Sean dedicates the show to the celebration of his friend and Conservative legend, Charles Krauthammer, who lost his battle with cancer this week. Krauthammer's passing leaves a huge hole in the hearts of millions of conservatives but his memory will live on in those same hearts. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Time magazine using a fake photo of a crying young girl to bash family, bash President Trump on family separations. I mean it's it's almost the news is like a caricature of themselves. Now we've got a Rasmus and Pole, large landslide margin, voters blaming illegals for family separation fiasco. You can also blame Congress. The last person you can blame is Trump, who actually cleaned up everybody else's mess because it was Congress's law, signed in the law by another president. And as Obama said repeatedly, but I'm not the emperor, I don't have the power. I got to enforce the laws you give me. I didn't make this law. Even if it inflicts harm um then we have a Trump painting TV writer. If you think it was bad with with Baron Trump, the president's twelve year old son, this week, it gets worse. Now they're literally threatening to kidnap the granddaughter, four year old granddaughter of the president. Copy everything else. I'll get to all this today and a lot of news on immigration we're gonna hit. I want to first. I just want to take a moment. And Charles Croudhammer passed away. And you know, it's funny. We didn't agree on on every political issue, but we had a great relationship, and the relationship really took on a very personal side. And I have a this is a personal story that I have with him, and it gave Charles Croudhammer great joy to tell the story at dinners that he was attending, to tell the story in speeches that he gave to tell the story in the book that he wrote, and then eventually after the book, he came on on Hannity the TV show, and and then he literally told the story on air. And to me, it's a story that reflects and defines profile and courage. Now, look if he really if it's I think it's very hard. I think we all live in our own little bubble worlds because you know, we have to survive, and we're busy and we're raising our kids, and you know, we're working art and its governments take him more and it's tough, and you know you're grinding it out day by day by day. And I don't think anybody in life particularly has it that easy. And yeah, I think money can help, but I don't think money defines happiness. It's not a cliche, it's a reality. And I've lived in both worlds, having none and having some, and I definitely prefer the ladder. But there was something about if you have the ability to just see the life others live and have any sense of human compassion and empathy. You can look at somebody like Charles Crownhammer and just think of the average day for him. He was sixty eight years old and he became a doctor, and he's in his twenties, and he has a horrific car accident and now for the rest of his life he's paralyzed pretty much from the neck down. And long story short, and I think this defines it. But every day of his life, getting up, waking up, eating breakfast, getting dressed, taking a shower, getting to a car, every single thing that we do without thinking, is a huge, massive ordeal for him. I never really saw him without you know, he was impeccably dressed constantly and looking his best always. And all the years that I had read his columns and interviewed him, I didn't know he was in a wheelchair. I did not know his life story. Now. He was always in Washington, d C. And I'm, I'm sort of my headquarters is in New York City. And but for whatever reason, I always just when I'm interviewing somebody, i'm I think I've gotten better at being an interviewer because I try to listen to what people say. Now and I don't go in with a million prepared questions because I'm prepared. I have it in front of me. I did all my research. But if you don't listen, you can't have a real conversation and ask the natural follow up question if you're just thinking about what the next question is. And I want to be the best I can be at what I do, and over the years, I mean the people that have taught me to be a better host, or frankly you this audience, because I read feedback about what you say about me and what you say about the show and what you prefer and I listen. It's one of the reasons I kind of gave up the debate format um in in so many ways because people can't stand people shouting over each other, and so I I just try to listen. I try to be my best anyway. So when I first met Charles, it was in Washington, d C. I don't remember the exact date or time, and I hadn't known he was in a wheelchair. And I said, Charles, I just never knew. And I'm embarrassed. I should have known this, I should have you know no more about your life and about your background and and he just laughed and he laughed it off, and I pologize to him, and any laughed harder, and I'm like, Okay, I'm feeling pretty stupid here, but if it makes you laugh, I'm cool with it. That's okay. Anyway, it turns out that that story became a real source of pride for him, because I came to know later a lot of people didn't know. And he told me, he goes, you have no idea. After I told that story, so many people wrote me, so many people called me, so many people told me they didn't know either. And he absolutely loved it. And the reason he loved it is because in spite of trials and tribulations that we all don't have to go through every day. And I see this with a lot of military guys that have had their legs blown off and their arms blown off and their faces disfigured. I I ask every one of them, how do you deal with it? I mean emotionally, it's the toughest thing you now. Your life has changed forever, it's been altered. And Charles I, I friend of mine, wrote me a story worked with him years ago when I guess he was at the New Republic, and said Charles Crownhammer used to take a pencil and put it in his mouth and on an old computer before they have these dictation programs that are now available. That a phenomenal technology is phenomenal for people that have any kind of disability or handicap. I mean, it's it's so great that that people can invent things that make other people's lives easier. I just love inventions. Used to go to the invention convention. So anyway, that's what that's how hard he worked. Imagine you have to get out of bed and that's hard. You have to take a shower, that's hard. You have to eat, that's hard. You have to get to the car, so that's hard. You have to get out of the car. That's hard. Every every just everything's complicated. Nothing is easy anymore, and it's it's an ordeal. So Charles then took that story and he ended up putting it on his book, But it also at Dinner Part East because word got back to me and in speeches, and word got back to me and and it became between the two of us something that kind of defined our relationship. And it was me learning about and a man that absolutely refused to be defined by one of the toughest physical challenges anybody can have. Now, I know a lot of us think we have problems. I know, I do, I whine, I complain. Look at Linda, she's shaking her head. Yep, you do yup? You all right? Stop? Why are you making fun of me? I never make fun of you. I always support you, all right, but true, right, I mean, we all think we have problems. And then you look at what Charles Crownhamer had to do every day to get to his job. And then he's got to type out a column, you know, with a pencil and then typing it into a computer. Imagine you misspell a words like oh now you gotta go hit the backspace and you gotta do it. And then I mean, it's so hard. But he did it all and he pushed through. And I just loved that about him, and it was to me the embodiment of a profile and courage. His entire life became a profile, profile of courage, of what you can do in spite of the massive obstacles that you're clearly and obviously facing every day, and the fact that that story helped him. It's sort of validated for him that people didn't see him as a guy in a wheelchair, that it that people saw him for his heart, his incredibly brilliant and keen intellect, and for the great patriot that he is. He loved this country and he did move the debate. And we didn't always agree. Sometimes he frustrated me. Other times I'm like, that's genius. That wasn't what our relationship was based on. And I then when his book finally came out and he told the story in the book, like really, I said, you're making a living off this story and it totally humiliates me, and he loved it. And that's why I chose this clip to air on TV last night. I'm gonna play the audio here. And by the way, I love the fact that you you gave a speech one day and you told the story about me and all the years that we had known each other. Call you go ahead, you can mock me on National TV. I don't laughing. You know, I'm always surprised that you're upset by that. I am. I think it's it's the most charming story. And as you know, I told it again on the special that Brett there did he prompted me. He was sort of the provocateur there. I said, you know, Sean doesn't really like it, but it's a wonderful story and it just shows I mean, I like it because it shows how, you know, I haven't made this fact that I'm in a wheelchair, uh, sort of the center of my life. And the fact that you weren't even aware of it. I thought it was lovely. So it was a way to compliment. And you will know, I listen, it's a it's a friendly story that we have between the two of us, and you know, but the story is really inspiring. The special was fantastic, by the way, and uh, it's it's it's it reminds all of us that think we have problems sometimes that people are everybody has problems and some people are struggling with some really incredible things. And your ability to overcome I found inspiring. So thank you. And I'm just you know, I don't know, I mean, I don't understand death. I I've been fascinated in my life that the human mind if we really just stand back and put our problems and clear our minds and just look and you look at you know, a blade of grass and the tiniest aunt and then you build it into the minds of human beings, everything in the the animal kingdom, everything in nature. Then you look to the clouds and the sun and the stars and gravity, and then you think of a massive, huge universe. And now we've discovered universes within universes within universes. And then you know, people have near death experiences and they describe a peace and a serenity and and something that we can't even comprehend on this earth. And the Bible tells us that every hair of our head has counted, and you just you know, my faith, my belief in God, and I'm a Christian and Jesus, it just tells me that, you know, that's a time when we're made whole. And I pray that for Charles Craunhammer. I really, I really loved this guy as a man. He was a profile and courage and he taught me a lot. And it's not something he ever knew that he really taught me. And he taught me courage and he taught me, you know what, this life is hard to deal with it because he showed us every day eight nine four one shaw on our number will continue with only a kite, a house key, and wet hempstring. Benjamin Franklin captured lightning in a bottle over two hundred and sixty years later. 