Can Anyone Beat Trump?

Published Feb 10, 2020, 11:00 PM

Vice President Mike Pence, is here to talk about New Hampshire, his bus tour through the state promoting the campaign’s agenda, and last week’s debacle in Iowa. Who do the Democrats have running that can beat President Trump? Absolutely no one.

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All right, happy Monday. It is the day before the New Hampshire primary. We are in the live, free or die state. We'll be broadcasting here today and tomorrow, and well, we've got a couple of fun things that we're gonna we've been working on that. Hopefully we'll come to fruition and we'll know by nine o'clock Eastern tonight. If in fact we're able to pull off what I want to pull off, i'd be very interesting. It is. Let's say, is it fair to say Lynda quint essentially Hannity, right, something only Hannity would do. I've only seen it once before, that's correct, But we're not going to say any more about it. Two hundred and sixty seven days the ultimate jury. You we the American people, and I can report to you from New Hampshire today that it is an entire shift show all within the Democratic Party there now they are now on the verge of beginning killing each other. Although I tried to watch the debate when was it on Saturday night on Aby? So dull, dry, boring, idiotic, oh pathetic. I could not put up. I can't watch it, it was, I tried. I sat there. I mean I'm actually going back and forth, and I'm thinking, how do you want to be elected president with the things that you're advocating for. I mean, because what they're advocating for are really dangerous things for the country. And I'll give you one example. You know, Warren, we should work with our allies. Get this in managing terrorism? Managing terror? How do you manage terrorism? It's like remember that spokesperson I forget the Obama State Department or something that said, oh no, no, we have a jobs for Geehotti's program. I have a job for geehotis you stayed right where you are at Baghdad Airport and we'll track you and then we'll destroy you if you're a terrorist? What is jobs for? What do you mean managing terrorism? What are the nine eleven Commissioner reports saying they are at war with us? We were at war with them? And then you can't even make this up because then you got Bernie Sanders literally saying that not only will I raise your taxes, but my insane program for the New Green Deal, will I admit that it's going to lose jobs. So it's going to lose jops, We're going to lose Oh there's a Well, I'm gonna I'm gonna confiscate ninety five cents out of every dollar you make, and then I'm gonna redistribute it, and then I'm gonna put a new Green deal in place, and then we're gonna have a wealth tax, and then we're gonna kill jobs. That's a great raise taxes and kill jobs. I can't think of a better platform to run on if you want to be president in the United States. I will tell you A part of this is so entertaining because they're so dumb. A part of this is so entertaining. I want to laugh. But then I begin to realize, oh my gosh, what if these people win, We're done. We're doomed. We're in the live free or die state. Now live free nothing. You're gonna live as we tell you where we tell you. We're gonna take over. They're talking about taking over the energy industry completely, I mean, no private enterprise. Well, what is the definition of socialism? And I have to buy my democratic friends an abbocus? Remember what an advocus is? When you first learned about math, you don't remember what an advocus? Ababboda? You know? And you like count one two and you moved the little the beads on the string or whatever that thing is. Well, we actually have calculators. Now, if you own an iPhone, you have a calculator, and you can use a calculator. That's why I never understood what is the need to learn any more math? If I have a calculator, calculator can calculate it for me as long as I know how to teach me how to use the calculator. And I don't need to learn any math from these sit through these boring you know, oh some of those math classes. Oh I got an algebra Calculus. I'm like, oh yeah, I'm using that every single day in my life. Calculus. I'm calculating everything. I'm calculating how much the bonuses are for everybody on my team. I have to calculate how high it is every year depending on what people. Why are you Why are you pacing back and forth like that? What is wrong with you? Do you do this sturing every monologue? What are you doing over there? And what is that bag or crap salami? First of all, it's it's a healthy snack. It's stinking up the entire studio we have. It's healthy salami, if there is such a thing healthy salami. It's one hundred and fifty calories, oh for a piece, for fifteen pieces, for fifteen pieces. So it's worth it to me. It's worth it to me. It fulfills me, okay, even if it's it's a stension here, salami stench, you know what. I'm in a room with five men, so I think it's debatable on what stinks in here? All right now, when you think things now, remember the ninety four trillion dollars. It's so hard because I guess we get used to millionions and billions and then there's trillions. Now. You need a big, big, big, big abacus if you're ever gonna start counting trillions, right, okay, or a calculator. Start writing in your calculator ninety four trillion, and then I want you to say plus fifty two trillion that would be Medicare for all. Then we bring in around four four and a half billion, I'm sorry, trillion a year, all right now, they're planning on spending ninety four trillion and fifty two trillion in ten years. That does not add up to even if we brought in five trillion a year for ten years, that's fifty trillion that still wouldn't pay for Medicare for all. And that means no defense, that means no food stamps, that means no roads, that means no infrastructure, that means nothing else. Let me put it this way, it is a mathematic impossibility, just like Obamacare was never gonna be keep your doctor plan and save on average family twenty five hundred dollars a year. It was never mathematically possible. And there were a few of us like me warning that that was the impossible dream. And as bad as that has turned out to be, within now proposing is even worse. And then I'm watching these idiots running for office, and I can't believe this is now the third time quid pro quo Joe is being rude and mean to people that are supposedly he's courting to vote for him. I'm not making this up. You're thinking, Hannity, You've got to be making this crap up. No, I'm not making this up. I don't make stuff up. I'm not seeing n fake news. I'm not I'm not the conspiracy theory TV. Oh one other thing. Guess what democrats are talking about now, Well, we're gonna. I think we're gonna go back to this ukrainianship. I think we want to. I want to blow my brains out. I really live free or die. I think I'd rather die at this point if I have to watch this another uh muller. Yeah, some peach and peach and peach, Russia, Russia, Ukraine. I don't think I can take it anymore anyway. I'm kidding. By the way, but um Biden literally calls a woman, a female New Hampshire voter, get this, a lying dog face. You can't make it up. You think I'm making it up. Let's roll the audio tape. So you're arguably the candidate with the greatest advantage in this phrase. You've been the vice president, you weren't burdened down by the impeachment Chiles. So in the participation, So, how do you explain the performance in Iowa? And why should the voters believe that you can win the national election? It's a great question. Number one was a Democratic caucus caucus? Stop it there? Do you whoa? It's like Joe three oh three three oh, it meant nothing. What he just said. What he said it is gobbley goop. What he said is incoherent. What he said is spectacularly scary if he's ever the president. Go back, go back and play from the beginning. So you're arguably the candidate of the greatest advantage in this phrase. You've been the vice president. You weren't burdened down by the impeachment Chiles, So in the participation, So, how do you explain the performance in Iowa? And why should the voters believe that you can win the national election. It's a good question. Number one one. I was a Democratic caucus to CAUCUSUS. No, you haven't. You're a lime dog face pony soldier. You said you were, but you're now you gotta be honest. I'm gonna be honest with you. I was an Iowa caucus. He just said, Am I wrong? I was an Iowa caucus. I I joe quid pro and quo. You're not getting the billion last year. Fire the prosecutor that is investigating my zero experience son, you know, but of course outrageous. We a lying dog face pony soldier. What does a lying dog faced pony soldier mean? What does that mean? I mean, this is supposed to be their lead guy. Now, then we got mayor Pete. Mayor Pete, the big winner out of the Iowa, out of IWA was in Iowa caucus. So I guess Mayor Peat the big winner of the Joe Biden considering he was the Iowa caucus. Anyway, guess what this idiot says, Mayor Pete. Oh, and talk to the people of South Bend, Indiana. This guy is not particularly well liked in South Bend, Indiana, and he hasn't exactly done a good job. I did see the exchange. Um, why is it that your administration tend to arrest by a dramatic margin more African Americans for smoking weed, in drugs and all of that. Yes, I know that's true. I'm like, oh, why did you do it that? Well, anyway, now he's want to take his now surging in the polls, trying to beat crazy Bernie and quid pro quo Joe. But the Democrats, well that they may not want a seventy seven or seventy or eight year old Biden or Bloomberg or I think between the three of them, the five thousand years old. I mean that just it's like the new faith of the Democratic Party. It may repeat anyway, So he goes on Sunday, and I guess he's on with Chris Wallace and he goes, Mayor, not only do you want to decriminalize marijuana, you want to criminalize all drug possession. You say, the better answer is treatment, not incarceration. Isn't the fact that it's illegal to have to possess meth heroin? Doesn't that, at least in some way, the fact that it's illegal and illegal act as some deterrent in trying it in the first place. This guy wants to legalize her win. Let me, let me explain, Mayor Pete what you may be too dumb to know. You got addicted to this crap and you die. The odds of you getting off this crap are like ten to fifteen percent. And that's if like you have really rich friends that keep sending you to rehab again and again and again and again and again. This is not a good plan, And nor do I really because we can see it one mile away from Nancy Pelosi's million dollar gated community where all these people that are shooting up heroin are literally defecating in the streets and urinating in the streets, and needles are all over the place in the streets one mile in one direction, her million dollar home, millions of dollars, and then the other direction her office. You would think she'd