Censuring Schiff

Published Oct 18, 2019, 10:00 PM

Freedom Caucus Chairman, Congressman Andy Biggs led the charge against Shifty Adam Schiff for censure, and over 100 other congress members signed on with him. Today Biggs addresses the countless errors and the complete disregard for the constitution and rule of law by Schiff, Schumer and Pelosi.

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All right, Happy Friday, and we're glad you are with us. Right down our toll free telephone number. It's eight hundred and nine four one, Sean. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. Wow, what a rally the president had last night in Dallas. I guess it's a phenomenon that I don't think the mob in the media likes, or the mob will ever care to understand. There is a contempt there, and it's been on display now for a long time. You know, we can we can break it down into smelly Walmart Trump supporters or irredeemable deplorables or bitter angry people that cling to God, I'm guilty God, Bibles, religion and they believe in the Second Amendment. Wow, I mean, there is this what condescension from a bunch of elitist right you think about that? It's so condescending and the president shows up. I mean, one of the funniest things I thought the President did last night is when he said, I you couldn't be presidential. The new Walks are on the stage and New York's all presidential the way people expect an establishment president to look like. I think one of the reasons we are where we are is Donald Trump has been a shock to the system. And many of you own a pool out there. You know, when the pool season starts after a long winter, you got to shock the pool, and by shocking, dump a bunch of chlorine in there, and you know, then it cleans up all the crap that grew in there over the winter and you go from ugly water to beautiful water. Not that you want to swim in right away. You might want the chlorine to dissipate a little bit before you finally dive in or jump in. And I think that's what Donald Trump represents. You know, people who had asked, well, they don't understand how did he win? How did Hillary lose? And you could take it back further because they're a Republicans still in that camp. Mitt Romney probably the worst of everyone now and he just cannot understand how it is that he lost in twenty twelve. That was a winnable election in my view, lovely man. But they I think he forgets that. They still called him racist and a misogynist because he had women's resumes and he beat up kids and cut their hair in high school or something. Ridiculous. Whatever it was, they wanted him, they destroyed him. There was a period of time the media was always in love with the great maverick John McCain. And he ran for president and he was excoriated as a racist and called every other predictable name that every other Republican candidate it's always going to be called. And then when he started opposing Trump, they liked him again. They liked him a lot. And it's there's something about the swamp. It's America new Donald Trump. Donald J. Trump was a disruptor. You can see this. We saw it last night. You saw the overflow crowd. You see and hear an enthusiasm. This is Dallas, Texas. Now Dallas is everything. It's a perfect mix of Americana. It's cosmopolitan. It's got a big city. It's got big industry, it's got big business. It's got also on the outskirts. You're gonna find your ranches, your cowboys, you know, hard working Texans, work the land, et cetera. You're gonna find it all. But that is Americana. And then you want a big night out, You want to get dressed up, go to a nice, beautiful, big city. You got Dallas, Texas. It's right there. That's where you live. It's a perfect blend. But it's not DC, and it's not New York, and it's not La and it's not San Francisco. And that is where the country's biggest divide is now. The country had heard about Access Hollywood just a couple of weeks before the election. They absorbed it. American people are smart. American people also are comparing and contrasting the economy under President Trump versus Biden Obama. I've made that comparison many times. It's dramatic. Instead of thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, we have seven million fewer Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, millions now out of poverty. You see these record we're almost a full full employment in this country, record low unemployment, the best since nineteen sixty nine. And you see that, you have record low unemployment for you know, the forgotten men and women, African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment. Get a lot of lip service from liberal Democrats about how Republicans hate them and they're racist and they're sexist, and they're misogynists and their homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic. Actually, most Republicans I know are pretty libertarian. They don't really give a flying rip about people's personal lives. They just don't. We're too busy gulping water in our own life to care about what other people are doing. And it's just the fact they're too busy paying our taxes, trying to pay for the kids' school, pay for the car payment, pay for whatever college, put away for retirement. That's what people are doing every day. And so you have a disruptor and he comes in. He's so shocked the system that they can't handle it. It's like they've been short circuited in a way to the point where they've lost there to be a Democrat or a member of the mob in the media that hates him so much, you have to suspend all connection to objective truth and reality. They're not connected to reality now. There is just fixation, focus, psychotic rage. And I'm telling you this is real, and I bet a lot of them don't even know they're doing it. They delive in this little bubble in DC media circles, etc. I've seen it. You can go online and watch it. If you watch social media, you watch Twitter. They all tweet each other and retweet each other and try and outdo each other, and they're all listening only to each other. And they actually, I guess in their own minds. I don't know. I think some of them have just corrupt ideologues and I just just rabbit socialists that want this country to you know, they believe in this climate change hysteria, and they believe in socialism, and they want they hate capitalism, and they believe in redistribution, and they believe that the government can handle every need and we don't need oil and gas and or a combustion engine. And you know, I mean they're out of their minds because that vision will fail on such a spectacular level. I don't know how we'd ever recover. I don't know if. I don't even know if it's possible. Because that's the alternative that will be the choice this election year. Radical extreme socialism, the New Green Deal, medicare for all, no private insurance, wealth taxes that will push every rich person out of the country. They'll leave. And if you doubt it, look what's happening to New York, California, New Jersey and Illinois. They're leaving next stop out of the country, and they'll take their money with them. Most people that I know that have made money on their own, not inherit money, but made their own money. Most of them made it by being pretty smart and working pretty darn hard. I don't know these people that grew up with the trust funds. I don't know who they are. I'm just telling you they're not going to take legalize, stealing or ninety seven point five percent of what Bernie wants to confiscate. They're not going to take it. And so we find ourselves that they now couldn't get over the election results. They couldn't get over four separate investigations that exonerated the president from this stupid conspiracy theory hoax of collusion in Russia, Russia, Russia, and so now they just they've now created their secret Soviet style, you know, impeachment who attempt How is it possible that Nancy Pelosi won't allow a vote as by the way, as has happened in every modern impeachment inquiry Nixon Clinton, they had a vote the entire House on the in whether they'll have an inquiry. If Nancy does that, well, That would mean a lot of things would change, and that would define They would have to define the full house, the scope, the rules, the procedures. Right now, everything's behind closed doors. And I'm telling you because I have a lot of sources, nothing is working out for them behind closed doors. Yesterday I heard was a disaster. What's his name, Sonderland went in there. You know. Then they'd have to equal grant coeequal subpoena power to the chair and the ranking member on the committee level. They don't want to do that, you know. If they did it the right way, they would be required that all subpoenas be subject to a vote of the full committee at the request of the chair of the ranking member. In other words, what Newt allowed to happen in Clinton's appeachment. And they would provide the president's counsel, Yeah, he has due process rights in this also that president's counsel would have the right to attend all hearings and depositions. The president's counsel would have the right to present evidence. The president's counsel would have the right to object to admitting certain evidence. The president's counsel would get the right to cross examine witnesses, the president's counsel would get the right to recommend a witness list, etc. Now by them not doing this, they're now acting in a all this illegitimate fashion. That's why I call it a secret Soviet Union style impeachment coup attempt, because this is the stuff of Yeah, like the former Soviet Union, this is the process I would expect to go on there, not here. Democrats have a secret Soviet style impeachment coup attempt against Donald Trump. It's only the latest. I played you the montages again and again. They started this impeachment garbage two days after he was elected. Yesterday was another closed door disaster. If the public was seeing this, the public would demand that it all stop. And they know that, Well, look at the poles show. I have talking points that the DCC puts out. Oh the pole show that this is a should know what the American people want. Every pole I've read so far is slanted towards Democrats, every one of them. And then you got the mob they're hyperventilating yesterday over Mick mlvan's probab little harsh On mc mulvaney. He served in the country. When I finally got to look at the whole thing. It was not what the medium mobs said, and they had isolated, you know, one phrase over and over again, and that was not what he was saying. And said that's even frustrating too, because anyone, you know, everyone who already thought this case against Trump's impeachment, the Soviet style impeachment, coup attempt, you know, go berserk. Yesterday mulvaney. You know, what he admitted is that the administration, what they were doing was pushing a foreign government to cooperate and getting to the bottom of foreign