Fox News Contributor and former Congressman from Utah, Jason Chaffetz, who authored the book, The Deep State, is here to talk about the outrageous tactics of the left. Having been on the inside of many of these committees is here to talk about the upcoming IG report and the heads that will roll once the truth is out. James Comey can do all the talk shows and town halls he wants, we all know what he really is: a dirty cop; giving all other hardworking cops a bad name.
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Hey guys, it's Linda from the Handity Show here. And as you know, Sean and I never promote the stock market or investing in it, but I'm sure you've all seen the great GDP numbers, the awesome economy that Donald Trump is giving us, and we want you to benefit from it as well. So now we've discovered doctor Richard Smith his incredible financial software tools. They're trusted by thousands. It tracks over twenty billion dollars of investments. And if you're planning for your retirement, you have any money at all invest in the stock market, you need to go to Hannity dot com forward slash retirement right now. Check it out, Hannity dot Com Retirement. All right, glad you're with us and write down our toll free telephone number. We welcome back live, our amazing friends and Philly every afternoon three to six Eastern time, right there on the Big Talker twelve ten WPHT and many thanks to our Philly listeners and the PD there there was no bigger Philly Flyers fan than me. Mark Levin thinks he is because Mark loves Philly, but Bobby Clark, Reggie Leech, Rick mccleich, Bernie Perant DuPont. I mean these they were hound dog Kelly Schultz, I mean they called him the broad Street Bullies for a reason. You're actually you came from like section into high school on Broad Street. You did go to I did. It was a pretty tough neighborhood where you grew up. I'm a bully, You're a I wish I was a broad hockey Listen. Now they're getting to the point where they're trying to take fighting out of hockey. I mean it's like, oh was everyone gets excited when there was a fight. They if they had enforcers, if you went after Bobby Clark, who was one of the best centers, he had the greatest pictures of you. Look at Bobby Clark, there's no teeth. I actually met the former owner of the Flyers they recently passed away, Ed Snyder was his name, and I'm I'm speaking at some event and some heckler stands up and there was there's the Broad Street Bullies. He's just stood, Hey, we didn't come here to listen to you. You can sit your ass down right now. It's great. And one thing you could say about Philly sports is that they take their sports very seriously. Every town takes it seriously. Every Philly. Philly is unto its own. Hey, Phillies, I gotta admit, the Phillies are doing really well this year. And uh, I think they they built their team backup. They look sign I mean it's huge. Oh, I'm telling you it's massive. Get about it. Although I don't think they were happy with the last shot of the Raptors game last night. Oh my, I mean it's literally to point two point one. He released it in time. Then it's bounce, bounce, score four seconds. Man, it's game seven. Can you imagine that? You know, that's never happened in NBA history before. It's incredible, never no one time. Well I was watching it, I'm like, no way this is going in. No way, no way that's going in anyway. Philly, welcome you. Uh We're always glad to have you with us and for you in Philly. It's eight hundred nine for one, Sean if you want to be a part of the program, right, we got a lot coming up in the course of the program today. I'm telling you there is there's something percolating that's gonna happen. I think sooner than later. As her relates to the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in American history. It's all lining up, and it doesn't matter what the rage Trump psychotic media does anymore because oh, oh, by the way, Felicity haven't been pled guilty. We already knew that. I guess she's coming to some type of plea deal. He's the only one, though, that's the story. Well, she was smart, she you know why, she paid the least amount of money, and then she fell on her sword, admitted she was wrong and came out with I was a sincere apology. And all these people that are just it's so clear they did it, and they're like insulting everybody's intelligence. The DA in that case literally said, Okay, if you don't kind of deal with us and you're gonna push this any further, we're gonna give you more charges, which they did to Laurie Loughlin and these other people. I mean, it's kind of weird if you take a picture of your kid's face and put it on another kid's body and say, oh, my kid does crew. But they never did crew once in their life. And I don't think there's gonna be any jury that's gonna be sympathetic to the reasons, the whys, or some type of explanation. I didn't know what I was doing with my five hundred thousand dollars. I don't think they're gonna buy it. Hers was a little different, though, because what she did was she actually paid the proctor, right, So she basically said to the proctor, here's money if they screw up to make the changes, YadA YadA. Yeah. Well, but I don't know what she look on. Whatever she up getting, maybe it's just a fine, maybe probation, a couple of months, potential in prison. Okay. Maybe other people they're getting years, and I think that who's ever advising them. It's like there's certain times in life you just gotta say, okay, own it. I'm not saying, Look, they deserve due process, the presumption of innocence. We're not like the rest of the media. We don't rush to judgment. I guess they could make whatever defense they feel they have to make, but from my perspective, what we've learned doesn't look good. It's like the Juse Smullett case. You got two eye witnesses saying they were a part of that scam that Jesse Smullet got beat up by quote Maga Trump people, and then you got the videotape of the two guys buying a rope and a red hat that were used in that incident, so they claim and Smaller is still just clinging to the whole thing. Now, maybe because of Kim Fox the prosecutor. Remember a grand jury indicted in that case. That was a pretty simple grand jury decision, and then she just decided not to prosecute. But then there's federal charges that he potentially faces in this. So I don't think it's over for him either. And it's like anybody's holding steady at some point. It's just you know, my kids, it's the same thing. You know, every kid is gonna do stupid things. My kids will never reach the level of stupidity that I had in my life. They just won't. And I but it's like, fine, you make a mistake. I always say to my kids, Okay, you made a mistake. You do it again. Now you make it a choice. It's not a mistake the next time. The next time you've made a choice in your life. And similarly, you know, especially young I swear I didn't do it. I did not eat the cookie. I did not eat the cake. Meanwhile, is chocolate icing all over their face? The evidence is right there. You didn't have one bite of the cake, No, Dad, not a single bite? Really? And huh and what's this on your hands? No, it's it's poop. It's chocolate icing. It's poop. Um making a flare. Could have been vanilla. I don't know what we could have called vanilla shaving cream? Um? Oh, is that what it is? It doesn't smell like poop, and it doesn't smell like shaving cream. Looks like chocolate icing from that chocolate cake that you just took a bite out of which I told you not to. I don't care that the kid eats the cake, but did you eat it? Yeah? Own it? Just admit. And sometimes I'm like, you're insulting my intelligence. You're making me now punish you for lying, not gonna punish you for having the cake. I am guilty of wanting cake too. Everybody sees a cake and they want to eat it. That's why I have no cake in my house ever, because as if there's cake in my house, it's not gonna last more than thirty hours, well thirty seconds, to be blunt, just like Linda with the Sherry's berries. Oh, so many people over honest, I ate every single one of them. You sat there and ate eight double boxes of Sherry's berries that were supposed to be given to everybody. Listen, life is short. You to berry? You didn't? You didn't? Did you pay for any of them? Here's a lie. They were presents. I'm a mother. Oh there were presents who bore you eight boxes people, people you want to name them, very friendly people on one group of people, the Sherry's berries people, and you were supposed to share them and let everyone else try them. I sent them to any many friends and family members I know. Um. Now what's happening with the deep State is getting really fascinated. Remember you got an addlering company. They want to demand that the Attorney General of the United States sends over the totally, completely unredacted version of the Muller Report. Well, he's already sent over, and there's up to now only three people that I've confirmed that have gone over to read the unredacted Muller Report. That would be Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell, and Congressman Doug Collins. Now why saying it's unredacted. They're still too full and seven partial lines of the Mueller obstruction report. In other words, that was it, and of everything else. They can see the Department of Justice, Nadler's committee. They're asking them to break the law. Now they can go over and see the whole. It's just a show, it's just an act. It is just an attempt to stir the pot and create resentment and blame and create a false narrative and caricature about the Attorney General. And it wasn't just the Attorney General, it was the Office Illegal Counsel, and it was Rod Rosenstein. And they took them maybe five seconds to figure out there's no obstruction. And Nadler, who never wanted the Star Report release, which, by the way, the Independent Council law mandated. There were eleven specific felonies listed in the Star Report that were committed by then President Bill Clinton. It was a reason he got impeached. No such thing here with the Muller report. You got FBI files showing that Clinton aids were learning as look, we've got the IG report is coming out on FISA abuse. There's no doubt that there was abuse. We learned last week we're great reporting John Solomon that in fact, Christopher Steele was on a deadline and Christopher Steele met with the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, a woman by the name of Kathleen Cavalec. She put out a written account of the meeting with christ for Steele and sent that account to the FBI long before, ten full days before they FBI used the bulk of the bought and paid for Hillary dirty Russian disinformation dossier, so they had a warning on that level. Then closed door testimony in August of twenty sixteen, again before the October FISA application, Bruce Orr warned everybody at the upper levels of the DOJ and the FBI that one Hillary paid for it, two Steele hated Trump and had a political agenda, and three nobody verified it. And then we find out later it's an unverifiable dossier anyway, because under oath in Great Britain and an interrogatory Steele himself couldn't corroborate his own dossier and said, I have no idea how any of it's true. And they did it because they wanted to get Trump. They did it because they wanted to spy on Trump, and they did it at the expense of our constitution rule of law. They were willing