With all of the talk of "missing" text messages and emails, it's sometimes easy to think that there is no way we'll ever find the truth about what's going on in Washington. Sean doesn't agree. Bill Binney, Former Technical Director of the NSA World Geopolitical and Military Analysis and Reporting Group and former founding member of the Department of Homeland Security Philip Haney join Sean to discuss the methods that can be employed to recover lost messages. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and Hannity.com.
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio Show podcast. Hey, like most of you, I had not have had trouble sleeping, but I sleep better than ever. And you know what, It's all because of a pillow. Mike Lindell's My Pillow has changed my life for the better and it works. What makes my Pillow so different is their patented adjustable phil Now you can adjust a patent and filter your exact individual comfort need and get the support you absolutely must have, and that means you fall asleep faster, you stay asleep longer. It just works. Millions of people have already discovered that my Pillow works for them, and now it's time for you to experience my Pillow for yourself. Just go to my pillow dot com, use the promo code Sean, and when you do, Mike Lindell will give you his best offer ever. By one my pillow, get another one absolutely free. Now. My pillows, made in the USA has a ten year warranty and a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose. So get started and get to sleep. You crave and deserve my pillow dot com promo code, Hannah, and get Mike Lindell's special two for one offer. That's my pillow dot com promo code, Sean. I don't even know where to begin because the information is shocking and more spectacular by the minute, in the hour, and uh, we've got a lot of ground to cover today. Is just one way to uh say all of this. We're learning that apparently Comey shared all his information with Muller and was brought in early in the Comy is the guy that leaked to the Columbia professor to get his buddy Mueller appointed special counsel in the first place. Comey is the guy that made it possible by writing well first, when he first wrote the exoneration, he's admitting Hillary committed numerous felonies about how she mishandled classified information, destroyed classified information, how not having her email server in a secure place, how it resulted in foreign entities and agencies being able to capture the information, and probably the thirty three thousand emails. He's the guy, he was the one that worked with Struck. And now it gets worse from there. And you know, now we've got Struck in page discussing how to remove the text messages. We've got five months, critical months of text messages between Peter Struck and his mistress lawyer girlfriend at the FBI Lisa page on how to remove messages, and this it shocks and should shock the conscience of every single person. By the way, the Judicial Watch chief is urging Sessions to seize FBI computers. I don't think that's a bad idea at this hour. I think that's actually a pretty good idea, because who knows, God knows how long they're gonna last until somebody gets in there and takes them out. Um. Now we've got talk of a secrets society and the FBI meeting the day after all of this, and I'm like, you can't make this up in a novel. It's getting so bad. You're looking at the biggest abuse of power in the history of the United States of America and we still don't even have the memo. And the memo, I'm told, is the tip of the spear in the tip of the iceberg here, and there's so much more that is going to be coming, which shows that we really need to get to the bottom line of all of this, because it's the Constitution that is now in play here. You know, when we first had ten thousand texts, now we know there are fifty thousand texts between you know, Trump hating Hillary, loving Peter Struck and love birds Peter Struck and Lisa Page are now under a review by the Office of the Inspector General. But we still have the five months of missing text messages. How did they go missing? How would they not recover a ball later on? We've got Bill Benny's gonna join us. He's He's the guy that has told us, after thirty or four years of the n s A that every text, every email, every phone call is metadata stored. Philip Hainey, he was the author of Say See Something, Say Nothing. He's another guy with thirty plus years experience and a whistle blower, and he's the guy that said, oh, when Well Obama became president, I was told to destroy all the intel. Is one of the founding members of the Department of Homeland Security. So you know, we've got the FBI losing five months of text messages during v key period, when the dossier came out, when Flynn was investigated, when Comey was fired, when the Special Council was appointed, when the President uh said, yeah, it looks like I was spied upon. He was. And we first broke this story almost a year ago. That's how long this goes on. And for those of you that have been frustrated, why don't we get to the conclusion, because it's not how literally they don't want us to get to the conclusion. They don't want this to unravel the way it's been unraveling here. They don't want to be caught in their nefarious and illegal activities. But what you have is, and why this is so profoundly different and so much bigger than Watergate, is we have a group of people that are trying to rig and fix pretty much everything, and it starts with Hilary yourself. I cannot to this day understand why more people were not outraged when Donna Brazil writes a book saying she rigged the primary election. How is that not huge news? If I'm a Bernie supporter, I'm apoplectic, I'm angry, I'm frustrated. Now. I do have a sidebar that there were people that were frustrated and angry and tried to do something about it, But that's a different story for a different day. I would be livid, and now we've got the smoking on evidence. And I go back to where we were yesterday with Loretta Lynch. Now she's in the loop knowing that in fact, Hillary was gonna be exonerated and the fix was in. I'll get to that in a minute. And then they have Hillary with the doscie. What is the doscie really all about? Dossier spending twelve million dollars Hillary Clinton campaign money funneled through one lawyer, d n C, money that she's controlling, according to Donna Brazil, the d n C chair at the time, going to the same lawyer, full of lies, propaganda, salacious details, unproven, unchecked, never mind unproven, and that is to influence the general election, and then being shopped to the news media and coordination with Glenn Simpson and the Hillary Clinton campaign. Okay, so you rigged the primary, why not try to rig the general with phony information from Russia? I thought the very thing the have said that they hated so much. And in the process, the only reason you get to remain candidate is because the FBI rigged their investigation into you. And they've got the smoking gun evidence that James Comey, Peter struck and now appears, others, probably Andrew McCabe. Then we got Bruce Oars issues. Then we've got Loretta Lynch brought into this and that she knew that it was never gonna happen. And the timeline for them is devastating. No wonder five months of critical text messages disappeared because they're not following any rule of law in all of this. You know, I agree with Judicial Watch. They're now urging sessions sees the FBI computers do it now. I mean, you know, asked Paul Manafort, by the way, because FBI investigators seldom hesitated in collecting evidence when when they want it, why not do it now? At this point, Congress is investigating in the Department of Justice, they'll have nothing the FBI, they will have no communications with them because they are believing at the highest levels in Congress that all of this was abused, you know. And then we've got this story out today that you know, while FBI Gate, that's the bombshell one after another exploding that the manner at the center of the worst scandal in the bureaus history. James Comey, Well, he's busy tweeting away because you know, Congressman John Ratcliffe tweeted quote that thousands of tacks that Trey Goudy and I reviewed today revealed manifest bias among top FBI officials against President Trump both before and after President Trump was elected. We know that they hated both Struck and at Lisa Page hated him, you know, f Trump and the rest of it. The text between them. But the text then talk about Struck in Page referencing a secret society. What's the secret society? And a little more than three hours later, the s graced that BHI director James Comey appeared to respond to Ratcliffe's tweep with a cryptic message, good to read reports of people standing up for what they believe in. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. MLK, which begs the question call me the chairman? Was he's a chairman of this secret anti Trump society. You know he's so high for Lutin thinks he at the end of the day, him giving Hillary the pass, him giving her the pass meant that she got to continue to run for president. They cleared the way for her. If it was Donald Trump, he would have been arrested and charged. I mean, it's unbelievable. Anyway, you may think back if you remember call Mey's testimony, remember was specially it was closely coordinated with the Special Council. Remember that a source close to James call me told Fox News at the time that the former FBI director senate testimony had been closely coordinated with Robert Mueller. Robert Mueller didn't have this job, but for James Comey. I mean, all of this is so incestuous and so inanely corrupted. It should take your breath away in all of this, I mean, let me just go over some of the more interesting details here, because it's almost like a novel being written that you can't believe. And I'll take i will say this, And in terms of vindication, I've been telling everybody the media is wrong. How could the media missed the biggest story of their lifetime, so much bigger than Watergate, as they've been focused on a phony Russia collusion story. I mean, it's it's you got the Attorney General now, the the messages that the FBI is claiming to have lost them from a critical time in all of this, the fourteenth of December to the seventeenth of May, the day that the Special Council gets appointed. Then magically the next day they show up again. Now remember and that was when Trump thought that he was being wire tapped, all these other issues coming up, and James Camey being fired, the Special Counsel being named. So the message is missing from the entire period when all of this is going down, probably would reveal a lot. And now the question is how do we retrieve these text messages? How do we get them back? Where is the phone? Is it meant a data store? Do they have any backups? How long is it gonna take? And why does this keep happening? Lois learned? Oops? Missing the emails up? Cellary Clinton Ups. I deleted them, my bleach bit them, my ass would wash them. I broke up my devices up Stebbie Wassonman Schultz is I t guy has busted up our drives in his garage. It all reeks of lawbreaking, conspiracy and obstruction of justice. And that's laughable. They trying to blame Samsung for all of this and a mis