Can't Silence The Truth

Published Sep 20, 2019, 10:00 PM

Maryann Mendoza, the mother of Brandon Mendoza, who was murdered by an illegal alien, is being penalized for talking about crimes against Americans, by illegal aliens on FaceBook. Now she is fighting back against the silencing. 

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All right, glad you with us Happy Friday and write down our total free telephone number. It is eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza. Well it's happened again. And yeah, the big media mob bombshell Donald Trump whistle blower Ukraine issue. Yeah, that kind of blew up again as we predicted it would. Now there is some good that will come out of this, just like you know in the end the Mueller Report. Actually, if there's any good that came out of it, it was that, well, we were able to expose the media mob for being the liars though, a group of people that have no problem with slander, with libel, with disinformation propaganda, you know, and that have a political agenda. That that came crystal clear because they were so convinced they had it. They were so convinced that Donald Trump was going to be impeached and the keys to the impeachment kingdom were coming from Bob Muller. And then came the Mueller Report, and then against all admonitions and warnings, is it not going to work out good for Bob Mueller, they insisted on bringing him into Congress and from there it got even worse because of course he didn't know about fusion GPS. How could you be working on this case and not know about fusion GPS? That's pretty bad. How could you not know that? Yeah, the attorney on the Special Council staff that was all stacked with partisan Democratic donors and even Hillary Clinton's former attorney Genie Ray, big part of the team. How do you hire a guy like Weissman. We've gone over his track record is abysmal track record, and he ends up leading the whole thing. But even then, there was no collusion conspiracy with Russia. They found nothing. They found nothing as it relates to obstruction of justice either now exposed a lot of things on a lot of levels. It exposed this was pure politics and that the media mob, and they are a mob. This is a mob mentality. You know, all you need is once again, all you need is one outlet. They report one thing, and what does the medium mob do? The medium mob takes the conspiracy theory and then everybody else. They don't do their own fact checking. No, they just run with the mob. And what you know, you go through all of this, you know, and you got us first ask yourself a question. You know, first of all, who is this person from the Intel community? Did they spy on the president? Were they surveiling the president? Did they in the process of their giddiness now literally exposed that they unmask the president and that they used raw intelligence against the president, because that too would be a crime. So now we have the Intel community, as Chuck Schumer says, you better not go against them. They'll get you six ways from Sunday. Now, if the intelligence community now in this country is going to weaponize the powerful, powerful, powerful tools of intelligence that we give them, that we entrust to them to keep us safe from real enemies, foreign and domestic, and that if you're spying on a domestic For example, if the intelligence community picks up a phone communication between an American citizen and a foreign somebody that they are rightly keeping an eye on, they would be doing their job doing that. But unless that American citizen is talking about or inspiring to do something against this country, anything that is illegal, they would be allowed to keep listening to. Otherwise, they are supposed to practice something called and it's within the law minimization, and that means the Intel official that would be listening they would minimize what they hear from the American citizen, just lean enough to see if there's anything nefarious or potentially nefarious going on. Now, even with that said, they would if they did a write up on the telephone call, they would protect the American citizen. The American citizen, you see, lives under a system of constitutional governments governance. We are a constitution or a public American citizens are afforded constitutional rights. We have a Fourth Amendment against unreasonable search and seizure, and that too would mean that an American citizen cannot be surveiled and lend later unmasked, And that raises questions from the very beginning about the abuse use of intelligence gathering, the surveillance and i'm masking in the leaking of raw intelligence. Like in the case of General Flynn, a thirty three year veteran, we know that he was surveiled, We know that he was illegally amassed, and we also know that it went further than that, that they actually used the raw intelligence to set him up at a perjury trap, and that when the FBI decided they wanted to question him about something, first thing they said is, oh, you don't need a lawyer. Andrew McCabe, the FBI Deputy director, told General Flynn right from they get you don't need a lawyer, this isn't a lawyer thing, and call me bragging Day four Trump administration. He sent his guys in to take advantage of the chaos of the Trump administration on day four And yeah, I've did something. Sure, I put aside all protocol, all procedures. I did something I never would have tried in a Bush or the Obama administrations. You bet I set. I set a thirty three year veteran up mister SuperPatriot, the known lawyer that he is. So the bottom line here is, this is now what has happened in this country repeatedly. So now we get the big, breathless, hysterical reporting first by the Washington Post and then echoed everywhere all over the mob, the medium mob, and allegedly a whistleblower complaint about troubling promises that Donald Trump may have made to another world leader on the phone, and the next day we believe it was Ukraine. Okay, Now, I know people familiar with this matter, familiar with what the so called whistleblower has, and I have been told in no uncertain terms. Nothing illegal happened on any telephone call. There was their words quote I'm reading it what I wrote down, No quid pro quote what so ever. And the only thing that you might lean that of it, as the President was asking, because it's been reported widely on this program. John Solomon, Peter Schweitzer others that this whole issue with Joe Biden, Yeah, is true. And the issue of whether or not Ukraine has evidence that they were working on behalf of the Clinton campaign to influence the twenty sixteen elections that they want to provide to us but so far not got given us. Well, I think we would have a right to ask for that, considering it's our elections and everybody in the country so concerned about Russian interference, right, You think they'd care about Ukrainian interference with evidence from Ukraine that would give us that they would give us. No, they don't care, just like they don't care about Clinton's dirty Russian dossier that was bought and paid for, that was used to yes by on then candidate Donald Trump. Using the unverified dossier haide for by Hillary unverifiable because even its own author won't stand by it. After three of the warrants were issued, than the FBI finally decided to look into the veracity in it of it, and they found that over ninety percent they could prove to be wrong. The Russians then gave this false information knowing it was going to be used against Donald Trump to the Clinton campaign because again they wanted to influence our elections, which we already established because their hostile actors run by a hostile actor himself, Vladimir Putin. Also would mean that it appears that the Russians wanted to help Hillary not Donald Trump, As The New York Times said, it was likely Russian disinformation from the get go. That's after they, of course got out of all of this. You know, now, did the president did he promise, you know that I'll have more flexibility after my reelection. I want you to tell all your top guys there, tell Vladimir I have more flexibility after the election. But I got to get elected first before where I get the flexibility. And just don't tell the American people what we've got cooking up here, because that did happen when we have the evidence for that, and Debedia didn't care about that. They didn't care about obstruction with Hillary Clinton. They didn't care about Clinton violating the Espionage Act. They didn't care about Clinton paying for a dirty dossier that was used as a means of propagandizing the American people because it was released by liberal hacks in the media and conspiracy theorists like Michael Izakoff and David Korne and selectively leaked so that it would yes be used against Trump to help Hillary win. They didn't care about any of that. What do they care about what happened with the dirty dossier being used as the bulk of information to secure the FISA warrant and there were multiple warnings given directly to the DOJ and the FBI. No, it's not verified, it's Hillary's documents. She paid for it and steal as an agenda and hates Trump. That all happened ahead of time. By the way, Donald Trump, I don't think he offered free you know, billions of dollars in fuel, did he? He didn't offer any nuclear infrastructure to any country like North Korea? Did he? Oh? No? No, that was Bill Clinton on this phone call. Did President Trump offer one hundred and fifty billion in cash and other currencies to Iran and the mullahs that want to wipe Israel and the US off the map and chant death to America, death to Israel. No, that was Obama and Biden. So you got all of the crazy media running with the same story or starting with Roswell Rachel Madaw on the Conspiracy Channel, the extension of all things Democrat in this Country Ms DNC, and then her fellow Russia, Russia, Russia obsessed conspiracy theorist in the mob. They just followed suit and then the hysteria, the hype, the anticipation rises again. It's like it was rising last week over Kavanaugh that turned out to be false too. The woman that was supposedly a victim of Cavanaugh college rubbing