Chasing The Lion

Published Jun 11, 2021, 10:00 PM

General Tata is a frequent guest on Fox News as a military expert and served in the Trump White House. He is also the author of a new book, CHASING THE LION just out this month, today he joins to talk about the international embarrassment for America resulting from Kamala and Joe’s trips outside of the country. 

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Thanks to all of you for being with us. I know it's been the throat week. I've had a allergy attack and I think now I have a sinus infection at least quartering my doctor. Hopefully be better by Monday. Apologize for the voice, gladuate with us. Happy Friday. Eight hundred nine one. Sean is our number. You want to be a part of the program. You know, a really cool moment happened the other night, and I've been pointing out on this program. You know, adding politics to sports is just an awful It's a bad idea and we're missing one of the biggest opportunities as as a country, as a society that naturally brings people of all backgrounds, all races, all socioeconomic classes, etc. Etc. Upbringings together. I mean, think about this. You go to it doesn't matter what your home team is, whatever it happens to be. But you know, people are passionate, whether it's college sports or professional sports. They love their team. They love their home team. You know, we get we have enough stress in our day to day life. We'd love to, you know, go to a football game, a basketball game, a baseball game. You just love it. And you know, with the few exceptions. You know, look, look at what MLB, the dopey commissioner who knows absolutely nothing about voting laws, you know, strips Georgia of the All Star Game and ships it out to Colorado, which by the way, has, like I think, a nine percent minority population. Based on lies told by Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams about the Georgia election law. In Georgia, this seventeen days of in person early voting in Joe's state that he's represented five thousand years. There's not one in Joe's stay. There's not one lockbox in Georgia. Every precinct as a lockbox. Both states require voter ID and you you must provide an excuse in Delaware, not Georgia if you want to vote absentee. The most restrictive in the country. That's Joe state. Never once as president, never once as Senator for fifty years, lifted a finger to make voting more accessible for the people of Delaware, and he's got the unmitigated gall and nerve to call George's voting law, which is far more inclusive, which makes voting far more accessible. Jim Crow two point zero and then Major League baseball. You know, without any knowledge of any of this. Clearly it was done out of pure ignorance, or it wouldn't have been done. Just strips Georgia of what would represent a hundred million dollars to the Georgia economy. Now, I say, Joe Biden, Stacy Abrams, they owe the people of Georgia a huge apology because their big lie hurt there, hurt an innocent state. And we're gonna get lectures from Joe on voting accessibility. No, thank you, it's about And then you got the same thing, you know with the NBA. Now the NBA is getting political, Okay, well it's not. It's not serving them well on the ratings. You know, they're not even getting nine million, eight million people to watch finals. For crying out loud, I think the last season they had five point six million viewers for the for the final NBA game, championship game. That is a ratings disaster for sports. You can't even justify any rights fees for those numbers to be frank, And then you've got you know, all started with Kaepernick in the NFL and taking a knee and and you know we're not coming out of the locker room until the anthem is already sung and so on. And what's what they're missing here is this is that you have people of all races, all backgrounds, all different sectors of society coming together with a shared passion for their team. How many have you been experienced what I've experienced. You go to a game, you know, your home team, every you know, most people cheering for the home team, and you're like, something great, somebody, it's a Grand Slam. You're like high fiving people you've never met before. You know, you're talking to people you never met before about you know, how what you like about the team, what you don't like about the team. You know. It's it's it's an opportunity to bring people together, and now by politicizing it, you're ruining that opportunity. And I have no doubt now if players, with the influence that they have and people look up to them, if there is a passion or a cause or a charity that they want their fans to be a part of, I guarantee without lecturing them, say you know, I'm donating you know, one hundred thousand dollars to this cost. I'm donating to this Can you can somebody can you match a dollar? I bet you people who do it in droves, better schools, save for neighborhoods, whatever it happens to be. And you know, hockey's not doing it, UFC's not doing it. I don't see boxing doing it. And it's just alienating people. And I'll tell you there was going to be not because I don't support boycott's. I don't call for boycotts, but I found, like I'm now, so I was less interested in the last two years in the NFL that I've been in a long time. I went through a period where I wasn't interested, but then I got interested again. Now I will admit when Drew Brees was facing off against Tom Brady and then Aaron Rodgers was facing off against Tom Brady and Tom Brady was in the Super Bowl, I was very interested. Storyline couldn't keep me away, But it's you know, we're hurting. This is the greatest opportunity. The guy that got this right was Robert Craft, because Robert Craft told his players in New England New England Patriots. And I met Robert Craft a couple of times. I've had long conversations with him. He's a smart guy. This guy is really bright, and he said, he told his players, you know, there are a lot of people that have a lot of different opinions on a lot of issues. He goes, I'll tell you what I'll offer to all of you the play on my team. And he said, I'll match you dollar for dollar for the charity that you want to partake in and and not politicize things on the field. And his players agreed, and he'd go out into you know, various parts of New England and helped the players out in their charities. And he stood by his promise. But pretty cool anyway. So something special happened the other night. It was Game six. The Islanders were leading the playing the Boston Bruins. Whenever there's anything New York versus Boston, it's a it's just it's like, you know, it doesn't get any better than that, because Boston fans hate New York. New York fans hate Boston fans. That's the way it is. Did they really hate each other, No, they just like their team more than the other team. And it's all right. It's what we call a rivalry, gridiron game. Whatever. So the Islanders now are up three to two in the series. They're back at the Nassau Coliseum, which was a great homecoming for the Islanders because they hadn't been playing there. They're building a new, a new facility at Belmont Park, of all places, and it's here. It's gonna be right. I actually was talking to Eddie Westwall as a former captain of the Island. Is such a nice guy. I met Bobby Nystros, such a nice guy. And these were the great Islanders of old when I used to cheer for the broad Street Bullies. Is a long story behind that one, but anyway, So there is this singing the woman that's singing the star spangle manner. Her name is Nicole viv I think is how you pronounce her last name. Beautiful voice, stunning, incredible voice. She starts singing the spangle manner and then the crowd takes over, and she let the crowd take over. I've watched Garth Brooks perform, and I've watched them in interviews, and he says, there's nothing cooler when your fans are singing your songs back to you. And he would let people you know if he's singing the dance or you know, if tomorrow never comes or some songs, you know, friends and low play. He says, thunder rolls than the Then when the crowd or the stadium sings it back to there's nothing nothing better anyway. Just just listen to this moment and tell me if you don't get goosebumps like I got, and hell, please join the gol revive as we sing it together our nationalize who see no jo? What's so? We see? How cool was that? The people took it and they ran with it. People all backgrounds they have, they have a shared passion their team, Ilander's by the way one they probably that was it for Boston. They're like, oh man, this this crowd is way into this game. We're not We're not gonna win this. And they ended up winning with two empty net goal six two UM and uh now playing Tampa Bay in the next series. But I mean, you know, I know that there's all the wokeness and there's critical race theory that divides us. Now more and more states are saying no, we're not doing this, and but people are genuinely good. I go back to I've used this phrase, I've overused it. You've heard me say it before. I apologize for saying it again, but it's worth for feeding in my view. You know, my friend Barry Farber, he was on talk radio till his ninetieth birthday ninety years one of the great pioneers of talk radio, used to always say, there's never been a country in the history of mankind that has accumulated more power and abused it less. And I add to it, and I have no right to to it, but I do. I learned from the best. There's never been a country in the history of mankind that has accumulated more power, abused it less, and used its power to advance the human condition. It doesn't mean this is a perfect country, that it's been a perfect country. The beauty of our framers and our founders is this, they created a system where we can right wrongs and correct injustices. It was built that way on purpose, not by accident. Natural law endowed by our creator, government not government rights. Rights come from God and predicated on a belief they're all created by God, and that there's never been a country greater than this one. Socialism has been tried and under every name and manifestation you can think of it always it always over promises and delivers nothing sets people up for failure, This idea that everything's free. There's no track record it's gonna ever work because it always fails. Schools, law and order, social Security, Medicare, Obamacare all failed. Now we're gonna believe they're gonna give us healthy food and free childcare and free child education and