configuration. Really, Samsung, how about instead of making excuses. They do their job. You know, this is all part of a much larger pattern in all of this. It happens all the time. You know, the FBI, remember they destroyed the laptops of Clinton aids with immunity deals. Who destroys evidence like that? Another corrupt deal in the making. You know, the FBI wouldn't be able to look at possible obstruction. They destroyed the evidence. Nobody makes that deal within law enforcement and Clinton and Clinton broke the law was playing and simple. Everybody knew it. And the only reason she got to continue was because of this cabal of Lisa Page, Peter Struck, James Collmey, Andrew McCabe. Let's find out what Bruce Oars involvement in all of this is. His wife was the one putting that dossier together for Fusion GPS. He's meeting with Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS. Uh. Fusion GPS never corroborated any of the dossier's false elaceous information. You know, then you got the text messaging from Struck in Page that shows them. Now the Attorney General is brought into this. I remember and may Callmey Struck. Another top officials started drafting the Clinton exoneration before investigation. Now, Loretta Lynch at that point was meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac. You know, at the end of June, we still haven't talked to Hillary Clinton at that point or the key players in that investigation. And then just days later, Lynch said she'd stepped beside, she'd accept the FBI's conclusion, and then struck text page, Remember struck in page saying we needed an insurance policy. Now at this point, struck his writing while the timing meaning of the meeting with Clinton and and Loretta Lynch on the tarmac looks awful. And then Paige says, yeah, it's a real profile encourage and she knows no charges will be brought. That's before they ever interviewed Hillary Clinton. The fix was in. It was rigged. Everything in this case was rigged. It's it's despicable. It is we are corrupting the entire constitutional process in this country if this is allowed to go on without major ramifications for the people involved and jail time for these people involved. All right, I'm gonna try and just take the time and go through this slowly and explain everything to you in light of what we are discovering kind of hour by hour and day by day here. Now we've there's got to be a way to get these five crucial months of text. I know a lot of you on Twitter, you're like, all right, release the memo. Here's what I've heard about the memo. Let me tell you what my sources are telling me. Um. There was a letter that was signed by let's say, good Lad, Devin Newness, and Trey Goudy that was going to be hand delivered to the Department of Justice. Then the Republican Party in caucus session decided apparently unanimously that no, we're not going to the FB, We're not going to the Department of Justice. We're investigating the Department to Justice. We're investigating what has gone on here, especially in light of the struck Page memos and the missing critical five months we've got here. It happened with Loess Learner two years before we ever got those emails up. We can't find them. Hillary's thirty three thousand deleted emails, acid Wash, bleach bit breaking with hammers, with devices, no sim cards, and then of course broken up hard drives, and Debbie Wash, theman Schultz's I T Guy I guess the lesson here is, and don't quote me. If you're in trouble, break everything, destroy everything, get rid of everything. Now, forensic people, really smart people, are telling me there are ways to recover this. It took two years to get lowest learners emails back. But the reason they're covering up is because what you have is an attempted coup. What you have as an attempt to allow the tools of the intelligence, those powerful tools, to be used to influence a presidential election, coupled with a bought and paid for phony Russian propaganda dossier, and then it was used also in the court system, the spy on a presidential opposition party in opposition candidate and an incoming administration and a president elect. This makes Watergate look like, you know, stealing a Snickers bar from your local candy store. It's that big, it's that corrupt, it's that deep, it's that profound. It should be to everybody. And I don't care if you're a liberal, conservative, Republican, Democrat, libertarian, you should care because this they've shredded the Constitution, They've shredded the Fourth Amendment, and the deep state thought they knew better than the American people. Now it's coming. America's chickens are coming home to roost all right now till the top of the hour one shaunas Or told free telephone number. Want to be a part of the program. There's so much to get to here. Um, We've got a history. I'm not sure if I ought to end up going through all of this, but the history of Comey sharing memos with Muller, and you know, I'm telling you right now this is stinks to high heaven, and I want to go through this a little bit more slowly, especially in light of now we have struck in page discussing how to get rid of their texts. Um, because this is problematic because now you're talking about full on obstruction of and probably destruction of evidence, which is part of a pattern of Obama administration officials from low as Learner, and you know, the officials that we're leading the charge, you know, unfairly going after Conservatives with using the power of the I R S in that case and the I R S so well, the emails are lost because of a system crash. Now they're blaming Samsung in this particular case. Every time the walls are closing in on anybody Obama administration related. Just key evidence just seems to magically disappear at just the right time, you know, when it keeps happening. You know, it defies logic to believe this crap, and it is a bunch of crap, and it's a bunch of lies. And you know, there's what we're talking about here is this is their go to m O. When they are cornered, they destroy Dedie Washsonmon Schultz, the I T Aide scandal with the you know, the smashed hard drives in the garage. Of course the AIDS lawyer denies it. But okay, then you got these newly released text messages Peter Struck, Lisa Page, Hillary loving, Trump hating you know, individuals, Lisa Pages, the council working closely with Andrew McCabe. They're the three that talk about an insurance policy. God forbid if Donald Trump wins the election. I think we now know what the insurance policy is. And then we learned from the text messages yesterday. You know that before they even interview Hillary Clinton, that Lauretta Lynch knew there was not gonna be any type of charges brought against Hillary Clinton. And then you add to that what she did, which was so wrong, meeting on the tarmac with Bill Clinton. But all you can conclude here is that there was a circle of individuals that decided that Hillary Clinton had the right to be the Democratic Party's choice for president because if the rule of law were equally applied to Hillary, she violated numerous laws and committed numerous felonies, not the least obstruction of justice, destroying subpoena emails, thirty three thousand, acid washing, bleach bit mishandling classified information, destroying classified information. You see how it's all beginning to tie together here. This is all this house of cards is now in the process of crumbling. And I know it's taken a long time, and I know it gets confusing for a lot of people. I'm I'm studying this full time, and I'm telling you I can get con used in the middle of this, and I'm doing my my best to make sure that everybody can fully completely grasp and understand it and reading everything possible so I can break it down so we can understand. Here, they knew Hillary Clinton wouldn't be prosecuted for the crime she committed because they put the fix in struck call me exonerating before investigating. Apparently Loretta Lynches in the loop, Lisa Pages in the loop, and it appears McCabe is in the loop. Alright, So all of those people, now, as I've been saying, all these people need to be fired and then they need to be investigated, and then I would imagine charges need to be brought in these cases. That's what That's what I'm suggesting to everybody here. Back in May. Remember it was Struck an other top FBI officials writing the exoneration statement if they hadn't interviewed Hillary or seventeen other key witnesses in the case. I've never heard of an exoneration letter being written before the investigation has even begun. For the most part, it means it's rigged. It means the fixes in Now we learned yesterday the Attorney General Loretta Lynch meeting Bill Clinton on the tarmac forty minute meeting. They weren't talking about their grandchildren for forty minutes at this crucial moment in this timeline here, they were talking about exonerating Hillary so that she didn't get arrested before the general election. At that point, because she was already pretty much had the oh, we knew the fix was in. Now we knew that the fix was in from the beginning. And then Lynch also told Comey, hey, don't call this investigation an investigation, call it a matter. You see how it all begins to tie together. And then days later, when Lynch said she would step away from the email investigation, she says, and this is a key moment, she would accept whatever the FBI's conclusion is because she had the right to override that. All right, So now you got Comy and Struck writing the exoneration. Now you got the Attorney General signing off on the deal that they exonerate Hillary. And then we learned that it's a profile encourage of Loretta Lynch. Two. Uh, it was bad timing though, her meeting Bill Clinton on the tarmac, But it was a profile encourage considering she knew that there wouldn't be any charges brought against Hillary. That's July one. They didn't interview Hillary Clinton to the fourth of July weekend. It all it was all determined in advance. It was a dog and pony show. The fix was in. I think about the consequence and what if you fixed a race in um in horse racing, and they're big consequences for fixing races. What if this point shaving uh for betters in basketball games or football games never hear about those scandals. Well, what if the fixes in to allow somebody that should have been indict and likely put in jail. You put the fix in with the highest ranking law enforcement officials in the country, the a G and the FBI director, to allow one candidate to break laws, they cover up for this individual, to allow that candidate to defeat the candidate that all of them are on record hating. And then in the process of all of this, you ignore she rigged the primary election, You fixed her illegal activities. Then she buys a phony Russian dossier, and then the phony Russian dossier designed to influence the general election, and then the dossier full of lies is used to get a FISA warrant to spy on the opposition party in the lead up to the election and set a trap for the president elect and knows around him after the election. And you're thinking, Hannity, you've just jumped the shark. All of that now is provable. All of that happened in the United States of America, and of Lisa Page For example, if you're Struck in Page and Lynch, all new charges weren't