go to all of her gated community millionaire friends and say, hey, why don't we build a shelter. Now, Bernie Sanders is refusing to disavow his past support for a maximum wage's cap. Oh, well, that's gonna really be productive. So let me see. He now says in seven, nineteen seventy four, he wanted one hundred percent cap on income above a million a year. Okay, so if somebody reaches their cap, let's say by February, they're gonna stop working. Why would they work if you're gonna steal it from them? Why? So you can go out there, Bernie, and what are you going to spend them money on? Losing jobs? How do we know you said you're going to lose jobs. Raise taxes, wealth taxes, confiscate taxes. You know, all of this is at some point they're legalizing stealing, because what the government is saying is that we don't live free. And this is the live free dice. You're not gonna live free, You're gonna live to work for your government. And then they're gonna come in and legalize stealing everything you got. And then after you've paid all your taxes, they want another bite at the apple. That's the wealth tax. And then if you're lucky enough to have anything left when you die, then they're going to come back and take another forty percent nationally, if you're in New York and New York City, another thirteen percent. That's the third bite of the apple. How much? At what point do people say enough is enough and they don't want to live in that country because it's no longer free because you're paying Literally, they'll take the gold out of your teeth when you get into your grave to pay your state taxes. It's unbelievable. Oh, when Bernie is now renegged on a promise to release his medical records. BULLOOPSI Daisy must be bad in there. There is such discord and disarray here it is unbelievable. So you're arguably the candidate with the greatest advantage in this case. You've been the vice president. You weren't burdened down by the impeachment Chiles, so in the participation, So, how do you explain the performance in Iowa? And why should the voters believe that you can win the national election. It's a good question, question number one. I was a Democratic caucus caucus. No you haven't. You're a line dog faced pony soldier. You said you were here. Now you gotta be honest. I'm gonna be honest with you. Okay, be honest with me. What they're trying to say now is, oh, no, he's saying this from a John Wayne movie. Apparently, I guess he've originally suggested Biden had used the line before, and it's a reference to Hondo, which was a John Wayne movie. You know, it's a big John Wayne fat well. I like John Wayne, thought John Wayne was amazing. Mark Levine gets a lot of John Wayne. He loves those, um you know, memorabilia stuff. He's into that. Anyway. Now others are suggesting it was from another movie called Pony Soldier, and I just don't know what it is. Um anyway, we're in New Hampshire. It is basically Donald Trump's dream scenario. And that is a total shift show, if you will. With the Democratic primary, it's that bad. Democrats are even now talking about a brokered convention. There's a lot of maneuverings going on. A cheat Bernie, we'll have all the details and Vice President Mike Pence coming up from the Live, Free or Die state of New Hampshire. It's the Sean Hannity Show. At twenty five to the top of the hour. We are in the Live Free or Die State. We'll be here today, we'll be here tomorrow. And everybody's asking, Okay, what's the secret plan? Well, I can't tell you. I mean, I might know by whether we can pull it off by TV time tonight. We'll be doing the TV show here from the great state of New Hampshire. It is beautiful up here. Love the state. So I took my buddy since I over to lunch today. I bought him a lunch and so I just said to the person that's working there, said, also a lot of a lot going on, obviously with the primary going on. Yeah, this was not a happy camper. And they said, well, do you know who you're voting for yet? That guy in there, and she starts railing. I'm like, so I started saying, oh, but he's created eight million new jobs and I'm really happy that our fellow Americans are working. You're not happy about that? Was this before or after you got your food. It was before you were in food service. Well, it was the worst, by the way service in the history. It took an hour to get a stupid saying, oh, there was a lot of spits to get in there. Come on, you shouldn't say that, because you know what happened that time I went to dinner with Neil Boord. Do you know what happened? That was not a good day of my life? Said, I worked in a kitchen. My friend, I'm seeing a lot of things. Okay, so um, and she goes, yeah, well, he lost seven hundred and seventy million others literally said that. I said he did. He really lost seven hundred and seventy million other jobs. Yes, that's the truth, is that. Okay? You know, it's just like that should have been your que to go to the mini martin buy a packaged food. Oh guess what. So let's go back and play Biden, because now the woman, she's a twenty one year old student, has now responded about how she feels about quid pro quo Joe, calling her a liar and a dog face. Well, listen, so you're arguably the candidate with the greatest advantage in this phrase. You've been the vice president. You weren't burdened down by the impeachment, Chiles, so in the participation, So, how do you explain the performance in Iowa? And why should the voters believe that you can win the national election. It's a great question. Number one, I was a Democratic caucus. I was a memo caucus. No you haven't. You're a lion, dog faced pony soldier. You said you were, but now you gotta be honest. I'm gonna be honest with you. I was a Democratic caucus. What the hell does that? I was a Democratic caucus. Anyway, you're a liar, dog face pony soldier. Now the Biden campaign is like spinning. How do we get him out of Well it might have been a line in a John Wayne movie in nineteen fifty two. Well, that's that's something really relatable for the young demos that are going to try and get out there and vote. Well, it's a twenty one year old woman. He did this too, and the Daily Mail got in touch with her. She's an economic student. But and the question was fair, you got your ass kicked in Iowa. I am a Democratic caucus. How do you find yourself electable after coming in fourth when you were supposed to be the front runner. That's a fair question. Twenty one year old economic student at Mercer University in Macon, Georgia, and says that after quid pro quote Joe called her a lying, dog face pony soldier, she felt quote humiliated by the experience. She complained, it's insulting to see people trying to minimize the former vice president's remark as a joke. I agree with her, and I think she's right. It was kind of humiliating to be called a liar on national TV by a former vice president. Instead of answering the question straightforward, his immediate response was an attempt to invalidate me by exposing my inexperience. And she goes, I'm a twenty one year old college student, Like, what the hell do I know? Meaning that's how she's treating him. I don't blame her. Good for her, So I guess if I asked Joe a question, I wonder if he's gonna say that to me. Quit pro quo Joe now mayor Pete wants to legalize heroin. Wow. Bernie Sanders refuses to disavow his past support for a maximum age. Oh you know, Nobody likes when I say this, but it's true. I have never in my life gotten a job from a poor person. Never all the jobs I've had, the people that own the newspapers, when I was eight years old delivering newspapers, they had to have money. They weren't poor people. When I washed dishes in a restaurant. When I was a cook in a restaurant, a bus boy in a restaurant, when I was a waiter and a bartender in a restaurant. When I was a house painting contractor, when I hung wallpaper form a construction work and hack like me, as Alec Baldwin, the failed talk show host says, when I when I did all of these, When I laid tile, when I did renovation, when I did roofing, when I did framing, I did all of that. That's two decades of my life. This is not like, Oh, I was a bartender one day, did it for a lot of time, a lot of Ever, since I was growing up, I worked, and I never got a job. I never got hired to paint somebody's house who was poor, because if you're poor, by definition, you can't pay for somebody to paint your house. That's just a fact, and the same with any type of construction. And usually if you work in a restaurant, the owner of the restaurant, I had to pay a lot of money to build the bar and to you know, build the decor of the restaurant, and to build the kitchen and buy the kitchen equipment and turn the lights on, and then hire the chef and hire the assistant chefs, and hire the dishwashers. Then to hire the waiters and the bartenders, and hire the custodian at night that's going to clean the place up. And then you charge nineteen dollars for a meal or sixteen dollars or fourteen ninety nine. That the restaurant business is brutal. I never got a job from a poor person. So if somebody is getting richer and richer, that means they're going to create more and more jobs. Why do we have to somehow or why are they creating this divide within the amongst the American people, as if that's a bad thing. And why does Bernie feel like after they already take sixty sixty five cents out of every dollar I make, then they want to come back If I happen to save any of what was remaining. Now they want to retroactively really go back and tax it again. That's what a wealth tax is. Well, you save too much money, now you owe it to us. Well, that's stealing. I don't care what you can. You can put all the nice little verbiage you want around it, wrap it in a nice pack, and put a bow on it. But you're legalize stealing money that we've already paid taxes on. And then when you die they want to steal more. They call it a death tax. What does that mean? You pay to die? They want? Now if you saved any money they want, Well, you have no right to give it to your children? Why not I want to give it to my What if I want to give it to the Cancer Society? What if I want to give it to create a scholarship fund for somebody. It's not your money anymore. I paid my taxes. Every other Americans paid their taxes. And if somebody gets to save on top of it, guess what that means. They're not going to be dependent on government for anything when they get older, because they've been smart enough and wise enough to put enough money away for their retirement. That means I won't be dependent on the state. Politico had an interesting piece out today that the president's dream scenario is unfolding and all this disarray. I mean, it is a shift show, it really is. And you know, they don't know who to put their support behind. I think between Bloomberg, Biden, and Sanders, I think we're looking at it like five hundred years worth of experience, maybe more, I don't know. And now they're also going after each other. There was a piece in The