interference in the twenty sixteen campaign. That's why I read again from the transcript yesterday crowdsource. He was asking about twenty sixteen election interference, not about Joe Biden, his future potential rival, and it's there in plain sight. We don't even need a non whistle blower, was not a whistleblower who got instructions apparently from Shifts people and his friends with Joe Biden. We don't need that person, No one that they don't. You want that person to come out of the woodwork, because now that person's going to be asked real questions about who told you to get a lawyer? Who told you to go to the IG. Who are you working with in this endeavor? Oops? That would be the cowardly, sneaky liar schiff. And what's your relationship with Joe Biden? Oh, you've been supporting him for president? Oh okay? Oh and you didn't have any direct evidence, this is hearsay evidence. Yeah, that would come up too. Every media outlet is out there hyperventilating every day, and the hope and the prayer like they've been for three years, that they take this man out. They apparently don't want to straight up election. It's only a year from now. You think they think they could beat him, They don't. They don't believe they can beat him. And I'm telling you what's now likely gonna happen. These idiots are going to impeach him. The Senate's not going to convict him, and he's gonna it will so piss off this country rightly, So this will be a righteous indignation. What you saw last night in Dallas is a preview of coming attractions, because that's gonna be every city and every small town in America saying we've had enough of your bs and we are going to reelect them and shove it right up your nose. What's going to happen? As my prediction, I usually have a pretty good track record with predictions. They are helping Donald Trump not gonna feel like it every day. It's gonna feel like the way of the world. Let him do it. Go take the vote, do it. I say that all the Democrats go vote. I want to stay a little more focused on this whole issue of well, okay, if you're a part of the mob, and you're a part of the Democratic Party, how you emotionally and intellectually now have to cut yourself off from any objective ruth, any reason, any common sense now, because if you did, if you were to apply standards equally, you would not be able to read the transcript of the President's call with the President of Ukraine and come to any other conclusion than oh, they're talking about twenty sixteen, which yeah, political wrote about on January eleven, twenty seventeen, about Ukraine's election interference in twenty sixteen. You have to forget that that happened. And then the next thing you're gonna have to forget is Joe Biden on that little tape, you know, saying, oh, I said, you know, you got six hours, you fireman six hours? No fireman six hours. You're not getting the money. Guess what son of a bee they fired him? And then, of course Hunter's big interview this week, I'm gonna go over this. Imagine that was Vice President Donald J. Trump that said what Biden said, confessed what Biden confessed. Imagine it was Don Junior this week. What experience did you ever have in Ukraine? None? Oil none, gas none, energy none, okay, China none, okay. Anything to do with financial industry portfolios? None? And you got paid millions of millions of millions of dollars why? I don't know. I was on the board at Amtrak once. Okay. Do you think your last name had something to do with it? Yeah? Probably? Yeah, So they paid you millions of dollars. Why? Because they wanted to buy favor, that's the answer. Imagine if it was Trump, how would the mob react? All right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, Dahi Caller has a great piece out. It's about Hunter Biden. Now I would tell you that, I promise you if Hunter Biden's name was Don Junior, and he gave the interview that Hunter Biden game. Don Junior gave that interview, and Don Junior one asked, Okay, do you have any experience with Ukraine? No? Any experience with China? No? Any experience with an oil gas energy, no, private equity. No. I didn't get anything from China, though, do you why do you think that they? Do you think your last name was? You know? Okay, well, I sat on a board of am Trap. Once will qualify him to be on the board of Amtrak. Anything will qualified him for that. Do you think your father's yeah, probably, yeah, it's probably my dad's last name. So why does Ukraine and China want to give the son of the vice President of the United States money? Millions millions of dollars? Why? And this gets to where if you're a liberal or part of the mob, you have to then you have to detach yourself from objective truth. You have to detach your reality away from the utter hypocrisy of what you do every day, and that's you only go after Trump. You can read the transcript. The transcript is what it is. And I'm like mulvanny didn't say there was a quid pro que. I should apologize to Mick. I was too hard on him yesterday. You know what, He's working hard for the country. It's just this is what the mob does. You just can't go out there. The lessons don't talk to the mob because they don't they don't want to hear, you know. And then we went through this whole thing. Um. You know, his claim that he hasn't gotten a penny in the China deal. Our friends at the Daily Caller actually found something very different. The son of former Vice President Joe Biden did receive over seven hundred thousand dollars in payments from capital management company called Rosemont Seneca, which obtained a twenty percent equity share in BHR Partners, the Chinese investment firm Biden remember this was ten days the billion dollars deal, ten days after he went to China on Air Force two with his father. He served on the board of BHR Partners. That they're the ones with the close ties to the Bank of China. Rosemont Seneca's you know, Morgan's Stanley Bank records are publicly available because they were submitted in an unrelated criminal case. The Daily Caller dug all this up and this point out that the records show that in each month between June of twenty fourteen and October twenty fifteen, Rosemont Seneca wired between ten thousand and one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to Hunter Biden for undisclosed purposes and totally got seven hundred eight thousand, three hundred and two dollars from Rosemont Seneca. And then during the seventeen month time frame in June of twenty fifteen, Rosemont Seneca obtained a twenty percent equity stake and this the Harvest st Chinese private equity firm that Hunter Biden has been a board member of since its founding. Right after the trip with his father, and he announced Sunday that he would resign from that position, and at the end of October, Rosemont Seneca held onto its twenty percent equity and BHR Partners until October twenty seventeen, when its steak was split between two companies. According to Chinese business records, one of the entities that took a position or a portion of Rosemond Seneca in BHR Partners was called It's called I can't even say it's a neat least s k A N E A T E L E s LC, where Hunter Biden is one of two co directors according to business records. They still hold the ten percent equity stake in BHR Partners. According to Chinese business records, the other director is a guy by the name of Well, a longtime business partner of Hunter. Eric Sherwin is apparently his name, and BHR Partners currently manages the equivalent of two point one billion in assets and they boast of having the support of the Bank of China according to their own website. So when the lawyer for Hunter Biden went out and said, oh no, no, he hasn't taken his equity share yet. Yeah, that's when they did the math other people in the media and their figure is twenty million dollars he has coming to him. Here's the thing, why if he had no experience in China private equity that we can find and by his own admission and none and energy, none in gas, none in China, none in Ukraine, why would they be paying him millions? Why is he going to end up with millions? Is he getting paid fifty thousand dollars a month in the Ukraine case? Why? Well, because he says his last name is Biden. He said, well, when I asked that, probably probably in the list that you gave him of the reasons why you're on that board did not list the fact that you were the son of the course. Yeah, what role do you think that played? I think that it is impossible for me to be on any of the boards that I just mentioned without saying that I'm the son of the vice president of the United States. You were paid fifty thousand dollars a month for your position. Look, I'm a private citizen. One thing that I don't have to do is sit here and open my command as it relates to how much money and make or maker dealer didn't But it's all been reported. If your last name wasn't Biden, do you think you would have been asked to be on the board of Barisma. I don't know. I don't I don't know. Probably. I don't think that there's a lot of things that would have happened in my life that if my last name wasn't Biden. So probably not so. Ukraine is paying the son of the vice president, the second most powerful guy in the country, millions of dollars but no expertise whatsoever. Same in the China deal. Okay, what do you think Ukraine and China? Why would they do that? What do you think you Crane and China we're thinking about? I think and maybe this, and this is where I think is a liberal you have to suspend any connection to truth reality. You have to get rid of all reason, all common sense. And it comes down to, oh, maybe they wanted to have favorable treatment in a favorable relationship with sleepy, creepy crazy uncle Joe Joe three ze three. That would be what how would we describe that? Well? I think you know, it sounds a little bit like pay to play, buying access, cronyism, that site type of thing. Because if none of you listening to this program's child would ever have a shot at that board. Maybe even if your kid went to Harvard or Harvard Business School, or Yale or Princeton or Brown or wherever the kids go these days, I don't even know so many good colleges, right, you think? And that means yeah, they wanted to say, Hey, I hope they were hoping to get something for that money. Weren't they? Wouldn't that make the most sense. Well, if you're a liberal, you don't even pay attention to it. But if it was Don Junior and Donald J. Trump vice president, what would the medium mob be doing today? Do you see how corrupt they are? This is how corrupt they are. The President took every opportunity to spread unsubstantiated claims and attack his political enemies. Trump is referring to unfounded allegations that his vice president Biden tried to protect his son by stopping an investigation into the Ukrainian company that his son worked for. Biden and his son have denied all wrongdoing and there is no evidence of any and