gonna be recommended against Clinton. You've got to imagine that Mr Insurance policy discussion, Andrew McCabe himself that he knew Hillary was gonna go free. Only people that didn't know know it were were us. I guess we're the suckers in this game because we're the ones that believe in free and fair elections. We don't think the top people in our Department of Justice and our FBI are gonna betray us this way and put the fix in this way. But that's what's happened. We we also need to know what Rod Rosenstein's rolling all of this is. But if you're counting the characters here, Lisa Page, Peter Struck, why are they still working for the FBI? Why is Andrew McCabe still working for the FBIO don't care for He's retiring in March. Fire him now? And then it raises questions about bre Sore. He's meeting with Fusion GPS before and after the election. His wife, Nellie is literally one of the people hired by Fusion GPS to put the salacious phony Russian propaganda dossier together. Why are they still working? Why is why is Bruce or still working? Where's Rod Rosenstein? I want to know Rod Rosenstein. I want to know whether or not he extended the FISA warrant when he got into a position of power because of Jeff Sessions were recusal in all of this, And then the message between Struck and Page and talks about a change to Comey's Clinton exoneration letter. I remember the statement and the exoneration before investigation originally referenced Clinton's emailing President Obama when she was quote on the territory. In other words, she was overseas and she is emailing on our private server, Barack Obama the president. Now the part that mentioned Obama was then altered to say a quote senior government official. Okay, Obama does classify as a senior government official, but he was the president of the United States. Obama had to have known Clinton was using a private email server, which he denied. So now he's up to his eyeballs in this. And in terms of other developments, we've got Republican efforts to release the the memo. You gotta keep pressuring your members of Congress release the memo. Stay on Twitter, Facebook and all of the and and go out there. By the way, I don't except for tweeting out aspects of my show. I'm not communicating anymore on social media. After we have how many times have we been hacked? Now, I mean too many to count? Or or what you say? It really takes my voice away first of all, say first of all, first of all, what the bat you or what you miss me tomorrow? I just ordered you to stay home tomorrow. Let's miss me, okay, I said you must stay home tomorrow. It's not an option to come into work. Is that? Who you're calling yourself? Sounds more like a seal to me. So we've been hacking and now and now the Turkish whoever this band of Turkish hackers have been out there hacking. Everything's actually pretty serious. I mean, the cyber warfare that they're reaching against people, and I'm really, I'm really it's it's shocking how little and Twitter is doing it in more details so we can understand. Let me get into greater detail, so that the universe cannot hear words. All right, we'll we'll, I'll stop being mean. Everyone's gonna say this is me alright. So the Republicans are demanding the release of the four page We need the release of the memo, and I'm hurt. It's gonna shock the conscience. And the release of the memo, by the way, is only the tip of the spear there too. And now you also have to ask another question, where is your media been a year chasing a rabbit around a track of a false narrative, of false story with breathless and hysterical reporting that came to nothing nothing. There's never been any Trump Russia collusion in this, but there is. Hillary Clinton bought and paid for Russian lines in this, all designed to influence an election, and that phony lying documents she paid for used as a a predicate to to and as they as the excuse to get a FISA warrant at court was lied to with with Russian lines that Hillary paid for. It's so corrupt. It's one of the biggest scandals in American history. In our colleagues and the media missed the whole thing. It's gonna be interesting to see and they can't admit their own now. They're so they're so married to their own phony narrative. You know, words like shock king, jaw dropping, alarming, shredding the constitution. People will go to jail. That's all the stuff that I hear about those that have seen the memo. Why isn't it out handed? It's we're pushing to get it out. My sources are telling me probably not until next week, but maybe this week. That's what they're telling me. And I'm I'm talking to people. I'm pushing it every day. There are people in the House leadership. They won't even respond anymore to me because I've literally I sent text to Paul Ryan. He will not respond anymore. He's probably like, oh, telling people, get Hannity off my back. He's a pain in my ass. I don't care if him. If I want the truth, we need to see the memo, release the memo, find the text messages, do your jobs. Don't believe We need to know the truth about this abuse of power, the weaponization of the powerful tools of intelligence, the abuse of FISA warrants, and how the Clinton bought and paid for phony dossier was used to spy on the Trump campaign. You know, call to oh two two to one, Call your members of Congress, although half of them are home. You know, when you look at Clinton fixed the primary I mean, it's I just keep telling you, you know, I don't want to pat This is not about patting myself on the back. Everything that we have been reporting since last year has now turned out to be true, and it's even worse than we thought. And there's still so much more to come. And there's so many different investigations were involved in now, I mean, it's hard to keep them straight. Now, this is only about the dossier and the email server scandal and trying to fix you know, abusing FISA warrants and trying to fix an election and covering it all up, and how corrupt the highest members of our intelligence community and our d J and our FBI are. But this doesn't even touch uranium one, and that may turn out to be a much bigger scandal when all said and done. So much happening, so much to get to, so little time. All right, We've got new gig Ridge coming up today. We've got our our experts, Bill BILLNY, Bill BILLNY, and uh Phil Haney, you're gonna join us today also, Jim Jordan stops by today and much more alright, fighting harder than ever to get to the truth. And we're making progress together and full vindication is on its way, and I I want the memo released. We deserve the memo is the beginning. For some of you, you think the memos is the end the mount no new, new, new new. I don't want you to get your expectator. The memo will show widespread abuse of FISA surveillance and other issues, and it will name names Beyond that. We've got a long way to go from there, but it's full vindication that I can tell you. All right. We got new Gang Ridge, we got Bill Benny, we got Phil Haney, we got Jim Jordan's and Steve Ronaback is back. He lost his son three years ago yesterday to a dreamer. We'll continue. He learned today in in the thousands of text messages that we reviewed, that perhaps they may not have done that. There's certainly a factual basis to question whether or not they acted on that bias. Were we know about this insurance policy that was referenced in trying to prevent uh Donald Trump from becoming president. We learned today about information that after in the immediate aftermath of his election, that there may have been a secret society of folks within the Department of Justice and the FBI to include Page and Struck that would be working against him. I'm not saying that actually happened, but when folks speak in those terms, uh, they need to come forward to explain the context with which they use those terms. Katy, do you want to expound on the secret society idea? Sure? I wish I could. I wish I had been the one who either set that sent that text, or received it. You have this insurance policy in the spring of ten, and then the day after the election, the day after what they really really didn't want to have happened. There's a text exchange between these two FBI agents, these two supposed to be objective, fact centric FBI agents, saying perhaps this is the first meeting of the secret Society. So of course I'm gonna want to know what secret society are you talking about, because you're supposed to be investigating objectively the person who just won the electoral college Hamersman Gouty With regard to these new texts and the idea that there could be a special counsel, a second special council requested to look into this, how are you pursuing that, Well, these texts are incredibly important model for a number of reasons. Uh, both what's there and what's not there? So lay aside this glaring five month gap and text that the world's premier law enforcement agency somehow miss. Lay that aside what we have seen, what Johnny and I saw all today, it was a text about nay pink text. We saw more manifest bias against President Trump all the way through the election into the transition. And I saw an interesting text that Director Comey was going to update the President of the United States about an investigation. I don't know if it was a Hillary Clinton investigation because remember that had been reopened in the fall of TWI, or whether it was the Trump investigation. I just find it interesting that the head of the FBI was going to update the President United States, who at that point would have been President Obaba. Al right, that was Trey Goudy and Congressman Ratcliffe. And what what is the secret society within the d o J and the FBI that they're talking about that convened after the election. Now we have more struck and page text messages, and then of course the five missing months during the key period of time when we'd want to know things. Now we're beginning to put together a scenario here. Remember the first batch of struck In and Page text messages. They go on to say, I want to believe the path you throughout for consideration in Andy's office. We believe Andrew McCabe that there's no way he, meaning Trump, gets elected. But I'm afraid we cannot take that risk. It's like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before your forty Okay, Now we put that together with the text message that came out yesterday, and in one exchange, Struck in Page or talking back and forth, and they're specifically discussing Loretta Lynch's announcement that she's gonna accept the FBI's decision on the Clinton email investigation. And anyway, then the story about Bill Clinton meeting Loretta Lynch on the tarmac comes up, and Struck text page, Uh, the timing looks like hell, and then she writes this is awful timing. In a later exchange, he adds it's a real profile encourage and she knows no charges will be brought. Now we already know that Struck and James comey, we're writing an exams narration of Hillary months before they ever investigated Hillary Clinton. And if you look at the timeline of that text that I just mentioned, well that was July one. Hillary Clinton was an interviewed till the weekend of the fourth of July, three days later, and then this gap of we have a five month gap in Oops they're missing, Oops they're gone. Oops, we can't