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I love her too, She's amazing. And you know, there was an article I don't remember who wrote it, but I feel for separation. I understand separation because my child was killed by an illegal immigrant. Now that does not mean every illegal immigrant is a murderer. Well not nobody's saying that, but there are crimes, a lot of them associated with the illegal immigration. No. I think the point that they raised is that where were the tears for their children. Nobody in the media covered the cover children. Nobody cared about the death of their children. And then we have something like this photoshop moment with this little girl that wasn't separated from her mother, and we're all our hearts are breaking, and meanwhile she was just crying because she had to put her down for a minute, which is what a lot of two year olds do. Her father said she was never separated from her parent, act and handed right back. And and by the way, every parent, when you're in a grocery store, you have to put your if you're holding your child, which is hard when you're shopping, but you take a kids shopping and then you have to put the kid down, and you know what, they're gonna cry. Sometimes that happens, or they're gonna start crabbing as I did as a kid, every bit of candy and stuffing it in my pocket. So my father's saying, that's stealing. Don't steal. I don't know if has Liam done that yet. We've returned quite a few items, because he returns some items already. Did you walk him back and to pay have to pay for that. Liam thinks he's giving them a present. Here's your present. Here's a present he's given them. There also known as stolen merchandise. We're turning the stolen goods. It's it's a it's a it's a nice moment for us with the managers. And I mean it's the thing is, it's like you're just sitting there and I mean the kids, they don't really know that you can't have it. You know. It's sort of like don't touch the cookie. They're gonna touch the cookie. I mean you just basically say and don't touch. All right. I gotta remind people we all have valuables, we all have important papers. Many of us have firearms. You want the best built safe on the planet, well you can get it from Liberty Safe. They have their seventeen seventies six model now on sail with their new patent pending military looking bars locking bars. It's five time five sizes that are available starting at just one nine bucks. Is all for ends on June. They also have their most advanced handgun Vault one. I've ordered the h d X three fifty that's on sale for two nine It's a great way to make sure nobody gets ahold of your firearms. The best way to get it is at liberty safe dot com. Now you get twelve months interest free, uh zero down as low as twenty bucks a month on approved credit. Just go to liberty safe dot com. They're the best built safe on the planet, best service, best price, best everything. Liberty safe dot com. Now, by the way, we'll continue also with um this is really important. So we have the president meeting with these people, and then we've got all these other stories that are emerging today. I think the most shocking is Time magazine. We keep talking about fake news what Linda was referring to. They used the fake photo to bash the president on the family separation issue. By the way, nobody said anything when Obama did the same thing, and they literally photoshop a picture of a young girl crying, staring and looking up at a stern looking Trump. The girl's father had to emerge and complain his daughter was never ripped away from a mother's arms by border agents or anybody else ever, and there was no separation. She happens to be from Honduras, and she's sobbing and she's in a you know, pink jacket before the president. You don't think there's fake news. It's right there, just like the news so called news. Uh. Companies in this country avoid the I G Report and great economic news. By the way, that goes for all of them, Struck and Page and yeah, the idea that Peter Struck's gonna willingly testify before Congress, I hope he does. I can't wait to see it. By the way, I misspoke a so involved in telling the Crowdhammer story, as I his accident was a diving board accident. I forgot exactly what had happened, and it was to be irrelevant to the story except that the relationship we built about him being in the wheelchairs. I just got fifty thousand text messages, so you forgot, you idiot. I'm like, all right, can we cut me some slack. I'm tired from Singapore. Um, by the way, I'm just finally feeling normal. It takes a long time to get back on schedule. It's crazy. Um, we're gonna miss him though, you know, if you think of I'm just sort of thinking out loud here, if you I've been fascinated my whole life, and it was part of the movie that I did, Let There Be Light, and it was a component of it. And you read these life after life books, they fascinate me. You know, ninety Minutes in Heaven or Heaven Is Real and that became a movie. I think both of them became movies. And it was a component of Let There Be Light, the movie that I was a part of. If you haven't seen it, you can get it on DVD. You can buy it on I guess Amazon, or get it in Walmart or anywhere. And I'm just if you read the stories about people that have had near death experiences that literally are clinically dead, and they all tell a story, and it's so similar in so many different ways, but there's variations on the story about literally they see themselves as sort of their soul is hovering above and they see their own body in the case of you know, Damn Piper's ninety minutes in Heaven. You know, he saw his body in an accident. I think it was on a bridge, and then all of a sudden, like your your whole life is flashing before your eyes. And then you're in a tunnel and then you see a light and then you're drawn to that light, literally like pulled into the light, and you have this feeling of sort of euphoric peace. That is that something that they can't even describe, except they want that feeling back again. And almost without fail, there have been people that have been atheists that have gone through this experience and then come back convinced, Yeah, God is real and God exists. And but then they tell the story of not only this great piece that overwhelms them, but then they are sort of drawn into what they believe is heaven. Now. I know there are skeptics, agnostics, atheists that don't maybe believe in this, and that's fine. Don't have to believe what you want. I don't care. Um. I believe it because I look at this creation, this for everything from the insignificant you know, size of a little baby ant and the zillions of them that they are as annoying as they can be at times. And then you look at nature in all its beauty, and then you look at the animal kingdom, and then you look, you know, just just look down when you're on an airplane, and it just looks so small. It looks like a kid putting a school project together, and you know, building little neighborhoods and houses. That's kind of what it looks like. It looks puny. And then you think of, okay, the entire not just the United States, but the entire globe, and you think of, you know, all the very variable conditions that exist. You know, hot, cold. You know you're in Singapore, your sweating the minute you walk outside. That's pretty much the condition all year round. You know, Florida has nicer weather than New York, I mean, and you go from there and then you think, okay, well, we live in a solar system. And then there are other planets, and there are moons, and there's the clouds in the sun and the stars in the sky, and then you have a big universe, and you have the Milky Way. And then if you look deeper, we have black holes. And then if you look deeper than that, we find universes within universes within universes. I don't think the human mind is capable to absorb the magnitude and majesty of God's creation. I just think we're supposed to be in awe of it and realize we don't know. And every time are big fat egos getting the way. All we have to do is say, well, I can't do that one simple thing, you know, with the Bible's says you know who by taking thought can add one inch to their stature or one second to their life. You can't. And then if you take it down to the belief, is I believe in a God that the very hairs on your head accounted? It just should blow our minds away. But for me it does. And the story of reconciliation between God the Father and he said, has only begotten Son to suffer Diana Cross, absorbing the sins of the world so that we may reconcile to God the Father. It's unbelievable. And then these people tell these experiences, and they describe pearly gates, and they describe a sense of of peace and happiness that is unreachable on this planet. And you think, you know, well, we still have a lot of happiness and a lot of happy moments on this planet and in this life, and it gets better and it's always better, and there's no downside, there's no bad side, there's no dark side, there's no and that's what heaven is. That's what they described, you know, they describe music on levels that we can't even begin to comprehend. So it's kind of cool, I mean to read. I just find it as an interesting thing. And you know, when you think of Charles and his accident, I didn't mean to miss speak in the last half hour. I apologize, but and how his life was altered after he became a doctor, and then how hard he worked with all the challenges that he had, it's pretty amazing. He's gonna be missed. Um. Earlier today, the President met with Angel Moms, and I don't think there's any other show that is brought the attention. These are moms and dad's. We've had many of them over the years on this