his private parts up begins to says, I remember no such thing at all, but they ran with it anyway. Remember, we don't know the identity of the whistleblower, but they're running wall to wall coverage. They don't know any details about the allegations, but they're running wall to wall. They don't know which world leader was referenced, but they're running wall to wall. Not one of these other, you know, medium mob outlets in any way did their own verification independently to see if what the Washington Post did is right, considering they've gotten so much wrong in any way they're saying that, Okay, it involves Ukraine. Okay, we know a lot about Ukraine. Started with Peter Schweitzer, followed up by great reporting by John Solomon Schweitzer and his book Secret Empires. He took a long, hard look at candidate and former Vice President Biden and his son Hunter, and he reported at once that Biden got in charge of in the Bush and the Obama administration, he was in charge of Ukraine and in twenty fourteen and twenty fifteen hundred Biden's well, he was making about one hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars a month for a company he was representing. We don't have any evidence that he was ever involved in the natural gas industry at all, but anyway, he's a board member of this natural gas company in Ukraine one hundred and eighty eight grand a month. Let's talk about conflicts of interest, you know. Chuck Grassley announced Thursday he's opened and a probe into the administration's decision of Obama to approve the sale of US Technology, a US technology company, to the Chinese government investment firm run by Joe Biden and John Kerry's son. John Kerry's son was smart. He saw the handwriting on the wall. He got the hell out of this deal. I said, I don't want to be a part of this one. A lot of money at stake. Two and the dealings with Ukraine. And then of course Joe Biden, we got him on tape bragging. Don't we that the prosecutor that was investigating the one hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars monthly payoffs by the gas company in Ukraine to the Vice President of the United States's son and his company. Yeah, he said, I'm looking into this. And then Joe Biden went with our tax dollars and said, you got six hours or else I'm taking us tax dollars. I'm gonna leverage it. You had the fire that prosecutor investigating my son, or I'm going home without the money we promised you a billion dollars. It would all happen. Yeah, so the medium mom another story blowing up in their face. So the good news is, just like Muller proves that they had a witch hunted an agenda. Just like he you know through all of this that showed the Democrats to be liars, showed the medium mom to be liars, those involved in conspiracy theories, misinformation, they had it, they tasted it. They were going to get Trump with all of this. The Muller Report was going to impeach him. They were, They were right there. They'll ignore everything involving Hillary's dirty Russian dossier, as The New York Times says, likely Russian disinformation from them. They get go. They'll ignore all that. New York Times says, we focused an entire newsroom on one story but didn't come out the way we wanted. So now we'll transition to the issue of race. Oh how many of you saw Matt Gates and Al Sharpton go at it today. Wow, we're gonna have a debate on that coming up with a pastor Darryl Scott and Reverend Adams coming up. Pretty interesting questions. Matt Gates was asking Reverend Now, anyway Hunter Biden in his business dealings, just like you know week afters in China? Yeah, how did Hunter Biden get all that money from China? Two weeks after he flew on Air Force two with his dad and daddy? I guess you know, they liked the fact that they could do some business with the vice presidents because then they probably won't say anything about the horrific trade deals and the trade imbalance and the massive teriffs that China puts on American companies. Yeah, he made a fortune there too. But what this does is this now allows, if you will, this now allows the media to do a real job. Now look into Joe Biden and Hunter Biden's actions. Joe Biden using American tax dollars, threatening to withhold them unless the prosecutor looking to his son has fired. All right, before I get to the climate change marchers today, and if you're in New York City, didn't have to go to school today, No, you got off to protest climate change, to walk in the protests now taking place nationwide climate change hysteria. But just back to this because John Solomon, he's gonna join us with Greg Jarrett and David Shone at the top of the hour. Yeah, all this talk about, Well, Ukraine, it turns out Rudy Juliani was actually approached by our State Department to basically do an official mission, and two State Department officials specifically asking him to contact Ukraine over the election fraud issue and being a good citizen that he did. He did it on behalf of the country. You may remember we interviewed him on TV one night he went off on this saying, yeah, it's really bad what happened here. And that would be that. Yeah, Joe Biden's son, Hunter, who had no experience and natural gas, the same guy that had no experience on the issues and the China deal that he made two weeks after he flew with his dad on airports due to China. Yeah, that Joe Biden for a very good reason. One of the prosecutor who was looking into the gas company, the natural gas company, of which Hunter Biden's new company with no experience, was making one hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars a month, and then Joe Biden went with a billion taxpayer dollars and he brags about how he told the Ukrainians you're gonna fire that prosecutor. He didn't say it, but we now know was investigating his son. If not, I'm leaving here in six hours without any money being left for you, said, I'm not going to even over. We're not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You're not the president, the president said, I said, calling him, he said, I'm telling you're not getting a billion dollars. I said, you're not getting a billion. I'm gonna be leaving here. And I think it was what six hours. I look, I said, leaving six hours. If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money. Ll Son of him got fired. Hey fired. I leveraged a billion dollars to fire the prosecutor that's investigating the gas company that's paying mice on one hundred and eighty eight grand a month. Wow, that's pretty powerful. I don't know if it's right. I know that Joe Degeneva and Victoria tunsing, Yeah, they're all over this too. M Amazing stuff, isn't it. It's like with the China decision. It's like now, by the way, one other point on this, Greg Jarrett, who will also join us, at a point that I really think needs to be pointed out because this is also blowing up in the faces of all liberals. Who's identified as the whistleblower? What is a specific nature of the whistleblowers urging concern complaint against the president is that a lot of deep state operatives within the government that are Obama holdovers, they don't like President Trump. We also have now a series of leaks. You know, the intel community will get you six ways and sideways group. Does the complaint really qualify under the Intelligence Community whistle Blower Protection Act? Because those are a few of the more fundamental questions that remain unanswered. It appears in American spying in one of our intelligence agencies may have yet again been spying on our president. Well, that would be a huge story. Also, in other words, the DNI has concluded, no, this is not a wilstle blower. This is not an urgent concern or complaint that anyone needs to worry about. I have sources that know exactly what is in this and they say, no, there's no there there at all. That the President is right, and that the only issue that might be involved with question the president. We now know from reporting John Solomon and Greg Jarrett and Victoria, Joe and Rudy and everybody else that in fact Ukraine has wanted to give us evidence of their election interfering on behalf of Hillary Clinton in twenty sixteen. So maybe the President was saying can I see whatever that is, because we're trying to get to the bottom of all this twenty sixteen election interference stuff, but the media doesn't care about it because it's not helping Trump. It's only Russian interference, but only Russian interference that helps Trump. Once we find out that the dirty dossier was unverified used as a means to bludge in Trump, then we don't want to talk about that Russian interference, the real Russian interference anyway. Apparently this whistle blower, an unelected, inferior federal employee, apparently believes that their job is to second guess the motivation behind the words of a duly elected president. Isn't that really important because the Constitution and the Article too, does give the president sweeping power to conduct foreign policy and negotiate with leaders of other nations. Now again, I don't I don't know that President Trump was offering just don't have more flexibility after I'm reelected more flexibilities. Tell Vladimir I'm not telling the America people that my flexibilities after I don't know. I don't think the president did that, did he That would be Obama? I don't think the president. I'll give you billions of dollars in free fuel and nuclear infrastructure. I'm gonna give North Korea, okay, but and I'm gonna say it's a good deal for the American people billions of dollars. That was Clinton. Well, I didn't do that hand anybody. I didn't expect them to cheat. I thought I took them at their word. And of course we got Obama one hundred and fifty billion in cash and other currency. I don't think. I don't think anything Donald Trump did was anything similar to that. I'd be pretty bad, wouldn't it. In any way, the Constitution gives the president all of these powers. He is the commander in chief. And by the way, the Constitution doesn't grant the power of review approval of disapproval to spies or other unelected officials in the executive branch. The whistle Blow Laws