find them. Well, at that time, very key things happened. The dossier happened, the Flynn interview happened. We know that Callmey was fired at that time. Special counsel Muller was appointed May the seventeenth, and all of a sudden, the text pick up again on May eighteen, so we lost five months of text messaging. They ramped up their investigation after Trump won the nomination. Now we're hearing about a secret society meeting the day after the election and Trump actually won, and the FBI edited out communication between President Obama and Secretary Clinton and Comey's draft July fifth exoneration statement. Why wouldn't it let the public know that? And the attorney how did the Attorney General, added Peter Struck, How did James call me Hodd to Lisa Page and Andrew McCabe all know that they were never going to bring charges in Hillary's email investigation, joining us now with his insight, former Speaker of the House, Fox News contributor new King Ridge. Um, there's a lot to absorb here, But as the historian, I've got to ask you to look at this from the Watergate perspective. You know, we found our eighteen and a half eighteen and a half minute gap apparently, and it's a five month gap of text messages. Look this, this whole thing. You know, you couldn't write a novel like this because it wouldn't be believable if if you believe that the text they were sending each other was accurate and candid. There there's a smoking gun. First of all, that they believe that the Attorney General knew that Hussinton would not be charged with anything before she was interviewed, which may explain where the interview was not under oath, because the whole thing was a charade. It also suggest to you that when the Attorney General met with President Clinton on that airplane in Arizona, and they both probably already knew that they were going through a dance but nothing was going to come of it. You now have, I mean this idea of four and a half months. You know, part of what I don't understand is Hillary Clinton's people had to take a hammer and bleach in order to try to make sure they couldn't find information. Surely somewhere, either the n s A or the FBI or somebody is going to be able to track down all of these text messages. Um Is, there's almost beyond belief that two key players happened to lose four and a half months of text months. Wait a minute, but but it happened with Lois Larner. Lois Learners was gone for two years and then we found them. Hillary Clinton deleted thirty three thousand subpoena emails, and then she acid washed the hard drives with bleach, bleach pit, and then she had one of her you know, employees smashing any mobile devices with hammers. Debbie Wasson and Schultz's I T guy, well, he had broken smashed hard drives in his garage, government hard drives. It seems like this is now the go to option, just destroy everything. Well, and what that, As I've said before talking to you both on radio and TV, this is clearly, by any plausible standard, the most corrupt senior Justice Department and senior FBI we have ever seen in American history. Uh, and it's frightening. I mean, here you had the people who are supposed to enforce the law who are engaged in a a conspiracy to undermine the new president, to protect the Democratic nominee, and this there seems something that they're not going to possibly avoid having an independent council go go into this whole thing, and that you're gonna have comey at risk. You're gonna have Remember the deputy who they are referring to, whose office they were meeting in, his wife had been a candidate for the step for the state Senate and I believe got nine hundred thousand dollars in donations from the Democrats. So you have a whole issue there of whether he should have at a minimum recused himself from anything involved. And it's because it's pattern obvious, but you know, bias involved. Um, every time you turn around in this case, something new comes out and it's it's ironically, after all the attacks on Clinton Trump, all of the real evidence is coming out about the Democrats. And you you will notice one of the texts that was not lost was the one where Struck says, you know, I really don't want to do the Muller thing because I know, as the guy who's been the dead happen, there's nothing, there's nothing there there. Well, what about the fact that what do you make of the secret society that they're discussion discussing here and they're discussing struck and page how to remove text messages before the text messages went missing. In other words, they have a text out there about about eliminating the text that sounds like obstruction to me. Well something and then and what you have to ask yourself is um whether or not there was ever a true secret society? Who did they think was in the secret society? Do they think that the deputy head of the FBI was and it was his office they were talking, And did they think Comey was? He's the guy who basically exonerate Hillary Clinton and refuses to ask your questions under oath. I mean, just go down the list and you have to say to yourself that there there is more than enough here already to justify a full blown investigation and the just off I'm bringing in an the Deployment Council. Here's what I need to ask you. This is a very important question. Now, this is Now you're right, you couldn't write this in a novel. But you have Hillary Clinton. We now know, uh, Donna Brazil told us rigged the primary election. Bernie Sanders supporters had no shot. It was rigged from the get go. Then you've got now evidence that in fact, comey and struck. And it looks like Loretto Lynch is in the loop somehow. And I've got to believe Andrew McCabe that the fixes in on the email server investigation by them. And it's profound because they're writing the exoneration before the investigation, which you know, they didn't even interview Hillary till July fourth. They're doing this in May and and they even take away the legal standard gross negligence out of it. They take the foreign entities actually hacked into Hillary's email server. Then you've got Hillary and her campaign paying twelve million dollars, funneling it through a lawyer she's running the d n C. According to Donna Brazil, that money is funneled through the same lawyer to produce a dossier with Russian propaganda and lies so that they can kind of rig the general election. Now, then that phony dossier is used to get a FISA warrant to spy on an opposition candidate presidential candidate and an election year, and then they spy on the candidate, and then they spy on the president elect and his team, all of which is illegal, and especially fundamentally, she was guilty as hell in terms of mishandling classified top secret special access program information and destroying such all of that. Had she not gotten the past from Come and Company, she wouldn't have been the nominee and it would have put the party in chaos. So they made a decision to put her above the law. I mean, you can't write that, and and what I'm saying is indisputable at this point. I look, I think you're exactly right. I think what you had here is a decision. And this goes back to the entire corruption of the Clinton system, corruption of the Compty Foundation, the sheer scale of money that these people were engaged in, um the degree to which they were learning to do things. They basically believed that there was no law as far as Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton were concerned, and they had an intern network of people who came to share this same belief. And I mean, that's that's the conclusion I reached is that this this was a degree of absolute not even thinking about the law. They thought that their job was to run America, and if that meant that they had to break the law and they had to try to destroy Trump, and they had to do a variety of the things they were going to do it. And I also do you I think the person in some ways who has the greatest grievance here has to be Bernie Sanders, because it is so clear and he actually accepted it and went along with it. All right, let's stay right there, Former Speaker of the House, New king Rich is best selling book of vengeance. Right as we continue, Former Speaker of the House, New king Rich, as we now continue our investigation into what has now become a colossal mess um the danger here. I want you to I want you to put your historian hat on. Watergate was a third rate break in to get opposition information, steal information in the course of a presidential campaign, and then it was about a cover up. Now we're talking about weaponizing the powerful tools of intelligence and lying in the process, using bought and paid for Russian lies to go after a presidential candidate, influence the electorate and basically try and steal on an election with that phony information, and in the process have the government do the spying and the leaking and and be involved in all of this. How much worse on a scale compared to Watergate is us, Well, they're not at all comfortable. I mean water Gate was in some ways part of the old order in which Nixon felt like he was constrained by the law, and ultimately the people around him were constrained by the law. These are people who are latently rigging the game at every level, and who I think had had Clinton won, we would have learned nothing of the scandal, and it should scare people. I mean, you're talking here about elements of the Justice Department, elements of the federal view of investigation, deciding that they would break the law in order to stop the American people's choice from becoming president. Think about any of that. It's just totally different, I think than the later game problem. This this is really a very profound threat because if we don't get to the bottom of this, and if we don't make it clear that you see, you simply can't do things like this, we are on the risk of eventually, over time, people deciding that they're just going to randomly enforce the laws they care about and will begin to resemble one of those Third world dictatorships where the power of the state props up the rich and the powerful and crushes dissent. Uh and done, as well as being a current very painful example. And I think that this is truly I know no occasional Americans in fact that how challenge our audience to email you if they come up with one. I know of no acation in American history where we have seen the power of the government and the power of the police forces us. Let me ask this here. This is the biggest political scandal in my lifetime and maybe even when all is said and done, in the history of the country. You've had the left wing media in this country fixated on Trump Russia collusion. They have ignored the biggest story of their lives. They are complicit in a lot of ways, because you would think that there are some journalists now looking at all this saying, oh my god, what has happened? Where are they in this in this moment when you would think they're better cells are called to greatness, sir, Thank you. We'll see on TV. I think tonight thank you, former Speaker of the House, New king Ridge. A hundred nine for one, Shawn is a toll free telephone number. We have Congressman Jim Jordan, he's been railing about all of this. Also, Bill Binny will be joining us in Phil Haney and how can we recover this