free college. And it's not gonna work. We're free, and it's like the land of the Free and the home of the brave, not the home of the woke and afraid. All right, as we roll along eight hundred nine, Sean, you know two items came out this week after I had been pressured and pressured and pressured and pressure and pressure and pressure and pressured. Hannity, you've got to tell your listeners that they must get vaccinated. Can you imagine me? Now, we learned from the Cleveland Clinic this week. Yeah, if you had COVID nineteen, if you contracted a virus, yeah, there's no need to get a vaccine. This is not I mean, that's the Cleveland Clinic. They have a pretty good reputation. We didn't know that till this week, but people like Rand Paul were saying, yeah, there's natural immunity, even if you're antibodies going down, you still have T cell antibodies and you still have protection. Now, I see an article come out today CDC to hoold emergency meeting after hundreds of suffering heart inflammation following COVID vaccines. By the way, Donald Trump said, Fauci says he's science, but he's merely science fiction. He got so much wrong. Actually, Greg Jared is even suggesting he should be it will never happen criminally investigated because he didn't know that this Wuhan Lab of Virology lab did in fact study coronaviruses and gain They did gain a function research there, and he gave the money and he was desperate to hide it that fact. In emails, you can see that there was a panic that set in. And I'm thinking, you know, with all this pressure saying, hey, you've got to tell people. Well, Cleveland Clinic is saying, if you had it, you don't need the vaccine. I'm following the science. The CDC is now saying that there are hundreds and hundreds of people that are suffering heart inflammation following COVID vaccines. I'm glad I followed my own instincts here, which was I told people, take it seriously, to a lot of research, look at your health conditions, talk to your doctor, your doctor's medical professionals, your trust, and then make your decision. I'm not playing doctor on radio or TV. I don't know anything about anybody's medical connection. I don't even know about my own medical condition. We'll continue twenty five to the top of the hour. This is not good news, but I just somebody's got to tell you the truth. They're not going to hear it in the medium mob. You remember Joe's out there saying, Oh, if you don't make over four hundred thousand dollars a year, you're not gonna be paying anymore in taxes. Well, he kept saying it, but it's really two hundred thousand dollars a year because he's talking about couples. And then he doesn't factor in the dramatic increase in corporate tax rates and the capital gains taxes. Yeah, a lot of middle class Americans they get capital gains. Nor the fact that they want to do all of this now through the reconciliation process because they can't get it done legislatively the normal way, because they don't want to work with any Republican and and basically force it through Now. We were told after April's four point two percent increase year over year in prices that that's just an anomaly. All it turns out it's not anomaly. Inflation again this month of May. Numbers coming out this week late this week, consumer prices now the fastest pace almost thirteen years, as the economy is now in Joe's full control. Labor Department Consumer Price Index, they measure a basket of goods and services as well as energy and food costs of five percent in May from a year earlier, higher than the four point two percent increase in prices in April. And yeah, this is an explosion now, the worst, you know. And I got it wrong this week, and for that I apologize. I said, on average, it's sixty five cents more per gallon of gasoline. No, it's wrong. We are now paying an average of one dollar and nine cents more per gallon since Joe Biden has become President of the United States. A dollar nine a gallon last year was a dollar eighty eight. This year it's two dollars and ninety seven cents. States like California you're even approaching five Bucks New York, it's close to four bucks for certain gas. I mean it's really really high. Meat prices are through the roof lumber price. I'll give you any example for meat. I like to make a blt. I like baging letters and tomato sandwich on an English Muffin's great the way I make it, it's awesome anyway, okay, And i'd seem like a lot. You got a pound. I like Oscar Meyer thick cut pack, and that's the one I get. Anyway. And I go shopping once a week, and once a week somebody will ask me, what are you doing here? I'm shopping, Why I'm hungry? I'd like to eat. I don't know why people ask me that question. And I stopped and I talked to this one. I've seen this one kid the whole time during coronavirus run into it. We put them on the radio one day and not one person. And this is when I said, yeah, I'll I support the mask because at my local grocery store, my local pharmacy, you know, they were using plexiglass and masks and shields. Nobody got COVID nobody. Okay, if it's going to protect old the people, Grandma, Grandpa, mom and dad. It never bothered me, and I kind of liked, like Chris Rock said, you know, I got my anonymity back with a mask. But that's just a separate issue. Nobody wants to go through the hell we have all been through. But all right, So if you bought a pound of bacon last year, you paid five dollars and thirty five cents. This year, you paid dollar more twenty percent increase, okay, gallon of milk ten percent increase. Gasoline prices up a dollar nine a gallon. The price of a used car up twenty nine point seven percent. Have you seen the price a lumber something you would have paid two thousand dollars for last year, you're paying eleven thousand dollars for now. I mean it's real money. Now. You a lot of states, and now finally they've had it because you got nine point three million available jobs, and you have many Americans looking at the extra unemployment money and saying, I get I'm gonna make as much stay at home. And now people are feeling it and they're seeing it and they're understanding it. Because the University of Michigan did a survey of consumers sentiment, and what they found is in their new survey, more American people more worried about rising inflation because of Biden's policies than at any other time since nineteen eighty two. In other words, more concerned with higher prices for impliances for houses, cars, and any time in thirty nine years. Nineteen eighty two the inflation rate was just over six percent, close to where we are now. Year before it was top ten percent. It's not good. After inflation, earnings have declined for American workers every month since Biden has been president. New York Post has a bombshell banner headline today, Biden nomics bombs Real. Average hourly earnings for American workers fell zero point one percent in May compared to April, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the fifth consecutive month in which inflation adjusted hourly earnings fell and the fourth in which weekly earnings fell. Now the opposite happened with Donald Trump, with the biggest increase per dollar per family and recently recorded history. And then, of course record low unemployment and record low unemployment for every demographic group anyway. In other words, after inflation earnings, the American people, you and every month which Joe Biden's been president. Your wages are falling, your money is worth less. It's the longest consecutive string of monthly real earnings decline that goes back to two thousand and seven. We're adopting the same dumb policies we've adopted now. I think that everyone would agree Deutsche Bank not exactly lightweights. That's why, you know, when the Bank of China did a one point five billion dollars equity deal with Hunter Biden's firm, Yeah, you're telling me that Deutsche Bank wouldn't do it better than the crackhead and his business partners. You gotta be kidding. That wasn't paid a play, that wasn't buying influence or Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan Chase. You know, any of these companies aren't better than to get a deal with the Bank of China than Hunter Biden. Anyway. They now have issued their report on a new series Inflation, the Defining Macro Story of the Decade, and they conclude us macro policy, macroeconomics they're talking about. Indeed, the very role of government in the economy is now undergoing its biggest shift in direction in forty years. In turn, we are concerned that it will bring about uncomfortable levels of inflation, which were now seeing the beginning of. That could be deemed an understatement considering the US economies already experiencing uncomfortable inflation, and we've gone through the numbers just a moment ago. They say, the current fiscal stimulus is more comparable with what was seen around World War Two. US deficits between fifteen and thirty percent for four years, significant differences between the pandemic of World War Two. There would note inflation eight point four percent. Blah blah, blah blah. If the US economy descends into an inflation spiral like they see as possible, we could be on the brink of There were excruciating economic pain, the out of control spending by Congress. That's only part of the problem. Monetary stimulus has been equally breathtaking. They say. In numerical terms, the Fed's balance sheet is almost double during the pandemic to nearly eight trillion. I mean, they're basically saying this is a recipe for unmitigated long term economic disaster. Wall Street Journal from beans Burger's food is more expensive, chipotlely shake Shack, Pigley wiggly all raising prices to cover higher costs. Who's been telling you this? Me because trucking costs more. Truck drivers aren't going to make less proloade. As a matter of fact, that dollar's going that it's not going as far as it used to. They want more money and then to put the diesel in the trucks dollar more gallon plus that means the cost is pushed onto you. Corporate taxes will be pushed onto you, the American people. Everything you buy now is costing more because of this, all to pay for Joe's socialism, New Green Deal radicalism. But he told you you're not gonna pay unless you make four in a thousand. You're not gonna pay a penny bologne. This is I keep hearing on the press. Biden, you're gonna raise your taxes. If anybody making lessons four hundred thousand dollars, you will not pay a single penny in taxes. Increase the deficit. Either increased the deficit