Hill today Karl Rove was the first to say at New King, which was second on both on this program Carl and his column in the Wall Street Journal, that there could be a real broker convention that would be entertainment like you've never seen before. Why do you think all of a sudden they're trying to change the rules so that Bloomberg was buying his way into everything that Bloomberg would himself now would be able to get in even though he doesn't have any donors except for Bloomberg. Bloomberg. The Bloomberg is running like a propaganda campaign. Mike can get it done. Mike up Bloomberg, Oh, the guy that you know for twelve years supported stopping frisk and then how many years they've been out of office now? Five six, all right, so that's eighteen years he supported stopping frisk. He runs for president, is he has some advisor come in and say, yeah, that's not gonna go over well with certain identity politic groups in the Democratic Party, act like you're really sad and you didn't mean it for eighteen years, and start tearing up when you say I made a mistake. Because that's what he's doing. And that is exactly why people like Donald Trump because he's not full of it. He's being brutally honest about who he is, what he believes, and these people are just a bunch of phonies. Now the President is actually coming up to New Hampshire where we're broadcasting today, and I don't know. Apparently, according to this piece in the Manchester Union Leaders, most of Joe Biden's rallies, you know, you can fit the people in a phone book. I mean that's they don't break a hundred. He's not getting a hundred people. And then every time he has a rally he's getting he's he's arguing with people that he's trying to get to vote for him. That's brilliant. Why don't you answer the twenty one year old girls question? Why do you have to be insulting to her? Really, that you're gonna call a twenty one year old girl a lying, dog faced pony soldier. Okay, well something listen if I said what I really think, I am telling you these people they're losing it, you know, Adam Schiff saying, what if Donald Trump decides to give Alaska to Russia so Russia will help him in the twenty twenty election. What if he decides to move tomorrow Lago and he wants to live in Marrow Lago and let Jared Kushner choose which wars to put the country in. These people are loose. Then, watching it was the think back to the State of the Union, Nancy Pelosi preparing a little papers for her predetermined rip at the end of the president's speech and then mumbling seemingly to herself. It looked like to me, I didn't think she didn't look like she was communicating. When I saw the mumble ling going on, I didn't Maybe she was having problems. I don't know if she wears Dentshers and not to seem something weird was going on there. Did you see the mumbling She's mumbling and then and then looking everywhere else succept, you know, just like did this year when she gave that. She was like pointing, like to like a petulan child, like you sit down, you sit down, and she's behind. It's great. Here's an interesting point though, from the Manchester Union. Now the Vice President will join us at the top of the next hour and Mike Pennce. But anyway, they're gonna be here, and they're gonna be at the Southern New Hampshire University Arena. And Trump's last campaign visit to the Granite State was August fifteenth, when he set the arena attendance record of eleven thousand and five hundred, surpassing the crowd of eleven thousand and four hundred that Elton John had set. Before Elton John sells out, I would imagine almost every show right, all of his shows sell out. And he's still performing at a magnificent level. I know because I saw him play not that long ago. Unbelievable artist, I mean, an incredible show that he puts on. It's just fun. Um. So we have this is the backdrop of what's happening here, and now everyone's saying there might be a broker convention if you want poll numbers. Sanders is leading in New Hampshire the day before the primary, at least according to one pole, you got a let's see blah blah blah blah. Oh. Amy Klobuchar showed a slight rise in third place. That means Biden's headed for another fourth place finish at least. And so you got Bernie Buddha Judge, Amy Klobachar and then quit pro quo Joe. That's not looking good for Joe. Iowa Democratic Party is now awarded Buddha Judge fourteen delegates, Sanders twelve. And now Democrats are talking about getting rid of the caucus. I would I believe in tradition. I don't think they should. Why are you going to treat Ayowa that way? I was always had first in the nation caucus, first in the nation primary New Hampshire. You could say, maybe, look, I like history. I like doing things the way it's always been done. I don't know, maybe that's just me. Then we have there appears to be more problems than the Hillary Clinton associated app. Buddha Judge holds the largest Democratic rally in New Hampshire because eighteen hundred people showed up. Eighteen hundred, that's like, wow, Warren has ramped up. Buddha Judge hits. So she's fighting Buddha Judge in this battle now because she's thinking, I guess I don't know. Biden launched a brutal ad campaign mocking Mayor Pete and his experience, and Pete's campaign is not happy about it. And anyway, the ad comes at a time when Biden's status is the so called front runner. He's declining and rather precipitously, and so he's comparing Buddha Judge. His ad swipes a Buddha Judge's record or lack of experience at a South Bend, Indiana with a population of just over one hundred thousand, and then a bunch of backhanded compliments, and the narrator praises Biden's record and then offers praise for Buddha Judge. But anyway, the ad comes and it says when Obama, I'm called on him. Joe Biden helped lead the passage of the Affordable Care Act, Oh, the one that we were supposed to keep our plans and doctors and forty percent of America now has one option on the Obamacare exchange one and everybody. We were supposed to save twenty five hundred dollars per family per year. Yeah, we're now paying two hundred percent on average more. That's what you're gonna brag about. Good luck with that, Buddha. Judge was confronted on the spike and minority drug arrest during the time, as mayored during that ABC so called debate over the weekend, it was a snooze fest. It looks like the Oscars last night has now hit another record lull. I was watching it and I was texting with some friends. I said, it's gonna be the lowest rted ever. No one can watch this. First I was watching the pregame Oscars. Now, maybe I'm getting old, but I didn't know anybody. I'm like, I'm watching all these people and go through the red carpet. I'm like, I don't know you, I don't know you. I've never heard of you. And the ones that I do. Oh, Brad Pitt, you know, turn out to be a dumb jackass with his comments. You know, it knows nothing about the Constitution and he thinks he's a genius and he's not, but anyway he was. There was a big confrontation on the Spike and minority minority drug arrest when he was mayor in South Bend. Klobuchar is now going after Buddha Judge. We have a newcomer in the White House and look where it got us, meaning I've got experienced Biden advisers saying Buddha Judge won't be ready on day one. You got Biden in New Hampshire calling the student the lying, dog faced pony soldier. I don't think you can beat that. Oh and Bernie Sanders said he's not a communist, and Warren did say, oh, we don't want billionaires donating to campaigns, except I'll take Bloomberg's money if he gives it to me. More hypocrisy. Oh and she got caught. You see her slinking away from getting out of the private jet and the number one jet user is Bernie. Yeah, so they're battling who's using the private jet the most here in the Free or Die state, gladual with us in the lead up to tomorrow's a big primary here in New Hampshire. I just looked at the pictures in the videos online. A friend of mine sent me something from Twitter. The lines for the president are, you know, down around the block, wrapped around like fourteen times, So it's going to be, in other words, an average Trump rally, which is hilarious. Biden can barely get a hundred people at any of his rallies. It is not going over well what he said to this young, twenty one year old woman. I can tell you that the woman has now said she felt humiliated after quid pro quo Joe attacked her as a lying, dog faced pony soldier. I mean, where did that? What is that? She said? It was insulting, It was humiliating to be called a liar on national TV by a former of vice presidents that are answering the question. His immediate response to attempt to invalidate me by exposing my inexperience, and she added, I am a twenty one year old college student, Like what the hell do I know? And who cares who I am or what my experience is about? Just answer the question, and her question was legitimate. The Vice President, Mike Pence will be coming up to New Hampshire with the President today and I guess they'll be leaving fairly shortly. I think it's seven seven thirty the rally tonight, and he joins us. Now, I'm as the Vice president. How are you, sir, Hey, Sean Hannity. Great to be with you. In fact, I already am in New Hampshire. I'm sorry, I didn't know. I didn't know that. I apologized. Yeah, no worry, We're on the bus. We're going to meet up with the President of Manchester tonight. I got to tell you that the enthusiasm on the ground for President Donald Trump, for an agenda that's made America great again, we think we think it's going to carry us to a victory in New Hampshire in November, and a victory all across this country for four more years. You know, we watched the Iowa caucus debacle for the Democrats last week. But the untold story, especially by the medium mob as I call them, I'll let you use whatever term of endearment you prefer, mister Vice President, and the President likes the term fake news, and it mostly is fake news. But the untold story in Iowa was how many people it was an uncontested primary for the president, and they Republicans were showing up in record numbers in Iowa Sean. It was a record turnout and essentially the president was uncontested. He got more than ninety seven percent of the vote in our caucus. In contrast that for all the attention they're receiving to the Democrat caucus, which of course took them a week to figure out, these are the people that want to run your healthcare that can't even run a caucus. But you know, the contrast was they were expecting a record turnout and they were way off of their predictions as well. And I'm traveling today with Governor Chris Sanuda here in New Hampshire, and we're projecting over one hundred thousand people are going to turn out to vote in the primary, uh for President Donald Trump tomorrow in the first in the first in the nation state. And uh, I just have to tell you, I mean that the choice in this election, I think has never been clearer, the stakes have never been hired. And the more people