information. Steve Ronabac, who lost his son Grant Ronaback, is going to talk about the immigration debate and much more straight ahead. A couple of interesting emails. One was November fourteen, two thousand sixteen, right after the election, where Lisa Page text Strack and says, God being here makes me angry. Lots of high flute and national security talk. Meanwhile, we have our task ahead of us now our is capitalized. I mean, are they talking about implementing their plan so that that's in November? And then on May nineteenth again we've got a big gap, five month gap. And now the text begin again. This is two days after Mueller. Mueller was just appointed Special Council Strock Rights. There they're they're talking back and forth about their futures, the FBI and the recent appointment in Mueller, talking about, you know what what they ought to do, and it indicates that they're considering joining that Mueller Special Council investigation. Strock says, quote, you and I both know the odds are nothing. If I thought it was likely, I'd be there, no question. I hesitated in part because of my gut sense and concern there's no big they're there. In other words, Peter Strock, who was the FBI Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division, the man who had a plan to do something because he just couldn't abide. Donal Trump being president, is saying that his gut sense is that there's no big they're there when it comes to the Mueller Special Counsel investigation. That doesn't know what he really wants to join that because his gut senses there's no big they're there. I think that's kind of John d alright now till the top of the hour, one sewn you want to be a part of the program. By the way, those of you wondering, well, how are we ever gonna retrieve the five months of missing texts, We'll check in with our security experts, Bill Benny and fell Heiney coming up later in the program today joining us now, he's been amazing in trying to chip away at this now it is a huge, massive scandal. Um as Congressman Jim Jordan of of the Great State of Ohio, Um, did you hear Trey Gaudy and Congressman Ratcliffe talking about a secret FBI society? What the hell? What? What is it? Who knows? That's why we gotta you know, we gotta talk to Struck, we gotta talk to Page, and hopefully we'll gotta find these five months of missing text messages. But you know what's funny too, is is Sean what Senator Johnson was saying that there's no there there? What what Peter Struck was texting back to Lisa Page. Yet he still joined the team. He still went on. You know, he doesn't think there's anything there, He doesn't want to do it, but he does. Now, why does he do that? Is it to implement their quote insurance policy that they talked about before the election when they were trying to put their finger on the scale and help Secretary Clinton be the next president and hurt Donald Trump? Is it part of their insurance policy that he still goes on the team even though he doesn't think anything there, that there's anything there. That's what we need to find out as well, what is this insurance policy did they prefer in previous text? All about? Okay? I think though, if we go to the insurance policy and then take it a step further, I think we're beginning to understand. Now one other thing to add to that. We've got now Struck in page discussing how to remove text messages before the text went missing. So I think I think that's pretty pretty interesting. But you're right, if we go to the original text message. I want to believe the path you throughout for consideration in Andy's office, that has to be Andrew McCabe that there's no way he gets elected meeting Trump. But I'm afraid that we can't take that risk. It's like an insurance policy and the unlikely event you die before your forty And then what we received yesterday I think is very very clear. And remember they didn't interview Hillary Clinton until July four. Peter Struck and James Collmey, we're writing the exoneration back in early May, and and they took out the gross negligence standard. They took out the foreign entities had hacked and gotten the emails and top secret Special Access Program information anyway, and then we had the whole issue being exposed of of Loretta Lynch meeting Bill Clinton on the tarmac. Now this new text comes in its stated July one, three days before they interview, the FBI interviews Hillary Clinton. But the exonerations already written. And so anyway, Peter Struck writes Lisa Page, the timing looks like, hell yeah, it's awful timing, she says, and then adds it's a real profiling courage. And since she knows no charges will be brought, so Struck knows it, and Page knows it. Loretta Lynch, they're saying knows it, and I got to assume a cabe knows it. Yeah, the top people knew it. You know, the Clinton investigation was the fix was in from the get go. That's what all the evidence suggests. They went through the motions to make it look like they ran a real investigation. And then you have you have the text messages during the campaign that say, we can't take the risk of Donald Trump is going to be elected by the American people. We need an insurance policy. You have the text message of the day after the election. Now we need to implement our plan. Lisa Page says, to Peter Struck and then you have this text message says even though there's no there there and even though I don't want to join Mueller's team, I'm going to he went ahead and did it. Why did he do it? Teems logical to say he did it to implement their plan, whatever that was. Well, doesn't it suggest when they're discussing, you know, how, they're going to remove the text messages and get rid of them or doesn't that sound like an effort to obstruct justice at some point and hide something? Sure sounds like it, but we'll have to see. What we need to find out is these uh, these five five months of missing messages, which you know and I know you talked about this yesterday. Where where are the phone? Where are the phones? Where are the physical phones? I assume the Justice Department still has it. We don't have an answer. I talked with Senator Johnson staff people today, who are great staff people, and said, do we know where the phones are? They said, we don't, but we're gonna find out. So does the FBI have them? Does the Justice Department have them? Did they give him back to the carrier? I don't know. Let's hope have those devices, the actual physical phones themselves, so we can figure out what's there. And let's hope that we're also going to and I believe that talking with Senator Johnson's team, they're gonna they're gonna ask the carriers to give the information to help us figure out where these missing five months are. All right, So this gets even more strange because while one FBI scandal after another is being exposed here and I'm not talking about rank and file, I'm talking about people like McCabe and and call Me and Struck and Page and Uh and a bunch of others. Looks like Rod Rosenstein. I want to know his role in all of this. Um it appears. So last night, Congressman Ratcliffe tweets out the thousands attacks the trey Goudy and I reviewed today revealed revealed manifest bias among top FBI officials against President Trump. The text between Struck and Page referenced a quote secret Society. A little more than three hours later, Uh, disgraced x FBI director James call Me appeared to respond to Ratcliffe's tweet with a crip took message saying, well, good to read reports of people standing up for what they believe in the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Quoting mL K, which begs the question was called me the chairman of this FBI secret anti Trump society. We don't know, but we do know. Like like you said, Sean, there are top people whose names keep coming up. Why did Jim Baker General Counsel the FBI get reassigned just four weeks ago? Andrew McCabe's name comes up all the time. Andrew McCabe, who him and his wife met with Terry mcculliffe while his wife's running for state Senate. He met with Terry mccaulliffe at the same time Terry mcculloffs under investigation. For goodness sake, Andrew McCabe, Peter Struck, Bill Prestep, Jim Baker, and Lisa Page. These key names keep coming up all the time, and then you get some context to it when you start looking at all these text messages back and forth between Miss Page and Mr Struck. So all these people, we've interviewed Mr mckaye, We've interviewed Mr RIBICKI who' chief to staff at the FBI when this was all happening. But we need to get to these other people and find out how would this keep happening. I mean Lois Learner's emails were missing for two years. Hillary Clinton was subpoenaed by Congress to hand over thirty three thousand emails. She deletes them, then she acid washes and bleach bits the hard drive. Then she has a somebody that works for bust up the devices with hammers. Uh. Then you got Debbie Wasson and Schultz's I T guy would busted up hard drives in his garage. You know, at some point here there's a pattern, and you know, what what are we going to do? And how quickly are we going to hire the people that can recover this information forensically. Yeah, we're gonna do all we can. But but you're right, I mean it maybe if it was Jesse I R S. You could say, you know, you expecting confidence at the I R S. But remember this, Oh we found those emails two years later. Yeah, they found him and then they destroyed the backup tapes at the facility in Martinsburg, West Virginian and and John Coskin and didn't tell us about it when he testified. By the way, But remember this is Peter Struck, Deputy head of counter Intelligence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This is not Lois Learners, some bureaucrat in the I R S. Who who did? Who has to plan to come after us? Understand, But this is Peter Struck, Deputy head of counterintelligence at the FBI. And suddenly five months in a critical time period, December fourteen, when all the unmasking is taking place, when there's all this this back and forth between the intelligence community and President elect Trump, when all that's happening, that's when it starts December fourteen, and oh, just so happens to end? Okay, let's talk about Let's talk about all the events that occurred after that day, because this is the critical time period. The timeline matters here, you know. And if we look at the timeline, what do we have. That's when the Steel dossier comes out, uh and as released by BuzzFeed, that's when Flynn is interviewed. Flynn's interviewed by Peter Struck. Peter Struck as an anti Trump bias and and you know, I would think that General Flynn's lawyers have to be reconsidering this guilty plead alling to the FBI, especially because we I believe that in fact, they knew the answers to questions ahead of time, because they had illegally surveiled and uh unmasked and then leaked raw intelligence. So they knew the answers would either he misorremembered allied. They would have known, and that's why they got them there. And then they threatened to go after his son. From what I can gather, and then January eleventh, Comey is fired. We don't have the text messages. Then January I'm sorry, May seventeen, uh is when the Special Council is appointed. Comey's fired May nine, and then all of a sudden, so we hadn't seen one text