program that have lost their precious children. Two murder, violence, d u Y accidents, drunken on drugs, whatever by illegal immigrants. Is that every illegal immigrant? Oh? But is that part of the problem when we can't control our borders. Yes it is. Does the media ever pay attention to it? No, Well the president did today. They're called angel moms, and there's a little bit of what happened. I'm one of your legal immigrants. I came the right way. I paid lots of money, took me five years to become a citizen, a proud citizen. And I didn't drag my son. He named himself German chocolate. He was born in Germany. I didn't drag him over borders, through deserts. I didn't place him in harm's way. I protected my child from harm. But I couldn't do that. On July twel he was thirty years old. I couldn't protect him because an illegal alien from Guatemala with two felonies, one deportation to the wise. He was protected it Riverside California Sanctuary. The judge, the d A, they knew who he was. They gave him probation after his second d U. I five weeks later, he killed my child. And if that wasn't enough to deal with, this is my only child. I have no family. That's it. The public needs to know and they deserve to know that this could happen to each one of you. At any given second. You hug your child, you send them off, no matter what age they are, and then you get that ugly phone call that will forever change your life. And thank god our president and Vice president voice my family of a v arch They really be behind us, They were the only ones and gave us a little light. I was going to end my life. I had no purpose. But President Trump coming down that escalator that day and talking about illegal immigration stopped me in my track. And I had no clue at that point that I would ever be at the White House. And I thank President Trump, Vice President panth everybody behind me. I thank you. I think everybody out here. Make sure you get our stories out. I brought my son. This is what I have left, his ashes. I wear his ashes in the locket. This is how I get to hug my son. So remember when you go home and hug your kids, that there are many of us, thousands of us who don't get to do that anymore. And let's work together and get this done. All politicians, I don't care what side you're on. You don't want your child in a casket or in an urn, So get it together. For God's sake, for this country, for our citizens. Thank you. I mean, you hear these stories and you just say, you know, how does this happen? How does this possibly happen? And we can end it, by the way, and that's the point, and we we can protect you know, citizens if we really uh want to. A name is for Bean Dirton is her name, and you know, she's telling her story and it's a very compelling story. And there are plenty of other moms, angel moms and dads that we've had on the program over the years that the media ever talks about, you know, and literally her son Dominant killed by an accident by an illegal immigrant and saying that the United States needs to secure his borders, and you think about it, it's good for everybody, you know, think of just the billions of dollars, the impact on the educational system, the criminal justice system, the health care system in America that Americans have to pay those that you know, I know there are people that come a onot a better life, I understand it, but they got to do illegally like everybody else. Like she was describing her own experience here, and you know, for the media to come out with their fake photo to bash Trump on family separations is unbelievable. By the way, there's a new two new polls out on the witch hunt of Robert Mueller, and they both show that his approval rating is dropping like a rock and support for Robert Mueller's investigation now has the clients since the beginning in the summer of sen and where they now found is you know that only support the continuation of it, which is down from sevent and it's going down from there. Meanwhile, the number of Americans that support ending it is now up of forty five and people are beginning to get it more every day that this is and has been a witch hunt. Anyway, at the time what scent approved, you got another one. I mean it's very clear. Mark Meadows dropped an absolute bombshell yesterday on Robert Mueller's case against General Michael Flynn. I explain why Michael Flynn has been dragged back again and again and again to Mueller's office even after the so called deal. I' I'm not sure what's going on there, but if what Meadows suspects turns out to be true, we're gonna finally have an explanation for why General Flynn was not indicted for lying to the FBI when both FBI agents who interviewed him, including Struck being there and James Comey, the Director, said he didn't lie. And according to Meadows, evidence has now emerged that shows that during the months between Flynn's January interview in his November indictment by Robert Mueller, Flynn's FBI three oh to witness summary may have been tampered with or altered, and The Hill reports. Meadows told The Hill that one focus of the House investigation is whether the FBI interview reports they're known as three oh two warts about General Michael Flynn, were actually altered to improve the chances that he'd be prosecuted. Let me explain. That's altering evidence. That's actually taking something that is exculpatory and turning it into something that's damning. I mean, you know, this is this is the type of environment we're now living in and only you know, I guess we should be thankful for small favors, but why did it take so long? You know, sessions as Yank Peter Struck security clearance. You know, we got Paul Mannerford has not been found guilty of any crime. And he's in jail and solitary confinement. He hasn't at a trial, let alone been found guilty of anything. He's not being accused of any violent crime. He's not part of the mob. He's not, you know, likely to take out a hit on somebody. You know. I thought we saved those tactics for the for violent felons, you know, by a landside margin. By the way, voters blame illegals for the family separation fiasco, he also blame Congress, it's their law. And um. Then you got this guy in Canada, so called comedy writer, on top of everything with Baron Trump, on top of all the attacks against Melania Trump, the regular attacks against Ivanka Trump. Well now they're attacking Donald Jr's four year old daughter. This is a this is this is TV in Canada. Don't worry, We're coming for Chloe too. Okay, Finally the tweet was deleted. Actor James Wood snapped a screenshot and thankfully notified the Secret Service, and Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted both of James Wood's messages, condemning this guy who said, this is exactly the kind of violence that has been inspired by Peter Fonda's tweet. The individual making this suggestive terrorist threat against their granddaughter of the president is a TV writer. Uh, you know in the any rights, which sadly makes sense in today's twisted world of he would then he had to send out an apology. As an apology enough, I don't know if it's enough, to be honest with you, all right, lot coming up in the program tal Happy Friday. Uh, we have Roger Stone is going to join us next. He did. Um. By the way, he has a crazy book out which, by the way, I break every rule. Stone's rules had to be successful in life. It's actually pretty interesting. Um. But he has said of late that he thinks he is being persecuted an attacked just for being Donald Trump's friend, and that he believes that Robert Mueller has a target on him, and some change in testimony that he gave on one detail. We'll ask him about that and much more straight ahead. Michael Caputo contacted me and he said that he had been contacted by a man using an alias, as it turns out, Henry Greenberg, who had information that he said would be a great value to the Trump campaign. Every congresswoman would take the call if they got that call. Oh, we got info on your op research on your opponent. I took the meeting, and Henry Greenberg turns out to be an FBI informant of Russian descent, who has been admitted to the country nine times on informant visas, who is a violent felon who otherwise could not be in the country. And then he tries to entrap me. But he gives away the game when he says he wants two million dollars for negative information on Hillary. When I tell him I don't have two million dollars, he says, it's not your money I want, It's Donald Trump's money. I think it's the first known example of the Peter Stroke insurance policy. I think it was an FBI plant seeking to compromise, to entrap me and to compromise Trump. Right our to Sean Hannity's show. Right down a toll free telephone number. It's eight D one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program that was Roger Stone. He's got a brand new book out, by the way, it's called called Stones Rules, How to Win a Politics and what else? Is it? Politics? Politics, Business and Style? Right? Yes, all right, now, before we get to the issue at hand, that was you on our TV show. So I read your book. I actually read it. It's it's by the way, it's a fun book. It's a great read, and you know what, it has really entertaining Roger Stone esque rules in there, which cracked me up because everybody knows you're a character with a huge tattoo on your back, um that you love to show the TV cameras, which also makes me laugh. So every other rule is about how to dress, and I'm looking at it, well, I'm a total loser because I wear jeans and T shirts and baseball hats on backwards and that's how I live my life. And I'm like, I'm never gonna pass that. I'm never going to be a success in life. Actually, so that's not true. I've never seen you on TV once in what you did look sure you'd have great taste in that touch. Uh. A lot of them are Trump ties. That's all true, and I've been very upfront about it. I do like to listen way before he was president, just to let everyone calm their ass down. Um, you know, this is a fascinating story to me. Um, and I've been watching you actually leave Robert Muller has a target on your back, and that Robert Muller may try to indict you, and for what reason. That's an excellent question. All my political activities in sixteen towards electing Donald Trump are perfectly legal and fully disclosed. I think I'm being persecuted because I'm a supporter of the president. I'm a friend of all maniforts uh and I think they would like to find some extraneous offense on which they could pressure me to give them