to lie, and they conspired because it was all premeditated, to commit a fraud on the FISA Court judges. They did it not once, but four separate times. Andrew McCabe, the deputy FBI director under Komey, even said no, no dossier, there's no FISA application and never would have passed. No judge would have approved it if they would have told the FISA Court judge, oh, Hillary paid for it. The guy that put it together hates Trump, and we haven't confirmed or verified or corroborated any of this thing. No judge would have given them the FISA application or approved it. It says at the top of the FISA application Verified. We now know it's unverifiable because the guy that put it together doesn't believe in it. And these documents revealed the FBI allowed this phony dossier of Christopher Steele to guide the FBI Bureau's operation against Tryal. I want to know what impact it also had on the Muller report, because Andrew Wasteman, according to Or, was one of the people briefed in August the twenty sixteen. What part of this did he know about Now that we know they knew ahead of time, Now the question is, okay, why would they lie to the FISA court? Why would they violate the constitutional rights not only of Carter Page, but of everybody in the Trump campaign? To me, if you're really going to be fair, equal and just any convictions associated with any of this was made in false pretenses and phony evidence, and there was entrapment. And don't forget all the spying that took place when they empowered Stefan Helper with the help of now we know from nude revelations last week, the blonde flirtatious bombshell to go after Page, Papadopoulos and Sam Clovis, all right, we got a lot to get to today. Glad you're with us. Jason Chaffitz, We expect the Horowitz report could be this month or at the latest early next month. What's up, everybody. Linda from the show on Hannity Show, here to talk about your money, retirement. Your money. It's like your health, right, you know, you don't think about it until you don't have it. And a lot of people are making really bad mistakes, especially with their retirement. They're not retiring with enough money. You know what, it's just wrong, but have no fear. Meet one of the most incredible financial minds in America, doctor Richard Smith. And Richard's extraordinary tools are trusted by thousands of Americans. It tracks over twenty billion dollars in the stock market, and his tools can help you reset your retirement. You're gonna be hearing a lot from Sean and me about Richard and literally we have never endorsed any financial software tool until now. Why because we've never seen anything like this before. So see it for yourself. Go to Hannity dot com retirement, that's Hannity dot com forward slash retirement and check it out. Class year, you wrote it out bed saying Democrats don't take the bait on impeachment. You said that if it were a post scene as a political partisan exercise, it simply couldn't work, and that Democrats shouldn't pursue it. Is it getting to the point where you're gonna have to change your mind? Well, you know, I was arguing a year and a half ago when I wrote that up ed that we ought to wait to see what Muller reports. Now we have the Muller report now, although we still haven't heard from the man himself, and I think the first priority has to be get Muller before the Congress in American Pea convinced that's going to happen. I am convinced it's going to happen. That is inexorable. The American people have every right to hear what the man who did the investigation has to say, and we now know we certainly can't rely on the Attorney general who misrepresented his conclusions. Who is that at this point, Adam Schiff, I mean, Schiff is just the it's been the biggest liars, full of Shiff. Now I have a dossier on Chief, our own Hannity built in dossier. We got one on Nadler, we got one on Congress Home Maxie Waters. And we didn't pay a foreign agent. We didn't funnel money through a you know, Perkins Cooey type of group to fusion GPS to hire fuffed foreign nationals. Were we actually take their own words that they've been lying about for the last however many years, And I'd like to invite these people on. We'll give them three straight hours and we'll go over every lie that they told and every false promise that they made and every conspiracy theory they advanced. And the only person that I know we have definitive proof of collusion on, well, I think Hillary's pretty close, but you know, the Russian Dassier gets right there. But the only person that's on tape doing it is well, the cowardly ship himself. And I don't know why the cowardly Ship won't come on. Say that three times fast, we'll continue. Hey guys, it's Linda, the executive producer for the Sean Hannity Show. You might also know me as Shaun's daily sparring partner and now that he's a ninja, of course, and every day we argue about all sorts of things and talk about lots of stuff, including the incredible economy that the President has given everyday Americans. And just like that, when we want to tell you about how to fight for your retirement, and that's right. Fight. There's a huge crisis in America. Millions of people are retiring and without enough money. And if that's not shocking enough, even if you think you've got your financial act together, chances are there a retirement killers out there that you don't know anything about. So have no fear. We have one of the brightest financial minds in America to help make sure your investments for your future retirement are on the right track. I'm talking about doctor Richard Smith, the founder of Trade Smith, and his mission is to help Americans be more financially literate. That's right, Put the power, put the knowledge back in your hands. Make better investment decisions, and avoid catastrophic mistakes that could cause your retirement to be a disaster. That could cause your retirement to be a disaster. Thousands and thousands of people trust doctor Smith's investment tools to track over twenty billion dollars in the stock market, and I'm telling you you should too. When we're talking about your retirement. You're in a financial fight for your future. Please do yourself a favorite, Folks, register right now for doctor Smith's special online event, the Great Retirement Recess. Go to Hannity dot com forward slash retirement. That's Hannity dot com forward slash retirement. Eliminate the stress, eliminate the worry of investing in the stock market. Register now, handy now dot com forward slash Retirement. Of course, you will face pressure to compromise on things that matter most, perhaps even to trade virtue for the appearance to virtue. But you should exercise caution when circumstances tempt you to disregard principles. As Robert Muller once said, there may come a time when you will be tested. You may find yourself standing alone against those you thought were trusted colleagues. You may stand to lose all that you worked for, and it may not be an easy call. All right. That was Rod Rosenstein. I guess he gave a commencement address somewhere and quoting Robert Muller, there's look, there's happening, something happening that is pretty amazing. This was at the University of Baltimore School of Law where he made those comments. But you can see this now with the closed door testimony that has been released. You know we now have struck and paid saying, well, we didn't rig Hillary's investigation. That was all being handled by the Attorney General Loretta Lynch's office. We know Lynch wouldn't let Comey call it an investigation but a matter. We know she met with Clinton Bill on the Tarmact just days before the decision was being made whether to indict Hillary. Wasn't This was a slam dunk indictment, you know, but they had classified top secret information in a mom and pop shop bathroom closet server known as Platts River's network. Then, of course then they have the intention. Everyone talks about the intent necessary to get an obstruction case, Well, there has to be an underlying crime. The underlying crime was eighteen USC. Seven ninety three, the Espionage Act. And then of course the intent was to destroy the evidence, and that attempt was made by destroying and deleting thirty three thousand emails and then bleach bit the hard drive. So there's nothing there that can be recovered forensically, and just in case, if you know, take your blackberries and your iPhones and bust them up with hammers and remove the sim cards. We're getting a little back information about what actually happened in terms of the FBI files that are now slowly leaking out thanks to the Freedom of Information Act. But we saw that aids to Hillary Clinton. They were on high alert. This just came out in the Washington Examiner where in January of twenty eleven, Justin Cooper, who was the man that oversaw, was overseeing Secretary of State then Hillary's home based email servers sent a warning to Uma Abadeen, quote, I had to shut down the server. Someone's trying to hack us, and while they did not get in, I didn't want to let them have the chance to do so. Alvert restarted in the morning, he said. In a two fifty seven am email, Aberdeen writes, OMG, oh, my God, replied at seven oh five that next day. Now, early the next morning, Aberdeen wrote to the State Department officials Jake Sullivan Cheryl Mills, Clinton's chief of staff, do not email Hillary Rodham Clinton anything sensitive. I can explain more in person. The sense of alarm that you got with Clinton's staff appear in these partially redacted documents released by the FBI that this past week now we're part of the bureau's midterm midyear exam. Was which way he called the you know that operation crossfire hurricane for Hillary. It's just the midyear exam, that's all. It's It's just everything was now it's Operation Boomerang. Anything sensitive, I can explain more in person, she says, But it was obvious a sensible alarm with Clinton's staff. Impartially redacted documents released by the FBI that were part of the bureaus midyear examined investigation. I remember the Freedom of Information Act request. Remember there was a test. We got this from Judicial Watch. And when the FBI tested just forty of Hillary's emails that were recovered, four of them had top secret and classified information on it. And there was a feeling among those FBI agents, those that care about the law, rank and file that were not part of this upper echelon abusing their power, ninety nine percent of good people. They were shocked that four top secret classified emails were found and they only sampled forty and you got sixty three thousand total. But they were only supposed to be about a wedding, of funeral, yoga, etc. That's what Hillary said at the time. Anyway, handwritten notes of an interview in March of twenty sixteen, FBI agents wrote that Cooper asserted that a hack was never confirmed, but the debate over whether Clinton server and the basement of her home in chap Equittic, New York, remains alive today. And don't forget the Platts River network one. But the debate over whether Clinton server in the basement, you know, is just part of this. That followed a report last fall that a Chinese company did successfully hack into the server. At one point, the FBI believed, and I'm sure they were probably right, that at least six far and Intelligence services hacked into her server in the Mom and Pop bathroom closet. You know, this is why