from December. It's what sixteen, I'm sorry, December fourteen to May seventeen, the day that Special Counsel Mueller is appointed. That seem a little odd and and convenient to know it's for that to be a coincidence. You gotta I mean, you gotta be kidney and and remember the broader framework, And I think this is important. Chuck Schumer, the head of the Democrat Party, Chuck Schumer says on January third, seen just a few days before President Trump is going to be inaugurated as the next president. Chuck Schumer says, when you get in a fight with the intelligence community, they have six Ways to Sunday to get back at you. So is all these deleted text messages? Might they have something to do with the six Ways to Sunday? The intelligence community is trying to attack and target President Trump. Might it have something to do with that? Did they suddenly disappear? Because it was it was how they were targeting and trying to get back six Ways to Sunday to the president elect of the United States, and then after the president elect of the United are the president of United States. That's what concerns me. That should never be said by the one of the top officials in our government is talking about the Intelligence Committee getting back at the person the American people elected president. It doesn't work that way in this country. But that that's what I want to know. What or why why I want to see these five months of missing text messages? Well, I mean, how quickly expeditiously are we gonna get on this? I've got to imagine I'd bring the FBI should, or at least somebody in law enforcement has the best people that are capable forensically pretty much recovering anything. Right, Yeah, they should be right. This is the FBI. This is not a bunch of hacks in the in the bureaucracy f I R S. This is the FBI. And the guy we're talking about, his deputy head of counterintelligence. He's supposed to be this genius. He he fancies himself as the James Bond of the FBI. So come on, all right, stay right there, more with Jim Jordan in just a second, one sean toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Now, we gotta talk to our computer experts, Bill Benny. He's gonna join us Phil Haney later in the top of the next hour. All right, as we continue, Jim Jordan's is with US Congressman Ohio, and uh we can't can you imagine him? Where we are here? How did we get to the point? Hillary Clinton riggs a primary. Hillary Clinton has comey struck, exonerating her without even investigating the case, because she would have been arrested, she would have been indicted on the crimes that she committed on the email service, So they're basically protecting her because they've decided they want her over Trump. Then you've got Loretta Lynch apparently playing a role according to these new struck page texts. Then you've got that phony Russian dossier Hillary Clinton bought and paid for with lies to really rig and fix the general election with lies against Donald Trump. And that phony bought and paid for Hillary dossier, Russian propagandas used against Trump to get a FISA warrant to spy on an opposition candidate in an election year. And then a president elect is he coming into office and sabotage him? And apparently now we have a special team of you know, FBI people and d o J people that are organizing meetings to depose of the will of the people. Garry, isn't it? And on top of all that, is there anything I'm saying that's wrong? There five months of missing messages and imagine this Sean Sean Hannity is being investigated by the FBI and suddenly important information on on your phone you just delete it. Can you imagine what the FBI would do? I R s IS and and looking into one of your many listeners out there, and they're looking at them, and they have documents that destroyed that are by the way, this is under a preservation order. They're in big trouble. But yet it continues to happen with folks who are in the Obama administration, in the bureoxy during the Obama administration. All right, thanks Jim Jordan, Congressman Ohio eight nine for one sewn. You want to be a part of the program House Intel Committee. Republicans refuse to share the secret memo with the FBI and the Justice Department. Why because they're investigating them. They have no choice, they can't trust them. Quick break right back. We'll continue. Can we retrieve those missing text messages? Will check in with two experts, Bill Benny and Phil Haney coming up next. These texts are incredibly important model for a number of reasons. Uh, both what's there and what's not there. So lay aside this glaring five month gap and text that the world's premier law enforcement agencies somehow miss. Lay that aside. What we have seen, what Johnny and I saw today, it was a text about not keeping text. We saw more manifest bias against President Trump all the way through the election into the transition, and I saw an interesting text that Director Comey was going to update the President of United States about an investigation. I don't know if it was a Hillary Clinton investigation, because remember that had been reopened in the fall of s or whether it was the Trump investigation. I just find it interesting that the head of the FBI was going to update the President United States, who at that point would have been President Obama. You and I both know the odds are nothing. If I thought it was likely, I'd be there, no question. I hesitated, in part because of my guts say concern. There's no big there there all right, to get stranger and stranger. Now they're talking about an FBI secret society at this point, which Comey has got a lot of explaining to doing. Apparently Comey well, he himself actually went before the Special Council. Now he helped appoint the special counsel. He purposefully leaked to get the special counsel. And then he's handing over notes to Robert Mueller with his obvious pious involved in this. And we got the news today that this guy, Rebecki is leaving the FBI, and uh, he was Comy's chief of staff, and by virtue of his position and his closeness to the director, all that would mean he probably was involved in the Bureau's investigation in the Clinton's private email server all the classified documents contained therein the mysterious reason why Comy chose not to charge Clinton with various crimes after initially deciding to do so, and for months the FBI and the Department of Justice stonewalled all efforts to force Ribicki to appear on Capitol Hill to testify about what he knew on these matters, and while dodging Congress for Bicky did speak with the Office of Special Counsel, an independent federal agency that handles whistleblower disclosures under legal protections against reprisals, and he reportedly informed the Office of Special Counsel of Comey's initial draft statement that Hillary did in fact commit crimes and the subsequent change the language announcing the exact opposite, in other words, the exoneration that took place before the investigation anyway. A partial transcript of an augusten letter from the Senate Judiciary Committee to Chris Ray in which Grassley and Graham excoriate Comey for pre judging the Clinton kys with his exoneration statement before the investigation anyway, where Bicky was also privy to how the FBI appeared to have exploited the anti Trump dossier that was funded by the Democratic Party, as well as the extent to which the agency used it as a vehicle to launch the investigation of the Trump uh and wire tapped his campaign, and he testified last Thursday before two congressional committees behind closed doors. So it's pretty interesting that now he calls it quit quits here. I don't believe it's a coincidence. And again, this is now gonna be unfolding quickly. Now the question is what do we do about the fifty thousand missing text messages in this crucial period of time, And that would be between Peter Struck and Lisa Page. Well, you know, they both thought they had an insurance policy in case Trump won. And now we know that that they both knew that there would never be an indictment of Hillary Clinton. And that also means that I guess Bruce or probably knew him, McKay probably knew, and Comy probably Comey did know. And now we find out that it's likely Loretta Lynch knows because of the text messages. But how do we get the fifty other text messages, which probably would be the most explosive. Just guessing here. Bill Benny is the former technical director of the n s A World Geopolitical and Military Analysis, This and Reporting Group, and Philip Piney is the author to See Something Saying Nothing and a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security. Combined, they have nearly eighty years experience in working in national security issues for this country. Welcome back, both of you, Thank you, thank you very much. Bill Benny, once on this program, well actually many times on this program, you said to me that every text, every phone call, every email is captured metadata stored in some of these metadata centers like in Utah and elsewhere. Wouldn't that suggest that the text messages between Struck and his girlfriend, mistress Lisa Page, can be found. Yes, they can, if n s A hasn't totally destroyed them by now. In other words, if the FBI wants to destroy information, they have to do it in two places, once at their offices and also at n s A, because n s A captures that too. And that's just coming out in recent in a recent FISA court order that was released. So uh, and it talks about all the collection and the upstream program and things like that, and what the FBI is involvement in that too certain degree is not the full story yet. But what would that be something that you'd have to manually go to maybe the metadata center at the n s A and do And wouldn't there be a record of somebody going in there and destroying it, destroying certain things? Oh? Yeah, that would be there too, So I mean that could clearly show up and show culpability in a cover up. Let me ask you, Philip Haney, great to have you back. What is your take on all of this? Well, you remember a couple of years ago when we started talking what was the main subject, deletion of information from the law enforcement databasis. This has actually been going on in one form or another for quite some time. It reminds me of a cynical game of musical chairs. No one wants to get caught when the music stops, and so people move around to protect himself from the consequences of their aggregation of constitutional duty. But what really struck me, Sean about all this, It's like we had two ropes tangled together, and it's one of the reasons why it's hard for us to follow all this. We have two major things going on, the use of true information for partisan political purposes to hurt people, and the creation of false information for the same reason. So they're blended together, and it's hard to tell where the true information is and the false information begins. But from their side there they allow themselves permission to use whatever means necessary to destroy the lives and people of people of politicians. But this is a law enforcement off. But this is how profound this is. And we talked about Watergate. Water Gates nothing compared to what we're discovering here. Because you've got one candidate who rigs the primary. You've got now it's