something on Donald Trump that Sean is something that will never happen. Um. It's not a fun feeling, is it to think that you have the power of a special counsel and unlimited resources and a team that I've talked an awful lot about Why the rest of the country doesn't seem concerned that that that the special counsel, Robert Muller is put together a team of only Democratic downers, no Republican donors, no independent owners. And then Genie Ray, who was lawyer for the Clinton Foundation, that's part of his team. We now know that there were three trumpeting FBI guys that were a part of the team, including Peter Struck himself, And we also know Andrew Weissman, who has the most atrocious ethical record of any lawyer I think I have ever heard of in the United States. Well, he's he's the pitbull of Mr Muller, and that's troubling to me. And my big question is why doesn't anyone else in the country seem to feel or understand that that that is an abusively biased group of people. Well, not only that, but John, You're absolutely right having federal prosecutors unsettered, poking through every single molecule of your personal life, your business life, your your political activities, asking intensely personal questions of my associates and former association How'd he get along with his wife, how's his relationship with his children? Does he drink a lot? Does he use drugs? Where's his money come from? Who are his clients? I thought this was about Russian lusion, but it's clearly not. This is a hit squad. This is a Trump squad, and their job is to undo the results of the last election. Robert Mueller's record is atrocious. This is a guy who arrested the wrong three guys in the anthrax matter. The guy they did arrest guys mysteriously in custody, fails to investigate reports of the Sarasota flight school where five of nine eleven hijackers are training. Who who lies to leave four innocent guys in jail in Boston to to protect at mafia informants of the FBI, And who mules the ranium specimens to Moscow in the uranium? One matter, when Lindsay Graham says he's widely respected on a bipartisan basis, what was he talking about? I don't know, I really you know, here is I think a real big problem we have And go back to Judge Ellis and what I thought was one of the biggest judicial beatdowns from the bench I've ever seen. And when Judge Jellis said about the special counsel, let me see and I think I understand this that you go back to the Justice Department, you reopen a case from two thousand and five that has to do with tax fraud, has nothing to do with Russia. You're supposedly investigating Russia collusion and you reopen that case, but it had to do with Ukraine and um and then you what you want to do here is you want to put the screws his words, not mine, to Paul Manafort. So Paul Manafort begins to feel the heat and the pressure, and then he begins to sing or even compose his words, meaning subbar and perjury is my interpretation. And then, by the way, then you get to prosecute or impeach Donald Trump. That seems to be the obvious case that's going on here. And by the way, he said that with Andrew Weissman in the courtroom, and it seems like that's what they're doing with everybody, because they don't have any evidence on their own. But they're Achilles heel are the unconstitutional, illegal FISA warrants that I believe were levied against Paul Manafort. Carter Page And according to The New York Times on January twenties seventeen, Roger Stone, the government in the Manafort chase continues to insist that Manafort was never under surveillance at any time, even though The New York Times, the Washington Post, ap Fox have all repeated reported otherwise. They don't want to talk about that illegal, politically based surveillance, which is why Manafort sitting in jail. That's why they're squeezing him to plead guilty, because they don't want to go to trial and answer that question. You know, it really is going to be very interesting because, um, look, I've not had a lot of experience with judges in my life, but I do know this. You lie to with judge, you're gonna be in deep trouble. And we know on four separate occasions, the original FISA warrant application and three subsequent applications, the final one, interestingly signed by Rod Rosenstein, UH used Hillary Clinton Boughton paid for Russian lies many that have been debunked, that was funneled money to a op research group, then to a foreign national who I thought wasn't supposed to influence American elections, who himself, under an interrogatory in Great Britain said Uh that he didn't think any of the intelligence was verified or corroborated, and maybe it was fifty fifty And that becomes the basis of FISA warrants to spy an American citizens. Roger, that's not the United States of America. That's not constitutional. And is it coincidental that even today Rod Rosenstein is refusing to hand over information regarding those very vice A warrants to the Congress. This is the cover up. This is their Achilles heel and they know it. A FISA warrant can only be issued against an American citizen if they are actively involved in espionage on behalf of a foreign power against the United States. That clearly was not the case here. This is much much worse than Watergate. This is the use of the power and the authority of the state to spy on Donald Trump's campaign for president. It's no, It's even worse than that, though. No. They they literally put the fix in on Hillary Clinton, who did commit felonies and who did obstruct justice the case There's never been a more clear case of either the violation mishandling, destruction of classified information, violation of the espionagejack nor the obstruction of justice case, which is the leading subpoena at emails, acid washing your hard drive, and beating up your devices with hammers, And why do I suspect if you did it, you would be handcuffed and you'd be in solitary confinement like Paul Manafort right now. Well, and if we had a an Attorney general and an assistant Attorney General committed to the rule of law, we might be prosecuting those crimes. But instead we're covering up an effort by the Obama Justice Department to rank the previous presidential election. Let me ask you this, but you recently added an addendum to your testimony. I think it was before the House Intel Committee and Devin dow this, and in that you said you wanted to add Apparently Michael Caputo had asked you to meet with this particular guy that I guess he said was Russian, but he knew he was Russian. I didn't know he was Russian until I met with him, and then it was pretty clear from his accent. But yes, I simply just I simply did not recall this. It was a twenty minute meeting that was ludicrous, the idea that Trump would pay two million dollars for documents. But as I said earlier, I have no reason to dissemble or hide the meeting because I acted properly. I rejected the effort. Uh and uh, you met with this guy for twenty minutes and it turns out it was an FBI informant who actually was from Russia but was on you know, a visa, because I guess he had nine different visas given to be an FBI informant. Even though he had committed violent felonies in Russia, Yes, exactly, So how does the guy who spent ten years in prison in Russia for a gun crime enter the country. Hopefully the House Intelligence Committee will get to the bottom of why he was in the country, or more importantly, how he was in the country. CNN, by the way, reports this story today never mentions, not once, that he was an FBI informant, as if they're not watching, they're not listening. It's extraordinary. So what do you do I mean? And what does that mean that you know? We have talked about the FISA abuse, We've talked about the feloniese Hillary committed. We've talked about a rigged investigation and exoneration of written before an investigation. We've talked about and the i G report pointed out in unbelievable, shocking detail the the hatred and antipathy towards the president and the love of Hillary and how they went all in to help her and destroy him. And when you put all of this together, and then you've got spies literally in the Trump campaign and they had there. They used the flying uh doscier to get these FISA warrants. How do you fix this abuse of power to this extent because you're still living through it. I mean, do you fear you might get indicted? Do you fear are gonna bang in your door like they did Manafort and you know, some early dawn raid with guns blazing. Well, uh, if I say yes, then uh MSNBC will report that Stone fears his criminal culpability in extrane these crimes. It's entirely possible, but it would have to be contrived. All Right, we'll take a break more with Roger Stone. His book is out, Stones Rules, How to Win a Politics Business and Style. Nine for one. Shaun is on number. We'll get to your phone calls at the bottom of the half hour. All right, As we continue, Roger Stone is with us. His book is out. It's called Stone's Rules, How to Win a Politics Business in Style. Um, let me go back to this, this addendum that you gave or addition you gave to your testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, Devin new Ness's committee, and and this meeting with this individual that wanted you to pay him two million dollars for op research on Hillary. And I think the first thing we've got to point out is operis Church and paying for oper research is pretty much standard operating procedure in politics today. Right. Well, actually you rarely pay for it, but it's offered to you, and most of it is garage. As a political professional, would be irresponsible not to check it out and see if there's anything of value. Well, that's my point. He never and he never described it as emails. He never told me what it was. I just thought it was a con job at the time, just to shake down for money. Why did you think? Why did you not remember when you're testified, considering this whole thing was about Trump Russia collusion, because just knowing the media, they want to jump on anything that can of than say, really, Roger didn't remember. Here's why because it was May of twenty sixteen, and Hillary had not yet played the Russia card. Russo phobia had not yet been an issue. People say, two million dollars, that's not a lot of money. I found Donald Trump as a friend of his and a confidante of his and a consultant to him for thirty nine years. He's a billionaire. He had said publicly he would spend whatever it took. I've seen people try to get millions out of him four years. So