there's no evidence either Biden did anything wrong. But there's been no evidence of any wrongdoing but uncovered, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence of doing by Biden. Rudy Giuliani claims without proof, unsubstantiated, unsubstant unfounded accusations against Biden. Hunter Biden did not violate anything, and there's no evidence Biden did anything wrong. And the President say talked about Joe Biden corruption. Of course, there's no evidence on the record that Joe Biden acted in a corrupt way at all, no evidence at all. The presence out there repeating it, and so is his attorney or Giuliani. Wow, unbelievable. Now I have another story by the Daily Caller to the Daily Caller gets a lot of credit today. They've been doing a lot of work and I think we need to start paying attention to it. And by the way, there was a State Department official. This was the Washington Post via National Review. Well, anyway, they point out a US State Department official told impeachment investigators, by the way, the secret Soviet style impeachment coup hearings that denies Donald Trump hall due process. He raised concerns about Hunter Biden's involvement in the Ukrainian gas company in twenty fifteen, telling one of then Vice President Joe Biden's staffers that the arrangement may constitute a conflict of interest. Even The Washington Post reported that Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent testified he word Ukrainian officials would use Hunter Biden's position at the company Baris Maholdings is an opportunity to influence His father, Ken said he tried to convey his opinion at Joe Biden's office, but a stafford told him the Vice president didn't have the bandwidth to address the issue because his other son was battling cancer. That was their answer at the time. Here's another thing, you know, you have to you have to look remember Russia collusion. But they didn't care about the dirty dossier. All the IE believers aren't there complaining about the real serious allegations of rape and violence sexual assault against the what lieutenant governor or the Commonwealth of Virginia. No I believes if Donald Trump had a secret server with its top secret classified information on it, I bet they'd care. Donald Trump had a dirty Russian dossier he bought with funneled money through a law firm, hiring an op research firm, you know, then hiring a foreign national, and then that becomes the basis of lying to a FISA court with unverified Russian lies. We'd find out later and that was premeditated fraud on a FISA court because they didn't verify it. Because we now know it's unverifiable and they used it anyway. I think that Donald Trump would be in big trouble. I think his campaign would be in big trouble. Here's the headline in the Daily Caller today. Also, State Department concludes Clinton email review says it found nearly six hundred security violations. State Department investigators probing Hillary Clint's use of a private email server or sea State discovered nearly six hundred security incidents that violated agency policy, according to a report obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. Investigation conducted by the State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security found thirty eight individuals were culpable or ninety one security violations. Another four ninety seven violations found no individuals were found culpable, etc. Etc. What about those subpoenat emails. So this is where the mob now has to ignore. You have to ignore the dirty email server, Ignore the rigged primary with Bernie, Ignore the obstruction of justice as it relates to the email server and deleting subpoenat emails and cleaning the hard drive and busting up devices and removing sim cards. You have to ignore the real Russia Dasier. You have to ignore the premeditated fraud and a fies a court. You have to justify sourcing out or subcontracting out buying on Americans and a president Chola candidate and transition team and president to Western Allied countries, illegal spying to circumvent American law. You have to just ignore that Hunter Biden had no experience and they just picked him for no real reason. Suspend any connection to reality, and now you have a what I am calling a Soviet because this is really what it is. This is a secret Soviet style who attempt to impeach President Trump because everything's behind closed doors. Because now we know that if the cowardly shift, if we were to bring the phony whistleblower non whistle blower only at hearsay, well then the Republicans would get to ask who told you to get a lawyer? Who told you to go to the inspector general? My strong guests would be someone in Shifty's office. Okay, what's your connection? You like Joe Biden? Yeah? You knew Joe Biden? Yeah? Oh boy. And if they cared about an election interference, they probably have to look at the January eleventh, twenty seventeen political article. If they were attached to reality. You see this is the mob. You have the medium mob, the Democratic mob, and you got Hunter Biden paid millions for no experience. Why did China want to pay it? Why did Ukraine want to pay it? You must suspend all connection to reality. And objective truth and logic and reason and common sense to not see the corruption and double standard here. That's how sick this is getting. And if you're asking me if I'm worried from my country, the answers that yeah, overwhelming yes, because they're gonna impeach them. I don't think they'll find them guilty in the Senate. And I'm hoping I'm right that the American people will correct all of this themselves. Hopefully the Department of Justice will ultimately do their job. I keep here in delay, delay, delay on the FISA Inspector General's report. I'm getting sick of the delays, you know. But the Durham report, all right, that delayed delay. Nobody delays anything with Trump. No delays only for the Democrats. And I will tell you that if the American people don't send the message to those that are willing to suspend common sense, logic, reason, any intelligence they were born with those that do see reality for what it is, and a hypocrisy on the worst level ever, and corruption on the worst level ever. If you don't get out and vote, you're gonna get this mess on the other end of it, which which is a corrupt country that embraces economic suicide, socialism, the New Green Deal, and with that wealth taxes and confiscation of wealth and legalize stealing by your government, and redistribution and no oil, no gas, no planes, no cows. Everything's free, and it'll never come to fruition. That's the choice. Otherwise. I'm very upbeat today. This is so solemn. None of us came to Congress to impeach a president. That's not what we come here to do. And any such actions are to be taken very solemnly, seriously, am I view prayerfully. People love you, and you win. And when your son looks at you and says, Mama, look you won. Bullies don't win, and I say, baby, they talk. Because we're gonna go in there. We're gonna impeach the mother. None of us came to Congress to impeach a president. That's not what we come here to do. Since the day that I've gotten elected, I've said to people it is not if he will be impeached. But when none of us came to Congress to impeach a president, that's not what we come here to do. And peach boty fye, and peach body bye, and peach body by None of us came to Congress to impeach a president. That's not what we come here to do. Would you push for a Trump impeachment? Should you? Should you win? Well? I would, I would. I would support impeachment. I think that, Um, you know, we have the grounds to do it. None of us came to Congress to impeach a president. That's not what we come here to do. The president will have two options. One he can resign from office, or two he can face impeachment. None of us came to Congress to impeach a president. That's not what we come here to do. None of us came to Congress to impeach a president. That's not what we come here to do. We're introducing articles of impeachment and to remove President Trump from office. Shocking anyway, eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program hour two and as the impeachment saga, madness, insanity, you must suspend any connection to reality. You know, secret Soviet Union's style, impeachment, coup attempt. This is what Republicans are doing now. There's so many irregularities. Number One, they don't want to open up any system of fairness as it would relate to the president, because if they did, that would mean the whole variety of things would be triggered. So they're just going to do it quietly without being a real impeachment. And they don't want any due process for the president. You know, for example, what does the president's job okay to faithfully execute the laws of the land. We already have the transcript as it relates to what as it eates to the president talking to the president of Ukraine. What are they talking about election interference twenty sixteen, And we know from the from Politico January eleven, twenty seventeen, Ukraine admits they did involved themselves and interfere in our election. When are we going to have that investigation? When are we going to get tack When are we going to look into the cowardly shift? And now we know he lied when he said, oh, we'd like to speak with the whistle blower while his office had been in contact, and when before the whistle blower went forward and apparently giving advice on getting a lawyer and going to the IG and then the non whistleblower whistle blower, we find out is a supporter and friend of Joe Biden. Joe three zo three three zero. Okay, Well you think any Republican would get away with these unfair tactics. I don't think so anyway. Andy Biggs is the Freedom Caucus chairman. He's Congressman from Arizona. He's gotten I believe now over one hund written seventy signatures for censure and a censure vote as it relates to the cowardly liar Adam Schiff. I hope you get there. How are you, sir, great great Sean, how you doing. I'm good, good, Yeah, we are close. We're well over one hundred and seventy. We would like to get one hundred and ninety nine, right, I mean, that's what we'd want. We want everybody to be on there. But we got over one hundred and seventy. And this thing should have gone yesterday, But out of deference to the passing of Elijah Cummings, we're gonna we're doing this Monday evening. That's when we're gonna go forward with a censure resolution. I've already introduced it. It's a matter now of the Democrats are going to probably try to stop that floor vote through a procedural measure, but it will still have the same The same impact is who's voting for censure and who's voting against censure. What don't you have a privilege resolution opportunity with this, in other words, that you can get an up or down vote. Well, yes, technically we have a privilege, and that's how I filed it. It is as a privilege, which