Steele's story falls apart, because if the FBI story, where you know, with a federal court about an asset Christopher Steele, you know, is just it's torn apart because we have new memos and John Solomon's been at the forefront of unearthed. These show high ranking government officials meeting with Steele. In October twenty sixteen. This is when that Christopher Steele met with this woman that worked at the Department of State, Assistant Secretary of State, Kathleen Cavalac, and her observations were recorded exactly ten days before the FBI used as the bulk of information the FISA app. In the FISA application, Hillary's bought and paid for Russian lines that Steele doesn't stand behind. It means they never verified it, they knew Hillary paid for it, and they know Steel hated Trump. We have now two examples of that and why that wasn't a big part of Robert Mueller's investigation considering a ad time for Taxi medallion's loan applications, taxes, FARA violations is beyond any understanding I have, because he had a wide mandate which could take him anywhere that he wanted to have. The FBI pretty much blatantly lying about Christopher's deal to the FISA court. Oh no, No, he's been a great source in the past. Well, he was fired for lying and leaking, and then even after the fact, he was in contact. We now know from Bruce hors notes trying to pass on information to the Special Council into Robert Muller, and documents revealed that the FBI allowed Steal's false intelligence to guide their operation against Trump. We broke that report last week and a half that Christopher Steele planned to release his unverified dossie I remember BuzzFeed eventually did, but that was in January, but portions of it were the more salacious parts at times were released to The Washington Post and David Korne and Michael Izikoff, and that information had been disseminated to the American people for the purposes of influencing the twenty sixteen election. Whole story about Trump and Russia, Ritz and hookers and urinating on beds. When did you first hear about that? It was pretty much there for a long time. Not true, but it was out there. So, you know, as we get to know more information, we begin to see a very even a darker picture emerge where all of this was planned out and in spite of all the knowledge they had, that they weren't going to stop and noonez the House Intelligence Committee member, he's the ranking member now former chairman of the House Intel Committee, suggesting now that Coomy is in serious legal jeopardy. He reacted to this town hall that Coomy did on fake news CNN, and he said, this is a guy who continues to just take a make a mockery of the entire FBI and Department of Justice. And I think one of the reasons Rod Rosenstein mentioned Muller and not Comy is because, well because Rosenstein didn't agree with Comey and agreed that he should have been fired, and he also agreed that there was no obstruction in any point. And you know, for Nadler threatening to subpoena a reluctant Muller, I think the president because that's all part of the executive branch. Now that the president he never invoked executive privilege. They encouraged every White House employee to go speak to Robert Muller and these congressional committees. It cost a fortune for those people that were working in the Trump White House, and they did it anyway, and then they handed over one point four million documents and the President answered written questions. You can't cooperate any more than that fact. The President now was invoking executive privileges because now this is the fifth separate time that they're looking into the same issue, and at some point this becomes harassment of you know, the presidency in general. Lindsey Graham is saying that one key document will blow the lid off the entire Russia Gate hoax scandal. He was on this weekend, and you know, he dropped a pretty tantalizing hint yesterday about the developments, and he talked to Maria bar to Roma and he talked about this one document connected to the Steel dossier could lift the lid or blow the lid off the entire Russia Gate hope scandal. He said, there's a document that's classified that I'm going to try and get unclassified. That takes the dossier, all the pages of it, and it has verification to one side, and Graham told Baratoromo that there's really no verification other than media reports that were generated by reporters that received the dossier. This is again they were acting like they were separate sources. By the way, a van crashed into a fence near the White House. They listen to get into the White House. It's pretty much a fortress. You don't get in that easy. So we got to see if Graham can get to the bottom of that. The bottom line is the dossier was never independently confirmed, but it says right on the top of a DOSSI of FISA application verified. Now, de Jenev is swearing that Horowitz is determined that the FBI FISA warrants were obtained illegally. Joe Degeneva is one of the most connected people I know, and he said this to the Washington Examiner. He said, Michael Horowitz, we have learned this is a Degeneva smart guy, has concluded that the final three extensions were all illegally obtained. The only question now is whether or not the first FISA warrant was illegally obtained. I would argue that had to be illegally obtained because they used the bulk of information being the Clinton Dozier, and they were all warned ahead of time. The news in the last week probably changes that story. And Muller, by the way, is stonewalling on the identities of the private investigators that he hired for the Russia gay probe. I wonder why, well, Lindsey Graham rightly so, I was telling Donald Trump Junior to just blow off the subpoena in the Senate? What is what is Senator Bird doing? How many more times do we have to investigate one thing? This is a Republican How many more questions could you possibly ask somebody that sat there for thirty hours? Anyway that Graham says, if I was Donald Trump Junior, I'd tell him you could. You don't need to go back into the environment anymore. You've been there for hours and hours and hours, and nothing's been alleged that changes the outcome of the Muller investigations. Time to call it a day's right, And the President took a swipe at the FBI Director Ray for protecting Russia probe Gang, I have no what is Director Ray doing? Every time I hear him speak, he never talks about the corruption that was in the FBI. We're not talking about the FBI is the premier law enforcement agency in the world, but that one tenth of one percent is destroying its reputation of the ninety nine point nine percent that do everything right. So we'll see what happens there. James Baker has actually admitted the General Counsel Now he's the one guy that thought that Hillary should have been indicted and said so he's now admitting he's nervous what the DOJ Inspector General is gonna find as it relates to fise abuse because he was involved in that decision. Anyway, Here's what he said, How nervous are you about the IGH? I'm always nervous about the IG, I guess, but I mean no, they're coming in after the fact to look at what we did when we were trying to do it in real time and the having the pressure to try to deal with these threats as they were coming. I look, I've had a great relationship with the Office of the Inspector General the Department of Justice for literally decades now. I've been investigated or the matters that I've worked on, have been investigated many times by the Inspector General. It's not a pleasant process. It is. It's just not but the people are pleasant, but the process is not the most enjoyable. But it's what we need to have in the system. We need to have the Inspector General's office to make sure that the American public, the courts, the Attorney General, the rest of the government. Congress have a inst that the enormous power that is entrusted to people at the FBI and the Department of Justice is used wisely, appropriately, lawfully, efficiently. And so, you know, I welcome the accountability they will. I'm sure that they will find things that I didn't know at the time, maybe that others didn't know at the time, And you know, I just don't know where it's going to go. Unbelievable. All right, now, we have a lot more to get to. We have Congresswoman to leab Oh her comments, Oh that is just priceless. It's something really, really ugly. We talk about the rise of anti Semitism in Europe, but it's right here, and no Democrat had the courage to call out Congresswoman Omar. And then you have to leib on this podcast. Oh, there's a kind of calming feeling. I always tell folks when I think of the Holocaust. Huh, I mean? And then Pelosi invited any mom that is a radical to give I guess the opening prayer to Congress. I'm like, Uh. This guy, by the way, posted an image on social media supporting the Muslim Brotherhood. This guy in twenty fourteen, during the conflict with Israel and Hamas Amas, by the way, in their charter calls for the destruction of Israel. He posted God willing on this blessed night as the Third Antifada begins, that the beginning of the end of Zionism is here. May Allah help us overcome the monster, protect the innocent of the world, and accept the murdered as martyrs. Huh. What is going on with the Democratic Party anyway? Eight hundred nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of the program, all right, when we come back, a lot of news we're gonna get to. We have a congressman, two congressmen are going to join us. Then later Jason Chaffitz we'll talk about the media corruption and congresswoman to leave and we'll look at the twenty twenty candidates as well. The big scam of the whole address was that there's a crisis. There's not a crisis, folks. The President has manufactured one heck of a political crisis for himself. Donald Trump is manufacturing a national security crisis. You will hear them say is that this is a manufactured crisis. It's not a national security crisis. It remains a Seinfeld shutdown, all about all about nothing. What happens when there is a real crisis, when there is a real emergency, does he take to the airways? Do we give him the airways? Do we believe him? Some question? If there is a crisis at all, as the President has claimed, there is not a crisis at the border. It's a manufactured crisis for the president to get a political when the crisis can have, as we see now, a very elastic definition. And he's determined to convince you there is a crisis at the border, even though an intelligence official tell sin and quote, no one is saying this is a crisis except them. President Trump mus stuff the American people hostage. Might stop manufacturing a crisis. This president just used the backdrop of the Oval Office to manufacture a crisis. This is a manufactured crisis. No crisis exists, and anyone making the argument is most likely guilty of fear mongering and willfully misleading the American people. Locals will tell him on the border, even conservatives. Is that there isn't a national security crisis. The notion that we have a crisis, their security crisis is absolute nonsense. Does this is a manufactured crisis and a crisis that manufactured by the Trump administration, This artificial crisis of the president isn't going to justify his appropriating money for a wall that Congress is unwilling to give. Is there a crisis at the border of the president said there's a