last another three years. And you know what you said. What you said, Sean, and we don't say enough. It can the one thing that can save America, honestly, the one thing, one thing that we could do immediately would be school choice. Uh you know my daughter. Do you know something? If people they can't do any worse in Illinois, if they do, what do they got to lose? Remember Trump would say that to people in the twenty sixteen election. What do you got to lose? What do they got to lose? Because the state is sinking into the abyss like New York and California and New Jersey. You're right there with them, and that's why people are leaving Illinois in droves and many are headed to Texas and Florida. They have given these kids no school for two years. We care the children, their children. You know, whenever you hear them talk about the children, you're about to use You're about to lose a freedom or or or you know, more of your money. Look, they want to keep the people where they are. They don't want school choice because they want a stupid population. And that's that's what they're going. I'm gonna tell you something. Look at Chicago. Let's take let's take your biggest city and isolated for a second. If you became governor and you could create law and order so every person in Chicago is safe and secure, and if you can give kids in Chicago school choice to take whatever amount of money. In New York City, it's like over forty thousand dollars per student per year, and they fail on a spectacular level. If you're able to do those two things in the city of Chicago, you would be one of the most successful governors in the history of Illinois. Now we know how to keep city safe, follow the Rudy Giuliani model. We know how to educate kids. It's not that hard. There are great schools that we can mimic. And it's got to start, and it's got to start in kindergarten all the way through high school. Every kid should be proficient in reading, maths, science, history, and computers by the time they graduate. They're not. Yeah, look, our Illinois schools are turning out dummies. If by design. It's just like television, you know television. It's everybody's stupid. Everything is so stupid because it's by design. We are being dumbed down like cattle so that we will follow our new masters. And they don't want any choice. They don't like you said, you believe in fair elections. We don't have that. Our elections are not fair. They're fixed. It's all scripted. The script is for Pritzker to win by double digits. And then we've got a Republican here that is running, that is pro BLM, pro mandates, pro school closures, pro church closures. It's all it's all a facade, it's all fake, it's all professional wrestling. And here I am jumping in the mix, screaming out freedom. I don't know what kind of chance I had sewn, but your kind words inspire me. And and let me ask you this. Let's let's talk about this, because I have some ideas for you. Yeah, and I've been doing this now thirty three years on radio, twenty six years now on Fox. If you can believe that I should have been fired on day one. But but here, here's what I would do. I'd go right into the heart of Shigo. I'd go to churches. I'd go to school board meetings. I'd go where wherever the people are and say, excuse me, can I make a pitch? How's it working for you? Why? Why are we why every single weekend is it twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy people shot? We can stop that? Will you help me? Do you want me to stop that? If you vote for me, I'll stop it. I will hire the right amount of police officers, will institute real policing, you know, catch stopping frisk would be one thing. And are you happy with your kids education? Would you like to we pay on average, whatever the amount is in Illinois, will write you that check every year and then you pick the school of your choice. Would you prefer that? Because I think you would. And I can only do it if you vote for me. Go into some Republicans or a bunch of wooses. They won't go anywhere, you know where they think they might get booed or have an egg thrown at them or whatever might happen. You know, but that's not how you win. You win by by appealing to people directly. And I know, look, you connect with people. You've connected people all these years on the radio. It's not easy to be a successful long term radio host. It's not Sean Willie Wilson is a great black leader. I go to all black churches almost every Sunday. I get up and I speak. I'm already doing what you what you're advising. John Canton's era, you've had them on your show, is a brave lawman. And yes, it's really easy. When somebody breaks the law, you arrest him and you charge him. We have a tech and release program here, Kim Fox, there's Juicy Smole story. You know that whole deal. It's it's a joke and the bad guys know it. And I would also loosen up the laws. The laws are so tough to get a gun, you know, for a good person to get a gun to protect yourself. I would loosen things up, and they just make them possible. And when the good guys have gun, so the bad guys know we can fight back, it ends all this crap and I can do all that. I'm also going to get rid of the red light cameras, which are got your tickets. It's all you know, taxation of that representation. I'm gonna get rid of the toll booth, which we're built on a lie, and we're gonna have more than enough money. Is I want all the kids to gett an education. I want school choice, but we are being so ripped off and they's lemmings just line up, and it's been a hundred years of democratic rule this city. Nobody wants to come here, nobody wants to be near this place, and they want more of it. Unbelievable. Well listen, man cow Mueller, thank you. What's the website people can find out more about your run for governor? Well, I haven't really launched yet. I mean, I'm kind of just getting out there. But it's a Mancow for Governor dot com. And I'm gonna see you tonight, aren't I I believe so you're gonna be on Hannity and I miss year old morning hits on Fox. They used to be amazing anyway, mancow Mueller running for governor Illinois. Look, it's David and Goliath, but I admire you jumping in the ring and forget about the results. Just go out and fight every day for the people because they that will begin to resonate. That's my humble advice. And I wish you well, my friend, Sean. Did I say one more thing? Yes, sir, and behind the scenes with you for twenty years, and you know, the worst they can say about you if you're a boy scout or you're you know, you're a You're a he's a he's a god guy all he said. He's Their insults against your amazing um nothing, they got nothing on you. You're a true fighter, and they don't. The people listening have no idea what you've battled against him. And you're a champion, brother, and I love you. Thank you for your friendship. He's same. Back to you, my friend, God Bush you in this run. You know what. I'm hoping that lightning will strike. It can happen, It can happen, all right, I gotta roll the broke. Miracles happen, they do. I believe in that with all my heart. That's gonna wrap things up for today. Oh Peter Doocey beat down earlier Today we have him. He'll be joining us. Tulsi Gabbard, Wow, powerful comments from her today, Mark Meadows, Jim Banks will join us, Joe Concha, Rona McDaniel, Nah, you want to run for Republican as a president? The Presidential Debate Committee will have no say in this any longer because they're always biased. Good call. Thanks for being with us. We'll see you tonight back here on Monday. Have a great weekend. You make this show possible. We can't thank you enough.