means that it takes precedence a priority. The problem that we have is the rules allow a different priority motion and it gets kind of technical. But they will come in and say, well, we want to table that motion. I've already read the censure on the floor. The clerk will read the censure on the floor, then they'll move to table it, and they've got the votes to prevent us from stopping tabling. But but even in that table motion, I'm just telling you it has the same impact. The Democrats are going to be voting yes the table, which means that no, they don't want censure, so that the table vote is just being substituted for the censure vote. Well, okay, I understand. Now here's the reason. Why do you think it is that Nancy Pelosi goes to a caucus and tries to get the vote on whether or not they're going to have an impeachment inquiry, which, by the way, has happened in every other past impeachment inquiry. You actually have a real up or down vote, because now, why do you think, first, I'll ask this that Nancy Pelosi didn't they decided not to take the vote. Do you think she doesn't have the votes? That may be part of it. But I think more than that, they don't want to have a fair process for President Trump. They if you don't do the formal vote, he doesn't get to have his attorney present for these interviews. He doesn't get to cross examined, he doesn't get to subpoena witnesses. Republicans don't get to subpoena witnesses. Republicans don't get to fully participate. We're kind of shut out, he gets. She operates by the oversight rules, which means that they get to basically close the procedure up so nobody can see it. They get to withhold the transcripts until they're good and ready to release them. And that's why I think they didn't take the vote. They don't want this to be a fair process. They want it to be a closed process. Well, if they took the vote, I mean, and this now has been brought up numerous times, if they had a full vote in the House to authorize the inquiry, Well, that would mean they that if we're going to follow past precedents, and that would mean exactly the very considerations New king Rich gave the minority in the impeachment of Bill Clinton. Are they going to involve the full House and every step of the inquiry and define the scope of it and have rules and procedures. They're going to grant coequal subpoena power to the chair and ranking members of the committees? Are they going to require all subpoenas be subject to a vote of the full committee at the request of either the chair or ranking member like Nood allowed, Well, they provide the president's counsel the right to attend all hearings and depositions. Are they're going to intend to provide the president's counsel of the right to present evidence, the right of the president's counsel to object to the admittance of certain evidence. Do you know they got to provide the president's counsel the right to cross examine witnesses and the right of the president's counsel the right to recommend a witness list. I mean, that's all basic fundamental due process fairness that happened in every other impeachment, did it not, your correct sir? That is the way it's done. That is actually the rules, because but they don't want to follow the rules. They don't want to be fair. This is not about impeachment as much as it is about a coup sean. They want to throw him out of office, They want to overturn the election. They hate the people who voted for him as much as they hate him. That is why they're not going to give a fair and open process. With all of the things you just read, which have been done in the Nixon and the Clinton impeachments, where the majority party allowed the president and the minority party to have full acts, full participation, and the American people got to participate by watching and communicating with their representatives. That is not happening because they don't. It's not just about impeachment, It is about overthrowing the government, and that includes destroying the rules, destroying the process. And you know what happens. That means that any president will be subject to this same kind of unfair process from this point forward. And that is just it's a smirch. It's it's a scar on the Constitution of the United States, and that's where they are. It's it's pretty pathetic, all right. So there's vote is on Monday. How many Republicans now do we have in the House of Representatives? Were one? Nine? Nine? Yeah? Where are the other twenty nine? I don't know, I don't know. I think it's time. No, I think that No, we're going to put up on my website the names of the twenty nine and we're going to put up the phone numbers of the offices of the twenty nine people, because every Republican should be united in this. Have they just said no? Have any said no outright? Or are they just avoiding you? I have not found anyone who has said no, So we either we just we haven't finished gathering them up and vacuuming them up, because everybody I talked to is indicated they have signed on to this this resolution. So I don't even know. All right, Well, we'll tell you what. As they sign on, we'll take the name off the list and we'll put it up from my audience so that they can go and identify whether they're congressman, Republican, congressman or woman has signed onto the censure resolution that you're putting forward for a vote on Monday. I think Republicans ought to be united. Any Democrats, are they willing to sign on anyone with an integrity in that party? Left or no? Oh no, nobody's going to sign on to this from the Democrats. Um and and that's why they're gonna They're gonna fight this on a procedure again, on a procedural process vote instead of straight up vote. That's what the that's what they're all about, now, what they're all about. It. It's pretty unbelievable. Can you answer a question for me? And I just can't get over this. You know, here we have the transcript. There's nothing in that conversation with President Zalinski and President Trump, not one thing that was inappropriate. The President said, yeah, I need you to do me a favor. Yeah, I need you to know all this stuff, CrowdStrike, election interfere and stuff. The whole country was outraged about election interference. The whole country were obsessed with it. Every Democrat, everyone in the media, mob, and then all of a sudden, the president says, which by the way, he has a sworn oath and a constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws of the land. Clearly, election interference by a foreign entity, We've got problems if that happens in this country. Okay, it didn't happen with Trump and Russia. We did have a dirty Russian dacier Hillary paid for. But in this case, what do we have. We have the Ukrainians admitting that they helped, and they helped successfully implement a plan in support of Hillary Clinton to hurt Donald Trump, even having a DNC contractor meeting with Ukrainians to get dirt on Trump and his associates. So, you know, when are we going to get to that aspect, and when are we going to get to the Biden you know, shakedown with our money. You know, fire this guy in six hours or you're not getting the billion dollars. And then his son Hunter being paid millions and admitting he had no experience in either Ukraine or in China, or in financial dealings or portfolios, or in energy and gas, and yet why was he paid? Well, my dad as the vice president, wouldn't that be They're trying to buy influence. Seems to me that would be a slam dunk case. Yeah, and he even admitted Hunter Biden even admitted he would never have gotten that gig if not for his last name and in other words, being the son of the vice president. So so for President Trump. If President Trump does the same thing that the Democrats wanted, which was an investigation in the twenty sixteen election and an all foreign interference, I cannot tell you how many times I heard that, Well, that's what he was asking of President Zelinski of the Ukraine. That was perfectly rational at perfect time to do it. And you know what's disgusting about this is somebody that was listening into his conversation leaked this to somebody who leaked it to somebody else. And then you get this whistleblower who nobody knows who it is. For all we know it was Adam Schiff for Pete's sakes, We just don't know who the whistle blower is. The bottom line is President Trump was betrayed by somebody listening to the phone call who misinterpreted and went after him for that. And what he was doing was what the American people want him to do. And which is as you said, it's this constitutional obligation to do, and that is to protect the integrity of the election. Ask for help from a country that is actually doing their own parliamentary investigation of this. That's how serious this is. And he gets and he's asking for it, and now it's just getting flipped on him by these, uh, these unpatriotic folks who who just cannot stand Donald Trump and his biggest sin to them was to defeat Hillary Clinton. All right, I appreciate all you're doing. That will happen Monday, the censure of Adam Schiff, but brought to the floor by Congressman Andy Biggs. If you want to go to our website Hannity dot com, we have up the names of those Republican congressmen that have yet to sign on to the Centure Resolution. Hopefully by Monday they will do so. And if they're your congressman or a woman, you'll have a number and you might want to give him a call and ask them are they planning to sign this? This freedom of speech, yes, we all have to have freedom of speech, but at times there are ramifications for the negative that can't happen when you're not thinking about others. You know, you only think about yourself. So I don't believe I don't want to get into a word or sentenceditude with Darryl, but I believe he wasn't educated on the situation at hand, and so many people could have been harmed. All right, when we come back, we'll talk with US Senator Tim Scott, South Carolina. By the way, he's outraged on a lot of things, especially comments by Lebron James and Curry and others in the wake of the NBA China fallout. Um, and it's a simple battle. It's a controversy over the fight for freedom and standing with the freedom fighters in Hong Kong and of course the talitarians in China, Uh pretty much wanting to you know, put them under their rule. And that means everything that has made Hong Kong the great success that it is would go with it. That wouldn't be good for anybody. Also, get his take on Washington, the impeachment, madness, Hunter Biden, much much more as we continue. Eight hundred nine for one Shawn toll free telephone number been on air with CCTV in China for over thirty years and last season over six hundred million people in China watched a portion of an NBA game. So the regrettable notion was that we had upset our fans. I didn't think at that time while we were saying we regretted upsetting our fans, that also at the