the number was not jarring. It was unrealistic because Trump was not paying for any opposition research, less than anybody character using an alias. So that's interesting. So this was in May sixteen. Russia wasn't on the radar in any way at that time, and you're basically you sit with this guy, you think he's a fraud, and you just see, okay, good two million dollars from someone else, and you just forget it and move on. And then you never brought it to the president or anybody in his campaign. Correct. I never discussed it with Donald Trump as candidate or as president, never discussed it with anyone in the campaign, because it was a ludicrous idea. It was not kill. Caputo was interviewed by Robert Mueller's people, who, by the way, seemed to know all about this interestingly enough uh that it jarred his member. In other words, that would be an FBI informant and you believe us up set up in other words, for you exactly about Russia, which is an interesting It's interesting in terms of the timeline because nobody was thinking about Russia that But it is about the time that the Australian ambassador reaches out for Papadopoulos the way they didn't. They didn't meet in the bar. This was free scheduled uh, and I have I believe that is the case. Well, many it was the month that struck and call me. We're writing the exoneration. But they wouldn't interview Hillary until July. But yet that exoneration was being written with the term uh, gross negligence in it. And the fact that it was likely foreign entities that hacked into Hillary's email by the way, everybody hacked into that email server of hers, everybody apparently. Well, I believe that to be the case. As I said on your TV show the other night, I believe this is the earlier manifestation of the Peter Strap insurance policy. This is very clearly an FBI sting, which fortunately I reject out of hand. The whole thing was over in twenty minutes. Good for you. I bet you're glad you did. I mean, even though the guy shows the meeting wearing a MAGA hat and a Trump T shirt. Why are we inviting nine Why are we inviting violent felons and sending them into political campaigns but only one campaign. It's a question we need an answer to. Roger Stone thank you for being with us, Sean. Thanks for having me alright now until the top of the hour one sewn if you want to be a part of the program um as promised. Look, we've had a lot of information come in this week, and I mean it is I've never witnessed in my life a news cycle that flies by so big. It is so incredible. All right, let's get to our phones here, you know what, Big time AJ in Houston, Texas. I have seen your name up on my call screener this week twice and I didn't get to go to you. How are you, my friend? It's gonna be great at this moment to hear your voice back time, Sean, big time. What's going on? Hey, let's go on mother and all that good stuff. Thank you, my friend. I appreciate it. Hey, to the idiots, now, do they think we Americans are stupid? Or what? These parents are thanding these children on their own over here in the desert and what where's outrage of that? Big time, Sean, I mean just thinking me and you did our kids like that? Just put them out there on their own, me and you'll be locked up like right now, big times, John, I mean, I mean what is this fake media? They ought to know better that we know better that they are fake and they're not covering the story. But what you'ven't done. Look with your Teama done, y'allun covered, all ABC TVs, Y'ALLU covered big time covering and they do not print with y'all cover And they they ought to be glad because November gonna be a big time hit for the Democrats and the Democrats people. Um, I got a message red quick, big time shine to the people of this country. The Democrats never meant us so good. THEATA ones that kept us from going in the schools, they never meant us no good data one that's keeping these kids in this poverty. They the one and four teams had them kids integes and the media trying it's pretty, But my problem is wild Bama name is not mentioned and all this and they're trying to blame it all on Trump. Trump just got in the white out. So this thing going our way before Trump and I don't hear Obama made nowhere in the deal and now they're trying to get everybody off. What we have found out about so called Russian collusion. You know, it's been a while to um rambling. Uh, we know where the Russian colusion that Miller needs to call and close the case and open it up for the Democrat body. Now that would be the brother House is talking about. I mean, look, Mark Meadows, Meadows saying the FBI may have tampered with General Flynn's interview summary that's called the three oh two. Now, let me tell you something. If that was tampered with, that is in and of itself, probably one of the biggest crimes in all of this. And to do it, and literally to do this, to entrap a general who served his country honorably for how many decades is so beyond the pale. But you know, everybody's missing the big story, a j The big story is that very simple Hillary committed a felony. Hillary was told to be subpoened. They've subpoened her emails, and she deletes them, she acid washes, she busts up with Hammer's devices. Then you got high ranking people within the FBI that rigged the investigation because she is their favorite candidate. And they express a deep hatred, almost a violent hatred. If you will towards Donald trup we will stop him. And we've got an insurance policy, and on and on, and then they turned their sights on Trump and they try to bludgeon him politically. And that's what the Russia witch hunt is. And they're even willing to lie to fights a court judges, to spy on Americans in the campaign because they wanted to alter the outcome of an election. This isn't Watergate. This is fifty thou times worse than Watergate. And your media is more concerned about a picture of a child that never was separated from her parents on the cover of Time magazine and blaming Donald Trump for the very thing Obama did. As you point out, this is where the country is here, worried about what Milanna wears. Man, Oh yeah, they're they were obsessed with what Milannia wears. You're right, yeah, And people Obama had to know about this. I'm telling all y'all. It went from the top down. It seems more like it like every day. I mean, we learned this week that, in fact, Christopher Steele was at the State Department just days before the election. Did he get into what did he tell John Kerry? What did John Kerry tell Obama? Who knew what? When and where? What did they know and when did they know it? You know what? And this is what I'm telling people. Do I G reporter is of first step. We now have more information. We're still fighting Rod Rosenstein. Now I'm gonna have a big fight over whether or not to hold him and the d o J members in contempt because they're not doing their constitutional duty or allowing Congress to do theirs. If anybody in this audience dared too to reject the subpoena by Congress, I promise you you'd be handcuffed and you'd be put away. And then I promise and then you'd be fined a thousand dollars a day. That's what the That's what the fine is until you're willing to cooperate. So why still there? I mean, we got people there. Be gone and you'll be gone, but we'd be we'd be bunking together somewhere, you and me big time, ay J. You know the only thing I'm worried about. Listen. I think if there's no it would be no better bunk mate in the country. But you, the only thing I'm worried about is you talking in your sleep and snoring. That would bother me a big Margarito to no, no, no, there's no Margarita's in prison, big time none. You and I being there with you know, we'll be playing te nuncle together, a bridge or whatever games people poker together. Wait minute, we have to do to even build it out. All right, we've taken this way too far, way too far, but big time. We love you. Thank you, my friend nine for one, Shawn, you want to be a part of the program. Let's say, how to Shawn is in Palm Beach down in Florida. What's going on? W j N O. What's going on? Seawan? How are you glad you called? Hi? Fine? Thanks, thanks for taking my call. I just wanted to share a story about Charles car Tammer, who I just have the utmost respect for, and the political world definitely lost a wealth of knowledge when they lost it. But a few years ago I saw Mr Crothehammer at the Breaker's Hotel in Palm Beach, by the way, that's like one of the nicest hotels in the country. That's a real nice place, Yes it is. And that is the day that I first learned that he was paralyzed. And obviously he was in a wheelchair and he was sitting by the swimming pool in deep thought. And normally I would go up to someone like him that I respected and admired, and I would say something, But he was in such deep thought. I thought, you know what, I'm not going to bother him. And by the way he would have, he would have been glad that you said hello. Just you know a lot of people think that, oh I don't want to bother somebody. It's it's not a bother And I'll tell you why, because you know what we're in. You have to look at this is a business too, and you know what, I view this as you are my customers, my my highly valued customers, and I want to super serve my customers and exceed your expectations every day. And I know Charles the personality was he would have been fine with it, I promise, well, thank you. But I immediately googled to find out how did he end up in a wheelchair, And of course I read that when he was in college, he dove off a diving board and severed his final court. And I thought to myself, wow, this man, first of all, instead of resenting something that he enjoyed that cost him the use of his legs. He obviously just wanted to be close to a swimming pool looking out at the ocean, and he didn't harbor that resentment that I mean, I have to say something like myself, Mike, And you know, I just thought, Wow, this man is here by the swimming pool, and obviously he's probably remembering what he used to love to do. And it reminded me also Mark going to Counto, the son of a professional foot former professional football player, who used to do the same thing at the University of Miami football field. He used to sit in the middle of the field in his wheelchair. And you know, now I like to think that Mr cross Hammer is diving and swimming again. You know, I will tell you this. I mean, it's interesting you say that because I had the same thoughts as you in this sense. Um. I've been fascinated by reading