humanitarian crisis at the border? Is there? Absolutely not. We have a challenge oh our humanitarian issues or challenges for us. Unlike most Democrats, I let me co other. We can go say forty story time unless you get changed to don there in Mexico and you will not like this. And tony American employer who knowingly violate the law when in fact they hire illegals, unless you do those two things all arrestless window addressing. I know I'm not supposed to say that one day, but they're the fact. They're fact. I'm a guy who rove the law that set up a drugs off unlet he got himself posts. People are driving across that border with the toneless tons here, tons of everything from the bike products who had invented me, to cocaine to arrowlands and all covered up through rrupt Mexico. The President also said today that former presidents have said to him that they wish that they had built a wall. Do you recall President Obama saying that I can't think of a single one who said that, certainly not President George. I mean Ronald Reagan. Um, how you doing, George W. Bush? Um, George H. W. Bush Obama, President Obama, come on, say you don't buy it. We need border security, but that's not the Quarterer security. All right. The Battle of the Border now Gladua with us our two Sean Hannity Show is now evolved into the twenty twenty narrative of radical extreme socialist Dems. Now you have Biden wanting to pay for healthcare for illegal immigrants this weekend, Kamala Harris Well, she says, you're gonna take away no more independent health insurance that affects one hundred and eighty eight million Americans. But those Americans that can buy their own health insurance, you will help pay for illegal immigrants healthcare. He can't make this up. And she has now joined her rivals including Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders over the weekend and favoring free healthcare. Nothing is free. That means you will pay for it, just like Kamala Harris pledging to criminalize private gun sales via executive action, and Biden's rivals now in the Democratic grace rejecting his middle ground as he calls it. On climate change, well, Biden, you know, Senator Biden said he supports a seven hundred wall and says there's tons of drugs coming across the border. Then of course we got the new Joe Biden. The wall is not the border security we need, which Joe Biden is, you know, speaking on any given day. Of course, it's all related to the base of the Democratic Party having gone solidly left, you know, just like a newly resurfaced two thousand and seven quote, Biden blamed bad schools on African American students. The Daily called The Daily Wire put this up, and when Biden was asked by the Washington Post at the time about the discrepancy in school performance in Iowa compared to schools in DC. He said, well, there's less than one percent of the population of Iowa that's African American, and there's probably less than four or five percent that are minorities. What is Washington, what's there? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you're dealing with, he told the Washington Post. And then he goes on to discuss dysfunctional homes in the minority communities and suggesting minority mothers don't talk to their children from the time that they're born. And I'm like, who makes these type of broad sweeping insane and ridiculous? You know, generalizations have children coming from dysfunctional homes when you have kids coming from homes where there's no books, a mother from the time they're born doesn't talk to them, as opposed to the mother in Iowa who's sitting out there and talks to them. Wow, I mean, this is outrageous. Kid starts with a three hundred word larger vocabulary at age three, after this education gap exists before the kid steps foot in the classroom. On top of his views on segregation that we have pointed out. This is all coming out on crazy uncle Joe. It's it's he's got a lot to answer for, not the least of which is his position on his son and leveraging a billion US dollars in Ukraine. And I'm leaving in six hours. You fire the prosecutor that is investigating my son or else anyway, joining us now, Congressman Andy Biggs of Arizona and Art del Queto is with us. Thank you both for being with us. And also Duncan Hunter is with us as well. We have three people. It's not well, this guest sheet is supposed to be in front of me. That's why I didn't know Duncan Hunter was joining us. Sorry, welcome all of you. So the Battle of the Border, I mean you could really just sum it up in Joe Biden, Senator saying he supports a seven hundred mile wall because all the drugs coming across the southern border, and Joe Biden now saying, oh, that's not going to work. How do you explain that? Congressman Biggs well explained it this way, Jims and decided to focus on prevening President Trump from getting any kind of political victory, and they don't want to derail their impeachment efforts. They don't want to derail their their efforts to sully him. So they're going to pretend that this crisis, because it is a crisis, it is an emergency, simply doesn't exist. And so they're out there making wild statements in all the while people are pouring across here, record numbers, drugs coming across, human trafficking, and that's just simply the way they're viewing it. And what's your take, Art Delqueto, No, that's what it comes down to. Look, I'm not here to root or share any certain political party on its own. I've said it many times before. Well, you've been a member of the Border Patrol since two thousand and three. You grew up in Arizona, right along the border. I've lived through my whole life, and I can tell you right now, what we're experiencing right now is nothing like we've experienced before. We have a record number of people coming across, we have drugs coming across. We have children that are being used for these smuggling organizations. So they can, you know, ultimately come into the United States and claim some type of asylum and be released in the United States. And we're at a point now where I don't understand all these individuals that keep saying it's not a crisis. They need to figure it out, and they need to understand that they better start doing things for the American public and doing things for their constituents, for illegals and criminals that are coming into the country. That's what it basically comes down to. Is your love for this country gonna be enough or are you more concerned with your hatred towards a certain president. And that's where the problem is because I'll tell you what President Trump has been on point. I mean, I don't want to sound like a cheerleader, but it's hard not to. He has been right on point with everything we need on the border. You have individuals like Andy Biggs, who is on this phone call right now. He has been down to the border numerous times with myself, He's brought other congressmen with him. I mean, we're not lying, We're basically telling the facts. It's not the right side facts or the left side, it's just the facts. Let me go to Congressman Duncan Hunter, because I also want to get into another issue and that is the case of Eddie Gallagher. My sources have told me that there is video evidence in that particular case Duncan that shows that the allegation against Eddie Gallagher that somehow he had killed an innocent person, that the video confirms that he was actually giving this I guess combatant trache out of me to save his life. Is that true? Yeah, that is true. And I brought the video out from San Diego for I Don't Here to DC last week and I showed it to more than half a dozen members of Congress that have worked on this with me and talked to the President, and they did this without ever seeing the video or photo evidence. The video and the photos show Eddie and two other Navy Seal corpman providing first day to a ISIS terrorist and Shawan. Back to the border issue with the military slant, It seems right now that all the Democrats that hate the military are very upset that the presidents using one point five billion dollars that they've been able to scrounge up out of a seven hundred billion dollars DoD budget to secure the border. I think the easiest hard even here is we're fighting in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, while we're being overrun here at home. If it's not the military's job to protect our borders here and to use that Department of Defense money to secure the borders here so we're not overrun at home, then I don't know what the Department of Defense is doing. That should be their number one priorities. Shouldn't be helping out of other countries, It should be securing the border here because border security is national security. Period. Well, I mean, if we don't get this done, I think one of the reasons, and you guys correct me if I'm wrong, is you know, people from Central America see exactly what's going on. And the President is serious. He just got another what one point five billion from the Defense Department that had previously been designated for the war in Afghanistan and other projects. That's an addition to all the other money that he's put into the wall. And the President is moving forward making the repairs building the wall, and the world seems to see it, and as a result, it seems like people have determined that this is the last opportunity to get in easily. Well, John, I think go ahead, and go ahead yeah, Well, well what's happening is there's two things. They're trying to get in before the fence gets up. But they're also don't forget there's that, there's this is organized, there's advertising. There's incentives to get here anyway. So even when you get a fence up, unless we correct asylum laws, people are going to get on our on our right of way and they're going to start saying, hey, look I want asylum, and uh, we're not holding them, we're letting them loose. And that's getting through there. That's the incentives through the grape vine that goes all the way down into Central America where people say, oh, yeah, you can get in there. Um, but they're hurrying and they're coming up, and we've got to we've got to get going on the fence. But we also Congress has an obligation to get going on the on the asylum laws, and and we need to also make sure the executive branch gives immigration slash asylum officer authority to our border patrol agents. That helps not this asylum crisis. Duncan, you were going to add, yeah, and now he's absolutely right, and you got to build defense. So so you have a barrier, and it's the president's executive privilege to secure the southern border. You don't need to pass laws to be able to secure the southern border. That's the president's prerogative, but it is it is on Congress to fix the asylum laws, to institute e verify so that people can't hire illegal aliens. That that is our job. That's not going to happen with the Democrat Congress, So that the president right now needs to do everything he can using his executive power to bypass Congress, because that's what you got to do right now with Nancy Pelosi running things, and do everything he can to secure the order, move money to secure the border. We've excited legislatively, the law states, especially as it relates to drug trafficking corridors on the border of the United States, that the president has the authority to build barriers and put up lighting. I've read the law fifteen times on this program, and