same time supporting Daryl Morey's right to express himself, right to tweet. Obviously, we made clear that we were being asked to fire him by the Chinese government, by the parties we dealt with, government and business. We said, there's no chance that's happening. There's no chance we'll even discipline him. So in that context, I was saying, on one hand, we were supporting free expression. But again maybe I was trying too hard to be a diplomat. We're in the middle again, a sort of at some point, look to the American government. We're in the middle of negotiating a trade agreement. Many multinational corporations obviously trade extensively with China, and if that's ultimately how our government feels we should be dealing with China. Again, we are a US company. We all talk about this freedmo of speech. Yes, we all do have freedom of speech, but at times there are ramifications for the negative that can happen. Um when you're not thinking about others, you know, you only think about yourself. So I don't believe I don't want to get into a word word or sentenced to with hero Um where d more. But I believe he wasn't educated on the situation at hand, and any spoke and so many people could have been harmed, not only financially but physically, emotionally, spiritually. So just be careful what we what we tweet, when we say what we do. Even though yes we do have freedom speech, canny, a lot of negative that comes. That's all right. So there you have Lebron James. This is never ending saga. It's actually sad it keeps going on here. And you know you have Stefan Curry, Lebron others in the wake of this NBA China fallout and the controversy. Clear couldn't be any more clear is you got to fight for freedom. One of the reasons Hong Kong is prospered so much is because of the lack of Chinese interference. And now at the crackdown coming, you know, it's more than an unfortunate that the MBA, I mean you have in one case, you've got the Houston Rockets general manager, you know, going out there standing up for the freedom fighters, and then Lebron is, you know, taking on the standoff. And anyway, he said that Daryl Morey, who is the Rockets GM, was misinformed or not really educated when he sent a tweet out in support of Hong Kong's pro democracy, pro freedom movement. In anyway, the Lakers won a preseason game Monday night. Comments from Lebron James before tipoff arguably arguably over shout out his win. He's considered obviously one of the most influential players in history. Is a four year, one hundred and fifty two million dollar deal with the Lakers. But the reaction to his statements, he's not speaking for everyone in the league. Quote. I believe he wasn't educated on the situation at hand. That's what James said. So many people could have been harmed, not only financially, but emotionally, physically, spiritually. And yes, we do have freedom of speech, but there can be a lot of negative because of that too. I'm like, huh, where did this all come from? Now? We had a really interesting exchange with Jason Whitlock, who does his own show on Fox Sports is I've one an amazing, amazing host And he says it's all about the money. And he actually tried to tie in the bigger dollars, which are Nike and not the NBA. Like the NBA's I guess an eight billion dollar industry and Nike is forty. But I you know, it's out of my pay league here. But anyway, Senator Tim Scott is with us. I did not know until this week he was such a big basketball fan. I am not a huge basketball fan, but I am a fan of getting your freedom. Yeah, I'm a freedom fan, and I thank God for a Houston Rockets general manager. I appreciated his willingness to take a stand on behalf of freedom. So many times, our athletes in America have the freedom to talk about and challenge their government. And when you're playing ball in China, you're playing ball in front of fans who may not have even the opportunity to exercise freedom of speech in any way anyhow, anywhere in a country with one point three billion people, we who are influencers should stand up for their rights as much as we criticize this government. In the world's greatest democracy, I just you know, it's sad. And when Great Britain got out, we were assured, weren't we that this wasn't going to happen, This day wouldn't come. That is why we codified in the Constitution a mimic number one, the notion that freedom of speech is the DNA of the American experience, and we have the responsibility, I believe, to the purveyors of hope through free speech, even when you don't like it. Our founding fathers did the best they could to make sure that future generations of Americans would live at the highest level possible because they understood freedom of speech is like the wet versus of water. They're inseparable with the freedom of religion. And that's why we protected freedom of speech. And we see around China minority Muslims and other religious groups being persecuted and really an encampments, these concentration camps that still exists in China. We should be out front and center when we are influencers speaking against the atrocities of the Chinese government and the communist regime. Yeah, let me ask you. There's so much going on in Washington, and you see this impeachment insanity that's going on. I've read the transcript. You've read the transcript or the President's call with Presidents Lensky. Do you see anything inappropriate at all? Because I don't not at all. I'll tell you this, Sean. And you're such a brilliant man when you're talking on TV. I love watching your program and I like listening to you on the radio. Beatle guys, why don't we have why don't we have Senator Scott on once week? Why do we have Lindsay Graham on all the time? Forget Lindsay Graham. We need Senator Scott on all the time. I know I wondered that myself. But here's what you say, and you see it so well. You distill some of the most complicated facts to make it digestible for people like me. And what you keep telling me, and I read the transcripts five times to make sure you were right. The CrowdStrike server with a twenty sixteen issue, not a twenty twenty is the president in no way, shape or form, hinted. He didn't even hint at influencing the twenty twenty election. He was doing his job as a president of the United States and bringing corruption to light from the twenty sixteen election. And well, let me let me say this. Yeah, because let's listen. I'm gonna tell you, and I'm watching this all unfold, and I think it's rooted in a couple of things. I think there's a rage out there that is it is unhinged. And yes, okay, so my so where I'm coming from me? All right? They tried four separate investigations into Trump Russia. To get there, you had to ignore Hillary, you know, and her obstruction with the emails that were subpoenaed, and the whole violation of the Espionage Act and its subsections when she had a server with top secret and classified information on it. You have to ignore that her dirty Russian dossier was leaked to the media and then used as the bulk of information in the grass league Graham emo to get secure warrants on carter page and spy on a candidate and then a transition team and then a president and to get to all to get there, you have to ignore all of that. But the big thing they said was election interference. Now we have the Ukraine's admitting election interference, and when are we going to get to the bottom of that and then the other corruption which we have, which is Joe Biden and what he said on tape and what his son said this week. Sean, if you watched the interview with the Sun, you have to come to the conclusion that you would not want him on the Biden campaign trail. It was not very helpful, but it did illuminate really important topics. The other thing that happened was in twenty fifteen the State Department career professionals called into question Biden's hunter Biden's relationship, but that that, once again is a fact pattern that we continue to ignore. The national media continues to ignore the clear and present danger that we see in the fact patterns emerging on the surface of the Biden interactions in Ukraine and in China. And there's a reason why he resigned the board seat prematurely based on what he had did previously. I mean, I mean, I never thought that we'd be in this where we are, where you have so many people in the media Democratic Party. Here you have Biden saying that he leveraged a billion dollars to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired successfully who was investigating his son. Then his son gives an interview. What experience do you have? None, No experience Ukraine, no experience and energy oil or gas, no experience in private equity, no experience in China, but they're paying in millions. Now, Senator, you're a smart guy. Why were Why was China in Ukraine willing to pay Hunter Biden with no experience millions of dollars has answered? I think Biden said it himself if his last name is Biden. And it appears that access to power was the goal, and there was an exchange, the exchange, which is clear to me, of allowing that access to the power to be at least a part of the process. And it's interesting that that all happened after Joe Biden received the portfolio of Ukraine and other countries to work on. HM. Well, I gotta tell you, I mean, why do I think if the if it was Vice President Donald J. Trump and Don Junior, and Don Junior gave the interview that Hunter Biden gave this week, admitting he had no background, no experience, and then the money question, Well you didn't mention your last name. Yeah, probably the reason I got millions is because of my dad's name. Now maybe I don't know, Maybe I'm just more fishes haven't grown up in New York, and I don't have the genteel South Carolina way about me. And no, and I mean that sincerely. I mean people in the South very different to their credit. I mean that. But I would look at that is that they want him. They want Biden in this case to get the money. So let me guess that they'd buy favor from his father. Otherwise why would they do it. There's no other alternative. To be honest with you, John, there's nothing, even as a Southern person who enjoys my Southern roots, there's no way, there's no denteel way to explain what you've just said any better than you've said it. Access to power was what they were trying to purchase. From my perspective. Number one. Number two, if it was Donald J. Trump and Donald J. Trump Junr. Who would have a complete their heads would be on fire, their heads would explode in the media, we've already seen that happen, and you can look at back at seventeen one. The first headlines was looking for ways to impeach and nullify the decision of sixty three million Americans from coast to coast have voted for Donald Trump. They were looking for a way to nullify the election in January twenty seventeen, and it appears to me, twelve months from another election, they're still