obvious that the decision was made long before an investigation that they were going to exonerate one political candidate that had come at crimes. So the investigation into Hillary's email server was rigged and they had already drawn a conclusion to exonerate her before they do the investigation. Then Hillary goes ahead, I guess, if you fix the the primary election, why not try to fix the general election? And she does that by hiring fusion GPS that puts together a phony Russian propaganda dossier that was full of lies, that's to influence the American people in the general election. And then it's used as a means of obtaining a Fizer warrant with fake, phony partisan information to spy on the opposition candidate and the lead up to the election, and then post election a presidential a president elect. Now if that's not and then on top of it, and then on top of it, you've got all these plans in place, an insurance policy apparently put in place if God forbid, Trump wins. And then it gets even worse than that, because they were prepared, they saw it, but they got caught off guard. They blinked for half a second and in that moment, tron Trump on the election, and they got caught off guard, just like getting blindsided in football. So they left all these crumbs behind. But I've got to believe that the you know, now there's fifty text messages, but in the key period of time, the critical period of time where so much is happening at once, you know, when the stacier comes out, when General Flynn is investigated, when Comey is fired, when the special uh council is appointed. All that period, there's no text messages. But the day after Robert Mullis appointed special counsel, that next day they start texting again. Doesn't that seem a little curious to you, Bill Benny, that that that five critical months of information is missing. Actually it it smells like a chip in the field, you know, if you if you, if you're a country boy like me, I'm pretty pretty uh used to pick picking out a chip in the field a mile away so you don't step in it, you know. And that's basically what's going on here. This is this just smells to high heaven. I mean, try to figure the random probability of the critical information to an investigation being deleted over and over again. That's been what's been going on at CIA, FBI, n s A. This is happening throughout the intelligence community, law enforcement. I mean, this shows the corruption. This is where this is, in my mind, the thing, the main thing we have to face. The Attorney General has got to stand up and do this because if he doesn't, I mean, we have no judicial process. That's that's worth anything anyway. I Mean, it's just saying that the law applies to everybody except certain few. And that's basically what's been going on here. Well, I mean, how do we get to the bottom of it. How are we ever going to recover, Philippenny, these fifties, these missing five months of text messages? You have to have, You have to some people with technical smarts to go into the n s A and have and go in to see if if they haven't destroyed the equipment, they could perhaps recover a lot of them from that, not much like the FBI would do if they had, uh, you know, somebody's computer who had tried to erase stuff but didn't fully do the job, then you could get recover it that way. Why there maybe back up somewhere in NSA that even n s A didn't know about, and they could get it from there. I mean, it's just not it doesn't pass the smell test, Philippiney. And then you hear about the secret FBI society meeting after Trump is elected because they didn't expect this to happen. You're right, because just the admission that they lost the information, don't they realize how compromise, how incompetent they make themselves look to the American public, who are we are our secret clearance information. We just got notified for the third time, Sean, that it was hacked. Who are we supposed to trust that the federal government and national security agents aren't even capable of of safeguard. I've said this for the longest time. I mean, everybody doesn't like that Julian Assans was able to get information on us. But it's the same guy that hacked into the into NASA and the Department of Defense when he was sixteen. He's now in his forties. You know, if at some point it's got to be shame on you, Shame on you. But at some point, now that you know all these people are doing this, when does it become shame on me for allowing them to get through. Well, we've come up to the breach, we come up to the ABYSS, and Congress needs to go forward and not shrink back from it. When they investigated me, Sean, they scoured through my emails and my phone calls for years before the actual date of the investment. You know, the event that precipitated the investigation, which was the Boston bombing. And why did they do that? They were doing trying to do the same thing to me as they did to General Flynn, find some point where I contradicted my testimony, and then hammer me into the ground with it. I mean, these are unbelievable times, all right, So where can we start in terms of the search to try and get these missing text messages? I mean, I've got to believe that the phone would be the first place. Yeah, I would think you need to have you can go go to the phone companies and see what they've got stored. You could do it. Let's assume for a minute they don't have it. Yeah yeah, okay, Well then you have to go to n s A and have somebody with the authority to go right into their database and look and find the data. And it could do that basically from virtually any analysts terminal if they've got I see reach or excuse score very routines, they can get into that data there and and recovered rather quickly. I mean, it shouldn't be a major wouldn't if they have the phones, wouldn't they most likely forensically be able to pull that off the phone. I mean, in other words, I'm always told nothing you're raised has ever really erased. Well, I was talking I was talking about actually getting the transcripts of the phone calls or actually the audio of the phone calls. Yeah, well agreed. I mean, well, these are text messages. I mean, this is what people don't understand. They have such advanced equipment that literally they translate conversations you're having on the phone in real time into words, so you can read a printed a real time print out of what you're talking about. Yeah, and so if you go, if you go, also you would get the text messages also because the phone number you pull, yeah, you would get all of that at once. Yeah, all right, we'll take a breakfast. Thing to consider, Sean is that this is assuming that they were the only two in the conversation. There had to be other people in some of those conversations. That means other phones were involved. Well, we know that they discussed how to remove the text messages and hide them anyway. I mean, it's like they knew what they were doing was wrong, and that's an admission they knew what they do were doing is wrong. I will take a break more with Phil Haney and Bill Benny on the other side A nine one. Shaun is on number and we'll come back and more with them. Straight ahead, Hannity A big show tonight at nine. We'll continue, all right, as we continue with Bill Benny and Philip Haney. All right, so if we have the real phones, is it possible that it's still on there? Isn't that what we're always told, Philip Painey, you never erase anything. That's the cardinal rule of intelligence agencies. And that's the point these are. This is the premier law enforcement and or intelligence agency in the entire country, and we're supposed to believe, oops, we lost them. Well, what about all the other data that is being generated by the entire um FBI and the agency that operate in the field. They have to have a safeguard. What if your phone, you drop your phone in the bathtub, or you run over it or anything. They have to have a backup for it. And what's your take, Bill Benny, Well, yeah, I would say that even the Records Act requires them to keep those kinds of information. Uh, nobody keeps. Nobody stays by the Records Act. I mean, that's the least of the laws they're going to bring, I know. But internally, in NSA, for example, this is the one I know, they have procedures that automatically do that, So it's not a question of of deleting just one file. You have to make sure you delete multiple backups too. And there's stories facilities that retained it for for many decades. So it's it's not I don't I don't think. I don't think even n s A knows where all the copies are. So I think that that's possible to see, even even in spite of any effort they might make to erase it, it's impossible to recover it, all right, Bill, Benny Philippiney, thank you both. Grant was boy. He was just my buddy from the mante he was born. He just brightened everybody, my family, my friends, he h, he was everything. Altermanto had come in and wanted advice cigarettes. Alter Moranto then pulled a gun and pointed at Grant. Grant immediately offered up to cigarettes and alter Moto and shut him point blank in the face. My son's death was completely providable upon our Altera Mourato had been in the country illegally since he was fourteen. He was a self proclaimed member of the Sinaloa drug cartel and the Mexican Mafia. He had previously been arrested for sexually assaulting a woman, breaking into her house and sexually assaulting her and holding her captive for a week. Let me thank my friend, my colleague, and our leader on the Democratic side for his passionate personal commitment to this issue involving the Dreamers and DACA. He has been by my side and I've been inspired by his leadership from the start. And let me thank my colleagues. So many of you cast vote. It was very hard and very difficult because you believed, as I did, that the issue of immigration, the issue the dreamers, the civil rights issue of our time. You're stuck in next and said, I'm willing to go on record, even if it's gonna be hard to explain back home, and I will never forget that, all right, tick durban And now Chuck Schumer, just earlier today he withdraws the offer on Trump's wall after he got so embarrassed, I guess by the shutdown the buckle of the Democrats. The Schumer shutdown was a Schumer dud eight nine one Shawn as auto free telephone number. The other tape you heard was that of Steve ranna Back. He's the father of Grant ranna Back and his twenty one year old son was murdered. He was working overnight at a convenience store in Mesa, Arizona, and Rna Back's killer wasn't an illegal alien who was released by ice and twenty thirteen after conviction for burglary and kidnapping involving drug dealing. Apparently it kept this woman hostage for a week and all sorts of crimes were committed. Anyway, Ronabeck took to social media this weekend to express Joe how hard it is to see the so called leaders elected officials in the US protecting DOCTA recipients over American citizens, and he writes, so I sit here reading about the government shutdown, and all I think about is the three year anniversary of Grant's murder. It's Monday, yesterday, and as everyone remembers, Grant was murdered by a DOCCA recipient and the monster executed Grant and cold blood. He was a dreamer, brought here when he was fourteen. I have never once said all the