here from these Democratic candidates, I have to tell to me it's really coming down to a choice between freedom and socialism. Uh. And and here in the here in the the the live, free or die state, as New Hampshire is known, this election by November May just you know, a choice between live free or don't. And we're gon we're going to carry that message everywhere we can. And uh, I just think it's shapen up to be a great, great day for the President tomorrow, the great rally tonight, and it's set in the stage, a great victory in November. What a week it was last week. I've watched a lot of States of the Union over the years. We've known each other, you know, a couple of decades now, and I know him the president over a couple of decades. I thought it was the best State of the Union that I had watched in my life. Not only did the President read off record after record after record after record, then he talked about the killing of Baghdaddy and associates, defeating the Caliphate in Syria, taking out Iran's number one state sponsor terror, the guy that was leading all the terror proxy wars around the world, Solomoni. There were very emotional moments during the State of the Union address and and I looked at that, then this acquittal for this latest witch hunt. What was your reaction a last week? Even Bill Mars said it was the best week the presidents had. Well, it was just an incredible week at Strong Affirmation in Iowa, the historic State of the Union address that you know, the President really made it about the progress of this country has made under his leadership in the last three years, Sean, but he also made it about the American people. I mean, those stories, and I saw you talking about it on television, the stories that the guests in the gallery was just so inspiring. And contrast that at the end of his speech, Nancy Pelosi tried to make it about her by literally ripping up a copy of the President's speech. Next week it was, by the way, did you notice during the speech, because we actually went back. I did not myself notice it at the time, although I've got to be honest watching on TV, yeah, I mean she was kind of like bumbling to herself, distracted looking everywhere. But later when we went back, she was putting like little baby rips in the papers, I guess, preparing for the show at the end of the President's speech, which tells me that this was all an act and this was all for the cameras. Did you see that happening during the speech yourself? No, I certainly saw the mutterings he was leaning over talking to me. Throughout the speech. I was totally focused on the President, on his message, on their incredible response. At least in half of the attendees in Congress and the gallery was just completely enthralled with the presidents the President's State of the Union address. But no, I actually my feeling was is that it had to be pre planned because it happened so quickly. I literally didn't see her tear the speech up. You know, I was saying, Actually, I'm offering a reward. I want to buy that torn up speech. Do you happen to know who has it? I want that. I'll pay for it. I want to buy it, and I want to get and one day the president can sign it and put it into his library somewhere. We'll think about the contrast there that incredible State of the Union address, and then the next day the United States Senate clears the president on all charges. And as I said to the cops for Trump Rally here in the Hampshire today, President Donald Trump has been acquitted forever and it's over. It's behind us, and now we're able just to put the hammer down take the message all across the country. But I gotta tell I honestly believe this not just the impeachment, but literally three years of endless investigations culminating in their partisan impeachment. I think it's backfired on the Democrats because they the American people are grateful for the leadership this president is provided. You've celebrated it like no one else in the media shot so I don't have to tell you all that he's done for our military, for our economy, for our courts, for our standing in the world. But people know that he's accomplished all of that in the midst of unjust and unprecedented opposition, and it's generated a level of enthusiasm. Frankly, it's very It feels very similar out here on the road to how it felt in the in the you know, the fall just before the twenty sixteen election. There's an incredible enthusiasm across the country, and I think it's only going to build in November in twenty twenty, when we get four more years for President Donald Trump in the White House. I've listed many times, both on radio and television, the President's promises made, the promise has kept. I'm extremely happy that we have nearly eight million of our fellow Americans no longer in need of food stamps, and millions out of poverty, and almost eight million new jobs, endless, burdensome regulation has gone. He made all the trade deal, the deals that he was going to promise, ending burdensome regulation, cutting taxes. Let me ask you this, because after three years of never ending frankly, psychosis, rage, derangement, whatever whatever adjectives you prefer to use, I can't really think of anything that the Democrats have done for the people that have elected them that they're supposed to serve, they're supposed to be public servants, and I can't in my mind I believe that that is going to be result in a good result, not going to bear them results, because I think that at this point, people see they just hate this guy. Why do you think that is? I don't know. Sean to Beyon said, yeah, I served you and I met when I was serving in Congress, and I don't recognize this Democratic Party. I mean, the Democratic Party today has literally been taken over by radical leftists. And you know, we see we see that those voices, those prominent voices in their party, you know, the free healthcare for illegal immigrants, open borders, late term abortion. I mean literally to see on stage none of the front runners in the Democratic Party said they have any objection of having a soialist candidate lead their ticket in the last it It just really is remarkable. But I think it's the reason why you see more and more people come in our way, more and more people see that this president against as just a level of opposition I ever witnessed in my lifetime, and yet you know him well. He turned his face like flint against the wind in the last three years and just delivered day in and day out to the American people. I was with Cops for Trump and we picked up the endorsement of the New England Police Benevolent Association today. They endorsed the president four years ago and just endorsed the ticket again today. And it's because they have in this president someone who has stood by law enforcement. And when you see what happened in New York Seaton City with the two police officers, and what happened in Arkansas today, and the American people just knew they've got a president who stood with our military, stood with law enforcement, stood for law and order, has a growing economy, has stood up for our Constitution with conservative appointments to our course, and contrast that with the literally, to your point, sean an empty record on the other side. All their record is is a record of opposition, mindless resistance. And it's one of the reason why I really believe we're not only going to get four more years of President Donald Trump in the White House, but I truly do believe that we're gonna elect Republican majorities, not only reelected to the Senate, but I think we're going to have a new Republican majority in the United States House of Representatives, and Nancy Pelosi is going to be the last Democrat Speaker of the House to sit behind this president or any president for a long time. Well, that is the one way if you want the endless conspiracy theories, the hoaxes, the never ending investigations, the one way to end it would be to elect Republicans in the House and Senate. And probably I don't think Joe Biden has a particularly good shot calling twenty one year old women, lying, dog faced pony soldiers. Let me ask you about and I've known both of you for over a couple of decades. You have very distinct and different personalities on the one hand. On the other hand, because I've I've been around you both. You guys are together all the time. You were in this together. If you if you had to describe your personal relationship with the President, how would you do it. Well, we've gotten to be very close over the last four years. You know, I'm like you, I really didn't know the President much before he asked me to join the ticket. But to your point, we campaign together in twenty sixteen and then literally we literally have served day in and day out together, and look our style. I don't think most people realize you are with him almost all the time. I mean, you guys worked together. I mean you're in the White House every day, as I understand, and every time I've been there for hours. Yeah, I think you know the President and I depending on it, we're both at the White House, which is much of the time. We usually spend four or five hours a day together, you know, whether it's a meeting in the Situation room in the Oval Office, whether it's various events, meeting with the America's governors. Today, White House rolled out the new budget today. The President when when he asked me to join the ticket, he told me he wanted. He wanted to have an active vice president, and I can tell you that's a promise made, promise kept as he's put me to work, whether it be on Capitol Hill, traveling around the country as we are now helping to push his trade agenda the USMCA. And I got to tell you it's the greatest privilege in my life because I just believe in this president, I believe in his vision for this country, and to have been some small part of what we've been able to do in the last three years making America great again, and it's the greatest greatest privilege I've ever had. Sewn well, we're safer, we're more secure, thank God, promises have been made and kept, and our fellow Americans whore experienced a renaissance and economic growth and job growth, and I wanted to continue for our entire American family. As the President closes out, as rallies, we are one glorious nation under God, and we're one American family, and we all want to prosper together. Mister Vice President. Look forward to seeing you again soon. As always, thank you for your time. Sean. Always great to be on with you, and especially today from New Hampshire, It's going to be a great night. So basically what happened was like the first day we were quarantine, they were on our way back to Yokohama Port, and they said, when we're gonna be in the sea, we're gonna be great doct outside and they're gonna have tender boats, have doctors come on in. I guess test us. They only tested our temperature and we were fine. But the problem with that was they did it through at their mind in your ear, and like, I don't know, I'm from