by two trillion dollars. I don't want to hear anymore. Everything's costing more. If you paid a dollar nine more for gallon of gas and pay more to heat and cool your home. You're paying bread higher seventeen percent, bananas, fruit, oranges, milk, coffee, gas, electricity, you name it, going through the roof. Let me tell you it's surging and people and now the value of what people are making is less than ever before. Now that's now politically, there's going to be a backlash. I can feel a building. Now it's gonna be tea party two point zero Trump two point one, steroids and human growth hormone. Because American people they want to prosper. These policies are stranglehold inflation nation. We put up on Hannity, dot com prices rise at the fastest pace in twenty eight years, numbers not seen since nineteen ninety three. Then you add the corporate tax and the capital gains tax, well, everything is going to cost more, including utilities. Those taxes will go up too. Biden's chief of staff maybe President in hiding ron Klain. So he's blaming airline tickets and use cars. Okay, another one out of touch. Imagine if Donald Trump said that the pipelines are the safest and best method of transporting oil. Even John Kerry and Buddha Judge said it. But we're stopping high paying career jobs, and we've given up national security concerns in the name of green energy. It's ridiculous, it's unreal. First Lady says Biden's over prepared for her European trip. Oh, okay, over prepared. Sure Joe was able to sit through his lessons and did a good job. Give Mississippi cup warm milky night night stories. All set, get ready for Putin to eat his lunch. It's unbelievable. Biden's rising prices, it's all pain, unbelievable, and the world loves it. By the world doesn't want a strong America. You think the hostile nations of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea. You think even our European allies want to know. They want to weaken America. They want to dumb America. They want America to paper global warming insanity and not them. A Paris accords that that look at China and India's developing nations, and we pay the brunt of the Moneys. It's ridiculous. It's as part of this is madness. So there's been a lot of pressure by the squad and Company to stop any type of negotiation. Now there was a bipartisan group of senators, about ten of them, Mark Warner, Joe Manshimant Romney, Jean Shaheen, Susan Collins, Kristen Cinema. Anyway, they wanted to come up with an infrastructure packets. They came up with one one point two trillion eight years, nine hundred and seventy four billion over five years, five hundred and seventy and nine billion new spending. Okay, the Senate Finance Chair Widen. Yeah, he said it's a non starter due to lack of tax hikes and there's not enough climate provisions in there. They want more for this climate madness. The number one threat to America, as they said, not China, not radical as Lamas, not Russia, not a rand they want. They're demanding climate provisions. All the New Green Deal climate provisions are everything is free, and that will take from this group of people, will put all the money in a pot, will give you free childcare, free early child education, free college, free school. There's schools that they run now already suck enough. Why wouldn't we send kids in for more? Woke cancel culture indoctrination, just like these cities that have been run by radical democrats, for decades. There's no law in order, there's no safety and security, which you need to pursue happiness. You don't get educational opportunities in most of these big city schools because of the teachers union's donations to the Democratic Party. They get to even write COVID policy because they donate so much money. So, you know, social Security doesn't have a lockbox, Medicare is going bankrupt. What have they done? Well? Obamacare turned out to be a disaster. Everything they promised never fulfilled. But that's the story of socialism as that is that they're going to promise you everything's free, free, free, and these will be promises that can never ever, mathem amatically ever be fulfilled. Even if they confiscated every penny of every person. They're not capable of running anything. So why as it conservative? We believe in limited government. So now we're going to trust them more. Yeah, yeah, we want to empower you. You go steal their money and give it to us. By the way, finally, you know, there was a little pushback, but against Congresswoman Omar. Now the squad's fighting back home their own Democrats. Enough with the anti blackness and islamophobia, as they tried to defend Congresswoman Omar for the comments that she made, and then now the leaders of the squad are saying no freedom of speech for Muslim women in Congress. Like what, it's unbelievable. Unbelievable, but that's your mind, by the way, everyone talks about Well, Donald Trump with this with the party Pelosi and Democratic leaders, is your joint statement condemning Omar's statements. Now they're getting blasted by the squad. Let me tell you what's gonna happen. They're gonna shut up, and Nancy Pelosi's afraid she's gonna lose her job. Joe has no courage or even awareness to know what they're doing. And Schumer is afraid AOC will primary them. Who we are an hour two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine for one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. So our old friend Humpty Dumpty went on, I guess what CSPAN today? A lot of people, it's kind of funny. They have the conservative line, they have the liberal line, the Republican line, the Democratic line, the independent line. They got a million phone lines over there. I've met many of the people that work at c SPAN over the years, and actually a couple of are fairly nice, but poor Humpty dumpty. He got an earful Let's listen to this to ask Brian too on national television admit he and his network are a bunch of liars about Donald Trump. This is Kevin in Princeton, Indiana. Good morning. Yeah, mister Stelzer is the biggest minister of misinformation I have ever heard, and I'm a news junkie. He made the statement just a few minutes ago that he is all the stories are always evolving. Yeah, his stories absolutely evolved. Brian Stelter, thank you for the feedback. I appreciate it. Savannah Georgia Rick, good morning, you're next. Yes, I was just wondering if you still feel like Michael have a naughtie who's the greatest thing in the world and should run for president of the United States. It's my suggest My suggestion is whatever CNN says through the opposite and you'll be fine. Aurora, Indiana. This is Robert Good morning. Gone with Brian Stelter, you know, and it's just something that's a joke. Less learn news And how did I tell lies? I'll tell you we can start with the lie calling the wuhan lab uh of virology, uh, saying that oh, this, this is a right wing conservative uh conspiracy theory. Three years of lying about Donald Trump and Russia. Trump and Russia. They also lie by omission, lie by omission by not covering, oh, Hillary's thirty Russian dossier, you know, premeditated fraud, fires accord, spying on a candidate for president, uh, then spying on a president. Oh but they spight on us. Yeah, okay, whatever, how do you hide Hunter's laptop from hell? How do you hide you know what the the candidate Protection program. They wouldn't even cover what's on that laptop? ABC, NBC, CBS, fake News, CNN, MSD, n C, New York Times, Washington Post, not a peep about the N word. There was no coverage of the partnership with Robert the Klansman Bird and Joe Biden to stop integration to schools because Joe didn't want schools to become racial jungles or any of the other outrageously racist things Joe said over the years. Anyway, here to sort out the differences, we have Mark Simone, the host of our highly rated morning show on our flagship in New York. Wore also Carol Roth, entrepreneur host of her own podcast, The Wroth Effect, Thank you both with me and one of us. I mean, it's like a layup I'm handing to you. But on the other hand, Mark Simone, it's sad because you know, I know everybody listening to the A Show knows that if anybody with the last name Trump ever dared to say the N word, it would be an explosion that would be felt forever, never stop, never ending coverage. Well, you can make jokes, you can do all kinds of things, but this is the most dangerous situation I've ever seen in America. The entire mainstream media shut down, no news coverage. And can you imagine if they did this for Vietnam, the war would still be going on. Imagine if Woodward and Bernstein and everybody looked the other way on Watergate. This is it is so potentially dangerous that it just enables these crooks in office to just do more and more and more. Why they haven't looked at Joe Biden's dinner meeting with those crazy Ukrainians and what that was all about, or Biden's brothers and their contracts. You know, if Bernie Madoff knew that nobody would investigate, nobody would cover it, he would have just kept going to a loud Biden and the corrupt Democrats do. This is the most dangerous thing we've seen in years. I don't disagree at all. And it's beyond an information crisis. Carol, what's your take? You know, so obviously I look at things from a business and economic standpoint, and I'm reading these texts and I'm going, Wow, Hunter Biden is so eloquent. I can now understand how he's getting these board of directors positions and these corporate executive positions because he's clearly a master communicator. I mean, it's basically these texts laid out the fact that this is somebody who nobody would put anywhere near a board of director unless he had that extra influence to pedal. And it's unfortunate. This is why people are so angry in this country is because there is just a blatant double standard. And on top of that, then you're gaslet about it that just said, no, there is no double standard. We're being free and fairer, and then we're covering everything the same. Absolutely not, absolutely not, and We've seen it over and over again. If you put those text messages in front of somebody and didn't attach a name or like, as you said, put a Trump name on it, or any one of our names on it, people would be outraged. They'd be calling for blood. And the fact that there's not even a peep out of it should, as Mark said, scare everybody. Do you think of Mark? The three years of never ending lies about Trump Russia collusion while simultaneously ignoring Hillary paying for the dirty Russian disinformation dosier