I would also argue, and again, that's legislatively but constitutional. The president is the commander in chief, and when you have four four thousand homicides in two years, and thirty thousand sexual assaults in two years and one hundred thousand violent assaults committed against Americans by illegal immigrants. That's about the safety and security of our entire country. This is how bad it is right now. So we have so many individuals that are coming. President Trump lowered the numbers with rhetoric alone, and then soon after these people saw that nothing was happening, they could claim asylum, they'd be released. The numbers started growing higher and higher. Now they're higher than they've been before. But it's not just Central Americans. I was recently an apassle and in under an hour that I was there on the line, over two hundred Cubans turned themselves in. So other countries are now understanding, hey, just cross say those words of asylum. They're so overwhelmed and and our holding sales are so overrun that we're just releasing a lot of these individuals. So what that's causing is we're removing agents from the line to take care of these processing centers. Now you're leaving gaps on the line, which the drug traffickers are very very much aware of. So when you start looking at effectiveness and you start looking at our numbers of apprehensions are higher, you have to remember, yes, they're higher but they're getting released, and then you've got to go to the second thing, which worries me much more. All Right, I want to thank you all for being one of us. Congressman Biggs, thank you, Art del Queto, thank you, sir, appreciate you being with us. Duncan, thank you eight hundred and nine for one. Sean. We'll check in with Jason Chafts. He's got some insight into Horowitz, Huber, the deep state and how much trouble, how many people are in for the biggest abuse of power scandal in history. All right, the latest on deep state corruption. When we get back, Congressman Jason Chafitz joins us, we'll talk to him, you know. And the media, you think they've learned a single thing anything from this experience of perpetuating lies, propaganda, missing nothing. And you sent a letter to the Honorable Sector of State Mike Pompeo as well as Michael Horowitz. What are you looking for from the Sector of State? All the Secretary of State to give me all documents related to the eleventh October meeting between Christopher Steele and a member of the State Department. The lady in question took notes about the meeting and in her note she indicates that Steele was urging to get the doc out before the election, and she also and hand written notes indicates that it was paid for by the Democratic Party, the Clinton campaign, the docier. The most important thing is she transferred that information to the FBI. So the FBI is now noticed in October the eleventh that their confidential informant is trying to get the doc out for political purposes, and that the State Department figured out the Democrats paid for it. How could they then go get a warrant based on that same document and not tell the court what the State Department told them. Well, in terms of the Harrowiz report, I'm hearing that a big portion of that will be about the media being complicit, because what they did was they created stories, they leaked it to the media like Yahoo, like Mother Jones, and then those companies reported it, published it, and then they actually the FBI used those same stories that they leaked in the first place as evidence to get the FISA warrant to spy an American citizens. There's a document that's classified that I'm gonna try to get unclassified that takes the dossier, all pages of it, and it has verification to one side, there really is no verification other than media reports that were generated by reporters who received the dossier. So the bottom line is the dossier has never been independently confirmed. Used to get a warrant. They knew the author of the dossier was on the Democratic Party payroll. He hated Trump. They got the warrant. Anyway, most Americans should be upset about that. I'm very upset about it, and we're going to get to the bottom of it. Well, how nervous are you about the IGH. I'm always a nervous about the IG, I guess, but I mean no, they're coming in after the fact to look at what we did when we were trying to do it in real time and having the having the pressure to try to deal with these threats as they were coming. I look, I've had a great relationship with the Office of the Inspector General the Department of Justice for literally decades now. I've been investigated or in matters that I've worked on, have been investigated many times by the Inspector General. It's not a pleasant process, it is. It's just not all right. Twenty five now till the top of the hour that was Lindsay Graham, and I want POMPEII to give me all the documents related to the meeting with Christopher Steele. And now the John Solomon's story that we have been breaking now for the last week that in fact, this woman that worked at the State Department, Kathleen Cavalac, had met with Christopher Steele on a couple of occasions, and she wrote down the specifics of that meeting. And this was all sent to the FBI, all sent to the Department of Justice, all about who Christopher Stile was, that he had a political agenda and a deadline. And it was still the bulk of information that was used from the Hillary Russian dossier that even the New York Times now believes could have been disinformation, Russian disinformation from the beginning. They did it anyway. Now that's on top of the closed door testimony of now we now know Bruce Orr who warned everybody also in August of twenty sixteen, Hillary paid for it, Steele hated Trump. It's not verified. And Lindsay then talking about trying to declassify a document that shows the Steel dossier verification, Well, we know it's an unverifiable document because Steel doesn't stand behind his own document, then, of course that was the General Council, the last cut of James Baker and testimony he gave, Yeah, I'm always nervous about the IG report. Well, I think he should be. Now the Department of Justice Inspector General is apparently homing in on the FBI use of this unverified Steel dossier as the bulk of information to use to get the FISA warrants. Remember McCabe himself said no, no dossier, no FISA application. And with us. Now, somebody who knows an awful lot about this, Box News contributor, former Congress Congressman from Utah, Jason Chafitz, is with us. He's the author of the book The Deep State. Now, I know you know Horowitz. I know you've dealt with Horowitz. I'm not trying to be insulting in any way, but he does take an awful lot of time time considering as like six hundred people working for him to get this information out. I give him credit. He's the one that found the page and struck text messages. No help from Robert Muller, by the way, who could have had it all and then cleaned their phones. But you know the Inspector General. Well, where do you think we are as it relates to this investigation into Five's abuse. Well, thanks, Sean. You know, one of the reasons it takes so long is they don't get the internal cooperation from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Remember, Horowitz had to actually go to the Pentagon to write code, to actually go to cipher the text messages, which now revealed literally thousands of text messages between stroke and Page and others. So those types of gyrations in writing code with the Pentagon to get into the FBI system itself is what he's up against. The other thing I would note that people forget about it is the already published IG report documents and details how FBI personnel were accepting gifts, tickets, meals from the media in order to get these stories out there implanted. And that seems to be a two way street, and I think will be a big part of this vis abuse and that story of how these FBI personnel were inappropriately interacting with the media and accepting gifts. How is it if it's an unverifiable document as I suggest it is, because Christopher Steele, when under oath in an interrogatory in Great Britain under the threat of perjury when he was pushed on the dossier, said, I don't have any idea of any of it's true. It's raw intelligence. I don't know, maybe fifty fifty. But then if you go to the new Nest memo, the Grassly Grand memo, they say the bulk of the applications were the dossier. Now we know two separate instances. This State Department employee by the name of Cabillac had warned everybody after meeting with Steal that he was on a political witch hunt against Donald Trump pretty much, and then the or closed door testimony, but they used it anyway. So wouldn't that be a conspiracy to commit fraud on a PHIZA court. Yes. And you add on top of that, Sean that John Ratcliffe, the Congressman from Texas who is on Intel. He is on the House Judiciary Committee. He's one of two people that I know of that has fully read the unredacted FISA application. And one of the things he said publicly is at the very top it says verified at all capitals, verified application. That is just a flat out lie from everything that we know, all the documents that are starting to flow out now, and you're right. You highlighted the fact that if there was no docia, there was no PISA application. And so the other name that I think we should throw out there is this guy, Mark Elias. Mark Elias sits in the middle of this. He worked for Hillary Clinton, he worked for the DNC, he's a fixer there, he's an attorney. And the guy sits in the middle of all of this, and I think it's the name we're going to hear more of in the future. Okay, what about other people, But you know, this is really important because a year ago May one year ago this month, Rod Rosenstein was on a panel and this is what he said about FISA affidavit and a FISA application and a warrant. Listen, were operating the Department of Justice. If we're going to accuse somebody of wrongdoing, we have to have admissible evidence and credible witnesses. We need to prepare to prove our case in court, and we have to fix our signature to the charging document. That's something that not everybody appreciates. There's a lot of talk about FISA applications, and many people that I see talking about it seem not to recognize what a FIES applicat. FIES application is actually a warrant, just like a search warrant. In order to get a FISA search warrant, you need an affidavit signed by a career federal law enforcement officer who swears that the information in the affidavit is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. And that's the way we operate. And if it's wrong sometimes it is. If you find out there's anything incorrect in there, that person is going to face consequences. Well, that person is going to face consequences. Now we know Komey signed one of the f applications, the first one. Is that correct? Yeah? And we know that Sally Yates and Gwente signed fieser warrants. Is that correct. I'm not sure of all the signatures on there, but these are some really high ranking people. And then the last application, the third renewal, the fourth warrant was signed by Rob Rosenstein himself. Was it not well? And that's why I think Rosenstein, you know, on the one hand, I want to pat him on the back for his service, but on the other hand, the guy had conflict and how did he sign