life after life books or near death experienced books. Uh, what's the name that Dan Piper? What is it? Ninety Minutes in Heaven? Heaven is real that they actually turned the book into the movie. I read both. I've read numerous books on the afterlife and or people that have had near death experience. And you know, atheist or agnostics or or the medical profession. They'll tell you that, oh, it's just a psychological thing of people go through, but they all go through the same thing, or or just some variations on it, where you know, all of a sudden, you're your entire life, all the memories come flashing back before your minds from when you were little. Your whole life flashes before your eyes. And then the next thing, you're in a tunnel, and then you see a bright light. And then people then describe different experiences where they see people that they knew in their lives that were on the other side, and they describe a piece that you don't know on this earth. They describe a sense of serenity that you don't know in this life. They describe music on it's sort of like, you know, beyond four dimensional. It's like you can hear multiple um compose seeing you know, or songs and understand them all, but they're all playing simultaneously and and that's how they describe it. Or they describe specific conversations, or they describe coming back. Um, you know, when they came back, they didn't want to come back, and they're being told you gotta go back. It's not your time, and you know, it's one of the reasons I did the movie that I did, Let There Be Light, And there's a component of this in that book. Um, And I'm sorry in that movie and to me, I am just fascinated by the whole thought of it because I do believe in the Bible. I do believe that this world is so vast we can never comprehend the true majesty of God. Ever, He's just way beyond our understanding. Um, even though the Bible will say the very hairs of our head are accounted, and I can't comprehend how amazing that is. I do believe in the story of God sending his only son, Jesus Christ to suffer die on a cross for our sins for reconciliation. Um. I don't understand or have the answers to you know, why this life is as hard as as it is for everybody at times. Um. But I do believe in all of that, and I you know, I yeah, I believe. The way people describe past relatives and meeting relatives on the other their side when they have these near death experiences is that they are young again and that if they had infirmities, the infirmities are gone, and that would then lead to your point, which is, yeah, Charles is you know has his legs back again? And um, you know I I I pray for that for everybody. I mean, that would be the most beautiful ending to this life you could ever think of. And I have hope that that's all true. I believe that. Did you By the way, did you hear what I what I played last night? Did you see what I played last night? I picked a particular clip of me and Charles when he wrote his book. I like, you did not know for a number of years there was in a wheelchair and tell him mad him. I'm like, I didn't know, and not only that, and I said, I'm so sorry for not knowing any and Charles laughed and Charles loved that story, and I said, well, it's embarrassing. You tell the story and every speech you give now you tell the story, and every day you go to told it in the book for the world to hear. And then we had a conversation about it on the TV show. Here's how it went too. And by the way, I love the fact that you you gave a speech one day and you told the story about me and all the years that we had known each other. Go ahead, you can mock me on National TV. Mark you you know, I'm always surprised that you're upset by that. I am. I think it's it's the most charming story. And as you know, I told it again on the special that Brett there did. He prompted me. He was sort of the provocateur there. I said, you know, Sean doesn't really like it, but it's a wonderful story and it just shows I mean, I like it because it shows how, you know, I haven't made this fact that I'm in a wheelchair, uh, sort of the center of my life. And the fact that you weren't even aware of it. I thought it was lovely. So it was a way to compliment, you know, I listen, it's a it's a friendly story that we had between the two of us, and you know, but the story is really inspiring. The special was fantastic, by the way, and uh, it's it's it's it reminds all of us to think we have problems sometimes that people are everybody has problems, and some people are struggling with some really incredible things and your ability to overcome I found inspiring so thank you. He loved that I didn't know, so he would love that you didn't know, Sean and I because he didn't want to be defined by it anyway. I appreciate your call. Um. We lost a intellectual, patriotic giant yesterday the only way I can say it, And what a life lesson and profile encouraged. His whole life was God speed, safe home, good and faithful servant. Charles Kradhemmer will miss him. All right, we'll take a quick break here, we'll come back, we'll continue. So we've got some of the most unbelievable audio tape. You know when I said in two thousand and seven eight journalism is dead, Journalism is dead, Journalism is buried. I really, I don't even think I knew how right I was. If you have any doubt about your news media at this point, you're just basically believing a lie. So like everybody knows m scott Pex book, you know, The Road Less Traveled, but he wrote a second book called The People of the Lie. That's a book people ought to read because you're being lied to, propagandized. You know, it's my manipulation every single solitary day, which is why they can't carry a Trump speech. They can't carry it because everything they're telling their audience is about to be debunked if they actually ran a Trump rally, which puts them at a competitive huge disadvantage. All right, we'll take a break. We'll come back. Final hour Free for all. Next going up next, our final news round up and information overload, our all right, notes round up, information overload, Our Happy Friday, and we're glad you're with us. All right, before we get to our guests, we've got Kaylee mcinanny with us and Jeffrey Lord is with us. Let me go back to the media bashing and again we've now gone through all of the pictures of all of the children separated from their parents, which nobody likes in the Obama years. Yeah, kids in cages and kids with like foil blankets, and kids crying and all the things the media said, Okay, it happened. Then there was no media outrage like there has been here. We have clip after clip of Obama saying, I'm not an emperor. I've got to execute the laws of the land. I don't have the authority to bypass and pick and choose what laws I want to enforce and non enforce, in other words, and then he didn't sign the executive order. Was Donald Trump that signed it, and Donald Trump. And by the way, it won't hold up in court, which is if you want the long term solution, that means Congress is gonna have to do some work. And they seem to have no intention of of forging an alliance or a deal no matter what the President gives or offers in exchange for wall funding, which solves the problem permanently. He offers DOCCA, a docta fix, he offers to end the separation of parents and children. He's offering it all. He's saying, what's also fixed the problem permanently in the way we fix it permanently simple build the wall, and this way we monitor, we control who comes across the border for the safety and security of our country and the American people. And in the process we have the added benefit that of crimes that are committed by illegal immigrants, that that crime rate then goes down to zero because they won't be in the country illegally anyway. So here's your media bashing the President on the separation of children and their parents, just because the arsonist comes back and throws a bucket of water in the fire, doesn't mean that they didn't start the fire in the first place. It willieve an indelible stain upon the presidency, either that they are morally callous about this or that they are incompetent about this. This is something that Urdawan would do. This is something that Putin would do. Thank the New Order, instead of being separated, families from other countries will be locked up together, hopefully starting with his immigrants people come to this country are vermin. That's what you're saying. It's the language of white nationalist European splinterer hard right crazy town parties. The combination of both white nationalist racism making the policy and complete in total incompetence. Why aren't these parents allowed to be with their children, Why aren't they allowed to talk with their children? Why don't they know where their children are? On top of everything else, and now we have the new report this morning that, essentially, according to one expert that takes care of migrantaring, that toddlers are being detained. What about the babies? What about the toddlers who have been separated from their parents? This morning, outrage mounting over President Trump zero tolerance policy. The President meeting with Republicans on Capitol Hill to discuss the immigration crisis. We're gonna try and see what we can fix it. Thank You's a group of Democrats taking the President to task for separating migrant children from their parents who crossed the border illegally. President, don't you have kids? Democrats are increasingly frustrated with the President. This was a policy invented, implemented, and executed by President Donald Trump. Mr President, don't you have kids? Don't you have kids? Mr? President? As tensions escalated Washington, a group of protesters confronted Homeland Security Secretary Kirsten Nielsen as she ate dinner at a Mexican restaurant. It's so hard to figure out what Secretary Nielsen was thinking. Is she just giving a middle finger to the situation, or is she just toned? If you would think of all nights, maybe you might have Chinese at night. You look at that and it just doesn't make any sense. And then, of course the Secretary Secretary Nielsen is literally run out of a restaurant, chased by a bunch of radical leftists. I mean, it's insanity. Then you got, oh, now, let's threaten a twelve year old son of the President of the United States. Uh, let's talk about what sounds like rape of of Secretary Nielsen. And let's go after Donald Jnr's four year old daughter. And I guess she's fair game by the left. Two because the left that