then unverifiable used as premeditated fraud and a FISA courts buying on Trump the president, Trump the candidate, etc. You know, it's just three years of lies ignoring Joe's quid pro quo in Ukraine, Oh Trump ordered protesters to be tear gas for a photo op. Now we know it's true, and they won't even admit that. If you mentioned the year ago the lab leak theory, we knew coronavirus as were studied at the Wuhan lab. We knew that they did gain a function research at that lab. But if you said it, boy, you're a conspiracy theorist and it was debunked or Trump ignoring Russian bounties on US soldiers that debacle, or Trump telling Georgia officials to find the fraud, or that Donald Trump went to Charlottesville and said, well, there's that the white supremacists were were fine people, when in fact, when you actually look at the wording, it was very different. But you know, Biden launched a bunch of ads on this, and we actually have played over and over again what Trump really did say, and it is h you know, yeah, some you had some very bad people in this group, he said, excuse me, didn't put yourself down as a neo naz You had some very bad people in this group, but you also had some very fine people on both sides, and you had people in that group. I saw the pictures you did. You had people in that group with their to protest the taking down of a very important statue and the renaming of a arc to another name. And he said, I'm not talking about the neo Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned. He said it twice that they were there in the exact line that they purposely take out of context. Mark, how do you defend against that? You can't. This is total corruption of the news media. And you can't say this is normal or if it's ever happened before. If you remember Bill Clinton was president, his brother Roger was caught on tape using the N words. It was covered everywhere. It was even on sixteen minutes they confronted him with the tape. This is unlike anything we've ever seen before. Total corruption in the mainstream news media. Then you got these Silicon Valley tech geeks who think they're suddenly journalists and news editors. They'll decide what news can be on their sites on Twitter and Facebook. And they've been wrong every time. They were wrong about the Wuhan lab, they were wrong about the Hunter of Laptop. Everything they've censored, they've been dead wrong about. Somebody's got to stop this, and I don't know who's going to do that. I don't think it's gonna stop, Carol. I mean, that's the thing here. Now, I've always said throughout my entire career spanning now thirty three years, I've always said that we've got to become the media. Well, now we've got to become the media and big tech. And by the way, when I say become the media, they have three broadcast networks, two cable outlets that a hardcore radical new green deal socialist left, and every major newspaper but for say the New York Post Wall Street Journal give two exceptions in that case. There's a few of us on Fox, but a lot of varying views on Fox. And then this talk radio, which conservatives tend to dominate. That's about it. But now we've got to get into big tech and get our own Twitter, get our own Facebook, get our own Instagram, get our own YouTube. Yeah. I mean the worst part about is the pipeline starts in education. It starts in early education with all this nonsense that's going on, and then in terms of j school, you're they're teaching them to be activists, not to be journalists. So it becomes a really challenge thing to be able to fight against. And as you mentioned with big tech, the fact that they somehow think that they are the arbiters of truth. As we have a situation that's unfolding real time, how would they possibly know what the situation is? And it had real implications for people's health, for the economy, and so I think that the number one thing we can do to fight back, as you now we have to go and do our own due diligence. But as you mentioned, if we keep getting thrown off the platforms, it's hard to even put that due diligence out there. Yeah, you know, I just don't see that there's any hope. By the way, I know you have some kind words to welcome back Jeffrey Tubin, the guy caught on a CNN zoom call masturbating. I mean, any comments on that, Mark, Oh, I'm glad you went to me on it. Hey, you talk about Brian Stelter. The only honest guy who said anything honest on CNN this week was Jeffrey Tubin. He admitted he didn't true. Well, it's not okay, you're saying he admitted. How do you not admit it it's on a zoom call. Hasn't stopped anyone from not admitting things? Oh? Man, just say, Carol, I missed that. I said. It hasn't stopped anyone before from not admitting things. We've seen things in plain sight many times. I did not have sex with that woman, not a single time. I'm going to get back to work for the American people. Indeed, I did have an inappropriate relationship. I remember very well. Sorry, Marc, go ahead. Oh no, I'm just that's just too many does the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. But I guess guys do that. But you can't get through a zoom meeting at one o'clock in the afternoon. It looks like he just does this whole thing without even thinking. It just happens. Look, I'm not one of the am I wrong, Mark. I've never called or demanded somebody be fired. I just it's not in me to do it. I don't believe in boycott's. I've been you know, all throughout my career, people put pressure on me to to boycott. Now I can tell you like I watched the Islander game the other night when the crowd took over the singing of our national anthem. I love that moment. You know, it seems like hockey, the octagon, UFC, boxing. There's not many sports now that aren't allowing politics to creep into it. It's happening with the Major League Baseball, look at the All Star Game, the NBA, look at Lebron James Kaepernick, NFL's and I think people are missing the greatest opportunity of uniting a group of people from all different backgrounds, all different races, all different associate economic upbringings, and they all share a passion that is that team. Now, how many times have you been to the Garden Mark or City Field or Yankee Stadium and you're high fiving a stranger and it's like it's the one thing that would unite us. Now they're dividing us in sports by bringing politics into it. Yeah, but I think the Democrats always go too far. I think this time to setting the world record are going too far. The backlash is beginning with that mother telling off the school board, you know, the Steve funding the police is starting to really frighten people. We had a mayoral debate in New York last night with a question this is Democrats about should the police have their guns taken away from people are going to start to rebel against this. But the tide is turning. It's it's just going way too far, unbelievable. I don't know, I don't see if I don't I don't know if it's going to turn back, Carol. Maybe I don't know it's possible. I do think politically the tide is changing. I think I think the country's hip to the fact that Joe does is clueless. Probably it doesn't know what day it is. I mean, it was pretty funny when Donald Trump came out and said, yeah, Joe, good luck with Ladimir in your meeting. Don't fall asleep. Everybody knows, but nobody else talks about it. I mean, Mark talks about it. I talk about it a few of us and talk radio. I'm mostly like a lone voice on Fox on this issue, but I see a guy that is so cognitively messed. Putin's going to eat as lunch. Hey. Even the queen ninety nine years old during their meetings she said, I'm Joe, Okay, Joe there, Yeah. I mean this is really about the independent people coming together independently. You're not as a cohort, not as red or blue. I think that what's going to happen is actually green as money is what's going to change this. I don't know if you've been following what's been going on, a sort of digital occupy Wall Street two point zero with the redditors and the and the amc army that are trying to get back at what they think are injustices in Wall Street, and people are realizing that whether it's the you know, crazy progressive ideas or just this this move towards central planning that you know, this isn't good. People don't want politics in every aspect of their lives. They don't want it in sports, they don't want to be lectured constantly. And that could be the one good thing to come out of this in Sady that we've seen over the last fifteen months is that people finally say enough enough. But people are tentative, They feel individually weak, that they don't know what they can do. But if they realize we all band together, there is more of us than there are of the Joe Biden's and the crazy program, we got a home opportunity to change. All right, Carol, thank you, Mark Simone. We always love having you back on. Thank you, sir, Quick break right back your calls on the other side, straight ahead, hight twenty five to the top of the hour. All right, let's get a lot of calls in here on this Friday, eight hundred nine for one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Cindy is in Illinois. Cindy, Hi, how are you glad you called? Hi? Sean? I just wanted to talk about the fact that Biden takes the credit for creating all these jobs and unemployment going up. And I'd like to know what job he's created is one? We now have more than half the states saying we don't want your unemployment, your disincentivizing people from getting back to work, and all of the reckless spending. You know, remember all of this money. It wasn't emergency COVID relief. It was a blue state ballout, and it was a down payment for the New Green Deal, radical socialism, and it's and it's six trillion dollars. Well, we can't afford six trillion everything at the border. The implation is his the low You know, the fact that all these jobs are open that remain unfulfilled, unfilled is unbelievable. And all he wants is redistribution. Joe's not in charge. It's it's Bernie Sanders and the squad running the show. Right. He's like a puppet. And you know what else I want to tell you is there's something called the Pledge of Agreement to American Workers at Trump and Ivanka put into place in twenty eighteen, actually July of twenty and eighteen, which offers high tech companies to over four hundred in the country that are signed on to this. Have you heard of it? I have not see. This is what irritates me. Trish Reagan had it on in two thou eighteen and Ivanka did the interview, and I never heard