this document? Any cursory look at this, and they know that the steal Dostier steal with somebody that the FBI had already put on the list as somebody they wouldn't do business with, and yet they use this dossier. Well, to me, Congressman, what would happen if I committed a fraud on the court. What if anybody in this audience knowingly presented information that wasn't verified? And I didn't know that until you had told me last week that the word verified is at the very top of this whole thing. Well, we would make arrangements for your wife to visit you on some saturdays in the penitentiary, Sean, and maybe send you some letters, but you'd be locked away in jail, and you should be if you had done that. Okay, so we expect according to the Attorney General, this is what we have going on. The Attorney General made it clear to Lindsey Graham that he's looking into the investigation into Hillary, which even struck him page or saying was rigged and they were part of the rigging it themselves. But they're actually putting the blame right in the office of the Attorney General under Obama, which would be Loretta Lynch. Then of course we've got these FISA warrant applications. Then we've got other spine going on vis a vis Stephan Helper going after Page and Papadopoulos and Sam Clovis and bringing him blonde, flirtatious bombshell spies with him. Is that legal to allow that to happen? And do you believe there's a possibility that our intelligence community, not the rank and file ninety nine percent that are good, but maybe the Clappers and the Brennan's of this world may be outsourced some work to our allies because it's illegal for them to do it themselves, to spy on Americans. I'm glad you brought that up, because I really do think this story will go to Clapper and Brennan themselves. They have been so tenacious and trying to fight this back. I think they're playing defense. I think they're projecting the fact that they potentially could have been heavily involved. And why did a lot of this happen overseas Hey, they didn't take Hillary Clinton was going to win and be they thought they could hide it better over there. So the Inspector General report can only focus on Department of Justice ASPETS, but they've got to be working with the Inspector General within the ICY it's called the intelligence community to also uncover this. And that's why you also need the cooperation of the State Department. I've met with people at the State Department. Every time you meet with them, they take notes. So I do believe that John Sullivan's story would be very true. I agree. We'll take a break more with former Congressman Jason Chaffins of Utah, now a Fox News contributor in Hannity fillin, which, by the way, I hear you're doing so good. I might be out of a job by Tuesday, but you know whatever, they still have to pay me. I think you're pretty safe, Sean. I think you're pretty safe. All right, So we know everything that's coming. Do you believe that those people that signed off on the phony buys the application that they never verified, that was unverifiable, that they knew Hillary paid for, that they knew was put together by somebody who had an agenda against the opposition party candidate. Do you believe that these people should be charged and will they be charged? Should they be charged? Absolutely, they should be charged. I'm booie up I'm more optimistic than I was when I was on your show a while ago and expressed some testimism, and that is because I think Attorney General bar is the real deal. He's been there, done that, shown a backbone. I don't think he gives a crap on what the national media says. And I think if somebody truly did wrong, he will hold them accountable. And I think there'll be some of the names that you and I and others have been talking about. I also think there's probably two or three names out there are people we've never heard of that we're in the vowels that we're actually doing these things in a very nefarious way, and I do hope they're prosecuted. All right, let's talk about the next step. If we're really going to have equal justice and application of our laws, does that mean that bar is right if the investigation into Hillary and the Espionage Act and the email server and the deleted bleach bit busted up devices obstruction, do we have to go there or are we basically just giving her a pass? Again? You should go there. You know, there are reasons why we have federal election law. Remember, all of this happens primarily overseas because of the millions of dollars the DNC and the Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign are flowing into it. You can't just launder money and do those types of things. I mean, they're worried about Donald Trump in some twenty minute no nothing meeting. How about the millions. It's more than I believe ten million dollars that's flowing overseas to do this crap, to lay the foundation for these bogus applications. They've got to go after that. Yeah, all right, Jason Chafitz, thanks for being with us. We'll see some point this week on Hannity the Fox News Channel when we come back. Yeah, the media cannot let go of their lives, their conspiracy theories, their obsessions. It's twenty four seven, hate Trump, rage Trump, and they can never ever admit they're wrong. That's just that's just impossible. Quick break right back, we'll continue. It's the Sean Hannity Show. News Roundup is next. Right here for our final news round up and information overload. You support the Medicare for All bill I think, initially cosponsored by Senator Bertie Sanders. You're also a cosponders. I believe it will totally eliminate private insurance. So for people out there who like their insurance, they don't get to keep it. Well, listen, the idea is that everyone gets access to medical care and you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company, having them give you approval, going through the paperwork, all of the delay that may require. Who of us has not had that situation where you got to wait for approval and the doctor says, well, I don't know if your insurance company is going to cover this. Let's eliminate all of that. Let's move on. I want to ask you about something you said that night. You said on stage with me in January that when it comes to private insurance, quote, let's eliminate all of that. Let's move on. Yes, now you later said we don't need to get rid of all private insurance. So but let's clear that. Well, we were together and you'll remember and roll the tape tell you that, Well, you support the Bernie Sanders Bill, which essentially support medicare for all. But I really do need to clear up what happened on that stage. It was in the context of saying, let's get rid of all the bureaucracy. Let's get all of the way, not the insurance company. No, that's not what I meant. I know it was interpreted that way. If you watch the tape, I think you'll see that there are obviously many interpretations of what I said. What I meant is, let's get rid of the bureaucracy as it relates it's insurance. No, no, no, it does not get rid of insurance. It does not get rid of insurance. And listen, and let me just tell you where I am. Let's tell you where I am. All right, I support Medicare for All. It is my preferred as it possible. You not Bernie Sanders bill. I support the bill. Okay, I support the bill. The bill gets rid of private insurance for everything. That doesn't get rid of supplemental insurance cosmetic surgery, but for all. It doesn't get rid of all insurance. Okay, he doesn't get rid of all insurance, but for all essential healthcare benefits. But why ask the question? Why the question? If the answer to that question is because Medicare for all and the vision of what it will be includes an expansion of coverage. So Medicare for All will include vision, It will include dental it will include hearing aids. So you support giving universal healthcare and medicare for all to people who are in this country illegally. Let me just be very clear about this. I'm opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from access to public safety, public education, or public health. Period. So what is your vision for a one stage solution that meets both Palestinian and Israeli Jewish national aspirations? Absolutely, and let me tell you. I mean, for me, just I think two weeks ago or so we celebrated or just it took a moment I think in our country to remember the Holocaust, and there's you know, it's a kind of a calming feeling. I always tell folks when I think of the Holocaust and the tragedy of Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors, Palestinians who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, the human dignity, their existence in many ways have been wiped out, and some people's passport, I mean, just all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post the Holocaust, post the tragedy, and herfic persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that right in many ways, but they did it in a way that took their human dignity away, right, and it was forced on them. And so when I think about one state, I think about the fact that why couldn't we do it in a better way where and I don't want people to do it in the name of Judaism, just like I don't want people to use Islam in that way. It has to be done in a way of values, around equality and around the fact that you should impress others so that you can feel free and safe. Why can't we all be free and safe together? What is this calming feeling that Congresswoman Phalib is talking about when referring to her thoughts about the Holocaust and the mass slaughter of six million plus human beings, you know, and the impact on the politics and uh, the ancestral whole homeland of the Jewish people is Israel. That's not even an issue that is in dispute, and uh, you know, it's it's it's it's pretty shocking that you know, this keeps happening with the new extreme radical Modern Democratic Party. And you know, remember the the state of un partition plan was nineteen forty eight and the day that Bengorian, the first Prime Minister of Israel, reached out his hand in general peace and neighborliness, and they were attacked the next day, and they were attacked in sixty seven, then seventy three, and they are under rocket fire attack almost on a weekly basis, and then some But I mean, it's it's beyond understanding. Then we moved to Kamala Harris joining her rivals and favoring free healthcare for illegal immigrants. That now is a staple I guess of those on the left, and Harris saying take away Americans' health insurance and make them pay for illegal immigrants healthcare, and then secondly pledging to criminalize private gun sales via executive action. I mean, it's it's they've gone off the rails. The whole party anyway here to react to it, not stuff that the mainstream media is too interested in covering, apparently. Joe Concha. He is a fellow host on w o ward the News and Talk of New York, New Jersey and Long Island every weeknight right after this show airs, and then, of course a frequent guest on Hannity, how are you certain works? For the hell? What's going on? Well, besides feeling like we're living in Seattle, then New York. I think we're doing okay. When this may, we're gonna stop here to New York entity. My God, tell me about it. It's ruining. But to your tier point, Oh, go ahead, it's ruining. It's ruining my already bad golf game. A few times I can play