trying to find a way to nullify twenty sixteen and we cannot let that happen. Period. Do you see this scenario. I'll tell you what. I'll get to it when I get back. More with Senator Tim Scott, the Great State of South Carolina, eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. We'll have a quick break, our news round up, information overload hour at the top of the next hour. More on Hunter Biden and how nobody deals with it. It's unbelievable to me. As we continue, all right, as we continue with Senator Tim Scott of the Great State of South Carolina. All right, so now we know what went on here, how is it that the Democrats now want to impeach the president? Is what I think is going to play out. I believe the House is stupid enough to follow through on this because they jumped out of the airplane. By this point, they can't go back in the airplane, and they're even and so it's a secret Soviet style coup attempt by impeachment. All right, then it gets to the Senate, your body, and they will not convict. Then, I say, my prediction is the country's going to see this for what it is, a raw political play, a power play, and they're going to reelect the president, maybe in bigger numbers than when he won his first election. What do you think. I think you're right so far, Shan. Here's what I think that the House has done what is impossible to do in the greatest democracy ever crafted. They have decided to close the doors, lock the door so the way the key, hide the evidence, and then only indict, so to speak, but actually impeach the President of the United States for what. Certainly no one knows the answer to that question. But when you come to the Senate, this is a good news. All the things that were hidden we're hidden in the House. We will be able to bring that to light in the Senate. I don't think they're going to have a public trial. For the first time in the history of our country as it relates to the impeachment process in the House of Representatives, they're going to allow their closed door meetings to be corruptantiates it. It can't be done, and yet we're watching it be done in our time. I can't even believe it. But the good news is the Senate gets the ball next and we will have a process that the American people can be proud of that will bring to the surface all the information, the facts, so that the whole thing is illegitimate behind closed doors. It's disgusting and there's no reason anyway. Just read the transcript. It's pathetic. But all right, Senator, you know we love you. Eight hundred nine one sewn to free telephone number. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. In the final hour of the Sean Hannity Show, said I'm not going to We're not going to give you the billion dollars. I said, you have no authority, You're not the president. The president said, I said, call him. I said, I'm telling you're not getting a billion dollars. I said, you're not getting a billion. I'm gonna be leaving here. And I think it was about six hours. I look, I said, leaving six hours that the prosecutors not fired. You're not getting the money. A son of him got fired. I did actually get to hear about Ambassador Kent. This is the witch hunt. You know, the crooked chief is coming after the Republican Party. He's coming after the Republican Party as hard as he can, considering he's really he's been compromised, very sadly and badly because of the fact, as you know, I think as the presidels. He made a statement, and he made a virtual speech about what I said, and then it turned out that I didn't say any of it because he forgitally made this statement to Congress. I thought what he did was one of the worst things. I under that he has immunity, but he doesn't have immunity when he puts it on his Twitter, which he did, and he doesn't have immunity he speaks to press, which he did, and he certainly won't have immunity if we ever get him into Congress and can swear him under oath, because what he did was a very big thing. But what just happened his Ambassador Kent do I have never had the privilege. I don't believe of meeting. I don't know him, and they wrote him in as a witness against me, even though I don't know him, and he excoriated from what they reported on the news, and of course maybe in this case it won't be effectives. But he excoriated the Obama administration and Joe Biden and Joe Biden's son, saying that has tremendous problems, tremendous problems with Joe Biden's son and the Ukraine. So he's got tremendous problems with Biden's son and Ukraine. And it's inappropriate at all of the horrible things. I mean, you could get it, you could see it. It's been a big deal. And I heard Shift has going no, no, we don't want to talk about that. We don't want to talk about that. But he talked about it, and it's one of those things. So if this is a terrible which all right, news round up, Information Overload eight hundred and nine for one. Sean is a toll free telephone number. You know, I've been saying this and it just gets clearer and clearer in my mind every day, and that is that to be a Democrat or a member of the media mob, you cannot believe there's something known as objective truth. You cannot You must suspend any connection to reality and disconnect from all reason and common sense God gave you. You have the cowardly Shift on tape talking to a Russian getting dirt on Donald Trump. Nobody in the media, mob or Democratic Party cares. You have Shift now, oh, lying about any contact with his office and the whistle blower. Then we find out the non whistle blower whistle blower is also a friend of Biden's. You cannot make this fraud up. You have the former vice president on tape admitting that he withheld a billion dollars because and demanded the firing of a prosecutor. Why because he was corrupt? Okay, we're really going to believe that, because that prosecutor, according to the interview he gave to ABC and the Washington Post said yeah, he was investigating his son. And why was he investigating his son? Whether the interview of the week. Again, the mob won't talk about it. The mob is that abusively corrupt and biased themselves. No Democrat will talk about Hunter. Biden admitting with no experience in Ukraine or China, no experience and oil energy or gas none, admitting that he gets you know, these these millions and millions of dollars, Why haven't gotten a penny from China. No, but his own lawyer admits he's getting this equity payment, which is estimated at least twenty million dollars. Some are saying a lot more like Peter Swa. The President has repeatedly said that you received one point five billion dollars from trying to despite no experience and for no apparent reason. Obviously, fact checkers have said that that is not true. This is literally has no basis in fact in any way. Have you received any money from business dealing at all? Not one cent, not one cent, Definitely not one point five billion. It's crazy. They feel like they have the license to go out and say whatever they want. It feels to me like living in some kind of alice in wonderland where you're up on the real world and then you fall down the rabbit hole, and you know, the president's the cheshire cat asking you questions about crazy things that don't have any resemblance to the reality of anything that has to do with me. And so here's the answer. No one ever paid me one point five billion dollars, and if they had, I would not be doing this interview right now. The company he got one point five billion, the lawyer. I mean as he sits there as cocky is Bill Clinton, and the parsing of words, it should nauseate everybody. Because his own lawyer admitted that, Yeah, well they haven't paid out the yeah equity, I'm as estimate it would be twenty billion dollars according to fact check dot org, and it may be much more. But he got the millions from the Barissa holding the Barisma. Now the money question was, well, why do you think, if you had no experience, why would the higher hunter Biden in these countries? These countries his dad is the second most powerful guy. I'll give you the answer before you hear him. The answer is they're buying favor from Biden by taking care of his son. That's chronyism, that's corruption. They're not giving it to him for any logical reason. It's a political buy off, so that they're getting political favor down the road. Listen, in the that you gave me of the reasons why you're on that board, you did not list the fact that you were the son of the Bob. Of course, Yeah, what role do you think that played. I think that it is impossible for me to be on any of the boards that I just mentioned without saying that I'm the son of the Vice President of the United States. You were paid fifty thousand dollars a month for your position. Look, I'm a private citizen. One thing that I don't have to do is sit here and open my kimono as it relates to how much money I make or make or deer didn't. But it's all been reported. If your last name wasn't Biden, do you think he would have been asked to be on the board of Barisma? I don't know. I don't know, probably not. I don't think that there's a lot of things that would have happened in my life that if my last name wasn't Biden. Probably not. Jonathan Gillham Danielle McLoughlin. Danielle McLoughlin. Why would China and Ukraine ever pay millions of millions of dollars to a hunter Biden? He has no experience? And isn't that the definition of pay to play chrony ism? Use whatever term you want? Corrupt should isn't that by influence pedaling? Didn't they do it to curry favor with Joe? Yes or no? Well, it's a long question. Well it's a yes. Or no. Did they give did they give the inexperienced Hunter millions of dollars to curry favor hopefully down the road with his father? Yes or no? Well, it certainly looks that way with regards to Charisma. And he should never have taken that board, that board membership. I've never said anything different. He should never have done it. No child of any youth president or right now, answer the million dollars multimillion dollar question. Did they do it to buy favor? Why did they do it with the non experience son of the vice president. Well, he's the thing, right, So Joe Biden wanted a prosecutor out right, Shokin who was not investigating Charisma. He was not investigating because that's not true. The Washington Post and a BC had interviews with Chokin and he said just the opposite. So what you're saying is not true. And we know an investigation was stopped, don't we Yeah, in twenty fourteen before he joined the board. You know, no, the investigation, Well, I can only tell you what the guy. I mean, everybody seems to be corrupt in Ukraine to me, but I can only tell you what the guy said in the interview, And the guy said he was fired because Biden demanded it, and he was investigating the kid. I don't, you know, I don't know the guy. That's what he said. I mean, unless you don't believe him. But Jonathan, why did they