didn't say a word or utter a word when Obama did this is now finally found there their feigned outrage marker. Because it's an election season, and this is what we get every two and four years. Republicans are racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, and they want children to die. They want to poison the air and water, they want dirty air and water, and they want to throw Granny over a cliff, the same narrative every election season. Kaylee mcinantny's with us, author of the New American Revolution, to make making of a populist movement. Jeff Lord, former political director in the admin Reagan administration, columnists by the Way, The American Spectator and also on Hannity Dot, both survivors of fake news CNN, and we know what happened to them the other night. They got called out by the crowd and Duluth, Minnesota pretty strongly Kaylee, how are you. I'm doing great. Thanks. This is an incredible era where you just have this media misinformation campaign. It's absolutely disgusting, the vitriol, the threats of violence, it's disgusting. We didn't see it under the Obama administration. And gosh, you gotta wonder, you know it was this time, Um, with the IG Report, they had to distract, So why not bring this up? You know? That really is the IG report? We have? By the way, Uh, we have good news as it relates to the economy on every measure, more jobs than people on unemployment, fourteen states, record low unemployment, record low unemployment Jeff for African Americans, women in the workforce, Hispanic Americans. Um, we've been And what are the Democrats run on? They want to impeach Trump, but they won't say it. They want open borders, they want Obamacare, and Nancy Pelosi wants her crumbs back. That's their that's their platform. That's right, you know, Sean. When I run around my localityre in the middle of Pennsylvania, I see repeatedly signs when I go into shopping malls and all this sort of thing. There are signs in the stores that say now hiring. You can't get a better advertisement for an economic policy than that. And the media is just going to do everything they can to hide this, and you know, we're talking about the dishonesty in the media. The Daily car looked into this time magazine cover of the President looming over this crying little girl, and what did they find out? Lo and behold, this child was not separated from her mother. She was asked by somebody with a border patrol or ice or whatever to put the little girl down because the mother had come in illegally twice. That's a crime. So they were going to search the mother. So they put the little girl down. She starts to cry, and the officer says, is she okay, and she says, yes, she's fine, she's just tired, et cetera. They complete the mission, the child goes back in the mother's arms. It was a complete and total lie, to the point that apparently time now feels they've got to, you know, issue a bit of a correction. But this is typical, Sean, This is absolutely typical. Beginning with the misrepresentation of those photos from the Obama era is something that was happening with Donald Trump, you know, and it's no wonder. And now both of you have, as I said, survive working at fake news CNN. You know this now happens organically. The President didn't lead the cheer, but it happens that almost every rally, and frankly, it could be any news any news organization or so called news organization, because they all do the same thing. This. So the President is talking about fake news and this chant breaks out. So we've created three point four million new jobs since election, done three point And I've said before, if I would have said that you during the campaign, those very dishonest people back there, the fake news very just they would have said, he's exaggerating. You know, you can't make this up. And I just would imagine at this point that you know, maybe maybe the news media would would just take a hard look and say, is our coverage biased? I don't think they just doubled down on stupid because it's not working in terms of any type of programming model that that gets any mass audience, Kaylee, So they never learn our former colleague, me and Jeff former colleague Brian Stelter over at CNN. By the way, his name is Humpty Dumpty. Okay, we'll take that. But he he's Jeff Zucker's stenographer. That is that is true, and and he tweets you know, as expected, the only cable news station carrying the Trump rally with Fox Duds and Fox Business. Well guess what. As expected? Fox News got three in viewers. CNN got one million, so trouncing them in Actually, if I can toot my own horn, I got more than all of them. I got three point six million, and they can barely break a million a night, I mean, which is like four to one viewers. And I think the reason they don't want to run it is because the President is basically hauling out and telling their audience everything you're watching every day on what this channel is a lie, and they don't want to be called out. I mean, imagine, you know CNN, they're gonna run CNN sucks on their network. That's right. He's exposing their lives. They can't take it. They don't want to air it. He exposes them every step of the way. You know where was seeing an outrage showing these pictures, are these distorted images When President Obama was sued by the A c l U because children were sleeping under toilets and lost, and he was. And they not only that, there was a judge's beat down in that particular ruling that came out against the Obama administration. I pointed all of this out last night. You're right, Jeff's exactly right. I just I am just astonished that that CNN has has gone down this road. You know, they put out a book like a you know, a glossy coffee table book of the election, and I contributed to it, and so I took it around and got all of my CNN pals to sign it, and Jeff Sucker signed it, and he said something the fact that I was, you know, a huge part of their success in the twenty sixteen election cycle. Well, of course we know what happened to me. Cayley is gone, etcetera. And I'm not just saying it's us, but I'm saying that this is part of a of a decision, a deliberate decision to just keep taking this place further and further and further left. So now you get these instinctive chants from the audience in a live rally, they understand exactly what's going on and why they do it. I mean, I can only I mean, I just think they're so obsessed with liberalism and being on the left that they will tolerate nothing else. The thing is is that, you know, I'm all four obviously opinion pro gramming, but two issues. We've broken more real, real hard news in a year than they have in the last fifteen years. They don't break news. All they do is all for liberal commentary, and they keep up a facade that this is somehow uh news when we know it's liberal opinion, Kaylee, and they just they they're just dishonest about the whole process, no doubt. I mean, Jeff can attest to this as well. I remember going on air, you to wait the topic to be sent to you by a producer, predictable topic, always intent on demonizing the president, always trying to make him look like a racist, or a xenophobe or a misogynist. Every time the programming was by designed to do this. I can count on one hand, Shan the number of times there was an entire segment devoted to Hillary Clinton's emails, or to any of her scandals for that matter. They just didn't want to cover it. They were forced to briefly when Comey put out that letter, but they misled their viewers every step of the way. You only got one prison of the news if you're watching CNN, and it was nowhere near the truth. And that's why they're ratings the plummetage just the third of Fox News, and you're repeatedly trouncing them every day. All right, we'll take a break. I have a hold on one second. We'll come right back to Jeff Lord and Kaylee mcinanny is with us as we continue Sean Hannity Show, and we're talking about all this media corruption and lying and disinformation and double standard, especially on the issue of immigration. We have RNC spokesperson Kaylee mcinanny is with us, Jeff Lord is with us. Jeff we uh. I cut you off as we're headed a break, and you wanted to say, sir, Yeah, I wanted to say. I've got a column coming on NewsBusters tomorrow and it's about a Washington Post story that they used the phrase that the Trump was quote unquote stoking racial tensions. I just want to read you two sentences, one from the actual from the story and one from what the President actually said. The first sentence of this Post story begins, quote President Trump this week likens Hispanic immigrants to Vermin. Unquote, Well, they put a link to the president's it was on the tweet, and what does the president say? I'll read it to it's short quote. Democrats are the problem. They don't care about crime and one illegal immigrants, no matter how bad they may be, to pour into an infest our country like MS through team. They can't win on their terrible policy, so they view them as potential voters. Unquote. That's it. Do you see anything about Vermin? Do you see anything about Hispanics? Not a thing. They made the whole thing up from scratch and then played the race card right on the front page of the paper. This is what these people do all of the time, and it's disgusting. You know, I don't even know what to say. I mean, I think the picture of that little girl and the fact that they put that on the cover of Time magazine, uh and said that about the President, and it turns out the girl's father saying she had no time, was she ever separated from her parents. It just it shows you the magnitude of how fake the news really is every day and the double standard. And just for example, they've never look at the IG report, they barely talked about the biggest exposure and corruption in terms of a pre residential election in American history, Kaylee, they don't even talk about it. They don't ever discuss it because their narrative has been wrong for a year and a half. When does the when do the American people? When do they care enough about their views to say we were wrong? Hillary did commit felonies, Hillary did obstruct justice. And by the way, the fix was in in the investigation, and those same people turn their sights on Donald Trump and what was the biggest political attempt at a takedown of a presidential candidate ever? For the story is extraordinary. And if you're a CNN viewer, you don't know the name Peter Struck, you don't know the name Lisa Page, you don't know the name Bruce or I bet there are