defines parameters of urging concern as evidenced in Greg Jarrett's column today, and the complaint as an abuse or violation should of law relating to the funding, administration or operations of intelligence activity involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinion conserving concerning public policy matters. I am told that the president sought truth. If they had any evidence, that would be a good thing, wouldn't it. You're an objective American. All right. We have more coming up at the top on this. All right. So you've got kids in New York didn't have to go to school today. They were allowed to skip schools so they can participate in the global Climate strike protests millions around the world, one hundred and fifty countries, according to organizers on their website, saying about the protest, this is a crisis. Climate crisis is now a worldwide emergency. We want everyone to start acting like it's an emergency. Anyway. Their time to coincide with the UN Climate Summit in New York's and said they want to see the governments some pledge to abandon and all fossil fuels. Well, that's what the New Green Deal is. We're going to eliminate fossil fuels, gas and oil in ten years, and then we're gonna have a depression, depression almost instantaneously, get rid of the lifeblood of your economy. Yeah, your economy is doomed anyway. Climate strike teachers are barred from attending to protest, but not students. They're allowed to take off anyway. That's become a bit of a controversy. I don't care about the climate strike, Noah Rothmann, writes New York Post is all about indoctrination and non science. He's onto something here, isn't he? And let's see, Bennett, our democracy has prevented climate action. Michael Bennett, candidate Colorado senator, said it during MSNBC's low rated Climate Forum last night. How do I know it's low rated? Well, I happened to work in cable news and thanks to all of you, and I mean this. You know you've made the show number one, and we're working hard to earn your trust every day. Believe me, we can't do it without you, this radio show or TV. And I know that yang climate change may require elimination of car ownership. Okay, then we can't eat any more meat either, and we can't have airplanes. He imagines constant roving fleet of electronic cars. We'll just jump into a car which strangers every day. Sure that won't cause any problems down the road. Sanders, I would be positively disposed to expanding asylum to include climate refugees, whatever the hell that means. And Sanders comparing climate change Hurricane Dorian to Pearl Harbor. Okay, that's nuts, and one of the ms DNC conspiracy theorists. We know it's not true. Democrats want to do things like banning straws. That's our problem, plastic straws. Look this climate cult, and it is a cult, is not rooted in science, and it is a front to advance their economy, killing radical extreme socialist agenda. Even AOC's chief of staff admitted that, now, remember here's a history lesson Hannity, history lesson. Remember the global cooling hoax, We're going into a new ice age. Now, that was another failed prediction that was in the seventies. And now the Competitive Enterprise Institute put together a list of the biggest climate blunders over the past fifty years. Seventy four Time magazine wondering if another ice age is on the way, not to be out done in nineteen seventy five Newsweek dedicating a report to the cooling world. Then, of course, there was no ice age in the decades after, so the media starting, you know, started to spin out of control. Firsts get too cold, that is too hot, We're gonna melt. Then we're gonna freeze, then we're gonna melt. So we'll just come up with one word that will describe the end of human civilism any moment. Now, we'll call it climate change. Whatever. If it's hot, it's called it's all climate change. AP reported in nineteen eighty nine a senior UN environmental officials as entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels of global warming trends are not reversed by the year two thousand, nineteen years ago. Year two thousand, the Independent ran a piece that red snowfalls are just the thing of the past. Maybe I was must have been on acid, out of my mind, on drugs last winter, in the winter before, in the winter before that, because it was snowing where I lived. Anyway, Then al Gore warned an O six, unless drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gasses are taken within the next ten years, that's thirteen years ago, the world will reach a point of no return. By the way, if he felt that way, why was he flying around in a gulf Stream which is a fourteen to sixteen seat private jet that happened to be an older gulf Stream that was a real jet fuel guzzler, and on that fourteen to sixteen seat jet there was only two people of the sixteen seats available, they only had two. Now the pilots those seats don't count for them. And we saw him get off the plane into his awaiting town car or limousine, another gas guzzler. Lie after lie, hysteria after hysteria, propaganda, false warnings. But it's all about free everything, and it's predicated on this foundation that human beings are destroying the planet for profit. We need to put all of our collective eggs in one basket and two each citizen of the world. What they need from each citizen of the world. Government will confiscate it and give it to others, and we'll take over all industry to control emissions. And we'll get rid of oil gas in ten years, the combustion engine in ten years. Uh, we'll get rid of cows and plains as soon as possible. Miami is going to be engulfed by water. How do I know this well, Alexandria Cossio Cortez told us to. But it's not realistening, it's not spotting to the prices of the spot the solution of the prices it was not relisting in Miami ice to see years realistic about the Okay, goodbye Miami. It was nice knowing you. By the way, I would urge a quick purchase of many boats in case it really happens. Doom and gloom. The planet is going to freeze us to death. The ice age is coming. The polar bears will be extinct. Al Gore told us the polar bears are thriving right now. How did that happen? Then we're gonna burn up, whether it's hot, whether it's cold, whether it's snows, whether it rains, if it doesn't snow or rain, if there is a drought, if there is a flood like in Houston, and we're praying for our friends in Eustance, pretty bad. It doesn't matter. We say it's climate change and man caused it, and we need to get rid of oil and gas, the lifeblood of every economy. And if it throws the world into a recession, if it costs ninety four trillion dollars, it's worth every penny, even though ninety four trillion in ten years we only take in four trillion a year for the federal government. That's our budget. That's forty trillion dollars they want to spend ninety four trillion dollars in ten years. That ain't gonna work. We're gonna go broke. And if we get rid of oil and gas, and we provide free government jobs guaranteed, vacation guaranteed, healthy food guaranteed, pre k guaranteed, if cares guaranteed, retirement is guaranteed, A job is guaranteed. And yet whether you're willing or unwilling to work, seventy percent top marginal tax rate individuals, ninety percent top tax rate corporations that if you save any money after they robbed the seventy and ninety percent, then they'll come back and hit you with a wealth tax because you save too much. And if you save any money before you die, they'll come back and whack you with another bite at the apple. Forty percent federally sixteen percent in New York. Don't die in New York. I get told that all the time. And by the way, as a conservative, I don't want to be anything but a good steward to the economy. This I want. Conservatives don't want dirty air and water. Yes, we want clean air and water for our children. We don't want to kill children. We won't want mommy, granny and grandpa eating dog food, cat food and then being pushed over the cliff by speaker, then Ryan or new King Richard. Now with Kevin McCarthy, you're insane. Why did you discuss your life his family? It doesn't matter what I discussed. But I will say this, somebody ought to look into Joe Biden's statement because it was disgraceful where he talked about billions of dollars that he's not giving to a certain country unless a certain prosecutors taken off the case. So somebody ought to look into that, and you wouldn't because he's a Democrat and the fake news doesn't look into things like that. It's a disgrace. But I had a great conversation with numerous people. I don't even know exactly who you're talking about, but I had a great conversation with numerous people, numerous leaders, and I always look for the conversation that's going to help the United States the most, that's very important. Said I'm not going to We're not going to give you the billion dollars. I said, you have no authority, you're not the president. The president said, I said, call him. I said, I'm telling you're not getting a billion dollars. I said, you're not getting a billion. I'm gonna be leaving here. I think it was what six hours? I look as leaving six hours. If the prosecutors not fired, you're not getting the money. Son of it got fired? Well, son of them, now you got fired. There it is Joe Biden on tape, literally leveraging American tax dollars aid to Ukraine, holding the money hostage. Using our tax money is leverage. Giving the Ukraine six hours to fire a prosecutor. Who's the prosecutor? Well, we know who the prosecutor is, the one that was actually investigating the Shenanigans of his son Hunter and the business that he was doing in Ukraine. You know, it's pretty amazing. Now this story is boomeranging like everything else the corrupt media mob gets involved in. In other words, now it gives people at least they've created a platform where now people will get the true story. In other words, that Ukraine had information that they wanted to provide us about what about their election interference in the twenty sixteen election to help Hillary Clinton? That is correct? You heard me, right, and as Luck would have