for you. Shot a fifty four on what nine? Yeah, it's about to say the front nine. You took away my punchline. Yeah, but looked at all those cliffs you play, I would think the happiest person on the planet when you hear a Joe Biden or Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris or to Leave or even Acasio Cortez or the last two aren't running for president, but they represent where the party is. Is President Trump because it gives him such a clear contrast between this is what socialism looks like, this is what the far left looks like, and then this is what my record looks like and what I want to accomplish in four years. So look, I think from at least a political perspective, these sort of ideas only benefit the president if you look at every pole. For instance, Sean, when it comes to providing healthcare to illegal immigrants, an overwhelming majority of Americans, not just Republicans, but independence even Democrats say that's a very bad idea because that will destroy our economy. And by the way, there's this thing called the emergency Room that if you ever had any sort of emergency health problem, that you will be treated, regardless of whether you're illegal or not. So it's not like people are dying in the streets. You do have that access. But I remember on WR and thanks for mentioning the radio show when Joe Biden said that last week, we've took calls on it, and we had Democrats calling saying, you know, this is the type of thing that is going to force me to vote for President Trump coming from Democrats because they think it's such a radical idea and so bad for the country and it's not where we are right now as a country. Well, why would Nancy Pelosi after the Omar comments, now the to lead comments, and by the way, not the first for either of them. But I guess when it comes to bashing Israel, it looks like Omar and Talib they have a very high a friend in high places, because as Representative Lee Zelden was on Fox and Friends on Sunday, said that the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a bad call by allowing a Texas e mom with a history of anti Semitic comments to deliver the noon prayer in the House of Representatives last week. Why would she allow that? Yeah, yeah, look picture it this way. Let's say a President Trump allowed that same amount to make those comments before a luncheon. Then suddenly you'd see a lot of media coverage. What are you around that. It's simply a matter of variables. If one person does it, whether it's Pelosi, whether it's to leave, they tend to get past because well, you know, in Talib's case, she's a minority, she's a woman, she's a freshman, so she's still learning her way. All the excuses are made. But then if a Republican says the same exact then you have a completely totally different reaction. And that's why so many people don't trust the media anymore, because there's no consistency in terms of coverage because it's all based on what letters. But Nancy Pelosi invites a guy that posts an image on social media supporting the Muslim Brotherhood. Now remember the Mohammad Morsey who was once the head of Egypt. He was a former head of the Muslim Brotherhood who once referred to Jews as the sentence of apes and pigs, and he was rewarded with billions of dollars in Obama Biden cash and military equipment. In this particular case, you have this a mom that Nancy Pelosi brought in that you know, he's posting images supporting the Brotherhood in twenty fourteen or in a conflict between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas that has in their charter the destruction of Israel. He posted on Twitter, God willing on this blessed night as the third Antifada begins, the beginning of the end of Zionism is here. May Allah help us overcome this monster and protect the innocence innocent of the world and accept the murdered as martyrs. And following years, you know shows a video purporting the show conflicts between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers with the comment want to know what it's like to live under Nazis. I'm like, Wow, what has happened to this party here? Yeah, And you would think that Nancy Pelosi would be besieged with questions as far as how can you allow us to happen? And I don't get this, by the way, and maybe you can answer this for me, Sean, but the last couple of elections, and particularly in twenty sixteen, how do Democrats get seventy one percent of the Jewish vote given that Republicans obviously are much more. I mean, you can't even compare the two insupport of Israel. I don't know the answer to the question. Now, I don't get it, but I can tell you that this hatred and the rise of anti Semitism in Europe and now obviously the US is real. This is lelys. I mean, look at what's happening in synagogues right in San Diego and Pittsburgh right scary. It's getting bad. And that that in the Democratic Party, considering the comments that are coming from to leave to the world, and Nancy Pelosi keeping these people on committees not punishing them in any way, speaks volumes, because hey, those are actions right that you could take that. That's certainly something they should be questionable battle a lot more. But as you said, we're just not seeing it. We're not seeing it at all. All right, So, of all the twenty twenty candidates, who do you see emerging as the leader? I mean, some people say Biden, but I think Biden between China and Ukraine and his son. You know, how did his son, who has no experience whatsoever in the type of equity dealings that he ended up doing in China when he flew on Air Force two and his father, how does he do a deal worth those hundreds of millions of dollars? How does he go to Ukraine? He's under investigation by a prosecutor there, and Joe Biden holds American tax dollars hostile un told the guy that's investigating his son gets fired and gives him six hours to do it, and they did it. Some of those are old questions if Joe Biden should be asked, But have you seen Joe Biden and sit down for anything resembling not tough interview? Yet? You know the view that basically the extended it. So, yeah, he seems to be playing like, well, you know, I'm thirty four points ahead in some polls in terms of in which I find incredible. By the way, because if Biden, honestly, I've said this before, I'll say it again. I don't know what's at his core, what are his principles? Who is Joe Biden? He's been in politics for four decades and I don't know who this person is. So when I hear that he's a centrist, but then I hear that we talked about still allow undocumented immigrants of free access to healthcare of limited and then you say, well, wait a minute, that's a pretty far left idea. So do I think he'll emerge as the nominee. I don't know. He's never done well as a candidate. He's not particularly a good speaker. But I think once he has, maybe Neil Kennock can you know, write him a speech again and he can plagiarize the whole thing and as he did before and one of his earlier runs, all right, stay right there, Joe concha with the hell W radio in New York. You know, it's funny because I don't see anybody stopping that have been lying, caught lying for over two plus years and advancing conspiracy theories and hoaxes, and I don't see any sign that they change their ways. I just see signs that they're doubling down on the same conspiracies with absolutely no justification. They're not doing any investigative work into the deep state and the abuse of power, where the evidence is now becoming overwhelming and incontrovertible. They seem now to be sort of transitioning, well, what can we get Trump on now. Let's let's demand the irs get his taxes. Now, we're going to weaponize the irs and turn that against the Trump's and their entire family and anybody that likes them. So I guess the media is just going to continue to be the liars that they are. It's the pivot. Sean Right couldn't find anything on Russia collusion, so let's find collusion between say Trump and Bill Barr in terms of a cover up in the one percent of the Bulla report that hasn't been released, the part that's been redacted. They can't really is because you know, that would be illegal because it's grand jury testimony. So if it isn't Russia, then that was never something that to many in our media generally cared about They cared about the means to the end, which was that could be used to remove the president. And now that taxes seem to be a very big deal. But as you saw last week, Sean, that New York Times story about how he lost more than a billion dollars from nineteen eighty five to nineteen ninety four, that had zero impact. In fact, I think it made the president look good because everybody loves a comeback. And the fact is that he admitted that he lost billions or billions excuse me, on The Apprentice, he admitted it in his book, and there was tons of press covers because I've lived in New York my whole life. New York Daily News to Post, the New York Times documented very well going on at that time, says he says it in his own voice. He's told the story many times. All right, well more this week, Thanks Joe Concha. You'll hear him on about a half hour from right now on New York's WR Quick Break. We'll come back wide open phones as we continue the Sean Hannity show. No public evidence that the vice president former Vice press took any inappropriate action to help his son, But was it right for Hunter Biden to take a job like that in Ukraine while his father was engaging diplomacy there. I don't know the circumstances in which he took the job, but I can't say this visa Joe Biden. There's no evidence, nor has there ever been any evidence that he was doing anything but trying to get the Ukraine government to crack down on corruption. We're providing generous support to Ukraine, We're providing defensive weapons to Ukraine. We want Ukraine to be successful, and it's conflict with Russia. But part of that is having a government that the people of Ukraine are willing to fight for and protect, and they've had an endemic corruption problem. That's what Joe Biden was trying to address. So going after his son is just a method of going after someone the president believes is his most formidable opponent. So yes, let the president go after him, but don't seek the help of a foreign government in your election. And if this isn't criminal, and Bob Muller said he could not prove all the elements of a crime, then maybe we need to change the elements of that crime, because we cannot make this the new norm that if you can't win an election on your own. It's fine to seek help from a foreign power. You're at the president right there. He says you all are going to elect him in twenty twenty. That's not going to happen. And I don't think this country could survive in other four years of a president like this who gets up every day trying to find new and inventive ways to divide us. He doesn't seem to understand that a fundamental aspect of his job is to try to make us a more perfect union. But that's not at all where he's coming from. And he's going to be defeated. He has to be defeated because I don't know how much more our democratic institutions can take of this kind of attack on the rule of law. Last year, you wrote an our bed saying Democrats don't take the bait on impeachment. You said that if it were a post scene as a political partisan exercise, it simply couldn't work, and that Democrats shouldn't pursue it. Is he getting