many cnon viewers who don't even know who Andy McKay is because it is covered up repeatedly. You have a major ID report. We're all told to respect Michael Horowitz. Well, the reports out, the fix was in. We see it. The text messages are there. I want to stop the president, says Peter Struck. CNN doesn't cover it, you know, brief mention, moving on. Nothing to see here. Let's concoct an immigration story on the border so that we no longer have to talk about what is the story of the century that your show is repeatedly broken news on Night by Night. All Right, I gotta thank you both, really appreciate it. Have a great weekend, Kaylee mcinaney and Jeffrey Lord. Alright, nown till the top of the hour. Alright, it's Friday. You know, these weeks are just one week after another, just amazing, incredible, NonStop breaking news. And you know, I was saying this to somebody, a miss Lynda Hawaii. How will you Happy Friday from Singapore? Happy Friday, Happy day from Singapore. Now you're going on a trip this weekend or something? Right, Indeed, I am where you going. I'm going to Arizona where it's a hundred and ten degrees. The poor woman that called to see and I'm like, you can't breathe. I bet it's in Arizona. It's you know how Singapore was. You walked out of the hotel in Singapore out of air conditioning and literally sweat starts coming off your body. I was thinking we should send all the rhinos there. They would fit right in. That's true, swampland yes, it really is. Tell McConnell and Ryan take all their friends there for their you know getaway. You know what they say that Arizona heats ad he it is, it's a sauna. It's yeah, you're hot, but your hair looks amazing. Exactly That's what I was thinking. My hair would look amazing in Arizona. Exactly exact thing. Um, what are you doing in Arizona. I'm actually going out there working on a documentary on the drug crisis in America and how that's why we need a border wall. That's awesome. I'm excited anyway. So what was as I digressed? These weeks are so full of news? I don't think imagine, let's say Donald Trump's not president in God, do you understand that there's nothing that will be less more boring than whoever takes this place, especially if it's Joe Biden. Oh god, it would be. It's even the news media would turn on them because they have Duncan donuts. Unless you have a slight light in the Aci'm not tucking jobs, Jo will be and John C. Foor that the first sort of Bay stream African American who is articulate and bright and articulate, right and clean? A storybook? That storybook? Getting that very often? What's that unbelievable? Um, crazy Uncle John? All right, let's get to our busy telephones here. Marty is in North Carolina, Marty High, How are you? And welcome to the program. Glad you called. Hey, Thanks so much, Shaana. I caught your monologue or caught your comments yesterday about the opioids, and I just gotta say that, you know, I love everything you have done for President Trump. I think that without you and a lot of the other supporters, you know, he wouldn't know he would. Trump is, Trump is his best advocate. Trump won the election. He gets all the at it. And I think we were just all spokes in a wheel trying to help. And I think, you know, I was talking to a guy that is extraordinarily conservative. Yesterday Goes you were right, He's more conservative than I have a dreamed. He said, Yeah, tell all your other never Trump or friends to take a look at what he's actually doing and how conservative he is. But it's not about who is right at this point. It's about let's get the country. Right, let's solve the problems. That's right, and I'm ultra I mean, I feel super conservative. But the thing I'm worried about is there signing all these laws against the opioid doctors and the opioid users, the patients. Is what I'm trying to say. We're getting punished. I use them. I'm medically prescribed for him, and my wife is medically prescribed, and we are freaking out right now because what he's doing is making it where the people that desperately need him, cancer patients, surgery patients. No, no, nobody wants to slow down. No nobody. I've never heard a single person say that there's not a place for these medicines to help people that are genuinely in significant, serious pain get relief. I'm not against that. The problem is I am saying. And the statistics pair this out. I was watching one of the documentaries and it said, one Ohio town alone, you know, per capita they you know, over the course of a year, if they're they're literally giving per capita SI forty two pills per person. Now, I'm sorry, that's called over prescribing. And look, I have too many friends of mine that are doctors and people come in and you know, all my toe hurts, my back hurts. I really need uh, I really need oxy contin X number of milligrams delayed, uh release blah blah. And they give them an exact the exact amount that they have that they want. And it is in many ways, unfortunately, it's being abused. It's I'm not talking about cancer patients. Um, why do you need pain meds? What? What kind of pain are you in? Well, I fell out of a helicopter during when I was serving in the military, and I've got jacked up disks in my back and that you know, I'm not wanting. I guess my body doesn't work the way some of these abusers do because I just get pain relief. I don't get the euphoria in the warm, fuzzy Okay, what kind of pills do you take? What are you taking? Oh? I take OxyContin and oxy coddon't okay, Look, I can't obviously I'm not in your shoes. And I know people know people that have had the most severe, horrible back pain and they don't ever get any relief. I understand it. It's and I've had pinched nerves in my back and I've thrown my back out and you know I'm training all the time. My neck is in a constant state of pain. To be honest with you, UM, I know I'm a pain in everybody's neck, but but it's um. I just have a fear of I think a very healthy, natural, real fear of these drugs because I have watched these drugs literally destroy people's lives and smart, educated professional people and they end up they get hooked on this crap and then they're out, you know, searching the streets, and they're paying eighty bucks a pill, and in the case of kids, they don't have the eighty bucks a pill. While they're gonna have, one of their dopey friends suggest a bag of heroine, which gives more euphoria but also uh creates a greater addiction, UH, perhaps life long. And literally every time they snort or shoot up, they're taking their life in their hands because they have no earthly idea where those medicines come from. But there you think that maybe the personal responsibility is to the person, And I am saying that this responsibility bucks a pill for my medicine, not for a high listen. I would love to say that we don't have any responsibility, and it's the individual responsibility. I am saying that these drugs are literally targeted towards American children. As a matter of fact, if you watch enough of these documentaries, and that's frankly all I watched when I watched TV, all you learn every time is that they are purposely targeting these kids. And I am saying that there is such a severe addiction component to this that if we don't get a hold of it, our kids are gonna die. Now, there's a medical reason for all of these drugs, but let's not over prescribe them, and let's understand how extraordinarily dangerous they are and how many lives are being ruined because of it. And you have to see the whole the big picture here, and the big picture is, uh, why do we want more availability of drugs that we know that's going to create addiction and ruined lives. There's not one person listening to this program, not one, I guarantee you that has not been impacted by opioids in some way, shape, manner of form. It's either a cousin, it's a friend, it's their kid, it's their grandson, it's there. You know their doctor, it's their lawyer. Everybody knows it. Now, it's not a game and so and I am saying to control it. I'm saying that, Yeah, people like you that have legitimate medical reasons for medicine deserve all the medicine you want. Looks, I'm also a believer in this. If let's say you've been given a diagnosis that you're gonna die in six months, and you heard about an experimental drug, and give give the president credit for this. I thought it was a great idea. Nobody paid a lot of attention to it. The right to choose if you want to take a risk with your body and try an experimental drug that the you know, f DA hasn't approved because you think it might might cure you, then take it. How who are we to say you can't take it. That's ridiculous. It's your life, and you want to if you think it's gonna help and there's hope that they might help, go do it. I don't blame anybody for doing that. President Trump has been the best thing that happened in this country in years. It's just that one that one little thing other. Why well, let me just tell you something. If you're telling me you take oxy codeon and oxyconton and you're not addicted to it and you feel no euphor you you're an exception, You're not the rule. Because most people that I know, people that have taken one vicat in, percocet, OxyContin and they're hooked. So there's a real dangerous component. Listen. I have a friend of mine that is a back and brain surgeon. He will give you three pills and that's it, three pills to get you over the surgery. If you need any more. He gives you the name of a pain management center and he's not gonna have it on his conscience that people get addicted to those medicines because he has seen it over and over and over again. I'm gonna see I'm gonna see him tomorrow, and I'm telling you it's um it's insidious. It's sad to watch these kids because the recovery rate once you're addicted is like ten. You can't get over those addictions anyway. Have a good weekend, and uh, thanks for serving your country. By the way, Sorry about your terrible injury and the pain you have to go through every day, But nobody wants people to be in pain. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. What a newsweek this has been. I am going to launch something Monday on this program that's important as it relates to the most important mid term in our lifetime. So just stay tuned, have a great weekend. I'm out tonight. It's our honoring of Charles Croudhammer and is passing and remembering him tonight at nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. Have a great, great weekend, and I will see you back here on Monday.