it. Now, I've talked to multiple sources to know exactly what this whistleblower claim is all about. There's not a single thing, nothing that the President did that is inappropriate, offered that is inappropriate. There's no quid pro quote quote involved. And yeah it is. Well, let's just say the president pursuing truth that the mob never wants to pursue. You knows, Luck would have it right on time by the dailybas reporting a few inconvenient details about the intelligence communities. So called whistleblower and has reported claim that the President offered Ukraine officials hundreds of millions of dollars of military aid as part of a quid pro quo. That's not what happened. The quid pro quo was supportedly Ukraine. We get it in exchange for launching their investigation into Hunter Biden's extremely lucrative involvement with a Ukraine gas company. Now that supposedly took place in July. The only problem is, regardless of what was said during the call, Ukraine officials never launched any investigation into Biden, his son, or anybody else. But a few weeks later, despite Ukraine's decision not to investigate Biden. The Trump administration not only granted the military aid that Ukraine wanted, they actually increased the size of the aid package. So that's either the poorest excuse for a quid pro quo I've ever heard of, or they're full of crap. Now that's just from the liberal side of things. On the other side of things, Ukraine has been trying for a long long time now to get this out. Now, our friend John Solomon has a follow up to his blockbuster as it relates to Joe Biden and Crane. He joins us along with attorney David Shone and Greg Jarrett. By the way, next week, Greg's new book is out. Get an early copy now at Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, which hunt the story of the greatest mass delusion in American political history. John, another blow up in their face. It's been like the Muller report blew up in their face, Corey Lewandowski blew up in their face. The secret Washington Post whistleblowers story that's about to blow up in their face again. Yeah, Listen, this has a lot of the hallmarks of the Russia collusion narrative. How it rolled out, the same people right, the atom shifts of the world, anonymous leaks conversations that are you know, with world leaders, or much like Mike Flynn's conversation being leaked, which turned out there was no illegality in that conversation. I think everybody should take this as a green assault, and as we learned in the Russia case, wait for the facts, because I think the facts are going to be a lot different than the well I was told directly by people that know My sources have said that there's nothing in there that the president would be concerned about. Nothing. Is that what you heard? One that we can debunk. We can say we can debunk one right now. Here's one of my favorite narratives that you know, sound great until you find out what really is going on. For the last few days, the media has been saying, oh my god, Rudy Giuliani had contacts with the Ukrainians. All he was trying to do was get political dirt from the Ukrainians effect the twenty twenty election, gets something on Joe Biden, bring it back here, help Donald Trump win the twenty twenty election. And the specific contact that's raised concern was in the summer of twenty this past summer July, he had a contact with an official with the new Ukrainian President Zelenski. Sounds great, sounds salacious right when you hear it. Here's the only part of the story you haven't heard, and when you hear it, it changes everything. You know. Rudy Giuliani didn't have that contact because he wanted to have it. The State Department, not one, but two senior officials at the State Department called Rudy Giuliani and asked if it would be okay if he would talk to President Zelenski's aid and smooth things out, have a conversation, create a good relationship, because he would help the State Department. That contact occurred in July. Rudy Giuliani's then agreed to meet the Zelenski advisor in early August. And you know what Rudy Giuliani did after that, He didn't carry out a dirty trick. He went back to the State Department in brief two senior officials, two senior ambassadors, on exactly everything that went on. It was a diplomatic mission urged by the State Department, not a political dirty trick like CNN, The New York Times and others have tried to portray it over the last couple of days. It's that lack of facts in this reporting that we should make us all pause and say, wait, we might be being sold another bill of bad goods. Well, let's go back to what we know about Hunter Biden and Joe Biden leveraging American tax dollars to get the investigator into Hunter Biden shenanigans over there as it relates to oil and gas. By the way, did Hunter Biden never have any background? Did he do any work that we know of prior to this deal with Ukraine that paid him an awful lot of money, which we'll get into in a second. Do you have any background two wall to make these kind of deals before or no, he did not. And the overture that he got so concerned his business partner that Hines, the stepson of John Kerry, immediately told the State Department, I'm not going to be part of this. I don't feel good about this. I'm not part of this. That tells you something. When the guy who could make money off it decides he doesn't want to be part of it, it's suspect even to Hunter Biden's own business partner, John Kerry's son dropped out of this deal in Ukraine because he didn't want to be part of it, even though he was in business with Hunter Biden, So no, he didn't. A lot of money flowed three million dollars according to FBI records, and then questions began to arise. Isn't this a conflict of interest? Hunter Biden's working on Ukraine making lots of money. Why Joe Biden is overseeing the Ukraine portfolio for Barack Obama. That's a legitimate public interest public So what exactly did Hunter Biden do so we can bring everybody up to speed. Well, he was a board member and he also was consulting. At the same time. He was a board member board member of Barisma Gas Holdings, which was a Ukraine natural gas company run by a former Minister of the Environment of Ukraine. And so he gets hired in twenty fourteen, right as the revolutions occurring and Joe Biden is taking over the Ukraine portfolio for the president. Hunter Biden suddenly gets this offer and they start getting paid. One hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars a month flows into the firm that Hunter Biden control. One hundred and eight number eighty eight thousand dollars a month. Now, how much did Hunter get of that? We don't know, right, we see some deposits that come in and out. It's unclear how it was divvied up. But how much money flowed into his company? And what company is it? In America. It's a firm out of Chicago called Rosemont Seneca Partners and it had a subdivision that collected this specific money. And we know this not because the Ukrainean authorities have given us any records, but because the FBI sees these records in an unrelated investigation put him into courtfile. I obtained them and I reported on them. So three million dollars changed hands over two years, let me. And this is then the prosecutor in Ukraine was looking into the issue, and that's where that's where Daddad comes back into play again. He was overseeing the Obama administration's relationships with a Ukraine and that's why Hunter was there. And this happened right after he'd been there, and as their prosecutor looks into a potential unethical quid pro quo with the vice President of the United States and his son, that's when sleepy, creepy, crazy Joe three h three three zero steps in and says, either fired that guy or I keep the billion dollars and you can't stop me. And they fired the investigator that was looking into all of this. Greg Jarrett, you put out a piece today called the whistleblower may not be a whistleblower at all. Yeah, And of course the media would never know that because they've never opened a law book or bothered to just google a statute. The statute's called the Intelligence in a Whistleblower Act, and it provides a process for somebody in the intelligence community to report misconduct or abuse within the intelligence community. So this complaint against the president has no application. The whistleblower does not qualify as a whistle blower because he's complaining about the president, who is not a member of the Intelligence Committee. Sure, the Intelligence Committee reports to the President, but he is not subject to its rules of conduct. And this is why the Director of National Intelligence said, we don't believe this is what's called a urgent concern complaint. It's not a whistleblower complaint under the law. We're not going to give it to you, Members of Congress. What's disturbing is you know we have an American spy in one of our own intelligence agencies. There's apparently spy on the president, and then he thinks it's his job. The second guess the motivation behind the words of the elected president, who is the most superior officer in the US government. Well, let me ask you this. Are you now saying that the same person, President Donald Trump, will spied on as a candidate in a multitude of ways that we've exposed and his transition team in his presidency. You're saying now that our intel agencies, the ones that Chuck Schumer warrened, would get you six ways in Sundays if you dare mess with them. In other words, Chuck Schumer saying that the powerful tools of intelligence will be turned on you if you ever say anything they don't like, which is a scary proposition. Are you saying that you believe that the president was illegally surveiled and amassed by our intelligence community? Again, well, whether it was illegal or not, you know, you just you don't know. But look, when the president makes a call with foreign leaders, there are other people in the White House who were listening in. But they do so with the permission of the president. The president's comments about suggests that, well, he didn't know that this complainant, this so called