the United States. And when we go get checkouts and they check your thermometer, a thermometer it's with a disposable tip. They did not have that. And it was four thirty five o'clock in the morning. I was half asleep. They put it in my ear, wiped it off of a cotton cloth, and then stuck it in my wife's here and they went on to the next room. And there was only those people who did the whole ship, which to me isn't very sanitary. I do yet asked by many many people now about this coronavirus and what's going on as it is unfolding in China, because look, you take a look. There was apparently a hack of some kind or some type of computer breach that apparently shows that this is much bigger than anybody ever thought. Reports that people and in China are being arrested, that there's a mass arrest of suspected virus patients. You got more quarantine centers that are set up at some of the military bases through out the country. Hundreds of businesses are seeking money in loans. You got President she making a rare visit to meet with the patients and medics. And then you've got you know, you got a lot of fear. Is it warranted? You have quote super spreaders, You have a lockdown in certain areas. People have been confined to their homes. According to reports, We now that there are another number of cases outside of China, which may be the tip of the iceberg, according to an article that was put out by Reuters, and that as people across China have trickled back to work Monday. Anyways, the government is easing restrictions imposed account of the coronavirus. Clearly, I don't think they responded quickly or expeditiously. I think there was an effort to probably hide it from the world. We know that apparently this is an airborne virus, can be spread airborne. We know that you can also spread it during the incubation period where you don't even know. You don't have any symptoms yourself, you don't even know that you have it. It seems that it's impossible at this point to have any contact tracing, which would be a normal course or procedure. But anyway, when I was interviewing the President during the Super Bowl, I spoke to him both on and off air, whether or not the United States has offered China help, and he said, absolutely, we have, and we have our top people that are consulting. One such top person in all of this as doctor Anthony Fauci. He is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. He's advised now six presidents over the years on HIV and AIDS and everything else. Doctor Fauci, how are you. We're very well, Sean. Thank you for being on the show. Look, I know you've done this. I've watched you over the years. You tend to be very very chill, tend to be you tend to take a very broad look at instances like this. I know, there's a maybe instinctive way that people begin to panic. The numbers seem very large. Now, mortality rate is what four percent an now or so five percent? Two percent? Two percent? Okay, lower than I thought? Okay, all right, how do you see what's going on here? And do you feel that China now is stepped up to the level they need to get at to contain this. Well, First of all, it's a very serious situation in China. As you know, there are over forty thousand cases, almost all of which with the reception of a couple of hundred, are in China, and as I mentioned, the death rate, the case fatality rate is two percent. So right now they are doing some draconian things to try and prevent further spread, both within China and two countries outside of China. If you look at how pandemics evolve, it evolves when you have spread of infection with sustained transmission throughout the world. What we have in the non China countries are mostly travel related cases and the situation where those individuals are spreading it to others, but rarely in a sustained manner, whereas in China there's multiple generations of sustained transmission. So you know, the short version, Sean, is that a very bad situation in China, the situation in the United States right now, although it could change. There's twelve cases, ten of which are travel related, and two of which are the spouses of two of those travel related cases, for a total of twelve. It's been that way for a while. Hopefully we don't see any more imported cases, but if this turns into a broader outbreak involving multiple multiple countries, it's going to be very difficult to keep travel related cases out and that's what you have the danger. So that's the reason, said doctor Fauci that the virus has now spread to at least twenty seven countries. You mentioned twelve cases in the US and based on official reports infecting more than three hundred and thirty people outside of China. The two deaths outside of mainland China were in Hong Kong and the Philippines, and the death toll from the outbreak has now surpassed that of another coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS, which brought a global epidemic in two thousand and two and three, which I know you were involved in at the time. That is correct, and what you're saying is exactly what I'm saying shown is that these twenty seven other countries they got seated by people who traveled from Wuhan or other parts of China. The way this will be controlled, if we are successful in controlling it, is that in those cases that are travel related, to do the kinds of things that we've done here, which is identify, isolate, and contact trace. So when you trace the contacts, if they're exposed, you can observe them, If they're sick, you can isolate them. That's what's going on. Whether that would be able to hold back the emergence of a real pandemic is unclear right now. We're just going to have to try our best and wait to see. Let me ask you, during the incubation period, people will not know they have even been infected with the virus. They apparently they can pass it on. That's contagious even at that point. That's problematic too, because there's a lag period between you even knowing that you might have been infected and you then have the possibility of infecting others. Right right right, are Chinese colleagues who are scientific colleagues, not policy people who we communicate are telling us that that is occurring. Asymptomatic transmission is usually not the major driver of the outbreak, but apparently it is occurring in China, And as you said, correctly, if that is the case, if it occurs to a significant extent, that really complicates things. But in general, with respiratory born viruses, although asymptomatic transmission cannon does occur, it really is the primary driver of the outbreak. Last question, so for the average American that is watching this, that is concerned that this has gotten out of control, and that this could spread much further and it could be a pandemic of larger proportions, what do you say to the average American? And do you believe as a country we are doing enough with experts like yourself to help China containing this. Well. A couple of things. First of all, right, now, I would tell people that we are taking this very seriously and we're doing whatever we can to mitigate, namely to contain it and to prepare to actually mitigate it if it comes. Currently, the situation is under control in the United States, and people, we say should not fear in the sense because the risk currently is relatively low, but to be realistic, Sean, you have to say that that risk might change, so they need to pay attention to that. Regarding what we're doing for China, philanthropic organizations in the United States have donated hundreds of millions of dollars. The US government has donated officially one hundred million dollars, and we want to get our people in there so we can help and can observe it first hand. Thus far, we've not been able to do that. Yeah, well, I know what the President said that he would make available to China. He just signed an agreement where President she apparently the relationship has been moving in a positive direction. And I know that it's in the world's best interest to offer our experts and make them available. But a lot of times countries that are closed off, like China, they're not so open to hearing from other countries and getting assistance. That's sometimes a problem. Right the WHO, We'll be sending a team there. We are just hoping that we will be included as part of that WHO team. Well, I trust you and I trust our guys more than anyone else in the world. I think we have the best scientists, and I think the greater capability of getting a handle on this, and I would assume vaccines are being worked on even as we speak. Is that correct? That is correct. We're working on a vaccine. We predict and project that we will be doing a phase one trial for safety within about six about eight weeks. Yeah, all right, doctor Fauci. We wish you luck and please keep us updated if there are any new developments. We appreciate all the work you do every day. Thank you, sir, Thank you very much. On eight hundred and nine four one, Sean told free telephone number you want to be a part of the program. Oh I forgot to play this earlier. Joe Biden ripping. Oh no, and this cracks me up. Joe Biden is actually out there saying, oh, the past wasn't so bad under Biden Obama. Yes, it was. Listen to remember, thirteen million more Americans food stamps, eight million more poverty, lowest labor participation rates since the seventies. Hey Quinn, pro quo, Joe, wake up, read a newspaper. You are a disaster as vice president and your partner was a disaster as president. Politics in the past. I think we're not all that bad. I wrote the Violence Against Women Act. I managed the nine hundred billion dollars Recovery Act, which in fact put millions and millions of dollars into his city before he came and helped save his city. I was able to do it. I was able to pass the Chemical Weapons Band Arms Control and I was the first major leader holding public office to call for same sex marriage. So I don't know what about the past a Barack Obama and Joe Biden was so bad? What happened? What is it that he to do away with? We were just beginning. It was just the beginning of what will be the future of moving this country beyond where it is now in significant ways. And there's ways to do that. And one of the ways to do that is to make sure you have someone who knows how to get things done and can lead the free world at the same time. And then you got this guy reads the Curia. I think he's on around when Humpty Dumpty is on his low rated show over there at fake news CNN, and you know he's all with Bill Maher, And even Bill Maher had to admit, this is Trump's best week ever. It had to kill him to say that, So, what do you think of this week for Donald Trump? I thought it was his best week ever and the most depressing week for me, as someone who's not a fandom Donald Trump and what he's doing to this country. It was chilling. Stay to the Union. I was surprised. I thought I was watching beet. The whole thing seemed geared toward winning the black right. I mean, he had the little