a word from the media. And this is a late, life changing opportunity they actually have right now if you want to go work for one of these four hundred companies signed up. Oh you know what, I do remember this. I think it was around twenty seventeen or eighteen. You're right, I think you're right. Yeah, I do remember it. There are there are actually right now sixteen million, four hundred and thirty eight eight hundred and five training positions available. Okay, no high school diploma needed, six months free training. And this is life changing for people. Toyota alone is looking for two hundred thousand workers four fifty five thousand GM and they need these positions built. That's why they're willing to sign on and train people. So this is a very well kept secret. And I saw a friend of mine and Georgia recently. He was up in New York. His family runs a business in the cement business down in Florida, and he said, can you help us? I said, what would you like me to do? And he goes, Uh, my dad wants to make a direct appeal to police officers that are being treated horribly in other states and cities and offer to train them to drive his truck cement trucks and pay them better salaries than they're getting. Now, can you believe that? By the way, I'm gonna I'm going to do this. I just got to get the follow up. But um, I'm like, of course, I'd love to do that. And here's the thing. Enough cops have had it. They can't They know they can't do their job. They know they're in a no win situation. They know it's open warfare against them, and there's just no point anymore for them. And it's sad because yeah, yeah, all right, anyway, good call. Thank you, Sinday, appreciate it. Eight hundred and nine for one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Uh, Mike is in Chicago. What's up, Mike her Are you hi? Sean Hannity, I hope you're well. I thank you, and you know you do it. I sound like shift all week. I'm gonna really have to rest my voice this weekend. Yeah, I was wondering, but you know what you do, what you do extremely well, very very nice. I'm gonna make a claim and I know and I have back into it. You've got to stay on this tax the wealthy, the corporations people are paying zero taxes. Make them pay their fair share. That is garbage. And you know I'm not I have George Bailey wealth, you know, all right, have money. You know, I chazz people and I get their information. That's my wealth, you know, I'm by the way. Can you ever forget the speech of George Bailey to Potter, the guy that owns the bank. Well, they may be channel to you, mister Potter, but to them, my father saw them as as the people that that work and and and they make this country great and every way, and don't they deserve Wait for what till they can buy a home? Outright? They can't have two you know, a few decent bedrooms and a bath. Uh. They were people to make my father not to you. I mean it was a great speech. I didn't do it as well. I didn't do it justice. You did it just fine, exactly. You know that that makes people feel wealthy when they have that, and this is why, you know, if you keep going after the rich and you know, have the separation of peasants and rich people. You know, we've seen this in other countries and it doesn't work. We've seen it in other governments. The wealthy people are the reasons grass roots and foundations and food pantries and homeless shelters are funded. And you know I can make that because I service machinery and I was at the Northern Illinois uh Food Bank, and because my wealth is in jazzing other people and getting to know them. You know that That's how I accumulate my wealth. And I'm very happy about it. He tells me, Yeah, they need food, but if it wasn't for wealthy people getting exemptions and giving up their well earned money, and you know, God bless them that they made millions of dollars. You know. Oh when I when I did these other jobs in my life. And I've said this on the air before, people don't believe me. I don't think fame is a good thing. I don't think it's a healthy thing. I've seen it. I've seen the worst side of it, and I've seen people absolutely lose touch with it. If there are any things that keep me grounded, one is my strong belief in God, our Father, my Christianity, my faith. And the other is and my strong belief in a creator. And my second would be the fact that I spent two decades plus in my life working at hardps. It kept me grounded. And when I started in radio, I didn't expect to make any money, Mike. But what I remember is this, when I worked in a restaurant. Poor people can't go to restaurants, it's too expensive. And middle income people certainly do. But I never got a job in my life from poor people as a contractor. I never painted a poor person's house because they can't afford it. All of us in freedom, where we get the opportunity to blossom. If you get a good education, come from a good family, and you know you don't get too traumatized. Life is tough. Everybody will face obstacles in life. I don't care what your financial status is. It's just it's just that's life. Man. You gotta suck it up, and you gotta work hard, and you gotta do things you don't want to do. But my point is you're not I don't know where this resentment comes from, or the idea that because somebody else has more than me, I should not like them. I don't really you know, do you really care what other people have? I don't care what other people have. You know now that I was poor in my life, I and I have money now in my life. It's a lot easier when you have money. Money is freedom. But I still don't. I still never will buy myself a Rolex watch. I buy him for friends, but not for me. I don't want it, the trappings of money in my life. I know people don't believe it, but it's true. Last word, that's right, Sean. And you know the fact that the wealthy people help out all these other organizations is a true form of we the people, for the people, by the people. You know. One of the coolest things when you have extra money is you get to be generous to other people. I love that you will be, and you will be. I try to be. I do better. If I say give me, I'm gonna take thirty three percent of your money, or should I say, Sean, do you think you could give us some of your money? You know, I had this debate. I have a hard time the Catholic Church really turned me against formal churches. And I'm like a non denominational Christian and somebody talk to me. Recently. We had a discussion about tithing and I'm like, yeah, I believe in tithing, but it doesn't have to be through the church. And this person was telling me how not biblical I am. And I said no, but I'll give at least that usually more to the people that I run into my life that when I see a need, and if I see a need, I step up. It's not that complicated, and it's my great pleasure when I when I'm able to do that. All right, I got a roll though, Thanks Mike Don Lake Ron Concoma. What's up, my brother? How are you? Hey? Sean so always great to talk to you. Thank you so much for taking my call. Thank you, buddy. You know, isn't it amazing? How were you learning today? How half of the China COVID nineteen pandemic relief it's been stolen because four hundred billion? Yeah, of course, unemployment fraud four hundred billion. And by the way, if we ever got down to I called my accountant very early on and I said, I said, a couple of things. I won't tell everything I said, but one of the things I said, any any company I have control over, I'm not taking a dime. Ye I ain't. Don You're gonna laugh at this. You know all those checks they were they actually sent them to me. They said, they sent me the fourteen hundred dollar check and the two six hundred dollar checks, and I'm like, don't cash it. I gotta check. And my both my my daughter and her husband were laid off, so it went to them. But this sound unemployment and also the lies an inflation that we're seeing now. It's bad. Don you know, we've we've watched this over the years. We've been friends for a long time. Oh yeah, and I will tell you you know, I know this sounds nuts. And some of some people are going to be saying, Hannity or you're just you don't know what you're talking about now. I do have a few friends that have retired, and they've done so and transition perfectly. Most people that I know, though, when they stop working, they don't know what the hell to do with themselves. Everybody that knows me well fears that I'm going to stop working one day. They just do They don't want to be around me that much and say I've been a workaholic entire adult life. I mean, I'm not gonna I'm a workaholic. These costs that get biding, the illustration that costing us is it's really incredible. And it could all go back to the cutting off of that Keystone pipeline giving it to the Russians, this border crisis that Kamala Harris refuses to go to and shown, my friend, I'm going to tell you something. We have no idea what President Biden's going to spend in Europe this week. Oh good grief, God only knows. You know. Putin may may do it publicly, may not. He's gonna eat Joe's lunch, Sippy cups lunch. And I tell you the first thing he's gonna do is gonna walk out of that meeting when his comrades they're gonna look at each other and they're gonna like, go, wow, this guy is a weak mess. It's I'm gonna be honest. I find it embarrassing. I find that this president can barely hold the thought together. Embarrassing, I said, But President Jill Biden, Yeah, right, with the brief with the briefing book on Air Force one. Yeah, good point. All right, don you have a good weekend. Okay, my friend enjoy break. Right back to our phones. Eight hundred and nine four one. Shaun is our number. And when we come back, our friend General Tatum. What would be with us? How bad is the Putin meeting going to be? And we'll talk about the border, and we'll talk about the Iranians and the Chinese and the Russians and they're uniting together. Busy phones, David and Illinois. David, you're next. Glad you called, Sir Sean. It's a privilege. My apologies that you have to talk to so many of us from Illinois today, but I appreciate you taking my call. Thank you. I've got an issue out here. I'm a middle class worker, I'm a blue collar worker, and I'm hemorrhaging, and I am a die hard, die hard conservative, always have been, always will be. But I've got to express my disappointment with the Republican Party. They just haven't stood up for me out here. And until they get a spine, and until they man up and do the job that I need them to do for me and my