whistleblower, was listening in, So you know, that's that's but the media doesn't, with the exception of Film Mudd at CNN, who said, this is outrageous to be listening in on the president, This is outrageous to be a snitch at the for Congress. Film Mudd worked in the CIA, worked in the FBI, and and by the way, he's a huge Trump hater, yeah he is, but in this one instance he pointed out something that's incredibly important. So you know, the media mass hysteria is based on almost no information, but that doesn't stop journalists from convicting Trump in the court of public opinion and predicting his immagrant Let me go again, all right, quick break, we'll continue on the other side, Greg Jared, David Show, John Solomon, the boomerang of Ukraine now blowing up in the media, and of course the mob's face and the Deep States face and the Democratic Party's face shocking. We've seen this movie before, right, As we continue, Greg Jarrett, John Solomon, and David Schooner with us if we have another case where they're spying and listening in on the president of the United States and then leaking it. David shown that to me is a far bigger issue than the president saying he wants truthful information about maybe some illegal activities that were committed to influence our elections in twenty sixteen. I think that's percent right, and I think you may be looking in a situation, God forbid, I guess again where we need a special prosecutor simply to look into this intelligence community issue. Let me say this, I think there's another big problem here. Also, remember the Constitution relegates foreign policy, dealing with ambassadors, dealing with foreign diplomats and heads of country exclusively to the president. So for Congress even to be you know, making their man's here is the real separation of powers issue. But it also undermines the foreign policy of our country. This president was elected because he was an outsider, because he was a businessman, because he knew how to make deals. He trades on relationships. Every time they pull something like this, and they well know it, they undermine the relationships that he's developing. Look at the cot the inroads. He's a foreign policy even while under this whole buller shadow, the ascill the foreign policy accomplishments he's made are tremendous. Nobody before ever made any inroads with some of these other countries, and now they criticize whatever road he takes. He has to be able to communicate effectively. The other thing I want to say, though, very important I think, is this sees that John Solomon is reporting on is clearly a blockbuster. But you know you said earlier Shan that it's another boomerang. There would be these boomerangs unless you were doing what you're doing. It is vitally important that you continue to report and expose these issues. Go oh, I mean I've got to worry now, don't I because the intel community will get me six ways and Sundays and Solomon and Jared and with all due respect David probably you two. No, it's vitally important work. This is how our tends on a continuing to do this work. They're not it's not a coincidence a boomerang. No, we're not gonna have a David. We won't have a country if our intelligence agencies are spying on our president illegally and they're on masking and they're leaking raw intelligence, because that's what it sounds like, it's a possibility against Stay right there, David shown, we have Greg Jarrett, we have John Solomon. We're gonna get continue our deep dive into this well full coverage of this tonight on Hannity. You you actually referred criminal Prosecution Department of Justice for comedy. Correct. We're required by the IG Act to send information that we've identified that could posibly be criminal to the Department, and we've that's pretty monumental. Do you know of any FBI director who in the past has ever had a criminal prosecution now as I sit here today, or any other head of any federal agency. I do, actually, okay, but I'll keep that all right, And the same type referral applied to Macabe as well. Right, The IGIACK requires me to expeditiously report to the Attorney General when I see evidence that could be considered criminal, and we follow the law. We've taken now your report and we've put it side by side congressional testimony that James Comey made before the Joint Oversight and Judiciary hearing. And I'm finding just a number of irregularity. So would it be appropriate if Chairman, I mean ranking member Jordan and I were to refer those inconsistencies to the IG, and if we did that would the IG look at those inconsistencies. So at this point, can you rule out the fact that there will be any criminal referrals as it relates to this new FIS abuse report that is coming out, Can you rule that out. I'm not gonna speak to that issue one way or the other. All right, That was the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz. Um, it's gotten very very little play in the fake news medium mob. Why because it doesn't fit their narrative and exposes what we have been telling you, which is two and a half years and well now really longer than that of pushing lies, propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories, the biggest hoax, as Greg Jarrett calls it in in the biggest mass delusion in American political history. And it goes on from there and in the process, the slander, the libel, besmirchment, the character assassination is never ending, and it just it's sort of like a quickening. Art Bell once wrote about the sickening, meaning that things happen faster now they get exposed faster. You know, claims on C and MB. I guess that Trump has killed millions more than Mao, Stalin, and Hitler combined. Not even a not one bit of pushback. But I think my IFB was not working that night, or just the latest in what is a series of scandals, including their anti semitism and tweets that are unbelievable on nine to eleven, and tweets about the great revolutionary Mao. Forget about the millions of people that starved to death and was slaughtered. We won't talk about that. That's the New York Times, the paper record, bragging about they spent they used an entire newsroom to work on only one story, but the story didn't turn out the way they thought it would, and they were exposed for lying. Now they're exposed for lying again, as we saw this week about Justice Kavanaugh, keeping out the key detail that the woman that is the alleged victim that they're writing about doesn't recall any such incident with Judge Kavanaugh, but a third party political hack apparently that worked with Clinton on the Lewinsky case with Williams and not only and Connolly in nineteen ninety eight. Yeah, that's going to be the our source for that. Well, now we have Horowitz confirming to Congress that he in fact recommended a criminal prosecution, because that's what it is. They just say it is a referral. They don't say criminal referral, but that's basically what it is. And he even went on to justify that and to basically agree to investigate whether Comy also lied to Congress. You know, he went into great, great, you know explanation that, yeah, we've identified things that plausibly would be criminal to the Department of Justice, and that he's required by the Inspector General Act to send that information that they've identified that could plausibly be criminal to the Department of Justice. That's how we put it. But we're awaiting his report on FISA abuse and it should be a slam dunk. We continue. John Solomon investigative reporter. Greg Jared's new book is out next week, which hunt the story of the greatest mass delusion of American political history. David shown criminal defense of a Liberty's attorney. David, let me go to you. You watched Horowitz this week, and I saw a guy that was not going to whitewash anything about Jim comey, and now that we know the Fiser report is finished, it's been sent to the Department of Justice, Attorney General Barr will look at any possible needed redactions after the FBI Director Ray weighs in. I don't have a lot of confidence in the current FBI director, who's not shown any willingness to clean up the premier law enforcement agency in the world, which is very troubling to me because up till this point they've had the best reputation as well, and it's only a few and not the ninety nine point nine percent that are great agents. That's right. I mean, I think Director Ray has been a disaster in way. If you just look at the Rogers Stone case, the idea of what happened to him with that raid, that's a whole other chapter here. It's outrageous and has never come clean about how that could have happened. But listen, I've been friendly with Michael Harrowitz for over twenty five years. I first met him in a case in Southern District, New York in which he was brought in to clean up corruption among tea agents. He had the guts to do it. Then he's had the guts all along. It's a very difficult position he's in. Remember, his career path has crossed with Komey and all of these folks all along, but he still stood strong. I can tell you this as a prosecutor, he never would have signed off on any of these five applications we've spoken about, and he would have fired any prosecutor woke with him who omitted the kinds of credibility and reliability details that had to be all those applications. He's a man of integrity, and now you've seen McCabe attacking him. That's outrageous. McCabe's got nowhere to turn anymore, and neither this Komey. Frankly, but I personally thought that Michael Harwitz could have been stronger in some of the IG reports that have been submitted already. That is, and I thought the acts of criminal conduct were even clearer and stronger than we're reflected in there. But he's a solid, balanced guy. He's a person of integrity. Everybody likes who meets and he's an honest man, and I considered an honor to be his friends. Your take now, John Solomon, and what do you expect? So what I'm hearing is that the IGS report on FISA abuses is extensive, illuminating, and that's some of the misconduct that has been identified in there. It goes beyond anything that we've talked about in your show or in