to the point where you're gonna have to change your mind? Well, you know, I was arguing a year and a half ago. Went a wrote that up ed that we ought to wait to see what Muller reports. Now we have the Muller report now, although we still haven't heard from the man himself, and I think the first priority has to be get Muller before the Congress in American people. That's going to happen. I am convinced it's going to happen. That is an exorable. The American people have every right to hear what the man who did the investigation has to say. And we now know we certainly can't rely on the Attorney general who misrepresented his conclusions. All right, there is the cowardly Shift on with I guess George Stephanopoulos, so the weekend, Um, I gotta tell you, these people have all lost their minds. They've all it's it's like invasion of the body snatchers on every level. I mean, the only guy that we have on tape colluding with Russia is is the cowardly Shift. Why doesn't he or Nadler or Maxim Waters or any of these people take us up on our invitation? Why are you failing in your mission as you're right, executive producer, failing to get you are? I mean, look, I've told you to get them on the show. I repeated it. I've offered them a ton of airtime. Why won't they come on this show? I guess because I suck at my job. I'm gonna try my best to get better. I want to know what they're saying to you. Oh they don't respond, Well, you call their office. It goes. You know what I'm gonna do. Why don't you say you from MSNBC. I'm gonna say, I'm Olgabusa. I'm gonna call Adam, and I'm gonna say, Adam, it's all gone by you. So listen, and what is the night? What's the name? Very important? Materials, very important, But what is the name? What is the nature of the of the materials? Also pictures the naked Trump naked? Did Vladimir hear about it? Vladimir knows, but of course I Vladimir he look every day at the naked pick to the Trump every day. And so we also know who was a mediator between Trump and Russian government who met with ex advisor of Trump, mister Flynn. It's the Russian singer, very famous singer, Arcadio Kupnik, who met with mister Flynn on Brighton Beach in Brooklyn in a special Russian cafee Langeron. What's the name of the Langeron Langeron? Yes, it's an or the Brighton Beach Okay, And it's a special right, it's a Russian district in Brooklyn. And do you know what was discussed? They discussed many things, but the most interesting thing is they use the special They use the special password before before their meetings, when they met each other, they say it, whether it's good on Jerry Basso scare, whether trains is good? Yeah? And where? Whether it's good on Jerry Bassosca. There is a name of a street in Odessa. Did you did you hear? Yes? I did so. It's a street in Odessa. Yes. The code word is whether it's good on Zarabasta Darrybasovskaya jayak okay And I'll have my staff fall up to get spellings and more details on Yes. And the second part of their best word was it rains again on Brighton Beach. It rains again on Brighton Beach. Yes. On that meeting, Kupning told Flynn that all those compromising materials will never at least if Trump will cancel at Russian sanctions. Okay, Um, Well, obviously, we would welcome a chance to get copies of those recordings. Um, So we will try to work with the FBI to figure out, along with your staff, how we can obtain copies of those Okay, And so Busava met with Trump in in New York at some point after the twenty thirteen Miss Universe, Yes, agin absolutely, and she got compromising materials on TUP after their short relations Okay, and what's the nature of the compromise, Well, there were pictures of naked Trump, okay, and so Putin was made aware of the availability of the compromising material Yes, of course, Buzava shared those materials with sab Checking. Subject shares those materials with Putin because she's a god daughter of Putin, and Puttin decided to press on Trump and the materials that you can provide to the committee or to the FBI. Would they corroborate this allegation, Sure, of course. When they were in Ukraine, we got their conversation by the phone where they're discussed those compromising materials. We are ready to provide it to FBI. So you have recordings of both sab Check and Buseva where they're discussing the compromising material on mister Trump. Absolutely, I'm just going to tell him that I have pictures of everyone naked and that if he wants to see them, he should come on this show, and I'll tell Nadler I have all the evidence, and then I have personal conversations with Mueller on tape and all time, Maxine, all the time. I gotta tell you, it is pretty scary that they just keep doubling down on dumb and stupid they really do. You know, maybe I should be the one eating fried chicken because I think these guys are scared. I don't think the Democrats, yeah, because they wanted bar to go. Two things they want out of the Attorney General. The first one is why they hold them in contempt because he won't break the law. You're not allowed to give over grand jury information. But there is plenty of time if these people get out of the comfort of their of their meeting rooms, walk over and see the unredacted Mueller part. And the only thing that's redacted is part of what seven lines and one line. Let's talk about the real problem here for the American people you talk about, let me talk about that. Let's talk amongst ourselves here. So the Muller investigation costs the American people twenty five point two million dollars, took over two years. We investigated everybody and their mother, their cousin, their uncle, their uncle's friends. It was ridiculous. And now that they have nothing better to do instead of doing what is actually needed, which is work that would help the American people, like I don't know, lowering taxes, better healthcare opportunities. They have to keep this alive or there's no way they're gonna win twenty twenty because the twenty nine million people they have running don't have a thought between them. So the only thing they have is the Mueller is the Muller Council. That's it. That's all they have. This is the case that they're going to ride their little their ships on all the way through twenty twenty. They're gonna stil right into the night because Trump's going to spank them. Okay, then let's get to Kurt and you talk. Kurt, how are you glad you called KNRS the home of Crown Burger and rod Arquet. You can't get a better combination of Crown Burger. For those of you that don't know, they put pastrami and a ton of cheese on this burger. It is unique, like no burger you've ever had before. How are you, Kurt? Do you go to Crownburger? Good Sir? I do many times. Yeah, I know there's only one Crown Burger you have it. I don't have one. When you need to come back out to Utah, I'll take you to lunch. I'd love to do that anyway. What's going on? Hey, I'm I'm getting a little concerned about how the media and the Democrats are now trying to spin bar and his investigations, going after the investigators as political instead of you know, actually going after the truth and righting wrongs and you know, going by the rule of law, they're now just making it all out to be political. That's all the media's reporting is that all Trump's just going after political opponents or you know people ea like can crap like that. I was wondering what your thoughts are about that, and how can we combat that. Listen, there's only one antidote to this problem, and we got to keep It's got to be a dumpster dive to find the truth. All of the information is there, all of it is forthcoming, and you know, but because of you know, in investigatory rules and standards, you do the investigation first. Certain things now we know are the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible. You know, like we can look at Nadler and Democrats in the House Judicial they want the Attorney General to break the law. They're not going to do that. The FBI blatantly lied about Christopher Steel to the Feizer Court because we know of two instances now where they were warned, one by the State Department employee that had enough gust out of and smarts to tell the BA who steal was. In the other case, of course, they were warned by Bruce Orr. You know, all top Democrats. They don't want this story coming out. But if we you know, if bar doesn't do his job, if he doesn't stand by the rule of law, if we don't stop those people that committed a fraud against the court, a conspiracy to commit fraud now against the court because it was premeditated, If those people that rigged Hillary's investigation are not held accountable, if those that tried to unseat a sitting president, if those that unmasked you know, a three hundred and fifty percent increase in unmasking. If we don't get to the bottom of it, then would it's going to continue to happen, except next time they might be a little smarter about it and getting less trouble. Now, if Hillary ever won, we wouldn't know all of this, It would all have been buried. But I'm telling you this is a real, clear present danger to our way of life in the United States of America. Anyway. Thanks. Kurt Howard is in North Carolina on the Sean Hannity Show. What's going on? How are you, Sean? How you doing? Thanks for taking my call and thanks for doing what everything you do every day? Well, thank you, my friend. The five as a court judges, they've got me really concerned. They've been lied to over and over again. What they have like four renewals of the warrants and it was all done through wise and you don't hear a word from them. Are they just as deep in the swamp as the rest of DC. I'm just telling you from my perspective, Yeah, yeah, Listen, anybody, there's no American that gets away with with manipulating and lying to a court like this, especially when it says at the top as Jason Javid said, you know, Congressman Ratcliffe saw the fives applications. It says verified at the top of the application. It's not a surprise here they it's an unverifiable document we now know. So they're stuck and they put their signature to it. And they were all warned ahead of time. So now when we eventually get to see it, and I assume probably the Attorney General by now has it. Certainly, I would expect the Inspector General has it. Certainly that's going to be a part of his report. And this woman Haafling Cavalac who worked at the State Department warning them and Bruce or telling everybody that that means they did it anyway. They conspired to commit a fraud on the court to spy on an opposition party candidate after they rigged an investigation into the favored candidate, which was Hillary Clinton. They used it to rig a presidential election and then undo and unseat a duly elected president. That's what happened. That's the truth. That's what the media cannot get right because it doesn't fit their agenda. It means that Donald Trump, the whole process was designed to rig it against him anyone anyway, and look at the results. All right, that's gonna wrap things up with today Hannity Tonight, Ninetiestern, look at this lineup. Trey Gouty, car rove ted Cruz rights previous will join us, Larry Elder, Pam Bandi Ninetiestern Say DVR, Hannity, Fox News. And Yes, we will expose who knew what when within the deep State the FBI about the Steel dossier as more details become available. Ninetiestern Tonight on Hannity. We'll see you then back here tomorrow