family, I don't think I can support the Republican Party as it stands now And let me give you a brief example. Let me let me say this. I'm not a you know, I think you know. I'm not a registered Republican right right, I'm ag in New York. I register as a conservative, as a Conservative party is long. Look, I have been consistent, pretty consistent throughout my career. I've changed my views here and there. I think I've become a lot more libertarian in the last twenty four years of my life. But when you break down conservatism, I can do it in a minute. We believe in liberty, freedom, capitalism and our constitution, lower taxes, less pure oucracy, choice in schools, free market solutions for healthcare, protecting preexisting conditions, law and order for safety and security, energy independence, border security, free and fair trade, constitutionalists on the bench, and piece through strength. What am I missing? Absolutely nothing? That's who I am. And anybody that supports that, I don't give a flying adam shift what letters next to their name, because that will that that is America's ticket to strength and prosperity and the ladder for success for everybody. That's my that's my agenda. It hasn't changed much. I got to be honest, it just hasn't changed a whole lot. David. You know the report is there's eighty million of us out out here. I believe the number is much much higher. Can you imagine the power that we would have if we had one voice and we united. What would happen? What would happen? Trump got us close, and I'll tell you what what hurt? Donald Trump the most called COVID nineteen COVID nineteen. Um. But but but he he showed us that he can do it. He showed Republicans how to fight. And then you know, you got You're gonna always have the Liz Cheneys and Barbara Comstocks of the world and the never Trumpers and the Lincoln Project. You know they'll do it, and the Remit Romneys and Ben Sass, the Jackass and Lisa Murkowski's. But you know what, they're not taking the party over. This party is now. We know what works and we'll stick with it all. I gotta run, though, David, god blush, you quick break right back your calls on the other side, straight ahead, all right, news, round up, information overload hour. We'll get to your calls. Final half hour of the program. Today we have now Kamala Harris. The verdict is in. Even her staunchest supporters and the mob and the media recognize that this trip to Guatemala, where she was lectured by the Guatemalan president and then Mexico, was an a mitigated disaster. A softball question from lester Holt about whether you're going to go to the border that ended in a un mitigated a disaster. She was asked again about it, and this by a univation a reporter. Uh, and this is what she snapped back at. I've said I'm going to go to the border. And when are you going to the border? Vice President administration has asked her, I'm not finished. I've said I'm going to the border. And also, if we are going to deal with the problems at the border, we have to deal with the problems that cause people to go to the border, to flee to the border, and that is the root causes. So my first trip as Vice President of the United States was to go, in terms of a foreign trip to Guatemala, to be on the ground there, to address and to and to be informed of the root causes. Why are the people of Guatemala leaving. Do you have a date? I will keep you posting. No date. You know, I haven't been in European I guess she hasn't been to the moon either as well. And it's it's pretty unbelievable. I mean, it's as this is going on now. In the last three weeks, Joe Biden has identified three separate well in the last number of weeks, three separate things that is our biggest national security threat. One is Russia. Okay, what about China? What about Iran? What about a nuclear armed Iran? What about radical Islamic terrorism? What about North Korea? What about the alliance between the Chinese, the Russians and the Iranians. The Chinese and the Russians providing Iran arms and they're fighting their proxy war throughout the rest of the Middle East with those arms, you know. And then Joe Biden switches and after you know, Russia's one answer. White supremacy gave his an answer last week. This week, he says the number one problem challenge the military that you'll be facing threat is climate change. There's what he said, MS all commit to an ambitious climate action if we're going to prevent the worst impacts of climate change, living, global warming warming, to know more than one point five degree celsius, lead the global transition to clean energy technology. You know, went on over in the tank and the Pentagon when I first was elected vice president of President Obama Military saddest town to let us know what the greatest threats facing America were, the greatest physical threats. This is not a joke. You know what the Joint chiefs told us. The greatest threat facing America was global warming, global warming, not China, not the nuclear armed Iran, not Russia that just hacked us twice, took seventeen states, and we saw the disaster of what happened with colonial pipeline. Energy prices were now up about a dollar a gallon for gasoline for every American, and that much more for the good you buy, which I talked about in the last hour, and I'm telling you it is that bad. So in one in a week and a half, Vladimir Putin gets a waiver to build his pipeline. But Joe canceled the Keystone XL pipeline and fired all these guys in the energy sector, high paying career jobs. There. Then he allows TikTok, which we believed Donald Trump believed and our security apparatus believed, was using to spy on America. He just reinstates it for the communist Chinese and now the Biden officials of lyft sanctions on Iranian officials and businesses. Why is he so hell bent on appeasing all these hostile regimes that despise us? Anyway, General Tata is with us. He's got a new book out, Chasing the Lion, and it's just out this month. Thank you, sir for being one of us. How are you great to speak with you again, Sean, It's been a few months and I'm proud to be on your show. Why would you give a waiver to build a pipeline to Vladimir and fire American workers on the Keystone XL pipeline. Why would you lift sanctions on a ran without any anything in return? Why would you allow the Chinese to get back into the spying business with TikTok? Can you explain these things to me? Yeah, Sean, I think there's two things going on here. On One is that President Trump was tough on all three of those issues you just listed, and so the left wing progressive knee jerk reaction as if Trump did it. They want to do the one eighty opposite. You know, US national interest be dammed. And so the North Stream Pipeline is a bad decision. It's bad for NATO, it's bad for Germany, it's bad for the collective security arrangement there, and it's bad for American energy independence, which we had under President Trump. And you know, energy and dependance is national security matter first and foremost. Think of all the wards we fought in the Middle East over access to oil, and then when you get down to Iran, you know that's just the left wing Progressive Party given President Biden talking points about that. The first thing he did, remember was Shaudi Arabia. He stopped intel sharing on the Hooties. And you know, when I was performing the duties as the UNDERSECTA for policy in DoD Now, we had a lot of discussions about all of this and the President's President Trump's policies were right on the spot with regard to protecting Americans and American national security interests overseas. Why would we stop sharing intelligence with the Saudis on Iranian shipments to the Hooties in Yemen of weapons And then the same thing, Oh, by the way, and the weapons are provided by Putin and President She to hostile regimes well and given to a third hosta regime and Sean. It's better than that, it's bought for. It is paid for with the money that President Obama gave him a four years ago. So I mean, it's it's and this is why, and that that tip of the hand is um they want to get back into the JCPOA, the Iran nuclear deal, which is the worst possible thing for Middy's security and stability. And President Trump was moving fast on Middle East security, all of the Abraham Accords that he and the Secretary Pompeo and Jared Krishner had pulled together. I mean, just very significant movement there in the Middle East. And then you you know, you mentioned China, and China is outpacing us by a significant margin and their military growth and in their economic growth. And so when you look at what President Trump was trying to do to stop the spying through these apps, uh, yeah, we had a lot of discussions about all this, and again President Trump was right, and these are things where you know a lot of Americans just kind of happily download TikTok or some of these other apps and you know, give their information away, and some of these problems don't come home to Ruth for a year, two years, three years. But I guarantee you that President Trump and those policies that we had in place were absolutely right. And this sort of reckless undoing of the Trump policies, uh, you know, in the name of what Biden says, America is back, give me a break. We had great relations. I had great conversations and signed deals right up to you know, running through the tape in January, signing deals with you know, several nations on defense agreements to defense cooperation, unloading the American burden and having other teams step up, other countries step up. President Trump did a great job in this regard and President Biden's undoing it. You know, I think, and look, I know people on the left don't like him when I say it, But all I do is start playing the reels of Joe Biden. And when I show video of Biden from twenty twelve or twenty sixteen and I compare it to today, seems like a shell of his former self. He seems weak and frail. He's definitely a cognitive mess. And even though the media protects him. I just call it as I see it, and I've got all the tape to back it up. The problem is, I don't think that the leaders of these hostile regimes like Russia, China, Iran, North Korea. I don't really think they give a damn what our media thinks. They're assessing Joe Biden every day, and I'm pretty confident they've come to the same conclusion I've come to, which is this guy is a cognitive mess, and I think that has now emboldened all of these countries. You know, we see China and their geopolitical ambitions playing out in the