my columns, or in all the other great work that Greg and Sarah and Joji Jenne A Victoria Tensing had worked on. It is comprehensive and it is eye opening according to some people who have seen it. Now we've seen Horrowitz make criminal referrals in his earlier investigations, the question will be, well, there be criminal referrals related to the FISA findings, and as you saw from that clip that you just played, he was not in committal or I didn't tip his and to Mark Meadows in that questioning. But I believe that this summer, this fall, excuse me, the month of October particularly, is going to be a very illuminating month about how bad things were at the FBI, how wrong those fights applications were, how misleading the Justice Department has been, not only to the FISA court but to the American public. And I think the Boomerang will complete its journey this fall. First step maybe into the classification of a small number of documents followed by the release of the IV report. I would expect that over the next five weeks. And you'll take Greg Jarrett five weeks. Oh my gosh, that's an eternity. When are we ever going to get this thing? And more specifically, Greg Jarrett, I'm not particularly inspired by the movement so far of Director right now, Race should be fired. He has been obstructing Congress, he has been obstructing the legitimate for requests. But the reason this IG report is taking so long is that the level of malevolence scheming against Trump is shocking and pervation. You know, government officials went rogue and they tried to frame Trump for a collusion conspiracy that never existed. There was lying, there was spine. I expect most of it to be digested in the IG report meticulously specified. There must be an accounting under criminal law. Criminal referrals and prosecutions should ensue. Okay, Now, the question is is there any doubt that we now know the following that Jim come on at least three occasions that we know of John Solomon, you reported on two of them. One was with Bruce Or when he warned everybody in August to twenty sixteen. Don't trust the oldes isn't verified. Hillary paid for it, Kathleen Cavalet did it, And apparently that was just what about ten to fourteen days prior to the signing of the first application for the first FISA warrant that Jim Comey signed, she warned everybody the same thing. From what we now know, the British government warned it, warned people, warned our government as well about Christopher Steele. He's not to be trusted. And from my sources, there's probably at least two, if not three other warnings direct warnings that were given to the DOJ and the FBI in particular. Now, with that said, that means it's premeditated. Now we also know that, in fact, they never attempted to verify the Steel dossier. We also know it's unverifiable because its own author had they even bothered to ask said under oath and an interrogatory and Great Brittany had no idea of any of it was true. When the FBI, John You wrote this column, eventually got around to verifying the dirty dossier, they were able to determine over ninety percent of it was not true, probably one hundred percent, but they didn't weren't able to prove one hundred percent wasn't true, but over ninety that means that they took an unverified Ussian dossier full of Russian lies, paid for by Hillary, and on a document where they swear that they verified it to be true. It became the bulk of information for the four applications. Now, the interesting thing to me is that would be premeditated fraud on a court. Greg Jarrett's identified many other crimes. I'll let him answer that in a second. John Solomon, is there any way on earth that the Inspector General does not conclude that they were illegally obtained or obtained under false pretenses? I don't think so. I'm not a lawyer, so I'll stick to the factional side of it. It has irrefutably been proven now that information in that Fison warrant from the first one through the fourth was inaccurate, it was unverified when when positive as being verified to the court, and more importantly, evidence that weighed against the credibility of Christopher Steele was not submitted to the court even though the FBI was in possession of it when they provided the first Fison. I'll just give you one example that a lot of people forget about that, and I think at the end of day, one other thing, I'll say, Christopher Steele himself may be the best evidence that Christopher Steele was warning the FBI his material was politically motivated. I think we're going to find that out, that Christopher Steel was being candid with the FBI, that he did have a political motive, that he did have a political client, that he had an election day deadline. I think that's going to be one of the revelations of the report. And the FBI kept up. But here's something that is the primary piece of evidence that they used to justify spying on Carter Page, the Trump campaign aide. They said they had verified that Carter Page had met with two senior Russian officials in July of twenty sixteen in Moscow. Bob Muller's report said those meetings did not occur. It is extraordinary that the primary piece of evidence he used to justify spying on a Trump campaign aide for twelve consecutive months turned out not to be true. That is the greatest failure that the FBI will have to own up to. Greg Jarrett, what are the crimes that were committed in all of this perjur ultim misleading statements, obstruction of justice, fraud, conspiracy to defraud, deprivation of rights undercolor of law, electronic surveillance undercover of law, and contempt of court. You'll find it on page one oh one, chapter three of my new book, witch Hunt. You can preorder it now. But it goes through all of the six material ways that people like comy. And you said perjury, you said obstruction, you said fraud, you said misleading statements, keeping, conspiracy to defraud, deprivation of rights undercolor of law, electronic surveillance undercover of law, and of course contempt of court. These are all crimes. They're felonies. And you know these judges were deceived in six material ways. And when the FBI kept getting more and more evidence that they had defrauded the court, the law imposes a duty go back to the court advised the court. They didn't do that, so they compounded their fraud with more fraud. Unbelievable, David, you agree with that analysis. You're an attorney, absolutely, and there's not only constitutional duty to go back the rules of the court Rule thirteen. It defies a court requires them to go back for any material omission or misstatement. This besides the crimes, there's also potentially private causes of action any aggrieved party, which means anyone overheard or the subject of these districts to sue. Quite frankly, but you know, to put the whole thing in perspective, you know, nobody's guessing anymore about these We know that these are facts. But is it a surprise when we now know, especially after the mother testimony. This was the Weissman Andrew Weisman special prosecution. The idea that anyone would be surprised that Andrew Weissman is associated with the withholding of Brady material or credibility material or what called Kyle's material material that goes to something suspect in the investigation or the investigators. That's not a surprise to anyone, and it shouldn't be. And when his background comes out fully then that ought to speaks for itself, quite slankly. No surprises there. It's horrible, it's a horrible chapter in our history, but no surprises. This is what where Mueller went wrong, and he knew Weisman was banned from the start with all. All right, I gotta let it go there. Thank you, all three of you, and we'll have a lot more on this tonight at nine Hannity Fox News. Another blow up right in the face, another boomerang right in the face at Democrats and the mob and the media. Coming up next, our final news round up and information overload. Our Reverend Sharpton, your current MSNBC coworker, Joe Scarborough, is my former congressman. And when Joe Scarborough served in the Congress, he had quite a bit to say about your contribution to the national discussion. It was in one hundred and sixth Congress that Joe Scarborough filed House Concurrent Resolution to seventy, entitled Condemning the racist and anti Semitic views of the Reverend Al Sharpton. Mister Scarborough's resolution began by saying, whereas the Reverend Al Sharpton has referred to members of the Jewish faith as blood sucking Jews and jew bastards. So my question to you is, does mister Scarborough's assertion that you said these things is that true? Or did you not say those things? They have patently untrue? I never said that, okay, And can I finish my answer? No, it's actually my time, but you will be well. I thought you raised a question, so the next question and I answered Scarboroughs second comment, he says, where is the Reverend Joe? Scarborough then wrote, whereas the Reverend Al Sharpton has referred to members of the Jewish faith as white interlopers and diamond merchants. Have you ever referred to members of the Jewish faith as white interlopers or diamond merchants? No, sir, I referred to one in Harlem, an individual who I didn't even know was Jewish, as an anteloper and said I should never referred to as race. Mister Scarborough continued, whereas the Reverend Al Sharpton led a protest in the Crown Heights neighborhood and march next to a protester with a sign that read, the white man is the devil? Did you watch next to a sign that said I have no recollection of that. I've watched in many things where there were signs that I did or did not agree with, mister Sharpton, have you ever referred to African Americans who disagree with you as cocktail sipnews I have. I'm trying to magic, but you ain't. Nothing. Now, come on, do something you want bed television, don't don't because you got the old the Middle Tower, because you know black man stood up next to you. They want to see you for the hall. Black was in the game. When we're doing, we've learned in them, but they ain't doing we do without Trump. We caught philosophy, no strategy white in the