illegal immigrants are bad, but a lot of them are criminals. I missed my son every single day. My family has been devastated and ripped apart. So let me have my say, and I'll take the consequences without a wall on the southern border and extreme tightening of security, arrest and deportation of illegal aliens coming across the southern border. DACA is an issue that can be dealt with in March or even later in the year. Yes, DOCA is important, but again, we need to stop the flow of the importation of drug and humans and illegal goods and criminals and prior convicted felons that have been previously deforded. Steve Ronobeck joins US now as well as Jessica Vaughan, director of Policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies. Oh, I don't have to venture a guess that these have been the three worst years of your life. And I don't know if it gets any better. Oh no, Sean, it doesn't. And uh, you know, I just the audacity of the Democrats, especially Chuck Schumer, to sit out at the bargaining table and and basically saying we want it all and you get nothing, and then to turn around and pull the one thing that they said, Okay, well we'll compromise on. It's ridiculous. It's I just don't understand how they can they can do this and stonewall our president at every turn. You know, we're talked about civil rights, the civil rights, what is the civil rights, uh problem of the century. Well, you know, grant was constitutionally guaranteed the right to freedom and happiness and and you know, the pursuit of happiness. Well, where's my son's rights? They were violated. His son's doing everything right, he's working, he's twenty one years old, he's in a convenience store, he's advancing in his life. And over a pack of cigarettes, a guy that had held a woman hostage for a week and put in jail on I forget how many years he gets released only to go out and then over a pack of cigarettes kill your son. Well, you know, Sean, he didn't even do a day in prison, not one day. Uh. He qualified for felony probation because he was able to plead down the charges. But wasn't the charge that he had held this woman hostage for a week. No, he was able to because they filled her full of heroin for the week. Um, he was able to just plead that down to felony agree because she was not a competent with witnessed unbelievable, because he humped her full of heroin and she doesn't have recollection um on. On average, the Department of Homeland Security apprehends over people a day. Uh, with December marking the eighth month in a row of an increase in apprehensions. On January four, the DHS saw the number of apprehensions, you know, at four hundred. Now the d H d HS refuses entry to known was suspected terrorists every day, fifty every week, every year, and yet we have this threat to our homeland. When I sat through a security briefing in Texas, Jessica Vaughan, I was shocked to learn in a seven eight year period six crimes, including some murders or perpetrated against the people of Texas. That's just one state. That's over a short period of time. I would think everybody's united on this issue. Why not protect our borders? President and said, we can have a door in the wall, and we can vet people and they can come in as long as we know that they're not going to be committing crimes against our fellow citizens. That's right. This isn't hard to understand. Americans understand it. Uh, We're all heartbroking to hear stories like Steve's about his son Grant. It's a tragedy, but one that was preventable, and that was all due to policy into our failure to secure the borders. And that's why it's so frustrating to hear people like Senator Durban and Senator Schumer say that it's the The emergency is finding a solution for for the Dreamers. Uh, that's really not a solution to our immigration problems. The President has laid out a very good plan. It was put together by senior officials. That's all the immigration agencies saying what needs to be done to secure the border, to stop the influx of illegal aliens from Central Americas, and a company of miners and their families, to fix the broken asylum system, to implement mandatory everify, to reduce chain migration, end of these a lottery, build some barriers at the wall, and um, prevent gang members from getting green cards and so on. A very fine list of things, and that ought to be a starting point. That's fixing the problem. Um, you know, doing an amnesty for the Dreamers is really a sideshow to this, or it should be in terms of our priorities. The only piece of legislation on the table right now that accomplish it, that would accomplish what the President has said needs to be done and what his career officials say needs to be done. And that's the health bill introduced by Representative good Lad. And you know we ought to be doing that before any amnesty. We need to make sure all those things are working before an amnesty is enacted. We need to take care of sanctuary cities before a sanctuary state. I mean, it doesn't get any right, California, Yes, it's it's outraged all. And now there's this judge in California has now said that that the federal government needs to keep issuing renewals of DOCTA work permits. Well, that's an opportunity for Congress and say, okay, I guess there's no firm deadline. Why don't we do this to do list first of enforcement needs and and and fixing the glaring problems in our immigration system that most Americans want to see fixed and agree need to be fixed, and then we'll talk about an amnesty. Unfortunately, they're rushing to do the amnesty. Look, they always they always want to give you the tax increase or the spending increase. You never get the tax cut, you always get the amnesty, the consideration, and you never get the border security. It's just the way it is, Um. And they know that. That's why they're still coming in increased numbers at the border. As you mentioned, it's because of all this talk about amnesty. Three points six million Dreamers, not eight hundred thousand as previously thought. Um, what do you want the Republicans to do? Uh, Steve? I mean, I know your testimony is powerful. You're not the only parent that I have interviewed over the years, especially in the last year and a half, that has lost a son or a daughter because of illegal immigration and killed by illegal immigrants. I mean, it's story after story. And I know maybe some people that think they want to be compassionate and do the right thing, I've got to wonder in my heart if they would be Uh, if they that thought process would change after you lose a member of your family, because I can't think of anything more devastating. No, and there's not. I mean, the Republicans have to stand for the Republicans have to come together, um, and sports the president and his policies. Again, like Jessica said, you know DOCCA is pretty much a moot point. It really is. At this point in the game. It is a moot point without border security. Even if we deport DOCUM members or the criminals that are DOCUM members, they're gonna come back. They're going to head to California, They're going to head to Chicago. We have to have the border security. It's you're going to see more and more of this happening if we don't get it fixed. And it's not only that. It's the sexual assaults against children, it's the heroine, it's the other drugs that are coming across the border. I can't understand why the American people think that that all of these DOCUM members are just wonderful people and they're just coming here for a better life. Yes, some of them are. But what about the criminals, What about the murderers, the drug dealers, um, the sexual deviance that are coming across our border. The MS thirteen that is coming across our border. How many of the MS thirteen have we deported? How many of them are already back in our country. It's a good point, I mean, it just doesn't stop with chain migration. Yes, eight hundred thousand DOCU members with chan migration. You're looking, like you said, at eight point six million because of chain migration. It's just ten percent of those documents of those chain migration are criminals. Ten percent. It's unbelievable. Let's unbelievable. Listen. I want to wish you the best. I know this is a tough week for you. It's the third anniversary since you lost uh, your son Grant, and you're in our thoughts and prayers. Uh. You're a powerful voice uh explaining to people the dangers here. And we thank you so much for being with us, and Jessica, thank you for joining us as well. We appreciate it so hard. I can't think anything worse than losing your child anything. And then you think, oh, they had this guy in custody and they let him go. It just makes it worse. There's culpa bill of the on the part of those that allowed that to happen. Otherwise, if we followed the law, it never would have happened. Just followed the law. Let's get to our busy phones here. Joe is in West Virginia. Joe, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. High Who there? How are you? I'm good, sir, how are you super? What's on your mind today? Well, I just wanted to make a comment or two. We've heard all this about the five months and specific days or text messages that were missing. And I know you talked about this sum yesterday. But um, I used to work for a wireless carrier for about twenty five years. I'm retired down, but I've worked at alais onto large government accounts for business accounts and also law enforcements, and I got subpoenaed many many times, not personally, but requested subpoen because that had to go to legal departments. But many many cases, records were subpoenated for murder cases, for uh graphic corruption cases in the government. I could go on and on about that. But they they got their text messages, and it was much It was weeks or months past whenever the text messages were generated. It wasn't a three day cap like I heard yesterday. Well, I had heard from different sources and I'm getting mixed messages that there might be records of text that took place, but they may not be the text messages themselves. Oh, there there'd be a record of the number that texted to and from right, But it's the details we need, the information on what's on those texts. Um. I agree the content would have been in those Now, every carrier may have their own policy, but the carrier I work for was one of the two largest carriers in the country, and they kept detailed records. They had a very large legal department, and these guys always got what they needed. Like I said, one was the murder case. They were graphed in crushing cases and these were important bits of evidence they had to have and they were there for them. Yeah. Well, we appreciate your call, sir, thank you for being with us. Yeah, we can get this information somehow. It's out there somewhere. Took two years to get lower learned lowest learners emails. We can find him a right, Hannity Tonight nineties on the Fox News Channel. All right, we bring back tonight Sarah Carter, Jim Jordan's going to join us, Jay Sekulo, Damn Bongino, Jesse Waters versus Jessica tar Love and a one on one against Vicente Fox. How did Mexico treat people from Central America? I will ask him tonight at nine and the latest on the huge scandal that we are breaking nine Eastern. See you back here to morrow, See tonight at night