girl who's going to go to a charter school. He called out the one black Republican Senator Tim Scott, He had the Tuskegee Airmen. He cited a lot of stats about black unemployment being better, all this stuff. Wow the Democrats. Would Democrats like their weak point is the South? They just write it off. They don't even try. Trump is like, what's my weak point? Blacks? I'm gonna get them because it was a great week. But back to this though, I'm telling you what's the issue. These are no longer outlier polls. In the case of Van Jones. Yeah, you Democratic candidates out there, Look at all these cities run by Democrats for decades, yet the worst poverty, the most violence, drugs, affliction, that problems never solved. You don't believe me. Look at Chicago. We have thirteen high schools. In Baltimore, not a single kid is proficient in reading or math. Or if you won't look at look at what's happening a mile away from Nancy Pelosi's multimillion dollar home, and look what's happening in Los Angeles. Here's what Van Jones said. I would accuse my party at this point of having engaged in three years of fantasy football politics, where we said, Okay, don't worry, Trump is never going to be seated because the electoral College will not seat him. Remember that, Oh don't worry, Bob Muller is going to take him out of the White House and handcuffs. Remember that, Oh don't worry, he's going to be impeached at a removed. Okay, now, after three years of all that fantasy football, guess what we have. Trump is still in the White House and we still don't have a candidate, and the way we've developed our issues may or may not even serve us. Had we spent the past three years accepting reality that a bunch of people who voted for Obama twice voted for Trump. Hard to call them Nazis and listen to them in addition to our own constituencies, and figured out what they needed. We might be in a position to have Trump on the run. The reality is all the blood, sweat and tears over impeachment, Bob Muller, all that kind of stuff has not done anything to dent Trump. Trump is actually hiring the poles he's ever been and we still don't have a candidate. I gotta take a quick break. We will come back and continue and our news round Up Information Overload hour. At the top of the hour, Jordan's Seculo is on the President's team and he'll talk about the two Supreme Court cases and what is nothing but an endless witch hunts and fish fishing expeditions to destroy Trump. You're right here for our final news round up and Information Overload. We want to quote Bolton, No, do you think it's what do you think it's likely that the should? I think it's likely. Yes. Think, when you have a a lawless president, you have to bring that to to to to the four you have to spot like that. You have to protect the constitution, whatever the political consequence has been. Second of all, no, I mean it's as more and more lawlessness comes out. I presume the public will will We'll understand that Jerry Nowler was asked whether or not they're going to investigate again or he gave an indication that they're willing to pursue other avenues of investigation. Do you think this comes back crazy if perhaps in the next year, do you think it's do you think they're crazy? Well, I'm hoping that the president has learned that, mister President, we are equal powers. We were designed differently than any other any other government. And understand where you're going with that answer, But I'm asking you, would you support your democratic colleagues pursuing this again? No, absolutely not unless the President continues and using rogue proxies such as really Juliannie running around playing with foreign policy to the from the election process. All Right, it never seems to end, does it. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean, If you want to be a part of the program as we continue, we are in New Hampshire, by the way, spotted by some NBC people and lots of scowls on the streets of New Hampshire today. We have a surprise thing that we're doing. We don't know how it's gonna play out, but we're gonna try. It's just us doing what we do our job, and I just suspect that there's going to be some people that might not like me doing my job. Is that a fair description, Linda, of what do we have planned? Very fair? But we'll know by TV time at nine eastern tonight. Aren't fair and balanced anyway. So as you can hear, you got House Judiciary Committee chair, lawless president, lawless president. It's like they're a broken record. We are two hundred and sixty seven days away from the ultimate jury. We the people, you, the American people, and this is where we are. Let's start another investigation. Oh what John Bolton may actually come out and say that the President said that he wasn't going to give you Crane a penny unless Ukrane did this or they were going to do that. Well, the problem is the four facts never changed. Do that. Let let's assume for a minute John Bolton is gonna say that I'm sure the President did at some point vent everything. What I'm discovering about Ukraine is it seems every single solitary thing about that country's corrupt at a very high level. But let's say all of that's true. Did the president do it? Or are we now going to punish the president and his words that he says to his top advisors privately when he doesn't do anything, and all the while taking on the most breathtaking hypocrisy in a double standard, which is quid and pro and quo and Joe. And you're not getting a billion taxpayer dollars until you find the prosecutor that is investigating my zero and I mean zero experienced son who's being paid millions. Let's forget that part. It's like, we have Russia, Russia, Russia. Okay, Russia, Russia, Russia. What about the dirty Russian dossier that Hillary Clinton bought and paid for likely Russian disinformation from the get go? Oh, we don't care about that. Obstruction matters, but not Hillary's deleted emails and bleach bitted in hammers. This is this is a surreal world we're living in now. The best part is we are two hundred and sixty seven days before election day and there is nothing but utter and complete madness and chaos within the Democratic ranks. And you know, quid pro quote Joe is doesn't have a mind. He's very upset with voters and what he said to this poor person earlier today, we'll play it this was yesterday kind of encapsulates. This is now the third running he's had with people on the campaign trail. When you're out there asking people for their vote, it's not good when you say go vote for some other guy, or getting in some guy's face, or when you say something like this to a and this is a female New Hampshire voter in this particular case. And Joe Biden is out there suggesting, well, ma'am, you're lying dog face, is what he said. So you're arguably the candidate with the greatest advantage in this phrase. You've been the vice president, you weren't burdened down by the impeachment Chiles. So in the participation, So, how do you explain the performance in Iowa? And why should the voters believe that you can win the national election. It's a good question. Number one, I was a Democratic caucus, the mental caucus. No you haven't. You're a lying, dog faced pony soldier. You said you were. But here now you gotta be honest. I'm gonna be honest with you, lying dog faced pony soldier, whatever the hell that is. Jeez. Anyway, Jordan's seculo is with us. He was part of the President's defense team, Executive director of American Center for Law Injustice. He along with his dad, really putting on I think the single best defense i'd seen. It was a slam dunk case. But Jordan, they don't seem never want to stop, do they. No, they don't. I mean, I'm going to remind everybody listening, Sean that we've got three Supreme Court cases next month, two coming out of the House of Representatives. So two are federal from the House trying to get the presidents at tax records, two different Democrat controlled committees. That case was combined into one, but it is considered separate. Then we've got another case. They'll be argued on the same day, the last day of March at the US Supreme Court, coming from the New York local District Attorney. There are five thousand district attorneys, over five thousand in the country, and if we allow a precedent that they can start criminal investigations into presidence or investigations into presidence, think about what that would do to the presidency while the president is running the country. If all five thousand plus of those das could open investigations whenever they wanted to. It's it's absurd. So yes, I mean the president harassment. They're not just talking about is it going to continue? I'm telling your listeners right now, Sean, they are continuing it by by fighting it out in the Supreme Court to try and get records at the comments. So I want you to go into more d I want you to go into more details though, as to why this matters, because, as you said, now and within eight weeks now, we're going to have these cases come before the courts and the Supreme Court now. And if that means that you've got some small time mayor of some city, or prosecutor or whatever da here there anywhere, and it happens to be anything, that this could be a never ending, non stop forever being on defense, attention grabbing and distracting the president from ever doing his job. And let me tell you some Sean, think about this way. President Trump has the resources to fight this, but most presidents, honestly, even ones that are fairly wealthy, would not, I mean, they would not be able to fight the constant legal rage of becoming presidency. So Democrats love to talk about the fair process and we don't want to. We don't want just billionaires and millionaires to be able to be the president. But if you allow these kind of standards, that's the only kind of people that could ever become presidents, certainly because you would have to face this constant what we've called and presidents called presidential harassment from all levels. So whether it's these phony kind of impeachment trials and you've got to have attorneys for that, or whether it's Supreme court cases in federal court that again you've got to have your your personal attorneys representing you in your private capacity. So that's separate than the government. The government has come on our side, but we're we are doing the majority of the work, so the president is having to again have these legal teams do that. So again we'll fight aggressively for the president all the way, and we're proud and honored to do that. But none of this, okay, plain the second case, so everybody understands that would be one is, oh, we want your tax returns. Why do they want as tax returns because they want to go on a fishing expedition, right, and hope and I find the way I would imagine any billionaire's tax returns are as complicated as all get out, and you know the most fascinating thing. Every year around April fifteenth, they will give certain information to certain accounting