lope. I said, I was wrong, Uh, Cracker, crackers a certain personification of a certain type of person down south. She's like ridden it. I mean, you know, some people misinterpret cracker meaning all whites is not true. But the confusion means you shouldn't use it. I mean, sometimes being flippant, you say things you shouldn't say because it gets in the ray of your message and people don't really understand what you're saying. I wonder if ever, now would give a pass. I tend to doubt it uh to Donald Trump or anybody else. And don't forget about Oh you can pinion yarmickism backwards or whatever he said on that front. Also, um, yeah, and that's how he referred to the first African American mayor of New York City, David Dinkins. Wasn't too flattering, was it anyway joining us to discuss to debate and this and also the House Judiciary hearing on law enforcement, how it is now morphed into. We had a video we have now shown on television of a brutal, brutal, vicious series of beatings and robberies that have taken place, and we haven't heard a single word from anybody on the Democratic side running for president the selected moral outrage over foreign interference in our elections. Ukraine is the number one example Joe Biden on tape as we played earlier today. And Joe Biden, you know, withholding our taxpayer money to force the firing of a prosecutor that's investigating his son. The Ukraine is trying to give information to us that they say proves they the Ukraine tried to help the Hillary campaign and interfere in the twenty sixteen election. But nobody cares about that. Nobody cares about obstruction unless it's Trump, nobody cares about Russian lies and unless it's Trump. And meanwhile, every other thing of the Democrats gets push push to the side. Uh, you know, you know the question yesterday. If the Jews want to get it on, they can pin their yarmika's back and come on over to my house than after Have you ever referred to African Americans who disagree with you as a cocktail sip N word? And in the case of David Dinkuld, you only want to be the only N word, N word, N word, N word anyway? Here with us Pastor Darryl Scott, founder Senior pastor New Spirit Revival Center, also presiding pastor of Hartford Memorial Baptist Church in Detroit. That's Reverend Charles C. Adams. Welcome both of you to the program. I begin with you, Pastor Adams. Uh, you just heard the derogatory language of Al Sharpton. I've got more hits if you want me to play them. You know they were in the caves while we were building pyramids, and you know the N word, and you can pin your Jews want to get it on, Pin their yamkas back and come over to my house. And diamond merchants and white interlopers. Um, that sounds to you like somebody that every Democratic candidate ought to be sucking up to to get his approval and endorsement. But I think the key word here, Sean, is context. Context. Okay, what is it to somebody You don't know the context in which they were saying, Okay, slow down, let's go through one one at a time. Let's go through one at a time. You ain't nothing but a punk and then an epathetic about gay people. Is that context or is that wrong? Is in the context of so it's not? It's okay? Well, let me ask you this to call the first African mayor of New York City, who happens to be a very decent, nice man. I didn't like his policies, but he's a really good person. David Dinkins the N word on multiple occasions. Uh, that you have a problem with that? Is that about context too? Look the context of New York politics. It can go either way. I'm sure that that's context here. All right, what about the white men? What about white men were living in the caves? Al Sharpton, what about white men living What about white men living in the caves while we were building pyramids? That sound racist to you? Problem this conversation has brought up in the context of a law enforcement hearing. So instead of talking about police brutality, instead of talking about okay, I'm not talking about listen, I'm talking this. Listen, it's my show. I'll tell you what the context is. The context is is just about every twenty twenty Democratic presidential candidate has gone up to Harlem. They usually go to Sylvia's to eat, and they have been seeking Al Sharpton's blessing and endorsement. So that's the question. And I'll ask now, my friend, Pastor Daryl Scott, Pastor Scott, do you have a problem with the Democrats sucking up to him? Well, yes, the Democrats stuck up to him and he's playing them like a fiddle for food. Now what I want to ask Pastor Adams, is this, what context it's okay to publicly use rachel slurs in like on a wrap CD or something. That's all right, that that's a good context that you can drop the N word and call women all kinds of names or whatever, as long as it's like on a rap CD. So when you say context, what context would make what as said acceptable? Well, we know that the Bible says, but that was in a context, Reverend the Bible says women keeps silent, But that was in the context, and that was part of his response when he was into hearing. Although we're not talking about that. I didn't ask while you were a full style for a minute you were single? Were none in response Stiles specific individual stop is dick talk And by honestly, Al got pumped by Congress yesterday, this big talk Owl on his big talk ranch at alkins drop all the inward and cost you out in this big bad Owl and all out yesterday was depth, dodged, deflected, and denied. Let me let me let me if I can listen, let me let me try and call this back a little. Reverend Adams, I don't think you're doing particularly well in this debate. And I'm gonna tell you why, because you just don't say the obvious. The things that Reverend Owl has said and the things he's saying have been egregious. And there's no conservative or no Republican that ever used that type of language that you would have any Republican candidate looking for their endorsement. And what you can't seem to reconcile is the case is so overwhelming against the Democratic candidates going to Al and you just can't say, yeah, you're right, what he said is inexcusable. He should apologize and he should work for the betterment of people everywhere and stay out of the political arena. You know, we lost since Barack Obama's president, you know, fifty two hundred people in the city of Chicago, twenty five thousand, almost twenty five thousand shot. We have these democratic cities that have been run by Democrats for decades that have these atrocious records. Where our family, our American family, is being shot up and nine year old was executed this week in Chicago, or the trial is going on this week. And we have Baltimore thirteen public high schools. Not a single kid in any one of those high schools is proficient in Baltimore and either reading or math. We have failed our children. There are children, and it's happening in every big democratic city. And I don't hear you saying let's fix it. I want to fix it. I know what Pastor Scott's doing to fix it. What do you want to do to fix it? Well, look, we have developed a sixteen point five million dollars market rate senior sinner. But we did get some hard money. We had doctor and Carson come and cut the ribbon. By the way we've developed. Eleven people were shot Wednesday night this week in Chicago. What I am doing. I'm a nine year old has been executed. I just I don't get it. I don't get it. Why why is this acceptable? Because if it's a shooting and the guy posted something one day and he likes Donald Trump, you blame Trump. Well, how do you not blame the Democratic run cities for decades for the failure of fixing the violence and education system. Can't blame Donald Trump for decades of failure, now, can you? You have to look at the poverty rate in those communities and look over half the white shooters. I mean over half the mass shooters are white. So I don't you know why they hang talking about a master. But there are mass shootings in Chicago every week. Every week there's mass shooting, whether it's done by one or whether it's done by several. There are mass shootings in Chicago every week. If a white person had executed other black nine year old, this country will be torn apart right now. Every single Democratic presidential Canada, every black towns center would be blaming it on Donald Trump. If whites eat blacks like that was happening in Minnesota, that will be riots that will be blame placed on President Trump's rhetoric and his delatives of this country. But how come all of the black leaders are silent? On Chicago? There's mass shootings every week in Chicago, hundred, not Chicago hundred every week. Chicago death rates in the thousands. Let me tell you something. Here we are thousands. It's a couple of thousand people have been killed in nine months. That's over two hundred people a month. That's fifty people a week. And they're silent. It's not a topic of national discussion except for on the Hannity Show, What a long head. Nobody has been silent. Oh no, no, no, no, excuse me. I'll tell you's been silent for the most part, Barack Obama for eight years. The majority of those those twenty some out thousand shootings and five thousand deaths happened on his watch, and he barely touched the topic. But maybe twice. It's wrong. It's our American family. A nine year old kid, a nine year old kid executed in Chicago. Executed. All right, We're wrapping up with Reverend Charles Adams and Pastor Darryl Scott, about forty seconds each. Adams will let you go first. Here your final thoughts. Absolutely, I think we have to get to the heart of the issue. The fact of the matter is education has suffered in cities like Chicago, in cities like Detroit, Milwaukee, wherever there is a high concentration of ethnic minorities in this country. You have seen these kind of problems and it's related to being priests or the high poverty rates. Poverty has actually been dropping since two thousand and twelve, so we're making progress, but the progress is slower when you add those kinds of real issues. And when I talk about poverty, we're talking about food, housing, clothing. Basic needs are not