China Sea and elsewhere. We see Russia now back on the border with Ukraine. We see the Iranians brazenly, you know, fighting this proxy war in Yemen, as you rightly referred to. The that's been going on now for a while. So I think they look at a week America now, if bb net and Yahoo is no longer going to be the prime Minister, which it appears that's the path we'll find out on Sunday. If he can't flip one vote, then I am really concerned because he was the only other guy on the world stage that seemed to have the moral clarity that identified evil for what it was. Yeah, you're right about that, John, you know, the starting with the NET and Yahoo and Israel and the importance of that strategic ally and our closest ally in the Middle East. You're absolutely right. I ran as evil. Hamas is evil, is evil. The Hooties are evil, and they are attempting to export terror. I ran through all of these instruments of war to attack Western liberties and freedoms and economies. That's that is one percent what's happening here. And to the extent that President Biden either does not recognize that or is being told what to do because of all the things that you mentioned, I think the American people deserve to know who's who's actually calling the shots, because when you look at what Vice President Harris did on that disaster of a trip to Central America and her refusal to answer the question about not going to the borders, she doesn't want to go to the border Sean because it's a mess down there and it will bring attention to the worsening of the situation, not the betterment of the situation, as they pretended during the campaign. The numbers generals speak for themselves, don't they. I mean, we're going to shatter at twenty five year high of illegal immigrants coming into this country. And on top of that, we're facing record inflation we haven't seen in fifteen years, record high prices on everything, energy prices gallon of gasoline up a dollar a gallon. That's that's real money. That's impacting every family in the country. I mean, these policies are disastrous and he's not been in long right, right, and policies have impact on the American people from a security you know, if you remember Sean in twenty sixteen, so the two number one things where the economy and then remember isis was a big bad deal. And you know, it could be argued that President Trump did too good a job by giving the military the authority to go out and crush iis what they did, which they did. Now you know, we're heading back in that direction, right with national security coming back to the forefront as a domestic issue because when you when you minimize our energy output, all of the steps going on with respect to the oil and gas industry are catastrophic for this country and it puts us back into a situation where we're competing with for oil, with all these countries that either are contentious or want to do us harm like I ran, and we are in a real bad spot right now with just you know, four or five months of undoing the previous policies that we that we're gain in traction. We're serving the American people well, and you know, I'm sorry, but you know, the NATO was just fine, right. Every collective security arrangement needs, uh, you know, an alpha in it, and NATO, you know needed that alpha. Particularly we got all those betas in there with the France and Canada and all of that. You know, Trump was the alpha, and he said, look, this is this is how we're gonna do it. Well, take a quick break. We'll come back more with General Tata on the other side, his new book, Chasing the Lion Amazon dot com, Hannity dot Com Books. As we continue with General Tata worked at the Trump White House, author of his new book, Chasing the Lion Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. I think there was a healthy respect and fear of Donald Trump, the fear being based in if he says it, he's gonna do it. And I don't think that fear exists today. No, absolutely not, because one is that it's a morphous right. You see Biden backing off all of these policies that reinstituted American strength and leadership in the world. And when Biden says America is back, what he's talking about is back to the Obama years where we subordinated our self interests as a nation to collective security arrangements around the world. And you just can't have that because that puts us in a weekend position from a policy standpoint where all all the despots you mentioned, whether it's Putin or z Or or you know, the Iran leadership, all of them are watching. You know that the recent acts on all of our infrastructure and the colonial pipeline and all of that, those are probing attacks. We always get, whether you're a platoon and combat up to the United States commander chief, everybody gets. Everybody gets tested during changes of command. This is a change of command. It's happened. And so you've got China, you've got Russia, you've got Iran, all testing in this some oss attack on Israel was a test of how Biden would respond and and what you know, So now they and these are probing attacks. They're not the big attack. These are Okay, let's do this to see how they'll respond. Now, let's shuttle and figure out how to move forward. And now we're going to come in with a bigger thing, whatever that is from China, Iran or Russia. And they are assessing it is a cruel world out there. And you know, a lot of these progressives think that, oh well, if we just kind of give in a little bit, it's all going to be okay, they'll understand, and that's just not the case. Well, General, it's always a pleasure to have you. By the way, the General's new book is out, Chasing the Lion. It's up on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. General, where are you when we need you? We need people like you now more than ever. Thank you for being with us. Always a privilege, son, Thank you so much. All right, eight hundred nine p one sewn your calls. Final half hour of the program today, quick break right back, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour on Friday. All right, let's for the final half hour. Let's just get to calls. Brian is in the Great State of GEORGIOE which has far less restrictive voting. They're far more accessible voting opportunities in Georgia than Delaware. But Joe Biden, who never lifted a finger to make voting more accessible in Delaware, says George's Jim Crow two point zero. And as a result of Joe and Stacy Abrams, about one hundred million dollars in business was taken away from Georgia by the Major League Baseball idiot commissioner and brought to a state that only has nine percent minority population, that's Colorado. Delaware doesn't have seventeen days early in person voting. Delaware doesn't have any drop boxes. Delaware doesn't. Delaware doesn't have no excuse absentee voting. You have to provide an excuse, and both states demand voter id And then he gets away with saying that to Georgia, hurting the people of Georgia, Joe Biden and Stacy Abrams, Oh, the people of Georgia. An apology, Brian, sorry to go onto that rant. Oh yes, sir, thank you for taking my call. Awful a little bit topic here. I'd love to comment on that one, but I just want to say about the border issue to me. It seems wrong to have the federal government kind of break the law by taking these illegals in and then you know, making the states deal with them. My question is, why can't the states do anything about this, considering you know, the states can make marijuana legal even though it's a federally against the law. You know what I mean, You're you're asking a million dollar question that I've asked Governor Abbott, who I'm very fond of and I support for reelection down in Texas and Attorney down General Bernovich in Arizona, who's now running for the Senate against Mark Kelly, and I hope he wins that seat. Your question is crucial. This was challenge you remember, Jan Brewer was the governor of Arizona, and the courts didn't are not recognizing that the states should have the right if the federal government fails to enforce the laws of the land, to enforce it themselves. Because you're right, you know, not only is Joe not you know, picking and choosing which laws he wants to listen to, but Joe is then also aiding and abetting law breaking, you know, by housing, you know, building cages for kids in the middle of the pandemic and putting them on top of each other and then shipping them out in the dark a night to states. And then the states are responsible for food and shelter and healthcare and education. And you know it's an unfunded federal mandate. Now, I do give Greg Abbott credit. Greg Abbott said just this week, I'm going to continue building the wall in Texas and I'll protect my own borders. And he has every right to do it. And I think if A. G. Bernovich has his way, they do the same thing in Arizona's. He's a great attorney general. He's I think he's an amazing guy. Yes, sir, Now wouldn't that be considered seating the during a pandemic? They're kind of seating the virus around. They're taking untested, legal illegal immigrants and putting them in places where where we'll maybe even restart the virus. I mean that should be a major concern, not only the monetary value of having to pay for all this. Look, you're raising so many good points, Brian. You know, Look, you would think we would have learned something, you know, in light of COVID. But people don't learn, you know, with all the talk of you know, oh, super spreader events. The biggest super spreader situation was created by Joe and Kamala when they were put building these kids cages and putting them on top of each other with a high rate of positive testing for covid um in the middle of a pandemic and then shipping them out and not even all right, So the answer is, if you want to come to this country, I think there's three main things you've You've got to do it legally, and I would say, we need a security check on anybody that comes into this country. We need to know you don't have radical associations. We need a health check, especially in light of what we've learned from COVID nineteen. The third thing is you've got to be able to prove that you're going to be financially able to care for yourself and not be a burden to the American taxpayer if we in fact invite you into the country. I don't care where you come from. And I just asked that you respect our laws, our sovereignty, and our borders and pass those three tests. Is that too much? That's awesome? I thought about it once or twice. All right, Brian, all my best my pals down