firms and they'll say, okay, figure out the tax liability. And almost every year they come up with a different number all the different groups, because the laws are that complicated. So what it is is a phishing expedition. So your the argument there is, hey, hang on a second. Presidents will never be able to do their job, nor form to be able to do their job if they have to hire lawyers and defend themselves in what could be never ending, NonStop legal action to paralyze an administration. Correct, right, I mean, there's no law on the books that requires a president releases tax returns. In fact, I think that Sean, the fact that the impeachment is over and the prison has been acquitted actually hurts their case even more because they could make a stronger case that they needed records from the president during an impeachment trial. Once that's over as it is now and the president has been acquitted, it becomes that much higher bar, so they have a higher bar to meet there. And then, of course, what is even more absurd is this district attorney issue. So any district attorney in the country that the president may touch, and you think about President Trump and the businesses he has, and it has started around the country. I mean, with the way that the interstate commerce laws works, that's about everybody, right. So if you've got angry district attorneys, they could just try and tie this president up in court. Now what does that mean now? For President Trump? It means he's got good lawyers. He's got great legal teams. They handle it. He's continuing to run the country like he did during the impeachment trial. He got USMCA signed, Phase one of China finished out of Davos, the economy is going up. He gave the State of the Union address, and the Democrats were in disarray. But what we fear too is and I think the president stands this as well, because you're setting president for the future as well. So if you can treat this president this way, other presidents will be treated this way. Same kind of argument we made in the impeachment trial. And you've got this is very dangerous ground we're on. If you allow local district attorneys to open up these cases of presidential harassment when, for instance, President Trump has been doing business in New York since he started into business world, since he came out of business school, and this is now the time they want to open up these investigations when these president United States. I mean, it's just very obvious. So these two combined, I think are again it's just a I wanted to remind your audience that while they talk about will they continue to harass the president, let me just tell everybody they are continuing to harass the president in court and using any legal gives. So those are the true cases now that he's gonna face correct and what do you see as the odds of this now being brought back in the court. It sounds like the arguments were strong, constitutional and solid. But again, I mean, you have people on courts that are activist justices, and if they just don't like Donald Trump, they'll probably make one decision. If it was somebody was a Democrat and shared their political views, they'd pick a very different decision. So the cases sounds similar. I think you do have to differentiate the federal one, so the two House committees and the district attorney. I think the district attorney one the Supreme Court is going to realize that as a dangerous road to go down. You start letting state and local officials do these investigations of a president while they're in office. Doesn't prevent them from doing it when they're out of office, but while they're in office. That is not what the founders intended to occur with the power of the presidency while you're in office. So that's that issue. The House issue becomes stronger and stronger if they have a legitimate interest. What are they investigating? And they've had an issue here because they moved forward with their impeachment and when they gave the even when they gave the articles over ultimately to the Senate, that kind of was over. So what now, I mean, they're gonna have to make a good case to the Supreme Court about what is this tied to. You can't just get the info. You've got to explain to us why you need these specific tax returns for what legitimate legislative purpose. And while the courts have been kind of all over the place, remember a lot of candidates have just released this, so it hasn't really become an issue. It's tough to predict exactly on the federal side. But I do think of all presidents because he hasn't released them and because they have not really made a good showing of why they need them for other than the fact that they just don't like this president. I feel I feel good about both cases. I think ultimately, again, it's more about harassing the president. Neither one of these are going to decide if someone votes for the president or not. It's about trying to harass the president. So he's not focused on his campaign, He's not focused on running the government. You're right there. Jordan's secular that to him, stay right there. I gotta take a break more with Jordan's secular. We're in New Hampshire today in light of the New Hampshire primary tomorrow. He is the executive director of the American Center for Law and Justice. We'll talk about the Bolton question that seemingly is on the minds of every psychotic hate Trump raged Trump, Trump, the arrangement syndrome Democrat led by the compromise congenital liar himself. Who's the one guy that actually should have to testify and answer some questions in this case? Along with Joe and Hunter and the hearsay whistleblower continue Jordan's secular with US executive director Americans Center for Law and Justice. All right, let's assume for a minute that John Bolton is going to say that he heard Donald Trump say I'm not giving Ukraine a penny unless they investigate quid pro quote Joe and zero experience hunter, and unless they get to the bottom of election and interference as chronicle by Politico January eleven, twenty seventeen and the Ukrainian court. Let's say he said that. Number one, he didn't do it. The four facts never change. Number two. Isn't there a prima facia case with Joe Biden bragging You're not getting the billion unless you fire the prosecutor investigating my zero experience on being paid millions? Doesn't he have an oath and he's faithfully executing the lass on the lamp. We've got forty seconds. Absolutely, I think that this Bolton thing. First of all, if you actually read the New York Times, they were careful and it noticed these leaks have stopped since the in peacement trial of the supposed book transcript. But Sean, they said the president preferred preferred was a word that they used in that article. That's really even John Bolts and I think protecting what he was going to say, he was unwilling to submit an Affidavid to the House Democrat managers during the in peacement trial. I think, you know, whatever they try to do, if they try subpoena him in the House or whatever, we haven't even gone through executive privilege, their immunity. There long legal battle and if they want to take that on, you know again more presidential harassment. Fine, but at the same time we'll be ready to go to defend the president, so will the White House Counsel. All right, Jordan's seculo, thank you for being with us. Eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of this extraravaganza when we come back, final hour, Free for All. We'll get to your calls straight ahead. As we continue from New Hampshire, everyone's like trying to guess now what it is I'm hoping to do while I'm here from New Hampshire in light of the New Hampshire primary. It's the Sean Hannity Show, Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern from New Hampshire. It's incredible, really incredible. Thank you. The Academy for this honor of honors and told me only have forty five seconds up here, which is forty five seconds more than the Senate gave John Bolton this week. I'm thinking maybe Quinn does a movie about it. In the end, the adults do the right thing, all right, twenty five now to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine for one Shawn our number. Where we are in the great Live, free or Die state of New Hampshire. The primary tomorrow. The President has a rally going on tonight. We have a special secret Hannity operation underway even now as we speak. We'll let you know by TV time tonight how well it goes. You know, it's amazing. No, I listened to Brad Pitt. I don't even think he's that good an actor. Fight Club was, okay, I mean, and it's like, you're so stupid that he knows nothing about the Constitution because they didn't even subpoena Bolton in in the House of Representatives, and nor were they willing to allow remedy. Mister brad Pitt. You know, I guess what did they call him? A Man of the year, best looking guy of the year. You know, I'm like, you're so dumb because it's not read your Constitution, all you people in Hollywood. I don't know what the ratings were, but I'm sure it was a disaster. I could not stand watching the pregame show or the show, so I stopped watching all of it. You are You're so pompous and so narcissistic, you people out there in Hollywood. Nobody cares what you think. The golden age of Hollywood is done, dead, buried, And with now the advancement of what we got Hulu, we got Amazon Prime, we got Netflix. You know what that means, we don't need any of you people in Hollywood anymore. You have more independent movie producers than ever before, and people actually prefer to watch and order movies from the convenience of their own homes, and they can do it rather easily, or you can just watch the YouTube channel and put it up on your TV set. So the idea, Now, if you knew something about the Constitution, you would know it's the sole power of the House of Representatives to impeach your president. Your liberal lunatic friends in the House, led by you know, Nancy Pelosi, Petty Pelosi speaker in name only, and the compromise, corrupt congenital liar, Adam Schiff. They're the ones that pushed this whole thing. You would know that they never subpoened Bolton really quickly. It is not the job constitutionally of the Senate to do the House's sole response, constitutional responsibility. What I found the ratings? What is it? It's the lowest of all time, lowest of all time, twenty three point six million. I can't even believe they got twenty three million people. That's probably people just being curious. They probably just had it on in the background while they were vacuuming. They turned it on for the shift show. Maybe they were you're tired to get up and change the channel, and they couldn't find the remote. Donald Trump, Oh, he trumps all of Hollywood with the State of the Union address. Ridiculous anyway, So I just listen. I think there's you're so dumb, just it's unbelievable, and you're not a good actor. All due respect, I don't think he's a good actor. I mean, he doesn't do it for me. For me, you