being met, and now we are seeing the fruit of that kind of neglect. We have been very successful in trying to face that at our church. All right, but let me let me go to Pastor Scott last forty five seconds for him listen to race dividers such as out shocking, because I want to stay on topic. They need to start being more proactive than the communities rather than a reactive and quit waiting for there to be a sense or a transgression or an incident so that they can capitalize off of it and get another fifteen minutes of fame. And we begin to be really proactive regarding the community, and if we improve the quality of living in our communities, we will have a reduction in these type of incidence. But what happened in Chicago is indefensible. What outshoting is. This thing is indefensible, and it's a shame and it's something that needs to be a solution found for it very soon. All right, thank you both of being with us eight hundred nine for one, Seawan told free telephone number. We'll pick this up tonight. We are going to educate everybody on the Ukrainian lie and the real scandal that's coming up. Hannity ninetiestern on FOT. We welcome back maryam Mendoza. She has an update for us. Now. Remember she is the mother of Brandon Mendoza. We got to know Mary Anne. We love Mary Anne. Imagine if it's your child that's murdered by any illegal alien, well, she's lived through that hell and her son, Sergeant Brandon Mendoza killed at a twenty fourteen car crash closed by any illegal immigrant who is drunk and high on methamphetamine while speeding along the highway in the wrong direction in Mesa, Arizona. He was only thirty two years old. Anyway, now we find out that Mary m. Mendoza apparently has been penalized. We're talking about the crimes against Americans by illegal immigrants on Facebook, and she's now fighting back against the silencing and Marian, I just wanted to put you on, give you a chance to maybe get the help that I think this audience would love to give you because you told the Epic Times that you received post removabal notification from Facebook last week and they claim that your post go against our community standards on hate speech. Did you say anything hateful? No? I actually posted a Breitbart article and took a quote out of the article and put that out on my post. What was it? It said illegal aliens in it and it was part of the Breitbart article, and so they retracted. When Breitbart got ahold of them, they said, hey, she's just reposted an article of our So they put that one back up. But the other one, I'm calling out Nancy Plosy like I was on Twitter and when they suspended me on Twitter for six weeks, and you know, I'm not speaking anything but the truth. Illegal aliens is a word that they don't like. They say it's you know, being racist and illegal aliens are not a race. They're people from all over this world who are coming into our country illegally. And the American people have a right to use the right language to describe what these people are. And that's what they are. And I want to hash blood on your hands a lot towards our politicians because their in action is causing more blood on their hands. If every innocent American that's killed by an illegal alien. Well, the thing is for all the people that want sanctuary cities states and they protect even criminals that when they get out of jail, Ice would like to deport them as the law requires, but they fight to aid in a bet law breaking against the federal government. That's what they do. There's no other way to put it. So now the question becomes, at what point if those if the people that it spend time in jail, or criminal aliens that they would otherwise deport if they followed the law, at what point do they bear some responsibility in the actions of those people that don't care and commit crimes or in this case get drunk and high on meth and kill your our son exactly. I mean, over forty three hundred Americans are killed every year by illegal alien and as that as nine to eleven was and how horrific that was, people need to start standing up and realizing it's worse than that annually, and it keeps growing every year because we have more and more of them pouring over our borders. So Angel Stronebeck and I have taken to the road run our Make America States Again tour and we're in Little Rock, Arkansas tonite and we're going to Nashville, Nashville, and we end up in Richmond in Virginia and then in DCM September twenty fifth. Because we are standing on stages in front of our fellow Americans and we're telling them exactly the messages that we're trying to get out and what they need to do and the importance we build the wall. You know, we're advisory board members for them, and we are doing We have shown Congress that the American people can donate money and we can build a wall to protect Americans that Congress will not do. Well. I gotta tell you something, is there any recourse are you going to do anything with Facebook? Two? You know, insist that your free speech rights not be violated if you're saying, hey, people that that don't enforce our laws and aid and a bet criminal aliens and help them stay in the country and then they commit other crimes that they're that that they're in some way helpful in that effort, they're going to let people be able to say that truth. Well, I talked to an attorney when I assessmended from Twitter, and he's been very highly visible in a lot of these you know, people trying to come to him, and unfortunately the anti trust laws UM don't allow us to sue them, them, Facebook, Instagram, any of those platforms. So I was really glad to see Preger University and Candacelons and them going after them. However, you know, I am making Jim Jordan and Andy Biggs and the congressional members who are fighting this for us, they're getting all of my information so that they have that as part of their you know files m when they decide, hopefully to change the anti trust laws and not allow these people to silence Americans. And it's just the conservative voices, you know, you go on there in Pueblos in Printers and Lutra Lado and all of these five O one C three's that are aiding and eventting illegal aliens are allowed to stay on this platform. And this is the other thing. They will not allow me to do a fundraiser for Angel Families LC on Facebook because they said I have violated community standards more than one. And they're putting me through the ring or getting my donate button for Angel's mom Facebook page. The five O one C three. They're making me send them articles of incorporation, bank statements the front and back of my driver's license. I've never had to do that for a five O one C three on Facebook, and so they're really putting me through the ring and make it impossible for me to do the things that I need to do for these organizations and keep the word out there. Well, listen, we just send you our love and support if you need to get a message out. I know maybe I'm not as big as Facebook on the Internet, but we'll put anything you want to put up. So maybe people can help you in petition Facebook and somehow, and I help you get your information out. Somebody that lost a child to illegal criminal alien in this country, and wasn't that person arrested before how many times for drunk driving or whatever? Yeah, he had been arrested many times up in Colorado. But one other thing I want to tell you real quick shown which is amaz which is like ridiculous. Facebook is now fact checking me. So every article that I put up, I get an article underneath we have fact checked your article. And then one of them about illegal immigration, the fact checked part article from politifacts said people living in the United States illegally is mostly true, that it's a crime. I'm like, mostly true, it's one hundred percent true. So now they're you know, they're fact checking me. They're doing everything they can to try and make put put doubt in people's mind that what I'm saying is even true. And it's just it's disgusting and it's sickening when somebody like myself who's been effected like this and my amazing son was taken not only from me, but his community. And I speak nothing but the truth. I don't put anything on Facebook or Twitter that I have not researched personally. This is a twenty four seven job for Sean, fighting for my fellow Americans, because nothing I say or do will bring my son back. But it's something I say or do if it prevents it from happening to another American family. I will speak up until the day I die about this. How could you not? I don't know how you listen. I don't even know if I could get out of bed after living through what you live through. We had the father of this young woman, Meadow, who was killed in Parkland and the shooting down there on the radio show yesterday. Not one person in the media wants to talk to the guy because he has views that are different than oh, we need more gun laws, and he lost his daughter, one of seventeen parents that day. And I don't know how you get out of bed. I really don't. And you certainly have the right to speak out on this topic in light of everything that you and your family have been through, because I'm sure when your eyes open every day, if you got much sleep at all, you probably wake up and it's probably slaps you in the face first thing, first thought of every day, because I know it would me, and I don't know if i'd recover. I don't know if i'd be as strong as you. Our love and prayers are with you, and anything we can do, just tell us, We'll put anything you on up, whatever you need. Okay, thank you? Sean, have a wonderful day, all right, Hannity. Tonight ninety stood another major massive boomerang against Democrats, the medium mob. Yes, they're big whistle blower story. They have now opened the door to do a full examination of Yes, then Vice President Biden and his son and the Oh leveraging US tax dollars. Why to pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating the company involved with his son. We break it wide open tonight on Hannity. Have a great weekend. We'll see you back here on Monday.

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