pay Hunter Biden millions with no experience? Why? Well, I mean it's obvious there a reason why is because who his dad was. But I think it's also very interesting how the one movie that Hunter Biden decided the reference, which was Alice in Wonderland, is a basically a movie about somebody who's on a terrible drug trip. I think that was very interesting. But I think you know, when we look at the reality of what's happening there, we can look at several people. You know, Chelsea Clinton, you know she got straight out of college and nine hundred thousand dollars job. I mean, these are things that a lot of the people on the left. I'm sure there's people on the right that have done it as well. But the fact that, to see again, Jenna Bush also got a huge TV contract, right, and it's wrong. It across the board, it's right. I agree. Wait, let me have well, I'm going to stand up for Jenna Bush and Megan McCain, I don't know what I think. I think they're both good on TV. Oh, I think they are both well hang on, and they both had experience with TV because of what their parents did. No way, I think they're both very good on TV. I disagree with you. I think there's no question that children are famous. Parents get all kinds of advantages as me. You cannot compare this to the inexperienced Hunter Biden while his father's vice president, getting millions of dollars having no experience. Let me tell you something, just being around television, you're gonna learn a lot in a week. Trust me. I know because I've had a million kids in turn for me over the years. But in all these other cases, you didn't have a vice president sit up on a podium and brag about the way that he's strong armed a prosecutor in another country. And it doesn't matter if that prosecutor was corrupt or not. The fact is he was a prosecutor in another country. And Joe Biden used his official position to strong arm somebody for the purpose of getting his son out of trouble, and he admitted that in and It or live on a stage. I mean These people don't need to be protected anymore the way that they've been protected for so long. There's no special type of protection clauses in the constitution to take care of these people when they do criminal activity, and it needs to stop, you know. I think influence happens all the time. I think about even President Trump saying that he thought that Boris mayor Boris now Prime Minister Boris would be the best person to leave the England out of the UK out of Brexit. I mean, this stuff happens all the time, and I just want us to remember that the problem with Ukraine was corruption, and going even back to Kent and what Kent aarticified today state Department employee that the problem was that they were worried that the Biden stuff was about a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest. I've said every time on the show that you've asked mis Sean, I don't believe he should have been on that board. And I think we should have the same rules for every child of every politician. And I don't care what party you belong to. It is wrong, it looks wrong, and we need to be sure that our politicians are doing things. But you can't say that this is comparable to somebody that does a try out on TV that has background and experience being around TV and then they do a good job been they get hired. There's no comparison here. And let me tell you something. You might get the gig, but you know, the audience will determine very quick whether you stay in TV. And in the case of both Jenna Bush and Megan McCain, and I don't always agree with Megan, but so what, she's very good on television. She's done a lot of great work and to her credit, and that's not the same as no experience in Ukraine, China. Oh, let me pay you millions to do nothing. He has nothing to offer except hopefully they gained something. What are they looking to gain favor from the dat? That's the difference, the major difference. All right, guys, thank you. Eight hundred nine for one, Shawn is a number. All right, to our phones we go. David Michigan, Dave, Hi, how are you welcome to the program? Says you're a carpenter, Union carpenter. Good for you. Yeah, Hey, Sean, I got an issue. I've been ahead. You asked me away, go ahead. I've been in the trades for a long time. I'm fifty eight years old. You know. They were always pushing us to vote Democrat, Democrat, Democrat. But I couldn't have good conscience vote for Hillary the last time around, so I gave Trump a shot. And my biggest issue is why are these Republicans. Why do they just keep backing down and let all this craft go on until somebody goes and gets put in jail. This stuff's going to continue to go on. That's why there's ampathy about voting, because no, I don't know if there's gonna be ampathy this year and voting. I see Trump's look. Assuming that the Democrats follow through on their insane impeachment strategy, They're gonna impeach them. Okay, impeach them, do nothing, Democrats. This is what their fixation over nothing. We already know because we have the transcript. So they'll impeach them. Senate won't convict him, and then he's gonna win reelection because you know what every Americans gonna do. Those you know seven million Americans strong now that got jobs, seven million off of food stamps, and those out of poverty, record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, you unemployment. They're gonna vote and they're gonna see this for what it is, and that is their secret Soviet style coup impeachment attempt. And you know what they're gonna lose. That's where I think this ends. If you're asking me, we're nearly a year out. We'll start counting down one year on November third from election day. Where I am telling you, listen to me. The American people see the stench, the double standard. They know why Hunter Biden was hired without any experience. You know the fact that I have to explain it is just really because no one else will in the corrupt mob in the media. I'm gonna tell you the other thing. People like you that you're a union carpenter. Now, just imagine you're in the trades in New York City and your mayor says, we're not going to build skyscrapers with glass or steel anymore. Okay, what happens to the carpenters, the plumbers, the electrician, the construction workers, the steel workers. They're screwed. Really, you want to vote Democrat, your unions telling you to vote Democrat. Well that's what your Democratic DOPEI Mayor just did so bad for everybody, just so unbelievable. They make it so cost prohibitive you can't even build a building, and if you do build one, they're gonna tell you how you can't rent it for any amount of money that would ever make a profit. You have to subsidize housing for strangers. We're talking about this as a team, and Linda actually came up with the idea, why don't we run with our Friday free for all fun music, get ready for the weekend music, some of the great sound that we don't even have time to get to all week because Jason Ethan everybody worked so hard putting it together. And so we're gonna kind of mix it in with our friends from Zach Brown and Big and Rich and Charlie Daniels, like you know Pelosi the President saying hates the US or she wouldn't allow impeachment and he's right, or the dumb stuff of Andrew McCabe or James o'keefson credible series this week, Let's hit it so Jack Zucker runs the show, Jeff Zucker runs so he may he will personally go into the control and if Jake Toppers didn't really killing and Conway. He one time that he went to control room bringing out interview and he was like he keep going to keep going, asking questions, flow pass of commercial lights, keep going. I mean it turned a seven minute we towards twenty five minute. Why because jaf Zucker person when he got on the phone and the Topper show what was happening or he got into his ear that he was interviewed calling hotway and then when she went shade, she was about argue going back and forth with Jack Tapper, and Zucker told him that keep going, keep going and keep going. Don't stop guys, because you were jamming her up. Yeah yeah, yeah, I mean kind of condos whatever. How I like the fact that you guys are jamming her up. I did see started to guess she deserves it. She's lying, is she or she's just is it? So? Zucker seems an opportune the vice president President Trump has falsely accused your son of doing something wrong while serving on a company board in Ukraine. I want to point out there's no evidence of wrongdoing by either one of you. No one in my family, we'll have an office in the White House, we'll sit at in meetings as if they're a cabinet member, will in fact have any business relationship with anyone that relates to a foreign corporation or a foreign country, period period, end of story. And what I'm not going to let you all do is take the focus off the problem. No one, No one has asserted my son did a single thing wrong. No one has asserted that I have done any wrong except the lying president. That's the only thing that's the focus. When he said, I hope you know what you're doing, what did he think you were doing well? He wrote? The press reports that I joined the board of Barisma, which was a Ukrainian natural gas company, And there's been a lot of misinformation about me, not about my dad. Nobody buys that, but it buys this idea that I was unqualified to be on the board. What were your qualifications to be on the board of ARESMA Well. I was vice chairman of the board of Amtrak for five years. I was the chairman of the board of the UN World Food Program. I was a lawyer for boyschill Or Flexner, one of the most prestigious law firms in the world. You didn't have any extensive knowledge about natural gas or Ukraine itself. So no, but I think that I had as much knowledge as anybody else. It was on the board, if not more. The President has repeatedly said that you received one point five billion dollars from trying to despite no experience and for no apparent reason. Obviously fact checkers have said that that is not true. But this is literally has no basis in fact in any way. Have you received any money from on business dealing. No at all, not one cent, not one cent, Definitely not one point five billion. It's crazy. They feel like they have the license to go out and say whatever they want. It feels to me like living in some kinds of Alice in Wonderland, where you're up on the real world and then you fall down the rabbit hole, and you know, the presidents of Cheshire Cat asking you questions about crazy things that don't have very any resemblance to the reality of anything that has to do with me. And so here's here's the answer. No one ever paid me one point five billion dollars, and if they had, um, I would not be doing this interview right now. There's both plausibility perhaps accuracy. Uh, and but that it's not It was not intended to be a definitive document. You're absolutely right. It is raw source reporting and the common