in George. Okay, yes, sir, all right, we have a lot of calls from stupid states. We have two calls from California, and we got one call from New York. Let's start with the New York socialist state of the socialist utopia state of New York. And Tyler is next on the Sean Hannity Show. What's up, Tyler, hey Son, how's it going? You know, you and I are two very dumb people. You want to know because we're living in New York and we're paying fifteen percent more in taxes on our salaries. We're paying the highest property taxes in the country. If you die in New York, they even take ten percent more or fifteen percent, I forget the number in their own separate death tax on top of the forty percent the federal government takes. What is wrong with us? We're stupid to stay here. So I'm twenty two. I just graduated from college. You know, I've got planned. Also did my son and he's not in New York. Well, congratulations to yourself for graduating, and you know, even bigger prospering him not holding in New York. I give him, you know, total credit for that. Um. You know, I'm planning I'm moving out of New York, hopefully within the next couple of years, if everything you know, worked out financially. You know, I'm looking at going and hopefully rond de Sandras is still governor Florida, if he's not president by then, you know, I'm really hoping to And you know, says Governor Cuoma would like to say, he's blaming it on the weather. And you know, the horrendous tax rates that we've got, you know, the corruption that's running granted in Albany, you know everything, it's just it's just falls. It's a domino effect in the state. And let me ask you twenty two years old, and I say this to my own son, Um, what do you want to do with your life right now? Where? What are you planning as a profession. So you know, I graduated with a degree in political science Dunanta, and I really my focus was trying to at least work in the government in some fashion. You know, I'm looking at going to grad school. I'm still undecided as if I want to, you know, go with the communications route for for masters for grad school or you know, further my education in political science. So you know, everything's up in the air. But I know one thing. I don't want to go to school anymore. You know, or I'm sure you've seen, I'll tell you right now. I mean, at least in Washington there are good people to work for and work with on the political side. There's nothing in Albany. New York is con Albany is a cesspool, and I don't see any hope of New York. I see my friend Curtis Sliwa, I'm friends with him a long time. I'd love to see Curtis beat out all of these Democratic candidates in New York City. The problem is for both of them is that Democrats in New York City out number of Republicans nine to one. I would suggest to you, if that's your passion and you know whatever you work out right, First of all, you can you're twenty two years old. You can't make a mistake. If you go back to school, you can't make a mistake. If you go into the workplace, you can't make a mistake. You know, right now is the time for you to really really hone in on what you want to do with your life and what you have a passion for because you spend a lot of your life working, so you might as well like what you do. I mean, granted, I've been watching you, you know, since I was a junior in high school, and I've I've followed you ever since. And you know, I get home from work and actually while I'm at work, got your radio show in my car and my headphones, and I'm watching you every night I'm Fox. And you know, I've I've really enjoyed, you know, the joy that you brought not only to to my you know, young and impressionable mind, but you know to the millions of other like minded you know, college kids, you know, mid twenties kids like myself. You know, you're behind Rush Namball. Honestly, for me, you're if you and Rush are you know, the cornerstones of you know, modern day conservatism and President Trump you know he echoed that as well. But you know, having you fight for you know, us on a daily basis, and you know, you getting us the message every single day, and just you know, just the way you present things, that's really what strikes home for me. Well, look, I mean it's a it's a tragic loss for conservatism because Rush was such a positive articulate force for and spokesperson for this movement. Look, I'm very honored that you're paying me a high compliment. You're remind me a little bit of me. I don't know why. I was a young teenager and I was I was just locked in, addicted to listening to talk radio, and and I loved it. I'd love passionately. You know. I just know this is that, you know what, there's a lot of political cycles, Tyler. And you know, is it more fun to win like we did in twenty sixteen than to go through what we went through in twenty twenty. Yeah, but you know what, two thousand and eight happened, and then the Tea Party came, and then Donald Trump came, and you know, there's for whatever reason, this country forever seems to flirt with radical socialism, never to this extent, and then we you know, it fails drastically and we lurch back to the center right country that we are. I believe that'll happen again. My advice either go to school, don't go to school. If you want it politics, do it in Washington, not in Albany. And I'd probably live in Virginia, not DC. That's my my my two cents worth, but follow your passion. You know, you work a lot of hours every day. You gotta like what you do, all right, my friend? Yeah, and actually can I jumped to the main point of the call actually before you cut loose. So my premise of of the call today was was to talk about you know, sweepy Joe and his you know, upcoming meeting with Vladimir Putin. And I'm sure you saw the magazine cover from Time magazine today, you know, presenting him as this this tough guy. But we're getting the green light to the pipeline in Russia with direct access to Germany. But we're gonna ask the Keystone XL pipeline in the States. But that's okay. Well, we're standing up to Putin. But Trump was a puppet to Russia. Yeah, well it's it was. It wasn't Donald Trump's kids that got paid by the Russian alagark and the Kazakhstan alagarc are by Bisma and Ukraine and by taking on a hundred thousand dollars shoppings pretty with the Chinese National and the one point five billion dollars deal with the Bank of China. That was the Biden's you know what that sounds like to me? Sounds like pay to play? And I quit in a pro and a quo. Tyler, good luck, my friend. Got to get some other calls in here. We have two people from California. They'll join us at once, the United Socialist Utopia under Gavin Newsom, John and David John say Hi? Did David? David say Hi? Did? John? And both of you are as dumb as I am, and Tyler is because you're living in a state where you're paying way too much money. Hey John, what's going on? And David? How are you? I'm doing good. I just have one quick point, but I'll let John go first. All right, John, okay, well thank you? Yeah, I guess. Uh. First off, I want to say, Sean, a long time viewer, first time caller, will you enjoyed your show and thanks for the call and reason why I called it's just, you know, this whole COVID origin thing has me rather very concerned, and if you don't mind, I kind of want to go for what my understanding of the facts are. Maybe you can tell me what I have wrong or what I'm missing, um your mind. And but first off, you know I've been reading these articles. Of course there is an anti fair piece. I thought Cheryl Atkinson wrote a very good article back in April. You know. My understanding is is that back in you know, two thy fourteen, because of some you know, accents we had in our own labs, we put a pause on this whole you know, gain of function research. And then be subsequent to that, you know, Fauci, you know, I guess found some way to kind of work around at the beginning around two thousand and fifteen, you know, he started, you know, outsourcing some of this gain of function research to the Juhan lab. And during that time, I guess you get I don't really know just kind of basically what our reading only because we have constraints sometime, let me just say, yeah, he's got a lot to answer for. He really needs a criminal investigation. As Greg Jared said, that's not going to happen. I bet, but you know him saying if you criticize him, you're criticizing science. Nothing could be further from the truth. We now know he knew he was told on January thirty first, and we knew. We went into a panic state. David, we give you your shot Okay. I was just thinking it would be a great ideas with the immigration crisis, if you can keep a daily running tally of how many people are entering our country. And do you remember when Cronkite and Carter when we had the hostages in Iran? Kronkite would always start his broadcast every day with you know, this is day one fifty seven of the hostage crisis. I think he'd be a good media offense on our part if you could just keep a daily running total of how many illegals are coming into our country. Well, we've been getting We don't get daily totals, we get monthly totals and weekly totals. I could do a weekly update. I don't know if I can get a daily count, but we're now averaging just shy of two hundred thousand a month that we're counting, and it's probably higher. But I think it's a good idea. It's sort of like Nightline was built off of Radian hostage crisis day four hundred forty two. I mean yeah, I mean America held hostage. Democrats have no opposition to this, and Democrats I think they believe like I think Republicans always want a cheap labor, and I think Democrats always wanted to hold out something of great value to a lot of people. If we give you amnesty, then you're gonna be Democrats, right. But it's not good for the country when you don't enforce your laws and that people don't respect our borders and our sovereignty. We have laws that govern this country based on a constitution. Thank you both. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Yeah, I'm gonna try and rest my voice a little bit over the weekend. See, I have been reluctant to go on medicine. I might have to bite the bullet. I just hate taking that stuff. Anyway. Listen, have a great weekend, Joe and Vladimir next week, God help us all anyway, Well, a full coverage, have a great weekend. We'll see you back here on Monday. You make this show possible as always, Thank you and thank you for being with us. M

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