know anyway, he looks like he could fit into my jeans. That's not my kind of thing. So that was he back with Jennifer Aniston? Is at the deal? Oh God, help her? I hope not. You already did it one tunny, don't go back from more, don't go back from here, don't go back? And it was Bred Jelina whatever they call the duo. Yeah, well, you know, they made a bad movie together, so they fell in love. Isn't that what happens? Yeah? You know what Ronald Reagan, when he was an actor, called the first lady itis. You do a movie with a woman and you get emotionally you get emotionally attached because you know, especially if you do that what is that called method acting when you actually become the character. I no, listen, but I don't care what anybody saell me. So they have all these scenes you're making out, what's you know? Oh no, there's no feelings. Give me a break. That's such a lie. Yeah, I want to be in that room. I want Yeah. Oh no, I'm not how many NBA Honestly, if you knew how technical it was. And oh and somebody directing you to move your foot over here and your hand over here, and I'm like, you're full of crap. Stop lying to us. Not that different from the real thing. But at the end of the day, I mean, I think when you're telling somebody, when somebody outside is watching two of you, then I could see that getting weird. I don't know, maybe you know, like I watched, for example, when we talk about this last week, the Super Bowl halftime show, and I thought, the athleticism of both Shakira every man in America was talking about. The athleticis no, no no, no, absolutely okay. If you have to be in phenomenal shape, look at that athletic capability. So now we watch football players, we admire you know how great they are. Great quarterbacks, great receivers, great play making. That's every time I say, is humbry, like, oh Tom, you are so talented and in great shape. Okay. Up until last week, you didn't even know how many points you got in a touchdow. I don't know them this week either, A right, if you got a touchdown, how many points you get? I truly don't know, nor do I care. You don't know, and you don't care. So why am I asking you anything about football except to entertain those audience that is sitting there saying how is it possible? Though a woman with two master's degrees. Listen has no clue how many points you get in a touchdown. They were in business and music. I believe let's get to the phones before I have a heart attack here in New Hampshire. I can't believe you're not talking about SNL. That was body. What part of it? I mean, all of it? I mean nothing, nothing. I mean when Jason Steak assists, I'm like Biden. I know I had a rough time in Iowa, but I'll creep up on behind you and give you a kiss in the neck in New Hampshire. I almost fell over. I was like, that was pretty. When they start breaking on Biden on themselves, you know, it's just oh, it's just priceless. The best part was when they had the oh, take a look at the soon to be MSDNC contributors class. That's probably all true, No, it is, so we'll be working over there, well half of them will be a fake New Cianna and even welcome to the Democratic Debate. I'm George Stephanopolis and joining me for up dis is Lindsay Davis M David New York. Wow, what a week it has been for American politics. Iowa was a disaster. President Trump has gone super sane since his acquittal, and now it's up to New Hampshire to start turning things around for the Democrats. So let's meet our future MSNBC contributors. All right, let's get to our phones, all right in believe it or not, it's coming, and it's coming very quickly, and all just a few short days, two hundred and sixty seven, we will be looking at the all important state of Ohio. Lou is standing by Lou. No Republican has ever made it to the White House without winning the Buckeye State, and we will be watching closely in two hundred and sixty seven days. That's why we rock out here. Prayers for you and prayers for Rush. We're getting back and I just want there's a rally tonight. I would like you and your listeners to take a look at the demographic in those audiences. I went to the rally and Toledo walked out with a thirty year old and he goes, boy, did I throw old here tonight? Because of all the young kids, they're going to these rallies and they're connecting with this president. They're hooting and hungering with them. And for one thing, I think these kids, there's more kids going to career tech schools, community colleges coming out with fifty sixty thousand dollars jobs in this state, and their and their counterparts that they graduated from high school with aren't out of college, and they're had a big debt. And these kids are already buying houses and they want to hang on to their money. It's amazing what's happening too now. Our friend Miranda Divine, she writes for The New York Post, very very good. Writer points out that the president's approval rating with non white voters again everything's broken down demographically, is now soaring above twenty eight percent. The president now is well around the twenty five percent approval rating with African Americans and about thirty eight percent with Hispanic Americans. And the reason is he's delivering results. That is to me, that is a game changer. Now you have one record after another record after another record, the president's approval rating with job creation for minority groups in this country. The President went to North Carolina last Friday, and he's talking about opportunity zones to lift underserved communities across the nation and create the tax cuts in the business environment, whereby opportunities that could be revitalization in a lot of areas, and that's what he talked about as well in the communities that need the most help, which is smart. Now, we also added another two d and twenty five thousand jobs in January, far beyond expectations. Yet again, economic confidence is at the highest point now in literally twenty plus years. The record that the President laid out in a State of the Union the other night was unbelievable for the first time in our country's history, at least in the history of Gallop polling the mood of the nation, Fifty nine percent of people believe we are now better off, higher than when Reagan made his economy a campaign rallying cry. Trump now has the highest economic approval rating of any president in twenty plus years. Sixty seven percent of Americans CBS News polls say the economy is you know, either very or somewhat good. That means you know that these are really high numbers. Now, what did we get in the Obama Biden years, Well, we know the record. It was atrocious, and that was thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty. So the people of Ohio are doing great. Thank God. The people in Pennsylvania are doing great. This two hundred and twenty billion dollars deal with China alone in two years is going to help American farmers, the American service sector, the American manufacturing sector. It's going to help the energy sector, and it's going to help our automotive sector as well. Car manufacturers. You know what that means, Our fellow Americans are working. Thank God. Opportunity. That means, Oh, I get to buy my new F one fifty. Oh, I get to buy a nicer house in a safer neighborhood with better schools. Great. Oh I get to go on vacation. Oh my kids have been wanting to go to Disney for the last five years. Now I can take them. You're gonna be miserable, but they'll like it anyway, Lou, Thank you. Good points. All right, Another swing state, this one Florida. Jerry's standing by Jerry. Hi, How are you welcome to the live, free or die state of New Hampshire. What's going on either, Sean, I've been hoping to talk to you about this. I'm really concerned most about the ruling class atmosphere and the United States right now and people like shift and U Nadlis and no, I didn't mispronounce his name. I think Nadlis is a better interpretation of how how his name should be. But um, we just call him Nuttie Nadler because he's a nut. Yeah. Well, Petty Pelosi, Nutty Nadler, the congenital corrupt, compromise liar schiff. Yeah, we got them all right. I think they need to. I think if there's equal justice under the law, then they should be held up for sedition and a conspiracy to overthrow this government, because I believe what they were doing was trying to usurp the power of the executive branch, and they even try to usurp the power of the Senate itself. And I think that they're the ones that claim that they're upholding the Constitution and they're everything they do they claim is for their checks and powers and whatnot, But they're the ones that are abusing power and you know, and tie it in with the ruling class thing or the sanctuary cities, you know, go into that as well, where they don't think that they have to live up to the laws of our nation. But if we don't, if we as the people don't go along with everything they say, you know, the head and help us. You know, they're going to come after us with you know, people with badges and guns. But it's all because I believe the Democrats they want more power over our lives. And Trump is proving that he wants more people to have power over their own lives. But we need to stop this by he needs to have his people go after these corrupt congressional Democrats and hold them accountable and pull them up for charges because they need to be because I believe it is truly sedition at sedition's worst. I'm just going to tell you something. Not doing anything for the American people is not a good political campaign strategy. You know. It's funny the words of Van Jones echoed in my mind when he said about Democrats that they've been overlooking and this is an understatement. This is a guy that on election Night twenty sixteen said this is a white lash what happened in America. Now he's saying about Democrats that they have been overlooking black voters, engaging in three years of fantasy football politics with Muller and impeachment, and not only Bill Morris say the same thing the president's delivering. I always said the forgotten men and women, because in the Obama Biden years, the people that were disproportionately impacted the worst, well minorities, an American in America. And then you know what, they're the ones doing the best under Donald Trump's economic policies. All right, from New Hampshire. That's gonna wrap things up for us today. We'll see if our little experiment works out. We'll be reporting tonight from New Hampshire. Back here tomorrow from New Hampshire. Lawrence at the Trump rally. The crowd is massive. Ari Fleischer rans previous, Also Jason Chafets, Dan Mongino, but Ard Kerrick is going to be on tonight. Bill Hammer at the Big Board, Tulsi Gabbert tonight we'll check in with her and all the news the mob and the media won't give you. We'll see you tonight at nine from New Hampshire. Back here tomorrow, Live Free or Die. Two hundred and sixty seven days till election Day

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