thing you would do it. Steel presented it as such. It's the kind of thing we see often from sources. We knew that Steele was working a number of different sources, some of which had subsources and sub subsources, and he would represent that in the reporting as any good source should. So it didn't come with his like impromoter of this is all gospel. It was like, this is what I'm hearing, and that's how good sources report. UM. A lot of the information, some of the information was consistent with reporting we were getting from other sources. So that's always to his credit, Steele had a history of um of good reporting to us. He had provided information on other cases, cases about like Russian organized crime issues and other issues, information that was judged to be so accurate that it was used in things like a restaurants and indictments. So he had a very solid track record and provided this information with you know, accurately describing some of it he you know, he thought was pretty solid. Others he made clear like, Hey, I'm getting this from one person, and I can't vouch for the sourcing chain, and I'm just giving it to you for your As I've said to you before, the times have found us to do just that. So I'm very proud of the works that Adam Shipp is doing. And this isn't about politics or partisanship. Is about patriotism for our country and value the way he's conducting this with equal time on all sides. For the questioning that are there. You've heard from him, we were here together when he presented how he was proceeding. He also sent a letter two members yesterday which is in a public filmain. I call it to your attention in case you have some questions about the professionalism and the fairness which these hearings are being helped. Basically, the crazy stuff from all week long, and every one week is crazier than another. All right, let's get to some of our busy phones here on this Friday. I know it's come. Glad, it's Friday, aren't you all glad it's Friday? All right, let's say hi? Is it? Tanner is in Florida, the beautiful, warm state of Florida. It's kind of chilly up here in New York. What's going on? Well, we've got some sunshine and on here, Sean. I was listening to your show the other day with Micro and I gotta say I completely agree. I'm a project manager for a half a billion dollar project down here at Walt Disney World, and I got to agree there is a definitely a shortage of skilled labor. But I think also my comment is that it's coupled with a lot of employers who aren't willing to pay guys out of high school a decent wage. So I think it's kind of a twofold problem from what I'm seeing, you know, I gotta tell you, and yeah, there's a shortage of skilled labor and also a shortage of what we're saying pay or benefits, whatever, But that's changing. You know, when you have a what is virtually an unemployment situation where we have full employment, that puts the job seeker in the driver's seat. You know. I know we have our friends at expresspros dot com, but I mean, this is the time if you're looking for a better job with better benefits and better pay and a better career track, now would be the time to do it because if then you lock in and then you're with a good company, and now you made a decision that's going to benefit you for the rest of your life. I know for a lot of people, for whatever reason, change is hard to do. I'm not one of those people. I've never been afraid to jump and take chances. I've lived in five different states and I've followed my crazy career around like a lunatic. But you know, people have to get part of living is getting out of your comfort zone. Does that make sense? I completely agree, and I tell you I think in the last three years it's definitely headed in a better direction as far as you know, benefits and wage and scale. But I think we've still got a ways to go to get the type of people in the construction or the trades industry that we want. I think it's a great conversation I have. Not everybody has meant for college, I can tell you that, and college has gotten so expensive, and I know everybody in my mindset too. In my head, it's like, yeah, of course my kids have to go. You've got to get a college degree. That's why I've always thought, and you know, that's why, even on my own no money. I was working my way through college and paying it for all by myself and working the whole time. One of the things I think I missed out on because I have so many friends. I mean, when my friends talk about their alma matera whatever it happens to be, and their college experience, I know I'm a little envious of it. I'm not the type of person that's jealous of anything. I'm happy with what I have and I'm happy the way my life is unfolded, and it just wasn't meant to be. But you know, they meet friends and memories are made for life, and it's probably the best transition into adulthood and reality that you could ever want. You're kind of still clinging a little bit to being a kid, and you're also now looking at this other world that you have to enter and hopefully conquer. And it's a little scary in that other world when you start out. But for some people, I will tell you what, the best thing in my life was working with my hands, doing real work for two decades. It defines me, It's in my DNA. It helps me be normal, If that makes sense. I completely agree. And I did carpentry all through high school and ultimately loved carpentry. Would loved working with my hands. But what drove me to get a four year degree in construction science was the benefits and then the pay. When you look at what I could make with a four year degree in construction science versus what I could make as a carpenter, there's just really no comparison. Yeah. Look, I went for I guess a year, semester, a year. I don't remember, Rhode Island, Rhode Island, Rhodeland te Technical I forget what it was, Rhode Island Technical College. I forget. I'd have to go back and look, I mean you're saying you don't remember, Actually I don't know the real name of it. And what happened was I already had a contracting business. I already had a company, and I went there and all my professors were in the industry, and I ended up working and doing deals with them, and then you know, I'm like, guys, I can't go to school anymore because you've given me so much work. And they're like, oh, don't worry about it. I'm like, well, I'm wasting my time here. Um, because I wanted to advance my knowledge base but you know, when you when you got that much work and the kind of money we were kind of making at the time, you gotta take it. We didn't get it. It's actually a pretty funny situation. Now. Another another aspect of this is we have to talk about the border and the illegal immigrants coming across. And by the way, I remember now the New England Institute of Technology. That's where I went any it a matter of fact, LYNDA call them and say I want my transcript. I don't remember how long I went there. Okay, I mean that sounds stupid, but I mean I did go there, but I got all my professors once they realized what I was capable of, and I kind of specialized in, you know, doing rehab work in these older New England homes. I had horsehair, plaster and lats. They were like, oh my gosh, this guy's gold for us, and they kept me busy. I made a lot of money. Right go ahead, right, Well, what I was going to say is, I think we also have to have a conversation about our border and the illegal workforce that's coming across, and they're working jobs that American citizens should have, but they're taking those jobs at such a cut rate that you know, again, it just drives down the wages from where we want them to be and where people who are Yeah, you're right, and people are hurt because of cheap labor. You know, look, they don't. Republicans aren't, you know, free of the blame in this. Either. Got to be really clear about this. There are Republicans and business that one cheap labor, and I'm like, too bad. Look, I do hope and I mean this sincerely. I know this strike is going on the UAW and GM. I praying that they don't close this freaking factory done. You know, somehow, everybody's got to understand the company's got to make money and you want to take care of the those people that are working hard every day. I got it. But they've got they've got to understand that they're in this together. And I always get this feeling when you get the UAW. You know, if they push too hard, they're gonna drive these car companies away. Again, You've got to meet in the middle. The best way that I see that happening is profit sharing. Get a percentage of the upside. Everybody will let them work harder because they're incentivized on the upside, make the best car, then you sell enough of them everybody, everybody wins. That's how I would do it. All right, All right, man, appreciate it. You know, I will say this. At some point in everybody's life. I think it is. You gotta learn to do some work with your hand. You gotta get your hands dirty. You just got to if you you know, you can't go through life thinking that everything's easy. You know, do you ever sympathize with a truck driver? Now? I used to get mad. I remember when I was younger driving. You know, you get behind an eighteen wheeler and or you try and pass it and it's raining out and it's flooding your windshield with water and you can't see, and it's stressful and you're trying to drive past the stupid thing. Yeah, but you stop and you think about it. One of them important role truck drivers playing our lives. Why because all the food that you're buying in the grocery store, all the lumber you're getting at home depot, you know, all the everything you pretty much get comes from them. And they drive overnight. It's not an easy job. And then the government puts restrictions how many hours they gonna be on the road, and then they're getting ticketed up the yazoo if God forbid, they're on the road two hours longer than they should have been. It's unbelievable. But I just think every person at some point in your life needs to do real work. I've tried to institute this with my own kids to the extent possible that I could, and just make sure they have jobs being a good person. School sports was a big job for them because they, you know, played at a pretty high level and that was and then you got to do these other choice. Right. That's gonna wrap things up at today. We have a busy week. Next week we have an interview with the president set up, and we have shows from California not telling where. Oh look at this, I forgot to get to the psycho leftist Oh everso loving liberals that took out a billboard in Times Square, Yeah, showing your president hog tide and assaulted. Oh all peace and love and Times Square by liberal New Yorkers. Where's the mayor? Now? Have a great weekend. We will see you Monday from Washington, d C. Thanks for being with us.

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